HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-02-03, Page 30404.4411•14
ions.virfta Rim:maim m.
Okti equests
wards, b:1;' the seventy-seventh annual ,
onvention. of, th0-1)AitInlen'.,e Ase04.1., geootinettclations PIA BefQr0 :tlyi
nuouneed. and -,theY were P14'se„nted • ' • , Provincial' -Opmniiiiiien '
thin of, Western 'Ontario have. been
ith iiierch,arldise . and, cash ''''' OW, ' orrETtquiry °
rominent •among the ,vvinnerS 18 ..the •
elniesville eese and butter *factory, CrlINTON; Ian.' 28, VirwArds of, 3.
r Which, 111r. ,*, M. Elliott is the owner, ..farmersi representative of the , redera-
014iesville ebeesA Wail buttP.:1:,, faetorY 'lions or Agriculture Of tlie counties Of
- .
Bruce; Grey, thle011 find •Pert at-,
tending .thw., sitting of the- livestock
Committee of 'the, Ontario Agricultural
Condriiiission. of 'Enquirt,heid* Vere'rios.,
ierdaY under t49, ausiAces of Ole 0.1roll.
Pede.rat,iort„ were Unanimous. in favOr-
Jug it return to standard. time.
The morning, "session was ' opened
with introductions.; by J. C. Shearer,
agrieultural rePresentative `Toi„: iitiroti
W. A. Dryden, chttirman of -ale com-
Mittee, presided, and the brief 'prepared
by a •coMmittee ol,. seven ineinbert$26f
.the Huron Federation VMS preSented.
I3uSiness and Professional is'le- ,. .
, . radvs you .,; . ; ..... .,,,.,; . ._,,,,..„4..4.. 0.0 by Harry 'SturtlYt. Auburn, president
Saltford:Red-eiosS ljnit'•.'.,'......44-. - 25,00 ".iho'vgalf-r-,-10-.0u'il'irts-oitita• 0;--.447tio.as ., .
5.3. No. -0, Colborne Township .' 0.00 ' •
PletigeS' 'Collected ..........."..'..1,......,- 82.00 °°4-641.1 e0iiiii1:611(11-41:OWti"Tvete gix-014
, . . .,4 • iirst-,-Leonsi.deration, '' They, 'included:
Extra gasoline.•cdupons for. car owners -
; SALTFORI) Rea CARD PARTV ' ' . . ,
•--41te,,Saltford--Redross held-"-a,"'50.0,',".1.tvans•P_Prting lat.,1_31 )10-1),i' ellecking 1of
euchre Ansi -dhOe 101.---tip.'.gift'.4 cont.-. -0515:1141kfAItl, "S-604' of 11:11$1inek-rii-k-Iikez
'Paittee On RridaY rtigli't last,- `..li, -,-good..-ve.q191-.of' afse4ses; 'tile' allotment or
nuinber turned, lytit-,414,..tin..4jcorablo. twoA0W,c0.1."n„.0,eker.inaelitties to Huron
to . -boost: Corn aereage, the' Setting' Up
time was bad hyali:'''"-PrizeS Tor :euchre of a, • loaal labor board', in •each eounty
_went • to. Helen Fulford and Mr.. J.
I.Vitli a ' VieW to retaining -farm -help
DOnneni, cehsoiations*.to Mrs. Harold
on. a mere .permaiient basis.; iniestigt.' 1,-•
:Winners the cheese ;and, htitter
on- second July White Cheese; first
ittAugust White cheese; sixth: in
September white•••cheese, and second
Ia ()otOher white Cheese' competitionS,---
lintOW-NoWs-Itecerd., :
. •
, RED. CROSS.. EECEnsT,S* 004'.
Goderich, Salt Co. Ltd, , $1150,06
Goderieb- Music Club ' 303;00
Carlow 'Community CIO. 00.00
Red' Cross..Workets, Otratlion
t0O1S' -..........................05.00
Red Cross Workers; marathon-
bridge • " , . , 103.00 -
loot, SeafOrth; Chris., Leonhat , -
mealy and 'Mr •Itimprey den of nfetliods and transportation O.
Bernholnr; E. JZ*Trewartha;" Clinton,coxisoig4.4oOd• ,and tliviestock of
'means of reduchig trans -
Thomas Moyituv Seaforth; Prank Mc-
„••• • . Jaa SS/011 0 disease; that men in Ayork
. Alexander, Hartm,an.' • clOsely allied with farnilifg, such -as
..Gregok, Clinton; riingb... . .......__._
-.Walten-1George Leitch, Clinton. _ettopping mill operators; farm .nraciiiii-
---• •
•-.` 'Agents•; ----,John- Ill. ,Pepper,-Brucetield ;., err service men,:and so. on, be gi.ven
pre erefit,i•al Irea-tinentt by” the Webiliz-
•Rtx.. 34eT4or.c.,hqrs PAblitt ;
atiL, division of National 'Selective
Serviee'and.the Oil Controller's Office;
pasture imp.rovement • and Ilyd.ro ex-
tension to .,t-lte-:tarinS;llieSC.:::tiehiti;
\vieahl, ably discussed by those par-,,
ticularly interested. •
- The cAestion , of ,•rura1 .hydro- was
introduced by Lorne Beid ot libley:
a Bruce CountY,... Councillor, , who
thought :there is unfair -discrimination
in favor ;of the Urban centres. It was
Iiiined that the obtam-
construction Material will ,prerent
extension 'of lines until after the war.
Want Standard; Time
' Returnto standard timewas a
subject of brach - discussion and was
by Wesley Mafiwood, Han-
over, ' who cited specific instanceS---(5
back, his arguments, Mr. Dryflen said
that he too was of the opirriOn that
it is not a wise_ r_q.4,04_...u_ation.: The
faction. gnarantteed, .1rfor iinformaition, main
.,- • argument' put •„forward against'day.•
light Vine N'Vrt,S that there .is no ,saving
.9f...electricity:and that -it is it hardshiP
to families having- children in school.
1111.1Yrydeif asked for .a standing 'vote
, On :the vieitiojijand the: vote was 100.
I per„ cent: tar:stand-Fat -
Vhe afternoonsession was held. In
"-tlie---TONVU. Hirt wine heef--- cash 'UP
1.3rodlaigen r George' A. Watt,' Blyth;
Polley -holders' can make all „pay-
• ents d get t.heir cardS-reCeip, Jed at
the Royai.Bank, Clinton; Calvin Outt'e
• Grocery, Itingst.on Street, Goderieh, or
-,..4.:1:1.•Reid's General .Store„-Bakfield„..•
• ^ •
CREWE, Jan.*, 31. -Mr/ and ...Mrs.
Vernon . Hunter. .,ond • family, 'Of Luck -
now, sbent --gadfly &ening with
an, ,. B t. T” leaven.
Mr. and • Mrs... Nilfred Drennan
visited with.Mr. and •Mrs. Samos Dren-
nan of Kiritail on 'Wednesday. ' *
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Itilpixtriek -spent
Friday afternoon with M. and Mrs.
Fred..A.nderson.,'of .241 ,
•Miss • Aluae _Culbert -0T Sky' Harbor
R.P. J. It. PbR-gTER; incE, *. spent ie w-Ww'
-NOSE,VIIROAT • , • Mr. and Urs, T. Culbert.
. House. Surgeou,...NAYI.....A0.1%,,,,,, Misses Shirley Sherwood and Lor-.
OphphalMic and Aural: Hospital, assist- rairie Drennan of LucknoW tipei‘t.Sun-
ant ,at-,Moorelield. Bye .Hospital • and day; at their respective.homes.
•Gelden. Square ''Phroat . Hospital:, ' -
London,'England. '
.., 53 Waterloo Street S., ,Stratford.
• Telephone 267. •
Next visit _Bedford 'Hotel, Godericli,
VednesdaY, Mareh 22nd., . At- '2 p.m.
mop1ucQR AND 0#tr01.4.§s.
•OfP•ce houra--,1,0 to 12 0 to 5
• and 7 to 8 p* ,,,. -„Tuesday, Friday and
,SaturdaY. •
_ 10 to L 12 :a.m.:, only on Wednesday,
Monday and Thursday atrMittheli
tlnera1',Tuine baths by " apportithi. en
,• • -4--
4 51 10141th
aegi.Sidied '.un der *I ralgless practitioners
' Actlar-theAtrolthree-Of-Ontario: •
- B KstiN -
Ettrm. .and Household
Sales., 1,:".censect in Huron and Perth
_ .
Ocatalebug Prices reasonabile;'swbiis
etc,i. write; or phone .HAR.O.L
SON. 14_ on • 661, Seaforth ; ' B. 4,
Seafortlit, • . 13t.f.
• ,
Donald B. Bhie
Licensed for Counties of iluron
- , and Bruce
ADDRESS: Kincardine, 114L-1--
- • Phone Ripley ‘3.0r24-_,
1 P
For information apply to_J.
