HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-01-27, Page 2TB OOflERiCN XS1AR.
arrantViews on
NEWQ1LINFOLO FOR it NEW A674 will not be those Of the nineteenth
Al. this stage a the IaSt War;friend century. Inmany respetts' they will
• ,
abtrbt tonal-
. TOR' OODERIOU 8ION'Ali 1014i. WOO (310DERIK*C0,1,41-B
Vahlitned by elignA-Star .Freis,. Lirdited. '
West iiltreet. Go4erieti, Cflirparlt! . .. -
'44'4644"riPtina nate'4,---c:allada •and 4re4t-• Britain.-- $2 00 ,,a year; to United
Sta:tes, ;4:01 • i., .. ,,,
' --A4n'itl•iing.-1141tiii4h-'-r ne§ft,:.,...1,c1,214._Plig,31-_,-
POsVw—Alli PitolOrtMs
- A BY riarrY J. 1141.0 '
I met Mrs, 1„ini ,grown....eh the' ifreet
yesterday. She 'mites for . the local,
paper and ,does,,a bit for the eity
papera 41.0 i$,VenSidered a ..S. Mart hand
lien7irizotties-Icr-getting" ideas --dOWIr
On 2paper. She looked worried and . X
wondered. what WAS ° .bothering her.
"tIA-e previa%) ..a Nova .,$eotia, in the She Aold. inc that the MillAir boy
viclilitY -0' Haliftt; ‘e9111'S t° -*''.4 trualttIO:i-nt, : ,', .1%a`clilYbineeg4.) 'illipillltdner*Oefvethale
. There, ,1,03, „4, great .04.1..et taik about favored resort of these -iliiritS.:- ' cal3..0.A.P. She 'was Worked ' VP about
. 'the .whole thing, being- A 'Close friend;
after -war --construction :and, . re- '
tiabilittivoi_.0444 a ...1,10:simvo ,,,,oppii3.4:, .. in 'lioi,,ou ,ef, ale, beverage ..-rOOM 44 •tilo' 1)°Y,'s '-umther--,-. and she ,yi=anted.
to "write .an • artiele On.' JAM.' Sile
for P1,01$ aforloPlects,...-,There 'is' VS' 0°01°4 i't''.4tt lie:on ,:$nggeitrIld that wiinted . to. g-tvo • a .#ne t?lettn*,e a the to theo, prboote.s. of. froo indyt,44.o.a/ eundren ..,01., .,, tue , nioeteentli ,atta
., doio, pt. eq.u.tset,, :in looking, oread;„ if these- roonis are -,40 be abOlished. there • lad; • ', ',; : "• •-:. . ' " • - • ' '
. . enterprise,. with a' ralhballiM 'Zif State 'twentieth. '.genturies .ttre,,, avided - by
shetdd be seine Place for PeoPle,to.,ineet ' 'That 114S . beerk• Phr. ' MY! Mind .• ever iiitotferolied-:pt , contra; It Is beade-
•ht. thw , time td blue -print peSt4vhr '''''',-,• -"' ' -*plug' ".sucve 4'4°.' '''' !0111;4 give 4 Piet:are; of Vor in
rit'"' in
."'. -116j °Iee. l' V4 ' t"11 W°11(1°11114' 11°w I°11.' th,e. Point tim,t tilose.-PrinoiPies wqe 'Intitittentiel:rale.14.'lliabp.V5t;he' tl,'eettISreilYotunogtest'
but to 'Our War, ig 'thtiAlCiiii atOUIPt:8 s i A,AAna
'ell' 48` ilot-XfOmpletely Appged and that some of those whO foi,ight. in Abe list war
_ .
;.. soniethine in tlds, titovigh a •plaWlarge
/ Ernie Xiller. First'Of ail. se '), ul of. thew Which Were "aPPlicti were Un- had been brought up to ii. werld of
. . , - . • • -,„ ... 4. q= .,. „.....;
that ..inp,ny", v...,,ougo, !,,,o haN ,,.. a,irverale r.'"'?u„,,"SPalV, 11 t' to start' noc# innhY 'Years:a •0.'vgQo to ,sneessfai. , /n. 191849 that, an lay. hi
,plans will, 'prove to • be largely. !sv*fte •
.e.w..ffoevri.tu,w. Iiii7e7.1;0131.0t.,.knou%:"fa„?'ebee:11 .,pot h. 0,
other ni, geOtin0 . pl.a. 'ees, :sto isay pill -.ToShua Wirer-. .-''. .'.,stftrtna' g. out the future. •The point is' that-, , at the kl, it of abslioelutellsadwhcr erunit°12e19.41,
prgenkies Di 40.4. teip.n,g. et tile bomes. The otitario. with -hisr yOung...Seeteh bride Of three end orthO,aaSt War; til...e world khew, front of their YieyeS,' WIl110 the .dlildren°
weeks . from ;.14iverPeol in a .Sailing what an , Allied victerY 4Would 'rneaU,
_01.4! these *in net;fionbt. Toeise due I Temperance- Federation' Infght" give its of -die - twentieth :century intve.,,:gever
0,040 because of the; , , . • -
Ysoelseel,i0Y.tOttu.e )/feoenilidlig'.shaotv.P ttliV)°,euer.e'pl.4.e Ta.hiea;tlyrilidnactpaliii'eocif-iduetlneno.eCerit4e1" otulibeialtahilacde: known ' what al •Sectire - world ,is. • In
Britain, though -not in ',41,Pltrica, the,r9
-go: a 1014g, hard- trip With its never- afrwell as an emotional content
erldbi,g_days IMrrounded by unfriendly, is,also the Areat eitaSra,..oVthe '4itiliatig"
salt water. Then---yOu-would- have......te -victory- --wOuld, .mean,2,,..Ofthe four the ' °twentieth e ntury froni ''' their
But who knows today What an ,ellied generation": dividir, 'the children of
picture the long' -trek froin, Mentreal major Allies, two . are democracies; futherb, c-, - r - ,• ,
across -the overland route ". , . . big ..
