HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-11-13, Page 21—•
ritirritlt *tottal-Ottir
Pub1044 by '[$.gneil-Sterie14.14.
West $treer„ Giderieh, Quzerio
1 Phil Ositerof Lazy Meadows
By Barry J Ro)ie
Nt_WEMBF41?1, Teth,11
A. LON,q, PITY„Ii AHEAD iiieo2ter4t,'Iteeaid, to the idee-curry*
aP19141-; 3'01114 CCM:11111sthat men are
Churehill pritain ateeeStalin la not 'needed ‘for ,ehe elstny when 'there
Ttuesia 'have heartened theirepeople by ere eo few easul1„,tees. Thbe le a WPM
eghTVES1027-5 Og confidence ‘in yee Bue' IMPIVe151011, be ,‘5''a41„ for, ,there i$
eeesfal tem ef the e onkaut drain ea the ftmtes whieh will
The .Pelme Minter aa W4? have inceeaee ;with mitive operatioms.
paeeet through the da,rhest and 11/195t "It, 1$ 1.1p 't0 tLlt,e Members q
id a this liggik and -are ieense and the pee le they represent
I, and that literally billions Ot„ germs evlf, It must be realised, too, that the elanhattaree 4:14nd street, Dr.eRanscli-
11101.41 tO hide in among .the featherS of a '11301,th-4-wills,
. mi. i 101 la • been. b a .wliat he• thinks will h
eeeeesinese tees came eeto I Zing' 1:0101 what,Hitler is nOw doing and
i he
4. reader EX radg Iliong a mete eayieg,
"Why do 't yon write a piece eome day
about' mattreeses?", The letter serves.
eet a train of thought in "notion . t.
a 4.,
and 5ure en,ough the cohnun etarts out
altOtit mattreeeeS.
Feather tielee were diecauled at Lazy
U[eadows when I was a boy. Vdothee
heard eonle 'place they were tenhealelev
Current Views on the War.
RUSSIA:4S POWER Or RESISTANCE IIitier ee intimately ae aye -cue raay
ha oraer to appreciate Rueeia's ever ;41101r it Ile ke Dr. ITermann
etupendous war efi'orte it iS neecesary -Hatuchningsp tulet4me Kesidett of Itbe
to looh. et it 'In Ito true ,perepectiveil Danzig Senate, a 'German who e;-0-
,..entagoni,sna, to the Soviet regime' God I nouneed the .Nazis in 19.3.4,, toot refuge
varlotte other factore, which are not of 'in Poland,- 4-1514 Since, then has lied in
sterdaY' inakinee have led to a com-
plete and ,fir ly 'ingrained mi,sappee-
hension •of fhe Russians' fighting. eaPa-
eit.e. Yet it must lk realised that.the
'Ituesiatt eoldier, even in deys gone by,
was-ilistinguished by his courage and
etayiug power,,1 Under' proper leader.
ehip he has always giVe"). a gOod, some -
tura to SwAteerland, !Vran0eaud,Bri
. Last weat Britieh frerghtere
;brought IIermann Rause/wing to ,the
1LS...for. the first time. 'Ile hopes to
1,frecorne a U.S., eitizen. .Veom hie pub-
lisher Ise ',earned' etteee -las wife' tow are aneny tiniee greater than twenty-
thildren ere -he had. lat uela rale.14 PearS aeSo and include 'Winterise
since they fled from France a year ago. el:1)7,11We and inachinea, Elven the equip-
,titutsa even. It brilliant, aecome aims In a small,' dusty o ce,. high, over Ping an infantry division several
ete .'N'oeti; &WS'S-- Ire ale %te
ter ea3ei attaeke eoroleg froES
Orate' tin4' eaSa,hiasea lese Thnn fs'00
'eeikee away, -Gibraltar would. iben.
eitallae! PlIgZet te/ t4o. is3aral fertreee Of
Malta. - It 9 g0-43-1 MM.:1 tbat the
413titish, ate Melting' ready for either
Oventsiality, •; '
_ . .
