HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-01-27, Page 6FORTER'S HILL lioforril$ liltli, Jail. 240-414r.• and ' Or M... MaItoup.lt ,, ,,,,...,., . Urs. Lloyd Picett, and family have ..,,......,,,,,,,,...,,,,,...........e......-7. OTTAWA) 34411"; 24- Whate'vei maY.P4Ontreal. will the line Or a,etiOil UtOved •te0M•""the 7th 'emiceeeelei) to the takenth on ,e lator code athe tnele Ka- fernier Mre, Time. BOORS feria on the Ibte 'the Meaburee to be tak.eri" by tholsion in uebee - No**. labor laWS, in- Cith- COrie!eseiell.'/ , We tinderetand Lloyd overineent in theesion, now O111 - - I-- elung, one to ereate a label - W , relations has eight, title pe i:W-from Brland Ge sze di 1 t° 14s Itl* tr4113.e'w4rk Qi 6°°1111 soPuritY board, are liOW leing,,diScussede in theiBettleS. , • • '\,. and &4 and, soeita reeonetreetion 'Lei;islative ' AsSeiribly at Quebee7 ..t ,..,-• '' ' ).14r. and Mrs, Gleuri.oekhare' hitt,' for tlie postwar days, tile iraniediatei Developillerit of ', the- Northwest,elilidyell, Of -Gedericier Land Ur, and I task of Parlianatlut in -these rilonlentOinil The' great Northscest Will be well 1Mrs. Bert Itowdett and daughter, Of - r•daytelte to'keep-".tho:Lwar mdelihre-vilest-stipplied- •with---riir---,Iiiletkelfeze the iieW 1141eieseille; spent- Similar- Vitli ,..the with ieupplies and rebiforcements.serieS, Of 'air fielder riort1).- along , the 4S. LoCkhart7fauff*. 1 . Tiew well this. ea -intik is prepared tot' Meekenzie :River and, weetto'Alesls.-a is "Red "Cross . group No. 3.- hatl -02-,very the SuPreine teSt Will. be eensed 1114( completed. Teere is elready in. over- enjoyable evening on Friday last i% the tile atmosphere of the tIonse rat11.°1.! ation a /lee running, northwestWit home of gr. and Mrs. -Geo. 'Oreerislade; • than in alee.:$peeilie legislatiori. ' illverY-1 eolith of this, new line, between L'ailiOn- This -ie • the ,SeeOnd ''Soeittl even/lig 'Of one knows there has been math. to' 1)-, °, ton and. I'Vhitehorse in theNulion late .in the'-'-Greeuelade home. • - ' proml, Qt in the meat- part, Canadians ,Territory.,;•,alie- „new link, *it-lt ^ the1 On Friday ,,e,t0114.4. Mr. and Mrs. have beep. 1)' L'. in theetremendeus; Alaska highway and tile Cana projeet, Leslie Vox eutertatlied-abinit 65 ueigh. •" Air • offensive, in convoy work e in the 1 00.,..ev1iieh there has beml sp much hors tied friends, at wited Cibss:party. • North :Atlantic and on the lilttie-f eenfroyersy, in' Washington,' is a war S_,?. delightfel. evening Was Spent lu Ilelde Of Italy, and all ,know that wIleii- :•••• undertaging, but it Would) be .i.nterest- etiehre,; high' scorers 'being, 'Mrs. Jae.' . ever •the greatest lilOw efinil is sttnektilig.re, 'b-pecnit,Ate on Whit tile •tleveleli- Loekhart ,and Jr. *R4g, Sturdy; ,low, .- the Caliailan;forees will be termed ,riat ; nit nts ef' the 7-PAOle North. •will metia Rota Yeo aid Bert Ilarrie,,,;,,,,, ,;„,r,;.-• . • ()iiiYt. the latest technieal WeillionST for the years to emee, "W. great, many "Mr. arid MTS. Will:-Siecleir, SeatOrth, raining, skill . but with 'courage, Ane . people feel that there, are real limita,- and Nurse, Sinelair, Clinton, .vere re. t; and a 'crusading faith in. the Jestiee of ', tionb to the econ.emic future of the -cent :visitors at-• the_lionle_ of .Mif. and their cause: - From latest figures ahetit ', leortyi; that it ,),.ew .ei:a will; he oeened Airs. ' Leslie Vox. S71,000, Y ti • ".. ',-000; . or slighPlv4r ,tb.ittyl„,:liv_e•:1)__..r. 2,in, 4.eineraiedelrelOr•anneilt •d 'in-' tlie, Orate Viiiireli,..)