HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-12-11, Page 9Sss.
-At 4,4
TIIIIJR•SDAY, 1-4,"01011110t 1
Ifitamms Alone
Ot Enough
Three essential minerals
•also found in
Dr. Chase's
Nerve Foo
•- • belp to,make
.?? true tonic for blood
and nerves-.
; nuyingthelarge
' size saves yon.
Money And.
ensures astipply
180•p1lls $1.50;
Dr. Cba,se's
Nerve Food eon,'
"Dr Chases
New York Notes
, (lity eb,R,ries Ibmile).
I,Ights -0°' BrOSUlyn: TwO,,,,ilierS in aItUleS will be laid down fOr the length.
and shape of tootlipicks..tho 61Prc$014
pursuit plane salted over Ilreolayn the sock,gripping power of elothalping,
,otlier night: Lieutenant U.-, svith au There is nothing trivial ln this.. The
eye for beauty, (shouted 'Look:" lt-0 Diareau 'of Standards 5telis: to 'reduce
COrporal, 'it-, meaning, ee tlie Waste and ihe number- of ;ie:. Now
.for "back -yard Salvaging of the linable
°myriad lights,7 Or something like that.
clothespin; the hinterlands men
';TheVorporal'iOok the. downward )3107";' way again. takitO• Whittling !tooth-
tion•Of the Lieutenant to mean bail out, riots, o • . . ,.
Und over •fte .weiit. Ile landed On the . * * *
collier -Of a ,threesSfOrr building *in the ssistislur-idiattstirAins-psocsart.s.usy.,„
• '!
• Jae Rabbits Rabbits Leave Young Fruit Trees
In Georgian Bay District Severely.
Alone, Says Alex. °oldie, Whcn
Repellent Used 4 ,1
During the/ :winter of 040-1941 it
nuthber friiifVriowerS, •in 'the' tieorg.
litn BaF. district --itited. out the. new
.resinritieepol solution far the. preven-
tion, of injury to fruit trees by jack-
rabbits.: In nearly all cases where the three model honses nr different develop-
Bush:Wick section, tangled in' his para-
cliute, kicked In the nearest window to seen In crowded-Sectiolis an increasing
minsber of „parking lots. 'Wilding! of
attract ,attention. -happily, oscupants,
of the house pulled him in by the legs(
" • .* a • '
Our neighboring Forest 11111s, a com-
munity of picturesque English -looking
houses -and cifrving drives, Ibilllt,l)y the
Russell Sage millions, is experienciug.
a building. boom -on its outer edges.
'The city-owued four -tracked Iiidepend- lugs, ernamental .railings and Shade
ent Subway and a ,0-ceist fare have trees give a very much improved ass
'made this section, Of th'e metropolis pearance to these parking spaces. The
accessible eo' thousand's of "\Pc°Ple'strees tire generally Oriental planes, a
Steam shovels 'are working ia weedy, kind that grows Avell hi any part of
rocky tields, close by many newly-hullt crowded New YOrk. It must 1* a
blocks of apartments.. In certain sec- tough kind of tree,
tions of this portion of Forest Hills
long rows of brick houses are being
emoted. They appear, to be about I had occasion': toovisit on r new
eighteen feet Wide. Some rows. 'have ns County. I3orough liatsinsKeisr
their garages. Hs, Gardens. It Os a long brick structure
In the eella' '''''ci-- built on severe straight lines., but is
entrances insfrent, others at the rear, so artistically screened by bushes and
with a wide right-of-way in the back
full-grown trees that the lines of the
.yards. Each, group has its model
structure . appear to have beauty and
house, artistically furnished, carpeted, dio.nit .y.
A large statue of a robust
the gas or oil heat turned on and every- s
type of man, with a Short • iord,
thing snug and inviting. I looked into
adorns what had been an sigly spot near
lietty Green World's
Wealthiest Woman
Lived Lilo Pai;per' Th4t
Oho MiSit **US
Some almost unbelievable stories
abOut° the late Hefty !Green,' igksv Torli
multi-millloadiressi are told in the new
book "Men of Wealth"- by John
Vlynn, well-known writer on btagness
eOlidensecl from the book:
,With an important fussinfs Of steals,
a certain type have been torn downt tlfeslOne locomotIve halted q the NeW
• 1 1' '
to be replaced, by sPaces for cars. t vogic forMinus, and a womart in shabby,
This trend Ls apparent In all large t'black elothes and`dingy bonnet climbed
cities, no Adupt; but in 01±da.nhattan down from the Cab and hurried away.
these Oat elots did not (at all add to Who's that" gaPed bystanklerl,
the good. appearance of , many' great ..uetty Green -richest woman in the
thoroughfares. Lately, however, world," explained' the engineer, grimly.
Alanhattan especially, low stone feet! A, resident a PhiladelPhia, she 'had
Wanted to. reach New York before -the
closing cif •the Stock'Exchange. It was
necessary to have a special -train. The
railroad authoriefa .quoted 'for One
locomotive and one ear, and their price
was standard and could not be lowered.
"Takelhe car Off the' train and Ilk*
dollars oft- tile prieesand I'll ride M the
locomotive,", said 'Jetty (Green. And
she did.
It was a typieal incident in the amaz-
ing life of the female' miser and financ-
ial genins who, in fifty, years, tsirned
a million dollars into a hundred *iiiits
lion---sseme say two hundred
Daughter of a 'whale oil mogul of
New Bedford, a patrician Quaker
named Robinson whose great -grand,
, .
, .
ssun by. This, statue, ,fashioned- by the. father bad 'been speaker of .the Colonial
Solution wa.S. 'properly preparect and ments. One row had the name great MacMonn.le, .used to stand ,betoxp Assentbly and a deputy -royal governor,
were obtained, States Alex. Goklie, "Acres." siany, Imo .eigns . of „seikr, the New York !City 'Hall, It was the lIetty passed her childhood in anat
. • butt of art critics and newspaperS for mosPhere of genteel greed. She grew
thoroughly applied!, excellent ''results Hill." Others. were ."Gardens," or
up to Ise -'a .young -woman of stately'
carriage, . high color, glorious hair, .and
Marked parsimony. Onee,' on a pro,
tracted visit to New York; her .fath,er
sent her $1,200 to buy clothes. •She,re-
turned with $1,000 to put in her bank
account. •
In June, 1845, her father lay dying,
and demanded to -see Isis_ daughter
alone. "I have been murdered.. ' Pois-
oned.' by a band of conspirators," he
gasped. "You will be next. Watch
over yourself." 'Ile named his ekeetl-
tors 'and, died.
Were father Green's. statements the
fevered delusion of .,e dying man? To
her dying day, Hetty did not think- so.,
To Jier.,..ellagrin, only a million (rollers
...ef the fortune was.given her outright,
bars at the. end .f or ginger ale and other the rest Telt in trust. Three weeks
later, she Was shocked by the death
treats. These blocks and -rews of new A Communist and a colored. man were
developments have great signs with elected to the council, whieli Was chosen of her aurits the wealthy .Sylvia 'Ann
arrows pointing to the new houses with. '0.0 the proportionalrepresentation plan 'lowland. Was this another- chapter
prices plainly shown -$7090, $7200, —the -,P.R. as it is comnionly called. in the Plot to concentrate her father's
$8250. And 'there is no dickering on Ay the P.R. fnethod of ehoosing, council- null her aunt 'S weifftli.' sn-irer Person
prices, * and no horse -trading tactics lors voters showed their preferenges and then assaSsinate her? At, her
used by the builders • Take it or leave by voting 1 for Smitli as their first aunt's hoese, S.W4rraing with. relatives
. , choice '4 for Jones. up to six choices. for .the funeral, she slept hidden in a
loeked lumber room and ate no food save
that prepared by her own hand,.