he New Yerk. Titue6,
AN DIDEENSE: 4121$11
(Saekatoon Staierheenix)
aluiPPing eteinies le now a tremen7,
douS job. The materials they require
Perilous ,$ e p tiek. 1 I f
vat deStIttY." to- put- their earts--aiid wille
Stalin, who Is tot glven to overmuch etieegie,,s to this task of inducing and
conviueed that ern as were all a lot of
e perellat et at ,er y
oneemore enaetere 9e oliu: . sumo new mattresses. Ile was firmly
talking, has expreseed his belief that
...tbs :Germans are nearing the end ofl
their tether:, -"In another few months
--another half year or one yea; per -1
haps-Hitler's Germahy must burat of /
'its own weight of crimes." -Germany,"
, deelared, -is bleeding to 'death."
eonvincitig the youtig men of this - .
- -- -' - i nonsense and so when he came tdek
Doealn,ion,that their place, is in the; from town that evening he had one mat-
, ----,
Canadian army." eahl the MineSter. I tress and a firm glint in his eye which
vvarned everyone to accept the One
The announcement that gasoline mpiaatt.ead'essoiliVtihtheeu;vtagreuesbotio.ning. 'It was
ratiOging. is to be intreduced.in,,Canada ..-In,,dtue•litne it was moved' to fathers
was made by Munitions Minister lEteke,nd mother's room and a new one
t was purehased for the spare 1)edroom
eThese expressioias do not mean tila Efferts at reduction of eonenruption by s .
I •
the end of the war is near, or esen, n asking. the publie to eut, down on
sight. While Britain and her allies pleasare driving and leter by restrict -
have come ithrough the time ot greatest leg aales to eervice stations were, the
'perile-as Peril greater, perhaps, tlialte`Ministere a•dmitted, ..entee.„ , Thvy
n anyone realized who was not in the I were emergency measures, made nees
thick of things -there is a loug, stern bary the conditions vvhicla existed.
struggle ahead to defeat the forces of The working out of a system of ratioa-
ing ,was a Very, complex. affair,' and whether that hard straw mattress WdS
1 Ner n 71 ale n o sesee bY . . alMen u t
the idea of- war. gehey have elways next few Inenties:
believed' that one day' either Gerilian3- ;sat bearemait,,1:40111° irRilue;2' fa/141°17e ve*theei
or the 'imperialist Nirs'etern denlOcrac-
ies, or pokibly 0 -teethe forees of beth trv to make peace. ,Rauschning dees
not believe the British, will accept a
eorabined, woultimseek. to destroy the
Soviet regime, and a tenipt to ienpose a true*, or the Russians eithei! But tile
throlighout the exis nee 'Brat of Lenin's 'Iribyo.titheopireesto. ininvaRdeustiraitaanindliorit.laenrotcahenj;
difikerent system o ' Russia. - Thus eGerman military Machine ie worn down -
and then of S'talin'S' dictatorship the
possibillty-ote,swarejbase,loanaedeAUgfa eaar p,,,t least or 'eMeeliKitain hope
and for the .greater,part has entirely ItuongielleaUreer peroapece. Iihwalereffooureowa elvorotr?df,
deminatedssthe lireinlin's policy both '
1 moria e times of a job 2110177 than tWerity-
J five years ago.. -Canada 'today eau
equiP au iiifantr divleion in free or isix
weeks.- The eetupping Of 411 army of
eeveral hundred infentry divisions
would take Canada years. The equip-
ping of British- e,rinies is not completed
yet. And. so when -one realizes that
Russian- armies number about 1800,-
000 men, or more 'than '1,060 division
seine' picture" Of the immensity of the
productieri tatsk !becomes elea.r.
Soon. another one was PurshaSed for at home and abroad. They have never V. ,r II, while -Germany prepares for
blade 'any secret abOat, it,; on. theconWerld War , -
To fight Britain. and the U.'S., gitier
trary, they have' strairied, every nerve
to, inculcate the ideas of self- defenee, must build a fleet, While he builds it,
into the mases andl to build up: the !the will have to yield the initiative
greatss:t possible War; potent ial , • Which has inade the long string of
country in the worsiels with w -
Tines, if today Rusaia is the"-OffirliGerman. victories possible so far, While
seelesei tBhrettNaianzisanadre thhaerdt ja.st ..,wderakn inseizeEurotPeh
of tank.s and ,plantT '!equal, or even
superior, to that of OerraanT, sifs sheisluitiativesand use it to fight World War
has vast war industries far removed III on 'their own, terms.' If a war with
from the invader's reaCh, if she has a
-military and-, olitidal techni ue that.
the spare: room . the spare ones
11101'0 to our parents' room and evee
were given the' old one. After !being
used to the billowing feather tick that
user:tee atoileandetosseavitheue- onAhe
. it was a strange eensation to
climb in on top of Opt new straw tick.