--The iteua m neeting cento Of •Alee. nial.0 lIPP;itati°11 metwe°11 '1 teurisf traffic, aud the -northern air- of- Grace United 'enitiell. 'WO, held ioSt. the 'ages Of eighte(e).. to forty -eve, have i port' yviit,.be. h ,,t(.. it ,liek in inter:" Tfturatlay• afternoon hi . the •.fiasemeut, been taken into the ta,fifea forces. With eirtithiental air eervice,_ •--' of the .chureli. Very few. were Out. it total contract figare of about 810,000,-.1 . 7 ,^ National Research Council Reports of tile different branches Were • 000,000, Coni,ida is' exceede,d, in thel In couuection, With -air, tlui National given .and'a TeryesaigfacterY Year was inentefactureof war sePPlies only hY•1,,Reeearch Council has made valuable reported. ,There was ' considerable "' Britaie, Russia and the united States i coutributione to aerial- operatioue; in added expense dWieg to, repairs and •',"'itiriong the United Natiolis. Canada,' the pest Year. Among theSe•have beeri- "Improvements at the parsaitage.. Few .• has, sent_ chiefs of etaff, Of the three IT improvements- in . radio location -vietrie: changes were.made in the officers., •Mrs, fighting- servites across -the Atitintieel,lneuts, nylon • has beeu adapted to the Will Vox was elected organist-fer ane, an• indicatttew ion of a. phase 121 in. th --e, constraction 'of parachutes, altd,..-im- -other year, with Mrs, A. - Lockhart as J work of preparleg or invasion- .With prbvements have been m the critich al oiir of invasion aPproach. - .„ emit building •as welt "as. If the effect- • Red Cross Meeting-,:-.LThe ' -janutiry . . :. hag; seine time -within the next leer as,..oie4.,,,„, of expioslye. _,1.ii -a * aerial meetfugsef the ReallfroesW4lel held last .,, months, the Most vitally_ inteteeting photography. -- -7,2 • .__.• ,'• , ,,, • Monday at • the 'hemp of; Mrs. Reed pert of the proceedinge-ef Parliament • Recent •rollitrY Conference . , Torrance. About,,TeweiXty were present, Mrs. Alvin Bettles,-presiderit 'Presided. 'will hereports ---to- Par "amene. iv- the ' Ministers of. The war departineiits of Tickets were eeld-on-cups and.-Saueers• - Canada's preparethiese abroad and at „donated by Mrs. Alvin Bettlei'and, won home to meet the clialIengiug..hour of history. ••••• ... , . . . With Jive, acquisition of two new destroyers and pleas going forward f dr getting tyio.-medium, *modern. cruisers .and two aircraft -carriers, the Canadian navy is. emerging ffeta its role as a ...,"CintvoY!',- force and becoming a "fight. 'frig" navy. At that it is well...trained for the -duties, of fighting,..av 'convoy work has involved alertness, rapid Atnaneeuvring and expert gunnery, - • - New -Labor -Code , ..Ati.ey,thrie...new,„..i.t• is expected, the ' new labor relations code art . sonna--tef the board.:„.1,4„..0-mieieter ft created for poultry niarketuig.., The • Will be made public by the. Govern- coriferenee endorsedthe Governments ' inent. -What it Will aim at is securing Proinise of a price floor fole•agricultural • and -maintaining the ful est rights for prod:uM" - • labor, inelliding the right of eompulserY ....7„. - ...- : •_., -_....-.-_,----2" . ".: .,,, . collective • hargaining, and making -the SALT WAS A SYMBOL OF t' . unoistand that, •••4avhile the,,,,,securitz.- SANCTIT. 1r TO4lEILEOSEL' If' *--whole,,hod35-4 Korkme in this countrY.: _ of thecomitry• demands that the :Whole- ., . • OF TIIWANCgEN, . 