HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-01-20, Page 6orrAwnk, Jan. 18.-,,--Tiarouglif'it3peerS,Of which • Del* Usti: Watt
woo, ;et gying premiums on. ot. Man on '"a *postwar agricultural peticy
for 'Great Britain," It is' WOO clear.
(ilislity anitable ter export under that in .pestWar_y-pars. there will still
the•Dritislt etnitttlet thetloverainent, ..be wrgn.,,,,,.unportAtians .0g, wheat* .nienti
lk-held-hersi.-b,.. 0k -taken xi effethc and Tonle •forins-,of- dairy roduets
(cheese, it('.), 44 well as i other P
'61eP " " eiisure ('1t's4431illg itiodstuftS.‘ One., -of the maio,V
vuOugli .0bon to Dtitain, for the iems ttie.ug
agrieulture in. Britain
British citizelea te,er-01111-0,,,ees-4,•,.,-we that *of reducing distributiOn,
ration- There is 1104 L4i.'‘..'°11"'•'-11Pwhiell arevery high,
" • ...The,e0nting _SeSSien
number of aneMbers of Parliament
orrixing fef the next , seSsiOn opening
next. ,week* are .aireadY' 'aliPeart,ng on
tUe. strtets of -the capital -and in the
teen mid ist.1.,5,, but tti. roit_ Of the .l ,
interior,. bacon, but the premium of
Per heileft::gra,40-4: and, *2 On. grade
11K:is-obviously-a 'strong incentive to
• 'the farmers to turn: out a maximum
pertexitage7-ig , bacon Of the higher
gtaJe r coutraet With' tlie
•s 'tatty 4,;f kOotl' in ,Londeit 'has been
:.,t4 -a shipped dutingoorriti.ors of eentral,bleck of the Parlitr-
Og000(t000 p.l?1,4141141;4. 1.1/14he 4 session
It Mum: now . a (0
sked is' 5,00(000 eepes,t interest -to'
• each year tor the tWo,YearS,„ and.Ais keelletie 'w1.11,4*Ulldollbtedly be some,
• juiuthamu only. • As previously tithe , vithen, _Parliament. is, sitting that,
t4of 'allted
stated, *the ,1$ritish „Can, take 811 the .f:06,1eslog-,;74:tyvuetvi;teafort4tselisi....to.t:
4,141,e00, of,the required quality .t at
launehed, Our own- =highly
farmerst1tU P. -
,.hat baS been -Ivens. as the timibed 0114.Y, bas. been eagerly
iigure t ,
jeethe 'jeer, *000,000 4f. awaiting the otder to Move,
• course be In 'the :attacking fOree, and
- 100., It now seems. pro a e
- the two, which will give the farthers -a elose4Secret that even'Azitheny'Eden,
greater feeling ef seetirity. :It. -has Foreigi&S'edretary„ has .sitid that' lie
pointed out •-mr; eardiner, doesn't know wlien it will he. ll'he
Minister, Of Agrieultilre; that the iieg'-session will be first and forempst • a
war session, with . the country girdmg
roducing industry in Canada will be Lor the liour
, made- secure. if torners maintain tbe •itiEel,f.- Still More fully,
ifighest-ondnetinn rn. and, keep.. ing of,' Crisis. ,,,There ,is plenty ouquestion-.
up the ateoug,inembers about the, eleetioa, r •
Farming Britabx 'whethei• it will comelike a flash, Whick,
piadae,th ,bath in„ war and fall. ' It is probable o
• ,negetiations.-under way that a `,Centraet the heartirom s of Canadians will be
• wip.,,ne, ninde•for four. yeArs instead. of with them. 'The' zero,,lionr is held Snell
• As Britain is Canada's major marlsct ..
t t n one kno V8
• peace there is iiiiieial inC4fe4t-ill til eXeePt the Prill4e" Afini terand- e swt' battlef:-..nTerY--Canadian-from , coast to coast is 'working at top.- speed ,for,. vie.
