HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-01-13, Page 14Tx-solg XNAg. - - • onthinin eric Sigpal an e elle °DERMA, ONTA THURSDAY, ,„4„RY" 13th, 19 xan or N.urise 12nestion 0 liome befOre'`Othrety ; o `CiLlteXt Week :There IS a.,,;keen-le(Mtest PregreSS for the'"ifirdeaship.of Huron Conuty *1944,1' 'There are:. three 14 010 illAtt, Reeves ThoniaS WilSon, of Grey,. who , has been -eight -Years In Conileil, Fred 'Watson' liltauloY and It • Shaddick Of Homan, both or litvietgleVen •••••'ryears% experience. „Connell will begin its 'first session o1 the year next Tues.. • day afternoon; - ‘•• • 4 XIII, 1XAS Itati Toil= litT01( goped yoovinte•Operation key ;Thtlitary, has 1,iven wiliWkst month for the NIT,estern. Canada plour,A11.11S at its' Godericti branCh, owing, to , ceinbination unfpreseen.* drown,'" stanees„ • but the' lirni beginning' to seo daylight, It wasektated at the °Oleo, thiS,Mernitig.:.. The itour hu S 'been. cloSed ,tor ,eleven daYs, but it: is et- Peeted- be in oPeratiOn again , before the 'end Ot. the-Weelt, . by which, tine it is „hoped,. a. breakdown, in the steam; .power <plant wi.li""haie been repaired. - 0000, progress -has beei made • resb' 6rial Meets_at Clinton' •Ivilssioii. workers of f:PreebYteitul , ,•OlitirOh in Amal. • The liftir-eighth ' annual 'business meeting of ".1ittron. PresbYterial. Wo- , inen's MiSstonary 'Society .,,of the byterien Chnrelf:, fp:" ailit46-,'"Nittis: held ,n1 Clinton presbyter an church on, Tuesday, iannary lith, with morning , and afternoon sessions. Airs. jack of Seaforth Presbyterial president; * presided, ap.(1 delegates, were Present Some .time a.ga ReeVe_GRbert.Frayne u the 'from ' 'Aulahru; Clinton, Goderich, but .iria`abidefstood that lie• Irtal3 •fancti ;,c9a1 been burniu • Tbe .iliorang session, opened ...join .silecessful :aspiranta for the° .Wardeh. 117W a/OW(1.'000 one-third .of Ahe eelo, bY brayer and an instilling meSsage • -4-)t vad- anaaiMced big 1...canclidature*- Work- -of e/ting0,0414,g,te-,. Exeter, i'Hensalliand:Seaforth;'_,; . deeided not to cuter theitontegt. Roth nine 'weeks. A salvage. tompany,,,,troui. . -.Measrtii.,Watsoit and Wilson were un- St#46.; with -a 'fleet of .dinup, , trecks, the, "0* Glid, Of , f011owed bv .44 410-41MUMAR 70 L., 4.1174.10,13,424" Non., 04,41...ps •..".4411411ei,# *Federat Minister of Agrieuithre; has intimated. 0 - his intention of 'being present At the 'ITIPleilt btatieln-ellt0 outdoc., dinner tender'ed by the aaderiela • .011,0,t,cij1 24114tegaXdblir' klievator Co, to ‘.tb.e. niembers of the •, • Qtherg CO'ilatk" 0011,9411. and. othert.431eXt Tues- 00,1-4 day .--evning,illguela intereat -is being -1 • • - s taken in' the'bvent and &Urge; attend-; „Apan once is assured. • • ,. • oil royalty salesman, Who, Atts been , Ainong those . who will he present inaking, ha home in aOlintori; :was alio afternoon Coilvioted. under the Defence. of , Canada.' Regulations - statements liable, to Cause disaffection among His Majesty's forces, and °Watt sentenced by-. Magistrate' MakinS to three montb,s.in jail with bard labor. ininmeu.lately dressed and • gilb/' tengue„. pleaded, .not "guilty to .the charge, 4,, untaber- of Force p,M,.i.ottleers• who were living at the< enzie-liciusowat Ciintan,:asowas gave. evidence ;for' the... Crown Pilot Ofileer -MacCurilier, stationed at -Clin- ton Itadio ,School,,,Stated that 130 bad frequengY, • beard 'Price; • attael4 the United" Nationfrand -urge lt,'revehitie,ns. -11"eiliad.-sairl-2that,=,04uteibill.and Reese- velt, shouhr-be-diSemboweled. and Iing George sirot after the wart :4.4,;, -the. 'saute time 'he -had. praised Russia, particularly Stalin, and advocated the • • • ••••••• o,row Jail Sentence for — Subversive Talk are 14. E. Cardiff, Taylor, and W. lianria, Vrk- fortiMately II ;* Gelding, u.r. for Ilurou.Perth, will be unable to attend -owing to prior engagement; ship: two., years ,040, Nolen .000, - rni.-.--• titheparkingTot of the bathing,betich. Xi:M*3'0.0k. basedo on t4 words '-e-rt'er- strong.was, selected:, lir. Watson ifra an- This has provided. fil)40e-..- -on .' the getting . thee() Alunga.thatt are .behlrid, ex-prealdent; of Ole" County Federation Western Canada ProPerty, to - ,apread. and- r,eaehings forth unto the things of Agrieulture'luld lierhaPS: Is better over and",,riiiiilithe "hurtling 'coal, good- that :are- before." Siteurgedthat..00.0b, '-known-than-Mr. 'Wilson, but Ini,argilag it withwater. • This will be coo.;• ineull*r•Should igedge-herself' to Whele- ..meat, being: advanced In... Igo. Wilson's tinned -until< the :fire isv.a,'.-conipletely. hearted service for the Master in the -4-',betialf .,is- that '-tife,. northern7"pait of ,tinguiSlied, ' Less;.sinblre4<and gaff are CRiii44., Year.... „', "774'7 the eatuity-has-net bad a Warden. for now :cording, frovk the fire am Noi---.ubig „• Mrs; Jack spoke of tbe loss' sustained - D h vietottow son (I het: Char, Trio Sentenced for :Settine Pire •- to Ian- and Other Offence* of 'setting- fire to the County* Jail On December 27th„ Floyd McCullough was -this afternoon sent. caged: to tWo and yearS in • • by the Presbytenal ecem ex W. en Russian system. • v, • • imilar • testbnoui-Vvhs ..bY Branden, • wge. of, a ',Squadron leader,Plight Lieut: Steughton, Augua 14 'Morrison-, manager., Of the Clinton Itnitting Co., Fae Yolles wife. -0t an Air Foree• cater -W - '.0ernitto 0101/ liti.14,0. HAW FT ?ammo. or YEAR first. meeting for the ye4tf • ot ate- W.X-S. of Xertit 'fitroet ;United • eitureh was held on Monday afternoon, „ with a _gOod attendance, The presi- dent, Airs, C. M. Robertson, took thaw, of; tbe opening,,exereises, after will -eh Bev-- Turnbull conducted the- fit. stallation of officers of• UK. The secreta*.and, tfeasilrer,theu gave their reports, after whipli ;the annual:reports o th.0' different° 'departments (t tite Society were heard. ' , :The amount of 16:Wu raised by the W.U.S. +luring the past year was $4fit3.