'W,._ ,_ • 7 legitimate rights Of labor Will be- up-• • _Tli.e„re_cent -poultry' conference: held in Ottawa has been -olie I'Sf. the /pro- greseive stages in the preparation of *agriculture- for " -the future when_ the e•-eer. -In addition to many 're- commenslatidnef on. '-technieal matters relating to poultrith-Oandry, the: eon. Tere-iike 'through' its marketing. com- mittee made twenty-one suggestions.. Among these were that a fotty.Year. contreet slueidd lie negotiated on sales to Britain,: to Span the „gap at the war's end; that there shorird,-.be COM- plet program of salesmanship . and publicity to develep • the, domestic mar- ket; that preparations should be made to keep Canada's place in•export 'Wade, and that -a natien.at-beard should: be • ,..;„ . • Coal-concieuS, and conserVation-cOnselous householders are one and the same Person at this time of year' They will be well repaid for their efeerte in this direction if they &eau. out the-. tieli pit of their furnaee „every •dey. „ An tueclimulation*4 ashes In the--iisli pitobstrUcti`theilraft-am-reften results'- , , • • Mis, A•ilen Bettiese The groups in :burned -out grates; J.C• line agaimst inflatioremust be held,ethe •reported -good- suecess-with_ their Red ,, _ Cross parties: Group No,,• 4 was `divitled- -and. -put With • No. and, No. 2. Two . quilts were quilted. • It 1110 jJeVjiL ' held by the Government and the whole ' ' -4,---• "1-4 . regarded eat tis'Irsymboi of senctite.. country. It is sail. uncerta. 1,n „whether To spill it hoded.:•• evil- . . and, thls Ontario accepts the .laber relations . . code as proposed. It is 'thought. that. superstition "persists today. ThrowingbecauSe of the special political condi!" a pinch, of 'spied salt' .over- the left tions Oistieg in. ,the ' 'province, . with shoulder is •a custoth that dates fel= the '02.0.-P. party as_the_major • party .,time immemorial. The ancients be- ltt opposition.in the Legislature, it may lieved-tifilt--teis- appeased the. *evil - -"lie_ateeesea,rptezge:t....some.elferatiolis ie. -spirits, lurking behind them. • • . the code. The positien-„df- Ontario- a t-77Z---ealte-"-synibol----of_•-ha•ppiness • will shortly be made known: •,„ Cofigreat .1n sOme, parts of Russia married importance to the new set-up also be- -couples carry a, unantity of salt with •cdt-se --61-the--zecente laber-.----Oeuts.„-ie. iem " veheru_thev first -enter their, .new • • • __,," . '''''''.eme;eseoweeeem- l - home. „This they ecatter in t e our ---.,-7------ r , • corner& of: the house, helievin-C, that happiness ,will. dwell-rwith them. Saltzrwas once Used for 'money, • and efili. is in "tlie-Seefri- Seas. ' Warriors of ancient Rome Were paid in salt and. he'nee the derivatien„,of tlie word Our Funeral th4Pei comjaines the dignify of a Ow of worship tnL Alle.--rertaeraent; a quiet residencc. VTINERlits SERvicz:. o extrkekyge for the use of our Funeral ITiiiire-roYanr, - to !treet.. 0:111arkee Servic • '4'sarers".'' ' j• . ; * ' - . ., Salt is •ii -ow- a: wea.pon- Of ' war. A pinch r -goes•--intO-ei,erWeapoii,..,,,eyerY ta_achine and every uniferm.. .•f ..i..- . --"TNee':"O(In-adian • "service- man -.wears stilt. It is. used in smelting -the metal for his tin hat; it -sets the dye It his -uniform ; It ", tans:- the -hide in his mili- tary boots. Salt temPers' the steel in ili bayealet and_helpletd•east-the barrel Of . his ritie. When a Canadian., Soldier goes ' to a- s "in',.hie. wake: He Is issued salt tablas c• to re -supply his .system With the salt I1°TttlefrX'elnanDkeinsdPliartatsti°sIloni* e 1,506 sep ..te.