HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-01-06, Page 6XL W.y1STKIELD, Zan. 4.---Atr. and Mrs.
r WI4UfltQZ:4(44 Ili; OE $11)3fiti t001/11'
4. —lb Ilia year that to a. total or 174 1i1UOA pounds. and-Alna..Tack Ileigrave. Atr,
rulers of csanada, :Citeose export to-13rltiwiti will' not fully Walter McGill and Aliss 911Ve ietih
reach the 150 toilliOnliounda.asktld tor of lilYth visited eri•FridaY viM
ith r,
Inade tr41.17 .1,'eY.101.1g4b% ,by the end or Siarcit, 1944' KeePing
bmgitut Clearly' ..111, Viol'tlit British...people le On,e of the. preas-XsIeuz 14,741144ml of siiT
• ot production publiated in 'in; 411P1S, OrIlle Owning- kear. Goderich, spent New Xetir's Day' *ify
fler pares Ai WWI Mrs. W. A„,
111' L.AlcIiiiwen 11 sPent-:a. fec'
daYS in ,GOderich last week. •
We, are sorry„:, to re.port _Alt,: Sam.
Martin IS 'a. pIttleitt-iu.. Wingliant: Itos-
pitat; tits many:friends hope t� see
him home again in good ho#Ith..
Zr.Mrs.-Douglas-c anipbell and
John, Visited ,on $i at Goderich,
Wiih Mr; and -ars.' Wm. Miller.
Mr, Gordon IVICDowell returned home
on ,S`undav ...fre,n1"•tclederielt- hosPita14',
Wiwere-he:wa's a patiexit't onetirly±tm
Weeks, . - , •
M. A B. Johnsten and
aerleY',, of "West, Waivitriosiii :1"7.1sititt•
en; Thursday last witk.Mr; and' .11.*S.,
Ifoward Canipbelf., ' • • .'..
1Vr. rOW(1-i:Mxs. Jasper AleBriezi ot• 7
Goderieh v1ite4Westflejdtr,ienqs,,
Now tear's -Dar. -
Mr. and INIrs.,--Bert. Toylor,
and Itonahl viVrted, on New Year Day
With ar. and Mrs: Boy Stonehouse,
,Goderie1i. ij., • •
No.. 0 was held On: Wednesday• after-
noon,'.with Will MoDpwelr in:the
tair„1-•-•4Yna.- -Govier clOtedas
the. nesr tfustee. The 'trustee, hoard
for 3,944 will- be composed -of, -0Pugitts-
Canipbell, Walter, „Cook' ,and,
Go.Vier, yArm..', garter .-is--engaged° as
Caretake4; alse, talcing -thevon.tract„ to
joflzreviews'.of the year ttnd 'which "Baron .X,iport
tit In true perspectite when f nu )1-ril?' markethiR Of :About. 7,000,000
could(wratioii is.,403,04 totle immtuccIvii..-Itogs and the export ot ,075,000,000
- 'Wands of bacon ta Britain, witli the
a.„4rienitUrat' liniuStry; 'bopot..:0,2,000. ,000- .A4.)013/ids: fro'm
baa be •operating"..-during!Ilie--,--wat-prednetion;'"Iittaqi:een•-ati,-"Ontillo.O4tho
*eara., In,the recent. tigrienita
ement *of he. agriculturat,. in
terence Arthur lqatiitNmarti, director oustrk -thiS ,c(itintry:,,,TheAebutraet
'Of Keleetiire AerVice, estimated :that or '").00;000 1`)11.14(bS. iiver . the neXt-
i000 100.090 'W•ontencr4iad.\.tv•FO .;."`cars at a price Of 02A0 4
t tlie,ratinS•to.lola the Ar.Laud.'forees hundredweight 41 tlistii$ at,
'or : take :jobs ' War •Pla•Ut,S.!' in ad,. seaboard, ist a ,t' haste ft4lotint
'•dltt011 to. this. Ilierelias been,.the farmers . having, been- urged
March,. 4i1st 'war
•Started,- " there were, t30,090 )roultry and fEggs. Not.Yfeetint-the
• workers on Canadian farms,. but . :Demand ' • •
'number decline& by 23 per cent, .'The ponitry cenference: be: faCed
to` 40'4000 in March, 1.043, 'w„hile dur7 li,V• 'the. inereasirtg *denitoid.: for egg.S.