but the general. eon:04,00n
trees and. wolves and Indians-. • . . ' OA IS not the only . aceident.'of
that people. should he AnOWed 't() settle - . • .
danger -that chilled , the steel a en= :their own affairs, hOw In -itch et, -the history- that sets theta, off, The great.
durance. A elearing Iin, the busli',and formulae. .of .deraotriley do the 'Ambric- technical, inventions' of • the. nineteenth
a logeabin and sofOniite hands cal-. century'. were industrial- processes, 4.08-A4d:.:'1Iilti.0114g434-45 aptieles. 4t *which., the individual rarelS" ski'VrtliOr.
lonse&and burned with'ihe heft of an e--nort.? Te take 8, specitfip.,ktiiie,;,,sbouid
aile--and- Strong soap- made from ashes, we :recommend - the -.G.ermatif3-. to f set
ail wonld have to -go with scanty crops 'tip 4 '-ropuot of po 1v:0 -oar ftopubi%
and „l.tatio4„, 411g.:440 71044 potatoes or the :French:1'e -restore the Third Re -
and WePi°U.s salt.. - • , ,,,,' - ' ** ,. Publicsiipposing, that our, advice were
:The. grandfather -of Ernestwasone asked for in either case? And; - ft
of • --nlue-z-v.','„--.. n''-' rawdlide-----micuscie)t6t, what dowe'..lreopmniendl. -more_
.bush and the lOve• of the, 'virgui earth not,in' their,Own'-affairs, praptise any-
' oyer, •the, other; two .. major Allies, do.
yonth who . learned. the lore. of the
thing that ,We ,should recognize • aS"
'democracy. • -.Sem° allege that -the real
preference of the western Allies -is
for legitimisVeonservatiVe; rdenarchist
_governments 'in. -Europe. - Some may
-where. men, were entong own . ti; i ot,iiiink that it is not so. Butgan anyone
the industrial tabernacles: He may -
trees in the lumber -woods to kindle rotti..sosola3''
We want government4_, to be
of full knOwledge, that if is
ried a • neighbor girl whose heritage democratic yes. yisetsa.kellsiitt4wate2wweasnet made
a flaming, hair • reflected. the warmth
of -:an'o Vita-- heart and whose ,e37_,e4 1 the name 'a dentoexiwy After the last
war. And where does ithat leave us?
mirrored the flashing . spirit of tbe
French-Canadian.' ' . -: °-' • . Doo .anYone ltndw?', • ' ' . :0, -
' His father Went to wag because duty The confution is hard,14 less .in the
sphere of international :Organization;
called, . returning .-With a bride from The-'1.1eague of „Nations...Is still alive,
the smelting pot .ef- Central -Europe: and_.-tbe. • many small -nations.. Of the
She gave hint the benefit a age-old world • will not abandon . without a.
wisdoms . . . but the father's task. in very fieree s--truigie the doctrines Of
fighting for peace had been maltaated,;, Sovereign .eduality and &mar sovereign -
While the father- caught up in a chang, ty on ' which the Leagne was Rounded, -
i g . twrictilture 'wonderti.. : with dull or the poraei.oes. of, aoitt.litici4 ,(i.,,,,
'es 'why suffering °and death heti- willing- submissiOn th arbitratiOnh col -
to be inflicted on the world. ,a -gain,. lective securilY, (i.e.,,--segrIW,..PY 0,4....P.
*Yining Trimelflieartr the*calrItr=•titrty; consenting • co-operation of all) and
He linked this .wIth.. -the love of ad- disarmament ' (i.e.,: eqUalization. of ad-
venture which ;Stirred naturally. within"
. . . . .
- Vantages .aint burdens) . by Winch ft
hoped to ,secure. peace, Bile there .has
He fought to win without ' Counting beenz,,• much- _talk :of .Other - conceptions.
the'-. -,_-:, and vaiiipi.,J1.-..-_- --- - - - Mtith-has-been-beard•-,.-of-the-interna
black -bearded Joshua ,nodded. hi that tioi*l police_foree. -Some. conceive it
-special- section .. of- Tara -Arse • reserved .as a ' genuinelY.-,; 'International * &AY,
responsible .., to a World , agency, to
whioh,:. cdnsequently, the. essential at-
tributes �f sotereigntY' would have, to
mid avate knew. the main tboe odtiora.eteetlyroaoxprosulotlettop.gio,ytrolptrtettsstunorer
"principles-• of 'the World :order. that Allan maximuni income,- the need •to
„would A;0110, Ott All vietOrY.' eurb the freedom of nation -states
The • wor14,-would' be made nit of ratile*' than" to create' iti..1011)* And in.