-,-' .j.. Aldo•Yer presided r -Election -' of -d- ate ifSes-fer 'salt.- -, • .- '- 4-':„ - - • _ :. .e.cers ,for„.1941 resulted as . follows: „There 'ere two recognized methods Seperinthndene.., 4ames., Toting; :• tiSeiefl of removing salt.freti the earee„ These 'ant supEirintendent; Everett .Mcilwain; eke • reining it and %Welling it. • When secretary, 'Maurice Meil*ttip'; assist - salt. is mated, huge chunks are blasted, ant eeeretary; Doreen Orr;. treasurer; out „of • the .earth. When it. eomes •Iip Vie Speirsui; distributors Tit:ptipei%; , from, a •well-(tlie,•proeeSS employed -in hal-lie Orr, .Ronald . Fidler r. Cradle the Goderich and other Ontario iglIS),- "it As l'i the• form of e. strong - brine. The' brine -le evaporated "and, 'phrifted. This givolhe clean, • white salt seert on Canadian dinner tables.; 'While 38;009 tons are conSuraed each year . in the 'Doininion in fooe- there was decided -O use part of the molley raieed at the parties for„.„ boxpe for the boys. ovmea.S-. Another t ve boxes will be sent: •as soon -as they _can be packed. • • • WiltTTEN SeitiALLY !ORT INEFKLY NEvvsPAPERS. 01F-CANAD4 ilM GREftlatilt 'Edna" st_tbe SUN 4A1140,4tCli A44. 'OTTAWA„, Jan, country's cOal. portage -liad folks,. worried :about last May, hut the ehtloole heir im- proved. Canadlare-'etitil' nine sliowed a, net 'inereaee ef• 3,122 workers frenr• June tO 'the end of Neveraber. , The prOgram to inerease productien re• ,ttirried: to •the Mines ••practietilly physteelly At ex -miner. "TOtal.employ; meirVat Mine* at the .end I'sto'Vem- Der was Mines in. 'the. lqari. thmee,get 1100 of the added Miliere, the Saint joint, Ouly if, Per cent, hod this opinion. Nine* -two per cent, of the' houseWlYee in. Vancouver thelight Meet, yvias benefkeial as other foods, , , • * * Peeause there will be beg-4er -cafinal:. , tieS with a second front, Red OroSs. Blood .Donor 8erv4ce acroSe Canada 'efoent the quota fitOped UP, train 15,000 to 20,000 donations of blood .week17; Let's all do atif'. part. , OrderS -of interest to ',agriculture Prairies 1,832 and • British iaolumbia, during 'last moeth ineleded ene eetabe 100- " priee eeillitg on horsenieet used.; as feed " 1)y fox, farmers) and "otherS;". ceilings -on poultry nit :and Ufl itlialuitgyhte4r. buyer as as ,seBbrIf carcaes to eee that the Board's °Mein]. stater' is 011 the „ carcaSS. With it view to proper , utilizatien," ,of "shrplue. . ,whiph eccumplates feom time- to time, the Agilehlturtii, read Board author- ized ManuffieturerK eheese' tae - ries ail(); -Creameries to perchese i rola „ the fluid, Milk 7 market when , offered. : • - ••- • - * Aepund -the _ Capital nadaN,. per capita contribution to the United Isla-. thins' iver,requirements hos been estiiri- ated by the Government • etatistielauS itt „,$174. This -compareS Witli".a per capita R lend-lease contkibutlim, the United States of $141. •Ifiiperiments carried on :by the National Research 'Council On nee," plestic gide rateess •XorenP in Making leMie- ated wood- and fastening all types of wooden Oints are Meeting with success., --...