HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-12-25, Page 62 tb, O LITTLE TOW* OF BETHLEHEM • O little town of Bethlehem, , How still we see -thee lie! Above ,thy deep and dreamless sleep.;▪ ,'ne'stlentette,arS.go by,. let in thy dark streets shineth The everlasting Light; The hopes and fears of all the years Axe met in thee tonight. ._ For Christ is born of Mary ; And, gathered' ,all above, While mortals eiee�p, the ` angels keep' Their watch of wondering lo -e. a morning stars, together + Proclaim the . holy birth, An -•praises sing to. God the King, And peace to men on earth. t•" How silently, vv 'si'lently, The wondrous gift is given! So !God imparts to human., hearts The blessings - of i is heaven. ear may hear His coming; - But in this world of sin, Where meek souls will receive Him, still The dear Christ enters in. • O Holy Chir of Bethlehem • Descend to us, ,eve pray, Cast oiif our sin, and enter in ; Be4•born in us today. We 'hear the 'Clhristmas angels. The great glad tidings tell; O come to us, abide • with us, Our Lord Emmanuel. -Phillips Brooks. rfravvvy F JJOW G THE- STAR 'It was the eve of Christmas, The -snow lay deep and white, I sat beside niy window. And looked into the. night. I heard the church belle ringing, 1 saw the bright star shine, , And childhood came again to me, With •_all its 'dream divine. Then as 1 listened to the bells And` -watched. -the skies afar, tOut of the East majestic 'There -rose one` sadiant.,star, And every other. Star Pew pale Before that heavenly glow ; It 'seemed -to- bid ,hie follow And I could-hat,choese bti,,t go. From street td- street it led me, I3y ;manfa' mansion' fair ; It shone ;through 'dingy easements On Many a garret bare.. From highway: on to highway, Through alleys dark and cold, And where it shone the darkness Was' flooded all with ,gold. 'Sad hearts forgot their sorrow,. Rough hearts grew soft and mild, And many little ehildree Turned in their sieen, add smiled;.• While many a homeless` wanderer' • Uplifted patient eyes, Seeming. to see a home at last ° . . i`yond those' starry skies. awd then meth -aught earth faded, I rose as born wings, ' Beyond" the waste of ruined -lives, ----The' press of. human thing-.; Above the' toil and §•hallow; - Abot'e the went and woe. My old eelf and its darkness seemed ' Left on the earth below. ' And onward, upward Shone the star Until it ,seemed to me It flashed upon the golden gates . A'nd o'er the crystal sea. And then the gates " rolled backwards, .I stnood where angels trod, It was •tie Star of B'etirlehem Had led me up to God. As with gladness men of old Div the guiding star behold;_' As with joy they'..hailed its light, Leading onward, beaming bright-; So• , most gracious rti`ci may p we Evermore be As with joyful steps they sped, Savelour, to Thy „lowly . bed, There to bend the knee ;before Thee; whom heaven acid earth So may we ;,with willing feet Ever seek Thy mercy -seat. —Anonymous. Christians, awake!' salute the happy morn. Whereon the' Savibur of theworld was born; ',ise to adore the mystery : of' love, Which hosts of ` angels chanted `from above ; • With them the joyful tidings first! begun - ---Of God• incarnate and -the Virgin's Son. --- Then to .the watchful shepherds it was told; • Who heard the angelic herald's voice,' 'Behold, Z -bring good tidings of. a $aviour'-s birth , To you and all the nations upon earth ; , This day hath God fulfilled lis promised Word This day is born".a Saviour, Christ the Lord:' He spake, and straightway the celestial choir., In hymns of joy, unknown before, conspire; The praises of ..redeeming Jove they ssa,ng, And heaven's whole orb ,;with hallelujahs rang; God's highest glory was their anthem. still, Peace upon earth, and mutual good -will. .