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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-12-25, Page 7
1/ •gam-;-„� _�--:.�._.,.. AN 1 61T" WOUIED Drating ousi each Alay, nos a to do housework y cranky with fire dliildrtls. �feelint 'sots blo. Blaninrit "amu„ when the *may be:out of der. 'When 4.1-400Y1 1# system clogs. with R �ue tleadacheR• ckac e frequently follow. • Dodd's tine Pills help clear the system,' ' giving nature • chance to restore health E.and energy. y Uptake. Sola.' 116 Doddsd + Pik#s roirtEws E 414 - L ORrilEi , MU; Dee. 22.—Miss Dorothy'Stirlin'g, lett, 'on Friday for © her new •110iti.d 1tt ' iit:ouver,Y B. C. Our good wishes' go with 'lifer. So far no appointment has 'been made to fake her plate {as', teacher ii S.S. No. Z. AIr. Jim iForest, Moose jtew, flask., visited his eousixi, : ;Mrs. Glen Lock, - t. • Quite a •,rrurnbear from aroundx. here Attended the 'funeral of - Yalen'tint Fishier on 1E.'a'turday,, Sympathy is et - tended. tors. Fisher in herr sorrow. We 'wer pleased to see so many out to • ehu ch ,;on 'Sunday, •when Rev.' H. Currie el.•ive:red a splendid Christ - Mee serrnof • Red . Cross =Meeting. -the annual meeting of ;the Porter,s Hill Red Cross unit was !held ,i.the Basement of -Grace ehtiardheon•lMonday�.atteria ou,.- Decemlber 15, with .nineteen 'present 'mad Mrs.•'.A1I'en Settles in the chair. • Airs. in n t Torr"ance gave a splendid irep'brt Q . the year's Work. 'Twelve meetings were ,ulheld during the ;year, .members uumbeared 28, and $333.84 was raised- beesocia1 venings, - salvage collection and other sources. Another social evening will ;,be held on Friday "evening,. January .9tlh, at. Me. dome. of, John Torrance. Election et oftlieers resulted as follows: Mrs. Bert Harris, president; Dere. Allen (Betties, vice-` •president ; iMrs 1 John Torrsrnce;.,)secre-- tary'treasurer;' (Mrs. Greenslade and Mrs. Vic. Elliott, inspectors; Leers. R. 'Torrance, Mre. Will, Cox, Mrs. 3. Loclihar't, . tpackers. The Social eam- tnii'ttee will be composed of Der. and Mrs. Bert elarris, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Greenslade, 112r. sand Mrs. 'Allen Betties, Mrs. !Murray r McDougall and Eleanor 'Cox; lunch eommitteefr, Mrs. Will Cox, Mrs. 'sLeslieeCox. Thee .rfo1- lowing flea list of the articles inade and senor; •overseas.' frem• r ;Jarfiiary eto Deeember, 1941: Seventy pair'. mitts, 54 pairs. socks, •34. pair •seamen's • •socks, 26 'scads, 21 pullover sweaters, 18 helmets, 15 caps and toque, 5 • vests, 2 pair knitted bloomers, 2 baby Jackets, 1 knitted .afghan, 1 dress, 22 quilts, 8 girls' skilhfs, 13 pairs bloomers, 3 ladies' 'nighties, 2 ?Aria' berets, 3 girls' coats,. 3 girls' blouses, 1' lady's •slip, 20' layettes, 24 ehandkerchiefs, 25 ,,,uaen's pyjamas, with- 3 extra pair of pants. Thi •Ianuary 'meeting will be a held January 19th, eh .the afternoon. ..,Father :• 1 don't w.4nt .my daughter - tied to a hopeless idiot, for the rest of her life.- ,, • Suitor:, Of course mot; then I sup - Wee 1 have your consent?'_, ERICH O AL ,L I� flllliilfUf�; ,'s,"" e' ' l .la itstta at . tilWlliil malt INMAZIA1tll411,IIWWJIAtA 1111tJiMiloWU Major ..