HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-02-03, Page 8err „,,TH 4‘. TA. 4 T VEBRU 1.71, �u Are nvited To Attend Sunday Servicep, ',RBV. Reetor , s , '1, • V. 11. S. COMAS, Organiat and•Cheiniaater 8,44 tutn% 1100( .9).1‘11S1PNION..' 1100 am 1101,11 COMMUNION.. AN SERAlbN. -,Subjeet; "In the Teeth of the Storiat,*-- 2.30 pita, CHIMP* ,§pioot AND 0100 CLASSFS. ^ 10* e.w.tNTENSONq 'AND' SERATN, blibeett "Wayside Ministry, • • X,? BOW Hible claSa now meets at 10 COME. TO 'CIIUHC# ' North ;,St. Ilnited Church 31116110..1ElioL-.40V-4-0, IL T1RNR1/14/344.10./t:8.T ... puiLDING FUND,SUNDU • - • ' 11,44alk :AHMNING:srtonce' 3 p.m. &Imlay, School, - • - , ,1 pan.; EVENING scRvice.- _ , , P, . . • • a. _Orgitaist and Choirmaster,* AY mpulEuoN. - ' A"SINCERE WELCoME. AWAITS YOU.. . , Knox Presbyforian Church. m• P. am, IkUBLIC„,WORSHIP. "Sermon.S.abject: "A. preacher Of Righteeasness.". 2,30 Pa. SUNDAY SCHOOL:. • All Departments., •Pau. • IrCHLIC -WORSHIP.- •••• _ _ ••Sermon Subject: "Bartheaeus.":„-- • Pa: • Young People's Society' in. the Lecture Hall 'Praise and Prayer -Service, Monday at 8 p.m. MINISTER -REVEREND ''' RICHARD STEWART. -ORGANIST-:-MISS EIIEEN BOGIE. DIRECTOR OI• PRAISE -AVMS. FRANS SAUNDERS. 4.1enne and Worship the lord in the •Ileauty :ef. Holiness. derich .11ipti$t Church,.- -- Rev. &Seat Jane's, M.A., Paster:. :7 7Alisg VeritYCVEMer, Organist 11 tam. PUBLIC- wogsuir., "Should Baptists Strike Their Colon ' COMMUNION SERVICE.- - pan., BIBLE* SCHOOL. • / pm. SONG- SERVICE, " "The , Danger' of • Drifting?' Monday 8 p.m. Meeting of B:t.P.U. Wednesday- 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting.' CORDIALIVELCOME FOR ALL ree eoss Chure :Corner Victoria and -Valle. 'S"71" , REV. G. W. FREEYMN, Paster 10-aart;----SUNDA-Y SCHOOL. ' 11 ain* -"Basic Prineipleg,et ,Christian Life." 7--p-.-na. "First -Things." : • • Meeting Wednesliara1•8 p.m: • CORDIAL WELCOME TO EVERYBODY DOINGS F N,, Veb. Taylor, Airs. Taylor and 'daughters 14,tarJorie and LaVOYnne, o Thames; ford, were guests with Mr., Tiles. or.. 014 14900,1% • Alta. Jas. Spronle returned, OniVriday froin visiting for :ten, days with he.r klaughtem. Mis. Fraelc _Garaett and AivAtt.1,3aCuutlMMurs,"rIl!-"D(4. ftllha9zirsIt(zSdn'" and family,-trom Aylmer, spent the weel- end with Mrs 4t1fl1k 0_111hert and .Mr. and Urs." 'Matthew:Phillips Of :Manitoba visited their cousin, Mre, TIerbert A:lieu, on Tueiday,":,..- _ Mr. and Mrs. 1.4.01iard Crawford and ,Tiamily, of : •Goderich, Pliant Saa(laY with Mr. .and Mrs. W. A. Culbert, Ur. and Mrs. Cci1, Culbert,. TenirnY : and, Mary Ellen and •Ir. and Mrs. GeKtleh. congraiii vela- the week -end 'Leaden. „ Miss Margaret Dickson ,.OtN London. was a ,recent visitor with her parents, Mr.,. and Urs. Mids. Dickson, jr.; Mr. and-,mrs. John' Darnin•and 'Of 74IOfl, Werci_ Sunday' •.vistters, wtl: Mi.- • andz Mrs. ' V: Erriagton. \Lr. Nelson Culbert on Sunday killed' five' snakes that had came ont to, enjoy the sunny; %weather.' If -we hanians. couldn't read the calendar we might be fooled too, Air. Wesley Alton and sons Leonard and Elgia, .of tendon, visited relativea -in .4shlield. on .Sunday. • Miss Betty Elliott visited in ode- ridli 011-TS-U*10 with her parents, Mr. and Mrs... D.. W..'E11iott They-rad.- eompanied her home. - • • Miss Bertha Jones,. Reg.a.,•%. of Wo- 9Inen's'.