HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-01-13, Page 4,
Iteeptia4..•' Primula, 444oan, Violetsi _Oyc amm,
tntRAL rtOWERS, '
jeSilitiutul, and tong tasting.
vrimbxzio BOUQUETS"AND opAs.A.Gra
Batupz gq.• PUONZ 105
Nations n an
in:Spite:of the timost Overwhelming trious1, -tiumiig the es The. laeavy
ge)*#41,4e(rportraits and PlaSter° 'bust's, , sge
'leek de'vvg. with incredulous :Amaze/neat he
at All this industry,.
Here is the Greek section; the Polish,
the -French,' SeCtion' ,tax every
-European coUntry -Occupied by the
Nul'sing, Sister Grace, Mason is In
•a - militar)y hOspital in England, Veli-
. •
vaIescing frein a maStOld operatien,
her grandmother in Goderich has been
informeth Nusing Sister Iktuson,
gradimte-Q 41znidrigowrigol, WaS
• to, go to.41x.ily in o few /daYS WO a
'draft Of nurses ineluding AllSs 'Agnes
Campbell, daughter 4.4 Alr. and MM.'
11. Campbell of. townwhen she was
stricken., The latest report was that
Mis'S Mason .Was quite iU
.• • _ _
Pte.-Kennetly-Young,,-,SOn of *Mi.. and
Mrs. Ben Young, whe partiel ated
'the ibloodless..;.invasierf (if Jahn .j for semet1n1 ut Detrint before coroing
dreg , farietigu, ;w,itit,his oixtelitg. to. Colboriao•sixteenaears ago. Ile was
. • • A gardener by 'trade? He is 'aurviVed
by his ,v1/4-ife, formerly 13ertlia d3rovVii.;
ack. ,son Norman. one daughter, Mrs; McCabe • two bro
McPhail, has joined. the,arniy. Ile has ther, David, or..Rilbert Mau.,
becueritii;atiuliiugseiuweithyaCr)gaptiaku.d.FtrriaendkliAtkircci, lt,hiae,rilsi;s:•, David and Adam, Of Gilbert
Man:, -and thrersisters,, Mrs,
re Join the navy, but he and others Cha$. Irraeer of13aYfie11,11r$44C1-1arclY.'•
seeking to Join of -late have found. and Mrs.' Ogilvie • of WiAiiiPeg.
things:fined up, and a long list waiting -Mr. Stewart 'was a rre0bYteriant 'and
• •• • ' th' efuneral service, to be held- tomer,
.and Mrs.-"-Wren--*Sheardevvn ha:Vej Tow (11.ridaY) afterigm -4t, -the • helae
three •-sobs-iii the. fOrceS -andThaVe-.1' of --Mr- and- MrsMcCabe'
(c.elAY'llbeard from all of them. jim-;_ha conducted by 'Rev.-111'cnarcl .kewart or.
beeniLim Ita1 for,some thiie 'and jiffs, Knox Presbyterian Church.. Interment
Ise„,-! receiVing and,. epjoyingriid Wi.11 be in Colbotne cenipterY.-- •
$ignal-Star ...with the etherboys frOm
GoderIch. 'Leonard (Bert) is in DONALD
Africa with a ,tank regiment. ,Percy,
their eldest son, is In -England mid says,
the .there is -very' Pleasant,"
, ,
3-01111 •
Saturday evening, january 1st, .ot
John KennedY, Of Whitechurell,-in id
eighty-fourth ,year; Mr. Kennedy, wag ,1,441siedni. auyei- wwh4ektretorrhe4 alsdolbeety 'Webster. She 'was born near Clinton
born near „Guelph, but had- lived, ag and WaS 1.11- her seventy41ft1i ,year, At
• 'teWlifillip.Ohice_eltildhOod., He at, Linwood, -He 'bi- survived' ',the -140- ofAwonty-six ea .-she Was
4anuary att. after an illnessofre.
--vfoeitif," 1ft; --15parihadConibic.:ted
greeery inadueas on Hamilton- street
for--thirty-live yeaaa, cOraing here from
reedding stnee :Owing from Luelotolie
lbelit tWo nicalth,“ UV. Mrs. Ra3Friar4
-had -been II failing health sinee
September, when -she had An atteek of
pneunionht, _and ._tinally ral
isertiirf-froved d
was formerly Mary Anne' Webster* a
daughter ot, the late Mr. Od Um.' D.
issurVixed...b.wife.and f9-3,1r-
ters; Mrs. Toy1li0 Lanibrof Colborne
itovruship; 1rs WU1jtuCranston+, of.
