HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-11-27, Page 6,499.000•14.44, All "0, SLEEP AND AWAKE REFRESHED Yeiislet *loop via are tinter, ra0o41 by restlesaaoss eeloak le your kidneys, If raw kidney* us oat al Order and fading to thamo the blood of peisena and *Atte vantter---your rot is iikety inifering, too. At the first sign of ' kidney trouble tura confidently to Dodd's Xidaey Pills --for oVer bait a century the favorite kidney remedy,. Easy to take. 114 IRATIFIELD • DAYVIE11,11), 'Nov., Anne Pronin 'anir'Mrs. B. of •Illetroit spent the American Thanks: giving' and Ivei..4-end at, the 71)reuin cottage. , jr. and .11.r.s. Atizinsen and family, of Detroit,' .were titek over the Anivrican holiday , and wee• Ad. and Mrs. Craig Kerr of London, spent, the week -end- with .11r. "and Wilnier, Vain • • , ' - Miss Jessie Metealf of Petroit was. the • guest of Iter mother, *3,4rs.. W. lietealf, over the week -end. 1, • ' L and Marion returned home on Sunday from Guelph. * Mr. and Airs. WM...Parker and fain- eilYevisited_frieuds Mitehell on Sun - and attended.;the eightieth aii-7 niversary of Miteliell S.nglitain church. Alesers. Stuart •Sttirgeon and Doug,- - las Keninien Preeton kind Vietor Vau Lvot).(34,,st Nov. 25.e_The pupa., 1;owe of Mon-trvail sPent Sunday with Mr. and Airs. E. Sturgeon. S.S. No. 9 and their teaoher are busy Mr. John' Carrie R.C.A.F., and Mrs. Tract:thing .for their (.11,ristinas conivrt t'arre are sIkelding a wet, -k. at Ms to be held on the evening , f, the fast sgrandmot her 7ti Slimmer how, Paradise elay Of school, A carped. of 'ladies •from Lu -know Alles Berthena Sturgeon spent Mon - visited ,NIrs. i"!ieton ou day.and Tints:day Clintoll to ,ne near ThurAility afternoon last, her sieter, Miss Emma Sturg,e0u, who a Anaeng the artiele`4:4(..ilt t Mouth ' underwent 111 bpera:ion in Clinton to the Red Cross 41. re pain4 soeks,4 scarves, 5 pairs of ,mitts. e Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Holm and famiry, odcri Kidney Pills LEEBURN THE GODEMCH SIGNAL -$TAR og Vrelton, 'Spent the week-eui)wltb Mrs. ilelnfo itarento. 512°. a Mrs. II, 5.1cClinehey. ° Mr. and Mrs R. 'Il. Middletopie lien- sall visited the latteep nlOther,. MM. N. W. Woods, am Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Vreit Dav/ilsOn et Do- troit were the gulesto of the ferlicter'o mother, Mrs. J. Davidson, over- .•the week -end., Mrs: 0. Ithynas .returned 110 ,e on Sunday after 'spending a few days in „Toronto and iturlingWL I of 'Lambeth, tire the gueSte of Riet.-tiud nrs, iiarold COrrie. jr Wi11uim Cameron, Mr. an Mrs. Elmira ,and Caledonia, before motormg Frank Otimeron and Robby,: Pe- to Vert. 'Lauderdale,. troit, were the guests. of Miss Elizabeth :they Will spend the winter. Presentation.—A • community recep- -t";,tineron VOr the week -end. 't-tiou. Was b.eld in the Town _DWI on Fri- '. • _Untended for last week) 13A.TFIF.LD, -Nov. -Ines "Xr.- anL Mrs: ROY J. Allin (nee .I.ieatrice Hot's- Robinson is visiting her mother, Mns, ton) of qearlow. evoning, tytiS Tztnner, in London this 'week, spent in .dancAng and after refrdsle. Mrs:' J. W. Jowett and Mrs. -.11. 'melts the young couple were called to Lundbelm left on luesda5 to peli the plat for4, and Airs. W.m. E. Parker the, winter in -Fort Lauderdale, Florida. read a sherr address, askine them. to Corporal F. Cooper, R.A.F., -Pert Albert, 6 pent the yteek-tn w *, and Mrs. W. Ferguson. • Mrs. F. V. Atartin of Detroit spent a few days in the v‘ilitage thiS weelf. :).1r, and .Mrs. , Lloyd Makins and Meteien melt on ,Weduesday to ;Guelph, tyltere Alarien Will undergo an oper- 4. alien- On' lie r'" eye. Dr. and Mrs. W. Voliime, of South- 1""'• .9.9.40••=444.....