- College _Hospital, TerontO; has spent the past -week with -ter . parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Jones, prior to reportiag for duty en, Monday •-•crt Loudon;- having- -been • iteeeptect-••Wah-- armY nurse.- It is about a Tear -since Miss Jones_ applied for entrance into this Work- andher many friends -Wish- her the Very ••• -hest of luck in her, :courageous unclertakiug, , • •- • .Dilfigannolt , Agrieultural The annual meeting of .the Dungannon Agricultural Society Was held On Fri- day afternoon. - According, to the re- ports presented; -last 'year was a suc- cessful one, with larger gate :freceipts and more and. better horses and -cattle on exhibit than .previously. The ,prize Money Ivas_pnig, 100 per cent-ae -and th. treasurer reported a neat* baip.nce in the bank. „ The ofileera elected for UNGAN 1944 are: IIonerarY PreSittenta, Thomas tothers. William Watson, 'William J. ThorapSon, Albert. Oolinstont Alfred 'Briington. W. 41/4. Oalhert JaCeb Reed, Sainuel'Alton, and Xaraes Lyons; .presi- dent, Wilfred Drennan; 1st vice-Presi-; dent, Eldon Cluabert .211d vice-Preaklent, John Brodie; aeeretary-treaearer, :A.t.„'Duraina•-direeterar-GOrtibn-Stewart, Johnston, WiIUaiii Reed, Clifford .LOrne.-Duridla; "George Alton, William ..3.„f_,...0totherS, Thomas Webster; associate direetors, Bolus Henry, Allan Iteed,..Oordon Lyons, L11(1 Ronald TreleaVen;. asSoelate lady direeters, • Mrs,: . Olive Culbert, Mrs. Arthur Culbert Arra. ar. Jarnes Sherwood, 811(1 Mrs, R. David- son; auditors, 1Villiarn4. Steivart:and George' Cowan. Erskine Cleareh.,67;The .atinuai,meet- ing 'of' the - congregation ot Erskine Presbyteriati,,, ehrirely was -held 'on Thursday' aftefne'011:-Rv. 0.• Donald presided and Mrs. R. Davidson acted,'atit seeretary„ .1•Tanies Davidson reported ,'fer . the congr'egatiOnal`. Mis- sions, Which eshowed that $187,03 ,had besii raised, 4180.47 of Whieh had been forwaialed• to the' church; treasurer in 'Toronto. 'Wig. E Davidson reported for the 'W,M.S. that the allocation of $U5 had been _oversubscribed by $3; $4,55 in cash was Sent for the bale, and two quilts,. valued at $9.00, had alse beencontributed towards the bale. A total of 4475.41 had been raised. The Sunday -school report showed a total of $32.78, with r $9.3E' sent to, Missions and a balance on':litintli of $2.47 rafter ,purehasing, all supplies for the school. Radcliffe Murray gave the auditors' report which showed that the tete). of $82371 .had. been received for-doilgre--. gational ',purposes, withan expenditure of $74.3.31, leaving a balance„ in hank of $80,40:.,Two 'WO Victory,. bonds lind-been parehased. .d.,.the stun, of. 4100 additional is helil in Oast by the trustee heard of the church._ The 201 - lowing :were' elected: Congre- gational missions secretary,' Jams Davidson; "dongregational secretary, Albert Taylor; „-congregational •treaa•-• rarer, Mrs. Freak Mies; church organ- ist; Mrs.." S. H. Stothers; assistant organist,'tMrs:-..W. J. Rid;: auditors, Wallace. Wilson and Robert McAllister; managers,'S. .Stothers, Radcliffe, Aluiray *and. W. j. Reid for a term of three „years. A' vote 'Of -appreciation of the faithful. services _of .14..eis'i MacDonald as, pastor was heartily en- clorsed by all. • ' t. r ie °OK" euchre and danee will be held 011 1'ridIt), Te.bruary llth„ in 04 1d., fellowe' * Hall, under- the itueplece,of the ,Woznea'a 'Institute. 