-(now MajorrOenezal) it. Pearkes, > .C., In that remarkable'chapt9er of history y n K.aa f which "records the exploits o diahr winners ofithe Victoria Ceoes in the last war, there is no finer instanee of light- ing leadership, no More inspiring il- lustration `of the kind of courage that endures' tlirough great stress over a Y-. long period, of time than that of "Eight,' ing George" {Pearltee.. lie was iii constable on `the Yukon Patrol when war broke and at once decided to 'trade his scarlet tunic fol .khaki. He bought his dischargefrom the R. C. M. P. ° "in order to better his position" by joining the Canadian Mounted Rifles at Vieneimeer as a, private in 1915. He Was' a corporal` ., and reached ,)C ranee in the eutumwaed., became a eSergeant in 1916. He was commended for .personal ;bravery .and cammissia. ed, the Reid and won the •Military ,Cross as alieutenant later in. the year,, He won the Victoria Cross as i major in 1917 and received. the distinguished! Service Order and the Croix de Guerre in 1918, and flniehed the war with'. a• lieutenant-coloneley and immortality in the annals of rattle arms: 1 He Ls now- Major-General. Pearkes, D) O M C General Office Com: I ilke. ',!,1{ l{I eeet{ }M ,e Iiftll Tl R!lftMll�ih ,mjl I'Hlii. eereP„e , , i ,i,(1 ' 1911 - 1941 • On December 14th two Zurich- eoupic's 1(evier, %'w, Knox, jt:, Archie Unlit." iebrated 'Wedding afiniversarl . •1ta1 Harry 'Yuud blut and Major Yunt, as the sixtieth fox' Mir, and Mrs. xadrew Thiel and. the sixty-fix'.st for Ir. and M. Martin 'Torii(, The cement building. at Canaan* sed as a chopping mill has' been put-- based, uri based, by the Huron County road °cern- l ion and 'will be used• as, a ,ato1* arise for County, equipment/ Atter a short, illness Albert' Whit - id passed away .at 'his home in Grey w•nsliip on December 13th, in his ilty-second ysea.r. .He is survived his wife, one daughter. and two. • v. E. M. Loney, Baptist n.inister, 1 !Mrs. Loney, who are leaving- gii,am r f'or a new eharae at Ber- Mlle, were honored with the pre- ationmf gifts. from the people of ingham church; e••R*ussels 'community nourn.% the of William 'Clark, oe ,the 5th { ssion of Morrie, in his E'orty-third i. Deceased had been in ill -health undergoing aerious operation ars ago. He leaves. a 'widow .and tighter, also his ,mother, Mrs. s Clark. of and !Mrs. Jnmes Collinson ecently celebrated the fiftieth sary, of their wedding, Both oying. good 'health. V.r. Krol- was born at kiaiton, while lison, formerly Rachel Hazel- . a native' of, fioderiele town- eath occurred a.t Clinton ' on evening last of , Caroline idow of John Hunter, in her in!th, Tear. • t.A. .natiye of 'towiisliip, she niarri'ed. "Mr: rt3 hree agoand they y�•t years r 'a ',few years before . tak- sidenee in Clinton. An only yes: Robert'Grant' Hunter, (production' specialist, Tor- age e „th{\ dei eon yea sine five one Tho :Mr" Blyth anniv are e linson Mre. wood, ship. The Friday Grant, 1 seventy, Stanley.' Hunter farmed ing.up Sbn su industria� onto. Heavy B Sheep-ki a proble killing d from dog neighborh paid duri and in the face of opposition from -both „Major rearkes, V.C., MO., was given ;the stubbornly -lighting enemy and the commands of the 110t • Battalion on his ,. n f ' illation. As toe O a tura the see r Rain re 1 adverse weather. persistent y ad e to R ant o and ,shells had long ego transformed the ; Lieutenant Colonel he soon„,. _ n V.C., .S: ., ., antra . r battle' eeene'isto' it''hi'deous. morass, and more honors and. more martial fable. mending 1st Canadian Division. •, the going , was so atrocious, the condi His great show with the 118th Bat- Thea-xeer.. of Fi h{tin The'military o g g' n` tri A t 41018 talion was at Amie , � hopesfors' °i al George” ' P+�arkeStx f ttilxSr'repl'ete °�witli' ".tions.; so; ,.terxbbe, . that all spirited assault were abandoned by the' when his -masterly..,„haudi ;, .g of, the, k incidents which reveated his remar rimae, the a�th_(3 M. R. took their turn.in. unit after it had Ibecom exhau d: car - able offensive stint longs -before the attack on 'thin -held, 'Passchendaele ' lied it through to the jetive.