Ller aunt's will bequeathed to lietty
only O'ne-half of her fortune.. The rest
Ontario District aortienithrist, Barrie.
Severe% injury lpy rabbits occurred
° where the solution had been applied
when the trees were wet. This Moisture
• caused the solution to break down and
become brittle and eventually to flake
°if from the trees. If applied when
the tree is dry, the resin* sticks much
like varnish and will not' fTake ori
peel off, nor will, it -brugh off, but re-
mains on the tree' eyen after growth'
starts in the spring.. 'However, grOwers
are still advised! to wrap, trees with hose powdering. All have in their
sacking or burlap whereser pessible: bathreoms a glassed -in, tiled spray bath
Where wrafiping is the. for a shower, as' well as the regular
followingslirectionsshonld he•followed bathtub, Ticere are no Saturday night
carefully: „ • wash tubs for family use anywhere in
pissolve 12 lbs. ofsliunip resin (finely sight. All cellars, are lined with shel-
!broken) one gallon' of °cheap alcohol, lad ed pine boards for what is called
-comnionly used for anti -freeze. • the play or whoopee room, and have
, When purchasing alcohol for this
purpose be sure that it contains only a
smali amount of wood alcohol and'also
• 'that it contains no glyceiline, or other
material Which. Willsaffect. the solvent'
,properties -.the ,aleohoL If this ex-
planation is made to the druggist it is
probable that he Will. be able to supply
the correct type of alcohol.
Be sure to use lamp resin and not
powdered resin, as the latter contains
a material which prevents it from, corn-
pletelv The...lump resin
while painters were still in She houses.
years, ,until it 'was removed and stored.
I have spoken in my notes befOre of the
attractions of these newer tY.Pes tn:i TT a, ,iir,
.,,,,, Now we have it. ' '''Wuiser" and
seems 1 ..-....,...,..,,"° are sortie of the many names
houses,. bur each new community it has been dubbeciS I walked around
to - have inviting touches that . make
it to; see the allegorical figures at its
those built just a year ago 4 shade less
base. Dolphins and mermaids disport
attractive for the woman of the houSe °
there. A. reptile at the base represents
seeking a home. 'Kitchens in all of the evils the "HuSkY" is supposed to
them are entirely fitted with the latest 4,4, ,
a‘i.ass. The••crities notwithstandine,
of closets, :sinks, gas 'stoves, in oft,
the !figure looks quite arresting, - at,
artistic colors. Some entrances' have •
least. From this point I could see
extra -little rooms or • cubby-holes for
• the Flushing 'Meadow Park, now coming
.to shape on the old -World's, Far -sites
and the square gold *rococo tower of
Poland, which Will remalii as a monn-
inept in the Park, ' and 'forever- be a
reminder of ' a' lost nation. .
* * * ,
In Abe recent 'election Mayor La
.Guardia was elected for the third time.
it. Sonse day our Queens Bou eva ,
the wide highway of this sectien that I The purpose of P.R. is to give represent -
runs to the city, will he another 'Grand ation to small minorities, In effect,
h however it gives in some instances re -
For , Endowing Joy
A Walnut Oed Chest will prove
to be the most thiklling gift She
has ever received..,
'"The House of Good Furniture"
Pim; 335 Harailton St.
TIV VAITUVAlarTAVVW411411V41--"`"
i your?'