Ikernightii4,;Division.Court Clerk,
Gfoderich, *at..
"IVitli victory in sight, TiritaWs,women ate working -with :increased
speed, mit only in the voluntary fields,. hut ',Ond-,'Slalled
• dilStrY /is well; On'e of the, hardest; tasks undertaken by wouitinr war ,
workers in :Great Britain is Chine by the woman in the picture above. .
. She works on 'gun; tokgfngs-'-sawing to length; .'Sonte- of .the forgings
" weighing_ ti8. lunch as, pree-quithers ofrton. Her husband:also is .
• a nupiitions worker and in spite of her long hours 111 ti• British plant •
$he still‘linds time te de lier own housework when she gets ,havh-e late.
• -at ,night.
an Receives Thai
Iteportg of Work Done in .33400,1f
of Omi W110 Sail',
the -Seas
Tbpigral.brouch of the League
Panada- met lost Thursday night
ifl theeoUnell t.liaraber of the Town
Halt. Mr. M. 'IVIonteith, ehairman,
Ctraterca. appreciation -to eontributors
1-'0 the. campaign funk and to Who.,
given"stionatleris. for, the ditty...bags,
W8$ exPresSed, after the treasurer,
DOWker, had announced that,
tlie total received. for the •former wpt„
4371123, and. letter's were .,read from
recipients of the. welk'tilled bags. ,
111.r. .Dowker reported that r$';
had been eolleeted by the coin,.
mittee, for ,ditty bags and. ,e.oniforts,.
alting the total eontributiens -received
rein ..:,the'.•`' eantratign,I, aPPeal, and
ditty bags, $00,29. ; • • -.• - •
Aiss, _Robinson • _Rodditt
ported'that 24 pairS'af'inittsliael been
completed' and thethanks• .of the local
, •
branch are ,extended t(*.. - the busy
mak(rs. neeessarY equipment,_
KITS VT. 111;
Con ideethe eon Tarok (it
0 eeting errors .
Work 4164 'With IesS energy,
Mnie done in. a day with bet )
egort, ..: Better Work, in,
where ClOSO '14
%tired.- ven those who ha,ve"no
erter.s - of , °'"eision, ;Can ,preveht
strainea' eyes if they lielti`thein
while doing, ,-close, work.
• . , • . •
,ulk'ousewiyos spare '4"ri`
4941)01,18. 14. raifoli- book No, 3 to" 013414
El a 11 1
magaii'ne;•conunittee, reported that /00 Olinnti4eemen't ivade
Pelinds and,:lnagazines had hy Y(0.Phillilis, -Prices and
been -sent forward for distribliti911,-,.: for Western. Kht=
tali.): in this way consiiiner$ will be
13rbv.ided With it standhrd'allotin, Put or
tefl pounds of tngtir,pek person.. Thus
larger •familles,*will_have "More sugar_
Four members of the Plea Air .Arm
were supplied. With gloves.;.,-.§earvea. ana'
-socks.; .--and--- members Of -the .branch
had entertained Six students of the
P.A.A. at the holidar_season,..Mrs. G. for presermg. ,,,pqrposftitialian t*
J...i.„...Parsons, convener .of the ditty hag v
smaller, ones. , .._ . . . ,
that many' acknoWledmentp---;had ; ex- sugar, are alread in the ration beOlt. -
The. coupons to be used for .0Amoing.
.conunittee,. reported.; She also. stated:
pressed special ,appreciation, of the
, each "F" coupon .being....valid:.tor , the
scrapbooks 'compiled.- by Mrs,. DouglaS pwebdsg tif one ,pound of sugar, the
N£4,1411 and.:Mrs; Ned -Sale, wilicji Were first becoming vt,lid for reaming sugar
phiced-an the dit bags. ow June 1. ._
-.The;folloWing shipment 'Will be -sent . • - -
forward ads week; .24.pairs nkgelit0; • UM FOR ,..iaTTI4E-ER.,130DER" .
tot) -rtatts for mew., 'on minesweepers; A`,BroddivaY .imusical comedy on tour
20 pairs' of immersion seeks; 12 ..scrap -
was mewing into it theater4n a South..
bo'oks; a suithof clothes and tie:tar-coat. , city In- the alleyseVeral "ragged
for re -making. . - •little d'arkieS had ge..,..,..'ffv'n.ked.. to stare
at. .the actors and.... Stagehandki,,,,,The.
• . .
' Expressions of Gratitude- •,
ritish WomenWork ardi `c ake
with Rationed Clothes and Rationed Foods
• •
Winston ChurchijI expressed the- d d -host of other .activities TiaTe.:been
termination of the British peoPie. v't; en. "cganized and are manned `--- by
-.--HtTasow...L.reS'-have te, do their bit :in
in .spite of all terrer,, vidorychowever
11, unteers. •
he said. "Vi(•tory at all Cost,' Victory,.
fires_ - Every. woman between ChriStinas card amongsV,the contents. too
long. and" -hard. the, 3`011(1.", ,Despite
bombings; lesg plentiful supplies of,
food long working hours little...leis.ur0..
time, and extra- wtrrtline duties, tile
peoffre-Or Britain have nciiiie thafirlivett
1 crops, and poult•,y were' :the..4iranelies thein' - • - .._
-in Britain, everyone hos special
' s :-. .. ,
.• taken np. 'Th odorh'-'4,Parkei,,I,Varden •
problems to ' surreount„ 'and 'seine of
, of .-Perth .coinfty, was the prinCIPall.
the most exasperating are those of the,
'speaker :on swine „recommendationS1,
Archie Morgan; Exeter, bean farnier,'.housewife. Every day . she , is faced
at 'forwafcl- the- cash: crop- difficultieS;- with the worries .of feeding and eloth-
V..ing .,'' her family :and- keep'ng
them -Warn:i. - Since - the worr he
01d. Country' has . become 11 nation cif
tineues; people queue, tip for foodstuffs;
• - e
Hume .•Clutton„ Goderich, spoke for the,
.dairy industry. The,. beef discussion
•waS more .general and catered the need
M a better:•tpialily of bank, vaccination
- -of calves to prevent Bangcl
's disease, a.n
Nsup.eriTsion of herds..on artificial ui
Member Ontario •Music Tettelierke.
• ,..t.Issitelation...pupils *prepared .tOt
•.stusle'exam. illesidenee ; Mr.. j. Craig's,
$t -George's Crevent. •
...Stratfat44o,deri:41 ,Coach Line
rius TIME TA.0i4E
- leaving:, Goderich ,at• 8.10
12.2S, p.m. and 505 p.m.
' Direct, tonneotions to all points
tor furtlier•informationjphone
Ilritish-Or. Redbird Ilote,1# or Head
'Office ,(3(15
It 6(
.1 *,
. A
ngg, zsuirE,
PION 24 ,
04* ae
iteidedt ,MOTtor day,
, .
moNE 230., GOpERIoll.:-
• Real Estate, .and_ ipetirapee
-•'.9.ftifje- and-Residenee:
11 Trafalgar 'Street :
,‘ -Phone. ,cog
FOlt of all kinds,:...
perty and. Several god farms.
-Let me shoW you , seine -real
bargains. now.
4 •
' Nov177.4100 IlitchtotleS, ,`.4Shadow of DOulitP with 'Joseph, cotten
. •
ictoirh," And VeatUres "
'George, Sanders, Marguerite' eintinnani 0044:Stew* atid--goit*:.
, Tpaveks, • . , • • , •
• ,10.14iter adVexitiirons Story of a saboteur ,and suber-ipy.,,Who Operate(
over the Ivhzi.ontrolied radie
_ -
;his: falkenbturg, Ray flairis, Basset DitOrden and Leslie looks
roitrxd out the progra.nr with an amusing tale pt)f. guys, gals and guus
Wiarit :LEGS ,L
, • Tiitirsllay, Ifrlday and Saturdai
.DorothiLtinieurt Di& Victor Moore and Milt 113ritton's Band,
yretsent, hi. glorious ,Teeliniplor,- Paranioinirs, big 'rodeo_ of *rhythm
,iii.14inmea*tlnesday* SatordaY and nadir; it 3 PAO* •
Combigt-Iticharit irregashie, "OVAPA/A,Ikkiklb WARY."
diiiinlLtioll ettel-resatt• .7
As a result of the meettifigsevera
recommehtlations will_ be. -,passed on by
the Tcommission to the",Departinent of
Agriculture. The livestock ' conimittee
personn.el iiresent includetir -beSides
for the fir8t ,conier h s the bst Choice ,
queues for &Minas, and oven, queues,:
The 1.30-e.brem.;-ef -trying. 10
ishing. and' appetising food requireS
thfyii-gfft- , ingenuity:- Included
among file', foods rationed- are inc
butter, sugar, cooking fats, bacon, 11
chocolate, candYi ;4.'
