HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-11-06, Page 8*Mk* WA *A 01411101401"114 St*
To the Citizen ii es_ the T4171° of Goderioh
um, Under authority of an Act of the Dorainion Parliament, and
Pil by abreetibn Of the Municipal Couucil, 1 heVeray declar
ues a ,
N(th street United churea next tS114,
day., At -the mong service the ehoir
will sin "IteceSsionalr with 1)r.
Harvey Doney as soloist, and "Land
et ..DoPe
and 'Glory."' There will be
both Wane, and orga accompaniment
for the hynans: Mrs. B. jessop-„,•at
the piano and"Mervin SnYder. at the
organ. In the evening Afro. B. Tor-
rance Tint be 'the soloi,st- of
Peace" ,..(Caleott) and „theelielr will
also sing "Dear Land of Herne"
(Sibelins)- •
a public holiday
11p to the hour of one o'cjoek in the aftexnoon„. and eall upon
alTcitizens to observe it„as a Day of Ile‘ininbrance
our Heroic Dead..
,Goderich, Nev:ember 6th, 1944.
E. D. BROWN, Mayor.
,..his,- -sertnatt net St nday morning,
• _....... .'Whca Shall We Have Peace'!" In the
ll o
eNellintr. Air M -an fwireth the
Mr. 'ILCia"6' w1l'Mi ,.ut.c.0., late of • e"., ' .— illi.! ., .,:- , •
• fifth sermon in N
the series 1ght Scenes
England, has been engaged as orgztnist ..from the .iiible," . entitled', "...A. Strange
and choirmaszerf .Knox Pres'ori411 . Di.-tp:i.''
church. • , • ': ! -At Vict,)ria street United • !ehurch
.liev. Arr-lr: Mill 111 .01' tlie "Dapt!st ; !Rev. A. ,..i.. milt,•k.".4e will- speak on
ehurcji.It•ts (qui -men ;as The -subject of "S-zterititv"_ al ti e 110)111111.,'4rvi(q> next
, unflay, and in tile eVelling; .the tillbjeCt
• - • '
- -t-ili. -- _.• .. .,
. , will tie ''TileWar Behind -, the Var."
ammiliNNIMM...01.1111 I - . f
, At the morning. service on the •follow-'
,Forr 'Wedding Gifts:,
. Graduation and Birthdays
'Nothing gives as lasting'pleasure
a goof.1 r•Pieture.
"The •Homen°-of Good Pictures"
East St. Phone,19S
IcINGSBUIDGE, Nov. 5.—The big
fowl Supper on Uonaay night was a
hug,e sucPcss, with a very -large trowd
Mrs. J. A. Kasper and Mrs. P. 'E,
Murray, with baby Jack, returned to
Detroit today after spending a week
anion-btheir friends here'.
Mis-s Irene MCCarthy retailed td
Detroit 'on Saturday,-
' Miss Prances -Dalton, has gone to De-
troit for a visit.
. The earcass of a year-old male deer,
which had unsuccessfully attempted
'elear a fence and had liroken its
'neek, was found On the roadside of the
Blue Water highway, a short distance
north of Bayfieldi on. Tuesday morning,
Provinciat police report. It had been
there so3ne time and was unfit for
human consumption.
; lug .Sunday the sacramen
t of infants'
• baptism will be observed. ;
1- A slweia-1 remembrance service 'will
be .;held at North, street -United, church
; oh Sunday tiet at 11; ini. 'Rev. It.
Turnbull will piVach, to the members
; Of -the 'Legion. •:.e" t'o'y, Middlesex-;
Huron Regiment, Chapters Of .the
D.E„ 1i ,Scout find Giri GatIks; Who
• Willworship with Ole -eDatrivation.-
At the evening s;ervice,, at 7 p.m., Miss
Deaht Hilliard,. R.N., sister of m rs-.;
; Tumbull, wfll peak ou her 'work in
India and show beautiftil illustrated
hut -tern' slides.
