HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-01-27, Page 5•
-. •
AVRpR$DX W1UZ rith, 1.944
• P.
to Life Itself
AIIIIIIIIN,. jaii. 25. Porporal john
it. *Weir of _Toronto spent the week',
1COUr °Yes- are nature'a Most end at his hOme here,
,Alise Aiarjorie Arthur of Teeswater
ecielie:Irift. Certainlic they are
deserving of the reauliblwas a Week -owl visitor 'With lier awe
pier:Airs. M. Arthur.
neeesgary. to ensure their -eon. Miss Van, titraughan,,; of Stratferd i
inued efficiency. Normal School, epent the week -end all
her -"home here,
Gooe eyes art. the right of eVery ''' MrS. Iltireld Nicholson and daughter
ne# t"*-4-lier,-7-hertvy-`,-Straitt --end-- Karen -Omit the-Week-end-with--friender -
,• uniihturrii conditions: iMpoSed by _at "Galt.• - ' " ,• .
. , 7'`Air. and Airs, J. A,. Nett a,iid daughter _
,nieklerp. .living , often .eausethe ,aera,:ltiiiie, of Stratford,. spent Sunday
eyes to. Show signS Of failing., .
, . ..,, . with Mr, an,NVP
d Mrs. ''. Robison..
• . • . ,Miss , Ile. Craig of Wingliale was- t',.
Iletelaches,'„eyestrain, or t 'week -end visitor' at the,' lioine of her -
gue are signals' to give your, eyes t parents,..;;Alr, and Mrs. Wro. Craig.
WS. 'Peter Brown Of Blyth and Mr.
needed, , attention, - ' • ''. • '
and Airs,.., Harold, -Allen of Goderich
'•, were . recent visitors with Air.' end
Mrs.. Maitland Allen.,- ' ..
r., arel :Airs. % R. I).
. e. 11 ,J their daughter', Miss ' Alatf,Aluiirou at'
-',Woodstoelr 087;We1neSday. '' •
, ornau$,. '. -Air, an1:14r4; A. S,'Ilergilsop. visited
Stratford On,aVideesday. • - ' , ,
. • Miss AMelia , „Mcilwain '. and - :Mrs.
Eari, AleKnight.,, entertained, .lit, ' the
home -.Of - Aliss 'Mellwalw-eome :fifteen
lailleS to it nregressive euchre; Petty.
D.ainty refreshineuts were served and
S7.0' *as eollected for the overseas
. . bex: fund. Present; were Mrs. 'Wright,-
'WESTFIELD ' 1‘4). Ivni, aageti,, Mrs. ,Cow,an, mts,
AL Allen, Mrs.. T. S. johnston; Mrs. P.
- • ...,.
- -----...., - 7.'„, ,,, „,,„,. _low Mrs. Chas. Nevina,". Mrs. John .
WEST„.F.ITI), ,J110.- 4°* ----""T; '''''''''' Arthstiong, 'Mrs, W. Bra.d.noelt,. -Arra.'
Mrs: Frank TaMblyn, % Jack, • and ,T, 1cNall, ,.. Misses' 'Mae Ferguson;
Margaret, ' of Londesborp, ...visited. on Laura _Phillips, Madeline Yimeblut and
.Saturday ' with *r........and,-..:Nr..-. !!.4 ,. liaSter...Garth4liMligW`L. • . --,7-.::, • .: .
• Taylor. • - ' :. ', . *..'-- - ,.- . . - '.'• Birthday Party. --A. Surprise -birth-
• --,--..,.:-,111'r, :and 7 Mrs, Gordon • Smith. andday. party,' was .hod• At tue uome. ,of
,. naibiii6,::-ODMITLUrVisited-ute-Suo•-; -tfr..----Ftra,--zi.s.,,,,,,,,00rdor.t.„,-•„Aecolinohey,,
day with; Mr. ancl wits, a.:.L._mq:leweli.: . on ;TUeSdaY .0:Vening; , Jantary. .18,, to,
,Mr,".7Ernelit .$11.ell- 1.!.4, §,111.__el134, A fr9314.--. • honor ., of „Mr.' MeClineheY'S birthday,
n..attaek of niekisleS. • , s:• • . Tre
hose , psent were M. and Mrs, '
Pte.:Itussel °°91r' ofIPPrwds11-sPent ' EVe.rett Taylor . and family, ' Mr. , and
the -Week-end- with hir§ '144-reuts, Mr. Mr. -• Rodger -and- .family,
anel'iVrs.Ateantird CO-antiOk-r:".,--7----7' ... . .. t.