• If it course of wars tide 'brought his- bat -Ridge: - were needed, Amiens eonilrahiid his talion to •Passchendaele and Major ( g unique abilit as an action •leader. As (for' rk to .the cited which -ooh 'hire i Despite that fact, the advance by the ; ya !ng The campaign staged 'be'fore the vot- Pea e5 . ee�ie re, arted_earl in the New ,,j ruee,eount has he . _ poifer _.,.t vet- • . .... ........,. ,...�...�,. . W_._,. .... _.:com a�3y�ledF-11y=:.�a�D�:��edrheS..�Va,S-11s. =they. �A ..,,� �' _� ..,.�. OW�T1a11Tp,.� yr the coveted little �b'ronze cross �vith.,the 1 P , � y • • "His splendid Saud fearless ex- i d � sedations of sheep- �•* wig one of tfte 'Wannest ever seen Mceluicbey `fi The marriage of MisS. Beriliee . Thiel; daughter Sof Mr. and. Ma, Elmore „G .. `fillet of Zurich, to John E. Me*a Clinchey, Bon of Mrs. McGlinelleY and the late :George McOiinchey of Varna, was Solemnized by v.. 3,• W. Penrose at 'Exeter on l extllter 17tho sig e eou,jle will r id+e en the grooza's farm near Varna. ynY " Wingham Maximum +►eili ," Asa. dao and a him" fhb lii pered. to sea wtat Tl tramp and the vicar getberr, and 'thou money parsed b • . tWl i 't •iul. Ten. 'tlie vicar" Weed un"We11," 2be said as th4ii tramp case toward* herr again, "bow mueb did the give your .n '- Wr give me S".'the tramp, snorted. "Ile took a IVO Aids for hie bleonrdn' organ fu.u,,, 51� 'Itn i cti Are Good Direotivns on an, air raid precautions Winghadn `seems to '"specialize' in leaflet recently is euie(l in a, South Cost nmrksmariship Its' Wile (Club has town: "`1t an ineen, iar'y 'bomb comes ll - ,again shown its lass -by taking second through the roof, don't lose year .head. i with shoot for 22 •sfp()rtin ' rifles" The' samL piac(3 • in 'the annual Dominion•,,vwide ,Put it in 'a bucket and elver t Winrgham (boys 'scored 1500.127 out of. tford a possible 1154. Bran e- volver and Rifle Club took first place, winning Iby .1, Marksmen from 176 ride clubs entered the contest. ° In fa.. similar competition open to ladies' teams, the Wii3Mhain. ladies placed sixth with a score of 1.189.$9. ~t . TEESWATER REMAINS DRY 0 t In uce Beverage Rloolfa ort a tkad �fi? era$ "ails—Clear. Majority against Sale of Beer and Wane T +I SW.A.TE+ R, ' Dec. 19.—.The ''drys” were victorious' in a vote held here to- day to decide whether or not beer and wine would be sold in Teeswater. - The total vote was, 227 for sale of beer and wine and 249 opposed„ Bal- lots al kits were. east by about 90 per cent of those persons eligible to vote. " ,' for the Teeswater has been dr9 -past-thirty; years. . move has been on foot here for, some ramais to have a cote taken to decide .Whether or. not the residents of the muitic1palitY wanted a beverage room, 'A potion was circulated and signed by many who favored sale of beer and. wine., This petition, was presenited to authorities and the vote was ordered, "dashing" as any in the long series of • eat . o n the epas- 1915, - . - - - -- si Beinscription, "For Valour," , 1 • s 1 ample put new life into the whole at- in Te{eswater. Strong fastest were- as - actions in the third Batt1 of Ypres. { gs.. Total yearly revenue' :., He reached • Iiirarnoe• -in September, tack and captured sixteen enemy guns 1915,. then, the .units destined to form That was largely daze to the "supreme ' ax in the township is in the • t t of 'danger and wonderful of all calibres up to eight inches." He of $'600, and, damages NENV Ar EDUCE 'i RAIL0A FAit ' Jt�+.C�.p.