'Chairman DrYden, M. M.' Hood,' seere--- ellee8e; eggs,
meat •and.. fish, dkied• • ui ,
lary,; „Stewart Brown,. Gr,ant Mitchell, canned
of Elgin ',,' C. 11. Boynton, Of 'York ; ,conned fruits", :eondenSed milk, sOlies, tlici 110 10 of Mrs G... I Ilan- ,R, lg
, ., ,,. ex , e rave,. _,
ig ,.gpe-ift: the' season on' Yolir-east,c0ast
Harold Huffman, of Xent. ,„Agricultu'r, -
cerealS2 Milk is.,init "kationed, but is 'with t6T in . b.' — i
and directorate, preSent.- . r, Salli memorieSvfor' the hoSidtaiity.
1\T• IL Whyte, of Huron; .1clarrY Wilion, rice; . tapioca, PreierVeS .and 'breakfast em ers - e.. the eccntive d Newfolindland.., 1 'carry' With me
..a....a.zepresowitivi,s„..pi„.esolcvvero, ii 0. given a priority distributien. to child- , .
rded nie in both conntrieS,' by
Shearer, Huron; . George Gear, -frucel Whose generosity ah those .dif-
T. . S. .Ceoper, G•rey;,.'Ralp.li ' White; • A :3%, 11118'oarfied My --Tasting
,P-erfli. ' • : . . . •, ' ,
Several. ,',a,cloloWledgmentS-',..Of ditty oldest. , the' group, ' 'Ago& #bout.T.upp,. ,,,, .,,
bags sent by the 'local branch Of.- the' finally ,made.peid,:to ' addresS,:a• VO*1., "
. ,
of .the trourie,.• ' 7 ,..- - .
chillun see dis shoW?" . ,...-
:::iiisrteuth:l'ilf'•;:ee;•:,, .tibs.avid;Ttlie price,.w.„
.. . . ,
"US ain't got • up, me,ney, at all.",
"tOli; it • doesn't 'take money!' • We •
eairy , an ,alligator with us and we us-
itaillf"--leeltirt." a --pickaxlinii,Ti-.7 -•-Xow '
tributed-through the kind Otile6k;..ePthe of "ytAi .in. 'Ant,' the actor eyed the.----
- "*-1-'liave.- received a- ditty bag. •dis- ilo:..°11heimi°fto7.7s7w4licrsewis;w7ahe:::01:1.e_u:::1- the rest
.N.avy.'12eagee ef,panada, , .1.fortn.d. your zrciup-i-t4exi, 0,0 all
Nav League have, been received. -Many
of the ladies enclosed a greeting card.,.
after the bags were tilfed.
Miss Lottie 'Robinson; vc,hp. flied a
bag bar her brother, Captain Ed: Robin,'
son, received the following letter which
....typitad of the gratitude. expressed;
It is ;Signed S. m.ur-piiy;
-Deer, Louden, •England; .
the . ages 'of twenty and 'forty -live is :To Toi4;•, and Your. brothery ' „Atter ' morpentr-the iirst".ePeaker
(r)i xe gec fel. 1:,‘Ijoir(, in)el id:•32, , Nc7f wpi tiiioi thinu.IttzlovieViarklafroil;grce,•,-.-gro.tifuety.s,0_,,fin711!e- 110:ibtyin.SoTnii; ei.ktnenodweired„:ey.f.t.gzlautefpuloa..fihl'ettonpkise "said, hopeftilly„ "1 got a little 1na4der."
'I..- and sineei.e appreciation of„yorir gener,. i !-OK.41. 413rjr,kg • hhn 'around.'"
Shilz etlay:cif _teurpwaartd:titheozebip.e;04ciar-,90.041.,....."„
h6iir,,, . it week, or Nvh-hr.aye y.oung ..clite_ths.e-oiviritsatelThuatreclateenti,ND'evo,,ornkfooL, rah„Filhoamelfl ir.y..ligistiartHytth :he. on 1,, ItAt_his.,,sitm__
couiti.10111....erifi.i,_6E; jetit.,)d;odntettr telintfoityfo.Piet!eaftgli.iedt: tr64t:,, i.. vety..grutityinlv„..77xitati. j.ti.as.,:andivibautire juit..,00.t..,..vv.hosc,_eses
boors ' a ,mont,h. -After L -hard .•dayThr not fpji 3r -Qui and trugt, we7sliall prove- Nvore . ringed with .viffit6.--;..,410- ,iii, !.. -.4.-7,
work; its eitp•sa‘ trnooLjo,y.e. to havei j. 10- get 61,1t Wo4iiilbyinitiof .tyzn.rni- int..a,rret.1.6- .ti 'ci ..ti....to;..._ tot, big,. is be -,e?. _ . . . • ., _ . . ,
-.,,No. , He's juSt. 'right"' "..the actor
Even the youngsters- ...in. Britain are wooed during the early months 01the'replied. "Are you Willing to bo„. am.
bileetipcvienegl. otiht.'e.,So/veesn ocsof..nt
'fVuretLenry._ Lend mar,,ylittiz.ftems Were 'still. required* to kgAidts"rbhaelt. a.f:kred31'.(mi: br6t11,""-'.”. n.• d. .t!:les,e: ,_
year' and 'lost all. mY possessions.
make up kit deficiencies, ;These, were ',"The tiny -dark" -swallowed ' rierVotisly:
stteever:aer 111
thoughtfully , supplied in the ditty: bag, . bu.t managed to say, "S`0„ssub t,,-”..; omen;
. . , . .... , _ _ _ ..„ _ _
field -S. , ',' . , ,•-• •• n . .
the Comprehensive contents •of which
W)41 - selected by. one :With a discrinn.
inating"'knewledge of a, *seafarer's te.,:.•
-quirements. In this: Pam detect the
advice:. of: the good ,Captalic-advice;•"-no
experience. , He certainlY know wbat
-we want: 1' have 'already' sampled t
cake ---A1 at -Lloyds. • x,", intend to take
the, remainder..home with Me,. where
eqes are new a. memory. ,
..--t4Ve -are now hoineWard hoUndi-hav-
. . •
617-siiirefat - •
gtessivo moveg 1 .• •
he regular monthly meeting' of the
East • WaWanosh Federatien Of
culture was held on ,Tanuary-.20th-
ren,...invalids,.".,and to expectant and
nursing- reothelg:
, ClOthing rations are eqiially ,s,kvere.
Froth' -11er Aiajesty Elizabeth
ddwn, the •Britisli people are weari
made -others.- Witen clothing rationing
Mr 4 A • 4. •
0. G, Anderson was in attend
avec tit this ineetifiglied diseuSsed with
-the 'unit the 'posSibility of 'making a
health survey in the otownship,- the
first „of • its „kind ever. ,..o.rhe vondueted,
• gratithde." . •
-Mrs., H. M. Monteith received -a-
RATION I1OITPONS wass lirst.lati...odueo, the allowance was, ip ray municipality. „. of Manchester, England, • who • i'vro e
-i1np1eringly, lie asked, "But please,
sub, kin. I see,..de 1iow befo' X get otr'..
r:7-4ea1er's 710,fgest. •"*.
puE "13A,TES OF letter Tram Jtadio er W. P. Gough
sLI •tit 66 points a year. This vEater i"tr. 1Sturdy, . county president., from Newcastle -on -Tyne, and -sign
fiI ht attendance and discusse 4.1.111Selg: "A' verYl. nierchani.
Cioupon-. nos due 110 sugar eo-Up' reduced to .51, els) was
14 to 0,;. presers'es D1 to D13; "blittet
. at 45. pointS. a' year.. A_ 111 111' suit aud millh the -unit a. i'ellabilitqtioti' project' "sal -lore'
46„t0,40...i.44neate54o_.a7, Voir of,sho,eg iyould Use up Mo're than "Thanks a million, and ziii.sisoAre.
4-•riiersep.6; - •
for the .men who are in War' Sertlee'a
'it Wil8lieddeci the vinthv sbbold
(1:icirect the., required inforMation for
hetll -pipoje..cts; each rector to be rot
sponsible for collecting (11.11s;,--informa-
on every article. will tie well 'used."
• , His last leave _was in August. s , of a- whole year' -f -i--- war
-', Meat cOupOus pairs .88 are valid: Otivionsly eke going ''habby, twontv-tWo and had 'been at sea ,for
'Fehr -nary • ' 1.mt certain pride ni
.• • .
three years. His 'brother is 'niinefeen,
egrials7Onc.quarter- without:4-1'4 .-Lvictorgr. -,The 00thing'
• and lias been serVing in,44,the.
