HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-01-20, Page 1-
Combinirkg The Coded
nal gn
..1" S Gr..QARDINER APOUESSES Reve or Stanley
Disfinguis* 1104, 'aeliPai'n;•
' the Stery:..
130,6011 tor. Britabtl:
Ait;i1: County 'Ooltu1oil MOOlAug
This Weetcria-rita"t
1 itOST„r$201011$ ASSETS , ‘ ,
'Session .of 1944,
' *
One of ,the most interest:Mg an Iim. ' ,••• The 'January seesipn of the Huron,
The 'WO Precious asseti 4 ‘-'nornpl, 641111Y"'"QY6ten. was- opened
i;t4:1 Tu414-
'vortant ,functions IM1din, ,Oodertelt for .
. Verne years was therAlinner ' tendeied faintly. hub Is its, chiieten and' rittrent,S wdlts• 61w, orttepotnci...0,i.,(4.7toliwenxi'-li:ip,e'evw%sr s
by the Gocletieh. • Xleveter and •Tramatt ,
„,„„.......,_ do net, hesitate to Make sacrilices fot
Co. :on -Tuesday tho"'"'
evening to "", their little ones. In Greece • children eCted. in Conservative , eetieus for the
watdenship for. 1944, It required tere
* County Council; represeutetwof es _ juSt like ours are 'dying by the hula..
•inisinese eoncerns, . and otherse• 'ATI:Ga reds every da , ballots and took an hour ttO make' the
the' Hon.` .1.: ik;', '11/24-0,14.M1.4 Minister of cannetipro'videYthrincavvusitehtelroitirgliPac7onthtlit,' ,PhOge, which was later unanimously
endorsed th, open council: ,The . oath
of oillee to .the new Warden and to
tile inenibera of. the Gennep. was 'ad-
ministered br' , Clerk N. W. Miller,
The, ,'i.itypeation ., was. -prenomieed by
Rev., Joseph ' jeeps..
vW,arden. - Watson brieflyaddressed
the Council, -and expressed. his ap-
preciation of the houorAeeorded Jahn, '
."1realize that the °dice of warden
is _ a responsibleposition, but with
your co-operatiop. 1 will do My utmost
4gricu1t,lit for Canaria;, -as the mein 14 to protect them from the snow
, • end cold, They need Shoes; stoe)augs,
The „dinner was, ,given ' at Hetet coats, '`dreSees,,.- underwear, and • evell.
thing, else, thgt. will „help:to keep 'Out the
Bedford, *liere'..41bunt ..125 men 'set at wet and .cold -White they stand in line
- well-appointed tables. , waiting ,to be giyen eomething to eat,
l‘Ir*' 0, L: Parson's, 'presicleat p.t. the '. The- wet.: has coaVinced '.. e_ lot, 4 of
°Geileriell • Elevate): .4ted Transit CO; 'people, that Italy isallot the Iliad: 'a
wit; •in. the char and with WM at the
warm surteltine the year ,rettne,'. ' as
bead table were the Ilon. ar.-Gardiner,
.3udge T. M. Costello, L. B. Ge.rdife, our beye are ' struggling , through neeP
asi.p..,,, pr. R. aehhe wayler, isti.p.i.. seow „la their efforts • tO, Aust. the
'Jelin .*,,.garkier, LP., Fred Watson, Gerniiins. • - But the reeks. have been
• ::.°---•"•Wartilete•Pf-Xturcirt TOdinity41 mayor, R.. driven frona their,..,, homes; 'theasaridar_to ;•diseharge- the duties to . the best
,Turrterl...,FAL,2,ThIngerd,i $t,,,, learys, have • died. from '.•.etarvatien• • and a 0,,st ' r_eir,'J.),.P.,11.1't.34'''L '13a:•,45:•9? -e new , County
A director of the Goderick-BleVator and Ilifunariate''aValtErneanY 111011 -111Q -ss 4LePI": '--r----:47-'-'l-_t.' *-" ' - -
Transit,co, ; ti. 3%; 4.„ Niac4w44, oho. ,help is sent_ to ',awl)? in the fern,. ot • SympathY Watt.' etpressed' by -the
elOthing. • ._ 'Warden ; to r. Mr. Merton Reid, tormet-
z---1-7---Re-Saunders, of the Goderiett. 'Organ- • ' ' '. 4. ' '' reeve of Sealorth, in ;die death of his
.Co.,• and ,R, K. Wurtelei' of the „Gone- • Women's • erganizatiets• in 40404
wife, and to 'Mrs. Alex. Porterfield,
401 , Selt Co.,. • •- - -...',..-i• , are altering, eta' 'mendhig'llie clOthee '
- in h u :ip
shipped in So they - can; be • distributed the 010. ei her 11 ebLiud,, le.41:' of
' 'ALA- ' Bob MeKerata, of the- -Fleet '
Sky Harbor, -enteetained. among the, neOdY children. as '.,e-eiciey East Wawanosh, ,:.A; welcome was,. _ex.
litir Arm at tend.ed to the new members and the
'with two ..solOs in nue 'di , e '• t ,‘,3 a.s: Poseible atter their arrival tit „Italy
Simeoee'Sllfe doe* depend on it.
Our wittioded• need bleed Plaeraa,,--.
PaPor 1/2SaivaFed provides the eitntathers
enSitte eefe,,shipinent, Our :lighters.
needeamptutiltionk-7-papetf salvaged pko-
vinesthe •eontitinets forte transporta-...,
tiors. Our -gators, aoldkre and airnien
need •food -paper salvaged -ProYitlea
the packagee.''
Twenty tholatland Ong! are „needed
every month. . ' •
Ater wastePaper, _which the talils
need as neer 'before* the' dernand'
tor,regs IS Urgent: .),yeollen.rags to be
worked into %-ttaable".-eloth, and cotton
rage to makeengine Wipere, are needed
'to. the 'extent of one poUnd ,every _week
hope expressed that ,,they woeId..enjey
•the Road to Mandalay,'': -;:and as an: ''13.4'1(11e4'144r''''be Itt 1V1.'*Ge"4(3'' their ternr-in the County Council.
"The record 'of Huron County's, war
ort_ is ii„..ergaitablerLione. We have
lied live` war loan .eanipaigns and •in
each ..oite. the quota was substantially
overatibscribed,". continued the Warden.
this record 1. should another loan be
looted. .
• The. Warden believedthat at this
session--,-4-A'---repteeentative from the
Federal .government -would achlrele the
Connell, on •pestwitr recenstruetion. and
encore '"The 'Irish. Colleen.", ATJA
-.11arry Lewis, also...of_the Fleet._Air
Am, was his aceompanist.„1-
• Mayor -TI‘urne'r _welcomed the guests
iti,the-name.---- of the Towageef___Goderi
',Spealtiag on. the subject: ,,after -war
reconstruction', Worship .sate that
with 'organization • and Of
whieli-'characterized the victory
e'loatt camPitignira'great 'Wear douldtbe
• _Adone, and .116 suggested that!. the
'2 ealty nt the '.eresent .seisiou
Schaefer's, store,. 'at The Signal -Star
or at the Venus Restaurant to be for-
fot lzlie
donations Whicti..wili later he a ow'.
