HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-11-13, Page 4PAM* TEM GODERI SXGNAL-STAlt :MA \' HAIG DO E rut o. Loa 7.,ARV1,i}Y Donley SON NORTH ST,. UNITED CHUM,:. (ISubjeet to the approval oi? the IS'essioar), Mat NOVA 13th, 1 ItivisTazAL ASs S llsditor °l°iAe Menai-'Star. Dear Site—lu view of the lunPortauec Of our-ui1faair to e..7s s. eat 'tan .our em- ployees, their depenole ate and the toe'n -.generally, May 1 tells that the following •obsery tatiozrs be printe is your paper? The Court 'of Revision) gave no rea- son- for refeellig - oar aPj?'4t "against our aesessment and again'st'' the -assess- ment of the !Goderich Elevator. and Transit Co., Ltd. �I aaneadvlse'sil from "'gyn, unusually re- litalrle souree" that the Court (fill not think we (were wrong In our contention° and ;tho i ht that, we had a, grievance.and d. good: cane, but that they dict net , see hem they could correct our assese' ment without changing all the other, industrial assessments which might also be Out of line The Court evident- I,y i ,nered the, faet'-tltat we -were -the only indiucstry who. appealed that our assessment was out -ef line and, rather than find out boar they could correct the assessment (and there Ls oue very' obv ous way), everyone was ordered from ,the Court and they Made their decision privatelyy, the same night. It now appears from today's issue Of The London (Free, Press, and will, I assume, also .appeair� in the carne issue of your -Paper, that 'the { chairman of this ex epuxt 'proposes a new expert appraisal F of industrial property and that he charged the existing appraisal and assessment was inequitable. I'as' suae from _tiis,t aG he' weeps that the •a , ppraisal,. was inequitable us between industries. )Froina rather close know - „Tidkets at Craigie's pool room and F. T. Armstrong, Optometrist, Collegiate - and. music students •25e at. door ,MESSAGE' FROM OVERSEAS. GODERICH SEA SCOUTS SPEAKS FOR ITSELF �-�--' ,�_.,_,._,V Lads Go to Sea, ou Land, to Study the A Vanailian soldter-eeeen'tly, returned ! Seaence of Navigation 'i be n;.ar weapon cpic�turecl Here, ,a, Universal C ri er, is tTie objectivej`for .from Britain has this cto say: "Vila The Goderich Sea •Scouts.• are sport- the Towle of (Goderich in the eerreat drive for new and increased le ,'for sometimes ,gets our (boys dossn i$ when cored Iby the %+Goderich Liona Club and War ,Savings IOertiticates., olierieh' isfleeced to subscribe for. enough War the honne, paper eomess in art ``reports through the eourtesyry of 'Captain John Savings ,lOertificates to provide one of these weapons for the armed se ,vit:es' Miele. things as political squabbling+, Vickers have' been given the use of each month. .inef'feetiee .recruieting; war effort apathy, ete.. It'll/ your Present war weapons drive you eau show them that you are supporting them 100 per cent., it will help them." . That message speaks' for itself anis .,.it eanriot be ignored: If each person in Goderich will tape it as a special message to himself on iierscelf, the war certificates or war „weaponq._ Campaign Will witel.up in record time. The people of Britain are, on duty tweutyc-fdur' hourse "a" 'd'ay, day in • and e:,.en t --.emotes A °ea;`ym eeneh•• from the people of Canada to lend their money to the _ Government, at good P interest, so that weapons zn ,y be sent or Douglas Holland: Previous Scout to protect bhe lifelines of Britain and experience is not essential. Adults ' the lives of those people who are re- wishing information are asked to sisting the Germans so heroically, `'phone the skipper of the crew, *r., II.. Our boys overseas are lookingto Norman. ° Goderich 10 provide one Bren gun- The following subjects are part of the carrier a month. (Goderich has never acture program : Ground tackle; ship Quilts --Darlow Red Cross, 2 ; Ben - yet fallen down in any worthwhile discipline , drills and traditional ere miller, 2; .Goderich Township -North, movement such as this. The people of monies safety—on 'boats, ships and in 3; Carlow •Community Club, .4; Tay - Britain are calling; our own boys are the Water ; basic navigation—cruising, lor's Corners, 3; individual donations, tailing, 7a ; galley. riga, • ,. Ham. b � any chancre y'pu have been piloting, charting' wig,- pro-. 2—total; 16: �" per use of small boats, such as, canoes •Crib Covers) -'-Individual donations, Missed by the canvassers,you are skiffs, rowboats, lifeboats ; %signalling— 2; Taylor's Corners, 2/ --total, 4. asked! to phone IMr, H. M. Ford, No. 1.y selna„phore, 2, . More (a) instru- The final shipment of blankets will „ 208W,' or Mr, `A: E:` Hockley No:. 66 ,. . )nien£s, (b) lights, (c) .fia�s,.3»°i�nterna- be made •on Thursday, November 20. ort better stall, leave your pledge with tional `code flags ; ettarkrl spikeeeeamian- Any further donations will be received the ehairmaa of the general committee, 'ship, emblem]. ,of ships, basic weather gratefully, prior to that date. Mr. R. O. Whateley, • thihis will "assist foreca7sting,� swimming taiid rescue s . the canvassers :and! *r move. the neves- � . . _ ''-M ),fibers o€ _tithe Business :e d'" Pro- .work,-, ,flags their. proper-. use and _ ai "say of looking you up. meanin • sailing—fore . and aft rigged feseieilal Girls', -_Branch, .of -the Red his,.large garage to serve as Sea .Scoot ead'quarters.