0/4NX : Ranch Doys • will iiittpply---the* mit*. •10-une MUUter, -Lucky- doer Pilaw? "-Ade:11s- siOni 35O. . • . •-4 *1•,,.geehre, "500n and dance; inder FOR .'SAL'ar,---BLOWN ROOKWOOL atiapicea of Goderich ,Township North InSulritioa applied to the walls and End Red Cress Society, in Odtlfellows" !ceilings Of your home will savd fuel and give you a more comfortable house Summer and winter. Trafned crewa apply all Installations and material is permanent, v•erialri-proof and, fireproof. For free estimate' write HOWLAND ,Thoratoti ave., London, or write BOX '9, SIGNAL-MTAR,:".Gode- rieh, •'Work done- anywhere. Our equipment will be. in Goderielt, -Meek ot Fe/apiary 1-10, 4-5 FOR SALE. •-=,, ItIT011EN SINK - with high back' and • rolled' rim, used jut- two 111°1102;n also one ,Pair' mini's Skates, size 8, and . one pair woman's ,skates, Size 0. __APPIY 48. ricton street, or phone_ 41W 7. Res /FOR SALE THERE ABE ADY.A.NTAgES about arderiug'YOur chicks riglit here, 'eaViug time in cerrespandence. We are taking orders now for Kitehener Big4 Obieks. Order yours to avoid later disappointment- tV0Y- reliable fiteek :rota a. reliable gatehery. :RYAN PROD1104, GOderich.-. Goclerich, Friday, February. 404. Lunch Provided. BaYlield Valley Five orchestra: AdnitsSion 85e., •. The Margaret' Seager Club of., St. Gorge's church cordially invites you COMO with your friends to ,their Valentine''...teri • to be slyeil at the rectory, TbarsdaY. afternoon; February 100., The Goderielt Atone Club will hold -its monthly ineeting.WedaeadaY,•Febru- 07 9th, at 8.15,. iz MacKay Visitors weleome.. • "Ox I . n'n ieeti'g Ot Central 1, Rome' and Sehdel Associatien will be held Tuesday, February 8, at 8- pm. .Special , Founder's. Day. and candle - lighting Pregrata. lgisa Sbarl.nat„ wilL be, guest speaker. " • The. 'Red Cross Society of 'Clinton Collegiate. Institute are heldinga dance in the Collegiate on Wednesday, February *9th; • Music' supplied .•'1,a Clintea, 11.0..A.F.7-' orchestra dancing from. 0;30 to 1.30. -Dress ,optiOnal, Adthission 00,c, ' , • • -5 The Members , of the. • Evening Aux - Mary of •Nertli, street United church are having a Valentine *tea on Friday ii.fterneon,_ February lith, in t e church hail; Come and bring .yo friends. • The Giaduate...:-.1,Turses,--,E-group-**111 -mee't on IWO; •Fehruary,11th, at 8 p.m,, at Alm Town Hall._ Dr; J. Wal- lace --of Sky Harbor will be the guest, speaker. ' -.5 .• The 'Maple Leaf -Chapter, *-1.6.1).E., will hold its annual raeeting Friday, February .1.1..th, at 3.30 p.m., at Mac- Kay Hall. The, executive . will • meet at,. 2..30 p.m. All meMbers urgently - requested to attend meeting.. Im- portantbusiness. Meetite of officers. Owing to illness, I.•regret to inform mY easterners that I will not be able 44 -take any--,appointrnents until after the -1st Of March. FR.4.N•K BISSETT, Beauty. Salon. ' - JOreenshide's •-•Bakerk„ East 'Street ahnounoeg that house' delivery of their bread and other products. has -been' resumed; • • • • ' .Aummage sale in -Oddfellowa': under auspices ot,Itebekah Ledge, on Saturday, March. -4th. BLYTH , . Mrs. Fred Crawford ,received official . • notification on Sunday that her son, Pte. Jack Bennett, was misSingwhile on active duty in: fialY; 'He ai3en overSeas three ,,years. • - orm. nit Le Church • CHURCH 'WITH .A.; ITEAWW:WELCOILE" MINISTER -REV .1.0 „a.m. SUNDAY MONNGSEWLVL .1--• p.m. 'EVENING SERVICE, Organis, t ---Mrs• L.