The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-12-25, Page 1Combining The Goderich Signal and Me Gp*rich Star
Town Council Bids
Farewell to 1941
Members Exchange Fe1ic4aticns
as the Old Year Draws
• to a Close
eThe Town(Couneu held Its last meet-
ing for the year sm Frida'y night last,
With alleenerabers. present. .After the
of the meeting hadbeen eon-
chededeboxes of cigars and cigarettes,
.the gift:, of Mayor Brown, 'Were dis-
Aribeeted atheng the nrembers, and His
orshIP'ariade a little, speeeheexpress-
, mg his apPreciation. et the spirit of
harinony and co-operation, that hag;
- preveged throhghout the year.
• The membere one by erre responded.,
• thianiTli the Mayor for his gift, re-
eiprecating 'the sentiments expressed
regarding the good feeling in the
'Council, and 'NeIsling His Worship and
Mrs. Brown a pleasant .holiday season
". and a prosperohs 1942. • .
'Mayor 'Brow' expressed gratificatien
" wheo the report of dig tax collections
so tar this year showed( $904.10' received
This tomparee' with $512 c011ected in
1940, ‘Vhich was a record up to that
The tax colledior rettened the rens
for the years 1927-32, Which had been
cleared og all outstanding taxes.
Dr. W, P. Gallow, m.stss., submitted
a copy of amendments to the CerneterY
Act foreonsideration an:d any necessary
action. This was sot on to the ceme-
tery and parks eommitte.e.
Only one application for *a huildini'
- permit was presented. This was from
--ttarl'Westbreols, for a lerick garage at
' Tits -home on Cambria read. ,
Jame Naftere. application for per -
=lesion testrect•-a .sign athis place
. et business &West street was referred
to the medic works committee.
A circular letter from the Depart-
• ment of Municipal Affairs at Toronto
• 'with regard te-ealvage of fats and
"'bones was sent to the special com-
mittee. • -
The Canddian Underwriters Associa-
tion isSued the 'annual warning as to
the need of special precautions against
Ores eh whiter. • Referred to lire com-
mittee. • .
Comniittee Reports
The finance committee passed e, num-
bee of accounts and reported the re-
ipt of $2,520.21 front the County Is,
ate on the County road taxe
'he public works coraMittee reconr-
mended granting of the request of the
Bell Telephone Co. for permlesion to
place poles and wires on Quebec street,
,St. Patrick's street,' Wellington street,
and poles on Harbor hill and Walnut
street. Other recommendations !were
that Ben Goldthorpe's snow plow-, With
all 'tattsehments; be purehased for the,
new truck at a price of $323; that the
matter of employing a- driver for the
new.truck he left with the chairman Of
the committee, and that'public
property damage, fire and '
&trance be placed en theneVeltuck,
The special pommittee recommended
o that the public works committee ,put
up speed, limit signs en the Huron read..
The cemetery and parks committee
presented*, information' in v.connection
wth the soldier' plot in the cemetery
and recommended that it be creferred
to the. Town Solicitor to put in the
form of a bylaw.
The fire committee reported the pur-
chith:e �fii Op‘17 battery for the fire hese
,The Indnetrial committee reported
'the sale' of two spindle wood -boring
machines from the Art (Craft factory
to iGeo. White & sSons, London; fir the
sum of :000. •
The financed .'committee was em -
Powered to nialce arrangements fibr pre-,
epaymeet of ta:ee4 14n former years.
The Whiter Fleet
.Coun. Ilncldiis introduced a disiius-
sion tlit:Avinter fleet at (4oderich
" harbor, which is not as large as was
• hoped, especially as fire protection at
• the north side of the harbor Itte been
' Provided .it the +request of ithe shipping
int4Tests,..,,Coun. Iiuckins said there
wa'S a complaint that (Goderielt charged
vessels for water, hydro 'Current,' etc,
whereas it Was said these things were
°Vida free*at ()then Ports., The real
ason Why more boat A *ere not here,
Ji belicvoi, wee the lack of aeCOM-
modation for malAng repairs, and for
this the remedy would be the opening
lip, of the north side 'of the harbor.
Each vessel was estinated to .leave
000 to 0,000 in the >tewn, and it was,
worth while to encourage thenato
f come here.