Helens; Roy" MeInites,ui
Avife,„forlaer4.,..p,arilarc,„Tveyekeuereeitli- ,marriettto-- Itaynark-sca-0
41'04(0J:tea 'w3th„ fatber 14 the late Mr. and, Airs. C. RaYnard. The
1)Ztli...8-1.11Lieds'tdir'l'imall,(1O1411roodtaill001441,telqr's.SIlisaterr- leQwlinyge47:1-*It)lileen'tniur:Iveel tnflt.13:14t111:sa*1 It°6wr
Toronto;: and Miss Daisy -.Nentiedy,, of old Hoggarth (Ernesta, of town, an d ship- and, tanned there and In•Aslideld
Goderich. - The fluiera,1\, teak -place to Miss -Gprovieve. •Bparx., towitShip until theY. retire4 Luek,,,,
the. South- Kinless v'eeineterY, Rev. )tork 'City.. The,re are two grandchildt, now about seventeen years two. M
4...Ward conducting the servieeS. .r.en. Survivtug • brothers and. .sistera ItilYnard Predeceased (;lle:
(4L0RGE 'STEWART' • $liarr, Of Grand Prairie, 'Alberta daughtersk-'-Waltdr
are Sdanel %girt; of Linwoo‘Ldward inonth,". ago. SurvivinAttou g Are • ,Jhree
The death of George Stewart oe- R. 13, Pish, of Linwood Mrs. Wm, lia4); °4 4°11°64; 141'$' Ualvid*Fergul-
cU'rred stiddenly on 'Tuesday ,at the CollinS, • of .Oriliitt, and 1-1,411„. SPeart).; ,of- Mrs, .Ceeli
home of,' his and- datighter,:„ 'Berlet,, of Kitchener., 'All the, retative4 azel),' Of `.14iStOwel, - and two
Air; and-MrS. -Rebert Mccalie, Celb'orne named, -exCept ,thetwo brothers, werti Sons,1 Melvin, Of Gederich; nnd
tOwnship;. With• whom he made his be for the funeral. Air. Spa,rr wla. of Aslifield;• Also surviving are. , a
home.' Ste -Wart -was born SeventY- a devout Member of St. Peter's ehu eh „OiSter, 11S-11•8»: ani Cengr4in) of Tilnlose,
five Years ago Belgrave and • lived
siiiilculties- of the •-blackout, the 're-
• '-..itriction of transport and: tne shortage
, 4 toi:cb; batteries,,, restatirant life in
• li,ondonis• still quite colorful. Xti the.
:Se Of 'foreign reataurants it is even
Apire Colorful than it was before the
ars 'or nowadays you (fan see• thp titerncifitS.
nationals of, the country. the restaurant In the Belgian ,section X was shown
• represents; Sitting at: the .tables,and the file of--the..yonng man who. was
talking their own. languager-They are going blind.' Some months ago. he ap-
• mealy serving in the Allied forces, of 'peered ' in Clarence 'Etonse, ahnost
.10Arse,--flid"-Watellhig-them-- our.-- -hysterical with' desperation.- He had.
• ioundings which* Must PLI Wilitttil4Y-Te;,''-been, told-that-I.:he ,Ivas rapidly los
• solid them of home y,ou realise that the Sight of both eyes and lie was 'den-.