-, The •It.0.4.11-. has asked the public to report stenting and low-flying pilots. * * • • IA:Mt:URN, Jan. 24. ----The Leeburn War Workere-'have sent in to Dun, gannon diving- the past year.tile,fol:• "lowing articles: 10 pairs socks, 2" pairs army •socks; 5 pairs pyjainits, 2 pairs GODERICH TOWNSIIIP 1:0;:rezell,els)soy,ssersette,r;. 3 child - and seven _ ooDERIcH pr owNsEup, .‘„__. 4.,,,....... (unite. - The ladietrare,.eSked to quilt d 411; .4'2 a quilt at Mrs. Wm. -Bleyer's on Red Cross Cross quiltings were held. recently nesday-afterneet: - • ,. - ' ,- at the • homes of Mee. - Art. 'Ticlborne„ Mrs. "D. Leddy Was taken ' to Gode-, lohustOn . and Mr',.' rid'. h°sPital on 'Wednesday. of __last Mrs, Wileman 1.191,_note_________7: ...- , . - week. We hope- elle. will soon be much Miss Esther .MeIlveldia 'of-Hen:mill- impreved :A . -health- • •-, .. _,,, ,$• . Mrs. Perey-z Stewart ' was • - called - and Corporal Stanley MeIlw,ain •of .Wctod'stOck' -sent the . week -end with last week' to . star with her danght r, their' parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, Gee. Me- • Mrs. 'Li .young,, of 'Oaeiow; whe .was.111 [twain. .. ••• •• • .- 4. - 4 .... • in• bed • 'Mrs. ' Dave. Elliott and Lilly,' of --Mrs. Wed Horton -and her ,daughter; tee community Mts„,• Ev.a. Horton, of -Goderich, .called „O„pderich, visited in on the "ferraer!s• mether .other., Ova Sunday. • - , •••"e sunday, The bor friends "of Master Mairil-Y. pulplt of Union eh -arch. 'oh relatiV,ee eh Friday last. - ,- • T.' Rev. A-. J. MeKaye °coifed the 'Bucluinanevill be %lad to: 49.2.; 1.14e 10, delivering' it fine address on +.`,Adiiertie- _ingiobriat,,, ... • 1. I : ', much. better after being very ,ill and „ For the Red; Cross. -On On' Tuesday -is WO Ito be about the•-house,the. be- even'mg, the Overseas Club held a most gnimag of ails Matter eivart week. Clutton .h.a' ti --,13 s i •-youth-r-Dick Weatherheadi-M-iss- successful euchre ' and 'de:lice In the Oran e Hall. A large crowd „attended. ninth birthd y. this week. We tender. Eider,: an elderly maiden -.---Mrs. E. W. Etig4 ,honiiii. Th. 0----i-a-t-e___weilt.--ecre----iefee..- our •'eongratulatiOns- _. ___ _ _ __ _ _Rice. Ilt- the :play- "Ade., Oivee-: 'Firet HerveY Fuller- and Gerald ' Orr. Con- W.M.S. Aleeting. --- .SitS. Terrence Aid" , Nolation prizes were. asiarded -,1e-,Misti Hunter „Opened *her helot on the 1901... .i3..._;ry the 'following td4 part:. Mrs. Wilds ',(Ada), ;whet Yinsiets on ..L.fax-ine---ilicAllister---andAordon:-.Tehn Or the January ineeties of the W.M.S. --- e_eing lasPfirtli_Uss. - Fred .1V1eQuillin. • Ston. Luneh. was served by,:the ladies, 'of Leeburn church. • There' was. a .,.,,. .,., ura the'•WiIdsf maid,. gre. -Gordon after e'vihich daticing Was_ ;enjoyed '' to :pegPiletnoadiciviasatte:onoduafinixceet. d:T.tihye•,...Idter;n. tivvonmal,. '14-cPhe,rson ; the ‘girls,;, lire,. - Archibald .music :supplied by •Lennie Wilson, Mr. Martin; ,- Isobel .Miller ; 'Mrs: Wil- li -Powell, ,Fred. Ben and_jameS,Yelin $!,1..11.4e_W....e. 41.t].4...The Bible fer All_ Oen- ., liam, Sanders,---- Ars, Mire Todd ; Hilda •Over - $25 -was ,redlized from* the door adg,'_§_ Children" , as r; the theme. -",ene Williams, Mae McDonald; :Ars.. Ed- receipts.- .