The. Mayor, lteevi4 Turner and Coup.
,Attridge took part in the, disetmlion,
Coint.Attildgesestating :that he bad
heard of arePalrins.3 job done here on
which the charges were saki to be
. gra, Treadday. addreEsed the'fionn.
ell and paintedoat wine" thing3 that
Knox Chunk -Ladiee! Aid Hears Gra',
fying Report—Offieers Elected for
1942- „
T he ,ennual meeting of the Ladies'
Aid Society of Knox church was held
on Friday afteraoon, December 19, with
,a 'good ettend'ance of meniberse The
devotional period was in Charge of
Mrs. J. 'E. 'Whitely, who read the Christ-
mas message, end Mrs. 'Gordon. Bisset,
who Ied in prayer,' Mrs.' Robt. Wilson
gave a much appreciated. reading.
Reports given by the various depart.:
ments showed thet, th_e_neeLeyear ,ha
been a veryetter-cesifill one under the
capable. leadership . of Mee.. Alex.
Straiton. The total 'receipts for the
year were $1202.169, of which amount
$1009 was 'Toted to the board Of
Thhonor of having the greatest
Imbiber of points for attendance during
the year goes to the group captained by
Mrs. W.. J.. Baker. It was decided t
hold the annual Ladies' Aid banquet
on Thursday, January 15th,
Mrs. D. J. Lane preeided for the elec-
User ofofficers, tlie report of the nomin-
ating 'committee . being presented by
Mrs. W. J. Baker as follows:
president, Mrs. A. D. MeLean; presi-
dent, -Mrs. Alex. Straiton; 1st vice-
preeident, Mns. 'Robe Wileon ; assistant,
3Ire. M. .Ainslie; 2nd vice-president-,
Mrs. W. J. Baker; assistant, Mrs.
Lanav,vaY; 3.rd viee-prestclent, Mr. eW.
Doak; assisteee, Mrs, efareeek ; secre-
tary, Mrs. N. MeInniS; assistant. Secre-
tary, 'Mrs. W. P. Abell ; treasurer, :Iles.
J. Barton; press secretary, Mrs. J. W:
Craigiee. pianist, Mrs. Gord.on _BiSset ;
assistant pianist, Mrs. W. F, Saunders;
flower -Convener, Mrs. A.' D. McLean;
auditors, Mrs. Geo: i'Sehaefer, Mrs. H.
Hall; cellectors: St. George's ward,
Mrs Raitting; 'St. Andrews ward, Mrs.
Howrie, Mrs. J. McPhaH, Mrs. Reg
Burrows, Mee. Malpass; St.- Patrick's
ward; ,NITS. J. Burrows, Mrs. Macrie,
Mrs. K. ,BeIl ; 'St. 'Dayid's ward—Mrs.
Barton, Mrs. Wright, Miss Belle Mac -
Vicar, Mrs. Lee. Smith, Mrs. Robt.
-Bell; Seaters], Mrs. Geo. Bean.
It, Was a, Big Day in Camp when the
Home Mail Arrived, Says Pte. -Rus.
sell Drennan,
• A letter received by -Mee., Drennan
froin. her huebend., Pte. Ruesell Dren-
nan, who landed in Englandsin Novae-
ber,,ehill in part
"All tile boys get a parcel from the
Goderieh Parcel comneittee and a carton
of cigdeettes teeth ,the Legion. They
Sure eame in handy; We were all out
of cigarettes and everything.. Yeti
Shouldhave seen..'ns open the parcel.
It was just like a bunch of kids eyoe
wonid 'think 'wehad been over here
for ten years and 'had iiever got' a
thing before. It sure was good. First
°kali we got a oir of socks, two pack-
ages Of cigarettes, one toothbrush, one
can of peaches, one can of coedensed,
millenne dozen lumps of sugar, one can
of eoffee, one chocolate bar, two pace
ages of gum, one bOx of candy, 1 mesa
peanuts, Kleen-ex, 'and a cony of The
London Free Pr4es, Oetober 20th, 1941,
and then three hundred cigarettes from
theLegion, and to add to all this ex-
citement 'I got your letter. So that
was tire best day we have .had since we
a eti ved here."