to. these men, flak- from their. OWn. vinceet. that only one -man' in the work,"
COtintriesantiout-et teiich friends eould'sdie.-Adnitz-ri titatiOna •Swiss eye
and. families, the WO has. dealt With specialist, • He. pleaded •to Sent to
them harder than it has with Most. -Switzerland to be treated .by' this
,I.;-'ti.d** 014 thought often. when I eat dector. The urgency of hisplea teliched,
111 a little Polish place in .tlie%West the ladies of the Belgian -sectieff and
, The food, is good, pattionlarl heY.Ipromised , do they could,
---;the'bortsehy-and.,,tlie-enentete is, almost although of ceurse:they coind not hold,
'• exePeiYell: E'el.011.; -reminds: you out -Much hope.- There was the
. , •
of those -glIY• little ••places, -In the quiett,lieultr of obtaining tePermit to leave
squares • of, Warsaw. But -there is E•agittfiein, Vartimei-to y 'nothing
• something rather' sad ,about . Often Of ;finding the •money for is tiPheeP,
Yea see tiisier or an airman push if and when to Switzerland,
back his pland stare rather hone-- Anyway, the, ladies set to work. • They
• lessly' at the pictures" 'Of Polish, life cabled first to the Swiss eye--sPeOalist
• which. are painted•on the walls., .And and.. asked whether he would accept
• you 'know' what is--thinking,-And the-young-Belgian:Asa patient, Event-
wishing- • . ,u41 -1Y, -:the reply eunie.baek-ies. But
- •
.. It is rather cheering-toTkneW,. hOW-. -that-Was only :,the4Stfart.-T.The__nigntever that these nien are hc1pcc to mare ef getn 'cisa had to be gone,
• Ixeep- .touch With their honaes. • I throtigh next., He would requireone
ticent.,,a),ong_to :watch the work. the for Portugal, . Spain, one for
ether and x: must say it ;cheered Vichy Fratiee„ana Switzerland,
me nth* . • .* •" •• and, of course, An exitlierukit-frent this
Is. all .done- in. a Eno-. old Georgian co-untry... The usual setbacks and 'agon.-,
Clarence-- -110110, were meifli,but even
' '-ithigh.-WaScf6intetlylhe-town reSidente, _the ;.shetit_of_stalaped Official'
of the late Duke of Connaught. , AS Papers was assembled. -There 'remained.
yon go thieiler the,blitek-isainted:7dpor, then,theaMoney....;:. :This Ilte„.,.14,04,0
,,• barkeitiii$:taellteuiro!wvalte' tba:t-i*.idrosipvh%re°:110f.e.:4tilh'et ledit't!tif;• raof tY111:4‘B" !leg- slt*edaCt°81148i3t
• spacious days of the Itegeney, and the this young manr-pOor. - half
eutting theirelegant,,figureS ronnd-- the in search of release from 'Perpetual
.,ghests of the beaux and the fine ladies 'set out to travel AcroS'§ War-torn Europe
•Pirat Gentlenian ef'Europe:--The house da,rkriesS. So....well had the lates has d, f 11
Mr. and *Mrs. Oliver MX received
Word Non -Sunday that 'their .8()11,:tr
Frank Eugene Cook, •had. been Weunded-
in_actien,..in:Italy on, December_
Prank was •wttli the Canadian Tank,
Corps.:and took part in the nivasion. of
Mr. and Mrs. .1'sreil Thompson have
had Word from- -their Set; Linix&Corpl.
Donald Thompson, prisoner of war in
Germany, that he had 'reeeived eighteen
•-them As far as possible, but as he had
not • the addresaes - of- all -.„The-,
to-sa-yt.-that•-among -thos
•W11.9 7.*T6t,,h1111. Daer.
`Tat Hume:. AlISLWitifilaW, ILtit
ggISS:_Edith Taylor'. ' Donald. reports.
that he Is good- health". , - , •
of; two. .weeks with -,his mother;
Mrs. 'V-. -Abell, 'has left, to' report' -at
Lachine, Que. •
o _
Miss Violet Henry, of the 0.W.A..0.'s,
-itthelf--4 looks • bk.-6, -au,- 041 ' In .91arence, Hense done,. their Nifor Olaf
a tienspagLe aYd--'1valithe eedexcaolnurl-117se.'
'this 'quiet 'D'art of London-eirch-ng the at -every' airport aild ever3r„ station: on 0 a . 4t.her eighty -nm Wit$ g
-court: -ef---St.-4tiMes-there--„is- liro -418 long J°I'Ir-neY:-h6'4a13-i/lete'bY relar°- sten graphy and, Med subJects terS,Iodfedth8.1ellica,te'elZhth-.11, :aeptlsoeldi ialurt.wdhd°aMuWarall:- interment Was. in, 1VIaitland- ceraetery.1., ,quired ?eclat attention.- The • pee-
and of. the ,Holy Nanie ' Society, mild
'requiem .100 'mass wasCondueted on
Friday- Morning at St-Petees by -Rev;
iu the presence of. alarge
congregation: The, pallbearers were
Repielda-, P. Graf, D. 31-.• O'Brien,
W.. Smith, W, Young And Gilbert
Plante, the Interment -being in-- the
;Roman Ca.thelic cemetery in Colborne,
.toWnship. '
togw Et; N,A,EGELf1
and, three' brothers, John, of TOrouto,„
And Wilbert and 'Lorne, of ''Sea, forth.