-- " To Bethlehem'. straight the enlightened shepherds ran, To see the wonder God had wrought for --roan, And found, w_ itj Joseph and the blessed Her Son, the Saviour, in a ,hanger laid ;: They to their flocks, still "praising God, return, And their glad hearts within their bosoms burn. • Like r Mary, let us ponder in our` mind God's 'wondrous love in saving lost mankind; Trace we the Babe, -who has retrieved our loss, - From His poor manger to His bitter cross; Tread in -His steps, assisted by His :grace, Till man's first heavenly state again takes place. Then mu we hope, the an-gelic hosts among, To sing, redeemed; a glad triumphal, song; He tll - was bore upon this joyful day' Around us all ,His glory shall display; Saved by His lorve, incessant we shall sing Eternal praise to heaven's Almighty Hing. " • God rest you merry, gentlemen, Let nothing you :dism�ay�, Itemesuper Christ our ►saviour born on Onristinas day, To save us j11,'fi'tSi�ft,..;l •a�t�a.a�,.s,...pwycr When we were gone astray; O. ,tidings of comfort and joy'; In Bethlehem, in Jewry, An m CA F m b Utast we "se e 0 m 1 e •Pis e This blessed Babe was born, And laid within- a manger, Upon thfs. blessed orn; The which His motherMary Did, nothing- take in seem. From God. our heavenly Father A' ;blessed angel:me ; And unto certain shepherds. Brought tidings o ' _the same: . Flow that in Bethlehe • was born -The, Son of God 'game. • "'Fear' not . then," -said the angel, 0.44,11 nothing' you. "Affright, This day is born a ,Sa our , - Of -r� pure ,virgin. right,- To free All those who t ust in Him From Satan's power, r, and might." The shepherds at° the tidings 'Rej of ed m�u 1h ' lig ; mind, And 1eftt ,their .docks;;'weeding, v In, empest,;.,, toi'm, "-and- wind r: And ^ /Went to, ietbleh• m.. straightway, This son of 'G.oda ,_And. schen they Caine •t ' eti chem ,Where our" dee} a-iourtlay, _.. _ They found fi a _lir a- anger, Where oxen 'feed on hay; His mother 'Mary kneeing down- - Unto the Lord 'didpray. Now to the 'Lord sing raises, All you within thisplace, And with • true love and brotherhood Each other now; embrace ;° This holytide of OlM tmab :® ..__ All --babe.--..aiotre...-d" face.' .... .-..... , .... .w , ... ' . , • , •.4ohn:.$yrom, '°1.692473. - A CIIILD'S CHRISTIVI S PRAYER` Dear Lord, be good to Seta Giausr. He's been se good to she; I never 'told 'him so beeausle * He is so .hard to see.- .He must love "little children so i To come- through snow and; storm; tPlease•V''care for him •,when eat , winds blow , AIid keep him nice and warm. ...- Dear Lard, be good to him and guid" To Mary Christmas, too.. I'd like 'to tell them, if Y could, The.. thing"s--' I'm - -telling .yea:. They've both been, very good 'to Me, And everywhere they go They make us glad ;--ono wonder we All learn to love them 80. ' Please have him button up his. coat 'So it will keep him . warm; And Fear a scarf about his throat If it should start• ,to storm. And when the night is dark„ please lend Hint light if stars are dim, !Or. maybe 'sometimes you could send " An Angel• down with, ;him. yylavivy 0 tidings of eomfovt and joy! .