HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-11-27, Page 3c. tkb-iii4EY ' Barrister, zte.' ofile eo—Oourt liou$eri Goilterich• Telephone IXTxt silkiiimt,LAND ' Barrister and Solicitor 'First Me'rtgage* Security. Ottiee---North GOtlerieh. Phone 750 isisiiissiesessisessisseiikgssieesssosessassilsassass cu'MCgto 410()OiliNt3lsrt MONTEITH and MUNTEIT4 Chartered AcCountanie 77 Downie Street, Stratford Toront3s011icet 302,, Bay, Street isssess, VETERINAR/ SURGEON DR. G. 8. ELLIOTT • VETEIllisiAltY SURGEON ithone 203 Clinton. DR. W. B. °OXON • VETERdiN'ABII.AN Small and Large Animals Telephone 96: Zurich, Ont. AUCTIONEERING, 911HOMAS GUNDRY, GODEIRICH, LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL . AUCTIONEER Telephone 119 Sales attended to --anywhere and *very effort made to give satisfaction. Farmers' sale notes discounted.4 GpilDos - M. 'GRANT, IsICENSED. AUCTIONEER FOR HURON COUNTY , • A satisfactorY, courteous service for FarnesProperty or Household Sales. • Rates -Reasonable' *r • ItAatopi) itAcKsoN SIPEcsAUST 141ARIL liSSISSIES-101,41). SIA -LEIS• Licensed...seine enurn ' and rerth' Co' unties. - Prices reasonable; *satisfaction guaranteed. For information, ac., write or exhone' SlisetOLD JACKSON, 1,2 on (158, Seaforths ILIt. 1, -.Bracetield. • r)Xtelf. J. It. Fall4f,Mat, EYE, EAR, NOSE, • Late House Surgeon NeVs York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital; as- sistant at Mooreliehnilye kiospital and Golden Square Throat' Hospital; Lon- don, Engla.ud„,, EYES TESTED, GLASSES , SUPPLIED • 53 • -Waterloo Street. S., Stratford. Telephone ,267. , Next visit Bedford Hotel, Gedericle Wednesday, January 28th, from 2 p.m. -till 5 p.th. DRUGLESS I'ICACTITIONER ' CHIRQPItAMOR AMP DRUGLESZ THERAPIST Goderich,Phone 341 • Office hours -10 to 12 a.m., 2 to -5 al;td 7 to 8 p.m:, .Tuesday, FRUIY-tted- filaturday. 10 to 12 a.m. only on "ViresinesdaY, Monday and Thursday at,ititchell. fume .batlis by appointment . only. A. N. ATKINSON 51 South 'St. • the •••••••••••sesasseemseeseemesees s• iNSUltANCE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN - m SURANCE 00, -Farm and iso- ' • lat,ed town property insUred. • Ofticerrs-IWINictin Prestibent, Londesboro; W. R. Archibald, Vice - President. Seaforth, M. A. Reid, Manager and Secretary-Treaeurer, Sea - forth. , Direeters-Wm Knox, _Londesbdro; Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Ob,ris. L'eonhardts Dablin; E., J. Tressartha, Clinton ; Thos. Moylan, Seaforth ;1,W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; MeEwmg, Bkyth; Frank BleGfegots 011,ntoil; Hugh .Alexander, Walton,. . Agente-II. A. Yeo, R.'S. 1, Goderiela; James Watt, Blyth; John Er Pepper, Bit 1, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, 11.R. I, Dublin'; I'. Prueter, Brod- hagen. •Policy -holders can make all pay- ments and get their cards). receipted at ' the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's -Grocery; Kingston Street, 'Ooderichi, or 1. H. Reid's Generat.StOre; Hayfield, Colborne Council jte7elected fOr 1942 'Quiet Tune At: lieravaations— Roa„d, Work 'the Principal -TopicazAL,Speeches. Colborne Township has se -elected its 1941 Council by acelaniatien Lor. an- other year. The members are: Iteeve-William 11 Thom). Councillors ---James 'reagan, Williaiu Marsh, William. J. Clark, Alex, Watson.. The, Noinination -Meeting There was a attentlaaue at file nominatien meeting la the TowoshiP Hall' on Friday afternoon., Clerk 'Wil- liam Sallowreceived the following nominations : • . Fon REEVE- • , William II. Thom -by Win. MarSh and , R. J. Glen, .Ne n Melia r t y-hy Ala me s Adams and • J. V. G. Bickhelle - Alex. Young -by Gee, Feagair and Alex. ,,AVateon. George C. leagiineeby W. G. Watson and Win, Marsh, FOJt OuLlNCIIL.LORS Harry McCreath -by Alex. Watson and -. Marsh.. . ' James Feagan-by Geo. Million .and - John Treble. - Alex. NValson—„by W. Vrooman _ and • Leslie 'J ohnston.. • Nelson. MeLarty-by J. C. G. Bicknell and ‘Jfimes Adams. 