..lug .'svo;t years the voltinie.of-ipro. and potiltry. Ego: production. in 1943
duction, has .inciettseirbY-48:liek-t'ent:". -rreleh,eik't we high7point 000 000
"X,abOr Shortage 'and -Farm :Equipment dozen, an( the nun for -19441s au in.
Vorni labor shortage is not some ,. .crcen
eitse of,. ten ,per t; greater
tliing AvOullar to Canada. • From, re: portion ',of the-eggw are used.dolneStie,,.
portalt is clear that all linited-Nations ally,' but' the British- ISlinistry of Food
suffer the saine trouble. l'irtird. 1943 asked /or 9,000 long tons -of
and% powderi-the
shows.../that 'in -these 'siSter dom-inions 03,000,000, dozen shell. eggs, .,and .the
the. fatns are cwery Ashorthanded:and flemand -front! Brita.in,, IS certain to
-being ‘,,v_orkeil under 01:m1,114am:1s strahr.,-4-contintm,t7ghititivit-7ttitt7;:othig
--Theret.1.4f8 ilex"; the '.dentaiat187 on produetton .--reached:,-a 'level,' of- atiait
PoWer,,trOu.11,11, branglies .ok, activ. 45,000,000 pOunds. ' .1,943, but the
ity are presSing'-'4114. it is 0, Matter- of demand higher - thie.flgure
tr.i4higl_the Most effectiVe --Use : ofs 'the price of export, egg fur. :prItgil
men available. In, this. country Mau-. was recen.tly set_for . 1044 in-parload'
NVIX47.1 IPA.Vitnat atom* Doss I • •
1146. 27." 4.. -.111-11eNtkari,1 -
director% of National tielective 0-ervice
isansclue4' 1,4p.,;;tsolqui:11,04tevriv•Pafl troAttit;),zhears•e
nd„::farin-werkers to undertake Wt0-
• eUent1til work this winter* in ees
where -thest.yean ieavettiefitrui
• tl,fievting •agri(Inittiliti production.
Wirods Work, .oiciuoing the cutting •Of
pulpwoOd, vacs high •on the list.. Mr.
MacNamara's appeal:
a rtittsIlTnfribghe * 1.1:1081eu°1l4ilttrr)' ail
. tt;
p;;;j becomia4.onitte Cohesive iot*$ vt ttalitti.; Qiiebee, a;ad Montreal' put '10 the wood " - • ' "
ond.responsive to the•relative tirgeneY
....ot-nee'ds'on. the,fariner-ati& elsewhere:-
111,14o, wa,'r- ecenoMY. 'andthis' will be
-.-in, evidence • during 1944.; There -will.
be .an improVeitientTin the-tarin equip.
•. Ment situation,';- as more _steel *ill be.
•,...:_teleaSed for. the' manufacture or fitrin 'War products, lias
. contioue4: . Al- ...mr8. Osbnideston i$ *letting her
. machines.* The, amount of steel. avail- th'Ough the acsreag
•e oClia*Seed is 'riot d" augbter; Mrs. A Carl Deans of- . Wing:.
able' for machine Matiiitactiire in Ipi3, to tpach its 1943 level,, it had advanCed :
. „
•Mr.;. and ars. Mormon, McDoWell and
children spent ,New •Year's with NI.Y.1'
Arid Mrs. parl.,peansiMringham,
- • The young people 'Inet -en Friday
_night with twenty -two -present.: Social
activities ,weie_enlonnder-:-„Alie
tlitl°"lavaltilYarenliere''tv'erel'I0rghlicY'veneic 1,1 Snell •afer \villa-
--more--then (1oubled...,.. „' .t ' • . t.,),.9,000. acres:" soWn to ' sunfloWer
'Irho',.:VoultrY..Conterenee in,,,,ITanuarY ' in 1943 and,the:gotil:,for-1944-ii,raiseti, -gyqrt gervice was held. - IniYilis .,*,C•eelts,
see,d lunch.•waS. Served:. At midnight a
: The poulitryeonferenee. to .be bgid_ 1_,,n. *. to .5%000,. While the. dim -for soyhean„t presided at the ,Plano. ' ' Mr. Snell-, redo; -'
. "Ottawa fronr:',..lanitarY2 12 'AO 1,5 4 la next year is .55400 :a0eff, eomparea
eitpecte(1,... to be .the ;nest.... inaPtirtant With -59,400' 80vv.11 "hi 1943 - ,-,:: a. short . t andtjk . .,00,-1.71,11,4Ph16'.4Y961-4d,,4:ald 1.07e,..