-There will -tye-wecial -patriutiusie
at thi,t Remeniqance :Dayservices at
Xontrears leading hlrriers are
shoWing their superb furs in Oacinat-
'hag styles, for one'day only, November
Kingston ISL.' Phone 4t4'.
Tiler qaderielt .North. End
Red CrosS$ Society will hold a progices,,
.s.^,ive euchre it the home Qf ,Mr. and
Mrs. T. R. Rundle, Huron road, on
griday, November 14tb. Bring. re,
freshments (Cake or sandwiches).
Preceeds for patriotic purposes., T. R.
RUNDLE, ,Seeretary. , 45
There Will be a dance to Roy Mac-
kenzie's orchestra in Kiagsbridge Hall,-
on Monday flight, November 1.0th. A.
drawin.g for prizes Will be held at
11,30; this .was postponed from
NoVember 3. 45
The meeting of the Nurses Alumnae
will be held, on ,Friday, November 7th,
at 8 p.., at the nurses' residence. .
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, only
—ladies' cream rib cotton winter
weight 'vests, 29e each. GODERIOU
OAR ,STORE; • 45
Siendor rIttblets, harmless and
effective. Two weeks' supply $1, at
Campbell's Drug -Store. • 36-52
Students of •the ,Collegiate Institute
•Will present the operetta "The Moon I
Maiden" in the Collegiate auditorium
T tURSDAY, NOV1MZflB. Otb, 1f041.
en Thursday alid EridaY evenings.
Nove her 20th and 21st. Proceeds in
aid a th JUniQr Red Cross.
'central Ito .0 a Sehool Club will
'hold its regular meetim„1 on ThunselaY,
-November 1:3M, at 8 pan., at tte" school..
Aey; R. IL Turnbull will be the guest
Siwaker. There will be a program of
musical numberS and readings. Tkis
wiU be operi night a all classes, for
parents and seetions and there will be
a display of War:work.
When in the market for Coal .
Phoni 22
and you will get PEOMPT-Serv1Ce. _
Haraware Store and Coal Yard ate'Tb.e Harbor
. • .
,401. nw &,,,IAINERE•t;
1-1b, Bag 9,
1-11;0•43ag 35c
1-11,. Bag 31.
t Libby's PORK ar.ei ..
1 rt..:KrnM • ff,,, l's - c" E e
7 *; le gi
• _,L., J.ZP..zirri%41 .-' Tins o 4•1 c .,....) .frins ,f!inoe
,. .
, 1 tibbpsneip Brown ,
- .
ilErilS 2 klif'it fitt
Libby's_CUCHUP Ge 15c
'Libby'S „SOUP. To.to. 3 Tins 25C
POTTEDMEATS i.thiirs 3 Th4-25c
Libby's SPAGRETill -18Z 8c
LibbY's BABY FOOD Tin 7c
Libby's MUSTARD 10c:
Purti -Lard M. 15c
Itobiakkood Outs 41,1 it!' 18c
5 .—
P G 'Soap L.. 3 gazi, 14c
Super Suds pgZOC
• l'oniatoes IV'
• Pure Jam E. D'Agrstith's 16,1-r 270
Crisco 26c• 71c
Sockeye • "• Tin Er
powdei„OA:re9 11
• Chan Wax g ;.• 59:
*Lux 230
f "
Made of MO Quality Ingredients in Our Own Bakery
42. "-"' 15
• Loam •
ALL ea. .
CAKE 'IgatiV. ;1•
Red Emperor ••• 1/411
Texas Marshsiediess--4# Sivie t WC.
itreellent Source of vitamin "C" .1"4
IWO glilardelret etliforiiielttilenciA Good Site Ate
4W1111014411011411.4W 4 lotteenent'Soloce of Vitamin "C" tain.