\ description of , fartubig. conditions 'in saving txaYthihg ah9et''','" it. The ' °Pe tory. And 'grandmothers are Ale exception! in the - picture 'abOve, 'a little
_ lIfititia_givert here hi thel)nstle* days, thing that in is be- taken: for.grantedi, W4ite-114irc1 pladY is shown --inaldrig- her .contribution to *inning
the war i11.
many belieVe;---ra, that -an'el, eetien.•;will '4he
4.• SIs ;working in'a faCtory thalting-inriforms. for ,Canada's tn-elt-irr be
....._t,....1).y....Lord De La Marr,• chairman or the not- heid-at A time -when the fighting. service-. •-•-_,, .-hopingf-tliat-perhaPst--.4,,,son: or -granclsOnwill-,one -40,71"- wear-
' - 'United Kingdom.. Agricultural ReSe-Orel-
..*, council; Britain, faced 1)1. tlie menace of our ferees, in Enrepe..inay be. In its *hat she herself has helped to, make.' ,
•II,beitS, has 'inereasecl :lier farm. pror. Will.',Consider"Beconstruction Bleasiires
difetion. by sixty to seventy per ceut. . ReconstrUctien will of course ocenpY' . . .
lier-agricultureif; there -highly mechft; ,§ome of die time of the „lionse,, but, it
lied than,' that. of •anY ' other cotintrk. will not *dominate the proceeding's.
1Vith the added. inipetus of recent smashing suecesaes in.• the %field of
of having her sea -lanes cut by the bitte'kest stage: -•
The 'Prodnetion,'was'achleve'd in spite The main job is beating th, many,
ef. 600,000acres, a larse *port of the
arable 'land, being given over to war
uses. Science as well as machinery
haa, helped to raise agriculture from.
the depressed condition it was in •
fore the War,: Lord •De La mai em-
hasized that whatever adylinceS,',axe.
7-M• isatIneci'tbr1001474tishg fdargirsleerfl.tsUurrn,e9ileTletiit4141.073,
' thinking of • how to provide -rer he watt': and plans laid. A great deal- haS.
port issued lasr-ror:`coonnittee Qiuns further. Much, to, is being
low producers overseas" FrOD1 a re- 'habilitation---ot, the armed forces" and
-prodiTrg-7-t-7-the-expense, ' * s'. _arranging_ for .._the re-
• . . . .
• • .
- • done in preparation for the switch over
The future is so -hidden by fog; and. so
iiiiiialy-fdegree''Of political freedom
much depends on international action, Wforris.W. W1,1P01, esident • • - , • . _
impossible under wholly planned. economy. •Chilrenges socialists
that it doesn't seem Possible that4here ,
such a thing as a CeniPiete rea- to Show,h:oNVILiblic vTiOidd-beneilt bY_staite monopoly of banking
ee-ati—V-uc policy,-,.„ so -far as -Ca , _ „, • .
oes not Mean that much cannoh, Viee-Pretacl.ertt -and -1Viana,ger, -report§
tady..of the Vit4 PrObl-eMS , bank. buainess;at-:"iinpMegd-e-nted _levels. -Assets- reach' new peak
reeougtruetion will be '-carried for,. „ ..
ot ver 500 000 000: *
"If this t00 expeet of
human beings In -th*ir preeent,
of development, the alternative IOW
4010ants ,eitzte) very large se* loug,
,and easi -term, or probably' it cotablA-
gtion, et both loans -and sow
onspau meiNAGER's ADDRESS
*dileY Delsion, Vieea'reeidellt•
and General Manager, In rerlowlo.8 the
\bank% Balitnee Sheet said that the
YO11:1*,-• bPsfiles41.1assIRIK.,. threllgh.
the -titalks02,boeka had been unpreeed.
