HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-12-25, Page 8.10 rft (4, 1.?Ie w** alarmed., .when. vontiag boost „t in the eveolug, to And 61.1e 'had . been gone slop.* ''st the car Waal relative is, To to,. mid Pulled out *tat We drove to every likely 7irtth tho uosioartalter $a the grat friend's halite where lie thought she oo toe Ion ride to ejko- toreeo might be, Then we drove lute dark the country tta do 1Uow, At raidoight We were, till without alto ' clue. It eeemed ussiess- to continue, Avet -home. Ile went to Ids lenely quartere end passed a' sleepleSeiiit lle seught for her tU thesnext day, arid was beginning to laaveSfaeboding of something very tragie having been- ° _etre na fewer thantbirty-eight men done on Iter, part, tvhen w Weut out 'eaguiarly at work lit this initnenao, the next eight, aga.inand followed raveyartl. Brit what interested Die certain "tints that he 'had Ashed ont' -tore in lair coaversation„ N'C'tli,9 that this of frleude, We drove twelve miles to ntisrlaker sa.id. that every Christmas a ceantry point and tliere was the ea gave eaelt thoge men a good Pair missing t.T.iri wife, Smelting a cigarette, ./f mitts for a tniriatinas box. And °' I1 the baise ou lir knee i11 a friend'e ailer, he did this for worionen athome, all tmconCerued about the trouble alloys cemeteriee la the eity where she was causing her luestaand aha furrerala- took Mho NO wander the- others. • She was not entitueed about aieti saluted and .greeted this under.. tanning hone, either. But I had a .altee sae seal be had on orate nal.e straight, talk with slasr, .and I did net' aaaen 'Kits of mittfor giat purposes. forget to give hint some much needed ,ar men who work hi eraaeyarde. A counsel, and triuniPlauttly I returned Atte bira told me 1 aml,ilisay to get'a,' the couple to their city home. Now I „tat front a. member of nay family, remember to have had in my ministerial_ .LONV 1 think that is 4j,ulte a gift„frora training lecturea and class work on a t slam 'purse. It must be a fat Purse pasteri'e work, but I. eamaot reeall that !lat., eau Provide 10S pairs for men. we got tiny lesson on lw one-slim:Ode lane 'Cemetery. 1 reutestited to hit% veins vay uoirly meta workbag onothe raw!. and at the gravea and afaang the krubo, that there mug te quite a -umber employed in these God's Ayres. „lia answer infermea me that there TMSZObtX/C SIGN Opens Price Office ,atslae• the family, act n a ce.se s. buil. a. s ueer told that the minister'scar should • Weelistened toairman an s \ e jenee travel miles and miles after a foalish /,' . Picture shows Mr. El. G. Buttoa' of 'ToroUto diseassaiS, " administration witho'Mr. ef London. Mr. , Meashillipe iSropenifig a regional alike a the Wartime Psiees and ' Trade Board, in i‘ouden as Price* and Supply Itet3i.esentative. He is well known as President of the Electrical Branch of. the Retail Dealers Aeseciation of Ontario. Mr, Burton is Betel/ . 'I`rade A.(1.ministrator or Canada:. „rota tralning• sehoet. awl p se, wife,' and that he shoula heve the 4 „he West a feas evenings ago. We were -dirty of giving a young couple a piece es'Y Much latere6ced geseription ' of lrls after acting- the parrof a tbeir training autl fliglits ()Noe the i good shepherd eeking a lost sheep. _ - estera, plains, in night and day. flY•al - . — nee. There .were raany tumorous . One dishonest group deternainea thia . pletaleA some near 'aceit1euts;.Poeltat-1.0larisstim1s season not to be without tils of misteltee and of course' fine Sa-ame ehange for Ohristnaas . favors, aelrievements end ecores ill the way 1 cigars,' and ttie like 1 snould judge, by eie . g. trainingOf has group, it