HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-12-11, Page 1• Christmas Shopping Number r 12 Pages wavostsionowsisysimgiougiegiouttem- NiNtant.vounzaz VEAR Jolyt Weiss Drowned 0 ..in Goderich Harbor Spectators 'UTiable t;O:s. Effect Reseve —I. 'Great War -Veteran just at lie WIt8 about, tO report fee ,work t the Goderich elevator en Mon-, (ley night, John Weiss. aged ,fifty-two, met a tragic fate When, vi,”itile walking, ;close to the eonere.te retaining wall, he. eristed and 'fele headlong into the deep harbor water eight feet, below, in full view of three companiene who had aceoespie4ed him in an automelfileto the waterfrente ; Hiss body, was ke- 'crawl:ed. sheif-aiishour jLtei Gorge Stewart, the drier of the . car in which Weese rode to worle'Said he 'hal eleissen the deceased to the turning sispat alongside the elevator mete iouisaing ,and had -.40,,eked out and, headed his ear epr the retain journey uptovvn when, he stopped ta' let Weise •out. "He get out on the elevator side of the •car,"•ssaid. SteWar"bilt for reasons - 1 cannot explain he walked in front of the lighted automobile, straight for the waiter, teippieg either on a 'rope or on. the ledge of the walls He must have been Vonfesed." TVvo -woraen, ate. Stewart and 'Mrs. screamed and:blew the horn of the auteraobile to giVe the alarm. Stewaet, the.drisereo the car, got out to seek help. He tier, Harold] poak only asfew feet away and the latter • threw a line to "ii4is$, who Was strug- gling in •the water: Am old automobile tire also was throe-in:1, as er,ell aesea life Preeerver froni the steenier Buten, • the stern. of which 'W'as only %twehry feet away. • The .water Was; very choppy, for a stiff nor -wester was blowing: • • "W.e yelled, at Johnny until .We were hoarse," One of the women said. "We shouted to 'him to grab -A -cold X"' the • things' we had thrown:to -.hie:), but he Made Is° effort to do se,. Although he vsale still in vie -W., It eeemed, endless .. minutes before he disappessfed from, view." it It ,PROORESS AT AIRPPRTO Two' Anxitia•eie Fields go Be Built in Nt'xt Spring?' Approximately one huadred Carpets.- tete have been laid ,offeby the li,USSell Conetruetion 104), at -Centralia airport, toeing to the difficulty of getting builds hag mateelek,„ 8uttleient, qUentities. twithigandings with two hundred - men Still employed. on this work good progress is being -made and ' it Is planued tis fiuish, the buildbage, with the exception of the•hattgargs some time te. IrebruarY. There are tb be fi'Srty- eight buildings, including seVen b.angars all t.old. The residential buildings ere 'two -store. All foundations., ineludiug hangar tioore, ei*e.14-41,,„hefere told; Veether set hs. There are four miles of runways•to be pavedsat Centraliaeas compared with. 'Vivo at Port Al- bert. Two miles oferuuwaye also will be laid, at relief field No. at 'Grand Bend, but the landless field at .St. Joseph, known as relief No. 2, will be of sod. 'Nothing Will be done- on the run- ways until spring, except for the ae- sembling of. material. Exceptsfor eur- .vey gangs, work has ceased at Greed Bend; and ,St. Joseph. • ,SCime ()there who appeared] on the 'scene at Intervale Were John Mterison, Charles 'Pennington, Angus SehilleBert McDonald, B. R. Mtinda:ye Harry Wat- son and others. • Draggifig operations had been in progw•ess only e short time when the body appeared •onethe surface inteessilt- tently, swished. eleinit by the iturbuleee: 'water Harry 'Watgan after 'making. a.noose With,e rope, manage& to lasso - the bode and in that manner it was ebeotight to the wharf. Dr. J.,. Ws, Wal- lace Worked at reeuseltation for, a core .sideralsle time but einoesvall.' Coroner Dr. W. F. Gellow; who:aleo wasepreeent, ordered th.e body, remoVed to the under- taker's. The time .of the drowning is fixed at 9.15 p.m. Police were notified at 9.20 and Chief Ross and. Cofistable Jennings responded, They questioned. those pre- sent,' when Weiss plunged., into the' water' arid ma -de a report, "to Crown: Attorney Holmes. Dr. -Gallow deemed , an inquest unnecessary. Member .of a family which has lived in Goderich for a great Melly years, - John Weiss was a on of the late J ohn ' Weiss and Mrs. Weise; who now lives in S'arnia with a sod„ • Williams Mrs: I). 