• There are -seventeen ,grandehildren„c----.
"Therfuner,al„service was -held at the
hole Of her -son MelVia en Monday
„January 1.00,, and was cond,ucted• by
Rev: Richard Stewart of KrioX Church,
•Goderiell, and W, Stewart of
Luokne'w. -Interment- --sytts in.; Vreepo•
hill . eeineterY Lucknow. Thepall;
bearei,.s ' were • Ernest Aeltert,, Charles
Congram, Keith Webster, Oliver Mac-
n.A. Nua-:eogel, npclu-sessetdee,:t-etiltuidzer410;TI;Joh.oxa ,-Ct‘oliv.varerbsot* Big and awnear were In, grandson's rrgu "°.: 1 1. '• Ilia'
tosinlattuyuiert„Taetnia:imr.v--rs-3, radi(laut tchuetitoemptes„ jou! itI*01-''--- --4-----'',rxit Awn xE,.,0% it --
Gibbons street Before Christmas he ' • • HAVE DOUBLE *INS
had,..had an attiiek,of..pueninonia, but - •,',,,
Juld..,,thro.r12. • t. lila oft And, wa,s, aPParently, -;rx' he VeterAn Seafortle- Betiitera• were.
makieg a Satisfa.dtery recevery but in
Port -Iiiiiron,, .,gichigan, a highly'. re- tack pro ed ,.fatal Mr; Naegeie was I -little -Practised. : Ski; laanrbeiOri°3:e6.1tarti4tti
-- . in his weak ned co di -e a, -h ,.- ,, too much for the 'hie
..There...paSsed away at his home _ _e. u ti. n hart at.
sii0Oted citiZeii in. the person of Elonold.'born. in 'Baden, ,Gei,ManSr, eight seven the .11rSt _lieekey game ' of the season
,Ross, --Son -of' the late Mr. and Mrs, •years, age and came to Canada at the ' played 4t the West. street - i.lit on
, . i — ,
Donald 'RoSS,. one -of the pioneer fain- age. of, 'sixteen. He lived, fdr.' is°131e*Thtirsclay: Night -last' It was . a-tielle-,
ilies-of Aehtield. He received his earlY" time with an Miele at Benntiller. • Re- 1
eaucatiod • at s,s,„ No, 12, Ahfield, iu,v.ing.io Auburn, he .0x.fgaeci ;11,1 tee, 1-durnied' game in the interniediate' 0.11;A7
whe -visitors. quiekly. showed. their
(Ijatirier.), At tile. age of, Sixteen „he trade - of shoemaking'', and later .con., superiority. mut .the,gave.:_euded.-_,.: 70itb,
be -gal' the blacksmith atrtadve!ii•vve,itithille1;: ,c118119c2te.dl'iti.:;vh,refturtdvtear4%.br-uuosieneats, an expert
- -- 1 a .'..8ePre' of 1544, ,MOst Of the 'Beavers
William ;,MacBurneY hail from Stratford, and some -of tb:em
later moving to Port Huron, .Where he for: the Massey -Harris Company; coin
--- are well-known, 'athletes:
:was ---en, the police force for eighteen, besides visiting . GerbianyA the toured he Stinie e'veniliat Clinton; Exet6r.
sinith__;for _,,_,Gdodisan,:e, 4 last 73_eteatecl the.ilienie-letun
. -..0n:Tilesrlitylinight of this Week-Getle-
years. He. then became chief blitek: through Romnania, Bulgaria „; Jaw ,
•:.qomPanY, neighlvrh:4 „conntriear-7-Per,- the.
threshers, of Sarnia. .surviviat• no,. thirity-4ve. years,.. he had 'resided- 11,1 rich war:01)164 wete_agaixalie_usere.,
siudpethe-ahik„is ar-werei;tehs),.4., sotOsr,alweriiimiaa,thrg,_aa.ruedt_ Giloadse..rie:;_c„. ;h:.---___Le.1,-.113:10--.L'i wts-se,m. e-- ei....,Trin:?tiliosa:eile----"eff.ti-ritti, zd,etrich----1A-ayed-1-at '-„Exeter--,-And•-• were
--Artlilif-Or . ;--- - ter , -tiont-fifta- -rs 'agelindzinali:----mP'-' -1118--Be-av-ers -a-fa-ea-forth find lost 11-3.