'edged in- the Press..1._
:VESTRY 10-.01qN0.
Or ,ST o ,0E?4,GE's agurzoir
1 A A
.-Iteinitts --ireSentedheirt GreillYAng
-- . , - Progress -in the: vrajt. , Veer. •
The 1,100th annuel. ve4rY,•nteeting • of
-."liplioint a'. commi'ttee. -to kplan a--.130st' 'sr, , quorget,s--charyi. wa•-- held- kehabilltation--116_ telt. this. \vas._ _a_
. . . • ,
° -he AiOnOLY'cn-Vening, with. Pe largest .4 t .,reveldUlibPecir'ttaiiitotren753:IfitYet riscciu^s'hse9dPe44;dt
• war prograin:•, , This committee, .
--7-*61167-45til'a'°•11cle-'1i*Ii-meliftbers'-'-' " ten -dance 'lir .7407-Ita'.:14-6"-i'•MuY sinnelliTik -46irCtirraga4e"1" or '''Atr'''
the. eAnmell, • Coent#•,ittte. •cithet -mu)* _
• t•
,from every Canadian household. -
If you earn gather up, eine lumdred
pounds or more of ofd papers; cell the
Teeen .01•Ettlessofhee (Net .200) or The
-Signal-Star * (71) and it•Wilt be picked
up, or if, you eau. take it" to the teX-
hibitiou,-building yourselves, MY:limey
the. better. ' • - •
People front the outside districts
tasty, leave their bundleein,the archway
at the Town please, tie them ,up
.securely: , ". •
Opal bodies, as well aa the' Donlinthn. presented were, stitir.ees of grateful,. -- "The Warden's committee of . 1943
of the 'eceigregatiOn to Will during the ,session bring,
and 11rovincial Goveremente, shoald .-:;A.;"="
UWL shoulder • •it.'•• SharA.• of -41A mesPousinilitk • ell- those .:•respOnsitae •.• for, .; the results.. health, ischeme '
I y .
There wes _a Very large 'attendance
at 'the funerat.Of the late Alez. Porter-
t a
o erich Star
Knox cl*re
Report Progress
• •t
, ;Arlo
Tite,cprigregational. meeting of. Irne4c
Presbyterian phureh, held on 14toildaY
.evening, -nraS• marked; by the largest
teedenee, for years these' annual
meetings: The • reperts :presented. for
the..vast, year.'shoWed the'congregation
to be in e nourishing ieer.td.iticits both'
lifianelelly" and With regar();_to' its work -
the (CommunitY.I. •
• After devotionalexereises conducted
1)1 the .mMisteri Roy. Richard- .Stewartf1/2
Mr. Chas. X. Saunders ,WaS voted
:the cheir,,aed Mr. 11.- Mactiwb.n.
to t,1*seeretaryship, of, the. Meeting. •
The. first- report, that :Of the , kirk
session, was presented bir" the Min-,
ister. It spoke.ot Conditions in world
ogal.FS and on "the 'home front" .due
to the war, adaitionl tela-e'reeMber-
'schilmr° of tetheentresrlitP;.,. '40C °life! nai°81111:4eltril'es
pastoral work, and other matters; Ap-
preciative"mention was nude a the
vilIe.and her staff in the Sunday atichOol,„
of. Mrs. W.- I'. Saunders ,Miss
Eileen Bogie as choir dite tor, and
'field, - clerk-treaSurer of. Baet.,."WaWa; organist, respectively, and at the other.
nosh, Oti':-Frieay afterneen •The Otgenieetions the church, '; '1/4vbriqf
Presbyterian cher* ht.,'OelgrUp, in, had fenctiene0,snibothly And e
which, the,litervice was held, Was unable •clUting the • year. _
to. accorimedate all who' had gathered The.. statistical report shoive
to Pay their last tribute of 'esteent. Membership of • 900rtenresenting*
, ,
The service was conducted by famine's- , •
;Kenneth, MacLean; Presbyterian min- The ininistek -gave earnest expreSsio.
ister • of Winglenn, ,assiSted.. Rev.
G-. 11. Duiilop ef ,ReIgtaVe United
church7f7Tile-pallbeatere _were Reeve
S. D. BeecrOtt and,cieuneillora Harver
Black, * •-Lewis ltuddY, Norman 1,1e,
Dowell and AlM°- lieberteon----the - pre-
seet Council of East Wilwancleh-and---P9intmenti of - deaconess., This sug- senta
Ex -Reeve R. 'Renmend., Present geitien" *wee 'tater diSeuseed ,htr- the' 13bar.d!
from Gaderich were EL *sickle, County meeting, and a resolution was passea • roue
treasurer, N. vier*, ieeoraniendleg:-that the sessiMI-Aalre , The
Palle -Sellool- InsPecttershilteaci,,-j.„ -17,, the Matter' into: conSidetatiOn. " -reported- .
Gillespie and %William Striinglian. • The "In Meinetiainft,`,1ist. coetained pupils on .r
Xy.„„:Perter4itt gairviired by his Ilictity:tWo names; %nil .eleven of -those 33,5•1e, or 8
wife; the 'ferrae'tiigritlTet'iVOdr7X'*hoArad°pefAed.waY-f-tluting-'jthe,,.year..,„st;arops„,-.
'Mortis, Atdbrother, Willialn,-ot Calgary,- Were over eighty years 'age. ° $151,11 r-tota
aini two staters, Mrs. 'Margaret Pergu-.° Roll of containing the •Stitmlis dot
soh of•Bayfield• and Mrs; Ernest.,GOdes naines of Members or adhetents of the • .At Central, a
Of Settforth. • ' 'hirr hilv e•iinto aCtive ser- 007 , e a
- The , Lions .Club, was atiAlressed on
Friday evening, lase by, ,Lieut John
-141Att, Of : the 'Baal •Mivi. 0 Vresent
stationed 'At Sky flarber. /Lieut..- Mott
was On 11,31.4. "Sx.etoe in, the -great
:gal • battle 'oft, tile Falkland, Icalands'
.10, December,', 1939, and gave An. • Mr, and Mrs, Alex. •IiiieNevin i*ve
iiitimat. And „graphic . accOnnt • of- the the .fellowing letter trent their nephew, ;
engageritent, in -*Wlitelt -the,-"Exeter" Trooper' jack AleGtew, *lea I* "iivitit the
drow. the enebiy.o,re IL/1„ order to allo-w ettuadianS of. the Ventral' lilellitorete.