1,. Hubbard of Detrait is a sister.. ' Deceased wag a painter by trade and a geo(tvile, but in off seagons he worked] at Unloading - boats and other jobs.• wan a Mem- ber of ...St. Peter's elnirch and •-is Great War veteran, heving gene overseas • skrith the lelst B•atta,lion and eereedeiti sante; where he was wounded,. Thefunera1 eervice took plaee this (Thsh.edey) morning at St. !Peter's churele Rev. rather Fallon officiating. The pallbearers were Ed. Irwin, H. S. Turner,. II. Jane,* 'Wm. McDougall, Oltas. !Pennington and JohneBell. Combining The ,Goderich'Signal and The"Goderich ,Star ONTARIOTUESDAY, DECEMBER rith, 1941. Id Boysl an A contractor who should, know told The Signal -Star _that two more ,auxil- iary training, or relief, -fields are to be built in Huron county in early springl One of these, be.seld, will be auxiliary to Sky Harbor. There is no secret why these project.. are being situated, in Huree tou.ntye he said. ' It is -part of an intensified trebling program plan- ned fernext year and must of necessity, be close to. ,already established. air- dromes. In other words, they all are part of the same scheme. , The • relief' fieles are to take the -overflew .of the honie airports foe trainiiig purposes only.' There has been mifeh fancy driving be etrueledrivers in the vicinity of Centralia airport, resulting in a number of, minor . accidente. "Appareetly no regard is being paid to ordinary rules of the road, to signs or anything else, according to eomplaints I have re- ceived, and. I am going to bear down," said Traffic Office)! Lever in asking this newspaper to publish the warning, AHIVIEEICS-W4. WORK - Money Voted to Red CroSi. and Navy League -Other Activities At a aneeting of Ahmeek ,chapter, .10,D.E., last week, donations of $25 each swere voted to the Ilea Cross arid the (Navy League of 'Canada. Mrs. pheltia reported that, $14 was re,a1- • is€d from stile of tickets on a scar and bag donated, by Mrs. Macklin. Mrs. Wilsnott, Goderich, and Mrs. Chapman, Toronto, Iseld the lucky..ticketg. . The regent' repOrted on the presentee hots of a radio td• the corvette "Gode- rich." Letters of thanks we're ,read from many English ladies, Wives of airmen who were guests of the Chapter, at „tea, -., the week preVioue.• T•he , Chapter -undertook the eale of 200 tickets on furs donated by. the -Retail Furriers in aid of Russian relief. Mrs. , J.. pa, Thomas and Mrs. W. O. :Viaelleran , will have charge of these. Two new memliees took their affirm- ation. Mrs. D. J. Lane prssitied) and there was a large attendance. ReVisits of Government agents and suevey.ors to the 1Kinteil -and Amberley districts in recent days have given sup- port to the rumor which has persisted' for over a year, that a training airport L s to•be billet north of 'Port Albert, near the lake share, in Humeri county. " It is planned, according to rumor, as a selief or sUbsiclittry field to both Sky Harbor and Pert Albert tiirports. Workmen are „new engaged in erect- ing eabinseat.the 'lake shore at the foot of the Kintitil sideroad, to whish, underground hydro 'arid telephone ser- -vieee were earriedi ,two months ago. Targets for -bombing practice in Lake Huron ,also are being built and will later be placed in the area already mapped out, which, will be closed to navigatten and liehing, as intimated some time ago. - The