Pt:en:;:e„,e_f mE2c,bot.leepooiiinewl ;411,10111,1m. OiNtVt4,11e880:Itiv9e0rie.851Ca0ltreka:), to fPainrc;tem'ilslebellasaiit:Nstrentri,,;:•:e`.TNB40`ttelt:i1V(1
tO._ 0:: itt- ration .-beek. -11--wily be used for )1414e.°---'...''‘Yli.e1)-
- - -allowed-',---66,-616,thei4-40upons* these -,-reports,, tom-luie 'and -for- ow the__Wetbrn Ocean. itc.'etirk JuSI the.
valid 'reb,ruttrY 17. ' , ' • 44, . • ...../vItFd 'Meat and72thi'iii-rcirwitietilli.. °silt ram ixi:the British Merchant -•
"Ii" Coupons for, many rationeu pre- •• • - - • ,• respeetive offic6 tlesircd
I i • t ve "
: • - . • '
$ 4
Canadians t s n el 4 , •
'serves are now AVOrth.tVOCe fts. much: . •
asked . -to eonserve..fuel, hut 'in Great tion. 'L. Stur(1,7, A D: Campbell.
t Under the revised schedule :the; eoiipon 'Britain the peeplethave been asked for Lnd l'STajltidfOr(E*COMPOSe'tlle '00ininittee
.the .rehlabilitation . project, 1 and
food 1'1 iricreasecl. from ten to twenty' the.past: tWO years,,,to",ntake a great' fOr
valtie for canned fruit, including baby
fluid , ontwog-1. intri.,.....jen3„, , iparmaiade; eiVitt . to eat doWn at. least-tifty pos. ..(1.)/rdTaYlot,- 141411(1(1 Taylor and
41apre., bolter and holiese ,butter,.fronv c'ent. Ify e_anaditint standards...British! , Li: ' Nidy the-cominitttle for the health
fronl twenty -mud. ounces to forty fluid
el. .0'4\3'61 -Ye 111:0 L61-114•04; 11191'118-'1's litil.9Aele8dgwe6•Ittttlite.tTnethoe' iwitaleiT*Ii;o1•?tt'altelltk VillillIV'%37 nParin6ejeewLatandtdele.d..-triii t'this.Wgii,got tl-i
Qtuip,,;, Thet,•reason to: .tyisi it. is every care to (11-1114 the fairest l)nssillie Oind M114. O. G, Alitlextson conSented to
_.i... : distrihntiou of AVV1110.1,k10 suPplies re. giVe other; asSi4itned'.
' 10.. _
Plainedi IsAhe current imPr:•"ed. sPV-t"' ?tilts in a mininifini of ' grombliug. Ni p tO thepresenviliedalmost ati
ixtttraa,tcitoetd oftsO116.tliei,tein4.. i.l*0AUls8letp
e MO tt'e. r h
-Ioiii_1,1n,a1,1s tli'
itaditii;044ithoeo0ii.vaitote het;More than seVenrooms1(4 111(111 (41 1114 ONVI.crellkP0111
nk (03)11) honey liasmen11141114,0(16,ot British 1440111411 ti the 4eS 7iu:1eggshowever,h4:e 314)',)3(
one standard eetion unieponid)i(01 '1)10011 forty-fivhaveben rOatiOn,..I;has tong 11(4011 a to:c
tWcsections (tWO peundsymid for .r '1ona1I.(71digt11ssioii4itilc.1cti6Lbasie
- honefrom tyvelv, Mld141eiedorwok
--- '
tiortaiice, tinder, the `Jtegistratien for taken! After nreadf. diseuspiou Nivt,4
-Ouneev *One. • poundY -,.10-700111y460k.
1111111 othieertls'o pminds).
Each 'Sunday afternoon, • a terthin
intobifull".of (laxities ('111110 to -ray
friend's 'tilling station in.. ,(lecirgityto
buy tWo igallons of. gasoline.. They' int
variably' bad lain put the gas in ttir.0
one-gailon Jugs instead of .in ‘the
gasoline tank; " ' •
,Que day .the station operator's curi-
osity got,-tit'beSt of Ilinritnd he asked
them Why; The" 'driver explained%
'Weir,' sub, wCiniffs one gallbtt. in
de- tank Jes_'-hrefere 'We leave t'own. and
rides until de ear stops going. „ Den
We knows it's Aline to- come 1(01110.
And se.:' wet ?putsin de other. galiOn;
We ain't never got Stranded ont 011
de road y9t,1",--Iteadeefi Digest; .
The- annual ;meeting Of tlie Iturkui
Diocesan Women'il Aargillary to the
5 OC of the Anglit'llit • .Church
'he held itt Loudon on:April,
Ethployinent 'order: - ',.'i•loine 7,000,p0o 'decided" tlfat'..this'iownshipAtuit should
women are-'wOrking ',either .-n•all 1611,Y0 a forvvard Stell -IW emdeaVoring.•
whole ihne in -Vital industry:- „Children. ty7f.oStr;r Stich an. organization. Mr. II.,
of Wo4iking ittotliM•s a re . lbolokli fa Itilto..r.•,,, 1,741-6;1,'•y.SimlittitivatlY. ithetil)tile,hrsiedaiiteliiS11 cotinosogie vviiii/etud
'either by voluntary helpeis .or
VrY.-•"-inirSerieS..--GramirriotherA- viirk-Jt -enliu berot.e-Alle -Coltay -Federation
side 1)3r . Aide ",tvitii• girls of tWeuty. for for ,epiisideration' lie would give it 11(8
In Britaliriiatrio(isin kilOWS. PO age •VALI sul)Polt.---,;-,-... : . , ' ' • . it
and' seems °to give a S
„ eXtvtretit2;111 fov , -Norman Riniford Ronald cOntiti* .
Wearying -worlo . • and .1'• ilucluinan _were appointed fl'
Britain's Women. have been spi;reding.' 8einneittee to work in'conjenctionc will,
the plOw and, gathering in the leirvest. Mks. .(). G. Andersoul in formulating ,51.
Girls who worked in beautY parbirfr4 are. 411:10•StiOnairt." iser-tlie purpose pf xfinktan
showing their mettle, by driving Diesel.
engiiie tractorS, stenographers are tend:
lug cattle, C1101,118 girls are working
•baelc-,hreaking hours thiuning out
liti 410 'eroPs. The Women's Laud ArmY
is more than MOM -strong aud Still
rowing. \` VoAllf,tarY CtiSo
take• Up the ,time of 3n0 ns7 Ohl Country
vonien. ()Ver. 1;000,000 women,' haVe
11 surverw of' tho cream, poultry.. 1UZ(L
eg1 situation.
.1)e}.4plie reeelit vietories on 41.e ..`f,-4ea*
and in the air, as well as, on' the land,
Canada still -needs inilliene, ()f ip,on'tiils
of fills foi. wc.ar 1''1P° p. .. In iiils Job
ever/ Canadian 'householder eau play
.nralled in tile British Woinetes Velun.. hins• ty." her role. Save -everypessilile
ary Serviees under ,tiict ellairmansliipil rq) ( 4J used Peeking flit, bacon grease,
, )t, Ladr ,Readitig. Canteens, ' nursery . ;'‘ cat .1rip1.iii14, frying fSis; everY kind 1 '
Schools,' Welfare centres; recreational li ed IV -the ititebou,,nm ,they i.nar pirtyl
Drojeeta 4,4 serviee' men, and. Women the nrrrt, in dete,iice 'Or attack. c. .
(owget real relief from bronchitis miseries this double.
action way with the 'home -proved tnedieation that
!top* trisl'ANTLY ,
up, 4..
dap into bronchial
,tubes vvitli soothing
inedioinal vapors; '
triest And backsoi--
- faceslikeawanning,
)1**4 $11°Ilk$ FOR HouRit R1010 10114-1;11.1!k $
get the 'benefits of this coin.,
binedPENEtilATING. 04111004 ac.
xatc throa-ti citostr and
haeU, with Vicks Vapoilub at
bedtime. VapoRub goes to work
instantly -2 ways at, once as,
shown above -to oaso bronchitis
coughing,415osen. emigistiou re.
lieve tnuscularioreness, andileed
restful`, comforting sleep. ften
by mortiing most otthe misery id;
gone. Now-cloti't talceditinces
with untried remediett(7-get reg
lief from broNh1t14---M1terliti
night with double-actfontstitne-
tested Vicks VapoRub.
FOR mottil RiuttP-Melt spoonful °
of Vapoltub in a bowl of boiling
vratek.. Inhalethe steaming meal
eated vaport Ped, them oOthe
niggAig broncbial lrdtatlonl
asiizesf Directory-
_ $
,1111:11? X4i1X li' 110141B8
: '' ' Itar,Vilit0/4 Tilt0.,
0010,'•-•"POUrt 110#A10. ,GM/0101. '
T±Rephorie 00. •
IY:t. '. StITIIER,L*AND. .
'': -, Barrister and,Seacitor.
Qflice-4-North St.; Goderiett.•• PhOne45
. ,..- • „
' • , ,,
' OhartOed.Aceountants '
. .1• Albert Street,. Stratford
Toronto ()Mee: 802 Bay.' Street
. •,.... .
