The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-11-13, Page 5O I H SIGNAL.STAR
OAK. POWDER 8.ez 16 -oz. tin
Magic 19c " 28c
Cowan's 7oz. do •°16•oz. tin
Cocoa '14c 24c
Chase & Sanborn Ws.. l's
Coffee 29e - 57c
Cboie Quality ° 15 -oz., tin
Tomatoes 3 for 23e
Llan Valle 15 -oz: No, 4
Peas2i1 fOr 19c
Clark's 12 -oz.
Oran es
Just 'what you, ' have•- been
waiting for
Full of juice -medium size
Extra special doz. 29e
Crispie Sweet or, .Sour
Pickles ZQOze 3a1'
a1 21c
173 -oz.
Olives . 33c
•C.lark's 15 -ox; tin
Spaghetti �Or "
3 25c
Wv'e aLine
Sa1mot°"°° s 15c
With ` Pits
Da � 19c
Pork and
Walah, Peas
Meat and
20 -oz,
2 •X
0 -oz.
_ 2
15 -oz.
tins •
16,oz. 25c
ti s
16 -oz.
' tins
15 -oz, tin 1�n-
Firm Crisp
Lettuce 2 hds. 15c.
Fancy Emperor
Grapes 1b.10c
3 lbs. 19c
Grapefruit b
Texas Seedless
New Medium 5 for 25c
Crop, Bize
Washed, Tr inured
Turnips lb. 2c
Lemons Large Juicy
f" 17c
Now aCitizen Vices the
_ -13y Roger Burlingame hi 1 :-New York Herald Tribune
I went to a meeting of A;,�er ca' Pleat
int, a •Conueeticait city. Eleven buuda;e4
people attended, I vas enraged "by
everytbjui, I heard. 01.'he'President .wae
called a Benedict Arnold. The 4 abinet
me nb(rr,4,"Date by one, vvere','brande l as
liars, :Crooks,. traitors, each bent on
selling' the nation. out tce E�n'slande alts.
My •whole impulse was to hiss, too, cal
naives "back and fight. ;�1y only satis-
faction was that sn,. pcc:� • oeld
only antagonize, irJulttply recruits fur
the other Side and push over those who
sat on the fence. .
Several -days later 1 went to an in-
terventionist meeting. The first speaker
started ' out ' reasonably enough,- but
presently worked himself up into pr
e1 iely .the mood of America First, Lind.:
bergh was a crook, a traitor, In league
with ,the Nazis, Benedict Arnold.
-Wheeler -was two-faced, dI honest,
treasonable, ought to be locked up.
-Nye was 'a ,Alper -so -and -se, always bad
been, . took .orders_ from. Berlin, should
have a lainlipost reserved • for him, eke:
Lingland was si:land..peopled b saints,
Roosevelt (though every one in the
eudienee 'knew this speaker had fought
is�: full 'P no i - , was
#. _ _ . e. ?n in- ,1940) . as
Sir Galahad ' in the flesh and could
do • ne 'wrong. •The meeting was -ad-
journed by a. steam roller, there were
'noquestions, and a dozen` people in the
back,Of :the hall were :livid with rage,
and went out. determined to give every-
thing they had to America' First ---
though some_ of_ them had come to the
.meeting as fence sitters..
* *
was a kind, of democracy in the •� —net
merican democracy—but feemetbing
better than the pr(�.�sure•group conflict
of 'Frame.
That then 'I3itler' -Caine. Hitler's mini.,
held in itself 'all the rotee,une°a� in
Europe plus the. will. to conquerr the
world by fighting. lie : told his people
1 •that they artist organize to keep "the,
Jest„of the world from destroying the
. good Nazi principles. told his
intimates that ,they must: organJize to
destroy all the other governments of
the 'world so that the world could.' be.
run according to .his.' (not the . Nazi)
. plan of deeeitn plunder €and. force, Kill
whomever --Arg ked 'With Win. Prevent
11 reading, d thinking n n
a ad n,,, stt� y, thin ng a d talking
which might start an ,other ideas.
Hitler couldn't understand the Naafi
plans. J e was. totally uneducated • an
got Ahad at anything that he suspect
was highbrow Gower his head) .