Kited during tile Past' year., Total;
assets ,now exceeded2$1,500,00Q,01)0..
ail -time high in the historyi.ef the
Ile reviewed -at :length the part -
played by the banks in aSsistUlg the
.country's "war financing, •
"Thero appears to be a Misconeep-,
don ht.the,initidli some.people that 'eharged from service were placed- in
the banks 1:41Velintie 4 fitAbA4314411141`*
*wort' cunPittor sAsKATcHgviAN
OTTAWA, "Oz.,* 17.—Soute- ;90207
Menibera of •the -tinned fOfceli'cillS-
tion of the ,Govertinketi,t Public isStie$ 11X.°310.vpotreefill,tt:11.114Y.teStill'eilSitin:Yeeei A'SePr.tville"e100*
,444,-','/..nereaSe: their earnings ill this :.heing 19i939;',th'e`,Pensions.'beliartraexit
manneft not the. case,. Miring 1 , .
10-13 two Victory' Loons were -..issdea, rep_Orts. . the • sallle Pyrio, ,04,tiev
realizing $2,692;000,000.* ' °rile '401. veterans of ti*t1rst Great :War got
Victory Lean. fleated .in ..MaY bolt WaS PO Kline serviee ."These 'Were net all
ptireliased,V 2,009,000 Subseribetif and permanent johs, of course, but Included
the ,5th VieterY T4oait.in October, 'occasional and ,seasonal jobs. • Another
over neither, loiol "did interesting angle: about the* samo sub,
the':.lian158 'buy „boxidil„ for their . jeet is that: uneMpioyment.asSistance
account. While there is nattirallY some to Pensioned: Vets, of the ntat Great -
change, in the holdingS pf the original War Jilt an all-tinie NoveIuber,
1.10* getting 42,880, 'as compared with
ssail.22,,940-5u4g,.ust 10,3,* wl,ien, 5,030 received
* '
The 4,941, Census figures . now reveal',
subscriberS, -relatively onlY 'an Unim-
portont amount found its Way into
the, blinks.
'14 C0115114011'10th the other banks,,
we have done everything' possible to
41 VrOmi IllnUarY .
tO Cieteber 1, ,1943, '417,80
donations were contribUted to the Red: .
Cress blood donor clinics actosS_Ctiatve4,'
ad.a:; the reebta week .W48 in 006A/01!
With -344Vir•-• •••••'' cOtiill4t0
overeettle-th farm. laber. shortage SOthe.."'
000 -men, 'and tit least i,00,000 W01,11.34; -
have. left fortes since 1039, but to'•.heIpc
thousands- of older -people who, had re-
tired came back to heli.
ReirldS, far. fetched; but it is,
eStimated"ihat 'the tinnifal groas Vane?,
of dairy: products- recent'yearS' haS
been placed at over 301 million dollars,
almost- 100 dollars higher than
estimated *annual value of told,
production In Cenada...:, The sale or
milk, brines •,7elleques,-to abut ...00,1000... •
-nialterthese Victory_ „Loans Alleeelis, On% significant trends,. inet that year aadtdmederaSCoaunnadt4%,toho108.'eren"piboey•veenls.lingll,tdib:;'
.Managerii have encouraged gustoniers1 Canada had 174,707,099 .,aereS of 94, tributing.:,. and ::manufacturingl. plants.
to sUbscrilie- or. to increase their isubleupied,..fatin land, an. increase ef over Some authorities estimate etletest One.
--SeriptiOuS. ,, depesiters considered releven. ttere§.'' froni,-3:931; 116.4. '-iffth.Of Oantida'4,--pOillatien-la'dePend:
:capable of subscribing. for an amount.' proved farm ,land under crop, was over 'et upon the, dairy - Industry' for e.„
of $dO or more have been written.. to 50 million twits, 'a reduetion, of two living. Old BOSSY is quittr tircitnpoit;
and .advertisements have been' pasturage ' .increased 4' little, ant figure In our economy, isu't she?
,serted the press urging depositors ginnuner about third to *
to • subscribe to the fulf extent of, their,i 23,049,8(52.'*'IslearlY ,naiilkthi: acres
abil't - • wcie.the redaction- in' woodland; :from
1931 to a.941;,, whileAnarSh . or waSte.
land was down ever a Million acres:
Astronomic, we call 14. „the.: figures
of gest of 'this" 'War to Canadians,
World War 1, -inclucling'3wo years•-•.ef
deniobilization, cest
,Compare . that 'With', the. figures,: up to
the end of-thie fiscal year, estimated
Lor the Present war at $10,824 Million.