- 52. Twelve monthly 'meeting& were herd, with au average. attendance of. twenty-four, members. There are twOlts-nine lite -and twenty-pine-atank. 4i, Members. Seine are .01rut-ins, which makes, the nuMber--of members able to attend about forty.' - -The - seem -Wry also reported...kW new utembers„and. one new lif The report from -the'llaby nd ,ihat there are forty-1We niembere77twenty-two And on motion:- the text of the addresa ,argi-tyrefortimie rrout, .was tile table for future CM*- , Cra!ailn•Attora,Y nigeles TOwil Ina st,tra.,ApiMadr T01/41 °Outwit at,1044 Met. m"SoutlaY ''wernirig and the -minimize, " after- ,taking 'their °Atha of 0 tranwieted. the wind bilialnektO 'et tha, inaugural meeting,. - tAnintit ' Crown Attorney D. Uolnyea ottietate4 in the sweflring t' and the e'ouncilLwas cOil as follows: • 'Mayor -U. 1.0. Thrner, ILeeve-L-Tir...J".: Maker, . Deputy Iteeve--P., D. ',Loney. Couniii1ors-G. 0. 'Macklwan, R. 0. -Sanderson, Ale*, Butler, Hue Stint,,,p4evett and E.- D. ;Drovin. • The " Mayor addressed. the Countlii (ea -Pliblished 'on, page 3. of this isaln4) cominunity friendeldp comra ninety-six 041,1$ on sick and, shut - 'were reported. • • ".- -The literature tileeretary reported. the .„ sale of seven blue VilookS,.. The.teinper. ee salerat , The CroWn Attorney was invited 44 address the Connell and did: So briefbut interesting remarkS; 'lie called :that he land been .mexaber * • Portsmouth Penitentiary, On tyfo. other • in r rice bad been 'given 'Iat roar ot 1.110.Volinea tor screral yeara, beginning. ance report was that items con,ern g iTt • tic ti hborhood- - • te pe 7.1.quite-a•- considerable time.; conditions, e en re ne g , e t 1r Torrance, v The, year '1016 saW tile last gineer •• of .• the plant,- for ,neatly. eve bedii, ail his,Pir_a_tinnft0i a11:„17h_04' es voi vim.: ..ahil......te.... ptiiiii_c In., earreft- lerYti, ' '1 ' • called. to higher service, , Ilerlife bad ivicCullouglt was given -aimilar terfaS,Iwo Ineettnas .daring..,,,,the 'year.*. The in. 19224. 40a, ligad . that., he had evw It ,,is tift$ •ycarkes*qe,-$ttiiii.q,-toWn- have` iniproved. - .. , 0' eeer tarY, rs. ' ier 0 , e argeart ose-,4 - lug on ;tittering, , ship .had a . Warden. . lie., was ?Olin ' J. T. Onlith, 7bo 1101(.1Seen'''ehtet en-:4issionary: Monthly ,,secretary reported, since _*,;,„.:.alutained. a elose'intereat * thusiasprin all- missionary, work .11ap- anything, to do with"ietting .fire, to his Pontaet ,frWitli ' .her, and, Jorer_ .en pie, . :r1. .; ...he •a,euseu luau denied' niTying-had. -owe. A. letter , was then read by ':the -401 cOneils---nriginatint in -the.tOwily thirty-five subscriberS ter this maga- municipal- affairs He held that MUni- , from, -Grey,' Ri.--, W'''..2TIviugStarte. Ii_en-! Years,`,1-has resigned and hits • been re- in Petty ,In.1020. .,' : • ',' --- 'arrival:--ber' wits strieltere "with •actute „ , ' tin 10king back -over 1,04k,t sod 13.? •De "! It'''"'"0-'''' , -, It came Out that violent: attacks'Were ' • '4, • ....., th-,..„?. ProPrietor ' of the hotel,- end alters Ill131-11ell't "cell- eePirl• ma. 11.1 emPbasizillg .rnee),,,.th3-gs et eldeit, twt• ' e-_, Vere°' -ti* WO .114 . , ' the uuties of the exectitive_gemmittee: of Orkemocratie governinent; ' and utem- Sall's '•Tiidst-reeent-- wardens •were the ilhice4, lay..-, M. , M. 'cable Otd,TerontEt.:. . ltite OWL* 'iGeiger„.. 1011, .and *-9.,_ liowever, 4.11O daY' 'alter ,Mr„-- *oblWs VOil a, JO- tii' herself' and .41.t. those ceilit bioedk, .buint;tidmait.,ted,d7itsh.,.ssiii associaterwitb her _,.....' . -• -- , 2 It' •Is the 1, Conservatives', ::., tu.ra . 'to .aptiendicitis ,and ' removed. -to AleXittalre. v s,c4f .1,, .. t. „we can er,,maxs. chi d.14 ee inut 00, Lorne Revere an Aligns made, 6y 1,. . , .6±t 0 Louis 4111, ot , . m304: win., f$traorm took. the:Cha is .should;uot. COnsider their aline- '".17--&-Oble-ah-e•---Witr-trallfieyear.--,:'-,'-','11"- Hospital -Wile ' , , , ,.;..• re-•ft:-.--4411e0e , II •woriervi- am __...-;., - J ' - "• 4 rgradtau , both 'of -whom .B.eaded guill,tr - xlee 9 • " - '',)In ' the .devotiOnai , P'eriod, - in ' t 4: 'an, unimportant . ones-'-'ile 010144 .„„Que,or the :meg iniportiturliaestio . ,was-'7--lantormett-.7-.:,-Manager. .,Menzle that:lw-e- might Afave., - cdre-geireV;\---71* II- t ars- kitrIliglei.-11-fieliVaS:Se-ii7teireed.' .:,111 r cr_!(grigfr Irart: e- ,, • tbe. 'sbaOle' af' a •hyinia-,th-0 $ -rip u e en, non,partisan ,Iines as were Ititaii. ..4 .absenc,e4.441iSW--Addie44nlcfli-sscvs;-At.ter• 7444.4.teur-Earlianienta-Were-toudttete&L- e t i • • . - . - . ' tO .Come, before gennoil at -the-ceining viaolias<been ital 4 ' ' ' ' th ' the coming Year May we strive more ° • ,., ,. • . , , ows-new on e • •_ 4.