He put out a lot of ballyhoo about`
how Europe .was. rotten and he would
reform it. Ther •part
o fal s was true
Europe was. -rotten= The catch came in
thefact a Hitler r • t
'that t r was rottener .that
e. embodied all r ennev that h. the art. .. �s� •th t ex-;
sated anywhere else:.. Rotten as helves,
however, °he might have done a job if he
had taken the ad'viee Of many fine ' Ger-
mans in his party -omen skilled in prac-
tical government and practical reform.
But Hitler wanted to run a 'one-man
show. And when a .man who believes
that you can 'reform people; Only by
killing -them' undertakes by himself to
reform the world, the good goes with
. ke. : flfl the ti eo ee 4aw. t
this personal level. Hitler began by
killing his own good advisers in
Germany... .'
It was the isolationist, none -of -our -
business attitude on the • part of the
other nations that gave Hitler the op-
pbrtunity of laying waste The whole of
Europe. Yet American isolationists to-
day bitterly blame England. an& France
for this attitude while at•, the same
time they urge us to draw further into
our own 'isolationist shell,_, thinking
' that •We at least are safe .because tile:
Atlant1 is so much bigger than the
Channel. z
Then,. one day,•• after years of watch-
ing him come closer and closer, the
enemy was • at England's gate and *the”
argument stopped. You 4Zon''t argue
with a man .who points a gun at your
heap. You don't say "Yes, you've got
a lot on yoiir, side, rknow I'm decad-
ent, I need to be reformed." Or, "Thin
is none : of- -my t%iness, 'let- even
° then the .English were so in the habit;
of discussing it back and forth in a
friendly way—which -was `the proper,
decant 'wa.y = of- : thing- t ----that-they
couldn't find their gun. But alfa
while they did find it. After "Norway,
Denmark, 'Holland, Belgium ani°
Prance had been licked. and „the Ger-
mans were rely to follow the retreat-
ir gs'British Army across the 'Channel
from Dunkerque they found it and
they used it.
'DI NGANNON, Nov. 12: -Mr. and
Mrs, Culbert, Cora and .Howard spent
day In-Stralgord recently,. the men
attending a . 'Shorthorn sale. at • the
agrieultura l buildings..
Bon.—On November 10th, to Private'
Robt° and Mrs. Henderson,. a son. Both
are doing. well:
We weresorry; to .hear last Friday
afternoon that Mr. Chas. Alton's mo -a
Cher,,. Ars. Ja`s: Alton, Lucknow, had
received- a bad ''break in her arm at
the wrist. We hope she will soon
have reliefand a speedy recovery.
• Visitors with Mr. and •Mrs. • D. IS.
`Errington with
the week -end were Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Badman, June,. and
Lorne, of Essex, 'and on ,Sneday Mr.
. and IMrs. Roy i lac k.. and Wilfred,
taicknow, and Mrs. Wallace Black,
Deulalr`and Fred, ,Goderich.
.lies__Cyaneviege -Hamilton, o
onto, spent the week -end., with her
parents; Dr. Jos. and.. Mrs. Hamilton.
Mr. _Carl Hallworth, Toronto, spent
the week -ends with Mr. and Mrs: Don-
ald Fowler. . '"'
Mr. and. Mrs-, Reg. Bull and firs. T.
G. 'Allen, 'Clinton, visited' with Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Finnigan on Sunday.
Harvey Andrews met With an ac-
cident on The day, when he fell in
the barn coming down stairs with a
bag of grain: • There was no apparent
effect until some hours later, when
severe *pain. set in. He was taken to
Alexandra Hospital, 'Goderich, for air
X=ray, to find out just what the trouble .bsorn,,
was. We hope it is not serious. "
ASI3iFI'ELD, NOV.. . 4Mrs. Ralph'
Cowles' of Landon is visiting her par--
ents, lir. and Mrs. D. A:. Macdonald.
Misses Marian • Macdonald and
Margaret . Simpson, _..of_""H olstein were
home for .ixhe'Week-end.
Lieutenant Ian Macdonald Grant,. of
the Duke ofConnaught's. Own Rifles,
who are in camp at Niagara Fall
spent the •week -end with his uncle, Mr.