•;31,1••• alisptota, have rented Mre..N. W. Woodti.' NILE cottage for the iiititer, and 4,ire taking Ltossession this week.-_, AP., OttaWa, is spending hiss leave w1th • NILILIEf, INov. 1.8.-4 very enieYablei 'Corpora Donald StirlinO a the R.C. , (Inten4t1 for last Week) is aunts, the Misses, ' A°. M. 9* ...tvati-, ‘,,. I tittle was held in the Nile Vrangeliall Mr.. and Mrs.' Whilip Itlayntis and li•eld for' pa.triotie pnrpose.s. The /neat eone, of BUrlingtOn, were the gueetS VIM, o2 a52 ‘14ti's rtly'll' It" Alt" 'a of the fornaer's mother,,Mre.-10; Ithynas, Aazel-411`°W- was1;khe ltiel;Y whin° (4 tilt° ever the Week -end, - . dirst prize Jai- the draw, which ivaci 'a .Miss 141ste, ThorapSOn Ilas purela4e4 -Nankin. , 'i'lle eecond prize, a pair Of Air. Uphert Penhaliee- house on Main . , liillow case's, . went to Worsell's" Hard- :, .. • : ware in; Godorich. The inemberS • 'of 8t,Irit: 4-0-4-.,--giii. !TA' ,,v -a. la. jeowitt lett ee e.1,-.4.-)-J-..e• 141,52.- wish to thank ' ali those Friday to eisig-, their 4anghter$ ;,''''t who helped make the party ,a sneeese. (31.urelt 'NOt44.—A meeting of special interest- to the Women's A.ssociation was held, in Nile United . church on ,Noveniber Vith, with representatlyes from Dungannon and Benualler -,As- so(iationS and Nile Missionary §ociety • --gitt-sts,,,-The-meeting-was-apened....14,, the president of ,'the local Society, Mrs. 1). ,,,Cautevell, folloved „lir prayer by Mrs. liazlewood.' Tini.. Seripture lesson was read' by Mrs. Henry Matthews, followed by an address of good wishes of their many friends .in•-•ifyiet was given by Mrs. AlcIlwain And welcome by Airs. Clarence Diestow. 'JtIk. accept a studio 'couch as a Olen, of the his bride the groom tendered their Airs. McPhee, a reading by Mrs. Mel - 'this ktistriet. on behalf, of 'hiiiiself and clu,il?1:—.1ujiab:rtStrIngpertingotunlitx°a11111etaelid b;. of ..., -the •• members. Arthur's. orchestr.a thanke in a few well-chosen words. Mrs. Wm. Lung and Aliss Beulah Long. provided, 'unisie for -the claneinge plugatinia Week Meeting.÷Educa-. don Week was observed in Baytield on. Mrs. NVin. , NVat.son gave a reading, . _Thursday evening- last, when. the' par- -"lel' was 611°wC41 '1)3. an "addr-ess COURRIE'S CORNERS ‘igit,-,i.lAnd-, those interested in education on '"I'lle Fourfold . Women's Associa- were 'invited to the school, The -chair- llen'" by ' Mrs. • Peer:eon of Beigrave; e which ewas very helpful and- inspiring. niCatTt 1;,r .ptrheesiSdeedh.°°1R4eyee4rldiaill.oll'd CliGeti°•r-rrgl-e The nieeting' was brought to a close gave aeshart address, which • was fol- with the N-ational Anthem. The - gale lowed by one by Rev. B. F. Andrew, who enbstituted for Rev. ...1., Graham, 'Mr. George *GaStle expies.sed the hope that a llome and Schwa Club would be formed.. Exhibits of the various 'r,Na.e , branches of' work done. by the pupils which was seconded by Mrs. dosplayed a great deal of talent. Com- f.L.,urne Johnston of Dungannon. munity singing was le.d by Mks. James _the November -meeting of the W.A1.;•..i. Ferguson. • Airs. !George Elliott made was held- e'9* Wednesday afternoon' at a niotion, seconded, by Mrs. 'Gairdnere the home of Rev. and Mrs. IL G. Hazle- tendering thiinks to the teaehersefor wood, Bonilla/en There was a good „their 'splendid work and leailership. 