HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-01-20, Page 1- - „ Combinirkg The Coded nal gn E73.12,,,apV4NTH °DEWS, ONTARIO, ..1" S Gr..QARDINER APOUESSES Reve or Stanley ELEVATQR CO. DINNER GATHERING 1n- Warden's Chair • Disfinguis* 1104, 'aeliPai'n;• ' the Stery:.. 130,6011 tor. Britabtl: Ait;i1: County 'Ooltu1oil MOOlAug This Weetcria-rita"t 1 itOST„r$201011$ ASSETS , ‘ , 'Session .of 1944, ' * One of ,the most interest:Mg an Iim. ' ,••• The 'January seesipn of the Huron, The 'WO Precious asseti 4 ‘-'nornpl, 641111Y"'"QY6ten. was- opened i;t4:1 Tu414- 'vortant ,functions IM1din, ,Oodertelt for . . Verne years was therAlinner ' tendeied faintly. hub Is its, chiieten and' rittrent,S wdlts• 61w, orttepotnci...0,i.,(4.7toliwenxi'-li:ip,e'evw%sr s roel d- by the Gocletieh. • Xleveter and •Tramatt , „,„„.......,_ do net, hesitate to Make sacrilices fot Co. :on -Tuesday tho"'"' evening to "", their little ones. In Greece • children eCted. in Conservative , eetieus for the watdenship for. 1944, It required tere * County Council; represeutetwof es _ juSt like ours are 'dying by the hula.. •inisinese eoncerns, . and otherse• 'ATI:Ga reds every da , ballots and took an hour ttO make' the the' Hon.` .1.: ik;', '11/24-0,14.M1.4 Minister of cannetipro'videYthrincavvusitehtelroitirgliPac7onthtlit,' ,PhOge, which was later unanimously endorsed th, open council: ,The . oath of oillee to .the new Warden and to tile inenibera of. the Gennep. was 'ad- ministered br' , Clerk N. W. Miller, The, ,'i.itypeation ., was. -prenomieed by Rev., Joseph ' jeeps.. vW,arden. - Watson brieflyaddressed the Council, -and expressed. his ap- preciation of the houorAeeorded Jahn, ' ."1realize that the °dice of warden is _ a responsibleposition, but with your co-operatiop. 1 will do My utmost 4gricu1t,lit for Canaria;, -as the mein 14 to protect them from the snow , • end cold, They need Shoes; stoe)augs, Ea:tanker, The „dinner was, ,given ' at Hetet coats, '`dreSees,,.- underwear, and • evell. thing, else, thgt. will „help:to keep 'Out the Bedford, *liere'..41bunt ..125 men 'set at wet and .cold -White they stand in line - well-appointed tables. , waiting ,to be giyen eomething to eat, l‘Ir*' 0, L: Parson's, 'presicleat p.t. the '. The- wet.: has coaVinced '.. e_ lot, 4 of °Geileriell • Elevate): .4ted Transit CO; 'people, that Italy isallot the Iliad: 'a wit; •in. the char and with WM at the warm surteltine the year ,rettne,'. ' as bead table were the Ilon. ar.-Gardiner, .3udge T. M. Costello, L. B. Ge.rdife, our beye are ' struggling , through neeP asi.p..,,, pr. R. aehhe wayler, isti.p.i.. seow „la their efforts • tO, Aust. the 'Jelin .*,,.garkier, LP., Fred Watson, Gerniiins. • - But the reeks. have been • ::.°---•"•Wartilete•Pf-Xturcirt TOdinity41 mayor, R.. driven frona their,..,, homes; 'theasaridar_to ;•diseharge- the duties to . the best ,Turrterl...,FAL,2,ThIngerd,i $t,,,, learys, have • died. from '.•.etarvatien• • and a 0,,st ' r_eir,'J.),.P.,11.1't.34'''L '13a:•,45:•9? -e new , County A director of the Goderick-BleVator and Ilifunariate''aValtErneanY 111011 -111Q -ss 4LePI": '--r----:47-'-'l-_t.' *-" ' - - Transit,co, ; ti. 3%; 4.„ Niac4w44, oho. ,help is sent_ to ',awl)? in the fern,. ot • SympathY Watt.' etpressed' by -the elOthing. • ._ 'Warden ; to r. Mr. Merton Reid, tormet- z---1-7---Re-Saunders, of the Goderiett. 'Organ- • ' ' '. 4. ' '' reeve of Sealorth, in ;die death of his .Co.,• and ,R, K. Wurtelei' of the „Gone- • Women's • erganizatiets• in 40404 wife, and to 'Mrs. Alex. Porterfield, 401 , Selt Co.,. • •- - -...',..-i• , are altering, eta' 'mendhig'llie clOthee ' - in h u :ip shipped in So they - can; be • distributed the 010. ei her 11 ebLiud,, le.41:' of ' 'ALA- ' Bob MeKerata, of the- -Fleet ' Sky Harbor, -enteetained. among the, neOdY children. as '.,e-eiciey East Wawanosh, ,:.A; welcome was,. _ex. litir Arm at tend.ed to the new members and the 'with two ..solOs in nue 'di , e '• t ,‘,3 a.s: Poseible atter their arrival tit „Italy _ MORE WASTEPAPER ITEEDAD, Simeoee'Sllfe doe* depend on it. Our wittioded• need bleed Plaeraa,,--. PaPor 1/2SaivaFed provides the eitntathers enSitte eefe,,shipinent, Our :lighters. needeamptutiltionk-7-papetf salvaged pko- vinesthe •eontitinets forte transporta-..., tiors. Our -gators, aoldkre and airnien need •food -paper salvaged -ProYitlea the packagee.'' Twenty tholatland Ong! are „needed every month. . ' • Ater wastePaper, _which the talils need as neer 'before* the' dernand' tor,regs IS Urgent: .),yeollen.rags to be worked into %-ttaable".-eloth, and cotton rage to makeengine Wipere, are needed 'to. the 'extent of one poUnd ,every _week , hope expressed that ,,they woeId..enjey •the Road to Mandalay,'': -;:and as an: ''13.4'1(11e4'144r''''be Itt 1V1.'*Ge"4(3'' their ternr-in the County Council. "The record 'of Huron County's, war ort_ is ii„..ergaitablerLione. We have lied live` war loan .eanipaigns and •in each ..oite. the quota was substantially overatibscribed,". continued the Warden. 1-.1e-7hopetittte-.-Poutttr-weind--continee this record 1. should another loan be looted. . • The. Warden believedthat at this session--,-4-A'---repteeentative from the Federal .government -would achlrele the Connell, on •pestwitr recenstruetion. and encore '"The 'Irish. Colleen.", ATJA -.11arry Lewis, also...of_the Fleet._Air Am, was his aceompanist.