Total-., tax revenue for -the 1914.18.
frectib, • .including: , the demobUizittjon
;years, .„-wati 41,14 „million. rot . this
war47,30Q., ' In 1916 our
PoPUlation-Avas around 13,149,00p;
day,. or rather- 1941, it waS ' put • at
11.506•000; - •
the business.o4the bbalt, earnings Were
modest, said Mr.' ,Dobson.. "I think
that any, fainoinded person will
that the .$2,196,000 paid to share-
liOrders last .year was ti verx.,niOdest
amount to be paid to the proprietors
the bank, when we consider the size' of
the organization and the tremendous
•ampunt of business it is necessary to
handle order to earn that, amount.
Any Other.„.type of 'business' tverking.
.With, assets of one and- half billion*
dollars- would have been able to -earn,
for shareholders a 'considerably larger
return., '11! we consider this in • • * * * -
relittiOn to - our ,two - main . earning- • "
,e,s'sets, bans and, initestinentf3, iind • Do -you know that the new explosive,
that the; dividend paid to ,our ,share-,
. .
-ot-Anduitrites to'.peacetime 'operations
when *ace- tomes. The will
also -'undoubtedly learn the Cabinet's
-decisions,_non__7recCanmendations • made
by the .cOmmittee ion ',..reconstractiorc.
, For the:present; there is little indica-
- troll of any great change in the labor
- - situation because _ of7altetat1011S )351„ the
131Kkatlielatiliethirtrotit'lattle Aitt. wttt products -being matuifactured.
When your 'Itne!...."1"( Callhdi44 industry is --closely intetz. In...:_whichr. workmen and enterprisers
put Itidniy&-Dozekfailialieed4n444w.2,7,—wovens---•with-that.-of„Eritain.,.tinct, the alike -had co-operated •it. ' "Despite
teekneettant. Take prompt action ',United States and when stocks of any this fact,'? he said, "we are --being told
partienlar kinds of equipnient or suits by -ob. •the. publicity methods revalu-
.7-'. t.)..corieCt Backache, orits cause. At the' fitif
sign of Backache tirl•CW'fidettili t°'D"Ite:_s 'plies inztne,;:l.Tnited.Nations as a whole tiondrY•vartiSons can devise, that in
the .,,,are beyond prospeetive need-s-**.a.'Iiiilt is Offefi towin:the peace- We',Iitust change •
'farl.riti..rem4i.fo„r'K4.netai!raellt3!i; 107 ••• •••• eallea and pressure changed to the our entire economic syStem and laanett4
ev }Pals DialAglicOre 'of' other eqlifpinenf more out into -new •and untried ilathsi•-•,under
• The threat-the--personal-liberty- you thinic that such systera;woUld
assure the.:boxpowet of at; fair treat-
ment as he now receives?
"1 believe the. answer t� ,these•twO
uestIons,_affeeting depOsItors •, and:,
qt001Veht, is a positive ',isle.' .0.n" the
-of .ail Canadians..inherent in the plena
of the socialists for the nationalization
*of Canadian- industry;, was emPhaslied
by Morris W. Wilson,
-The Baiik :grit at,,,the controry,„histery, and: experience lead.,
holderS was less than 1/5th of one
cent on the polio on the total of these
two items, very -trifling, handling
charge, to say the least.- 1 have °never,
heard the claim made. fliat Canadian
-banks are not efileiently run, therefore
tlie answer rnust be thnt the...prcilit in
:banking is sniall."., •
n---teiumted, that2-41164-fe-
„Atte ,• bank's South
hat:been particularly
° th its foreign branches -tre:blille, 780 foundd employment in in -
lion to be' -of practical dustties for which they: were trained.
