HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-12-25, Page 2'a- obtrtrit gnat:4344r 0011# NO TUX GODFaltIC#1 SKINM• .AN:D GODERICH STAll 0,Publisbed by SignaiStar Press, Limited. West Street, Gederish. Onta•rite IRI) ni'Jab, i941 MitlasMs »Ay And 'n'ow once More comets (Ihristnra, Day. ,Once, more, tborne abroaA 1 Phil Osifer of Lazy Meadows ny Harry Reyle eth• the Wads eimple-minda Shepherds, runs the store., '0 atil And man have *et, in vielble, aetual union; la a life, whiell Le both human and divine Litt yOurselvealo the greet meaning a the day and dere to think otayour• , humanity as SOneethitie, et) sublimely peeeloita,..that it is worthrofebeing 'Made On 'offering; to 1G-od, Vona it a privilege to make that offering 'is 4.!ouiplete ste'peaSible. ;keeping nothing becit:V.tak thee go out to the pleasures and duties of yo1e having been truly born anew into Hie Divinity as 114 vea$ ben • into Our iltultaatrIty, on ,Claristraas Lety. aa -From :Phristmas sermon by Phillips Brook.in . and s 1) In peeks lilt° the bake-oven THE •I•11AY ItEFOIRE 111'e:re's' something 4botit the day lso- pre ,Viiristantre th,atie :mighty, liard to beet. Vel one of thoseedaY0 wheti you 'cam forget about your work and not feel guilty for''.doing staS The heuse seems to be filled with 'the isot of many good' things to °eat. Inger and einnamon . . and frag- rant 'eplees of all kindMingle with t lit? homelier sawn& of fretshbaked bread aud buns. The kitchen table is siaelged with, cookies and there are fresh pies cooling on the Windowsills. There's creamy caramel Candy cooking N-ritaeli before !saucepans, . . every se often :Thesa,vory odors that come wafting out . IN UNION IS STREM-111 Toronto finds in the fact that the a .1t time the door ()Ilene seera to IUnited States raises its army on the .1,11609,0010 , • draft system an argument for conscriP- Japan's sudden assault in the Pacific tion ha Canada and declares that it is t(ii)k the United:States and to a lesser , of 'Canada's war 4ifort in degree Oreat Britain. by surprise, and aPalned comparison with "that of the , States. ' tile efforts sitace made to coUnter the ateaeate betray -same eameesien, The i When our neighbors send o-Yersee's an time, she thinks, of se many relatives comparable, haVing due regard to '1111:111 along to sit down at the table eoriSlets11310-f. It'a‘nds°-ineth-dtvtnesci. VarTjellitIliee • announcement en Montley that Mie ' army population between Oburebill had reaehed Washington for ' the difference in preeideht eteeeeeele I the two countries, with that which , plate of cookies that were done j-ttst a a conference with represents" Caeada. overseas, and in trifle too much - . . the experimental elndleates that the two great leaders' iolieee taken from the ham to .see if it 1 other respects exhibits a war effort intend to murk out a plan whichAvill aoafellacnocovkho.igooadall ,triglitt ,,,Id. . and plates eeeween i which approaches that of this country, PrOvide for close co-operation d ' uet suit a the „tercets of the two nations. Phis it will be time for the Toronto paper eritiatel eye ,perfectly. - , to 'parade its shame. In fouling its , Patricia Ann is ,in kher glory and the energetic Prime ,t1linister has lost own nest the iG. and 'M. is only making ,Itee mother's read. She senses that Was bound, to come soon or latZr, but t ther is somethiag in the air, She no t.inle fin getting in direct touch with an exhibition of itself. keeps -continually talking ahout -the chance to cut off the Briti,sh asles and the President, although it ievolved a The draft eystem may or may not be dell and the table and the chairs . ' conquer theme to say nothing of raids on our Eastern cgoasta And what of the best way to raise an army in and the yard long list of ether things' ' ,kazaadous johrney, across the Atlantic. his not dist,ant control of French .North Prime tMter Mackenzie King has Cattada. 'That it is the system adopted ;Santa Claus has ,been Mformed he must ., "4' '• been Milted to joha the Presi&nt and by our neighbors does not mean necee: br4.11:' en there's the Christmas tree 'It Mr. Churchill at Washington, and Mr. sarily that Canada should adopt it: 14,reeplendent in dazzling e . elory in. the The .United States is one countiss; meet conspicuoue, place in the front King has made it known. that he hopes !Mr. Churchill will visit Ottawa 'before Canada' is another; Austr II _ T00111. Tins p shedemetal and ribbons and 'bells . o er. ate is wanted is an 'ex -pres- ort,. 