conferenee of the Mad :evet to-'ilieeti• The .farnier''does*4ti.s.-workxrwithom. r.Now yeiire wading „ritiiit _0,iit‘016_,...o.T
liz, tfli.s. aiilitky,,.F.Thie scope' of . the l fanfare, A but fiik-vvey„-.14". ;AS ,ecceiktiaL An.,the.:4aw:4,&-,,,T,hmeetiklge1,9se
-•,-----,----T-7.,...--- cuSsititi%E- ' seelrfropr.fthe''''aonv-1(7. 7._tia-toT,IVST-witti._•-tho-m4faitilfeo-dretrac-- '-'''---
' '''' ' ----ii-itted -1371j***--titilttitireOgfe-iti`nee :. in the ', armed .sqrvieeS. ti6 . rod S�
.' Ntirsing 'Sister Ella,,,Mae--WilsOn of
••.:. (1)4)Nat1enal poultry' breeciii4 Pro- 4,1,Int)lies-.,..as neeessary as artillery yvoyAlippte:r ; ,H4Cpital,,Xoncloa,., Spent
grani;,..,(4.-.4eeds..and,',feeding.;,,,(3) ,...ieees ...,pur.,bolos; .(,.iiis, • acht.q.ipojektf. ,14.0.,:teai-,ila-_,,at,..th limo, of to.. 01,8tei.,
. luanugottient,' houstng ,4#4. bealt14...14) it'ip to 110W have. been .alinost-Pheinnn-
Mr Wm darter,7and Mr Cade]
.... merchandizing poultry. productST. (5),•,e4at.., ., ,
. .
. ---."- - 'Mr': -add.; Mrs., Worthy Fowler -a
II:old:try extension work, - _,'•(6),,- postwar
' Goderfch Visited. on ,Stinday with Mr..
educatiOn--;- .-(7) &init. -1,904174r. r„‘'...:,..., . ' NEW RRICES . 'CO ." LAMB ---',, .,. and , Mrs. Wm,,,Andersom-p,
' luthill,tation in Egrope .1, (8) turkey-prol:, A new basis for maximinn retai!. .1Tbe, :th,epa4er4, of4,tbri,x444..il•xor
. flu kitGand.market.,regnizer4enta. ,• ..,`4.-,7prices-= Of 'lausb''' beetiifitr'efeettite 'Oh' M t on Monday night at the\ -home o
___:____,:.Cheec _Situation ' - r4SAA111 -ii-Akt_accordibg' jo--,:yitc*g___.t . .':yvitIr
•Tbe-,',.nhot.t•sgehe-.;-gr-alnral?':prf-araionixeeonenC---,T,"/ne*.'order •• eStalt:,
8,: .-f*t; 1110a:1VA: 4:, detueerrteoutex. incess.rte4vee.):triapingi. siiiisliteeedlil;nitati.imcipzth' :ticeiinlinAro'Ver afty; present; .:. After the!'..-rtidro'
prices• 'e•.diff9•1:'efn6rt :talli--",over Cart.' ' .pn_ farin - finanee ,,,.a.
timi.„.gnalS,. jar %the, Ttipt ,iNTat,: It_r_co,W.acatiotis:- Tilse. are wii&r-f-ed general----tIlScusSiOn--, toolt;.. plitte..-.' Moine
- • and -livestoek •al-, i rbit• lanabalideh-" .