"An Outstanding What in
if 44" Madero OWL
wlth Matehad (Mantel Weed •
and Ainorlaier 'Walnut"
hi'gli-grade securities -when the market
was lowand selling when it was high.,
never buy anything. just to 'hold it,"
she Said. eThere.,is a ptice on every-
thing I, have.. .When that price is of-
fered, I'Ssell." , • •
• liettigis hatred of lawyers persist d
Her legal controverSies were incessa
Her favorite, joke was :_''Why is 'a
lawyer like 4 mail who is restless in
-bed?" "Because both lie first on one
side &lad then on the other." In 1892
shes-hotly contested • the aecounting
rendered 1,w, the sole Surviving trustee
of her father's estafe, Henry A. Barlizig,
Had Sor, Stiff Joints, Stomach Gas
and AeidAty—Now. fle,,Endorses,Syntoita
Describes :How.* It Gatre Him
Pleasant Relief After Many
Years df Siffefink_With
gestion; Constipation, Skin Er-
tiptiblis and Ithenniatic
All who suffer from ',eonditions that
are caused or aggravated by faulty
declaring that her father left an 'estate assiinilatioe and elkaination, disorders .
of $9,000,000 but she received only
Concourse, the great boulevard,$334,000 income •frona. the trustees. of, the' stomach, liver, kidneys or
dsolvrng ,teemitr• Bronx 'with its six mile§ of Presentation to_ extremists w,ho woad
should'be crus,hed into ilne particles by apartments, solidly built infl seemingly
placing It in a syrit&I-beating With ' xmdless vista. 'We had Thaaltsgiving
.a mallet oraiammer. ,Sift this through dinner in an apartment on the Grand
ti fin screen,. (fly ,screen is -good) and Concourse,,:, The house not partiCh-
, . . ,
toxic poisons and irritating
Against her; Ad • representing • the ! lx4els ;
waste matter in the System, should he ,
. .
under the oki system never get into "went to relatives and civic 'and charit-
office. -The P.R. pl.an Must puzzle- many. able institutions. Enraged., she -eon- ! executor-, 'was the distinguished lawyer, !
rsloseph II, Choate, later- American AM- , interested in the splendid results, that
eoterS, for 80 000 ins and blank tested this with another
.ex_. bassador to Great Britain. She had 1 other grateful en and women are
will which
., . by taking- a treatment, of ,
. .break up all lumps ec) they will pass,-larly large as apartment ••ui g g , Mr:- Cacchione, the Cbmmunist-he is cept "about $100,000 in presents t
-..,-- - -,
n. known- him as a girl and had nick- ;1'eceiving .
ballots were cast in the greater city. bequeathed all property to Iletty
.. a. Tlien place ;the had seventy-seven suiteS of rooms. The; from Brooklyn -received a small' per • Did
ad 'relatives." * named- him -''Cupid Chbate." .ToW"arcls '- Syntona Herbal 'Compound: Here, for
alcolial in •a large container (the -ad- eit314 subway attracted this Population. I.centage of the, sates of -hiS 'district, Did• HettY, forge this dOcutneut ?‘ This the end ef' the (trial, when Oho-ate.extimple;`•is the interestingsexperience '
_ .
• dition- ,of thel! :resin wi'll. double the When one naay gO tWerity Miles Under- ibut 'on the twenty-first 'countttileStlint WaS 4/eVer huswered,,for Rett y eloquently- Pictured the suffeTiags of of Mr. Wellington 'Ward, 160 Main:St.
-volume of the aleO1101) and stir in the ground, on ,fistystue-an.hour express; ceived enough tranSferred votes to, be lost her suit on -ii purely.-"technieal the sorely -tried exeefiter/ Mrs. Green Hamilton, according to his recesat re-;
through thi"SI-s-Seree
' • nd three mile elected:- The-P.R. worked well enough ?ant, The defeat Caused her lifelong drew a Kerre.:, yellow pillowslip fi•oro,_ "
:„powelered resin very slowly until it is ..ins that take: two a
all disselved. It is suggested that only ju without local stops, the people in the case of the 'colored candidate.
