HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-01-13, Page 8RF7V. W.4)(juN40,: Posetor ' P. a:CA10141Ni OrganistaimI•Choiriilasteit • 2nd Sunday Atter ,tile,friplutpy 8.30 a.m. HOLY' COMMUNION:. _ ' 11.00 a.m.-",-HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON. ,Subject,* "What the .,Churclik CouldDo." ;1;30 p.Inw. Church School', 400 Clas*,. TAO EVENSONG AND: SERMON;,, • ; "Subjett::`1V4Y Did, Ye 'St* , Special EpiPhany, „Services. COME TO, ClitlitC „. Knox'Presbyterian 11. a.m. ruKore • Sermon Subjeet: "Man's Value to 4", , 2.30 * SUNDAY SCHOOL. AO Department 7 p,ni.„, -,PUELIC WORSHIP, • Selinon Subject:: "The -Amazing Christ." A p.m. YeAng,geople's.'rkeside Meetilig;-"-m- thL e Lecture Hall. Monday,. January 17th, Annual. Congregational, Meeting, 8 p.nl. , MINISTEtt--; REVEREND- RICHARD 'STEWART. ••ORGANISTL-411WEILIBEN-BOOVE,; - 'DIRECTOR OF,VRAISE-MUS: FRANK SAUNDERS. Come and •Worship, the, Lord ik.the Beauty :.of Holiness.• DEAleg or A, POIM111011X 4:4131q1.0711,Aair viromiktropu (AViagham .Advance-Tinte10 Thts, ceinntunity lea 94,0 of ite mest highlY JeSPeeted and better known ans tige.,,,,,,on.., Tuesday evening 'When Alex.-perterlielti,..of-----Belgraie,„_Rierk of 'Etitit 'WeWanosh,' passed.7sildtliirilY way.„ Mr. ...,1:)Orterlield ben.in good health and goodk,SPirits until a, intlfehour hefoie he fteSsed on. During. .thetley he was in Wingliare, and ..ear, tied. on his 'business' in : his ilsinit happy .mataier and later the after- noon presided at Cross meeting at Beigrave. his wile was 'ranking '0.1r 'Mrs. -Wm. ,G.eddes when Was -taker( -..suddenly ill and passed 'on vbout 9 p.m. • ' , ()ne .eartnot !speak too of his • seis•vi'ce to Ilia cemmunity. • Ile 'Pas. 'Clerk Of East, 'yktti*anosh 'for ,.thir,ty- seven. Yeers„-receiving, the appolittraellt after. thb death Of MS father., .Who had held the positiolit for ,thirty-six ,.years,. Mee' East ,,Wit:tiiinfosit beCome' 14n; 1807,, it, has had. 0111Ythree clerks, Xitines. Tisdale from 1861 to •4871 and silica that' time- the Pa.;,terilelds;,' father, then son.Ile took. over the office • of treasurer -clerk 104:1;',`'His.-ItiteieSts were 114)-t only in bis niuniciPal 'work, he was active all things -that Were for the, good of the district. The Red Cross Society int(' his interest 'arta guidance. He Wits 'chairman of the ilf(ti'Victory loan d-ive-7-1'nd a','Salesman ..