HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-02-03, Page 7„ m,, Ivicoogan OTTA.WA.„, 1. ---Parliament thEta begiot to work"thia )4essioI3. on tt pro- gram whieh friend, and v6110.041 enenly: a well liar described. ea extreraely "Oomprehensi/e.'" The tinie was, Of einirse„: -ripe-for a ;program of tegielti. ten, which reflected the- lieW Stage in, the world Conftiet. " There could be rla ‘ouestiOn that the, successful PrOSeen- .: tion 'of the. vier IMO and must eonthwe to US.Ve 'Preeeaence over' everything else. It Must be fought out to the bitter end on land. and -,sea, end in the. air, with. all the. energy and. all " the resotirceS that this country can throw iiite ..But the rifts= m the clouds l,.0.13.ead „are widening and the - . light that comes through is grQWiIlg; steadily brighter.' ,Tlie people' of this country as elsewhere' in" Allied', natiOna are thinking more and, more abeat*the future l.tud are naturally:atotious that ;the aftermath.... of.- the war "Shall' not ' be 8014 and economic Vhaos. - Government's Legislative Prograin The dominant• aint behind the GeV., ernment's legislative program is to plflce Canade'in a position "to meet the diflieun situation -that will have to tlevaeta,ted Janda., There Calmat, be any general_ recovery in world trade -- and Canada' is very dependent on, In. ternational traiig---nutil the nOW :get cupled nation" are pelt ou their feet. We are going to ltelp to feed them through our. mutual aid volley., Then" disenesionorttre Xeley otv. with otti r. countrie% although toe -war is PreYen ing these diSeussiOns gaining full Ilea Way, en il.eepening ,the- ettannels .. internatieea1--. trade through, , the i Moval of ebStrUctions.. Parliateent going to be asked to put, its formal se of approval on Canad0 taking, part0. - an organisation of freedom-loviug n dons ;to enkture against the danger ,f nevv wars et, aggression. :What fo in this ' ergaiatZation May take it is ,st 11 imPossiblei• to :forecast, but -coi . its f-= -heavy the futurepeaceof a' weati d, Wartorn world, will in. ,great meas te, depend. That is generally ittekno ledged. ; ., „ Itetonstructiort And Social : ItOt 7Ita the flomestie polt y'*; that -is =the, various 'steps "taken wit in Canada itself to, Meet the hazards of postwar years, the program covers a wide field. of , reconstruction and social reform. ,The 'broad goal relates to tlie be faced when victory is= won. Tlie employnient of these wilting to WO It,' situation must be scanned from the proper nutrition and housing to keep International ;and domestic *viewpoint high standards of health, insure ce This country as a ..member.: of the against the privations that conte froin United Ilatiena will 'aid in feeding the Unemploym.ent, accident, ,ilt-health,, or, 'Peoples of =countries- that _have!, borne theloSsr Of the breadwinner of tr D24,- - the privations of ocoupation by the ily, It tdso covers: the rapid and ef- enemy ami restoring the economy o1 fective :conversion Of industry .f ore wartire# to pettettimetairoultii, act that cIvUjtn occupatienil may be with the leaSt poSsible dislocation. To refer tothe main opeelfie premboest con - tabled in the .4er/one:IVO progralal Floor Price.; ly AllOwititee; Three • New 11110104ec be 'b Tito, farmere re to assured y that floors. will, be estab- lishedlor Staple'fers oaucts. Thi 12 in fuldlinient Of: a state:neat Made "sonie- wVelto alto: by the. Priine Minister, It ninis at thet, agriculturists 0. feeling ,of .security in postwar years.. The