- • to nine' 'months , definite, - and' :three earnestly to ' do's the''Ottilrthat lies 'in- nth i d t Minot .4 lin Ont • •• sessien is, -the_ProPesal tor the aliPoint4 1011. again, se are' •Inank - einploYees being_ a' : Commtiniat be had replied, ' - --• --- ' • - ,SQhoca4r:;swun.,:,:,,4 vritten 'IM.ve rfy 1141TeZp.,14-!,1b.- ce,,,i, - an . expenditure et "fi°14; Al° Q00. to Getiorich erreceut weeks. ' There also 4,-,'•,',T41•10r-,- -sh-Oriiit--that,---ther,-e„. '-i-i't_r 0t5s1Boistiteri.ix.d.Ltplt ;alit ..._-• uoli... . ,.. „ abeut His 1 ajeetY,. Oat added • that* Wabl.:1:.,•?te:dv, iiii,,icini ,and,*„rderagatery. StatOienta 'pi.ay eiliy-Mrs-0-0...Barkexciw ' Was,h1.1- - . Iit .1xis evvu 'd ense .r., ce, . ell. e , retj,iiesth ',..bi',' quite 'a-i,..miniber 7.0f ee- ' .. Qatte-#4nund4Ot a ffici hi" Trout- the et ell; lefiaert...the- wraty orPlailee.": mel,e'-'-'d _.'0 -tie, to tbuif -pair 'lot._ breaking, itt ,n*.tikit the -ntanlan-plat:wipis -pulY.'a• preventing• unloadmg.,:-- ,,,In...•fitct,-",it has 07,Ancil's• aililiarY, ',$1;,2,0e0 la, -Year:4 arid nlauy eotinelllorS. &as beenSOme flooding ok th0-eleVatdri etelre: fir: bandseilnati•rri•.:14.12s'4-slilleb.o.,...;:r.i..9slgr:.,e. o' 4: , , ... .. „ th4!•. iticreriticize• stateSinen and- -politiciana : of, :vvas.'"r66-4/ ht ''.1"4-''-'Stradlilzh- -the-. 0.-st-',g410A0_ to,vn ,01.014.0 . _, .scpilenno: geIltwhyti ja" tugtoos crim u luider-ottr-1 va--he.-1401 everY;right-te." . Whieli Miss Vt'Orthy• spOlte.:On7 r.iOrtious is ..side....4...t.,,,,TOrento...-Afr.•' Ititoxv. ho,. soond ...ehapters ,:,o saik ,had : a '''reMarkitbly .,clethar • Mfai.(%,;•, "'''.._ ._.., ---,--*--ti-etier hr -the toio,ty.-.---It'yvcruld- involve oiapalivivoidee.in.:Tarc'ontoniuiv .v.i!ited: -The annual report7was readASY.;Aira'. entering and theft at more thin:la-spere ' taatter WAS ' iieferredt•,:te the Warden ears in. priscal;, was - the., be Illtta-e: tiferene"t6 'Iva.3 - ;:iYo'lue(itil:nti..-1..e7Site 11 d'alci:Itteev.°11:41914 'a' ' tile.' 41* "it '- •istart, 'Th*:',Ar, the Novenber. 2 4eSgiOrp the been . 4.`ihSt *Ole - -t)*g? aft 7...1,1.,.. „ 0,theed: w-r.aining,,,, i . ,_._. .., .„, ..,,,,.„. „. , .. . , tibils-, against -him., and vihp-litit . id 4-14.,,,,I•Cf,,1e,F1 the sttaly, boolg orav:A.11-,Of "406.1 - : , he knew,. 040,inleiblitl. , business- Oro _ 'lee: for- -ft. 'report , .in • .44anr4ut.144-• .:tatthe,o2tftlIA-"iii*O19.11.146:'iirtPCL1711i ''''9•Iiiirw,etrmr'ef3 T'sV..0.- ee011-tive,.• l'ileethig.0 were' held,.' - a in. plotter.:Ofi-thelirsou etprobt:,.. ',•, i-, i, • , _ be..31:: '777. '''' ' Aftei, ,:the%•silighlg 'O'cii.- hVil.31, 'Ilt' IT; Lal*149w:'..4•003** was a lgreP•t 40-$8'. T4 .- Ete MOtituatt,n as a.' pl,aYb„oY of tri:_inaa 0 --.6„ • .141)ertoott disraiss,ed..:. the 47 -town,: lie -.,,icrished--',0new,- Cle , I t d top w tfie .ex,am .s n e er . e itn.ten ario les and anci. nna, tretit_l of Inessen2, itstel\--eetalepaser' .xtohlienit-81319,gareiniad mcnt inent.0fii..fOlir public health 'inirses whb Were taken -down, -With he -fere -- P reformatery. r -Sim ar, ces,_were , • et r d u..d • _Ad - 'eh t of - • ; • told Trudeau and De, each /law d • ;during the yew, - and the fall rally -aee..es9t- _ , txd. ,ed ,d,„.2.700„baxrets.„ , d th S comnaittee has dire e e .0g0r.0. • There ho indication as-to.thenatilre, • repOrt -of the annual Provincialdiscovered the..Are hatinie to ave in Passing sentence Magistrate I - 'two -nieetingsi one. 'of theni;,Yesterdit.y.: t ;was hel n y 1, ss-, siXteen, what to do:-",, • ' Price litt-eltile• was orn ,-of • Toronto'.aS 'gues,t speaker. , In his evidenee• Turiik4" jack. Jerr • • . # „ 2 Referring ARA. -o the jirdbleins• tbz4- ;Quinn, *-on -firriough:-..• _ _ _ ALVS Eve wrier ,a'n, Argument,, 1.1(1 3111 k tree -7" • • -the hotel In 'op lung. ' -arrested-0w Teti; la: 4:::gbtis' meeting W'...6auclidlina041110,geo' vii't1311r0-thwen"expell:Ismseldli„ the-Top:fez --its.--oresented-1.--dees-„,41 There been,sonle'criticisin_.that given _ ,§eVer4ete '141)tedO intmatshhe. bud,;fa:tidgt-ha-:e .1Ingl,a11114 °EN1±.7,1t-Alli,Ixtuti p. spe_akers -duriag therx•Yileiaraia, -teltotia_vok3eicl. , • '1 yitiTa.s.O*AtotiltAmot tri.Z.11AMTVTOX THISTLES „ . • gly:(14Y14...nd. d4*ot-„this elt. at 14ondon....PlaY.,..... report that W.1,11'...bsebiought d0:51.in next :week' ,to ,said'. accused. was a disgraCe 'Meeting Was , d eltaefl • eXpresse s ho ASSOOlAirig w4a' '3ithat' the Council tWOOla an u „ „ bus New Ycais _Provi.de-, follow-up 1ViteLeiniaii- of 'Toronto- aa • _ Canada froil 'thoreii.gh e . iely and res by with tnese lila to deal adequately' „ , by Mrs. Jack, and raa ,•• .„ - denoimc • other _guest -de,. a 'prey -ions but ,unsucces.sful fiat governme lt coated Add S' tte cameivithin the tie14. r nsa rs *they -ti . action, , For Matance-,--&-feetSitroltext- 3, Curling ,Caubt,, proved,, that-he7-ig t only au. e'!ithusiaStic r. but It gond too. , • Manitou MacLean o ng a et .. X411.*sTs,- • MEEK CHAPTER, 4 lopy., :Tlie--evidence:-Silriytl hovire §.8'3e1*-, preelatio-f,thr'S d- th ' Er-• . • .31 _"[ :et . • - that occasion -.be: •-lia0."-: been ' -terided_NeWl. 004. •gree#11.01,:furstillg. A.lretA Of 'thanktt *as. tendet-'4• to , ki lien,. the Preai Mrs'? or the pro•ka, AtturneyIe remarks, ..itudk, .