-This Money will. he 'used for 'iestallatiorEef - officers was dispense. ward-- Hogan,. Helen McDonald; 'Jim boxes for our boyS overseas. . ... . mr. with aed Miss' Clark „gave a, feW,pords , Fitzpatrick; who Is on •the 'cOirs,.. Grant and ' Mrs, Jas. Young entertained their Of encopragernent and • congratulated ..:. ..ttuthertord- Di'. Mortinier% Geraldr,. a neighbors . on .,Vriday; evening, at the While of' 'Mr:'aii,.d-Mr'S.'Gdo--:'Greere'slade An aid of the Red 01.,O§P:. Eleven taikes of euchre were played,. with ..hi honors...going . to Mrs. - Harvey Fuller and Mr. Goo , Johnstoh.., Consolation" ark' its effects stince' 'Christidas, 're- turned' to Port Albert on ,Sunday. Mrs. Stanley Todd is a visitor' with her parents, gr. and :Airs. young, at Loyal. - , • , gr. and Mrs. David Todd and Mr," Stanley Todd were •„visitors with .„Mr, AO Todd at Stratford on. Sunday, --when their son, Dayid I:logo:11h,, "Wee baptized. . Wein, en'S Institute Entertainment wtie'_ filled te .capacity ore -Friday night for the enter, tainment sponsored., by the Women's Institute, ,..,*ith-Preleeeds for war -pur- poses. Durnin PhilliO• was chair - pan.. • The'. two* one-aet. comedy Plays preeented. ,hy. local talent= Were well received' and those ,taking .part are :to bc congrritulated on -their ,succeS. •The cast for "Love aitd- Doughnuts" was Oliver115 i,ollows :- Jonathan Jackson, 11 widower-W,allaee. Miller:" 'Jonah •Capsdiler a eimple;minded yoeth-e-„Fred, Frenk Ray, a.. Mischieveus lien It is' estimated 180,000 employers will make the new 'retiree required by the-DePartelent . of Labor Ore the dis- tribution of labor, es of ,January' .8, 1944., This return very necessary in connection. with .thanpnwer platf3. One Of the thingseeasked fere18 811 estimate • on the: number of employees required next June 30th., Agrieulture, D'I'flep"gagrt-mea:riets'':o.I3vf ilgtrit7ilturi.T.sts°a;gse,:tiinothre •being required this year than ever, ea the -egg ' objectiee is 367,000,00e*, de -44a 22 „million mnre.,•thale in 190. Return the...eases* undaniaged; is 'the. ' urgent advice. ; , , * * . eThere-14--riot likely to be , any whole- sale layoffs in our shipYaeds because Private &homes erepioying--t-donrestie- of the •cleciSien thet---ne--new keelsfor eervants,.ttild Government departments, "conettes .` and „ frigates will be laid will net have to report. , , town - the 'Dominion • this -4 year. Minesweepers are not affected and it is thought the .yards., have 'Meth, work to keep them going through 1944. Licitirig-of the enhMarirte menace, is now being felt, • Our Viartfine, ship building program gave work to pearly 50,000 men and women in twenty -0e major yards- and sixty,five" Smaller ones. In -keit yearsof war more than 500 naval Nessels- have---been---launchee A grand reCor&- ' • • •_ ° _ , • , _ And there was ,thp Seotelunan who, • bought only; ane figured If one side of the .hdrs`e went the other • A sthdy. was made of Meat used by 2;050 , families' Saint Sohn, N.B. Montreal and Vancouver. It •• ,as found the 'cost of ;meat' aniountecl to 26 per cent. of the total food bill in Saint John, 37- per cent, in Montreal, and 18 - per zcefit in, Vancouver. *„ On the aver; age mettieWite'used twice daily 37 to 47 per cent. of. the .families in the three- .cities. About., 22 per cent.- „these_..interviewed „Pant John,. /for Jnetance, thought meat could ,be used 'three %limes.- per ;daY without. 'injury. In Montreal _89 - per . eerit, - of those iinterviewed were of the. opinion tho",t pork „wee injurious to -artdin Was Sure, to fcAlowi ' the- SOciety on the success it had ac- -ooroplishetIT,f4Irs..•-,--Wmv•paallows,,...3Yktp --,adtv,Arfsi Barletmeed4-Aeglizteewread.-:-., ,,-neighbor, '.