grant allowances to, tea -lilies' 'new departure in the field ,i)t -governmental' aid to the people, aV though ,runkore that something like this was intended have been Current fOr some brae. ]few are likely to take anY thiS Provinee, I do not need' VO repeat serious,0140tion to the objective 'of, en- here. my- eoropliineptary introduction,' miring an "approach .to eqttalitY of OP! On taking the, -chair _before- he spoke, p,ortupity" for all, children in' a, 'new but -I may, say that r•sat down; With Not aiwttie eri vie* rewarded. for flying what we think' is Ow nice thing about another. SometiMee It ie. twisted to mean'sornething else by Saute itii,rer, or by those for. whoM it was intended. aki 'Compliment An_ are00. ing coMe;biack Was Paine froui, .-notett speaker Whom introducing. to an , • audience at a rec,ent lecture., . The -Speaker ..Wekt no less pepular lecturer thaw the Rev.' Norman Rawson, of lxnOwn, many. platforms or, land:wit ehloolI to neW hoviSoels.' „The the •fooling thet I had done 'my ;part establis meat • tbs three Plinlarieti ..in„-cununenaino him to tue.thrgo the Gov rnme which will tultai.niser' enee, said quite a fesirittifings that veteran.' afro, reconstruction had, lie should be 'Pleased. vvith, respeeting Seeihl Olfar,O .dicatio of til pdstwa plan .admini erode interes W A these rtfoli have t power gratuit forces that re utmost these" .freedo Serious In . - Tite Dev.Io versio tinle 1 cred f ;win . leng h inte e intere work ' Tilvi e ./.1/540 Quickly temovedin Clean 8an40:aw11ualcs. Phone.colleGt 910rI6''CXNO STRAT'Olar: WilliantStone.,Sons,Limited INGERSOI•Li obttARIO. nd v s to the members of thearmed ii deinebilization is ,sonaething eires 0 comment -Aid ,to the - f the country's, ability to pay, ho 0.LC #gliting the tattle of is rqt likely to. reeet .-with (84?..?Sition. .tretn_etlY. quarter. _ str I ! Development Ilat*-- k man of our Province; xnaY untke 0411.4 to be "famous in having given _ him .the "rotteneet introduetion," to any audienee be Served, . This recalls. story that used to be told in my yoUtIrgabout charralen a volitive/ Meeting in the'days.of the agitetion- for Welsh '..diseetablishmeat Ile WaS Introduchag- „to- ituatettc, no less a diStingaished Speelcer thun David Lloytl Geone.. did. it. in these words: "TheIAishep a _St. Asap. bas been Speilking against and we all know that he is -a. very great liar. Thank efed We have a matCh for blin here tonight In Ur. Lloyd: George.'" Like some mere of us; be meant well, MY, addresses lately have been Olt the POssession ,of peaces inward tpettee, and making ,peace ta our own' goinfort ahd the eomfort of others. When we are thinking of the terms sof.peaeetand is ,taketri ats -a clear ine his, busy life and well-known. gilts and looking forward to establishment.,of January 22ad of Carohne'RoY wire ot Nies L. L Jeckell was sleeted mid- Kelm* and titordon dextt of the Exeter Ited Crosi4 11;00101 I canard; Afra. Evasion* 14e,14 roOontiY.,,,.3,110,r(ovttel, outer Star'y MOM* , Detroit Mrs. Chas. Laframboise. -Williantr*Xtty has retired from • the missionary, being is Vie Jalle0004k Eluxgetteorr Btayvoa4riltyiott.011,477ec4o.statilo9);_taixt.fter aiserrir,7.1 Interment eazelit' In the „ '-‘1. 