Winter Fleet, Gathering Here our -Freighters Already in natAor and Others „Expected- . With the elcisieg of navigation only ;three dies awaythefirst fourgain freighters of the winter Meet are ttle ready in port with stakege cargoes. Many of the Upper ;Lakes freiteiters are sin service elsewhere this winter and the fleet is. not expected.to be. targesaie though other boats are on their way.: The Mantadoe hits 241;000 butehele and the Prindoc 210,000 dushele-of storage wheat for Western Canaaa 'Flour 41118 and the William Schupp .is expected totley. with, 103,000 bushels •of -wheat' and oat. . • The Presscett, with 270,000 bushels, and the 'AlgoSvase with =0,000 bushels -of wheat, are the_koats. so far in port •with. storage 'cargoes for t he-elevattei. Weenescerty, Deeember 3, the Wil- liam Schupp arrived with. 110,000 bushels of whet for the mill, clearing the- next day. The A. A. Hudson ar- rived at 3 a.m. the sartte day with - 110,000 •-letiehels of wheat, clearing at 8.. pers.- with, salt for Port •' The tug, John K., Stdeer arrived on Friday last and -will smite! the winter here. . • !.* • On Sitturilay the 'Hindman arrived at 4.10 a.m. with 11200e bushels of wheat -fel; the elevator , and eleare.d the same day. Also on Saturday the Prindoe.brought, its etorage eargo. - On Monday the Presieolt arrived with its storage load -of 270,000 bushels and the Bayton 'docked with -210,000 bushels, eleering early Tuesday._ oIIegate Institute_ Celebrate Its Students_ Addressed- by :the Chiefjustice of Ontario, E. S. Robertson The celebration of tile 9octerieli legiate' Institute eentennial, combined' with the aUnual sehool commencement,' provided anhappy evening at the eehool on Fithasi last. Owing to exietinge conditions, it was not coneidered ad;' visalsle at this time to attempt any elaborate celebration which would be expected) to bring former students from •disteut pant's, but nevs4The1eee e cons- siderable 'number from out-oit-ttevn Points were present arid by their at- tendance „feded much to the pleasure an,d slignityeof the gathering. Especial - 1y the school was proud to have as contributors to the program ,Olaief Juetice R. S. Robertson of Toronto and Rt. Rev. Bishop Seeger of London, both graduates of the sellout. With Mr. G. L. 'Persons, cheiemail ef the Collegiate' Institute. Jeoerd, presid- .111gePreeeedingesopened •in the gyennas- hula with the singing of "0 'Canada," followed by • praperly Bishop Seeger. ehairman after' welcomingstbe, visittirs explained .the steps 'that shads been !taken leading p to•thisseelebre- tion of the school's eeetehary. 4 ecuie mitte,e was appointed early in the year to coesider what' form the eelehration should take, and with • conditions as above stated in mind it, was finally decided] to combine observance of the hinid.redithanniversary of the sschool with 'the . annual commencement ceremonies. • • , In introducing the • %seeker of the' evening My. Parsons .gave a brief sketch- of the -career of •Ohief Justice Robertson, who was bore im-Goderich, a .son of the late Mr. and Mrs.. W. R. Robertson, -.attended the Goderich set:mole- and entered upon the.etudy of. lew In G•oderich with the ,firna of Gar - 'row and PrOudfoot. After a feW years at Toronto with,' the late Hon. A. M. Ross, clerk of •the ',County 0.ourt of York, he became the partner of .Mr. "(later Justice) Idin.gton at Stratford, in.1917 returned to Teroeto to.Practise- with..a leading firm • theres,•and in 1938 . 00114411UCTI MUSIC OMR ''". The December mooting of the 04:ides rich Music ()lie) was held at MaeKay *.,.., Hall Olt illofiday evening. Most of the time'Ves r4pe31t on ehorus practice for '11.M.S. Pinafore," and the sin" gers el - ,ready show premise of a first-rate Per- -'forrnaiice. A recess was spent, ,in the airmen's canteen to hear,, come of the %cal 4a1ent liroad.asting frOm Wing. ' hain.