411141t,truLd neentiv.in v.;(!fwainsle,inabe.,.r and friend's, 05 the presideht, The teachers, Mrs. B. Fr Andrew and Mrs. „Wm. E. 'Perker, served refresh- Aiiss M. Curry. 'Several itents..pe• busi- Ments and the • meeting closed • with ness were di,scuseed.,and'Airs. J. IMagan the ',National Anthem. was appointed Missionary -Monthly Red Cross Shipment.—The Red Cress. • ' secretary, to 'fill the office formerly Society shipped the following goods last .held by Airs. J. McCann, 'The firSt week for . the . montk of.. ,'Oct-dher : chapter of the new study book on :China Refugee -1 Pair Mitts (children'S), 1 WU'S taken by 'Mrs. • T. 11(4'hee.- The pair initts (men's), 1 'Pair goats, 1 program incinded a reading by Mrs. W. shelter rug, •,-,1eults• ch,ildren's PYiamas, Hawkins, and a duet by Airs. 4. Wat- Wation, a ' piano sold by Mrs, F. Miss Jean Nelson of Toronto spent the week -end at her home. here. - 9 gnats,' 4` pair boys' ',overalls, I blanket, 2 dreeses, 1 slip, 1 pair bloom: ..s6n and,.. Hilda Finnigait. It was Victor Errington, Jean and ers, .14 toys, and si rag dolls (the -last decided to hold the ;Deeember meeting,. Mr$.• to items were ninde, and -donated by which. will be • the annual meeting, in ROSS, '''-of Dunglannten;' visited "..ht the e the Achtol children). ,se.amen,s_D the 'Church. Lunch was served by the home of, 'Mr. David Little for a .4ew . . turtleneck sweaters, -9 scarves-, 9. helt- hostesses, 'Airs. W. Finnigan and Airs. 'days last Yveek. Ihe regular meeting The CoiiiriVS 'Corner- branch of the , W. Watson metS, 9 pair -mitts, 16 pair seamen's of the Y.P.U. was held in the church on Kintail WoMen's Institute quilted a socks, 9- pair long stockings. -Array— tn.rtleneck 'swe,afere, 74 pair socks, 1 Da- - 6 scarves, . q helmets, 6 . pair -mitts, 6 Tnesday e'rening. An impre.sSive wor- quilt in the hall here, last Friday ship service, in keeping with Armistice AT t Qtli QQA', _ 1..4_, th. _ evening a . pro - y was _. Balaclava beliiiet. A cheque for $7,5 was led by Hilda' Finnigan, - feI-- ,. gressiveeedard,' ptarty and dance was lowship convener. A special -mission- ".held. • lAirs.- Wile. Jehnstion and lir. 'Since that the following, donations have Elwood DIennii both 'of' Kiiitailit were forwarded' to Toronto to buy blankets. firy offering was taken; more contribu- tionr, also yvs.ere received foe the tlie--; winfters at ards. , • •. , been reeeived ; Misses Elliott, $4; Mrs. Labrador. Milk F.'und. • . P.- McEwen, $2.; Miss F. Fetlock, $2, - will.' bloomers; Blue 'Water ilig,hwtry ceived Since Septeniber 1.st: Mrs. J. ( pair. Pillows; Bronson Line „unit, 4 quiRs, 1 „shelter rug, 4 pair 'overalls, Howard and Mrs. C., Berry, 2 ques, 1 4 pair pyjamas, '3 dresses, -1 esilp, unit, 1 blanket, 1 Aullt ; Afig. Geo. e with his father' and .sister, Miss Ella: C45wan of Toronto spent -the week -end, Mary MacLean, who is in Kincardine - ASHIFIELI), - Nov. 25.—Dr. Arn-old 'We . are pleased to hear that . Miss parentsrAir. and Mrs: T...MacDonaltl, • . —. , . , Ebner:Totter, „gelen and Kenneth' are Teeswater: -. • spending A few days with the former's HOLMESVILLE, Nov. ' 25. --L- Mrs. ' ' HOLMESVILLE ,.:,..- ., _ • .• . , The fallowing donations have beeh re, ASHFIELD campben, 1 quilt ; Mrs...E'ergnson, Mrs. , --i - ng- a favorable re- . Weston,' i quilt; Mrs. W. Heard, 1 eoverY. - . . .- M.rs. W.. Yeo an&family vve're guests quilt. ., ' Mr. Will 1)rennan of Toronto spent- . of friends in London on Sunday. ;the week -end.- at. his Immo 'here. The members:of the local branch of ',0•01•1 11•0111MI r•-4 Established' ° 1817 . c.,4 presentation in easily understandable form, of the Bank's ANNUAL STATEMENT sist October, 1941 Cash in its Vaults and Bank of Canada Notes of and Cheques RESOURCES Mom), on Deposit wrth • • • • on Other Banks. , Payable in auh on. presentation. • MOney on Deposit with Other Banks 4. Available et demand di short notice. 5 "‘- I V 'II Government and Other Bonds .and Debentures •. . Not exieeding market value. The greater portion consists .of Dominion Government and high-grade Provincial and Municipal securities which mature at early dates. StOcks . . . • • • • • Industrial and other stocks. Not exceeding market value. Call-toans . . . • . „ • • • • In Canada $ ,4,472,437.64 , Elsewhere,. . . . 15,569,284.91- - 'Payable on demand and secured by bonds, stocks -and ether negotiable collateral of greater value than the loans—___ Bankers' Acceptances • 0 a Prime drafts accepted by Ober hanks. - TOTAL Of QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES-' ' (equal io 73% of all Liabilities to the Public) Loans to Provincial and Municipal Governments including School Districts . . ; Commercial and Other Loans . . 44 In Canada . . . • ,., $254,427,218.03 Elsewhere - 21,271,754.14 • • , • .. • ro manufactuxers,larmers,, merchants and others, on conditions conststent with sound banking. . Bank Premises . . . . . . . . Two, properties only are carried in the names of holding com- pdnies; the stock and bonds of these companies are entirely ownedby the Bank and apPear on its books at $1.00 in each case. All other of the Bask!: premises, the value'of which largely exceeds $13,900,000.00 are included under tifil4eading. • Real Estate, and Mortgages on Real Estate Sold by the Bank . . $ 92,755,884.45 38,972,993.05 54,960,697,77 498,740,536.76 1• 83,364.86 20,041,722.55 ' SPAY. jielp to Those Who Are Past Middle Age 111-011, 1941, .. e ergy and actiVity, i 'licitly instances, began 10 de- cline, and their general vitality i3 on the Wane, • When Vaal and women get vast neakilo Eige their • . - Blaalw off than formeyly, and, here tuLct there, evidenece of 0, Lbirtet.laekdi ajovvrthn7etsgmantod2.3epipeckna7es seem_ haTd_er to • °I .NOW is tile tirne those wishipg_to help -maintain their health luad vigour should take 11 COurso of Milburn's nealth and Nerve Pills. ' i'lle sYTPrilit3t:eYern:00,e1P0.t:o'Llx9, 6115Ppanilldsi, inatviallggrdarit:gtel:unPteattrsie.nt by t h e'i r t4)1116:11441:1"'°11 • . Look for our trad6 mark a "Ited Heart"' on the package. . ; ° Tho T. Milburn Coq, Liraitych Topoiiv. Amt. on Friday- eVening in -,St Augusline 1 Tovvnsend farms, and'Irebuilt there, . Imr---TA--.'prograna --cbusistitrg"-Mrreamt.towAiettil-islstercavilba _stotliobsurnb.,•anTiri-r:?.JRaosyeraphoinnae DWItrietiorn 'ooff 'Margaret, of. Brueefieltb, visited at well-Itnowni-' entertainer, Mr. Harvey ,Glenn LoCkhart's. The regular monthtliayemiteeotiienrgostfw'thaes , Kingsbridge, and. selections by the McGee of Auburn, was greatly dppre- Porter's Hill unit of eioteo..,:wrs._ ow .Murray ,, of st. held last, •Monday at the church.' 