detegfitied; --IndWidelitT".-SeVerel4n "17''e*"'":144 will be 11441.-9Itt'
11, Ideague Moreover, the_people wit_ a .
o • f Co- them
states; linked together by
pf ;Nallons, tounded .on the paue- ivies Will be different. iIitlietto, the world
oe collective securitY, arbitration, and 'has,beenrun'.by Men and women who
di$arniaraerft. . . . Connnireial - PelleY Were- born in , the nineteenth emiturY.
would permit Only moderate,Protective Only one man born in the twentieth
tariffs and would frown.' On I; uch eX- century. has 4.....e.tat - lit an American
tan' of•pStacite4mooffin!enwspitohosaintouittrlitit
liedients is (metes, „diserintifiation0,.. or British' Cabinet. The Russian and dojo. _.f. ,
ompitg.,,ohd ,offielo,..trading. •Intern:!' okiiwe .leadersare ilineteenth-eentury- 414,. prorpot4,_ Itibbentrop'a•-•'spokeetnan'
Kiln:, every.. state • would • be .dedicated ' horn. -So are the chief Nitis"., - The lie 'lin: c in out WO. a denunci
the litter, it Will be A matter !Or
The Editor or the Loudon Econom-
ist in Iforeign A:ffairi Quarterly (New
The origin of the boudis which' fell
on the "Atlean City recently ha$ not
beeii adeitilly established. But it . is,
not seriously. in It, is -an under-
statement to say that the Allie,vett
Dave 141) laereSt perpetrating! sum
an outrage. The Interest,of the 031er.
ivans Is, clearly Detr4yed .In tile' Ger-
man propaganda let loose InconedlatelY
after its oedurreoce. Hitler's ,ain=,
bassador was earlsrat the Papal 'Secre-,
.-:=-•,,,-.7. ,11.-ttOtion,_ lyben_ Tor L,urgencies haxe attention to . the SugglastienperhapS
as d*"I but elaborate Plana for: tait--.MnitO lt" iArYeY to a.seerthin if, with
4 . .•et.•.. ' , . -",..-
emploYbient" at public expense Should milit bars and. Skating .rinks and 3:n0'd-e-
l:le -viewed:wit!) a "good deal of lidstrAist_ theatres- and churches and bowling
: Who an sat NVIAt: 00nditiOS iviu, alleys and. poolrooms and binge" games
and danc‘elhaltit and We don't know
..be In thS 'Years immediately foil:0-0111g
..,the„,eeSsation Ofilostilities?. ter the, "at' else,-SeMething else. is needed as
last warithexe ..,,ivas. a perio Orfia-titge' .'1)44'"..11sorclt: to- take_ the place of the beer
Industriat'-'activity which' remelted '..fts . : .
peak in .19-20. -- It may -*-take . -tong ' ;*
" .. • *- ' *
for supply to 'oVortake. demand for . The tariii .`.iineAtion. seenii to hiVe
civilian gOodb after the present war, 13. -e,e11-7 dropped as 'a, party 'Issue in
hIld-#.-br-graiillitl:-•-rather-than abrlifit::_eanalda; -'1ilr. Bracken, _ Leeder, .0;_the,
• ' , • ' Progressive CenServatlie-"Party,Thas-
•• •ab4ndounient of ,goverum.ental ceilings
and : ratiOnings •and-regulatione' things awaYs `b,rii".a),ow-tariff Man,' and. his
,. 49: kept on. an ',even keel there maY. be addresses from time to time' seeta to
no "hobm". such as that ,of 4020 and indicate that' he ,has •not changed his
that of 3,921,,, ... „ views on the ,subiee•L',-. This ,:beihg_1110-
up depreSsion such as
• Many people seem , to . forget that ehie,, there -is Some curiosity . as" to
the Alepressiofi.of the early ad's' did'net where his Party -the men who, 'Worked
_follow. upon. the first Great War. It :for the Party and -helped-to decide its
followed the stgek-buying -craze, of the policy fog years' before, Mr. Bracken
WS thought . of as leader--standS On
later ,20's,.. df-Whieh it Was. F,fie natural
the qUestion. The -laSt• Conservative
, consequenc:e., A. -_.s a, headache follows
- a spree, .a depression is the usual -Prithe Minister, Mr. Bennett-,-, vas. 4
. consequence of a "boom," and if -during high protectionist and. put his views
conftiot,., any. into 1 effect in, the,., customs Schedules.
- anct:- after tliej,,:_present
----intmoderate "inffatien, . is Prey:en-Ye-a' It . wP14(1-lie• illtersting ;t- know :hcm
• - .. . . p
,,,,,th,ev ,p.e.a, ,:he.atclfsbastx?ils deflation, Mr. Braciren is going to get:a1,04.with
,the•-bigh, proteetionists. who- Still, Pie-
' : 'Another ''' error into.. which mani
,people seem to ,fall is in the inipressiO4 IlmablY, have the Bennett viewpoint.