-anna. - g "B "The centre of 'Evangeline; , • 4' REV; 4. 'G. • HARRIS';Fastoi 16 W1ILTIRL-6.01 „ServicQs74-„,..:..- .813N -DAY ----10.00 a.m. SUNDAY so/utak • 1.1.” a.m. ntouNING, woRsuns. - 7 'p.m. EVANGELISTIC AERVICE.1. :The young people will meet on Tuesday at 8 P•11. A WARM WELCOME' AWAITS 'YOU; Mrs. M. lioltzhatler lias returned home „from Clinton hospital,where. she was cipatienf. • --. • , Jiiek ‘.f,ohnston has Sold his --farm on highway '14'0: 4,' mirth Of Blyth, : tb" Walter Mason, and Mr. -Mason has _sold his farnk on the 4tli concession of Bast WayvanoSh to .Levi Good. Blyth -Telephone $ysferne--The an- ' nual meeting of the: Blyth Municipal Telephone System was held on Satur- : day: afternoon. T -The ' finaheial !state, ment showed a surplus of $9.175, Whidh will be, held 'until, after -the war -to ineet the-0st. Of repairs to the'rlines:_ ,Qilieers • were re-electedas- follows: James •Phelcui (chairman),. Albert Walsh- and. Frank. alaish All, .,..eattuatiat. seners - •Leslie Hilborn secretary - treasurer. .• :' - • • , .._• ,• -, : . -. : _Death' of :3/Irk If. .Richniond.-Lavirs, Henry •Riehmorid, ' one ,of -. the..aades.t• ,kesidehts of the. 'community, slied on. *Friday at,the home of her soh, *James ..1liehmond,1Efut ..CenceSaen et 'Morris. She was in het, ninety-seventh year . and had eajoyed•goda health until a feW months' ago when she suffered, a fall: She --,. 7-U7ifir'I=R:Fiealtwo-soil$:tvia.,04.0.-;44.u_glai ter ;--Jartles Ridliinoid, .with :Whom 'she- -11,,(redT"-B11/Otriticliintattr -of'-: Parente,. And, Mrs: 'Thos. rate. -There are •six grandchildren •and six g,reat-grand- children. • '. The'funeral- took. -place, ori Sunday-_after.nden„ ..11.ev. Arthur • Sin- . , clair offi'diating, and interment • was in, Barns cenietery. ( - _ 7_, *at ' ' 0 * ,•.: '• ., Funeral --4, S.; Miiiikion.,--tThe funeral ef. ,AT win., S. ,1VIeKinrion, 'native of Blyth wheldiedlat7Torehtd-on-Satur- day . last, teolc. place 'here on .Tuesday afternoon. .. Mr. .McKinnon left Blyth at-an:early-, age -AO -enter -upon., basiness life it. Toronto and eventually •hecanie the head of a la.rge.,..whelesa.le •concern in that .city. The .funeral 'aervice was liIeld-in _St. `AlliareleS, United church,' -Rev,,.; Arthur ',"--Sinclair,_ Offidiattng„._:_ahd, .Dr. WM. -ROSS.; a lifelong friend 'of the dedeaseil, giving. 04...address. 'Inter- menk was in Union °cemetery, - At the annual meeting, of Blyth Agri- , cultural--; Society •-*-• ,Lelvi3O.=, Rtiddy-- was elected president. The Society is now free of debt :and .prospects for the - f utire:••.-are eneouraghig. . Miss, Leila. Livingstone is the, ,secretary. - . MAFEKING -. - 11- ..p4.4sja, Feb: -1.--Seryiee at Blake's :church ..next ,,•utiday 'morning -at 10.45. Sacramentwill be, observed. Elerybody:, welcome, ,Mr. and Mrs. Thoi. Anderson and Mrs,, II. Berton .spent Saturday Atfter- - noon with Mrs.,Isaac• Andrew of •Zion. • 'Mr. and Mrs. Chas'..--11411afa aud fintitlY and Aim Robt. Johnston spent Sunday With friends at Surnmerhiii, • --!The Blake's It.P,U.• met at•the'llomo -of:Atri and; Mrs'. Harvey Anderson on ,Thuvsdar.:, evening, wtth. a -g00 '41;- te)Iflariee'. 5ITS, Howse and Mrs. Tilos. • Anderson layered with a•duet.• • itlipatriek Condtieted a contest, "Trees" Found in the, Bible,": which witS very. .interesting and ins'tructive... The yOUng" 'people wilt.ineet at the aiorne :92 Mr, r !'1711.1 Pay; the . - _ and Mrs. 3...1...itenry on Fri4ayl even- ing ,pf ,this weeit. ; '. ,•• • Mr. and s. Reg, Broome . and Mary, df Holyrood,--•an31 Lloyd Sa'unders, of S -vitsited'i their parents, Mr. ard --Mrs, Geo. " Saunders, on, Sand y,14 -Dr: a d rA. N. Atkinsert ef -Goderi-e .e mi. Sunday With Mr. and AirKilpatrick. Mrs. 14Webb and ehgdren, ofSt. 'Helens, 1 , at .,the' Parental home. on Sund y fternoon. •, '• • •" Many .ap»y.I'returus to Mrs,".•Robt. ,Sehrigten Mtg. lierb Curran and Mrs. Geo. sa a. birth(' kiersi :celebrated y in Sanday, 'January 30th. RE , L EING OPERATION .&.e.;4-Aithou h choie; r 1 it-com dry glee parts; : til *Oh gl Joined. 111 ; isat tintee, tiresome .„ • itig,:af-Zrekeri'..farniture atively.-etisY process ,' •All' °tad- be ..scraped from the tssandriappred, and thew plied and the parte re- iire'and be AssUred. AgaInSt Ihe • , , FORD R(st'asinired. • /4100,11 St 'tel., -268w: Grant itogo 0AD , Lie aid -Atletieheer for , autos ,c.ounty . Purnitu e and, Barns. Clearance . $gleg, •attels and Real V4ate Prorapt ttention given to all'ealls. Write „. * BO N 66 42x ' PHONE 69 , ou require. Coal or CoI 0.4kra, Ie Coal and itardlvare latillte Harbour • :1-0140. 22 ' • ST. HEL S ST. HELENS, Feb. 1.-M. an& Mrs. Victor _Taylor. and..:childien, of .litr;tice. .field;: Were, repent !,visitors *with- Mr. and 168., R. Woods and Mr.•and,Mrs. Lorne Woods. - Alexandra gosPital, Gode- rich, on Thursday, January 27, to Mr. and, WS, Stanley Todd; S. Helens,. son, ' 4f.70,:--:and-4ona_Tirdd;', rte and George Kennedy were iTI Toronto this :week_ tor the perivea- don- of ,the. Aberdeen -Angus- Brbeders" Association. . • , All'ill11.111!"111 I Again. iit Stock rnLED 114.1iTTRESSE All Sizes $14.05 to $39‘.00 Also- nvir springaittnect . ogritErzurran 13171TES Wood ot Metal he It'd .arrived Cranston Fatni toe RgEt CROSS NOTES , Red Norogs headqnarters has issued an urgent 'call' for ,turtlexteck or . _ _ • 6, fia7, aiii Mr Force. The Vast ,,majority of these sweaters -'Wills haVe" to be made-:rof. • wheeling, as it is utterly inipossible-.0- procure-Scotch -fingering -or-special SCI vice wool in.1 sin:admit quantities to: 13ORN ' -UDR OALE.-TWO ALLIS-oHAL- VIERS,'Icombiiies; one large and one smaiI one Allis-Chalmers rapael R troetor. used; also a limited maither ef new Allia-ClictimerS tractors, 'rubber tires, lights, arid starters., -HYDE. TRACTOR - Hensallphme 128 - WANTIM ivANT,4D.,--r0s1Tx0N, HOUSEr, KRBVER bY an elderly, wOnlan. Towit preterted. Write pm, )3cox. ow. 0,0der1ch. • - • 4-5 • TED:-- -TO BUY OLD HORSES : Tind dead .eaitre,;.raualie siiit4do - far intuit feed; removed promptly. , OILBFIRT, Baylield. Phone.- Ow r'•22,, Clinton. Calla paid for, 1E91 - TATANTE,D.--4-BABX GRAND PAN0, Will. pay _cash; state make and pried to -BOX 10;.SIGISAX.4-STAIt.' -5 • , VV.ANTIIIIY..--()SIT,TON AS HOUSR- ' TOEpER.I•by an ,elderly Town preferred. eyotte, P.0. BOX 40,. crquerAcb.. ' • • -51314' "WANTED.-1101)..SE TO AUNT xit*2. * permanent resident; unfurnishea„,„- with three ..or • four bedrooms!" and *odors" conveniences. Call IMP,DKTAL:' ' 10.11), FOR OMBRA:T., housework. A.Pply „MRS. N. C. JACKSON, 'Church street,' • 5x , NOTICE vcr CREDITORS. TICD 0.pREDITORS;- FOR tSA.11. -BIGHTEEN' PIGS weighing from $0. to 100,1bs. Phone Carlow 1213. AARON C. FISHER,* Goclerieh, R R 4 5 FOR SALE. -PAWN RAINCOAT, • -self-lined, size 14,• $8.00; black tallerecl suit,- *size 14, $10.00: Call SIGN.A.L-ST.A.R,. • -5 Foit S'ALD.,GO-CART; MAROON and white storm - eever ;mu1ter ttres Also , Steel_ runners for pram or go-cart Call 3174%, F?litioustAhoLlEd-.7.-fuirnisVhAinTgsE, 'iuSe41LudElag°11a timple dinette suite, -bedroom furniture, practically -new; davenpOrt occasional chairs, floor coverings,etc, MRS. HAW. LER, ...South -Street, _phone 302M. FOLIC ,,i4CITIOE REWING:tliA.C/aINES. '"" Any, Make... • Also,Ainger needles, hefts, ana lights. Ilaelaines' bought un&sold at2 East:street:-Apt:•1. 39tf 4NDREWS.-At Alexandra Hoapitair Gee.erich, on. Janhary- 31st, 1,944, to Mr. 'ail(' Mrs.- 17,Varner., Andrews,: NIB; :GEO. - ULE AND Aiburn a diughter V1ih:to tottrey; their taiinita-zto PETERSON. -At Alexandra Hospital; those whe-expreased_their sympathy -Goderiehr on,aanuary. 30th, ,1-944, to- 'or assisted thera.iii" any wayin. their . Mr.-and:Mrs. Harold PeterSen,,,R.Its recent bereavement. - • ' -5 • t I 1 r 16. make More than a very small fraetion_ - •4, •Godefich,• •a•••••daughter. ' • " Of the number4ieeded.- Seeka, 't0o, `110,BINSONi--At Alexandra will haVe_to be Made !-of light -weight • • Goclerich, on January' 30th, 1944, to wheeling: • • ' • . Mr. and, Mrs,„.. Gleh ,Robinsen, Gode- We know that many of our 'women rich; ,a ditaghter; . -• doilatit like tb knitwith wheeling wool. We believe,' however, that 'our Can- adian. women,•wall.-rise 'te the -occasion when they realize that the- • -paint has' been reached* where they will either have to knit with wheeling or take thO responsibility of -knowing that some of. Our men lathe. service -a -will -go- withou sweaters or socks. It is StIggeStqd,,that.:tWO ' or three Tateilith --eollaborath 'in the making- Of. a sWeater; thereb,y speeding production:. Women -who do • not knit are 'asked. to canvgs their- friends.and try lind--gorne-- who will take-- our wool. and -knit it into sweaters.' THIS IS AN " URGENT,,ArptAL .WHATEVER GOBS'U'Ir ,-- IVEISSTs COME' DOWN , . • • - Whate•ver'• goes •up .must come that'Ssure' as 'Remember ;the ' last war? . . Well, *here is how .things went ..- . wheat 'OP. 16-'025. a bushel in 19.318 .,., if sold in the early 30's as IOW as 27c not nough• to pay for binder, twine and feed for the horses.. • Men eorailig back*froxt 'overseas got . ,it *.thet.-virorst- of alLandeme--ef. them *ever recovered; 'the" 'Wounds that peace .gave them were -more fatal -than bullets and Sheiia.,-;,.:(-„:•.. They paid •$1,40 •for everyday -grade. cow which solU a couple of years i later, at $28 a piece. Day-old grade calves d6st $15 . .._. two years' .%Iater these. .saine eaves, growim big and fat., sold for around T18 on the . -;•11-ay was $25 a, toe, then. Ilropped to $3.75, p',AdI after 3220 ruin -and banks,' ruptei were, commonplace in every see-, tion of Canact'h;'and returned. soldiers- starvel off the land: --were. selling Iead. pendia; atUdy'Tund-soap„.Itripzi deer to loor.,• :.ead "dying:. on their-- feet from. sheer ..discouragement . and poverty, their children forced ,cpilt sea -01'7'14 fifteei.f.and sixteen yeara.of •age to take' hard underjatLlobs, tokeep the rest of ittiailY.