HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-11-13, Page 1Combining ThJ3oderzdi Signal and The Goderich Star
'Sky,liarbor Airport
. to, Be Enlarged
Number .of Students Is To Be
Doubled, and Equipment ,
to Correspond
The S1gna14Star has it On !excellent
authority that Sky Harbor aiii/ort is
to he doubled, in siZe forthwith., Tho
'report is that the work of coug,truetion'
Will proceed throtiihout the winter.
Sig Harbor in te be. one of five (if the
tvv,enty-three elementary 4ing training
seliools of the 'Commonwealth Plan to
be en,larged—a- signal honor, indeed.
Everything about the school is to 'he
doubled to take care of 180 inSteatl ef
the present ninety .stusients—sleeping,
dining, • recreation] and hangar accom-
modation, ete., and the number of train-
ing 'plaws. There is plenty of room oil
the present property for tire expanslen.
There, aae many reasons why Sky
Harbor h,as-heen selected. Experienee
has proved it much. more serviceable
than other schools, chiefly beeause of
itsgexceilent lauding field .and natural
'draivage. Although it has rained a
majority of days during the last three
weeks, flying has never been held up
becaus,e ofsunderfoot conditions. There
has been no mud on the sod, landing
field. There has been'a good, catch Of
grass_ and this has made the se,round
• more porus, with good seepage. Des-
"' • • • sisp4lecent Incessant rains Sky Harbor
-1 1bday •right up to snuff with its
s flying schedule. it turns out its classes
gan, nine and 'that, is, the ,Important,
thing. '
-, Last spring' Sky Harbor was alibwed
-two-weeks' Iay-off -for -the-brea-k-up--
the change -over from ice to seds It
,needed none., Flying was- going ahead
the day after-the..snoW disaPpeared.
The addition to the -present hangari-
• te ussed mostly for storage purpaSes,
'• is nearls- conipleteds The contractors
• are the Pkontenac Congtruction
Torthito., It has Ilothing to dO with
the new prograM.. ,
• The next -class of senior stildent8 does
,not leate until the epit 6f next week.
Two Dante and Card Parties Held on
Remimbranee Day ,Night„
.Succes§ful dance and card •parties
were held in the Masonic Teniple and
the Oddfellows' Hall, under the aus-
• piees ()Utile 'Legion, on Tuesday night.
• There: was a -good attendance at hoth
halls. Mrs. M. Tobin won the tfirSt
'prize fgar ladies at "500" and Sgt:111-ajor
Harold Allen the Men's prize, The
prizes at euchre, were won by Mrs. -A.
Greoree„and Ernest tOrocock.
Luna WICS'servedl atfter the cards,
'• followed by ,dancing to Little's Orch-
e-stra at the Oddfellows' Hall and to the
• `'`-c.• orehestra •at the 'Masonic
, Temple. , ' •
At midnight, the draw_ was"laeld in
s charge of Mai'or E. D. Brown. The',
first prize 'of $115, In war savings cer-
stifichies went td Mrs. C. Tweedie ;-
second prize, toilet seat, to Mrs. N. Mc -
'Innis; the third prize,. dye gallons of
lubrivating oli,- iron by ticket number
has not yet been claiined ; fourth
.prize, a bag of dour, Went to: H. Rick--
ard, R.A.F., Port Albert ; fifth, a cord
Tot wood, ' to E. Crocock ; sixth, -a •baSkot
- of groaeria_to H. ,Vines; seVenth, a
bagsvof .flour; to Miss Hilda Splan of
Kincardine; eighth; a picture," to Verne
' Gldh111 Beirmiller ; ninth,' a 25 -lb. tin
of cargrease, to Miss' Aaitina Aissey;
tenth, -a box of} °chocolate, &Sgt.
GreenwO6d; R.A.F.; Port Albert. ...
, Poppy Day Campaign ,
The sale of poppies en Saturday 'Was
Omit -feted by the Canadian Legion and
the IGirl Guide', W'itKleegionaire J. W.
Mae:Vicar as elmirmi of the etirnpalgn,
assisted by Miss Margaret *Watson and
Miss ,Gla•trude. Wilkes, of the Girl
Guides. The,, Sig01-1Star was unable
to ascertaie 'the result, of -the sale,
Ivhich was quite -Vligornualy' esindileted
throughout the'day. s.
oozetraori IN 'fl.TIIE'01)07iT
Ji,iry Mei* $,5,00 When Verdict for
- $1,100 Was Retnrned
There ,Was soMe cOnfuslOn for• 4_
short dine in Supreme Court =Taut
Thursday when the jury broupt lir a
written, verdict aWartling Frank Flag-
landi ,Clis ton lawyer,, $1700 instead of
the $5200 'intended,
.Weing a list a written (lneStinnsg
the Jury' .bad found' the defendant
Drown sixty per cent. negligent and the
defendant braron forty per cent. negli-
Godeirich lionors NT THE WATEIWRONT
- the-, Glorious Dead
.....----, ........................Te fltrt. Vendee' arriVed from ,Fort
Twenty...third Anniversary o illain an ,saturtlay aftemoon with
AnedaticpDay solemnly 69040 'bus. wheat and 04,970 bua.