--Orted auirses-• eteshes" JtreirsjantanzebYterial ilIa.wsiikith.naetisa'14,114 A-inneek. held 1„ ,r 'found, in•.children and may.. be, so xe. th RAY -4 * Webster of •Tortatte ,acIclreirel all e Friday afternbon: In -preparatioa - or - vidithe , y -meeting _at .Alitcicay, -Ilano _ , 111 . aUUb bout it. -- old Curling,••;.ri e •-4 • —. 7-"6•07141753:17'- ofe-tlie cerrectiNv--meitaures • - • brford.„0-t--nal, ‘,50(1•• one- bf,4 7„-vtioke . ociensien• `,ce sd - . The - meetihgs` Were-1,1aoth • .„.t, 4- f fh• - • wo 4401i , . ma Ions were receive. e , o eer4 fi • . Batman Betietruaan,, tWenty-tvid be a 'great' oonvenience for the nurse itnesSr.-.•-04$ -equipment if(); -t - -• 10 • " .4TansOlatiert. eresting -and; pro ta Anti elped ot.tte coming -yor. . .14 Dublin district, -,was sentenced lid, teac ers resporise-:to...an r j941 Maier," the eev`e,-filt clind.ren. werefroported- -have. -Mr. Mason n won „ e. , cQ was vOted • • ill. the - etiSeS, of '00 Was- .0:tim The Poderieh.man Vent: .quatatioi Trott 40 400 :$#---y.f.g L41101114 ..tous,et :or ;-"Iwth:nt:or.escig: 4471I •Itmd it:th fre.P. the 1;"31." Utec''4.1141''.°"11 I's' '33 QV°. * itd •43z&ritlental .Stittien 'Women, la the serv,ice.s.. ,et, ..._iire.re,...4001.4041-...., a ,49,04attve tot, , Inc health in th dePartments--- fir ,Tiquilat., 1311,11.34, opftered-tO kePert' • ft4.0.1.-,'f.0---b°aks ter 1-lnem- all*` • • S'culen41044,a laSt Yeaf.0.,400' " s',""l•-' but frnin, the "famous Hamilton 7Thistles. to . ,pronir„ o,te'helOser, A ',tett -.61"1113-ellil • 'Ag.ttin'iketti butonly slightz wasifintinated-freni the 8(1°:childrelt lcf°e.."*1 13131e1'..with°11t- PYacWe l)t)ert.1;::;td•thase.'sltuglel.°-7,1111!;'4.'`..‘ee,;Vfi.7,1.47;"41•' re,r4d-' Titu'le.'1.1-44.--6"Pit0e'sd,sibil),er'i).tdEtteetiP°44 t°inramea ..•ottorke'lleaalrak.P. Elf„olv-re.refonnscrelrivtiovviii°6bunietita' rsa, ytielg.!_•.:tTliheelysttibilrirtight6144n).„ttteesli.e: ..follImingr:,°4.',- ''. - 4v;,,,200 'defecticveetv''' ed. Fiental treatment,, even-ts; but ,iniproked,:as. he went alon • • itteinliers-Of the. and came,.through_ itrogh o • , • --I, -• • * • - • or w . • t - . • - • / g• up n' for so mueli-war work ;that .we can'tvgye-to .cliurcn wora.* ,E-eatali • Mrs; ---D. 1,4aTte; A)t '°* i+eport. • witik rt. Bak supply oil hand,, • -- • t • li*eh he liat3 so -far-refused to. znittee. • Clayton tl , , s ate- which •was pted. • • 4eelared that tli%* shoul-d. not habben. vietories„„:_and the -prizes alwaY$ given l6:•••,tlie.I.i0X(1' *var. so,rdee,"eemplit$e,' read 1:etterkt-re-, , • ' Sirdson---haCtot t given t • str •v• to inake . . An,tus Seleative Service. • • 13rOWE - work what .Nv'e ar _ *09 ....g,k Pg.,- ,..- oeived• from', seri -mren-,---t•.111 Irs..selli.ta- •1'' officer; "said 'tita.' t generynan, griven • th0. ,111tS, ,A. 13•.alrittr.- spot 0 ,on the, titAeet „, 0,., ,‘4,,,,,,,,. ,,.,..._ , ,, ,4, acknowledging .grrts, of .truit at • untist- pritileges, of a eonseikitioUs objector, 4,‘Beginnings..". Slie.,said ,thak.it.Vve are - 'ull'iy-LP"-`4, ' ' . ' . intisf .,. Thet,_ -following volunteered 'pt tf.'!"•(liad-refused -to abide"by: them, Solidi)* •teIM.ve, good-freitizenicit is Alp to the', POne ilite,rk-,rw=-'3'1' BalPer's gelP 4 :tlie,',..,Z*4egi•an: hillge : '1V4ts•-'..-f'‘''-'''' •baek :•:tke, order,i•to.,:report to. Chalk Mothers now ;...that theshouldtake as 1,11t.131.1s, D: IC .11°0'10,, '43N.-:. La.ughlin, 'Jars. W. • G., Afitc•XWati,-„Mrs.. . River, along.,,,with,:_the „railway ticket -their • niotto the •\,first,,, tour; words, of 77,4 XV7,411`rri.D..,.13rOwn:, E. , •,,,ty, -. ,,-)3.to_vite,,, .and Mrs:. IV, , 'X.' ,..v.,_._-ift-;-34itr,-_,I0ii •_soteetive \-$ervice,_ tlie.'-ffible. - '1.xt• lhebegtehing, - Giod,,,,, peciat.--It. ei,:. Sanderson, .t.' A *.Oiiiil: , , Offieer, • gave ;-evidenae : 'that accused"s And 'bui1114 their 'erveryditY- lives, 'their-. GMitet WinAle.,-4Bittler4:,...- '' • ' . Hodge: Mrs,: .'1.1ttile.' • also nunounced , lather hitd • refeSed, to , pay "the settle; ,deallugs, with,: the#:.gbililien; on 7 We kriq7Vett777':77-- s$45 '4 inonth-,'and* that the son -had- te; thoughtv that God is With, thein, hearing...Venietectr,.. and :Parli..4H-::, Li0.1*a 'fug:ea-to Nvoth 011 'author fliiron'!coanti itd--- seeinga11.41.1ey-say•_ atul.,41.&:' The. .0. ,D• Moon4 ,a...._ E. -..11uckins, farlki-4..t.h.!4t,;"*III:PaY, 110k :44,Y0141diild g0 p'egirdiivg-§' they . give:their children do ,-i` Pre:vet tivAleor,:1,:liutleid ..,- ‘, '.• to a camp.-- ' !. .. •.' - ; ' .._,T ..-,.....-•. •.„,•,„,• 'catint,..andlliek.s.11,4:111d7Abt-X4it'V''grVO -Watelk_14:ght and, Harbor -J. ii . Beuerinart7ltireseif .,F;ald fi47'w*,, fa thein, things I•tii-'-'do In the home, boys inS; 0...011••...IliaCE,Wati,.-W„;,.4.13aker,-:. E. training as a miniSter of: ''',Telf0V1-ili'.S a's4,i'`ivit'hs giris. The ., work and:. the ' I). Riown, :11.'0. Sa.nderso'n, ' - -- . 'Witnesses." ',He .read ki,, lengthy &e. pleastires of tlie • horae -01,46.0` id,. Wong' *Fir_ 0---''' S. 11. .'Prevett,•'114' ''0,;.!'' 4an' tlersou,. 'pared • statement, -quoting- freauent10. le the' tdlildten 'its Well. as, to the'„udul .,-.),,,, p. :iliwit4i,01 ,D..,D., 1.0„,,,,re;,,,,i, Aioi.z„..., mroEclamtf4,11.,ileRibst1114,tbh:plipap(oirtbel6iins ,Ilteastar ,thrnicelp,t,dli:siisolimOeu,l.d,33,b4fitil;ext.9.t.tbrreingnptti.,1!.0., i ,,,Ibti. 134;siitreit-a;t,, ...,417.e_x_1,' :in14-.00.di.,..,'',,.s:,•;,, :re -;,,,,......;.4,,, ..liated to Nerve- hmitanit-Y, ',Xtot to. blel a 11°111. 