„1- • Mayor -TI‘urne'r _welcomed the guests iti,the-name.---- of the Towageef___Goderi ',Spealtiag on. the subject: ,,after -war reconstruction', Worship .sate that with 'organization • and Of whieli-'characterized the victory e'loatt camPitignira'great 'Wear douldtbe • _Adone, and .116 suggested that!. the '2 ealty nt the '.eresent .seisiou Schaefer's, store,. 'at The Signal -Star or at the Venus Restaurant to be for- warded. fot lzlie donations Whicti..wili later he a ow'. 'edged in- the Press..1._ :VESTRY 10-.01qN0. Or ,ST o ,0E?4,GE's agurzoir 1 A A .-Iteinitts --ireSentedheirt GreillYAng -- . , - Progress -in the: vrajt. , Veer. • The 1,100th annuel. ve4rY,•nteeting • of -."liplioint a'. commi'ttee. -to kplan a--.130st' 'sr, , quorget,s--charyi. wa•-- held- kehabilltation--116_ telt. this. \vas._ _a_ . . . • , ° -he AiOnOLY'cn-Vening, with. Pe largest .4 t .,reveldUlibPecir'ttaiiitotren753:IfitYet riscciu^s'hse9dPe44;dt • war prograin:•, , This committee, . --7-*61167-45til'a'°•11cle-'1i*Ii-meliftbers'-'-' " ten -dance 'lir .7407-Ita'.:14-6"-i'•MuY sinnelliTik -46irCtirraga4e"1" or '''Atr''' the. eAnmell, • Coent#•,ittte. •cithet -mu)* _ • t• ,from every Canadian household. - If you earn gather up, eine lumdred pounds or more of ofd papers; cell the Teeen .01•Ettlessofhee (Net .200) or The -Signal-Star * (71) and it•Wilt be picked up, or if, you eau. take it" to the teX- hibitiou,-building yourselves, MY:limey the. better. ' • - • People front the outside districts tasty, leave their bundleein,the archway at the Town please, tie them ,up .securely: , ". • FINAL.TRIETFTE TO ,‘ ATAX.---POWTERPIELD Opal bodies, as well aa the' Donlinthn. presented were, stitir.ees of grateful,. -- "The Warden's committee of . 1943 of the 'eceigregatiOn to Will during the ,session bring, and 11rovincial Goveremente, shoald .-:;A.;"=" UWL shoulder • •it.'•• SharA.• of -41A mesPousinilitk • ell- those .:•respOnsitae •.• for, .; the results.. health, ischeme ' I y . There wes _a Very large 'attendance at 'the funerat.Of the late Alez. Porter- t a o erich Star th1944 ti Knox cl*re Report Progress • •t DepartmentsAll ,ou , ;Arlo Meatiug. Tite,cprigregational. meeting of. Irne4c . Presbyterian phureh, held on 14toildaY .evening, -nraS• marked; by the largest , teedenee, for years these' annual meetings: The • reperts :presented. for the..vast, year.'shoWed the'congregation to be in e nourishing ieer.td.iticits both' lifianelelly" and With regar();_to' its work - the (CommunitY.I. • • After devotionalexereises conducted 1)1 the .mMisteri Roy. Richard- .Stewartf1/2 Mr. Chas. X. Saunders ,WaS voted :the cheir,,aed Mr. 11.- Mactiwb.n. to t,1*seeretaryship, of, the. Meeting. • The. first- report, that :Of the , kirk session, was presented bir" the Min-, ister. It spoke.ot Conditions in world ogal.FS and on "the 'home front" .due to the war, adaitionl tela-e'reeMber- 'schilmr° of tetheentresrlitP;.,. '40C °life! nai°81111:4eltril'es pastoral work, and other matters; Ap- preciative"mention was nude a the •eapill)le.•-serviices•L-ott-Ullis-Irva-Opmer.1/2„ vilIe.and her staff in the Sunday atichOol,„ of. Mrs. W.- I'. Saunders ,Miss Eileen Bogie as choir dite tor, and 'field, - clerk-treaSurer of. Baet.,."WaWa; organist, respectively, and at the other. nosh, Oti':-Frieay afterneen •The Otgenieetions the church, '; '1/4vbriqf Presbyterian cher* ht.,'OelgrUp, in, had fenctiene0,snibothly And e which, the,litervice was held, Was unable •clUting the • year. _ to. accorimedate all who' had gathered The.. statistical report shoive to Pay their last tribute of 'esteent. Membership of • 900rtenresenting* , , The service was conducted by famine's- , • ;Kenneth, MacLean; Presbyterian min- The ininistek -gave earnest expreSsio. ister • of Winglenn, ,assiSted.. Rev. G-. 11. Duiilop ef ,ReIgtaVe United church7f7Tile-pallbeatere _were Reeve S. D. BeecrOtt and,cieuneillora Harver Black, * •-Lewis ltuddY, Norman 1,1e, Dowell and AlM°- lieberteon----the - pre- seet Council of East Wilwancleh-and---P9intmenti of - deaconess., This sug- senta Ex -Reeve R. 'Renmend., Present geitien" *wee 'tater diSeuseed ,htr- the' 13bar.d! from Gaderich were EL *sickle, County meeting, and a resolution was passea • roue treasurer, N. vier*, ieeoraniendleg:-that the sessiMI-Aalre , The Palle -Sellool- InsPecttershilteaci,,-j.„ -17,, the Matter' into: conSidetatiOn. " -reported- . Gillespie and %William Striinglian. • The "In Meinetiainft,`,1ist. coetained pupils on .r Xy.„„:Perter4itt gairviired by his Ilictity:tWo names; %nil .eleven of -those 33,5•1e, or 8 wife; the 'ferrae'tiigritlTet'iVOdr7X'*hoArad°pefAed.waY-f-tluting-'jthe,,.year..,„st;arops„,-. 'Mortis, Atdbrother, Willialn,-ot Calgary,- Were over eighty years 'age. ° $151,11 r-tota aini two staters, Mrs. 'Margaret Pergu-.° Roll of containing the •Stitmlis dot soh of•Bayfield• and Mrs; Ernest.,GOdes naines of Members or adhetents of the • .At Central, a Of Settforth. • ' 'hirr hilv e•iinto aCtive ser- 007 , e a ".`•"..7 MUT. MOTT TELLS Olt TM ATALAM) 2S,LAITDZroarr - The , Lions .Club, was atiAlressed on Friday evening, lase by, ,Lieut John -141Att, Of : the 'Baal •Mivi. 0 Vresent stationed 'At Sky flarber. /Lieut..