Dan MacDonald; at 'Kiutail. Lieuten-
ant Grant's home is in -Victoria, B.C.;
and he came: east in. May. iHis .grandh
parents were former residents of Kin -
tail; -and his relatives here were glad
to meet this young man. - - -
Death of Rev. William Macki itosh.•--
There passed away at Kitchener on
Friday night, November 7, 'Rev. ' Wilms
liam Mackintosh, beloved._ hns'band. of
Lillian C1a1•k, formerly of St.' Helens.
d -was--b - ied�-in
'Scotland, and. .was minister at St.
.Helens,' Bond Head, Milverton, Hamil-
ton road church, London, and Dundalk.
He was in cliarge of •the Presbyterian
Camp at 1intait.for several years, and
spent severalsummers in a cottage
there; Besides his wife; he leaves to
mourn his loss three sons, Douglas, at-
tending university in Scotland, Don-
ald, in the R.C.A.F., and Robert, qf'`
Kitchener., Among those who attended
the funeral' on Moniday: afternoon at
Kitchener, were Mrs. M. C.: Mackenzie,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred MacGregor, Mr.
Rod MacGregor and °Mrs.. Clark Finlay-
Mrs. Jas. Stonehouse left on Sunday
`' to spend- the• winter with her liepheto ,
Mr Lorne Stonehouse, Westfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin•'Durnin have
returned home after a ten days' visit
with 'Mrs. Dinrnin's rela>:tives at Apple
' I3il'l. .
A Fatal Sho'utiiig._A tragediy of
„widespread, • interest struck 'home to
one' -of our citizens .last week. ;Fred
Whaley, w.lio-4was shot at: Burl's -Fels,
ie a ..son. -in-law of the late s .lIr. Thos.'
Stewart of Cransford, •Ashfield town-
ship. His widow, Mrs. Whaley, is a
step -daughter of Mrs. 'Nellie Stewart
in the village` The late (Mr. Whaler
was making his home in England -until
the outbreak of the War. Besides his
wi(tucv he leaves a daughter, -Mrs. Gar-
e ,1 Weston, in England. 'Mr, Whaley
will be. missed here • by his friends,
R_ _-.j .ing-visite e here -mann'.' tunes.
Second Annual Dance
NOV. 19th 1941
•First a(ppearan•ee fix Caneda.
ILAl" elation Ita`iic1;" 1"Iitttof :"'
will be --in progress 411 evening
hi! the. •.,('ounel.1 Clutiiilbei.,-,Ex.-
.c; -. ceptionally good prizes will '.,be
.given.,, • •
Drawing at 11 p.m. for prizes.
Everybody' ,Welcome.
Admission .to Dance-- -
. Adults 50c.
45-0 `
" Miss Maedel received word on lion-
dai'y of the death at . Flint, Michigan,
-of her brother-in=lnw,' Mr. Isaac G. Edwards:
in the United States here is all the•pre-
liinina,ry , machinery for it. But the
population of this r. country. is not
divided 'between organizations like Am-
erica First and Fight for `'Freedom..
Those outfits may be the wedb'es, the
advance guards. But in between- are
many millions of people who haven't
taken sides, people,who want to know
or people who don't care, let -me -alone
;people," pacifists on principle; "a lot -on-
both -sides" folks. ' Tolerance is an Am-
erican. characteristic. Dist.tuaf . of
Europe is a strong,' almost a . cultural,
force deriving from the'fact that im-
migration was based largely on dis-
content. This was eiarinnously.strength-
ened vSben,' after the last war, intrigues
and perfidy were revealed on the Al-
lied side. ` American, doubt of the'mor-
alities has increased in the last twenty
years. The softening by, luxury of one
group paralleled by . the suffering of
another,has sharpened the "what do we
• .__
get out of it . focus. We are not
going to fight -again for a "moray' prin-
ciple. if (a) it is- later going to, turn
out a•pliony and if (b) all we're going
to get for our sacrifice is more sacrifice,
inequality of wealth, starvation and.
-"relief." °
* , *
There is a lot an both sides. The
twentieth-century ..history 'of England
will not „bear theost casual moral
scrutiny. Whatever Ciitlrchill may say
now, hisOwn book, "While England
Slept," is one of, tie most severe
criticisms -of England that has ever
been --written. ,-Franee; "got what was
coming to her."' There's ab *doubt of
a , s e gov'ernmen was unsta' e
and corrupt: . For years .the ruling
Blass had concentrated on building up
the Gernan market for heavy industry.
