HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-02-10, Page 3HURON CTAINTirl FOREMOST WEEKLY
frodt;'°-.,Seaforth ; %Chris. ' .•Le hardt
.8ornholni;- E. J. Tre artha, Clinton;
5Thonias Moyhuli:,$eaf rth ; ;Frank Mc-
-Gregor,- CItaten;• 'Hugh „Alexander,
Walton; George .-_;:iaitch, -
Agents±Jobn:dil.-Irepper, Bruceileld;
, F.• MeXerclaer;.Publin ; j, P. Pr,ifeter,
• .,••• ,Brodhagen2;. George
„Policy:bidders'. Can - make all
.- meats and get -.their' _gardaLrece.i,ptell at
the Royal Bank, Clintox4calvili:Outt'-a
Grocery, Kinitetim..fitkeetk,Gederieh,.(ir
J. E. R6id's General Store,
. J. A. F01181:13/1; Mak,
°' 440044 .111t0A,T
Late House -Surgeon New York
Ophthalmic ,and Aural 1-loapipir,-44414
ant_ at 'llfeerefield Eye -Hospital and
. • Golden Swore: Throat'.Hospital,
:1,63 Waterloo -Street S.,' Stratford.
-Telephone 267..*- • /. * '7
Next .1leilfoid" Hotel, ,Goclerich,
ednesday, 22nd., 44.
till _4.30 pan.
warms. sgul, Auzvz
NEA1413 (MIME= fra(MEAS
B. Ware, seerectary of Queen.
Alexandra Sanatorium's Obristmas seal
campaign, Informs Parsons,
chairman of the 004(1010 :-corataittee,
that Only ;509, Otarequired from the
seven 'W'estern Ontario .countieS 'to- in-
, •
hre the complete sticcess of the cam-
paign, 'OS per cent: of tho' objective
haying already'. been raised.
'tioderich- and•all the other cities of
the district have already' reached, their
quotas. With tvve• or three excebtiond
everY-tOWn has gone over the objeetiV0;,
but only, three, of. the seven counties
have reached their' objectiVesi,'
A little from every community before
the 15th It'ebriinrY, 1044, is1111 that Is
now needed.'
Col; Ware also said. that, Owing to
great shortage of clericar assiStana
tills 'year, 7 acknowledgments have net
et • been typed, but' it is hoped that
they will reach the Sanatoriumasloyil.
supporters before, the close ,,the
'4,completeireport coyering .the cam-
paign generallyi and Gederieh and
'Ilurpn- county in ' particular,,' will -be
published On Or about the 1st:Marcia."
.womtlsrs INSTITUTE ,
The regular nieeting'#tbe 'Women's
-Institute was...held.on• TharAday,..Febru,
,occupYing• the , letters were
.read from boys and .girls Of.the armed
forces- who .had received ChristaS'
parcels: The „proceeds Of 'a card tarty
.held recently at. the lo.me: of Urs. K.
:Stoyve-Wero. announced as $10:45. :The
'following -were appointed .to assist" at
.bingo lo'r/tile74nOnth 'of February:
Mrs. Ddak,
aMby and Mrs'. 7, Gruramett
Surt ,erlplans ,w.ere ,n4ede for the card
;part - and dance- to' be held NobruarY-
.11iS, Lockhart 'gave' a paper on
.",gealth WaS.. Very inter-
esting atuLgave the listeners_ seine -Apo
Ideas on.",:the.vare of the .tidek. :It vva:
• eenled-to,..sell-ti6keta,...on. crocheted
chair -back set, the draw to take place
at next* meting;„ • 13911, ; call, was
answered :With' -"health'hints for the
winter:P* ',--The committee charge,
-served ifirich" and a 'Octal half-hour
mos oenjeyed.. s ,
• thir:iium .ShOvis` toe twelite dillercht Asir line
routoS, gooking.a .ti' Ill ,of 2,504 nine-, ia4t ,
LeavelM‘Bros.'Air Serviees Liruitod, '1'i kr
Airport, Woronto, -Pinat on °petal:Me: in the '
near fututer,"Mr. W. T. 1.1e4Vens,,P,tesident
of the Company,,today ininoOuccli that rcga-
-larly echeduled aieservices tarrying ouSsert.
gers, freight and mail over. these Avutesyith
conventional twin -engined aircraft, will be -
cenunericed AO 00011 as permits are granted,
1)y Ottawa.' As communities obtain airport,.
they will he': added as stops on
talc4 „these air'rines. •
rounder's Day a
Central lieS Club
$10111tall ,0,4tperes. •to,„
:And ,oartadipa 0ohooi
l'he 'annual- FOlinclerS,„ Day meeting
of pentral Home,. School' Ass(4itte
tionimei held in the school on Tuesday,
1°-tveemil' thelptgera7tae,r'iC'nelIdvinPrgal.a 'LlibeaQdrt-
lug,- "Where Shall Ntrorkr by Mary
Howell; it"'Airas of the Home and School
Assoelation," Mrs: Howl; a 'tenor
solo "111Y: V4814," by PriaPipal•A)r,034%;.•
the 'Pounder's Day prayer in inlisoia;
readlagy "To Live," by Mrs.
son ; "God 'Bless Our 'Pounders' Pa)4",
Mrs. Whetstone, and Abe 1101:0 and..
$cT.119:elgrsgt;sPealger w;ls Miss Sullivan,
who recennted most interestiaig rentln-
,isgexices 'Of her teaching ,days on. the
staff of the - Chicago public •schodls.
Being' ,Canadian in "Tatted "States
schools, she Watr able to Compare the
sySteras of the two countries, * showing
similarities and differences.