0 yo r • • 11 i . a Of a y, down inside you' and give a mouth-watering IffingrineSs: rOo will that the hours weuld opee ',along. lie day • before !Christmas is a dey rushing through the chores., i.grPe. II is busy . . . biting •her Ip every . fo Current Views on the War W33 nOt Ventured. We were tohl Only that oar header Weald epcal,-. to us about it tbat night., I did Ketneznher, as one remeniere In awo lite large WNW Of - ' JAPAN'TTACIi 1 tor example. " Ilintalayae, an the 8.ea, baS TOE AMERIa7-1REACIPION 1Of Alderiecin WarahiP3 rear!: Harbor, autiqui y, that dtnsela, like eclaVetion Thls lierror eOuld have- beeri avelded aged 'eh tar to surViVe all ehangesein Geialuattfe d 'rho turne,o2. events proves :that the fapan%elitat 1irivaelon alanehoultuo l\roW'mY faith in Widsten ChUrchill • '• : ,,of aver) . • A' 'webhVia rtuaed trout the hour of the iieatlier. • , Axis power e recital the United Slates- crake Tvv0--1'he .American Reaetion PerfectlY,, 'title partleulars win.), as ile as their majcit enemy, and intend to metals and Vance With which It ex- old „tee iStonelienM, It ,is hereditary. waste no -tline in reducing our power' tended its eonquee-ts year by year, It But, waille waiting ter-hlsetaeseage; it or -injuring them. 4 It eabuld have been, as Inane, Of tee„adid, suicidal madness Cor the JaPanee,e to enter' the Vete againstthe combined .power In the Pacific •of the 'United States, the BritiSh Empire, Chien, the Netherlends Indies and poaelbly the Soviet Unica'. It is' not necessarily euteidal maduess for the whole Axle, including jitPen, to try ,to sweep our naval and air power from the seas, Thit, eller/wising, dvininishing produced it, came a new oppertunaty and diepeneing it, and" then destroy- for courage and elearsietted aetion, Ing it in detail. For if this tin. be The bombs that fell on 'Hawaii and the accomplisiaea 'before we are able te Philippines and all the •safferleig that augment our forces or even greplenish nesse, and.•now Wm follew can 'be counted worth loeses, the aid to 'Britain, their coat if the •nation leerns at laet our ,Pacifle allies will be interrupted and the Axle ean proceed with it ,v-v,beh.artoutig.iihst.:„wAr means and 'bow it must. conquest of the world without worry - a loAnier'ea ey bag about us until we are isolated r and ,,sioNwVelymiotiasrtnleeciarAiwIchea,tthle3rsi; !the i -that thie war is not m-erely a brutal of Finland; and it was easy t4r1:ghoflts-ler041Y0 the Ruesian people, despite thetospreoltlinaing there is doubt about aggression, treacherous aad unpro- ,the belief "that there mist Ile wit and superiority, of the forces opposed to ' eoleed, but is the penalty for our old eharacter 'of the highest order Preval- JaPan in theVacitio area, and about our ability to make sure of the 'arrival of , ,sins against"- the democratic faith. Our ent in a folk that gave 1 tuas n dTooltshteorys, long appeasement of Japan brought on 10helcov, Dostoievsky, refnforcements% and supplies to China, this war, but so did our sell-out of of that order, and so recently. Nor Singapore, Batavia and the Philip - Spain, ottr futile ..laargaining -"with does it require more than a trifling re- place,. If we are to maintain! control In ' o Teed it the oil and machines and tta •reader .ia this war (it lite hina. could have 1)ten avoided if We had WAS inapossible not to recall -the evid- lived up to our preelallesedll prinelplea enee- In our, Midst, Probitbly ineulner- after. the, ihiasion of• China. in 3.i)a7, oble, for everything. Rusdiall, exeePt. it; ▪ eyen if we hod 0a/dour final, -fatal- old literature, ballet,' and a f•ew disheS., ly deleyed• No atatite time „J•epan, eigned have nevelklivert to Ituesla, and can the AxiS Pact. But 6Ipee We failed. at claim no firm 'latiovviedge of it ; - but, efich moment ofsaje6ision. to do More: PerhaPs bee/meal em an old propaeand- thee,,eseasb, since Japan was ellen)", it my.Self, vk as.nover, able to fea the aged 't -o '13e1lieve its frill ambitions Could faetionableatanaipathy for relose0W. The be achieved without 'fighting, the harrer invasion of .rinland, though it • was ,catne. And ,wath It, in. spite of the 'exclasellebY Cenarouniste laaing the procreStination and Cowardree tlaet pienth of Imperialists,* was lufanaoue and that -We see afterwards, the reasseh why a crime was eonimitted iievr startliiigeor'fbeil7teliette.usiteluantatnial:tthh7tadat,s;c•Yethepeatrukth•°tehrmee busiiies incleors, strictly attentive to their own affairs, ; as Welt as we could read Stalin's ideas, Nabetli Was welcome to his. vineyard. But there remained alwaYS TIKWIDAY, DIVelateile 25th, NO, tbat etrea we may have to. remove suf- ficient forces front -the Atlantic to offer Hitler's submarines and planes -a: linal Franca). and Petain. Each, is part ofaet ehole-atal the whole is the betrayal of the antl-faselet• front against, ag- gression and tererrisin and anarchy. , And -the 'final cost of the betrayal is eured by the Western scale, could net. yet to be met. • The war with Japan is all be docile half-wits, requiring our 'only, the beginning. Whether we real- pity. . . 