APPLICS' 'ger' 3,5ti
CJIRROTS• VEtientetrarrt:VtVtirg&eitf 4114,250
mot oifttortnavrAsixv VirstAVIcted 274:1
onions Otititid artriNit COMA* _o 3 iboA,
tilood sontee „of 4vittiosin "C.
• BORN '
•EGENER.—To Noralt (nee Waide),
wife a Lieut, reederie T, Egener,
Lorne Scots,' (Oversea0, at Owen
Sound General 4n4 Marine Hovital,
Octeper 6,1941, a daughter, Cynthia
phristyne, a sister for Weide.
MOYERS.—At Alexandra 'Hospital,
CiOderich, on November 4th, 1941, to
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Meyers, ,11.11. 1,
Dungannon, a son. .
STURGEON.—At Alexandra Hospital,
Goderidt, on November 2nd, 194, to
Mr. and Mrs. J. D.. Sturgeon,. Bay-
field, a son. ••
Goderich, on November
3rd, 1941, Ann Ferguson; widow of
'the late Cliarles'GIrvin, in. her 90th
. ,
LBIT0,11.—In Stanley township, On
November 4th, 1941, David Henri
Leitch, husband of Lucinda Lawra-
sOn, in his, Olst year.
For Results.- A Classified A
RLtI apartment, newly decorated,
sultable for couple. Write BOX ei7s,_
SIONA.L-STAR.•• • 45x
centrally loeated. ,Write BOX 88,
'SIGNAL:wan. .45
ratuR? Nstsrliistd,..turarrs..
1/CEEPING- rooms, centrally located.
Apply at 44 St. David's street 45x
..••••••••.•• .1.••••••.•
J ' would like care of invalid -or elder-
ly 1a4' In her own home. Also two
jligh school girls to room. Write
BOX 89, SIGNAL -STAR. 45x,
would do laundering in her own
bon*. ro,r further particulars apply
and dead cattle; must be sultablk
„for• mink teed; retneved promptly
Goderich Salt Compan
- November 4, .14941. --Appeal to the Court of ,Revision, Town of
.Goderich, by The Goderich Salt Company, Ltd. against assessment -
on the grounds "t -hat the assessment of the Goderich Salt Company,
Ltd., is too high, that the assess -Meat of the Goderich Elevator &
Tian* eTnPany, Limited,. is ,too low, and that the assessment is
• Before going into our appeal .1. should like to point outto the
Court our reaisons .for -presenting it in this Way—that-is for appeal-
ing against tlie.`as'iessmeint. of another. -Last year we appealed that
our assessinent was inequitable. Obviously, an inequitable aSsess-
meld is an unjust assessment and obviously an inequltable assess-
ment )(mist he prOven by eomparison---Withrsoine-otherl asseesnaerit,-,
The 1940 Court of Revision tabled, at our • rewest, each 'Of' the
• Sterling Appraisal Company Lhnited's,industrialf .appraisals except
the one which most clearly, showed our assessment fo be inequitable.
In appealing to the County Court the Judge ruled that, because we -
had not named the Goderich Elevator & Transit Co. Ltd.—that is be-
cause we had not specifically appealed against the 'assessment
of the GOderieh Elevator &I Transit Company, Ltd., we „could noi
bring in evidence of'their appraisal to prove that by comparison our
assessment was inequitable in comparison with theirs. Our appeal
last year therefore failed; We are therefore forced to name the
assessment of the Elevator to eimbfdlia-tO show that our assessment
• is too high -by comparison and inequitable. •
should like to remind the Court that over the last twenty odd
3Tears, through two depressions and during periods when this com-
pany has actually )lost money, we have not, reduced wages or em-
ployment. We have avoided mechanization to a point where our
chief competitor is producing over four tinies as much salt with
fewer employeees than we have. During the last twenty years we
-haVe—paid out -in wages. alone _over one million 'dollars. Our pay-,
roll has risen from $27,000 to over $83000 per year. All profitS.