-obedience, and that ',fatting by"
is -
not enough -one Abould .put.' his .best
effprt into .any •undertaking,- : '
LONDON, • Ont., Teb. 7. --Twelve air:
line .routes lii-Ontario and part of
,41;iebec covering a - teak distance of
2,508 iniles which will connect: niore
will • _1
than fifty communities•at Present with" -
(nit :Scheduled. air -line- services, 'h-tive
'been • applied for bY Leavens '..Bros. to
the---Controller--ot. Civil
ThesyaeM planned` is Composed of
twelve routes 'whiCh., rault fir
services- being provided tO.VradticallY
every Main .community in Ont.krio and
part Of uebec. The System :planned
comp e y -e s ou Ontario
and%extends.- as_far, north As Cochrane
and east MOntreal- ' • ___
This announcement was made to -day
by Leavens W. .T. Leavens, presi-
dent, and C.R. Leav.erfgeneral Man-
ager, of "'Leavens Bros: Air Services
LimLttSl,--located " At Barker- `airport,
Toronto. .. LeAveng"BroS. Said-that.theY
were 'ready. tn. commence operations'
on ,these. routes, On' a regularly sche-
duled basis, as soon- 'als--alreraft are
available and. as sonn.As it is the polies
of the Government to issue the ,neces-
sary, permits: TheY notifying
the4arions: tOwit. And -city councils of
"fuktiler 'details .of -'the fi", the
Post-war period approaches,- '.:or the
,restrictions civil avitiAtin. ar:fr*,ftktr
- The network, as-plariffetl, is hiAged.
on Toronto as the operatinehase, using -
the Island Airport because of its prox-
imity to downtown, Toronto.'.- In ad-
dition to providing, serviee fpr
all the communities ,•marked on the
Office hours -10 3:2 #4., 2 to 5.
• Z.00detiehr.:Rlione 341 --
and 7,, •.-.8`7,p.an.',..-Ziesdity; Priday :and
. 'Saturday. • - • • •
1.SP to :32 , a.111, only on Wednesday,
Monday and...Thursday at
Mineral fume baths by appointment
,/ • • ;
A. ,14.4„,44TICIII4S_9N •
4,°61. _Eiouth, •St. •
litegistired,undor Iinuileas.flnk$1,1-19#111,
itioyince • of Ottarro; -
rxritac '-riointog
C P. 8. CARMAN, Vii6.711„,-N,..A:44 4
Member 'Ontario Music .Teaoherie
ssociat1on. Pupils „prepared-1er any
aittereexam. Residence Orates,.
St George's. ‘deSdeht,. •-, '
Pstr.atfezd-eaderitik teach 'tide
..-TA-W•4141:4 •
, r.
fes,s,viing Goderich7 at 8.11 a.m.
12.25 pad. and ,
,Direct eonnectioni--44 all Points
Per fir-ther inforinatIoxi &Amine
British Se LResIfor41 Hot4318-:Ar.
' - Office (305) •
• 'S,Peetalitst Farm and: growsehold
Sales, I '•001,9ed .1ELUDO,13.' arid Perth
Counties. ',Ppleea reasonable; satit-
rita.etion ..guatintifeed: 'information,,
-ete.„.5qiite or, phone LEIABOI'M' •JACK-,
SON, 14 on '661 Sea.forth ; R. ‘4,,
' .
.onal B.
-.,16ieettsed -for -.Counties et-Aluron
• , and Vinee;,. - •
ADDRESS: Iiirteardine,"R.R. 1
- Phone .Ripley,30rg4
',170r,Information appl4„,to,J.
Mernighan 'Division Court. Clerk,.
GaderiO, 'Ont. ,•-tt, • '
,:liceitient --and life:ter Car
, • , - • .
'Of. special TOCal interelcis the
-fact- that on- the Leatens Bros.' T
State IS" 4)(213.41d pgener," well
-.known in Goderick soli of -Dr.
T. Egener,:termerly of . this
-tbwn. -Donald obtained .• a pr4ate,
pilot's license -1u 1930, ,but ,
there Was little. doing in aviation -1
succeeding year 'he took
, course in law and was called
to the bar in 1938. Atter the
formation of Leawens Bros,
- (Training) Limited, 'in 1940, the
se • ti•S1 e s ega._r aarac we
Joined the 'staff...of_ the company
as 'a pilot -tut ;NO. 4 Air 'Observer
'School, London, Where he new
'holds the -position of .assistant
Wet:alma manager. • •''
, In dpite'nf igqtbIng
eyes will grow older. TbIll !kite.
with the ret of ;the b04, 014
• .Y.ou CAN keep your azoter
young Properly Pre0Frib4,4104,00
do that: And Will continnito de
Was tong, ao you ,Sure),Y
comforting thought. ' Stirt: don't
defer the Matter toe: 'onto
. .
r, &dm' illlott of - London writes:
ear..Xditor,-I should like to thank
IVIeCreath Of the. Toronto
Huren, Old 'Boys' Assodatioi for hhe
tribute to that beloved Iturbo'om boy,
a. Alexander McLaren, 1.11 last WBB.W0
Miss Isabel Sharniala, briefly
n the, ImPOrtan-ce-- 601.0:04-elhera -Mr. MeCreath has well.'expressed
an mother.14,9f public 'Wchool- children what many feel. Here Watii-,•B11 ideal
yno*utlinge-.44. ConlmeL4,ndmotirsl.Aor i)eiletsti-c1;nt;01 his love for the •
home ot. blet boyhOod; his enlut4 for'
children, and mothers of high school friendship, ma his exempt' eatiOn of
children.- • , • that is. best in .C.iitadian citizen-
- There was a beautiful candle -lighting, • -
ceremony, in • which candles were in the roll Huron' 014,14.0Ysto be
lihted by Members of the 'Association remerqered, a place of honor mist be
fur the foribwing•_goals: Good homes"' • a ---to.." es .A.lexandeitiven.