0 ,tlie-,•,. an.d., when awitY . • .e.tti• it.„ ,.0 ,.sandeirb. ii W:. .3., 4kakei _ , liMere' * ' -' • . ,. • : •.* ,.." ..• ,-,.% froth Roane there As .notiting a Mother ...0,:_, 4. •, -, , , _., of ' !getting, a ., cin• -log. • rink started.,,in - 114:4136,412*.:pwr.gpi..041E7 ...G0.0each. , ,--, , -,_ impienients' of • war, • . and to ,trp1.4„ our , , ' ,.. .-. • .!..:...„.....4....i.... • ,:l.. „„, •„,,-- ,, •,.., ..,, A --i-. "yr ' li'v7'. ,....4 ,....r. been a Arai..',--IVe,...'n&d tO".,praY.,:e'.0.knelict:- boys to'uSe•thei*.there .inight:Inot,hiave' . _rftteoutaged: by.,,;.Yrear'g ',AChiettement4-;- ,Skli..TF,.u.m.u......Sulilttx.x-..Suriau-ki ..1 • • that we may do 'oar; pa.# .. ie. . vati:', The ,,Mar-garet,"'kettook,--ona .„og,--• 'sk„ ,e i aiiiinal- ineetiug ' of ,•- the •• 8altford: '• --•• -Ittich 7 -work has -be.en doile,,,,:ddii1," _ • _ . 77'..-77-77-:,,----,''..',--.---;•-••-•, • ' ' the: world „for Christ., . ... 4 . ,. . _ •" - -- '' .- • . Offieers for 1911 •• • ./....''''' ...•George's.:.`chur'eh' held_ its liulnual. meet,- p nd)lh_illay,„,ff:,,,iiisehe,,o,,,,ii„,;81.01**travas:0,hoiii,e1;_4,•::lo,,,),.iir-Jftaon:•aztir.4. :„,0-Y-te'laieri,:..nriiii.ma'.4csiti,l,.,f,13.t.3)_Cloililste.,an•id.,•sfellteg§atin•'.,,,,,•',.; tka: t...,..- .the, ..-7.11,:A,F.-... carol•-, singers -.lied, ProSs' rooms,''.' Tile- autiiiai,. report; • •„_:.,.. "reguittr" session of the setta'd,r4-as-tod:;,-, have--',: -been,' :'contributeii., ' fOg,. 'military .,‘,...A. ,,iis.,,6r.._. .;.. . '•''' •• 4- ...----'''' taliciei,..t114, :'aiisoreei4'.' of tile TeeniiIiittee, it a. the haSplial .-arpi several, int, 0a.,-TharidaAr`c!, -January, .0,...' ixt..!tite ,gav tiip,--;pionibef.s..- ii,--. -snininiti;.y.,•.....et „„„ Li,. talitletl', the ,, '7,1rAilii-lass, .. of tile , - Previoue •-eaiplitr. .. The 1o11013 _,Itncl_ tlie;..sielt ',have, -"'"'"' .. „.,n, _ an. ,n. . . , _ , . •*,,,„•,•i"-‘,4ns .reild'.40 'a-dOPtect...- • "-"•';•.' ' '.•-- ''''tieell visited- and 'elieeged,:ork_ Aip0, _J*47, ..s.i.-ek 'a,n4 ,,sia.ut•fil-c.. itize.ns; be.Sideis'., sling: garolA,..dt the 'Service Club , n :".1%, reftt.t..th: . the. .;..seeretury; ,`_'.-gis.;,-,sieNe.e, ,._,,, --Yerf -gl'a' . tifY - ''''-1:f ""` Ag- :4. 4.1.' * ''' ' Oil ' ' %eeretatlYIS:.. ''' rePert -.- for ....1.1)43' and e,acir- deed.'•of kindness , deney.,941.11,- lc ,..11,14,11.,011.,,obiletnias tief, A letter was:re.ad Toni 'bit.,-44.9110I-R',:.showed- ' that SiindaY s( 11001 held bring its -. Ovv,ii. reviard„:•-.., ... ,*., .-; , - acknowledging. the,. Club's. ,contrilintion- ,-, On-'.fott:y',IindEtys,d:vr.ilii'the7teitk,,._ and ''. 'The report,„„closf (I :with. these. words...!, ., • • ' . • . -, .. . .. . :„,- '1'. '''.: T. - rS. ...V.- -1t.:-.',-Iteilditt, . educational -sec tory, reported, that au .1..u.ing,E, to. the 'Algoma Memorial Fluid,. and;:the the total number on ' the,roll Was, 83. "Last .,y6dr. :Your •SeeretarY_110.Sid,!.'.fier, Iv, cale dor had been placed.in eitelf rooni. :. the,. ehlikew•T•fornife ;,.e.-7Another,-,:letter, ii,11,ei.'lltr.,iest. at,tend'at0e, 'ta, - WAS on, repertii,,,iViAx', the ' woi,4•;,`,0.nsitid.'., '. 14 titu,' ' rind ,, the ,•. ilyer age, ,attendance feel . th4..c•it .slie ..).3704).:0..ple'seiii.e.,. today . 7 '' of ,the piiblic and."•separate ,§.04001.% -aitur ., amount ,centribnyted;,for.f.the-7-repai'r ,„,o,f waSqen.d -frem''.,kicl4iShoti,-;,'Seag.e.ii-ift-,t0r.., 'the • .-,-6-.Liii:1: vi".,6,k. A5.- '• Ta".tal: 'Utlin.bei, She, .•,,iyoutd- Say: ith.-...e '":Itii,:°)1**'''''.! 'ecaiittiOttei.-to-'-trie-Natietial ..geographic .441!. ate' :6011eit4te--Ii1§tifitter;taid that Sub-, ,.gratulatitig,- 'iiiin74,1:.lii!,-.. 110\V 41P1 I *bora -:Were'•--several,gaest. sPeakerat, , troni:nini-Av110 studirili4Atill-ne-ver-le„. v . . .. ;i1!.1e 1. - - • •• , . • i . "-during -the 'yOiir;--46, :among inte 1044,With tiae...strengtb..- .,.. at_coi.ii,s Magazine had Aieen ordered' for each . • ,--reply..„-to:that_,..sentL by , the •ci.ub. e9117 • . • ..111ellt•:'_ -.•37, ,'',',';',:.," ,. ,,, ,_._,....„4., veral' Ifirliire....S,,,,.)naved::*.,fitom, •Sa.ft.. thee.nor -, forsake :t,ti.ep!„.,,..,, , , .The group i,s 1,, 1111 piannmg. xo,., ,11.1b ,-!erd -4.1•04ner .01.4';'Year.,••:,4hich...-,catised. n, Reports „,„-if‹.the.. ilePartments• NN ere- , GoDkRICII MUSIC %CUM. , • everY,secoad week. to carry On th R #1. ;• i• -': ..e.,•Ciecrease_-iii' thesattendance..- ',. ' :. then re'ad.;.• .• Ilia.' Ih.'-,T. 'tan.e,..of • gode4 iThe Goderieh %Iquste •(:)lif,/' ,hOld itS ; Tiln IneniDer$, .6f ' 'the • ein.4.'*:sinereir ,L.,,.Aa.,,,. SI2le,rndid.....,,.. Chrlstutits '-edneert • .s, was,,rich-,, 'Mission-LI:laud, secrete...y.4 reported ,regular niee,titig -iii, ,.:Afttett ay Hall % of . Orosa work., . ‘'...•,,,,:.-•'• : ' . , , •,-' . :".alMfeeitite: the .e*t011eat... work 'Idelie bY-, .nelli °Li."ece-Liii)er 97,itud there' Was a ,SPlendidtiVerk d4ne.bY alt. the 'leaders. ,:iiiblid•ai... •• is f(;)1,),).: Atle1.0,.)(i.).t:,gyl'illeg,:cil, „Throughout : the ,'S'eFfirs ..s110'710!": Itee* ,i:,i,"ei.,;'":f29,"7u.,Y,,e7r'.8_..".c.P0, it:: (i.r..„,...!.9-13. ...-.L.-:_•164.ta. ii__pefeSs.',4.ensi'thetti:.4'67.1'.. j'en_tgbrii.ers'til4i.nii:s:i..p,-71-%,1:.,.. -'1)1..,,,,..11(1_,,,....