ted;,....134..t-. •...--,..Glintenr-tackled---the
algioiii,41..7,,,oLubi-Oneythearks.e,,avildrs;onejsrtimsteesr_auleet. Reoimenbuei,•,;d,s1Iils_vitW.ife.. ,'71.1i.the'al_Tfrer Mder , nuta".EAgt . -$0..1:110it :01/,,,T,.`srsio.optiows.-,
j'esSie, predeceased hini, thoneten Yeters home Witk_hi. !,ClatighOr, MP.- NeWr ' .' , ,
• , Om he .,_ ie in . 1884, •
Nain -.6f 1,..aurielP,, RoderiA of likaron 'predeceased':him. ten ..yettrs. ., T•vs)o-socs, ,,Siiwtle0Wrk-elsT—I'res: itiraO.ut '1Vu:d:,;leeasd:at
and Mii.i.. ., Of, AShdeta• •-•••-taci*Y:- And..litro, daughters stirvive,L ilgar', of • mOrn4ng.
,,,, . . , . ,,,, _ uetreit i., Rey-,, ;of London ; Mrs. -..Tolin, -bli*ird,,.bloWlUg: pp' during., the - night
' 'f - -1:- - 11 -t ' tl,t1- ' r,:a%
Sentinel. .4 . ;-:L.' ........„•..•-• •,! ' Cuthbertson .. And 'Mrs. • Harold Ne*- and blogking seine; Of the • Mirth and
ApptozikQ4NT,40,1„.„,.', ap,AhheC ofom,„:„U_Naegelat,,,wa0sOlith;,vroada-4,10sk,,otAthe+rifotorist
ta41`.011D" ' . ' • , , , meal -her, of North street 'T.Iiii.ted4 elaroh- ,,whO Strtiek , out,rfor lAyth; . -1,miknow
, on ...irridai, December,...17; ,..1.943, and 'alsothq-Y,Indepenclen,t: 9Alek Of and,"%Xinefirdine turned back .,..a.„-fetV
Rebecca, Cantelow Wid61,v Of the late Foresters. ,••
Elford; of L'asex,' passed. away The funeral took place. oir, Thursday
at the one of heripiece, Wits. Norman affe.rn.00n from the. residence of -Mr.
1V,Ioffat; Ancaster, with Om she had and Mrs,: -ffmra, „
IN the s04
vices , being conducted brR,e-y. R. H.
,Turnbull and Rev.'W. I:L....Dunbar. The
milesout. , So far:, aS PnOwPrOwing
-.concerned;--lioWever,. this Winter :has
beeri,-tin eaSyn•one enthe folinty and,
ProViacial,"' treasuries:.: On -the Blue
Water, -,for- instance, streteli
from Amberley. to Kincardine has re-
--Toronto., ia•at -Present spending .Hammen-d-.- -she 'was born 111.00derich the pallbearers bein'g Edgar .Lawson, frient fr m, •Goderieh to Port " A.Ler't
nouneed eighteenth century 'air. -is.'sentatives ef the Red- Cr(71:;„kbrg-aritsa--
through.. a 'tw° furlough 101:: et...aunt -11 :,NT3---M-C-Gee--tirid-,--,.Tes, ear
J: o ston; •ir s ree • • a een very -IVY and at the Week:efif
t ' Loud -century,. ago *.But. -when vvhich he _passed. IIe • eon ,pc parents„at an ear e arid liveu Anhorai_au
4o . • the-:'entire-dfstantte---,wamuled;'"-for
Jon get. inside!--Clarenceliciuse, these 'have had an eaSier-ieurney•-before-the- _
•t write Wateiloo street, have recerved-:vord . .• Robertson states::: s • ••
, . • tl
I 'tin sectpn la ' ielfs -funeral: lie' e, • • , ••• . •,
The f nerat- was
son, . re ing;•:. • .
feelings .and: Mrs:'Jfl ... virhitithotot;..there• until her ',marriage:I. fifty-th_ree 7ty!ggin$: an Ed. gason, of town. f the fir -at ' -"superintendent a 'a
stion 'evaporate.' The; :stately war ;He 'arrived Ap,d
rooms, are laid -%out) with plain. trestle was able,- shor Y
_afterwards th t th LAC F d.' Wh-tV Yof"-gssaeV:,' SuArviliyeost.ber;°1iilli'Canteti''
141.41, has_arrived.. safelY overseas.' eld frem -t e„ H . The death. of :MI'S: 1‘1.---Raynard • . naliSwer,ori
writerq ::And the_ghoSts-of-theAnkur- who by then-. iveri--"felleWing--his-Ivr- . - , , _ .gssex,•txi../vietalai,..affernean; ,pecember ocourred on Saturday,. Xtifinart8Th letter?': She : "1 didnt get 'it; 'and be
.joiitkeighte'enth centiiry ladies Ta:de ahd. times As -closely' „as :If, hey.