• The Drew 'members are ikaipping the garage to resemble the deck of a ship, complete with riding I lightee rails,. gtangways, galley, main ° mast, "helm, binnacle, chartroom and the. many • little things that help to make' The aPPeal for blankets for, the their work practical and interesting en people of „the bombed -out area of Bri- hore; tain All boys fourteen years of ageor sponse, afor s nwhich et th the following re - the local Red Cross men who are nterested in St. John's branch expresses its sincere gratitude: ambulance work, sailing, boating,,w ater Blankets — W. 0. T. U., 5 ; Fireside sports and relative subjects, and who Club, 1; .Postohce stair, 6; !Goderich 4rat'11 01`tiffe the S•ea Seerurorgr en etit. n,diVfi iffp brh unit;• i'; Ttiyror s Uor " are invited to get in touch with Fred ners unit„ 2; states of Vietoric ayti, Dowker, Don Ainslie, Bill 4cDonald Central Schools, 2; itelividual -doh% ' tions, 21—total, 38: Cash donatiots for • blankets--Gode- rich q'Qw-nship North unit, $1; Ahmeek ,Sauk.; and one daughter, Miss Eleanor, electors that the taxpayers paid about ("hapter, I.O:D.E., $10; Maple• Leafof Hamilton. A private funeral service x$500 for the appraisal which was made ,Chapter, 1,0.D.E., $12; individual cash_ will be held on 'S'unday, November 16th, for the Town last year, and while the donations, $47.50.—total; $73.60.... at 1,30 Pm.,With interment in Clinton firm making it was perhaps not the RED CROSS NOTES .. ,..-•---•-v _ fir- - - MBITU. ►7RY q ' 1'RS. THOS. \.iattK NZIEc. SR, • The death occurred at her residence, ablinton, on Tuesday, November ,filth, of Matilda Alexander, wife of the late ledge of all that has gone .before since Thos: MacKenzie, ' si: Mrs. Mac- this appraisal was •made, this Ls the Kenzie- - s born, in oderieh township first time( that I-hase heard this sug- eighty-eight years;,ago, and was a life - 1 n resident district.. She'w s- -a-enembe.r.,-ofethe--•Oli:utoan:, ,Presbyteria . church. She is survived _by five sons, Thos. E., of Toronto ; J. A., of "Regina, Sask. ; 'Robert, of Dunnville; George, of ;Hamilton, and A. J., of Saskatoon, gestion offered.' I must Most definitely resses six onyto clear Regular ^ Price - $42.54•. 00 anston's Furniture.: Store on the. Square Phone'w399W.A :emaciate myself with Dr. Graham, how- CANADIAN -DESTROYER, IN ment is inequitable- and), -since .he ad- mits it, I must deplore the inability of his court to deal with our appeal:"' •' I . would) like to point -oiat to the ever,-..ins.his-..ate,oder;, td��•et,heaa'i,._s'ess- 'WATE ceniletery. , MRS. '0. L. IOORE . Mrs. Martha Moore, widow of the late C. L. Moore, passed "away quietly in Alexandra Hospital early, Sunday, morning, She war the daughter' of Mr,: _and.. _Vers. John . Craig of Mount. Pleasant, Iowa, and was ane of thirteezi children.. She- was married to Cdr. Moore at Topeka, Kansas, where they lived for some years. About thirty' _ -'scarps ago they -name" to G-ode1 C `where her husband w.as manager of ;the bo - The :eampaign is supposed to close on craft, practical' r'einere --rigged- -raft; Oross' met in the Red Gross e"eems On _ minion RoadMachinery_Co., and took Thursday, November 20. Numbers of theoretical .Tuesdae. evening for work.. Everyone i an active part in` town attains. He people have not yet been'seen by. the t„ rienced ins ructors have -been was knitting or sewing and considerable deed, twenty years ago and them widow was accomplished, As there is coin- continued to reside • in their home on siderable seiving to be •done, members East street. She - was 'a member pf are" asked to. come .to, the Red ('rose North street United church. Surely - rooms next Tuesday evening, November, ing is *one brother, George Craig of 18th, to enish-'the November quota, The members -accepted the kind. offer of Mr7. Turner of the Park House,' and the November 25th meeting will be held in the Park 7llouse, Where a e most eminent appraisal firm in Oanada it was one well regarded and composed of reputable and experienced) men. In our case, they ,were offered the assist )ante of an appraisal' made for us by probably the largest appraisal firm in Canada. After having ehisf appraisal made, the Town del not make the 'figures -public 'and did not make them available -to the assessor.. I charge that this was 'because the ,figures did not providie jestifidtition for the course which the Town proposed to _follow. ,No doubt, if the Town continues to have additional appraisals ?made' wiffl ° the taxpayers' -money, they will eventually find a firm whose ;figures will be in line; with their own ideas which they will prodaice for the taxpayers' „inf0rm- 'ation and satisfaction: Councillor Baker is quite:rights in questioning whether it is possible to have an' ap- Mount Pleasant, Iowa. A. son and a -praisal to suit every industry' and .hI daughter had predeceased her. The contend tl •a-rf is essential from the funeral took -place from the residence Town's interest that the appraisal, canvassers; so any assistance: or cour- lesie . shown- them in the way of. reduc • leg +their woe&' will be appreciated.. secured' for' the technical subjects. Stringent- safety rules are in force' at all - times: Life pre'serversa boa$ in - One 'Bien gun -Barrier, or $5000,-.a spection certificates end charge eel-- -e, ek.e, month, is the -objective for Goderich.