I have neer been able to figure out
evil represented in the name and per-
son of Hitler. As •Col. Ralston said i.n
of eCommons at Ottavva,:
"My own feeling is titat the F1iS
only- really begun; that 60 -farall that
we have derie is to avoid defeat ; that
we still have to begirt to win."
• f t. It le•la d in
could not be accomplished ,in• u few I • -
places and soft in others-. By reason
weeks. "We, ..4Ye going ef tea° small bomstrylek to barrow
flexible syetem or rationing and. ',Win-- •
make the rations just tfa lib 1a as our
supplies of gasoline will permit," said
the Minister.
The time to rally. for the' s.upreme The Minister dealt ha detail with an
effort is when. theenemy shows signs of advertisement published, a few weeks
weakening. ,Ohurehill and Stalin be=
Pieve that time is at hand. Germany,
has spread her reign of force over the areisstetements."
great pat of IDurope and ,-;vith„. her e,
allTes, willing or forced,• threatens • At last a definite movement ie being.
Africa, • 'Asia, 'even Aestralia and made for the strerigthening of the qui-
Amerjca. The moment has arrived to e
eervative Opposition in the gtouse. At
a meeting of prominent Gonservatives
froni all parts of the Dominion, held. at
Ottawa last week, -a call- was issued
to Senator ,aleigisen to return, to •the
japan • is inevitable, they ean fight
Japan now, while HitlersiKneyees
down in the ("entre of it during the eT"aiir fate-up%-irei-r—ve has peeved Geer: - 0 -1--efarrdern'it-Nnizi domination
cold winter spelLs it began to dish out many's match, alle this is no mere
einanF8ruaenceedce anilid Torrowpeay: Nisazniotterarorsipet
0.t the, sides and wear through, at the coincide . . . .
middle. There was a round spot in the dinary Russian -peasant or iof Cee'rman desperatidn, but a studied
centre where the straw was all dished may be a fairly primitive C.Cazi policy: The Nazi technique IS to
out and it was :bulked up along the t he, is amazingly ' versatile,
,ago by. the Joy Oil Company, vvhieh he
described. as "grass and -calculated
cheek that brutal -progress; but victory
end the end of war- will not come until.
, defeat and retreat are decisiveljefbreW
-upon the enemy., That may be..a matter
of • yea.rs- it -certainly will be the re-
-- and take over the leadership
.-e-sulteonly •ef -intense aud sustained efs. of the Opposition. gr. Hanson, the
fort on the part of the forces a justice,
present -temporary leader, is not in
and liberty.
. ...
good health and wishes to resign the
., • pest. Mr. Meighen so far has not
'Grattan, O'Leary, editor of The Ot-
tawa JOarnal, who has just returned
from a tiip to Britain with other Can-
adian journalists, visited Ireland while
he was overseas and checked on some
a the rumors he had heard about that
country.' Ile sayS:
, It is 't true, brit ! a monstrous,
absu ty, that-- the German min:
iter Dublin has two thousand
ageiitSe seatt•ered through Eire; other men, not now in political life to
that-, he is susing theoesto make come to the aid of the party by con
Ireland a "back door”. througlr
'tsting 'seats Which, would, be opened
, Which Germany can invade Eng-
land. The German minister in bY the- resignation of present sitting
Dublin-alempelleshas four em- members. .
Indicated What' his decision is to be.
Whether he is hovering on the kink, Or
taking his time' to get a good -running
start, ean wily be guessed. One thilig
Is certain: If Mr. Meighen returns to
the dommons there will be a revival of7
party .feeling: and dissension. 31r.