'In 1 Helens held the -ludo' ticket' On a the' absence of WS. Betties,. Mrs: Bert (Milt NV Well bad been donated b y , one the meeting. A ,quilt donated by Mrs. .,Harrisvicpresident, toolg cliiirge 0; 'Will Cok was finished. The'follewing knitted articles were brought ht,1 ' 5 pair array' socks; 6- pair -seamen's boot . socks; 2 army scarves; 1 seaman's scarf; 4 turtleneck sweaters.; 1, toque, (Intended for lag week) quilt Weeks. The social. committee are - • also 5 pair *lath& Jdoves, a nunaber of . COVR114-1.15 ,C201tNEtRIS, ' Nov. 17.--. planning a ' card party for Friday, Miss Mary Alton has been visiting with November 28, , at the. home of John -.. refreshments were -served by the local rich for a few flayS. - t. east group.' 4.xt w-nitwinrg'vedthe-b third , Monday in Deceinber. p• „„ eriug adjourned to the basementewhere. mi.. and Mrs.' Vercy ilijindell in God- . SoCiety. Mrs. eMelvin 'Reed of, Dun - anon, a former resident of Nile, at Mr Ewalt Jamieson's, have gone - .. . , _. ved a' ivote of thanks to the Nile to 'Hamilton. ' Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halnes of Wingham visited witheAlr. and Mrs. 'Lorne Parrish on -Sunday: ----- „ Mr. and Mrs. Warner Smyth of,. Teeswitter spent a day last week' with, Mr. tand Mrs.- Jas: - Little. - Miss 'Madeline Johnston, R.N., who has been on the Goderielt hos-pital -staff., is at hor home hero, We are sorry to say that Mr, Prank Johnston is not improving as wai.,e,Ifly• a.s, his friends. would like. .' ,Mir. --and • Mrs. Bud Parrish and Bobby, " of .Torontoe.spent the -week-end with eAlt: and Mrs. Wilfred' Parrish. Mr: land 'Mrs Jas Boak who were • . • . . .- Acquired in the course. of the Bank's bilsiness and in 'process of being realized uPon. Customers', Liability Under Acceptances and . Letters -of Credit- . . .. . • ., &presents liabilities of customers on account of Letters of Credit, isgued and Drafts accepted by the Bank for their account. Other Assets not included in the Foregoin Making Total Resourcesof . 44\ ' "LIAIWITIES Due to the Public. Peposits - _ • In Canada . • Elsewhere • . • Payable on demand or after notice. Notes of the Bank in Circulation Payabh, on deviant,. 6,811.15 • • $705,662,010.59 28,964,546.45.. /75,698,972.17 • 13,900,000.00 • 947,199.39' _A772,428.22 • 2',606,322.43 $1,046051,479.25 • --•„, • • • $928,387,889.51 . $869,110,875.52 ° . 119,277,013.99 • 0 • Acceptances and Letters-- of Credit -Outstanding Financial rernsihilitier .undertaken on 'behalf. of cust▪ omers (ree off -felting amount in "Resources"). , Other Liabilities . items which do not come tinder,the foreg• oing headings. 'Total Liabilities to the Public . • • • To meet which the. Bank has resources as indicated above „amounting to . Leaving an excess Of Resources oiler Liabilities, represents the Shareholders'' interest o'er Liabilities, lo the Public take ptecedeOrr 4 which which 17,890,850.50 18,772,428.22 4,594,440.73 , 969,645,608.96- 1,046,551,479.25 Capital . . . 836,000,000.00,, Reserve Fund, Profit-& Loss Account • • nd Reserves for Dividends . 40,905,870.29 $76,905,870.29 • PROFIT and LOSS ACCOUNT' Profits for the year ended 51st October, 1941, afttr making appropriations to Contingent Reserve Fund, out of which Fund full provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts his been made, and after deducting Dominion • • Goveinment Taxes arriounting to 0,242,905.10 . . . Dividends paid or payahle to Shareholclerg . • . $2,880,600.00 Appropriation for Bank PrOMISCS • 41. 500,000.00 Balance of Fra't and Loss Account, 318t October, 1940 - $1,324642.15 Less adjustment of previous years' taxes . . 