Russian history, either before or since
the revolution, needs no comment. In
short, there isn't ;a single nation In
Europe that we could decently back 'on
purely °moral grounds.
'On the other hand, there were .some
fine.things in some of the original Nu
tioner Socialist (Nazi) • pi/mil., ,Otto
Strasser has written eloquently about
-them in his book, "Hitler and I." There.
Then ' we, in this coiintrX, said:
"Isn't this tine! The English, .the old
dodos, are fighting at last, so we °won't
have to ivory," That's what we said
and- even America First, which .hates
England, can't very well deny it. And
even America Ftsst thought it might
be. wise to send England sone; stuff to
fight •with ' if only she would keep
Hitler away from U.S. Just enough—
not too much—not enough to make
Hitler mad at us.
O'Neill- Courtney.• A pretty nautumn
weakling t� olr,. ,pjaee inFSt. Joseph's
chtarri Ringsbridgo, on Octaibs r 14th,,
when Ozellah Louise Ootirtney `became
the bride ayf James O'Neill, both resi-
detlt�, of Kingsbridge, Rey. Vather
Quigley, a' rielt .-Pricat, perfornitdl. 'the
ceremony. The bride was given in
marriage by her :father, '1Ir...,Tesepl
Courtney' ai! Kingsbridge.:. h . was
becomingly dressed.10 floor -lengthy wine
velvet,, with hat to match, and. carried
roses. Miss Vivian, eousin,of the bride,
was +bridesmaid, and wore -4 dark clue
floor -length velvet, and carried gladioli;
in, contrasting shade. Thumias
' brother' ,of the groom, ,was hest man.
After the ,ceremony #t thea church a
wedding=- dinner was.. served-'°nt:. the
x a Hotel i
e1 G e
e odfi"c'
and later the young �eouple left for a
trip to Niagara Falls and Toronto. .On
their' return they will. reside on, con-
eession 1r0, Ashfield, on . the groom's
farm. Best wishes .: are extended to
them from all friends and neighbors
for a ,happy, and successflal married
A ar
re-e�n�d:• .collision
No .B high-
way„ within the town- boundaries, .
11,.30 last Saturday night,,`almost com-
pletely demolished . the automobile of
Orville Bodes, R.R..1, Ooderich.
turning home he stopped his ear to pick
up two°hiteb hii ers. While stopped his
chin was as ra
e mored in the rear by
another driven.' by Tllom`hs Castle of
Bayfield, The Rodl es. car wa 4, ' shot
ahead,inteithe diteh' and. Against a ,tele -
phone •Pole: ” Passengers of both cars
es'eeped •with ,a shirking -up. ,
• The Margaret !eager b of St.
George's church • held, a su�fna
h r lir F i a
` iJJ the pa is . haTi ' Qr � duly', lustand
, .
netted', $2G,00. Mrs. 'Ceo. ' llflams and
Mrs, • a. S- .Platt 'presided at the -tea
table. Mxs. Wilki ou� .: ; re ted
knitting Ibag�.t s a door prize which was'
,, won ,by' Mfrs, T. M. Costello.
1 *
Lots !of Americans hate England,and
always have hated her. But lots of
'Americans don't see that it puts you
-in 'h queer spot to let somebody you
hate do, all the work of saving your
skin—all the dangerous work, .that is,
the unprofitable, the dying work. Many
other true England -haters among the
interventionists -and there are plenty
of then -are -embarrassed by this: We
say we'hate England and we say we
hate Russia, . and'-syet we are perfectly
Willing to let them keep an enemy Who
BA1VIELD, Nov. t2.—Ml. and Mrs.
George- Fisher and Miss Jean Fisher
ne craterlroo." spent Remembrance Day
with the., former's `aunt, Mrs. F. A.
Ls our enema-, too—our avowed enemy—
Fisher. Mr. 1:aweence Fowlie of London was' froth attacking us.
Two Negroeslead quarrelled- over -a
game of cards. The dispute grew more
and inore•7heated, and suddenly one of
them 'reached in his hip pocket.
"Man," he said, "whys rfe date?''.