-titivates .must be issued before Sea Will , yleu do your 'part? . You are not Scouts can man .sailing .craft or small • asked to give, just to lewd, whatever, youboats.. can manage,. each month, with the . assurance that it will be ;returned with A -SCHUBERT EVENING-- • Interest: . . Goderich Music Club Has Program ' of, Schubert Compositions on East street on Tuesday afternoon, should) be on the same basfs_for :each Rev: R. H. Turnbull officiating. , The industry and I will grant that in such a ease it will not suit all of them: n be postponed from year to year by "suggesting a, new out to rhe tax- payers. each .year, 1usfas the °roadway � he filo h side, of the harbor, lis-, sing -sone cards 'and . Lunch will'be h pallbearers were Rod. ohnston, Harold the programee This meeting will be Rivers,- Eaarl Westbrook and Harold for the pu)rpose.,of a rally and�'aa means- Allen. a Interment was in Maitland of raising money,: so all are. asked to . cemetery. - -- ROBERT BI'SISET YOUNG i •post - ,¢iter a lingering _ iliacus Robert cussed duriilb eachelection,s isset Young, of Goderich township, polled from year to year. In m letter to'Council f Se tember o passed away lnlAlexan�dra''Hospital• on 3September ' Action, no doubt, ca appraisal, at additional c -• The Goderich- Music Olub held. its1 reserve_ this, date an�d.,.,inembers are regular meeting in. MacKay Hall on , asked to firing their friehds: Discus- nda veuing, with a • re -a earn•-20.e.ewed--• tendance. The 'club is noWa to be tit- i w .• which ch ill be advertised later. , i 'Music Te . I filiated with the Ontario s ° ere As.�ociation, a ;Provincial organiz- ' NEW PRESIDENT WESTERN anon which in turn forms a un the 11 1911 I advised Council of the CANADA I+'EOUR CO ;Friday, �,ovember Zth, in his st�ty fifth 'possible Canadian Federation of Millie Teach- 'mar Deceased was a soli of the late saving to _the., Government of ers. The complete executive of the —George and 'Christina Youizg and .was .$13,000, if coal for the neighboring air Goderich branch is: Presidenf Mr. G: R. - Cottrelle Retires' and D. I ,Mervin Snyder; vice-president, fr. F. • Gillespie ; secretary, Miss . Ala • Howell; treasurer, Mr.F. Armstrong.;:' executive members, Mrs, A. !'S-chutz anti Mies Clara Barrett. , The .first part 'of the , -meet was d'emoted-teechoru-s-practice-on "II. 2.5. pane. Mr. Cottrelle, who a year ago of Edmonton, predeceased him some where these schools might be without I Pinafore.", 'Following this, ' :Miss �i,. accepted the post of oil controller for , time ago.' The funeral' took place one. fuel' �'1y. letter. was , acknowledged Aitken very ably presented an excel- Canada, informed .the meeti_eg that Sunday, from "the .home of his brother, neder date of -October 20th and, -With . lent paper on the life of Franz Seen.. when he accepted the Government post. i Jamey Young, Bayfield road, wheSre nothing' done, the opportunity to save I Net. The program •consisted entirely tion he had hoped that he would be I deceased- h�qd made his home in later this money which will never occur y of Schubert compositions; Piano duet, able tri carry + on as chief executive of- rears, and was largely attended. Rev, agate has been lost. -- The- Theeniz,heil Symphony, Mrs. W. ficer of the Company, but the neultiple i A• •J.._Mat:Have conducted the )services In �•iew of the attitude of. "kilt ,the MacDougall and Mervin.Snyder; vocal, .and increasing resp.onsilrilities of the ante Pallbearers were Walter Wallis goose that days the golden • egg," is it 1 :ley. 'Sweet Re pose _' ise"Olar`ea `...Federal 'past �in recent-zuonths'mude -it - George P ... , _. _.- : , ey, wonder that Goderiebehas not had � p , M Barrett + Ge.orgle Gzeenslade, W. J. Elliott, ''piano, !Moment :Musicale; Mrs. Mac- apparentR-that it would. not be fair to Samuel Westlake Daavi i Wartier and ane clew i�ttdii�stryn ih the test twenty Do'argall•; violin, Monienr Muelcale,"Mrs. A. Schutz,; piano, The Furl- King .(Liszt transcription), .Mervin Snyder. . Meetings' will -now be held regularly once a month,. -For the December meet-nourn meat was received with regret \L.aitlanrl cemetery.. ' • ing Miss Alma Howell is in , charge of. by the shareholders, and an appropriate a stilly of the'orchestra and it, instrtt resolution expressing the ippreeiaitioa " • _... MRS. J. s. 1IILLE•R '4' ment with recorded illustrations. of the. Atiarehoidrers for, the services era. rendered to the 'Company; by Mr. Cot- T.aaii, Jane Miller, widow of the trelle in the past three ear �• late James S: Miller, passed away '-sud- • born iin, Goderich township, where he I training scholsafas brought in to the walker... Appointed in 'His Place •lived .his entire life.. He was not north side of the h llo by boat, and At the annual general meeting of.