HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-11-27, Page 1"ItURON FOR 110SPITALITY", SLOG,
Board of Trade &Millet Starts ---- •
the ,. Bali Rolling or I . AT 74 wHERFRowr
., internatioual Event
•The annual.' "rural relatione, nig,ht,"•
of the Goderich Board of Trade ,was
observed •with al'eat ,entlaneiasm 'and
• ,prenounced success on Thursday, even-
ing last when- about 150 men mine;
. , . . ,
eenting all parts of the coUlatY 04
dawn, at the banquet, tables in . the
spacious lecture 'ream of in Presby-
terian chinch,. -.A. delectiinr Meal 'Was
' served 4. the latl•ies of be -church, who
'were .ounaplimented Ou ' all.ssides fair
their excellent provission. The banquet
was planned as '"the first &stet" in
, preparation- for the leterntitional plow-
ing Match to be hel'd in Huron in.
1942, and the chief speaker.' of the
evening wae •..•Carroll, of-th
Ontario Department of ,Agriculture,
chief executive officer :of the Inter-
' national, match., Mr. Carrell said he
had looked over the ground chosen for
-1-- next sears •events (on the boundary
• of Hallett and McKillop townships)
• s --and that it was the best they had had
' for the international match 4'eltice he
had been associated with it: The own-
.ers• •of the land had been very ee-
operative--“a good• advantage to begin
• 'with," he said. In fact,, he, had found
a wonderful spirit •of co-operation in.
, Huron, Mr..Carroll declared: e •
• On the. flag -bedecked' -platform were
. ,two plows; isymbols'Of -the purpose, of
the 'meeting. Ghee. Meakixtsled in
singing and also _delighted the
1 ' gathering with-see/ere" --gdios, Mrs.
Meakine playing the a.ccompanimente,
Geo. W. Schaefer, president of the
Board of Trade, presided and: in his
opening remarks eXpreseed 'his, 'belief
that the gathering was a ' happy sign
• of :the breaking down' of theeline-wbich
, formerly divided urban and rural C0111-
munIties. • Both town' and country
-- peopleeweres 'realizing- tlia6 ,-they: -were
dependent Upon- one .another for suc-
cess and. prosperity.
. Monster Gathering Expected ...
Speaking of the 1942 International,
' Mr. Schaefer, said it would bring to
•Ilneenvi the greatest gathering ever.
ssesseesee _. sheldeineellseeenuetieientissile-K910 -0•7•-•
quire ,the .best efforts of all to assure
the suecess of the undertaking. He stag-
. gested as n slogan "Huron for hospital-
ity," and saw a wonderful opportunity
to sell Huron County •to the rest of
Che *Province. Be assured . the Inters
nationel • erganisiers that the Goderich
Board of Trade, was- behind..the,ra...and
. ready to assist in every way possible.
' With file 611airinan and Mr.- •Carroll
at the head „table were Mayor •E. D..
Brown, Warden T. P. Passmore, Gordon
" McGatin,vicespresident ' International
Pipwing Match Association; Hugh Hill,
vice-president heron Plowman's As-
eociatien ; •Mayor Cluff '. a • .Seaffrartb ;
W. L. Whyte, chairiban of coMmitteee
Intereittlonal PloWing ,match;- Chas.•
Mealtime; Dr. Campbell, Zurich; JAL"-
Itinkeaa, president Goderieh Lions"; A.
' E. Ilockley, secretary' Board of Trade;
J. A...Snider, chairman i3oaastl of Trade
agricultural committee; Norman Miller,:
, Count"): Clerk; As H. Erskine, - County
Treaeurer; 'William • Quinn,' President
. South Huron. Plowman's Aseocietion;
„Geo.„,leilthwaite, past 'president • Huron
•, Fruit Growers' ,Association; Iteeve J.
•We Gamble, chaleman County Council's
• agricultifiral committee; J. We Van •Eg-
•. monce, president Heron 'County Holstein
' (lub; Sheriff N, Ha; W. Bee'Rebertsore
editer The Signa1-Sta0e Mev. -D. -J._
',Lane; '1)r.• E. • A. McMaistere president
• . .•
•C'hambee of Commerce, Seaforth; G. L.
, r arsons,. president 'Huron •C ountys air-
. . .
ort ; J. C. Shearer, Huron agricultural
• representative; L. E. Cardiff; M.P.;
• ' Er. D. Thomas, president International
Plowing match committee, ' • '
. • Mayor Brown
mayor Brown welcomed the guests on
. behalf_ a Hie Town. of Goderich glad
cOngratuleted the ..Board of -Trade on
- • the, succeSs of its effort in arranging
*Snell . a gathering 'He waa gla(l,. he
eald,' the International plowing- match
• tad not been ettneel1e(1..,•aS proposed.
Farm products .vee as eseential a
arthements; hunger 'would demorallze
more quickly than bombs, and ,plowing
was an essential feature of food„ pro:.
- ductibn. ' • - , •
• Warden Passmore °In behalf of. the
.-.'ornity Coinlcil extended' thanks to the
,Boaxel of Trade ;and to the ladies, Who
had presided the supper.e,He.nrged
all .present to join in maldeg, the <Inter• '.
national plowing msateh a great success.
