HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-11-06, Page 4J THE GODERIOR SIGNADST SUPERIOR STI3RES BIG LIBBY ii0011 SALN IDMS Fork & Seans; age 2Q -oz. this vows Spaghetti 2..kilns 15c LlilliiYRS MOIST ince IVIeat. Lr;e 28:.UZ. eltf 27c TABBY'S COOKED Lge bottle 17c LIBIi► PS 'DEEP, BrownedBea..s 16 oz ti XOc somisimmollowwww Van � Cam, 's GOLDEN BANTAM "CORN 2 I6 -oz. tins 25e. n LIIBY'S' _ _TIPS .. ,e Asparagus 12:qz. tin, 22c McCormick's, BUTTER t CREAM.SODAS 1,1b. ' bag 15c 1 -lb. i bag 3�T BINE BOY COFFEE • . ELL Best Granulated SUGAR - 10 lbs. 79c Assorted Cream SANDWICH BISCUITS - • ib. .19c ROYAL. YORK TEA Hawes' FLOOR'' GLOSS TEA BMX Flairi of Iodized SALT AYLMER' PEAS %-lb. pkg. 450 - pt. tin 59c - qt.: tin 98c Med. pkg. 190 ige . pkg 350 • '- 2 y ge 2.b. -pkgs 150 No. 4 sieve 2 16 -oz. tins 23c J. CALVIN CUTT J. J. McEWEN � Phone 116 Phone 46 CHAMPION PLO:9(710N WIN TRIF Gild. IVIetlalist, Silver Yletiaiist Elmer Armstrong Marshall Deans .The Salada Tea Chaapionship ClassTat the International PlowingMatch recec>,tly 1 held' near Peterborough brought together leading plowmen from all over ntario. • Competition. was._ keen. Winners of trips were Elmer Arinstron( of St. Pauls and Marshall Deans of Paris. If restrictions -do not forbid; Salads wilt give them a "Transcontinental Tour to points of agricul ._.rural interest in. thjjnited Stakes and Canada; ^The next. twelve winners • h4, the event received prizes fromS-2,00-16-$3:00. • ..a PERSONAL MENTION Sgnr. Dick Paper was home from `Camp Borden for the week -end. Miss l+;mflie Buchanan has gone to Toronto- to spend the winter season, Mrs. H. •Tieiiborne and Mi.s. T. Taylor attended .the 1i'omc'n's Institute con- vention at Loiidmoti last .wee!:. i,Mrs. J. B. MacMath of Holmesvill,, Miss Helen •31a i \lath of London and Miss Esther MacMath of Dashwood spent the week -end with Mr. and airs. -S R. MacMath, East street— HALLOWE'EN ;TEFFORT 'RED CROSS NOTES Qp „ • The response 'to date to the appeal ..for blankets for Britain has not ful- filled expectations.: The • htfge : supply - 'of blankets contributed by Canadians in response to the Red: Cross appeal in June ,1.040• is depleted. The; people of Britain face the cold winter months and a strong probability of intensified eair raids. The need is therefore urgent, and the response must be immediate. _ - ,everyone is. asked to spare a blanket for Britain. It will mean so much s . warmth to'-'an'old man or a w Oman or a oned but it sums to me that a boy child in �a cold air-raid shelter.- It smart. P,ut he could ha e, that o in les early ,teens has more in him if uuelcesirable slang expression and made will be a godsend to. the, woman whose caretaker, Mr. Wm. Westlake. He was he plans to keep his o�vu shoe leather !house has been destroyed by, bombs. satisfied Council. had chosen•'the right clean Of course there is .some appeail a . better ' impressloil. But, returning It will help greatly in an emergency man. in the shoe shine shop that gets lune: i to the stovepipes, they do act, provok- hospital or an ambulance. The Treasurer received 'from - ' It looks smart to have a servant and: ipgl'y sometimes, and furnace pipes .ail-. Adams $6.40 for 100 stakes. ,able 1nbliely to afford vn et . rvi(�e. fittings may raise more than murmur Mrs. Allan Stevenson, who is super It was agreed by Council that the i of a mutter from a sweated, blackened Thre'is more of course to the lad who visor"of nutrition and visiting house- keeper service" of the Canadian lived Cross, held a meeting at the Goderich Red Cross rooms with the nutrition committee, which consists of Miss Charbonneau, Mrs.' Frank Curry and Mrs. N. C. Jackson. Int ,,, ,Rn is to organize a Series, of study groups in ... nutrition-. to study- "balanced diets" ",.ail ' economical buying, which, owing to "`resent condltions, affect the cam- inunity ; as a wliole, These study groups are to begin the middle of January: Watch for further notices! The -bridge marathon, will begin on Monday, and will be in progress until Easter. There Lire 112 bridge players, • 24 etie1fle players, and' 4() ladies have lalregdy promised to entertain at "500" :parties A number havie decided to rr 'give' money. The Red Cross teas will geonsnieente Th the course of a week or so, COLBO1 NE TOWNSHIP The Colborne Township Council met- eor its regular meeting on Tuesday, November' 4th, with all members pre- sent but J. 'Feagan, Minutes of last regular meeting were adopted" as read, on motion. of A. Watson and: We Clark;.. Correspondence was read from Dr. W. J.,Stephen. -chemist, warning Coun=- cil of the shortage of sodium chlorate for �weed-killing- purposes and advising- Council dvising Council to put in an estiliate-fof1942 -needs:"' _. Mr. Harry McCreath gave ,a very interesting report on. the woi+k being done in. the Township ceinetery by the, C('It "b "Nt➢i°J II.3 �R OM, IDU TOE WE.99 LS.L.iNSVE,1L GUILD ()n ltpnd.ay' evening the yoUla a People 02' ,i(110 %' byteria.ai ' ehtirch held their regular•uleeting. Miss dMildred Marf�•Ieb. read the l eripture, `Atte topic, fele the stualy' hook, based ez. the parable oi' th : 'Good 'Samaritan, was, well given by Miss Marjory Daer, .An article on •a "New I' nd, of Good Hess's which told of tie founding of the IluMane , Societe `was read by !Miss Berne IIognrtli.: M.ISs 'Gertrude hoist d!elightetl the matin rs with , is Selo: After the e.lnesiness discusjions a short Period' of fellowship 'was en_ japed. 'The, young people welcome everyone to their regular meeting nest Tugs lay night. as they did last. year, to,pay. postage on parcels being sent overseas. The' -pupils of ('antral school gathered about $S and those of Victoria school • succeeded-in'obtaining•$21. 9, a total of ;about $30 in coppers. Hallowe'en parties• were ,held in the different rooms in both • Vittoria.-- and Central- school;- on Friday afternoon, when candy and apples were (1istrib- 1 tilted:So the children. .I CARLOW • Mrs, Win. U. Biruie, East .street, tvho took "suddenly; 111 • last Tuesday with -laryngitis, is slowly improving. Her daughter, Mrs. ,Hazel Murray, of •Rayfield, hats' 'been nursing her. OaPtain II, R. Hall, of the Dental ,Corps,, stationed at Guelph, wan home for a few bays lest Week. Mrs. 11a11• returned ,with her Husband to 'Guelph;' where they will reside. I Miss Maynle Million of Grand 'Bend !'visited• last week at the home of her 3' The -children-nf Yi .terra- nd `-errt- a -P parents, 3Ir, and--Mrsr I) 'F \dill -inn schools again collected coppers:.while ; Carlow, returning to her position with. on their Hallowe'en rounds this ,rear,.; �maeaJos. Brenner_ Auto lights -not dfriverse-sbould 'be lit after dark, Warr Now Brings "M esseangerettes" T4e Newsy Echo r, Il y Betty. Wang Happy day! The afro is actually: Shining. It steins to have- east away.- all "that alooan and that uneasy feeling - that elfin -that de te^ended upon us When some - One 'mentioned an "examination time- table.", ;tt stems as though the exams. . Aren't far enough away to be ignored. Maybe •we'd !setter Lstart making up for lost Mime !n i u * * But 7why the references to a dark feture?. The present is plenty good enough' for , us, And at preesent' We can look back on a hilarious+ 310.1- lowe'eu, for we slid Zieve t( 'seed -time, didn't we? This is the first year that anyone has taken that word "masquer- ade" ade" really seriously, 'I don't suppose the fact that those not In costume hada `to pay higher admission had any- thing to do with it! At any rate, practically everytbody e;ime in costume. And don't ever let it be said, that we aren't patriotic We ;even gave as our prizes this year, War saviligs ,,stamps, instead of the' usual' sch'oo1 Pins. ** The prize for the best»dreesed couple went to Mr, and Mrs. Paper Ilag- - day night. , Cnngra�*tat *'boils to you all! -verses lVar>aer and, 'June Baechler; dressed in, amusing coetumee made at. '•A -iter the grand FMaret2, we played,most entirely of paper hags, 'games, and .ciancecl: Zeta Munro and Gail 'Saunders, a' abninutive "Topsy,,, Catherine- Graf Won the elimination dlance. A. rather, unlisnalfeature of b won a well-deserved prize as the best- dressed girl. The boys' prize went' (strangely enough) •to a. sweet little• girl, decked out in --•regulation school tunic - and 'oxfords. " She created quite a sensation Ss—she Werctsu"b ; -sgli is kintg"hir elope red braids from side to sidle, and dis- playing her, rosy -tinted nails,. Which is-- just ---another- wag of describing .Grant -Johnstone as.we found 'him Fri - the evening was the folk -dances, eee found they were really fun, once we got t•jae hang of them. It was only an experiment, but it proved to be a sue-- cessful one. . Y3owe ereegill-goodathiing -•anuet•ec4me___ to an end, and this was no exception. `. Mucha too soon, we were leaving, with Our memories of another happy evening spent et the school. ' FEW WEEKS ON SYNTONA MADE BTG DIFFERENCE TO THIS LADY 1. Things. Around Home (By A.W.B.) One result of money flo ni•ng more ,The advent of cold weepier and freely, and people havens more to O�;tober gales has -won attentiou.. to stovepipes and furnace matters. One spend, is evident at the 'shoe-shine•-•lie"ctrl:"'-' ior`ning''v',as s-" nt in putting ,parlors in„ town. It struck me, as I m g passed one 'the -other day, ,1iow ,alaaily up the stovepipes in the kitchen. • It boys there were between the ages of was no rpr er-meeting occasion, though fourteen and eighteen who were seated I don't think .there was nearly . as. Be: - there, or waiting for a -seat to have much difficulty as in some years, Ber- Zieve me, there. were no swear words their shoes shined,, ready to pas hat sed spot en—not even a "darned” used. was asked for that service, It a How common that word is now in use. to,• be that boys cleaned -their owe I At a church gathering, the other even shoes and never thought of .pa�ywg fol ins, wheli a youthful -leader was trying the same, or it was strictly a family to express to others the pleasure of•the matter. Some of us can remember the Saturday those of being "shiner" �to rest° of the entertaining :oiCowcT•r•-how. glad they' were -to do it—he said, "We' all the shoes and boots- of the faintly, are darned lad you came." I thought .without pay. Perhaps I am- gid-fash-he Was really trying to say something i v left out a .superintendent put in a 4 -Inch file will insist. on shiny shoes than to. the face. An •old Methodist-said—of-the drain leading into Sky Harbor, and who l goawith'any sort' fitting ,(- such pipes be -ether that it a ofe.unclean footwearut was no' means of . grace:" that we -engage a power geafder �te Excellent was I b go over ail Township -roads! "as sosoon as the slogan . posted " up over a bright 1 possible° g shoe "boy and his cleaning par:i•ph&rn- I \' had a «,onderful chicken -upper Council agreed to pay Ur.' Worthy alta, some',iv1itre in the Stats.e, which at our church the other da -y and every - Fowler 25 cents a rod if he will remove read •`•If you can't sill".ut ane end •body was patting himself on the flack, rail. -fence and .brush, and put; up a you may at the other!"'' ; or. I .should say herself on the back, on wire 'fence on siderted• the wonderful success it was; for after �. • The road vouchers- and bills • were 1.At a military parade and manoeuvres, '. all the women have all the Work and ordered paid :_Road. vouchers, $2.42;25; at a titain n.g calms the Wier c1a31 I' worry of these events. The large sum, Signal -Star, account, • $75.90; (% ,, ' I got in conversation with a minister., of $98:5'5 .was taken at the door. --When 'i'� orseil,_ cemetery account, stove who said he had stolen away for the i this --til as Iin-nounced--every face shrine Harry McCreath, wheelbarrow,afternoon fia'au many other, claiming , and there- was loud applause. "yot'hing and pipes for : cemetery; $9; Gordon jobs because he felt he must be Pre- was saki of how twenty-five families I Henclierscrn. photo, 60c; Spramotor L¢d., sent� 'at this function. • Ile, said his; brought to , that supper four dollars' Sic ; Receiver -General of Canada, in- I week 'was full of engagements. 'The' worth each of eatables, putting the speetion of scales •at McGaw, $7 ; Wm. next •day he had tee funerals and •i market value of the goods pretty. low Westlake„r.,,alary for .October, $,43.33.1 few clays after two weddings on.�4.lie' at that, to ,make that spread:' .•-,There 'ounri1 a�Ijo_i aged 'to matt Noceinber � one afternoon. 'Then lit proceeded to .-ifs nAthing said about btber expenses 15th—,eat 1.30 pins •, . - _ _- -_ little .while _u ._ _Bv th It wedding he tisemtenta. iti __. papers, 'the__ begin _ e_f i � �,A ' �fffv:•i{•SC:/.{4}iS:�i+�!•,:•.:i:}:•ii%•�ik• %•. r' Photo—Canadian National Railways. (Nile thing to be said about the "Messengerettes" s er v i n g Canadian National Telegraphs in many Canadian cities, is that - they do not whistle. Otherwise] - they possess the speed and effi- ciency of the boys they ,are re- placing. The array and war ser- vices seriously depleted the de- livery forces of Canadian Na- tional a tional-Telegraphs° and gilrls, such .r as the Vancouver lassie here sic tured, have proven satisfactory for the :day time distribution a of cables, telegrams and socialtiies- sages. - - Suffered ' 5. ° Years with' Acid, Upset Stomach, -G dti ,. Con- stipation, Backao el and Head- aches. - Was Nervous, R.undo.wn and Losing Weight. `'E :er,�-body ,..kenlarks ®111/011t tt,+a lin- proveiltent •fn . my health since '-I've been taking Syntona and I think it is jtiatt grand. to feel •so well again after years -of . su ering," said Mips Marguerite Ward, 442 King St., Lon- don, Ontario, in a recent statement. •`In the past five •years I suffered terribly with stomach troubles, back- ache, nervous headaches and constipa- tion. I would get so' bloated with gas .that T could hardly draw a •fu11 breath; sculding,.sour Liquids would rise.from my stomach and I constantly felt Sick and nauseated. I took all kinds •of medicines and treatments, went on- a_ - Special diet, but L jtist ` kept, getting steadily Worse until I, couletahardly keep 4 any food in my stomach at all. 1 had. 1►ecouie tert•ibly thin,- my nerves were bad and I• -couldn't sleep nights. "When I first decided to try Syntona I ,was afraid .I couldn't ' take it, be- cause nay stomach "was so upset that I- used to vomit -up most of the light - food 1" tried -to eat. But to" Any sur- prise, it didn't give me any trouble and I soon found it• was doing me a great dead of good. Before I had finished ttie Hirst bottle, I could eat fairly' well And I was feeling much 'better. ' Now, after a few weeks on this medicine, I eat WM. ' SAI.LO '4'S, Clerle tell me •about, a, wedding. he had had a . eke paper plates, decorations,- adver- t f _' a. , e , butter, •tea, bread and other necessaries e ; was out.t�vo dii)llar:�, The gr4oin,_�}� en F he came to malee�narralirelntlit for the • to round out n fine public meal, which !•-event, winded up b"y asking this easily .amounted to •ten-(lollars. •Ta1- i minister if—he • could ---lend him .two.-..eu fol t e.--entert-al-nment -cost very .-ilollaSseeillees?+'ge wa not .due until I tk ai see five dollars all told, tut the following night and there were that was another 'live ilii'ihiiy o a4i ri certain things he mu' t get before ,then. ; the 100 dollars' worth of stuff given' by IIs would hay hi"in bask on the wedding; thosefew' ladies. of the chulrch, and to 4 day for sure. The two spot . Was i aria to- the ten dollar* spent in pro - loaned. • The day of• the wedding same 1 venter the extras •hetes: ary. So they and after the ceremony, the groom said' put dollen • 11-) dollars to pick up a the he was going .to be at church the- fol-liiili�ety-eight -"taken in. If any applause lowing ,:Sunday, and the usual „ five , was tine, It who to those ladies ho -" •dollars --"that, is what yon generally 1 brought that hundred (dollars' worth get, isn't it ?" lie Would, put in• an of chicken and other good things and 1 envelope-and.._liand._ it to 'him, ° "But I'wrio w- ere (Indentto do all the work owe you another testi iTu a1 , so I will at :.u(•h a• financial' loss, One .. thing make it seven and see yo'u get it." The more .is apt to he overlooked in this groom lied his .wen dollars have seen li cltoriimone and -that iv those twenty-five " 'never °heeaei1 e�n since and "it looks whoIn adZ this wonderful "11�p- like n gyp, very leach like it,” Said the fariilper possiiile. neither, father, and the minister. How malty iilifiisters ran childretl, all -paid -their way in to par - tell of- heing similarly bit at the' tielpatte It is apt •teen• much to ;say if parsonage- -door, or within the steep- they 'wanted to.-iielp t114' church at the •tion rtiom, and left to feel wiser but minimum of woFk. expeditiously, and -' i4addt r nieii for --mote that! has PgSsetl.l-'easil , the-pars`ment fey: the ticket's -they iii tile one with a sob story. But i used, Inacle as a gift, ivonlil ha�'� pro - the offender doing this with the back.- chw wefifty dollar- alone-- Ily thew•ay, "ground of his, V(d"ding—w•ell, God hell); thtert' vrere . enough chicken !)one:. :With the bride that gots snail 0 dishonest; good pleking nn them -to keep 6'rone trickster for a mate! - 1 munity going for three days. -..0000000 ovemJ ger Specials: at CORNFIELD'S Misses • A Untrimmed: Coats, so durable for"businef s, school.' and - sport _-w ear... Sizes 121,-/a to 1.8. :V'QVEMBER SPECTA.y.. $13.95 . �... _'•.. NOVEMBER SPECIALS ON ALL LADIES' FUR- TRIMMED COATS - Dresses - New Fall SPECIAL Millinery Dresses made- off. flaairiells. - NOVE $2.49 • sm art and •'rareied eolleeti(l<1 of Ladies' and Misses'. Mil finery. NOVE1 l i+at SPT1CI`AL . . $1.98--$2.49 P 'R 418 S t1Af OODifWCH of ,'°,,,,••••t.>.•:> MRS. Mi RGC1ERITE WARD regular meals in comfort, nay nerves are relaxed _and I am sleeping fine. I don't get those throbbing headaches -or those Bains in my batik like I, used to and I tiaave regained much of my lost «•eight. You may use this states"' mete ac»you wish and only hope it - be the . means 'of helping others who suffer like I -„did.°', • • Let this pare herbal medicine help you as it has hundreds of other local men ..and women. It is pleasant to take and quick to -act. Syntona, is sold and • recommended in Goderieh •. by Campbell's Drt Ag Store. 'THE OLD TIMER" Bi11 Thompson; is also "Boomer" • "MRS. ABIGAIL UPPINGTON" Isabel Randolph brings Society to new levels, v • �_- A I#eadline Air Show "FIBBER" McGEE & MOLLY • "We're the.handsomest - hucksters sit `hilarity" A "M.._cGee!" Shouts Molly. • fieavenly days S'1 Anti ii'sTriesdayevert�"1iii r with the JOHNSON'S W�X and Self -polishing GL -COAT Program. 6 Theere ria e e' geared in our , local .i__ • paper. in the personal column of late, a(T%erliw(nient00a the part of •male,to•ineet .bitable females for_c�onitianion -, ._-,..... ; .r(i.,,,I;,tAtg" ship and, possible courtship. .Apply I, box'140 and so" Two days thele were ads. by females—young ladies- ori Met - Constipaioil same line. Sometimes eve are fissured 1. this works, whether satisfactorily or ilot it is hard to:say. A story is fired b Those who keep te; lilies of of how one of these adv° rti:cments read , ' impurity pent up in their lioc'it,, that the mala (lesirin to ' nwet� the i day after tiny', instead of hctvin it. young lady would recogiij7.c her at the i •teetn(we(laii nature intended, at least. ostofiee .step-. at a certatin, time if'j Once in every twenty-four holes, Ip . variablysuffer from con:itipa(tion, glee wore a carnation. (;)ri,the eyeiliit� , young ladies i ape(eified there wed three'C'lIe use of sheep, harsh purgativea. near the ,p6stoiliee steps with earini.,' will never get you any where as the' tions adorning tlie°iipper 'Dart of their only aggravate the trouble and in-. dreg , ,, •.sci.4n;, one another they were ; • jure the delicate inttcouq lining of the naturally elnbar,2ag ed,;inti no progress i bowols,and are very liable 'to cause further *was made by thein or the' piles. : ' ,, would -he sslvaiiil•, who, if he didn't make 1 If ie't)natipa te(1 take Milburn'a hay while` the Pun drone, s(it,lenst ,1II I '.. I,axai•I�ivot Pills and Iia a natural e a fealst ,for ti1e e5�e�s, a'1 li( (1()iil)tle14,a n , movement of tllrs bowels. Tli(ly do . shyly taut"Fayed hew earnntfou idortl(e(1 I• riot , gripe, ive'iken Toad oiettcn an love" quarry. I afar assured this aetua .• Arany .laxattivel do. ally 11a ppc ia_ our, city :and not long i The'f. Milburn Co.,Ltd„ Toronto, UIIt x ago.• • _BEST PROGRA-MS • Listeaingl"c'hat's what you .buy a radio for. That's Why Philco engineers paid especial' attentions to - - 'bud whettdt1sighing Philco for 19-42 And; ley (perfect matching of radio. circuits to speakers and , speakers to cabinets, they achieved an amazing new tone quality. Visit your Philco Dealer ...listen .to Philco for 1942 and heat. the differenceyourself. li4 •• / r 'f 4 Iing L00o 54X-'--tight,S five all wo, . an cover all Standard Broadcasts, Do. westre and Overseas. short-wave• Pusli•butwnTuning; fuiltein Aerial aQuaiify bui1f in Canada •. S Stem .. Cabinet ofVWalnut with ly�cbrow inlays o, $179.50 41 PHILCO 49T -- a grandexample, of i'hilco's new achieve- :c chicve- inset', in Table Radto rdcsi n,Fivealltvorking Philco Tubes; four TuningBandsfor btan- dard and^Dotn es+llc or • Overseas Short-wave rece:ned. : Bestig.e l Cab net $64.65 ni:.•c r`• TIRADE I RU PRE. �r Lu if �. r ��dl JIOW I CNOOsE Ea 21 • grAur Ut NEW P0,110$ P IIP ANY PHiLCO DEALER WILL GLADLY ARRANGE PHILCO BUDGET TERMS Flank Gerry: &• Company, Ltd., 379 Talbot St',, London, cr • LA