Ii1SIThalSCE. . :
. . ,
ltileg'ILL-OP ".*ECTI1J'A.L ,-Fiittr IN.
, . . .
SURANCE • CO. -Farm. and 'iso-
lated. toWn",,property ,insured. ,•__.-.•_._.,_ ',
' -Villicers=-41ex.-McEwing;"BlYth, Gni.,
President, - W. R. '. Archilutido, Vice -
President,. Seaforth,, M. .A.- Reid;
Manager and SecretariLTrea.Surer, Sea,
forth.- ; : •• .' ...1....* .
.Direetor-Alex. MCIlliiing, - islith•;-
,..-.tv_ It_ AiChibfil,fi. Seaforth, .Alex Broad,
ions.virfta Rim:maim m.
Okti equests
wards, b:1;' the seventy-seventh annual ,
onvention. of, th0-1)AitInlen'.,e Ase04.1., geootinettclations PIA BefQr0 :tlyi
nuouneed. and -,theY were P14'se„nted • ' • , Provincial' -Opmniiiiiien '
thin of, Western 'Ontario have. been
ith iiierch,arldise . and, cash ''''' OW, ' orrETtquiry °
rominent •among the ,vvinnerS 18 ..the •
elniesville eese and butter *factory, CrlINTON; Ian.' 28, VirwArds of, 3.
r Which, 111r. ,*, M. Elliott is the owner, ..farmersi representative of the , redera-
014iesville ebeesA Wail buttP.:1:,, faetorY 'lions or Agriculture Of tlie counties Of
- .
Bruce; Grey, thle011 find •Pert at-,
tending .thw., sitting of the- livestock
Committee of 'the, Ontario Agricultural
Condriiiission. of 'Enquirt,heid* Vere'rios.,
ierdaY under t49, ausiAces of Ole 0.1roll.
Pede.rat,iort„ were Unanimous. in favOr-
Jug it return to standard. time.
The morning, "session was ' opened
with introductions.; by J. C. Shearer,
agrieultural rePresentative `Toi„: iitiroti
W. A. Dryden, chttirman of -ale com-
Mittee, presided, and the brief 'prepared
by a •coMmittee ol,. seven ineinbert$26f
.the Huron Federation VMS preSented.
I3uSiness and Professional is'le- ,. .
, . radvs you .,; . ; ..... .,,,.,; . ._,,,,..„4..4.. 0.0 by Harry 'SturtlYt. Auburn, president
Saltford:Red-eiosS ljnit'•.'.,'......44-. - 25,00 ".iho'vgalf-r-,-10-.0u'il'irts-oitita• 0;--.447tio.as ., .
5.3. No. -0, Colborne Township .' 0.00 ' •
PletigeS' 'Collected ..........."..'..1,......,- 82.00 °°4-641.1 e0iiiii1:611(11-41:OWti"Tvete gix-014
, . . .,4 • iirst-,-Leonsi.deration, '' They, 'included:
Extra gasoline.•cdupons for. car owners -
; SALTFORI) Rea CARD PARTV ' ' . . ,
•--41te,,Saltford--Redross held-"-a,"'50.0,',".1.tvans•P_Prting lat.,1_31 )10-1),i' ellecking 1of
euchre Ansi -dhOe 101.---tip.'.gift'.4 cont.-. -0515:1141kfAItl, "S-604' of 11:11$1inek-rii-k-Iikez
'Paittee On RridaY rtigli't last,- `..li, -,-good..-ve.q191-.of' afse4ses; 'tile' allotment or
nuinber turned, lytit-,414,..tin..4jcorablo. twoA0W,c0.1."n„.0,eker.inaelitties to Huron
to . -boost: Corn aereage, the' Setting' Up
time was bad hyali:'''"-PrizeS Tor :euchre of a, • loaal labor board', in •each eounty
_went • to. Helen Fulford and Mr.. J.
I.Vitli a ' VieW to retaining -farm -help
DOnneni, cehsoiations*.to Mrs. Harold
on. a mere .permaiient basis.; iniestigt.' 1,-•
:Winners the cheese ;and, htitter
on- second July White Cheese; first
ittAugust White cheese; sixth: in
September white•••cheese, and second
Ia ()otOher white Cheese' competitionS,---
lintOW-NoWs-Itecerd., :
. •
, RED. CROSS.. EECEnsT,S* 004'.
Goderich, Salt Co. Ltd, , $1150,06
Goderieb- Music Club ' 303;00
Carlow 'Community CIO. 00.00
Red' Cross..Workets, Otratlion
t0O1S' -..........................05.00
Red Cross Workers; marathon-
bridge • " , . , 103.00 -
loot, SeafOrth; Chris., Leonhat , -
mealy and 'Mr •Itimprey den of nfetliods and transportation O.
Bernholnr; E. JZ*Trewartha;" Clinton,coxisoig4.4oOd• ,and tliviestock of
'means of reduchig trans -
Thomas Moyituv Seaforth; Prank Mc-
„••• • . Jaa SS/011 0 disease; that men in Ayork
. Alexander, Hartm,an.' • clOsely allied with farnilifg, such -as
..Gregok, Clinton; riingb... . .......__._
-.Walten-1George Leitch, Clinton. _ettopping mill operators; farm .nraciiiii-
---• •
•-.` 'Agents•; ----,John- Ill. ,Pepper,-Brucetield ;., err service men,:and so. on, be gi.ven
pre erefit,i•al Irea-tinentt by” the Webiliz-
•Rtx.. 34eT4or.c.,hqrs PAblitt ;
atiL, division of National 'Selective
Serviee'and.the Oil Controller's Office;
pasture imp.rovement • and Ilyd.ro ex-
tension to .,t-lte-:tarinS;llieSC.:::tiehiti;
\vieahl, ably discussed by those par-,,
ticularly interested. •
- The cAestion , of ,•rura1 .hydro- was
introduced by Lorne Beid ot libley:
a Bruce CountY,... Councillor, , who
thought :there is unfair -discrimination
in favor ;of the Urban centres. It was
Iiiined that the obtam-
construction Material will ,prerent
extension 'of lines until after the war.
Want Standard; Time
' Returnto standard timewas a
subject of brach - discussion and was
by Wesley Mafiwood, Han-
over, ' who cited specific instanceS---(5
back, his arguments, Mr. Dryflen said
that he too was of the opirriOn that
it is not a wise_ r_q.4,04_...u_ation.: The
faction. gnarantteed, .1rfor iinformaition, main
.,- • argument' put •„forward against'day.•
light Vine N'Vrt,S that there .is no ,saving
.9f...electricity:and that -it is it hardshiP
to families having- children in school.
1111.1Yrydeif asked for .a standing 'vote
, On :the vieitiojijand the: vote was 100.
I per„ cent: tar:stand-Fat -
Vhe afternoonsession was held. In
"-tlie---TONVU. Hirt wine heef--- cash 'UP
1.3rodlaigen r George' A. Watt,' Blyth;
Polley -holders' can make all „pay-
• ents d get t.heir cardS-reCeip, Jed at
the Royai.Bank, Clinton; Calvin Outt'e
• Grocery, Itingst.on Street, Goderieh, or
-,..4.:1:1.•Reid's General .Store„-Bakfield„..•
• ^ •
CREWE, Jan.*, 31. -Mr/ and ...Mrs.
Vernon . Hunter. .,ond • family, 'Of Luck -
now, sbent --gadfly &ening with
an, ,. B t. T” leaven.
Mr. and • Mrs... Nilfred Drennan
visited with.Mr. and •Mrs. Samos Dren-
nan of Kiritail on 'Wednesday. ' *
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Itilpixtriek -spent
Friday afternoon with M. and Mrs.
Fred..A.nderson.,'of .241 ,
•Miss • Aluae _Culbert -0T Sky' Harbor
R.P. J. It. PbR-gTER; incE, *. spent ie w-Ww'
-NOSE,VIIROAT • , • Mr. and Urs, T. Culbert.
. House. Surgeou,...NAYI.....A0.1%,,,,,, Misses Shirley Sherwood and Lor-.
OphphalMic and Aural: Hospital, assist- rairie Drennan of LucknoW tipei‘t.Sun-
ant ,at-,Moorelield. Bye .Hospital • and day; at their respective.homes.
•Gelden. Square ''Phroat . Hospital:, ' -
London,'England. '
.., 53 Waterloo Street S., ,Stratford.
• Telephone 267. •
Next visit _Bedford 'Hotel, Godericli,
VednesdaY, Mareh 22nd., . At- '2 p.m.
mop1ucQR AND 0#tr01.4.§s.
•OfP•ce houra--,1,0 to 12 0 to 5
• and 7 to 8 p* ,,,. -„Tuesday, Friday and
,SaturdaY. •
_ 10 to L 12 :a.m.:, only on Wednesday,
Monday and Thursday atrMittheli
tlnera1',Tuine baths by " apportithi. en
,• • -4--
4 51 10141th
aegi.Sidied '.un der *I ralgless practitioners
' Actlar-theAtrolthree-Of-Ontario: •
- B KstiN -
Ettrm. .and Household
Sales., 1,:".censect in Huron and Perth
_ .