The speaker 'of the evening was in-
troduced_ by,• GOrdon lleGavin, „vice
, -
president of the International 'Playing
Mateli. Assoelli,tion, who paidtribitte to
•Mr. .Carroll's work in behalf .of the
' Aseociation. •• • :, .
• • ,J. A., Carr011• .
Mr..Carroll congrattilated the -Board
•. ..1),of Trade upon Its effort to bringAbout,
. , a greater feeling of understanding' be-
tween town and country, propPsed the
- slogan "Knox ,Church or aospifality,"
• and spoke' appreciatiVelY-Of the. beauty
' of' GodPrich and its "unieple „tlayout."
IIe said that,, •while 'Huron` ha'd its
"Tiger" Dunlop, Elgin, his home county,
had its Ca. Talbot, and the two men
Were friends and, assoelateesin the early
daYs of Western Ontario,
, Huron, said"' the 'spender, Wasre-
puted to be the beet agricultural ebunty•
' in, optario. In looking over the
0 ' ' stalistics he found it Was near the top
;•in most farm produttte. •Irt hog pro-
duction it was a leader, 'having taken
.• tee g r (.:i tp1:4 number .of bonuses for
. gee& ;et", bacon, l'hi. the. Province.
Huron's ftirhiPTA had every opportuntly
to ser4 Britain and her allies in. the
,Aupplyihg,of food,•• but great expansion
. would be neees.,qary to meet the. ve:.
---- elitiremeats, The labor quejdion pre-
sented .0 paramennt problem. °PriCes
Ifiso wwof great importance, bit: ,he
did riot think higher prieest•P•••Wotild
il(A1V0 the help diffictilty-there Would
not 457 enough men, ,Sonaeother way
must be fount?, rind he advised farm -
ere to diseues, the matter among them!
:.sel,,ves andtry to ,find the sOltitiOn. fie
- suagested the,greater nee' of mitebin08,
- and organ ion They Must- make.
every move connt. It would be , un- close.
. v• ,
• Only two grain eargoes have ar-
, ,
rived,since our report last week. The
Bricoldoe came -ill, On Saturday With
120,000 bus: wheat and 149s009 bus.
barley?, and tOday (Thursday) the
• Combining The Goderich Signal awl The Goderieh Star
.C.I. Et -Students
Invited for Dec. 5th
Annual, Commencement and
„ .
Parcels tlespatched by the overee48
Centennial Celebration - _ ,
parcels eoramittee have been reaching
‘) , COMbilted• • their destinations in spite of 'enemy
The centennial.of Goderieh Collegiate Of letters of thanks recently xi...ceived
s . •
.(subinarines, to judge ,from the number
Institute will be observed in connection 02 tholiex
etna• gine
with the, annual school commeneenient, tile 1.,?ommittee All 1311.If‘t,s from home naore Shaan
-to-be held on rriday night- next, welcome,
Peyetaber 5th. • . • se, • Parcels for •our_men,, in the navy -are
V. Massey is in again With 10:1,000 bus -
wheat; both cargoes for the elevator..
The Superior is eXpected to arrive
tomorrow • at the eleNalov, with .the
•Hindman and PrindOcete follow. '
The, 'Consumers 'Power last week
brought in a coal cargo for the Goderich
Salt Company.'
Good • catches of peech are, being
made by the connuerciel-fishermen.
-Today (Thursday) is'like a summer
day at the waterfront -except that the
bathieg beach is deserted.
Driver Takes Wrong Road and Runs
into Gravel Pile
John O'Neil, • of -Kingsbridge, was
taken to Alexandra hospital last Fri-
day night with cuts' abut the nose
.and left ear, lacerationon the left
leg and Suffering from concussion, as
the ree'ult df a car accident on the
Blue Water highway, just Sionth of
Port••.Albert, at what-. is knewas as
Quaid's curve.
• Norman O'Connor, R.R. 7, LUcknoW:
owner and driver of.the car, and LAC.
Oliver Wilson, Albert, Were only
slightly injured. The car, a .1941
model, was damaged •to the eitent of
$800 to 1400.
• As told by Traffic Officer Culp, the,
O'Connor ear, *proceeding north from
!Goderich, .apparentlyMies'ed Ile curve;
.and had •proeeeded only a leer yards on
an umusedroad when the driver soug,ht
to pull his car back on.-fliehighWayand-
collided Vrith a pile of gravel leftsin, the
"V" by contractors. The road which
• 0:0onn.or first entered is thatleading
to Nine Mile 'River, over which it is
planned eventually to build a bridge.
There is a curve sign, at the spot.
Arrangements for ' the ' combined
event, the,ugh talker of .for some time,
have 'been made only this week, and
no elaborate, velebration of the cen-
• tennial willbe possiible at this time.