sound health, safety, equalizer educa: assigned- 41:11 '
for Royal 'Canadian- Air Force aircraft. tional. opportunity, -rtliserivation of 1 -
Prior -to ;the war, this . company ` ope_ hinurn, values and , national resources,
ated four flying &aiming -achoo18* at, vocational adjuStIceent,- . constructive • ,
Edith'. The
different points in - °Mario', two in leisuretimeactivities, , civic "respons-:
TOronto,---oup Vtrindsor-..and_:0Sne eiblitOr, active spiritual faith. Dear- ask for a little;
Lard -or Lake. In addition; An -aircraft *:%itiliteS were read 'of, a. meeting .hehT SPace*-to extend- sPeciarinvitatien-to-••
in November,. 1921, to re-organUe the thecharterIfferatferS of Victoria Heinle
and School • Club to attend the, revile*
planned .for the tWenty-first birthday
parts supply house is operated 'w
distributes supplies all over Canada.
It is this company that oPerates, the
air 'services 'between Lifillungton a
Pelee Island, carrying passengers,. - ex. ary pres
.and mail. • .Leaves Bros. re -.President. The, Central Rowe
iteetn41.4yea, ..wettgbtioipsh, eidn order
,trf,,,caiiitiptuotret&how. club ,k1.1.3 Prat.organifzea in .1914,
, Parsons and MM. Howell Ponied
this •service. They also control a Lon. 'tea- for the, dainty lunch 'ot tea and
don eompany' 'known as Delivas Bros. birthday make Was served.- .
. (Training) Limited, width has °per. ' The war' services committee. hind,, an
ateti No. 4 Air Observer gehOol,:a unit extensive display of Work in' the" office,
of the-. British Commonwealth Air Much credit is due the *Men • who'
rk,.....stLsteaddy_turiiing ont-beauti-
lte-nie' and- School -Association in Clot.le,
- orty-'live Members '..'!NVO-r0 _`.pn
d • 1
" ent and. Mrs. W,'
On tr, non-profit 'basis. 'This company
employsover $00 men and women and
is located At the l'ondon 'City airport.
Scores. of - twin -engined aircraft 'Are
•opefated night . and dafr,:•-en : cross-
country -trips lasting, about three hours,
for the _purpose of training air navi-
gators and air, berriberS for the Royal
Canadian ),Air
be very Atiaetive to,,..A.4eriean .citizens
wishing to enjoy ,the recreation facili
ties of ,the two PrOvinces. ',Distance_
a'ad' time have ,beeirsome of the jarob-
-leins-of Many line vacation resorts ni
Ontario nto. Q.uebee. :The :new air ser-
Vie4;v41 permit week-end-tiips--6,sOts
that in 'the l'past' have • required more
"tbthe ,than many iaeople could afford to
spend. • • •
• Leavens Bros. Stated .that those
routes Shown On the: map marked. "A"
are :the Ones :they could commence:
ful wee- garments to heinifill the need..
overseas., Sky Harbor' ladies donated,
17 long 10.monoS, kimonos, 8
'Swetiterg; hoiiets; 5" Pali% bOOtee% 2 Cards safety pins.' a.: C. Pri
8 pairs soakers', 17 flannelette night- hana knit It 'elaild'S Sweater, and,ti
owns; 10 washcloths, 11 bath towels. Nurses'. Altiinnae • sent one, !conitile
cakes baby soap; cans baby powder, baby 'layette.
There' ,no eoniplete Of charter
members, . of those who .10ined at a,„
er ate during. the first Year, sti
WOUldite difficult to send individual:
Those who . have beeit-inembers, ha
nadre'reeent 3 -ears , also are" invited, miff'',
it 'is hoped that this "coming .of age"
celebration will be a red-letter day in
the -----14Srf. tile orkanizatiotf.' •
A.' 122Lx-0147-777:—..*:
noW good are sugotull' to -
26.; tea coffee 14 to; 29 ;.,'preserves '•D1
to D13; butter 40 to 49; meat 35' to
' ;On Pebruary. 1.7"•k cenpolisl-and -2- •
*ill become goed fur the purchase' ef
mapat.,will,apt' as a "feeder" 'service i)iaerating,, immediately ' and thoSe tea and. coffee. „ .. • ,
for Trans -Canada and oilier Air llama. marked "B" would be operated as air- Under the new ration allowances for
. Leavens Bros., working on' the ac- port facilities became available. '• Preserves- and canned fruits, . One D
-CePtid., iact....thrit the. sifOrtkl',...11w.dittf, ,„.. TheY-firgelmiltated,thatothase-Iiit6r, cannon: 10.,:gflettf&J-.2 fluid .nonees-of-
tanee the greaterthe volume of traffic, ested in Civil aviiation; in keeping'with jaln; or jelly, marmalade' or honey•
feel trar"-aviation, as' 'it 7of the the . Bon. . C. D. lidwes announced 'butter or Maple 'butter or 20 fhild
war, has been advanced 'fifteen °Years pol&e5r,''sboulfilbe making plans no, to ounces 'of ._eanned fruit or 24,..ottnace,s of
and that, the, public 44,...t..0w ready to .provide, employment for the 'thousands extracted_ honey or 40 fluid ounces -'of
avail ithelf ofthe type .of ' services of yOung Men 110W On 'acitive service. maple syinp Or two 'poinidsjeut comb
planned: --Such-. if service Will go a long, in ...tgie ;Royal: -,Qamlittian._,Ait .Zokee; service Ilioney-m.-14prtidi.ounces+43f-Corr or -cane
Way towards 'expanding and creating ..