live years ago ray stomach started
. „
iatred for lawyers. 1, under her ape- it-W.6er eyes, anal
b .1 ue of weep-
._ to giVe „me troulble and everything I
burst into a %Iolent tit esq
a- few Clays' supply be prepareCat move ever cittward toward the -suburbs. 1.No one regrets his -victory : he. stands Edward If. Green, wealthy bachelor
speaker. '
At the time of . application small Innumerable buses radiate to -quieter el.:4 *are not flattered by -the choice of a IIetty -aad check to his- tailor in the
• use skin befinn-to. heal and...the IrheinnatiC:
wi.th ate justsierserneststso Jelment and ca
Um-esti:nal it should be kept in...a. -tightly- TheSe home -seekers by the thousands .2fOr a. Part. of our population that and suitor, W(n1 her hand'in 1865°w -hen! ing thht convulsed the court «
bloating and Constipation,: • 'My pains • began to elear$un. 1' sleep
,elosed- containersuntil used. • • are not; accommodated by sulivvcsys. , should be recognised, RI.it New York- niistske-he put a valentiiie to la ughtet and '• entirely • crushed -the gas,
was lifwayg having,'Periodleal attacks did in years. previously. r Would sure -
knew her as ,the woman who- never
tongue was • coated -and sour, hurning better now, I" enjoy my meals b'sid
more healthy and happy than
would 1•18e lip bite my throat. I teel.
quantities should he put into a smaller spots from. important subwaY stattons, Communists, • wrong envelopes. The check -paid tori In 'NeW York f•estaurantso waiters acids
eontaiper,. as this .prevents.the alcohol such as Union Turupike at Kew Gars .* * * a very cheap suit of clothes. Hetty's*-
miserly heart was completely overcome.
,,a%( a tip. Lit mg at Bellows 1 a
, for , of boils and skin eruptions. This tron- ly say that any person who siiffera like •
'' I b in
from eseaping into the airs If the solu- dens.,After objections for years by the A. large realty•.lagency that will find
A man- worth a million dollars .who paid s
a time she bought in small quantities
11)4tteit:gavl a tmI uYs 2.seialt‘•sbulag't and man; I isliyilntsohLu,lids- 70tupaynntdona and take it in
IV( who firms anywhere for you . reports a
• lasting relief. A.ft•At I went to bed at Goderich by Campbell's Drug Store::
w t•rackerS,
11 rht I would suffer with gas _pains Make up your mind to bean 'taking it
n•v lowest clothes. prices -what just what she needed for that day -a
a small amount -of , alcohol should be, 411,,,eticee the _intrusion of this means of strom; demand for iinproved farms.
woman's heart could be proof against
quarter pound o ut ,
tion lieeomes gummy while being used, good burghers of out ,
' ditions- A small paint istiis,h should be there'by caused much discomfort,- and I the greilat increase in farm production touchIng economY, so artlessly re- a little sugar-
- In 190". her husband died,
'I 11(Pitly head would.swim so I couldn't todaYr See how much better Sou, ,
' added' to restore it to,' its original 'con- transpertation and accommodation, and , The hicTli cost of living in the 'elties•and
used to apply the sointion,,anei astearts Aired feet for people hereabouts, a bus have attracred buyens, although the waled?. .
Then, lately, rheumatic pains • can be feeling in just a sletirt time.
of the trees should -be theroug-hly line-111,th Crosstown 09 -now serves price' sof farms has not appreciably She did' not know that her (suitor 3ears later Mr. Matthew Astor Wikks,
clubman of' .prominence and, grands,..„. into my knees and -the joints .got
was spokeh of as Spendthrift 'Green. .
covered, witklit to the height to which us at Park !Lane, around the coiner. !
.. sso ,••ote and stiff I eould hai'dly."get And, brother; the time isn't' far off
.rabbits can reach from the deepest That, of course, is another nickel.
* * * • • contract under which his wiie's fortune hand of lletty's thirty -eight -year -a
"It was onlv. a few weeks that' ••. mhen. you Aire „goings to Shy, Boy, oh •
*, * * But she did require him ,,,to -sign a of John Jacob . Astor, asked for •the •
id around.
. snow. I Dial-ogue 'between
correspond -
i,vould. not be liable for his debts. but -daughter, Sylvia. **Y9u. are•sixtyytive,
'The best •thnesto aPply this solution Feur colored 'Men. in Brooklyn- ! eht- and is neighbor. with a German
boy: Wirat Wonldn't I give if 'My in -
it seventy,ffve turke3-s just. before Thanks -1 The IIitler menace is serious. Disgusted with American courts and -
'd 111-`e a ' •
n heir So • ms , ,
tate no '-
happy o say the first bottle -Itelpeds--rni- te,x!..avvri., only f..,4 small as it was
tomach and bowels. Then my :n y9.1t ioys of ;sunshine. •
‘611111 be liable or her support. "Sylvia ought to marry_ a ,younger
I decided to' try •Svntona and. I am
, at the Sitme tile -stipulated that he. and .1-C:ive gout," 'replied Hefty •dreen. ' • '
hes not yet been determined, but it where .else,. could it happen?* 1 ; nam :
• ,
J%&1 -Day; sold what they conld fer Ise, is egged till .
„lawyers, she sailed ,with her hush"and which be • Sylvia's when I ain
supper on the remainder. First theY 1 Roosevelt and Englandand tregan her . • him two children, gone
iv ."
.h, and had -ft three -clay fowl By whomto England; bore?
• took the birds, then next day they Would he stop otherWise? 'eastonishing financia0. Finding the serf* doves, determined,
$1 50 eac
1 1,
taok the barrels they had been packed • Sure. - career in London, where she organiiest she relented, and permitted her dangh:
4 in. Policemen and &teeth -4w for Aotne! 'Why did he invade Belgium? two banks. and in one year inade.-more' tees
than a million and si.quarter dot/ars. strangely enough, she for onee spared
maFriage. ' For this tiffair,!
B t -theSe four To get at France. 1- s In -a single day she eleared-$200,000--- 111) exPellse.
' When the Great War broke eut,
.• ' ' slays were . a e .
Was that righty -
Well, Belgium never lik.ed- Germany' ! ••the largest single day s -earnings of
men burned the staves to (-oak • the.; . .
mv - life," she declared later. ,-(!-Ightssyear-old •IIettsS• Green wile 'in i
royal birds, imbibed of
mneli duritig-,
Why did he invade Holland? --' .1.ftev seven ye(irs In yEngland the, ! failing health, • bill -scsiffed._ at -,. the
.. them to sleep.. anti" when the detectives,
- Same thing. • . ..., ... !Greens returned to America; andsl*thought ' of retirement: 1,In 1915 ' she '
their ergs, 'the. heat of the room put - anyway. ' 1..,.., ., , . •
pled by innumerable bones. broke. a '
,_ ' • J while not estrang,ed, took- ,up separate 1
'loaned...lull:lion:4 on call at lweiVe 'perfttt)B.,
the police liheup.these-figir i‘olored men t slhamberlain and Englaa ,fixed that illriiiilm----flettyilimeit-took asNsav---YerlsSwit.. es •ked, unceasingly to put „tier ,
' In their quarry' 'wt -i7 'fast asierfi.,....pftta•nd?. .
to silY. "and -worth,,,. up' at Munieh. It'sjust the same as tdficf° in the 'National Cheniical Dank i gigantic fortune into sue 1. s ; . that.
hall the audacity
Build -Mg -a large bare rugless room i it might be -least affe(•ted by. the tax-
it!" - • 1 the United. SttrFA going, into Iceland.
with heaps of isuil'TS piled All around -1 gatherer. In .April, 1910:1 a paralytic 1
' The lowly clothespin ft 11 d 1 tl t, 11 n-*! presented in '' an unguarded mement.