Mr. •Chief Justice R. S. Robertson, a
former student of the.school; hae•, eon-
sented to be -present and to give an
address. •
The commencement exercises will be
heial in the gymnasiem, beginning at
-7.30 o'clock. In addition to the ad -
ethos by the Chief Justice, there will
be the annual distribution of diplomas
and prizes to stUdents. Parents and
ethers interested are invited to be
preseet. •• • •
Upou the conclusion of this prograin
a al on rn men t will, be made to the
assembly hall of the school, where there
will be an informal getstog.ether, with
refreshments and addrdses by former
Goderich collegians. A number of ex -
students are expected from out of town,
and it is hoped as many as possible,
whether living in town or elsewhere;
will make it a point to be present,
• . •
The Sunday_bostessee'ef the -Empire,
SerVice Club entertained 'et afternoon
tea on SundgY 1461.. The hostesses for
the day were-MrS. D. B. Downie, Miss
-Gladys- Saults and Mrs. 'Bence -Smith.
They were assisted by • Miss. Josie
Saunders -Mrs. le E. Campbell, Miss
Hazel Hartwell, Mrs: J. S. howfie,
Mrs. It. J. MeMehen, Mrs. W. F. Gal -
low, .11rs. R. J. Acheson and Mrs. E.
Beacom. The tea table had a, beauti-
ful floral centre, the gift of Miss Agnes
Middleton. Some of the men spent the
afternotin playing And singing around
/he piano, with. 31es. .McDougall find
Miss Claire Reynolds as accompaEl-ii-S-.
• A Jew airnaen brought their wives.
The men all agreed ,they liked these
Sunday teas, 'so it was decided to• cons
• tine holdine them the first Sunday of
every month, with special hostess teas
and musicales in holiday seasons.
Rink to Be -Again Leased. to E. R.
Weston, on New Tender ,
• The,Town Council met on Thursday
night ltost with all members present
except, Reeve Tunnel. and Councillor
Huckins.- •• •
• Applications for building permits -
were received from Thos. Situdy, 'for
a garage on Napier street, and Mrs:
'Hannah Bone, for a frame 1W -story
dwelling on Britannia road •
. A -communication from the Domin;
ion Association of Fire Chiefs, asking
that the chief of the Goderich brigade
----1)0=9,e,e-P0-411)4ereattl-t•bat the Council
remit the fee, was referred 'Co' the -fire
-Two tenders for the skating rink
were -ieceived.. The higher • one was
from E. Weston, at 1566 ".for one
year or $1700 fer three years. The
Council decided to acpepte the tender
for, one . year..
' A draft agreement submitted by the
'McKinnon and on the .9th of August
Richardson.. MacDonald. Advertising
A T. Cooper and W.TE. Perdue were
Service In• s e &ion with the instal-•
• s
patriotic. to put eey but good seed into
the soll next spring. Machinery elateuld
be kept in good, condition, and the
speaker warned that parts might be
,ditlicult to get: and repairs sho-uld ton'.
made -us soon as possible. .
With , all . these thiugs,, gaid, the
speeker, the International ,' plowing
matchfltted right in, and he went en
to describe this year's Match at Peter -
bora and tO :tell of the great changes
in Indnslir71tn4 4n farming being
brought about by machinery. An 'even
greater display of _ machinery,. could be
looked for at the 1942 Internationale
he said,. - - '
' Need nide and Enthusiasm
Agriculture needs more pride, more
prestige, declared the speaker, telling -
of the great crowds attending agricul-
tural tlemenstr-ationg in:. -the ,States •And
Of ibe Immense igtereet created by the
national corn -husking conipetition
there, which he deiscrilie(t in graphic
fashion. "Our People," he said, "need
to be told that athletic skill and mental
develePment 'ceunt oiithe farm, The
man who does his plovving well will
do other thing -s well on his farm.
Farmers should .go stbout their work
with e•nthuslasm and -pride." ds
I.n conclusi011 the. speaker said the
1942 International- match. -could be
Made the- best ever held, "and; with
the way you're starting I believe It will,
be done"
• A, vote Of thanks to the speaker Was
Moved by Hugh Hill anti A. Snider.
L. E. Cardiff„ 11.P's endorsed Mr.
Clarroll'is advice ' about overhaulieg
farm 'machinery in good time. Every
effort must be made to overcome the
shortage of -labor. The boys atelegirls
could help a great deal, he .said.
• J. C. Shearer described the site of
the, 104•2e match, and, introduced the
men who' had afore(' their land. Or
the purpose. ,IIe also got a tenind of
• Applause for George Robertson and
Billy MIL -the two Colborne townehiP
boys who IlaVe been winning laurels as
Dr. MeMaSter Wright greetings from
Seaforth andassured the meeting that
his town weird give real co-operation
Iii cennection With the plowing niatele
.1.. D. Thonme in •belialf ef, the Plow -
to be $ent abnoet, at. once. The work
has 'been greatlyaided by students of
both, public schools. '. It • will be re=
membered that the children agreed to
ask for. pennie6 from people on, lial-
lowe'en instead of gifts of candy. Frona
this and other sources pupils Of Vic-
toria school collected and handed 'over
to the committee 'the helpful. SUM of
121.79, while from- the children of
Central school came $7.95. Members
•of the parcels committee -point • out
that :this will be of great assisItance in
their work and are loud in theirseraise
of the energy and unselfishness of the
ehildren, "
Citizens generally, &Orem, arere-
minded that, as there are constantly
more men from .Goderich arriving over -
„seas or joining our, naval forces, con-
stantly more eash and little luxuries
are needed. One has but to read the
letters to realize how mueh the gifts
are enjoyed. Members of the coin%
mittee trust that the generosity of the
people will "not flag nor fail."