'Y feel' that the system' of ines syrup or any -blended table syrup or 12
community 'ofinterest: They .siexim A
:41M'el% t4:-Liat 'they htrOe planned Will be import: fluid ounees.of cranberrY' s'atiee or one-
n --P, ant to the ecmionfic structure of,:the half poundof sugar, • The allowance,of
Mite operating, asthe
not only passenger' and `Mall: SelledUlEA C01111tr and.that it:Wiri absorb a good 40 ouncesof maple syrup is good until
but cargd:planes as well; on regularly many Of theN:killed;-. OXperienced Men 'May,'31.• . • ' ' - •
Seheduled.,.: llights, ' transPOrth* only returning frord.,overseas. -,+. ' , ' ' - •
freight- and-grill:77- - ,4"...----? . .. ' -Lerevens Bros.' 'Toronto . company, First Sailor (n, .first convoy, duty) :
- ,.....•.. N ' , . .
These services Will enc.01140 and known as Leavens Bros. Air Services' 'Did, you ever se e so much . water in
.de'vel°1474q.#111t--rtraffig:--t4- -the-avallY' Vinilted;Wifieltliar teen-aetiVe-iir Itil- -alt:-.youi%-.-ii. " , Seeorid:'Sailor---(a
vacation spots iti,,Ontarier and Quebec- phases of aviation since 1927, 'is,- at '''veteran) :"You aia'Vetit seen netithig:
It is believed that, such services wt iLthe Present time, an ,,everlibql 'depot TbaCs .only the tor)."
,.,.., .
. -Iftdd4tour
1/2 ,
tspn. salt • cup Milk
4.„Ws'ons.„_shortening :1/2 cup -brown sugar
cup chopped nuts, any'kind, or raisins •
4 rsPne. Magic Baking Powder • . 4
sift iii:Fingiridiel'ite together: Cut In shortening
until, mixed. Bdat egg -slightly in measuring cup;
add milk to. make 34 ,cup; .add to first mixture,,
' Roll, out,31/4-inch-thick4aprinkle with brown sugar
and nuts. Roll as for -jelly, roll. Cut in 1 -Inch .
pieces. Stand on end in well -greased muffin Pane. •
Bake in moderate oven' (375,.) about $o minutes,:
Makes 18' ' • MADE INCANADA °
, .
4 •
Beal Mate ',ard' Usurailee
• 11 .T.,ilafttirAr., Street ,
Pavane' 003
IL SAIII-,-.11ouses,Of
buSiness pro
perty and Sevkrai good fa'rms.
.Let rshow you some -real'
' •
'bargains. BUY -now, .
ri'V;;AN•i.i....%'; •
ow-IlYOrOthY Latnottr nag Dick Powell, 'In-"Richng
tn Teehnicblor. „.._
Mono Tiles and
The .firotilla 14$41,0 iowers, 'striding ,across,-. the
countryside, are symbolic Of a, great. public enterprise
, hatim.gaittribUle4M0b19.M.OPYRbiltlitAltAgttraliP."
'AlotronsmisAou lines, Carried by these towers,
flows the pou4er that lighten the wayin many thousands"
cit hain!es, ityloSkies and kraus, • ' '
flych:-PoiNer ig reacbiout
miles to tar of city; town or fokr,a.,.....,,Lready,..ye
at We flip otaswitell. •
.. Hydro poviet.is it•turn t e‘w eels -at our
ladorieit Mills anti mine*. it weaves oor.cloth grinds::
our grain, milks our cOw'sfrioatipsni!ivviater4, It lifs oUr.,-,
• eleiators, washes cilta* clothes, striUterates an cooki ,
Om rood. it lights our homes; ouis our radio's. 'Day_
:adniilletenniwtat4 s
oitve, :out neat,' hundreds of
'yche,: ,ower Well-equipped
emergenci crews and repair eqUipMent stand by day
d night ready to keep power flowing of all times*
" '11 `41r Through the 11
eotgiowee s et nom ca ou Won
is one fader, essential to our everyday living, that has
been consistently reduced Is price.•
-- Hydro serves, the people in thousands of Ways It
brings. them comfort) ease and convenience. Yeti
'Hydra's contribution to the welfare of tho'peonfoup
'to ,now, is but a preview af, the promise whichs'the
electrical world holds forioniarrow. Since, was began,
Hydro • power has 'been, and will be,. available
Wherever, And when** it, is required by Ontario's
'war' industries.. When peace ''oalueS), electricity
tieripliod by Hydra will perform' services that are
;certain' to contribute muds toward creating new and
finer standards of living. This inclispensible,•elettlenti
irt out everyday life,' lightens - the wet, in everYiblitti
one of the,,war's gretit4t documents, written by an aecredited :e'er=
respondent, comes to the .lereen km Its inn: Startling realism,„,
Preston ' Foster, Lloyd Nolan, itiehard Dendbi and Anthony Quinn
.Fri, and Sate-,,,
Doh 'llopealeity TfuttOn, Dona Drake, Cully Itiehards and Zama Its
" Top a east of fuii makers in the roaring rib rocking mess 0'
Atuanets Wednesday, Saturday and IllolitlayS,itt $
Cemlng--A picture you,will want to SO, ",014 Attlaabltance`'
.8titsii4eati Director
, , ...
irib.pga E. 110aiNS ,
Barriste'rte. .
- Oille-Court Eons% -Ooderieli,
telephone 55. '
. -.
, - ' •
:i. Barriater.and Selleiter ,..
0,131cer-.$erth St, Goderieli. Viten.° 750
citivagRED ACCOI,114tAis'.
. „
'•., %Chartered ARCOWItAtiats. .
• 41 Albert Street,' Stratford .
Toronto ;Mice :„ 302. Bay . Street
---11,XCKII.41,0I).. AlUTIJA-14 FIRE ' „M.