Meighen and Mr. ging are., old on.-
ponents and when they ineet the eparlea
fly, verbally. It is said to be the hope
of the COn.servatives to induce several
'doves in his -office. He cannot , • •
less, mail or cable, withaut his
eammunicatioas passing through ,
British or United:States chanaels. And still the Germans are outside
in its sinothering density. The feathers! -The Nineteenth Century (London).
your shape and -bury you a little deeper 1 inistue performance. - airt-traid
eswaarrne infgu,lIybutiinnafonva.l. posts and
communicate with .by wire -
being, !break the -will of its victims with a -
and he is interested in everything and 'wave of planned brutality, then treat
of Soviet- agriculture, even though it •,make them , work. The wen ,agabast
anything new. Thus the mechanization 1, them with comparative gentleness te
sides in a regular dyke -like sort of ar-
Clinahin into bed -ou you'd start
g' 3
s▪ leeping up on the sides and the first
thing. you knevv there would- -be a
scramble of boys in. the middle. The
tussle and pullitg and tugging Of small
boys had a rather bad effect en the
mattress. Mother was sick at the, time
and our hired- girl never used to bother
a great- deal with sweeping. I can
remember quite plainly how she, used to
PU-ah the little pile of -straw back into
the earner under the bed. Needless to
say that after mother recovered from
her illness -the hired ,girl Was given a
ery .short' notice to -pack her duds
add git."
o Grandmother used to'have the softest
feather ' beds in the distriet. It was
alwaye a treat to get spending a few
days at her house. Climbing int a bed
. . it seemed as 0 you were scrambl-
ing up on tea) of a partly inflated
balloon the way they used to billow out
around you. Grandmother would eome
tip -toeing up the stairs softly with the
was . accompanied by -terrorism and
great hardship, resulted among the
younger generation of Teaaartte in de-
s -eloping a large interest in engineering.
Similarly, the vast industrialigation
eampaign, conducted under, the slogan
of one Five Year Plan after another
in rapid succession, helped to produce a It • is reassuring to learn from( the -
new type of mechanically-mieded correspondent _of The London Timea
citizens. True, all the 'first steps ' it that Gibraltar has been strengthened
greatly, For •fifteen months pneumatic
-drills have been .boring new galleries in
.the heart of the Rock. The cinaree-
potident describes the scene under-
ground. as still presenting a Dantesque
;picture of toil, .altliough the work is
close to completion.A vast sub-surfaees
city ca'n now house the- garrison iu
ease of siege. Tliere-are available
guns, ammunition, food and a water
supply sufficient to enable defenders
-to rival the famous endurance of
1779-83, when the Rock .etood for -more
than three years. There is also a.
well -protected fuel reserve for the air -
Planes Participating the -defense. ,
-Wemen, childree and -the aged have
been banished from the population,
which has come down from the normal
Hitler cannot be -won by_ conspiring
with conquered peoples." It can be
-won, says Dr. Rausehniiiga only -by
fighting. • -
Time ,(Chicago).
Photography Used to' Facilitate Send-
ing of Messages to Soldiers,
Overseas ,
The anode= airgraph message ser-
tice, planned. to facilitate- corresPond-
enee between men on active service and
their loved ones at Ilisme, vaili go into
effect here on. November 15, Postmaster
• ...tee speceal message -sform used in,
post office. It consists of a single '
sheet, -with *a. apace reserved. for the I
written message and 'another for the
At the. outset,. the airgreph -service
is to be Used only by eCanadiana writing
to members of the apmed f.ortes'im the,
United- Kingdom When- the message
551I17R.SIMI„.NOVE3t8Ett 13tb, 1941,
Site. felt airgatalia-
esieweefesPilito. She
44W th,sught of bor
iddliess, unfit *Wuxi
ney Wis. At oar* 40
te* Dodd's., .T.b•
witshot Que
was sew replaced by
dor headed moo
Iyadiche, baamehe, sad. other,
wpm kidheys dissaaasert 12
print, measoring about five inches by
kue inches, is then made and delivered
to the !eddressee..
It is of utmost importance that per,
soles using this service Should write
very -plainly.. Black- ink should be
used wherever poseible, and;small write
in e is not suitable.
Xach airgraph message form w11.1 be
prepaid at the specially Deduced tee Of
mtly so cents -Just- one-third of melba-
ary trans-Atlantic air taitil poStage.