Two ,Nlore Clinton
Trustees Unseated
C. G. Middleton and Mrs. Mc-
- Ximion Lose SeatS on Board,
• • of Education, ,
Charles G. Middleton and Mrs.
Lillian•MaKinnon have been unseated
as 'umbel% of Clinton Board of Edu-
dation by judgMent handed down to-
day by Judge T. M. Costello. Earlier,
in the year Mr. Middleten and Mrs.
11/1dKinnon were themselves applicants
ba a sueceseful -motion to • unseat
former trustees A. T. Cooper and
Willlam.-Perdue, Who were -the'
applicante in this ease. In • both
actione the issue was the same, Jed&
Costello finding, ,that ell four unseated
tru.stees. had an interest in accounts
against the Beard.
It was early last May that litigation
was begun by Mr. Middleton and Wes.
Change of Name,
Not Acceptable
Itospital Auxiliaries Report
Activities. at .Annnal
The annual -meeting a the Goderich
'Wemien's Hospital Auxiliary was held
•at the residence of MrS.'11. camp -
bell on Monday acternoon, with a la.rge
attendance.• ,
E. Campbell, secretary, gaye
,an excellent report of the work 'of the
Auxiliary ItInring• the past year, Nliss
Etta Saults, treasurer; presented the
financial statement. „ •
. Several ineraberS from ••Goderich
r.cownship 'Hospital Auxiliary' °attended.
Mrs. T. 11. Rundle, ,secretary, read a
report' of their aetiVities andTAfts6 Mc-,
Lean,..President, was complimented for
their splendid Work.
Mis.'Redditt spoke with, regard to,
the loss' to, the Auxiliary. by the re-
moval of Mrs. A. C. Calder to Owen'
Sound. Mrs. E. Melsaughlin was•voted.
yiee-president i,n her, place. •
Miss Waterra"ane •superintendent -of
Alexa.ndra Hospital, expressed pleasure
at being present, having'been affiliated
with hospital • aids before; coming to
Goderich. •
-Indignation' was expressed . at the
Ceunty 'Council's proposal to change
the name of Alexandra Marine and
*•Gener•al 1-ospital to "Dunlop Memorial
Hospital," and a. protest against the
proposed chaege will be gent . to the
board of governors.
- • Officers. Elected
"" Officers for the coming year are as
-follows: Ilonoriry presidents,' Mrs. M.
G. Cameron (New, York., Mres E. W.
Carrie; honorary vice-president, Mrs.
Isaac Salkeld; president, Mrs: F. R.
Redditt Vice-presidents, Mit. B. J.
•Saults,•Mrs. A. D. McLean; MrS, -G. M.
Watson Mr's. McLauehlin • secretary,
.Mrs, .0ampebeil; treasurer, Miss
Etta Saults; rj..rels. secretary) Mrs. J.
Murison. • e
- After, the .busines sestIon, tea was
served, Mrs.._ ga,t1•143 Kesiding
at the tea table, .and 'a social hour Was
Financial Statement
Dalance. on hand • 1200.81
_S"ale mks books ... ,..sisseess . ......... 3.85
Six 1941 Members, and • CharleS Municipal Affairs Discussed
Cooper- on, Balia..for at Nomination Meeting
Councillors.' Friday Night
Goderieli electors will go to the 1.-1:tele WS ulere baudfUl. oeitt°eutc
latiOn ofsau electric clock and advertis-
ing sign in the 'skating •rink was re-
ferred to the public- works -committee,
Thefollowing reports of committees.
Were adopted .
' The filmset* committee reported that
•the MacKay Hall Board had submitted
a statement of disbursements, showing'
amount- Spent for beating and. lighting
the hall for the year November 1st,
linestated. Their places on the Boaid
were filled. In the judgment given
out today His Honor holdss that .the
bill ,of $100.02 for legal serViees in
the_ unseating. .of !Messrs. Coder and
Perdue was 'improperly Pei& by- the
Board and should have been paid by
Mr. -Middleton and Mrs.; -41e.Ki111101.1.
.".Oharles •G. Middleton end • Lillian
l'fieKinnon must take the responsibility
1940: to Octeber 31st, 1941. • for , had their bill (lawyer's
The public works committee advised amount) paid. by the Board of Whieb
that arrangements had lbeenentade fpr
She whitewashing of -the walleand Wil-
ing at. the skating rink coVering the
ice space only, and recommended that.
the matter of whitewashing the re-
mainder of the ceiling and wails be
left with. the -chairman... It was also
recommended.that the chairman be em-
powered to pitrehase a new set . of
heavy nets and hockey goalposts for
. • -
the rink. •
The Cemetery .and parks committee
recommended that the Mayor and Clerk
sign the lease of the mineral spring
at the harbor from the C.P.R. Coin-
pany, and aLso the lease. of part of
Lighthouse Point from' the Dominion
Governmen4; that the chairmanesbe
empowered to Purchase a new-voncrete
perk bench •,from -F. • Seabrook at a
,price of 16.7.°: .