. tinie,waLspeAttti.yjnz-'. ts{_g_tr,,•
Illoagli .-geOd!:',13astarageolud :, abundant Tye • *.ceiling:; 'Prices: will . be effeetiv ,
, . . -
forage..croPS"..kePt .1;:11): railki'Pro0Olob: lreilk-ianaary •31.4 to, .1une:'30"th ..'wit.1
Itte leiyest prices for frozen.lt
utchers:rpy _„re.ceis.ire,:„.-4,4etifil.--priee:-
bait ...which *Ill .11p; S.Vstecl in .t.b.el.r
**Ores; and' everyonelnybit lamb will
be:,a.ble't04see the', prices' they Aas,,,, be
charged:for' the various, cuts.
' : •
, _
301/4 cents; Toronto 35, "WinoiRer34Y-1/.. Arr' and Gen" Cook and fanlitY'
Reginifr3i, ,gaigWy, -arid dinexi,,-,,,toti 333/2 Spent -New tear's. Day
and Awetkuver 33-Cerds. • • . with ' ?qr. and Mr. Fred 3'. CoOk, ,
, • s, and AIrs. „Wesley Stackhouse
• and •.,-Miss, Eva, of Biucefield, visited
The ftrowth in the proilumitili
reent-iy" at the home of Mr . -and Mrg.
Yegetablbec9olls; 'which are -essentially
• W#18 5 per cent, of 1)40, -but in 1944 !from an average of 321,050 acres- in
. it vial increase to 80 pet ,getir. The 1926-40 to 2,V47,800 in 1943. Itape
anrOunt available for repairs in .194' seed ticreage„ which was:nothing What•-
•willrbe.-'150pper Cent. Of the 1;940t41. ever before the war, rdaelted, 4,051
anxount, vontared,tvith 165 per eent... acres in 1943 'and the 1944 aim is
in 1943. If steel for repairs is SlightlY* 19,000. Rape seed IS" ,a valuable Wirtz
• Ottawa, liakr,imitt tramite publicly •to,
Caiia(liaii, __; farmers by stattugt The.
HilriP14- fact, Is titut .,without the IMP
(4 ottuitamn farmers 'the :War tvould
haVO ,bgen lost two years or morp ago.!,
,Bee.o.ise I• was brought up _on a Tarp, 1.
_i. * urn.O.O.4. U4 ' TorOato,--.924(.. , • , ‘.
ttliflii..7ii:.glyttne"111,tocolkIl :11;11"1---1*-..P(-1"--.--..--','-'17---*-1-11"1" . r , .• - ' ' ',• '
4.r.), be . 4).11Veal. for farniers and farm .! _, ,...
'win , er,, . 4whieli..-is now ' being/ flYtde, is ,' ,cO‘iiiie-, - , retain • to :the: •_ failaf,hr:' the
woE;,ers.' ,,, lint in..'nka0,4 ..mt 'farms; this .''''."1"1" "1"*..
boti. Patriotic a1. 'praetieal ',. Jolla' spig,i, ., • ',*, .. , ' .;,,,"„`„. , • ' "... .
fin„ Ole' wo..-A4S, to (tit fuel, -iiii.,s,' ai pulp... _
, .fv:os,ri44;i:isaw.ulni:1.1t.(;'st-,\.';'i:utiroa:13::::ceei:ti,' -0; ' ' ttil :1:::0‘31111 -:11 -t -"ti :ir:sQ' -I: ,,;: , 'Sdar '07 silliNtseYil i.:tin:t.tv:(0:itnini:ue:ii (to:tler: lei)(<,), ill Istiti;ii'os°1e:a:1;gi-ifirlit: .;:ilyn ill el l'(pati tri v:le;
;Seri.insly.. Tiv. same du,toarfvng,:othel-t:ti!i•-aac-11..'''it,.1°.:011:1111Y.:t:t,P.1.4)4i.it,iiJ, :17i.ur. c.1111:‘411.4tiw't°e1:1;:'41v:tc1:4eitttfl.:4P"
- -In:Making.' the. a
sential employ/heat
and: farm, workers . t`' al tor' farniers
.„.„.., .. .-.,',,.' t-lixitiatitoviplit.sezroorotie•tvi:,silier'ItTooe,,,,..d,plitt,so-ey-4:41119,!:.,:n
, .Vas,,sers'in thel'field.. to.s!kit'uP nulDwOOd
1 woctl, arO ?•;tit 41,11ed, the ware rt. and
ll Inir I w.tionqi lvelf,A0;, 1, i el
faluit se on, Natio) 1.-Selecttve Service:, .. - .•
l'S sr yip • . ,a,•• in -,whieh von earl
'still further i'ild -Cl'InadiC in its 'war '-'93"t; sIrt X 111'11, it ;VOW qaUgh-
ert ,t..,,,„;.,0,-,, .'•'' '. -.. . - : 7, •..,.•• .,-.,. teir's- lightest -ikitieb."..- '$;roiolr telloW,:.