-..... ._. ..
that thiswar is being fought to Make For instance„ what has the Canadian
..., them &ore prospefous. The _war .i.t; Aanufo.cturere--;,,ssociation to say
about it? . Possibly . it is Se aliinned
*-fLileink., twilit to put down. despetipni
and .terrorism, tk., save -Ciiilizatiii; bY"-the•-•.threat •''of, !Soeialism--presenta
, - .
' Var.-Is-:alwayS-epensive; tind this War DY the 'C.C.F. ' that it is willing to
loratur more . expensive than any in take: any sort ef customs tariff rather
4h:el-Past-and- theltigh•taxation -which thin ' have biflitigs wrecked ' by
-' -
ithasmade inevitable will be a burden 'ocitgistfc exPerbneriteref " -
-=_ formany-decades;-,,,but no_matter Am -Sr
-. great a . burden it :may he it i,ill.,1 ,b
better - than . being:, subject to 1, th
ernelties. •and oppressions of -Naiils. Isla .Move aniong- 'Deinocrats.- to nave
M. goOsevelt.stand for a fenuth term:
With, taxes pecesSakily at a high l'ev
."..fpr,',Many'. 3 -ears, .they ..,Stotikd not,. 12 Ile should consentTte-1.)eing drafted.
inereaso_ fk$, „unwise expenditures f fOi'.. anOther....Orni, the "dietittor" 'cry
., _ . . J., , • . .
raised, against hint in 1940 will be 're-
T*OrteE'on,Unprolitable .emploment Pr 1-,
-4-6-et.S7.1:XaXatioi.if.it':•tt-7,deterrent•:t ' -newed,-:.With. increased vigor and ',150Sr-
of sibly , with ,. increased, effect. • • -The
••PlOinfent.;, it prevents expansion
Democrats, however, seeni-to have no -
decreases sales of' all
of, COmniodities and so ilessera'deniand. hOqY el4e at hand ,•cvh.o-measureS up to
for ",these0conira.odities,_ancl"- ." in ,lessening the opPortfinity,. and It. does sedni
-demand if,eurtalls.einploYment. -Every that -the-'3441::141,0, , has guided the
• ..Preiect' that3.1s brotight'-`fOrWard ...f r country thrOugli the recent tempestu-
tonSideratiOn. , for, ,"after-wai maple'- ous"..YearS should' he the Man to 'finish
' the job and sit' at the. peace table with
- in relation to ...the 'general- -welfare ,f, qh-virchtwsanA. Stalin. and. others -who'
,,, . . . .
.ment should be°tensidered-pn-its merits ..
''•'''tb7e-•'Peolile, who will. have'le.: prep : as . war i leaders have -beeome: world'
7,17.f40).1"eanoft-vhther-iii.ey be itunlielp I; fititbs.• . -I Among . the ;prospective Ite"
• - --,T,04hi, eta .: .-ei.:., _,__Federak..„*a_payeis, piiblietin.,candidatei:Mr. ,_Willkie, :Seems
. 140-eirtPloyinent Sehenies" May look: 'to il,a've,, tliehigheSt.,Statiike, :..'There is
". •• .fight,. on, paper, but in the '..long i an 'isolationist7Section that epposeS,'his
tuerzity.....cietitookhitfoymeitt.,.rath r nomination, ,.but the meinbers of. this
. , . , . •• -- - , ,
_ ,
111 a,e1, ,
tien Of an -Allied "act,":Of 'terror" -de-,
signed ,to "intluenee the Political .
titwle of the 41oly See," 'The Oeratau.
press, : responding 'TO *hat 'WAS' clearly
.,e0InnlOn inspiratiOn; ..threw, :all re-
straint .tto' ,the 'wind: The bombing, ,it
Was, Said; "earries .the,..flespieable hathre-
of., the, Angio-AmeriCantair war ,to its
acme ;'.7 it Waif. "the Most revolting
Misdeed of the whole° war." -its per-
Petriltors.' Were "nigger boys froni the
4D°tollre.Cvt;Yrtlibonulg'ef:iessa,t8iralli.giesitslideOtittba:try-firl:m:::Mlitliist:: '•
i'VlaeGreger„ - Appropriate readings,_
:,'"T,AnhioSoi'Nete7vtowruv..eTaeia,,r!„.",t:marned .111,:y-ietilleerbIns,
grs„ p, A. McDonald '.'and Mrs. Neil
:I,: Mixeiten4e. , • . , . •°_.0,, •
s(tnilaiinsoart, .., .vgaf$, -37e11(1 ,7,,, la.ra:
', The business 'part Orthe,nieeting felt.,
loWed,-when reports were heard, The. .
allocation for tbe*IPar. wasf!•11.TY 3,:net.:
tinit#d• 'States" and ' '`Oanadian free- and.;,..eceeded. igto.:. D. A. ona
pocors .froM Lake Winnipeg," , „The was the reeiPient of a life-ineauherSDip
raid WO generally ' described.. as "'an certificate gift of the auxiliary ( in
attempt at...political-provocation "with-
ept precedent" by "the enentrior the
West and ally of Bolshevism," , who,
hes. "thre.wn overboard the lastrespeet
for what'the greater part of the human,
Were -waTs, 4_0, 1 Prodil•C•Ang: :familiar thijCelicelu
race holds to be intangibly. saer d "
objects iii greater , numbers and at Gerznan.,.:News Agency attributes ,, to
lower cot, ways of providing for "IlOme. llellgehl-oireles" the -View that '.Neil. G. MaeRen0e ; speretarY, Airs.- -
"the bombing of the Vatican. haSIOlten, A. A., -I. Simpson ;' Glad Tidloge:AeOre- -
PolV-what-hadTformerly %been the pre:'
pli4e0 a ' remarkably.. Short time -after tarY,---MrS. Colin MacGregor; Supply':
mr,„ mrs.,A, E., MacKerikq ; presS secretarY,
rogative Of- the rich.' :They ettended pa
spread': a ,ennifortahLe living,:. but .