225,009.00 1,996,642.15 " Balance of ProfitAnd 'Ars tarried forward 83;437:62640 5;580,000.00 $ 57,026,60 litINTLY IDRUIVIMOND, ,Preskient • 81,15,668:15 JACKSON Dorms, G. W. SPINNEY, , Joint General Manageri • :, * * The strength of a bank is determined by itS history, its polic 'II its management and ihe extent' of its resources, illr 124 years the Bank of IVOntreal has been in the foafront of .anddian finance, •, tet Edward Island, has accepted the eali to 'the Red- Cross Society were.entertained, atea social gathering- laste Friday by DONNYBROOK • Rev, W. Q. Rhoads Th.D.; Of Prince -,------ - --- , the Ashld and, Ripley Presbyterian the Aliddleto-n Red Crass, arthe home .2, - DeY.NNYBROOM Nov. 25e.--The,regu- will be inducted in - of Mrs. C:harlie Wise. A.04'..„ery pleasant - congregations and lar meeting of the St. A.ug,iastine-Wo- Ashtleld ehurbe m r 4th on Dece at afternoon was enjoyed mby all. ' men's .Institute - will be held on Wed- 9 pee. . - Rev'. 4,garold Wilding ig the guest. of nesday, December 3rd; at the home of Engene -O'Keefe and Clifton Can 11 , ne , ,friends..in Dresden'this week. „fee, will have charge:of-4'11e program. Roll their homes here. e , ville United church and their friends _The members of the chair oSeHolme-s- Mrs. Gus. Kinahab. Mrs. Jar,. Craig ee Nia 0, • i, .e''` 11 spent' S' ti ' t . „ara . a s, un ay a Mr. and Mr • W*11 M D 1cl " ed heitl, their annual- supper' inAh' baSe, call—ex-change of Christn-ias gifts.- .s. -1 ,. ac one visit • Jones, of 'Whighara Misses Irene Robinson and Mildred ! }jet visited -with High Sehodl, were i Sunday. e '' I - Mrs. George -Uollinson Jack and 'evening' 131 ,th ' friends 5 , . .01.1 to the good things prpvidedt, 'the re - !pent of the chnech last „Wednesday After all- had done .,. justice -Hostesses—Airs. Jae. 'Purtichi'and Miss With friends in Kincardine on Sunday. Alexander, b'orne over the week -end. , I Goittlia„) MaeGregor has enlisted, 'for inainder of the evening was pleasantly Miss. Doreen Meelinehey of • Varna : active service and is nOW 6 . ga— .tationed at Mese• nt in a singsong, Speeches, • and L i - m -' i " ' - , The ladies of ;file Hplmesville ,ed vlsitea. last week at the home of Mr.'iLniadon. : the Winter with his sister 'Mrs. William Cross,,Society gathered in""ehe'basement and Airs. J. C.. Robinson. - -r. ()harks Stewart has left to spend spent the week -end with his parents,1 Finlayson, at -Lorne. . ' - of the church on Thursday last and Mr. Ranald Taylor, of the G..u.I.,e Mr. and- Mrs. Bert Taylor. e , Some from here attended the funeral packed 'Christmas bfqes for the .boys Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills and daughter, , .of the late M N. Ee bener, • who at Qne from this district who are -serviing of Tdrontb, and- 'Mr. and Airs. Russel 'Ytimp taught In''-t:he'ATothian sehool and their country' alsb two quilt S were tied. Mills and family, of Detroit, visited : eedeesree, herself to many in. that . • Pair Exchange One, of thi? Princeton neighbors of Albert Einstein fias an eig ear -old , daughter wife vthited the fa athe- -tinittelnir- eve ryeafternoon.-----Affer weeks of these daily visits, the girl's onather finallY went to see Dr. Einstein and apologized to him for her daugh- ter's constant interruptions. '..`,0,en, not at all," Einstein assured her: "I—enjoy 'her vielts and we get along well." • • "But what can yonand a little eig • year-old girl have in coeamon.?" "A great deal," Einst0t6 explained, "I love the jelly beans she bringg me— and she loves the way I do her arith- male lessons.'