Doing ,'escelitita - work ' duriiie,7tlior11-6 *.-k-ow,`; refill -Pk -Ina t (1 11t011 toneh- .
,w titer, -when yin't-e-an be Spared -from I is . About a hundred Intelts7'"; i • '
t e.form, will not affect postponement ,
f in ilitar - ' tra thing.' " You will; Of ' ' rart.,1•,'- "114T-,
. .
Liver Com
• Bwounelis lust
llogge Q.iuggI
X s a lrOntr 00$040th, 001
be •quiekir reheated othaulls
low of kit% -This inftenot thoi
• nroulsted zuuls, thepoisons at%
carried out ot the system, 'end, the
liver and bowels are" relieved
toned. up. "
"bbrik's Las -Liver 1011110144mit
• and enliven the sluggish liver,
ing, up every ohOnnel, b",
•free flow of WO and thin;'
okrliii:at of the c4011
They'•#re am" allind ea to tA
Do not Arip? weaken or Sim.
EVery nionlii more and: roOre the shipbuilding
industry, r010 Ong .nten fox:, the Aglithigl front,. NO -:201) -U‘-'toLi; big, for theni
to handle._ Werding,riveting,' painting electric wiring, and •French
Polislibig.. are just a fewof the Skilled trades in, Wrath the women:are: end-
bign luuid Picture'',•slieWs---Painters buss, at -Work en • the. decks,. •
•.0ui.iraneral conibinew -
the.`4,ikoitys.,of a. isiate,Of wora1?1,P,
.--"niatt:`"tliel,reiinemeill'y'ot. "a ;quiet, A
reconcile -
• .
wIiieIi unch was- servedo ,The next ;
tnieetiag...wilt. be held..atLthe. home ',of,•"
'and-i.ars.. Whiter- COIL'
The Hydro!Electri& °Wet CornrriisSibii,ofs ,90. 0, anP„Qui,.1CeS. new umforni
n--,-- ,-- i
rates or electricity46,-40 -iorisuliiiers:served by the ,Commission_in i„the
,I:ur,0421-470- . iltaki' _ culleeiiiner-c anuary t11944T:
The iieiir- ii#04-. 10. Its*. in 71i.:,aulist _an.0111 sayingtojnostlarra -and lia 'n;.let '-
consurt*,t4vort_Witfiitittiii-O-iiiideTAilisir.Tpaid;-4-2-: --.!-- -- '
. . , .... ,
; • :The ne*--rate, qittin provides for the following: '
• . -
• A unifoirre_iate tii:411-.0ziottistcizners„ now -serVed rec
A .
4.7.7"rlie_pliinirrie,06/-of-ervidij. -dharipiio altfann .useis.
• The rtkitAOtio4 of:eitiice'ch.,iiige,s to'a11.1-4thliet customers.
• The di:Ordirt4iOn. Of :a1.1 Predent Rural roiiiqilif.iiett3;-kkto.oiio,,ptovitteiato
Dbicier •Systern•-iiisritti the -same, meter, _ rates applying ; thrOughout _t0.-,4he. ;Var./lobs , -
, clateiEcationti :., '" '.- ' . ' ' ' - •
, _ ._ , :-..-- _,, • r.
•' iii'.,e'xisiiiig ,e0iisupier •classifidationt totalling4.3. in*,,all, have' been reduced ;tOS
clearly deft -Otte tees: i.e., -1-Wirp hamlet, '3 wire h - et;-sfaitn, Cornin - lighting
. . . . .
.. •arid, summer cotta . ,
. . .. . ,
'•,:. PORTER'S 11-L14er., :Jan. 4. -...7. The.:
...PortPr'i14ill- unityfr4,..-the.,--Ited Cross.