1. William 'Marsh -by ..kmos 'Stoll and - J. It. Varcoe., . John Kernighan-eby'Aiex. Watson and Geo. C. Feagan. • Kenneth Allin-by Geo. C. Feagan and ., *Alex. Watson. 'Stanley Snyder -by Alex.: Watsan and ,.. STRATFORD - GODERICIS COAOR LINES )aily 7.30 • a.m. 425 P.m. -Leaves (Oderleb for 'Stratford, Toronto, filamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit, Val/Stock and. Weedstock. Depots. - Bedford, British and Royal Hotels on�lietidS or, 305 for information • PUBLIW. NOTICE' MR. HORACE --WILSON, .(Assoc. Dip. Royal_ College of OrgaffiSts,"-London, Eng.) is prepared to, receive students in Voice Production; 'Singling, Organ Piano, Dramatic Art, ete.' , For :terms apply Knox Presbyterian Church or 22 Elgin iavenue, Goderich. Phone 189. ' 43 -4x - •,.......11.10,041.04,111111•11•111=711110 J.„ W. (raigie INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Get Our Automobile Rates Phone ,t4 Goderieb " GODERIC4 ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1941, 00EN FARoutapti !County Roads to- "ship; "Mir Frederick Bantin'S,." • 'BEE. Irti OF IIITLIXTT 4. 4 ati,4 sioulahan, •No. Steixaela; I Be Pio d 1J 1' -The it,sui 'Canadian Air FOrce. Aeelainatien on" Msiiday' f*IJetenSe. • John Ferguson was elected reeve Att. v011110_11. Rears . School Fair u. veeetee tes, r"Morris ifullett -SeOwneetip acelaniation 'Ciaainpions . in Speakins' ' • Ifoatores, of the, C.N.E., 1941," we as. sua Ford Littg.1, 'S.S. tioderieh town Ira Rapson Couneillor-Rleeted by 1 • ".Alr l'ower, Our Fins Line the iwinination -ineeting held on Mon- „I7. Aionala XtcAvthlir. ilensall; "A day. Mr.: Verg&bir ,sinsfeede the late James Leiner. - Ara Itapson was elected councillor to take the plass:, of Mr, Verenson, who had resigned his seat CO-Stend for the reeveship.. The other eeembere a put elected, for 1941-42, are, Fred l'eekitt, Gesn•ge. Brom" and John Armstroug. WIN9-HAAT.. NOMINATIONS a TAY° Vacant' b'eats in Town Council • 'killed, • • ,, „Nomiaationb were 1404.'at Wingham on Monday night to fill two vacant seats in .thesTown 'Council, whisks was eieeted a year ago for a two-year term. Seven were nominated, but only two qualified and are therefore -elected; Fred. L. Davidson and , Duncan Ken- nedy. The vacancies were ceased by the resiepatioos_ of Reeve It. S. Hethering- ton,°K.C., and Councillor Frank 'Sturdy, who. are on war service. Joseph Evans resignell as councillor 'to take the reeveship, leaving two seats on the Council. to be filled. Gee. C.. reagens „ William Clark -bye -Geo, V. leagan and Alex. Watson. . William Vrooman-by W. H. Thom and • . Alex. Watson. Speeches by ,the Nothinees' • - • the opeeches that followed no sPecial issue was disclosed. Reads, faxes and the cemetery were the chief •subjectS, qiistussion, and nobody. seemed • anxious for a contest at the polls. sfkaker said, there was too niuch "chewing" in townshiP affairs - he gat enoegh of that at home, he said. • Isx4' jiteeve Geo.. C. eFerigan was ap- pointed chairman, and Reeve Thom was the first speaker. He wentsoyers-th 'County receipts-and..disbursementi, and -then -spoke ef Township matters, the roadeste_Skysilarlsor• airport and- the new caretaker of- tire Township mine tery. The -cemetery was being nmeh impro-yed•-under'-the-care.of -Mr.- West- lake, he. said, an.q. Mr. McCreath was putting -in -a greet deal -of time- in the work there_ Mr. Thom said he wofild stand f or another year.• It was ofplain McOreath , and Gokdon Bisset 'had been appointed eemetery •cominiesionerS, *ithout pay. - ' . • - • AereeesCanatia Victoria Pupils Ilave Quiz Contest Interesting Program at,, Rome and Scheel Club Meetly's:, •Iluren County roads willbe " St was aunouneed that, )(Jibs Nornin:g Plowed as. usual this Winter, '.(..,7•.ti(}nNtv3; toll,wiw rel-leat'ed *i4t4 41` pear ago, would. again represent Ilittron unanimoi;ely agreed last 1ricoenty ads year ie the reoeinew day juSt „before closing 1t final sesSion elimination contests for Ontario honore of the 'year. There, was no diSeussion, JUNI:ORS a ehorusi, of -Carried" greeting theis 1 11Q1111'1' V413.11.)"314 6'8' Mdrris' ti following-Cla,us. tnel". wilLs'1011' r(suling of Cliurenill." • report Of the. road cOmmitteer- 2. Lerisard Morris -IS I %Sere' Growl? Up,. Why 1 Woniti -•"ite resolution Of •the Grey Township Join Canada's FightingseleereeeAssess -leet14'iltion of Agricultifre that -no roads 3. Merray Lessareines Grand "Bend, be plowed this winter, We. recommend ..0011-1*" no action, but, we. rectninnend that' 4e Sihirley dtigefir,' Mulint"* Carmel; eaeli municipal COuncil ads-1Se the Road .."'av•aig 1•4"°1111e'''' catimiesiee,. eefeec ,,p4e‘eeig, eeginv :1,, Billy. 'Cumptiela, IlLentiall; -Cane of any road in their _Municipality 'that "lull' Wild A411//316'" theY do nut desire .to have kept open, .4.)* liens . Istalnanan, . unit their 3vielie$ will be carried out." I elite. Nightiegale aud .the Red Cross.' •'Noveinber Seesion was an an- 7. GG,,r"ii Zeiggs 8)8' 44(gierich eventful one, with little .business 'to towns'Lap ; **' fie Battle of Jutland." traiseet. Owing to the death of h. -myth:* louper, S.S.. .1, Gloderich Wiirdee. to wnsein; ',•Transporta tion." James. '1AAper. the annual WareltA,-$ banquet •was cancelled and The- eresentation -web prizes. wae the' weeks activities otherwise- laeked' nlittie Oy J. C. ShVartr, agricultural She usual .gayety .of the pre-Christma.s renees,entative, organizer, Warden SAMS011. In memory of her husband Vassinore-and Reieve,Gemele, cliairmau Mrs. Leiper. "was presented With •a of the agricultural -committee. Con - mantel clock an -d the newly -elected gratulations were extended to • t Warden, T. Percy Vassmore, was pre- sented with au easy, chair, -the gift of his colleagues. -.On Thursday morning a- letter from' 13. M. Freneis, insurance agent, Exeter, complained that he had tendered- 80 - cents per thousand on the County - 'Herne insurance- of • $60,000, whereas the Successful tendereree five of them splitting the business, had tendered one doller per thousand. He inquired - father' caustically if ,_the County was • throwing its money away. Mr. Frands is a former reeve .of Exeter. Wm. Wateon questioned Reeve about an increase in his taxeS, He•had heard that it was becalm. e of. the•work on the road. , the -itirPert,. but , the -gave 'figures fo .show that the net cest to the Township was only $.78, G-overnment subsidies meeting thVreat part . of the expense incurred e, the. road. The Reeve said schoei taxes 'varied in the different sectiOns ; thyme ratepayers found their tak bills lower and some higher thatL., Met year; this was probably the cane. of the increase. in Mr. Watson's' Mr. Wattem also queried the Reeve -about a gravelling contract, 'whieh was mentioped also ' by, several of the nominees. The contractor had not ful- filled his 'contract, but had ,promised from lisne to time to do so, and now it was So late that speakers' aoubted whether it would or should be done this year, and predicted road's in the spring. eo. G. MacEwan I 7— Fire, Accident and Motor Car INSURANCE Office :--alaeonic Temple, ,Wese Street, Goderiehee Phone 230 , GODERICH RYAN „ Real Estate amt insiraltiee :Office and Residence; 11; Teafalgar Street • phone 663 • FOR Houses of.'alt kinds and choice building lots. . , FOR RENT---Thesf`GlengOwan." on Cobourg St. This bailee has twelve rooms, five furnished, eeven unfernished and would • make a very de:strable house for - 'aye families. • • • Vormonmsiolommoinmair :}TIE CAPITAL THEATRE '17.7" NoW Playing—George Formby in "Let George Do It" Monday, Tuesday , and Wednesday—Special- Attraction .The picture. everyone is praising YANii.' in the RA.F." .,ci.,• ,. The hit you have been waiting for! The thrilling, and .entertaining ° ° adventhree of a youthful Good 'Neighbor who added his score to Britain's gallant d -fenders. • ° , • Tyrobe• Power-Betty-iGrable and iteginald Gardiner Thursda,y,. Friday and ..,Saturday• panchet Tonerarrent William -Mischa Auer and. 