-.84,„ 7.7.11`-'':fa:•11,s,l'oi•41.seers. --1°Iif14iii, „it.'"hioil:teldfir's.elaranr,„,e tiliVIlid.S:vigi11 lriiirai diy,i,,, good; . ettelidance„.,. _ ', • : ' ,, „ ,,,, ... , , Two, groups disbanded tor,: ladk- 0 r,iitiltui ' as •nresident..ler 1043...f . ii, .e„ ; #14),,e oiSjectiv,es.'.„ That' ,the ' eitjh '•-w, ‘ts•._ „:11?bire.(1;si6orlesitir.•:.,e.',.,-.‘,--,"'-,..:*;,,',":-.•.:.:::_$.....:.:r2iq9 '0°20., Iltilli'.0'sr. e.3„o,,'b.t'eie.11tilb.14,f..inPi:si'.:*ennea'rhll•h9n.rePsu:. • (1:11‘,.rtgeni... ,,D4 en' '1,1.1d,*-'(),,i'v".T1,1,e'._;'",,Lite. - and -7: Songsik,,et• Y,' 7,..., -.Stephen .1()ster. At. the .conclation ,a, ...in Suggesting a Wic,le..a,itriety .,of NVPr.t11,''.',_,'"k , k' '''''''''• . -, • •. •.. .„ .abie-,tipfetti(ll4iEtici;;64.0tioti,attsBe74hrePsflitta-,eiwnti,$: 0`,...--t(itti,.td•frenr..4. .042...,,,•,,;,;..,,,,,,,,,.„.,,,,,,, :',,...„,i7v, II I.:bers; Were - AlFgP,A..to hell) dug:. :elleOtir age - bbsiness • nleettri"g, ‚41 1-. , iiel4 ,tinty , a- lit; no.2....sn,)7(-11-. Part . P , . . . _ ,... Bitok, interess ,;,-.1,..,....•:..... * ...„,... . ..-: - •., .4,2, 'thoe.,..,'vx:rIes:11;_d_ke,r,,Spyilli'f.,aelttiN,,,,i4):0.`gtite:14....413'.2,"..0.`•;." ;'Si'unoseiii:18ihilitift,;;3h,iiiiteiritislijitie.iii.et., r. :I; 'RI:0111Zr, : in. e et•• ericoliraging ,and".00406stic guidance. , .. , , ,, , _, ,, , ,,‘._,:,,.„,,,,,,,,,„.„,.., ‘,„ „forward 'to ', another successful •*.year„..,•-n*pelaataesIL...,,..,•:...T,...i,_.; . ..i.,•,•:.*;,,,,...,...,_•,.,•_;••,,,.1.1$ 1,2' 3,5 pOrted.--orre'46ting sydnen'S. ,ati%illary;- ...*„.._ . . . ,, . _ , ,.., ,,,, -- alid ,feltr, groups Of C'unadian*Cirls. in..itts fitoe4;.bai,:iiig .14,,,,441: 41, 1.,n,,,aiiiii •,,eor %lie' igat,garec'sbager4.- 3311 looking .• , ., . ' h the 'following executive for lt"''t•-•:' elPS, Bible.. ,rort,...,0 ' Training, . a: nosy ..gil)up.,::_htlYillig ix 111 tycliti, • 33 111 .., • ..****" 1 ' , , '•-•''Til':re.S.-4.1It4IP.''-ltliit41..itg.jel.;.,:1114611::e43tra4r;y.,trls,elilitEt:.reJ,r:',, *:-..tIti)ini°' '371. ' ' ' 's 2r 6 41/1l-ned -ill' ' gqilier•i°11 ill 'S.Cpternb6r' .. ..Alie -Pre?-ifdeet 'CAndtieted •"a, dii,;cn •ISTortherti. .MessengerS, „;,,.;.;...:..*' ' IV PO '*Olefiklid, 'Wort 'IA *.-1101n.e41611e .13Y ''. tl'..1.0ti:',.0b.,, ilkii6ut4 . a*Niet,4' 01 1114 .wer ,.. e.cs ..A,.;,...,...4.,,,,,,,,,t.i.,..1.,.............,......, , - a 7 . 11; '•NieNee; PreSs'.secretaryAlias, -1Viii... Clitistinas. ,,,eir,Penseis .• •••'-;..41..--.‘ 12,1i leaders in all these.,,,-organiatiolis.;.. • , ,,,/n4. 'Many. helpful,. -t. iggestiOnS were itifrOd - Nettleton ,. - . • ' ---.-• -'io Rible OocietY • ' . :-, ' : 20 . 00 . • The (1 id Tidfigs. ht U( -Ilia ---7•••••,-, itistie._ by- the. ineinbetir.,•;:-.Mrs. Jack ex; -'preek : relief • 1.....„.,,, . ., .. :„......,-....' s• :0„:oo, v. Boss , of Anhurn, 'felsorted-' "409'•*'-sii,h- . 1)1( -.t . her. thanks to. all,..;••for ..fteir Sr.k. ''OlNiLlitGE'S.,..I.V.A. .4,001,,.. lvtission...,,...:,:,.............,";;,„,,,,,„•.. 2() 00. scrip,tiouS; vcritli',.-833vegal 311014. to come, spiendid •e0„01)0r4tion thiri0g, tii-4,40,r,. $X1,10,Actiitio:ty :ineetil)g..• of Abe '.'ffire..-r• Cleaning' -school, . ......,....*... . ,.....', • 2 00 ' 11 in , a siiolit , 13513 151 .on: jest. year;, .a.nd „it.,k,,,,d tote. „Grog . ug. i60,foi,..t.h.,,,t, ,,T,,,,,,,,,,N,,,, , ..,,,,.y.,.^,,,tri, ':-:,,,,A,..,...0,..,,,,,,,,,,, " ,,, I. ›Ir,$7 T.',.SVvan. -Sniith,..,, tie 15111(1 'ialre„"."ihe . (11 111 . for „the'...QieetZ()A.-' )r. _• . . .... „ 31) 1111. AUXiliarY• -Of Ot(c 01 :elpitch,,, , .. • • . 4 , ...• ! 4 . ‚41 15 '4eld ftt• tlie,:;Fectory„,..Mrs,"Diiiibar , a v, . .....,?..,.. 4 I 4.040.f 4,4 .11.14,4.. 1 0' pity ,,,$1, :potted. -that.. $1,4a • Was" 'e,,ontributeki fPr ofncer.: -.514.1.*: 8111ery, .,,of 'F,xeter,'iikonght :.ltt, proAldttig.., ttiro,;*;new --.1nembe,rS Wc,..,re, ,_/14..' ;IT'06t„i(j,"1'0..n..* ", ti' n'a ; '.' . .- '''' n , ....,-,,,...-,.... 21^ •54. supplie '‘and: that ',the Ilioeritieu,;Jo " . $2,8,06,14ad Ileen .r.e.4e1xPa,':-•,,, • • -..• ,,,,,_ the' report of,! the.' noinfnating- eom- *A.ireleonted, .141rif.'. Tradell'-•-a.ntl .Afra.. ..v.4:-'• , • ... , , , „ Williaina.-,10et .!...; well . citk(IP'' ...ttter ....0 , T0t41- ...„..;.•:-.;,-',;.,...;•••'..i......,.... .. . .... $:122 35 ';', -The,:ineeting., adioitriled.. and. ihncli .niitthe,• which: W'ita 'aci',Cptett, til 1113. .• j.ie .sent..te! nieinherS Ythe are ill, . With; TJ 11( .±01SOrta were ., *ead. , 01(1. ap., '41 15 0.etve+by f 4e 01,intOn'ictilik04.:-.The offleer,s soie ingtaited,,by. mrs.,:„.(weig.,... ,."-...tire„..hripe, for ' t1P4tX.,,speeily srecev.erY.iixiwed„, .., , : ..,..„.:. ., :,., .., ,. : . : .afterilooli• . 'session, *.•opeued. 'with , tile nr, . ,..:lie Pitshyterilti o11 j-, . for:1944 .11 re ' th0, '-robilla_.,TY7itkethlt.:-,----11111.' rii -Aloveil r.b.y.;.,.Aire°,.;....:G;43.1frisets seilandecl. 13,33111 \'b have heard.a4.0Yful stinlid,"' as. , fo„),0,,sivs ,,,, president; 'Afrs., i.1„' Joi,(,.k,:„.. , o ,... shown 'on.,Ltitin A1)1( 1.1( . - -or Nilialpy , IfeATtblix,,,.t4af. si...()- ti-e611t foiii5WA**---''bk::'-iii-.6Yer-t": '',''''Aft4.,f;7'7-7cV,4i--4' :'$0atOrt,4,;:',1-.'se Vice=.'llreiddeliti',-mrs it WaEl'_ s.oggested, 4-01.4t 4 t'et ornd. bake' t() tlie,,,iiieper, ,Miasion..3 . ,, . • • 'Tli(naPsoll Of Seat0rtly; .. • ' . ..1`.• Timinpon, -Seitforth";.,2inl.vice-pres,it:. f3liAles'.will be ' .....sate.,pe...:field. at.tlits Iticeting ta-atig-4 -, -48.,,,oltrpiiiiidli\leesh,,,,,.,..a,-wtiar;4;;,7•.,,,;,,ternteelp,,:.;7f,Oullaow4Wonal__,,ant, 'Tt,,,„,_he.„0! rxeelhaibriti"goo!_,„,_ot'he litellxrIt111:1_,,spl,,,,,ii,siabl.:,!ity* -fttiall'414-A-11‘cler#ps'realiIiien(t*,,'.7A)litilsikil!..4)". l(41:),,(-J311-eryiet1111,;;• ..• . • .„. inetit-•flte,-•f)liii1S, ,•••iii ,itilif eoitittilitIttOng , f way.' he, Etude. to . 'Chinese- 'relief • ,iiii(r: '1,tilioi • .,• .•••.,--, •,..,„4,,,,;,,,,,.., ,,•,,....,...,,, .;,..-. - ...,..__. • . <,,,. o0111ervilley-of ,,Oodexiell,SY1111-a...' ...,Y 4th vice-president, '7 1014,i; tlf44:1 T.44Tir,svi'l, A 'Other ,ilpfietils.'1..,,,'Aif . ,.:,.,, :i . : :_.,' , ..ecoral. ' year, ' seitlit. .1,Villianyft, Atm O. ividegiVtiii of 'Goderieb: '•aSli-ti-len2t.:‘•3:ellaboll;',1;1;8'terfieilaulr'5,::SlIt,i-_-:IL'I'S't,itt,rtlal ,,, _ • Airs:. ilionteith..° give ' the ' secoilu .p.iniiy_wilsoi„, ,, - • • .. of, lilt 3. ainoiiiited to $81., eilaipt...,t,zof, the d;..atUdy rt1.90,1c: oll'1,,atfrn - Titird :,y0t1V Sett1-14raillt. .AicICeeliiiie; Crease oil laSt Year, and , of itimg(!,.,(intin... .1I)e.0.11;:L7saillostioont),(teitratclud: sxek.,),\,e..„.a,frilyi,d w(tr45.. Morlca. It .ia' 7.• a ''e°1111t1+ "-of :, 'IlitIllY- .$aney-1A1(!.8.rtlitir.L. ' - ' ' . • . . titY--of good reading. 111114 11 'Was pro- . • peopiew-40.(1,,,,O,,,.....4.11$1, -0t.:coixtrit;kf.itg,,,* At. .'ttstfm..yieaatts •.sc:cattl........i, R.metartri.c‘nilt„%svoiiiii14,08.t. ,-i,airndeiedc't:.-ffoorw,tiei:.*Arinnnil,; ::iV.;00.)...en .0. th.e 'bus 061,iii'lf;_ti., iii,ef130,s(vio..ecifilt, :elose of the eeting`a delieleua tea,•:7,•-, /„., b., •erved, ' '• ' . - Ninth' •year ' asetil----Mrs, 'O. "IiisSet„. Mrs. -41..iludsou of 1-1011$.411.:reiierteit • soei.otitry,. Ntiss L.., jeekell. " -Exeter . , , 1 Mrs,: tr; Ryan. I • ., • r.'. that 888 ettlig 'tad been „made: tit:tring. literature,. librarY tind exchange. secre. ,ligatlE, ientiT , AnituAL, •., s' , viitl ' Year, metti--••.---larbara. Catt,,Air. ' '“ r oiv'stelt and -.hut 111 Inkmbers; tarv, . illiss 14; TAS,q(it„, Goderieli ; \life lblef 'VA. v()I lteskr„, has , been. 1 .1. E. Barnwell; . - . , 132 letters Were Writteulaild'sevcnteen inefiii)ersliip, sooretory, A48, 0, ANAmer, _ _ ,.., ,,,,, 4.',, ed • that ,e.y. 1.r(owlea,,,, ch(tue -.113eiviitit year' seal-Ifintny Ilisset. reinovias reptirteil; ... ; ,. *--- ' - . 'lleiisall ; Glad '110/11gs' seeretary.• 'Mrs. t,,.,krioWii, i , this tistript, Is oft, AIoved by, ,Nitriort 'Williams`, seeonded The lioine helper Secretary, Miss L.• 1,-,,, itbss, ,,‘1.1.11111,1/ ; 1)14 '45 .8ecrttarli„. mrs, .A..Taylor, Gotierir.b;,w,elconie rtiltiMel. 10 looSe 'again ildi, he warns till Und j)y Virgbita, :McCabe,. that tile teitchera, Jeekelt of Exeter, reported )274 'calls - • sundry- to 1)e \ o ° gaard....,,i<novidekii.,_„.1,4! and„,#,)/Ticera.;•,for:.:14)44. 1)0 the SAgte for made,,and ".2.7,•:•••Contrilioted,'4." but, the hire veerettm, "Ars.. es ituds0/1,.. /lei,. ',the man who, -years ago .fieoiJe,f1. tlie year except that Prank llteNoebnie infittolee;i.af.-1.-these'.'-exitisecrated__weinen. :stili.....:_!".stipplY seeretar.Y.. Aliss..A. Mae.; toe, gio.vdtioi-Al„ eliDtata r like,- mit 1)0 paper ' disttibutor. • „• ' :;• - colitis.' neve;r;he; measured -by tigures.,. dontlid,' tioderieli. ' , of,$r)e'-'1)y. pqria liglier .tir ' identify' "'The nfeeting-closed-i•vith the Nniional iik - At jedonald., of (;()derictl; ,, ' 1-.4 ribute „waS Paid:to till the. Olikters ' him'itt • the -*Iutulk,, ,:(49, that he Might ii.ntbeiti. and the benedietian.., , ., aiibply se<tr'ettirki ,, reported tilt apart • 'ionsh,4t-"poultry"'"0 ietpie. The ',cheque ,I, V. 1/AttNIVELL, ituperintendent. froin. tile $143 contriDutett in (mon two was, a ,forgery an the (v,aptain, , had . bolos hart been. 'pent vaint;40.nt:t1450# • Xi*. !bottle Slut:tit lot sNiagara' Palls To% and Stioilltifttlaes inatle,,,,bYc'A.TIA- ,ift,:viititing reiativeS• in ,tavin. ,-, , ,..litisofes O. ,A., and S. liteX;innort have returned. front Toronto, *born •they ,ittrended the spiing rallfltiety displaya. . Ur. and , Itrsi Arthur, Litington at- teVitded the to.n0aPlaat 'wreak at Munro - entisritt,,Milt. Charlotte liarria. , ott. - ' to pit tip the money. Jivit out of Jan, '. ' Knowles is /reported to 1.1*, at lila old gitine, ' At Ittirlinato t'• is Id:: 130 tendered 11, ,*1,40,,,fiet ,WInertt, tor a $1.36 ,,diamond..,::'... . Ue - iiaid ho would. ealt fra'Aite later, :litit.I. the. -store, •ii4 *out lit, tiseetre .4ri this iialke wati4 11.14ht • ,bt.!* Igo: •elleque,., • 444.144•44` for their fine work, and spoyfal. men- tion was' made of the work of the re.. tiring. treasurer, Mrs. T. Swan Smith .of Seaforth, who- Allied thia oftipe , in sion. Band raerabers would be NorY, ,s; most ealotble wanner for 4 1611g eeptable for Chriattnaa,,gifts for, the period of *Patti. 10,t4''brixe,o;.(hvcreturnitig to the -chair Mrs. Jack Airs. ;itch- stooke; 'the lomi; fik-Oressed the thanks of all preserit .to severat'lltiithful inOmbers duringi4lite ithemtlinton Mr their vlensliti year; ?sirs, Barnett and 11.Int, 'Maw hospitality. Tht* nieethivwas elosed Aiet.hur' of ilodoriell, and "Um Imforton with prayerby. the prialdent, followed Reid and, Mrs. Muir lof fiefifortb, the by tho stinging. of the National Antitera. more 'NO '04 of rot, Tot, r "la's -v61 --that -47A?.