4 • -All very Well for me; but bow about the, august clubs in Pall Mall?. a ,exerwa s a 1 be in to - eight, 1 thought, if peejudice has more to saY of •this neavespect of reelity than course to •the intelligence to see that a people who, from nomadism and pastoral ways- jumped oyernight a full century of industrial progress, mea - Africa efind Dakar, and the imminent ize fully, or not, esee are now in the, poss-lbility that • may • be able" te World War -not In an isolationist Pecifie war. We are flehting Hitlerls command the -French ,Ileet? ally, whoa ' perialistleeeim. We ma InaT- he sure that "tbe action y an item in the program of fascist ate-ef-a-einiategie unit It s -world domination, whose t re n. AYo cherous understanding! And merica? u which the war In. turope 'plays an I thick on un is, merely the start .of, a iover' can tell him a fulla moon. will Portant role, and that further swift :major new campalen in nitler's total affect the- tides ol"-; 'human emotion. develornnerate aree calculated to confuse • _ _ . - war.. . - -Fate depended, as -ever; on choice. -But tie and eliminate -us• temporarily from end wreaths all. .with the candles sion of the will of the people of -Canada, that are ailing for their kindling. 10.,Ireat Britain, the United States,” and we see no better way to obtain There is's° RuSsia and China, (have. resources im fills than through- a feferendum., raensely superior to thoa arrayed • against them, but To assure victora; in EDITORIAL NOTES the shortest possible thne the strength of each -must be co-Ordinated with that - • At this writing it leeks like a green of the others; and it le; no doubt, to " Christmae bring a -plan oteo-operatien into effect " that ,Mr. Ohtirchill, is now in Washinglon, • • I ' I So we're asked to take care of fats and bones" 'What about 'tlie 'fellows, • who lcome in between, neither fat nor liVIIYNOT A REFERENDUM skinny? • a * . - . i " • ething about a Christmas --The-Nation if:New Yorle). -for mankind the choice now was final. distant battlefields. long as the tree. I like to juet if a-nd watch it. err ' We were at the last pass; It .depended Japanese embargo is maintained;• Jepan 'Perhaps- if for nothing "ether than to -- 'Can. have no laope, ofeeecapingelefeat in' Japan's Premeditated ':ettack upon '°n Wo • think of the happy childhood days, when lengewar., Beth, the eituetion and our outposts in the Pacific came with. If we have not thanked Providence Uhriatmas , was definitely the peak ,of her eudiacious action indictrte that she such shoeking suddeauesseatharteethe ef-us db so now, that at n'ftle ' lock that Matt of June 22 19 the season. is counting on, a eliort •oee, or at least formulaefor peace Whicla this, nation -of,. 'Oe heard . a • maneemerAsing--- n ,, , , 41, we Usually 1 am caught lit the act of •on a short, viCtori.ous campaign Which -fared and which Japan. rejected is apt lit •aWay all bur the es tree Haw intriauing a pile of parcels [avail stem our resilstance until it is to receive less ettentioneehinaeited" ca. 'ellitr14111---- ,ientials. -Ile called to the Russians to peeking at the parcel's 'underneath the too late Such a ealculation can hardlyeserveaa-Nevertheless the text of the ' haVe been Made withcaut relfauce on proposed formula and Japan's reply, 'hold ; we .were with. them., As we list - under a tree on- the day before Christ: ened, we could bear:the-barriers fall mas can ',be ! TheY Ohre in all shapes the action of the other members of the m• ede public by 'Secretary- of State -Hull ftwayl between tee) .estranged -"peeplei. ,Euta teee.serietioes, .• .-., and some are Axle - . g , s' • ,, . lumpy and hard- . . ,. and* others are a- " 'ye - ' a• fter hostilities hal begun, demon - It was_certain, before that" day was out, , Iwo lessons !are 'inherent in these eetrate clearly that J-apan chose War not ... smooth and round.. (an this one be .., tobaccd . . . or plessibly this one is a . _ pipe? Heaven .knows, i made enough ey news_ The defenders of, Ilong-Kong, among hints. about getting .a good pipe for 'being waged across Canada events; if we can- learn "them ,quickly 1)ecatiee• she had no alternative but that if Hitler could not unriddle the enough, We may thwart the ,Axie')lan. ihegause she was of to carry Thresian enigma before the snows met -on her Policy of aggressien. him -and- no man hes done it yet - then he would jean the company of great conquerors An the coldest deep -of Hades, We regret the campaign which is - • Chr,rnas! paper* which appear to 'feel that whom are 'Canadian troops, are -adding lhisits moing 1 was under the tree . seleetkee."cempulsory serviceelorenyer- to the glory, ”og_ British arms. The pity and -quite engrossed in trying to feel sea.sehlist be established by at least the is that they were given such a task. what the parcels. contained, when, while they were negotiating about peace, entered 1,nt.oa by Jap,an, the United. F natueal, butItdoes no ‘credit to eery iStetes, 'ehena, the leetherlands, the. 