aict in gtist-war trad
, ••Men :With .henOrable discharges have 'a
every human activity that finds itself --The General
premet ,p
N.f.antiger. r6.*ar1e1 oft Aloice- of sixtY•cmirses. .
banies Amnia sgetng; ..us to expect7t.hatsOch• -gOvetlithetlt lykr-=•-no
..WIlson rev
Mr.jewed “0,4e endogs,..monotproilyo! banking , -
would lead • to gress rnaUe
favo I mofparty adherents.* •At 4erican bra
role Canada had played in this might- the” same time,, we Should witiiesr171:gratifying a
2, ••,-
lest -war of au, time and the manner spread of that 'sterility of ideas and were in .a po
enterprise.. which- tends to .accompany,
• - - otte plant to_onether. „Thel-femendous
output of *United >lotions war plants,
inetuding-those.,:of Canada .which work
three-quarters of the time On foreign
orders,. has risen 43. the point where,
more row -materiaIrMay be *turned to
civilian lige, •
, .
Our fimerld Chapel combines
-the Align4Y;of-4 Plark worship
the rcflhement- of a. quiet
kIN4aBRiDGE, 18. — -Pte.
Martin 'Courtney is :spending his leave
, aniong f•riends here.' Prier--to,bis
coming holite,
In the Aleutians'. ,•• •
Mr. Yohn ICellar,.. who is working.'in
London, . spent last. 'weekend at his
home here
'ThlE RED -Ciosa
No extra eh'. rge for. the' use
- -
tof gtir„VAIneratilOme; Toron-
to Street. ,
Sdrviee' '
Phone 335.. Rea.35 or 7:
• t • Cad. 411.0.,•., ,
. Che4 qv. .. il ,4est
: tt fit st
-I410044Y. is . 7.1Au'ixaitt
1ettatesz anothea
: lt 00
CPAs. l.nilaininoffiona,
'*l9 for •
Otais45. til‘0_,If,,
r,oreires, ihenOtic Plaw"..,„
'Get o_title
toe. ' ,. • '
°. -0,0-iseet hsPaY. :
. • -
to:You arld-"ine only kiiown as --R1))!;
(Research Department, txplosive),•was.
developed `b*Y* -five Canadian , scientists;
and that it maY,'inereage,.. grtatV• the
striking power of the 'United' Nations?
Abont two .t:houSand o1!- the 00,009
odd, -then„-dischargect-, froth our, armed
fere'ek-Sbipe: the beginning of the war
have enrolled for , '„Gove'rnmentSpon.
-Wired 'unlyersitY I and vocationtirtraW-
lug courses. Of 800; who completed
in- i'.--i.a. • positioiv.:---- ---imehallengeoble --the efficient- raannerin: whiehAlielian ' 1 • _,,1:„_1. __,., "'' „„.*„, ' .*.* ---,,_*'.. .1.„—..* '''' .:_:: -_,._
Power." ,. , '' ' .,„ ; ' ' : ' Staff had dealt .Wfth tremendotisly: iti- „, ,l'IlBlate's7-01, --exrulz..'"9:4- vatilauluw°
PRIVATE BANKING BEST -Ai., ••• ..W.,,--- -'ereatsedr. •bUSineSS, :and :Provided "new rooustbirs, for. 1-P4 ' to: -ag cothitrieS
.., rWilson,,,-AuggestedT.--hat ;wils
net Simply* die te.' chance'thato-bankind-:wattrine„ rvices rdespite enlistnInnts, she, whY-4t1-11S co ntry „is !doing , such
patd.,- tribute. •to the ,enthuSiasta it tremendous;:Alitare'irt the -.total. War
wile have .O.ined ;the .bank„..since. - the
ability of:the. manY .YOung •Vvemen. ', effort -of : the -11r.nited' iiiitions. ' Ilere
are f- t ., A r 8 available, With
the worict'Aver.had continued in,private oild
war. -began...---•.- : , . . . ' ..1988-- fignieCin_ brackets' for; comport,
-and-inexterienced leaders. -The ands, but that the people, and the
ealds 4iffe:Asibifakes it advis-,
these •doctrines ofan-ecOnemic revolu- able .fronr. every POW of `view, that
don, May be. thoroughly honest and hanking:should be free of politidal and
*sincere- Bu-fact-renraina that the partisan. Influences, He ,reminded his
-riffciPleS-ther advocate -can only -lead, =audience that Canadian banks. were.,
as 'n Anal' an inevitable result; to a already .• effectiyelY ' controlled by -file '
completely .regimented •econoniy, • and. Bank of Canada-4'nd that:further inter -
on this point .cannot , do better than vention.. by the, Governreent in, the
quote the Editor of the London Econ..
