HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-01-20, Page 4t • : • i•-• r sixessocta 141kTkOZO., sTEWART GODSItlert XeLOiti4 FOR 9 YEARS_ Begonia, Primula, African yi,41ep,. ay!lanth erns, Oingraria. runitAt xrIbitmta Boautil* and Long LafftilIg. P WEDDING 330Ii4ITET13 AND 00ESAGES, OUT nOWBBS. AND ARRAIIGBEZISITS CB ST. PRONE 105 7.1 , DUNGANNON, Pte. Frank- , .111n yedy, who visited his -parentS, for ieveral,day.s.,,,,last,-,•,neelr.uxere,rned Ofl nitedaY tO St. john, Mrs. Melvin 4. Reid, who Underwent an operation at-701inton hospital . over. *NT_ o' weeks :age, has been moved to the home of friends at Goderfeli for telY" days. • . • .. Mrs. John Blake has been helping at , the home .othersiaten INfre. Ashf101d,Nyhero . there IS-Sickness.,;7 Mr. • and Mrs. Joe Petrie and family, et Clinton, visited,Mr. and Mrs. Jacob teid on Sunday_ •Mr. Geo. Pentland, of Brantford; *pent a few days among friends Aere. The, annual Red .,Cross meeting IS being held in tile United Churell.sehool eeoras • on 'Trial', 'Idn'tlarY pan; -----,A. good ,attendance from iT zones the. Dungannon- area is lookedfor. Mr. Harold Sprohl Of Davidson, .ftak.,, is visiting his mother,, Mrs.. D. , and other relatives. -Other 11111111100moisW ttchre an awe ODI)FELLOWS' IIALL ridayJan.. t Committee of Safford Red Cross , UsiP:- Supplied - by Ba3te1d- -,,,,,---,-v1un frive- litmch serva, - Adjnissi• • ••• 9.8911;-7410 was reporta seriously ,111- in an ling- lishhospital after an operation fo• r Mastoirlitis, S imProving, according to • cablegram, r.eeeiyeci , her father, • Mr. Ceei.l. Ma$on, on• 'Saturday last. ,IThe•dable,grani. was,sent by -Miss Mason Week -end -'-grfests Were- Miss Clara Spreul, and lIr. and Mrs. J. P. lieSSql , -of Stratford, • Soelai• Evening. --The Dungannon Women's.institnte spensored a successful social ,evelling 144 Friday, night. Progressive „euchre. 'and binge were Played and at laugli time a. short pro - grain was given including two choruses by the Dungannon school and a Short tkunuirous ,re,4ding by Miss Melba' kowler. ,Prizes at •prOgressive euchre were Wen by -Mrs'. Wilbur Johnston for theladies and Mr." Wilbur John- ston for the gentlemen. Consolation prizes were awarded to Mrs. A.my Qrser and NT, Lorne Hasty.. Dancing was enjOyed-to-music supplied by Mr. •and Mrs. .Robt. Bogie, ShepPa.rdton; and Ikir: - and:. Mrs. Gee7•A.-Stuart, -"St; Helens: The -proceeds will be used to send smokes to the boys overseas. -United7churell met on Friday after ' at the parsonage* -. Mrs: - esident, opened the meeting with singing and prayer and. led in the respeastve read- ing'of Samuel 4. Rev. 11. 3. Vieker son offered prayer. The -roll -call- was answered bypayment of fees, 'After. the 'imigIfieSs' discussion, Mrs: 'Olive Cliltiertread entartiele entitled "Tile Threshold . of the Year." The 'officers of 1943 were re-elected for 1911. They Are.: President, Mrs. C. W. Alton; lst, vice. -president,, Mrs. Jas. 'McWhinney 2ud-Viee'-president, Mrs.- Robt. Moore; secretary, Mr. Culbert;. • assistant .Secretary,. Mrs. Otto Popp; 'treasurer, Mrs. • Blake; Mrs: •Leroi Stingef; .assi.stant, Mrs. Popp; Parson- age-eommittee; Mrs, M. 3..11.eed„, Isir T. 'Webster, Mrs. Moore ;• flower coin- initteef;Mrs, Ryani.„Miss 'Eiltett, Mrs, Eedy, MrSiAutietige-frif-Tangeral Sec- retaries, Mms. M 3. Iteed,'„lvirse7m4:: IY.frnirreY •giceip Tfeaderk irs. Will 'SPriniii.Mrs. HarreY-- Alton, Mrs. A. Th PenIirnd,- Mrs. I. Finnigan t4Ited 'Cross -sectetary'; -Mrs. -Robt. MO -Ore, .11.14.1Trickerson;olosed--thermeeting---with- prayer, • ' • • FIC -Lt. Leslie Mittel, who has been 0.0. • At St7 Catharines BlexuentarY `sehpor has, been transferred temporarily to Windsor Elementary Scheel, The St. Catharines „school "Is.,:being mantled' and transformed into a wire- less School. Fifteen„ of the students .in training there have beet sentto.Sky Harbor to finish their eourse.