� married: _ .He is survived by three I pointed. out that this eu d goat long shareholders of Western Canada Flour brothers, P,enjamin of Goderich, Peter way towards' paying the cost.of the Mills !Company, Limited, held onroad and the very serious danger that and James' of- 'Goderich township. An- «. November 10th, 10 1, Mr. 0. R. Cot- other brother, Richard, died in 1038 and calices and rwarail problems in the States tri►lie -retired art; prc ident- of the Dom- sister W innifred .. S• r,; Athol Bissetinay delay: rail shipments -to a� point a 1 the 4`ompany or himself to carry on, gest. McClure, • Six nephet'vs were years and that factory buildings- re- t. he did of desire to main vacant? • 1 J 1 and therefore flower -bearers , Frank, ,Scott and James offer his • name for re-election Ps a Yount ,-Marshall Bell, Joseph Clark and director of the',Company. This an= .Graham Johnston: Interment _was, in AT ° at CORNFIELD'S Reduced 15 , per cent. Now with merchandise harder: „to obtain OORNFIEt,iPS offer you at the season's height New Fall Coats at Reduced .Pries. Why don't .You take advantage of.. this. Great Saving .ale/ The Coats lave this .season 's newest, c gtails. Mostly made of .I sported Woollens. Fut; trims are of • Squirrel, s' l+Poz, Jap Mink, Persian. 'You'll flid o, complete stook of Men's and. Young Men's- Overcoats. en's"'Overcoats• nrat CORNFIELD'S, , x a THEiJ'ARE'• D S� �� �� LRxGo . Yours very truly, R. S. WURTFILE. N ov7mber 10;. 1941, CARLOW, Nov. 12. --Mr, John Young and Miss Ruby Young attended the funeral of Mr. Young's nephew, Robert Young of GoderichboWnship, an Sun- day last. Rev. John Polack, of Wingham, oc- cupied the pulpit of the Presby.terien e --hu elt----en-eSuntlay-%-ads-chase--as his topic "pod the • father of ,all,- and Jesus, Christ the only -salvation."...The Lord's Supper will be observed': next „Suinday, with preparatory service at Auburn on Friday night: . Community Club; A se ice 'was held' on Sunday night under-�tthe'aus- pices of the C. C. Club, Mr, Fordyce Clark presided, with Mrs. Robert Bean, jr., as organist. ._ The guest speaker, Mrs. H. Durnin, who spent several years as superintendent of .the Indian .school at Kitimatt, BIC., gave an inter- esting and graphic --account of the. work there and its success. Ort Fri- day night a supper for the anenvbers and their families will be held in the Township Hall, when, ways and means for more work will be considered. A quilth g and 10 -cent tea, was field for the au? at Mrs. Stoil's on Friday after- noon. •, W.M.S. Meeting. — The November •nieeting of the W.M.S.• was held at the home of .3ers. Tait Clark, with the' president, Mfrs. W. W. Walter, in the chair wad Mrs. °Marsh as pianist. The suggested program was followed), -the >.dzz News.ctEcho,__e_.„—,. By Betty Young ' Well, here we are 'back again, fresh as daisies after our holiday.. But there'll be no more halidayiuig around here for us, with• examinations be ginning an' November 28. •y * * * Every Wednesday after four, .an en- thusiastic crowd congregates in the gym, burns up some excess energy. has a lot of fun, and then calls it basket- ball practice: .One of these days, or months, we're going to show those Glintoners that they've got-�nothling on us any more when it comes to The grapevining technique. 'Wishful think- iirl;`,' you say? Well, 'could be! ' * * At ' the Monday morning assembly, Rev. Father Fallon Addressed the students and urged the ,ever-increasing .necessity for • buying more and- more war savings stamps.: Remember to save your'.: pennies and yau'l'1 find $2-i-$2=$5 when • you talk stamp currency' - ThUSY AT THE POSTOFFICE e 'Christmas season may be said to have begun' already at the postoffice. A great number of letters and parcels have been despatched to"Britain within - the Net `week, today) •(Thursday) being; "the last day on which• pareeis Gould be mailed with certainty of catching a boat' that should -arrive overseas before Christmas. In 'addition 'to mail matter sent by Canadians to s.oldiers� and other friends oversees, there is a large and 7 u � from--the-airport men whose homes are r' cin. With Christmas ysix in Bit only be much weeks await, there will not c let-up*for the_ postoffiee staff until the end of the year. theme being.-a'We live by faith in Jesus 'r'hrist." A litany of praise for Jesus Christ- was , read, followed iby prayer, Mir. Marsh gave the chapter of the study book, which told of the begin-' nines in West China, and Miss Ruby Young read an article telling of -the destruction by Japanese bombs of many of the churches, hospitals and schools which had been built up- during the last fifty •years, and of the courage and faithfulness of converts,. "because much' -was expected. of Ohristians." A nomin- ating' committee was appointed and Miss Betty Feagan was appointed Mle- :sionary Monthly secretary., Mrs. *al- ter elosed - -the meeting with prayer. The next meeting will be- held at: the -home of Mrs. John Treble. There -were fourteen 'patent. The hostess served afternoon team and a social hour wase spent. ' p s e years gas den.ly p on Saturday iii her',sevent - unanimously retarded. Mr: -L ` eighth year. She was doing. her Shop?, ii'allter, genkral,am onager of :Wei'Com- ping ,Saturday afternoon when she vvas pany, was. elected a director to' fill , 9udden13-tistricken wit)r:a= heart nit aaietl.: the vacancy created by the resihna;tion Shd" wasemoved to AI andra Hos-1 of Mr. Cottrelle The other directors ' ,were re-elected and the report and pital, where .she Passed away shortly 1. statements adopted.