they did net greatly change its content. tbe„•elose .ot,. thet,,!Moseow-conferenee,". SecretarY4SAnni _Sae McDonald; lothe .
bad •' congratulated
heWever, technical progress began ' P Simi Stalin
Bound.,-: o.bout the •turn Of the centurir, and the -same „agency even diseevered helpers' secretary, Mid; at.... --.13:\ Mae -
a .1„,isbon story to the effect 'that Vat- Kenzi0';' vveleome and wqlfara 8"r(4,arY,''
have a direct impact on:Social customs Churehill on rthe-shecessful bombing Mrs.,' IL ,Maci., n.
The - evldence thus accuMulates,that the -
i , . , .
and Modes', a- thought. The, Men and
wenien born ,in the twentieth are the gerinanSilfbred'te discount:the Stlee"e4EM
first gen-len:don, to have. been f f
,s,miLar, of the Moscow conference by' suggest.
for the whole ..o,f their lives, •;with,..sueh big Unit Mr. ',Eden and Mr. Cordell'
reirblutionary molders bt,thought and Hall-• had..,.yielded, to the Ereinlin.s
CUStem as air "travel; ,incliyidual trans-
port on land.-15Yyireans of ..the,aittorno-
bile, the moving picture, the radio: In
America, they are the first generation
in 'Which high-school education has
1,36en, universal and college education
'general. in England,,the •creation lit
a coniplete educational ladder • from
bottom to hip dates from 1902, .
turning over under the -guidance of an!
oxen -drawn plow. Ile was ishort on
scheel Jul; 'long- -on the knowledge of
how to flush out 'partridge or trap
a cunning -eyed fox. worked, his
fdrin. and cleared- it, and made ' money
is presidential eleetion -Year in
he -United, States, and already tbere
recognition of her long and faithful
00"Mo:in the' Work. --Miss Annie 'Mae-
lkleponale and Mrs. Donald It Mac-
Kenzie 'made the presentation.
-.date foliewing officers - eleeted'"':
for ,the'-yeart. President, . 11). A.
MacLean;.Vice-presidents, E.
Howes, Mrs. MaCKenzie-‘,-Ind--
Mrs, Boss* treasurer, 'ma--
,„ ,
for `Men without fear .. . . to his own
son in.. the executive 'section of the
pioneers as if, to, ,say, "We bred, men,
my_ s :',11i-L--T3nt Urnest- tlylig out . to ,
battiC:did not know thiS. • He called i we -Tight of ,a. centixiUtmeeb into the
be ceded. :f. Others "coneelve :it more .in,
ton - his reserves. -.Ale neekled.....the.40m. :
sight of A -thin, who .left a settled-
Vave-rlitlhe concept ot the -pregent.
country for ' a wild" one. 1-14 needed
the., keenness of 7 a',...:inati- -reared: _ cloSe
• to , the heart .1:1 'liattire, as his own
grandfather imdi been. He...had. his
father's sense of duty and within his,
,yehis coursed the blood:that was tem-
pered by the,wisdem of the kind women
whollad.banded, deVvii te, him .many
of. the preeiouS and intangible qualities.
Ile died . . ... kilt his living. and
dying wlif alwa.ys remain as 4,, testi,
nionial 1111(1 t, the saine time A diiec-,
-nen' for tho.se who carry on to, make
the . new 'worid. --, .
. , ._ . gest' the existence , of 04 opubt.., (It
. .
• ;was not 'necessary to -make any Pue
-The' histopans of ,tlfemfAture will
have to -judo, whether these changes
were, , , qn. balance, for -goOd or --evil:.
Certainly they maim for • 11 greater
cleavage ot_instincts and of instinctive
ideas between arid young tlian has.
,Perhalis exer before existed: And
just when- this new* genegatiOn woulcl
casohe bginnthg tp push its
.,way into the drivilig seat, -there conies.
the vast etitastrephe of the .present
war to • accenthate etill«,-.Afrther,p the
differenee between its enVironment and
that '-zor fa Merv? In View -of all
-these facts it is net an. exaggeration,.
to of tlie
grand climacterics history.