was ye- I signs tif-therf- iii-diligenee in smoking asarliable that in all. their,. „hazards isia that were left behind, tuem. After .he greingle and In the air, among the t,preatbing in a *little country chorcit machinery,' takieg eft` and going dyingabout four miles _fromthe city on a y day stud 'eight, and atightlog here 1 recent Sunday, the Sunday schoel see.re- -and there, net one orthese soling men; tiary and' treasurer being absent 40- 'Auffered-aneaecideut shr,iilletheiretraine 1,body made_itelale.bisaitseSa„to take away atge-except One -of them, He -g-at hit it . the fairly- :good, offering. on the': dole fairly na,ste blow on the head withe lection plate. There it Was left ea the horseshoe Waeri they were, in, an off .taale in the church that is never ioeked _ante, having a geme of tea -Cats., up during the e'veek., Next Sunday it • • ' ' ' • was tlascovered .that signs of dissipa- . I get the opportunity to niarry many 'tiaiVitere eloquent of some rascals who touPlea ibut'seldom am I called -I -you had Mot hesitated to -violate the'sancta- te seek for a miesing wife. Don't be ely mid make. off with the offering • alarmed; itawasn'a my wife. No, I left from the .Ssunday before. What o"ant get her out of mY sight and 'am they will do with the church plate it not particularly - anximao that she is liard to say. It may hit'Ver been ohouid be. But the thine happen d thrown in the -nearby Grand River, or n the home. of one eouple whom I ar,t r- it may adorn some Indian, cabin on the sled, ..e.nai or to ago, that etrai1zied not far 'away reserve, a sort a ton- lelatika, and forced at . last 'tempoie science miter. Vandalism in churehes, ary" eeparation., •The percentages of .is thus done at some a oui -quiet , :hese marriage failures are really after eountry shrines as well as in, British 41 small; though, we often hear of churches.- Enemies to law- and order . theni, Mud more so than of the many are pretty low When they ean't leave e happy and enduring home and marriage the ehurches undisturbed. . . [ relatiouships establishe-d. We read that ' • --e-- . ' ii ° Greats Britain each day -470 .haPPi- • •Several-thnee-inethe laat fer,eneriths marriages take place,. de every titre -ea I have slet away from home in houses ' minutes or 'eta' while there are only ten of frieladsspr relatives and have been anarrietl`..eimples who seek divorce in comfortably accommodated, I unist say. ;funky day on an average. But to return A. remark I read in an article about o this paetly r.br-olten .home and imeoaCeupying a strange room and he& made 'lam couple. I waassPeni,iaing an even, me smile, It was to the, effect that big at it neighbor's home, *hen • there Dickens shared• the superstition, that erae a knoek at the door, followedelsysa meek haVe, that the aeadof the bed s , reallierat to see tate. A Young man whom must for good leek- and• -future lialsPi- Lereesegaizedi looking very anxious, I ness in goodly happenings be due north Obituary ii:ARIER:ST ROSE HORTON Mr. and Mrs. Thomas taIorton, Wolfe „street, are,,mourning the death ef their - infant daughter,' Ka:rem Itoae, who died on Sunday last in Alexandre Hospital, The: child had paesed sher first birth -- day aupiversstryaby. only a few days. The, funeral on Tuesday brow the Cranston funeral home was largely at- tended by friencIS and relatives of the parents, the mother being the former •Idiell Oke, daughter of Mr, and Ors. 4,14.4.rel .1_Q•ke..egge.t0Yer10._ anal thaega.ther..... ----ason of Mr. and Hor-see Iterton, Cliallagrne towneaip.... Besides the par- ents, four sisters aod Oa* brothers sur- vive. Eev. A. j. McKase officiated at, the • (funeral, the interment being in laa.itlancP cemetefy. , -OLIVER JOHNSTON . After .a lengthy illness,. Mary Ann MeGuire, wife 'of Oliver Johnston, passed away an Friday last 'at the age of fortpeight yew's. She was the daughter of the • late Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch McGuire of Godericli. She leaves; besides-, the 'bereaved ;husband, a son,. Donald, of Braptford:, Survi've ing aso ereaabrother, Hugh McGuire, • of 'town, and two sisters, !Mrs., George Griffith artd Mrs. James Jones, both' of London. The funeral service coife educted ar the family residence, Elgin' Iavenue, on -Sunday -afternoon, by Rev.. A. J. McKaye, of Victoria °.street United church. The pallbearers were 'Chester Johnston, Beg, Bell, E.C. Robertson; James Adiuns,Jaak Griffith, (Lendon) and Roy 'MacDonald. • Interment wes in Maitland cepietery. esked that °I -go -striae Inmsetalong my in its, poeition -the foot due efraiglit , • str. and rall him oroutur the city and 'South. HeecauId'sleep only in abed set nto the eountry if necessary to various that Way when fushotele___or visiting 'mime to seek his lost wife.. She had: hames. Compas -in. hand, :he- va. 'eine out from their ilat that .afternoon renterthe strange room to haVe things •vith the. baby, and had gone, he did to hie liking 'before he got between the not /mow where, without leaving a I blankets 'My practice may be one that Word, or a hint where she wotad gqis common. Has the bed an electric , lamp over the pillow which can be con- A-enit,ntly-used for reading . and simply INSURANCE-- eedfOrtrtman 'Want From Fear AND DE- SU. RE ' See , It M. ‘,FORD .Get rinsureds-es-StaYalinsured. Rest assured. , $' Hamilton St Tel, 268w by a buttorror a cliain be put on or off? ,,No ' mass for me s botheration whether the bed head pants north or South!. Those ;Mysterious currents that Charles Dickens believed worked in the hitinan body when it laid itself out that way I- may be' Missing, -but without, them I anascontent te lay me down in peace. Bp the Way, just thinking things Out, aod • getting raY bearings, I find out that my nightly bed does, stand the Dickens way. NeW what do you tbiolo a.bmit that? Is ihy spouse one Of these Isuperstitious gapes.? I must ask her. HELP T11ERD 'CROSS .1 ELDRED A. YE° / There passed away suttee)* in Clin- ton hospital ou Deeeineer lOile a well - _known and re'..lpectee r.seeseit. of Gode- nett. .0 %%iesiiip, st Eldred A. leo, in Lis „sietyqseeahe year. Mr. leo was a sou w. the LtLtlAir. and Mrs. Joan W, Lea and ear, born on. the farm On mute ie reause, .x1 the.Cut Line, Goemeca .townsuie. lea is sur- vived by his arida*, teonarly. Effie _Sae wdenadanehteraaasitess. den; Who ,warSpasbar soeie ears ago of stiolmeserille .church, aiso ,wo sone, Frank and John, ot Gaile..ich township. Mr. "Yen was tor years seeietary-treas- urer bf the cteese factory a, Holmee- , ville and auditor of (soderich, town- ship, as weli ars/agent fof the areKillop Fire lnsurtinee Oonapany. The funerel, wnich a as largely at- tended, took place from Isis" aciane on Monday, Decenieer liala Rev. II. Wild- ing,' pastor of. Ilolmesvite• United church,, of which deceased was a mem- ber, Officiated. The interment Was in Clinton ,centetery. Those attending the funeral from a distance wereeleceased's brother, Lenus Yea ef Winnipeg, his sister, Mrs. Yoreter. and her.. ltusband, Mr. Itue.sell,Forster, of .Locust -011,1„, and 'Mrs: Yeo'.4. brother, T.--Scarlelt„ and Mrs. iScarlOtt, ef Toronta. Thepalls -bearers -were 'red Ford, D.Gardeere M. G. Elliott, Leslie Cox, Murray' Mc- Dougall and Goldie Newton and the flower -bearers, E'renk Bisset, Ralph Jewell, Wm. Gardner, Eldon Yeo, Ed- ward Grigg and Wm. Grigg. • MRS. .j. B. 