` ro-County on June 15 % after 5 o'clock. Mne. Miller was born I in .b eteter. At the meeting of the'tilirectors Fheltla A 1864:e after the annual meeting, 'Mr.I., She was the daughter or Mr. and Mrs. a George McLaughlin, who Were among') Metter was elected president ;of the the.. early pioneers to - conic to this. • Cenipany and Mr. - .R. Hell- Ker and ; country; from Ireland. Her parents kr. J. J. Page were re-elected vice- later moved oto Clinton, where. she' presidents.' 4., c married, 'and lived until the death of Mr. D. „I. Walker, who has been With her husband in 1919: She then came Western Canada Flour, Mills for over .- a thirty years, will continue as general to Goderich and had since lived here. s manager and brings .a wide knowledge A. a member of the Iiaptia�t? church slie cti, all riepartirieizts. of the business to wars quite active in church affairs, and she was also .a, valued .worker for t°he• I bus new post..as chief �e--ecutive officer -y „ of the %(:ompany. Red' Cross,' ' Surviving are four daugh-,, • a tel's and three sons, Mrs. W: Ganteion, MAPLE LEAF' CHAPTER -1.0.D E. ' Noose Jacvl;lrs, J. Barnes;i?etroft; I At the regular meeting Of the M line ' Misses f'•czra and Fiore,. EIamilton ; Ogle I ir<apter; I:O.D.�E,, 'held' on Thurs- and William, of God)erien, - *read Edwin, 1 day- hist, at the Public (Library,• the•'7 of. Hamilton, Also surviving are six - regent, Mi R,• F. MMe.Melien, presiding, teen grandchildren, a 'great. -grandson ' the' Chapter decided to attend in a sand an only sister, Mrs. J. B. Lindsay I. body at the Remembrance Days service , of Toronto,-, at North street, United' elfurch .the fol- ; The funeral took places on Tuesday lowing Sunday ; also to place a -wreath ' n•fternoon • from, the residence of Ogle I on the cenotaph:• Fifteen dollars was Miller, '.eambria road; Rev.. A.'"J. Mil - donated 'to the Junior Red Cross, organ- ligan officiating. The pallbearers were 'ivied at Goderich :Collegiate' Institute. •1r A. Campbell, A.'Willcin:z,J..ehisholm, .The )Chapter is purchasing three pairs and three grandsons, Peree, Elwood of wooIIen Blankete through the local and 'Clarence Miller. Interment wag Iiec1�C4ross for the ./ 131afiltets for 8'rY-in Clinton cemetery..''...,._ • - fain" fund. The educational :secretary, 1 ry Mrs. J. Grahgni, Was .asked to ,send • MISS IIII.LYA►RD S ADDRESS science equipment and library books ' After a brief worship service! at asdred for by the (lhapter',s adopted* North! street "(hilted church on Sunday choolat Sernmit, Atbertryat�, in the Hay evening, 11fiss f)elielit Billiard, 1to;lia,- ; Lake *strict.. The liha'lyter will sell! sister of Mrs: It. 1I. 'Turnbull, wild ,Is tickets - for their„ usual ehr3'stmas at present home on a 'vacation from flambe). A aati•sfaactor% financial: re -India,. gave an interesting illustrated pont of . the 1:mpire Service Club way' re-, India, on the United eahtirch women's given. The, Members agreed to hells missionary liilspital at Tndore. India. provide free Sunday teas for all men in I .,,tfss Milliard' wag in charge of many uniform every other" Sunday. Open 1 Indian nurses at the hospital .Alio after hoaise hostess teas will4-he given in , training go out nursling in , different special holiday seasons I parts of the eonntrv. ' kiss lliltiard's - - -!-, . -- --- -, talk dealt chiefly! whin' hers Work: in Plot • Olilee t>ouglaay 'rlliott, aged beeline the 1na'ian women awl children aw a i a tcrenti • thiet�• years, soca of Thomas It„ mufl'ea fine from tubereulonis and rieketa3. Elliott of Toronto, ia) reported mi Ing flonre of the views 'portrii ed( the Bolo ao the result of air operations ov'emea 3, fnl eostuYn'e: "of the Indian' wanien.and The young 1nan's father 4b' a former the'. ancient temples " of Itoddhi . Goderich boy, len* of the late Geo. 1,1 There wars alai a fine view of the mise K - 1ii111att. • . ionarsy hospital: „• 'elle , Foods-- BIG ..,: --. 7DAir BAKING SALE iM We have the, finest quality Fruits' and Tn.,gxedie nts for your most !particular Baking Needs — Need's is ' tiine° • to think about your Mali n: as cake -too—See us this . week for real values -I :LOW, Prices Finest Quality SULTANAS •, 2 lbs. 25c Hillcrest PURE .LARD lb. 18c CROWN CORN' SYRUP 2 ib' -23c 5 ib. 53o Cowan's 'Perfection 14 lb, 1-1b. 00004 tin -15o tin 25o Gillett"s LYS Eats 'dirt tin 12c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 bars 20c GRA'PENuTS FLAKES Large pkg 16c POST TOSTIES is Both for 10c PASTRY FLOUR 7-1b, 23c 24-11. 69c Cut Mixed PEEL Lemon, -Citron Orange, .. . lb. 29c Pitted Sair DATES -1,19c N, ew Clean. CURRANTS I.exia' SEEDED RAISIN"S 16111111110111111., •-oz. Pte, 17c 2 lbs. 270 Asniiramilsmons `Hillcrest ` . • - SI ORTEN'G - l -ib. cart. leo Large .. - .:., ,Whole Heal •, CHERRIES - 4 -oz, 15c Superior fAK;ING'' - POWDER 1,6,oz. tin 190 Cer fluial f IOL+ASSES tin 11c Ellmavr VANILLA , EXTRACT 8 -oz. btle 15o -°-. Nabob COFT'EE 1-1b. bag 490 Ellman' *IUD, BISCUITS lb.' 12c '.1...1... Bungalow C1iCOLATES 1-1b. bolt 330 Brunswick CHICKEN HADDIE - ' tin 17o Sunlight Camay '• - SOAP SOA bar 7o , A bars 20o PHONE 11 ,• •41.a 1, -kid PHoa ilk.+/. 4i•,/ - . Lions • Bingo' FOR FOWL in aid of their WAR SERVICIS FUND FRI.NO�.. 21 L►DDFE'LLOW*' HALL at 8 ' p.m. sharp, - • , .. Entire proeeeds go.• to local war efi!ort. Pr' es: Chickens, Ducks, and Geese. No. admission charge — bring your friends and have an---' - ev°enieg's fun. Schubert Compositions on East street on Tuesday afternoon, should) be on the same basfs_for :each Rev: R. H. Turnbull officiating. , The industry and I will grant that in such a ease it will not suit all of them: n be postponed from year to year by "suggesting a, new out to rhe tax- payers. each .year, 1usfas the °roadway � he filo h side, of the harbor, lis-, sing -sone cards 'and . Lunch will'be h pallbearers were Rod. ohnston, Harold the programee This meeting will be Rivers,- Eaarl Westbrook and Harold for the pu)rpose.,of a rally and�'aa means- Allen. a Interment was in Maitland of raising money,: so all are. asked to . cemetery. - -- ROBERT BI'SISET YOUNG i •post - ,¢iter a lingering _ iliacus Robert cussed duriilb eachelection,s isset Young, of Goderich township, polled from year to year. In m letter to'Council f Se tember o passed away lnlAlexan�dra''Hospital• on 3September ' Action, no doubt, ca appraisal, at additional c -• The Goderich- Music Olub held. its1 reserve_ this, date an�d.,.,inembers are regular meeting in. MacKay Hall on , asked to firing their friehds: Discus- nda veuing, with a • re -a earn•-20.e.ewed--• tendance. The 'club is noWa to be tit- i w .• which ch ill be advertised later. , i 'Music Te . I filiated with the Ontario s ° ere As.�ociation, a ;Provincial organiz- ' NEW PRESIDENT WESTERN anon which in turn forms a un the 11 1911 I advised Council of the CANADA I+'EOUR CO ;Friday, �,ovember Zth, in his st�ty fifth 'possible Canadian Federation of Millie Teach- 'mar Deceased was a soli of the late saving to _the., Government of ers. The complete executive of the —George and 'Christina Youizg and .was .$13,000, if coal for the neighboring air Goderich branch is: Presidenf Mr. G: R. - Cottrelle Retires' and D. I ,Mervin Snyder; vice-president, fr. F. • Gillespie ; secretary, Miss . Ala • Howell; treasurer, Mr.F. Armstrong.;:' executive members, Mrs, A. !'S-chutz anti Mies Clara Barrett. , The .first part 'of the , -meet was d'emoted-teechoru-s-practice-on "II. 2.5. pane. Mr. Cottrelle, who a year ago of Edmonton, predeceased him some where these schools might be without I Pinafore.", 'Following this, ' :Miss �i,. accepted the post of oil controller for , time ago.' The funeral' took place one. fuel' �'1y. letter. was , acknowledged Aitken very ably presented an excel- Canada, informed .the meeti_eg that Sunday, from "the .home of his brother, neder date of -October 20th and, -With . lent paper on the life of Franz Seen.. when he accepted the Government post. i Jamey Young, Bayfield road, wheSre nothing' done, the opportunity to save I Net. The program •consisted entirely tion he had hoped that he would be I deceased- h�qd made his home in later this money which will never occur y of Schubert compositions; Piano duet, able tri carry + on as chief executive of- rears, and was largely attended. Rev, agate has been lost. -- The- Theeniz,heil Symphony, Mrs. W. ficer of the Company, but the neultiple i A• •J.._Mat:Have conducted the )services In �•iew of the attitude of. "kilt ,the MacDougall and Mervin.Snyder; vocal, .and increasing resp.onsilrilities of the ante Pallbearers were Walter Wallis goose that days the golden • egg," is it 1 :ley. 'Sweet Re pose _' ise"Olar`ea `...Federal 'past �in recent-zuonths'mude -it - George P ... , _. _.- : , ey, wonder that Goderiebehas not had � p , M Barrett + Ge.orgle Gzeenslade, W. J. Elliott, ''piano, !Moment :Musicale; Mrs. Mac- apparentR-that it would. not be fair to Samuel Westlake Daavi i Wartier and ane clew i�ttdii�stryn ih the test twenty Do'argall•; violin, Monienr Muelcale,"Mrs. A. Schutz,; piano, The Furl- King .(Liszt transcription), .Mervin Snyder. . Meetings' will -now be held regularly once a month,. -For the December meet-nourn meat was received with regret \L.aitlanrl cemetery.. ' • ing Miss Alma Howell is in , charge of. by the shareholders, and an appropriate a stilly of the'orchestra and it, instrtt resolution expressing the ippreeiaitioa " • _... MRS. J. s. 1IILLE•R '4' ment with recorded illustrations. of the. Atiarehoidrers for, the services era. rendered to the 'Company; by Mr. Cot- T.aaii, Jane Miller, widow of the trelle in the past three ear �• late James S: Miller, passed away '-sud- • born iin, Goderich township, where he I training scholsafas brought in to the walker... Appointed in 'His Place •lived .his entire life.. He was not north side of the h llo by boat, and At the annual general meeting of.