'day atter tombrrow or all will be lash; . with no rospect of relief or reinforce- Patricia Ann crawled in beside me. are deiire, and hope, to, bee- it aestab- , wi P • intelligence. %his is what the A_xis iSoviet Union and Thailand. All the The first is the Importance of takeag the initiatives Our indignation at the treacherous .action of the -Japanese in preparing •and executing e bilte attack The text of the American note handed to the -Japanese on November 26 pro - ' eased a non -aggression .pact to be Liehect eventually....hecaliegeweetteheve Ment. to be the' fairest and by -fear the most She was grabbing just like myself tied povvers have done frtmi the 'beginnii jrs to the treaty wouad pledge then *leer head jerked up rather quickly . We must have men in -charge of -themselves to respect the territorial dia- and one a the glass ornaments went *our eeonomie and military strategy who tegrity of, 'French Indo-Ohine, and re - efficient Inetlhodaot rItiging -ire '',n'gPea'. , Underground anti -Nazi activities all sprawling on the floor. Tbere was a , eau, fighting power- but we,iselienstbat undeestand the importance of hitting fraln from ,seeking or accepting prefer- Etiro are said to "be giviiie• the tinkling smash •of glass and 'Mrs. Phil hard and hitting Area at a time and place Which the enemy aloes not expeet. The °thee legson is the unity of the Wae.--It is- beitig widely said now that we must not forget that our real enemy -there is -still a -go0d-"ettiaxice.ot a eon.e eesidefable.',ParteaoteFrenela, onnaea ' Germ/ails nauch trouble. If. Allied sue_ came to_the door. 'There we were . the two •culprits under the Ohristmae „. comitigerecbikailed to it,eaa a retsult ciiSSes. continue much longer the unrest tree. . th greatly changed situation sinee.tkirs TnflV burst into .flame above ground ---.4 "Of all the kids I have ever seen, , enttre- continent becarae b'ellieteent ; , and then it will be all up with the you re the worst," Mr.s. Phil declared is not -Japan but Hitler. That is not recognizing' no Go„yernment ane011itia ,area,and. dangeearea -and we euggest in that famous disgusted tone of voice, i" true, Our real enemy Is the coalition lother than the -National Governnaent L • "that'll): 'view of the greahamount otin-eliitler gang. t - tential treatment in trede arid commerce with ..Franee's,, ‘Far e Eastern colony. Japan was called upon to withdraw all her fotees from China end Indo-China and to join this, country .a policy of . _ _ , In spite of incidents such as that, arrayed azainet us Whether We con- at Changkinge . . ..„, . . . ea. • - -s- the day before Ohristmas is always - ~ - ' -1-• . • . centrate first ori defeating Japan or The United States 'then pledged it one soldier in'I -made= war , , + Senator John C, .Elliotti whose -death quite definitely a success. Even in the .011 defeating Hitler is purely a matter. eelf to give up all extra territorial there is stilt a lot of room for increas- ..., is announced, Wiris for y rs prominent etable the stock m to be reparine " of strategy. An estsential part of this eights under the Boxer protocol of 1901 .1in our industrial efficiency before the for the t.' out tohhartiswtPTnea' Vweitys • need , for a t reat increase in our ih the political life o 1 Oetaelo, but 1 i kre t oe ebxa nrda ' a, lesson is that, while this is our war petairs in the barn the ens aarje. i in 'bh .the sense that We are immediately urilitary- establishment becomes im- had dropped out, of the pulalieeeye shit* u _. • • perative. 9 1 his appointment to, the Senate. A seratching around, caCkling in that a attack. it i- not. our exclusave the Donetz Basin end the Beitish in *States offfred -also tomegetiate a trade dustrial effete Which' ta:repired , * * Alliedlesex man, he represented one of bright, merry way of theirs . . . and This editorial statement in the cur- , tertt issue of .Tor,onto Saturday Night, the Middlesex eeats 'in the Provincial the dust carries spilline, down in minia- and to uee its influence to obtain1 suail- lar action from the British and other Governments enjoying such rights if war in the tsenee that the- Russians in Japan would do likewise., The United Libya are not, fighting for us. Should eareemen with Japan "based upon re - tyre Niagaras through the open cracks is welcome, chiefly bee:id-se it indicates Legislature for seeeral, years, after- .1 f • eh lanks of the barn floor the Russian& now put Vladlvostock at eiprocal most -favored nation treatment 'a desire and .intentidir to discuss the wards transferring to Ottawa, where Patrieia Ann will be hangieg up her ,.tehe disposal of our aircraft?They question of conscription in a moderate he held several ,Cabireeerapartfallosesfle • - stockings tanights---Aemee_aalte_t_tite- Lanould be reed t do 'o, butewhethes. -__ ye_a . .b • and intelligent manner.- An contrast: cessively in the King Governnaent. they aetdally do fso Ls a question fur biggest pair of +stockings that she can the grand strategists to anewer. We .2 * * lind in th,e house, it is quite easy to , With the prejudiced enareasbnable and end reduction of harriers by both -countries, including a.n undertaking by the United States to bind raw silk upon hink not on the free list." Further the proposal on t , ly in 'offered to free Jajmn's frozen assets bring -Inc her trying to find the best ' must fr'm n'w in some ceases politicafly partisan man- - , rt was with -somewhat of the Lincoln epee to ut them u She'll c subject (ft) the'gun, instead of keeping I terrns of total war, but also in terms and to help stabilize the dollar -yen. rate. itarinst Alon! NoEnough Three, essential minerals' - , also found in Dr Chase's Nerve Food help to make this a true toni0 fOr blOod, andcUsutneCarva:3 su*ply forallthefamily, zult.oeYreggaya rt laaynrogde 180 pills $1•50 br. Chase's Nerve Food cone peamiseeemeamarnaelemeamease tainsvitaminB,• laUCKNOW 'Miss -Christiana, Carrielt is *letting friends at Kiteliener. 