—New; _York Post. t - during the week -end with their sister,•1 coinnuunity. • ' . — . Airs. Norman Thorappon. 'a,' '' ' i Mr7Dan MacLean of Kintail is spend- ' Miss Jean Robinson is spending this ! Ing a few holidays in Windsor: . - week with friende at Varna. I Mr. and .qirs.:-- MacLeodof'. Arnow _ Mr. Graham Ohamney.• of WingAna I le.1. - ,,e't s c4 with their cousin Mrs spent Sunday with his parn a ents; Aill(1 : kilia bet b,.'m a etennan and "la' k,..„ ' e, . ' I Mrs. It: Charaney. ' W-.M.S, Meeting.—Th 'meeting of the W.M.S: was lield at the .i -home of -Mrs. Rod MacKenzie. The ---1,-Presidente-Mrs..1).-R.• MacKenzie, --p BENMIALLER„ Nov. 25. ---Miss Betty 1 side-dean:de:after the singing of a hymn Straughan of Toronto spent the week- ' Mrs. _Rod' Ma-cKenzie read the- Scrip - end tither home .here - '•4 ture leeson from -John I:1-45 and Mrs. ,'''' .• . e Mr. i and Mrs,' Parton of 'splendid- -paper- on • St; . A i Torbalo wise gave a visited with the lady's parents, ,mr. ' John. -11611 call wats answered by [tenth unfi Mrs. Hugh dlill, over the week -end. , from Glad Tidings about 'inissionarieS. Mr. ,Lester Walters- visited in' Gode- Dis'imssion followed regarding the bale rich township on 'Sunday. and the celebrating of the Society's . Mr. Benson 'Walters, who has been' fiftieth anniversary -in. December,' Mrs. home on a mouth's leave, returned on' Colin 31aeGregar, led in prayer. ...MiS'e Tne-sday to Halifax. • ' • . 1 1a3 me 'Glad ,,',Fidinge.egare- -Mr. and Mrg, Carman Stevens have! tary, asked for renewals of Glad Tid- returned from their tY-%liling trip and hip, ! The ladies had as their guest have,settled an their ' rarna on the sPeakRobertDavidson, lireS: er, Mrs.' Maitland concession. • . , , i byterial president, who brought • the ' Mr. and Mrs. ,Girvin Young' rig,' Gode- greetings -of Maitland Vresbyterial. She rich ;visited on Sunday with'AT-and• gave an inspiring addreswon the living . • , . . It. L '' .. . IL. -ember of 'prayer, after which° little 1 M•a r. nd Mrs. -' Itobt. •-• Niegillan 'ot4'lleverley MacKenzie presented her with h Goderich spent Sunday. With Mr. and b.n...bouiriet of 'mtuns. :Sirs. Will Mac-- , Mrs. Geo. liWigan. _,, . Donald, sang sweetly "Seine Day DI Mr. and Mrs. I). Gliddon Of Holmes- Understand," and the meeting (Hosed vine visiteit with Mr. C., J. 'Walters and with the Allipah beftediction, after family on ,Sunday. ' , -which lunch was served and .4 social The Y.P.U. was conducted by . -the half-hour Was enjoyed. ' ' v • Auburn. young- people on Sunday even- BENMILLER " PORTER'S HILL — • POUTER'S HILL, Nov, 24.—Newt, is rather searce, as so -many. people are laid of with colds and "flu." We hear the ...Winston .farm on the 6th •conees,sion lifts been bought b Ernie Townsend from Miss Mona Ain - Ston. The ibuildings• are being taken nd ed t another of the Added Coniplication Doctor (to., husband of patient): There's no need to worry about your 0 wife, sir. You'll have a: different woman when she gets out of the -san- -atorium." Husband: -"But what if she finds it. out?" -1 - . BR HEY5 FUNERAL SERVICE (Established 1879 ' FRADrtioNAL SINCERITY AND 4, -,,'EXPERIENCE • _7- -- 0 Prompt* Ambulance Seietce. Phone 120 FLOYD M. LODGE,,•', pireetor, ^ Men of. 30;40,50 PEP, VIM, VO,ubnflJ- Want nornud 4,44 • °vita.' Throe. vitaliteil Try'•Ostrez T Tablets, contain", stimulan oyster elements— aids to normal pep after 30, 40 or SW - 004 a special Introductory size for only: - 84. Tzy this aid to normal pep and4las 'today. Fo ,sale at all good droceorlio.. 