Ocatalebug Prices reasonabile;'swbiis
etc,i. write; or phone .HAR.O.L
SON. 14_ on • 661, Seaforth ; ' B. 4,
Seafortlit, • . 13t.f.
• ,
Donald B. Bhie
Licensed for Counties of iluron
- , and Bruce
ADDRESS: Kincardine, 114L-1--
- • Phone Ripley ‘3.0r24-_,
1 P
For information apply to_J.
Ikernightii4,;Division.Court Clerk,
Gfoderich, *at..
"IVitli victory in sight, TiritaWs,women ate working -with :increased
speed, mit only in the voluntary fields,. hut ',Ond-,'Slalled
• dilStrY /is well; On'e of the, hardest; tasks undertaken by wouitinr war ,
workers in :Great Britain is Chine by the woman in the picture above. .
. She works on 'gun; tokgfngs-'-sawing to length; .'Sonte- of .the forgings
" weighing_ ti8. lunch as, pree-quithers ofrton. Her husband:also is .
• a nupiitions worker and in spite of her long hours 111 ti• British plant •
$he still‘linds time te de lier own housework when she gets ,havh-e late.
• -at ,night.
an Receives Thai
Iteportg of Work Done in .33400,1f
of Omi W110 Sail',
the -Seas
Tbpigral.brouch of the League
Panada- met lost Thursday night
ifl theeoUnell t.liaraber of the Town
Halt. Mr. M. 'IVIonteith, ehairman,
Ctraterca. appreciation -to eontributors
1-'0 the. campaign funk and to Who.,
given"stionatleris. for, the ditty...bags,
W8$ exPresSed, after the treasurer,
DOWker, had announced that,
tlie total received. for the •former wpt„
4371123, and. letter's were .,read from
recipients of the. welk'tilled bags. ,
111.r. .Dowker reported that r$';
had been eolleeted by the coin,.
mittee, for ,ditty bags and. ,e.oniforts,.
alting the total eontributiens -received
rein ..:,the'.•`' eantratign,I, aPPeal, and
ditty bags, $00,29. ; • • -.• - •
Aiss, _Robinson • _Rodditt
ported'that 24 pairS'af'inittsliael been
completed' and thethanks• .of the local
, •
branch are ,extended t(*.. - the busy
mak(rs. neeessarY equipment,_
KITS VT. 111;
Con ideethe eon Tarok (it
0 eeting errors .
Work 4164 'With IesS energy,
Mnie done in. a day with bet )
egort, ..: Better Work, in,
where ClOSO '14
%tired.- ven those who ha,ve"no
erter.s - of , °'"eision, ;Can ,preveht
strainea' eyes if they lielti`thein
while doing, ,-close, work.
• . , • . •
,ulk'ousewiyos spare '4"ri`
4941)01,18. 14. raifoli- book No, 3 to" 013414
El a 11 1
magaii'ne;•conunittee, reported that /00 Olinnti4eemen't ivade
Pelinds and,:lnagazines had hy Y(0.Phillilis, -Prices and
been -sent forward for distribliti911,-,.: for Western. Kht=
tali.): in this way consiiiner$ will be
13rbv.ided With it standhrd'allotin, Put or
tefl pounds of tngtir,pek person.. Thus
larger •familles,*will_have "More sugar_
Four members of the Plea Air .Arm
were supplied. With gloves.;.,-.§earvea. ana'
-socks.; .--and--- members Of -the .branch
had entertained Six students of the
P.A.A. at the holidar_season,..Mrs. G. for presermg. ,,,pqrposftitialian t*
J...i.„...Parsons, convener .of the ditty hag v
smaller, ones. , .._ . . . ,
that many' acknoWledmentp---;had ; ex- sugar, are alread in the ration beOlt. -
The. coupons to be used for .0Amoing.
.conunittee,. reported.; She also. stated:
pressed special ,appreciation, of the
, each "F" coupon .being....valid:.tor , the
scrapbooks 'compiled.- by Mrs,. DouglaS pwebdsg tif one ,pound of sugar, the
N£4,1411 and.:Mrs; Ned -Sale, wilicji Were first becoming vt,lid for reaming sugar
phiced-an the dit bags. ow June 1. ._
-.The;folloWing shipment 'Will be -sent . • - -
forward ads week; .24.pairs nkgelit0; • UM FOR ,..iaTTI4E-ER.,130DER" .
tot) -rtatts for mew., 'on minesweepers; A`,BroddivaY .imusical comedy on tour
20 pairs' of immersion seeks; 12 ..scrap -
was mewing into it theater4n a South..
bo'oks; a suithof clothes and tie:tar-coat. , city In- the alleyseVeral "ragged
for re -making. . - •little d'arkieS had ge..,..,..'ffv'n.ked.. to stare
at. .the actors and.... Stagehandki,,,,,The.
• . .
' Expressions of Gratitude- •,
ritish WomenWork ardi `c ake
with Rationed Clothes and Rationed Foods
• •
Winston ChurchijI expressed the- d d -host of other .activities TiaTe.:been
termination of the British peoPie. v't; en. "cganized and are manned `--- by
-.--HtTasow...L.reS'-have te, do their bit :in
in .spite of all terrer,, vidorychowever
11, unteers. •
he said. "Vi(•tory at all Cost,' Victory,.
fires_ - Every. woman between ChriStinas card amongsV,the contents. too
long. and" -hard. the, 3`011(1.", ,Despite
bombings; lesg plentiful supplies of,
food long working hours little...leis.ur0..
time, and extra- wtrrtline duties, tile
peoffre-Or Britain have nciiiie thafirlivett
1 crops, and poult•,y were' :the..4iranelies thein' - • - .._
-in Britain, everyone hos special
' s :-. .. ,
.• taken np. 'Th odorh'-'4,Parkei,,I,Varden •
problems to ' surreount„ 'and 'seine of
, of .-Perth .coinfty, was the prinCIPall.
the most exasperating are those of the,
'speaker :on swine „recommendationS1,
Archie Morgan; Exeter, bean farnier,'.housewife. Every day . she , is faced
at 'forwafcl- the- cash: crop- difficultieS;- with the worries .of feeding and eloth-
V..ing .,'' her family :and- keep'ng
them -Warn:i. - Since - the worr he
01d. Country' has . become 11 nation cif
tineues; people queue, tip for foodstuffs;
• - e
Hume .•Clutton„ Goderich, spoke for the,
.dairy industry. The,. beef discussion
•waS more .general and catered the need
M a better:•tpialily of bank, vaccination
- -of calves to prevent Bangcl
's disease, a.n
Nsup.eriTsion of herds..on artificial ui
Member Ontario •Music Tettelierke.
• ,..t.Issitelation...pupils *prepared .tOt
•.stusle'exam. illesidenee ; Mr.. j. Craig's,
$t -George's Crevent. •
...Stratfat44o,deri:41 ,Coach Line
rius TIME TA.0i4E
- leaving:, Goderich ,at• 8.10
12.2S, p.m. and 505 p.m.
' Direct, tonneotions to all points
tor furtlier•informationjphone
Ilritish-Or. Redbird Ilote,1# or Head
'Office ,(3(15
It 6(
.1 *,
. A
ngg, zsuirE,
PION 24 ,
04* ae
iteidedt ,MOTtor day,
, .
moNE 230., GOpERIoll.:-
• Real Estate, .and_ ipetirapee
-•'.9.ftifje- and-Residenee:
11 Trafalgar 'Street :
,‘ -Phone. ,cog
FOlt of all kinds,:...
perty and. Several god farms.
-Let me shoW you , seine -real
bargains. now.
4 •
' Nov177.4100 IlitchtotleS, ,`.4Shadow of DOulitP with 'Joseph, cotten
. •
ictoirh," And VeatUres "
'George, Sanders, Marguerite' eintinnani 0044:Stew* atid--goit*:.
, Tpaveks, • . , • • , •
• ,10.14iter adVexitiirons Story of a saboteur ,and suber-ipy.,,Who Operate(
over the Ivhzi.ontrolied radie
_ -
;his: falkenbturg, Ray flairis, Basset DitOrden and Leslie looks
roitrxd out the progra.nr with an amusing tale pt)f. guys, gals and guus
Wiarit :LEGS ,L
, • Tiitirsllay, Ifrlday and Saturdai
.DorothiLtinieurt Di& Victor Moore and Milt 113ritton's Band,
yretsent, hi. glorious ,Teeliniplor,- Paranioinirs, big 'rodeo_ of *rhythm
,iii.14inmea*tlnesday* SatordaY and nadir; it 3 PAO* •
Combigt-Iticharit irregashie, "OVAPA/A,Ikkiklb WARY."
diiiinlLtioll ettel-resatt• .7
As a result of the meettifigsevera
recommehtlations will_ be. -,passed on by
the Tcommission to the",Departinent of
Agriculture. The livestock ' conimittee
personn.el iiresent includetir -beSides
for the fir8t ,conier h s the bst Choice ,
queues for &Minas, and oven, queues,:
The 1.30-e.brem.;-ef -trying. 10
ishing. and' appetising food requireS
thfyii-gfft- , ingenuity:- Included
among file', foods rationed- are inc
butter, sugar, cooking fats, bacon, 11
chocolate, candYi ;4.'