- Mott was On 11,31.4. "Sx.etoe in, the -great :gal • battle 'oft, tile Falkland, Icalands' .10, December,', 1939, and gave An. • Mr, and Mrs, Alex. •IiiieNevin i*ve iiitimat. And „graphic . accOnnt • of- the the .fellowing letter trent their nephew, ; engageritent, in -*Wlitelt -the,-"Exeter" Trooper' jack AleGtew, *lea I* "iivitit the drow. the enebiy.o,re IL/1„ order to allo-w ettuadianS of. the Ventral' lilellitorete. the 'smaller Itritish,_slii,ps to play the eau Vorgetf 4.11. Africa. The letter li '413lt and. AUP ganie, whi(ll, they did dated Deceether 12th: MoSt effectively. After_ retain! At 'the . Tbigu*risome, country' here , an Falkland 'Islands the Bxeter, heavily' ttli like it fine. • ?Lots of ranges *344 escorted. returned to. Ungland, 'where tangerines to eat, as they grew .a.roussil She received What Lieut. Mott,des.crihed- here 4.40: apples ,nti. at home.; We get as.a "terrific" welcome. ' , . , ',', thorn at our _ evening meals *early evert Ioleut: Mott' has a delightf01," istteek night, two or three eitehl-"but we buy , of lauttor,-„ aid his Addresa. was • heard. thein -mostly 'from the Mahe' 4* the , with ..great •Interest and appreciatiOnw reedskle for six frants. a kilo, kli ' Lieut.-COmmalader 1)„, ;Gle Weil -of ;00' more ;than a 'pOund,:.-' Thir!, raorub4 I * "' ' Harbor was , a ' guest . at the meeting got two •kilos,, worth Wipe ..trattets'°' ' and prtindeed .to address the_May , at and I•got twenty-seven lefttleeirw_._ I bad - - • some later date. . ---- ' ----• ----,-, nothing-tdicarry -their in, so r jnet , . . ephe Club Voted $25 to the I,O.D.E„ opened --the front of my, tenth • - ., 4 book drive, ,•anil* $175 tit; If.114.0.S. chucked 'Om ail hi there. : °,' - eabderiell'.' for ' use in the ,purchase You .ought. tO see the . Alta ' on °' the of e, refrigerator. , • ' 'reeds here.;,-thousanda of. eat„,.and hk - . . some Of, the -qtreereiebiittits." you,ever . : P.S, BOARD -INAUGURAL • saw, about half of „Item 1n Tags 004 11 eGraw Writes root North Africa Says 041)4414*$ AZ. 'AA Ct.04 (1011clitioil but Wialtaii H. _ their -here„ -feet:- .inne4411 Pridham Chairman, of '...13,eard think had washed •sinee the war for the •'ear • A; lot of them. live in' 'caves and la cult*TesbooPalairty)34Eavgtirredn-.'a.f1;tar:leOtin4Itigiq,*Wc'fTas:bura_ebet'id:.1)310104. j-shn'-at'ye4kesa.:1114•Ytillthneg:e:iliu*e711,°0,ellutre1701thce".211Pills.„41iide'* _ days %%fly • " are real hot -and ni hts * real j.`Prinhain was appointed chair, cool, • good :fer'Sleepitt`eg gunder a:claenvan, e man, and, the other niemberS • of the -We are in 'a good. camp hei-e-i tour n..330ard,-are Mrs.. Geo., johestoit,..u.....S. meale 'a - day, breakfast; at / eau* Turner, M. Attts,tie, Ebb Itt4„, Z. J. dinner at 12, tee at 4 p.m.; Which , _ Milne, 5. A. McLean and J' Snider. • -Usually. a cold Awes then i trnot supper _ of his ..eoneeriv ()Ver. the need ag! Chairmen ;of . standing - coulauttees 'ao we. are eating weU, An gressive• action -to meet the problems re: 'Silkily and • contirtgent, II. S. we are all getting a :sae tap. • in, home and tenant -unity .whiela the- tier ; finance, S. A. Snider ;,,progerty, We had a :grand trip,.. down'.bere encountered in fiWpastOrel _visitations?, j, AftiSllik; :School .managentent7. no dale 'at- all, and grand .-vvea and he suggested that the ctingtegation 'Mr 'Geo: Johnston. • 6.1V -the' way., One -could take. a St* and,:session., consider- Seriously the af), •G, iparefing,.Was. appeinted,...repre-v, bath every day up 'on deck. We • had, "ve on polleelate..,-Institete lots Of xn;usie, as-- they- had- two ore- uid the estras- board -Made "'up; •soldiers, ' _ and they toOk.,a turn each ' afternoon,playing * .°L:tty•tr-Irctlier.: ?eyrie. 014 eP,°;..Aei: 1. 17..ytern..1 se' that 14/rif your -b Talown below, as their had: could • and-enjoY, it -even 1I� ar..0ealter _KAILfw*sleePing_quartera; ' SevekitlitrisThg iiSTefiraer4Wereolit'?'" the' ship and they 11,Sed take: inrtut ent was . at giving the war 'neWs, 'twice, a day.- ••• carrying oirt` esefut reconstruction Theke mated erapreveincnt tile, -warden- ,continued, ' efreeed•., Costello introduced the • kte3 ' -1942 hil. -night -up in the recreittion-room -I hat- • ' 'the fact'aurt-- Mr. Gardiner, -though -reviewmg, the wet er:Vie,--7Y'ear.,' 'Ai' ay, be-----vieW r'-witia- -pride; -oWing-tto LORGANIZES_FOR_:190 'Sabbath, school had an average To- date, 448 '8.45. - V . ibtaty ,Beatd; .. - 1 ineipai of Victoria 'School or .Depentbere-i-IsluMher of 11,. 878:; i averege attendance, .22 -per..,celt.- ' 'ANT: Saving .for.4.t,he„,,.ltb..,AM. sales of war saving, .:$5$91.21. • • '. '• (1011110 P111. II I vorks.• -attendance pecially at 'the evening the great, •importance Of its. consider - Ai` ister of Agrictilturejand-tmentioned^ rcejp't, were up ty'',eziee ,,T1,1e.finantafg. •Dostaon of the county LOCA,Lf.ituA111) or "gpALTH *poet of the Sabbath Sehool sales, $83.40; . ales. of war saving had their violins with them. one serviees in over, W e e a on. • , - • - „ , tendance, .06, or, The orchestras plaYed" both '' metier* • - vise in the pre ent war, bed 10 n,eni S. 90.6 per L--etotal ent. ar savmg staraps and old-time..rousie as .severa -14 staiiips attendance- duthig the ----..year--- of 143; • • an(L•listeaed for en°. hour AO- Ae- chap - , ;bern-aust--0- ver7 the --lieron: border,- in the _reettir,- _Rev- W_. -Dnnbist„Ireferred. thbudgetting„. Ve11. caimbig - -`. :•showing rcslight •increase._ - • • . BOOK.Se 'OR calliitg Off for several.; 'square dances;,, 1014.1rii . 