°mist,' a well;known. writer of libera
-views: ' • -
:' A' Wholly.' Planned economy_
indompailhle„,,,,with any degree
"of Politicalg freedom • The possibility
14-237,-RNLISTMENTs:;„ • • 'Son : Egis, ; over-- AO,
, _ • (1 842,53 ) : Cheese about 120,000,000
"The Voluntartresponse‘ Of our staff: pis, (83,000,O0Q),-,:• bacon, Omit 000, -
to Otir country's .call has ,been nia.gnifi. •000;600-.. pounds '(170;837,400) • dairy'
...ent7."' said Mr.' Dobson,- '"and there are Cattle oaci_cgives ,36,19011lead ;(1,4".ioq ),.,
now, 2,123--Tnen, inr-the-Iirinei&fones, - .4,--*- -is, .... - , ,,,-,
in Canada,*which is•equiValetit • to 69% neivs fof ladies, a. Prices ' Board' riding
' Odds, , and , ends••:--oiLinterest:1;,,GoOd
.ipf this -- number 2,009 were , emploYed
banking business would, in his belief, of our _Canadian staff of 'military il0e allows a . little increased- supply- of
lie Stiperfluona and- would, OS be..wel-- -at .the outbreak of war. ' -. , . hairpins- and bobby'2Ans; : also for
coined -by the. majority whO deal with',, "to these men, the hituk .pays it farmers -.more production Of hargff
,Mr. Wilson- again Urged ,from factories in Quebec They moved'
business to. bank -• salary , and •.seive ,'''Jly,t- d,'and„, , . Restrictions -: have ... been 'rthe' hanks.. , , _ .. . '. .- portion of the difference lletween their wire.
.. ,
' retain, their membership in -the Pengo ..
.I: ;,-
so that More Canairitiif•-eliedthir
Fund SecietY, ' and the bank•.PaYS•tboleliCeSe Will, be available for ,-..the' home
group insurance preiniwn8. We shall.iiiarket, ; .. . In the six air observer
-Wnleome, them- :when, the- time 1,C01,310 SeljoiSsoperatted- •)iyi---4-11,0:,:,!-..-anad .
for themto• return to their, , duties hi pacific on a/non-profit ' basis for the
. -
the, bank. . ' - -- -. • .j. - ..•.--:-,- ' - - tritish=0.onimenWealttki,Air -I-Training
. "Iliihappi4. the number7of casualties Plan, - aireract liave flown more than,
has doubled sincehiat •reptirted-,- to • . . . ” . , .• ., „ . ,
spepah up- 'on its own behalf. Bustness
"of a man's earning, his llYia-ih. hie' Will ' have only • itself to . blanie.,-;
"own • way,. ‘withetit ' let or phindriinee, 1,
."1...the d§sential . dwattozn,Lot,......ther4.4,ttlio_rou trisifi,nirtieletrwonzr,„.,1a,et ;:4;ivatrIateiii.wwor fails
"being any freedom ot...diseussion, any, it •later finds that public opinion ' has
"freedom- to ,oppose......If .3nore than a forced the :Q. tit eininent' to enter:" '
" N
'frac ' on Of. tile electdrate 'conie '.-to
rM .- Wileon.-SaW no' rettson for ay.