� married: _ .He is survived by three I pointed. out that this eu d goat long shareholders of Western Canada Flour brothers, P,enjamin of Goderich, Peter way towards' paying the cost.of the Mills !Company, Limited, held onroad and the very serious danger that and James' of- 'Goderich township. An- «. November 10th, 10 1, Mr. 0. R. Cot- other brother, Richard, died in 1038 and calices and rwarail problems in the States tri►lie -retired art; prc ident- of the Dom- sister W innifred .. S• r,; Athol Bissetinay delay: rail shipments -to a� point a 1 the 4`ompany or himself to carry on, gest. McClure, • Six nephet'vs were years and that factory buildings- re- t. he did of desire to main vacant? • 1 J 1 and therefore flower -bearers , Frank, ,Scott and James offer his • name for re-election Ps a Yount ,-Marshall Bell, Joseph Clark and director of the',Company. This an= .Graham Johnston: Interment _was, in AT ° at CORNFIELD'S Reduced 15 , per cent. Now with merchandise harder: „to obtain OORNFIEt,iPS offer you at the season's height New Fall Coats at Reduced .Pries. Why don't .You take advantage of.. this. Great Saving .ale/ The Coats lave this .season 's newest, c gtails. Mostly made of .I sported Woollens. Fut; trims are of • Squirrel, s' l+Poz, Jap Mink, Persian. 'You'll flid o, complete stook of Men's and. Young Men's- Overcoats. en's"'Overcoats• nrat CORNFIELD'S, , x a THEiJ'ARE'• D S� �� �� LRxGo . Yours very truly, R. S. WURTFILE. N ov7mber 10;. 1941, CARLOW, Nov. 12. --Mr, John Young and Miss Ruby Young attended the funeral of Mr. Young's nephew, Robert Young of GoderichboWnship, an Sun- day last. Rev. John Polack, of Wingham, oc- cupied the pulpit of the Presby.terien e --hu elt----en-eSuntlay-%-ads-chase--as his topic "pod the • father of ,all,- and Jesus, Christ the only -salvation."...The Lord's Supper will be observed': next „Suinday, with preparatory service at Auburn on Friday night: . Community Club; A se ice 'was held' on Sunday night under-�tthe'aus- pices of the C. C. Club, Mr, Fordyce Clark presided, with Mrs. Robert Bean, jr., as organist. ._ The guest speaker, Mrs. H. Durnin, who spent several years as superintendent of .the Indian .school at Kitimatt, BIC., gave an inter- esting and graphic --account of the. work there and its success. Ort Fri- day night a supper for the anenvbers and their families will be held in the Township Hall, when, ways and means for more work will be considered. A quilth g and 10 -cent tea, was field for the au? at Mrs. Stoil's on Friday after- noon. •, W.M.S. Meeting. — The November •nieeting of the W.M.S.• was held at the home of .3ers. Tait Clark, with the' president, Mfrs. W. W. Walter, in the chair wad Mrs. °Marsh as pianist. The suggested program was followed), -the >.dzz News.ctEcho,__e_.„—,. By Betty Young ' Well, here we are 'back again, fresh as daisies after our holiday.. But there'll be no more halidayiuig around here for us, with• examinations be ginning an' November 28. •y * * * Every Wednesday after four, .an en- thusiastic crowd congregates in the gym, burns up some excess energy. has a lot of fun, and then calls it basket- ball practice: .One of these days, or months, we're going to show those Glintoners that they've got-�nothling on us any more when it comes to The grapevining technique. 'Wishful think- iirl;`,' you say? Well, 'could be! ' * * At ' the Monday morning assembly, Rev. Father Fallon Addressed the students and urged the ,ever-increasing .necessity for • buying more and- more war savings stamps.: Remember to save your'.: pennies and yau'l'1 find $2-i-$2=$5 when • you talk stamp currency' - ThUSY AT THE POSTOFFICE e 'Christmas season may be said to have begun' already at the postoffice. A great number of letters and parcels have been despatched to"Britain within - the Net `week, today) •(Thursday) being; "the last day on which• pareeis Gould be mailed with certainty of catching a boat' that should -arrive overseas before Christmas. In 'addition 'to mail matter sent by Canadians to s.oldiers� and other friends oversees, there is a large and 7 u � from--the-airport men whose homes are r' cin. With Christmas ysix in Bit only be much weeks await, there will not c let-up*for the_ postoffiee staff until the end of the year. theme being.-a'We live by faith in Jesus 'r'hrist." A litany of praise for Jesus Christ- was , read, followed iby prayer, Mir. Marsh gave the chapter of the study book, which told of the begin-' nines in West China, and Miss Ruby Young read an article telling of -the destruction by Japanese bombs of many of the churches, hospitals and schools which had been built up- during the last fifty •years, and of the courage and faithfulness of converts,. "because much' -was expected. of Ohristians." A nomin- ating' committee was appointed and Miss Betty Feagan was appointed Mle- :sionary Monthly secretary., Mrs. *al- ter elosed - -the meeting with prayer. The next meeting will be- held at: the -home of Mrs. John Treble. There -were fourteen 'patent. The hostess served afternoon team and a social hour wase spent. ' p s e years gas den.ly p on Saturday iii her',sevent - unanimously retarded. Mr: -L ` eighth year. She was doing. her Shop?, ii'allter, genkral,am onager of :Wei'Com- ping ,Saturday afternoon when she vvas pany, was. elected a director to' fill , 9udden13-tistricken wit)r:a= heart nit aaietl.: the vacancy created by the resihna;tion Shd" wasemoved to AI andra Hos-1 of Mr. Cottrelle The other directors ' ,were re-elected and the report and pital, where .she Passed away shortly 1. statements adopted.