'fox' adittrile books, -the. -Forces rdaY ni up_JO. the evens es 11. k-Owneh:IPY nle'ved 6 1-18borne. to,the iinpOrtenee ;Of the sehoel „tteitsurei-- awl -the •vvise expenditar,es • Att-the ugutitt t'Oi • .The 1943 Robert .1la.ikes ettendanCe° The 'ettnipp.10--Of -de-one- - Winie".4.'of7tffee--at-the,'-'.Orlde as Li:feeder-for, • -the'Cliureh•-end•--COni,,1/2 of the--different.,..epteraittees.'',./ef -title, Local J,36.tird of Health_ °fer.1.044'.Geo. ' fencers' HAM': , mended the 'devotion., Of _the-teacher:S.; hcouncil, , ,. , . , ' - .,, . ,. „ 1, , , . . -- ., . , $c aeter „ wasagain . ap.pOinted aw, iirds Wete . as. folleiviti , • : . ; • ,, , • 'b. ookS, OT matte, Y te•‘..h,try_k tOWnsliip,-ata•-very.--early age -and ..witei• , ••- eDipirenit, (1st Year),.LL-ornia ,Beattie,:- for. the inen and worgen ,.. Several' :Owes --are close, by--,` anel- ' , ken -upon as a liaton-men;•• .11e,iwas lile-Itead---Of-.One:-OFthr-meet-imPcmt--- --.-,a,-',ppreeia-tty.e.„-thgiilts,„,.,,,wrere,'„eXteixtied'_' ,-_---The'rhad..eo;nnralagdOn,la the JArge-9t: ,chairn.kai, , • ,..011/2e_L•Tear -Tile Othep ora,xxoei,...13,r,retoni, •phrwgio.,Lefatio43.54 _is eepected, tp. e.10$6 0.),):"'Sa: . Several of' •tis -ge hi. to..one or -the.. ether.. , •depattniente, ',at : pttaysrat, • charged ... . . . . , _._ . . . eci ell the ,:orettnizatioes of ---the parish, Sliending both of the doitnall', but ' I meteberS. are rayor,--tturi...h.„_:jlatler.t, -.. ,-',...4yee_L.__Ittalloiigh,... '_2_Billy .7: -'1‘iiteLea.a, 'Of this 'isieeli. The resmnS 'every',•-.VaV ,"-IVielt . I -COuld , speak ), people of .33ritain'and3140-arraed forces ,litotion'extire,s_sedi thti.gratitlide of tile., - our.-Azoad • maintenauee-,-- ' ' L' '-' ' • -.'''' Officer'. - Of, ,'.'h.caIth,7- Dri'lLAN','.',7 re .Gitlitniv..;, iy,,, ,:,,Taag.tt,, , ,,,r-aargaor,--liTaerinuaid,..tt _Might h are: 'beeti):,. but the eet fev,s.. one „s0..appltifa.' -1,pollF of Us „virere'%11.t ..„.,. enehatow, is „„it tomar' Y Wteild-heip- ' - _ ...,. inchidhig '. the tholr; 'While ', a ''sPecial eeoula. apt advoc4te.'• a .slackening • of' son. P. Te-•:,A-rinsti•Otig ned.-,the4.-neateett•te.144tgc,•ronlig.i..„-..-$hirierx.enngi7,3..eyet„..„,vresf,,nt.....has ,,tet,..„.4)eett,as . -0 'tth the: titsk 'of ,Andleg food, for the -. , • . . • I, / . "Iggrit"M:y. lifitrlifriVIVell.rat'S-Cilfla'844ibe'a . *fe'stix: •folti.:" ThinkitfOr his tineinsh ' - -,•Ele-trustecr the' Councit-woolitanher .11e-toar '''Will-hold--1Wi'egui.4Tmegt4' -Catharine 40.ettenald, Charles -Kentp.. tia-STS7have-7b.ea*more'eneoura ilfi'r 417.town*.-faValTicrife-lia-w7,70.7..amiliC'. - ' ana-sPend and, eneigetic efforte in -:behalf * Of St.....tti--"-the tinyeisycin!go -:systeln- -of the tugs 'on , ' he :second Monday, 'Of ' the . Fitst Sear -(,i3.-do year') '2-461in Haw- titose •• 'who ' underfoOk-7,-thist4-dit' ...... an. d had, a show advertised 'gnetish,,a04 . hat he found: time:to goalie George's.parish. - " •• .' Pdst.''''few ' Years- " '. ; ' ` ' ° . _.4. month -at 'o'clock p. . ' • • ' k : • -b • ' - ---• .-t-,4 .. - f• 0 , , cal u the a • . e; - said td.$ ' . • Ig . • ' , • " .therne, Ruth ...eachey, •Sylvia Peachey, 1 -s a duty 01. e ply , e of, , s , it -sign, at the bottom ,, Spoken 3.11 , : Tile officers tor 1044 , are: :Rector's • 'There is no. doubt that . we have The' •Board is Maki.ng ' arrangements ,Olayton Straughan' • • * , . ., : horae front lo do. everithing- in . out- Ensdish;" and--weAried•to 'find out whitt.•;.: • - Vvatden, G.4- -L.' (Parsons t,'„ • peotaeS 'another strettuous year betere us -which to -have itS eanitare" inSpector accom-:, . Seeond Seal (3rd 'tear) --Lionel Ar-- power te'qreeoinpettse thOse.whe are On day it waS tin, as a Prefich raovie, yralt: r , wiirclen, S.` IL Preiett ;•••hoard, of man- will .-eail for . the beat from..'each and pany - the- Provincial inspector AL, pa-btur, Billy Bell, Marilyn Itutter-Gr, raee-the-fighting, faint. ,' '' * ' ••---'• ., . • on there today, so I asked abolit'.10,* -.• agement -pre:I.:A. GT „ ok....4.4. very ..one-. of ue, hift hY, ee-oPer;ating spection visits to _tlie ,local tlairies. 'Doirks Donald _Hawthorne,. ,,'Charles e How Maey good -story , books. tan felleWs standing atoned ;valet( . - , Sturdy,- John Muris*', W„ •-•1 . Blabk- •we.may' make it one of' which we shall The Tbwri 'solicitor was instructed Tz,,,,w.the;•ne, Marion -MacDonald; iGor- ,you leave at th.e'--Gederich° Postoffice other Ole was on. They ' got ' their:' stone, sr.,.,E., D. Bp.:wit, Wtrai Riley, he proud," the ISTP:raelv- oinchidecl:. to advise a resident of Britannia e.t road --; . don Pinder, ..hinly 'Pinder, ...Al artin 'befOre ttext4Satutdani y. ght? A, •.donit., lands going and let . go - a lingo „ and H ,••• .' UF . ord, IL -M. Monteith arden Watson,Was.bortrin gtanteY that sauitary --conditions at his pro- .: S , ...... triuguan B'etty Tayler. . - . • tem a cash ,Avenldbe gratefully ac- noneof ' us •yet are atty_the wiser as few hunt -Sin Gederich. • J. 0,, Gardiner The Minister of Agriculture -said -• ;his :chief reason for aedeptifig- the ; • Invitation to 'speak In -Goderiele -wag- • the fact that Huron was ptedueing, more hogs than any, other county itt • Ontario, and elog •production seemed' to be a subject ....de, general- discussion nt this time; and he welcomed the op-. portunity -of •meeting Anenibers of the • ,County Council from • the, 'different . 