-tlirougliout the Various drives net only in --this war but ,also in the first GreatWar, Enox Presbyterian ,•ehurch,. Belgrave, will Miss' , as -lie, was a lifelong meniber of the eliurelf" and , for Vary _.mettiber Of the SeSsion'70m1-- thingsp.e-rtoliiing to the.w.elfaie Of the...church. • Hevas a.I.Aberal in polities, hilt even those that differed with *Vim ..in ,this regtird held him in high esteem. - The" syrapathy 'Of community, goes out t4.1V1r. PorterAeld in her hoar of sorrow. illNi§TEIt-REY. R. H. TURNBULL, B.A., B.D.,,A.T.M. 11 a.m, SerMon Subjeet :' "IN PRAISE OF MAGNAIVII'TY.” , 'p.m.:: Sunday School. -- - pct; .m. Sermon Subje,"THE LOSSES OF OUR GAINS." • , • Organist and Choirmaster -MR. ilulattRoN. SINCERLyVELCOME AWAITgLYOIL oderich Baptist-hitrelr REV; JOSEPH.- JANES,. M.A., PASTOR. T ,UBLIC WORSHIro Subject: -"Faith and 'Fear. 3 p.m. BIBLE SCHOOW:::,•, : ',„ ' ' 1 p. SONG SONO SERVICV- .grief Messages -by , gPs•bY ,t1.•• C. lvarren! R.A.F.:, '',•-. Tort.„044crtt.-.0..,4,4V,35___!Pr,.:•„„,-- ....„..... Monday .8 P.ni.. ,,' Meeting . of B.Y.P.U. yer Meeting. Wednesday 8 p.m To2'''',. STRANGERS- ALWAYS WELCOME '-' .,, , SIGNAL -STAR .ClitAtc4 NOTE , The of the Godench BRAVA einimit held a very interesting meetirtg, last Monday night The Pre4104 Mr. Wre. Outten, presided and the Scripturelesson mate read by Aliso ko`velyrt PoneItleon. _A- Poem' Wee road by *Miss,. Verna Miller, who 'also acted' as mpitiniat " A helpful message Was given by ,LAO. -Williams,. on "The Christian- : The „pastor, lieV„ ;Joseph Janes, alsespoke briefly*. The attendance was miusually 'large, as several piembe'rs of the Seivation--ArinY and pf• the armed forees were Present. Reserve 'Wednesday, January 19th, for ii.1500" and bridge to be, held in the ,Oildfelleva ' ll, ha fthe itebekak-Lesidinissi,90,- 3 - .,,•5 i: . ..• .4 Preceeda • to be tisc, II ter. plitr_io.tic rirT 00$014; At 8,1p.iii. ',.*,'St.,- .4oluiTv Ambulance Associatien extuninationsare ' to Le. held'Ion, Mon- day,7, 4witiary Iltn, :,"st Maeltay ' nail, * BORN , ate pan; .D.r4 ;T.' - . Orelleffi will be •the examiner. :•. ••1.-2x ,6414870.;1% --,.-‘, itt Victoria.......1fosDit4. ' * "'Ie. aii11941 fee;413'71611 °f °i.e. 1..reli''' ,..... .1.,inition:sPit-. Maitittry I.M11,. 191t- to ing„ Auxiliary .f Ncy tb. Street !Vatted' '„ Capt. Leslie.. J. Ai:Overt It.C.A.M.0„, Ourth''0 'be' 11°14-, 41°144Y" eYe1/114g' . 1 olotys... .1040),, It uomotte,A10;s: January .3,70,„_at.'..;(40; iv the "C,Ivecli (!. ' oversees, and •MrS„.•:- CalVertjtOrmerly ball. ': " .• . " ,,, , ' ' •,, , ' ' -2 • • : Jocelyn. , - ,. . • .. . Watch, for: the date, of .the' mile of I.), ,,1,40I0IdGelthSiTonA:t3,4Anlue:leyiuliolhtj-,roS414.4,tatio„ .ngehis' ullcieK the -44-*4., co of the Bus.1:7 i . , '.. Mr, ,and Mrs. J, R, Douglas, 'Gode- ',. -,Tssl'ieWri)elug1.1e114-Z miteeeatinCgtii; t. li: .0 "W.c7.TiLl' . ... rich, it daughter.'... - : . ; , '' . \vlitl be he1ds.,0 Tuesday, ,January 18th, • PMIOTT.-4A.t• Clinton 11.•ub1ic Ilos-. at 6' p.m., ,,ato Mrs. '20eorge,,Johnston'st, Ktiiti, on Tuestlayilanuary. 