' • travelled to it daily on the ferry from. sfros4e• felled her in her,,Hoboliell fiat. I
1101)01(11she lived. in a little'l In June, a s.eco.nd,..Slroke killed her,. •
• .II * * * ' 1 There you have the enemy psychology
lir'; mat ' beak "Berlin fl s began ts ; At, once 110in4 C:1 1114, mourina .from the •
sneaks af the same peculiar, unfeeling ' Hee blitA dress was of the poorest , their sharys in•;1 ninon -dollar trpst ;
coinments made by smiling' Gerthans ' material. full of rents and patches. 1 hind left by' Hilly's' Aunt Sylvia...The;
, .
can be applied, right now.
' here and • there whose reasoning hel II" dingy bonnet she had worn for ten . inNnue had gone to -1Ietty during life,
years.. ,, But her mouth was 'firm and , but her demise left the full • anionnt
. resolute, and her eyes looked 'ant With 'free" for division among the line.;11.•
Precauttions -vainly tried to ,,fathom, and gave up. !
And 50 (10 I. , 1 -s- % 41,ints' Of 1s hi grandfaiher, I'
ji the sharpne:i.s of two steel points. '
, ..- .
Iillinery note: A saucy hat with One day this shahbilY dressed woman :°01(leola Howilin(1--wherli;1(1 hove dead '
* to * °
fashionaide toofhpick are the sit)) ts Shire!. in g Otengrely-furnished at, an
' of con 14 in a New York Nary," whs.h meaty, so inform-
11014 1 it ensay build her great fortune. corners of the. glolie to Malin
' f(
• I ative, that I ain reading ,
Hotel Waverley
SPAttittit ityz. COLLk011 S.
. RATEg .
'SINGLE $1.50 to $5.00.
DOUBLE $2.50 to $6.00
.Special Weekly
Monthly Rates
MODE-Si,N1 .
-HOTEL • • •
Ouse to Parliament Builahigs,
University of Toronto, Maple
Leaf pardons, Fashionable
Shopping Diattlee Wholesale
•Ifousets, Theatre?, Churches
of Every Denomination,
A. M. Ikkntit,, President
Buy( ly denatured ethyl alcohol. not
'wood alcohol.
Ilu.V., Only lump resin.
elolit' long feathers stile c ir i ,,
, Be sUre She rs!sin is finely powdered
er'own the eight parallel quills protrud- 143.11 14 -',-• SaYro of New 'lurk Y% all a
before trying to dissolve if, and stir
the solution until it Is all dissolved. int, ju.st over t he - foreead.' Prom a ' badlY 1112(4 -It'd kneol'• Dir.:' Sayre, sup- our of many hundreds of (Tpnliennts.
Keep the solution in an air -tight eon- '-' •
- • ?
^' 11 ' brought heri, son into the _office of Dr, -one hundred' years 'The money was
livided between Os rightful elaimantf.,
•roost? You:. can't tell: but there posing tbe woman to Wein dire ptirVrty, (1114, heir aetually got one :4.Vent11,
used the boy for a (Iewonstration -
, one half or one-thirt3-serond of one -
a hie r Ate fore using. 1,was( a kind of ?Ls:mouth Rottk color took the boy to lielleVue ,a charity
-there: ' patient and, with the mother'S consent ; forty-fifth share of, it '
sure. the treee. and bark are ab -
3)0 sointely (try wned the solution is an -
p . I) not aliplv when fog is pre-
..ervises. KN. re -fused, and never re -
anal, for hLs,
Santa' May Not Smoke. Cigars tune to students. learning 11113 i Ohl old-timers remenila,r • the days p
sent or snovS15 falling or if there is _
. Santa Olaus, perhaps, doesn't smoke
pitieure mother Ives none other than, *
When a Woman's skirts kept her. shoes
he wouhl" lelter, informed On netts. Green, he refused, further treat-' Ihm• •
lie siire. tio water e(iines in contact
any snow on the trees.
nient ill 1'1 sh1111(3
1 1
.1.14 g•Ss
It makes a matchless- gift--useful-leducation0—
•is ."
enjoyed Iy all.
Authorised agszitis coS ReminsfonSilSind Limited
1)0 has dried on the tree. turned. Some ;ears later the boy's • -
forinne of $soo.001) coninletely 311 13
- • , and 114- 11:15 forCed . become a pen -
with the solution at any time until it the quality of cigars.