° Those Aiving ‘the program, were. 9 the Misses Eileen Bogie, Betty Smith 114i Marjorie Gillespie. Miss Alma liowell gave an entertaining stay of the orchestra and its instruments). The tone of each instrnment was illustrated vvith•recordingS ana those not actually on display were draVvit on blackboards. Sli,g.q Ii0Wel1 alSO added some amtising 'satires on orchestrar works and 'instrifJ molts. The president reported that !the IhnleyeNtorton, reeltal Nvtie a tAtte. , <nig in every way and made honor- , able mention of Sir. !Larry ,Rifider Mid Miss Ii;. Tye, who sold the mo it tickets.. lilts, .' R. 3011044ton' and' Mis'e Freida Barbour were ltoste8,-;',0 fOr the eVening. A visite" from Dr. itafvey Robb, of : London, is expected, 'for ,the neXt . peeting. •,..womEN's iNgirtTurg -*• The December nieeti4of the Wo - metes Teeth -Lite at MaeKay Hall on Thursday last. A splendid address on "The Christmas Spirit” was given by' Adjutant Williams of the tialN'aut low Army.. Several Christmas s'er'ols were sung: Mrs. Gordon Bisset presiding at the- enano. A display of eCheietenas ,c•ookiee WiLK given ,by Mrs. Geo.*Matideoon; tiekets on .these were sold and the lucky winner was Mrs. C. Young,. -It was decided to give $r.) to the Queen's Air Raid Pend; The nextmeeting- will be held Thersday, January 81h, rather than on the regular date, January 1st. ca, -- p WEAtitibtt . The temperatures in Goderieh for the past week,. and those for the corres- ponding weelcof tast year, as officially reeorded, Were, as 'follows : 1041 1040 Mai; _Min, Mex.. Min. Thum, Dee. 4 04 45 20 Prig Mee 5 5g .10 27 149 ,Sat., 0 50 '33, 10 Sun., Dec. 7 • 29 i 40 38 Mon., Dee; 8 30 20 34 24.1 Tues., Dee. 9 ag' ;30 08, '20 Wed" Dec. 1.6 ' fla 43 4 ,#;) at er to 100th Anniversary PARSONS Chairman 'Collegiate Iustitute Board in thoedays. There wae; frost every month in the year, and Owen -Sound Wes eansidered ao far north as to bessOn.d .the • bounds • ."of human habitation. • , The Chief. Juetiee th,en gave a pic- turea Goderich at the time he left the High SchoOl, in 1887. There were .no .motor • cars„ no. Moving pit:tares), no. wireless, no x-ray. The tele,phone--was„ just cominge into Use, - and conditions generally 'Were primitive. "The river," -he said, "is .notelearly es•good. e river new as it usedto be. It wftsn�tlr�u time. We boys had just asset:40d a time, just as Much fun, as do the boy's today." Ile found the,,gehoolsbuilding greatly changed': In his -day there' were only four teachers on. the stair, erelthe egeipment .was Crude, but the school provided -an ,cexcellent foundation in _education. Dr. •-Strang was an, ideal headmaster. In .additien to, being a great scholar he was the soul of honor; and h4.4 students remember him With *eeneratioe. ' • • . • • •The Nazi Peril. n "We are living in troubled time,," said- the C,hief Justice, -What is hap- FormerPupils Recall Their gigh School Days of, Years Agone In the -assembly hell an interesting series of addresses was. opened by IIis Lordship Bishop Seag.er, who spoke eloqueutly and appreciatively of his • connection with the' sehool, whicb he attended 1887-89, and happily re - wiled his boyhood in .Goderiebsethe lake, the river, the fine eouetry about. "What e wonderfurplace this 014 town- ie!" he 'exclaimed. have sone over. a large part of the world, and I lui.