� FARE AND. ATHIIRD Glood' , g'oinng Friday, Dee'„ 19 'te Thursdays Jan,,1, '191.2• 'iuelus iqe. Return Ilimit leaving destination E Mk.). not later than midnight (E.$.T.) Wednesday', >7anu?iry ' , 1942, .M E AND A 'QUARTER Good Ping; (Tuesday, • Imo.: 30, • to • Thsdny, Zan. 1, 1942 ' 'ins e usive.: Returns limit: ,leaving' destination not Hater than. mid- night CES.T.) T.) Friday, J hnuary AN : 1PP A,x. — s man • gthon- t sandy of +aur Armed Peau' • will th' ri the move duipirng m Te Railways appeal bo the general public to travel early And assist in avoiding congestion. .For fares ani: -tCurtber forms tlo i idly ;Ticket- Agents. . Ctrl, A1YI. the 3rd Canadian Division dere be- con amp ginning to assemble on the Messines powers of control and, leading"dis- received the D.S.U. and the French g the past year were over CrOL' de Guerre. ' twice hi.: amount. A bounty of $10 front. ••In march, 1916, ' he was made played by the company commander. j ,. thi n and duii11 _ewe, Major Pearkes fought past obstacle • • His last wound, suffered fn Septem- has been ffered this year in the hope bo nth, nethea t, month, in the Ypres salient, a Han of after d>'bstacle, reached his objective and bar, was serious, ,but -he- rkt-urned to that-•some:;of thtt ma•rauder,s-might be the 2nd C. M. R. was captured in a sur- hastily improvised'" a line. He person- the command of the 116th Battalion in exterxnina ed,- but it has not proved prise German trench -raid. And, ft was ally reconnoitred his position and diS- time to lead it home, °> successful ' and sheep -raising is • be - sergeant Pearkes who rushed the Huns covered his flanks were wide open. He With the war over, . Lieut. Col. coming m re difficult each year. and rescued him. He was wounded in was iii imminent danger of being com- Px , kes decided to remain in the ser- Officers o Hullett , incident; cora- pletely cut off and_ heavy enfilade (fire -i 11e -.attended ,Staff 'College at Federatio Unit that No : Man's Land; invade , mended for bravery and coil iissioned was coming from a fortified farm on hisCamberleyshortly after the war, and The 'H Vett township unit of the in the 'field. - •` exposed lent dank, ° I later .became general staff .officer at , Federatio of Agriculture has elected - Ile was again wounded Ilooge in Organizing a•handful of men to serre-f military district 'N'o. 13, Calgary. Zit I officers.as follows far 1942:,PresidW. ent,b as an attacking fo .�c*e - he captured' the 19 L he • Was posted to Winnipeg, in ; Geo. Watt, Myth; vice-president, „ 1 BROPREYS FUNERAL SERVICE (Established -1575) TRADITIONAL SXNGE'gITY - AND EXPERIENCE. Prompt Am utance. - Service - Phone 120 I1'LO'leif) M:: LODGE, Director 1, R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Enibalmer All Balls promptly attended - to day or night .—A@IBULANCE SFRY�G -• Phonei: Store 335. Res. 355W. 'Hamilton Street, Goderieh owiesoleeeemesomow Thp, Cranston Funeral H�me . A Comitete - Service at Reasonable • Prites pIOMPT INVALID , CAR i SERVICE , No ktia charge fbr the use of o i, modern Funeral Home. 17 ontreal St. Phone X09 key, but - was back with his unit in time to play his usual Prominent part at Mo�rquet Farm on the Somme. He had been transferred to the 5th C.M.R., and was acting, as company commander when his personal gallantry and 'flee leadershiii won him the Military Cross at Regina Trench: He had captured a 'stretch of that famous dlortified nee and lotted objective, his little force was held it throughout the night following deep into ,German -held territory in . a mantling the Alberta . Military District, the C. M. Res ;attack, though'both his flanks ¶ere in the air and. despite the fact that he was carrying eight splint- ers from. a Hun grenade ' in his' body, Refusing--to.'be evacuated,, he personally directed.. a successful withdrawal from the •precarious position which the im- petuous •advance 'of his . company had created' Then came another, spell in hospital, 'but Captain • (Acting Majorl Pearkes - ' °g1 s fighting < gserviceman and the returned to his battalion in time far the wounded in the thigh a..machine-gun heen, cultured,always, courteous, and movable•-�as$n111t ef _ the Canadian bullet. Dien with less fl hting spirit even - affable when off cl�ity, he is polio- ' Corps on Vimy Ridge In April, .-tivoarlcl-reported to the dressing lar with bop the e the Miff station anye left t e i field efone ,.civilian. stronghold by. sheer audacity rather i 1927, to -Victoria,. tied, in 1933 to Royal I R. Jewitt,-Londesboro,{ secretary', (boss g than weight of arms. He then moved � Military College, 'Kingston, Where he.lelecGregora; directors, 'B.' • Irwin, - F. his whole line ferwarZl, only halting 1 was -general staff officer and chief in- 2- ndall, J;oseph:�'Flynn, W. ISedtt, Vic. and establishing a new defensive poli-' structor. He was later director iof - R,v, Warren G•ibbings, Norman' Shep- tion when his free was down to twe9ty men. He had captured more than. his al - military training at National Defence herd., 'Nelson Lear, - Leonard McNally headgUarters, and then attended the Glenn Raithby, Neville Forbes, Wm. Imperial Defence College. On the out- break of war- he - was- Brigadier, com--• +" - MoLumerts! To uoee d�oartrinplat1ng buiitt� ing Monomeut . . Get my pts before buying. Cemetery. Le ng Ix mlty. A El work guaranteed. N GRANT A►RBL GRANITE WORKS , O(/��n��t�a e to Balt lk 7atpie • pocket, but Major Pea-rkes„realized that and was given 'command of the_n his precariousosition could be held. Brigade of , the`;- (Active) Canadian Sib he held it. Ile beat off' a series of army in November, 1939. determined. counter attacks and main Erect, square -set, well-proportioned, Pained .his advance of 1,000 yards ^leatl .six -feet tall'as he stapds in his military, Mt reinforeements'��could reach him Co closet boots, he is "righting !George” to the ranks of the Y1st Canadian . Division- which he now commands, "a good "egg' , to his • junior officers, a driver of himself and his staff. His hobby is hard work, d land his passion is military. science. �a �a those open barks and consolidate his hardewon ground. " • Major Pearkes' personal feat is en- hanced when it is 'remembered that prior - to the jump -oft he bad been iefe During the summer a ,was in _ . fighting. in front of Avion, :at.•Hill 70, the, attaelz tart cl.,.- In dead,, his fear- His soldierly qualities already have . and at Mericourt •- and 'then came less personality remained at the head of had a far-reaching effect on his cony 1 Passchend-ale r the Ilattslion's attacking line to inspire ma; id, and there is no doubt that under ; The action in which -Alarm•Pearkes and lead•it to a notable -day's achieve- his inspired leadership the 1st' Can- won the highest honor'within the power went. ad�ian ..Divisloxi will 'add g, llsln't 1 of His Maiesty the King �to bestow on As a' result of his wound he new had chapters to the history and traditions British ,fighting men was"an epic of re- another period at hospital -••and then of "The Old Red Patch" when it finds i 1 solute leadership• and defiance of has- came still another change' of unit. its pew battlefield. a rr�I rf. - q, .r. r. - r � J WESTFI YY I .. ' VE S T FI I11. D, bee. 11, . —M r. No r. - n Keating of I;eI b grave vas busy last Os. wiring' the 'bariefor Mr. le 'Red - the church, was led by the president, Mc-I)owell; Red cross` representative;, Mfrs, '(1 m, MiS'ittie. *Fourteen even; Mrs. � m. McVitt'.e (Baby Aland leaders, present. The me •t'ing was opened witji ' airs. Norman Radford. Mrs. 1% .1..