'COLBORNE _ An old andshighlres.eemed resident of Gederichrin the person at eirs7t.asH. -seaborne, passee away in riday last in her eielatseee rata sir. Through years of pain and-illtesseseeeead main- atained eheerimi equeantote which was etelmarvel other ti entla.. The forraer zEllen eruee. sae wes boar( Lia. Durham county, Die uaugleer '.of Mt. and Mrs. .1'01.1:1 erece, alio moved to - young aiid not Imes .a „en. ras moved into- towp,weerts seent the rest of her life. See waa, ateas in church work as long. -as her hea.,h.,,ernaitted: and was as char.er mm et and life member of the Woman s ssis,sfonary Society of Nor,h stree. ti 11 1 d church. .She was also a c-artar n.ember and former, presIdent.., D. t'. e Goderich branch of the 'Wpmen s Christian. Temperance anion. ihz sband, J. Colborne, a n ..ry goods merchant of the toon died n 1918, and ehe leaves four dau hts na one sons Mrs. A. II. Vail, of Was enton, D.C.; the Misses Go:end Hat., ' Ind Flor- ence, efetown, ani Er. e 0 Toronto. Da)risl Bruce, a w:neii..e.-,is a brother. - A private faneral •er : e Wes held at the family residen e. it Patrick's street', on Sun a, .aftetnoo and was eondueted bealtes, It. 11. Tarnbull, of, -Narth street trni eil ti n e The pall- MIRS. EDWARD SPEIRAN P1Tre passed away at London on -tceinber 11th \Isabelle ,Speirart, wife of Edward iSpeiran, ip heeeseventy- fourth year. Deeased rwas'-the dm:letter .of the, tate. Mr._ and-Wrs. it 'Flutisiciker, of 0towAhip, an Mg' inarried to Edward Speiran same townenap,.- in 'whicla they ntintied to live until their eXnpva1 1Goderich thirty-five yearek age.: heyeenatie their tomeemr street until until fourteen months ago, when Mr. iSpeiran 'became serioUsly 111 and entered a 'hospital at London fer treatment. Surviving are her lnishand, two daurghters, Mrs C. Moore, of 1St, Thomas, and Mrs. Geo, A'xiderson, of Detroft„, and two sons, Ir.win iSpeitun, formerly of -Kitiegre' dine, now stationed with. the R.O.A.F. as an _instructor at Galt, and Iter,cy, Speiraze Blue' Water highway, Gede-s rich. townshipwith Whom his father makes his hoz:ilea The funeral, wag .held from Bropbey's funeral 1)rio•rs on -Saturday, December 13th, with in- terment in Maitland cemetery. Rev. A. J. MacKaye offleiatpd and the pall- bearers* were Will -lane Weatlake, For- est :MeOlure, aa);1441,Youlig,Wililam Fuller; Robert Siyy ancl Robert Mealwain: s • 'At Kingebridge iiaU•foralaYs 'Deo. 2901, Roy IMaegenele and bis Order .0etra. will play for Christmas Dance. Admission 35 cents. The Red 'arose- rooms will he elosed :til Tuesday, January 60; when theY willoe,open with the, anneal --meeting tit"3 o'elook, • 4 - Slender Tablethariedess and effective. Two weeks' supply $1, at Campbell's' Dreig Store. 36-52 DORN cieLBOUNE.--in IScoet MentOrial Hos- a Taal, on December 15thS•to Mr, and Mrs. Keith i0Olborne, Seaforth, a daughter, Sonia Mae. (AMEBA -At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on, eSaturelay, :December 20th,„ 1941, to Air. and Mrs. T . Gower, Aulaure'a skm. - At Alexandra*" Ilospitel, Goderich, an Monday, December 22Mi, , 10,41, to Mr. aaal -Mrs. Frank LeddY0 Goderich, a Sou. , ; ROBINSON4-At Alexandra Iloapttel, 'Goderich, on Saturday, Deeerriber 20th, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Robinaen, Goderich, a son. „ ROSS.' -an Winghaea. hospital, MI 'December 34t11,to lir. and Mrsa William Ross, Ashfield; a son (Doeg- las Itotterick). ' , ' STORDY.-In Gotlerichs an December ' 18tioatta Mr..tind Ms_ 0. W.•Sturdy, Church street, a son. s DIED COLBORN'E.