HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-02-10, Page 1NINNTit-g&ENTil YE- °Zmpire Service Club Presents Pinanoial Situation to Town tionnoil 6110, More Made ,their --„OppearenCe in'Town Connell•discussiOn on Friday night last. Mayer *Turner, in response to:lettillriee'-put to nista by •• Uttekin$ • at *,, the • previous Meeting,. said- Iroliad looked into • the subjects of inquiry and /Mind thaf.the local aoinraission had sent a -reSelatron, to Preniler, ;Drew asking for .a -mere • equ4lized power ,rate, • , This did not satisfy fjoi`in .HuC.10,110, t all. Ile said the--res,olution-nhOuld 'have, been sent to . the IECE.P.O.,„ which has control:of rates. He wanted., to know if the provincial: sCommiSiiihr shad beelt-susiteds.,for a "substantial „ reduction" insrates_te The Mayor, said he W41114 'look ur- tlzer into this.. . Another question weir with regard to 7 a, rebate to 'local -consumers. 4. 11: Wag hoped, said His ,Worship, something . -would be done, , but .ithe 'localCommis- sion could not '.inake, a rebate without perniissipm, - ' - • Conn; Huckins said this was a. very poor answer. Heconsidered the Com- - missiOn w,as„,yeryjmnis,s'in. not asking for a' rebatetito4the amount 'of one-. -half the $00;000 surplus, How flinch longer were they going to: allow the surplus to*,aCcuinulate?. * • His Worship 'SOL he agreed with Coun. Iluekins that the Surplus should not be-,alloWerto pile up..• Conn. Huckins, still expressing 'his, sdissatiefttetitie, said he *KO leave the matter until ,the .next Fleeting of Council 'to, see if something nuffe:',satis4 factory could be obtained from the local .ConiraiSsion- ': He than trhie, , mind, however, and siibinitted . which was seconded . by Colin. •.rrevett and carriedc thit-l-athis-Council .desiren.the.P.I.T.C.: to present a resolu- tion to the I.L.E.P,,C,...,rreqiiesting a, con- ,..,:sigerable rebate to the co,titemsers of • ElOici; in this. munieipalitY." - All the merabers Were present except s•-• - • The tax collector reported receipt of •_$23,548:53 in January... Of,thig amount ,_$22,120 was ,iirprepay-ment o 1044 taxes, Fire Brigade Report r. The 'fire, brigade submitted an In- Ventory of equipinent on ;rands,. This Was referred- to the .fire: corinnittee. p brigade responded to thirty-one 48 in 194$. Five"were false alarms; s tirssvere for-ehini. MEMZRS NAMED roit BEHAB/LITATION GUOUP , The •. norainoting :coisaraittee formed connection With, •the „plan to, es:0'5'- 110i a group in 'aoderichlfor reliabflita- tion of members Of tise armed Servicee, met last evening at the:167n Hail end I:tensed: the followingas members„ of. the group; Mrs: Norman presenting, the- 'Women's Institute; the regent, of the Maple Leaf- Chapter,. 1.0.1).11.; Mrs. 11. 0, Denlop,•regeet!of the Ahmeek Chapters LO.D,1E, ; Mrs: Readitt•Preshlent of the'WomenleHos- pital Auxiliary's Mrs. Chaffee, "Miss A. (leaver, *." G. Is Parsons,. R. Menzies, If. I. Wurtele, W. C. .Attridge, 0. K. Saunders,' j, -E. Baeehler, 13. Id Virabae,, Thos,SandY, Geo. Mathieson, j, 7Grahera, Dr. W. F. Gallow, It. 0; HtetiS, k:CS' • F. it. narrows' Geo, Schaefer, LT, 0, Dunlop 0, Mayor Et. E. Turneri,W, J. )3.atiker, jas. Kinkead, R. O. Staples, A. R.. Scott; TUrner, • -Geo...Baxter,- A. -11, Sane, T. R. Patterson A., II. Erskine, J. A. Graham,. 11:"1.1; Monteith,: J. .Gillespie, .E, D: Brown, A. Wilkes, W. U. _Dulintige; A. Sturdy,' D. D. Mooney,, W. H. Robertson, G. N. DoWker,,,E. H. Hill, and repre- sentatives • of all hurches and the Salvation • A iheetinieftb.e&Pup-2-'011 be held at. the Town Halt on, Wednesday even- ing of next week; at" 8 o'clock„ to, ap- point officers and committees. - • • r` -FAREWELL PARTY Mrs. 11-.• Vines held a surprise fare? well partyforMrs. Alex, Pearson prier • o her departure for England,. Three tables ef MO were enjoyed by the guests, MTS. 'Frank Riless-veinnitig the llrst prize, and Mrs. Art. Goddardthe consolatia. At the Col -101181m Mrs. -1%1-.1-4/14nnis , presented MrS_Rea.rson with a beautiful Sheffield reproduCtien. silver cake plate, and three bibs for her wee son 13111. In her -pleasing manner Mrs. Pearson expressed _her -sincere thanks and 'a13- preball, Um...Ia.-Me lovely remembrances from her Goderieh friends, nd-said she would_riet forget her happy sojourn Iii.