1 C4folltvb:nritItt.VCiragrininittele; troas,viineelgt riuiiz Anglican church',. Clinton. einCeItily sor ; Dr. itteua,sd, Chicago; 1144 Ilet. 0. NV; :iloore,reefier of 814 WO° ',and Leo, of l)etroit; Wilfred. ot Wind - 1%1* has resigned the charge and left ; mwodore, haine; three sisters., Mrs. at Durand, — t'cliarZe.rtriatur;rtf' Dol*rdY14;'Vers;: I410Inr.and..t last week to he,come rector ot n parish i `TIM -S. F. Davison Son iLatrkiwt".:,0 and one brother, Charles.' ,ttiboius.:0/In;,,,aitisiceya,4.0.t.au'3,Brv:ollsrnsis'ettenlvi:si3OokinraeSgt4hituet:ithwerirmufgler,ini7 x )1:1 tt:::tiet eau ti )1' )4) Ti'irj, (I41111r a' 04 _IA 'W.4 id 'le (1:, Veal 1):9 sati 7111 eatitrts busitless at Brussels for`nineteen years., ehureh aloe. The death- occurredut WattOn on serioesness with which, service =to 'the Pnblie. 131-1t* as le t honorable peace after all this. Jnini!-,s ,U,1Slop.„-ju seventy-first Year. BELFAST 11 be TurSued and tsprang re+his '. t to openbit, leoturO' 1ef)ailiet, 'it fa,' wise „to ,illustrate, ex' Airs. klislOp pi; surviyed by her huSband be,re•IS naturally Mal% bev.fastetted upon One' suggestion that' eniplifp and egalt, this Artie '4,114,. 'Que. Aughter Alflerf4011 WV be appointed to, .t made, ,and use'd, that with great effet Par. Personal iatia social -relationships. of, North •]ay. liobert Hoy Port They natira117, with his inevitable 'wit and lrataor to, It was lily Pastoral?. duty at:Christ:0as. Albert and. _Arthur My' of AteGainv are n of strength, driving turn the tablea- on Me, te the great. anti- the NOW Xear. thee, te try to- get brotherS -of the deceased. 91011 Tlie proviidon of laughter of the audience -and" to nlY soine disgruntled people to,...make over- ..&t, the 'annual congregatiOnal uiect stablih1rneiit o. an.:.Industrlal to aid in the con- fe-wer e indligtries to peace, -,111s-. plunge of merriest humor _th °ugh Alike . granting ,../4„ and -oratbry for an hoax and a. half: anddiediiinf enterpriSis 11',RillySen-if4 the -most lateens platforin ,own, enioYment—it was so, tuneY. He tures, of peace -sink their' Pride and lug ,of United-Chu,rch; said, "That is undoubtedly the rottenest bury their grievanees7--with 'these „with Clinton, WaS,anneunced that til.e att. introduction I.have ever hatifreM anY „villain they, had quarrelled, 1 ,ara nOt portion of tr$0,000, debt. incurred When, Platform" From the .great, roar' 5 SO sure X 'aceomplislaed. much,though the cbureh vvas built ,had, been, .eleared laughter that...followed he led. on Ills I _tried to beas wise as 11 Serpent and off. ....Tile' burning of the notes. repro - audience to a sidesplitting recital of as barmless.aS a 'chive., senthig the debt Cvas-a.featere of -the events in his own.lite that can* under ,., s , e-kwilero woo in flA oza magagine Proce.edtngs.-of the'. eiTuan-g,-. '.m3r "rotten „introduetion"at °1/'° tii* a cartoon. entitled "From Adeitne Catherin.R00, wife' iobservationof ts,e .of tse of .Tritimph. to Triumph." It showed. a Jalnes 'Sachsen* dl -cainten. OU r hi s inghosra of 25th in her seVenty-niuticiear Mr., and Mrs. .jackson med n • and Culross townships.. and afterwar in • Stanley before retiring, to Clint six years 'ago. Besides' the bereave pi, . niLthwe datigixte dolt t dly be discuSsed .at .the House.': There will be 111 hO'V this may affect the 0 Ot banks, l; and lioW the adv nchig credits will 1.4)ci- n• p incipie,' however; little lima been so far ShOw4, A.na Of flying over Ails bead. rie had the - attitude- of 'reckoning. with .1i:is fingers ,altd. saying. as he did so,. -"Itv 'made peace with ,Gerraany, Austria, with :Bulgaria., and' new_ Ifve made . BRLF Feb* Hackett 4X1d thele":s'oris„ Toro* and "Ala.; 4r,..; Motored to Lon. den Ott Friday; Mr. and Mrs., George Lane and. son Clifford and MrS,'3Qinier Alton motored to Londen Saturdey and Spent the ^ day—Mr. 