"depe 'for their -liyelihood upthi tne ,tittateliiii.g., the• PoSt4Var, era 'With alit
'"temp ,ry Masters of the,toethaniSta defeatiSt-iitiitude.': and • declared that
"of the tate—that isi:iipon 'the Politic-. the game eilerm .initiative and self-
-s en deinogracY--is- tit an. end." lesimess whreh liatV deVeloPed ;in- the
..6.4I am' More. convinced '.•-thtin 'ever • war years,. could, be used ,,, for con --
hat the ,flienace-of ' socialistic teaching
structive :purposes' after the. Eeacd. • ..,
la , one wiliek:cloSely afftt *everyone. in all plans /or the rehabilitation
in Canada .i.n. 'both-. his, business 'arid .
, of ..'devastated . countries, the •-'' United
private life, t:* • • ' , s.
Stu Les , and. Cartada. Would „Jae Jooked
"These advocates of , a •-new order to as leaderS;'he said. --; • ' • if,
have 'Ln astoinfding solerne, , 1
,Will restilt .in nothing' less than 74::
, .,„ Personally: believe that nitgo-''t.iit,
plete ' regiment4ion• '-of Canada. A
'yen:- itnew4,-one of ,their principal._ oh! right__; gifts ' Of - food, _raw iitaterialsk
jectives, ?"'ancrthe-.-40st *plank:. in weir finished goods and machinerY"AOf back -
platform, "ls te'.nationdu'ze', the,hankS, Viviordat....'ddetiovit!taitiredd ecve,,oujin,tfrrtins :W...thiae
socausT- mEmcg , - . the
. '4‘,Nattlrar1377 we are-hiterested, In ' pre- :ino8r:-selfiqh---Pohit'x4---Y106-1--not: only
serving our bm3iness, in.wliich so many contribute raOst to humnii.w,elfare, but
shareholders -.);ittve_invested,, „and '. to boththe bort and -long mil be in
which .sci 'marry' '. depositors have. en-,•ItI,llinest ninitiocrsto , o, ati4oes!._ ,t1;.,ap.ongs
trusted their :savings. But even„ more whicheit.„ :, . d to ir the fir,t
as -_.eitliens_', than af4 bushiessmeii,, we - . ,
ifewoke., the rise of this creed,'beetinsd,
Yttlihrollisb;(4115alliieL-Itt'iie 'thfilla.PYY:tli:uDidleinrlitkbatittibln8 I „
• "P
Oinpleto 8046 at Reasonable
. .
ift.oitor orvitiab bisi!
...No extra Oitirge 1.'orthe nee of.
our modern IMinep4.Mounl
17 Montreal ft.
' rhone,309W or
Goinia0K .mrimonat..
.qetritiiinteed WOrkinan01,2p at
Pri0ei§: thut *LA Ple.000
Call -at -our (Mit*. Phone 2.0.1.• or
drop ta line to Box 1.61;Gotie-
rieh. We will he pleased OE
and 'help, choose tt• suitable mem-
orial for your family -plot.
St. Andrew's
back ecu-
is,a$ '-a 'citizen '' as Well :as ,,a
banker thatput -before " YenA-AzOme•
further -considerations to whichX,40pA.
:you will give .,Your ..earnest '..thought.
"The course of the socialist party
'111 Oanitda'has been charted for is in
several books ,whie_h_ make el Or thati...
nothing Short of,,,ctimPlete socIi11zation
of the means of production and ,finance
will Satisfy the .party.' That. means
,diiinitiatiOn Of every phase of eeenoinie-
life,- including agriculture, labour • and
,capital.' Therefore, because we all fall
into one or 'other of, the'.-cilasses,- it
ineans, deMination,af„everL,iindividliti),,.
"What would the ' soCiallets aeliftive,
by nationalization of, the -banks? Their'
- book on: .Seeial planning Say8: that they'
will form one board of directoriV for
the national battik miinopobe.',instesa, of
the ten boards which now operate the
corapetit ive. chartered, bahlts•
literatute' suggests that
rates§ to the books of the bank,. and
11 Consequent rupture of the conild,ential
relationship, ;that now exists: between
bank and depositor, "would be orin.