The special committee recommended
that the matter - ef the- votalsolidation of
the Town byluws be taken up with, the
Town Solicitor by a committee ,c(Ith-
Posed of the chairman of the special
committee, 'Councillor Attridge and. the
Mayor -the committee to_ bring in are -
pont on the •mattere aml! Heat Connell-
lors Ryan, Attridge and .Grahani -and
the Mayor consult the Town Solicitor
on the matter of proceedin- with the
extension of the Town boun7lariee.
The water, light and harbor corn-
mitte.e recommended that Mr. R, W.
Code be erriPoWered to procure. the
necesSary prints or maps of the town
to be° iisetf.1 connection with the aPs
plication fo• extension pf the Tom:
_boundaries. -1 Thurie, Nov, 20 ....62 37 '50 39
• - . Fri., Nov, 21 35 51. e 34
GODERICH NEARING • , Nov. 22 es -13 31 54 , 40
they are members -and 111,116t now for-
feit their seats upon th.e. Board," the
indgtnent reads in part,afterre-
viewing the evidence. "There shouia
be ens order' therefore declaring vacant
the. seats 'of Charles Middleton and
Lillian --McKinnon as members of the
Board of Education for .the Town of
. Clinton., .In Oise- original Motion . to
TI:asta-t-NtessYs,- C--eve.pr end Perdue no
costs' were given, to the applieguts.
In this case, I, can find no eli•ellin-
stances which would -relieve the re-
spondent s df e0Sts. These I. _assess
at $.10." •
F. -Donnell • for ,applioants; E.
Thomps'on, Stratford, for respondents.
pone on seoneas nod te obeose tee aGn attendance at the inunicipal noznin-
xeollusnovii.17:9vvnou:noefev:exveiihrLaptiti,diutti)ee_s,i!10etin. was wointbrotu'itdaaywnirgollutt:tfaluddtiiitige
, eident. the.conelpsion of the hOUr
puty Reeve ,Baker are re-eleeted for,
or,the receiving 'of nominationo Town-
l*.t2 „aceldraatien. All the 1941
Unox read tbe. og Aominew,
:coviwutors--ime$,$rs. Attridge, Graham, Uerk
folloN•s*s: •
liuckins, +Mooney, itp,41,1. 41,11(1 8POUL- voU 3,1AX011,
are in the lield koT•re-eleCtion, and the .Douglas Brown--.,prOm6ed ,by Geo':
seventh candidate Is Oharles Oooper, W. Stattefer and W...1.). Attildge.
Pop, .11EENE • :
who is, making his second alia for a •• ,)
. . • Robert E. .rttrnerr-by P. J. Ryan and
,seat,.. a( the Oonni711: Ile yeas a cane I Av. e: Attridge; by ,G..W., Schaefer
didate'a year ago end was defeated. and W. C. Attridge.
Dr. W. P. Galhew nig elected- ,for • FOR oIMPUTY REUVZ
another tvr4)-year• term on the Public "Illiam John Baker-py J. B., Iinekins •
utilities) commission.
Memberehip -fete
Cash donations, birthday
Bank interest•
Inte'on.,D. of C. Wind
Tag. day receipts
party 16.00
• 124.01
. , $357.51
Citizens' • Wartime, Oona-., • for
soldiers' boxes • 1 10.00
Dominion -,'Of Canada bond '99.014
Chri.stmas gifts for nurses -
'Hospital membership. ticket es: • 2.00
Red 'Cross marathon teas
War services cadipaien
Cigarettes 'foe eoldleA'-
Expense.s ofs tag day
Navy. League • 2.50
fionatien t�' ChtiriOtte
Maternity Ilaspital, England, 10.12
Fraeture bed for hospital 165.11
• -Delegates' expepses• to annual,
meeting' iu• Toronto •
and n J."Ityan.
The public school. trustees, also have 'OR PUBLIC UTILItTES 'COM-
is one eibange, however, W. II. Black ks" MISSION
been ,chosen without, a ballot. There. ,,,+„
has. K. sSeunders-by W. C.Attridge.
and W. J..Baker.
stone retiring after many years.' Ser- William F. Gallow-hy E. D. Brown
vice on the board and bung succeeded
by William 0.• Sturdy- its trustee for and W. J. Baker.
St. George's Ward. - Three inembers FOR COUNCILLORS,
John E. Hackins-by ,p. 'J. Ryan and
Ot this year's board -William „Bisset, _, W. C. Attridge. ,
Joseph (Snider 'and IM. J. Ainslie -are James A. Grahata-sby W. C. Attridg,.e
returned. by acclamation. • e and we, Ryan, • • .
There .will -be only one ballot on Chas. Cooper -by D. W. Grew- and
Monday next -for Councillors. • Neil McDonald:. .
. W. C. Attridge -by G. W. Schaefer
:- • and: J. E. HuckinS:
• i -Patrick J, Ryen-by ls.kr„.....0....' Attrldge•
Squadrons 13eader Innes-Crunip, Who,
ha.s been stationed ,at Port Albert Air Douglas .D. Mooney -by W. F. GallOw
inception of the Camp, has been PO- David Sproul -by J. A. ,Grahani and
and, W. C. Attridge..