the 'smaller Itritish,_slii,ps to play the eau Vorgetf 4.11. Africa. The letter li
'413lt and. AUP ganie, whi(ll, they did dated Deceether 12th:
MoSt effectively. After_ retain! At 'the . Tbigu*risome, country' here , an
Falkland 'Islands the Bxeter, heavily' ttli like it fine. • ?Lots of ranges *344
escorted. returned to. Ungland, 'where tangerines to eat, as they grew .a.roussil
She received What Lieut. Mott,des.crihed- here 4.40: apples ,nti. at home.; We get
as.a "terrific" welcome. ' , . , ',', thorn at our _ evening meals *early evert
Ioleut: Mott' has a delightf01," istteek night, two or three eitehl-"but we buy ,
of lauttor,-„ aid his Addresa. was • heard. thein -mostly 'from the Mahe' 4* the ,
with ..great •Interest and appreciatiOnw reedskle for six frants. a kilo, kli '
Lieut.-COmmalader 1)„, ;Gle Weil -of ;00' more ;than a 'pOund,:.-' Thir!, raorub4 I * "' '
Harbor was , a ' guest . at the meeting got two •kilos,, worth Wipe ..trattets'°' '
and prtindeed .to address the_May , at and I•got twenty-seven lefttleeirw_._ I bad - - •
some later date. . ---- ' ----• ----,-, nothing-tdicarry -their in, so r jnet , . .
ephe Club Voted $25 to the I,O.D.E„ opened --the front of my, tenth • - .,
book drive, ,•anil* $175 tit; If.114.0.S. chucked 'Om ail hi there. : °,' -
eabderiell'.' for ' use in the ,purchase You .ought. tO see the . Alta ' on °' the
of e, refrigerator. , • ' 'reeds here.;,-thousanda of. eat„,.and hk -
. . some Of, the -qtreereiebiittits." you,ever
. : P.S, BOARD -INAUGURAL • saw, about half of „Item 1n Tags 004
eGraw Writes
root North Africa
Says 041)4414*$ AZ. 'AA Ct.04
(1011clitioil but Wialtaii H.
_ their -here„ -feet:- .inne4411
Pridham Chairman, of '...13,eard think had washed •sinee the war
for the •'ear • A; lot of them. live in' 'caves and la
cult*TesbooPalairty)34Eavgtirredn-.'a.f1;tar:leOtin4Itigiq,*Wc'fTas:bura_ebet'id:.1)310104. j-shn'-at'ye4kesa.:1114•Ytillthneg:e:iliu*e711,°0,ellutre1701thce".211Pills.„41iide'*
%%fly • " are real hot -and ni hts * real
j.`Prinhain was appointed chair, cool, • good :fer'Sleepitt`eg gunder a:claenvan,
e man, and, the other niemberS • of the -We are in 'a good. camp hei-e-i tour
n..330ard,-are Mrs.. Geo., johestoit,..u.....S. meale 'a - day, breakfast; at / eau*
Turner, M. Attts,tie, Ebb Itt4„, Z. J. dinner at 12, tee at 4 p.m.; Which
, _
Milne, 5. A. McLean and J' Snider. • -Usually. a cold Awes then i trnot supper _
of his ..eoneeriv ()Ver. the need ag! Chairmen ;of . standing - coulauttees 'ao we. are eating weU, An
gressive• action -to meet the problems re: 'Silkily and • contirtgent, II. S. we are all getting a :sae tap. •
in, home and tenant -unity .whiela the- tier ; finance, S. A. Snider ;,,progerty, We had a :grand trip,.. down'.bere
encountered in fiWpastOrel _visitations?, j, AftiSllik; :School .managentent7. no dale 'at- all, and grand .-vvea
and he suggested that the ctingtegation 'Mr 'Geo: Johnston. • 6.1V -the' way., One -could take. a St*
and,:session., consider- Seriously the af), •G, iparefing,.Was. appeinted,...repre-v, bath every day up 'on deck. We • had,
"ve on polleelate..,-Institete lots Of xn;usie, as-- they- had- two ore-
uid the estras- board -Made "'up; •soldiers, '
and they toOk.,a turn each ' afternoon,playing *
.°L:tty•tr-Irctlier.: ?eyrie. 014 eP,°;..Aei: 1. 17..ytern..1
se' that 14/rif your -b Talown below, as their had:
could • and-enjoY, it -even 1I�
ar..0ealter _KAILfw*sleePing_quartera; '
SevekitlitrisThg iiSTefiraer4Wereolit'?'"
the' ship and they 11,Sed take: inrtut
ent was . at giving the war 'neWs, 'twice, a day.- •••
carrying oirt` esefut reconstruction Theke mated erapreveincnt tile, -warden- ,continued, ' efreeed•.,
Costello introduced the • kte3 ' -1942 hil.
-night -up in the recreittion-room -I hat- •
' 'the fact'aurt-- Mr. Gardiner, -though -reviewmg, the wet er:Vie,--7Y'ear.,' 'Ai' ay, be-----vieW r'-witia- -pride; -oWing-tto LORGANIZES_FOR_:190 'Sabbath, school had an average
To- date, 448 '8.45. -
. ibtaty ,Beatd; .. -
1 ineipai of Victoria 'School
or .Depentbere-i-IsluMher of
11,. 878:; i averege attendance,
.22 -per..,celt.- ' 'ANT: Saving
sales of war saving,
.:$5$91.21. • • '. '•
(1011110 P111.
vorks.• -attendance pecially at 'the evening the great, •importance Of its. consider -
Ai` ister of Agrictilturejand-tmentioned^ rcejp't, were up ty'',eziee ,,T1,1e.finantafg. •Dostaon of the county LOCA,Lf.ituA111) or "gpALTH *poet of the Sabbath Sehool sales, $83.40; . ales. of war saving had their violins with them. one
serviees in over, W e e a on. • , - • - „
, tendance, .06, or, The orchestras plaYed" both '' metier* •
- vise in the pre ent war, bed 10 n,eni S. 90.6 per L--etotal ent. ar savmg staraps and old-time..rousie as .severa -14
staiiips attendance- duthig the ----..year--- of 143; • • an(L•listeaed for en°. hour AO- Ae- chap -
;bern-aust--0- ver7 the --lieron: border,- in the _reettir,- _Rev- W_. -Dnnbist„Ireferred. thbudgetting„. Ve11. caimbig
- -`. :•showing rcslight •increase._ - • • . BOOK.Se 'OR calliitg Off for several.; 'square dances;,,
1014.1rii .