'and Urs; Lane with their daughters, Miss llittla Lane,. R.N., at Victoria r. Hospital* • and . tars. GoIdie WheeIerr ,A1ton With her tlaughter,---Miss-gimirW,41ton, and Mr; . and, Mrs.. Fred - Manning ' .. gr. and Mrs, Dynes - Campbell ,.and. e son Harold spent 'Sunday afternoen is, wainriuilthiri5x txhgro ,:ito or:wt. illirel:Illwo ar; Sunday u rci 'reo r4:d aunt; frVtse.erwt:510Larp, , . ar;st" ,withderbi.ceh;Lal' r' irer:i...._,Ull.:rrQi.stlit4. 'Linttlind'Iell,"'t°t4.10'. ,..' 11'nele.-Malth. ,' diaci at Ike bc'ine '°f her. "weuegk4. twer'itph°7bear': °stistarlitt9ififirts,sPeWnitlfiraesdt daughter in rfennurs614re9n0"jauligliiiirtirlth.2E1IT: • The latter., part of -January Wee NO Iliteltett and. Mr: -Hackett. montlyille-for the-Inneral. serylea and ,Mild the drOtys have been flYing around , burial, Tier :, husband, who died in - as if it were ,spring. 411 the 'pada' • 1939,' was a well-known scheol teacher now Open for cars. - and manager Of the. Tnckersittith. tele -,--''?'re age Pensions -with-seme-other-fortas-peace-wttli. -France. So now ,theres. survive. et social reform have to aiArait cafifer- oxtly Turkey, Ireland and' Lord North- --Mrs. T. G. S filinglaw; 'formerly' patters. „borne ,primartlyk Under often tligii_tal_a `,..4.1s.ord Northcliffe." or wbetu. we have our biggest ences with -the' Rrovinces as these ' This iv,as in May, 1920. . How vineial jurisdiction. These conf stences with whom we ‚.'i11 not come to ternis opli . the ea , lping. the switch b. -,--is,11.1 doubtless be arranged. when . a -war . 0 peace lme activities through Alinister of 'Social Welfare has been difdculty to accept the olive- brancli, cite Is itita tion does not Oren much .aliipinfed. The_plan for housing legis- pur t'Lord Northelifte': Marbe'our.own grieved, -offended self, - who 'Avill-Iniit opp r :unity for opposigOn. _ - ' lation of •widet, scope is 1.1citine-wiedged II It i suranee and 'increasing -old, to be 'a popular:. nteVe- '' ^ gi-ve-iii or give up, but ,go• on nursing . - .,.. , ,-, - and feeding a fat sense of oftensiye- ness and , mood of belligerency. tBy the Nay,- one time at a conferenee in the Maritintese in* a etusli O. Atte • dinner .ta es yf en •.cer xe • e gen tleinen 'didn't-show-partietilar eager- 'nessiltiv go .throegn the narrow doer- waY.:19tAe... the long .delayed 1110111, tliut Wad ileiligerencyr:meaning„. a .of war ,or anticipating it; was usSci a Witty parson:wito was beieg CtOwded. to -the ,door-jamb:by,another.,..very stout cleric. ge :gave , him .4 peke, the tvatAt and .cried, belliger-_ ency," With. the accent on.. tfheil."..`,..; ' • , it:is .140 time church annual ,ineetings, rathei.7 tilerecords • _it)hapeniel.,,s,h1_17.4t1hIve cjaiIy in-Y,ren Central and South :A.merica is cou'r to moSt people& The:. sister churelk.--4 phone sksteM. , ' wife ' (4' f UalVeeletg elnlinTctliingrretTahte t. 11.We .UliPm..e o6ft Mairgafet Isabel ,l‘lowbraYt Cyril Campbell on Tuesday' after - .3011a ,-.4... McDonald, Vinghain, died, on. Mrs. noon,"Ivith a , small-gathe,ring of the *January 21st in her sixty-eighth year. ladies, op.. account of the , rain. ,The Mrs. McDonald was a native of.' East ,S..e.ripti_isp....lpid_itt...L.L.vas given by • Mra. a- wq-Avauush-nnice•Intii-rr._ ,, . . 10., first mink .Aitoolanty urs. aim. 0...,03-a.rigen, to Henip--13, ntou , ,w o e ;, ... , read'thetnenle, NirS. All)ert; Alt04 led 1 -ler second buSband- 'survives, also her 4.,,, 1*()oucivear'd-illau.thetrer`rtiti.errelli. ,7e,tir, ; ,,wcir,„ !