'The orange ;and black 1942 license
pTatea are beginning to'''Opear on
motor cars.- J. W. MacVlear, the local
ieeuer e of motor licen.ees, reports a
moderate issue so far. The , deadline
for 1941 licenses Is Januar e 31st next.
. Miss Helen Clark, president of the
Colborne township branch of the trpirer
Canada 'Bible iS'ociety, reports that
from the Nile, ,Ifeeeburri and .,Smith"e
WI church congregations the sum of
$25 ha.s been collected for the' Soelety.°
The largest amotint came fromeNile.
SW (Uptight Should have, attentlen.
One was insufficient lighting at the
lower.: end of South etreet. Another
wee the amount of broken glass, mostly
bottles, lyiug en the made ante side-
walks. Still' another was the grOWth.,
of pigweed and burdocks buxom& parts
of the town.
It was suggested that such corn -
plaints he made in writing and Deputy
Reeve !Baker, wire Le chairman of the
public , Works eommittees Said that
citizens who are trofibled with broken
glac--54.1 or weeds ,should ca/lup the
Town Hall.
Atter the distribution et the Mayor'e
gine to the mernitere and the,epeeches
of appreciation which fOlIowefk the
Council brought the proceedings of 1941
to a clore with the hearsinging of the
National Anthem.,
This picture, which is Sent out by the (Bureau of Pnb-
•lie Information at Ottawa, and has appeared in overt
all Over the country, showsett the left a Goderich man,
• Sgt. Harry 'Gibbons, With a_ Lee -Enfield rifle' and bayon-
- et held at the ‘attack positien, whiW at the right iS
shown th.' 'Stkn sub -machine carbine,. Canade'e newest
and lightest weapon.- .. ••.
(Sce,,,t? Gibbons is at preset it his home on Cambria
road on fiee_elays' Christmas leave from the Canadian
Small Arms TrainineeiCentre tat Long Branch, Ont. The
picture was taken at Long Branch, where Sgt. Gibbons
has been engaged the last six ,months in the training of
offiesers and N.O.O.'s., Though still quite a young Man,
he has Put in seven years with the Ion.p.erial army—two
• • -
Mr.• And Mrs. D. 114 Downie are
spending some time in 71;oronto.
-aiss-IGertrude Haist, is spending the
holiday at her home at 'Crediton.
'Mr. Gs N. 'Meeker and hjs° son Fred,
ere:'S'Pele'diYigi 'Christmas, Montreal's
Dr. L. M. Mabee 12 spending:Christ-
mas with hie relatives in Norfolk
MissAda'Farrant of London is spend-
ing Christmas at her !hope on the
Mill road.
Mrs. E. Pont, of Toronto, is spending
Christmas with ter mother, Mrs; W. IL
Tremblay. • . •
Mr. and Mns. Geo. Munfby are
spending the 'ClirLitmas vacation ,with
friends in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reiland, of Ot-
tawa, are spending Christmas' :With
their relatives here. " •
Miss Kathlen Whateley, Toronto, is
holidaying. with 'h:er parents; Mr. and
Airs. R. C. ‘Vhateley. -
Mr. C. J. Groves is •a guest of his
daughter, Mrs, W.'. S. uwey, in
Toronto for Christmas.
Major A. Sturoy, of No. 12 Train;
ing Centre, (Chathani, its at- home on
live clays' 'Christmas leave..
Mr. andMrs. Boot. Nicholson. of, pt.
Catharines, are spendlog Christmas
with Mr. and( Mrs. Aleert Shore, '
Mr. and Mrs.' Clarence Isehe, of
Sebringville, are Christmes, guests at
the homeof 'Mr, and Mrs. John Moore,
Huron road. - • .
Mr. 'Chas. 'IC. 'Lee is spending the
Christmas season in Toronto with his
sob and daughter-in-law, Mr. andeMrS.
E. M...,Lee.
• &Ise -Margaret Hood drove over, from
Midland on Tuesday for Itereebrother,
Mr. Jack flood, who is purser on the
etr. nucleon. •
• -Mrs George Williams and' (Miss Wil -
Hams are Christmas guests of Mr. G.
Montague- William8, at, „ Farmington,
;Mes end, Mrs. Percy Procter and
taeolyn,e of Detroit, were vVeeleend'
tguests with Mr.' and Mrs. Wm, Proctor,'
Gibbons street. • N.