adittrile books,
-the. -Forces
rdaY ni
up_JO. the
evens es
11. k-Owneh:IPY nle'ved 6 1-18borne. to,the iinpOrtenee ;Of the sehoel „tteitsurei-- awl -the •vvise expenditar,es • Att-the ugutitt t'Oi • .The 1943 Robert .1la.ikes ettendanCe° The 'ettnipp.10--Of -de-one- - Winie".4.'of7tffee--at-the,'-'.Orlde
as Li:feeder-for, • -the'Cliureh•-end•--COni,,1/2 of the--different.,..epteraittees.'',./ef -title, Local J,36.tird of Health_ °fer.1.044'.Geo. ' fencers' HAM':
, mended the 'devotion., Of _the-teacher:S.; hcouncil, , ,. , . , ' - .,, . ,. „ 1, , , . . -- ., . , $c aeter „ wasagain . ap.pOinted aw, iirds Wete . as. folleiviti , • : . ; • ,, , • 'b. ookS, OT matte, Y te•‘..h,try_k
tOWnsliip,-ata•-very.--early age -and ..witei• , ••-
eDipirenit, (1st Year),.LL-ornia ,Beattie,:- for. the inen and worgen ,.. Several' :Owes --are close, by--,` anel- '
ken -upon as a liaton-men;•• .11e,iwas
lile-Itead---Of-.One:-OFthr-meet-imPcmt--- --.-,a,-',ppreeia-tty.e.„-thgiilts,„,.,,,wrere,'„eXteixtied'_' ,-_---The'rhad..eo;nnralagdOn,la the JArge-9t: ,chairn.kai, , • ,..011/2e_L•Tear -Tile Othep ora,xxoei,...13,r,retoni, •phrwgio.,Lefatio43.54 _is eepected, tp. e.10$6 0.),):"'Sa:
. Several of' •tis -ge hi. to..one or -the.. ether..
, •depattniente, ',at : pttaysrat, • charged ...
. . . . , _._ . . .
eci ell the ,:orettnizatioes of ---the parish, Sliending both of the doitnall', but ' I meteberS. are rayor,--tturi...h.„_:jlatler.t,
-.. ,-',...4yee_L.__Ittalloiigh,... '_2_Billy .7: -'1‘iiteLea.a, 'Of this 'isieeli. The resmnS 'every',•-.VaV ,"-IVielt . I -COuld , speak
), people of .33ritain'and3140-arraed forces ,litotion'extire,s_sedi thti.gratitlide of tile., - our.-Azoad • maintenauee-,-- ' ' L' '-' ' • -.'''' Officer'. - Of, ,'.'h.caIth,7- Dri'lLAN','.',7 re .Gitlitniv..;, iy,,, ,:,,Taag.tt,, , ,,,r-aargaor,--liTaerinuaid,..tt _Might h are: 'beeti):,. but the eet fev,s.. one „s0..appltifa.' -1,pollF of Us „virere'%11.t ..„.,.
enehatow, is „„it tomar' Y Wteild-heip- ' -
...,. inchidhig '. the tholr; 'While ', a ''sPecial eeoula. apt advoc4te.'• a .slackening • of' son. P. Te-•:,A-rinsti•Otig ned.-,the4.-neateett•te.144tgc,•ronlig.i..„-..-$hirierx.enngi7,3..eyet„..„,vresf,,nt.....has ,,tet,..„.4)eett,as . -0
'tth the: titsk 'of ,Andleg food, for the -. , • . . • I, / .
"Iggrit"M:y. lifitrlifriVIVell.rat'S-Cilfla'844ibe'a . *fe'stix: •folti.:" ThinkitfOr his tineinsh ' - -,•Ele-trustecr the' Councit-woolitanher .11e-toar '''Will-hold--1Wi'egui.4Tmegt4' -Catharine 40.ettenald, Charles -Kentp.. tia-STS7have-7b.ea*more'eneoura ilfi'r 417.town*.-faValTicrife-lia-w7,70.7..amiliC'. - '
ana-sPend and, eneigetic efforte in -:behalf * Of St.....tti--"-the tinyeisycin!go -:systeln- -of the tugs 'on , ' he :second Monday, 'Of ' the . Fitst Sear -(,i3.-do year') '2-461in Haw- titose •• 'who ' underfoOk-7,-thist4-dit' ...... an. d had, a show advertised 'gnetish,,a04 .
hat he found: time:to goalie
George's.parish. - " •• .' Pdst.''''few ' Years- " '. ; ' ` ' ° . _.4. month -at 'o'clock p. . ' • • ' k : • -b • ' - ---• .-t-,4 .. - f• 0 , , cal u the a • . e; - said td.$ ' . •
Ig .
• ' , • " .therne, Ruth ...eachey, •Sylvia Peachey, 1 -s a duty 01. e ply , e of, , s , it -sign, at the bottom ,, Spoken 3.11 ,
: Tile officers tor 1044 , are: :Rector's • 'There is no. doubt that . we have The' •Board is Maki.ng ' arrangements ,Olayton Straughan' • • * , . ., : horae front lo do. everithing- in . out- Ensdish;" and--weAried•to 'find out whitt.•;.: • -
Vvatden, G.4- -L.' (Parsons t,'„ • peotaeS 'another strettuous year betere us -which to -have itS eanitare" inSpector accom-:, . Seeond Seal (3rd 'tear) --Lionel Ar-- power te'qreeoinpettse thOse.whe are On day it waS tin, as a Prefich raovie, yralt: r ,
wiirclen, S.` IL Preiett ;•••hoard, of man- will .-eail for . the beat from..'each and pany - the- Provincial inspector AL, pa-btur, Billy Bell, Marilyn Itutter-Gr, raee-the-fighting, faint. ,' '' * ' ••---'• ., . • on there today, so I asked abolit'.10,* -.•
agement -pre:I.:A. GT „ ok....4.4. very ..one-. of ue, hift hY, ee-oPer;ating spection visits to _tlie ,local tlairies. 'Doirks Donald _Hawthorne,. ,,'Charles e How Maey good -story , books. tan felleWs standing atoned ;valet( . - ,
Sturdy,- John Muris*', W„ •-•1 . Blabk- •we.may' make it one of' which we shall The Tbwri 'solicitor was instructed Tz,,,,w.the;•ne, Marion -MacDonald; iGor- ,you leave at th.e'--Gederich° Postoffice other Ole was on. They ' got ' their:'
stone, sr.,.,E., D. Bp.:wit, Wtrai Riley, he proud," the ISTP:raelv- oinchidecl:. to advise a resident of Britannia e.t
road --;
. don Pinder, ..hinly 'Pinder, ...Al artin 'befOre ttext4Satutdani
y. ght? A, •.donit., lands going and let . go - a lingo „ and
H ,•••
.' UF
. ord, IL -M. Monteith arden Watson,Was.bortrin gtanteY that sauitary --conditions at his pro- .:
S , ......
triuguan B'etty Tayler. . -
. • tem a cash ,Avenldbe gratefully ac- noneof ' us •yet are atty_the wiser as
few hunt -Sin Gederich. •
J. 0,, Gardiner
The Minister of Agriculture -said
-• ;his :chief reason for aedeptifig- the
; • Invitation to 'speak In -Goderiele -wag-
• the fact that Huron was ptedueing,
more hogs than any, other county itt
• Ontario, and elog •production seemed' to
be a subject ....de, general- discussion nt
this time; and he welcomed the op-.
portunity -of •meeting Anenibers of the
• ,County Council from • the, 'different
. 'parts of the county. •
D'aulirk;° aahl. the Minister,.