"I ain't payin' no, heed to dates,'.'
was the reply. -
"I jest thought yo'd like to know,
said, the first Negro, "'souse jest twelve
months from today aona'l1 hitte been
dead a year_"
.Mfrs. Peek 4"Doctor, I want a little
wart removed." Doctor: ' "You're in
the wrong office, madam, the divorce
lawyer is in 'the next 'office."
By popular regiiet
a ,
presented by Victoria St.
`United Chuireh: 'Choir
TUE,, NOV. 18
PLAYS: "Night's Lodging"
!,`Tho • Right Ansvver"
and other numbers,
Patriotic music:
Admission 25e—children 15c
.io Happine *: in the Home
Whey Mother Is Sick
The tired, worn out mother cannot make a happy
home if' she is sickand worried by the never ending
ho Bold duties.' ,
he gets run' clti vi and becomes nervous and
brritab!e, downhearted and 'discouraged, can't rcst`
g ata.
ni ht,.ancl getie:up in the morning feeling, as tired as when she;went to bed.
Women suffering in this way inay fwd in Milburn's health ,and Nerve
4: remedy with which to help recuperate their health, build 'up the ,
'fills a in��
do system, and adeiSt; thein back to ealth�iappiness aga►itJ,
Price i'SOo a box, G., pills, at all drug counters.
Look for our trade mark a "Red heart"` on gip package.
Tho T. Whets Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont,
F.. Pocvlie, over the week'en,d`, - we, willing to ret Englaind ;et;.. alone
Kenneth Brandon, who has been sail- to a position where she can dictate the
Ing on the 'Vaptaria• S..D. Seeord
he guest of his Si:sters,� Illisses' E. and Again : If we hate E'nglaad, why are
itilicies of the rest of the world with;
rived 'home on Tuesday suffering from outm,aur having a word to say et the
a frilctured arm; which he sustained 'Ieac"e conference? And- how 4about
*hen he fell on the slippery deck. Russia, since she has been drawn out
Ilr. and Mrs. Volume of 'Southamp- 'of ° her 'isolationistntitude by an at -
ton 'were the gug,ls of Miss A, M, hick without warning from .Hitler;,are
Stirling on '1'uesd'ay. , • we going to let Russia settle. the peace
Messrs. Walter Westlake and John without a word from us? For, make
Ho.7v:ird left on Sunday- for Tobermory,
for a few days' deer hunting. Messrs..
J, Beechie and Claude Gelinas also -are
spending few -days- int the-' 'Bruce
Mr. and Sirs.. John' Pease and family
Moved to London on Tuesdaywe, ole .we Should not give aid to •Russia,
Sorry to .dee them 'caving' end wish which has vipi,a ted all -the principles
them happiness le their ni.4'°honle. ofr freedom, ,democracy, etc. , It: ,is a
ltei�: John Graham'Kincardine was is pretty good argumeht at first sight.
Wit; Sundaytaking, -services for Ven, It°is hard. to'expeet a nation of Bol -
Archdeacon Hartley, who was conduct- shevik haters to turn areund.�' over
ing ranniversitiy. service at Varna. • night :and feed the serpent. , •
R,,eniembrance Day Observed.-lte-
menvbrance Day was observed in Bay- IBut suppose you ;ire living upstairs
. Reid ,bs.a seivice at the cairn Conducted in an apartmen t house: You ha to tile.!
by' Rey. J,i(xr n. Memorial wreaths I Aslant who Byes on the ;.i oiincl• float.
from the, Viand the .Legion were.e abuses his wife and -children and
placed on the cairn by Mr. Win. `1'eragu-'I he is i crooked' in lips hus.iness: Rut
.soand Mis"s A. 11. Stirli i , R.1t,(:, one slay you hear of burglaries. in the
The school children marehed- past and' neighborhood or something worse, like
pinned their poppies on the wreaths. a fiend �yho carves 'up little r'hildren,
The Union 'Jack' whieh Mrs. O. W. You wish you had a _gun: You dill
Rhymes, presented to the tillage .isms Have one, bat, you sold it inwhlle :Igo
flying at full mast and an addled touch when you were broke. One night ,the
to the' ceremony was the reading of tenant you hate comes to see you to,
the following,poem by Mrs, Wnl. Parker' talk about the common dannger, Het
1)hs n gun. but no cartridges. 'Shin re-
member that•• when you sold . °your re-
volver you kept some ,aiiimunition. But
you -bate flair auy=he has .outraged
no mistake, weshall not have a• word
to say about the ,peace unt ss,we take
par't""iin the, wars4a .fighting part. ' And
thepuree tike:tsirs`niade,iiuport-
ant. to our future.