Miss Delight„,'Mutch, of the Ontario
noepital, itingston, is sending Christ-
mas holidays with her' parentsttMr.
and 'Sirs. J. E. Mitch.
Miss Ilthel 'Whitely, of Toronto, and
Miss, Olive Whitely,; of Stratford time
with their mother, cktro. J. B. '8\i`hitelY,
for the (11iristmas vacation;
Mr. 4. W. eraigie was taken 111 last
week and was removed to Alexandra.
Hospital. At latestreport he was
making satisfactory. *gross towards
Mrand airs. V. IT. Peardon and,„son
Harry, Of Windsor, Spent theweekend
withiMiss Jean Lawn. On theit re,
tarn they were atccimpanlea by Misg'
Law4m, who will ont the'iholidays
with them.
.1112.3 BbitIi Tay1(
{ravelling throvigh'
tionof Ontario for
who lias 'been
ie northern see-
some- months in
years le - England and Wales,- three years and eine
months in India,and fifteen months .at Aden. He le
native- of Wales. , • • . .
- The 'Steil sub -machine carbine, (right), an ail -'metal
-gun Used in a similar manner to JO Araercea,n Thomp-
• on 'Sub-maehine gun, weighs only -seven pounts and is
designed .specially for parachute troOps., :Small Arms
laintted, a !Crown company, is now toolinieeup for the,.
Productioneof this "•torainy 'gen" and It is expected that
by- midsummer men thlye output Will eeenh the four-.
figure. mark. - The same company ..tun a thtl' :Lee-
and',,bayonet. .'.The bayonet is the new type
adoPted-by the Canadian' *army,. Much shorter and
slitimrer than the 191.4 V-ersion, it is easier te handleand
every bit as efficeent:'- It is triangei,' lar in Shape.
Popular Goderieh youngmanAvith the,
cyverseas, who is reported miss-
ing. His parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. W. 11.
Baker, reside in , Goderiele and h'6
wife is ai" Montreal,
.Capt. Philip Carey, 'of No. .1.,(11„.strici
depot, andon„ has returned ta` his
d u ties there a f ter taking a company
commander'•. eourse nt ILMJC., King -
• Robert .1, Craig, eldest son of Mr.
and"Mrs. Craig, Auburn, hag
joined the Royal Canadian Air Porre,
having left for the Manning depot at
Toronto. 'Bob, WU(/' was a Popular
member arid Weber for the Goderfar
junior baseball team, was employeekor
several monthA at ISky Harbor airport.
Ms ninny friends here, particularly the
beeehall tees, wish hien the best of
eonnectfon with Girl 4.;ruhle work, is
vleiting with her parents, Dr. and Mrs.
T. Wardlaw Taylor.
Mr. W. A. Saunders of' $t. ftlath-
arines. 'Mr. J. K. Sa unfit -T:3. a 'Toronto
and Mr. and airs. W. J. Church of
'Waterford are (Ithr:stmas vielto re With
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vila& K.
Little Miss Mary :fiebbutt, daughter
of Mr.,and Mrs. tGOrdon J. Tebbutt of
London, will be heard on a radio pro.
grain each iSaturday morning at '10.43
over a London statim , She is.a pupil
of Mrs. Ifill Adams, A adelny of, Music.
Readers are invited to give us the
names of their Christmas Visitors ,for
the Personal:Mention column ofnext
week's Signal.Star.
Owen !Sound, Dec. 22.—A candle-
light ceremony featured the wedding
cm* Aturday in Ventral United church
of Margaret +Louise BoWinan and John
D 1%1as Middleton, -R.C.A.V. " The
br de is. Th7e- alluitItter-of-Mr,and-Atrs...
Howard. 11. Bowman and the groom. is
the /sous of John it. Middleton, Clin-
ton. Rev. Thomas Green • officiated..
The altar and wripit platform were
banked with greens and standards of
-white Imums. W. T..pairel was at the
!Ainslie, Toronto, sang.
iven in marriage by her
r-=Wher's wedding
gown.. pf ivory satin and .chantilly
lace. the slender princess lines of the
skirt falling in a graceful train, the
bodice featnling a square -cut neckline
and bracelet -length• sleeeee. Her veil
of , heirloom Brussels point lace.
41 halo arrangement and swept beyond
the train. She wore • a strand of
pearls and her .sandals were of white
satin. The bridal bouquet Was a
shower of white roses. ,
Matron-of-honore Mrs. (Arthur Har-
rison, and bridesmaid,' Marylin Bow -
Alan, sisters '0.f theesbride, wore gowns
or blue sheer, slightly trained,
fitted waisf-1in0 quilted in. matching
tones,, long.- full !sleeves and • round
neek 'thee. ,,They ,evote pretty rimer
•arrangemeet in their* hair and •carried
bouquets 02 pink -carnations and
'etevia. J. Keith :Saunders-,
Goderiele , was best man, and ushers
Were Dr. John 91. Brewster and' John
• 4. reception was held at the .home
the bride's IT rents. Reeeiving, the
•bride's mother Wore wood violet erepe
• with violet hat and eorSage of pink
roses. The groom's aunt, Mrs. George
• Stewart, Goderiele was in nave- erepe
with mat ehing hat and C0114110 of
orchids, IMrs. S. 4, Stratton,' Wind-
• sor, grandmother of the bride, were
plum crepe with Matte hat and (err -
sage of 'Poses, _
Lee:ylate on a ehort honeymoon trip,
the bride wore 'smart costume of moss
green ifeather wool, a jaeket „dress,
green bouele vont with brown squirrel
trim, brown hat, brown accessories
and rose corsage. They will ,reside
at Yarmouth, N.S.
orgart, mnry
• '1.:ih'.bri(10,,
father, Wor
Again next'week The SignabStar will
be published on :Wednesday, and •tve
would ask correspondents, advertisers
and .otheri; to have "copyft,sin our hands
by Tuesday at latest.
This doesn't mean that everybody
should watt Anita Tuesday before 'ma-
ing. in matter for pfiblieation. If the
Meeting or other At ent t4 be rePorted
took place, say, On Friday, the report
should be sent in *the .following da
Otherwise we are oveverowded ,with
matter in the last, twenty.feur hours
beforc. going to press.
The neenthers. of the Baptistthurcii
andeeSunday school enienti the annul
OhriStmas entertainment on Friday
evening. December 19th.' -Before .a
crowded hall a lengthy program Was
presented by members o'f the Sunday
school, intending vocal numbers,
'musical selections, playletsand twe
community :sing-soegs, one 'opt a pat-
riotic nature randethe other -of carols.
'Claus arrived amiil great cheering and
haed-clapping and distributed ,gifts to
every child present. The chairman for
the evenine°was the pastor, Rev. A. J.
Milligan2 The •-program included re-
citations .by Clara Donaldson, 'Pickle
-0,1ark, Mary Young,. Llo-B
Olark, Ruth,. 0,1ark, :Marilyn Love,
DOnnleesGeddes; Charlie Kennedy,
Kenneth 'Geddes, (Gordon t Raithby,
Myrtle Bell, Isabel Greet:1,00e, Wilbur
Bell, Verley Bell,. and 'Leonard Geddes;
solos by rAlalcolm OampbelielLois Camp-
bell, Barbara Ane Miller, Joint Donald-
son, Jack Benjamin,' Marion Taylor,
Lulu Benjamin and - 91 r. Arthur
Beevers; duets ley Barbara Ann Miller
and Clara Donaldson, Verley. Bell and.
,Isabel 'Greenslade; piano solos by Ver -
ley Bell and Verna. Miller; a reading
by Mrs.. Humber, and an' 'address by
Mr. S. 'Greenslade, sdperinteladent of
the Sunday school. The *pelmary class
eonteibuted aechores; the limier girls'
class'a. playlet,: "The -Christmas Idea,"
and the seelor cless a, tablean,
'Lighting the C) hristma.s (Candle."