Prepayment will he 'made by postage
stamps, affixed to the space provided
on the reverse side a the messwee-
form, which will be handed in unfold:d
at the postal wicket. Envelopes, should
not be used..
It is expeeted thatathe new serilce
wili come einto- general -use- tor the,
transmission of messages to" the men
It was knocking off time in the frisla
• 'Have E you fellows- seen me
TeuSt ?" shouted Matephy.
Pat looked around. "Sure,: Murph.y,
ye've got it on!" he said,
has been written,. a 'miniature photo -1. "Yer right, I have,"Murphy replied,
aTaNtic negative of it is made and solemnly. "It's a good thing ye nOtieed
sent Over,seas by air. A photographic. It or I'd have gone herne without it."'
that direction had to 'be taken under
foreign guidance and supervision. En-
gineers and experts of all nationalities,
but chiefly Gerinan and American, dirs
ected the building and operation of
Russia's gigantic' industrial plant,
erected quite regardless of the cost
and sacrifice.thus entailed. • But ia.the
process the younger Russians them -
Selves did acquire a taste for 'all 'these
things, , and did reveal a growing
mastery of the new technique. Suffice
it to mention that the tractor factories,
w,hich later became the tank -factories,
lamp in her hand. I 'can See her yet, or the huge electrical power stations
Edging in the door quietly she would and The -various other industries
set the lamp down on 'the chair and efreshlk created or merely developed
tuck the quilts in under the feather and modernized) have in recent years
mattress. Then Shoving the quilts up been. operated entirely by the Russians
Close around my -shouldere she would themselves. • .15,000 of l'eacetiine to a fifth of that
stoop nown and her lips would give a . . . We the results now. Hav- number,' almost all men 'between the
quick -feather-Witch" kiss on my fore- ing made truly inlinman,sacrifices for age
. -,
of eighteen and forty-five engaged .
head. s - twenty years, the Soviets are may the
in essential tasks. 'Some thousands
Feather ticks were great in the only Military povver in the werld ctliTp-HpQre are admitted daily from Spanish
win'ter time. They were warm and able of -eta-tiding up to the Prussiax, territory for civilian dutiee and ° are -
pleasant to sleep in, but during the They have forced Hitler to alter his ,eager to enter because food and
slimmer time it was an entirely differ -1 timetable, and they are making Ills- -.luxuries are cheaper and raore plentifiul
exit matter. On an evening when, the progress ao costly that he may yet there than in any town in Spain. This !
weather was aultry and hot the ticks regret his Russian campaign. It looks shifting population, however, must de- !
'were quite apt to make you feel' as if , like a majoeblunder on his part even part at nightfall and is admitted again
you Were roasting. Every time Jou'. now, and the Wes -Le
West faay be eternally only ar the etricte.st scrutiny. There
turned the tie,k seemed to confdrm to giatteful t6 the Rus.siens for their is'ito blackout except in the event of an. '
Troublesome NW& Coughs
Are lad on the' System:
It's the cough that sticIES; the cough that is hard.
to. get rid of; the cough accempanied by a, tickling in•
the throat that causes the•nerveand throat wracking
trouble that keeps you awakeave night.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup helps to relieve
this -coughing condition by soothing the irritated parts,
loosening the phlegm and stimulating the bronchial 'organs, and When this
is done the troublesome irritating ceugh may be relieved. ,
Dr. Wood's Norway Pitt° Syrup has been on the- market, for the past'
48 years. The Trade Mark ."3 Pine Tries'.
'Price 350 a bottle; large fairdly Size, about 3 timesas much, 60c at all
drug counters.
The T. Milburn CG, Limited, Toronto, Ont.
• He could net have agents through- o.f Moscow. !
. ...se ... .had .a. avay -..of _comingethrough _ thee _ . ---- - .. -- - e
out Ireland • (there .1s, liacidentallya ' - ---- - - ear • * : - -.* .