, harleY• . •
• Observed on, moteday mewing the A.'.A.. Hud-
son ,arrived frOra Port William with,
On TueS'AnY Morning a large gab' 3001 bus. wheat, 17,040, bua, barley,.
ering assenibted about the.eenotapli in .81,918 ,Pu,s.. oats and 2000, bus: feed.
• Court HousesiSkotar6 for the Um:14 .'svNekILW.
gent, absolving,. the plaintiff Fin:gland observanee of iten)elObrancell Day, Ini The str. SUPerior arrived Wednesday
. .• , , , ,
he motor accident night from Port 'William with 1%10
frein all blame in t
the parade, hetided, 'I* the Godeeich lius...,wheat, 20,00 IbUs, barley and 29r• -
that had caused the trial'. OPposite um.8 hand, wmeh miarehett,,jute the 1.46 unes.. eae„,s , s• _
the queStion "What do you fix an the- - . ,441so on -VVedneSday night was- tne
amount of damages?" was written 'pail; and took stations about the , ..„.. — ..
, . .
1]. v. 4iaassey -irem Itort Arthair with
',VW." ,, ,, monument Were' the- Greiq Wars`e`es: -51-mo 46s.. woat no, 4%000 hhs. oats,
Mr. Justice G'reenc expressed amaze- . erangs, detachments •ok the di..A.F. and . All cargoes, Were for the elevator.
, , .
ment. • He recalled that in his ,charge R.O.A•r.• hiea: ,SCM -4,5, Boy ,StOUtS Mad . °The tug Joe Ross arrived from Kin
h€ had distinctly told, the jury th4 Cubs, Girl Guides and Brownies; and cardine On Monday afternoon, and with
Mr. Fingland's out-of-peeket loss, for in 'the gathering were the 'Mayor and suitable weather •Thursday, morning
doctorshospital and utirsebills'Town ,Counci,l, ehildren of the variotas lett for Einettigline With a •scow in
', s" , loss
any award for pain and sufferingl esennier_nkstesbers- of Oc.. two ehapters tow for- the.„'itoss Coatructian Co
of practice, etc., was: $35•00 and that •
future incapacitation. and the of •the 1.0.D.E., and represttatatives of ' Discuss . . • . ,
other orgaaizations. In the centye of To Wintor
hood of another operation inuft be =over
-and-..o,6404 ,the .1...e.#1,41X....,We..--1-'e--!..' lki' • ' AjUk %"‘
ads'. inlluron
hail ordered the jury baek to its room • C(n2Pall), '•• I. (- esex, 11 g —11—
for reconsideration of the ease when went, forming 'the guard pf honor
the foreman stood up: ' -.about the monument. The guard was
,'We intended the $;700 to be OVer e0inliosed of 4Sergt. ,01,13,r,ien and Ptes.
and above the $3S00," he said; to the Frank Young, lpyril Robinson, .-Don
surprise - of all.s.s s "We thought the • Bisset and Stewart Carter, Above
$3500 had been fiXed and agreed upon." fiew airplanes from Sky: Harbor and
His 'Lordship then asked eaehs jury- Port Albert, giving a realistic wartime
man to hold up his right hand in assent touch to the proceedin,gs. ' The ssiowplowing. of County, roads
-this win
- before making the change from $1700 The service was in charge Of .P1t,- ter is -a topic slatesi„tfor dis-
to $5,200,, Mr. ,Fingland asked that the Lt. D. J, Lane, R.C.A.F. chaplain. qYasion at , next week'' meeting of
Thiron County 'Cauneil, at which a
change. be initialed,' but the judge held The gatherires joined. in the hymn "0
,, , 0, t , Wks? will be -laid iloViht. .Tbe road
. God, Our 114 in Ages last 113,eV.• ' • •
that it was net necessary in a civil
, - COraMISSIOn, compoSed of Reeves Scott
trial.s , • . A. J. Milligan read a Psalm, and iltev.'A
. - • ' - - ‘•
(chairman), rmstrong and Grain, met
Alimony Action ...,,,,,, A„. J. .11114I-Caye,sied inprayer. v . 7' On.X011,11aY_Qt;thiS_SKee_ILand.: drafted a
- An allineny action Want 1)3; •irniza.,- :,-
beth- Laura Porteous- of Ripley, against ..
, , The solemn. two minutes of silence recomnaendation to be presented to
a n o'clock inmemory of the heroic Oeffiacil. Its tontents were not Made
her .husbandc-Anctrew George Porteous t
dead-was-preeededsbysthe lowering ol---vntolle, but it •is-said,to--favor a ,continit--
,of Kincardine, was settled out of court.
the Court ;House ftag to half-mast and anee of the policy of keeping open'the
By ,the Tainutes of settlement thede-
fendant agrees to transfer tO his wife the dipping of standards .=Then eame roads, -although. it asks' 'CouneiL to
for her own use 'a farm, kn'Own as let the 'Reveille and the National Antherri, Make the. final decision. ' . _ s
15, concession' ii -i of the township of .apd tile benediction was pronounced" "The firSt item of business when the
Arran, Bruce county ' ' the husbaita. ,tbS Rev.' Dr. J. H, Barnett. • *Council meets' at P.m. next Tuesday
' . win be *the app.ointment of a succesor..
agrees to return all furniture to his • Wreatps Deposited
:to the James Lelper. The
wife. The parties. agree to live apart, The. placing* of wreaths and the
appointment will, be for the tensainder.