' lux._ lVilmer ••
• •
- MI-. Wm. WM. :Walden- arit;4'..Mt T41,044----and-farairy.L...A.`social-tbee was enjoyed.
• Walden were at ;London: op, Sunday, ;
by all,- the ,Yisitats. bringing the. birth-• °
------------ Little Donna Walden returned home day eake and lunc.h. —
• . . , 4
- with them from Victoria bil. ren s
. .
'41espita1.• . • , ; - .
,M,. iss*Pearr janlieSon 'spent - the ..Week„...
end at lier, hob* liv, Ashfield.
' Mr. and .11rs.,'W. A. 'CaniPbelk-visited
- ' ,-- , on Tuesday with Mr; and Mrs.
of 'Kitchener. -'-''''' • :7;----;.' , ,- .,
MFS.• Bert Taylor visited An TuesdaY,'
•,_ with Yirs.- 3'. Tamblyn ,of .I4Ondesborte
a guest .with. Jr sister; SVire. Margaret
• ' Ten ladies of the distria
---.--.. the home -Of MrS: ,'Fired• J."Cook on Bowman,- Quebec street:
fox •• 'Mrs:, • Wm'. G. , :Clark of --Hickson
;Friday, and completed - two quilta
proes. A.Vot-luck Slipper was visited for ' several days .recently with
.,.... _....„........__.,,,,,, .., .. Me. and Aire: A. Q;....Q.lark; Nelson et.rdet.
• ''. se,del_.the-Red
flave a r
your eyeaexaMined NOW -
'PlEIONg 33 +
GO1:00.34 •ONTARIO
Mrs.' :Lorne Smith: ha's returned to
Niagara • Valle,. Ont:, t'bteeisiting in
town and vialliity. . .
s. johnston, oi• Montreal is
The farm forum.. was held ,at the ' Mrs. W. .Pennefather. Prinee-
Wine of Mr. -Alia -Mrs. 'Alva liepOtrell, 'Albert, Sask„ is visiting her,. brother„
with .thirty-five -present. The ' Tom McDermott, at - the Bedf oft
Setivitiee. wereunder• the :leadersliip *• -1.
•••,me•Nic.DoVell, • Rev, J...Lane_is so ncuch imProvecl
of Arnold Cook and Grae
• ' • after. several 'weeks. of lit:health that
--Community ,singing was e 3 y d lid
week *ill be ...held, zit the home of Mr.
v,,arid Mrs.- F. J. Cook. .„ m
Young' reople'e,Meeting.--The young
people niet; on Wednesday evening with
. nineteen present. Soeial activities
were ,ellieYed..- The': devotional pro-
. grain was under . the leadership of
Arnold Cook, , With •WittnifredW-tmlibell
presiding itt tbepi1tflO. ,Tlie Scripture
' lessen was read by Violet Coelelftayet-
wag` offered, by Minn' Taylor,,,
poem read. by; Ross Rad:ford;• The
tepie, by Donald Sncll, was The Sing!.
ing"Church7.7 . The meeting eloeed- -with
-the---Atizpithi:,benedietion, '
he -Was able , to' conduct three church
services on Sunday last;
.1gr.:1-71,lex. G.. Mae:Vicar, meteor-
blogist, inniid. from, Newfoundlandori it visit ' to ,hisparents, ,Mr. and
Mrs,. George MaeVicar. „ •
:Miss' Mary Kennedi, , from St':
,,,•••0—nr ' •
an ante
;under, auspices
-ctoderich .ToviriShip",,"4oith
, End •.,4,ed • Cross Society'
aop, B-AtOit
lure Provided
, itortEsTh h
• itii:SSZCilki.,5c,eac
0 the Boys and Girls Overs
IN.eiggfacot trips Aglhaut 4-enen,Q4-
1.4aneasterin-the Dominion. Govern-
- reent's trans-Atlantic Servieb- operated
;-.Trans.,--Clanadri„,__Air Lines carriedlor
active forces Overseas over'
--7twornillion letters-740*e= Montreal
.and Great Britain.' . •
TheCanadianPostitiCor s estimates
'average -1-C -soldier
A/rites time lettere in seven day ti and
• redeives almost four; which gives some
pation of the vast number of tters
that Must be despatched by all forme of
transportationeach weelr.
Ahl persoundthandling consider
• letters as tremendously' Nedlualile fut.( n7s
in the war.:effbrt-7and. their safety `
forwardarice are treated t with just,:
./much care and imiportance as are ship-
Men.ta of planes, .tank§, ganeand
Letterd are -regarded as. an i`mportant
int:teepee in'Inaintairiing the morale of
*the, bp...ys and 'girls in the armed forces
Wei's eaer 11' 1704 -porting -ie-erilron
of .the militar3r missions...for which. the
Lancasters--inr.the .Domieion--Govern-;
ment serviceareilsed;They also carry
passengers on important war business,
aswell'as•tons of critically needed -ma-
terial to our fighting forces.,
'Upper photo shoW the big mail
load. - for one of the --Rights being
placed in the, prissenger cabin .of a
'Lancaster by security police , of the
Royal Air Force Transport Command.
The mail 'bags, alongside the aircraft
werevplaced an the nose, as well as in
„the cargo compartment located in that
part vof the plane formerly liee,1 • - the
anOda's Navy
. •
, •
--bomb bay.. The insert photo shows Allis
-Lena Desixclia: %%CA. emploYee,
doing. her share to beat Hitler by _assist-
ing in loading the. mail carried
by tlie big Lancristers to'the Canadian :
serkii,eemen and women overseas.
-, p.A.volr,o, : Jan... 9.•ti.----Afirii. Oliver „fiortingly , on the . text
Titohfoitillitsol; *reht°11r:livedritli.eimlie -011:1;lktIo74;ealtY.ill' "Thert Is but a At" betweell
Pte. Ellen MaeKeY. itlialtdils4v!,_ Tr!_tierlberr r .,...r:;Ji rlav:refittri lc
0.W.A.C.. Wind'', ,Tolui S. (1i:dander,. daek Give*, **la
'W)rt fVent the week-old , with, her pari. 'jack- ,•11augli; towerhearere, Giants
ents, Mr. 'and. Airs. IL. R. Alaegay. - Sterling. John Lireleay.- -Morel Switser, '
Stoker 1„ Merton Monier; R.C.N.1%R.„ Archie George, Walter Pinder, Norman
ia'spendipg it furloUgh ,at his home, ,in ,Fisch, .. Preston Foie and 'Norman
tlie village. ' ' - - - . " 4 Aloeser, * The, many floral. tribute* ' •
Miss Aenebelle, Leiteli of Groderfeh le spoke for tile ,higli esteem in 'which.. ,
speeding Una- week with ter, undo and' the demised was -held. ' Interinent '
,tiont„ Mr; arid'. Mrs. Wra..Orr. . „. . toek 'place iii'llayfield cemetery.'Those ,
'Airs. Grant Turner . and on Teddy, frown. distanee who ,were preeeot for
returned home , on., WedriesdaY. after I the funeral were Apt'. ,iS« eirliander„.,
spending tile past few: weeks fo',,,Gode- jaelt Given, , jaek ' naught'. Archie
• George, Walter ,Pinder; Norman Visa,
• Trinity Churcim-4-The, annual Meet- Preston- Fox gild Norman, Moeeer;'• all
,ing of -Trinity 'ellureb. wee held in* the ,of . the. ,•Callander " Foundry, Guelph;
.1 laet • week.',- ‘ The' rector,. ',Bev; John rAiiss -letibello 'Black; Normen' Votster;
'church,' Ou;Wednesday', atternoen AA l‘fra, Fisch,. Itir. 'apd„'Mrs.•Gordon Plea,
'ciraile..10.. Presided; • The report of the Guelph; Mr. and Mrs.. rinsed- Glazier,'
Areasn'ree, Ruesell• Heard, , showed a Goderielt; -jeseldi roster, Valle; Mr- 0 ,
balance in, the treasury. and all bills ' and. MrS. 3.0lin,, Gill, and sOn' Tirtingi., '
paid, ;Mrs. It. Larson, read the report Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock, , Vire._ '
or the Wouien's Auxiliary, MrS, P. Ed. Afeeon'and daughter. Grand'BOU4';'
'Prentice „the finaecial ' statement "of Mrs,' J. F..Pikken, Palgrave, Ont., and
the- -Ouild,-0-tuni-tharles, ,Gemeirthardtf Keith :-Sterliegi:'Sarriliti - ' . ---:-- - - -
sgba.0.*:seviii.14g11,..141e!al7144Y7aqt,..8iNicilltr:!lart' ;;4711°P.;ltairl' caelIS
on , hand. The .,r,e,etor announced that
11!- legacy"' „or-poloo-bott , been left'. to
• Trinity church. by the Tete Mrs. F. G.
Nitcceellivrid It wIlia‘s,,,..dreter..widedinvilawliene. tshi;usoale,, ,h_.ep c_at...e of
,..Atete.ra•beori,liornvoiTionpu:t.0,-,4the.._.b‘rosahrtbliatt,eNe,e,-1,1)tin' .1.:ii!sutte_ut,,ttelle, _mid paiisl, Almon." .,
. -.._ ,
ehurch *Offielal-S. who •had so,- ably 'fat., You've 110Pea lel% - •,..
thapke _ was accorded . ,the rector and ,Ma:IT jt;'hrirvitil,,Tgit'Ziye,,:olt:artastht_Le:e:a0bemti:e'!;:alinlefs' :. •
filled their , duties. -during the -year.;
, .
,pregressive year and by asking; for
'the. fidl--co-opera-tion qf -each member
'1' It is hoped 'that, 1944 will ,be.s.s inspir-
in.', The acting officers were re-in-
ii!pd after the business period
1.ufich Wa$'.. Served by. the' hostess:,
• ,
•Februar s meeting will be a quilting
(By W. E.4,PhillipSoiti • -"Adolf Free 'trained, a' slow 'match -lit the fuse. arid tat.lhe home .0f. mr. Itrbeinan.
' Fres) • off she went with a dandy -tang arid • Vestry Meeting.L.-The 'arinu,a1:veitryo,a ledge of frozen sanit'. fell on him
eveted ,peopietb- and aches msnallY Start to go 48
Wm. J. Scotchiner was beers, . Continue, for 30 days loriger "
and you too should' find .the relief r
you've longed • for, , .Direetions are'
..sintple, the cost hutlittle. ALLENR11-
muet _relieve toour.eatisfaction, or
.Y8*tourre' anin°dn. e43711 'etd4s.araPbeirs
nicrian,rieWs 70.41E.e.iliPbatirrldretr, , Luesssle-iie • gEellaitodtt;
propert3.r; committee, Lloyd-Scotchmer;• • ,,,
Charles Gemeinhardt; narold StinSen
and John Cameren.' 7T4e. meeting
was crosed'-with the benediction. , . _
- 'A Bad' Fatality.--L=Deepest 'regret •••was
felt ,by, all in this eommunity when. it
was learned on Wednesday a last
r-i-epek that Leslie Sterling had been
called to Guelph owing to the death of'
his son Kenneth; who wee killed -*he-
Warden and: 'Wm, .T. Elliott . redoes
wavien; • Russe.11. Heard, treastirer-;
"V of - Management, Mrs. Fred
Lloyd Scetchnier.• Chute:S.
inhardt, Lkslie Mise
Cameron and Mrs. D. Prentice ;• sides-
' • „
. .• ' •while Working - in the sand bin at -the
- "Sure Canada bad a navy figty years
ago,'" said dot. Barney 'Ely Of Sarnia
recently, becauee I was in.
.. • ,.
What was. it like? Let Me think a -bit, -
details kinda get 'away, from. e 'man in
fifty years ; wee j'ust youeg lad,
, , •
.about sixteen of_se,,I guess.
_ "The hip NVUS WaS. the -Petrel,'
built by the -Poison Iron Works, and
lots of +. smoke.. Then it ,was., swabbed meeting Christ Church, .Port„. Albert,:
held recently, • Was condueted 'bp the
out with water to clean the gun and
make, sere it wouldn't 'hold lire,' it : ' .4. • • -
was ready to reload. ' , ' , • rector; Rev. J. Donaldson: The meet-
' mThe teiii-yedit I WaS oe.-her we ing ssv,t1s--oPen'etVitilPkaYk!",,,413-en the
. fitted out at Oer,eli sound and aftbr a tre'asurer. of pie church. and of each
organization wee called on to report .
few clays in Lake HuronOnvestigating
complaints,- we •werit7.•-46 .Lake Erie: the financial standing, The Woman's
The Canadian and United 'States Gov-
ernment§Lliad -not gottogetheron 'con-
trolling fishing 'iv Lake 11e as they do
Callender . Foundry: - Kenneth „George
Leslie, a twin` • son: of . Mr; and Mrs,,
„Leetie")Sterlieg, was born . in • Gbderich
.township August ' 5th. 1,9.3., and was
raisedort the farm close" to the Viirage
.where his 'parente . now ' reside. i. -:11.e.
attended' school No, 8, Goderich. rowea,.,„
YoSeiih's Hospital., Handiton, spent the Guild lias heen. especially nc9.ve, the ship, and Bayfield "Public S.chobl; be
week -end with her -parents, ,'411.4.-- mid- report showing a large increase over also 'attended st.. -AndieVe.s T.Inited
Mrs.. M. Kennedy, towe. .7-.' • . ' .1942, and appreciative thanks. were cherch and-Sundav school here, Over
-17.2-S-ee-and-Airs-;,-Don-pellier-of_ Tor..---I-,heilelie- '01e -;was--ArA.t-Lcommisglened- now=and--Avliad•-to-poli• ce-our-side-of-_ extended to this ..b"ranch of the ehurch,' twe .yeare ago he. *eut to work in
'onto. .and. Miss. Mande MaeMath of 14.180g ;r3vas in lier about .'0,1;;I: kno_y!, the -line, The AmeriCan side wag get -7 ev.--Iff.-rportaldeon'a Trepozt - on .th0. !flenelpirTand----Ivehad, ,been-----an--*mployee-
westerveit School,' London, spent the it )ylithiet . the first Year she ' Wes in, ' ting •fished outand , we. were looking for "-till:ties' t -if th,P.',',. Huron DioCe_se. :closed of the Callander' Foundry for - almost
week -end with their parentS,, -Mr. and -eerVice. Tho Domini:Or" cm
t---,./iferoment-poachers and illegal nets 'on. our,„ side. the' flret „'part- of . the Meeti.fig. -The' tvvo years. SUrvivieg, 136Sides hia par-
-Airs:7$, jt,,.:xamwtet,----, ,_-,. , - , ' • , 'built three. of them' aiike,;the,Constance,
.. . SoMetimes We were ba.sed on .Port folloWing officers *ere re-elected for ents: 'are hie twin ----brother Keith,of .
3,04 -$:.."Rector s warden, 11 111)11 Voster ;.Sareia;,:and sliters Mrs -....X., F.- PM,Itert,
Miss--nileekBegie'llas returned. from the' CurieW; and tee.P-etrel, The.Petrelt sfaniey, and other times 011 Poi 'Dover.
a i '.-t-.-to --toriden • iind on..$kinday re-- was, assignetk-to• service on the Great "iVhen we oVerhauled an* American boat P661)id-'s Itall:en, Wit17* Vr°61nali ; "Sull-. (petty ) ; . OfPalgrave, 'but... 34firgaret
do-•schooi superintendent, Robert Hoy; . and. Marie, at,hompt.. The fimeral ser-:
sumed,-her dnties ' as 'organist' of Knox Lakes ' Xt. connection 7 with the iiShery in* Canadian .waters we would fire a
clfurch: In -her ..,-absenoe, Mrs. '-J. 4.. prev,entive seevice.. , (1 f
' . - aP - cl,lic-'aria rifle shot. or two 'acrosa her 150VVS'. ;and `'sidesmerl'.. CJ 1181111 '' 'llaYclen' liftr'°111*:vice 1v4 -•§ ;held III St --111:11arew'8 -thiited.
Suid'er .ofticiated at 'the organ:, - (Ted) '. Dunn, of Owen Sound W#s her she would heave to,:: Thep we '-would Tigert; Dave,,Altiiiiir;-,Organiat, _Waiter church,' Irrtifield, ,,on--S'aturday, after.;
. mrs, Elaine Pont ef. Windsor, visited. captain rind lie wa's, a. • geod ,one: • 'She ,put a boarding partY. on ; if they' Nfei'•6' Tigert; sexton, Robert •HOY• , . . ' noon. Rev. A.. S. Colwell ,spoke 'Corn -
her mother, Ak.rs. *E-. Tremblay', • for..a had .a _triple expansloe •erigme, .. could' guilty we would tow her pito_port, and ' *'
ow....daye lest •week -and- retnitned. to do,.eleven:knots ermeing add •twel.ve or arrest .the„creW--2tind. the boat. Capt.'
Windsoeilh--friday. 'She is* emploYe4 ictii,irtwii:1-f** she- - s e he tricks, • Float -pets- „
ITC the Ford welding department there. I Brown waS chief engineer, hut us young We would lift, submarine.nets we Would
'MPS Hamilton, who lives alone at
her home • on St. David's street, . was
tetrad pne therning last _*derir over-
tothe by gas from a coal _stove.She.
Was takee' Alexandra:, Ilnspital for
a' few days to make recovery. •
. •
k • 4are
„: •
11100t( STORES and other RETAIL STORES
your-. --efforts L'fire criticised you
_Must have done something worth while.
If soineetie -calls 'Sron a fool-, go into
silence and meditation,. . He..might 'be
I .
- If .thr.werict. laughs at you, ,laugh
ht btiCkt „funtly as you are,
lads'ald'Aiatlhave much 10 do with' the ..grapple* ---for. and .;• raise.: In the two
. .
flrelield or the. engine room. We ,were Tears I ,,figure We seized thousands pf .
naturally picked up it lot about engines • .• e'Vve Merle. criiises to •Lake Superior
worth pf, illegal nets. ' '
'being' trained as ,deck officers, , but we ddiliir,q
from the ..chief..,_: •...... .. 7. - _. ()nee- or twice a season 7 and: got to See
-belt-hottomed-pantaperand Torrnd- a lot of different water and I guess the
"'We had regular navy•Wforins, big
-to.pliatilvitk,11-1-rib_ben--on. it. witb, the 7werl‘ we: 'Ed niOte than :paid for ..,,t1*
name of tEt gEfirfirg<='' •Pdt 'Stnellt-ya'' ,:c7r-r°*11P.;:rp'°Peerattvelt-ilcgv7trIeltterlj7:6ifhel- 'Link:- et-77---fe-
itnd-holidays,--we- had' eviiitei,;7 so we years after 4hat:*bui she Went down ,
ship' s writer, 11..11. A. jenee,-, was-sker_taGnsealiw-swilaipifOrw_11,thegl lte,ireis.',.eTh41:11174.11:2e7n4a,1-
thought Nye_ were pretty, 4,44.0,nk.,The
drillmaster., • 1 -Ie was an old hand, frora7,ShewaS-ri, lot bigger,,,than the Petrel-'
the British Navy and he sure pit :IA and thice as -fast--4. stiall cruiser.•.
through our: Paces. .. The ' ship had a .teEdbi, 175 feet long. • She... -Carried tour
deck all rouhd and yve Practised:march, !. autorna tie --firing gunS and 'could log
. f-.-"01..1..litive tried to do sometying .ing olk,'that- Then -'he .'woutctigiye us., 9.0. -knots, " • .
arid" failed, ' yon are testly better,' Oft .ritle drill and cutlass •dkill. T-Sometimesit__-.mai Jag:id-the -Petrel .did . a..._ Jot of_
than, if youhad tried notlfiiig: and we had rev,,oever.drill: It was drill of ; work' around 'Halifax during thio last ,
siticceeded.7eThe HIM," libstOn. '' - wine' kind twice a -day. ' Then ea $1111-.; war ...Ma". was Scrapped since. . The '
Old , Mari always made us turn out for- •7:NoViagril•aanildt 'wrWilast-f6het;,1`seelat.Vpead.Ca
frll4pet. Inst
clays ' Nie usualry were in' port:and' the
church parade ; line up ,on the wham said lie saw ' her hull down ' at Port
stood -Watch •and took .pur . trick*
inseectiOn, then march to 7Philreh, ' i Stanlei the laet time he - was there. i
„whet, we were /jet' drilling; , waet;.-:tSilheeiratt yth:eeyeertyretbi iwilegre,,ssimtipasritzrer 031.14n I
*wheeling and! watching. Capt.• •Pun1-4 Bristol fashion." "I' wolider yehat
' wits, a good navigator. awl= II,...,WY. to it , penalties their -giire' the. boys new, 0,..4.,
that' We' got ,proper -training. Thulels they have no big'. brass ineztletloader
' Where 1- gOt 10 tart;Ilfinished *up with -. 0.,ps-usioe q0-eepided Capt. Ely.
V '
HOW tO cut, the cost
Heating Your game
111100101AX 1,1 E*Ail t:1 07-E X P E
Ilour‘1170,Kedp the
many homes today the,cellar--
-L' serves as, a playroom, •reerea-
tion, room- or laundry. NatttrallY
we leant it as neat and `clean as
possible. With 'a •little precairtion
,it is -not difficult,. even ,with coal
fuel, to keep the cellar as
clean and dust free as the if -
stairs -living rooms,
lViesf people do not realize:that
*a grdat part of cellar clust;drises
-•-"ireIn'f•-•the wearing ,,Mvartf-the.,
'concrete floor. When":the '
. crete floor ie swept, this pewdery.
' flaking Of the, concrete causes
--tortsiderable-Alust.,ffills tan -be •
• eliminate& to some extent .bY "
. painting the -floor with at inex-
Pqnsive a .preparation
.Whieh hardehe the surface of the
doncrete and prevents dust for-
Another source of dust is from
the heatingplant that is. not itb-
air4ight ,`ttrotogl the
ashpit adjacent to the floor. The.
0, •ashpit base should.be firmly ce-
Inented ,to the floor, if not duet
` will seep' through the crack when
the ,grates are shaken and settle,
' a'round the cellar. ,•
When dry fluffy ashes are re.
moved arOA1 the. ashpit and
transferred luta-containers, a
cloud of dust may arise. This pan
be avoided entirely by having
small spray installed in the ash- .
,connected,ty the Cold water
line. When about to shake the
grates, turn on the spray 'Ai&
will send A line mist over the
entireashPit, settling all the
dud. When these *she* are re,
Irieted, they will be suffidently
damp to Prevent •any idust
ing. Per a few dollars thisspray .
can be . -installed complete in any
fernace or heating :plant.
if Pieper 'tare' is, not taken,
dust may alsobe eaugetl. when a-
new load of coal is -delivered and
chuted into the bin. This, dust,
in most cases, is not caused by.
the incoming load ofcoal, but by
it disturbing dust that
„ readf be in, the bin', It is ea'sr to. ,
"WOW this -simply 'spray, thd,bin
with a little water before the
newdelivery is Made. '.The,
lowing- suggestions along these
'lines will 'go a46/ii-WarY' ttiWar
helping,. 'keep your : baseme
dean., .
I. Use covered ash centai era.
Moisten and remove- •
regularly in small quart ties;
8. When shaking ,the fir , 1110.e.
, reelitally close , the checkdampe,,arid .operi,,,,the draft
4-dareper. The Irnah1ai2tount of
duet generated wen the,
grates -are 'Shaken ill then "
.have a tendency t flow up-
• ward through.' th heating
• plant and into t -chimney
'instead of backhig up, into
the basement.
Construct the co1 bin in such
indrinerAkit it is built di-
rectly up to besement.
ceilingt_makino it a separate,
room. when the „coat fs ate.
turbot in -handling or dav.
et7)44ur` dust particles -will
° not have a tendency to escape
into The basement, but will
remain In this rikoin.(24)
,, _
...11-..:•rOtist.fiect,...ticket,- A lot more .of the „. • •,. ,--- .
' be)y•S ;did_ too.: „iiirnnk:,Pa4viknsed to be
ate.. and ' then. Master a :the C.P.R. 1 -:-7,----,.... . , •
, . A.ssfniboiner Wit$. one , of the . boys 011 ! ' .NILrit.. 4141.1. 25." -Mi!.. ;PAM reit* g'1),.p
bOatS; the.I.A.lberta„„Athal*sca .and.. the i .. , .:. , ------
the .Petrel'.;',..' Hes retired -now. ,ThOii r 'i. not as Well . as . hit:. Many' friends
..there . was ' John*. Aielgell:,- who • went.iffould:„..like.,:„..to. sec.', ',We W'i.e.b.7--him. a
'wheelhig on the American Side. and --1-t-',' spee4 .iecoyery. . •..', •
W40 not •,very lorie:;'-ifii the get 1 kis i Mr. Sack 'Wilson' has -gone to work
MaSter's pavers over there. ' r iti the 'Woods in the :vicinity -of ' Owen
- "There ranst be lots. of `old. skip -Pers. s 1 • , ,.,.,,. . . ,, ., - ...
ore bath' eides.:06t. the' lakes who got
Illeir-etertninier •
*Cant, Pune, if X could Mr. G. Rutledge Is not enjoying the
beet. of health, these days.
JuSe recaltheir .i iiloriii,..-Vietery League.-Merabers • of
l. '• namesMostly bo
... ye .,,
from 111)4trond:OWeii 'Sound+ 1.80i119,1".ce,':Nile eounnuni,ti met hi . bhe Orange
•,Goderieh arid ,Collingeroed. ,We eignea•11all on Monday night ,,- to . ferlo ,,„the,
on for three yeare; but 010 neVer:held, ; Nile .Victory', I,;eagne., - 7-.11r. 4._.('.eri1kce
'Xs, for there waS 110 trouble to' get' otifor.:
fellows to'. takeourplaces_At we.,g9t,# ? Oitilagrkoroto,inOWerr presided for the nam
as follows: President,
01181100 to to, „ go .:into..,,,Oomething!'liettee. , Omar •'Ilrooks ;' treasurer, , Jellies convener, * Me:.
.s,,onikop_tolows,_. ttaine4,,,,,.u4aer, , • ',, Xntyre.;'-'7seeretarr, '- Airs. '-''Clitienee
, Capt. ,, litietow nrogra
; ol , . W. O.
..Stearaboarcaritaitis wereenxiousget.te
Thltin* '' "4,- ' ' • . , • .' Pettmak;,. helpers; Frank . Hawkins,-
-----Afice4ifia,4141-g....brigis. carinon_onAhe
Petrel, ,aberit ...4..inell as I recolleet it ---a Reg.Wan' .work -ekii0eixei,- Mrs. .0.
WilMe•r,-. -Itittle..4d7e, 8'. Miss--.-Allm.--4‘ira,
. Praetised with that etineon,'N'ithtlien114.Ve'weMrs. It. es, 33r°1)18:
•' .TOhnston,-41rS, • IL: -:•Watson,.,
, nuizzle=litiader.,1 7We-drilled helpers; 'Mrs. A. Solins,ton.
liliSulited 611 11e'sv-iv61/0"1.:* big r6ebn :lire. W. Rutledge, Mrs. „I. Nixon, 'Alfs..„.
,aerangemeht. -What' I renieraber' most ..t
)1 McCann, The regular meeting .4 ist,
• *it§ 'polishing that gun, for if anyone,. be i
raisbeineeed 'they had t()go:and polish teotteh)• nTdtheoli;thsecond Tjtcnoenild,, Mondaywtt
danil ,
that big brass eannon, , and • Cent: sEd. ,
,-Frame of Whitton,' Vile, 'was. litaec,,,with,evening wag brought • to .0, eloie:'
"God Save the King: "
. ' , 1
' wand ineeect .it. There was, Owen( • '-. . ., - _
,guti,never get very dull. ; The year ' 1805 SHEPPARD ON 1
a bit of • ekyiarking gohig On, so, the . .
.waS a backward Season. ancl ' we did , •
, not get startedvuntil April .25. X do net S7t-tvlbra PA'..Ri),,T9N,,, 341,,R......25.---Mr._and I
remember that V/6 'bror'iltled a , cannon 'Mrs. '7 Fred . Mccier, Jort and Jerry
In Aetna 'seivieet- but, the A24th of May, have ' moted to Denmiller for. the •
tvf that year WO -Were An,,,,Windatir„,..AildWinter mouths. , • '
the, -..jet'• of Silly in ,Port, Dover and on 8 The -sehool pupils itre elijoiyhoig AilesWs 1
theee riccesiotis We fired gi..,,guo salutes' days' holidays, ,a$ the tea. 01! ,r, • Miss ,
, to honor of the Queen and country, ' Muntiogs,.18 ili'with the "AIL.," . ,i6 _ .:_o_
"The bleck powder came sewed up; in , 6011d_IVIectillg•-r-metubors of . the ,:ssr_ , .
hags to fit' the ,gtin; on 'rammed that ,, Men's: Guild of .Christ ehurch held
bon*. then; the wad. If it Was tObe: their lannaiP-ineeting tit the home, of
4 'tiotted for target '1*actice you rammed 1 Strti4 Agnes, Foster. • After the de -
the eastiron ball down, then more wads, ,votional eerels6 led byjhe,president, .
Then. a spike,,. was' pushed ' down the ' Mrs. Roy Petrie., the.'wori 11m1ml firmneee
, touch hole to oiien-the powder., bag and '02 t1f6 Past' Yee"' - were ' reported and
: a hew ineerted; When the 'gun vas ' di,scussed. It Was an interesting and I
VI •
47 •
a a
• „ °
Tte ,
• •• -
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