- ticking and' it was not unusaal to get s - THE ROLE OF nig R.A.F., Iligtt,
. There are two probable eventualities
no German population in Ireland)" e
. Invest in a wars savings certificate up in the, inoruing Ni' ith feathers[. -;
ihe L'-ritieh -Air Ministry makes the in the Changing kaleidoscope 'of this
without -the knowledge of the Irish !
police. I am convinced, absolutely, !‘analvmake. sour money fight for human i clustering, til your. 6kin where you had., arrestins elaim that Gerniany has been War which, would bring Gibraltar back
I been st8f#at g.- -, - - ' forced to use more Mae half her fighter into the picture. One would be an .
that if any such.. activities, or at- , liberty. - , el , Uncle Josh's daughter --1111-13---is. a planes not against Russia (at the time Axis oceupation of the Spanish, peata.
,tenipted activities, came ,to. the i - . * . * . 4, r
' school teacher. She has been living of her greatest military effort in - bie- sula, bringing about an innnektattistate "
knowledge of the Irish police, Mr..
, The British naiy is going. ,treat guns• away.- off in the city for a long time tory) but in defense against the Royal of siege, The other wOuld ' be the
De Valera would send Herr Hem- .
and the Canadidti navy
.• . •
Ise now and more el- less away from all Air Force on the. western_ frohts . ' -cession _by* the Vichy Gdvernmeat of
'Pell . home., Without a • OfidnilentLg ' ; theesdsass; .
hesitation. .. ie — • dying its ehare too. our country customs. Last Chritsmas This may- be nothing, more- than an
Josh waS- in the village, one day .and
It.isn't tree that at the demand, • * *
• - estimate. It may ,be that _the pro -
the ,station agent told:him thats.there portion of Nazi aerial fighters Which 1
of the Oerneant miniater hi Dublin, .
'Mr. De Vatera,Stopped Irish wonien , Gesoline rationing iS coining. an wae a large parcel for him down at the British have been able to lila down 1 ..„.......
knitting for - laritieh-soldiers„ or tor ' i adia, .irfa , ee. the•station. - Jes4-drove down with the in the west IS. considerablY _less thant
'Iliad the .alternative_.of a vol
Irish soldiewsin the British armY. .•,tary reduction of gas ceneumption to 8 leigli and looked at the strange flat this. But the claim does draw atten- I
bundte. Josh always is as 'curious tion to a factor that has 'received far i
gish.ere was nii suCh demand, and the •required degree ; they didn't ' take .sort of fellow and so he bad to peek in less consideration than it dese,rees. 1
e knitting centinues-and will cod -
it ! and • they. may .have to pat . Op at the contents 'a the parcel. . - gne conitantly hears it said that the
tinu.e. • t 1 • tt-e.-- , . stelidy British bombing e- of objectives
It isn't true that the German with. II pretty drastic curtailment of I •
minister in Dublin' told .3ir. De Moto's-driving. - - one of these springy, soft kind, .whicl inside and ' ontside of Germany
ate deeigned. to give you. your ful
_ 'Valera . that if be should send.the - * * . * . -' have prayed ineffectual or of neglig- -
. beauty sleep. Josh. was. pleased be, ible inaportant;e.,...;.SWeeping .conclusiono
.. Dublin fire department to help•Bels- 'WnaysUS
. ,
heeler ,. .. ' President,7• 5011(1 ds worand he drove away ..off . _ , .
are sonietimdrawn. fr
es om' these ver-
' fast, in an y future German hornbills, ' hia lin- to beat theh rid- 1 didn't see - '
dicas concerning the amount of aid that
'Germany .would bomb DublinalTad • ,•;a3i a newspap.er headline. That w .t a. . - a • . ,_
0. such a threat been, ' made,: Herr. sh at. Ward "ilaYs"• is handy for the him fora"eme time, but one day'lle came , the -British have 'given to ,Ruasia, and
aza Nleados and elt chanced to the inability of eir .bombings to prove
Hempen, I am eeitatin, would have headlincewejter, but it is umch
sed uto L• ' -• w -
- f ask him about the mattress whieli it decisive. --.-.......... ,•_
'ken kic-kett from Mr, De Valera's •
often. • Jag a man is flayed it hurts; developed his daughter had seat 'him. , • . .