. , . ,
-- $111tatiGgi CO.---,Vitrin and l'io.
lated town prePorty. insured.
Oitigers;7.,&14,x,,Aloliiwing,.BlYth, Ont.,
Presidenti: W. IL, Arbhibald, Vice-
Rresident, Seaten...tht- - 2$1:-": ;A::: :"*T.Itekit-
Manager and Secretary Treasurer,
forth. . .. • . ' ' • * * '
--.17.0irecters-Alex.„-„McgW4ig, Blyth;
,,cy T/ AI•piiitiA1(12,Sleafortlilei.,Uniad,'
frodt;'°-.,Seaforth ; %Chris. ' .•Le hardt
.8ornholni;- E. J. Tre artha, Clinton;
5Thonias Moyhuli:,$eaf rth ; ;Frank Mc-
-Gregor,- CItaten;• 'Hugh „Alexander,
Walton; George .-_;:iaitch, -
Agents±Jobn:dil.-Irepper, Bruceileld;
, F.• MeXerclaer;.Publin ; j, P. Pr,ifeter,
• .,••• ,Brodhagen2;. George
„Policy:bidders'. Can - make all
.- meats and get -.their' _gardaLrece.i,ptell at
the Royal Bank, Clintox4calvili:Outt'-a
Grocery, Kinitetim..fitkeetk,Gederieh,.(ir
J. E. R6id's General Store,
. J. A. F01181:13/1; Mak,
°' 440044 .111t0A,T
Late House -Surgeon New York
Ophthalmic ,and Aural 1-loapipir,-44414
ant_ at 'llfeerefield Eye -Hospital and
. • Golden Swore: Throat'.Hospital,
:1,63 Waterloo -Street S.,' Stratford.
-Telephone 267..*- • /. * '7
Next .1leilfoid" Hotel, ,Goclerich,
ednesday, 22nd., 44.
till _4.30 pan.
warms. sgul, Auzvz
NEA1413 (MIME= fra(MEAS
B. Ware, seerectary of Queen.
Alexandra Sanatorium's Obristmas seal
campaign, Informs Parsons,
chairman of the 004(1010 :-corataittee,
that Only ;509, Otarequired from the
seven 'W'estern Ontario .countieS 'to- in-
, •
hre the complete sticcess of the cam-
paign, 'OS per cent: of tho' objective
haying already'. been raised.
'tioderich- and•all the other cities of
the district have already' reached, their
quotas. With tvve• or three excebtiond
everY-tOWn has gone over the objeetiV0;,
but only, three, of. the seven counties
have reached their' objectiVesi,'
A little from every community before
the 15th It'ebriinrY, 1044, is1111 that Is
now needed.'
Col; Ware also said. that, Owing to
great shortage of clericar assiStana
tills 'year, 7 acknowledgments have net
et • been typed, but' it is hoped that
they will reach the Sanatoriumasloyil.
supporters before, the close ,,the
'4,completeireport coyering .the cam-
paign generallyi and Gederieh and
'Ilurpn- county in ' particular,,' will -be
published On Or about the 1st:Marcia."
.womtlsrs INSTITUTE ,
The regular nieeting'#tbe 'Women's
-Institute was...held.on• TharAday,..Febru,
,occupYing• the , letters were
.read from boys and .girls Of.the armed
forces- who .had received ChristaS'
parcels: The „proceeds Of 'a card tarty
.held recently at. the lo.me: of Urs. K.
:Stoyve-Wero. announced as $10:45. :The
'following -were appointed .to assist" at
.bingo lo'r/tile74nOnth 'of February:
Mrs. Ddak,
aMby and Mrs'. 7, Gruramett
Surt ,erlplans ,w.ere ,n4ede for the card
;part - and dance- to' be held NobruarY-
.11iS, Lockhart 'gave' a paper on
.",gealth WaS.. Very inter-
esting atuLgave the listeners_ seine -Apo
Ideas on.",:the.vare of the .tidek. :It vva:
• eenled-to,..sell-ti6keta,...on. crocheted
chair -back set, the draw to take place
at next* meting;„ • 13911, ; call, was
answered :With' -"health'hints for the
winter:P* ',--The committee charge,
-served ifirich" and a 'Octal half-hour
mos oenjeyed.. s ,
• thir:iium .ShOvis` toe twelite dillercht Asir line
routoS, gooking.a .ti' Ill ,of 2,504 nine-, ia4t ,
LeavelM‘Bros.'Air Serviees Liruitod, '1'i kr
Airport, Woronto, -Pinat on °petal:Me: in the '
near fututer,"Mr. W. T. 1.1e4Vens,,P,tesident
of the Company,,today ininoOuccli that rcga-
-larly echeduled aieservices tarrying ouSsert.
gers, freight and mail over. these Avutesyith
conventional twin -engined aircraft, will be -
cenunericed AO 00011 as permits are granted,
1)y Ottawa.' As communities obtain airport,.
they will he': added as stops on
talc4 „these air'rines. •
rounder's Day a
Central lieS Club
$10111tall ,0,4tperes. •to,„
:And ,oartadipa 0ohooi
l'he 'annual- FOlinclerS,„ Day meeting
of pentral Home,. School' Ass(4itte
tionimei held in the school on Tuesday,
1°-tveemil' thelptgera7tae,r'iC'nelIdvinPrgal.a 'LlibeaQdrt-
lug,- "Where Shall Ntrorkr by Mary
Howell; it"'Airas of the Home and School
Assoelation," Mrs: Howl; a 'tenor
solo "111Y: V4814," by PriaPipal•A)r,034%;.•
the 'Pounder's Day prayer in inlisoia;
readlagy "To Live," by Mrs.
son ; "God 'Bless Our 'Pounders' Pa)4",
Mrs. Whetstone, and Abe 1101:0 and..