. ,
' '11
has. beet,' divided,in,.o four *g].•oupS, ea •..
gtouti..,49-14ni:et4iii ''.d.uriti0„..th& wiixte
monthS and t1i6 :pro eedSjto be used itirc: -
,liofsepovve.A1.6..."''.• "- -„._ '... ,. - -7-:,---:. ,, .., .&ene-ta--4.4.wliere :She' will te:agli .the coin-
, ,•.,. .•‘..- • ..._,,".,. : . earineltir.:-thealek-sat-tlielionie4f-her,
distribution by„wiird-and hr,farrit.itn hist and Mrs. .A.1,viti Betties entertained-
plenients' or -vehicles.' --. ,. :on 'Alonday hight- o i this *eek. Aoth -
idelr.to rate all'Cars:aceorditig to -their 'Miss Dorethy Corieft, On Friday for
oe e d; 4 1 ade 1 a- y
1.s.• P.at.,7:0ea.l.l.y aill(rthreg. ,tro:tb_:,lie,s, omheei,vve4 ed_S,,,,
Blake.;, laen't r)7011~, think' „it., 4.gricid,:preSeilt,, . „,•,,•:,':-:-•'-':''.-...`-.- '. 7' . ' ...
't,•••* * ' • ' .."" father. -N -----...,, , .•• • .•., -----., .
ftiehtiPa...:tnegoRnst,for. the ;sprelidi:. At -100St' nOpti:Od..;., Mrs. JO111.1 Torrance
frOto.'oiltdde.,.: mainly at.,Inipiiritirga in
tal-,Prairle_farms:have been .introduced
weedS,,,te lieNigocalitie.s,' togetheri...,..With entertained. her ,:g "Oiip ' on'Thn7ii-day • .
•Drake4,7,-"Nat :lis -geed 'Ads ' rating all lag Yeari--,,,.-..-.-: -w-,7",'.::::;A:-.t.--...:-',',-,--;.--',p,
1-••• '
ti.y..0s acediding• to 'their ifore. senSe.".! . ars, .: UoAedj.pWor,fance is at .. liappen, ,
. .. • , --„,„ . • ,.. 4 .
Slit" p p tro, tii]i6&.-,' reiatiVeS' &id fri nids:•-at New, .
.., . /lie 'iltd__Cros..,Nyor.4„,--i, ' whatever' Way parties were ' MuCh enJoYed. .by _ those-
' Mr.' .i.'r,4(t .,'MrS.A...,A,lyin et;,tleS enter-
. A .
, •
,ear:s.,•-•-`,- ; • • -f• :',"....-"„ • ••• -.' .'. , ... -,: -..
I TC:• ap611114.114.20/1-lbey.ff_eac.k.:•- ..The a-ni13,41, Ine-eting..of'igrked;Chureli
---be-.-lield--,ritnuar-Y---,-1-th"r at.-,Ii..'t,....'•:-
or quiCkielief from' lizhiiigolotierni;,PiWill
theets,atii-' . 4n,.:::-.,8114utorOliited in'tigHwelfare ok
0 , ,,- e , 8 , ril ,and other externally
. .catuted skin; troubles,use fistraeflug, cooling, ariti4'. the' elarrell'are! asked' to be present.'
-80)410-1krala D.D. D. Yre#6kiiltiou• grea0.1,easp . ' ',
,$`0...- i
:e, . pproxenients .,are; to 'be dig=
- -Ittasnleimi.SoOthealiiitatiort 30d quickly stops intellso r
itching. 45c trial bottle prOvo it, or m0natripiAog j clISS,9. d, ,. • .... .. . ,:. , , - , ,
.1.!•118'''',1IttrY Torrance' rIliti,,sL. returned
to,th 'er.Ociiii'iii ,iii.' 'S tante/ :t;OWiisliip 'after
the h01id1L4.•spent ' with r her ': pa:rehtt,jt,
'Air, anel.1141r$. -,1" fOrrance.,:„ - --.;
:•AtiAlie,,Scheol,pieeting of S.S. No; ' .5;
helil -Oil '..Wdhosdgr, i- Ailr.:7)..vitilil 'Cox
was....a.m4inted .truSteel:in .:place -,'of Bert.