-.LAC: Ralph: plackStone, 29,_,Y•Fith 'at the ,,home heii
give place place omen,- lus dworking .indus; related to F them, a.nd in VS.-lette-- , „ „4,4.; r .there • • 4 ,,. ",4 „„' terr., , ft,„, oderich,where she had peen - •
, • _ „‘ • • ` Rey, 001 COeilgt Pas -to: of Essex.•11. ar
- 'United. church, aSSisted by: Rey; Sian-1•066.1.0Jusion'emismovi:,...i.........m......- • „
"TOrOnto Jaiin. 6 1944'
The .004age of 'ioapar hp,s baeoine .piOst
itiat the need is-Aepperat.e.' ShipinentsrtO Ar]iied
„ate' being' deed •
.W rieed, .Innnetliately ongel'a of pa,ply,,
eardboard and 00r/11.ga/tact -proeux7ab1e.,.
How soon'" aan You: organize, collect and .ship
Please advise by return and if,:poSsible give appr.ok-
intate Dattildage„ a are: thpendrng ou
-4441441344-S-42.- vilg."441-1414‘.
and Mrs John nussey, yes.o.,iday iey sweetin:an of Glencoe -i grand- , • •
received Word of the arrival of...their 'Th allbea .er4 .4"•••••••••,.
tn Italy. He ,is with• the' famous son of -Mrs. ,Elfor s. e
vArrei‘c;IS„IX grandsonsisellyr
Fred, and - -O
car soth: .Pte. Terence . Iliissey, safe arid '"
Eighth Arnlyy , - --:-.--,,.„,_ gorest_SUreetma--
n. ' • •--1
, , , ,
,,, " • • .„ . ., ' , ". ,,,.
Among the recent- gradinites. at No. r MISS S. FAARISH.:
3 I.T.S., rat* Victoriaville; Quebec-, ,is The deatit-ef' miss Sarah •,(Sa.die)-
. ,
in 0-"0*.i;10/Xnee' With.t4e ali„."; nteSSag., '°' o t.aixne '11viv7E4, el4.--!--
ConiTnittee in Goderioh? ._ 0, meeting was GOO, '4 i .,.a
decided-to-afjk everrhouseli lderlot v-4eisomebutt
'towards meeting the -emergency. '
Phone his cx , Atatp.e.ap.
41' '
nhavm A
ardboa- i ate
• address -to the- Town s Bt
o. 20) Or the a No. 71
and- the materials will be pieked up.
Please- tie them secutely.
Others are sisked, to *av'eall thsy can for the collection
madisu 0001a, as_vireathor_oonditions-pirmit,
' I 11111 I I
formerre. ,ns, .is- width' Hospital." on. Saturday .‘eVen.
passest,thisT"exams".: -1111.Ss Varrish'Itad. been Al( the hespital
with ..tiying honors, eMning eleventh fa; three MenthS as the', residt of" a;
in class of. sixty,lonr. Men "with an : stroke but WaS SeeininglY Making -geed.
-average of 814 'per cent. Early Early -:this progress to 'recoyery -when on Friday
week he.,,aitendtS.A.,,`421rops',' parade and she -.WaS..agaill-`,."§trielten;:, he -21Was
aftera Ai-al:teen days' leaVe•he will be sixty-four yetira of age, a natiireof
posted to An elementary" Ashileld; daughter of the late Mr. and
frig_ achoOl. 'LAO, Costelle-lbined the Mrs.. of., the "..flth Once's,.
lerring. ' from', the RoaI Canathan iiect foi a tione in X)etroit,7• but osOL
Ordnanee-GorP'S-in-Whieh; •lie--,served-'ttiirty''years, ago •-she.17.eanieqe 11.-ite:'
'twelve 'nfehtlis in"London. 'Se far he Gederieh With heimother and, engaged
has trained at Manning Depot;' .Ter,, in dressmaking. : Of. ' 0:c:et ,plev,en,
onto,. And -Ottawa University; 4)ttawal Only'roni Sister, Miss littrbara,Farrigh
before ,going ,„to is a New,Yorit'*pew: sur-- She Vas
tgenty-two years(oId. .;,.raenlbm'.'_of Knox. Presbyterian
'X to�k place on
exodus of R.A.F. pereorinel frOfromMonday rafilte4rn'tilonn74thel service being
• .-.