-Ve yet to .find any better place than this aid, town." The Bishop spoke of the benefit derived from the ssimpler life ofthose earlier days. He feared for the, rising :generation, , he said,. in 'a; world tiled with -machinery, radios, ears, and so an, which kept them from associatibn with liVing thinge., He was not sur- prised there was talk of "a new order," The things the young people do and say were of enormous importance; their lives were brthe making, the old were pasr t,h4aging.. He -wondered what was to happen, in the days" to come, and he urged that a sense of responsibility- be cultivatecieby the yolin,g people. How enormouslyejmportant it was that, in these d,ays when Christian peoples had been forced into war with, a pagan enemy, the young people should realize what a great debt they Owed to the •Ohristian faith and the Christian •church. Mrs. F. H. Bell of Oxley (formerly Miss Rose Strang) told of her pleesure comeng ba hls ta-The T)rd school of which hersfather was for many years • . the principal, , Little nine -Year-old Roslyn Gitsou, aaughter of Mrs."-Git'Son (formerly Laura- Browne -of Clev,eland, played- it piano solo with excellent execution which won for lie-P•4eenthusiastic ap- . • „ plause. A Real "Old Boy" John Elliott, of 'Loudest; told, of his connection with the ;school dating back -to 1875. • There, were seventy pupils on the milli and there were tveo leeehers, H, L Strang met William 'MC:Brides He came • back to the seho-81 in 1881 and that year he was president .of the Literary -Societe. He -gave many- Intere.sting reminis- cences -of the sehool, the' teachers, end his fellow -students, and brouget , greet- (Continuea on page q) • It IS. ROBERTSON . . . , e'llief Justice of Ontario, who addreSgt'd the:students of Goderic.11 Oollegiate . at the ceutennial gathering , was , appointed Chief *Juetite Province of Ontario. • ,Loolting Back 100 Years of the The Chief Jugtice after presenting the sehool's aeadenlie and commercial diplonias wpxtemung his eongratules time; .to the winners, epelte of sthe oceasion which they „Were obsertifig, the t•entennial, of , the escheel. One hundpod years 11s a Icing tilee,"'he Seid, • "and (loclorieli meet have been a very different plate itt ,1841."' It was difil- eult, he said, to obtain any reliable 00- eount Of what it was like, init biro old men_ whom he had knoWn.in tAtra Hord when he lived there -and Who time, out 'to Perth County from 'Seotland° In 1830- 31 had, given him some idea a the conditions then existing in thie part of the Provitree. One of these men when a. boy woe sent 00 an errand to .what 14 miw, 'Stratford it flint time there. .i..ere'n,6° houses ti -ere- and nobody lived there. Later ene'of these men Made his fir.#4 visit to Goderiek to at. tend eourras it juror. Ite walked all 'the ivay from Shoicespefre to.i4loderich, and was entertained at the jait Other men, saiit the Chief had told himthe elimafe an difrek'ent • • along with eduCation, These were. de- Psudebility, • isidaretff, Sane .0 „constant regard for .the geatl *of other people. These 'nines he commended to. the 'yotelg people commencing their life's 'work. • _checking ,of these reports With - the -1,Vitmers of Diplomas . • - 1'.voteise, lists numbers a merles were Acadethic diplomas were, awarded to dis'coirered- upon which there were n0. the following: Mary Alit, .(Marjorie reports. These. additiOnal names have Baechler, latllU. Beejamie, Williain Clutton, Ruth, Cornfield, 'Pa tricia Lawrence CMOs., :John Holland, Arteee miee Lasealthe„ Phyllis MacDonald; t leeen . M a w a n, • Betty. MeNee; i-Ielee Marsh, Lucy Munninge,- Robert. Nov,ezeber. ' • Reid, Daisy SpaineDonald StonelibuSe. - • ° Helen , Stotleers, William TIPernelee, :Charles Watsan, RubRea y Willie: TWO 'BINGO PARTIES Comme reia 1 „Dile oifias NV illia lizing- that in einity there is Rob BuresZssereleaekie,' Lorraine Nelson . .....trength, the Lips 000 Odtlfellows • .AWardg. . have joined ferce4'1041- are Whig two Athletic The. e this.