'parts of the county. • D'aulirk;° aahl. the Minister,. , ;told"- bk. .Prime •Minister • Churchill that'Britain did net have , ,sualcientammunition ga, her. 'Soldiers mitre shOOting% langer than Otte bedlest„-,teiag..:for."7Wilfen.,,PAA- • ilea waS..askedkthen,: Was munition - ----and- the -ships. -te„. convey them aerosa .the.. ocean; Later the ..fooCoeceSsities :of the countrY became ' mo pressing. •' Before the War Britain . hadbeen getting ;her main supplies of. bacon • from Denmark and, Paella.- In 1039' . Canada waslookingfor- a -market for ' ;." het , pork products, .° and-. he went to , 'Britain to -negotiate' a conttect...The. • highest • contract • they coati. "get was - for 201,000,0.00 pounds. for '1040. • Can- ada stippfleC$30,000,000 petteds„:' , Bri- tain was pressed for exellange to Make ,necessary •purchases Wa Wished to restrict purchasesto.. Suit . her purse,- • but 'Canada. *continded to send lecreitie -''ing =omits, an took out of ..the. Canadian treasury :the. -money tutees- • • gary te• fie:ince „these Shipments'. • ,order:. to • send us much es_possible-avereeiiiitlite-governnielit ..put an. "embargo, on:- the •shipment of ' begs theUntten States and also had 'to 'debY to the peopi4 of 'Canada the rightto eat as Much., pork as usual. In, • 1042_, ,Catieda sent 300,000,600 tvviinds, cutting down home consump- '-' tion sUll further, 'Land 10,.-1,043, the lquotii. Was set at. 675,0030,000 point -as, ,,I..entt„„fiftit, per; bent. of- the price paid', out of the: Canadian treasury. • Mi, Gardiner' foresaw no difecalty, " in spite of ,J the .' depleterops lit getting , Senielent shog,$ to 'inaintitie shipments to the end Of June, 1944; EverY effort was being inade.tp .provide feed grain etrom the Wept. It waS.hopetithat Ontario *bind have .better crops itt 1044, and to encourage ; to Intaiitairt- production ata higlf,rtite the Gotternnient,,,,was ,offeriug -a premium Of, ,sa .on grade' hogs and $2 son grade Br and ,i.vould • ontinue to. do so or Six•months after the War. •. ; Mr. ,Gardiner Said it Would .lie seine •eltS yet 'before arrangements eten.d „completen for the; payment of the jiv, Pro-aim:as, but he :warned farmers pot to hold their hogs4, as they :eOuld ee mete by thie than- they would 111. Mr„ Gardiner urged the Maintenance of "altigh quality ttf bacon in•order that •-Canada latight keeit the British market as otherwise ,the British ;,--peottle erottld ttlial to their ferther • -spat-cos of supply. The, hitter pOrtion oft the- Alittietertit • eddresis vote , an, eloquent and luel4 teView of Werld conditions, and AS he took his 'secii.f after Speaking far over • ninety •millees. Ile Wae !worded an .bvatiort. „ • , The vote 'Of thatilte' to; ,Mr. iota moved. by, Mr; II. 'J. A.' MitetWitn, The eitaltrean in Calling On .other speakers infited rn1ggefitionI on Obto,, war terostruetlort ensi nu n lead *eke - members are It; E ' • - ' . • , . , ' • t . d . ,.>. 0, Sall ' „who Still ;has a, year -to serve, 'The: '''eaUgregutiell alw'witi.i• hearths aPialatured, as- wera..1)1An• nien , ,to start. ' • • . • •Wcancnri MiSsionary selaelly • - . allocation:, ChriSsie• 14eishniano• Mrs. Mitipase cone LTA , the church. hall for all Members', the ,grent of $1400 to . Sk , Herhot frifinti . . . , I * . . 44 • en lite felt, however,. that fatm ,during - the' „Year,. •The .. Sum of ,$535 .tributed -two humorous •yeadinget-and• and friends. . '...., airport and was told by Vrte, Bow ineothe.s should he' higher ag one-third Wahl fon-vex-tied.- -to " the l?tesbYteriar the lielosing- :number Wes it 'reseal ... Clateniont. gave a reading entitled. , . . , ,. . qialting •Vtiends,"' Itwas'deelden,,to and Depaty, Reeve Alexander. of CitteYe ,,,,, •Afr. Cerrie, of " Benniiller, Made. 64, „The, WOrtten'it M ssidnary i o 1 y, , hold . a Valentine :tea• ett,-Febear,y .'it-' . Reeve ltrayne enquited .;-egartimg intereettitg. speeela .on .the dangers of ,refierted regular 'and 'special. events , leatiff,;eliairman Of the , Wa en's 'pont- .., . ".-A.)11./tNIrit '1112V,s1-„. Mitteei- that- the Government did not of the. peop e .of ',Citnana. Were 'engaged treaSurer,„ this , bung $15 ..oVer the ni.,.. reseried- enlY A, location,. -Three 'life -membership ' cer? With * encore, ks. Mrs. 'Cla,••••yton Uwe. Morels no:Shortage .CittitaePowei at 'Provide, •eiltdineebt Or ''" After the ladies had . been,. tendered... r • ' ' ^ * the:' County Jail. When 'the, lloed Tor hall for Which ' thiii Money; would . be "'•uuu• ' Pe • entage 'of • the , ... a reereation"„f,,arMing - 'and Yet , netional tifleates were presented during the it-heartY Vote" of thanks on behalf' • 1 . h a , d leconle. , 4 ..,,, • . year : to Mrs': Caiter , Mcliti6ii, Alms. , ., Third -Seal (4tli year)--Gretta •Ar- cepted `and ;it 'would be Used to buy to when it is on. There were torne. , - urer) ' 'A. --,--°P. Wilkes (secretary), Har-, toWnship fortyreightl.year,s „ ago .and perty, must be 'cleared uP 'to ;the satis- . . old Newconalie,--Ite 43-:' IlaYs," li. geNee, married. 11/1ary 'McDougal. of Bayneld. faction of .the health, authorities.. , ,,. • ••.„, • bow' • Gertrtide-'-fl'elinie Ent/ ...ell ' readable ;Wok's. ' ' ' - hard -looking back_ streets °•I wouldn't Sturdy; ',lay: delegates -to 'the, SYned. 'Stanley TownshiP :Council, ' .seven of ' Donald ' Stokes, Benson atraughan, . Nan* LiEi,ivi 0 'PTglt t ,. alone after sdark.t -_-•••-,,_ .. . ,... DkitATE ..A,T.VOLIaORINTE t.- G 1/,' Parsotts It.:* C; Whateley and,' them as reeve_ 'Ile has threet"ehildren, 1 „., FEDERATION.IVIEBTING 'Jimmy MaeArthur,. truth :Aced. • .'"-At, the ineetbag „,,jf the „Alaple.•••-;;Leaf ..-:-..1' belie our • mail;gar here. E• D. Brawn- substitutes- Mr. J., .4.,- 14.0., ' Stewart Watson With_the Air , , • . • , . . ... . . F u th"' 'S al • (5th -year)-Alarilyn 'Chapter I.G.D.N.' Mit week ' Mrs D. .at Ieast. by ChriStrads anyway, ae : and tL 'Shore; chigf,„-Sidesman, , Col. He-, has been -thirteen years in, the • - • • - ••• Prank . MacDonald?, Billy' SelAiefer, " take ,it• hundred dollars -and. Virfilk-liceen- a Prevett an . GT. X. Force ovetseasEl-n and, Alias. . , .1.,erne Rivets. Dowker ;• envelope ..seertitry,,,,, ,n4,. . 1..t. at,, ,i2enie. Re'. farm!' 20-0 • 'Itere. ' ana' The 'CleibLum branch ,-of .. e eder- , ...."„Alt -the „Giicletich boys are Iiiiti • vsffsitieLe,:.: , „ ,.:., c,,,,._,,. , ,.. pc.iiite..i ' to the :1/2orinithel• aunit, hoer d, llth, ..at Carloyv. The -teed:tele and Sanderson.' • • , • , .., ., • seem ;to be. doing all -right.:.in: this- . ,climate, . Theifoerth day here We met •'- • --;=-41-i,-4 * matgage' 'Oti'-'1'h'e'' Parish ',Hall ancI Deputy Reeve_ Ale..,..,•..0exander, children Of .1\1621 -and' NO.' 4: schools- Sixth. Seal '' 7.(rith. 'year). ...-,,t.te.:ruce • p e youttg -Dedrey Holmes froni town. • haring heen.liguidated, that document „ also of Grey to the road:, •commissien„ Miss AftNee• -NO. i and. Ali -s Cameren tr45ine, Mary Anne Ers'kine, , - ,-;;• - , ... . . , V1 coMelitteil-tel-the fifties 'by--afts - :,.._,' yeeanesday „seseten - ' - No. $, ga.ve an excelleet program ,eop- -.-L--atteeial- Dipleina'7(8th "yeiiii)-L-Oath- Graham, • .. „ D. Moortey presalmg, a donation of $25 was: Made to • the camps' librnry fund.'t Letters of.. thanks were'receiVet froni the War Memorial H,ospital, Lon - eon, and the corvette, "Goderioli! . for donations • made. A. A. • Nieol volunteered to. act -for the Chapter as converter for the Saturday night bin0 games, Mrs. ,-Frank., thirty_ reported, el3.50'• received' frora_ the sale of a seend ;shipment of bottle caps, -weigh!. ink neatly half a 'ton. Mrs.••...J. GiIlesPie piesieed for the ;nomination of officerra .•for . the ensiling :yeatl,;' the elections will take piece at the' next ineetiag, February when reports kth6,, years work will also -be pre. sented„. The inenibers Were -reminded that good uSable •USee clethIng and blankets for Greek -relief could be•' -left linhe Venusiltestaurant or the Signal -- altar office. • •••••. Ini ui we haven't had ,any for a month now; owniel„,assistatts,. • wbatelee; specializes an beans._ • ation-of Agricul:ture had a Succeesfili. Fifth Seal (6th yetir)--boris,•711Ten get a. pile :o.; • . . so, when„it does -arrive -we Shall anditors•-. NV.1/2, (:). $,terdy, end , tt, Reeve's 0. Nyilsen_et.,Giey vois itp. meeting ,en Tuesday evenieg; January, 'Brien, Gorden MacCabe, Mary Lou, Brown; to -the. evident enjoYzaent'of,-the Treasurer A., ioErskine, preSented parishioners, the liability having been his 'provisfortal-estimatei ;fer 1944. on il:n" ' . lirse-SPeeittl- Seal (9th Yeni'*1- on - The .teature of .the evening Vas a• ald AlacEWitn, Mary loyee Straughtei; °KNOX LADIES'. Ali) long-outsbitading, a tour -Mill rate,t• the pante mast Cheerio- ouiI merry thristnafts'0 slating 04 -songs, drills, instrumentals erine- Cat, Bob' Moore, Ruth Rotes. ,d • debete, 'Resolved; that .farin..,priees_,)ack prgidpe, • • , Year --to raiSe $017 03 .„ It is '•divided - , • ' should ,temain jeracticalli their - Second Special Seek_ (1,0th 3,•par EVENING AtriaLIAM p 45 mi)ts on genWarta. mount, and 1,55 ittis ANNUAL BANQUET ,present • levels and that We • Stiould'Afollie Bisset, Billy Newcombe,' Ppeald The annual . banquet 0. the Ladled' 1. The monthly meeting'Of the-E\vening niiilli on. 'County highweYe. ,, The, I's- „ endeavor U.,' iterease farm revenuelry EiVera, James -.Saunders,. Fred Stokes. Aid •of KW:M. Churgli Was onjeyed. 1:iY...a AuxillarY.- of North street United Penditeres. include • $27,130 _for f 'vva- freezing or loWering certain classes Ttura ..ppedial Seal (11th 3eer).--. .geodIY pumber ' a the -members an,1/211- • r° ' 'effort .or donations and $2 000. for • _ - • • . - _ , , , e, ,, Chureh OA Dzion:da7'evertitig litse•teele 1..-..• -1 - , 1' . • 1- . of wages • apd br, tariff, reductions, John Schae.fet. • .. , - • .t.., . their husbands on rittiditY evening, last- , • • . -- • - .•,' ,‘• .•..--. v ictory , loan. , • ' • . , attendance -.contest- for the •PaSt..17314tr... _ • di mt.- gal., fi.,, „ram.,,,,,,, Jii„,„. a rma. ive were mer Rebertson tied ' Elcrip.ture mentorizatioe "Cer,t1 catest After ;the gupper the members -as--• to. a O13.,1 -"'” - ---"---4"----"-^ trUrae Chitton?. and . cal' the 'negative were. presented to Ruth •Aleleitirt.and was Mrs. W,'„k„, adaliders..- Mrs: Chan. Senabled, in the. adjoinieg' room, With- of the good rows ..commiesion: T e ,e,„ •... b' eehn.e Iterilighan iind.atitnley Snyder. Jimmy MeArthitr. .,On December 26,th Edward's group' was iseeohd 'and, Mot ' The seeketary gave • the„ annual 'report one ' rural, Aeneber- T4g.re Isainiotlinig . • - • . • -- •• • -• . . -- • . .. , , SI, essre .11tirr-y McCteath and Hugh -church aftendante..certifleates reeogni - but Hill acted ',as ,judges, each *. debater ,in, . over • -thirty services during the epteaeld 'dinner War-serred, hy. Mrs.. ` Miss Aitken, president In. - the chair. otigin draft called for, two, urban an , Percy jatees' grOup,•ity•elose third. ' A: arid the tteasurer las° g1.1:0.hexi'rf°9,..,,, rt:. elrIliliratlhente'ratbec°:rdss .it' t°ghireclistrtiltItha-7tt-leh'ens' Itwetve..naintites; and year- were Preseated. to Gretta Arbour. Jetties ando•her grettle* "to well over ea. for the year; • ' ',-. • .' .. k, each side having: .fiVe mitinteS •.'to. Lionel .Arbdur, -BrbY 13611- Mollie The . initallation • ,of ' officers took einximiseion,wes firat,Set Up there Was . • , • the „form • Of..'a Pot-luck,sUpper in .'••There wa$ an hour's' delay la the rather" fean •by a idirect `4nerea,se,°.tin •p Fourth , Seal (12th leader 'of the Winning, •group in the in the lecture hall. Of „the chtirett. 'The ' eh• arch hair, with, hirge tendmiee, . pe, Jo the niorn, Log. _session (Mips faffirm TEhle: • debaters on he.1/2. e er, macalwae. , • , , Ott:Mon the, presideet tif this energetie MeociatiOli !for 1944, , Another _gratifying report was Ironi the "cholkhia. had a most SuCcessfut. year 'ander the: leagerShip •of ;are. lit. Santiderewith;Miss,Eilven-Bogie-'• organist: • - . The. budget Conimitiee reported the sten of '$2025 remitted. to, the 'Cllurelt oia.co tor _tho, owning. yearilitev. 0,gezitienien,s Agreitioit thtit24 sThoilia „refute arguments, , The, judges. deteled :Bisset, Prancee reretony .MarilY4 .104avor Of 'the -tegetive, and „it. proved liptlerw:..:10athrine::_:;.autt„,:, Rath, 'hundred hi attendance • after ftreh-a- short ' program arranged. by ' group •. . . • ., . Tutnbuli officiating and streaking brief- consist of. two eneerand bite _ urban • N. • , 4 was-enjeyed.: . . _ ,... _ .. ..__.. _ __ ly ' oe th4 origi4,-itir-Preign miSsion Member., .'Conee,qtlently,-,cr-Warden : ji, a PoPulan -,deeisien• , . '• . •Bruce''' nreldne*: littry Anne -Erskine, *ere, . , , ,.„,,„, .•,, . ,.., ;••-• , .... w. Tneken, Reeve 9t. Exeter,. whe was,. ,i, Mr.'•- 04,Orge Ginn •of the Goderich Niery Lou Sanderson ann-lletty'rilitylor. cm:it-reline/Ito& the ladthe on their : Rev. • R. ateWart acgrieft;oi* Manner,. \ .- „Nit„e.,,o. c. Rebeireeii,21iaying- been,in... .eanked to the eoinmissionc withdreve. %-ii-oVmshiP '.'Fed0414011 ' ''s1501ce- lirlefly ' The ' Anangiat'report presented' -bi ,expresSed the hope 'for. •plore uiti-, I1r. IlarVey-6'0Utt, ' seeretary:treitehrer, splendid achieveraenti of the vast year - stalled; es' preeident assumed her dutiesi and aseve Ceell -• "Wheeler a , Morris _and form .prices1 throaglictut the year,. but -ithowen thitt ;the sehool WAS, net only and hoped .. thet. their- efforts in the.. 'tot- the' year, •Informieg itil the •graufi was, •named in ItiS 'stead. inc othet uot ' that 'ton pticeS., would sokry as Paling Ite own, e/PenSet, but was , eon,-”, . . . . 'coming yeat would Meet with the sent*, captains as to their dutiee. .11fre. ., al144-C.-1Wx this •Would make- it very hard for youeg tributieg , the miseiell fon s• adquettere, slightly exeeeding the scde, Afro. Geo, sailderoctei suceees.- , • • C'et mised $606. for the Foundatioa DI ' diets by. the Misses Eunice lltte and The committee, was re-appointpa fOr another Wm. Bisset C. Ouniop, smith, 80/nervil1e, Frnnk McArthur, Balter,, M. johnston 'and A. „Erskine. The • board of managers aeknow,. ledged ithe•.getterOus •asSiStaneetof ,the Seelety 'towards pie re- duction of the debt. and reeonenee ed that the eorigkegation ,endetevor 10 - co t The.,cariow-Oomilninity Club seteed Charles ' Edward , arid Airs Fred the men. present, another enjoyable 1111 used.- • Simi ar grants it been ma e sandwiches Ana ,'Coffee to the ehildrert, Schaefer; MrS. Gordon-131set, is again „enhig. Was 'brought te elose WI* aSSiStalit-; to_rakeSt oePlvd UP to other $ehoias in. the un y. shOrt time agoi theY had Itif-Jeltiie - Council 'rives addreSsed at -Stime t iersingleske?f4the'---NatiOnal..Antheta.,-,;,„ free, atid.,.pie and-coffee-to-The_adults• Tres -Went 1044with, Airs. Etekinp • - • wipe-out the balance a the debt $2,000, °need' mart •fight .the jail, itivaiting length by 1)r. Johnston Lueknowt 16e, and. realized a -nine .§.1.1rn fer-dild Alias 'Wiggles -ea Ittee-presitle!its 1301t trial on a minor Charge.' 4-10 washired„ Al.p.ii. fpr Lueknove and for Ashdeld the et.cd (ere", A,,,:vdte de ,thatikt4 ,vias and urs.,. Albert asfeeeee.secretary, ,ee •'11-41; year, ' The retiring .feanagers,.. • .,-,..,,....,..e.tm, ...4.4,.1,°,..,, -,..... it., ,Nehen :he came nri Tor trioi:. uagio,, 00 flood ,, of -rrhodiee.iocaniination, and, ocendioreg to., the teachers-An&children, The junior missionary ititxMitry,,the' 1517-t4. 'Aliteltwatt,, .3%.:.'-Wi. thuigie and- '.---,-,;-- '..a..1-1-tunam• ,Fiziami;Li'U.5 ° - too,did a good Jobe ettil-,-was-•paid fel/ awl' Xiirloss TOWnslilPs, who strefsgod, for their parr in,5°''inaking the everting' Arthut Pirde,"'sent $226 ,to tlie• PreS, J. ap... Gillespie, !were .re,electeti, 'tstd. • , . _.....:_-_, , , . trate7. ' viekine was. told the , aecused; health' supervision ettiong school child• tt saceese. .. , • . . ',* .. • . . -byterlitl; furldsg-q4q-ift; 43e0 MaCt wan' •Nir, X; Baker, was, appeirtted to vett- 4einietil.Sfaling Crilighed itr-vottistos, . • The Atagistpitte- suspended ,seuteuce tor „. Report oU 11-ealth:,Niiiifed Scheme :will be On Febrearz 8th, -it Carlow. 1318set Mrs Melvin Bell '' and Mrs. citiudll* -' -'.. - - ' ' itillieth l'alleefilrlrirgeil 1144::etri ... neneteepti was a good Zan when. he %vita pubes, ran. • •- p . , , , , ,, • "The ne,tt ineetleg. of the rederation is .the presiilent ler 1044, Miss Helen' Ph140-:-tIt'di-tobtr of ' the btle 'Plioft.', ,oue year ruid. accused Will hieve to'pay • ,Te report of the. -Wardea's couttnittee 4.. good prograni; will 'be prpyljed 'and Gordou lIendersen are vice-preskleuts,, ' ., Terreugge,A*, 13,40Igs , t1r0rtwilit'son. of Air.:attil Mre„ Leo)* for the repairing of the Constable's dealing with. this Subieet Vvaff.preSented 11 Lan forum' Nein' be held, the :subject tetd..Ors, -Reith, (hitt,. secretary. „,, .8., II. lihtikinci'elritleehetreOSIUer* re"- Sterling, Bi field, wise instantly lksteeet catis" in tlio: aftotnoon And' it'''-tetsm- ,beingi, "BOW tail the Vederati011 bet Thiire are three groups of °Canadian, parted a sulOittitial .inereaSe in glAr- on :Wednesday afternoon *hue 0011,„ •uni_fotrri he ripped in a hauffle,. 'ale°. i court costs,-;',, - , mended. that. itetien be PoStpareed fOr .corae of note benefit &Abe farmer'?" Girle ••iii Training1/2;-;:tlie,leialera teing inge,, The iscome tor locap-PlIrPoses gaged. on eortstruetion work lissr, rettsons 'Set, oat ea follows: :_:„..„' , All 'inthreeted are ,invited to *1(011(1 •elies Mitrjorie Deer, mrs.-Mm.'13urgeSS WaS, ,$9139.09 and' ,•*.'disbilrseineixte cluolpb." Ile was „borie.(1 It the ,e0t, . t41. We fed). that andel' present war hod enjoy thoingeives and help with the and, Miss Marjorie Gillespie. Atria., A. 908059. - , laPee ,of one Side 'of• a gravel pit so' cowl:leans: we , woeld do, well to wait totituunity ',singing. , ' Taylor, Who Ptesetted their, Teporti- 'mr..,i!lisititte WAS re-apppinted elniteh he Worked at the eitlianderr ,Ilittutt a . While. before . launching . Upon ..ii • ' - stated' that' the girls:1,1,00re aSSIsting in treasurer, 11. 3". A. ,Macilwakseeretary plant. Sterling was in a schente of: this kind.- At . the ' present the Sunday school Mitt its, jut -dor. choir ij' the- =Congregation, '• and Ohms.- IC tioil lie/ping another „Igor ,100-iiibely4? - '..,,.• Saluidera and A. S. Mclean• anditera, heateV lik th* Dile When * time '...vietory-, for our.,arated forces Is tile- paramount uttestidn. ' , Another missionary- organization. is A. yea* . allowance of lit,Y,,50 Wes above hiii,gave.Way and toU4 cru ‘,2. PrOM allAndleation4 our lira.' the' MacGillivrny •Mission Band, which. Voted to the:Mini:der for upkeep. of hik him. Ile was dead 14,t the -Vitteitti Gov,ernment, is bringing out a under, the leadership of *Miss •Vistiter: 'i?,#'0 ' •Votes *Of thanks were tendered workmen siteceetled in health progrant and We think it would- kItteemetli is doh*, Pelt ..,v.york;. With se tt00:;;:ulterstv„.wAtr.-.08,tsettwunar(Larsndtb/tilbree,rStiteoretvliterest. InaltS80,, "Allonon.ing,tvayalet4 Wwmig box*. it Eo wise for 1/2.tie to see vrhat 'this vitirt as ehoir leader,' and, to the ,vtirlous or- fatm home tear layllota :sterd *Mole* may be, : and 1)e in ,. a POeition to en, • Of road improveirtent; enlargement and ,ext,ension of sewers, a, campaign for ,paiitting of preintsts, -plitetipg of ,shade tree% ete;" As objectives itt 11 wider Add he mentioned complet„lon of pavement on the 'Bine Water High. way alla the development •474 tourist busindtv.1/2 ailtocated . the deepening end widening ef the entrance -to (lode. rich lutrItorlInd the reduction of power rate* to pohtte in this Poplars". ' Sueceeding speakers ,vttere Cardiff, litrxr„.,. lir. rt. 11. laer,Zo J. VV. Hanna. 31.1),?.. Warden Vitateon, nodte, Wurtolo anfl Ches. Natintierxr., Wit/01:1$11 Veititteratutee, of, the Pita 'week „in .06iletich, with these of the eorkespend- leg Week it year ;ago,- its officially., r,e; eroded, Were ail' tolls:Mrs: • ' •-,„1/2 • , 914 Max. Min. Max.-• MilLtmarked increitee , atteedatee. jan. 13 „...25 20' 27 , ' ,The Ladies' Aid Societ9 ,agstin1/2. 14 - OP 3110..14 34, '32' rted 'a, year of itehieveMent, with ,jen, increated membership. totts,, rum - Sun.; 10 ....428 ' V3• " .1g mese 'WES, Mentbership fes and other Mon., Jen; ,17 ,r 11 23 ' 10 Mesita; the mum' of. .$1400 waS. raised Tues,„ lin.- 18 32 17 ' 21 la and handed to the managers ikor :wed,. IAA, $2 • 23 eleetion of the ehurch 1/2debr., Mrs, Ales. 1111 1/2 operitte. . . ' • • g4nizottons of the . eongregaIlon :10 school thos,, Desigs0 tio woke lbw* ., '"3.„ At the Present time all -nurses their 4064.Aork a the pat. Another survive his twin treotift are needed In our hospiuds.and in war; vote of Thanks walk' one to Mi. 11. 0. three Misters; Marie mai j. work and the Inauguration of a Plan Dol1/2114yr ,h11/2 appreeiation of her ion home'', and Mrs. riktkorta of „.thhi type would take altraea from and faithful OrViee in the'citoir a The rentaift Will 1* ' ,in -ether work hf the, congregation. burial, '‘ , 1 COntitaterf ,Ok Ivo '-, . . 11 ke. • - , 1/2