4th, 190, hothe, Stanley. street:- ,' ` , 7 .....,. '2 . to: Mr.' andV 'iet°rlsI-19111e and meetings . Mrs. Gorden 'Elliott,' of • , , Blyth,, a sell; _;_., , ' , ._ on TilurSclay; January .20th 6""fit 8 "p in , , '' IIETHHAINGTOIW ''': At 4011:0141'4 Good , program, Miss- A. Cleaver will Hospital, Goderleh, 'On Januaryllth• give it paper on, "Building for Ilealth..", 194.l, to 11/r• .and:Mrs. M. ,141"1..lether,- Everybody welcome. ,, , ingten;Gederichi i-dalighter. ! ..., , Goorfeh Township ' Hospital Aux- cpnitOtaN4GLoP,o-riAcht,. otlexja4n.ndort; !_lhotohs-11101.ttrusrintills,Melesoetv .asttrethete: hoOnul, Ten,./astiftlf4rs. - Den ld Goderfeh ,tt son.' , • ' • ''..,-, •--•:-.;--,:,, •(/ .. 1944;1 to . Mr..and Mrs, PlArelles Aile,t, January 20th, 'et 2.45 Pan. ' _ • " CHURCH WITH - A HEARTY WELCOME" - .., , . , ,.----JMINISPIT,I-ItEV-ARTH It -7. MeRA.31..- ,4 . -„,...- io a.M. suNbAk souCiori. .. : -- , ••1- • -imp-m.0104Np sEwitkp, . . . -tun.' EvENTNe'., RvIC .-_,__ 1-,• Organist -Mrs. ,14.,,Hannal '' ... s , .., LOST t}ez11: dZtix 4(1))r WIlet n'otilf1;143114.1s4L-Aittit.: P 71x _ OST. itANI:t7FGRIIION rATCII,_ with gola face. Reward:. iViticItIWA..N;Iyaterloo. Street TAOST.:--"-SMALL TIME ..,-BOOK,-43,E, "'" .14ONGING to Earl. Bernard. Finder please leave at 'SIGNAL -STAB. ' • -111/A.NT)F4p , ANTED. -TO REM,' '.110140t. rodin' '1'41C.4j*ittnitivti6 °IirootireB1105130111islied, SIG- -NAL-STAlt. • • ANi".Pr0;. 4E0TRIO 'M'ANTILL • of6.41o in good PON 272; • ANTED. -TO Mix OLD j10.1tSES And dead. etittiel-must be suitable ,fei' :Mink feed; removed. promptly. FJtED GILBART, R.R.,2,' Phene 908 r 220, 0/baton, • Calls paid for.. L IV A NT STENO - 1 , •GRAPHER With more' than three. Mr....f4end , Mrs. Jack, years'---experienceja-z-general-.O3Ipe, work itbladoc, (nee' Mabel Foster)',CARDS OF -TI1ANIS - , Catharines; ,a, son, John, Roger,' on required , for local ',industry, ; Good. Salary and ideal • working eonditions, •• January Oth, 944.• REII).--At Alexandra Hospital, on January 8th, 19l4i to ,Mr. and Mrs, .Allan 'Reljl-Dungannon, WORTRINGTON.-At. Mt.; lolamiltai hospital, .Hamilton, , on, January 9th, 4.9t4;-TO-Wailillit-0111cer And ,Mrs, FAMILY 07: THE LATE • W. E77,WOrthington; a . daughter - Joseph Raynard -ask the -friends (Martha Lynn).... Mother and daugh-, to accept,their sincere- ihanks or their • ter doing ' • niany acts of kindness in the'r *recent bereavement n; -2 BE FAMILY' OF TUE 'LATE MR., • John SParr 'extend grateful' thanles _ to those7who shewed them -so thapy - indnegsres duringbit --llhisad - death. - • • . „ . ,-• - - . ' • big)) - '14UCKI.NOW - ,STEWART,-In* Colborne ToWnshiP,' 'on Tuesday, January , . - . ...-.,_-:.....