Be, sure to cover thoroughly. ,all • leg had to be amputated.
partS. of the trees 'within reaeli of jack- oEs yo
rabblto friim the! top ‘02 fife 41e0P-eM In 1884 it slump swept her litisband's '•••
tu Be sure not to(( heat tbe solution at '
any time. ornerin,, marke s fforcinghumiliated
, aperaton4 of N1, all Street to conw to
imier of his 11120. Betty was now 1
# her, hat in hand. She OW11041 or hail I
spoil sLE p a:t)arti4:3,
*Troublesome .1light Coughs,
Are Hard- on the System
.. .
ies tho ough that stioko; the eough that in hard
to get rid of; the cough accompanied by a tiekling in
the threat t at.CAUSes the nerve and throat wracking
trouble that keeps you awake at night.' ' , . . .,
Dr. Wood's Notway Pine Syrup helps to relieve ..,9,..:* ...-
this coughing condition by soothing the irritated parts,
loosening the phlegm ana, stimulating tlitl bronchial organo, olid wben this
is 'done the troublesome irritating ,cough,may be relieved. 0
... Dr. 'Wood's Norway Pine Syrup' has been on the market, for the past
48 years. Thet Trade Mark "3 Pine Trees"
Price 2.5e a bottle; large fainaily Bile, ab*out 3 times ao much, GOo &tall
drug counters.
The 1,. tiobara co., uraitot, Totouto, out.
9 , in ortgimes (nigreat business „buildings, l
If your nose lino t farms.. ranelvel churches, Cc ineteries.
i •• 11'C'3)---1)111.3-pur- 1 years' roustan -4 MI viyi all over flip '
pose VicksVastrosnoi up oath nostril. I country. ( )114. OSt1111;14{i Put her
I for you: (I) thrinks swollen. pent- . t 1 _
York ,Citv realty investments at be- '
Vastro-nol does viraportant thinqs :
brasten; "(2) coo -then Irritatiori° (8) t IN et. it , ,t114 ,4 ntl UM ( 0 ars. . le „
"10% 1 4 '11* I 11 ' '41
lielpa Audi -out nacal paSsages, daring , owned 40 to 60 reillions-, in industrial '
1 ongoing mucus, relieving , transient • . i and rablitt4 IPU 311,43-, 13 to 25 millions
I congestion. It bririgo more .conafork I in. railroad. stoCks, and Ignal.,:. 10 m11 -
I mai= breo.thiti,r oozier* *mites ordep. 1 liiinsi itt farm and .other traclo in, tile
[ Whelt a 004d 1 • 1 1. gouthwel qtal•antither ,10 11111116ns in
,Threateti$,,,),tne - c, 4' : • . , •-•
. traille or tmeeto. Imiinia— 1 noston, ( Ilietig) , and St. •TiOnis real-
Vastrosnol at fltra .,...„,,,
iiergolial leetion tour of all her ;
"PURPOSE up, makes breath-
' 3
MEDICINE ing difficult, spoils reale<tate invptinents requires]
I (3 tate.
lielinn to procat INICti I ITer cipectilative profits ,were, made In
l colds f.levelopitiVAIN)
g. _ .the eall-tadney market; 30111 in buying,
IT EASY to escapeworry and utleertaintk,
this winter. Change now to 'blue Coat. Enjoy ALL
WINTER LONG.,. the economical Ileatirle corg•i.
fort and satisfaction only 'blue coar can provide.
• Let u -s tell ypu just how easy it is to ehango to
°blue coaPo alsocnek us ebout the 'blue coal° auto.
neatle, Neat Regulator.. Phone today.•
Phones 618-1.1 '14W 9$
• sc-ii
1.11‘fen-4e ."THE SHADOW" ltodites.„04.00,,t 'hot. two.
a '
co 1