199.9.1•9•10.0110.10.100.......0. assamismissrasimmanis 1 • .4.. R. Wheeler, Funeral ,Director and Embahner, )-0.11 cans promptly attended, to , day or niglit. —AMBULANCE Phones: 'Store 335,: Res. $05W. Hamilton Street, droderich Nommiminmammiremimaar The :Cranston Funeral .11-ome ...... bm 'Complete -Se.rvigieceast Reago'nabl.e PROMPT INVALID CAR •, SERVICE - No oktra charge foriiideuse of our modern Ennerat Home. • 17 Mon4004, St. Phone 399 IVIonuments1 To those contemplating build. - Ing a Monument . taft'• Prieea.before bUying. ,Cen4etery Lettering a Specialty. . Alle Work guaranteed: JOHN. GRANT CLINTON .MARBLE & GRANITE IV/IMES Clinton ,Ontario SUCC(44S01' to Ball & vtapie ing. There was a good attendance. DONNYBROOK . • CARLOW - (Intended for lak week) e — CARLOW, NOV. 25.—Mr4. Howell, of Sat.tkatoon, is visiting With Mr. -and Mrs. Alex. Young!, Nee; this week. Harvesting and threshing are about completed for .1941. The fall wheat 'looks strong and healthy. • Some farm- ers. have: confpletedi their ° plowing and all are well Mr. Neil Brant,' a stadont' fronri 'Western University, London, occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church ozm',Suntlay afternoon, and basedhis remarks 'on John 412a—"Tho tarthly Cistern and 'Heavenly Fotuttain." „ The teachers' and leaders' Mass will he held this week in illohnesville chttreh. 4 • " EittY 'WW1 -• -My husbavd patted flWity after two dayX ilInesg: We ,had been married only 81,2 weelta," it'o nice to think he did not sitffer much." DOINN'Y'llItOOK, Nov.- 18. — Miss Florence Jones has taken a position' 1111 Clinton. IMr. and Mrs. Mason 'Robinson, Mr., Vernon t'lrairiney, and Miss Mellurney were week•end visitors with Windsor friends.. ilfr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson Visited last week with friends .at 'Oa% ' 'Miss Lu ey Thompson of Waterloo mkt the' weekend With her parents, Mr. and airs. i'rlah Thompson. The WIALS. and 'W,A, held their. „November meeting in the (turd' base', "Inent Timisday afternoon with Mies jeatiAtobinson presiding. Read- ingfl were given by Mrs. Jones and Mrs, It. Chanmey. The new "ctudy liotilr was introduced ataVeresume the first chapter given by Ws. W. A. During time afternoon a Red Oraqa quilt was completed. Institute At-ltome,,--abere „woo a giPlendid attendanee at the annual Thstititte "at holueAr whieh was held , ANIM a -DEAD or la' DISABLED Quickly removed in Clean Sanitary Tru910. Phone collect. 910 r 21 61inton, 215 Stratford or Ingersoll 21 • William Stone Sons Limited Do You 'Stiffer . From Headaches? It is hard to al ruggle 'ang titith a headthat ache3.. and paina all the time. .A headache needtnot be an illnetz in itcelf, but it may be a. wNiening apt peona ,,t,tia,t, there itt hates,tinal. •:. ' , , ,...."-e...• • t• and toning up the oluggieh liver, and when this lias be,eri accomplishe , be ' a A • . : ••.,,d sluggishness vvithiti. p overeotne tliet, canoe of headache it ia . To.,4,hel one;-egsary to eliminate the waste matter from the nystem. llurelock )310 (1 Bitters helps to retriove the tame. of headaches by regulafitw: the digestive and binary organs, neutralizing aeidity, regulating the eolibtlpated'howels lie'4(1011%itle..I31.611r/la. aditi:tily)P,deartjull counter. rriee $1.00 a bottle. , ' - Tilt, T. liallibiira Ca., Availed, Toronto, Out. . . 1.11•••=likonioNMOVIIIIi Ivewarla