- ,, C4.eorge, Stewart, husband of .13, ertha . IiiS 76th• year. nth,: 1944, friends for their sympatJay and assist - RS., JAMES rA,RAIS X§ Villa grateful to these ..ileighbors and •,.'Tlie funeral Of Miss Margaret Nina - 13rwsvnt 41 the death o Miss 7Sitrah liAtht tSitoroat;f?pihdacele%,Twu!aeosthd,aays,,,,anaciritaill and to tbosd who sent Aowers Miller, daughter of the ----late 'Mr. and , TEIQIA8'4' Mrs. Jacob Miller-_-:,-,ot Lucknoiv, who 'Tanu ,died at_tondou 0,11:‘, simucirr 3rd,- took husband of Lillian Edwards. , - --&-loaned-cara,,for4he-fune- - Place on Thursday last to. South Rip- • -. '' list-lit-49E1W- ,' - RS. CHARLES TnO1V14S ,.. AND loss 'cemetery. 4. PrW.,a_te•-tunerAl •ser'S-O'NED.,12.--4n loving tmemory .'1,of...4iux... ,„ _ i fan* ,,,;,-Aek, nowledge 'With grateful, :vice "cts,'S beid at -the Verne ;.if- her bio = ‘,.... dear- f4ther, laines- '`O'Neill;-„WItio'.4e.! caopreoloi -1*-6,,,.ki4d expressions -or Yea; 'I'M sYmpathx, extended ,to them in. their 'tiler Herbert 'Miller., .The, late Miss . ,,,parted '..tlifs . -life • one - Miller witklIftyinine rars'ofilige. , ; January 22; 1943; and of our dear bereaveinent; • -',' ." ' - ••. _Mrs,. M.- *A.' Trelea .:, • , best 'knovim• . .mother; Elizabeth -"McCann...7 qzceill, ... sizteer!,:years *ago, May 20• HE • FAMiLt__OF-:w _ .LATE• , • i as Polly to Iter fraen4 P/44. e, is ,eighty- , ..who died ,.... 'fotir-years!'44A-agelit- •.eniOs-...;•stif.7),..„,,,ANt3... . ,, , _ --- george_ Stewart' wish • to than fieiently good' health, ,ito spend Christ- -ftiiir Tiiii7e.a.Velq.: PY"tFqr .Y*Pr *i15-lis-e-L'ii-ho W.Zie WfaliatTigtrd'Afiq-kintr Apply to theiNATIONAL'SELEC,„(rIVE SERVICE' --'0IVICE; :Goderielir.,, Refer' Order $0,172o,_ 72. . • _ ABOUT- VIPTEEN' weanhing , pigs. Letrite-.44girraation a 'SIGNAL -STAR.. . • IVAitrga, :W4ITriEss* POR local* 116tel: • 'Experience ',not, necessary, Apply NATIONAL .SELEQ., •TIVE sntivxcp, Goderieh. Refer to, Order No. ' The members of "6" toy,, MiddleseX. aro- lierebY notified that weekly Parade will be held at the , ermourleti at 8 Pali.. OfivIl, Sodia_Y even.ingand tkat . are require°, to;-.attencl on time and, on each, regeler. qrilt night., Each, member met lealre befere parede it signed declaratien from 144 eP1PloYer or a medical tideate he is untible_ ...attend.".'' thtough win* or illness. , Commencing January rille practice wihl be held at the ranges et Godetich,C0I- legiate, Institute,' Teanis°,,---wilt be', ehosen from, the \yam:leis in the Contest to coMPete against ' other eoMPSPY toanci.. All Personnel deW.ring to Coin- te Mitst-arrenge the detail& with the CPPaPt14Y $gr. Maier. ' 9.4 ITAYS, Goy., -•Middlesex-Ouron • .„,. 