'Broderick' Crawford, Three barthriding saddleAntddies'G-urvi‘ie Ian atilazing adVentnre to ' start a neNleeerusade ' "IltAIL TIIE VIGILANTES" Matigies 1,tednesdayi fiaturday and llolidays at 3 pan. . .Comlng—Eruest, Lubit„sch presents 41liat Uncertain /Peeling" with • • Merle Oberon • Township Treasurer -R. J., Glen Was .called to the platform t� explain fin- ancial affairs, and was followed In turn by this year's Councillore, who all said they would stand again, with - the qualifying remerk nom once or two of. them thacelheressswould. stand aside Thper ehan'eause an electik. Should Be Reidy to. Figfit • The -chairman, did not quite like the retiring spirit ,AQVVI1 by sem° of the - nominees. He eiald, the Arced wassefor men who felt.'stroagly enough about -how-their Tewnsthip was run to hglit, an electiOn. Marsh eavadrestinae ideaS „abotit the destruction of weeds. Pointe ing out that. farmers could co-operate beeplo wing eelongs idellie,roads 50 "bat the weed; eould -be eut -With a MoWer. 'Nelson McLarty referred, to the .loss, suffered 'hi' the Tiiwnship in the death of Albert J. Goldthorpe, one of its out- stair/ling, men. Ile discussed. several Township Matters,- but adMitted he was not in,fighting.trim, as he was just re- coVering from- an ()illness, ' • • Alex. Young, the ohl war- horse, noW In his einetieth yeer, re- called 'Celine& affairs of half-a-cceitury ago and gave some suggestions for --the present day. ' chaitrinan, 1'. Re ',Meagan, who bad been proposed for the reeve - ship again, referred -to Ceitnty and Towaship arra I rs-ti •_Spiike . ' parti Milers ly of the International plowing match to be heldmin this county next year. In- connection with this, he said there would be a great 'deal of Work, and he urged all td give their °help. ' The Township, council 'Should take a lead contestants, epafents and teachers Warden Paesmore, Reeve.J, Scott, L. E. Cardiff, • M.P., Reeve 'Redmond, nee' Trowartha and- the veteran Robert McMillan, of Seaforth,• who advised -the. children -to stick to their studies and leave party polities alone. Respouse-Was made by Mrs. Desjardine of Grand...mnd and Dr. Campbell for the Visiters. • . Friday Session Ori Friday Morning Warden Vass - more introduced the inembers of UtS. ,borne TOwnShip Council •to the_Counci When the County Home Committee's Reeve George Armstiong inquired' a.S report' on this leeter .was made Reeve to how many, 'County constables there N. it. Doristence endeothere of his corn- , were tit present' "AS far as We. are aWare there are three--Feneusbn, Gardner and Snell," answered Reeve (Gilibert Frayne„. of the coninaittee. . Reeve Arnitstrong intimated- that there were . More, but did not press his query. ' The report of the property cominittee Beacom, Reeve -S. 11 Whitmore waS recommended minor -repairs for •the pointed Council's representative on the RegiStry Otlice, blinds far ..stiee, court eewly-ferraed -county Library .Associ- room, a, new ..chair for the Treakurer's • 'Council Not in Critrcal Mood the Crown A.ittornes office. The report „see stenographer and a new typewriter for Reeve N. W. Trewartha of GlintOn W115 alloPted! Somplairted that $60,000 had 'been -spent Agricultural Committee repairing approximately o,ne mile. of, paved road -on -highways Nos. 4 and 8 "reviewed that already eleven plowing in this area during the summer. He denionstratioes had. been held in order said the expense Was excess-ive, that the to, „discover and develop talent for work Wasnot essential in war time and competitioe on the 'first •day of net he asked Connell to, lodge a format year's' International