• report. has., it that within sixLm.bri, s
is going - ateadilly and : -cohclncted by Richard Stewart,
;Port Albert
be corablete. pnilot Meteov aanndd 'fthrieeltd.1,.$49.3#4,'61illetirtliiiiactiVtoof i.ewinatsrhvieps;
ologist, Dav4100n, Will Soon see is .well as . trona toWill:`: Wfialvdicative
-his • beloved Scotland. • ....There, is a of, the high, esteent in will.* the 4e-
Sha:kffe--ip.tqkin .pfa,c!7.,.!-_t_,.7lteath
er *w.eas'.held:T'he-r0ernaina
etatieu.,7. were_,1'd at rstn Kint}g-CeineterY0
r'thOibatre 111ews,
lioinetromiifirR1po t,c.,cI:ria7b‘°C?lerrj';°:1:1ld
Wifethe former Irene nub daughter; Etrllt.0f.shfeidlah'Cand
.ef".- Mr. And len... angia-.,gmh_coloorno ,_,Niffoit)onzio:, • Axtiong„, »these:, in,
attendance :It: the :fiineral- 'were Mrs.
Grace 'B'ogie-Of ,tondoxiand Ikti;. • and
township, and his, parentsSgt.:
and VIT.- Duckworth,:*--Goderich:' Ony
the 1.0th :of-; eeember last ,Itex was in1t. Sohn Irarrish of • ListoW. el.,
ti..pliine _eras'h sueringain ftijuris'
ng,4116-`344$. .
°Lifer irpeinbers 'Of the crew Intnred. he Vk was' received. With regret
is, • AnalcbW good. ',Progresi. 'toward tni ThesdaY -Of the deatli. 'at Stratford,
teco.rery. 1e ha� twenty days' .leave. et...Charles Thomas,, forraerlY.-*
is vvello;40imn,Rex.114-,One, of &Ur :known resident of •- Goderiehi, .1‘fr'•
brothers-1-iito oi.ned the active forces:- ipbeitias mils...born Croderieli. rtortl-
s 'eceited-iieuP1*.th-raitit'ttr;:l•aittatetle.kIntlide'MTY1V. .T611-honittiet.lit'°•deitSA-41144'erVed
ainaof .tittvcrefil.n-tivb7itelltiftin,s`a•Gniermisitn-intu
t.-Joikackrinlyg.„ overseas in. the .iirst: Great Vtrar 'Land' 0-1,-
Angtanit 'Wallace Duckworth, a' inre6,tuebriihi.itsot,
Itoad M ;whin err; Co Three :Yea„..ts,
Ago...he:moved:with his faintly Strat:::
fork,mvhere he wati' employed,in the,
had ,not, been
fti first-rate- health fei, Some'tiMe, add,
deitth--enetted,after_art,mitlesaot Ata•W
• Xie Was a inetnher oefg,ituhue
0,11. And. the Canadian tand
'while- residing: in Goderieli wawa Mem,
her Of fAt....•,.Georges Anglican Church.
tAurviiring are' hie. wife, formerly Miss
Lillrian Edwards of Goderieh, 'gad* fel*
sons; fldv,--tird," of the Xt:C.11.1r.1t..• Sta.
• . tf Oiled t• r1et0t14, n401, 1r)611610, 'Walter
and (ordou rft home;' ',also a sistati'
ilqrs. Itoy. ratterson ot Goderich,
• was the encouraging „news -that the , The -funeral took place this (Thant -
treatment had so much improved one of 'day) tfftertiooll,trOgi the llrePheY ktin"'
his eyes there .was eVery:thaneethat it ems!. home to Mititlitild cemetery, the
would be. $alred*. ": ' services .beltig• condrieted by iter;
Ina tile in the 'Greek- section. there II. lIonbar,,,, rector of George's
is a story Wilieh had het such a nappy eliaireli. The- pallbearers ,wor• f.8
ending, * 'Prom, a vtliage. on the slopes Weigter ,of ,'Strattordi Xaek wirtren
of 'Atottnt olympus there came it tele- of Torente.A0. 0.,./Robertsen, ;I. Whit -
gram' to Clarence IfonSe, Via the, Greek tInghain, HavOittlIcPhee
Ited *Cross In Athens, and the,/Ater-.- Wilutot.