'estintable determining taita-
Lion policies. But would thih appeal
you:; 67., --of our young-inen have now
given their4iVeS 111 thilause.- Their'
naines„,,Vvhielf we hold: in •honeur,..a.p
pear in,. the •„printed record,, this
meeting,, and we. extend our , heartfelt
`shripathyeto their families.
Brings you
compiirnerits on
sweet, tasty bread
Stranger: ' „you.
up ,the hill with that nagon; The fel.
ltriv,;Who; sent -You Out With that should
hale known it was too heavy' fOrjyon:"
Delivery -BOY .-ne did t.":-Bilt he said:
`Go ein-; .'"YOU'reSure to Iliarsonf-e'old •-•
'fool Who'll- help you*" -
_ _ .
•!!'lle said . you were, .--whitt?”-
"Lotenie."! 'What does
r -
that inean- Ruth: "1 don't, hnti*.
But X gaVe him one on the nose to be
On the safe side." r
iso those Who'tosa, might after night on.eleefoliisa
beds. TO tbOati", who sleep' in, az kindof a Way,: but
",--! whose' teat is broken by bad dreams and nightthare.
To those who, wake up in the morning as tired atfwiten
they went- to bed, -We Offer in, 1ViilbUtrea Ifealtht.and,,.
gi`tionl0 lrOedY to bell) soothe andotiengthen'the fierido..
,Nylugt tl)tia fa 419netbere A.:add:be no more read* nighte due tirbad
%Priegosolisbotiovto*;-avan-drug-cowitems; • ..—
Look for our rffghste71411940 mark ?"4 11
.*(1.ParP!' bn the Pie* •
' Th. 1‘,141. ill?utu o., 14011t4wIrfrrfrOitto. thair
generation and set Van da -
sema or obit rheum u it is eotilmonly I
Li o'ne of 01,4 most painful of all skin troubles.
The intense burning', itehing and smarting,
euifly st,t night, or *hen the alfetted part i ex
the &axle plated in, hot, water are moot unk
and pesef isgladly weicoined.
relftef offered by Butdoek Blood Bitters is', bnifed On the knoWfttige,
tit AO eettelAti, Mid Ow skin troubles, are C4480d by *Al
leathisma 'by ming 134.8.11; to help cleatie the ...
, B. Price $1.00 cb;:;t
$L1liwr C, £i�I4, Toromv, 0114.
to the 'depositor? •
'.ruttb.erroore, as WO are organized
today, a prospective borrower may go
from one bank to another 'if he -fails
to Con(*Mee-•the, first banker of 'MS
probity, and propetts; under
.tlie oeIn1istIe YsteM,, unlesa the 1108-
tiVe borrower eeuld *convince the
Mate bank -6f: tile soundness:, of the
.projeet for which- he "Ought 10.'10ot:re*
money, and else that, the, transaction
'to be financed was hi harniony with,
,Soeittlist party objectives, he would
I he turned ' dew* and would have .no
otherbank to look /to for a ban. Do,
WRY 10114 ill liar
Pei tW4 BO:
„.•0467f/VAP/AN :kale
A/01VA8is 7 Carla
PaC40$10 Ii2ELZ9
• MP .5” 1.11,P mgoae
mg 6ato 72*4ex
.4/1111/170N6' Nite
r#av x.st'eanm./0 eatip-vo .27
41e08110 40011080414e0 MN "Wit/1.64
-WO MAWS re) 710 1 Pei, 77/4 earr
Yao is m'
ewOr 14/41/8,4 207747
774itioce/4 tini2
Thewartune•Prices and Trade
oard not only rnaintalni., the
-price.reilingi. but also feesAlpt,
sufficient supply of the actual
'essentials of life Is available
for civilians. To do this it has
frequently iitukneedthipurchase
';'-of goods, thus insuring riep.
„ plies and 'avoiding the need of
rationing, 11! nobody buys Andre'
than they need, 'everyone, will
otill have enongh. Lee's be fair
toksoil tatittlik