$cT.119:elgrsgt;sPealger w;ls Miss Sullivan,
who recennted most interestiaig rentln-
,isgexices 'Of her teaching ,days on. the
staff of the - Chicago public •schodls.
Being' ,Canadian in "Tatted "States
schools, she Watr able to Compare the
sySteras of the two countries, * showing
similarities and differences.
-obedience, and that ',fatting by"
is -
not enough -one Abould .put.' his .best
effprt into .any •undertaking,- : '
LONDON, • Ont., Teb. 7. --Twelve air:
line .routes lii-Ontario and part of
,41;iebec covering a - teak distance of
2,508 iniles which will connect: niore
will • _1
than fifty communities•at Present with" -
(nit :Scheduled. air -line- services, 'h-tive
'been • applied for bY Leavens '..Bros. to
the---Controller--ot. Civil
ThesyaeM planned` is Composed of
twelve routes 'whiCh., rault fir
services- being provided tO.VradticallY
every Main .community in Ont.krio and
part Of uebec. The System :planned
comp e y -e s ou Ontario
and%extends.- as_far, north As Cochrane
and east MOntreal- ' • ___
This announcement was made to -day
by Leavens W. .T. Leavens, presi-
dent, and C.R. Leav.erfgeneral Man-
ager, of "'Leavens Bros: Air Services
LimLttSl,--located " At Barker- `airport,
Toronto. .. LeAveng"BroS. Said-that.theY
were 'ready. tn. commence operations'
on ,these. routes, On' a regularly sche-
duled basis, as soon- 'als--alreraft are
available and. as sonn.As it is the polies
of the Government to issue the ,neces-
sary, permits: TheY notifying
the4arions: tOwit. And -city councils of
"fuktiler 'details .of -'the fi", the
Post-war period approaches,- '.:or the
,restrictions civil avitiAtin. ar:fr*,ftktr
- The network, as-plariffetl, is hiAged.
on Toronto as the operatinehase, using -
the Island Airport because of its prox-
imity to downtown, Toronto.'.- In ad-
dition to providing, serviee fpr
all the communities ,•marked on the
Office hours -10 3:2 #4., 2 to 5.
• Z.00detiehr.:Rlione 341 --
and 7,, •.-.8`7,p.an.',..-Ziesdity; Priday :and
. 'Saturday. • - • • •
1.SP to :32 , a.111, only on Wednesday,
Monday and...Thursday at
Mineral fume baths by appointment
,/ • • ;
A. ,14.4„,44TICIII4S_9N •
4,°61. _Eiouth, •St. •
litegistired,undor Iinuileas.flnk$1,1-19#111,
itioyince • of Ottarro; -
rxritac '-riointog
C P. 8. CARMAN, Vii6.711„,-N,..A:44 4
Member 'Ontario Music .Teaoherie
ssociat1on. Pupils „prepared-1er any
aittereexam. Residence Orates,.
St George's. ‘deSdeht,. •-, '
Pstr.atfezd-eaderitik teach 'tide
..-TA-W•4141:4 •
, r.
fes,s,viing Goderich7 at 8.11 a.m.
12.25 pad. and ,
,Direct eonnectioni--44 all Points
Per fir-ther inforinatIoxi &Amine
British Se LResIfor41 Hot4318-:Ar.
' - Office (305) •
• 'S,Peetalitst Farm and: growsehold
Sales, I '•001,9ed .1ELUDO,13.' arid Perth
Counties. ',Ppleea reasonable; satit-
rita.etion ..guatintifeed: 'information,,
-ete.„.5qiite or, phone LEIABOI'M' •JACK-,
SON, 14 on '661 Sea.forth ; R. ‘4,,
' .
.onal B.
-.,16ieettsed -for -.Counties et-Aluron
• , and Vinee;,. - •
ADDRESS: Iiirteardine,"R.R. 1
- Phone .Ripley,30rg4
',170r,Information appl4„,to,J.
Mernighan 'Division Court. Clerk,.
GaderiO, 'Ont. ,•-tt, • '
,:liceitient --and life:ter Car
, • , - • .
'Of. special TOCal interelcis the
-fact- that on- the Leatens Bros.' T
State IS" 4)(213.41d pgener," well
-.known in Goderick soli of -Dr.
T. Egener,:termerly of . this
-tbwn. -Donald obtained .• a pr4ate,
pilot's license -1u 1930, ,but ,
there Was little. doing in aviation -1
succeeding year 'he took
, course in law and was called
to the bar in 1938. Atter the
formation of Leawens Bros,
- (Training) Limited, 'in 1940, the
se • ti•S1 e s ega._r aarac we
Joined the 'staff...of_ the company
as 'a pilot -tut ;NO. 4 Air 'Observer
'School, London, Where he new
'holds the -position of .assistant
Wet:alma manager. • •''
, In dpite'nf igqtbIng
eyes will grow older. TbIll !kite.
with the ret of ;the b04, 014
• .Y.ou CAN keep your azoter
young Properly Pre0Frib4,4104,00
do that: And Will continnito de
Was tong, ao you ,Sure),Y
comforting thought. ' Stirt: don't
defer the Matter toe: 'onto
. .