,-• ..
Navigation. ,School almost.. since .the ..
moted . to the rank of wing commander NN. J. Baker: .
and transferred: to Montreal., •Heehas Clia'seK• Saunders' -'4)Y' W• 'd• Attridge' -
Lockhart, a nees arrival from'England Frank Curry -by D. TY. Mooney and .
and 'W. J. Baker. ' ' s . - • •
been succeeded . by . Squadron Leader
Ilaving, finally been able to .01 in
all the accouets cox:notion with the'•
:swimming gala held on August 30th, the
•finance comMittee met 011 Monday after-
noon and divided the suiplus Assort -en -
:illy interided.By this ,distribution the
Mons' Brit is. lieek)li ,W 'ti Victims
-Fund hae°"Theen sent 1133.50 , awl the
,Toronto TelegrlInfe British 'War Vic-
tims' Fund has been increased • by a
similar amount.
The temperaturee in Goderich for the
past week, and for the corresponding.
week st year ago, as :officially recorded,
WOO as follosVs;
.1911 • 1944
Max. Min. Max Min.
ITS OBJECTIiig Sun., Nov, 23 .1..42 '34 ,, 42 38
Tiles„ Nov. 25 .29 35 23
Nov24 ....42 20 41 35
• Wheri the call for,a I'lren gun carrier. Awd., Nov. ea ssees. • 36
per monthecanie to Varderich in October,
28 20
. $324.36
'Leaving- on hand $100 Dopaietion of
Canada bend. and $33;15 in bank.
Report of Goderichlownship Auxiliary
There are twenty-t-e'io members and
an average atteedance of ten, with
nine regular -meetings held.
October*a bake- eale was held.
The annual canvass, for members was
made. We boughter 1100 Dominion o
Canada bond 'in' Octdber.
• Two mattress covers were given for
the hospital birthday.
In June this year we bought a.$100,
war loan bond, making a total of $800
in bonds. ••
Bake sale sis quilts made and sold,
Interest from ourebondssas wellse
teas were, ways used in Making mone
to add.- to Our funds. - -
Owing to the numerous calls for Red
Cross. and other War .activities", we
have found it, inapossible to reach, our
'objective of $100. a year for!. hospital
work. • „ ,•
- We had $800 in blinds and.f$-4.58 in
„the bank at,: ther'end. of the year.
Four •submarineechaeere arrived in
harboe here •thili afternoon en route'
from the Georeian Bier, where they
were bent, to the Atlantic coast. They
'are about 115 'feet' painted in
battle grey, with fore aed aft gene, and
eeuipped with • depth eharges. 1",a(ch
hue •a crew, of sixteen men: Within a
slime time of *their arrival a layee?
nuinber of toWlespeople were down at
the harbor erlook them over, They
are expeeted to leave mg the night
to coptinue their voy. "towards the
J. A. •Graharp.•
whO, with Mrs.. Lockharte-will reside ill
• •
Goderich. " • • •• R. K. Wurtele-by J, A. Graham and
I). Mooney. e •
Harold Williams -by W. J. Baker. an'd
J. E. Isluckinse .•
.Robert-.BissetssebyeJs"g,_ huekins and.
W •C Attridee • • " .
G."' L. Parsons -by • W. Hs Robertson
•. and W. F. s
St. David's -.Ward-
by Feed Seabrook and
W. H. Robertson. .
St. Patriek's Ward -r-- • •
Joseph A. Snider -by W. F..Gallow and
Geo- W. Schaefer. . •
St. Georges Ward- ,
William. !Harold •Blacketone--by
Wilkes and J.,E...Fluckine.,
W,illiam 0. Stuedy-by ,W. Meek- '
• stone And -W. Attridge.
'St. AndreW's. Ward-
MaitheW J. Ainslie -by GeO,
Sehaefer and 3. McKenzie.'
•The -Speeches -
. W. H. Robertson .was voted to. the.
chair and speech -making commenced:.
Mayor Brown was fiest Called upon, and
opened his 'remarks by „referrieg. to
the visit of a •Goderich party that' day
to Toronto to present' the gifts of the
tewns,people "Godericil."
...Another year has nearly gone -a
year 11...s. 410111e14011$ as ,any in the
history,: of the worlds" said
ship. -The Nazi juggernaut rolls on,
and Greece, Albania, Rumania, Jugo-
Slavia, Crete and large portions Of
European Russia lie crushed' before ite
advance. 'N411V, th.anks..,to-lhe glorious
resistance of the iRuesian people and
the coming of winter, the enemy has ,
been checked for the first time since -
the evar sterted, arid his losses in men.
and smaterials, combined. with. our
steadily' growing supplies, lead -us to
hope that we may SOon meet 'him ob,
an even basis.