'Chairman DrYden, M. M.' Hood,' seere--- ellee8e; eggs,
meat •and.. fish, dkied• • ui ,
lary,; „Stewart Brown,. Gr,ant Mitchell, canned
of Elgin ',,' C. 11. Boynton, Of 'York ; ,conned fruits", :eondenSed milk, sOlies, tlici 110 10 of Mrs G... I Ilan- ,R, lg
, ., ,,. ex , e rave,. _,
ig ,.gpe-ift: the' season on' Yolir-east,c0ast
Harold Huffman, of Xent. ,„Agricultu'r, -
cerealS2 Milk is.,init "kationed, but is 'with t6T in . b.' — i
and directorate, preSent.- . r, Salli memorieSvfor' the hoSidtaiity.
1\T• IL Whyte, of Huron; .1clarrY Wilion, rice; . tapioca, PreierVeS .and 'breakfast em ers - e.. the eccntive d Newfolindland.., 1 'carry' With me
..a....a.zepresowitivi,s„..pi„.esolcvvero, ii 0. given a priority distributien. to child- , .
rded nie in both conntrieS,' by
Shearer, Huron; . George Gear, -frucel Whose generosity ah those .dif-
T. . S. .Ceoper, G•rey;,.'Ralp.li ' White; • A :3%, 11118'oarfied My --Tasting
,P-erfli. ' • : . . . •, ' ,
Several. ,',a,cloloWledgmentS-',..Of ditty oldest. , the' group, ' 'Ago& #bout.T.upp,. ,,,, .,,
bags sent by the 'local branch Of.- the' finally ,made.peid,:to ' addresS,:a• VO*1., "
. ,
of .the trourie,.• ' 7 ,..- - .
chillun see dis shoW?" . ,...-
:::iiisrteuth:l'ilf'•;:ee;•:,, .tibs.avid;Ttlie price,.w.„
.. . . ,
"US ain't got • up, me,ney, at all.",
"tOli; it • doesn't 'take money!' • We •
eairy , an ,alligator with us and we us-
itaillf"--leeltirt." a --pickaxlinii,Ti-.7 -•-Xow '
tributed-through the kind Otile6k;..ePthe of "ytAi .in. 'Ant,' the actor eyed the.----
- "*-1-'liave.- received a- ditty bag. •dis- ilo:..°11heimi°fto7.7s7w4licrsewis;w7ahe:::01:1.e_u:::1- the rest
.N.avy.'12eagee ef,panada, , .1.fortn.d. your zrciup-i-t4exi, 0,0 all
Nav League have, been received. -Many
of the ladies enclosed a greeting card.,.
after the bags were tilfed.
Miss Lottie 'Robinson; vc,hp. flied a
bag bar her brother, Captain Ed: Robin,'
son, received the following letter which
....typitad of the gratitude. expressed;
It is ;Signed S. m.ur-piiy;
-Deer, Louden, •England; .
the . ages 'of twenty and 'forty -live is :To Toi4;•, and Your. brothery ' „Atter ' morpentr-the iirst".ePeaker
(r)i xe gec fel. 1:,‘Ijoir(, in)el id:•32, , Nc7f wpi tiiioi thinu.IttzlovieViarklafroil;grce,•,-.-gro.tifuety.s,0_,,fin711!e- 110:ibtyin.SoTnii; ei.ktnenodweired„:ey.f.t.gzlautefpuloa..fihl'ettonpkise "said, hopeftilly„ "1 got a little 1na4der."
'I..- and sineei.e appreciation of„yorir gener,. i !-OK.41. 413rjr,kg • hhn 'around.'"
Shilz etlay:cif _teurpwaartd:titheozebip.e;04ciar-,90.041.,....."„
h6iir,,, . it week, or Nvh-hr.aye y.oung ..clite_ths.e-oiviritsatelThuatreclateenti,ND'evo,,ornkfooL, rah„Filhoamelfl ir.y..ligistiartHytth :he. on 1,, ItAt_his.,,sitm__
couiti.10111....erifi.i,_6E; jetit.,)d;odntettr telintfoityfo.Piet!eaftgli.iedt: tr64t:,, i.. vety..grutityinlv„..77xitati. j.ti.as.,:andivibautire juit..,00.t..,..vv.hosc,_eses
boors ' a ,mont,h. -After L -hard .•dayThr not fpji 3r -Qui and trugt, we7sliall prove- Nvore . ringed with .viffit6.--;..,410- ,iii, !.. -.4.-7,
work; its eitp•sa‘ trnooLjo,y.e. to havei j. 10- get 61,1t Wo4iiilbyinitiof .tyzn.rni- int..a,rret.1.6- .ti 'ci ..ti....to;..._ tot, big,. is be -,e?. _ . . . • ., _ . . ,
-.,,No. , He's juSt. 'right"' "..the actor
Even the youngsters- ...in. Britain are wooed during the early months 01the'replied. "Are you Willing to bo„. am.
bileetipcvienegl. otiht.'e.,So/veesn ocsof..nt
'fVuretLenry._ Lend mar,,ylittiz.ftems Were 'still. required* to kgAidts"rbhaelt. a.f:kred31'.(mi: br6t11,""-'.”. n.• d. .t!:les,e: ,_
year' and 'lost all. mY possessions.
make up kit deficiencies, ;These, were ',"The tiny -dark" -swallowed ' rierVotisly:
stteever:aer 111
thoughtfully , supplied in the ditty: bag, . bu.t managed to say, "S`0„ssub t,,-”..; omen;
. . , . .... , _ _ _ ..„ _ _
field -S. , ',' . , ,•-• •• n . .
the Comprehensive contents •of which
W)41 - selected by. one :With a discrinn.
inating"'knewledge of a, *seafarer's te.,:.•
-quirements. In this: Pam detect the
advice:. of: the good ,Captalic-advice;•"-no
experience. , He certainlY know wbat
-we want: 1' have 'already' sampled t
cake ---A1 at -Lloyds. • x,", intend to take
the, remainder..home with Me,. where
eqes are new a. memory. ,
..--t4Ve -are now hoineWard hoUndi-hav-
. . •
617-siiirefat - •
gtessivo moveg 1 .• •
he regular monthly meeting' of the
East • WaWanosh Federatien Of
culture was held on ,Tanuary-.20th-
ren,...invalids,.".,and to expectant and
nursing- reothelg:
, ClOthing rations are eqiially ,s,kvere.
Froth' -11er Aiajesty Elizabeth
ddwn, the •Britisli people are weari
made -others.- Witen clothing rationing
Mr 4 A • 4. •
0. G, Anderson was in attend
avec tit this ineetifiglied diseuSsed with
-the 'unit the 'posSibility of 'making a
health survey in the otownship,- the
first „of • its „kind ever. ,..o.rhe vondueted,
• gratithde." . •
-Mrs., H. M. Monteith received -a-
RATION I1OITPONS wass lirst.lati...odueo, the allowance was, ip ray municipality. „. of Manchester, England, • who • i'vro e
-i1np1eringly, lie asked, "But please,
sub, kin. I see,..de 1iow befo' X get otr'..
r:7-4ea1er's 710,fgest. •"*.
puE "13A,TES OF letter Tram Jtadio er W. P. Gough
sLI •tit 66 points a year. This vEater i"tr. 1Sturdy, . county president., from Newcastle -on -Tyne, and -sign
fiI ht attendance and discusse 4.1.111Selg: "A' verYl. nierchani.
Cioupon-. nos due 110 sugar eo-Up' reduced to .51, els) was
14 to 0,;. presers'es D1 to D13; "blittet
. at 45. pointS. a' year.. A_ 111 111' suit aud millh the -unit a. i'ellabilitqtioti' project' "sal -lore'
46„t0,40...i.44neate54o_.a7, Voir of,sho,eg iyould Use up Mo're than "Thanks a million, and ziii.sisoAre.
4-•riiersep.6; - •
for the .men who are in War' Sertlee'a
'it Wil8lieddeci the vinthv sbbold
(1:icirect the., required inforMation for
hetll -pipoje..cts; each rector to be rot
sponsible for collecting (11.11s;,--informa-
on every article. will tie well 'used."