--In Goderieh, on Friday, Decem:ber 19th, 1941, Ellen Brace, s widow of the late J. H. Colborne,. ie. her 8th year., - HORTON.---sie Alexandra Hospttal, Goderldh, on 'SundayS4jecember 21st, - 1941, Kartea Rose•Ilorton, da-ughter ,Of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.„Horton, Wolfe street,. ed 1 year and 11 days. 1011108MM suatiNEY.-In loving, memory of a dear 'wife and mother, Mary Pauline Carney,. Whaa PaSSetraWit'y Ond, 1940. 42ay ber soul rest in peace; , rpetual light shine on her. ,Sadlyintissed by her Husband and ', 62 JOHNSTON.-In-loving memork of Thomas Johnston, who passed away December 23rd, 1040. "Gone but not forgotten." - -Sadly missed by his wife and.sons. bearers were Alex. Colborne, Ambrose Colborne, Alex. Kneeshavv .and Robt. Cruickshank (Whigham). The inter,- ment Wag Maitlaild cemetery: . ss' . MRS, .ANNIE BOYD' The death (recurred on December 16th at her residence„,149 16th ---street, -Brame don, maii,ritie Annie Young,- widow of the IdeePA.lbert Boyd of 13raudon, De- ceased was in her seventy-seventh year. She ,waSsborn at 'Carlow, 061borne town- ahip, eSaiece of the late Andrew Y-oun,g )ef the 6th' concession, and made her home there until going West to Win- nipeg, fifty years ago. After spending two years there, she moved to the Ninga district, flere she . married Albert Boyd, from ile, HUTM1 coutity. They farmed -until a1920, when they moved to Braudoe. Mr. Boyd' pre- ttleceased her twelve years. Mrs. -Boyd was a veiled member of chnrcl, and community, and it true friend. labe bereaveat ftee threeedaughtere, Mrs-. A. Blanchard of Desford, Man., Mrs. A. Powers, of !La Orange, Chicago, and Mrs DeaOlnee.air, of Galveston, Texas; also 'seven grae - The funeral took place on Friday afternoon front the bstme of deceasea, and a‘saas largely attended. The. ser - Vice -its conducted by Rev. Mr, Parsons of Knox united ehureh, of which, con- gregation deceased was it member. The . pallbearers were James Wade, Claude Whiter Alit* aledlend, Leonard Gray, Charles Laorence, and Charlie Jell& a' t 41.T, DMIOIRIEVISS nth, radia For Results A Classified FINIa SAILla ( ; VCR, SAT:El - • ONE '28 ESSEX eoteeb, 'ere. '29 Plymouth eoaeh. Both these ears excellent eondition ° . 0 bargain. ,ApPly INGLIS GiARACW, Montreal 'St. 41:2x NOTICE RoyALat-iroupsIAN Ant • pitiveirior, 1301113ING "ItA.NGE. NO. '31 Aida NAVIGATION SOHOOI.L, FOltT sioxat, ONT. s The public is hereby warned ttat, Mita further 0-11tit166, .VR4(711M.1 31.140111BINIG ie liable to take pleee-daily °Sunday Included.) between tbe hems . sof .eunriseaand sunset at the Pradtice Bombihts;Rsitge situated'in the waters ' of Lake:Alarm:a aerviug the above- 11171.NTIs0 R.10,AstA, *SEEIMR, three or four-roonaed partment„ heated,, and furnished; ba Goderich. W'rite Box ISIONAL-S t, 62/e WiAeNIVED FOR. I kill/1114CM'; •I`toute of 800 families Write to - day. fit4W1411111.far1S,' Key 04t316481A.-4 Montreal, "anada. • 02 NVtbe ANTED. -TO OaLDlisOuRitaSEbiSo • and dead ,eatile; fer mink leed; rem yea nroMPtlY. PRED (111.13E11T, R.I Bayliele Phone 908 r 22. Clinton. Calls paid for, 18-tf. riee: NOTICE TO cEEZPATon,s * 24'o1i0E, tloonxorr. outs, Notice is hereby given to all persons haaing any claim against: the estate ef airs, Mabel Thompson, late- of, the Villege of Dungannon, in the 'County of Hugon; who died ea or about 'the 34t1i day of Novezpber, 1041, to send same, duly proven, to the.undersigned on or before 20ta slay of Deceniner, as on, and • after- that date- the AdMitestrator of * the said estate,sitall procf.sed todis- tribute the assets tbereof having regard only to the claims then filed, Deeember, A.D. 1941. e • le,. atedo:o.tdoiGer.oic;;i74::,t4th,r:i0;: lth day of 50-2 OSolicitor Ler thc NiperifeaC TO OREDITORS., 3., • named School. "daneer'area" of this range eoni Sista 01 a circle of 1000 -yards radius, the centre of which is 'a crib target • situated in Late Huron apvres:imately 1,200 yards °inhere front it point due west of Kintail, Ont., in Latitude -NS ; 43' 67' 30", Longitude Ws 81° 44' 30". Tale -boundary of the "(Imager ttrea" swill -be marked by buoys, erangeeyellew in „velour, No unauthorized person is Permitted to enter tlie "danger area" deecribeda above during the hours stated, No additiopal warniag will be given. By Order ---------„ ;CharlesaG. Prayer, P:C.,1110, K.C.,, Minister' of National Defence for Aft. Ottawa, Ontario. • J-DesOmber, 1941. CARDS OF THANKS , thank3..4RT,INFlaaTE,ltNishe,tp-those wilo iere so kind to -ter in • her bereavement; . s •,, else those who Sent doral tributes 5 tes,o2r loaned tars day of Auguot, A.D. 1941, to send Same T to ,the undersigned, duly proven, on HU `PALIIITLY Or TIM r'ATF4'1111) or *before the 23rd day of ' January, ' Oliver Johnston' fake this means ? of exoreeiing their gratitotle to those as on and after :Met date the who were so sympathetic and kind to itx94-.1ecutor of the- said eatate shall' pro - them ; those who loaned care for tbe ceeCl te makedistributiou of the assets funeral and thoae whoesentelloWOrga..0:17efd,. ahta;041gerri:gab trhdls, 0191113;h to ythoef - e 42 elanzise of. Winch It thew -has -notice. December, .A...D. 1041, Notiee Is .heyeby alvea to an persOns _having' any .„elaiste _aga1nst-40e, estate 'of latidleY Mantes, late of, the Wesva of Barrie, in the !County Of Simeoer. Senior Judge for the OpUaty Df lni. coe, who died on or about tite :14th. force at the annual meetings A meet- -bpi:AMY E. HO S., 1, • to ing had been called to appoint a trustee "Gederieh,' Ontario, - in the place of MrsaLaoyd Makins, vvha. 52-2 (Solicitor for the above Estats. had. resigned, but no one was present outside of the memuers of the Board; A contract with asiiew teacher could not -be signed withoot another trustee, and- he wtuned, that 12more'interest were Mat shown the pupils 1 -night be taken away te another school; Recita- tions were giv'etc Bobbie Parker Mid Margaret Stifling; it dialogue, "'Four Little -Niggers,” by Monica Grahano:' Gloria Westlake, Edwin. and John Apfelbeek and George ". AUCTION -SALES AlkiTION; -SALE YORE -BI-tialla iS1-10B41110RiN ICAttiribLE! For 1.11.adDeniald Bros, at Lot 27, Con. 5, laildeiriolb,Tovhishilii; at Portees Hill, on ° • MIDDAY, JiAiNUARY 2nd; 1942 Castle; monologue, MrsFigity the eemmenking at 30 Tram," by Playllis Luidsayeeeeltations . Six purebred regiStered cows *-.-to 1p..m. .by Monica sGraliant,,Marie S,fir1lia-g7Arto core in. February and 34 -arch ; 2 pure- • Donna Murray, song, 1 ni a Little bred registered no* si with- 'calf . at- - leapot, by 'Junior girls; dialogue, foot; 2 purebred:, registered heifere, "Tom Sawyer -Licks.. the 'Model .Boy,"' dae 'to'. calve early; 2 purebred* GienBrandon and Billy; double r eistered heiferee nor -bred.; a pure - duet by Melvina Sturgeon, Beverley b -registered heifeiss with atilt _at York, Jacqueline (Parker and, Dorothy .1 tin M.eLeoci ; dialogue, 'Tapers Doer Say," Audrey Sturgeon and Clarence Larson; Victory drill by Juniors,; In- dian ecene and songs (the Indi ens weres-Melvine oSturgeonewho re.. cited, "Ojistah," Pauline Johnson, and 13ery1 Castle, who reeited "Ilia- wathet's Hunting," by Longfellow, after -which the school sang "Huneer's Horn" and "Land. a Spain") ; dialogue, "Natighty Mouse„:" Betty 'Heard, Evelyn Bell, Jean.. Sturgeon, Marie Stirling e duet. by lean and