>.. 4,-:..., ngllshMtraditional • e As they offered' gifts most rare At Thy cradle rude and bares 0, So may we with holy joy, Pure, ,and free- from s.al's .a11oy, All our- costliest ,treasures bring, Christ, to Thee, our heavenly Bing. Holy Jesus, every day. Keep us in the narrow way And when'earthl5 things are past, Bring our ransomed souls, at last, -Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds Thy glory hide.,. In the he€i.venly country height Need they no ereated light; ! Thou ,its light, its joy, its crown, �..•• 'Thou its sun which g. es not dowfi ; • There for ever may we sing try • Hallelujahs to oitr King. ° ca 'Away in a manger, No crib for a bed, The little Lord Jesus Laid down his sweet head. The stars in the, bright sky Looked down.where he lay, "The little Lord Jesus Asleep on the"'hay. The cattle :are lowing, The Baby awakes, But Tittle Lord Jesus No crying He ,makes.^ I Iare 'thee, ,.bora Jesus; Leek down from the sky, And stay. by my side Until morning is nigh. n - Be near rue,. Lord Jesus; •I ask Thee.te stay C10 e . by me for ever, e 'And lose me, I pray. ° , B1esall the dear children _ s In Thy tender dare, And fit us 'for heaven To live with, Thee there. All this night my heart rejoices,` ° As t hear, far and ^near, ' - •/ .Swe`�e•test angel voices•; `Christ is born !' their choirs are singing, Till :the air, everywhere, Now with joy is ringing. ''Co1me,, then, let .ns hasten yonder; - .Here let till, great and small, Kneel in awe and:wonder.: • Love Him who with love is yearning; Hail the s• tar thaty from far, Bright, with 'hope i5 burning. Blessed 'Savior,. let me find Thee! Keep Thou me, el to Thee, -Oast me not behind Thee! 'Life of life, my heart Thou stillest,, Oalm I rest, on Thy breast, 77 'this void, Thou finest. Rejoice and betimerry in songs and .in mirth ! 0 praise our Redeemer, all mortals on earth ! For this is the birthday 'Of -Jesus our King, Who brought us salvation --His praises we'll, sing! A heavenly vision appeared!, in the- 1 y;a, Vast numbers of angels the shepherds dick spy, "Proclaiming the birthday of Jesus our King, 'Who • brought us salvation -His praises we'll sing ! Likewise ° a bright star Tiithe sky did appear, Which led the Wise Men from the east to draw near; They found the Messiah, sweet Jesus our King, Who brought us salvation—]Elis praises we'll sing! And when -they were come, they their treasures unfold, And unto Him offered myrrh, incense, and gold. 'So blessed for ever be Jesus our • King, Who brought us salvatioi.—His praises/we'll sing! —From an ' old church -gallery book. Thee, dear Lord, with heedI'll cherish Live to Thee, and with Thee, Dying, shall'. not perish. But shall dwell with Thee• for ever Far On high, in the joy That can , alter never. —Paul Gerhardt. (Tr.•Catherine Wineworth). Mrd eia K •And in despair I bowed my head; i . "There f.5 no -peace on earth," I said; , ,ti to "For hate is strong, and mocks the song I heard the bells on Qhristmas Day .r1 -• Their old fam%liar carolsepiny•; - • ei -And wild and sweet the "words repeat, F Of -peace on earth, good will "to men!Pi 4o" Of peace on earth, good will to men!" • Then pealed' the ;bells more loud and Vi deep: . :.." free is not deade;nor doth He sleep! The,ewrong shall fail, the right prevail, With peace on earth, good will to men !�", M Till ringing, singing on its ways `r The world revolved from night to daY, A' v`tiaie'e, a chime, a chant sublime,' Of peace oh earth, good will to men! ! ;cl -••••�ilenry Wadsworth Longfellow. Vst4,4 THE CHRISTMAS Sit WOL Only a manger, cold, and ba , Only a maiden' mild, Only some shepherds' kneeing there, Watching a little child; 1 And yet that maiden's 'arms enfold ,her King of Heaven !boy ;hold 3rb -. " And, in the> Christ Child we 'The Lora, of Life and '''f;ve` ;Only an `'alta.r ;high and' f��tir, • Only a white -robed prie , • 'Only 'Christ's children .keeling there Keeping.. the Christmas asst; And yet 'beneath the outwa$ siren• The inward. Grace is, gi :en,- ' lila Presence, who Is Lor Divine And King of earth and eaven, 0 r . •U - .,h - .., -•Peas , t �".' t+.d .r�.'7a +a .a +� n, e?A�iC� �•711�"'7�P''•�:, �!' .cre�'+5,,trzt .� '�P•-r ;•fir'-?!'=� � ���,a,u'-ta^�aT•.+•;ti ca ,a �vKa•.a•o.,.-�"w,^+a v^.a w, t. 4a c�,, �yy►� . r.ym"71'"Y, •Y ^�rnpnr'lh' h•^>r.•f,�PM fshl'�t' f•"'t?I'?ham-"rp P'7f ?P"yi�rj••i��4ry ^.rp.re+�pn�ffir'i�.�v�vr+v��••.^,�.aa'a�la�"'ru t �*.i �•n.xti.a t" x..,�� ��:...�••+�'fi'•wY+ -rt nh :r+rr-:-r--^rn�••'71•-^"'n••�r --sr., h C7!••"�1''"'P^�J•^yT W?1n•bCA•�i "7 {t�.a l''•*a •h., h, �.a�'.a ^i`a v^V •'M'Mi".•F'^rl 'V +i''•+,,^V'til•'sl-+_a^V nl•4+' ",,9P:"P"y�'"yh-^m-,r"tr^•^�-`r-�1•rr`-rr-,r-}T'•,-7r-•�P'�t 1 ry - _ '•a.3^�]•'w, �a^N•+as^4'�`dKy�.,'M'•w1 ^til^7., U^+. •'tiY '.3`+.^�:1"U''.J +.• '.a^.a u ,tea `\1 . �1�'�l".1".A'ti,'V•'^.,^-.1^+3 ^V w,^.3"V^*.1^i.l"+A^4"..1^+,•^+�^yl'•�a4U^V"V '^w1••*.] �.1Ywl ^�.J f.i �,% "Why, Rio the best ever! 'i'Vait'll you � Only Datl' Jim could finish --;their surveying as- inside in this weather. ' , • the sky. It grew nearer. t;nmfstakp "Wonder , ' hristtnas ably a motor ---an airplane! . C taste this turkey! !" Ile; `Say, who is teat funny 1i oking •' if •they 11 mz.� C , 1 eignment and bring back a report. ' Alread, meanwhile, were two months of this maddening snowboilnk silence., l;il, 's, glance drifted to the calendar. Suciilc,nli' he ea•ught his breath; . "Jizn;" he, shrieked. ` "Wake up!' Wake up! Do you know what ° day Ibis iss" Jim groaned, stirred a fist, and answered sleepily. -Tuesday, ain't its And so. what?" "Jim '.• It's Christmas live!" f 111 Yardley poked a ,tentative eye A few minutes Later they found them . .. _'outatcle 1a1�-� �l��a�altet. It ��a� daylight, �sels,e, ,�:�'tarizlg b1ar11tly out tlje`�� zatx o at last. Acro.=:.F� the tiny cabin Jim a.lmo�:t wishingthey'd new r discovered ,, r, 8 , 1 hisnleasurtl It ragas �xrisr. .( }r .,fiYoti? n quietly,3 r " o 1't on :, ., � : It was iicl rJf c h.l li lr t E rrc�atla almost 'drowned Iry ,(1 e roaring hat you Bait il, ..l> I1 tlic,u ,la1. SO he t. Ind on'i, title. -rut 'on h4 parka and headed for the Iii11M. ,eye.1 flaws c:d the cahlta with dater. its and r°r txet�' furniture.. "Let's forint it. Jim," he advi4 ed. (t r . _ but 1d wiwa /nI"ig r(titlf) to loot: at' oar trap' aiid .our car and works arOu'nd its the garden'? ale always frowns at me whenever, he sees 'rue. here,,' She: "Oh, don't mind pini: That's only father "•, ' Released by Western" Newspaper. .fell osv -Soho drives y Union.) A Tall Ono "Telephone Hello" tells a, fairly tall Bill raced for the cabin door. PA plane, Jint t" he cried "fret some black smoke gores up the chimney!" Then he raced 'ont to the clearing. The pilot.sow hien gesticulating wild- ly, or else he saw the fresh black smoke over the cabin. '.'Ire big oitip. vireked, flew off : to the -north, turned and came hack, ilying.low. Over the clearing it almost stalled as the pilot dumped over- board, •a huge lruridlc that plummeted into . the •show, almost- at Bill'; feet., Then he waved .:tract .,spot• away. They got • it ,inside, somehow, though they wanted to open the bundle right Nyitc,re it landed. ...(net -±be rope . was torn loose: an oilskin pouch flew out. A note Was inside. F.' rni Il e boas "Iii case you boy; .Iittve fur ;otteu,"` it,1'ckad, :'t0inoi'rowco Christmas. Itcre3„ with the makings, iricludiw: , seine prey cents qnn„ t r n ,1 sec .b �•a. 11 y,.��t,�i your "1�u►i�i il,�c..t' a' +�ull�:ll U'�.;� 1ST ° �����", tlloiig." • Bill and Jim loafed at ,each other, Own they c.lieered d Q e to }'o , ,f'114 m f:fit re Waiter, 'eros :,of ,some, f're•sh. air. lre ;taf�i t>>O03.. The ;,nilot Itnnpetd ov4'rl►oart1 a Tinge sea tfor hi �+:akt ,of ge ,, 'r;tlihieal accuracy.It c r�t�t iio. Irani", ts�titl ?sng tt rough • ;bi le. , '' f south, in: ku•te=th(ll drifts for two laou ro. '•1'C »t hrinetrrft iti,�c., t r the , 'pee, the ir,'rsc•aii fl1 8t c,lllee Vila n tlkc it c�,'ersty,. the traps'Y' all . too'in lac_risu.'oil as be neared the cab R f,•r, v -o' -t." -11/1A1 wig{ri Pill arxcl �' +eim tg. riven the animals ccero staying I Suddenly be heard a faint, inbn. 11 ,it elty couple were given a live goose. The husband, the goose and an axe retired to the cella', but later the husband came Upand said hi e simply could:not do it. If ,it waspp td trim the goose could die of oldSege. So the wife said to give her the tiola and she would de the,, job. WheiI she got faec-to-fate with the decapitation oho konapmrorimked, . ern eltlorofornr, after whic • she plucked the goom to .its shining hl4e. Ju i t as she wa:t removing the 1 ?'i feather r the telephone rang. As apps* was talking site hoard a thump i the kltt°hence ni promptly -'tinted *hen the goose walked 'tbroit it the d r naked as a needle. .Merry Ghristuaias`d„ gal cal Dill. • 1 'LV' THE : Z 4,47C t 4,tr' V•titV '. ' t ' gtXttittr,' service 11 in vi. �+ 1: liked , e Visitor: "Yes, 1 e p I• your; church -Very much. ,�•Biit one thing ,,puzzled Me: why do ala congregation slurry otit•so quickly after the, .benedic tion'?" Native: "-'Nell, *ir, the sextdn makes them leave their aimbrellas in the vestibule, and those ;wig► eget out' late) haven't -hush ef.a'•ehoictr ° • l sd Mi'lier'i men and zS' TYte1,get. pasti`iniddleago their r< c energy and activity,,iinmany i'Ma � s, 15t� kiii to de- cline, and their general. „vitality- is on. the Warne. little ailments and sicknesses seem harder to shako off th tit formerly, and, here and biers, evidences of s'r breakdown begin to ssptscar. heir Now is the tune those; wishing f :o help Maar.0 t in t slthnld t$1a ,c s cour'of °Milburn's health and Nerve Pill u They help tone up Lind invigorate the pstienf by their twhe r stnm. ' i y " b0e P. box _ 65 pills >�' � drug counters. ince e Look for our trade mat sic "Red lei" on the pink e IA�4 The T. MOW** Co,:tlinitmd, Toronto.. Ont,