plowing 'match protest wific the Department of High- (October 1:3-16 inousdv,c;), Which will ways'. given- over to Huron . county cona- But the Council refused to do se. petition. A short ctiurse evAl be held "'Why Criticize things - we doUt know this,. year in, Grey township, commenc- anything about? I understand the big December 19. In i-iew of the fact -heaves an these roads were • quite -that hog cholera had brokeu on dangerous," said Reeve Bowman. two farms in Grey tewnS'hip, near the Other enember$ took the position that Perth boielere it was advised that farm - would be ;bed businese. ta ask the ers be very careful -as' t� 'Whom they .Gevernment not -to spend- -money In thisepusehase sheir pigeefrom, and -certainly- county, fel.. it would be spent elsewhere not from truckers, Min distant pin-ts, in any event. • who are blathed for the present out- . Correspondence break. Bruce County' approved of a...June, After e lengthy discussion it was session _resolntion asking, tlei_G_averue ment to seteup,a municipally -managed medital service, but •Sinicee.---VolnItY *topic. no, action. Oxford County •en- dorsed a :Hydro flat rate as asked by *Huron, but d3ruce County disapproved, stating• it was not feasible. WellheAs ton County •approved.e - in response to resolutions Premier nattee gitve oral replies, the gist of which. .was that the coinpany• •with which . Francis was allegedly to have pieced the insurance, was not con- sidered satisfactory. The subject was .. one and was handled delicately. • reepo.nse, to it"'. -request of E. C. The agricultural committee report Theisrwas- a. spleudid attendance at the meeting. of 'Victoria IIeme and. School Club on ThUrsday night 'bet. In connection' with Education Week the Sehool rooms Were open for-insPe(S' tion. Various projeets were on die, - play, 'and ithe pusgle books were open on their desksr showing a wide variety of subjects, presented in emerflt inter- ;;;1"*.,,,,ifir--4.441T414/11.'1;14‘11.1•14-tf"ti;;;%14,irtillIgvn$thae revelation, and many fayorable COM.; inentii were heard on the quality of, the work shown, and the patience and skill of the teachers. The whole program was provided by, the pupil, and was a very good adver- tisement for' the "new• eurriculuns" Two teams of senior pupils tOok part in the "(lair program: the girls' tearli,"1" Eleanor Martin, Barldia Henry, June rritzley, June Garrick, .Wanda Thick - worth -and Thelma Bennett ; the boys' team; Ronald Beattie, 1)onald Scott, P,aul Gillespie' Billy 'Newcombe, Jack Needham.; and Fred Stokes. The quess tions coveted- 'eariety of subjects, music, aninials, general knovvledge, similes, and proverbs ; andethe audience' enjoyed themselves immensely. - 11he' girls! tem made the higher of the Bank of Montreal in that city, to c..ore, but the highest individual stare was that of Paul Gillespie, who re- .managership a the Westraount ceived the prize. Consolatfon prizes were presented to the remaining con- testants by Mrs. Calvin Cutt, who complimented them on the fine showing they had made., • Pupils of grade 5 sang the Lord's Ikrayer ibeantifully, and later in the program rendered a group1fsongs. in -a fine manner, .accompanied by . Miss Pauline MeEwen. Pupils of grades,.0 and 7 presented. roups of two-part songs, unaccom- panied, under the leadership of Mr. W. Thomson, .rellecting great credit on the training .they had reeeived -in part singing. ' •Other musical numbers consisted of piano Solos by Barbara• lieney and lirent Nelson, and a vocal solo, by eCntiit(1,13e.erdin. e Cut t, `which were all Much • The president ot „the Club, Mrs. W. 