Jerry Sturgeon ; dialogtte, "What -Became of the' False Teeth," Aileen Castle, Betty Lanson, Ieonald MaeLeod, Garfield Westlake; vocal solos by Mr. D. kall; dialogue, TURNKEY 'The Eutaw Boy Arnold Arnold Makins, SERIOUS. OOIDITION. Beverley YOrk, Jacqueline Parker, IN Dorothy Aso MacLeod, Melvina.. Stu.r- ", geon, George Heard, Keith Brandon, .Talten to Toronto General Ioiplitit on , Wilfred 'Castle. Mrs, Andrew intro- „seeday_eskiim peat ducetl the next number and. explained Kerwood White, turnkey 'at the the Scene from he *Alerchan,t of county jou, is iworted to be in a Ve.rtice." She pointed out that school very serious condition as the esult of - work had been used in the program as the attack raade uport o SundaY much as possible, as dramatization ge December •• 14111, I) James made the work easier and more inter- .-Prernikeir; seventeen -year-old prisoner .esting for the Pupils. At the same who was attempting to esc. e froni. time she presented the Red Cross vvith cuetoOr. Por a day or 'two aft .r the at - have spent on presents for the pupils a cheque, the eune ot.which she would, tthaock White, who allegedly was bit on head, by a In her room had they not volunteered Flenniken, Apb'ehaarepactertoinbeth.neolitla klsadoyf. ,toorggainviezatthieomn, tip'mforrs,theali. oEfiditoltta4 so isriaus t.fiat an ,,,surairay, was injured, but later his 000ditio4 cattle treasurer of the Red Cross, received taken fo the Toronto (General the cheque. "Merchant of Veniee,°' Act' for treatment by specialists. 11. Is said' , 2, scene 2 -Portia, DorisMennen: - hae a slight TraCtUre of the skull.. ,Neressitel Marion Castle, pege boye „ Beryl Castle ; solo, "Barbara , rilITTECE liTOT.gS Melvin Sturgeone;citrols by 'the -school. • - At this point aim. Galedner. thanked, . ----------- „ _ ••.),Irs. Andrew .and her pupils for the M. ..tridge will eing at *lbw . dont:dim:Tee-0e Red Cress and praised ren had shown, see. eopressea titq .cint orning s'allte° 'Nerth At the SalvatioaOrmy ott Stuiday street United the spitle of sacrifice which the ehilde ne Sunday nel there will beo. service in t .evenitar general 'regret 'felt -at the resignation et; 2 entrebred registered heifer 'yearlings; *' 2. purebred, registered' heifers, 11 ,:ltiontlis' 2,epttrebred regi -stere These cattlo are in good fair condition and ere being sold as We are over- stoeked. There will .be no reser* -sa If weather is stoiroy„ eale will be testt under cover. • TE111111S--C.ash. IlaacDONIALD BROS., iitoprietors, Baytield, RIt 2- GUNIDRY & , SON, .aatetioneere. 52 - former !Colborne township boy. aInter- ment was 'in the Brand= cenleterya The demi tributes Were lovely: - Among these present for the funeral were Mr. and lire. A. Blanchard and daughter, Desford, Man.; Mrs, Allan' Powers and • daughter, %a' Grange, Chic -age ; Mrs.. D. Sinclair, Galveston, Texas; Mrs. Amite BegleyePort Dover, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Boyd, Ninga, Man.; Mr. and Mrs. lored"Boyd, Ridin Mountain, Man.; 'Mrs. Thomas Killarney, Man. • i3AYFIELD — • . BAYPIDIAD, Dee. 23. --'rhe annual meeting ef the WAILS. oSKnox byterian eirarch vvaik held, in the elturcli l'hursdayc'evening, The following are tb,e eflicera; for the ea - sizing year i'President, Miss J. Mn - son; vice-president, Mrs.' .'11. Cox ; seeretarr, Mrs. M. Feseguson ; treas. urer, Miss IM-ary, Iteld; home helpers, aecretary, 'Mr& W. 4. Foster seGlad Tidings secretary; Mrs. j. Rietard- son ; welcome and welfare ...eeretarY, • airs. M. Ferguson. Misa Jeoltite Manson Is spending Christmas *Peri friends in Ilensall.' Mrs. M. rergusen left on Wednes- day for !Leiden to spend alhristmas - with her son, Mr. „T. Ferguson, and Mrs. Ferguson. . ImisS Ifetty, Gairdtier, who Is attend- ,ing „'Columbia tnieersity itt New York, errived heme on Monday to 4pend the holiday season with her Mother, „Mrs. It, -P airdners rtthe antrati'" op Wednesday to op -end ciflutuuto at I'restou with !Mee Ruth Tilt; Mies, leesie IMettalf of Detroit 'IS ,spending the holiday ocaeon with her mOthar, ars. W. Mete*. First Down In Firat &tow- The holiday season presents a pleasant 417O4rtunity -t� ex. p. 'Imes our appreciation of your friendship and to eexpreSs the hei5e '• that „allee0Ur friends and eustolners will • r , share in the joys of thi'.1; ,gladsome season , • 411rOltdittiltiltitit ttlre,100,01ret,htextli_Tinic. ,.• ;•• CRANSTON'S tISTZhi TO 000111ZOlt TALlitN4 TUX Apt, 230 • OUNDAY, DEO. 28th Ai 2 0'014001i.OleNt. „. mt4, ' :v.,. s nt, (Photo: Can. Nitta TN the first now of the season at St Sauveur, noted winter sports tenter in the heart of the, Laurentian Mountain district of Quebec, no skiier is Any too 'sure on iterereor his -feet ,,ati witness the plight of the pretty , young American visitor pietqed above. However, les lots of fun for everybody when the shows tome to St, Sauveur, hem* of famous ski 70" which is annually host to theissamis of United States winter sports fano. (llatenged for lett, Week) , of alns. Andre*, who gave of 'herself Cadet Violet 'Larder, wive left ',Meech ..so unstintingly to develop the .best In tier pupil:;. Santa "Matte then eame 'ItirtaiS:ipntgetleurego tinhieTyoeraoiri it: 'owl tlitributed the presents front the idnuo,t,tht:e:oore:: meeerevtti:g, n:vh:Tive fir ei!tallanilki:7 , tree. Ile 14 1114 pupil's, teacherS Cadet Smith, trent Regina, ,vs. i lead and some parentie. 111e111ee7•4•41, aline- -es' s ''''"'"- a '. 161004 faiSlaiditliatireil Teaii" 1 ()n. WeduesdaY hight, lk('4-fl ,r, 3,.1s' juniped into a nearby garbage Mil. ily 'welcome. ' ma.t.41.4orttl:mlo.tost.t4.1, The following story le told Of an at 11 o'clock, there will be : v,itkver• American woman in Landon for Der . night service at the Salvati arfaY ii,rst air raid. She was to eeated she •eifadel. To ,t1tis ineethre all a hear Tiv-o Chinese cattle along and eaw heiel• , ------e e -- trange people 4,re these Occidentalst,vith an enormous- Vitristmas n (China we wouldn't, tliink Of throWing ,1lle poetollice. ()ii Monday itin way a p...etty evomen likethat fee* at,i bags came off one train, th( east another ten yearel" „ I mail soot' reeeived here. "Goodness me!" said theelti3t. 4•!What An tiugmented staiT .I4 8 Public SehoeleCtsieeert.The &pile .1 / of liasfield..Publie School gave a 'very a rereditable.Chridtmao concert•Which dis- l plaeed coneklerable 'talent under the direction of their teachers, 'etre:. 13. F. , Andrew and Mrs. Wine E. Parker and Castle, chairman Of the SchOol Board, 1 Mmie tNteeter Douglao Gill. „‘,1r. (ore I welcomed flake •Preeent itna the pro, • grant eommenced 1,vitli ,the einging .of, q "44‘otl• Face the nine," folToeed by "0 1 Canacla,". eV' 18erg," ._c nes beer the 'Nety," alValsome 'On, " ."(aek a - doodle boo," lay the sell IA; songs by thtee little elitere, Barb ra Braudore 'Barbara Bassett; and Jae' `,'e (M04,00d; 8anta aline, lite.11ish earoland nursery rhymem. Net eanie tie chairman's - reraarke,ein Mitch he an urteed that til4_' !Ward had aseePted, ti, esignetion , of 'Afro. AndreW.. IV (wile I thr th* interasteof the ratepayers d 1104 mita and asked :that there bre ,, II atteede tinging, all at seven largest tlgtotAkal COAL! When in the market for Cold Call CHAS. LEE'S OFFACE Phone 11 • and yort will • stot PIM+ Kerdware $tore sad OW is,* itat; „ 4 V , Art. t,