*-E.. :IV.' Rice. Between, presented with alife inerabership„.and Jogs.. Dencing". has' en jOyed-to-music tttnnked the ladies yekyleelin :eply.•-•-0e, proeided - by - Mr. and •Mrs. George - president told of rebeivrikg a Vard'iirom the supply secretary thet the members Stuart, 'Mr.' and -Mrs. Chester Taylor . • atid. Miss Donis Taylor,: with., gr. 0: - prizes were aWarded to ,JigiS. Fred would be asked for secondhand...cloth., A. Webb as caller -off. , Proceeds Wallis and • Murray. Johnston., ; Lunch amounted td fop..., 0 neing was ., eii "lf rr me .darlingifeitid.,,Tif.--make held on Sunday: The pester, - iNot roe: I den't care to live -in-a ,,. . ;, fee.47,eig, ht Annital - S.S.` Meetink.-:-The • .annual • you the happiest wife' hi 4 States." . ing; no quilts ,tranted.-y Splendid re- wasrtsweregiven by the eecretary treasurer. :Miss Vera Boyd of India . chosen -ft mis membered in Prayers. Miss' II. Clark gave a portion of, the.study book. Tte 'meeting closed, with singing and Prayer' Lunch .was 'served, . flnu -was seised by the iadies,, aftee-whiefi meeting of Union-. Stinday school Was, superm* terid-ent,--Mrs.-Ilarwood- trail,er." • :4rtsuble!oine -Coughs Are Hard on Ihe System It's the cough that !sticks47ite cough that is htrd to:get:rid of; the cough accompanied ,by a tickling in the throat that_caases the nerve and, throat Wrecking trouble that keeps you awake night . Dr Wood's Norway Rine Syrup helps to relieve - -"•• thileoughing•Conditien by soothing the.irrita.ted parte, • . - ---rn-nSening"the-Phiegnr"and-stiMulating-tbe.-hroneinal, .orgailsjKnA:when.thio„. isi.,done the trouble.Seme irrit4ting cough May be relleved. • I Di . Wood's Norway, Pine Syruphabeen ,erethe market for the Petit' 48 cars. "The Trade Mark "8 Pine Trees" •Price3c4-brittleTkitge-familysizei ab.out -3-times as much, 60.a.At all - • • drug •counte..m. • • • t The T. Milburn 'Co., Limileci; Toronto, 0,.nt. • . RINGSBRIDGE, jam -Mat. Fhlee, Of the s-Kevrt Reghirent, is. home on a two weeks' leave•froni "VancouVer :Bible cfa:Ss teachers, Mrs. Q. Orr, 1Virs. , . The Womeit's Institete held a euchre G. tiatweed,' gise ,Esther McIlvvain, and :danee tit Kingsbridge mar ork+,Xri- 13,ev.• A. 3.. McICaye ; teacher of boYs, day • night.' Winners Of ' the prizes at class. Everett Mcilwain4..-teacher of progressive euchre were4liss' Margaret' junior class, Mrs: Haree3r`:Fuller•; as- •Volek 4ditilV AO.' .Williana c Lamm'''. '-'. Ti)e„, door-priZe,, a $5 war Savings certificate, . sistant• teaeher; 33ernieer 461:piston; ., ' *as -s-vt-in 'by- gie '.Bain Macdonald. The Idralving'ifer a• quilt 'WaS-art, iritth-- esting„event a the evening. Me..Philip- Niuriphy held . -the winning ticket. The, Cartut„he.7 orchestra provided inasie far -the dancing. '„ , • ., , ' - is little chance of '• salt.' rationing or teaehef interniediate •rs. shortages in these_ days of short sup- plies. Iii Ontario alone there are mo than , thirty niiUioti tone ,deposited, enough to supply "the nee of the ontire.world for 100,009 years. He: "1 know an. artist that- painted a cobweb- So'reak a maid. epent;un tiym to get Ittlown- -• 0rrbet--1711rit---40010fi,e-he- - .,• Everett Mc.Ilwana ; assistant. teaclter,. Miss -Ethel Menem*: niuSical shper- visor, • Mrs. ,G. Harwood. CREWE citEwp;-. ;ran. S. J. -Kilpatrick, visited .on Wednesday with Mrs. 8. Andrew and -gr. and ---SeVeral men of this attended the-farne,•demonstration course held at 'Dungannon 011 Thursday ,and: day., ' ••• . , •• • • Mr.: S. J. •1511Patrick has received. word. that, a• ilephessr free', ,Western Canada lias been , killed in". action overseas. ' • ' ',COnsttitatit.She per on w - charges you *ire, to tell you how to rtm.your busitess than, you could nutke in; your„businees if you ran it right, ieStead ',f)f "the wey he told ,yott. He: "Why net? 