` ro-County on June 15 % after 5 o'clock. Mne. Miller was born I in .b eteter. At the meeting of the'tilirectors Fheltla A 1864:e after the annual meeting, 'Mr.I., She was the daughter or Mr. and Mrs. a George McLaughlin, who Were among') Metter was elected president ;of the the.. early pioneers to - conic to this. • Cenipany and Mr. - .R. Hell- Ker and ; country; from Ireland. Her parents kr. J. J. Page were re-elected vice- later moved oto Clinton, where. she' presidents.' 4., c married, 'and lived until the death of Mr. D. „I. Walker, who has been With her husband in 1919: She then came Western Canada Flour, Mills for over .- a thirty years, will continue as general to Goderich and had since lived here. s manager and brings .a wide knowledge A. a member of the Iiaptia�t? church slie cti, all riepartirieizts. of the business to wars quite active in church affairs, and she was also .a, valued .worker for t°he• I bus new post..as chief �e--ecutive officer -y „ of the %(:ompany. Red' Cross,' ' Surviving are four daugh-,, • a tel's and three sons, Mrs. W: Ganteion, MAPLE LEAF' CHAPTER -1.0.D E. ' Noose Jacvl;lrs, J. Barnes;i?etroft; I At the regular meeting Of the M line ' Misses f'•czra and Fiore,. EIamilton ; Ogle I ir<apter; I:O.D.�E,, 'held' on Thurs- and William, of God)erien, - *read Edwin, 1 day- hist, at the Public (Library,• the•'7 of. Hamilton, Also surviving are six - regent, Mi R,• F. MMe.Melien, presiding, teen grandchildren, a 'great. -grandson ' the' Chapter decided to attend in a sand an only sister, Mrs. J. B. Lindsay I. body at the Remembrance Days service , of Toronto,-, at North street, United' elfurch .the fol- ; The funeral took places on Tuesday lowing Sunday ; also to place a -wreath ' n•fternoon • from, the residence of Ogle I on the cenotaph:• Fifteen dollars was Miller, '.eambria road; Rev.. A.'"J. Mil - donated 'to the Junior Red Cross, organ- ligan officiating. The pallbearers were 'ivied at Goderich :Collegiate' Institute. •1r A. Campbell, A.'Willcin:z,J..ehisholm, .The )Chapter is purchasing three pairs and three grandsons, Peree, Elwood of wooIIen Blankete through the local and 'Clarence Miller. Interment wag Iiec1�C4ross for the ./ 131afiltets for 8'rY-in Clinton cemetery..''...,._ • - fain" fund. The educational :secretary, 1 ry Mrs. J. Grahgni, Was .asked to ,send • MISS IIII.LYA►RD S ADDRESS science equipment and library books ' After a brief worship service! at asdred for by the (lhapter',s adopted* North! street "(hilted church on Sunday choolat Sernmit, Atbertryat�, in the Hay evening, 11fiss f)elielit Billiard, 1to;lia,- ; Lake *strict.. The liha'lyter will sell! sister of Mrs: It. 1I. 'Turnbull, wild ,Is tickets - for their„ usual ehr3'stmas at present home on a 'vacation from flambe). A aati•sfaactor% financial: re -India,. gave an interesting illustrated pont of . the 1:mpire Service Club way' re-, India, on the United eahtirch women's given. The, Members agreed to hells missionary liilspital at Tndore. India. provide free Sunday teas for all men in I .,,tfss Milliard' wag in charge of many uniform every other" Sunday. Open 1 Indian nurses at the hospital .Alio after hoaise hostess teas will4-he given in , training go out nursling in , different special holiday seasons I parts of the eonntrv. ' kiss lliltiard's - - -!-, . -- --- -, talk dealt chiefly! whin' hers Work: in Plot • Olilee t>ouglaay 'rlliott, aged beeline the 1na'ian women awl children aw a i a tcrenti • thiet�• years, soca of Thomas It„ mufl'ea fine from tubereulonis and rieketa3. Elliott of Toronto, ia) reported mi Ing flonre of the views 'portrii ed( the Bolo ao the result of air operations ov'emea 3, fnl eostuYn'e: "of the Indian' wanien.and The young 1nan's father 4b' a former the'. ancient temples " of Itoddhi . Goderich boy, len* of the late Geo. 1,1 There wars alai a fine view of the mise K - 1ii111att. • . ionarsy hospital: „• 'elle , Foods-- BIG ..,: --. 7DAir BAKING SALE iM We have the, finest quality Fruits' and Tn.,gxedie nts for your most !particular Baking Needs — Need's is ' tiine° • to think about your Mali n: as cake -too—See us this . week for real values -I :LOW, Prices Finest Quality SULTANAS •, 2 lbs. 25c Hillcrest PURE .LARD lb. 18c CROWN CORN' SYRUP 2 ib' -23c 5 ib. 53o Cowan's 'Perfection 14 lb, 1-1b. 00004 tin -15o tin 25o Gillett"s LYS Eats 'dirt tin 12c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 bars 20c GRA'PENuTS FLAKES Large pkg 16c POST TOSTIES is Both for 10c PASTRY FLOUR 7-1b, 23c 24-11. 69c Cut Mixed PEEL Lemon, -Citron Orange, .. . lb. 29c Pitted Sair DATES -1,19c N, ew Clean. CURRANTS I.exia' SEEDED RAISIN"S 16111111110111111., •-oz. Pte, 17c 2 lbs. 270 Asniiramilsmons `Hillcrest ` . • - SI ORTEN'G - l -ib. cart. leo Large .. - .:., ,Whole Heal •, CHERRIES - 4 -oz, 15c Superior fAK;ING'' - POWDER 1,6,oz. tin 190 Cer fluial f IOL+ASSES tin 11c Ellmavr VANILLA , EXTRACT 8 -oz. btle 15o -°-. Nabob COFT'EE 1-1b. bag 490 Ellman' *IUD, BISCUITS lb.' 12c '.1...1... Bungalow C1iCOLATES 1-1b. bolt 330 Brunswick CHICKEN HADDIE - ' tin 17o Sunlight Camay '• - SOAP SOA bar 7o , A bars 20o PHONE 11 ,• •41.a 1, -kid PHoa ilk.+/. 4i•,/ - .