office, Mersa if Belfasels horabed . '. gale truth is, that -we siraply do not
ea • ', d needs pewees', help - 111 _this case the rresident probai;ly "I have been getting. up -at -3 o'clock know precisely • how-, effectiVe -the
....esa.„.torievres.........slare........easseese.......„-Lire.--------- e...........--seses— Yassee-shlasZela-aideenset4?-14-Beit-leiseelmabinsee-eof.-,-Geeinany--haste.les........
i i sere e p. ., t t- -r-reevSer-aetrel . missed :- pies' single morning. 'until
t ' ' It isn't' true that German sub- ,. • • • *-- * * we been. We do- know, of eourse, that
got Mat neavefiegled mattress. I slept they have, not been, in themselves de-,
'.itiarines have used, or are Using,
oebbes; Ga
ermny's propaganda in until .8 d'elock . the next day. .31rs.
mote' Irish harbors or inlets to ' cisive-otterwlse the Naais could not
s refuel with gasolille. This Story Minister! 'has issued a desperate ,appetla 'nigh took it eff our bed and put it on ' have ttdratieed into Rus.aia at all. Biit
ephe the spare one. 'She says that the old this doessnot mean. that air. bombings
.Was invest leaped by the British to the (Ierman People, to hold 011.
Strt1W._ tlel . is glissisenough for us. rho
r---- have not been important, or that they
themscii.es (en the .1ris1i Govern- worries and distress Will eh we all must
. truth _of the matter is, the straw tick (•annot proyeethe decisive factor in the
.ment's invitation) and found to be ,mat • ra
1 r in sne war " he saes, "would -pale is '.o uncotnfortable. that When -.you ,,nd. eee.,Aee de eet .eeew what the
baselees, •Aattint115',- Ei 1'4, bas no ' . , • - . •
ill the fate the in the morhiwg thete.''s' tiothing situation 'Would have 'beam ttalay if Ilse
gaaolixu, 4_,,Laa'oe What it imports; . infernu which:would '.wake up.
_. Goebeele to do 'except. get- tip or else get a I
Iml-ne British had: had no substantial bomber
o eannot import P n 0 lit; h far its, oWn. await Us if We were to lose,"
• in your ball, from, lying on at. When fors* to u:se over Germany. 12 it had
deeds. .. knws w
ohat is. in store for him. I . •
. , i. quit farming and don'tshave to g•et not been for British aerral bombing,
'Mr, ArliPary says,. that SUM* the las '*" ' *-- -* . . up in the morning'. 1111 g°1htt to -'ileeP '''110t' Only pinning down German lighting
ginning of . the War 150,000 Irishmen 1 The man who buys a - war -savings- on that fancy mattress for (lays , and pitinv.s but , destroying key' fa(.torica,
- .
Rotutd Tam fares.
From -GIMERiCf-1 •
•FRL and SAT.-NOV. 21:22'
To .Stations Oshawa and East to Cornwall ieclasive, 'Uxbridge,.
Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmarket, Cellingwood, Mee -
"ford, Midland, North Bay, Perry ISound. Sudbury, Capreol gad
- west to BeaTdinore.
also to Brantford, Chathaio, .Goderiela Guelph, Hamilton, Londbe,
Niagara .Falls, Owen Sound, ,St. Catharines, St. Marys,. Sarnia,
stra t ford; St ra tit roy, _ 'Woodstock, Windsor.
See handbills for complete list of destinations.'
For, Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tick,ets„ etc., -
eoneult .nearest Agent. T.3221e.
•:N.N...A1).j.. A N.
a - --- never "'PC 11.0 at '111 " tiny trans -
t -from Eire haVe J6listalthellriti.1411 arms ' vertifictite.is helpieg his roentry In the s - •-. • . .
' 011 -storage tanks and rail
iwrt, the (.ampaign, in Missile for all
°- and -that they eould not have left the
•. •
finiineing Of its war effort ; he is strile
PLOWING MATCH HEADQI'ARTER8 we ,know to. the eont vary, might have
eoun try ' wit hout permit 1 from the -ing a blow lege inSt Hider` in Perhaps, the
'min ernefits for the -.3 940 Inter- been ove'r'-' in four weeks instead of.
Dublin Government. anis. way 15 11141)1* to him ; he is, putting' . - .. . ...- already having run 'for .four months,.
- ..