, ;told"- bk. .Prime •Minister
• Churchill that'Britain did net have
, ,sualcientammunition ga, her. 'Soldiers
mitre shOOting% langer than Otte
• ilea waS..askedkthen,: Was munition
----and- the -ships. -te„. convey them aerosa
.the.. ocean; Later the ..fooCoeceSsities
:of the countrY became ' mo pressing.
•' Before the War Britain . hadbeen
getting ;her main supplies of. bacon
from Denmark and, Paella.- In 1039'
. Canada waslookingfor- a -market for
' ;." het , pork products, .° and-. he went to
, 'Britain to -negotiate' a conttect...The.
• highest • contract • they coati. "get was
- for 201,000,0.00 pounds. for '1040. • Can-
stippfleC$30,000,000 petteds„:'
, Bri-
tain was pressed for exellange to Make
,necessary •purchases Wa Wished to
restrict purchasesto.. Suit . her purse,-
• but 'Canada. *continded to send lecreitie
-''ing =omits, an took out of ..the.
Canadian treasury :the. -money tutees-
• • gary te• fie:ince „these Shipments'. •
,order:. to • send us much
..put an. "embargo, on:- the •shipment of '
begs theUntten States and also had
'to 'debY to the peopi4 of 'Canada the
rightto eat as Much., pork as usual.
In, • 1042_, ,Catieda sent 300,000,600
tvviinds, cutting down home consump-
'-' tion sUll further, 'Land 10,.-1,043, the
lquotii. Was set at. 675,0030,000 point -as,
,,I..entt„„fiftit, per; bent. of- the price
paid', out of the: Canadian treasury.
• Mi, Gardiner' foresaw no difecalty,
" in spite of ,J the .' depleterops
lit getting , Senielent shog,$ to
'inaintitie shipments to the end Of June,
1944; EverY effort was being inade.tp
.provide feed grain etrom the Wept.
It waS.hopetithat Ontario *bind have
.better crops itt 1044, and to encourage
; to Intaiitairt- production ata higlf,rtite the Gotternnient,,,,was
,offeriug -a premium Of, ,sa .on grade'
hogs and $2 son grade Br and ,i.vould
• ontinue to. do so or Six•months after
the War. •.
; Mr. ,Gardiner Said it Would .lie seine
•eltS yet 'before arrangements eten.d
„completen for the; payment of the
jiv, Pro-aim:as, but he :warned farmers
pot to hold their hogs4, as they :eOuld
ee mete by thie than- they would
Mr„ Gardiner urged the Maintenance
of "altigh quality ttf bacon in•order that
•-Canada latight keeit the British market
as otherwise ,the British
;,--peottle erottld ttlial to their ferther
• -spat-cos of supply.
The, hitter pOrtion oft the- Alittietertit
• eddresis vote , an, eloquent and luel4
teView of Werld conditions, and AS he
took his 'secii.f after Speaking far over
• ninety •millees. Ile Wae !worded an
.bvatiort. „ • ,
The vote 'Of thatilte' to; ,Mr.
iota moved. by, Mr; II. 'J. A.' MitetWitn,
The eitaltrean in Calling On .other
speakers infited rn1ggefitionI on Obto,,
war terostruetlort ensi nu n lead *eke
- members are It; E ' • - ' . • , . , ' • t . d . ,.>. 0,
Sall ' „who Still ;has a, year -to serve, 'The: '''eaUgregutiell alw'witi.i• hearths aPialatured, as- wera..1)1An•
nien , ,to start. ' • • . • •Wcancnri MiSsionary selaelly • - . allocation:,
ChriSsie• 14eishniano• Mrs. Mitipase cone
LTA , the church. hall for all Members', the ,grent of $1400 to . Sk , Herhot frifinti .
. . , I * . . 44 •
en lite felt, however,. that fatm ,during - the' „Year,. •The .. Sum of ,$535 .tributed -two humorous •yeadinget-and•
and friends. . '...., airport and was told by Vrte, Bow ineothe.s should he' higher ag one-third Wahl fon-vex-tied.- -to " the l?tesbYteriar
the lielosing- :number Wes it 'reseal ...
Clateniont. gave a reading entitled. , . . , ,. .
qialting •Vtiends,"' Itwas'deelden,,to and Depaty, Reeve Alexander. of CitteYe ,,,,, •Afr. Cerrie, of " Benniiller, Made. 64, „The, WOrtten'it M ssidnary i o 1 y, ,
hold . a Valentine :tea• ett,-Febear,y .'it-' . Reeve ltrayne enquited .;-egartimg
intereettitg. speeela .on .the dangers of ,refierted regular 'and 'special. events
, leatiff,;eliairman Of the , Wa en's 'pont-
.., . ".-A.)11./tNIrit '1112V,s1-„. Mitteei- that- the Government did not of the. peop e .of ',Citnana. Were 'engaged treaSurer,„ this , bung $15 ..oVer the ni.,..
reseried- enlY A, location,. -Three 'life -membership ' cer? With * encore, ks. Mrs. 'Cla,••••yton Uwe.
Morels no:Shortage .CittitaePowei at 'Provide, •eiltdineebt Or ''" After the ladies had . been,. tendered...
r • ' ' ^ *
the:' County Jail. When 'the, lloed Tor hall for Which ' thiii Money; would . be "'•uuu• ' Pe • entage 'of • the
, ... a reereation"„f,,arMing - 'and Yet
netional tifleates were presented during the it-heartY Vote" of thanks on behalf'
• 1 . h a , d leconle. , 4 ..,,, • . year : to Mrs': Caiter , Mcliti6ii, Alms.
, ., Third -Seal (4tli year)--Gretta •Ar- cepted `and ;it 'would be Used to buy to when it is on. There were torne. ,
urer) ' 'A. --,--°P. Wilkes (secretary), Har-, toWnship fortyreightl.year,s „ ago .and perty, must be 'cleared uP 'to ;the satis- . .
old Newconalie,--Ite 43-:' IlaYs," li. geNee, married. 11/1ary 'McDougal. of Bayneld. faction of .the health, authorities.. , ,,. • ••.„, •
bow' • Gertrtide-'-fl'elinie Ent/ ...ell ' readable ;Wok's. ' ' ' - hard -looking back_ streets °•I wouldn't
Sturdy; ',lay: delegates -to 'the, SYned. 'Stanley TownshiP :Council, ' .seven of ' Donald ' Stokes, Benson atraughan, . Nan* LiEi,ivi 0 'PTglt t ,. alone after sdark.t -_-•••-,,_ .. . ,...