- r0331. starvation., - - That's what Canada **going- to ape, doesn't happen again, but unless eveiY4. , one' keeps battling dome sure as mins; - • ;' • --- •• -• • .110W- . to 'Prevent -it? here's yotir part In this nation-wide Olt Watcli„,prices . observe-ration.:tegat lationbuy' OfitY,Mlitit yda-reany need., for. -if inflation ever .getkAts UglY:li,etik into aS we'll. go through all the hard times again (Ally:: they'll be -harder WA time for there are more 'peopleto suffer.' IPKOOS to 'tumble there's, nikhe , to -lose. We're ridiug high' right now -big Trai tong "geed' -*ages More. 'Jobs than peopletto 811 them . but the pa -off is just around "the :next 'toner what are you .doing to, see that ' inflation doesn't get a lietid4tart?. Whitt are.you doing to hbld the 'price cellthg liiie?- • SOWERBT.HAt Alexendra. : God.erich-Tcav-January 30th, 1944;1 Mr, and ,14rs. Thos. Sowerby; Goderich, 8 Soh. •- STRATTON., -At A1exthdra Hospital, Goaerieh, on February 1st,* 1944, te a. and Mrs. Stratton, AiegandrEospital, Gode- •-• : .v on Ja Y 27th -1944. to Mr anti , Stanley- Todd, tue . ow, to, sett: ' 4, • . TONE, ---At_, Alexandra HoSpital, Oderich, on Ja-nuary 30th,.• 1944,-. to Mr. ana .Mrs. Albert -Varistone, goderich; .a daughter. MARRIED : ary 22nd;_. 1944, at 3 pm.„.. 'in the. ; United church, Toronto, by Rev. R.. (1. Chalniers Eagean,. dauglithr -of Mrand Mt -s. W. J. Hazelton, _Midland, Ontario, :.to-LRUssell,James son of -Mr.' and Mrs., Richard . Oke, Goderich; Ontario. Mr. and Oke ' Will reside in Toronto!, . BOGIE. --At Midland, on Saturday, ' Janilary 29th, 1944, Thomas •Lcivvr-' en.ee Bogie, liusbahd.og Pearl Wilson, in. his 54th year, .14098 Grandville ave., Detroit, on Sunilay, January ' 39th, 1944, Mary Belle • Finlayson, beloved • wife .of George Hy Nairn. ‘;'' (Mr. . Nairn was *fornierlyo of --GOIderich.i) Goderteli, qii- Thursday, . January 27th, 1944, Maria Fisher,. Widow of the. lath -1Thomas, :Young, --in her 88th •year. • ' -IN IVIEMORIANI • ,. levitig Memory' of Straughtin, who, , passed --tivElavYbre•liemrueamrY-ber5ethd''bly°4h01:S.- Wife sat; .'5x - CRUitC11-- NOTES At the meetilig' of 040 B,X.P.TJ,. last Monday !! evening- at .,Goderleh , Baptist hureh Mrkt-Prstdine Janes -read a helpfulYltdlsPXt;°OntimeliXistitintlubLiee' if'!3-1M9isws Marjory ,Miller eone.ueted the-hieeting, and readings were Wee' by Mies Venni. Italer and LAO. '',Iames., ,McDougalty The president, , Mr, Wm. Outten. con- neted "-the ..devotional exercises', as. Stated „hy„„Itey. Ameph Jajaess ' The Presbyterliiil Syood Irdixtriton" nd-London-WVI-Meet,at Brantford, on- 4,.:Lritelit'2s4tthw.'ord ieeeived by Lt.. E 14c-, Arthur from Satiation 'Army bead - quarters iathat she will -rewrap itt lier post; In Goderich ,and will be assitited by Lt. Durkee, who Is Ciiming from, Windsor.Lt. Waste% who itas' liben serving hi the local corps for the *tit three months, left for St.,Marys to-dhy. . 'A Das' Club has been forined at Knot -chureli;-- with Miss -Esther *- Math, MiagioA -Band leader, la 'charge. Over .thirty- boys have jolned,...with °Xi& Merlon, Charles Ilawthorne, ilvitteertrey;74DsoagkrouitptildendMeargr.tin Straughan , T.HE FAMILY OF TH11,. LATE Witham J. McMillan -Would like to thank the neighbors and friends for their ...maw% '• acts:, pf . kindness " and sympathy extended .to -Vein, in -their bereav.enient. , -5 THE FAMILY 'Or -THE LA'Pfl MRS. John .Newcohe take this meas ' 4;'• „Alt „persens -haying claims against the ,estate Of ' Catherine Clark, who , - died December 19th,_1943, are required to send .particulars to the 'Undersigeed•• by February 19th, 1944; as after that date the executrix will proceed te•die...