pI'ie6r'rt.;'iti'7,tlihe°:s'-ees,tiro4P('6in'?-;e'a'hrv. ,i-'‘''''-i'Ll°':.
tua.IY for 11P•P' P11E4 °N.
of our frimeral Toroti;
13i0micit— Am aifee
anyite, ystni„,.r,9 Inspect our,
,ctoch 0S. -
All ,enquil;les win be ffomptlY
I• attended to.'
ontjatite Service 'it Itesionahle'
• PrJee$
tuts ehirge', tor the use 0
our ..modtrn tc*.#rral Mote. -
.0.1 )40trea11
• Phone 89W or
. (irk chargsp 0f Z*Oto)1
• SIKA1OO-1111
•TiteforlakS, and Saturiars •
can ao tto kaklies will tun
wrapped 'up; have on too
and +sod off 'too oud-
clothe*, old
ewituooldi to ttt
sar toot, 0.44.
*-resusdi , nod
. , ••, „
• • ..„
`GODE11,10lit, tOWNSItlt,
Coipirai StahleY (Of. •WOO4
.iiient,-NeW Year's With this par,
-ents,,,Mr,, And Affs7:4eo.t.,
Mrs; ,Mrtn, nIt beta in:Ate:4 CrOSS
4nl1t1rtg ".1b on WedneadaY. •
Mr. and Mrs. 'Brock 'Orr...,and
have,ietilrned't,O;their henie in Toronto
'after, sPendink-the ..)hristnittS, -vacation.
and.' ,Mrs.. Dave -`pavisison of.
I Obtlerieli'-spent. New 'tear's' With 'Alf:.
aM Mrs, AustinPuller. I
Austin- Puller.
of 7K.S.. rksro.:'
'Nverdnehicid.y hi". •the i3choo1. Tee' 'An-
SpettOr!s and; treaStirer's reports were
receited;" Ati,;....Irietor Falconer was
.appOnted thenew---trusted,- taking '..t”
place,of.MrA rred Bell, w.ho has moved
front- the-,4:-SeetiOn. The contract
•SuPPlYing-Wood, was tiven. to -..atilteatf
Wgrby and •:the...c..ar,441ting
• ••-*".
.Vhe,:pt,stor 1ev It. J. MeXaye,' oc-
ettpied, lile pulpit of. -Union. ehurc,i on
Sunday, delivering a . ftae erme .pn
"Looking in TwO Direktione
The itoinitai eangregiatiowab.oneetinA
of -.ITnidn eriureit will be3lield on4lon-
day, .Thoinary 10, tot 2.30. •••
Puller bac retari)ed,•,t6
'Preston after .onloYing t1i Cbristalas
-motion with "her Utirents.. •
„ .
katt1ltil, ;tan. 4.-41r. itaa Mr.
Hamilton Ciatton and cihildren , Spent
1 tile Islew Year's lioliday at. London.
. Word ' was' retelved berq' last *week
, of the death' of Alexander, Y`01,111g On
, 1 of Ur, And Mrs: roted Hotton, Ileetti.
jville,.. (bit crnipatity• f* extended to
i the beresietl ptrents.. ,_ 'Mr, and Mrs.
1 Horace %rot:toll attended the funialol.
Zoe Lobito% school now is , opening ,
at 9 *on., instesd ot 10 sm. . i
Rc*t�TBen�flfing Approximcpielly.„97.
Rurcal‘Vonitimer, Are as
Ero-sEnvreE iARE
, . _
First' Block of, 20 Kwilrs.* per 1:Cilotratt •nt'
' derapthd,per xiont13, at 4a periCwHr.*: •
Next -131st` 60 Ai/W:1# p*r IcilOwatt 'or
7 :per KwHr.*. •
Mnirnuthehar e 6.7S'ri1dtt Ai --
cram per anon gross
Gross,quarteyStihject "tO
- Prompt Pent Discount,.