"'Ikre in Canada, our progress Irons..
tetal unpreparedness to wartime pro-;
duetiOil." has -been remarkable,. but we
are still far tsOrt of being on a,„total
war laisAgesand .far short of making afl
ehe.effort *and all the 'sacrifices ne€7(1ful
for a -speedy Victory.. There Isstilltoo
much lstsieeess as usual,' fei. ifeleeeS we. ,
win the Wisp all our business is Worth- °
less. • •
A . class a ?orty-five WeSteru Can
adieris. arrived- at SW IsItteleri. on Moral',
day to commence their training 'to
become I•They are as fine a
group of lads. as I. have ever set eyes
on? and comings from Western Canada,
if there isn't some crack Alleekey -ma-
terial amengs thein I miss iny guess,"
said Man4fei--3--AirDn'Tiglig-.--1-t-is- the
hrst hundred per cent, °Canadian .class
Sky Harbordias,hadAince its inception.
The last two have been predominantly
Anaerican. The new class will be here
eight weeks. .,The senior class, several
days ahead on sits ,schedule, departed
last- Thursday , and after a few- daysfe
leave will report to service flying
schools in -.Ontarip.. Sky Harbors,
t" for whiten'. • •
Last Thursday Port Albert went *on
daylight Saving time, so as to squeeze
in an extra ihour of daylight flying.
The Clinton schbol,- where' there is no
flying, remains on standard •time, as
does Sky Harbor. At Pori. Albert the
boys -stook to the changed. order of things
like ducks 1() water; for they had be-
come accustoreed-----to- --it 7-111 the . Old
Country. • But there was one objection.
The adoption of D.S.T. gave the air-
men tan hour's less time to trend with
the girl friends in Godericl-and other
nearby° Lowrie. ,The indigtiation was so
spontaneous and Se, hard, were the of-
ficials bombarded from every direetioe:
that by the week -end: the passes were
marked and once. again all is
well, only the swains are losing an
hones a.,teere
Eng.intseis" at .Grand Bend airport,
now, under coestructien, are using a
nee- -type of -road material cempoSitien,
ni mmbinatiou of clay, asphalt arid
water, used proportieektely,-op the-eup-
Ways and .cennecting: roads. , One
airport .111 West7ern Canada is said to
have use:d •this, combination with suc-
cess, particularly as regards -econom3.
efas reported- to County COungil
lifet .sveek .by Eegineer T. R. Patterson,
who is watchleg the wort at Grand
„Bend, .with interest, It Ls said that
Sout-V AmeriCan, read experts have
-iond-eomPossitiOnsers-ftre several United*
been" mitkiog a. eurvity of this form of
States universities.- It also is said that
the -German army has -used. practically
Ow same typo of C011ipOsitiOTI in L119.
TIte.trteA issue of "p,IMPass News"
-Following, Weeks of detour and
tra veiling "aleareesanuddy and hen vily
gravelltal•eeads, .the Blue Water high-
way , has: now beeome• tiret-class
thoroustfare. There is no doubt that
e • e
everyone On- the station .extremely
pleased ,with the fact • ,p1,1 t t heir
journeyings to Gedericlf \till be emooth
iind the. body-wraeking burepg--- cone
spieueus theireebsence.
**The .•Conipass News' is extremely
'Pie:feel to unnotme'e in addition tha
the' track ta,the, 101:liews Estate is also
to put into order,: Mr. Alexander
S.'MacDonald, Reeve of Ashileld TeWn-
ehip, haVing .promised •to gras'el the
road to the ground. Those- wile have
made the trite to the Mathews Estate
will give heartfelt thanks at Mr. Mae-
Iiiinahl's meniticente.."
the . toy aceepted- the challenge with-- „
out she ltation, and; during the last G
three *treks canvassers have been oderich May lie o
ptee. -Early in the reign the re- with -a Str
• '
subseriptions 'for that pot.'
splise :was prompt a d generous, but
,during *the last week, as usual ill such
n the Hockey Map
ong Intermediate Team
eases, the blot lap has 'slowed down Prospects are for a good (LILA.
to some extent. • Intermediates 7;" hockey -season, In
The need of money Or the success-
ful:carrying on of the War is just. as
,great, if net. greater, than it eVer was.
'Goel,;(Fieh, judging from enthuSlasm dis- •
pld),e)d at the, annual eleetion of offieers
The eampaign •will,therefore be eon- heht,' on Monday night laist: In a re-
tinu(iid until the eegialred $5000 - per view (if these prospects it Wits . stated •
month from 0:Weil:eh is forthemeing. that the Sailors will have 'ill of last
Board; of Trade for this Organization 'Citizens who have not )-et bought war y(”tr's players, incinditg JIM Young,
banquet. . •,'.. • , . savings certificates, or can possibly buy besides the best materiat at ,SkY Harbor
Geerge Laithweaite 551(1 the fruit
more, are argot' to frotify -their, bank to and P(n.t. Albert, la test, 1 n format ion
growers were 100,Per cent. behind the charge the amount they wish to buy being Unit the rit•.A.Y. will not oiler •
•• !.
against their accounts, Those Without a team. . ...,
bank,accountS should ask the efIllASS. . Following are the officers: 4IonoritrY
ors of . their dietrict to call for. the ' presidents, 1aYbr".1.1..1). Brolvn, Judge.
pledges. ., ,
plowing match.