'PUBLIC NOTICE • Or*ING NtA04014S ,. .44115' Make.. Also Binger needles, •beltS, and lkieehines bought and sold at 2 Easr street. Apt I., OW 'Notice is hereby given to all persons laying any claim .against the, estate .of ' . Helene Austin Stott, late of 'the Village . °Nivflill3ew4,11mliclii ind'ietd11:,eontleetY119tit l'IdauYraeni l-,)uixeceirobtgver,.e.ti_19,42,_,,,a. 't_t0,,")._ e.'Sfeolird04,:t_Shei4;e2.6&tO.It,t,;/:: of January, 1944, US 011 and atter that date ',the ,executer, herein will *Med to make 41Ptilbotion, of thediSsets Of ' ,tchrefthess t,,atutee,h),Isai;idn.g. • regard only. to the 0. Dratitoeud:Ii_ iGoolcdori_e_h ;" t_1,!, !oily_ til day . - "„'-- • ,.11.4,03. 1143TS; 1., n.,3..,....,,., .-, - ,soli.o.or. fei•Jhe ,Fispte: Of Sitae- Varrish;'7Iate 'A041116,- Xeivn * I:diving,' mil, claim against -the estate . of Geoltrich,., who ;died , en.. e 8th of -• Jathirity, '-‘ 1944;7. to :, send ,-,a40,-•-tfj-.-the ' estate. shall proceed AO make diStritgl- lk dthaaY6fdajr-ttteli: Tlit'aheY' ele4c4u' t Oaf' 'aol l'i 411tht 4, stet-% luideMned" on ; or_before.: the .24th Notice is .hereby giVen to ell; persenst. ,OTIC E., TO, 'OR. 111.1/ITOR----,, _ . .__.i. .. ,‘.....,,,,,,,....- Itiaptnci,•,,,004:•:tiit:iet:23.0,,ts:sneetit;0,,..x:Itiinh,tlie,:irerioot.oliam,f,,,;,,, ,,,1:,a,iivitnigrn:,,,, : Dated. at Goderich.: this. 12th 'day :',.ot , .3'anUary';-•-4.1). 1044,, -A ', • .. 2-4 ., • ' Solicitor. 1.far the ',Es . rce et o ur C - Comer c ova VA - , • P g* REV. G. W. FREEMAN, Pastor Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL. • 'T .' 4- 'aREWARDS•Or THE .1.111RiGHT WALK." GOD.", coRpvitWEI;C:StE TO. EVERYBODY. -'•"' •". bath and warin4,. garden, with_ fruit* trees r.lenhouse. „'or cqsh • 011 .easy terins. -..rhone _n11.43. 52-3x • SALE;4-AN, El5gel.f)CSET large site; fawn' and ' bro•Wn;, has to and storm curtain -'baby's 'cutter, cream coler, in .good; condition.; "Child!e' • e • P Y • . . , lag.tkand NeW13-,YeV,' ..-'with her_gsters, and ,daughters. , ,rns.„.„.,„-,,,,n,,,,,,,,,T,„7„,„ Ai them in ,their 'bereavement. Tli__.--eY sx6NAx;-..sTA4 . •• lx elatives. ,.,,SomeWIV't' ?"of`'‘a. reeerd' is ' Inisband and fatret• S. Peter Young' . th,..eir, e.ar,e. Or. ,Se1:1,t. , 11, owera. ,, ••-' ' '2, WE ' • WOULD . SIMGEST • YOU f Sue- - alif4 Lou Tv liven. and Other ,YOUN,G.:.-Injoyingmemory of it dear, Alio wish 'to:thank,. those .Who lottned. A,-......."' - • . ` „ ,, ,, . , e'S. iStitilltatetfalr "t,Diee 'SiSter89.VUO. ''''' vrelill'On;' 31,11-4:,paOk 1.. away January , . , . ..............-, ''' ,!-7,,,,ordir,,,•your.,1.94,1„,ehtok--0,,061,;,eaily•, 4,t, -.., .zs as possible.- We are - agents' .,,in • thlis . , . 4,f1 ..., • •' : , - • , . ever in.seve "t -live yeele have -missed - 13thi, 1940. ' , . , „ being together at ' Chrie„tm. as -time- - - • --.