'the wife to: support, the only- child- aad salute by. the war 'veterans concluded
Of the year only. County 'Clerk !N. W.
to waive her dower on any other pro- the ' proceedings at the monument.
preside over these pro-
perty the .husbandcs>may own. They The wreath for . the Province of - iiiller will
ceedings. • The prospects are for a•
were married at Port Arthur on Ontario was placed qiY• Mrs. Herbert light- session. • The holding of 'the Inter -
September 11, 1924. and have lived at Palmer; for the Town a Goderichhational Plowin6cr match in 'Huron
Ohesley, Ripley and Kincardine. by ' ullayor E. D. Broin; for the county in 1942 will be another item *,
,.....! .' °iRt.tc.1F.bbyy F.
ot:-.1..ivit Webb-;
.4.0X,o,,r, ootmhe., for consideratian. Council will likely
recommend to the -incoming - Council
pany, Middlesex -Huron Regts by Sgt.- that a grant of $2,000 'be -made for this
Ernest Ryan, Saltford .Boy, ,Given. Major. Harold * ,Allin; for - -AInneek: event. Councils for the past to years
• Blood . Transfusions in London' ...,•4,`"• u'aprter, lby. Mr& D. J. -Lane; • for have made this _recommendation.
'• 'Hospital • 1. M• aple Leaf ChaPter, afrs: 11,. J. !Me- Winners of first and second- prizes
• Two cars of volunteer blood donors Mellen; for the Rebekah Lodge, Mrs. in, public speaking at the school fairs
went from Ooderich to London. on Harold Rivers; for the Liens Club,' held in •"the county this, year are to
,Wedsiesday morning in; response -to an A. IL ErSkine; for Maitland , Ledge, compete in, the county ,finals while the
urgent sail from doctors in Victoria Fred Toole; • for •Iluron 'Oddfellows' Council is in sessiOri. • The contest is
for Goderien
Ryan, eighteen -year-old son of Mr. and Lod,ge, Chas. Videaii; ' - scheduled] to take place at the -Cour
Hospital who are attending Ernest ,
Mrs. Thomas Ryan, Saltford. Collegiate Institute,' Prineipal „Scott ;' ,Houseiren Thursday, afternea.
•The boy has been bleeding from the T.',o,r Vietc•rfa Publie School, Principal, - -,Coming Maio .
Last year the TOWns of Goderich,
.no§e almost constantly for nearly a SlEonelmuse; for_Central Public tSchool,
Clinton and the Township of COlborne,
mouth, and- the case , puzzled local Principal Bryans ; for the -Girl 'Guides,
the only municipalities to vote on the
physicians. Last Friday he.was taken Bernice White and Barbara Henry ;
question, voted in favor of a One.year
to London for treatment and an oper- for the Boy Scouts, 'G:ordon Pinder; for
term, and in -elections jn these ,muni.
atiOn, was performed on Monday, when the Canadian Legion, H. is: Turner
,. , . cipalities will be field, if neeessaiy, in
the bey's spleen' was removed. He also and F. Riley.
, .. . - Goderieh and Colborne on the first
. .
Was -given two blood transfusion§ on ' Monday ill 'iUidember and in Clinton::
. :',
entering the hospital, but there was an SUNDAY PARADE TO - , i
\. Waere thereis talk ,,of a canipaion
urgent need for more early this week., i, 1
NORTH ST. UNITED CHURQI:1 on the first Monday in Janaary. There
Ili& condition last night was reported - _ -_-,--eN'eti, a w.hisper of a contest in
critical and his parents were estlled Rev .'. -R. II. Turnbull Delivers Appropri- Gederich OD 'Colborne.
There also will be an election in
as fair. At one time it was very
ate Lltemembrance Day Sermon T
httrriedly, from Goderich to his,irdside. , An irapreSsive parade took Vace on .Hullett to fill ' the .'eat of the 'late
Mrs. Ryan is still there This .morrikag , Sunday morning to North street United James Leiper,. Who at •the time of his
the boy Was said to have a fifty-fifty church for a IteMembranee Day, ser- death had served less than a snear of
chant* -of Surviving," ss.s. vice -conducted by the pas -tor of the his two-year t•erni. eohlwiltor John-
. ..
One of the blood deMors is' Rev. A. church, 'Rev. R. H. Turnbull. The Ferguson already has resigned to con -
j. MacKaYe, the youn,g lad's pastorparade, which formed itt the armories test the reeveship and the talk is that
,• _ _ _ , and was headed by the-Lucknow Pipe he will he opposed. There also is talk
COUNTY TAX SALE ° Band, included war veterans, conting- "of a fight for the vacant seats on the
—,. ents•of air men from- the Port Albert council board.,
Only.One-third as Many Properties as and 'Sky Harbor stations', '''C" Com-
, Usual Offered pany of She aliddlesex-Huren Regiment,
At the county sale of lands for ar- Sea Scout, -Boy Scouts and Cul* Girl
rears of taxes, held last Thursday, only Guides and-Ilrownies. Members of •the
abOut one-third -ef the usual number Alimeek and, Maple .Leaf , Clhapters,
of preperties„ involving one-third of L'O.D.B., joined the parade at the
the uSual total of arrears, were offered church..