* 'a we WinV Mesented. • bingo parties, on 'FriclaY and, Saturday evenings,. December .10 and 29, in the MAY UNITE P*ESBYTERIEEC Presbyterians DiseOSS Antalganiation of IkurOn. and Maitlind The ip•resbyteryef. Huron- of tlie Presbyteri•an Chureh held a regular naeeting in the Clinton. ,PrerSbYterian eluireh on TueedaYee's Rev.1 IIensall, the inoderator,airesid9d. One,1 of the- More inifiortani rePolits given waS; that of the Moderator on the• condition and titehieveraent'd of the yoUng peOple's societies,. anti Sunday sehoOls of the Presbytery, aes.a, the proceedinga the. leadership training course held 'this fell. The questiou of the amalgamation. of the IittirOn and Maitland P,resbyteries weeeslieveseed and was favorehly eon- sidered. A eminnittee was aptiointed composed of Rev, W. liensall; Rev. 114-h'..itiek, '81,satfortli, and James Shortreed, Welton, _to confer with a similar esprosentatien. from. Maitland !resbytery, of. whites Rev. ;Stanley Seott, Kin,eardine, Is moderator _ se , IN PAMIC WAr fi0/41E Several, Persons Well- Known in Gode- rich Are hi the Danger Area .Tbe startli•ng events on the Pacific Ocean have -given some personal con- cern to residents of Goderich and vieinity. Miss Delight Hilliard, a sister of Mrs. illev.) kb. kb. -Turnbull, is 'some- where oil the Pastille onher return to India after a yeer's furlough. The daughter of Dr. aud Mrs. W. L. hilL- ilard of . Waterloo, Ont.; she .is superin., tentient of the United Church .MissiOn hospital et Indere. She gave a -talk-- in North street elitireh, Goderich,• it few- 'Weeks ago.- . Wil1iaineNtcOluskey, restive pf .Gode- rivb township, and brother of Mrs. Robert Davide-on of Dungannon, Is. living retired with ht. family -in Home' ielu, after holdingSan iniportant ,posi- tion there for Many years as an educe- tiOnist: RISS Sybil Courtice, of Clinton, is engaged 'itt. ephesiob work in Tokyo, :lapels; fee- the United S Church eof Canada.] • • PLAY 0.1AWS LARGE. AUDIENCES A scapadty audiente. greeted. the presentations of the three -act comedy, "When a Man 'e 'Single," given in the lectures _room , of Knox Preebyterian chereiss on Thursday -and ,Friday even- ings of last weeVe under the auspices of the Cad-ies''•Ald SOEeiey, The play, .abounds he humor aud •was, well acted by the following. east:. Harry Me- t.;Teath, 131u1Rpss, Obee.. Kemp, • Cliff ;Lowery,' 'Mrs, Robe Wilson, selise• 41llerj6rie Deer, :Miss, Pauline McEwen Mid Miss Bernice Hoggarth Between aets on Thursday .night• Mr, J. Gilleepie -sang two solos, 'eccempailied. Wileon.- On Priday night; . be- tween acts, LAC. Sian Fraecis .sang several nemhers With Mire. McDougall as aceompanist." • WAR. S'AVLNGS COMMITTEE ThR Goderich Witt saVings committee had hoped to have the local ean'vasli completed by Deeemher 1st, but there have been delays. Several canvassers turned in their reportsbet. after the been sent -to -the- Va4;s•P rs-so Alley jnav complete their work ;16 soon ale pos- sible. The colifthittee hope to be able shortly to compile .e final estiamte 'of' the .purchases ' for the month of Three Cases for Next Week's Court 8,000 Claim over Stock Market Dealings — GoderickMan Ras $15,000Ciaim The non-jurY'sittings of the 8upreme, Court will. open at the COurt lionse ou'inonday next 'with Mr. Justiee Mac - Nay gresiding: There aro Ahree' kat5O$ ',1:tfrmion u. emmtant, ,is plaintiff ie an action. in whieit J., E. Meson, loderich " dideildallt. Tite elaiin is for $N000 find the ,costif Of the .aetion and "arises 'out of otook market dealings in the s-eite -when Fleming was an eni- ployee of JOIneston, & Ward, .,London broltere, and defendant a eustonier. In accordance with an order Of tr. JUstice Giilandere, dated, 'October 21, 1941.,, the ' Canada 1.iife Insurance go.. bas Pa13.1 into coure the saws of $10,000, proceeds ' 02 an insuranceepelley of slefendaut, who maint un ttnxt FleMing, as.Man- ager for 'J ohnston- & Ward, failed -tie , carry out IiiStruction4 to sell under, tee' etop-ortter axidsthuS .caueed the heavy lost4/, Gunn & bmitb,. London, solicitors, for plaintiff; .1i:1ank Donnelly for de- fendant. . ' Reuben J: Brewer, contractors Gode- rich, is stsising for specilie performanse • of au agreement with the Warren, Bituminous paving Co., Limited, de- fend.anter whereby the eompany is al. leged-to havt....