. national. plow111"- mateli to be held in
-• Perhaps • it wonId be well, r116 Mr. by something for a*fhture day of 71P (41 , - •
, .. Huron eounty next „October came a 'tiritisli bombings -sin the NlediterJ
,I.s. .` •
O'Leary euggfees, .thiat seories txbout end peeelley be iq 3,151 11,, hhuself a step nee sta• on Friday with the an- IT eau aS; Well as over the Channel-
iiiast'aecotifit in part for the surprising
what Ireland is'. or .is', not deing be good Jesson in P14 1t l'etlfelenial for eonoe4enent . hs rOorrtY otlielels that resistante of Russia so-- far: We do
rather -----------------,
O• future good -
. - • . headquarterafor the hip; event would not knqw by how much British bomb-
: he at the Commercial Hotel, Seafortie ings eldwed up the German advance iti
.1-. A. Carroll, managing director of the the' etist tior how greatly they in-
' i'llE, OTTAWA SoENE Almost before WE. k IRAN' . 4 it AN 111 1te matela is conferred With local of--
, 'time, to (110054, the town .fathers for liciale on Friday, ,eppro-ved the choice Nazi lives and material. We do know
' Ti the Muse of Common* 'last week 1042; The nomination moptiug will he and,' confirmed arrangements whereby , that the Nazta threw nearly their whole
a review of. what Canada, is doing and 011 lrriilay night °of ' next Week, and
hopes to 410 in the twar was given by eitizens should be oat in full. force to
the ministers . of 4Iepartmelits J.' lielir Vie affairof 'the town discu.ssed
mediately Coficerned., The Athientent and, to nominate those vvito' they think
bY, VW: Ralston, minister or l'Iatioiaal 8110111d he ille1110(1 111 11;eXt Yo4.8
Defence, wee' cepecially interesting. iPourtell. Very .. :little discussion ef
. Ile has just retuerted from a Vialt 0 municipal matters is heard about town
. vbritalh, where he &Pent much el big a -the bigger Imes,of the 'wars •dre city, who 'had -the endoreationof 'most soviot Ituaeia, has been putting up e
time' ektit the Canadian tie*, and lie mponAlbie Yoir thatL-but, the tennual of the DeinOcratie leadere, a notal)le etoendotis and hereic battle. But it
le ae,fallaelous to assume that all "aid
.'eald they were in fine Ondition and' review of the town's business ehoeld p , 4 th P ' 4id It himself
.who openly ,g4;ve il'i8 Duivot t,o.,_ to ttuatga" necessarily ,means aid in
ready for any job, anywheret, any time. not ' be overlooked, - k•"(-' Ittiesle, as it, is ,to talk as 12 4,usda I
With,..r.egard to •Ipe,4,?ruiting in Cainida, . * * * . , man who; though* nominally ' a Ite- had been, lighting alone.
the MiniSter said there wag no, diffieulty La Guardia Le . once more eleeted pubileate had stood by him'through ' - - -The (NeVe ''S." 7f/it T1111e44.
. .
In •otting Well for the air force or tile mayor of New York, If he hadbeen thick and thin. Party, jines, :seem ,to e ICAUSCiliNING'S FORECAST
tThe comparatim 4lotimess of dofeatt-d the isolatioulgtg iwould have be pretty' Well shattered in the U11it.0- . At hlbcrty" In the IT,' thi k in '
, II •
recruiting for 'the aeMY 'Wag- 'ale to e'laimcd, a victory, for 14 Guardia hae State.e unde'r ReoeeveIte leadereltip. Alaii who; 10.105'.fi . the_ „inind of ,,,tdolf*1
creased the cost of that advance in
the hotel will, be taken over for the bombing for6e into flif?t, Russian coin -
period of the match.
. paigne, hut feWer -fighters as protection
- 1... mli
ustave meant ie
'much heavier losses
1' .
. itt 'bob/titers than otherwise, If the
been .orie of Mr. Itoopetveltes statincheet British' had been lible -to put two or
eupPorters. In this year'eemayoralte tioasetiines.es many hombertsover Nazi
territory as -they did, the Nazi drive to
contest he was oppogede'bf a strong
the east eoald briio been 'sloece41 down
Democratic eandidate, in, a *Democratic muck more than it Wee
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