0 ,SIPph 0 IVA ^ end Mre. Alton have gone to London to spend the winter with the latter's'alenghter, iasAlmabraTteed+rxinwitiutn• July tlihtconootvb, net7:alrl.beAteZ recent annual meeting f the local 'Orange Lodge a cenamittee was an - pointed, to _attend to detaila in thio eonnection. John. MeQuillina was elected WM, and °Cell Mullin is re- cording secretaey. • Donald aleChatelei, Ducknow grocer, has a horse -for sale: 1;ie won it in a raffle, the horse being donated" by _v4vtileifi, lic.aoent.kmet_tsittelete Aashijeltdheto Lutheite nwoawr Business Men'e. Association,'Sate of tlekets amounted to 14.2." ' 'Tile, Viliage eounell has dec,ided - taken the method -to -be used -this year In snowlowftg vUle roads, - three -ten -truck Owned by no: Link - later of near dederiela will be located ittsLucknow 'for the winter months, and will be operatedeby a local -men. Thtruoij3yDer -will receive 2 An holir-,from, the municipality fair the tine the teoe„fe.haiat-opertttiorri—n -meows p °Wing :village rolitase," ,• • New 'Reetor.-Rt. (Rev. 10. /A. Seeger, Bishop of Huron, hasaannounced the appointment of Rev: J, W, Donalds•oe B.A., UM., as*rector of the Anglice chttich -charge of 11.4ucknow, Ripley Dungannon and Port 'Albert. ,Mr. Donaldson" will take. up etesidence in the iLueknow rectory. He succeeds Ilieutenant Rev. Maloney, who since early last AuguSt has been in • Western, 'Canada, as chaplain ' of No. 4 initial trainingeieehool of 'the- n is still far from "winter, 'as I R.CA.F. at EdmOnton ,Since then the parish- pulPits_have'a been occupied by supply aeinisters. "ett.-:Donaldson has been rector, of Aliso. Craig, am caned bolahevile shall not protest my Innocence; r accept Brinsley and MeGillivray parish since the insult as a garland. The Russians he came to Huron Diecese •from the die•for us without complaintFor us, I eaid. • For you, for Inc.- What greater sacrifice could men make? It write. The swallows are4here, and the harvests are not yet gathered in. Yet, for. thoge Russians, i2. ever again • Diocese of Athabasta. He .was or- dained a deacon in 1934, and in 1936 was ordained a priest at Peace River. IA true -they cannot help.themselves, hut He was" married in 1936. when challenged they made the answer' High School Cetneert.--Thee'enenual` of free mere and it was for us also tbefi Oaikistinas-hlgh—ea-feer-noneerte-w made it ' -.1 , . held at the school with Lloyd ,Aekert„ '.rive pattern in events.: is emerging. .president of the Literary Society, pre - This war, we see now, transcendsthe;aiding. A splendid pro -kraut was pre - defense of democratic institutions.' It sented as follows; Vocal, clogt, Helen Ls abOve self-interest and nationel inter- Mowbray and Doris, Taylor; piano est. It has no concern with, frontiers. solo, Ruby Irwin reeditatiom Charlie • All social, economic, and political Daltdne` vocal solo, ,Oatherine Agnew; divielons --have vanished, slnee -it is manhood itself that is -threatened, . . . This war is for mastership or fellow- ship. '. . . Who Is for the fellowship? inouthoetan and gentile instrumental, CuaTer +Ramage; reading, Bertha Mac- • Donald; Highland ging, Mary Mc- Quaig ; Journal by Bill Chevin and. Whether ornotour earth, when this tribulation is past, . will abeeorhe the Kay Preet; skit, Bill Treleaven, Ron- placesavehich the dreams oLgoodmen al haveatold us- it -cauldebeeeateleastajagya Johnston, Allan Chapelle, Keith Hack- „ We are, free to make it sfr if we etdt Johnston, Elliott Purvis., Bill. liffd-lOnyiere-Rea- negesi-Thes. It, and to decide whether, we shall he served home-made' candy "-after the a• might, for instance, be a wise though which the twO nations would have ta • to , the order to which. men 'have at- ,- a p. ome up worldwide lirea of conflict. It The plan included an agreement by rter in which the subject is apprdached touch that President R It the " on'my Ice t h ranotherst about f'°f ,oo. e o ea tory "and. the fat Tittle giver hied free to pursae our que.st of the of toys • . . and she -ll --try to keep her t city not made with hands. •. by a number of jeurnals. , other day addreseed a letter to the- Owe .Peinde-0.1( uncomfortable policy to leave both our bound themselves not to conetrae any Mr. King feels himself bound as an President of the United States-whoe' I coasts and the 'southwestern 'Pacific agreement with a _third power or -*H. M. Tomlinson in The Atlantic honorable man, in view of his pledge ever he may be -in 1956 asking that he 'for. Santa the • golden • curisl bpen atteck while we concentrated powers In such a Way as to conflict with Monthly (Reston). •• eves from shutting as she watts up ' our navy in the Mediterraneen. We the fundamental purpose of this. agree - to the electors, not te enact con.scrip- appoint Colin P. Kelly III a West will droop and her eyes will close and V program. NO REASON FOR EXCITEMENT . (Toronto Ster) 'Many letters 'have been received by,, The Star pretesting, against the sup- plying of lOhilstmas. turkeys to Ge do not knew ; but we do. home' that ment--the establishment-aed preserve- • FRIENDS MORE THAN - MONEV. man prisoners. of War in Canada.