-agrt.•ett to give the-eleines tiff a contract for the hauling pf ail • gravel required for the Centraiist."-airs: port; now ender construction. Foe - breach of &aerate Mr. B-rewer $15-,000 damages, an accOunting,of ell r gravel required in connection with the airport and: the price, with,. egf30" of the 'aetion. P. DoneellY, soliektor for ' plaintiff; 131a•ke, Lash, Anglin AO. Cessels„ Teronto, foe defendant: • Colin 31eNei1, a Cantos farm, laborer, is suing Louis Peiteock, a Hallett township farmer, for $1020 wages al- legedly retained by defeedant from June, 193e.e. sto June, 1941, with Ceete F. Donnelly, solicitor for plaintiff; H. G. Meir, Seaforth, for defendant.. YOUTH ON JOYRIDE by Mr. A, 'Me Jtabertson, formerly of elite school eller. Thee were as follows: ,Girtee Med-als and, steel -de: Senior- -1 .1)orotl1e44 Ginn, 2 Maxine Martin ,• in terinealete .Maxine Stnrdy, • 2 .Elleen AsteIS;. unior-1 Jun e. Viethria Bae'ehler. • Boys' -medals and shields: Senior -- 1. ClieeterseMeNa1l,--2 Lawrence- Wil - flame ; Interibeilleteeel Vincent - Reath, 2 Gorden ,Seteliffe; junior- 1 Reginald Iluelsitle; 2 John (Iraliam. .• esH. kb Hall Shield and Stratheona smedal "for best 'slice In ,Caclet Corps- ' Donald 8t0n4la1I5e, • Dr. • J. A; Graleine • gliletir"--- foe chit ra et e t', elea ders-h ip, seh ola rs ip, et hie t 1e -'.J a mee Hume. Scholarships • Winnero of scholarshi-ps. 'were as f11 -o W5 . Grade 1X-N"e9eraits' Nlemorti1-f4-,(4) Edna 'Somersall, C.2) !Ethel Tureens-, - Grade Nee -Peter AclatlisiOn Memorial Chisholm. tirade Videan. • • Grade XII -Peter Adamson Memor- ial -Marys .A hies - &rade XIII-Htigh Innis Strang teutorini, -' eleKaY ' Menunial, first' ('arter in Huron county,- the Percy tierinan t iieltolarship fee:general pro-. f1d0i1(.3*, -University of Terantoe-all won by ..Ia1&t.4 Ilume. Mr.' Robertson in mentioning J antes Huneee brilliant menet in the sato& expressed regret" ihat he 'Was not present and' wished him 1411(TeSt;' in -his University career. In terspersed, in -t he pr octet' in [se were several, musical ,numbers; by students; Robert Bisset, jr., gave two vielin settee tions„ March from Tan nhauser, and as ail ;encore InterineZzo, from 4ava1- laria A chorus of bops and girls gang- e("terfilon." ,,and chorus sang. "Ahuntiling We Will '1;0," The natsleal ,prograni was under the clireetion, of MIAs 'Madeleine Lane, of the selbool staff., and was rendered In gaiety:11)1e st ele. Miss Vivian Straffg11:111 Was tia. efficient neeompanisf. The eommeneement exerceSes were, vonelubd -with the shiging of the Na- tionalAnthem, and while .the 'gtudent.g were . left in ,pogseSsion -of the gyinnaintn for it donee the ex:ottidents, and others allionkned to ithe assommy ill% fa,sito ittrt h ,,ohner.vanee.,ne..,,the. ventanial. • pelting today in the WOrld is of._ more, importance () you. young people min_ It is to us older ones. , Something htf.s leen let loose in thes, world, the like of which this earth hatl not knows!: fOr a 'thousand :veers. 'Whet Hitler and the Nagit; are doifig is comparable milk fq the invasionof the Mongols apd the Mohatemedang of centuriee ago.. The trPrinallS alV it highly educated people, but they hese gone • and have al- lowedthemselves to be led by Hitler n his riffraff into what they are -now 'doing. Their aim is toonelaVe the human race" The speaker ,hild no doubt of the ()Weenie of the war. fie hail full eonitilence Ithat 44ritain and her allies woUld winelmt only, tie Mr. Churc•hill hall said, ie. "blood, sweat and teal's." iCaltadians Aimed, be ready to 'shoulder any burden, gurfor any hardship, to assure the defeat of, the enemy.' ,The Chief Jutitice: still addressing the graduates..., advised them to fit ,themselves to help in establishing a new order in Canada. "Vim will in the flays, to..:eoino matte life whatever' it in to be this vountry." 'three thhn'tiba inenitiontd`Wr It4MtrilustinTh' tho eharaeter-building which ishoot go (01(1felloWs' Ilan, commend* at 8 o'clock. Tie, proceeds are iii aid of the war cs'ervioes funds of the sponsore. There k no:admission alarg,V. This is ae oppottunity to get y;our" Chrighnas d tu•lts or chickeins,.fOr VaTIS,lx.,-3- • : firiiitTeal%1VC.iot4hef legSee the the you Cali have, Od at the amitme 101p sa worthy ' CARS,' COLLIDE ON BENMILLER ROAD . Sti-nday morning 01 1.30, mete sesilelesseeriven •Thom13,.,1„A yjn)Trs and Herman Fieher collided 00 a 'ciiite on the Founty road -hetwecui and .Godericlil; Bot t' ears Were ex- steneively damitged, bill the . drtv.ers_ .(•scapeCuAluirl. Traffic. Officer x0r. inan Tkever'*;Intes one .of the vehielee War; on the Wrong side of the road and a -charm: of .i•are1c4sis drrving has 101(1. „ •CURISTMAS TREAT 'Santa Clans will he' 00 the Square, on Saturday. afternoon, December 20tEG Captured by Polie,e after•a Protracted 4 Chase . - • Thrthg to. drive automobiles and• -o places has got another boy into t-roult;le. A. farmer Colborite 'township ss bey, he slow gives a Toronto- address. • 'Ile is In jail here eftei• giving half -it - dozen • ,police the run-around for ,two or three des. He is _nominally - • charged esithethe theft _of $2.04. worth . "sir gaSolinielirt6lidesbore. • - 1 - Isaet ljrida3 t1iiJe .Traffie Officer Janes Culp was invesselkating the kill- ing of a elver. by. a •mosferist near ,Loutlesboro the -gel-viee etiation• at -tend ant at Gordon' Radford's piece came running to him, ayiig thet a youthlad juss dri-ven ateay. without ,paying his gasoline.' The traffic • offices' at - once telephoned a deseription of the - seeing man and the e'er to Godeeich and other "t ewes. - The ea tile night constable 'Jennings • came acrdss the car, a 1941 sedan, in a lane off North street. The diever " uearls- ran -down the officer in making • ies'-e-sisiirees-ett---was,- Warned later that , •the youth -• who- is knowntomany .• itt Goderich. bad slept le the car in ,•a lumber yard and bad --sold the spare • tire. -- The ;chase :becoming . hotter, the "s young map, is alleged to have bitch - hiked to London, where he is said 'to, , have siert a eoripe from McGuifee' Motors and returned "Godeitch. Chief Roes and Traffic Othe-r Culp Were on his' trail When he was arrested by- 457fficer• Frank Taylor at Clinton. "-Like John- ' the wanted -pint was t racked rind rtm down *t11141Ug11 114.5, giirl friend. Police ealled iit her home and.nlearned the.pair •hitti gone tO7011nton snow. 'The arrest wee made ess the two emerge& from the , s :ewes. • . 17114,ttat' t. 'uPA'11. 1lY 'N'ter Harper, . Queen street seaSe• Tor - ante, eoensed .3-Onfli ;will appear hefore Magistrat Makins: ' MISS GIRVIN WINS QUILT A sueeeesful .earcl party \vas' held • . in the Orange- Hall, under the 'artspioes of •the L.()31.A.,- en Tuesday night. Wina'rs wt. wer( ;Mrs. Percy. . • Johnston and"Mr. Emerson Wifli, Mrs. Foster ;fed 'Mr; Andrew: At, eteceare; --Mese Elmer 1ik41 and Mr. James ler- • ; r41, Miss N' it rt gh a n Carrick, • After- (•ardS v1er4 over. Nifiyor Brom made the draW -On the patriotie quilt whieh had !been displayed. in Mr. Hibe bertSs window, Miss Isobel Merin heing17 the funky. winner Jmneh WaS Served by the ladies to -aboet el:say guests ,4 r:The L.0.11..A. -thank all -who Made the eveningsneh 11 snecese. 'About $40 was about 2.15 o'clock', to meet the kiddies, math; on the feints ,