• , His last leave _was in August. s , of a- whole year' -f -i--- war
-', Meat cOupOus pairs .88 are valid: Otivionsly eke going ''habby, twontv-tWo and had 'been at sea ,for
'Fehr -nary • ' 1.mt certain pride ni
.• • .
three years. His 'brother is 'niinefeen,
egrials7Onc.quarter- without:4-1'4 .-Lvictorgr. -,The 00thing'
• and lias been serVing in,44,the.
Pt:en:;:e„,e_f mE2c,bot.leepooiiinewl ;411,10111,1m. OiNtVt4,11e880:Itiv9e0rie.851Ca0ltreka:), to fPainrc;tem'ilslebellasaiit:Nstrentri,,;:•:e`.TNB40`ttelt:i1V(1
tO._ 0:: itt- ration .-beek. -11--wily be used for )1414e.°---'...''‘Yli.e1)-
- - -allowed-',---66,-616,thei4-40upons* these -,-reports,, tom-luie 'and -for- ow the__Wetbrn Ocean. itc.'etirk JuSI the.
valid 'reb,ruttrY 17. ' , ' • 44, . • ...../vItFd 'Meat and72thi'iii-rcirwitietilli.. °silt ram ixi:the British Merchant -•
"Ii" Coupons for, many rationeu pre- •• • - - • ,• respeetive offic6 tlesircd
I i • t ve "
: • - . • '
$ 4
Canadians t s n el 4 , •
'serves are now AVOrth.tVOCe fts. much: . •
asked . -to eonserve..fuel, hut 'in Great tion. 'L. Stur(1,7, A D: Campbell.
t Under the revised schedule :the; eoiipon 'Britain the peeplethave been asked for Lnd l'STajltidfOr(E*COMPOSe'tlle '00ininittee
.the .rehlabilitation . project, 1 and
food 1'1 iricreasecl. from ten to twenty' the.past: tWO years,,,to",ntake a great' fOr
valtie for canned fruit, including baby
fluid , ontwog-1. intri.,.....jen3„, , iparmaiade; eiVitt . to eat doWn at. least-tifty pos. ..(1.)/rdTaYlot,- 141411(1(1 Taylor and
41apre., bolter and holiese ,butter,.fronv c'ent. Ify e_anaditint standards...British! , Li: ' Nidy the-cominitttle for the health
fronl twenty -mud. ounces to forty fluid
el. .0'4\3'61 -Ye 111:0 L61-114•04; 11191'118-'1's litil.9Aele8dgwe6•Ittttlite.tTnethoe' iwitaleiT*Ii;o1•?tt'altelltk VillillIV'%37 nParin6ejeewLatandtdele.d..-triii t'this.Wgii,got tl-i
Qtuip,,;, Thet,•reason to: .tyisi it. is every care to (11-1114 the fairest l)nssillie Oind M114. O. G, Alitlextson conSented to
_.i... : distrihntiou of AVV1110.1,k10 suPplies re. giVe other; asSi4itned'.
' 10.. _
Plainedi IsAhe current imPr:•"ed. sPV-t"' ?tilts in a mininifini of ' grombliug. Ni p tO thepresenviliedalmost ati
ixtttraa,tcitoetd oftsO116.tliei,tein4.. i.l*0AUls8letp
e MO tt'e. r h
-Ioiii_1,1n,a1,1s tli'
itaditii;044ithoeo0ii.vaitote het;More than seVenrooms1(4 111(111 (41 1114 ONVI.crellkP0111
nk (03)11) honey liasmen11141114,0(16,ot British 1440111411 ti the 4eS 7iu:1eggshowever,h4:e 314)',)3(
one standard eetion unieponid)i(01 '1)10011 forty-fivhaveben rOatiOn,..I;has tong 11(4011 a to:c
tWcsections (tWO peundsymid for .r '1ona1I.(71digt11ssioii4itilc.1cti6Lbasie
- honefrom tyvelv, Mld141eiedorwok
--- '
tiortaiice, tinder, the `Jtegistratien for taken! After nreadf. diseuspiou Nivt,4
-Ouneev *One. • poundY -,.10-700111y460k.
1111111 othieertls'o pminds).
Each 'Sunday afternoon, • a terthin
intobifull".of (laxities ('111110 to -ray
friend's 'tilling station in.. ,(lecirgityto
buy tWo igallons of. gasoline.. They' int
variably' bad lain put the gas in ttir.0
one-gailon Jugs instead of .in ‘the
gasoline tank; " ' •
,Que day .the station operator's curi-
osity got,-tit'beSt of Ilinritnd he asked
them Why; The" 'driver explained%
'Weir,' sub, wCiniffs one gallbtt. in
de- tank Jes_'-hrefere 'We leave t'own. and
rides until de ear stops going. „ Den
We knows it's Aline to- come 1(01110.
And se.:' wet ?putsin de other. galiOn;
We ain't never got Stranded ont 011
de road y9t,1",--Iteadeefi Digest; .
The- annual ;meeting Of tlie Iturkui
Diocesan Women'il Aargillary to the
5 OC of the Anglit'llit • .Church
'he held itt Loudon on:April,
Ethployinent 'order: - ',.'i•loine 7,000,p0o 'decided" tlfat'..this'iownshipAtuit should
women are-'wOrking ',either .-n•all 1611,Y0 a forvvard Stell -IW emdeaVoring.•
whole ihne in -Vital industry:- „Children. ty7f.oStr;r Stich an. organization. Mr. II.,
of Wo4iking ittotliM•s a re . lbolokli fa Itilto..r.•,,, 1,741-6;1,'•y.SimlittitivatlY. ithetil)tile,hrsiedaiiteliiS11 cotinosogie vviiii/etud
'either by voluntary helpeis .or
VrY.-•"-inirSerieS..--GramirriotherA- viirk-Jt -enliu berot.e-Alle -Coltay -Federation
side 1)3r . Aide ",tvitii• girls of tWeuty. for for ,epiisideration' lie would give it 11(8
In Britaliriiatrio(isin kilOWS. PO age •VALI sul)Polt.---,;-,-... : . , ' ' • . it
and' seems °to give a S
„ eXtvtretit2;111 fov , -Norman Riniford Ronald cOntiti* .
Wearying -worlo . • and .1'• ilucluinan _were appointed fl'
Britain's Women. have been spi;reding.' 8einneittee to work in'conjenctionc will,
the plOw and, gathering in the leirvest. Mks. .(). G. Andersoul in formulating ,51.
Girls who worked in beautY parbirfr4 are. 411:10•StiOnairt." iser-tlie purpose pf xfinktan
showing their mettle, by driving Diesel.
engiiie tractorS, stenographers are tend:
lug cattle, C1101,118 girls are working
•baelc-,hreaking hours thiuning out
liti 410 'eroPs. The Women's Laud ArmY
is more than MOM -strong aud Still
rowing. \` VoAllf,tarY CtiSo
take• Up the ,time of 3n0 ns7 Ohl Country
vonien. ()Ver. 1;000,000 women,' haVe
11 surverw of' tho cream, poultry.. 1UZ(L
eg1 situation.
.1)e}.4plie reeelit vietories on 41.e ..`f,-4ea*
and in the air, as well as, on' the land,
Canada still -needs inilliene, ()f ip,on'tiils
of fills foi. wc.ar 1''1P° p. .. In iiils Job
ever/ Canadian 'householder eau play
.nralled in tile British Woinetes Velun.. hins• ty." her role. Save -everypessilile
ary Serviees under ,tiict ellairmansliipil rq) ( 4J used Peeking flit, bacon grease,
, )t, Ladr ,Readitig. Canteens, ' nursery . ;'‘ cat .1rip1.iii14, frying fSis; everY kind 1 '
Schools,' Welfare centres; recreational li ed IV -the ititebou,,nm ,they i.nar pirtyl
Drojeeta 4,4 serviee' men, and. Women the nrrrt, in dete,iice 'Or attack. c. .
(owget real relief from bronchitis miseries this double.
action way with the 'home -proved tnedieation that
!top* trisl'ANTLY ,
up, 4..
dap into bronchial
,tubes vvitli soothing
inedioinal vapors; '
triest And backsoi--
- faceslikeawanning,
)1**4 $11°Ilk$ FOR HouRit R1010 10114-1;11.1!k $
get the 'benefits of this coin.,
binedPENEtilATING. 04111004 ac.
xatc throa-ti citostr and
haeU, with Vicks Vapoilub at
bedtime. VapoRub goes to work
instantly -2 ways at, once as,
shown above -to oaso bronchitis
coughing,415osen. emigistiou re.
lieve tnuscularioreness, andileed
restful`, comforting sleep. ften
by mortiing most otthe misery id;
gone. Now-cloti't talceditinces
with untried remediett(7-get reg
lief from broNh1t14---M1terliti
night with double-actfontstitne-
tested Vicks VapoRub.
FOR mottil RiuttP-Melt spoonful °
of Vapoltub in a bowl of boiling
vratek.. Inhalethe steaming meal
eated vaport Ped, them oOthe
niggAig broncbial lrdtatlonl