• have gone back,into plant and more -employment. NO other cam-
-pany.liere and,_extremejy few anywhere else,.can show a -comparable
record. • •-
If we should Mechanize to the extent or -our competitors we
• might reduce employment and our pay -roll to one-quarter of its
present auuount—$20,950 per year instead Of $63,800—a saving of
$62,850 per year. We 'caluiot pay extra labor and pay an Unfair
tax too. It is our opinion that it is .more in the interest • of the '
• 'Town to have u.9 maintain employment. Labor is the chief ben-
eficiary, tilt- the merchants and professional men know the restilt
of uneniployment. The pay rolls, which we maintained through
the last depression, went a„. long way toward keeping town relief to
a very low figure in comparion with other municipalities.
Our assessment was increased from • $20,000 to $100,000, in 1939,
and reduced to $80,000, in 194Q which Still stands. Amount of tax
increased from $76'7.24 (under 'Axed assessment) to $2323.47 in spite
• :of a reductidn in mill rate of 103(i mills. An increase of over 300% .
although- still under so-called fixed assessment. • 1---u.k.,•
During this period -the fixed assessment bylaw .of the Elevator
expired and their taxes were reduced by lowering their assessment
through the 1939- Court of Revisionfroni- $220,000 to $170,009.
Following the Sterling 'Appraisal s assessment made for the Town'
in 1040, the 1940 Court of Revision left their assessment at $220,000• .
. Other assessments have been iliivered during thisr period; some of
them substantially.
We appealed our assessment lastaear to the Court of_Revision
and to the court of appeal on the grounds that it was inequitable.
' Till§• is a good -basis of appeal and wak, accepted for /hearing by
• both the Court Of Revision and the County Court on that basis..
Obviously' an inequitable„tax, must be proven by comparison and '
we were advised through the 31imic1Pa1 DePartrnent at Toronto
that this was an acceptab14.Proredure. The Court -Of Revision, at
our request, tabled the appraisals made for the Town of each of
the .Wier industries appraised:excela. the • Goderich, Elevator 'Li
Transit Company, Ltd, and Ilatlylefused to table it. The County •;,
Judge, although he accepted our ,appeal on the grounds of inequity,
, refused? fa pernilt us to prOduce evidence to prove that it was in-
equitable in comparison with some other a,9sessment witch was
an unfair stand if we were to proour case. ,The appeal was,
that our assessment is inequitable And also to appeal ag7Anst
assessment of the Goderich Elevator and -Transit Company, Limited,
to show by,comparison the existence of that inequity and its extent.
•• The legal basis for asse,ssment as laid down in the Act is the • •••
actual value.of the land and the buildings. The value of the power
plant equipMent is assessable; but the value of other equipment,
including all other machinery A• or processing equipment, is, not • •
assessable. It is therefore purely a question' of valuing the land,
the buildings and foundations, and,,the powee plant. •
Our property, withiitant land on three ,sides„, of it, is of no
particular value; whereas, the Elevator is situated on • the only
• available and aceessable dock property. Our ,biiildings emnprise
',the' original wooden,' plant building, probably 65 years old, three, '
- other main buildings of wood constmetion up to 50 years old, three
small buihlings1 and •sundry well: biiildings of uncertain value.
' The only Modern fire -proof structures are, three brick . Windings
measuring as follows: '
- - ,62127x643k- -53x44,3fix38. 62x04,0 •
also a very old boiler glhouse used only occasionally • and !lbw
only to provide heat and minor power. A comparison with the
Elevator shows a itodern power house and modern elevators of three
bushels eapacit* and eta” type of constructioh very many
-.4,-itimes more Valuable than ours.