, national fled Croom in 'Geneva. read-
•!simPlY, bAVO the honor' to ask for „ 0fl,, SP,Alta • ' • -
• the hazel "of your Sister 'Zlent, inI Tbe. bitline‘fi comMunity -of GoOrieli
arriage." • - has :lost in. seteemed ineithet.-and' the
Xt. Was addreatkid t6' a 80aMan be town:: a good citizen , by the death• .41
toed fo he Serving vitit the Allied „Tolls N. Apart, which oreurred at
(continued on page .p) .'iloxandra Sompital on' • WfiltteMitY',
. veteran. 'of. the lasttwtit, is in tbenir
trfkiree- triter„-WarStationed"'lit---roff
Albert., 'This family record:is bel.ieved-
te-be unequalled 'in these parts, •
Anderson, Chelsea
Queheefflas.heen awarded 4 'certificate
PreffeleneY In radio, second class,
in.cordanee with the General Radio-
communication . Regulations (Revision
Of Cairo:1)38Y tinnered t�' -the
-Teleconininnielition Conven-
• tion of Aladrid,,1032.
. „
It041.0,4 .1$
A _
000%4 prizOtt $85.50
6110erirati'Veli Patterned
•PRE.O,ATP:07aiWn, :a,t _IE
001110 .ain.d iools pi:Nina.,
ac ston
• Furniture
Pte. He'riry George' Bradley, a the
Kent.Regiment, has returned to 'Van- ,
couver Xslancl„ B.C.,- after spending a
tpriougy.„ at the home of
2i1padits, Mr. add Mys.
ley,„, •• .
• .1‘,4fra.. Herb,-, Bridle ' and daughter
BOhradieriStiny.e.. av.e returned ,te, Lindsay
with MrsrBridle's. Mother, Mr.s. 1-,larrj;
atter 'sPending tvite----weeksi
irsGordon Caulfield „(nee Olive
tt) 3T33
arat ee't Y:7)) 3;11 after4es• 1 1.returned " • • ei: I I Int oe-g hert L. -84:77 days
ra .3r1)151.
Ioo, 0,,,..e.•
-invite you r,.. -.--.•,...at
"'''):"Sta-Cli of -
me ter
' attended to..
TER -1410* 41'
• 0. •
▪ mar' of -Mt. J. J; Zapfe)
esdaYs, and. Sa rdityti.
: • • • • • . • " • •
•'Does this appeal. touch
log Can spare.
Articles may •be left a
your heart?
• : A
Greece is, still doing., eviothing in its ,
PPtver to assist the Allieis,_but_the--siffering
,in that volultryid int#pde.. -141411101,1ar1Y: iliOng .
the -children, thOuSacods',of _Nth= are 51ying.
. froIxt' hanger Or from t cold:',„.flay. :after day
children Kand/in reWs in the rain; • sndtif,' '
.and sleet Waiting for 8 canal* to eat, few
of thelii;haie. any slicea "cii.stoefritigt,---an
many' are ,practically naked..": '
p" ; ,
Sifitso sWeiktgg;-shoe4.tutitierWea,
.411..AYpes of plothw Or, children,- blankets,
\ir, 00 slips; 010can Alteredor
Mende'd-to-Aelp-,40.--keeii-;,out the:told:
Thepommittee u Wiontreal,:reasked-that
ciothint slionld:. be ready •ttr,, wear' " before
being shipped but it was not possible te,
.anylocal orgalization necessary
altering and mending., .A tuMber of ladies
11ave-agreek',te-110- that
,..and.all we Warm:the, residentf4,4f,ttbift-,-.
and district is that they iill-leccui" have
,...any Shirts, *Suits, Sweaters, Coats, -.Scarfs,
• Stockings,- underwear, or any other clethin.g.
-that. can_ te.altered_or tiended4c_he1p
teat thes6 Ohildren.6f Greek Many of Wliona"
• havelost their varents. as well As' thOr homed.
We know it does. So please ,pend
tiny. clothing'
t lar. 'George
VV. 'Schaefer's store, a -The SignaLStar„