G 1/,' Parsotts It.:* C; Whateley and,' them as reeve_ 'Ile has threet"ehildren, 1 „.,
FEDERATION.IVIEBTING 'Jimmy MaeArthur,. truth :Aced. • .'"-At, the ineetbag „,,jf the „Alaple.•••-;;Leaf ..-:-..1' belie our • mail;gar here.
E• D. Brawn- substitutes- Mr. J., .4.,- 14.0., ' Stewart Watson With_the Air , , • . • , . . ... . . F u th"' 'S al • (5th -year)-Alarilyn 'Chapter I.G.D.N.' Mit week ' Mrs D. .at Ieast. by ChriStrads anyway, ae :
and tL 'Shore; chigf,„-Sidesman, , Col. He-, has been -thirteen years in, the • - • • - •••
Prank . MacDonald?, Billy' SelAiefer, " take ,it• hundred dollars -and. Virfilk-liceen-
a Prevett an . GT. X. Force ovetseasEl-n and, Alias. . , .1.,erne Rivets.
Dowker ;• envelope ..seertitry,,,,, ,n4,. . 1..t. at,, ,i2enie. Re'. farm!' 20-0 • 'Itere. ' ana' The 'CleibLum branch ,-of .. e eder- ,
...."„Alt -the „Giicletich boys are Iiiiti •
vsffsitieLe,:.: , „ ,.:., c,,,,._,,. , ,.. pc.iiite..i ' to the :1/2orinithel• aunit, hoer d, llth, ..at Carloyv. The -teed:tele and Sanderson.' • • , • , .., ., •
seem ;to be. doing all -right.:.in: this- .
,climate, . Theifoerth day here We met •'- •
--;=-41-i,-4 * matgage' 'Oti'-'1'h'e'' Parish ',Hall ancI Deputy Reeve_ Ale..,..,•..0exander, children Of .1\1621 -and' NO.' 4: schools- Sixth. Seal '' 7.(rith. 'year). ...-,,t.te.:ruce
• p e
youttg -Dedrey Holmes froni town. •
haring heen.liguidated, that document „ also of Grey to the road:, •commissien„ Miss AftNee• -NO. i and. Ali -s Cameren tr45ine, Mary Anne Ers'kine, , - ,-;;• -
, ... . . ,
V1 coMelitteil-tel-the fifties 'by--afts - :,.._,' yeeanesday „seseten - ' - No. $, ga.ve an excelleet program ,eop- -.-L--atteeial- Dipleina'7(8th "yeiiii)-L-Oath-
Graham, • .. „
D. Moortey presalmg, a donation of
$25 was: Made to • the camps' librnry
fund.'t Letters of.. thanks were'receiVet
froni the War Memorial H,ospital, Lon -
eon, and the corvette, "Goderioli! . for
donations • made. A. A. • Nieol
volunteered to. act -for the Chapter as
converter for the Saturday night bin0
games, Mrs. ,-Frank., thirty_ reported,
el3.50'• received' frora_ the sale of a
seend ;shipment of bottle caps, -weigh!.
ink neatly half a 'ton. Mrs.••...J.
GiIlesPie piesieed for the ;nomination
of officerra .•for . the ensiling :yeatl,;' the
elections will take piece at the' next
ineetiag, February when reports
kth6,, years work will also -be pre.
sented„. The inenibers Were -reminded
that good uSable •USee clethIng and
blankets for Greek -relief could be•' -left
linhe Venusiltestaurant or the Signal --
altar office. • •••••.
ui we haven't had ,any for a month now;
owniel„,assistatts,. • wbatelee; specializes an beans._ • ation-of Agricul:ture had a Succeesfili. Fifth Seal (6th yetir)--boris,•711Ten
get a. pile :o.; • . .
so, when„it does -arrive -we Shall
anditors•-. NV.1/2, (:). $,terdy, end , tt, Reeve's 0. Nyilsen_et.,Giey vois itp. meeting ,en Tuesday evenieg; January, 'Brien, Gorden MacCabe, Mary Lou,
Brown; to -the. evident enjoYzaent'of,-the Treasurer A., ioErskine, preSented
parishioners, the liability having been his 'provisfortal-estimatei ;fer 1944. on il:n" ' . lirse-SPeeittl- Seal (9th Yeni'*1- on -
The .teature of .the evening Vas a• ald AlacEWitn, Mary loyee Straughtei; °KNOX LADIES'. Ali)
long-outsbitading, a tour -Mill rate,t• the pante mast
Cheerio- ouiI merry thristnafts'0
slating 04 -songs, drills, instrumentals erine- Cat, Bob' Moore, Ruth Rotes.
,d • debete, 'Resolved; that .farin..,priees_,)ack prgidpe,
• • , Year --to raiSe $017 03 .„ It is '•divided - , •
' should ,temain jeracticalli their - Second Special Seek_ (1,0th 3,•par
EVENING AtriaLIAM p 45 mi)ts on genWarta. mount, and 1,55
,present • levels and that We • Stiould'Afollie Bisset, Billy Newcombe,' Ppeald
The annual . banquet 0. the Ladled'
1. The monthly meeting'Of the-E\vening niiilli on. 'County highweYe. ,, The, I's-
„ endeavor U.,' iterease farm revenuelry EiVera, James -.Saunders,. Fred Stokes. Aid •of KW:M. Churgli Was onjeyed. 1:iY...a
AuxillarY.- of North street United Penditeres. include • $27,130 _for f 'vva- freezing or loWering certain classes Ttura ..ppedial Seal (11th 3eer).--. .geodIY pumber ' a the -members an,1/211-
• r° ' 'effort .or donations and $2 000. for • _ - • • . - _ , , , e, ,,
Chureh OA Dzion:da7'evertitig litse•teele 1..-..• -1 - , 1' . • 1- . of wages • apd br, tariff, reductions, John Schae.fet. • .. , - • .t.., . their husbands on rittiditY evening, last-
, • • . -- • - .•,' ,‘• .•..--. v ictory , loan. , • ' • . ,
attendance -.contest- for the •PaSt..17314tr... _
• di mt.- gal., fi.,, „ram.,,,,,,, Jii„,„. a rma. ive were mer Rebertson tied ' Elcrip.ture mentorizatioe "Cer,t1 catest
After ;the gupper the members -as--• to. a O13.,1 -"'” - ---"---4"----"-^ trUrae Chitton?. and . cal' the 'negative were. presented to Ruth •Aleleitirt.and was Mrs. W,'„k„, adaliders..- Mrs: Chan.