--• • tribute the *cisSets, havtag.regartt only - to the claims then filed.. •Gederiek• January .22nd, ,1944, . FRANK DONNELLY, . 4.0 • .- • , Solicitor for the Estate,. - NoTTen TO •CRED1,-TORS. , ' Notice is ;hereby given to all Peritaas having any claim -against- the estate of Frederick Henry • Jenner, late et the. Town Of Goderfeli, who died on Or about the lath day of. January, 1944, to send sanie to the undersigned en or before 18t1t.of February,, 1944, as on and after that -date the administrator of the said estate shall proceed to dis- tribute the-assets_thereof,•-'inivieg re- gal& only to the claims then filed. - r.. -•-*Dated - at-Godariolli this -twenty- seventh day., .pf_Jaatiaryy - . • •R.: Q. HAYS, , • - • I Solieitbr 16.7r Adwthistrittoi, ; -Goderich,. .Ont, - • TO -CREDITORS. . • .Netice_ is. hereby given to ailpersens. haviag any.-'elairtr-a-gatngt-the estate oft•aElizabeth Buchanan, late of the Tew•nship--of -Ashfield,---whp--41e0 _Tadnabre, &mit, on the 27th day of Decent' her,„ 1943, to send same to the undersigned on .or ' before' the- 18th -of -February, 1944, as on and, after 'that , date the executor of the eState, shall ‘proceed to make distribution of .the assets thereof, •having 'regard only to. ;• the 'Claims then:filed. " Dated- at Voderich-this-28th day of Sanitary. A.D. 1944. ' , oliditor for .the Estate, oft- thanking , those whO •sent .tribuWO tes or -loaned ears. for the any .faneral, • ••• • else., those . 'whe,....assisted:- in. ' or expressed theirlsympathy, • , . TENDERS WANTED „. EivEats FOR WOOD WILL BE. received up till-Februitry,-10t4-for 15 cords 20" and, also ,16" maple, beech .and.._birch, delivered. by' -April 1St. * Sec.-Treas. U.S.S. No. 3, -4-5 • * - -Colborne. TENDERS WANTED, Tenders- will be received up -February ..5th, 1914,..for- 16 cords of fa" awood • to be delivered 'at S.S. No. 9, Colborne. • •- HARvEy rialtR,- Secretary, .:5.9 6, Goderieh. TENDERS WANTED. , - Tenders- tor; wood' w e-rece ved up to February. -12th, ,fo-r 15 cords 12" maple .or• maple and beech. MILPQRDW DURST,, Sec.-Treas., Beruniller rted_Church. m WON :-NOTICE :*.The. annual meethig of members .of the Alexandra, 'Marine and • Gdneral Hospital will be 'held at the Town nail, GiAericli, on Monday, February 14th, 19,14, at 8 &do& p.m" for the purpose of re/Mit:kg' the linanelal _statement, the eleetton of Governors& and any ether Wiliness which Might properly be brought before the meeting. Siit0VIPS 5-(1 (III.04.8. K. SATINDIMS, fieerotall. Good: Enough • Inquiring ' Friend: "Why must . judge look so impassive?" 'His Honor; "If you Show -any -signs of interest in a lawyer's argument liellrneverstep." ' „..' , • -vuTinThiARy .E§u8;01111i4j01N1:--- G. .8. SMALL -MD - LARGE -ANIMALS; At Liniller's prim Store,-Goderich) • &CORY Thursday afternoon 208 CLINTON ' \. *_■gi•i'%••sout ' • GET y0:61t,_ teense pRoiw acVICA OX 41.4 GODERICIE Apilliationk;ibinis for '104- ,licenses;-and-dtiverS!,-permi,tv- are On th-e-13aek-oryour 1901 • ..eards„., These applications, "'inust 'be" completed , by' YOU.. bolero prosolitation.' Issued* it GEO. 1Via0V/0411'S SHOE OrOltE s 4-7 • g, liaye your money. earn' your T�*n:�f Goderieh re orparku1ars apply to: - o g.e ,044 ' IliTAITAESPE,VOlt PLY3,114 40ROOL • 00010 ,WACI.k. Living aeeemedition ptovided Wider airtain eirenzattnees APtLY. VNEIVOLOVIONT'ZNSUR4N�1 oomisuskoiv, Gommoir. *der to Order No 76.7