In 1938 'the Elevator was assessed asbeing worth $220,000 to
• 'our $20,000, or 11 to 1 •
In 1939 ..$110,000 to our $100,006 dr la to 1
In 1940 $220,000 to our $ 80,000 or 2.15 to '1„
• In 1941 $?,20,000 to our $ 80,000 or 2.75' to ,1
In 1940 the Town chose the Sterling Akipraisal Company; tido
of Toronto, established and experienced Appraisors familiar with
appraisal requirement for assessment purposes who appraised the
Seven prineipat local industrial properties. 'Whether their valuation
• was absolutely correct or not may be open to argunuint, hut .there
" • d " I '
no question that they. used the saline basis or 3,ar stie in each
ease So that on basis of eomparison. the values Should" he fair. The
In 1040 was en the basis of 52.2% of the appraised '
value for the Salt ComPany, on the basis of 45.32% of the appraised •
value of the Western. Canada Flour Mills and on the basis of 305%
of the Elevatore If we had been rkessed on the 'Same basis as the
. 'Elevator, cue ussetsanent would be $47,250 instead of $80,000.
our asseturnt is ovect at $80,000, then, areording to the eom-
parison with the valuation Of the Elevator; their,assessinent should'
, be $30,500 instead of $2‘20.000.
We would point out that whatever defeets there are In the
oppratgal made -for the Town and paid for by the TOWn this is the
only outside apprakal ever mule by recOgnized professional
appraisors, eliosen by and working in the interest of the "reivre, done
at one tine with one.yavilstiett, ate& until ano,er
• • "1
is done by people' whose opinion is more satisfactory te the Town
there is no more expert opinion available for the purpose of con'
paring values of the local industries. •
It is useless to arglie„that a'salt plant and a grain elevator can-
not be compared any more than to say thatframe, stucco, briar or
stone houses cannot be compared. • The valhe of different types of
construction can be e,aelly reduced to dollars and cents, arid dollars
and cents value is, the -conunon yardstick used for equitable_
• appraisals and asse-ssmeiit, ,•,,
Tfie Salt Company Is aiid alWayi has been fully pfepared."to-pay-
its share of the local taxes. - On the present basis it is being asked
- -to-pay-on-a_much_higher basis,A,140 other' lame industries, the •
amount and steadiness of whose contribution to the
employnient does.mot compare with that of the Salt Company. We,
, cannot pay both ways and we consider empioyment-the More im-
portant to the Town. We are_already employingand alwaYs,haire '
employed considerably more men that are required to produce' com-
. parabie tonnage at ()thee salt plants.
Higher taxes will force us ;away from our policy of co-operation
with labor and in that way supporting the Town and force us into
Mill- and Elevator tactics of mechanization. •'
'R. K. WURTELE, Vice President.
Noyenaber 5th, 1941.
Dr. J. A. Grahatn,
Chairman, Court of Revision,
T6Wn of Goderich;
Dear Doctor Graham:
In connection with our appeal heard by your court -last -night
I am, alarmed by pertain developments in the hearing which I should ,
like to -call to the attention of your court and which I believe should
• be Placed on record. ,
At the conclusion of the_pyesentation of our ease'the text of
which I enclose herewith, no member of the Court of Revision had
any questions to ask when an opportunity to question was presented
• by yowl' After motion that the matter be held over for further de-
liberation, Mr. Dance Y addressed the Court and stated the appeal
must fail becairke:, , • .• •
1. We brought no expert witnesses' to give evidence before the
• Court.
• • ihe appeal had already failed when brought before the County
Court last year'.
In .reading over the Judgment of the County Court Mr, Dancey
emphasized (a) the Judge's opihion that it was not possible to
compare the Elevator and Salt Company for assessment ---that
their buildings were utterly dissimilar, (h) that we used the
Town's witnesses to prove our case (as though the Town's Wit-
• nesses were unreliable)?, ---(c)1 that our assessment was only
abent 50% of the appraised value' made by the Sterling .Ap-
praisal Co. Ltd. and I(1) added his own opinion that it should
have been 60%.