--, EiOt, like .c14,,n • do but-re,y on. od. li.,74f01;VO;‘,24Ue-f.( -Mr<4 Taylor quoted<„,the, rollow/,ng . Isutler W. 4; Eak,er, Pre-ett " d the, Magistrate. , 4t.TV41411#1E. OU/ECEY AlereituLOoa, look down ht • v eiy apt ,poora ,: : --,, -...-, , . • D.. D. l'Citioney, l'' ---* . -, ' - It wa.s.. decided to nibet, 'as in Akr . r4A310 ET.EF# r .TUESDAY ..,. ,.. (yrt Iwo boys M a car. „ . . , . . 1...tle,yre ,..ti avvelluig ca., ni I. ie us y I, id , . f th intoi3O th al u tr ' ' ' ''' • '. ', * 11 •d k vieus. Years, ;•,.•on the,...first andt, tk . . . . y , 2 1.14.8 o e e e op. • • ' '• ' tion that hi and Angtist there 4-4,..,,T4 .A dioubie sc,hedule for -a feur.tea/A • travellm fast and -far • • • 1,10-aguerwasdraWn Luckiiaw .on ;y•I • I . • -1.); 6.f• firgt*Friday` of the month,. ' • r eting 0' t,he group in,,,the' Ontario Minor Hockey, , 3)0 O311y one ego t e 111) ILI. Iionday.,night Jack McDougall,' Au • %Nor, thitlitc_of•tfieir need e'n4tPsP11 w°1•e•it3lll.ine-liatdse.'4,..e.` oUo s. ol 4100onnell '1051_400 Amrouy., it 11\1r; they are. Young and 1311hiA*1-.1..11-4 G.(1.0_,_' •Scliaefr„ 1 itierspZi:;h114, (1(t4e- 3.1- 4, 111:e` !LS1 Artostrong,, with .the "41 130i ind Dr 4 : . Ay. 1f4, lt,Ct,11.4. to C011gtittite 14-:t-G04).Oriel1 TAlartiOW 4-11;Uue ito11t4 Of neeith for i9 -1L 'Ooderichr,.. . %,{,;•4 -,.,=i, :„ -,. Lord, . .-;, V...1.'.ilcP.1'..Be'lre':::e;t:''t. l:3 41,A1rmlrdinat tucknoW ,bfy loswfenth413,0W1it')11lr4rir*r44 azGoderialtifKinciirduo or qlflyFtl rViltt!bCthemi)1J7qrieEvftk:boiteift::1. the " 4. 2,r)-Kfiloir,aile ,at.2...Onderlit1i, `''' Oink1 t ever ivive• Tet thpi go, .:,otil iit,r4'fl t 'stll'i aInS:titutt•.Potird t,, or th ,, -- tibrnty2004for1044.0.(L'titItCi01/ • , Yg1e s , a „• • A t 26--.Gofierict at Whightin us,TV3-10rwent 01 saY t r'" ::7- t14erbO8-1uiuhAtKinearableparentshould lepuypomisesthey oAii±:-apioltchp ° atWingliam those madecand see that the (:10 1015111 •Febricir'y1-.7-1.1Ic1Inow flt Godp4o51 keep their proiniscs,.' The importance ‘,..,2-,..1<incardiim at. 3,,Vingh1f1 (10104;;;agitr-80orfrirea,., trtivIty 1.01 lat''.K.1011P11.1M;'• ;young iworoke,,:-.1,,,,,,44,5 nod 2-210,6 eiTC1,;ft. • ' ,y,""" 4r4LIglIt. ,ttfr itki.-.neapers dtior-t3tep , • ' *r"":'Ithleardino at '31.-45e1(116vv" Aidtit the pectinvai,,i14.•tiofa, ‘"V'tilint Ate 00de11e11 we. goiiia,about • Mii;clay ;Dail at.....1101liglial 'after. the .!1..tzart?", ; 1 Icinen rdine Y:„*Ioe,s*:liddreSs, obto. %,,t„,„s .diectiOileit 3.5,tainettrdlite nt, 600,1crielt 11. -1 1*.4. I(1100)$, 141,---Cletiericli- 'at :'• t the tikeitt.re *reereatiott 7.7.,,21-T41101z ovv'"..0,t.11(tW' ag4:14,011C-13j144,}4ga-ti.,"14-illiji. at Wiugliain' •' itt; , The Ilrst gaine (40devic1i will. be .51%3.., 11111 11 111ee1:in- .4p.11 Tuesdaynight' next, with Circle of gnox 130111 in ),Vinghtun the , , • 'tlie fOrni •••"Pt)t-Itick $,ni:oper° "nt Goderich• Lions are sponsoring •tite., home, o ealvin Cutt, Park, the :local juvenile's.-anl:Ittiblie- Suistsmt,' street, •on Monday.- Mrs, George 241i1e- 1)Y a'•-•largt Att(InctAllve ;It president of the `Cit•Oe, - . reqUeste.(1. •' ••Nirs'of tOwn, who vele- Rated. her ninetieth, iiiitislay on' day biSt at the lunne`af her daughter, Miss 30131310"Iiondott, 'silent the day irt the.' hest Of- health.. Rho , re.4 reived -cards„, 'dowers' other gifts besides -lie ori-N,Y, 4,1 11t4)3i4 Her daughters, ?tit-i:H. C. ("1113' (1.31 Miss - cnterfainr,d foe lier tile latter'ei 11.9Tue, livbere, -friends dropisal lit anring the,,AfteTtioon meal ning.1O congratulate Mrs NM% 1011111.;faeulticif in rovaarkable,degFee and is truly n *ttioertill ohl ivends %inch kniIting, sntl 'reading, and. •esu tell Witty irtictesting things of; bar mrly. Iler friends, join in wiabing hot (1114t041the' meeting arid 1i 1e111id fitowart, gave WI interesting i.ru‘41 np. pro)riate 110W Year's iness'agc. '" 'A ple;,sing :4100 ',WON, sting . by Gorda ,/ • tftIi ss 14thirt,101'4 II(0140L40111.', There .4I'48 4 largo ittetal. once* at Iii10 • 1111iIi; VitEATI101t-- l' 1113)11 1U14'5 of the past' week in „ GoderkAi',. 1•4-th lima& of th1 votresoond: ear 8g41, ‚15 0/11(10313'111143t, ANNI-VURSAUV 111' i001 1 • „ :13*11 tra, 'Sat', 34421. 14114, .Trtii 9„ Vion,„ „Am; rii34e4. Jun, /1 We”, , '4‘ 1'011101V3: 1944 „ „Max. Min. • 4'.1 .S 17 14 13 21 -2 26 .20 .1:41 SOS ' to • • , -letter 'trona the -ratlexa --Dep .111ent ' 01 ‘. Works'. -was "t'ead,- 6114 - ,tutirlug. the•-tfouricil would-renov'reit • anorlier car, "'clu the. saute ,termS, Ate leaso, Newgatc„ street oeCupied .00 pany;. , itia,tter Was 1014. °of tfie At4yor, the chairman or the Public. wOr1,-.K eol111411,000 atd. the Clerk._ '• .Tre, enalrua,n the publie work COralajlit,ee- wits „einpawered .to litive an, additional rodm provided itt the skAting,_, iireeplr,..; 1ttt late 41 thia I was tilineccesary and. 'iklojeet; '4' 148 „. .B;z141„vs Were paSsed contirming ,t1a4.• aliphiiitments • above ---,-listed,- and ti* Council ad-Joni:ilea lit 42„,•3.5. k4 • SCI10411,8 11(1 11111(031 for thci-fr.slAtrimi Ma- 4, eltiacry, --ft'schi)ols" lit ,11nrou Skrair l'ioulitiogvirtitiatto'nX,InjtatiAllu,stryjsul 211011)4.331 hloil; ,11.,14 20-21, 3‘,14:1141:ukallrry (1oi:i is 111111; 84: agrleitititriti board room; 3"ehirnary 8 1), town'13011(3, r‘chroary 1 1 ionn40 T a I itt4' M. it #1 A i•sler4airt *t and ve the 1'1.82 Ma a trar.„, ‘• ' • -4,4 , 4.01, 4