3. 'Gillespie proposed • a vote 'of
thanks to the ladies who, Mid provided
the banquet, And, Mrs. Alex. Stratton,
president Of gnox 'Church Ladies' Ahl
Soefetyi responcled.:--- •
A,vote of thanks, was tendered, also
to Ntr.•ilind, Mrs, Meakins for their
• musical contributions,
•,The singing of the'llational Anthem
brought the eveningto program 'to a
Costello,. Coptain V. E. Robin,
Theboys overseas, and those who ; 'preshk:nt, -Reg.* MeGeel
are preparing to, go( • are watChing the president„, Dan O'Brien ; seeretary;
2 11
progress of the war Srxvitiggpeerkificates1 Lauder; treasur, .
er, JG. B. McDougall;
eampaigns in their home- istricts.'
Goderich 1 •well -.on towards lts ob-
JectiVe; but the more money available
the better the equipment and' the
nearer to ;ultimate victory.-
executive members, 141, Drennan, °B. U.
Cleveland, L. IA. 0. Whet-
stone"; manager, iGoldie•Sinithi, Coach,
Don MkCay.
The grouping has not yet been de-
eided, but the Sailors fsel they have
gufficient material' for a team eapable
of tnking on any other: teem in this
area, including Seaforth champions and
Winghare, group runnierseup last year.
ThCrE' are etrong •Indicatioes that
(lateen, too, will: have a team, which
swould keep the two McIP.wons, Pickett
and .liraper fleas- frien e'eaforth, but
that town. it is ear:lc-already has three
imports, while, Wingham las four.
Even so, good judges of hoelsey' timber
say' both Seaforth -and Wingham will
not 14\ as strong ;r: -I last„season. Luck -
now and •Paisley will be out, but Kin-
cardine Will likely eine): a team.
The Interior of the Weet tercet arena
never before looked as sthart as it does
right now, The • interior gas •
whttewaslied,,a modern hoehey time
clock installed;,the lighting system im-
proVed. while'd new set of the lateA
tyi* of goal -nets has been &demi by
the town, which owns the rin4,
. ..
"In Kliyillg- this, I do -not overbook.
our •young men -Who-to the nerbaber of
180 -or so have volunteered", to serve
, their pation and ,Ii'hripire, in the hoar, of
lived. Wehoner them aild pray for
their 'safe, return, and how that many '
more may feel led, to follow 'their nee
example. ten e a' pdpulation • basis, .
•Goderich should have • at , -least 500
1iiii til,(4e,:v!s
varofts:mionfotr)(1;res, and the
town has
been remarkably. free from caeualties. •
Mr.. Elliott, wf-prose arente live •here,
died from_ exp Sure -when his ship was ....
sunk early in ..the evar, and lust lately'
P'.()." Jack Calder wet; forced down in
Eire and interned. . •
- "In the face of such world tragedy;
the Small inatiere of ThIlllieipal govern-
ment seetil Un ipipo r t an t , yet theys must
Pc earried, otr. Wee- Connell of 1941
has endeavoredete coieluet the Town' '
business for the benefit of the people -a9
a °whale, and ..I. feel' that the repoets
presented by the clihirmen of the tlif.
eferent eoparnittees should meet with s
your approVal. In my ten yeare' ex-
perience of (Idirtiicil, this ha 8, been quite
one of the niost harmonious, and I
wish texpress to the Members of -the
1041 Council my great appreeiation of
their cofoperation'in • a spirit. of intr-
. . . •
/pony and eommoir-sense give. and take.
11 its "-only by the ePplieation of -ertch
team 6pirit ' that , worth -while result; •
van be aecqunplisbcd.
° Tat 'Hate Lowered '' •
'From. the point of view of the tax-
payer. probablY.the Moet weleonle fea-
ture of the year's work was the setting, '
of 410 tax rate tit 35 miuo, tht, lowe8t-
in twenty-five years. I take no, eredit
for dial. for I felt the finance •com-
•mittee W5 tutting things too line.
However,tha ks. to good .collectlon%
the,' clearing ' f old flriVatg 'ilI141 VW
ele cO-opera ion op the, Spending corn-
mittees,• we ena pw.s-c-ar with a stir-
plus,/.and the 'hope that het. yoar'ig.
:Connell will be, able to do w5 well.
"The old account,t.vith the Goderich
nnfoeturi . 'Co. , which liad been,
(qiit ihted ou page 4)
. A
Conviction by 1.1(6:gistrate sunder Secur-,
" raftads Act
A. G. K. 1,teide 'I' von;,' broker, is
appealing.his conviction b'y Magleeeite
Mo kin; .of knowingly allowing onv of
Pc. .saleemen ttis,eall :it a private hone!
for ,rbe purpose of trading in Seetirities,
eoritrary to :the Sesurity Frauds Act.
'The apnea will be leard by Judg.e
T. M. Costello next Tnesday.' The eon -
victim in (inestion carried a penalty
of ;6599 .0110 essis, or four. rootithsj.n.
The deal, an exchange of Alberta
oil royalties, by the Reid firm for vai-.
ous munielpal , bonds and industrial
stocks,. the, property of Mrs, . W. D.
Tye of 4 inder6eh, involved over
the breker'stinkiitesinan"e.; profits being
$1;314...,-V11e salcmaii pleaded'
and was lined $800. or ,SI:z afig
Ile. paid
• .1
• ses