'Macdonald, was unable to rpt present brough illness, an det he-seicespreeident;- Miss E. Hume, was the presiding of- ficer. , The treasurer, Mrs. R. _Wilson, reported all bills paid and a balance eni hand og 11113.61. It was announced that a joifit meeting with Central 'Home mid School will be.held on Wednesday, December 10th, and members were esked to. remeiaber the change of -slate. It was deekled to knit six-ineh PRONIOTED TO MONTREAL John Galt; Voderielt .0Id -Boy, to Be Manager ,of Westmount Branch The St. Catharines Standard reports the promotion of john Galt, manager branch. Mr. Galt is a Goderich . old boy, son of the late Postmaster Galt, and his friends. in' the home town will be glad to eee this further Maek of the Bank's appreCiation of his services.' The Standard says: Afternine year . manager •of the •• Bank Of Montreal in St. Catharines, 'John iGalt will leave .the city shortlr to take up new duties as manager :of : . the *Eank of Montreal's main aide in, 'Westmount (Mentreal), 11'4 His .0-, peintnient was announced on Saturday. re A definite advancement and recogni; tion of service, Mr. Galf.s ',appoint- ment follows 'aii-dieociation with , the bank whiele has lasted,. thirty-eight years.: e He entered the- bank at Gode- rich, Ontario, in 1003, Red after seisv- ing at nunierous branches in Ontario, VVestern 'Canada, and BritishCOlumbia, and .for a number of years in the United States, he was 'eppointed nettle -ger in --101.9-. Tie served -in -that capacity at Pert Haney, Prince !George, • and Rossland in British Columbia' and,. ° at Collingwood,,Ontarie, before coming to St. qttharines in 1932. . • Daring_ his nine-year residence in • St. Catharines, Mr, Gait has taken an .active part the 'life Of the eomm.un- fty; He is -a past people's warden of $t. -George's Anglican church and has • squares for Shelter shawls .as Mel i served on the board of nianagement of members' contribution to War work. that Church for eight 3 -ears, Mr-.. --Galt is a • past •presideiserof the • This will net i'nterfere with Red Cross Work, 'tind will give -everyone a Chaece Sts- Catharines Community' 'Concert Issociation and a past member of -thee, to'help a• little. Those unable to knit ' may contribute wOol for someone else hoard, Of directors of the St. Catharines Club. He is at present on the advisorY to knit, and the committee in charge - board of the Assbeiated Medical -Ser- vices Incorporated for the Niagara Dis- triet. For some .years Mr. 'Galt. 16s been fill fiCtivo member of the „.St.s. •elaiharines lawn bowling club. He is a past district clepaty grandmaster of . the of British _Col.:amble. ,sented in the school will be enlisted in this worthwhile bit of comfort -fors .„ Mrs. and Mrs. Galt and' Miss. Betty those who are a Iso"thg, front_ line." Gale wilisleassfor Montreal early hi A vote -Of thanks W.a6 tendered to -all lieeember., -They • will be aecompanied I who took part in the program, and the by Mrs. Mersden, mother of Mrs.' Galt. meeting closed the ...sawing of • the - Another daughter, Miss Yvonne Galt, , 'National Anthem, is 811 oeseelm t op a 1 therapist , on the • staff -ft -The Ontario 'Hospital at -Whitby. • .- The Quiz in • the -quiz" contest:r - • IN. WEEKLY COURT These 'were a few of the qtteetions , Name four songs with the naimes -11, for sentence, after having pleaded - rivers; in their titles. • guilty to a .charge of stealing a lady's .. puree containing $10, Nlorley Bloom- field was sentenced to three months in by Magistrate Makins in weekly court last Thursday. • . „. The only other case up was that of - Mrs. G. Bownr, Mrs. G. Sanderson, Mrs. * W. Reed and Mrs. ''F'ritzley-will be glad to receive contributions of caeh or .,1ceitted -.qua ree -from •anyonee.who • interested in this- project. It is' hoped that every home repre- . decided to advertise for two cornborer luepectors, the pay to be fixed at 60 ceuts an hour. It agreed that, one Man cofild not cover e- large -county such 'as Huron in the limited time available. In acknoWledging Council's thanks fr the"- manner he had conducted his thie• year ;Reeve Gamble, 1Vonhnrn r d '• 1 ss chairitula of the agricultural