My- reply to Mr. Dancey's arguments .was as follows:
1. That in all' the appeals presented before the Cm:rt....et Re--
, vision in the last two years, which r attended, I have never seen
an expert Witness .presented by any. appellant. 'The facts presented
in the Salt Company's brief do not, rely on .the evidence of any ex-
• pert„withesS. They are matter of fact and Town record, and values
were- made by experienced outside .iipprallrs employed and paid
by the Town.
2. The appeal presented this year -is tec,hnically different from
that presented' last year. The appeal last year was based on .the
grounds of "inequity" only. This year we appeal again' st the =assess-
ment of the Elevator who were not mentioned last ear. Vhis was
made nebessary because we were not permitted under the terms of
our appeal last year to give evidence of the Town's appraisal Of the
Elevator to prove our case. •
• (a) So far „as dissiinilarity between the Salt Company and
Elevator buildings is concerned, the land of each can be valued, the
-buildings,,,of.:each can be valued, the 'power equipment of each can
be valued and this is all that is required for Assessment. These ,
valtieS. *ere obtained by the Town last year when they employed
`'.."...the-Steding_Apprgijakle, Ltd. of Toronto for this purpose, and jt°
is the fact that wj are aWsia—ar52.-.2%—of-this-appraisedlue—
whereas the Elevator is only -assessed nt 30.7%- of their appraised-,
value •that brings us before this 'Cepa to ask :for equal treatment.
(6) We -used the Town's witnesses' last year as • we 'had the
• same confidence in their ability as the Town had when it chose thein
for tlAis work and as all we wished to prOe was that comparatively .
spealhitg we were oyer-assessed•in relation to other industries; par.' ,
,tieularly the Elevator. Had this evidence been atcepted by the
• Court our ease would have been proven., .„
(e If our assessment should be 60% Of our appraised'
value then the assessment of the Elevator (now Oa%) should be
6()% and all others on the same basis. That is all we ask.
Mr. Knox then, questioned the 'Meaning of the wordingin, our
. .
notice of appeal and asked if_ it. 'meant that we' were appealing
against the assessment of the Goderich Elevator and Transit Co: Ltd,
to which question 1 answered "yes." . •
Thepoint which 1 have to make is. this: You will recollect
that Mr. Daneef did not -attempt to , dbpute, my answers, which
Witild-Indicate that they -were-accurate! and AshmildL,f0ver-ride any
, objections raised by him. Both Mr. Dancey.`and Mr. Knox opposed
and maintained the failure of our appeal • on technical grounds.
While tliese tecluileal grounds, are net good technical grounds, the .
• fact is that, obviotiSly antagonistic to our appeal, they had no argue
,ment to offer on the basis of0111'claims or the 'fairness of our case.
I would point out that the legal, costs of carrying this, action to the
County ,Court and, if necessary, the MuniePipal Board at Tokonte
would beimjnstilled in view Of the faetsavailable'to your Court. I -
would point out that neither Mr. Dancey nor Mr. Knox are mein-
bers of the Coin•t- of Revision but paid servants of the' Town, whose
' duty
in not to oppose-1'one indieltry for the 'benefit -of another or one
taxpayer atthe expense of another but to give .fair plays to
Having expressed their opposition without justifYing their reasons,
I would •emphashe with all possible force that we are entitled to
knew what !,..tatentents they make against us in the -deliberations
Your Court front which we were' exbitided, and to be given an oppor.0
timity to inahe a properrebly.
In conclusien 1 'Would add that we are asking no favors or spe-
cial privileges from. the Town. We are asking for equal treatnaent
ixtith Other industrial taxpayers- In our Opinion, and based on our
'4 PraCtiek in the past, what benefits us benefits the Town and what
hurts us hurts the Town." Discrimination agratlst us will of He'
• ccssity restrict our ability` to. give employment.
• ,1 Yours Very truly, .
• R. R. WUR,TELV,P Vice -President.
'The members of the Court of lteviSion are Dr. J. A. Graham,
chairman; W. A. Baker, II Mooney (Who Wits absent when the
above appeal was considered), 1)..Y. 14An and D. Sproule.
iitn»"GILDER,T, Bayliei94.
Phone 903 r 22,, tlUuton CaU paid, '
for. '
and poultry pxesent wonder;
ful , opportunity for Baby Chick Sales,
men thth, coming winter. Cask id by
representing"- a well-known, lonnuestab-
lislied Chick -Hatchery- Writet'for in-
formation to BOX. 80, SIGNAL -STAB.
• 1.04' SALE
and go-cart., J. R.' W1IDEILE11:,
Hamilton' street. 45
• good conditiejb 360.00. T Apply
straw and' grain.„ Mita ED, -
.11rLTA0N,, 59 Newe,,,ate-rStreet, Gode-
rich 43x
acres, orchard,, -whole or • part.
Sewer, water, etc. 101.IABLESI REALE, '
11205 -14th am, Richmond 'Hill, N,Y,
Oltt—or It. 0. 111.11,YS;_auderich.
41 -ti • • •
'• one-fifth acre of land, more or less.
In good location in the village. ,of
Auhurn: Apply ,HARRY BEADLE'S
11,1;1701IER SHOP, Auburn. "
(Assoc. Dip. Royal Oollege of
Organists, London,
is prepared to receive students in
Voice Production, Singing, - Organ,
Piano, Dramatic, Art, et.
.For terms 'apply. KnoX Presbyterian
Ohurch or 22 lglgin avenue, Goderich.
Phone 189. ' • „ 434x
•2Nominations for e10etionofEeev
and Councillors for the Township of
Colborne will be held at the Town Hall,
• Carlow, on Friday, 'November 21st,
1941, at 2p.m. •
If a poll is required the -election will
be held on.MondaY, December lst,1941
Delerit3. A
There will -be -a -testing Of soil -at Ve3F, - -
Watson's. off November 14:: ttring ti
• sample of _ soil. Agent for Witta
• ' Phone -Carlow 2113,
45x•• R.R. 1, Port Albert.
a Court will be held, pursuant -to The
Ontario •Voters' List Act, bY His
Honour the Judge of the County Court
of the County of Huron, at the Court
House, goderich, on Tuesday, the 18th
day of November, 1941, at ten o'clodk in .
the forenoon, to heal. and 'determine
complaints of errors and omissions in
the voters' list of the.MunicipaIity qf
the Town of Goderich for the year 1941.
DATED ,at Goderich the 6th Arty of •
November, 1941. , .
•'• L. L. KNOX, ,
Clerk of the Municipality
454 of the Town -of Goderich.
- • -
NYITC-1 TO CillEDITpltS. •
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
having any claim against the estate of
John Buck Young, late of the Township
of West Wawanosh, who .died on or
about the 5ih day Of 'October, A. D.°
1941, to send game duly 'verified to the.
undersigned on or before the 31st day
of October, 1041, as on and after that
date the executors of the said, estate
will proceed to distribute the -assets
thereof,.. having regard only to the
claims then fad. -
Dated at GOderiat this. 15th day of
'October,- A. D. 1941.
, • Barrister, etc
42-34 Goderich, ,Ont.
..ammirmi.......i.i.imilmirommorwmenews' • •
• 'The next :meeting ; of the
llthon (Mttnty Council will be
held in the Connell Cliamberst
,CloUrt House; Goderich,, • com-
• mencing Tuesday, Nov. 18th,
1041, at 2 p.m. ;
• All naeCOillits, netices' -of depu-
a7,-tations and other business re-
quiring the attention of Courteil
shoul*be in.,the hands of theo
County •Olerg, /Aft later ,than
Saturday, Nov. 15th, 1044,
N. W. MILLER, 0ounty,0lerk,
' Goderich, Ontario. • Av.;
Free' dour' Wair-°
Prom rear
3 Hamilton' St. Tel. 368yv
-4 ,