°•11:1:=8,tory:a.M:A46Ye-0.ervet ,-.-T.' f6;mhee''t,'Ilt7ovtrra7;41.11:1:goinAg-i'de;eieb:YPI:s•eetiletrinest mother, Airs. Geerge Mowbray of Van.-.''''''' church . and. la.nd.,:- A. ..-"Toul,iye,„mie_...,..._:-,... . mig, .Evelyn Iloward,_ .d.aughter.,:.cif 41 fary, reported three letters *tat Cottdol, - Mr. 'and ..Mrs. George S. ..tioward.% ! Owe sent to bereaved relatives: - Um; Ex.eter, has been appointed to. a • posi: examiher. For, the, past ;three Years 1 .41Aelbv;Te.rst414claYtg:11':'bortiek-a.11 :TAll-ee114: rePetrtin'gr,eiollie-de, tion at Ottawa as: a. Spanish censorship she bad,been, on tbt stall of the West- 1 -tit -h n, hY,.nln 'and thi. nMiction, ., -.47-:. ki.ix Insurance Co. at Toronto,,much Of- ., vito§e-business-with-the,--West_Inpfes ' ' '- KINGSBR IDGE ted... ,in ithe....,,Sv nish and French KINGSBrig5GB, Jan. 'al.—Private Martin „Courtney and rrivate, Mat, languages. , . . '' i °ley have left for 13ritish'Columbia* ' after spending their leaves at their.. homes here. : - ' • LA.0:---- 'William ' ,A.ctori, - R.A.g,„,:s_qx;cr; -Mrs., Acton left 'Kingsbridge on :Tues.. -Hesky Flax.' Co. plant 1 at Seaforth ,on day. LAC: Acton is-returning:to Eng, Friday.. - evening last. The, ,nlant iang ,and NirS. Acton ,is returning to sPriulder . system went into . oPeratiett ,her. tome...in...charlettetewo,...P.IN,....',„.::::.:‘: : ,40.t promptly and -,,.tile- fire-brigade:41. ,. ,-----Miss.,--41arie„ Iteisz„....mildraalti7,*n respeeded quIckly, and heavy damage Flight -Sergeant Samuel:, Baine, .- Ring- - •: ‘i,j'a dene to. fla-,K and .0ther stored ,::ston; werevisiting here IAA:. Sunday.' ' materials ' The- actual fire damage ' " .was ,chicily,4i,.. sikan: hole in the. roof. It was; the, second. fire in 'the :factory ,•),* • '` • - 1 is luau:advertisement belovv you vitt receive twO ar avings Stamps fre, this DRUGS DAIRIES twenty-six issues of The Goderich Signal Star, advertisements Under heading -will. contain .several names a persons living in Ooderigh °and distriet • The names will be selected . 'from, the subseription.list of The Signal -Stat.: Simply -find your nare one-Of•the--;advertisetn.eptar-elip'ith diTertisement, present it to the store in *hick your name appears, and teetiLVV- - Complete line of Dairy Products ' MILK OAR and LC� COIINTER Near ,Theatre • West St -I'h6ne 104 AiT ORCHID TO. YiSIT' Orchi.ds for Your wife or sweet-: heart, .are ; quite "tvithun. your reaa, tNow -that ..our7,-.9rehiAS • are in 'bloom come- and see? them • 1 , .• a.t. 49 Bruce.St. _ PhOitw105 , • PRUGSTORE PreStriptions a SPecia10-4- Phone45dodericli VISIT .OUR DAIRY .BA Stri,er ,• -, ',4•0111"111111111.11.11111/1". RESTAU1ANTS lue Bird and orle.,1.,_Pt499ndst DIAMOND RINGS BULOVA, LORE, LONGINES aiul- ROLEX WATCHES , SILVERWARE and CUT GLASS-- % ,Phone 13,6 Godetich BOIVIEStIADE 'CANDY' Phone 170. -Saults.Co0 ,DEA.,14E1i$ IN ocita Phone. 75, •Nelson St. , Under trying 4tctimstnne0s,WO are trying, to (10 0. -pod Job, Yon wl11.,IlfidAhls 0. goOd.,firui to 40„Intaines0-Sthir ARTpivi0B..q.A. ?ARTS is Canadian'Tire-' -.