If • there 'is any carry -Oyer Of 'dentin,
ant principles from they' `former age
13'ENMILLER, J:an. 25.7 -The Wo- •
men's Assaeiation will,hold its regular
1,441ictatien" to carry out an attack on the monthlY eting on Wednesday, Pebru-
"tJll-risfianTwo-rl-d-,---espec-Ltlly mr--the ary 2 , -2 pari. •
group; wog& no 'doubt ptefer -him to,
• 111'"+ rUIIMAYILL'"‘
....1V-he-after,,war..pe• riocl will be t
Or most careful' coniideratten of public
-expenditure, -and... auf.'_. politician mild
• any forty that: holds out promises of a
golden- era should be ..marked
as unworthy of public. confidence*: „
the 'sai.3ie lOPPOrtiinitY" *SNOW"
be lost:a bringing, about stfch condi,
in this 'young ceuntri titt, *Pi
. afford to every willing 'wotlier reaSOn-
, fible prespeet of employment with a fair
rett-tru-'for his ',latter.,
Beo.seireit, Whose* broad and
statesmanlike_ attitude - on world
questions 'there is .no doubt! .For a
demf.)eratie,self-ieilerning natfon,. the
people of tile 'United:: Stites are 'ifl
some-±eSpects Peculiarly tied by tradi-
tIon-and....piededent. , In 13ritain: and
Canada.. the People do not -consider, it,
disoaliheation for office' that
Man has already had two or •thr‘or
major Allies. . Does anyone know
whether -the,system-to,he created will
he -a "Great Power system" or gen-
erally collective tine? And do we be-
4ieve disatinametit, , for ourselves, - in
the practically foreseeable future?
. economic principles are equally
indefinite. I)o we still believe in free:
individual ,,enterArVse. as. the basis Of
economic activity? Many Amegicans-
' probably* the 'majority= --say , they do,
.though thkvehemence and frequency,
with which, they , say it seem to sug:-._
head 'sof .-the-Catholic Church." $9, wit" matrin Good and. fain.,
clumsy and ' shameless a' device lays
trop' teclaidque has now been ny of •Saltford; spent SmitlaY with!
hare the straits to which the Ribben-
better ease than ,the --,German military
41° few days,with-Mr. and "Mrs. J..Mcglikre
t..ctiticed.,.. Mr. 'and Mrs., H. Good. .
Mrs, ,Gardner is visiting *fora ,
German, diplomacy today
in Goderichr-L- "
machine:- it will not • restore its lost
prestige by such: methods.
. • 1London).
-;Eieetion,. and installation. of, officers
'awl the presentation Of raeinber-
AliThinarked,witli interest the January
meeting-. Of tit'• w,4.12,, held
„in thel vestry . of-the'-',.PreSbyterian,
church. * " • '
The meeting waS 'presided over by
Mrs. Donald -R, -Mackenzie, the efficient
°President for the laststbree-years.
I). .A. Ma.c-felii read, the Scripture —
gaye. the; meditation .. upon it. Mrs.
Duncan MacKetizie led in-,ptayer.
An article, -,"Sin, , Indifference illl
professioh. of faith in' f91.9..) most
Englishmen ' htifet:, very serious doubts
_ -whether -private-, enterprise can any.
Editor The Signal -Star.. • . longer be regarded as the sole,or even
Sir,-Shiee -a very, strOng, Moveis us the Principal,: determinant of econ
_Made. by the 0.0.11. •Conuminist oink activity. And the Russians, have,
'parties -the „latter under cov.ei-to no doubt at tilethat it cannot, In this
.hring. about 4, radical-• change • in -the supremely iMportluit .aspect -Of lhunian-
gOveniment of this clidntrY, and den -Society, what would an , Allied victory
siderable Confusion is _apparent in the metut? . Eso we believe in a return
public mind ' Concetning each Lto a Commercial' regime of modeinte
stands for,- 1 tieg.te throw' a little side- .thriff,s only, with. the abolition of all
-.light 'on these • tWo ',parties, r ^ ,the other. obnoxieusobstructions to
•, A few yearg• ago, I attended. four world trade that lavelrOwn up In the
0.1:147: Meetings In ,the town hall 'In' last.":keneration? The' 'American.: and
invermay,' Saskatchewan,• one of which , British Governnaents. shard some hopes;
was „addressed by grs.,•McIntils. 'wife butnotMitch' confidence.he Russians
of the 0.0.1". member% of -Parliament have :not been heard.,,from. And it we
for Vancouver tast,, and • daughter • of, donot believe that stite.' international
the late Mr J. Sr..,Woo'dsworth, founder, ecenonay"-of which free' trade and
gold standard were the Chief' symbols
can, or ,should, be re-ereated, what do'
'ive,Velieve in to take its place?
This is a .fOrinidable list of questions,
and if there .isanyone vtrito.,can answer
any one ofthem--answer - it, that is
to say, , not .> for "himself alorte,;. but , as
.expressing the . dominant view , of the
Natfons, or even. , of • the ttvO
'democratic Great. Nwers-7--he far
bolder ' than than I. -often
lieeti-pointed out that there has , been!
nothingin. the present war -to eoinpare
more terinS. His Operience-is 'On= 02 the -ao.r.---party; At the -Close .of
. .
her .address I asked her publicly, PIs
SidOed- an .11S86t, 'andlif- he has Alled,,
there any ' differenee . in the ,prinCiPles
•t- the Oily*. wisely in& caPably, 'and .no-
and ainis a the 0.0:0.'S and Coinmun-.