('ook ; ni a hymn andseveral Christmas carols,. Mise on (;and leaders,sirs. lIoward cv�"cei � un�� ditrrrn tiro mend. cc `t s , .g Meeting. Alm rairtphell, Mrs. Wm. (ar.4'r. - The \LnVin 11c1)owell led in t,1.1Jer.•• The, lig*ting closed %S itli prayer by firs, 1i. ylor spent last week , 1is�""T�tilet ri TaScripture lesson, from St. Lillie 2:-i-19, ! ,te. Nilson. With Mrs, R. Stdrnehouse, Good'°rich. was • read b, Mfrs. Walter 'Cool;. The i. Mr. W. F. i'amphdl atbeetled a t 4 Mr. and dirs. Alva'McDowell spent eltrietnias message . was .given by Mrs. ;board of Health me ting at Ie,€e - ase,,( a couple of Clays last geek with London :SIcVittie. ee reading was git•en by I'hllr. on Monday, and also a 1►anr1lret giceit ' rlendls. . R Vincent a cruet by lira -1.lya Me- ' by Reeve Redmond for menibers of Mr. and, Mee Andrew Borne of 1) . • Dowell dud.:Yrs. Wm, '%' tiden. �v1ra. ! the 'Township Council. Windsor are visiting their ,niece, ••\1r.. Norman, :1Ic�I)oe�°ell..read a letter from I lection o a b i ,) . friends. " h4,a b 1 fid drtc ol- i)eI aThe �' . 4� ati India. 4, lay ou , . �n of I Clutton 1r. 1 .1 :11r�. 'llis1 Teeth t, 'Vaimoti McDowell did v •� viten weer to the Junior war; ��L'���d"�� "ILL -7 31114 Ids, fir. Wm. • 'McDowell, -mese, io . Thornton i and "i'i"iriu,iff'ail.i victims' faincl.• :41r�. Norman l�id�I)o'`vell I II()I.1:iTI�S't"I�I.I,I�:,. Dee. "y.-�+�5 �c�w Mtltlrotl ('biotiten and Bliss %%innifredl Campisell,were ani-! (lora and , lmsi Trewaetha are ut t Campbell ' vtti •. itor at Condon mon Thursday 'voluted to secure flowers for the t hurclr home for the C`IarintlrY 4 ; iioIidlei s. 1 1 for the winter blrs R. �'inc•etit prce:... (' trrstntsata c>d►irci=rts are now Campbell. resulted `1> -1.11r.-and :qrs. W. A. (,ainplrell. . ti'rri. �Ic'tr'itticr,4 stat vine I►re icl4 it, 'rs. „ due to the musical al training. .Longer ee ae, ft' rri`lntairaias Cook is spertdifig some , Ailser"t'i'britls11 recording secretary., ►'11 t'ttumlret�s"wE re givd7tt.• At some coaid�•.1ts ; tine at the laoira1 ofMr.-ns it Arca. 'Marvin : cl)odvell: corresl)ondenc• a, cantata was given 1►y the children r, Manse' Cook, dSs' borne` tov�"nsls+ilr. 4±cretary, :61rs. �'F"'' I�`. C°;imlrlr ril; Was. 1 and in every ease .it was well damn.' Miss Minnie ell of (inborn was a user, f:� rs.. slough Blair; assistant week -end • gut t..at the home of ?i r ,tial)• 'mord has been received of the roar- ',. 1 Gperetary-treasure , Winni rsul C ria„e' of ffis Miriam 4Mti('ormit�li in 'aster, Ars, J. l.. izT�owe11., a spec Mr. John Gear :of 'Kitchener spent' 1411; cl�el)sirttrreirt secretaries <t�'hristian . i , , t'1 Q, (tis tnather, Iii. T. Gear. stewardship, • lire. I1: 1}treii„t^; string, t drl anfo 'fo �1i'. F. '6�'. Ilortr of llaniil- S. , rs. with 11r 'tlelvi.. , '.. i.. . uppl•y', Mr.r t1 awl firs. ()ul)alcle�tori of Gader chi s v .� - � 1� 1 a; Noriiisata :McDowell ;,^ J � trial :.: vvitr•'�1 aD;lo orintle Barbara. ,I,1 a r. • , . :3i0na'ry :1l'ofatlalyr + . . little Itaritar;t. Jean Smith i 4 tea Wee, 'Mts.,- Itklanl('!y d_'ook; finite .box', t@zi My° .onto FlOter was married ricin is sapentlit;<l flits°ck with liar a a Ito . 'Arita c)C)o�velt ;