--Gbiterith. • , Mrs. _Vines, -asststeci by --MTS:' C. Atisterherry and seryed lunch at a pretty tea table, with delicious cake in the OhaPO Of -a ship* -•"Mr, A. H. Wskine, treasurer, gave as the centre of attraction: Mri5-;14earg'IhrfAloWing fitianeial statement: - the 'gthot , '''of••• honor, %ha -the ,RECEIPTS • .priyilege of 'tutting the cake. jail; 1, balanee' in Bank 132.26 Report Year's Work in Aid, of. Children Rev. Draritet 1e-eleotpa President of 0. Society . Rev, Dr. s ,;Barnett WaS" ri elected president, of the ',lure's County Children's- Ud,SocietY at the annual meeting, held in sthesCourt Ileuse ert Tsiesdast evening. That -the 'Year, leulbeen 'ene-ot and achievement was •evidenced lii the reports presented by Mr, A. T. Edwards, superintendent, and ,Mrs. M. Chaffee, social worker of the Soeletie Edwards • in Isis report said: •`4"Your • SoeletY" has closed the i'most active • yearepf Work int history. It lias been high -lighted by the recog-• bY-the-Department of -RS effort .and eurs grading has been raised* te 13' category. •While this is a Proud. aelsievement, it .places upon 11$ added responsibility end our effortS Must be. doubled til maintain the Standard we desire. There :nave been' tr total of ever 154 new case's with -yegard to Which there have been over 1-290 visits and 048 interviews in the sM cate- ories of our 'work, namely, pro- tection; unmarried parent work; super, - vision of 'wards of our Society and wards of other societies placed in our county as ' well as non-Wards-Lthe latter, children who Are still the re- sponsibility of, 's,their • own parents but have 'need of the facilities,to .better development- .which our Society caIl. provide; adoption; •inveStigatiens for the „Dependents'. Board, of Trustees at Ottawa; and suPervision.sof families of service men. Mile, you will see presents a broaa. respialsibi,17 Pictures of King and Queen,. Churchill and Roosevelt the Gifts of Public Scbool Board —Prizes, Presented , AT , VICTORIA ' SCPROOTA: • •Ar•OBIITRATASPHOOL 4.; theinoirsablestiecalton'1 tli history An ettnal.' fy lespr'eSsivesProgrom. took of the ,publie school s or 06(lerieb, was pla0e at: Ceara, School,' where Prin- that of PridaY •afternoon last when cipal Sidney ,BrCisilt Presiaea at an hauasonse portraits of° Xing' Oeerge* assembly- of., the entire selleol... Here' 'Queen Elizabeth, 'PreSident Roosevelt the Public School Board was repro- , • . and. Prime Minister Churchill were $eirtelt-bY• Trustees rri411144•• presented, to Victoria ,and Celstral ehairman of the Board,,T. B. Milne, and Sehoole by the Pubile Sabool ,Beard, , The beautiful Pictures were unveiled TIie Pesentatlen. of wititsittiltirterenionse -before the 4t.ie. 'the portraits preeeded Stlier PrOe:giVihg senablea pupils at each -gehool,„ • ceremonies, and were Perfornied by The annual:,presentatioiof prizes Ur.) :PTidhani:' The, prOgrata''''. opened to, the .graduation--elasses, Was held, with ,the singing Of • ',"The Maple Leaf. 111 conjunction- withthe unveiling eef& •Vprever". and e" short address liY....*Mts ttiout at eaeh school.• •Browe. , • Principal It.-Stoneheuse ,presided at After,the unveiling of eaelereciares Yietoria School,' and presented„, au ins Prier fl41res-s-WR$ given, by Mary Ann 1 -grating isiegrant. ssinich ,oPened' -with lits4iiie.•on: AAP • 'Par- 43411- .Quee-14.4014 the. singing of "d 'bark4da."- Member S l'Orecl*ibY the 'singingor the National of the' Trustee Ro'ard, present were Mrs, -10-1.01,, Murray Holland on Presi- GeOrge Johnston. and IVIessrs. IT. IS, Turner, M. J. and Stanle?.Me- -sitshcle°13:titsr!RR:j7P0er.YllueSittip-a1:1°sdiiinstAYsPr 411eCCtbloii:cezthfilTIVin.:lide- • „ . Lean. -Mrs, Leslie Hanna was the sehools for • Sean presented piano accompanist.the diPleinai. to the graduating class, Mr. Stonehouse' congratulated • the which were received by'the following: - graduation. • .class ' and -7 bresented 'I3ob Allen, . Marjorie Baiter; Betty diploina.s to the following: • . Beacom, 'Marie • Beadle,. VerleY Bell Honors -Margaret Bowra, Marion Margaret Boyle,, Lindsay Burrowe, Freeth, Rugene_ayan, ,John Scott, Ma111311 Biftler, AIIm DatieS7,--Relen Pasg-;-11,4th Allison. aoyce Babel:11er, .Inglik!Brrtce Macdonald, .Doris • Me- .. Brieri„Noreen MacKay, Ilelen McLean, Donald Mooney, Ruth •Pharea, Lloyd Pearce,' ' Iktary :Pridham, 'Kenneth' Prouse, Donald iRivers, ..NancP*allowS, Jint ..Stiunders, Beulah Shackleton; Katharine 'Snider, Ross Sparks, Colleen Thompson, Elizabeth, Barnes, and Jean . • - •• • .....„Eittendante Cortificates 1,edgment 'of- the co-operation' extended ''"mixqt Ir.Edwards gave . grate -fa: aektiow- 9frtr,11,1fty. t.i.,?;13..SiaeTeidZe..,,tut,104rcuie.yoycit,,, freil. ,Castle, •'Gerald. Flandlton, ! Wan, by Yari°118.6rtiniatl"S algr'gr6i1P 'hi' t1.011,.1)4t,91,, Katherine KneeshaW, Wary the, wort in behalf' of ..q.bildien, • include Laithwaite, Denald • Langriclges 'Bruce. ing the LiOess•Club, ,the.:-.-Hoine:iand XraeDortald, Leis - Mels.latf; ' sUonaid School-Clubs;,,,the Young people's groups „,. Of *tne.ehurches,' and by Miss „Clea'ser, -,esSIY.,Q11-1' Benson Stratighan, .litarnonit puhti.,-11,etilth- nurse, "As 6.- 'Sbdiet7";"- ""'"'±l'iams.'"11"43eattier4ohn.whitten: heN- . tiaid,, "we are. proud The presentationog.:perfeet attend- -homes of our foster- anee 5 -homes and the foster -parents who, often certificates was niade,by Trustee a sacrifice to theinSelves 81,-.i,.. -a, Ii. S. t urner, who stated that since the ', warding-of-these-=for-tbe--tretstime,---irs twenty -four -hoer uneoniplaining serviees ' 1933, , 326 .eertificatee bad. been pre- -to ,our ,children, The Society isifunder a de-ep-7tiebt-of-gratittele-terstheiress"--- igentesd-,-te-. Pupils, Who had- ettenagd. o'hootseveryssday of the school years, • Five of the. Society's wards are 'on ' ' FinaiiCiirStifeliiiii---- - • of , seven years per ect attendance. OtherSifeeeiving'eertifieotes were: Ply* years -Olive Kneeshaw; Four years -Margaret Bowrzis -.;.. 6482.7o ', .Three_ years -Yvonne Anstess, -Rutli -Cbunty 'of Huron ,..... ,, t . ,... ... Yovince--ef-aritaria-,4-.- - ,. -,1,500t00 .,s.4ger• - '. ......; It was also noted that T.,orraine Thomp- ViCp. , son -had achieve4-•the- splendid record f ey-firea and -twelve • for 'otlier---fireS: --ItOkBERY-AT -WPSICR.V.L.$.E The,sexton Maithind cemetery. re-, ported teA., interinents ln-lanuary. .-;Clilef of -Pollee Itoss-s-reported- cin, • elleeltineet-scoal weigh.ts: ; Town '0enspan Seale Weignt" Thieves 'broke .into', the cretimeryat Winchelsea* on Saturday-,: night' and 'stole quantity of. -butter and incineYi Entry Was made -by forcing a window. Carl 'Brooks,.of Lotdon., and Elmer G. Harness*, a •viroOdbaui; Were: arrested y _ s • TW o years--sT, hyllis Ruddock, Grace Dependents," • • Board .. Of .• TruSteess , 932.84 Froth. parents of nonzwards. and \ temporary,' wards -332.00 Province • of Ontario, 112;50 .. age ' " ' 176.94 Interes,t on bond Pinder,. Ronald Barker- •s • Ort*- Year -lames Beattie', jolui Gos- dens -Cyril "Gosdeti, • Dolled Overholt; ltobt. -Gerdners. James. Pinder, Doris Cooke, John Thurlow, Shirley Griani- metti Marie,Cidp, Katherine Kneeshaw. Saults Coal Co. 2...s-siss.2110,10s, aoo lb, _on . Sunda night by Coristables ,Salter . Mustard---,Coai lb's 3860 Ihs. and J. ' William . Gardiner • Prizes- to Entrance Clasi and Frank' 'Wooclham. Thy - 'S 10;299;24- OrCbehalf ot the -Chapter; 898°44'Ni:et 616Und., to, be -fax ,PoSseSSion, 4;1,e -4 DISBURSEMENTS MrS. F.,R, Redditt presented ..ear -Stolen-at , Toronto 011 Whigli.'we.re :Salarie$-• Clerk Miller with regard, to the County plates taken from a ,car at St. Marys. Travelling . expenses contruittee--on post War reconstruction - ....4.,•••.. - - - i., Boarhding 'Mines ' a...,,,,,..y of Wincuelsea butter and , . to, meetan „a month Or six Weeke. and . „ the car. • Clot nig> and. shoes . and rehabilitation. The • commit ee is other sstolen. goods were: in in;the meantime the Council Was tasked -,"' Medical. care '..: ... ....„ . . ..... ... ••••-•-• .1,735,66 1,912.49 • 72:38 738.45 180.00 12119. 115.02' to-- consider-theSe-rnatterii,•-••' • TUEAT.S.AV JR14112,GE- The Collegiate In.stitate Board. sUlF 4 successful bridge was held at the . •• raided -a---.'requiSit!en for ' the -stint-: -of . - Masbnic Temple .:on Tuesday. eveniug . Stationery, oflice Supplies .. $12;781:50 .for '4944, ,exclusive of- the last by_ the Business .and Professional Postage and excise • ,sum reqiiired'Ito. meet debenture % pay- *Worn:01'a_ Branch' of; the • Red Cross. 1VientberShip and ; expensetes , , essesteente, --Thissik"..an-: increase ,:of -$1,481._S Mrs. George Mathiesph Was. the *Winner ..r.,.„' .,,,,,,c,,,u,,,, .. to convention .:. . , ... ............, ., io-i..85 . ;-.4.11. ,priZes_..awarded 'for .thelsest ,essay, 'on teaf.' ChapterssI.O.D.E., presented the 98 :over ,the 1943 -kgqiiisition...of the high:scere„.and Miss Belle Mac- ---',"- - ""'"''''''"'"'"'-'4 - ' ' ' . • ,.., ' Benson Straughap,, Nth of ilihora: bacl. ,,. • ' In a letter from' the secretary of '-•tlie .,conVenersP ef Mrs. 3'.• Lee, ' .. ' ' ' . .- _ . • .. -$ i ,z- .•chosen `,`The Children-*: of . Holland.", .!'.* : ' ' 9 360 q2 . .'s tbe-Einpire •Serviee, Club it was stated • ' '4*. •s- .______.. ' , s -- ',.ssas Balanee, Dec. 31, 1942 $ 902.02. -kiss Wurtele explained that it had . . that the 'Club. was in imnsediath need. • ENGAGEMKNT :ANNulaNukiD ' _. The officers elected were: President, been difficult lot the jUdgee .0 ehoese '. of. coal for thesneating ,of :Mtteltay . „Mr. - am). Mrs. WM. Westlake,. Salt- -Rev. J; H. Barnett ; , vice-president, A. the winners, .as all coptesttiiiIi had Hag. ' '''Por the ,past two„ yeira, 'Or ford, announce -the engagement of their, p„ Wilkes; Secretary, A. SI. RObeitsons. written ••Very .fine stories. ss unfits this winter is over, - it- waesonly. daughter, Uerwenna Pearl; to ROY trpasurer,,A. H. Erskine; convener of. The 'presentatien of 'ilrizea ' from •stated, ,,* `•••`.We• shall- require ,1350 to Tilegirmid .Thvider; second -- ,san. of Alf: humane Weirk; --Miss- Anil - Wurte/e 1 organizations" and individuals Wati, , cover our agreement; with the MacKay?' and Mrs. W. poserer, Nesegate-street.' *directors,' -M.S. J. .C. Stewart, Mrs. made by Mr. W: II. 1191)0:teats 'donor' 'Charles Ypeng,•Miss;Agees Middleten, Of Shes-Prite-forsthe highest ,prefleiene'y Rev. Jos6pbsJaries and 11..11. Ford. „. , in grammar and emnpositimissetnieb. -prrze to'Joan S,cott, for obtaining the highest marks English literature at the high _school entrance Qxamination annr rs; • e it .a so roa-11-6-fh-e presentation of, a year's subscription' to the •National Geograalc 'Magazine '- • r.i-behaif-of- the Chapters----fowhi Mr. Stonehouse expressed the :thanks of the .staffsandsph.PAS, Miss Ann Wurtele, ..for the .V.apIe NivaS 310„ explanatioa-of the increases sYieals-sssetond. Refresiunents 'were and .thiephone.. 8170 These were' won by --Rah -:4111Spti and SP-hdries • 40:78- - subject, "Children Ot the World.,,, * • ' Empire Seri,lee Club • • served liineh committee under Hull Board, if ourarrangements with _ them are; to be. lived • us; to,". •• It,. was -pointed- trats thatsstliesselub-,-„preyseee reereatioressWriting .faellities,' and a homelike atmospherefor service. 'Men; . and triei, to melte a plaCe....,:eg',,,cheer letter to eaeh of the -!-Other for these men who are a long way -freni'ities deneerited. ' • • shome. . 'A canteen, Counter'. Is.mftin%A leiter fro W. A. Sutherland.':witli *Mined, but very•little.profit is derived regard .to *the asiessment.,:of fpart 'lot this sourte, The Club:has been 'Victoria street, .was sent to .. ;Using only 0110 furnitee and .every _effort, • , • . made -to , economize. The Council "-wits asked to. give ,the matter. its earn - ( est eonsiderationss"remeinbering.. „tit al war i,s on; and are humbly, .seekirig to. do our Sinali hare" The matter -was referred to the • An- nnce•committee, and in the sneantinte a letter -will -41p sent to 'the Clakseon- •Veying the. •cdirgratulatiens or, the Council 'en the good work ita is doing. A conimisiileatioti': the , Ontario • AsSochttion of -Rural Monieinalitiess asking for the Council's membershiPT was referred to the linaece. connnittee., ' A. letter *from." International Water SupplyLinsitea,London, snggesthdi tbaCbefere7, inent•iing 'VS& -exPentlitare* for it filter Aslant sto treat the lake • water the Town, consider 'the ' matter. of well 'water supply.- This *woe ' referred to the svatOS'light,and, harbor- doniznittee... • '" The ilanit of Montreal hotified: the Colleen ofse rednetion rittea-oVinter- est- . From Mareh „the tato on ttarterly credit balances Will' be one r eent. per anntun and on.Ioane•fonk • er cent. Per tannins., effeetive Pebruary ists, - •• ' • ; • The Goiterfeli "liiiele* Club if4 looking or it plac'e* to bola inolithlY Meet- gs and inquired if the Town; Hall • auditorium would be aveilable and; if , so, on what terms; This' was referred' to the ,publie werltS committee, with • '''Petver to ae • Right-of-way A letter from the °Mario Depart- ment of Highways reported progress sin .the, surveys of 'the of -way. It was proposed that when the deeds axe prepared a "joint Meeting of all the ifiterested Munielpelitiee ba field to have tbein taped, and that the elieque lie Made oat to all the munlel- palIfl0i, ti 'dtvidedsseeording .the s hiterest ,etteh num, wag .paSsed, Alid the Connell It WAS decided to tend weopy Of tills" adjeUrried at 0,15 Oseloelt, i•••••. Goderich; the marriage to take place 111 Victoria street tithed church on -aturday,Lirebruary 26th, 1944. . ___,____ -w.,a*en lyir.' 'Joan Scotts Other prize , MANY' ATTEND FUNERAL • for proficiency were "`presented as fol- • The Robert' Park- isidiniarial sii-edal, OP MRS. J. ,M, *JOSNSTON doimtedilYLVittor Lauriston_in,,ra To . , - -;, jr,IttalrifiXe Bo'w.ra**, 'second\ highest in_ory, ...„of his father, the: late Robet . , the teless, blY the Women's Institute.. , . Park, a former -principal of the school, -, Eugene. Ryan, in ' social studies, tiii s . Presented.' to -Beulah antekleten donated bY Mr,. U. It. Long,: ,--.*:, ' daughter of ' Mr,- atilf--r itris, II. --31- _ 6 • . . • Atter' it 'Welfexeeuted Piano. s,ole-hy Molije Bisset Mr. J. A. Snider pre-' sented the perfect attendance certific- ates -to •thesfolloivirig • . 'Illempsorr,--Edward-Je , Donald:AlacEwen, Helen Irwin, Gordon - McCabe, -Leota -White, Cynthia Youngs John* Hawthorne and Marilyn McCabe.' Colleen 'ThpinNon-' was -presented behalf, of the Publik.Acliool Board, for haying achieved the outstanding_ record Of eight years' perfect attendanee, -Snider limiting: ,the-,Tresentation.-Col7 leen is sister of Lorraine, who WW2 the seven -years' attendance certificate at Vieterk, School. They Are the denghters of Mr and Mtg. Alviii Thempson:, • ' •' - cornet Solo, played by Raymond Cutt in, pleasing: manner; was followed by the presentation of prizes 'td -the graduating-- class, by Trustee B. Milne, as, follows: Entrance ,Class Pnzes Second highest marks in proficiency • les Baxter, pAated-4,)y---the- Women's Institute. (1O»EZWH SRQUZS» U.VZ A 11 '10:0AZ .B1,901) Doziats e• Io ow ng a 'quota Ion, sem a AttiVe in War Work I t''` letter reeive4 by Sheriff NelSon. UiU froia, the blood a.onor Serye Of the Red Crose Spelety, Toronto"; Ai all4Inie, record for blood atones- tionS in Canaaa'was established during the Week endingrjarinary 15th, with ' Atealwv$ t'f*- t (?• Ahmeek °IMAM 18490 donations, iaeerc1ing4`01m, 0It.°144)4'a'ygnatitiliroe44.,iu )7°Mo* T.' ChairMan a ...oeletYPEt annual itite.ing, utI Rjec:tion aneerov, National Blood Donor 'Corainittee. gt reirerted .that _reeeeds !were establiehed Qiiebee', with a .Weekly total ;of .2,280,, la Manitoba witti 751, iri Alberta with 489 and. Ontario with 12,399, • " 'While' this news. is, gratifying, would like to impress Upon- tile people of Canada that our new Otjeetive of 20,000 donors Per week is only a nabsi- inum and ,would be barely sufficient to provide bibod, serum for Our wounded when Canadian trotos into actin on - the second" front, 13r. Phair- seids!' " The local 'committee:feel that Gedee Witli the, - regeht Mr. IL 0, Dutt101ts PrtsklinZ :The '.f011owing elates et, Hs 0, Dunlop; lst viee-regents ,officers woe returned Regent*, 111111. W. •GalloW 204-- vice-regent O. A. Reitit-eecretary, Mrs. t.,'S Webb; correspot(lence eecretary, Aires' A. L. Cole; treeSureri Mrs. J. W. , Coates: assistant 'treasurer, Xi's.' W. O. gue- Bwan; gehoes secretary, Mrs. R. Emerson; press secretary, Miss B. MI* Vicar, ,Couneillors, for the year are • Mrs. W. J. Hodge, Mrs. C. Stanifortbs Mrs. 1): Pattison, Miss Campbell arkfIL rieh is 'ndt iloing` its share towards Thi Ms." Seott. worthy Cause, , -..Towns with not half With depalments rePdrtint4 the population Of Goderieh ean get,as vino. aeeount of he activities of the many as,150 donors at a clinic, and the Chapter *as. given: .The war seryice committee fail to understand why the convener, Mrs. D. J. Lane, reported people 'rot Goderieh • do not- *respond that 17,000 pounds of areagazines had better to their many appeals for donors. been disributed' to the airport And As pointed out ;before, it ls - painless Service eCalrubs atuogetheeg,slitbpu. books,zzieo playing*and -takes sone-- away s- from' work for playing dsdog may b onlyabesecured 4 euatLlinhoutau r, Volunteercardscards twentssfive ditty bags- were filled for of the drug the Na.veLeague, and $24 was deflated ss* stores or at Craigie's poolroom, Women',.tO purchase twelve sweaters for gee - donors must see their own physician men. "' ' : before- attending a .clinie. The next ' • During the year the Alirtieek,ChApter.., local clinic is Co be held on °Friday, together with the Maple Leaf Chepteir • February- Oth; and says ,-Sheriff Ante adopted sthe_ ship PAlaChasee."-*Ak "Let us see if *e can:niakeit oneato be eleetrie Plate and tea kettle, -together really pd. of." .with cigarettes, games, stationery, • . booksteirristreae cake, chocolate bars, - etc, have been sent the adOPtiox , fel-tiers have:been distributed thits ortt pert of the -work 'will gain. net :in°, ,• • - convener for *:the department Fatal -ju,rim..estoiopice,:vche," :.,t,707,:07a.,r.,,,4:01410.1vadMemmitbettrese,nate,--aansasift_to,Isttiethnelee„vveeedan,oafrdisteas.vanoxmLeelagie: •• - • - Driven by . . their Weekly bingos: The sum. at and baby- blankets :for airinen'se.wiVes- -, The itioekleg new S was received in ''w4s Met Wii6-ire"CORig. Goderich on Sunday Morning of the PertArit part .111* the ' Chapter's, work death'of 'A'. Thomas Cambria -"4 '12"*I3ers' 614° 41381St4t-t e • . • ' * 1 foss. road, wife of the 0.P.R. station agent, refiSSinSionte for -Wes:* donors „wee • • herestos t e result of injuries reeeivedestuthorized.. The two Chapters also in a _road _accident near s 7j combine -to-- givethe- -Empire- Service - 6 -• Chili a 'Uwe -awa.'y from 'hone"- ats ea.turtlay 'evening. . ' • . • • mosphere.",,Approximately 2000...young , and Thornai set out Pn. men visit this centre each. Montt, And. Saterday afternoon...for 'Moth= to•Tpiugspong,garaesgcF musie with.a special prize, a fountslhispat,•on son.,,A3.3. „`OrThisisTM :and, to hads' sand- for' a 11023:11Uar 'Sinn a 'sees -a-- little granddaughter whe' • was „light Junch or supper, is served.* ill. With them .itt thestar, -Which A 'd.ratv netted $368.75 - mits - driven by Mr. Mac:arias, **ere their eon-. held, also,.•twp very successful 3.n-fa,wellarold,W.,Trafford, iNd sales,-indiWo tabiess.--of 'bridge,* esk tralia airport; his wife, Mrs. - Trafford; 'mensbers • • - • , and their little soh. ,. • ; The:, Chapter room _at AletandrAN It- was ;,reported that „the. Thorne& Hospital., has. been ' reniembered with - ear turned' &It, to. -paSs' anotherTear tower -Si wall pictures and eltslii9us- • going in the same direction • and Was* -The • minesweeper "Goderieh" also was .erowded to the sho,ulder. of the road, ronembered withsa. gift of $1.5., ..6.• thensi.hui•tled across the highway and table" tennis . set- with • ail- necessary tweed oN'er..in. thesditels. eqUiPinent was donated to the Empire, The ocelinsants of the car were taken Service Club. . • • , jito,hzthate Chatham hospital, where. Mrs. The. educational secretary, Nfre. Thopias .in the hospital with. year. A,prize of $16 was donated for. Thomas - died that eVetting.-1.---Alt.: Redditt; repprt(an exeeptionally•acti176. . • • nientum .swith the aptiointment • of itakensin...the junior ' Trafford; who suffered shock 'and head' voca.1 .claSq. at the, Goderieh •Mnste • Allan. Dawes; in mathest atics,,don- injuriese is 'nosy out ,,of, the hoepital.. Itestiv,41,,,s'.'Ind %V LS .W011 by Ilelen'IVIIIIS. Ate& 1,1P .-PX.I.p.C1147.S.,,J3rawn___ . .',„.,4-,7_,:: IlysrsTraffin41 -iiiiir sod-receivid-senIti--!a-,,Three.-.louil%771itiokl:4:-Were,-StOnatedStossss-, `'. 'Helen' 'A. feLean, art, - by Sniith's- Art shaking -up: ' ' - .. . , . '. - the pupils in each of -sthe pnblie. and.',.... Store. -:... - , •-•- ' .. -- ..; ' Mr. And Mrs., Thonia4 came, here six .separate schpolaJobtainifigAle•lighest\ _•Donald. 1'dooney, secial stud:les' by years agolrom.Durhanf. Airs.. Thomas marks lii.English literature -at theligiei . , , _ ..,. E. J.- Pridham, • ',waS formerly - 'Ails's* Olive • Babb' ot .selfteessentrante:['extiraMatiert:,-Thest • , , Beulah: ShaekletOn_ 'WA the . winner .1%.1itchell..,,s She was,a. nieniber of North, Went to- Beulah .ShaekIete4";''' Centrals' in.' the,- essay •eenteSt, - -thespriie for street .SISiiited ' elini?oliss ' Besides,' her Scheel, s- jean , Scott, '.•,Yietoria 0.ehtt. kis' whiebs donated. -..by the. Mai3le 'Leaf husband, she •lea.ves: three sons, and. and Rita Chisholm, St Terertr moot. , 'Chapter, I.O.D.R., was presented by two .aaegliters.. • • - ..' 's ---- . A , year', s .subseripiion ,to the ' National. Niss Ann Wurtele. . ; . ' • . • , . , Burial of Mr. Thomas took place ,tit. Geographic:Magazine WaSlireseisted to; - Qn, behalf ' of 'tile -Almaeek Chapters Chathein7 on. Tnesday. .,.. Mr. Harry .tne Goderich ,COltegiate Institute; both s. Mrs. P. R.-Itedditt presented Sanderson,i of,„ the C.T.RS. station sta Psi:tine- seheitils'enct,.-the• separate'Selieols,..s.: • to ,the Staff and psti)IIS ,,a Year's tubs ,here, •was'in, attendance at the funeral. I.O.D.E, calendars were. Presented, ft. „seriPtion 'to the National Geographic • ' - - ..,---,----,------:---------;-• the.ScheolS to be placed. hi each rooms. . • ' CLAIIIIE-JCLARK • , A donatio_miLtraaon of • 4.54 enauchrg,a-wryasruirinadgeitn.tha,.'., Magazine, which i..r.0 received: by Mr. , "Br°Tvil• ',The. prize for the *h*hest • M4. -.Stanley Crarke, yOunger son o , Shackleton_hy Mrs, Redditt.. : ' • rieh,was , one ot the xestnespals,.211.--as Arra. A: L. Cole, showed'stOtarsretelifte• The ,'Robert 'ParlesIVIedal :Marriage eerenieny which teek place, at- - 1i fon :b..4....,,,_gaiii_Idaps.L...z -- -hatt,i-ef---f144 ' • - . tritTe 11,C:rsp6:11e%iiidldn. rBell;esratrYbY,Ftlitlezi-d'ii:easnri e'rif".' niarlc$ In'TEngil.Sh, litorature, donated•b* Re ,7 , C.;..,10.. and‘. Mrs, ClariKe of - '09de- the :Chapter, was 'presented to Bera411.1 Xhigston-.-Whig-Standard gives the fol- in • theSgeneral. fond of 903.82 and st.' -on , • .....- _ . semis .in. the, war a,cconn. ,t,. $370.33 ; hat., nce --(in-:hand, '171.61 and poo. in Victory bonds. s , . *, - , c.- Lk.. .,. , . „ , , . • -Airs.. C. ' K. - ,Saunders,. Meinbership•.: cenvener, reedited seVett.neve inehilsere. ...„ .... , .. .._ „,„. • .. .GC...I. STUDR.NTS , . • . -- GIVE AN1411AL. 'AT.41001 .10.wingss'itecounts • •,. • t • • An interesting wedding .-tvae. Solera- , nized at 3 o'cloek thia afternoon- " , Merlon Alemoriai Chapel,' Queen's Uni- versily, When Reit, George As -Brown, Ist.sts,,,s-united-.4A • 'hart -lege' :Barbara,- danghter of 'Dr. itifti Ili*. A. la:Via*, ": 200 Albert • streets, and Stanley Ilarnes - Clarke of Ttronto, son' of Rev. and Mrs. C. I*. ClarkiGoderieh; Ont. soshe... -_The;testitiel-Collegiate Institute •eSsst bride; who vvis •glyae. bi- marriage by hone was held. in, the „eeliook Dowell, who -replied suitably. ''• ' Corsage; WaS of red roses. Vit. -Lt. B. TWataleY, tare& Principal .Egown And - Miss Mes. same:material: and- nary blue acees-, of the staff, and.' friends, inclUding gin- - her Pr. A. L. Clork*, was sant „,figtire in, a street -length frock-vided a Most efijoyable deeasion for; ay of y blue 6rePe, with a., hat of the large gathering of 'students, xnembers hosutt4, on,1Priday 'night lastwhano:t.Pauie:.- , The pregrani waS ieinetivied with The brides Only .atteatiatit . was -SUS: "bev,:, of' *the ,.tet,t,ellifig stair, the singing of '" • Harry I -toward of Brockville, as -mutt-. Troll' his stetion. in 'the, .grovinee' ef • . rois,of Isoner, wearing an -effeetivesgolit Quebec to.--kcep his annual "date with. . vgEm .110,,SE CASE • erem•stge4t-l'ength froels with a istatelisithe school. The. "gym" was attractive, •„,, . tinlited,-• London,' dealers' In lug•tiiihanl• and bisiWni, ateessories. Dr.. ry deeerated keeping Vslth the. 1944 t.6.en_„fin d roo Clarke, OttaWa;• brother of stSadie •of the 'Sfuneles." ,best. mon. and Mr. Guests were'reeeived by Mrs. A. it-secitti- and costa *tor selling a. flai,r of_seonsense ,i.tennetb, ne8e, and 31i'. Mahood, Atrs. E. pop* And... both of Tingstoii,, were tastier& „Ails* Miss,--Noralcleritee,presidep.tof the Stu-. enor&-Blak plaYe'd the. wedding ionsic -dents'-Connell, under whoseanspiees the and-durhi„esthe signing -of the'register affair iviis• held. MuSle Was Dr. Herold, AngroVe ,sang delightfully. hys the Casa Royal tirelieStra of •London. Following the,.reeremenys recesition• Barbara IlenrSesinaltobert-Olifer, wero; ; was held. at the lionie:•ett: the -.Iiride'S the winners in the illuminated"; danee, parents', Albert street. 'Upon their re- TAueb.. ivaS another. enjoyable, feature bite- frOM their *wedding ,trip. Mr. aria of a delightful -evening. , Mors. , Clarke will reside In Toronto, 4.)ut,--44.town gdosts Islight•Olficer NtarY Clarke; .R.O.A.P..(W.1);), Ottawa, eister lir the groom;"111r8.'ri.EL 1orse, ilattiford, Conth; aunt 1:11(7 1)11(1(1, and., Mrs,' Geese* Clarks Ottawa. •'' Mrs Sohn M Johnston whose death ocenrred.Q11 of • lest week, a laid to rest in Maitland' cemetery, ' Ruth. Alligun, for Writing, by liender-. Shackleten; for ' oistainixfit, the , lagliest , ' • -- - ts on sat a . gtern0 n. k en e n e. SijnY Beek-80re; --- •- - -...,.--'" ....-, . marks DS' central Seliiiiil at *the 'high Inazijoa contimttoe , iirci i 6 t i d it d:__T , sA,eorumunication .froin_the- Natiouat " • , - .- ..magelke Ryaus In ,art; by iiiith"-st -Seheols entrance eXataillations. of 1943 Wars-Itutuice Comiiattee (County ;of. ,IhtiWis *large number8 fr4in Goderich, s., Art Store.. ' - -- , s', - - ' A happy taledietory,addiesa. on, be -Ira-roil •,,bt.aneb),,--stiggesting.,_ thnt,! the_ GOderieh -toWnsbili ' awl • ontsi.40 potilts , _loan Scott, itif -ailthm4tio,,-Lby 'Prlii, half , o'f, the graduates' was -given ilay Town establigh it reserve . fund for attended the fUneraliereice,.which - was ,t --Pal It, Stonehouse. '- - 13._eulah,*• who expressed., gra titude fel 1)01,1 Wal purposes; and lliVest tin 21111(1 COriducted:•br Rev; It. IT' ttikilbuir-of ' -Margaret,i3OVV111; Ill spellieg, 'by IMes •the pleasaut 'Steara li Central. Sehoel in Victory loan bond,,. wasi referred to North. street united ehur914 who paid 11:-.X. MacDonald. , ' 'and at the emelusion 'of Tier ,.reinaSks the finanee committee, . .. ,: A'iltting tribliste; to tIle%nse,mory of Mrs. Eugene Ryan, itragrieulture, donated' presented gifts, on theirs behalf to NOtlee WO given of a raOti011 to be johnston,, who-.,; had endeared herself ,ilioni.„ tilt): agrfpnitural .grant. • :, , _ presented •At theshekt meeting for- tile to a host of 'frinds. The. casket NtaS reSeinding Of ' bylaW No. fLot .1883;. re- surroneded with a wealth ,of.'*florsti • Robert Park liltarri4- 1,le(14. quiring, that taxes „ be .,insereeare,• tor triVutes .which were •,signsaoant of tvo e,e. o er ar niei olia. - e ll R b ' t P" 1 ii 1 rti (lai, len led isy..• * Victor Lauriston of four . years -before the property''eStedin in *bleh. slie,wasslielsts•onti of t P. , .. ..___, , , . Ofsethrim eivr--the: highest marks ob. cornea be. put sat tax feit.-for the bereaved ,Ils•proposed.to make the Period three,- Among them were those -from years, • , , • • :,• • ,North , church; • :Maple 20nottitted•„"*ePeria 1.110••11-4,nnee 'committee. leadcsAe, _ tlY.91Bowlldg, lowing recoinmendatkons: That .#' grant 0141), , Public 'Utilities Contitlislon and 50 1)0 tothe"enWlekees;:','Ooderick'Irire' Department, Lor Its% Rescue „Heine. work; that a, Godericli Staff, the mail ears grant of $360 for 10-43. be made to riers", 'executive,. of tlie old Goderieh Alexandra Hospital.' and a similar Heekey Club, Goderich. Bridge ainonn.t. for 1044 that tife'' salary Of and ‘g!lia- GAtes. Ajar," 117 lovely tribute tiw,Medical-P•ollicer, 'Of ,healtir. be $25' /rein the .heighberS• 'resideatki„of per, month from January ist„ 1944. (it: rural ,moil• route No. •1. haa beer', $100 a Year) s•that the County The pallbearers tVere IL C.' Uoberf•- ratea of , $-13;045,60' be , prepaid at .11, sone Trianon', Thome ,Sowerby, diSetiiitit -of $543.51.' Itellef*-1teeeititte. ' itioNekughteri, janoary at/taunted to '$240,87, suite -and .George reitgan, and the public works committee 'recom., flower -bearers were ,....Tohnston, ineeded• that the tender of Ds, Mums) neg. Johiisten, T. 11:,'Itunelte, lierbert to „"-iiedecorate the 'Council .cliamlie4: Lamprey; Maitland Driver, Gordon. at $00; tiecepted, ami that Roy Ort and. Perey Grahams • . Meritun; foreman, .be paid $28 a wok. Outiof-tOwn friepds for the ,tho cemetery and parks 'coWinittee funeral Were: Mr. flo," 1ft°' .itiehard. reeommended that the fecrtor Opening McNatighton, Miss .Margaret a grave In 'Maitland cemetery be ton, of London; David 'MeNanglitofiST of creased. to $9 from March,ist text, Bayfield; James ' :Johnston, of 'fteso reports were adopted. ' Clinton. . 7.• .,.` Mayor Turner referred synipatli — etleally to the illnese of Stuart 'Mason, ZURICH PLANING Mitt ntlitNE10- reporter; and it was decided to send , The Raibileiseh• . planing mill at twine 110WerS to Writ 4n the hospital. Zurich WAS deStreSted.,0 fire lest night, •BylAW No. 4 of 11)4,4, • reaPpoiriting with damage estimated at $00.000 or O.. ,Sturdy assessor and, collector more. P. Kalbfleisch Ron of of taxes,. at A sentry ,of 0600 per on. Zurich, owners of tile ralll, also operate, the former ifiuchanaii planing', milt in Goderich,•,' 1,c ,tained , in' Victoria School' at .flie high sal:RI-el 'entrance was ,Pre-, seated - to .Toari Stott bY. _Stone7: PleaShig•.IitlJ-e ad • - thanked -the - teachers :of MO • school; and .conskided by Presenting steeicingS price higher thAnothe ifts to Prideipal Stonehouse and. Miss baste period „;priee: - SacDontqd on -behalf of the gradutitieg class, for which Mr. Stoiieliituse ' ex - Pressed their thanks.. ,l'oafi is the dallgliter of Mr. mid Airs. 44 11. Scott:: • . • ' 11;ort,rfjitS. • Unveilell- Mrs. George ,Tolniston,:,-OLtlie, Pitblie School 11304trds graeefilliSt, perferinea the ceremony of unveiling the pictures. After those ofTheir. Majesties were uncovered, Murray- Garrick delivered a short sketc11 of tho lived'of,the Xing and the (peen, and 'the whole •sebobi Sang "The Kiii Thstilt its London." Pala liricknell was 1,4108e11 to 'speak, of the lion. WinsfoneSiburehill, and, the audience • joined e.•la singing "Rule; Britannia.' The unveiling of Presi- dent Itoosevel.Vis ,portrait 'was 11.11110(1 by Dr an . appropriate-. sketch of Mr. itooseveit Carlyle Ilannister and ,"Tho Star-spangled was sung. Jr, kltonolfouse expressed the ari.• preelatiOn Of the Atoll', and eehool. to the, "School Board and to the doilers"of prizeg and the iiiteresting program was .\• • v, eoneltiae s_wit1/20the eingh\g, of Savo th evidence SubMitte-d'11 ;City polico-:Cdurt the ,hoso marked "thibstaildard" Were" piirchaaed in December for $1.15. Sam - :Act, Vivi-anion,. manager •bt * the store; testified that- hosiery..vvas sold. for ,thle• price during the basic period. 'Ilrie Moorh'ouse, counsel for the Wartime Prices htul Trade , Boards! eententled that this-prk,e•-testssfor"-O better grade of hese, the•flue is..one °tithe •largest imposed London ,tor pniee, ceiling Vielat ions. T113 wgittrin* • Temperatiires of the pastl,, week in Goderielf, withthese.of the 'eorrespend- leg ;week fl 15.1' ikt:igo, OS 0 dolly re- eordeel,folleivs't • , 194,4,. • 19,13 Max. "Min. Mit.V. Min, '1001i., '3 • .10 32 " 13 Pri.,Areb. 4 30 e -40 • ' 30 Sat., Feb..31 38 25 Sun., 'Pols 9 17 ,39 Mt, Mous Pep;7 ...., , 15 • , .38. 11/f ¶l'nes,, 10,01,, 8 ' *24 13 33, VI nri WeC .. . .. '‘ la "0 19 ST. GEOltftlE'S The, St; tleorse's braneit of the W.A.met oh IN'edtkesb,lay in, the Guild room. nr8. Dunbar presided. end ,oposiki the meeting' With prayer; 31188e43toWtts1e11 in the Uteri:it 'prayer mid Mrs. Hunt .gaSe,the'Sei.iptiise reading. Artieles of clotbiiit,,, were donated to eomplete the bstV's elothieg for the hale going to Csaisistoii',.. Alberta... Mrs. Monteith give the third chapter from the book, •"On. This Pouudatiou," entitle( "The Indelible Matte of Ilistory,?) the dramatic story Of the conquest of Latin America. Res. W. • 'Xt. •ThialAr 'Ielesed t• ' i)1441 " • . GODERICO iritsic oven The Goderieh Music Club, „held lffi Februtit, meeting ou..Weiblemay night 111 MacKay 11ll1. Mrs, AXeDougalt • cautioned' ber • talks on theory. Viso Clara Barrett gave uninteresting IV.,1*t on Modern inusie and sang "rtaiu, by Curran, "Christ Went 'Up Into the. Hills," and 4*Lore Went a -Riding," Prank Bridge.Mrs. MeDougall plo.Yed two piano seltvtionSi' "Spring." by Oreig, and "Iltish.liour in Xiang Kong," by, Chasing-. MORE IIDOES WANTED The Canniligli of the /.0.11.11. for books, or cash to ;Purchase boar*, f4r inen and. Women .of the war DerPfees will be continued for soi tbno yet. Over, 200 books have ,been tontliblited in t; erieb, but many ore sitre, may- be, left at tbo POrt