- , , what is. necessary for the opponents'of 'Hon of peace throughout the Pacific (Palmerston"Observer) entirely differen0,-66inplexioe. is • tion for -overseas iservice. • If he should- Pohit cadet. Colin' P: Kelly III, novi ; we'll tuck her into bed to dream of the hi_eonvinced that the'Peetale, of Canada .only in 'his -second pear, is the scirt of 3norrow. . . . . t the , Ais Lsunified Strateg•y, atid a •- area .1 enjoy the' husthed feeline of- entice- • Russell T..Kelley, the'spealte'r at the upon the matter by, the announcemen e'en, for victory, rather than a serieaa her,reply, 'japan Tefused to -.hue chaiegede their minds •on the .rafe. Colin P. Kelly, jr., twenty-six • 1 • • dtty 111 that the funds for this are being. pro- . - , pation as• e seems to loser oaer every= busireeemetqarmer tsupper -on h •inne we need. the ,favor upon a trade treaty, stabilization night, said a lot when he said that a in Canada wistion, he mrght reteire feom, ace to, years of agee who died heroically at the " thing on the day before , Christmas: 0.1.of :separate ware of defense. get out of China. She 'looked with • • - • the the tur1es ilerman -.Red Ceoss, vvhich allow someone elaciato7hrieg in the outset of the war in the Pacific after t1 tat ear as c pu c ases t ty spirit of Churchill, who less than a roS the yen, the remold of freezing re- man with, a million4riends is wealthier through the ded Cross internationaL THE TWO-YEAR TERM . conscription measuree or Ire might call einkine the Jupanese ba,ttleship Varnn:a , month ago, adafter Brita`in's ,greatest strictinnet and the abandonment of elk- at death' than a Matt with a The Canhdian Red Cross which sends (Collinevanod Enterorise-Bulletin) -1 .• . • • a genaarelection 10 give the electors .off Luzon with three direct hits. The ' • Nictories, said: "I have nevele, given erit-terriforial rights in China, but Iie ur" ed ereons?,49._euttivate e)0000 food Oareels a month to .Can - g ,t1S1111,111,(1e. of a :speedy or' elieap 171e- neverthelese rejeeted the whole -pro-. should have a ereat influence shalh the proposed two-year. term which it rattle that the hardest Moments, the That Is the record. It Speaks' :fah' is.t ,aseet this life had. to --Offer. • • tdrkeys fdr Christmas. • • • po. a a. a as s or •. A sear agro, ao The ()ran ev" e Ba 1- - • • an , Opptirtuffity of 7 -noosing a. new youngster iras a legacy af pride w.hich! ner -pow ti 01 . . lt an argument against .tory On the contrary I have ejways b fnegotiations clolla g p friendship, for friende we e the great- „adian rprisoners in " Germany, sent_ fianient to, give effect to th ir will. . . e • ,gar iii -AVre latter coun.:e would he attended ing bis future -although it is to he' was the intention•tor foiet upon muni- greatest disappointments. and mans itself. fear that it would leasen the Interest of of Britain ean suffer their homes to be -The New York Times. ' s RELIEVED OF STOMA:CH TROUBI FS • • 1 cipalitles, whether or no, was the mistakes, still lie ahead." If the people awith greet unraet and confusioe in the hoped that -long before 1956 the bandit country, and ;should if possible be natflinis e111 ba- been put in their i - the taxpayers. As it now appears, It destroyed, - their cities to be ruined, AN EARLIER SUNDAY SURPRISE . a . avoided. . , „ What valid objection le there to -thee.• . . I weekly newspapees in partieular, pre-.; times, and still respond with pride to - . nee sateaay morning last June -a J CONSTIPATIONOPRAISES SYNTONA place kind a long reign of peace assured. ' 1,.t turning. out just as the pre•ss,• „the eater "arrdies to be defeated many 'ATTACK holding of a referendum on the ques- eattestion during the last war andf on . /I miture's ignorant way -awe went to the etach, escseselon aleeLarede against von -- SALUTING , dieted it would he -and what It should ebeee worde, then am we can. Int and bright morning, n Lion? AuStralia voted twice on the allapeliester Guardian) not be. `-:,--The New Ite.nulaie (New York) de"' )1v t t ca • • • r Improves Appetite; Aids Diges. perience of Mr. George Roebbrough, 28 ' et no time in it•; hietory has this: With the innovation, which, it is, . poison IKeith " street, Ilianiliton, as reported ,-- eislandsheldsuforedlors:,thalt.-itasleee ,, also vree4iied,-- wile .seinewhat trickily , gt /if salutes.