Senabled, in the. adjoinieg' room, With- of the good rows ..commiesion: T e ,e,„ •...
b' eehn.e Iterilighan iind.atitnley Snyder. Jimmy MeArthitr. .,On December 26,th Edward's group' was iseeohd 'and, Mot '
The seeketary gave • the„ annual 'report one ' rural, Aeneber- T4g.re Isainiotlinig . • - • . • -- •• • -• . . -- • . .. ,
, SI, essre .11tirr-y McCteath and Hugh -church aftendante..certifleates reeogni -
but Hill acted ',as ,judges, each *. debater ,in, . over • -thirty services during the epteaeld 'dinner War-serred, hy. Mrs.. `
Miss Aitken, president In. - the chair. otigin draft called for, two, urban an , Percy jatees' grOup,•ity•elose third. ' A:
arid the tteasurer las° g1.1:0.hexi'rf°9,..,,, rt:. elrIliliratlhente'ratbec°:rdss .it' t°ghireclistrtiltItha-7tt-leh'ens' Itwetve..naintites; and year- were Preseated. to Gretta Arbour. Jetties ando•her grettle* "to well over ea.
for the year; • ' ',-. • .' .. k, each side having: .fiVe mitinteS •.'to. Lionel .Arbdur, -BrbY 13611- Mollie
The . initallation • ,of ' officers took einximiseion,wes firat,Set Up there Was . •
, •
the „form • Of..'a Pot-luck,sUpper in .'••There wa$ an hour's' delay la the rather" fean •by a idirect `4nerea,se,°.tin •p Fourth , Seal (12th
leader 'of the Winning, •group in the
in the lecture hall. Of „the chtirett. 'The '
eh• arch hair, with, hirge tendmiee, . pe, Jo the niorn, Log. _session (Mips faffirm TEhle: • debaters on he.1/2. e er, macalwae. ,
Ott:Mon the, presideet tif this
energetie MeociatiOli !for 1944, ,
Another _gratifying report was Ironi
the "cholkhia. had a most SuCcessfut.
year 'ander the: leagerShip •of ;are. lit.
organist: • -
. The. budget Conimitiee reported the
sten of '$2025 remitted. to, the 'Cllurelt
oia.co tor _tho, owning. yearilitev. 0,gezitienien,s Agreitioit thtit24 sThoilia „refute arguments, , The, judges. deteled :Bisset, Prancee reretony .MarilY4
.104avor Of 'the -tegetive, and „it. proved liptlerw:..:10athrine::_:;.autt„,:, Rath, 'hundred hi attendance • after ftreh-a-
short ' program arranged. by ' group
. . • ., .
Tutnbuli officiating and streaking brief- consist of. two eneerand bite _ urban
• N. • , 4
was-enjeyed.: . . _ ,... _ .. ..__.. _ __
ly ' oe th4 origi4,-itir-Preign miSsion Member., .'Conee,qtlently,-,cr-Warden : ji, a PoPulan -,deeisien• , . '• . •Bruce''' nreldne*: littry Anne -Erskine,
*ere, . , , ,.„,,„, .•,, . ,.., ;••-• , .... w. Tneken, Reeve 9t. Exeter,. whe was,. ,i, Mr.'•- 04,Orge Ginn •of the Goderich Niery Lou Sanderson ann-lletty'rilitylor. cm:it-reline/Ito& the ladthe on their :
Rev. • R. ateWart acgrieft;oi* Manner,. \ .-
„Nit„e.,,o. c. Rebeireeii,21iaying- been,in... .eanked to the eoinmissionc withdreve. %-ii-oVmshiP '.'Fed0414011 ' ''s1501ce- lirlefly ' The ' Anangiat'report presented' -bi
,expresSed the hope 'for. •plore uiti-, I1r. IlarVey-6'0Utt, ' seeretary:treitehrer, splendid achieveraenti of the vast year -
stalled; es' preeident assumed her dutiesi and aseve Ceell -• "Wheeler a , Morris _and
form .prices1 throaglictut the year,. but -ithowen thitt ;the sehool WAS, net only and hoped .. thet. their- efforts in the..
'tot- the' year, •Informieg itil the •graufi was, •named in ItiS 'stead. inc othet uot ' that 'ton pticeS., would sokry as Paling Ite own, e/PenSet, but was , eon,-”,
. . . . 'coming yeat would Meet with the sent*,
captains as to their dutiee. .11fre. ., al144-C.-1Wx this •Would make- it very hard for youeg tributieg , the miseiell fon s• adquettere, slightly exeeeding the scde, Afro. Geo, sailderoctei
suceees.- ,
• •
C'et mised $606. for the Foundatioa DI
' diets by. the Misses Eunice lltte and
The committee, was re-appointpa fOr
another Wm. Bisset C.
Ouniop, smith, 80/nervil1e,
Frnnk McArthur, Balter,, M.
johnston 'and A. „Erskine.
The • board of managers aeknow,.
ledged ithe•.getterOus •asSiStaneetof ,the
Seelety 'towards pie re-
duction of the debt. and reeonenee ed
that the eorigkegation ,endetevor 10 -
co t The.,cariow-Oomilninity Club seteed Charles ' Edward , arid Airs Fred the men. present, another enjoyable
1111 used.- • Simi ar grants it been ma e
sandwiches Ana ,'Coffee to the ehildrert, Schaefer; MrS. Gordon-131set, is again „enhig. Was 'brought te elose WI*
aSSiStalit-; to_rakeSt oePlvd UP to other $ehoias in. the
un y.
shOrt time agoi theY had Itif-Jeltiie - Council 'rives addreSsed at -Stime t iersingleske?f4the'---NatiOnal..Antheta.,-,;,„
free, atid.,.pie and-coffee-to-The_adults• Tres -Went 1044with, Airs. Etekinp • - •
wipe-out the balance a the debt $2,000,
°need' mart •fight .the jail, itivaiting length by 1)r. Johnston Lueknowt 16e, and. realized a -nine .§.1.1rn fer-dild Alias 'Wiggles -ea Ittee-presitle!its 1301t
trial on a minor Charge.' 4-10 washired„ Al.p.ii. fpr Lueknove and for Ashdeld the et.cd (ere", A,,,:vdte de ,thatikt4 ,vias and urs.,. Albert asfeeeee.secretary, ,ee •'11-41; year, ' The retiring .feanagers,.. • .,-,..,,....,..e.tm, ...4.4,.1,°,..,, -,.....
it., ,Nehen :he came nri Tor trioi:. uagio,, 00 flood ,, of -rrhodiee.iocaniination, and, ocendioreg to., the teachers-An&children, The junior missionary ititxMitry,,the' 1517-t4. 'Aliteltwatt,, .3%.:.'-Wi. thuigie and- '.---,-,;-- '..a..1-1-tunam• ,Fiziami;Li'U.5 ° -
too,did a good Jobe ettil-,-was-•paid fel/ awl' Xiirloss TOWnslilPs, who strefsgod,
for their parr in,5°''inaking the everting' Arthut Pirde,"'sent $226 ,to tlie• PreS, J. ap... Gillespie, !were .re,electeti, 'tstd. • , . _.....:_-_, , , .
trate7. ' viekine was. told the , aecused; health' supervision ettiong school child• tt saceese. .. , • . . ',* .. • . . -byterlitl; furldsg-q4q-ift; 43e0 MaCt wan' •Nir, X; Baker, was, appeirtted to vett- 4einietil.Sfaling Crilighed itr-vottistos, .