• ' . •'
There was, a .epiendidt--trtknouts-on
Fridai-osenieg for thecChrfetneas enter-
teinment of 'North street, United Sun-
day school, and an excellent peograin.
was --presented in the newly decorated
basement tinder 'the direction 'of Mrs
Mervin „Snyder, church organist and
choirmaster. Mr. H. S. Tinter, St per;
intendent' of the !Suiiday school, acted
as chairman. The opening song by the
primary Claes, was followed, by a play
presented by Mrs. gollatatirs class. Re-
citations were given by Margaret Ana
Erenierson, IteIen Pridham, Martin
Thorapeoe, Jean Rutherford', Yvonne
estnetese---Dolenie--and. _II illy ,-prrahame
solos by Mary *Lou (Matheson, Jirifith
'Turnhnii, .Carol Young, Mary Cath-
erine McDonald and Patricia Church;
a duet .byBl1y and Bobbie Bal -wick;
a musiceleseableau bp Mrs.. Barker's
class; readings' by Jean _Kershaw and
'ha. __Barker, and. *selections by
the. junior 'choir.. The program was
concluded with -Tee Little Nivel-se'
sung and acted by junior boys. • ,
.1.0.0 0.0...0.k
. England,
kriday, Nov. 19, 1941.
To the Citizens of- Godt rich :
Just a few words in regard to your
so-called organizapons.
• Day after day parcels of cigarettes
arrive in our ctimp to all thy pals from
the Red Cross, Canadien Legion 'and
many other org,anizations too numerous
to mention. They are from . alKparts
of Canada'.
- •
What I would liketo know is Where
does the money c011eeted IAGoderich by
such organizations, -go . to,- "There are
three- Goderich b0Y8'. inWour unit and
pone of us.hd:s as mueh as received one
smoke Iron Gbderich other than 'those
gent by our parents' or wives. ,
Seen- what is done Goderich
.for the boys from other countries. . Not
• that by any Means think that the
people of•Voderich should so. 1
say, make the bbys as zeuelf at home -
as possible end help them all' you
possibly ..can: • . —
But please Waken up to the fact that
we boys were beam and raieed Itt Gede-
rich and worked hard to help liopp the
old horne town together. • • .
I sincereleehope that we. ape not g,one'
and forgotten.
• YOWL'S truly, •
• A4g938 Slit JIM DIMNIN, •
No. I Cdn..leonstruct. Coy.„ 11.(1.11.,
•Canadian Army'Overseas.
[Ed. Note. -----We- are sure the parcels
Committee have 'llot neglected any of
the overseas men of' whom they, have
Jknowledge. ' Relatives, should notify
the committee 1.yhen'thair Inds g� over.
seas, 20 , that tileir names ' may bez
added to the lisf of, those receivh*
The temperateree lit Cloclerieh for
eix days of the, irast week, and for the
corresponding period of last year, act,
•officially recorded, Were as folloWS:
• . -1941 1949'
,• Max. Min. 'Max. itlitL'
Thurs. 1W. 18 ...44 33 38 ° 17
P11 Dec. 19 ..,.43 30 'i4"29
Sat., Dee. 20 12, 3A • 30
(Sun., Dec. 21 -.27 111 .a8,
Mon., X)ce 2...45 22 31 30
Tues., Dee. 23 .... 41' •.37 20
The anaual Christoaas goncerteof the
Sunday' sehoolei, f y,etckria.. street Pelted -
church was held in the ehureh en/ Men-,
dsy evening last, and. Was largely
tended. • The progrand by members of
the Sunday. eclibol was
- well • as cleverly* perfornied. Mr.. Wil-
frid Larder; superintendent of the
school„ was chairman and epened: the
pre ram b CailhL arat--
o sing, 'All hail the power "'of Jesus'
name," Mee: E. Mame claee 'sang a
cherus, "Infent Holy," and Mary Joyee
Ellwood recited, A violin solo Was
played by Evelyn Breckow aed a seeitee
tion followed. by Judy AlliSon. Mrs .