-Ever retneraberedoWy4irlilfee'aird' ''!"'" ' . ,,..t ST GEORGE'S CHU CH 4 n g , ideality fer Kitchener Big;•,4 Hatchery . , . little dstughters. •• ' i -2 ' , . . . _ , , - - nd. ready to . take your order. Mlis• An .0Id Resident rasses-The death of • wiiiiam Armstiong,' one .,;of the C4BAlipt -In ' loving meinory7 Of--- a Will 1-6-Th..--p-reparatitic 1:1-'6'1;i'Ilie •-•anli_inie_..,xatt,_ 'Habiaotoed4-ete8 occurred At `London,on-Dece rnber„ 8 0th. _-_-.,...7...*: ... IN ' iviraviorajmavt- , The Servi,ce on Sun ter. Cxaanc,aidittilAphperao;e1r,Obite!_deol: • ,, .. , • • " • • "...."-Whiell -"on --,,,Pe 'held RYAN PRODUCE, Gbderieli.: 2 oIdest=resicie.'irts-of .I.Inektioviti-.Who was- ,deitr-lort-T-end ,-,,brethery4a.mes-Al • . , Oa Monday evening in, the Parish Hall, ,', 'T. -• -•,.........--,....„.......-, .., : Ali Anglicans interested in the, wel. OR ' ' Sleia.m.__,..---"7QUEBVC-- COOK Tare---pf7thO church 'ate expeetedi 1-6130 ,, •Stfrie,,, in -,-good. cprulitien; ' J. :E. *present land' a-cbrdiar-inVtatIon, .:s uAnNwnm, Keags-s-tyeet--.-----. - -2- extended- to n.hl to be present at .ljetli. ' the,' Serilees-and-the--vestry-',riieetin' • -OR- SALE.',4-TWO-IVIN-TE OATS; in 'his eiglity-fourtir:year. Mr. „and Mrs. _aiver, Graham,- Ex.N.v.B., vilro was Armstrong have made thekr home Pf acerdentally killed. on. January-A3th, ".la . with -thefr-daughter;,-,,-.Mrsi---A: -- 1943, ewYOrit-City77, -„ „Barrett,. at, London. where Mr. ',Arm- one by one, they go beforeois, - strong, passed away.•A native of Eng- They .areTfading. like. tlieZ'dew;, - land 'had. resided ,in L'adinow .and we know they're vvatching o'er- us tor, nearly a -sixty yearsi:t Be-- 'TAOS*. -the:geed4..the-fair, the true r expected .that, the annual ,reper sI1es lis. wife, he' *leaves two.; sons' and They . arc!,--.WA#Ing -f0Cus -0111Y;1"''' be -printed- -for--the-nieeting„....;.-.L..., 'Where no pain War. • - The season of the Epiphatkr,Was fit liVe 'daughter S ArmStro'ng and .Mrs. J. Wilson, LneknOW; Al-. Dear ones, who have left us: lonely •nidikea On, StiiidaY last by sr- fred Armstrong, Mrs. Barrett, MTS. ...Watch us' through gates 'ajar; viees appre'priate to the occasion; and Buck, lifts.. Mattheivs and Miss B'eat-, There al,PPether, there a, Inctuiek, the :beautiful -Epiphany 'hinins were necAriustrong, tendon. Thefe: Gon6 wittan those gateajlr hieartily suIg by both choir 'and..,;con•-,' eig4teea 'grandohildren, 'fonr41e01.114 lartihain r.gregatio.,_ A._tpaplic6 of thservices. are on naive service, and! six great:. and, 2x was the sol- by Mr. -"1-latol4T---suoke, grandchildren. The 'remains were • „ was very- effectivelY ..rendered: brought to LileknOw- for "ifiterment in P cioat..voieed ,crowded huS..