*AsCro)LIT.orEasTrottp,_ • b. .:WHESTOn;'' Tin* and BATTERIES ' Hamilton S. 1- Phone 69ik. holkYoni.war savings; ' Gordon Eannister ; IMPAIRS1.10-141-: MARE§ or, . CARS: CITIES. (4A§ and 'OIL , 'aiirinnToit tic*. Phone Weal St, EleetriC" PLECTRICAL VitORK G•I Britannia .Rdi. eofflerich GENERAV'.,,T4ItPW.,AXE ,1 ,1\ , : .:-..T41:0)411._„14-aundry„:: sPoiryiso.ecoop!. Ave5,4t. 06 : . E. Jaeltimari, , ifWhen looks. like.rnew.",,,4„ Itainfitenit -v.444 goOd, oily to spend 'our_ey_en.. Ing ioisure hour lit pleaslint congenial surroundings, , ...Tasty IlaittieSA: a SPeeittlfy , Highest Qu4ty 2 W'eSt Sti • - - Phone' 465 EL LSTERING' ours situated where I can see at out ,Fire_in ija Co.lfl a a 111 in •o y au4Y ,win#ow, has. decided to build Plant at Seaforth .. neW chimney. - This "Was one,=of the - Damage estimated -at several. thou's-. ain .decisicuis at the, annual meeting. -and dollars; ehiefly by resulted t 'WAS the only' outstanding .positive "froin a, „fire Whieli broke out in the hing to be done this year of dur Lord 941r., according to. tick report. Well; hat may mean bett't ' servioes. and ure Wer-SnipperS = with it'in'arired-i-de---- s ' hi' V. ' h ea e of -, grunt Ors. or if t QM is: igid_.chiteney Or ‘ a. faulty -one, there ii- be lack of draughtfor the hre, And re will Jet do:its-best serYice. unless bur buildings it,luts_a geod enimney,. Ile passage for air; the elimination in- tinkge--mbriths. -- • - - -. f smoke and gas *fumes and !other. Reeve *Nicholsoe's - odor's are all nedessarTif Mr.,and Mrs. Illness • , Arthur 'Nicholson Whileft.ttending a party - given for ItriscielL Ilodgerl, was asked to read the address and suffered' a heart attack. Arthur has not beep well ' for sonte time; this being the 1 fourth attack 'since-'-ellTiStiLla. Ele : felt .it his thity to attend the ' C,otnity, Mundt so thefollowing. day he went to Gederielp--.-where.,be2agaitt- stiffered.f...,, VirdtVernittitekr-Otedeto-ttie7stret ous'work of trie? year which has taken AVOrshipper,are to: remain' Serene, satis- "fiedonitrinipI4pT-theit aeirotions: Not alrare built -the. way- At' the .dear. old Metbedisblacly who attellowship'mect,7 tag one day , gave her testimony in , these =words: "I, have ... rheumatiz, ,in my . back, -I have. rheumati lia' -mysheulder's, and: rhetunatio in m.' legs, • uct:-.thaiimatititrAiit.'1.-"Alta,tAtO::.„ been upheld and comforted bY that beauti,fid . text, se.hich ' say, Grin and. ,bear it." Of . course .she was ,Wrong up his time and energy, and -the eon, in thinking. '"Grin and bear .it"' wasm.' 41.ti.,n. of his heart,. he AS foreed tore- i .Scripturiett quotation. tnt . she wee „nOt, ,,maiti. In bed -for a -Lillie- Tilekersmith.:'. .going,„t-6 "let :disagreeable things tupset correspondence- et: Reaforth Expositor. hel, and:her religion. - Chhinley. cir ne; John B. Laporte . • ehimbey, , she - would - be ,. a: - happy ,PaSses At Drysdale- -- 'Christian. zr,k - , , * - - ..: • "4:-1.11-rili'er:h'Yseeatrtsie.aba,opytprineinaern,ut rfixgusdraVii jothitue " ' Still, it .i.S."WiSe:.,,to make flioSe Com: dietiOns .,Where^ lieofite Won't be made B. Laportedied "on iClondaY last In ...2 pis eightieth . year. He had been ' ill: - 11ne-"ilthrt' lible'*-and gri:P-P-Y-1,-11nd tu° -'fbr-severtii-menths...... Ile- \MS...TIM/1111M chratitircht,Orbotrlitradt.is,..'to ble: admired..,that (e)fratilley...ellalt; 0.11(1 0.5 .reNeciunic.elliirlvoie•iiStee,v4,- .-- ti-orc, otaining ,4:137, 4.4eli.iajoe3movets:i:i.:tadllpeedrra(mrwee.... ing Pao Ont in ;iniaginathni... Perlin:1s it Eirsuline _ Convent,.. 'AleGregin7; , Ont.: st7mhdailltiShwinbirndey,43:vtahsoto ge is survived by 'IdS wife, the townslilp, oe the kitron flonnt3.7 , , eight daughtq!rs,. Mother' g. .1...,oretto, Council' i'q .th-c-•-onthtitnding-tiring• of the sup- , nrs:-----iffrilt- ,Guifilootoil,-- -,12,fr§. ,1118.i.n, pottO of .,that . cetigregation: _They • „ ,•• • •:, s _ may .have 'eVer.Y' rea-son,.to dWei1 npon talivi"""li"!"