. re7 ists,- and; it so, 110w do they differ?"
body. with 7 better' qualifications' 4S irt.
pared., to take' lila- pi -ace, ' any' 'cry .of Her rePly' was, "There-Is:ft difference.
between , our prineiple$ and ainis-"and
"!--," -• • "dictator" . would .li.a."e little. 'or no
the •Communists,- except that We would
- b W.A.C:'s re to .have an issue of
, , . • . ..,..e, Vect, The . "116-ili/rd, - " traditiOn
", four Pairs Of fine 'st6e;Itin,gs;. it:fi„ was, of course, rather b ' 'ered ineanS,,," The politically-ijihided (laugh--
„.. .. . • • .gain 'the_ sanie ends by conStitutional
. ' 1
nOunced, 140 girls,' don't, -Crowd .the by' the peeple of the United States. in ter of the. founder of the 0.0.F. ought
,_-_,.., .
teenlqing orncei . , 11* oicilt ;toy, agor, .he,,,cus.re,garod to .know,,. The2.7partr leadera!'-tof -the'
- - ' ,.....- 11`ii tn. 1Q44,4 ,,,,-..•.•,..z•-, ,, . •:. ' • C.C.F. have„, until \ lately, '' been. going , ,. , „
,. , ._, , easy. on* theii,. real* aims° so As not to with Woodyove Wi.lson's magnificent
, Says "the, wit or The `Lonoon- '`re4.,.
, , disturb the :. public .-unilint, , but thanks series :of definitlye and expository
it'reSs:. 'liven 'after the oecupiedlaudS •:itiutm,;:tovNtrititusioto ..
. . • . , . will. • ,,, . to .xtr, wiiiek;Ap.E.,., C.C.P. it -SPeeches in, the latter phase of the
, . •
''' in MC; where Mr, Ooodsworth . ended firstWorld, War. The. Atlantic -Charter
are fr-eed the e he a nuniber of
1 .1 1 or TO*ONTO ELECT orrtoBB,4,,, his days, we'lare nofrbetter informed. was - very ,vague,,and subsequent pro-
$azis".- hankin ' arcrind.”'
. , 'One littleIneident in connection -with noun'eementit° have Veen even ' lets Pre-:
. • :1, , • ..•,..„) • .• i , At a r*.t meeting' of the °'executive that riieetil* reveals.: that'y the ,4:1.,GY. eiser,41,It was eatgy for President Wilson:
A ' ' ' . .' .
Plu"'is said to be making:a retail
, . . . • . , • , .eortnnlitee of thil-TtirenTeonniY. junlOr, take'thesame attitude. toward, King to 'make his speeehes ,because Ite.kneW,
and country 6.8 the Communists. do. What to 780 -and, he knew that it
-trio to these • liaKts, , Is. Al it a filet
• ASSociation , of TOrelltoi.-- Mi., T, G. 1NT,,, ':-My dittighter was to play the piano at ••would Conitinind genefal agreement, He
that it is the linweiceiroe Yieite& that
• (MAO:. CoOk Was , 61044 President:to." ;that meeting.; and She , asked . Mrs; Me-, knew this, beeabse„ the -western dene47,
: come oftenest andtstay longest.. • . the. coming year. 'Other 'officers' elected Innis, ' wileir-shei wanted 'the: National erotic world. knew In 1918 what it was
_ . .
* ,* • 1
woro, as 011(..)vi ..,..,..1st • viee-bresident, Authein.blaYed, at the beginning* end after:* 'Last time; We kneW what our
. ' , 0
., . , , . ,• Ast..' A. Vitriek,,;:, '2nd vide-preSit ent; 41107 ---meeting-, and.-Afts-,,LMei-IntitH' 'eF.- ided0--,were-.4::1Ve.-were-puttingtfie firdsh.
Ontario , pe7iiclazgroviers .- ii.re- letting c a
plied, ' "We .don',gp, want, 'Ike National ing touches to al triuroPharit PrOgrani,
: the GOvertifilent .-kiloiv..,,..their„. wishes
, Gordon ArWie.F VSecretaty,•Miss titling Anthem plied .at ali.",',. .., n° ° .'°. -. ,, -:,-c .-' The --Wili4,,-Of":.-10140... waS 0 ' be :the
owitii, regard to prie&-lixing . for ":'.the •i•,..
• , 0..tiox; assistant seeretaryi.. Miss (leta Then, , in ' the, course - 4:0 .•tny paStariti means. of pliteking, good out. of . 'evil,
. 1.044 crop. ,Itow' would it 40 for the laiigtreasurer Goraid... stewart; visiting, a maiti::;"441,(1:tok,'Ihet‘.‘XOu Can an oppOrtunity ta_ iiiiiSh off the Job
A • . I ,.', .
'general public! to .pot. itl, a w6x.d. about ,t)ubrioty , committee, Airs. w. ' A. judge. of ply polities:.;4 I., 'live - Just, on Willett the Western 'democraeles had
- . \ )...- — , , 'spent a month drivirtg TIM, gnek ' all been engaged for more, than a century.
' • that Pink. -gittlie t114t ;makes grc'en...as rittrY!ki :AP°, *4431Ain°040g,,°1't '.1.319,-. ,OVer- Sas14ateliewan to ,orenization .The armistice and ,the peace were, to
g-rass peachipe es, look like rones?' Paterson. • .', , , , m
- . , eetinfg4.* I . remarked,. , But " you ,tegister the- final victory, of everything.
, „ ..