committee, said that prices had grteatly imProved respecting state medicine and indieated • • and the farmer was Mee much better_ t ha t independent doctors would be. position, financiallye'bue thet things iiiipointed•to report on tilv condition of ma- r were nut right yet . • 'rake Matters A reply from Hone Norinan Mc Lartv, 'Federal 3finister of ebor, rho police -committee reported that .. . .4.E , , 1 • . liaised that. a careful watch would, he •accicient iiis'in'ance on policemen had kept . ,on indeetrial etrilees and the' that they had been effect, theY -hall on 'Canada's war effort. placed. under workmen's eompen.sation 11 -!ell <4'0.01)0. and _ With ether Comity employees. This meant that theyewtnild eeeeive !only 4w0-thirdS of their. paS swbile• off duty' threugh -injury, and ehat . they were not insured when:not en duty. . ,, .. ',Who committee asked for a $0 -bonus- in( the .00threak of hostilities .‘eas far -constables for 1041. Reeve Tucltey, only two and a -half sectinds per easel chnietean,' and Iligh 'County Constable Whee three million . Canadians go._1(j 1 Fislies -Fok spoke., in support. They waif. aery day•thiit le not pews, but i'i' ' tow of the increa.sed cost of operating three hundred Canadians should go on i a Motor car -and of food. Their pre - 141 rike Unit le big news, the letter I seht pay 114 $1200 per year and ' $650 'caustically eommented. . . ' i car ., allowance. . , Thanks for done Hells werce rereived [ The request was turned down in a. from comity branches of the Red liress, ;recorded vote. It , was reenmmended -Empire Service 'Clubs in•Coderich. a aa i 111;11 ' l'ex1" 31'a r's 4 P•'11111c11 c08sid(L1 11 (Winton, 'Huron County War Services, i ee''t-enivilig*.benusi R.A.F., hospital at Port .Albert. Hifron ,. ..elounty Read toinnussisib . COMITY • Federation of . Agricultnre,.1 -The rePert or ' the- (14110Y road's e6rn= Dr...1, W. -Shaw, of Clinton, for °The ; - QtleVil s 0:111;101:1 Plind ; 'also from : In 1.-Nion Was,,acs follows . '1'lle program of work as approved' honor ,plicid him on the OeCar41011 Alf ' 111S . `1 t the'.111 ne -5 -'-108 liiie 110011 Carficd iightleth birthday. ' , - OM. In- sonua instances the coSt will 'Com flea was -informed that° all Connty aPPear higher. than the estimate, but. this is occasioned by reason of 41w -ond employees „Art,' now protected by vorkmen's ciompensetion. .:Also that gravelling havieg been included in th1! quipment purchased at Teterboro for ' sonetructioh einst. ,,„,, . ., text year's Internation a 1 • ' pl o w in 1.,. • • R4-presen t a t i pcis, ( TIM* jf.V. A.F'. re - 118 tch hadliten, stored and insured. i quested improvemen t t a -tit*. r(nul tom 'Orpttorfeal" Contest .. • . ; Centralia to the airport Vair0. This. ' road has. lieen graded. and drallWil :111(1 ',1:4100 was the annual ( surfaCts1 Wit4 4500 yaNles'Of gravel. Perhaps the. highlight of ,the enstire, ' .' . i 't r It w01.1141 1P1 11) expedient to place a 1 contost held' int Thurs ay afternoon, i 1114M/111M 11/4 11 ar(1-4431rfiiee• ms,this mid n'' Whil fifteen •eehool fair eliiimplons; next year. ' 1- onipetei '. At the 11008, 11013r -the coie 1 "We r0.(' oiumend that the road be- { s an e, ie r pail We and .teaohels, , iiii<,.en lots , 5 end, , 0,4' concession I, ifty-seven , in. atl, • NN.41.0,. gueite ,se-, a i 't( 1)110)1 from No. 4 highway to the inner provided. by the County, and in, eel el street ots the afternoon the youtliftil orators Df ;theta 4,11xty sPoke before a full gallery ii14' the COUnty 'road (touncil cliamber4. The talent was nn• tion,of I t he usually good, particularly eo the 1111)101 road betWeen, lots 5 and 6, 'Stephen * and the subjects. chosen Were tiniely. townshP, northerly and ceisterly across Wove It• • J. Bowman Presided, 'and lots 6 and '7, eoncession 1, Stephon). the, ill'age.9 Wei'0 Seh001' IP-9,1e061's township; to No. 4 highway he reverted Beacom and