'Artists .haVe',.'been known to, do krach thirtgs." She: 'es, but not maids." COMplete Serried at ReaSonable ' • .• lthiees pRomrx .INVIPAM` CAR' • • • SERVICE No4 extra tharge for the use of our, modern Ftlneral Iterue. larlphtrest t, • ' rh,one2;3friW or I Ismairosiioneverom •GODERICII Nt.WZST DDSIGIsfsa _ Guaranteed workeranehip, at '• • prime that •wilCiileitise' ' sAvn ATA.t AO.1V'T$ rEts Call at our office; rherte1424 or drop Us it line to Box 161, Gods-' rick, We Will be 'Pleased to and halli chubie i. suitable mem% • orial for your family plot. R. A. SPOT -TON Andrew's St. ntario Credit • urean COLLECTIONS- • OF EVERY DESORIPTJON MADEF-TAPYWIIE‘ CredintepOits Enquiries Invited 72' ONTARIO ST. :‘ ST#ATFORD ' 41"."11"`"1", , - MAGIC'S ORANGE MARMALADE likSCLOIT,S ,• 1-2 cups fi4ted 001,1r egg topnArialr • „„.§, eusrpainirmlak:ade 4 tbapnairortening , cup orange 4 taps* agle Bowe)/ roweei stit(17.010.0euent8 together. Cutin abort. ening until eafeea.•neat'oge , measurini ,g cuptsidd.inilk and manual:1de to'inak6 34 cup anti,tidd to first thixturP. Boll out about 4/2 -inch' thick; "cut with floured biscuit cutter.,„Torr each with a littiQ anarrnalgile; bake inhot oven (425,F4., t.tbOtlt 15-irriblute8: Maker; 16.- ° / Ger SO .AZOrie/Crial/S: ,Pba' ,p,esx.reE,4,014'i *7-0; /*/4Z.47744/•••- - • • • rr• r meyke ta.,e/G*# lev BV.594/s' -rao. Pevk,t varr *Mir "1.5 e011041.477a< p ' ‘I'SP*IltA. h A/404 RoWaiew • /0 /04f IOW ,404/1), 4•4. air o/r-etivreoir • THE ciAr OF 1.1VINGt O flIGH'VI 114;01,,Cr HAV A RAW0 rZISIN6-e45 '5:NAVE EN:1" arks PIZICE.g UP, AOAIN . mavey.464€4r 7?› .444, I/44a, APP hvok eNe 1.0.5)454 4a 944670A- leteiory • The tire, trom out Mother cermet mak it heppy-- home if the ze, sick and *on:led, by the lesver ending hoesehold. dutiee. She gets ran down and .beeomets nervous and irritable downhearted and ,diSeouragpd, melte-Met. at night, _slid gets up in the matting feelieg es tired e"Frethen Rho went to 'bed. Worrell suffering in this way may find in, Milburh'e Width and N'etle Pifls ,0, moody with which to help rOriperttie their health,. build 'up the run down sit tem, and assist them back to health---happiness,again: ProeVea box, 65 pill, at all drug counters. Look for our trade mark a "Red. Heart". 011 the package. Thik 14.0bi.tritto.. Lintited,,Totobtco. (iy.t „ MRS. .1.41.141BERTE new *mikes upfeehng, One; She war he; boadasks Inktlettliss: sr etkasaipation any snot* nittit,441iree got her the new health And to* of t heakity liver. Burk up ow. 11..yer witieTrult4-Ctroi Canada's boost Stihng Lit* Tablets. .„ Yes, there are worse things than the ratiobing and other ruteA•ana, regulations of the Prfaes Board. • Standing in,line for hoqrs and then not even getting bread is worse . and there are many 'votintries Nyhert that happens!' nowt It is, much. worse whop price*.increase so fast that you never know. whether your week's pay will buy the bare essential r '..and that happened even,in victorloilicountries,last. timer Otit system is not perfect by 4 long shot i but it surely, s better than'no systettrat 0.1 JOHN LABATT LIMITED Landon Ceitiarei-' A