-Laeking accomModation,att_Sky •Harbor; !they are boarding out In private homein Gederieh. • No. 1 District -Depot at London; Ont., .reports the followingrecent army enlistments: R. G. Nelson,' • 9, Bowers, J. A. McIver, R. A. Edmiston Harbor), all et Goderich;- E. E. Walton ' Clinton... 1 A 1 4 ituary MR. 'opoRov YITI,J31 • ,PreSbyterian Chureh and the "funeral WO. George 11.110, pgINed taWaY eud. service at Port Colborne wag, tonancted. derily•O T,ueaday at her home? Qnebee 1,4 34ev. R. T. Rutherdale, The re - street, at the age of sixtY-four YeaP. ,raallia were brong*, tO Goderieli on Before her marriage 'Melinda EWA% TneatlaY and were `laid In Maitland $11,0 WaS.hofn, t' born the ReMelierr., the burial SerViee .1VOlg lianghter et the ,late 'Mr. end condueted by °Rev. Itichard 'Stewart George Evans, and had lived in or near of •..IglioX •church. The daughters and. Goderich all her, lite. .SUrilving*iTonS4,11-11W., AieSart-rVan-Aralketiburg, ,SldeS.her husbandi; are two sons, Lawr- and -Davies, accompanied the tent4n8 ence,' at 'heeie,- and rte.Gordon -Yule,' to ,Gosleriell,^ ' , ' • with the Canadian Ordnance Comp a at The late, *Mrs. Ilarrison° after.her BarriefieltVand twedaughtersi lsahelle removal to Port Colborne delighted in and Dorothy, .4t home; also a brother, Making an annual, visit to her old Arthur "livens* of Goderich township, home town-, MA, the neWe of her death And 'three sisters, -Mrs. Arthur Beavers, was received' with regTet , by Many of town; Mr. George Wilson, of Wind:' friends here. . sor, and one at LW Angeles. ^ --..The.,ttlilerai• will take pmaee n Fri- • 'NEW daY, afternoon trete- the Brophey fen • - -Mit; ing _received, the, welconle news, by telegram, from Ottawa, that her, sen, -Warrant Officer Albert •GanleY, =Using for,'Severat tiontlikct .bad--,-Trrive-safely. in the Uelted-,Kingdom: ' Further word is to owne Ietter, • .;• " --Betty-=Eseyen4:4:2,±-Whatliterarzz. aspirant, Margie?", -• Margie (eight) : •guess-At's,,,wkat, edita '" takes hen...he has a headache." • :JUNE rtir s , Now.trx for yonmeli the softening, . sinstpthlitg„ Dorothy, Gli* night e.-,i.id,,eciany,ble,i,wilot skin P. •thattends to dry and flake. • (Specitil limipid time only) •-•.‘t AR ••• 1 Aust. 19.14„borat , 'arm Wanaaa) td. • rs ' er).11,:ehktiel, Itelr. Richard stewttrt of- • nxrx, 'Pte. ficiating, „and. interment Jae ,in Maitland CeMetery,' . 4•1 StanicYgeeratteu, ,,Son,of Afr; tin.d 0 •Birs.'1D,a,Ve liieGretten, will be glad to learn of Iii S sate arrival in Italy, TIES OANADIAN VitAY 0)" Opinion or F. ii. Nimbi I'r&denL of The Beek of Toronto - Mr. V.11. Marsh, President of the ' Bank of Toronto, in bit annual rePOrta saitl; • - ' \ _ r „ „ "The peoPle' of Capatfti are pessessea,, of the 'ability .tQ think clearly when T. ilroesed to the poi t of being eoneertled I ' about any Suhjeet, ' There- is then ^little-,---te--/ear--in-7.0entemplating----Qur 'national future If iieeple *itort to ten , - shier what a socialistie\forra .of Gtiv., \ ernment-, wOuld, mean, trlie eonneen7 sense of raost Canadian intilUtling labor, wh4t O would liot 'he • MOP but would ...also have to conform to ' such ' n, ,system and its regimentationwill,41 aiii venlident, remain Proof agate.' tii,ny ' •such plans as would. Overturn Can da's entire syStein of individnallreed0' „ in' growing, produeing,. : reenntacturin Marketing, export, AlliPort, . wholeS4 and retail trading, banking,. in -Vestment end, ownership; - . , -:'----i-----', ' VOtailterian''Goyeriiment and: regi- mentation is What our sons are fighting against-whiie _tb.e• Advocates of social,- 1-sinare..trying'ftl have that JOY" 'forn4 ef „Government Placed in control of Canada; . . - : '' ' '. , I There, are roanY hundreds Of thous- ands of. Canadians who own their tarns or lionies; there are the. owners of 5,000,099 bank..•accOunts. and Some 4,009,090 peolile-Avlie,„ewn, lite insuranee Policies, all. ociS9014 'ar in reality capitalists ` , . , -i , Such aWnerslii$I..ifi'lhe result ., of years of toil, ' and • thrift in 4 'free country. It x•eriregente the 'stake . that mem hope "- to hand down ,to *their ,Widowi anctehildrenewhose safe future' is their keenest human. desire: In the rural parts of Canada. especially; - ,.A.fter a snort illness Frederic!4 according' to „ word received Its Jenner, who, conducted a service station . • • • • - • end • store.tit the ov,g,„ ,erossieg, on the, pratts, . 'ac stated: that. he was , Baron read; died on* Simday at the Sirs. Harry 'Masiesil,(nee EnlnY Mc - age of Spay -nine' year. . My. Jenner Gratten) is Working in -Goderich • at wasa-native of Birmingliarevlingland, the present time. - ' • and came to. Canada atter the first We_learn that Charles Girvin, son Oreat War,' in which ,he';'•"siereed ' with of "'Mt: Roy- eirvin, *070,04a in the the .itaperial- forces.. 1 -le 'was not mar- West, has enlisted for Military service. ried and •had no relatives, * this Mr. and Mrs.- Dliner Lee Of ,Colberee country. tie was an Anglican' and spent Sunday with Kr. and „Mrs.' Alvin the funeral -service at the BrepheY Kerr; •*. • - • • ap,e1„en Tuesday a'fternoon, was eon-, Meeting. -Nile Women's Mis- ducteg by ltev W. 11. rektor' ittinary.TZdeiety 'held their.. lanuarY-' of,,St,"7George's church. The obsequies. Meeting in the church basement on .werA' in charge of the' local post 011ie Tuesday, January 18th. 'A devotional 'Canadian^ Legion auji the. graveside period of song, prayer,%-'13i6,1e- reading .iirMaiiitina cemetery' fitil-Whonor -and diseussionf*--took--.1-plaeefLItollowed this heritirg-e'pr.hoine• and owner- -Paid , :the departed....,eomradei. h'y a .businesa„Meethig„ ,PlAns- were lieve, 'd: 1 to eet ana- treedoni filo, rights topass • , ,,.. ........._-, . ItUP4ISTOW.1,--GODERICII., 3 , * -",„ . .,. . The first game in the -juvenile'hockey schedule was played'. at Lueknow 'on, Friday -night:_last, when ,the' Young Lions of Goderich took the Wr011g* end of a. 7-3 scorer -,-..the Luckeow for- wa.$ line of Chin; Chin And Chin had the :visiting team almost at their mercy. These Chinese boys and other Mezubert. of the.-Liicknow team have_playect.t &tiler for the last four t'441.8071S and. eir 'team .play, as o)osed .to thern- experieuee or -some of the . Goderich lads, determined the, resat. ..,• ,,,,, • :HoweVer, the young Lions Will beer watching. ;Manager .: -Murphy; has -., SO iniiiiSF *.i4i$ '-ot- ----ju'yentie"-a-ge- trying- -^OlAt for the tea* that- it is a.„ -Very, difficult job for Matto fei'm a teilia •of regular. ;until such, time as all the youngsters ave....-shOWn...4heir,=woith.••...,,,,'When,..111 reg4ars are selected and fiza. them- sel..766 -Workhig as a team the Goderich atsAvill have„..j,EAH_E*....ggir regation they will. be proud to support. • At this early peried in the Season :hied, cas the mexnbers.,all. ' confiseathd 'stars.",it would hardly. do to, try to pick out one or two rtiee apples to the ' chagrin- - the However, young Ginn of the Winner;: L in- the_nets,..:9 Atopriedi jnore_.--43100 the.' interment' was 'in. Maitland' ceme- of 'this' week.- 'Mrsch. sheuld have some.'credit for his .work __. conducted .by Rev.•,,W11. Turnbull, and Dave -.-1-Y-icPiraervinoritt Lthirties,• During_the 193649 Period; , w rules,. for the- club were- drawn tery, „tli,c_.:palibear-ers-----being --Wesley' resident. in Ate,. __-',. , 41r,, ,--Th. . _.,_.„.... ,I.,vrolit8, were „totittjaritivoir.crtaL _ jrue et witir duiliikr-the----resrjg-, ,, lee *e-ri-e5" •l,i'll17.,Iiv iiliadmLoriktbjaladte;II2faroryr. Arm- of igie: were,,...ags -,sark..xepa,, as not mann ecok. basing of _stanclard_Progt4_ton the. even,- 'OA, and a. prbgram of events Planned ' ap.liticknow ,than he may come in, con:- • •f...,, Davi c ar k ra e and inerabers:WerVPresent-ter-t he'.. -4.1 age Of ' theSe 'years kasf:Areinited..-...iii7;:f4Alie ' pelting year. . Membership of , 'sPECTAL DitY-SKa WC' e,(6,1 . ZotAt,„, cjAAA17 ' Qt-reglAllar $.1:00 for 000 144.-regniar -60e for AN Several disc:on:tinned . being iold at recitieed prices, 177000It vrAx Reg? 70e, for . WINDOW •BLINDS 'ioieeial at .98e al:id 3 :0 S 1 011 Furm ure 1 \flan the-&-eadway Goderieb", OLXNTON REVOLVER "us .04301911 OffierS and 4$40010 Shoot" , • on lgenday'-Vveging Oxi Menday .evening, *Tannery' 17th, the Clinton. Revolver Club had its' an= 111.14 meeting for ',election of ofticers: and a special .,s1loot. The "follaWfig were. elected for .tlie:Year 1944:. . Captain-launter„ Clinton,' president; Joe Hart, Clinton, treasurer; Fit/Lt. Merton, Clinton, range officer ; Ellwood 'Epps, Clinton, secretary: s• ,After4, the business' Was completed 4S it °Odle , shoot- was held; -This is a List Post- and 'Reveille -being made P P • sounded. The pallbearers were Wit- the need on the pission fields. The. it on will he held -with, deternunatjon dleali, shooting match in which eae rd, Johnstonr-Ited -C-rosS2coinmittee reported -the 'mak- and„ tenacity, and will never be sur- contetant names' his -own ' score, bein georgeXilliOnr.Ilarold'4 Trireert. Jos. ing fax.„„turtlenecktecx;ins, ten' pairs .rendered.. in .favor of any socialistic, Penalized one -point --for-eftell i)01.11t Craig: and J'os: juek. . " centralized *ate' eoritro17-or -prOperty • • • , soaks, one Pair seaman's -Soaks, 'one 'pair inittsr-alia-thre,e'qUilts. .An, inter- and Civil. • Al ter several moilths of failing' was given hy Mrs. Tr McPhee, Te,• templating :the future, that thezie meeting closed: with prayer and...the "lions of people Will not be" dormant, benediction; after which., the Seeiety .Where 'their own interests are affected, joined witft the W.A.' ' Society .a.lalpnedinwshe; they rttaliyrzh, Jatt,c4S4oieglitiliian, social half-hour. • _._ • Congregational Meeting. --,The an- Pd!wer." • • nual• congregational meeting .;. -01,-- Nile Small -Businesses Most Be Preserved Marsh, in his report, iemIlhasized the f important- contribution ,small in= dustri'es Would make in the post-war period: He Pointed out the --import. ance of the smaller businesses in re-. •esting feadeig from the stOdy book It is reasonable to suPpose, in COW.' health, the death occurred on Thursday lest, at. home on Oxford street, of Simon "Henry 1VieVittie;,in seventy.. second 'year. Mr. AfeVittie was, born in 1Vlorris toWnship, kson, of Moses and Sarah Jane " Medd Ncirittiek and had been, a. resident of-Goderich-for-thirty:o'church_w0 :Thursday last, three_ years, being employed by. the when officers Were elated, folrOws : 'G0(10.404E-Organ; Company•-,---and•-4h ewards---_Isaarrey.-._(treasprer), Vr,oderieh Manufacturing Coinpany., jn. Itobert, rY; McGratten„,,G-. Rut-, 190 • he- .1narried- • Annie plizabetir ledge Hawkins, 10.P.hee, „ - --th-r- life ,;-of-',"tEezjawnp•-;,•• and. licever;olilitikTe.,y?1,:$70er.r.iid,iltliiidi!,rei:ley :)--r:t.,--'0,116:0,49ttErs;ttss7., villages tliroughent Canada: He ettitli;' in LL is generaity,known'that pOsttWar undepthe, score named- and-two7points, for every point over the score named. Prizes - ark, donated . ,,by „the shooters theniselves,.'each meraber, bringing some item ' that he - wishes to , donate, as a "-ti,. prize.- These are all arrayed on the . :---• table and . the - vvinn,ers . have their . cholee.'''',*'The,followin„ g arethe winners % in: order .as mimed, as well as the - scores obtained: -" . ' • • 1 Jas, N ft,e1, --Goderich• - - i/W fioints Ellwoo Epps, .Clinton .- • . points -Ross McEwen, Clinton ,•.: •93 Points • -CaPtiiiii! Huntet-Clintent -7-92 - points- Fit/Lt. Merton, Clinton. 92 points Fothergill of East, Wawahosh ' who Peagan • elders -I, Cerrey, W. Rut- ---' - - ' " ' - t' 1ledge,'i McPhee,D. M 0- 't k survrtes,. with. three 4aughterS:Inel: T. ..., 'e - rat en, Fran tWo`ons: Mrs: Willia.rd'Ourrip 7(dna) 1..11aNyllin;% Isaac Tahb ; auditors -Mrs. , ..„, and Mrs. Philip McDougall : (Fierenee),• -Hayden, Mrs.- *Neil; trustee heard -4 ,Piekulang *IOf . a . eelistrtietiVe' nature is Oth of .Goderich; Mrs: Theodore Elz I. Currey,....0 Rutledge, D.',megiatten, under way oirtlie: Part ottgovernments flott4yernk), Of Weston; *Melbourne, J. Feagan, .:11, -110INeei. II. I:Matthews, 4.nd,' large-.seale enterprises, -.but there Iiitil'qfte--ItICti-sErrand.,;-liflitott;"--of---Gode- 7.,-INIcPlie(941iitledge,6,-0.,,,,;;Dustow,,. .§04,9Flyestio_n m to whether klie rich; also two brothers, :William and C. -McNeil, Robt..Regie.; Sunday -5e11001 ant'eldei,umto asolzInq7ataildin!titthialisbrr4ieeiltitin'ut are John, of Auburn, and -a. sliter, Mrs. board of *managers -Mrs- Efawkins . . Aililmi ,Taylor,-...of-Blith...._1114_,Me- Vittie wA^.--..atineniber , of North street :United church, • : • , The funeral serviee en Monday; was Mrs. N'Xon, Mrs, McDiarmid. 'With all accounts paidrtfle-7tretiSiiire ported 'a balance in the chureh-funds., Meeting. -7 -The 'W.A. met- in the basement of the eh -arch on Tuesday the present tax structure. Many of -thein7sta-rtet1-.-with-4ittle-a4er--- iar,,,,-and. .In the rolatively, prosperous twenties' built adequate. --Working capital, Which was seritnlify. depleted by reSses ,the.depression of the 'early Al. Lirffield;,--toderieh • 83- paints Sop Hart-,7,01liikon , :82 points ' Jim 'pawn; ,Groderieli .89 points The highlight Of ,',the , evening Was a Dag .Of apples, -donated: by Jo e tfa-rt of Clinton' )and Wan ,by, Bacon . of o er c , sorry Lo say, r. Bacon - _was unable to taite.his Prise-honie-with • Line-up :•• . - • '1' - tin • In the,,hilshieSS portion - Of the, ,ineetingCloifittions of $5 to the. .Greelt-Xelief• Fund • and '.$b. to . the Milk for Britain .Pumt We're toted: wer wo-rIteri?- soolety• •fillli-diffetISSe and it. was. decided, to 'forth Patriotie Club,„separate 'Twin the W„A.,take .-011-theinberszOf=the,-eofnikuriity.f." It, was tlecidect,to..ineet in -7, -the --Orange Bali on ll'ionday night, *January 24th; to organize such a • .elub, .' The roll call 'fel; .1he W.A. meeting is to'"•• be answered with' a. Valentine saying.LTife eeting ,was clased with -the -National •James Bair er. Mee g. 13nd 'Orr.; defence; • Many, instances in _little being. tri. bnild,...up ,the cash. reserves necessary Lloyd 11 til .W.'!$tevenson..;_centre,„ A.„ .__..,-__,.... strel,-3,-. c .._tu4stailsox . . alternates,. Roy .11aVerts, 1?lerb s as Jim purves., , , ; , : ... • -• . eroderiWe , s.2x.;..c.-: Il• arrison, passed . cii.lbot- -‘4 A..Jfermer,„,,w,01,:eavtia._ resident-7ot (I'lea.:6-eleini°e't-ii:teoacclillati4ognes;ttniu,S.7-Inaarthin*ingi":-t-i.Pt: ,vho ,,te_781,,trer cia.ili . lneoss; ev,I.3.,. ation., .. : ,.„ , - : ' •. pal,_ win, B. Chin, George Chin; - . . Gederich-Geal,. rind Ginn; _defence, "way 'on, Saturday eitenieglas.nt•••the: medial measures ,,be provided. .I be - in esse,ntia.,_1! tha_t '-defin14 . a, ssurance by uonot evoning; 4 the ,roanges:, way' of ,th7c adjustments ,er• 'Other...re. - ..lim_ Adams; rznigsl• ,Ttilt Newcombe, John Holines,• - Jack --tvansIz...-nentre_octhonailviiie of her '-_..t;.;..7*,d'avugohit:oer,o',ThMotiOs'..-•;_fWn,,i'llt-, trete-trrat Allr'ea1.4Y; itilitOtrleMent70 Gordon,: roritn,;77„ii; Bard of _Iteitith:, 1:1'. r Geo: Westlake; alternates, - Fisher, nineffith-;-year.7 Airs:-.---11a-rrisqn :Was John- Gym -item,: Donald' Ainslie, Skipper MacDonald, -Reg ' nackins. a:native of Goderich her maiden name bein Isabella, Nasrayth . Het husband N170111d be --:411)S hOpf14. . ,• as!toirk:‘,.dicia..oi.uitv,1;,,,T , - 1 governmental .poliey in , this,- respect, .13. 0, *oir. :G.,,., M. tiliv,tih.s100.342ci„,iltil:91:iiiiis:;, ' Clearly -the job of Industrial- eon- . died many years ago and for the last version cannet effectiVelY . be , under, t 'AVINGUAlii 5:-GfoliER X.1- 3-' , . the-elnb: now totals-fifteen.and anyone interested in revolver ir shooting ca get in \t6uch” *with. ,any the -,---ab .1nenlbeSs..._ahd Wilt.recielYe_felf ?-inf - -eighteen-years she ,111;41 ,-,Made her -honk:- taken. - by • conc'erns • which,'" though A. Ga&nt -and *3.-.--' 4rout; .4041cors, ,, ' • A - by the hostesses • Mrs, the working capital 'which is essential tb„ for -Ward. planning and. ` to , the ebn- tinuance of operations, . any gh ju7Venil.' Os op-- enedICthe .Sche._,Ivuitrhvicvhinergidaarneg,:lgeerssot ytoergt., ,o,C.o_41boarrnreApthemA lovely--Innch was served -Prrienee- and organization! are without t,. PesSesSed ,of- weilieqUipped- plants, ex- IcnBterlownainV,V.loillitifyigir4111,mtkeiedetpewrs,.. •• dule in Goder,iCh on'sVuesday' Sp; 'Ottawa; tWo dau , Mr. before a., crOWd of MG hockey fans;. w. IL Tan Valkenburg ( ftie) and 11. Johnston rind Mrs. , Pentland. Kearney% Az., Kieran, . and Seek. the,garae 5-3'., nrs. 11.. DaVfes '(X3eatriceduring ,),,. both The hostesses for the. rebrnary meet- fe eeviewers, Orem; King ,-,:,, Geo • Team play -featured -the -seoring, of --et Part' Colbaae;•--There are fe.a.D ing Will ti&Mrs, Dave*•Mxpiarre4ddisruption of 'bush:was- ielleWing the • lilitfpgton, IVIarkArmstrong , all- the gpals,VOth tammals*cing their grad nchildren. ' Henry Matthews "and, „Mrs.:, Wanier -tallies as the result of passing the Nis. lJarrisen Was .a: Membee0X. the:11.ntledge. tegsationt* .0ff' war.-Pfadnetfon.*,.- -`• • "'Swan, m•----Preer," Sabi. Johnston.' . Mid. Humph% y, 1VicK. Webb, D.A. ton ; rubber.. The young Lions are gaining , . - • traders,,,someaatneeerre.,dmaiutourtoguetgurhoeurt's ,,,atnhde Ineet• xperience this • 11 •• e - twiee in -,-the". first length . and breadth, of. the: country .. VORNIZT Plixrziais; Clerk. period. Goderich .came back in the second and tled. it, ,Bisset s*-44g.tr9Trir lHolmes ancl.auother troni Ainslie. In tife third Templeman, and HhlIiert *get tli' went' two up ,:when Melt toor, ti beautiful Pass froln,Lockxidge-tcr score. ,,man -finished ViTinghaiit's scoring on . • an . 'assist %.,ifroxii• Mailman. , Goderich - tallied its third, Skipper - MacDonald doing the trick, The. line-up :.• ' Whighain-Goal, McLeod; defence, Lockridge,e1.17; centre, Ililbert;-,Wings, Brovviir,- Templeman; altePdates; Gard- iner, lch inn; d al • G defence Holmesi., Fisher Teentre„ Adams.; NfingS, • Westlake:: • alternates; isset,' • McDona1d,- AinsUe, BileY111S4 Wilson, 'Itlero. ••• IKOrney,?. r IA:VoRNIA .NAVgiryRANGES . -sEgDLE-§s.. XAS SEEDLESS Red 'Washed 0:414tOT •Mtn Washea PARSIllitt ts. 15c Mild Table- PmNWs IMI EfRiliff 5 LE 611 • 96's. liCEI3ERG •LtICTUVE -NO': I SPY,' fiRLA,r, L ft . t ARM RIPE' .TOMATOES 1b1 9 *GREEN PCL stock.,.350 s • , OkAN ZS s 0'216 89-o i °NS . d'ostoo f • v •lb, lage size ha, 15c s-ibo, 25a 1! • iorec;ii Reif itttpwlau Ib 27e . Tailgerlue doz ORANGES , , 39e Red *Entieror OWES lb. '99e Int0006igt and 0AXELIPLONVER, .141d1tkiuslly prieed. • ..*o11JC)V.(04i1/,6ii.114CA1tipliNE 3. . pifiti•t t' played at ue 110W 148 litht and ,W'ere beaten 9-3... trfo se‘ted eight of bucltilow's'fials; CARtilINER.WRXT--TUR-SDAY.,• ,• rzi.14...,Emearaine, Will be here • o» Tuesday niffitt neXt.tO Play a genie the, in.Vehile series* There -.14tould ,be a Dig :turnont to cheer the. young • HE INTEliiiiEDIAVE; 024. ditopp Ittoottri •• „ • , •. •::.dlinion scored, its ',first' win in the interniediate,1).11.A,.: 'Series. on ,.10,riday • ight, :114.0.„,.'.....elt.,- Ppnse of Goderich. The game WAS • played on Goderich.: ice and watf;,.a • WA, battle, but the visitors-pmerged. in, the lead, 0.1.3. . The same, .night„, Sealortli,the Beavers *suffered their first lose at the hands of the v1si1ng- Exeter: team, • The score was the same Wet Goderich, On Tuesday night:,,Ooderfehr playingl at Seaforth, lost' anoilier ganiet score>1 ' At Exeter on Tuedny night the home team defeated Tilinton 184.. Exetersofar- has won -four-games - mithotit. -a lose and lends. the group, • with Seaforth seCond Clinton third ahd. Goderich, still without a win, in the cellar position., •te COURT MARTIAILED . A . Court martial !wet; lieId- 'tit- Port Albert on Monday. An airman who had, attempted to steal a car wason trioi,, He was arrested ' by Sgt, Etri- , . mersen ;Overholt,- who,. was 4 witness. . 'Ile was 15000lieed to tiventy days 0114 The minimum civil. Sentenee is one . Var. The airman had the Wit46 trolled 1 ' ont of . the ignition and triedto start the car without 4 ker. * •:›1› • . E. GRIFfilTH 4 r. 'MAcIDON.A1LD • - , Fly ing the 'Maple'. Leat .no_use vessels of the Canadian • "National SteanoshipS ply in idand -gerons Waters and during the war years , Several of thesti craft have , victims te-enemy bombers itnd submarinCIh of • genek •seeinen, need - Courage and skill .and Canadians the-Mer- hafil Ptbud record by. ,their Urgent. under ^Conditions •described in of. . 'tidal citations as those of "dr- . puce:. • -• •• • Three' officers and, tt: seaman of,,,tbe,' Canadian National Fleet ''fL.were-inchided...inAhe ring'ci New Itier 'Honors List. The officers are Chief Engineers Edwin *Grif- Wei, • John Paul MareDonald" and • Henry Hubert Jenkins, who be- came .officers, of the Order of tha • British. Empire; - and the crew.: Man :Able-Searnaii Claude "Free- man; who has been 'awarded the *British, Empire Medal. Mrv GriffIth pakieifiited liotWo events, 'the first being on a Cal- , a1ian National ‘elliP bombed. by Japanese in Penang, the second the torpecibing of,4.01414113r. Alp in a .Caribbean harbor. At Penang he had to effect repairs lind ot under 'way after the ship had suf. , fered fifty *holes from shrapnel and was, taking. water. In .the second instance .111.1... Griffith six- pervised "temporary repairs suf- ficient to "float a company ship to dry dock fIllowing a torpedo Griffith a native of Carrittivont Wales, has had, 23 year service • with the C,N.S,S. His hOtne ,18 Montreal. • Mr. MacDonald Vati,'.ehlet en - Sinter o a passenger Selmer torPeuoett ii naroor in the'britisii , . West Indies..: He stood by in the ellgine room and mainfaura ser- vice under difficult and datigerims' • 'Conditions. Later *Whet:, recalled • to Canada for another coMmts- sion the company ship on .whicit he was travelling .was "torpedoed and sun. sokr_sto` Mtatafer)...don, 31)>4alifax„,, He. joinedthe com- pany's .staff in October', 1933- - Mit Ieuldn%-wasehlef engineer -:'"; :on, a Canachan-National ship tor- . pedoed'-at Barbados. He had ro deal *gitteLtii ax,1100L,'difficaultalt itiotduliatiaoc0o n. -inn to prevent fire Afterwards: he • carried out emergency repairs to 'IOW the vessel 'afloatilsehlr Une"4." of the Volunteers who remained' aboard itfter r.11 others bad 'been ordered to take .to the boats. Jenkins, who joined .the staff in Oetobei,1987, is at pres- ent on shore duty' in New 'York. - He is a:native of Cardiff, Wales. . Mr. Preernan. was one of the, "six volunteers who remained on -board Mr.; Jenkins' hip after it- had_.been _struck' and assisted in ...