Wm. Ellwnod'i, Class presented a pag- '
e•ant, "T4',.'Coming erf !Christ," pollawed
bya reel -Onion by Helen Mentgernerey
An exer-dise by Jack 91cKim:tin:1's class
et boss was fellowed by a recitation by,
Doleglee Webiter. Rev. A. J. Mac-
Kaye's class .tck boys acted 'a playere,
titled, "Teaching and Practice." Two
eittle,girIS of &es. A.. ThernpSon's Class,
Barbara iFisher and Doreen Webster;
gave a dialogue and four girls Of' her
class acted the play, "The Hidden
Phristraas Gift." Sobby Allison and '
Joyce Brelsoirsang a duet and IloWattel
Aitken recited. MisSIG. Worthy's class
presented a play „ "Attractively Wrap;'
peti„", those taking part ibeing Berst
Sanderson, Helen Wilson and Audrey .--
Baeleeer'2oaxt Beachler and jaek
SeisSearers gave recitations and the girls
*a—4'1,s Worthy -tee class presented a
play entitled "ChristmaS !Star. -for
Olga." Those takieg the leading parts
...were 'June '13aechler, as- Olga, and
iaaechleee DOA& Allenseafaey s
-Schwanis 'Lorraine,: Allen and Phyilis,„
Allen, whire the other members deted as
Carol sing,ers. The program was•closed
With the ,singing of "Silent Night, Holy
Night.", A. novelty feature at the Close
of the evening was the Visit made by
arehtse'Clause eaccompartieVe-by. Mrs. --
Santa Claus,. all dressed in her glory.
Santa e-xplainedThe was so busy this
year that ie was almost necessary- for
him to bring his wife witil. hini on his
rounds to assist him.
• Santa -Claus was not too 'bugy on-
the Sunday school of Knox church and
previcie with hi§ gifts a.fittinee_oding
to the school's annual Christman enters
tainment._ The -Superintendent, _Mr.
C. Beaeorn, president, _mid:the ministere _
Rev. D. J. Lane raise was -present. •
The_progtam-included, after the singing
of aThumber of carols by the gathering,
a carol, "Away in ea> Manger,", by the
primary department; Primary recita-
tions, by Ruth Red, James Pinder,'
'Bobby •Bell, Rae; MelsIW, Merlyn, Me -
Cabe,' Joan Mucloesizie and' jack >Car-
rick ; a song, 'Catherheeeand '3,.largaret
MeIlobald ;, reeitation, „,john '.MeDong-
all f gong, • -.Night ,ot IS,tare.'.', by seniefir
girls; s recitation, Trances- 33tertott;
song, Schutz;+recitation
Joyce Mallough ;- instrumental number
by Wm. Newcombe and liruce.MeDonl-
aid,. Doliald iniyea' and. Brent :Nelg0:44
recit a t ion. 1G re t ta Arbour: song, Mary'
'Lon Sanderson; reading, Charlie (HaW-
(borne piano solo-, Brent Nielson;
•reeitailon.- -Bob Moore; song, "Little
Town of Bet hlehe'ne" Miss Milne's class.
of 'girls; play, z"Vire Christmas De-'
tective," Mr. 'Lane's class:
Then there were quite • en ' extensivo
seiies of pictures thrown on the Aereen,
ineludieg. -Goldilocice • and ,the Three
Beakm" pictures of -.Fkale.,ptine,.. and a
Most. Interesting showing by Robert
Ilenry of his• teelmicelored MOON; 4
pieturee .of loyal eratether
• The annual Community Christnaae •
treat, given by the 'Town Council on
Saturday afternoon, was as. usual. .a
great: occasitm for the little •folks, at'o
well as lor'the older ones .who ac,oOra- •
prided them Iv merely stboil by watch.
111,e, The proceedinp. !nags, 1200 a
tlreift&generously tilled; With candie3
nias were. handed out Santa
ciihN„ who graciously favored -the •oe-
easion; With his presence and was as.-
sistediby meMbers of the Town Counifil.
and, fire brigade. Some of the little
tots, seeing Santa, for the 'first time,
were frightened and Cried, hut all °ac-
cepted his gift`and no doubt will be lecs,
timorous On the next occasion.
'oigood;e hall announces dates of
SuProme Court:Sitting Goderich asw
follows: Tuesday, aarch 3, Jury Sit-
tings before Mr. Justioe MeVarland;
• Monday, May 4, noryjury sitting before
Mr. Jubtiee•IIegg. •,
Air annual event in iKal "Masonie
elrelce, the Joint installation of' officers,
ot Maitland itedgc, kloderiph, 4 and '
Morning Star two, carlow, will take
plaeo in the lotlg, TOOfilE at rCarlow on
atonday night next.
• •,e