- rendered and ai•e- g „ ,_ . . tat %here the two-year term Pre- '' - ' - - horror has. m ele imerica one. Today gladness (i'grief ; we had no eXPecta! *1 et omes 'Aeldi That Ofiett .Cau8eer ea . ., -., with stotnacli tronbles and' cohstipation. . -- , ,. setiptiore .it mielit votealiffereatly to- number i poHtleal curve provision was made 'My appetite was poor - of‘Australla tletinitely dropped the idea during any day is .bey-wrid col:aim- ,. „ ! payed, Would be railed to 'receire a ' " ' fecil a happy senae of union welling hardened to all but the great shocks aches, Muscular Pains Back- s, ;upistl, tbhieoaltittlAerild hee, turned ill the streete„„of a large alai; i '',i . , . , . , 1A4' love eaeh other and; bur eountry. time; ; a beleaellered ,garris t b .. P,- 53' but the point is this: The Imo' ' ' . s ail( d a public meetiners.. of the rate -1. urea s - stomach. and Sense did eat just seemed to sant. in nay , , of onseriptioal and built up their faraee' melon. •14ondon is, ;naturally " worse i - - 111turneial statenrient. 1t ad well, but • - • t i • •• ,. n our Itearte, hatred and eontempt for The first avord we heartebrought 'us Up. aehe,-NervoUsneso SiteiOesSriess f • - thee eitywhere, arid It le reported hi , . . ' wile t is the aequel? Practically no one . mir .. enemy run:4 ivarnilly "Iii-eiff-brofid:-Lart" EltWirditiw..----..kt-dann, that day, Ger- and Lowered L) 1/ ° 1 W er ' • • t em: a s bee to rek ase- tilt news from ten, ds Sys Wily a few days age' • today. One 'result of that is' that the ment have been harveeted. . Tale everywhere., We did not expect ,either ° 011S, Waste Matter attd Exeedsu eetur, fully three ",,eare, safered amended to get around a difliellit nd eo at' last the fruits ef appeaae- ae said that they have not been pulling ami, ;helmet in the affairs ee e one ---all of' 154. • Senator twiny invided Itdssia the "Daily ,Telegra,ph" that "Army • - *cramps, Therewae a bad tate in my mouth, particalarly In, the morninee • IN heeler and Cordell Hull and you end The wild surmise of Cortez was' Meth- - If you suffer from efoinach troubles autl-my breattlawite• bad. Lately, I on the voluntary basis, and it cannot be their weight in the presentecontlicee ••ie eelysieally Impossible to return or seeming,' ertislied. What else „wits and our 0011S. We feel our vir ue and ing• to ours. "What dal thie mean? Did torpid liver, eluggieh kidneye, constipa- gan to feel consttintly fatigued, My eoffieere in London eomplain that Jr • riousay dampened the munieipfities se .Ciartada, on the other -hand,. idle done -4111 ..:1,11.1ter•ii and euggest that the regu- to he expted? etateiesere and repre,,, i• our etrength. We know -oursole •to limey know mere about the Itussians, tion headaches, nervouanaes or any o nerves troubled me and I eouldn't sleep 4. , well. A friend' euggeeted I tatee , honorable, peaceable, Unaggressive, to' their disadvantase, than 'ha(' conies ' the long train of distressing symPtenis tone. and I have form& ile,just ;great acriptionists are using their ener,eyeein "lations mig • stntatis are both interese.ed in tile generous, cenaillatory. 'We pat Our- bur way? It mightIie eta, Ilis malign ell holds that saluting is eesential tee freetione of action, when , there is anA015e on th.e hack, We. contrast our entitling haei become a legend. Ilither of faulty asedmilatioe and eliminatlen, 'Right from the first, I lilted the way It a added, however, that the Army Connie!, home municepal affairs when there is a demand that their plan, he edopted, heatead of trying' to make the voluntary the preeervation which oph way to expreas iipproVal or ether- %II hate e eh the hateful, sneaking brut- he wae stlre Ise could:do or •eise he benefit from the ea:Periences other acted on my stomach and, bovvels and ht be relaxed " It is • . . atlitv of our enemy "'While Amerlea wee cohunitting euleide. remems 'iwell-knWn local Men ti1id WOIllteil and 110W I CO,I1 elljOy Iny meals without. all SyStein as effective ae It might i,e. is what the strieter teeteeef mary yvvise, to eonstsl1. confer and advise. was doing ite beet to preserve peagce bevel+ falteringly that Stalin had shown • 12 a referendum were held in Canada mind has, always maintained (even as t When the door Ls :dammed tight why in the Pacific," we say, in fine sonor- undue haste and anxiety 10 paease the alay. IcnOw tIlleh what a reale more ,relaxed, wet) better -and . I the question would be settled one way 'it usad to hold .thattwithout flogging • should any bother? The administrae e.djtorialei "the- cowardly enemy ,elarazis, after tiat 13alkans arid Crete tine medicine this le. You, Ido, may arise morninge feeling rested and �t the other, and ail could then unite' in the hackground an army would de- tionegood or bad, es the ease may 41•41, begin ing ISyntbna, Herbal Tonic to- that Ntoxiiach distress..• My naves tire has another year to run-eand It La true!, . • Ihw firie it sounds. 'tea were enbinerged. That Hillery vvas linow what it 18 10 be fate of vague energetic,!.1 .generrite into a moire. eend• yet few forltearanee, ever rit,et .q,o fiendish, a elioeting his friends, SO eoon after de- aches andaPains ler fatigued, irritable Matte up ,your mind today to* get ehantee would produce a mare; en- , ;• , f, t th .t recompenee. When ? Nit here? elating, before :his own people,. that feelings and be ready to go into the yourself a, 'treatment of Syutolitle atz.. - In making 'the •favored ,policy. 3, Success. , ,let go at tinita Taken altotiether it WaG Mr. himeelf in his famous couraging impression that Army eere. /Ill 1 P Hemilton epee& declared, for a vote trol tag at last ready to coneentrate I is mytv denion.9trated. the people Wore '8enditg our on thitigo ,that really matter than 4I+1 IGNOIII411 COURSE soldiend oversew; ; and his followers --------- le aandoning of endleS and), 11 hill anl (Seaforth Expoaitor) id •• C b D G derich SOO Nair 'lc; only in Itotterdam ; only in und 'Vigor. Today, We quote the ex- hoW it will help .3,ou, too. eve aannitry bf the veheld where men lidye -chosen the way of eurrender to Only la Prague; only in (kilo and eternal pea( l was establiehed between earmer weather • sSaatthle'ea aggeeesion rather than the way cortrage and eesietance. .The 'eat nutIon decides- that the dietat-' o can be bargained with, boughr,ohe with proMises, th.e moment It decitWa to pa Y just a few ' bane of, oil, a' few ehip- ',owl be wheat Or tin Or.ceraff-at that Moment it hands.the decision to the enemy. rrom then on the enemy hada tiie eards. Ile roassoverplay his band sa3 Ititler did; as japan ha3 done th15 week. Ate lhaY .cack. for more than he Wao another eo ntry.- going the atk7ay mach" Mbre P,eeking, atter ' power and roan collect. II,ttrt' even if be. Imo to of Oerinany's neahhouw?,- If It were, much more .of permaal ambitions in the tight in 'the end, he Will 'fight, on id.„1,' and all Ittvola's Wealth from as far as effurt than there LI advanee ratafla." own terms at.f.1- r.tt lfl'g own con`Cien- .Vladivor,,,toci4ribonfit flow to Reran. what war drat -or, anything relf,e, in the eyes ienee, Ile pick the hoar hutt drop then would 'ha pOu to u9? thLg, of the reit of 'the. world. T. . bombs where Veases. Oa T the mean waz 'in perpetuity? Au anewer , COuld hardly objectr to a referendum. n--4 gn tan- g We are not in it position to speak, for tio, of prench cana(41 is,, place. It eould (be done co simply The 'posi - ' ra4alli ,that is' necesgary ig to restrict the• people of Canadaeas a whole but s itghts stre,9ed in ,many refereneeo to the sub- itegnt(,,o(sfohliers who are on -duty. it iof snot hard to Interpret the thoughts iceto arid it -1. oyen„ prig/vied that Theu c Quebee be exemPted , from. any con. cipline the-as'')delencis ,on and "t'o?b dist110 Pople in the rural ectionoe * 4 part of Ontario, and ave 'can 'say 4erlption, uka.53ure, This, vie feel, preserved, but the. etreette would thlee tii with asaurance that tlie.„,e people almost pereuelle,d that The Globe are l Quebec is a plo, of vanada, and -i, palutim..;, paradO which lo.a weariness .13:1,,t1.1,,,„443' '1,t,PY, mid week bY. vmeank ,woula a monumcniat oyatai,,,, railway stations would oear;e ko be a be , „aiii,outt, oran irritatiotito most of those on --- """ uOkilg itS utmost to inaill would be a strange sort of whom a quite meaninties's) piece of a f-.44rit fE'llir and di°tmt in 11C e one a cient punctilio ateadtvitIv r'e°Ple ecsaeerniteP the tvai:' oftort And nueli more of politiw, Im• that there 121 s kt. • Otnadtes roost Important 'Provinces, Poged• the, A.rtny did, not nail war effort!' that would not - f;adly from. minds that are meelia ftivIsionvould leave marks that iticsi ,,ciai,ite the i,..,,ratg tak./t &Mort to erttee. change w-ould have been made long httratmigont Globe and Mali Of ago_ , the"' Ittresiane atilt the ;Germane, vvas nothing whatever, not even treaChery. You might in well censure' the deinp of the plaga• on inoral v.:rounds. Ono thing only „was clear : ming have 'bulged he eould safels turn eag,t,.. and leave •our eaeeution ,to 'aa mere con - It was as'ir destiny, had) sounded al con- venient ceason. loud trunipet. But With.V113t purport?' The tranquil flunda, mornimg made no other •eign; enis .peaeoek butterfly was simning itce on the, putidleia, the window, and, it vanished 55. adult- otLe in the rooal ' to wonder aloud. . . ; • c, Feel Chilly • Start to Sneeze „ Nose Starts to tun Then. comes the cal which, if not attended to immediately, shortly works clout into fillip( bronchial tubes, and the cough starts • .0n the /Ira sign'of a coldor cough go to any drug counter and get a bottle of I)r. Wood's Norway rine W11113,7 It011. *ill find it to be a prompt, pleasant and reliable remedy to help you `get rid of yaw trouble. It'llas been on tho' ntarkettfor the past 48 Years. Don't experimenewith substitute and ho disappointed -lot "Dr. Wood's?. Price atre a bottle; the large family site, about 3 tinies m muthr 600G Look for the trade marli l'hus ‘.„ 4 The T. riberteCoe `Ititteitede?;aeete, O,f.