-- maldng repairs sufficient to keep her afloat. rreemanis.home Is in Ottawa. Captain Peter Kroman'il Wei% master of one of many Merchant'. ships operated by the Canadian National Steamships for the Gov- ernment, has also been named- 4%, Offieer, of•the Order of the :Brit- , ish •Empire for ."faithful and ar- duous duties tit ,sea," is native of Denmark and. the citar tion statestihat tt He is undouht- edt"c4 vinnihY Mend and, t rri*S13.. an -important backbone • of em., y krecent stray of intliiStrY. 'under --government- •. -Affection stio'wk that' as QC the year 1941, 'there were 1.70,903 establisb.ments in the */ ufaCturing, i'vholeSeler-and-retail fields, and 'that noless than. 161994 or 94 per .cent., of those were small buSinesses e,raployirtg less than15 per, sons each, :the total ,number employed by them being t 529,926 p.ersons.,They are not -only important In the *nggre- gitte,,, Vat are essential in the life of the ..lOwee and villages throughout Canada. •-3 ASHFIELD 4P,,i19iis. BI iza- 1:4ne1n114ertQ her h from Ripley, .eTspent Aome, time • With • her '!daughter,Mr-. ttoy.macgenzie, awimr.n. MacKenzie: Bain, MacLennan, • Jack Drennan and Lyal„ Campbell wenttip. Termite last -Week -to _engage in war -work 'forythe winter., menthf3. ' • , ' and Airs: ZuaknOW visited With. Mr and . Sirs,Asirell Mt* Doriald'„on Sunday, . Mrs. 1). A. Maantyre , Mas -returned honie atter aiwe weeks' visit wfth her daughter„' WS. G. Cole, • and lar,' 001,e -UnderW00d.•' , Farm Machinery, Course. -Tuesday -L* and Wednesday of thiw,eek have been trifer-daye' -±-orfariner-S•=of-- Ws' district, as the Department, ,of • Agi .cultUre.10.eonducting-,a,farra ineehanies 'course' in the 'MacLean hall, Itintali.: The eourS'e is under': the Instructitm. of, Mr. Jas, Shearer, Iluron agrlealtural representative: The. meetings are very -iirelt-attended,--betli-Mornitig-and-afte.r.:1 noon. 'Meal instruction is given on ODeTegen :of reachinerY, .binders„, "mowers, tre,etor4_:_ete4,:talso. In 'splicing of ropes„ operation of.pump- Ing Systems, and labor-saving machines, .1t1r.. Peter Varrish, was ft• delegate to, the7710ttriners' Federation , meeting held sthpelertted...id accOunt of the " Meetinglield in Toronto last ' :week and gave a • ; IC I - * All trin66;auss poi A . of the tepiee iiitie& to; ;Y611/%1304 ; and speciiioations. ATTF.A0-T-FirEW:4)1tIG, 13,tter,lit : Better Woollens 'Altering- Restyl:ink- Presidia .31. LOR 'st ' stigST INAWANoSil The inaugural meeting of the 1944 1Yest .*Vgawanosh. VoUflc11 vai,he1d on January, lOtil. Vhe necessary tttions of •oliice were *subscribed and Reeve 'Brown Smyth, welcotfied Oeurt. Oilers, Everett rinnigaii, David Me: Allister, Gordo* McPherson and Wal- lace minor to, tile • 1944 board: Iteeve, Smyth spoke. of busInems-whieh is liable to be broughtbefore C,ounell and dwelt 'at 'Some lengtli on post-war, planning, intimating that this Council and •filture Ceuncils must eonsidet- the problem 'of ' re ' -establishment, The . following ;are ,,the officials *for the . year 1044: Assessor, John'. M. , Aitchison; clerk,' Durain treasurer... Win. A. Boyle; eatetaker.0 , oIijiii •*oit to hisonet nue,. ; \stock ,of Ctetery • Memorials"2 ,prenkitli,r* will be 1)03'1141y 'attended Cunninghani e ' .EXETFlit PlIONO CLINTON (1;1 ehsrge of Mr, J. 1414) • " ‘81r4ivoitIrn' - • Tutsfisys *Id Sattoilays .44