for sale.. This is taken as an indica- Rev. R. H. Turnbull appropriately
C' '-
tion . thiii at prserst, 4.1ite\l'Ifarmers ong. To bef chose as the subject of his address,
Hurt* ountyare;progpl
"Faith that Overcometh," and em -
exact, twenty-six 'parcels -were listed, phasized the 'thought that there mnst
invOlV1ng-$2500-in tax-arrearS. Before 'be- faith in- -God in order to win the
the sale date fifteen of these had been present conflict, and that battles can -
redeemed by the owners, and at the not 'be. won With an , number a. air -
sale two Were ''iirehissed, bringing in planes, tanks, guns and men without
171ZOtirltzkri7g-illfie--lirnmrties-li fri=firMaritfill t'T-. tiettrtrdifliM
against Which there is $940 owing, • that the battle 10_ for the, right. ,,This
TWo farms -.Were Ull.S014; 011e in Grey it was that -saved the situation at
and one in Vsborne. Eleven Nene- Dunkirk; not throngran abundance of,
getung Park lots, from which trees manpower andequipment, but through
have been cuC for clearance Purposes at faith, the British forceS made their
Sky Harbor airport, failed to find, a • miraculous withdrawal -from ' France.
bidder. •The preacher; went on to say that
the success- of the "'Germans in sub-
jugating nation after nation: -would
Seem to contradict his argument, .'tbut,"
he,,said, it is the final outcome that
counts. Although' wrong May than:11)h
for a white, 'God and right will:win out
in the end." • .
uring the service the:efioir sang Ife
KO -en's "Recessional" and I,Tigar's
Mand of Hope and -Glory,"-with Flight
Lt. , Dr. Harvey Doney,ns soloist.
As the parade marched, from the
church and .around the Soitarb, Group
Ottatain 'Crofton, 0.10. tit:C. Port Albert
'Air (Navigation School, took the salute,
at the head of East street. .
There-ht0e 'been, severatreal estate
transfers in :reeent days, Pt* J. liken,
waiter, reports. JAM Parrish has
purchased the house formerly occupied
by II:T. Edwards on Victoria street;
Mrs. Richard 10ousin'S the house ' oc-
cupied by David Stoddart on Brock
Street, and Oliver Cook the house in
which Mrs. Jose* BOWnlan resided,
also on 13rock street. All three proper-
ties . were owned by the MeiCenzie
Estate.. .
uestion for Meeting of County
• Council Next Week—
,To Appoint Warden
'Lodge were guests of .VIrs. liert Bogie
at ,strepparditon on Wednesday 'evening
of this Week. Winners at "500" were
Mrs. Chas. Videan and.MrS. W. Doak.
Those receiving novelty gifts were Mrs.
Harold Rivers, Mrs. J, Pinder and -Mrs.
Geo. Buechler. • •
Ninirods Enjoying the Annual Hunt
TI„if deer bunting season' this year
, has attraeted, more than the usual,
rt -mount of attention, arid a large num;
=her nimrods have been try -1g their
luck, ans.!! their marksmanship, in, the
• north country., The rush was so great
that Horace Fisher, Who, issues the
hunting license.s, had, to' sehtl for an
additional 'supply.-
• Dr. Mabee went to the Rostoule
district of Parry, Sound 'with a Galt
pasty and bas not yet returned. Edwin,
• Willard, and Arnold Lee went to the
Same district.
James Donaldson .•and**R. C. Hays,
With" Mari. Patterson 9f Fordwieh and
• Bill Snazel of Pra,c'ebridge joined a,
St. Catharines plitty-L-athe -13ockhorn
Hunt Club—who sPetit three day in
the Dorset district. Each member ef
this party 'got his• d'ocr, and it bear
also was shot. The bear went to St.
• Catharines.
t). Mobney, W. P. S4unders and
Geo. MacEwan ,joined theAlirch Lake
' htiating, club in the Varryi %paid dis-
t' faict IV C. Attridlge, Pru.ae Tennant
and 41. Inirst went to Elackatttne Lake,
S. .1. \Vatic', went to the'iliscaot River,
*.....':coluTtry, and Geo..MathiesoiL.and matt.
r. Ainslie hunted on Manitoulin Island.
' WM° Coutify- '
lib's week there has been an exoduar
to'neame6unty, where there is a Six-
day open season, commencing on' Mon.
day last,Already trophies of the hunia
are beginning to arrive in Goderilch.
tbortly after daybreak on IMondayi the
opening day, Pied Morgan got his, and
the same afternoon, Bob Elliott, his
partnei; brought, his down. Both were
shot just acrass the Huron Bruce
boundary, north of Whitechurch.
On Wednesday afternoon Dick She1.
ton and Al -Fisher, of Saltford, droce
into town with a pair of earcass,es
draped over the -front fenders of their
ear, a yeavold-buck and a doe. The
animals were shot in the Silver Lake
district near 1Kinloss. A party headed
b3r Bill Laithwaite also is reported to
have landed, a buck, and 'doubtless
others will fall 'before Goderich guns
before the week is out.
Hunters report most unpleasant hunt-
ing conditions in Bruce. It rained and
snowed all day Monday. Those who
retarned lame that night -were soaking
wet. It was better overhead on Tues-
day and Wednesday, but the bush is
still wet.' Owing, to the many heavy
rains of recent weeks the 'Swamps are
Lull of water.
Non -hunters in town take pleasure
in sitting back in easy chairs and tell-
ing the tired and wmt,er-soaked ram-
rods, back from the hurkt, About all the
doer they have seen recent days
while motoring through North Huron,
only a few miles from town. To hear
some stories, one wanid think that al'
the deer in South Ilruce had crossed
the boundary into North Huroh for
a week's refuge. The latest is that
herd of fifteen were seen on Reg.
MeGee's farm in Colborne township on
A quiet wedding took- place on
Ttlesday afternoon, November 11th,
at the -* hoine of Mr. and Mr. 10,, J.
Hendrieks of Blenheim, when • their
daughter, Agnes, and Iceith C: Cud,
son of Mr. rlind. Mrs. 3. Calvin Cut t,
Goderich, were united in marriage by'
Rev. A. It.70Shorne of AN-enhoim,. The
bride Ives ' gowned in white crepe
with white iteeessories and-- earrfed a
bouquet of .red rose. She Was given
in marriage by her - father. Miss
dresaed in pink with White peeessories
and (tarried' 0. bouquet of red, roses.
The -flower girl, Miss. Barbara God-
dard of Chatham, wore pale blhe
with white accessaries end carried a
Colonial bququet. Kenneth • Cutt,
brother, Of the bridegroom, was the
groomsnian, A reeeption and wed-
ding supper followed at the hoilie o
the bride's, parents' and the happy
_couple loft soon 'after on their wed-
ding trip: They_ will reside in oderieh.
A' quiet but pretty wedding took
place at the home.: of Mr. and Mrs.
Carflie Houston,'*Blue Water highway,
Bayfield,,, on Tuesday, November 4th,
at 11 a.m., when. Beatrice 'Annie, eldest
daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. :Cathie Hons.'
ton, becalhe the bride ef Roy James
Alibi, third son of Mr. and 'Mr& -John
mith, IBenmjner. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. B.F. Andrew, df the
Rayfield 'Presbyterian flie1i The
bride was •givens'in' marriage by her
faller, and was Owned in a street-,
longth &vas of sea -blue crepe with
black accessories and a corsage of
white and pink ;mums. Miss Madge
Houston was her sister's bridesmaid.
She was'gonne'd' in a navy •blue tit&
sheer, with nityy blue accessories and a
corsage of yellow and bronze 'mums.
Itogintld John Allin, brother of the
groom, was -best man. The bride's
mother wore a black' crape dress with
red roses, and Mrs, Allin Wore a navy
THE WEMMLott blue trope °Ivitir white' and yellow
The maximum and minimum tem- 'Mums. The wedding 'dinner waS
peratures for )the mit week and An served to seine' twenty -guests undthu.
fhe cormspanditig week last yeiti 'We're:, Pink and :white, streaMers. Those
*Sisting Were Mrs. Milton Pollock,
Mrs., Wm. Valbot and Mr. and Mrs,*
Win,Moran, Mr. and 'Mrs. Allin left
on a trip"to Toronto and Niagara Fan%
-the, bride wear:Ink'. a greyish ,blue COO.
dress, black edatPand hat with fur trim
and blaelt acceSaories. On their return
thy Will reaide on the greona's fatal
near. Carlow.
Annual Banouet of
Deanery AX.P.A.
Glii6emi• IR:stale-a:by 'Bev: 'E.
Gallagher — Harold Shore
annual banquet of, the Huron
Deanery Council. was ' held
In the parish hall of it Vreorge'0,ejiureh
on WedneSdaY" evening. ort the
Members. front \Blyth, Wing -
ham, Settforth, Clinton awl 'Goderieh
were present, ,
Proeeedings began with the singing
the,Doxology, and a cordial welcome
Was •• extended to the guests by Mr.
Harold Shorei "president ofetlie A.Y.P.
A., who ably expre:ased his view that
our yowl,' people in Canada ehoilld feel
proud that they live in, a ilenaocitati
eountry where they are Able to have
such social gatherings and 'conduct
their own affairs assthey ehoose.-
'King, in response to which the National
Anthem Was sung. . '
A toast to the Charch4rwas proposed
by Airs. E. Wright of Blyth and.. was
responded .to with the hymn • 'The
Ohurch's One Foundation," with Mr.'
-Gordon Harrison lit the , piano. A
toast to the A.,Y.P.A. was proposed by
Mr. 'Harold Taylor and was responded
to by Miss Irma Th,onlas. •
After dinner, Miss Betty Palser- cd-
fereda hearty' vote a thanks to the
women of gt. George's 'Guild for the
dhe -repast which they had- served.
This was responded to by the Guild
There was. a short intermission
fore' the.installation of officers of the
LO -air"
place in the ehureh at 9 o'clock. Rev.
E. Q. Gallagher of Wingham, assisted
lyy Rev. T. R. Streeter of Blyth, was
present to install the officers in their
ret•pective posts,. as follows: President,
Harold Shore, Goderich • vice-president,
H. ,Fuller, Wingham, who in his absence
on account, of illness was represented
by Wm. Riley; treasurer, Mrs. E.
Wright, Blyth';' seeretary, IH.. Taylor,
Goderich. . •
Rev. E. 0. Gallagher gave a brief
addre-ss in which he emphasized the
qualities of leadership and( faithful-
ness which the 3ioung people' shoirld
develop as members of the -A.T.P.A.
:Vliss Eileen Bogie presided at the
organ • throughout -the service.
• . °
On Friday morning last, Mrs.' Alex.
.Smith, • Elgin avenue, received word
th.at her nephew, Sergt. Pilot James
Garfield MacKek, was posted as missing
,after air operationsover enemy ter-
ritory on the 5th inst. The young lad,
a native of Ottawa, went overseas last
April with a detashment Of • the Royal
-Canadian Air Force. .-
TWentysfour hours after receiving
this message Mrs. Smith *as notified
by cable of the deathof, her mother,
Mrs. 'MacKay; Larne Harbour, North-
ern Ireland.
• -
• 1041 ' 1410
- • Max. Min. Max. Min.
Trims., 'Nov. 0 48 38 43'' 32
Prig Nov. ,..,..44 35 47 35
Sat.; Nov, 0 44 34 40 ,30
Sun., Nov. 0 39 35 48 30
Mon., Nov. 10 • 43 35 58 49
Tues.,'Toet. 11 18 34 02 • 143
Nited4 Nth:. 12 ..:. 3 ,34 53 •'33
Memorials United church, "St. Cath-
arines, on November ist, .at. 8.30 p.m.,
was the Scene of a quiet wedding when
Vesta Jean, Reg. IN., youngest danght-Cr
of Mrs. Tabb•ef Goderieh and the late
John Table was tusitstd by Rev. W. J.
Van • Gorder • to Mr. s.J. Harold Liver-
more,. son of Mrs. • Samuel CaStie of
Clinton. , The bride, wearing a _street.
length- dress of heavenly 'blue crepe-
and'anatching accessories, with eorsage
of Sweetheart roses and fern, was at-
tended by her sister, Miss .Anne Tabb
of Toronto, who wore a- beige wool
dress with black accessories. Mr. John
Livermore of Clinton* 'suppoi-ted his
brother. 'Wedding music was furnished
by the organist -during the . entire
ceremony, A' Teception was held at
the home of the sgroom's sister,. Mrs.
.W.m. Cook, iffter which the young
couple left on. a brief trip to Windsor.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. P:
Walter, Saltford Heights, was the scene
of a quiet weddingeat noon on Saturday
Jean Walter, , and •-Flight
,Sergeant William .elements, 'son, et
Mr. and Mrs.: L. ..31einentsw, of Carnwall,
.Eoglaitd, were united in haarriage by
Rev:" Dr: J. II:TBa" tnet t. The reeni was
beautifully decorated for the occasion
with chrysanthemums and ferns. The
bride, garbe•sI in blue with" black ac-
pi‘'saories and wearing a corsage of pink
roses and bovardia, was given in'inar-
ri ge by her .father. The bride and
groom were Unattended,g, Miss Barbara.
Cutt, .cousin of the bride, played the
wedding March and Mrs..' S. Walter
sang "I Lo'reir.ou Truly." The weds•a'
ding dinner -Was served atsthe home of
the bride's parents and afterwards the
young Couple left on -their wedding trip,
They will reside In Gederich.
qouvETTE will °AERIE'
.comouTs.no* ooDziagg
Salvage Committee of-13(mM ef Trade
Assists Local • OrganizatiOnS'.-
- tvery -1'0"140-f:an Help I
When the corvett4 Goderich turn
her bow sea*ard, which it is expected
wilt 'be in the cOurse of a few 4a,yok
she will carry not.only tne good wishes
of the eitize..ns of the tawmafter which
she is named, but ,a1so seame Of the
ecanforta the men on %board will re-
quire, Among the grauto made to
provide these, eomforts is one of $100
by the salvage -eoniMittee of ate Gode-
'rich ''Board of Trade.
Other grants made from the sale' of
salvage—and salvage means rags,
paper, iron,, glass, bones, bottle's and
'What haye you ---,:were $50 to the Red
'Orossand-$25 to the Junior Red CrosS.
The fourth and last load of salvage
was removed by the bnyers on Monday.
As soon as the proceeds of this ship-
ment (rm.-receive(' by the commit
statement will-be...prepared and pub-
lished -so that the citizens may see for
all too -often is thrown away, as value -
In: the raeantime the aluminum whiph
was collected sonaesweeiss ago was sold
and the amount received from this
seurce was',$:30.42. In: order to make
an even amount, the salvage committee.
added $10.58 and a cheque is being
sent to the Red 'Cross for $50..
, The colleepng .o newspapers, rags,
bottles, bones, glass, iron and such
'things gives every` person, he matter
Misr old or how young, whether rich'Sr
poor, a chance to help win the war.
'The people in England, 'Scotland and
VVales are suffering_and enduring -far
• more than any. Canadians on this side
of the ocean; by saving- and -giving
newspapers,---regss -or -any --of sthe ether
materiels mentioned abeve, a real ser-
vice is being rendered to the one thing
'Worth • living for—the winning of the
rutAfoitt", IN 1897,
Walter A. Buchanan Recalls a Musical
gverit or **Other Days -
Walter..A.,I3uchanan Of Torento, welI
known. God.erich old boss writes to the
'I notice in yeur issue of November
6th that the •Goderich Musical Club
is to present the imisical coMedy
,S. Pinafore.' Fine. That take 'S me
back. enite- a few years' when" this
same cemeslY,was presented by fanother
iGoderich Musical Seciety:- I think
IC was fis April, 1897,' and it was cer-
tainly well acted; „, - •
-Jim Thomson pliiyed the Captain's
role and having., a good bass voice he
gaiag; an usual, very well: Eva Ache-
son (Mrs:- Phil. Horton) playep..,,the
Captain's daughter ; she also was . a
very fine singer. Charlie Shane played
"Dick Dead Eye." Charlie Edwards
'played the sailor With whim' the Cap-
tain's daughter fell in love. Miss Ball
(Mrs. Will Horton) played "Butter-
cup," and I think Ed: Belcher sang
-1 Am an *Englishman:"
. -All parts were exceptionally well
taken and the play,' was the talk of the
town for quite some tifne. •
"1 hope the 1941. organization will
.surpass the organisation of ;over forty
years- ago. I have seen . Pinafore
played several times since. these and to
me it is • one of the • best musical
comedies ever written.. If I am within
*a -huudied miles or so of Goderich-when
this tOmedy is presented I -certainly
plan' 'to be there. Every success to
'thesGodericb Musical 'Clubsof 1941!
. "r you have Dr. Doney singing
November,28th. If you could have hifa
eingsd Am an EligliShman;' 11:: 'would
'bringdown the house, as.he-has an ex-.
eeptionally fine bass voice." •
hti KnOX Presbyterian church, Goa,e.
rich, by Revs"D. J. 'Lane, ofi Saturday,
Navember 8, the marriage was_ Solon-
nii0 of Dorothy Mary, only daughter of
Mrs. Walters of Waterloo street, Gode-
rich, and the late Thos. Walter's, and
LAC. Percy It. Smith, of No. 01 A.N.S.,
Port Albert, son of Mr. and Mrs. George
Smith of Surrey, England. The bride,
dressed in mission blue crepe and
carrying a bouquet Of Queen Elizabeth
roaes,,aaWas attended by Miss Potty
atitfeltenzie of Godoria and Migs Kath. -
leen Finn of Toronto, a •cousirrof the
bride. The bridesmaids Carrted bou-
quet S of Virginia, carnations. The
groom was. supported by (Jon).- Fred.
eriek Chadwiek, of the R.A.P., Port
Albert. After „the, Ceremony, the•bridal
party. and ainests assembled; at •the
home of the bride's Mother) where the
gnests were received by Mrs. Waiters
dressed in navy Wile erepe.. A dolfeious
ituffet bur& was served in the'drawing-
room, ,Tho young couple loft to spend
their honeymoon in Toronto, and on
'Moir aotarn will live, br•Goderieh, Tho
bride's travelling dress was on.soldier
blue with coat and mink eallar, and
'wine -colored accessories..
„ g
Nei 46
Gifts to ‘Goderier
Ship Acceptable
Donation* Wi 4744 to Comfort*
of Crew Soon to Go
into Service
- Air. and Mrs. J. 13. +Milne Of Goderich
wish to, announee the engagement of
their daughter Lillian. R. to Mr. Roy ,C..•
Holland, son of Mr. and Mrs. *C. R.
Holland of Goderich.
Me. and Mrs. Walter Pettman, 02
Nile, announce the snigit gement or their
daughter Verna May to Mr. .J. Keith
Arthur of 'St. Thomas, son of Mrs.
Margaret Arthur and the late John
.to take place in the near -future.
Mrs. Charlotte Reid, concession 5,
,Aslitield, wishes to anneuifis• the en-
gagement of her reeond youngest
d flag h ter, Cat he rine Be r ee, to Albert
Is Taylor, son of•Thomas Taylor,. cop -
cession 9, West Winvanosh, and the
late Mrs. Tayiorssthe marriage V° take
place in November. -r
11 b-
Goderich is reported to, be
almost ready for -service, and *
dthat ,when. the N'eS$el ge, bite),
with 4e:i:vne'nlitenlveels111 abliweeollmffeliftta..111:17-otir
the erew. • The loyal salvage comMittee
has voted $100 towards the 'canteen •
fund the ,Iiions Club and the 1.0.D.11.
havt. each Prc.ani.qed-praradiO,---And--the
ladies of the town are pioviding jacketS
and knitted goods fornthe crew. Other
organizations and, individuals, may de-
sire to make donatiOns,,, toad Mayor
Brown -will he --glad to -hear-, front, any- -
such. His Worship' has been in com-
munication' with the Master of the
ship, who in responsete %His Wto.E...ahip,_a_'
niqiiiirliiiWAVen—sorae atria-410ns; as
to what would be acceptable in the •WaSr
of contributions,
letter addressed to Mayor Brown
by Commanding..0fficer Kenney is as
follows: ' • •
Sir—'Your very eordial letter of the
attdh hualtve. rdeceei aisvieded quito ins ogmaeis days ago,
to have sortie definite news for,Pyou as
to .the ship's IVogress.
On Wednesday, the 29th ,October we
proeeeded from Toronto ahout'9.30 asns.
on the first full power trial and am
pleased to report •that it: lyit'S quite
successfiil in that not seriou.a "trouble;
developedror was not Mow the average
speed and qUalitleations of her pre-
etesa-rs' fronaToronto. _ „
On 'Thursday . we :proceeded' to Port
Dalhousie for drydoclring and hisptet
tion of anclervirater fittin,g.s before 'final
delivery to the Naval Service, ' The
above weris Is•sig corapleted -atartlay-
and returned to Toronto that evening.
As, to the actual date of commission-
ing, I'm sorry to report that it "may'
be a week or ten days later than what
I tirst estiinated; however, I'll have an ,
opportunity of advising you, a -few days
in advanee of both the commissioning
and final date'tif departure from, TerZ
suggestions„ as 'to presentations
td the ship are very eoniniendable and
will lye appreciated by -one -and all,
With regard to 'the 'tadio having- a
2;:t0-velt supply, I have made some en-
.quirie§ as to the procedure 'in •other.
ships and lind that a resistance is
interposed between. the supply.3 Of 220
volts and the radio connection so that
only 110 volts reaCh the radio; there-
fore the standard mantel or other type
of radio will be,suitable for H.11.0:S.
The ladiegs' contribution of knitted
and other goods be nitfre thin
welco.rue at this time of the year•and
will be distributed! throughout the sia.,
Later when we .have earned further
.recommendation of the goodladies of
your town, it might be suggested that
.the way to a man's heart is through
his stomach,"' and- the -odd box of SWeetg
• cake, etc., will go' a long way ,..te
change the ,regular ship's men -a: •
With regard to the magazine sub-
scriptions, may I suggest that the ad-
dress be given as follows: Ckniimanding
Officer, H.M.C.S. "GoleT•ich" c/a• Fleet
Maij Office, Halifax, N.fS., as the
varioa magazines are nioresslikely
be forwarded than any other, should
the ship elianc'e•her base at any time.
There has been a, preliminary meet-
ing of. the presentship's company held
to di's-Gass the canteen _fund, and it is
f-elt that the most satisfactory manner
in .which.the wn of Goderich can co-
operate w contribute a lump
S'um of whate r amount they- desire.
• Tosstart the canteen, it is felt that, any
arammt will be quite acceptable Icift-the-
average aniount of stock carried in the
ship's .canteen in this class of ship ig
aboat two hundree dollars. Any
amount over that sum would,she used
to isurchas-e electric toasters, irons, etc.,
for the 'various messes -through -out tire- ` s
ship; which usually is purchased for •
these messes froth the canteen profits.
and, all misfit derived' from the sales
of goods is used for the ship's' eonapany
as deelded by a rote' ot the canteen
committee,and remain the property of
the ship; that is, regardless of who.
was a member of the original ship's
company and rentributed through %his
purchaSetS to Obtain ,t hese comforts, sue,"
ceeding replacentents receive the lige
of same and thus will he 'Indebted to
the TOWn of Goderich thfough • the
Prusting I have madensyself -clear on
the canteen hind, I offer my` Inimble
apoiligies for the delay in supplying •
yon•With the above information.
• Matthew Shackleton, MR. 1, Dungan-
non, reports that White sweet clover is
in bloom en his farm.. The pistils are
about two ,and a -half feet in height.
Many people in town report having
picked ripe raspherries lately.
• r
- Le -es Have Some Hockey This Winter!
The hockey •outlook fn Goderieh for
the mining winter is not. %loll" bright.
At least It seems to be • taken for
granted that thero all be no inter-
me11;fre (),II.A:„ t&trn. Ifowever,Q• the
Limas 411111 expects to have a bantam
team on ,the ice, and a junior team as.
well—ifpplayers are available.
- A (Minton' sportsman was in 1Gosie-
rich last night urging that an- int•er-
mediate team be formed here to com-
pete in a group withlinton and other
towns. 'He, said he had a RA of at
least ten genuine Clinton amateurWho
Iwere willing to turn out.
A loeal man took out his peneil and
i'lined up a paper team for Vraterieh as
bliOWS : „Goal, Womell, II.' Doak,
Worthy • defenee, Costella, McKay and
Garrlek; forwards, A rt Doak, 'George,
Do.ak, Arnold Doak,- V. Wegtbrook,
Duckworth,.11, 1Vt.stbroo)z,
GA Busy, Joys!, .
.11o8ides these players there are at
least two more hockey players In town
who have played on ehampien, teamai
elsewhere. And a now clasa is coming
to Sky. Harbor the first week in the
zek year. „
'Perhaps if those:who. have interested°
themselves In hoekeY in, other years
would get busy they might be surprised
at. whatlitey could do in rounding' 'up a
good tenni.
hill Young, iermerly ond of the'
Goderich istalwarts, has been in Port
Colborne trying out *Itli the ,,senior
A's of that, town. Ite also has an offer'''.
from Winghani, which town is again
going, •In far hoekey -this winter IA' a
big way_', 55 in Seaforth, • present
dicatians are that tuck:now wiII be
'out of the big comf)any, but that Kin-
eardine will, be in instead. There is
apparently a wholesale' importation of
players. • 4
Word that ,conae,a to hand this
(Thursday). afternoina is that an inter-
mealiate,teani for ;Goderich s in the'. '
making. Goldie. trnitit is 10 be Alva
manager and Don MacKay the foach,
-These ,;vvisbing to pla:•!„,• on ;alio Wahl
,,are. asked to.,Iget intoriell With. Nit