; 1 ',* * * , " • At the annual -'nieeting ,,of the M- wouldn't adopt the 'Red Flag?"' ,TO, in which the nineteenth centnry liberal,
, sociatioti, will& took the form 'Of" a Avhieh he replied vvith emphasis, . 'tes' believed; Wilson and everybody else
. ,.
Astronomers say,,that the Big .flipper bowling party, tbeYoilowing conimittee -t would. If I, saw my. way , Clear I knew What the, ideas- were, because a
In .
EllItetiOng aPttit 014) '()f 'go se"13: mombori were "elected ' Or the -Year would- .shontder my rifle and shh
oot undred yea,rs" had „been spent,. in
, 1, ,
stars traveltbig in". 0PPcgte directions' 1044: ' '' eAery capitalist In Canada." '..J. , working them out, •
'" to. dm . rest. ilowever, ,they say 'pruscels-Urs. L. E. Grose Marg' " Let' Me add: Xf Mr. Roles ‘influelige, $ow nobody knows for surer; We
hAVe Att yet Made up mit Collective.'
,there is no. reason for.alartn, as it Wilt argivir alln.(11" Lo),..itarstsLeY ,189itteh?Pli.t'over all his followers is to ic.$ gauged
.-.., fake several thousand ,,years for the ii:noii,:- ,- ' - .., goliafrifi_rt ..ig tl‘otr,„be=tiar s attitude, he ,)s hardly, „timindih(elndalizzatinttylpiettolt hrocz-rmaildiee
' ,split, to ,beeoine Wide. enough to canoe , Cilitton---Mrst.. 'Vred illliett . (Vera : A.ceQrding to '00/ne,,CO3,r..'leaderii', •wPhoie 4inge) vtt)ietlfer ' there 'iti -life
a leal '.. . Dodds);`' Mike ° , Cook and ° Miss Cleta° they would not how the ued ring utitiloin'theold dogmas yet, or whetherour
, Mitt . ...‘ . *„ , they had see:06d- the reins, of govern- problemsore ,so different that . they .
, * gic4thr'Atri.Cf 'W, .iii.... Patrick. Moro- mem. ' ' s .' cannot be handled by the \former bbdy,
No,• poltergeists the thy kinelt),' Itenneth Stanbury and Your for libertY, , . of doctrine, however timerided. is the..
Palffells toe talking abdut are71,10t4fte41,(Jordon Polder;- ' -21 ' ' , ' ' "
\cioderleh----Mrs. Clare Parton , (DOriS A. .111, ALLIII: twentieth eentory an eitension of the
nineteeenth .eenthrY. or Somethink dif-
itdr itiar, other kind of poultry,; AO- iiiim lifts. Ted • Ilarrison.' ' (Grace "Yea,: grs. Jones,' it's true , my hum-, ferent? We do not know; and It is
cording to the Ctici1onit7, a Potter/014 stittiag) and Wm:McAuley. , ., , band lias left' his Sob. ne thought It' very .foolish to cavil at Mr..-Iteoffeveit
bit 'It ghost or spirit that makes its Ifensall-ItaVe Paterson.l. _z_, ;watch* duty to enlist. AtlyWay,. hem and Mr. Churchill, beenum thy, - 'have
known br,itly kind nt, doter, tb %fir atiGiarit..008rtedwaieltrti,40Wite141. burned his bridgete . ,„ not taken sti afternoon off to tell us,
s" "Oh, welt. I shouldn't Weiii--abOrtt They do not kifeW either. 0,
sui kisko4ings and the noise* ' of (i; 1510 1th). . that. They'll provide him ,.with a'
* * * *
4:44ects." Fur *owe totsou, Oita Misil Mary MacGregor. unifarta, . , The problems of 'the postwar' 'World
,, . '
N''GINEERS .desiigned:the
metithplece of yOUr teephono
to tive,befit,resuys at-Opd-quar(er
an inth frau_the 'Wliert •
.,your 'lips are farther' away ,thatf*-
, this, your' voice is
-less strongly . . Iess,,c-lea0p.?
,Failure to .,remember these,
Simple facts .4counti.; for 'the .
great' Majority of "trouble. -
„ reports.,_:„,
- 'nee4166,. !kr:oleo
eheqkAips; ,and at the :SaMe'iiyitt
thetie you :talk to: hear„
without strain Just„v4pr1errabfr;„
Falk cioady; hal7-4411Y, direcily2. ,
znfo t6..ielephotie with your
lips :got ()rte . -Twitter of an inch
from the inottikpieeeo,
Smoking. *kilo you fl'inn.* nitti rtAch
may Onstdirtat. yOut =k
t ;opt. k it110%, ttRikA OPIUM** to
out holding 144 -the telaphotta itt
fee *two cotrove poskion, ti*to
chd 1190, to thlt
A wel.iet tantt ton*
to you;' ttatitt tit
it0 that yaw, 1114 are
ditattly in 'hoot of And,
cloa* tis the tatoth.
Sate, Don'; "talk
um*” k. .'
rot dear, ttolst-itce
.iriouamitotion, WIWI*
kattt your dok We.
phont 'uptight-, not
at op nolo tinehotizon.
tat positiott,
SOMAS, •Olitt
e.ttitiCO f tato