This 'Patin; Sery•Ica7 rate , $
Vann& In the deof 4'standar1" P'arnic
. of approximately 100 adies.
ustiolly`3 10lowatts and for, these
iierviCes'thefirst block of Kwars is 60 while
•'4.116,"seeonill:dock is -180. On larger farms
• these blocks will inereaSeln proportion•
to the. Iplov;tatt demand*, ' • -
(Kwarii.)---Xilourati.Houro •
• Service,. 'Charge, ,fi;c. 'per. • nontlf,..grles.,
Firzt 49 Kwa,rs.:*, rnonOtat 4ippr ga-xvor., '
NsXi nxinth at 1.4"-iec per
'All rimpliiini7Kiiii;g:!!` per Mbnth.. at' 3/40'
• .per •-
charkc 'por'InoptiA gross
Or4014--Ruaiterly:14-1;01-7inqedt• ,7t -o77:
'14:1')...71aPt"P'Wrnt--aRE.:,1444441!;unr. s'ef‘ro:Cr-
,servies Chan*, 581:1 .per inonth „gro,§§,
Hof 40 KwIfr.:,per Month eit4,0er gwhr.
14 -ext'' 180 ":14wIllriff,* per =jab. " 1.6/10c -
• •41);:p4r;wur;4...ch:**_a•ill'e &too
• rembininii Aiiiehrs,** per inonth (-'//1%
•rosseI6t1subject to:" ia%
*WM "'"'" OVir4irotir 8
. ,These-rie-mt rate S ,a0p13r"dii1i to paral coriSunierd'aeryed direct bithis_go s ssibit"
, in Rural Poe i ]District S establiskied undetaeaions IX to :19, 'inclusive, .of the sPower
COrutuisSioriAct. ,-They do, ilOt apply to oinisurners in , rural yoted'areas or townships -
- Operating under Section 54, of the power "cotornission. Aot. In thelatter areas, such
:as the 0.3.wnsi,,,iips '"Of Ancaster, Brantford, East ,. York, Etobieoke, , Is‘onclon, ,, NipigOn,.'
North 1�k-, StarbOrough, Toronto, and Trafalgar,' the: present rates will not he affected:-
- , , ,
. .
A As 'a, ..result:,of thee. new, rate reductionS; .. Iridrai'ltiirai' Constnners ,.lifili. save -nn
' ated-aniatint. eiceeding $goq,000.00 per antniin.:' -Experience ,lustifieti, the expecte,,,
Ort on the,Pof the Corurnissiorrthat this.reduCtiOn in revenue will be recovered in.
a shortlitne through'theincreased uSe'Oteleetricitrin the rural areas..
.•:' . * .11, e -application of these' unl*. nli.,tural ititisvilr#0.able. tlie-COindilisio#:tii; later
. ,
extend dervict to many areas nOt now served and tosupply' ecogernie.golly, COtieUttort ixt ,
the more aparsely settled ariaig.: in inoit rural district the new rates will provide a - t
saving for the maitnitY. of consumer a._ The followhig e*aniples indicate thelernatect.
.'.00Ii_13:nueNr wsiimoVini. ?iAniuna ..78::: _uitta.utie7t.,Esupplied nn,de:ra.rate.Ot0,c, pailtw: fOil:e2,5
first :IaloCiE and 2c Pet1Cwitr. for the second hioek. , . ,*(
- * ' * ' ' ' t'W'sii klimil'ik keel"' ''' -'-- % 2 l'AtiltillAlillter CO SU it
• A comparison in 3 *tithe 'at' cpA—ittnia 1.7. 4,,,-01 , • Alcutomowsranmmtt.iioursinpet3 Ilunuartertbeinet, , coe, t II" -
t. Knowiatt.houni per ciusqet. , s . •.. ,
3 60nthie , Present,. . . 3 nionthe " .‘ - 3
"saving 3 months"
PActelit 3 monde": •
• !districostotoonetainths:•
de and' 2e ratte.i.t:alw •, or.mr.oasii4fi laza:, • • undurutaFrfotinten710/,
'fttict doeti not permit us to detail all tif ihe change* in Connection with the Oear
,.11Ydro Rural ratei, ;tuella* those affeeting,conutereial, industrial and n:initftie 'Ott -as*
users. If further "partitultull are .deit1re(1, incinke,oflour &Wet Rural riawer SuPerlu4.
.tendent or dontact The Itydro41ectric Power Comm: ission'a Ontario, OS 1n1versit