r, &dm' illlott of - London writes:
ear..Xditor,-I should like to thank
IVIeCreath Of the. Toronto
Huren, Old 'Boys' Assodatioi for hhe
tribute to that beloved Iturbo'om boy,
a. Alexander McLaren, 1.11 last WBB.W0
Miss Isabel Sharniala, briefly
n the, ImPOrtan-ce-- 601.0:04-elhera -Mr. MeCreath has well.'expressed
an mother.14,9f public 'Wchool- children what many feel. Here Watii-,•B11 ideal
yno*utlinge-.44. ConlmeL4,ndmotirsl.Aor i)eiletsti-c1;nt;01 his love for the •
home ot. blet boyhOod; his enlut4 for'
children, and mothers of high school friendship, ma his exempt' eatiOn of
children.- • , • that is. best in .C.iitadian citizen-
- There was a beautiful candle -lighting, • -
ceremony, in • which candles were in the roll Huron' 014,14.0Ysto be
lihted by Members of the 'Association remerqered, a place of honor mist be
fur the foribwing•_goals: Good homes"' • a ---to.." es .A.lexandeitiven.
sound health, safety, equalizer educa: assigned- 41:11 '
for Royal 'Canadian- Air Force aircraft. tional. opportunity, -rtliserivation of 1 -
Prior -to ;the war, this . company ` ope_ hinurn, values and , national resources,
ated four flying &aiming -achoo18* at, vocational adjuStIceent,- . constructive • ,
Edith'. The
different points in - °Mario', two in leisuretimeactivities, , civic "respons-:
TOronto,---oup Vtrindsor-..and_:0Sne eiblitOr, active spiritual faith. Dear- ask for a little;
Lard -or Lake. In addition; An -aircraft *:%itiliteS were read 'of, a. meeting .hehT SPace*-to extend- sPeciarinvitatien-to-••
in November,. 1921, to re-organUe the thecharterIfferatferS of Victoria Heinle
and School • Club to attend the, revile*
planned .for the tWenty-first birthday
parts supply house is operated 'w
distributes supplies all over Canada.
It is this company that oPerates, the
air 'services 'between Lifillungton a
Pelee Island, carrying passengers,. - ex. ary pres
.and mail. • .Leaves Bros. re -.President. The, Central Rowe
iteetn41.4yea, ..wettgbtioipsh, eidn order
,trf,,,caiiitiptuotret&how. club ,k1.1.3 Prat.organifzea in .1914,
, Parsons and MM. Howell Ponied
this •service. They also control a Lon. 'tea- for the, dainty lunch 'ot tea and
don eompany' 'known as Delivas Bros. birthday make Was served.- .
. (Training) Limited, width has °per. ' The war' services committee. hind,, an
ateti No. 4 Air Observer gehOol,:a unit extensive display of Work in' the" office,
of the-. British Commonwealth Air Much credit is due the *Men • who'
rk,.....stLsteaddy_turiiing ont-beauti-
lte-nie' and- School -Association in Clot.le,
- orty-'live Members '..'!NVO-r0 _`.pn
d • 1
" ent and. Mrs. W,'
On tr, non-profit 'basis. 'This company
employsover $00 men and women and
is located At the l'ondon 'City airport.
Scores. of - twin -engined aircraft 'Are
•opefated night . and dafr,:•-en : cross-
country -trips lasting, about three hours,
for the _purpose of training air navi-
gators and air, berriberS for the Royal
Canadian ),Air
be very Atiaetive to,,..A.4eriean .citizens
wishing to enjoy ,the recreation facili
ties of ,the two PrOvinces. ',Distance_
a'ad' time have ,beeirsome of the jarob-
-leins-of Many line vacation resorts ni
Ontario nto. Q.uebee. :The :new air ser-
Vie4;v41 permit week-end-tiips--6,sOts
that in 'the l'past' have • required more
"tbthe ,than many iaeople could afford to
spend. • • •
• Leavens Bros. Stated .that those
routes Shown On the: map marked. "A"
are :the Ones :they could commence:
ful wee- garments to heinifill the need..
overseas., Sky Harbor' ladies donated,
17 long 10.monoS, kimonos, 8
'Swetiterg; hoiiets; 5" Pali% bOOtee% 2 Cards safety pins.' a.: C. Pri
8 pairs soakers', 17 flannelette night- hana knit It 'elaild'S Sweater, and,ti
owns; 10 washcloths, 11 bath towels. Nurses'. Altiinnae • sent one, !conitile
cakes baby soap; cans baby powder, baby 'layette.
There' ,no eoniplete Of charter
members, . of those who .10ined at a,„
er ate during. the first Year, sti
WOUldite difficult to send individual:
Those who . have beeit-inembers, ha
nadre'reeent 3 -ears , also are" invited, miff'',
it 'is hoped that this "coming .of age"
celebration will be a red-letter day in
the -----14Srf. tile orkanizatiotf.' •
A.' 122Lx-0147-777:—..*:
noW good are sugotull' to -
26.; tea coffee 14 to; 29 ;.,'preserves '•D1
to D13; butter 40 to 49; meat 35' to
' ;On Pebruary. 1.7"•k cenpolisl-and -2- •
*ill become goed fur the purchase' ef
mapat.,will,apt' as a "feeder" 'service i)iaerating,, immediately ' and thoSe tea and. coffee. „ .. • ,
for Trans -Canada and oilier Air llama. marked "B" would be operated as air- Under the new ration allowances for
. Leavens Bros., working on' the ac- port facilities became available. '• Preserves- and canned fruits, . One D
-CePtid., iact....thrit the. sifOrtkl',...11w.dittf, ,„.. TheY-firgelmiltated,thatothase-Iiit6r, cannon: 10.,:gflettf&J-.2 fluid .nonees-of-
tanee the greaterthe volume of traffic, ested in Civil aviiation; in keeping'with jaln; or jelly, marmalade' or honey•
feel trar"-aviation, as' 'it 7of the the . Bon. . C. D. lidwes announced 'butter or Maple 'butter or 20 fhild
war, has been advanced 'fifteen °Years pol&e5r,''sboulfilbe making plans no, to ounces 'of ._eanned fruit or 24,..ottnace,s of
and that, the, public 44,...t..0w ready to .provide, employment for the 'thousands extracted_ honey or 40 fluid ounces -'of
avail ithelf ofthe type .of ' services of yOung Men 110W On 'acitive service. maple syinp Or two 'poinidsjeut comb
planned: --Such-. if service Will go a long, in ...tgie ;Royal: -,Qamlittian._,Ait .Zokee; service Ilioney-m.-14prtidi.ounces+43f-Corr or -cane
Way towards 'expanding and creating ..