--17mt..ti""-^41017107."'"""rr that , unbeautifat but., valt necessary"-, ' -;,.... •• ...,....::-,...:,:„::::.... thing. tha,thing: tliat',..-Will :bringthem: comfort: antelig ,the Mundanethings that .we, cift_iftery •vell. get alou'g witb-; Oiiff-7'-o-r---edifige---calia-.:inarthinkfL'ftTis about: the last,.think the sort'• of - tin - mentionable --.thing,.that' shorda,:be":in- ' '--,tlfd '4-iiiiie6f-.ehilrehspeoplec met it4 toy' -eouvo.eatri?hc,,where . thete :iire-lial.e1 and nibre pressing things to !promote sorituai Welfare:, ,' ---- . -. ...-... Siri, Ernst'-Shat4c14ton 'olio.' • day • .;ciii, appointed one of bis,admfrers, It was a•gushing ladywho..as seen.. as Ae wtts intreduce(l to bitn:bilean:to talk abou1. e voyages ' and 'e.-$pOilenOes,. "I ''s alW 'OA . think,.... slit:, said, 'that one...iiittsf have, suelt wondetful dreams When,' leading ' that kind of lite." ,`,'We.., do have be,$.1-ntlfrilL4teltims; indeed4_' • said :..the „ I .explorer, Who ..thus.e. -encouraged- the' lit(iki to 21137, "Oh, do 'tell me nowrhat , yob Used 'to' dream abont •iti: the 'Ant', Mits,_,Ottitl) .J0tINSTOST thougl&the'- -drctic." 4'Teerte1e--- putilling,"--itiliWerect . " tlayis.would never end -no ambition, no elegy, 7 Shackleton; If it Isn't tread0. pudding it intif 'lie ' a .faulty•-.• &Jitney 'rebuilt, that we, buinans think of EAS. much its itlyth.iiig.in, the plitee 'wheie.,tIod's.-pau- 06,Ai 04, OOZE We are trying our best.to servo- , Vol with our available supply et Poet 84 East Si, Phone 206W title to; priorities 41161 4itek 130irt0 tssOntlat j11if1 Wd , it mpossible to give pre.lar o61!V1ee. -16,irterati' ComPlete Line of' FRESH IRVI1& VEGI4AlltariS ' Yr • ' IN SEASON sottiationto •VRIEVVEN SERVICE • Phone 470 'A • lq,at 'st., 1 and,(inAlcii$ RE.VPHOLATERED 3/4atal ,IMPAIRED, All Covithig'SupPlied1 84kilre Makes &Ilan easy and suKe„... Loaves light,i4en- textured, Delicious ins of perfeetion old beauty Wbuld engage, Oltr tittexttiOn. spectaeles,end my ease fortein are alwAYS getting' I spend eNtiett reeoverhig them hfter 1 have, laid them down and. forg-,et where 1 left thein. I have 11 tiaty, forthree' different' rooms andkttheit etin't avoid displacing 'them *and he neeessity of niaking longed searches. 'OF them. Dearme t`' was told of 1111,lady" wit-O.:had Ainfilai-froul?les with., her glasses. They, were always -lost. So her thoughtful Oat ,geilorous 2011 previded, lr with three pairs and, said,' ITIfere.' Mettler, you needn't worry anY More abont your spees„ for if one ',pair: gets lost ° there'll, llIW1lyS bQ anothen.--one." But tl.te Mother .virasn't pleased with this air, rangetnefit; She said to nnothexo-tnenti her of 11io.,11thilly. f 'Wish lie hadn't done this;. Now have, fititilleg to vvorty,tibtint.'" jittery,headaeltyancineveryegu ar, nnti.trves gni4k1ly matte her feel hialtlivanil 'happy slat% Perhaps in inactive liver has got YOU' down Iimf Buck it 'up With fruit+tive40 oudies , Largest belling Liver Tablets.' ALWAYS DEPENDABLE AIRT1GHNRAPPER ENSURES STRENGTH thepatientpapoAttoottriearnertmu,,ilitt.84117nelbcortoe;cli,..ilirlitili!retl. in &n extreincly weak - eed ino a6,i ibrining 0 et 'to ti"estimulatees0.614404c tsutseteternmvTlist'VrtlOtrt"h—a111111:3°41111Pintinn:b6"elivido laht a°1 :inn n'timeweirrile-841Weakm° :611004,14 .the onnvaleabault Thoek, Pint hOP,isur. .11 d • hack hoohlY ttrerigt v`i‘u , Lou!°43 orp-iii:registered. ittsmie mark s "mane*: ,‘011 Itilhou LitoiSsil, Toon OA