• The Atagistpitte- suspended ,seuteuce tor „. Report oU 11-ealth:,Niiiifed Scheme :will be On Febrearz 8th, -it Carlow. 1318set Mrs Melvin Bell '' and Mrs. citiudll* -' -'.. - - ' ' itillieth l'alleefilrlrirgeil 1144::etri ... neneteepti
was a good Zan when. he %vita pubes, ran. • •- p . , , , , ,, • "The ne,tt ineetleg. of the rederation is .the presiilent ler 1044, Miss Helen' Ph140-:-tIt'di-tobtr of ' the btle 'Plioft.',
,oue year ruid. accused Will hieve to'pay • ,Te report of the. -Wardea's couttnittee 4.. good prograni; will 'be prpyljed 'and Gordou lIendersen are vice-preskleuts,, ' ., Terreugge,A*, 13,40Igs , t1r0rtwilit'son. of Air.:attil Mre„ Leo)*
for the repairing of the Constable's dealing with. this Subieet Vvaff.preSented 11 Lan forum' Nein' be held, the :subject tetd..Ors, -Reith, (hitt,. secretary. „,, .8., II. lihtikinci'elritleehetreOSIUer* re"- Sterling, Bi field, wise instantly lksteeet
catis" in tlio: aftotnoon And' it'''-tetsm- ,beingi, "BOW tail the Vederati011 bet Thiire are three groups of °Canadian, parted a sulOittitial .inereaSe in glAr- on :Wednesday afternoon *hue 0011,„
•uni_fotrri he ripped in a hauffle,. 'ale°. i
court costs,-;',, - , mended. that. itetien be PoStpareed fOr .corae of note benefit &Abe farmer'?" Girle ••iii Training1/2;-;:tlie,leialera teing inge,, The iscome tor locap-PlIrPoses gaged. on eortstruetion work lissr,
rettsons 'Set, oat ea follows: :_:„..„' , All 'inthreeted are ,invited to *1(011(1 •elies Mitrjorie Deer, mrs.-Mm.'13urgeSS WaS, ,$9139.09 and' ,•*.'disbilrseineixte cluolpb." Ile was „borie.(1 It the ,e0t,
. t41. We fed). that andel' present war hod enjoy thoingeives and help with the and, Miss Marjorie Gillespie. Atria., A. 908059. - , laPee ,of one Side 'of• a gravel pit so'
cowl:leans: we , woeld do, well to wait totituunity ',singing. , ' Taylor, Who Ptesetted their, Teporti- 'mr..,i!lisititte WAS re-apppinted elniteh he Worked at the eitlianderr ,Ilittutt
a . While. before . launching . Upon ..ii • ' - stated' that' the girls:1,1,00re aSSIsting in treasurer, 11. 3". A. ,Macilwakseeretary plant. Sterling was in a
schente of: this kind.- At . the ' present the Sunday school Mitt its, jut -dor. choir ij' the- =Congregation, '• and Ohms.- IC tioil lie/ping another „Igor
,100-iiibely4? - '..,,.• Saluidera and A. S. Mclean• anditera, heateV lik th* Dile When *
time '...vietory-, for our.,arated forces Is
tile- paramount uttestidn. ' , Another missionary- organization. is A. yea* . allowance of lit,Y,,50 Wes above hiii,gave.Way and toU4 cru
‘,2. PrOM allAndleation4 our lira.' the' MacGillivrny •Mission Band, which. Voted to the:Mini:der for upkeep. of hik him. Ile was dead 14,t the
-Vitteitti Gov,ernment, is bringing out a under, the leadership of *Miss •Vistiter: 'i?,#'0 ' •Votes *Of thanks were tendered workmen siteceetled in
health progrant and We think it would- kItteemetli is doh*, Pelt ..,v.york;. With se tt00:;;:ulterstv„.wAtr.-.08,tsettwunar(Larsndtb/tilbree,rStiteoretvliterest. InaltS80,, "Allonon.ing,tvayalet4 Wwmig box*. it
Eo wise for 1/2.tie to see vrhat 'this vitirt
as ehoir leader,' and, to the ,vtirlous or- fatm home tear layllota :sterd *Mole*
may be, : and 1)e in ,. a POeition to en,
Of road improveirtent; enlargement and
,ext,ension of sewers, a, campaign for
,paiitting of preintsts, -plitetipg of
,shade tree% ete;" As objectives itt 11
wider Add he mentioned complet„lon
of pavement on the 'Bine Water High.
way alla the development •474 tourist
busindtv.1/2 ailtocated . the deepening
end widening ef the entrance -to (lode.
rich lutrItorlInd the reduction of power
rate* to pohtte in this Poplars". '
Sueceeding speakers ,vttere
Cardiff, litrxr„.,. lir. rt. 11. laer,Zo
J. VV. Hanna. 31.1),?.. Warden Vitateon,
nodte, Wurtolo anfl Ches.
Veititteratutee, of, the Pita 'week „in
.06iletich, with these of the eorkespend-
leg Week it year ;ago,- its officially., r,e;
eroded, Were ail' tolls:Mrs: • ' •-,„1/2
• , 914
Max. Min. Max.-• MilLtmarked increitee , atteedatee.
jan. 13 „...25 20' 27 , ' ,The Ladies' Aid Societ9 ,agstin1/2. 14 -
OP 3110..14 34, '32' rted 'a, year of itehieveMent, with
,jen, increated membership. totts,, rum -
Sun.; 10 ....428 ' V3• " .1g mese 'WES, Mentbership fes and other
Mon., Jen; ,17 ,r 11 23 ' 10 Mesita; the mum' of. .$1400 waS. raised
Tues,„ lin.- 18 32 17 ' 21 la and handed to the managers ikor
:wed,. IAA, $2 • 23 eleetion of the ehurch 1/2debr., Mrs, Ales.
operitte. . . ' • • g4nizottons of the . eongregaIlon :10 school thos,, Desigs0 tio woke lbw*
., '"3.„ At the Present time all -nurses their 4064.Aork a the pat. Another survive his twin treotift
are needed In our hospiuds.and in war; vote of Thanks walk' one to Mi. 11. 0. three Misters; Marie mai j.
work and the Inauguration of a Plan Dol1/2114yr ,h11/2 appreeiation of her ion home'', and Mrs. riktkorta
of „.thhi type would take altraea from and faithful OrViee in the'citoir a The rentaift Will 1* '
,in -ether work hf the, congregation. burial,
'‘ , 1 COntitaterf ,Ok Ivo '-,
. .
ke. •