'Y feel' that the system' of ines syrup or any -blended table syrup or 12
community 'ofinterest: They .siexim A
:41M'el% t4:-Liat 'they htrOe planned Will be import: fluid ounees.of cranberrY' s'atiee or one-
n --P, ant to the ecmionfic structure of,:the half poundof sugar, • The allowance,of
Mite operating, asthe
not only passenger' and `Mall: SelledUlEA C01111tr and.that it:Wiri absorb a good 40 ouncesof maple syrup is good until
but cargd:planes as well; on regularly many Of theN:killed;-. OXperienced Men 'May,'31.• . • ' ' - •
Seheduled.,.: llights, ' transPOrth* only returning frord.,overseas. -,+. ' , ' ' - •
freight- and-grill:77- - ,4"...----? . .. ' -Lerevens Bros.' 'Toronto . company, First Sailor (n, .first convoy, duty) :
- ,.....•.. N ' , . .
These services Will enc.01140 and known as Leavens Bros. Air Services' 'Did, you ever se e so much . water in
.de'vel°1474q.#111t--rtraffig:--t4- -the-avallY' Vinilted;Wifieltliar teen-aetiVe-iir Itil- -alt:-.youi%-.-ii. " , Seeorid:'Sailor---(a
vacation spots iti,,Ontarier and Quebec- phases of aviation since 1927, 'is,- at '''veteran) :"You aia'Vetit seen netithig:
It is believed that, such services wt iLthe Present time, an ,,everlibql 'depot TbaCs .only the tor)."
,.,.., .
. -Iftdd4tour
1/2 ,
tspn. salt • cup Milk
4.„Ws'ons.„_shortening :1/2 cup -brown sugar
cup chopped nuts, any'kind, or raisins •
4 rsPne. Magic Baking Powder • . 4
sift iii:Fingiridiel'ite together: Cut In shortening
until, mixed. Bdat egg -slightly in measuring cup;
add milk to. make 34 ,cup; .add to first mixture,,
' Roll, out,31/4-inch-thick4aprinkle with brown sugar
and nuts. Roll as for -jelly, roll. Cut in 1 -Inch .
pieces. Stand on end in well -greased muffin Pane. •
Bake in moderate oven' (375,.) about $o minutes,:
Makes 18' ' • MADE INCANADA °
, .
4 •
Beal Mate ',ard' Usurailee
• 11 .T.,ilafttirAr., Street ,
Pavane' 003
IL SAIII-,-.11ouses,Of
buSiness pro
perty and Sevkrai good fa'rms.
.Let rshow you some -real'
' •
'bargains. BUY -now, .
ri'V;;AN•i.i....%'; •
ow-IlYOrOthY Latnottr nag Dick Powell, 'In-"Richng
tn Teehnicblor. „.._
Mono Tiles and
The .firotilla 14$41,0 iowers, 'striding ,across,-. the
countryside, are symbolic Of a, great. public enterprise
, hatim.gaittribUle4M0b19.M.OPYRbiltlitAltAgttraliP."
'AlotronsmisAou lines, Carried by these towers,
flows the pou4er that lighten the wayin many thousands"
cit hain!es, ityloSkies and kraus, • ' '
flych:-PoiNer ig reacbiout
miles to tar of city; town or fokr,a.,.....,,Lready,..ye
at We flip otaswitell. •
.. Hydro poviet.is it•turn t e‘w eels -at our
ladorieit Mills anti mine*. it weaves oor.cloth grinds::
our grain, milks our cOw'sfrioatipsni!ivviater4, It lifs oUr.,-,
• eleiators, washes cilta* clothes, striUterates an cooki ,
Om rood. it lights our homes; ouis our radio's. 'Day_
:adniilletenniwtat4 s
oitve, :out neat,' hundreds of
'yche,: ,ower Well-equipped
emergenci crews and repair eqUipMent stand by day
d night ready to keep power flowing of all times*
" '11 `41r Through the 11
eotgiowee s et nom ca ou Won
is one fader, essential to our everyday living, that has
been consistently reduced Is price.•
-- Hydro serves, the people in thousands of Ways It
brings. them comfort) ease and convenience. Yeti
'Hydra's contribution to the welfare of tho'peonfoup
'to ,now, is but a preview af, the promise whichs'the
electrical world holds forioniarrow. Since, was began,
Hydro • power has 'been, and will be,. available
Wherever, And when** it, is required by Ontario's
'war' industries.. When peace ''oalueS), electricity
tieripliod by Hydra will perform' services that are
;certain' to contribute muds toward creating new and
finer standards of living. This inclispensible,•elettlenti
irt out everyday life,' lightens - the wet, in everYiblitti
one of the,,war's gretit4t documents, written by an aecredited :e'er=
respondent, comes to the .lereen km Its inn: Startling realism,„,
Preston ' Foster, Lloyd Nolan, itiehard Dendbi and Anthony Quinn
.Fri, and Sate-,,,
Doh 'llopealeity TfuttOn, Dona Drake, Cully Itiehards and Zama Its
" Top a east of fuii makers in the roaring rib rocking mess 0'
Atuanets Wednesday, Saturday and IllolitlayS,itt $
Cemlng--A picture you,will want to SO, ",014 Attlaabltance`'