-',0 The recter.was. assisted at the morning Greenhill' .ce,meterY... • • her friend) "1 Wieh that good -10-01114 •. man, would., give Me: lAiS seat." Aarq- , -ft-nten-got----op. • • Size 14-16- brOw*--w-ool ski - suit size- -Ark ,ffir hite size 5.; all in 'exeellent ,condition. Phone 658 or write !IQ. BOX 489; . R ,SALE,-HSECOND-IU.1‘170 DIN= suite, lirfirst-,class con- VIIDELEIt; 'nal:1111ton , Stregt:. . :BALE. ---A: pAIR OF , IHT Service by Mr, Douglas Brown and in r ciouvoy bobsleighs, with box and the evening •by Charles Campbell seat.; An, good condition. , 'WESLEY . • 'f the Yleet.„Air Atm at `Sir. kiippEat, -soztford. Village. 2 •, , -- -The • iiext ,„Mereting of the huron ounty 7Counell-,.vvill,.. be, - held ,•in the Council Chambers, .Court house, •61-454e- commenoing Tag, day,- Januar, -18th, , at 2 ,14.2. • ', Ahh aceiiiints,..-notices of *deputations and other_ business requiring the' -tention .of Council- should -be in -the hands,' of the County perk.' not later than'Saturday, lanuary 15th. ' • w. .County -,910c, , ETHEL, PENTECOSTAL, TABERNACLE. ...volciae-cenire.of.Eiengellim"' • •,irriwiti(0,-, Pastor: ‘, WATERIA10.. ST... Services ; ' • '; ' 1' :11'a,ni...:.IVIoniteg„Message;• ffirVAYSIDE WELLS." • ;7 p.m. "ALMOSTOERSUADED/T- • , The young' People...will:Meet ett7Tuesday at -8 P.m, • , COME- AND .• WORSHIP THE LORD :wrrur us inta JANUARY 1.8th. ancli1.9t Dungannon - ,,TANumy 20.th. and 2144 HOURS 1,0 ami. to 4.30, p.m. All farmers are cordially to; Attend.„ JAMES 0.'S#EAUVI3, Representgive - CONDUCTED BY 1446. Major E Burnell .and four Weinen Catlets. froni, S. 'Prainhig College„ Itororito. ' • * .„ . , P, ,SaiVation ribeting at, 415 Friday Sunday Sch001, SundaY aftinPcill, ',2'..o'clook; at 3 o 11/Itijoe Burnell will speak Qfl the evacuatltin' '7-the-Ntintnerr and- thiltIrow Englaild,),in vviii&lie-iiii3Teitti Veil,' beginning .01 'the. - •• • • .1,Iept; tt'Cattyll. tioxv41,-,14inac!n, . , D. Prepth, VValliteeburg., S. Ellititt . VETERINARY SURGEON , SMALL AND LARGE ANIMALS . At.Laioler's'nrng Store, Godcrich, even, Thursday afternoon LINTON: . • .21. Offieer 22-8. '''V.P.sast.and Ws. Clapp, Stratforil. SVNI)AY SIMI:VICES AT II 41,11t, 230 Ana 7 PM. 1*11.. EVE1ttY WiII Nit;i11 ;-• She: Ought to leave yOur :and go home teMotherrye:: "Why dont "you? She: "I. ; ' She''S left father tor. cont4tko;1400.!!,„,,,,,, 4. . Isn't It •the Trutli? If seems eveiy shovelful you ,take,. A frorrt the coal bin leaves; a„.hele-twice as big, as - when fuel. wesia Acerce.- , Or on_ rant IliTRON‘ROAD ..6'0"1.140#1C-- iceilsed ,Anetioneer 'ter -Alumni-County • • - INirniture and Farm Clear,an e Sties, Chattels and' Real taka 'Prompt attention giVen to all eellS 'Write BOX • 068 001)F4RICII . 142x 19[16Nkl 050s, Who Will Po ',Abe Oillo? - 4 , Insure ahil .he ASinred Against ,rnexotted