Kilikend. The!' cOntest- to the Township; end that .a by•-laW be paseed giving effect to these thange.g, „"A nulnher of other unforeseen items, of eipenditure have, lieen pet and with , inereased priees it :Shay 'Ire that the road aeroun 1 will be a little . Overox- mulled: •although the exact Condition eannot he- determined until the, end , (Vontinned en pave- 7) ' „ He thought that Canadians were being. misled s and confused. -by -theS grea t 41-111011-11t -of news --given -- - newspepers to industrial strikes -hi the riffled States. Ile pOintsel out tliat roe( time -lin Canada's Iver industries 1 and the Federation of Agricurture should co-operate. The work Should net be left to a few. John S. Kernighan, nominated for ! councillor, Add lie had eimugh irons in the fire already and wouhl not be a canal te. 'Kenneth Allin and William is< Vroom n also said they had inten- a Hon' of standing for election. • J. Norman -Kefnighan of Goderich, e a tonne,' couneillor andreeve' of Col- bOrne, Wile In the hall and was invited f tO the platfOrni. He said the Township <1 had a great asset in its cemetery, whieh could be made .8 very beautiful Once. It thought it was a mistake to change the time of election. It Was imnoSsible, for She treasurer to give a 'otateminit " Of the sears- " operations wben the eleetion was, held 80 early. If any change were to be'. made it hould be on into January, when the whole year a could 1,e- reviewede PeoPle, itoo,• would m have ,M0111 tithe then to attend the 1. nominations. He Wan pleased tb -be 1 present and' to tqle that the old town.' .010 Wan still going ahead. , ' 2 The meeting eiosek with the shfging of "God Slime -the icing." 1 3 Centralia.. a distanee rode, be added to the ysteM and that • the sec- t° liondon road, from the . orchestra ,and a -baed*.k ' How •eaany not 11) .two oat aTes? .' W he t -i :ea metronome? ' - 'Wile t - is the. difference between ai . Whet did Inssol IYafoe- de to lil a Re Where 4oes the -long, fblig - "rail" .. ,. James and Alvin Deennan,l-of Aehfield township, charged' with .etealing :an old .. hint . famous in, literature? ` ' Does Canada have 11 Fourth of -July? olo? ha-phia-dtLiv(7 are the ferniius Whirl - 1)001 . . . „Y- (.2Nikl'isetiwt (}w101111S121. di's]. ii?e ues t lona bly contains • . :".ONN0 8,.. :rg:AY.111g. disputants .11 ehunce te settle - things among themselves: se..----,- e • 1 1)on!t,look • 'P 1(4. have 3,...atiliCtL;C,41-111 tlehiqng(r.s of , .. • , hippopotamus"? . ' . 11.1111131,1‘if hiittian'eviale():(1(1)11.r.,,,,ii,1(1-,elicti?you wear - Why 'does •-a ;?nake sleep, with its eyes open? _ Pan, was the ,Greek giel of what? What is this in, plain- •English --,--D0 .. • ).11‘13‘.' h (untie cs:Niiiizlin?ls 'Ud se. yeili1)1)8t;le 1)1)8not be lachm ryose over .1aCtic Mild al- ' ' -- c • ready wasted. , ' • . ,. -Afterwho t ,Seettistr engineer is a . If a lion 'roars what do 11141 elephant- • tyrirao 3,o of,.roeitIf utdoor 1110ltyseloilTovi‘t-innigiiieneaill?in_rais, a lid 11y45110 (11)? . _--• . ' Men's' - em hief erit -e.o-lis-is-de in re- sisting the impulses -of- bis nature. -1 -- mower, breaking it up eat selling it to a 'junk dealer. Accused 'claimed same right to ethe mower and the Magistrate dismissed t he charges after does the world -lupine refer: dog-, lion. wolf or walrus? What -18 -"the meaning of the word 1114,44 tits, with their. subjecteit in order of erit, worV: . . Lenore. Norningtoup Honsall ; 81.111. yet, "Oar Heroes of the Sea." • Andrey Ulu-1ton, 8.8, No.. 7, tepben ; "Canadians." lids Middleton, 8,8. .oridorleb • . :44'111181,1 Joillisoll.• .00 DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EAR,'LY TISYEAX ° Ak115 SAVE DISAPPOINTMENTS, Give. A Remington Portable pewriter 41, .2 • It makes a matchless gift enjoyed — enjoyed by all. 'CALL AND SEE Timm AT 5IGNAL44TAR PRESS:ILTD.„* Authorized 'agents for Itimingten.Rand Limited " •