• There • is•.a persistent i1T guinent that
which was -written by the donor:
.Here's a toast to the flag of theannpire,
'Our national banner unfurl k1 ; ,--- your sense of decency. So you say : "I
It ata'ntrs for honor and' freedom, 1 have some cartridges, but I'na damned 1
A clarion ca11 to the' world, . i if I'll give them to a• so-and-so like -
!,y ,. roti." He goes away, gets seine cart -
It -waves friendliness to 'all nations; 1 ridges .fibhi somewhere else and. stops
It greets the °sh1p,s. on all seas ; the murderer while he is on big way
It stalls sacyrftice aimcl devotion ; ii,p to your aliartiricxnt. Then you. say
Lone and! , hoinage it wafts on the "Well, ' tlianl: (loci , nit• chilriron are
, • brr;eze, safe now,r'1'int thank °'(lod, too, I didn't
It slant's for a Milliong
illion brave great -
on a crosa-covered field,.
And who for Flag, King Ind (k>untry tionists -aoing at'ottglswith the Isola-
• Stood 'tetixt UR and enemy's steel. tionist argument as far as< -possible-le
strikes Inc' 'i' more effcetnv.c than call-
So gentlemen, _here eomes„ the • flag! in„ 1' lnclbergh et al° a Minch of traitors,
salute it, ,
The, symbol for which nienr have died;
Raise yourvoices and aril sing together
•Our N'ati(innal; Antltenn with pride;
And= thus disk God's blessing .forever
On our King, our Empire, our Flag. ' know then that the war WO etre talking
•°' , , about is a vvar against Hitler -.-not a
The National Anntheiu tvaa0 then ming. war between two f:netionie of ,Liniv►r4'ltau
-give that bum pie 'ammunition to pro-
tect them --with: I 'didn't eonnpromise
my eirtue." •
1'his kind of reasenin by i►tterven-
(took5, liars, copperheads, than weep-
ing over the aaintliiteas ,of ' England,
the heroism of ilooseveit. To the side- I
lino -listener still ttneofvin(cd it will
wound more sane. At least, he will
Rubber Gloves 23c
Nail • Scrubs 5c
Dettol , .. ...49e, $i,49-
Charm Castile ..4,for 22c
Lysol . , , , , 35e, 65c, $1.25
2 for 69c
. ' BRILL-
3=oz. bottle '
. 350
for the skiutt,
Anti -
Freeze Fr� •
Non -corrosive
Retarded evaporation
:(sea1eiF'tin nno
. charge)
x, $1,59 gal.
Christina Cars{
special Assortment J e
Lovely boxes - of 1941: Cards ---each: Card
envelope .for each
13 ter -box ..4 �t ._ o
.. -
Other' big value boxes -50, $1.00
'Williams Apple Blossom Soap'
Woods Milk Foam Bath Luxury.
TOOTH BRUSI-I Fitch Shampoo
genuine bristle 'OWildroot with 041
-Pacquins Hand Creator, -trial size free with reg.
1Oc; box of 6 57c \"••••••••••••4
nt. i-
Denatured Alcohol
1.39 gaL
(No charge for tin)
Dental Plate
29e 49c New lge size 89c
cleans false teeth
Reg. size and trial she free
Both for 35e '
• Pkge of 2-49c
I.D:A. brand—well-made'
.20e, 30c, 55e
- 35c, 69c
39c,_ 59c
3 ,.29c•
Two-year guarantee
Regular 98c -79c
HereAtare our. I.D.A. Brand Specials for this
—products ^ used in almost every home.
Laxative Cold Tablets, ,reg. 25c 17c products
Beef, Iron &. ,Wine, 16 oz., reg: (9c .49c • • on a
White Pine & Tar Syrup, 4 oz. reg. 25c0 19e • guarantee
Pabisn1 Papain ,and Bile Salt Tablets:...:... , o"47c
Vegetable Laxative Tablets 17e • or
Idarub Mentholated Chest Rub .... ...: