HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-11-06, Page 4J
Fork & Seans;
age 2Q -oz. this
2..kilns 15c
ince IVIeat.
Lr;e 28:.UZ. eltf 27c
Lge bottle 17c
16 oz ti XOc
Van � Cam, 's GOLDEN BANTAM "CORN 2 I6 -oz. tins 25e.
LIIBY'S' _ _TIPS .. ,e
12:qz. tin, 22c
McCormick's, BUTTER t CREAM.SODAS 1,1b. ' bag 15c
1 -lb. i bag 3�T
Best Granulated
10 lbs. 79c
Assorted Cream SANDWICH BISCUITS - • ib. .19c
Flairi of Iodized SALT
%-lb. pkg. 450
- pt. tin 59c - qt.: tin 98c
Med. pkg. 190 ige . pkg 350 •
'- 2 y ge 2.b. -pkgs 150
No. 4 sieve 2 16 -oz. tins 23c
Phone 116 Phone 46
Gild. IVIetlalist, Silver Yletiaiist
Elmer Armstrong Marshall Deans
.The Salada Tea Chaapionship ClassTat the International PlowingMatch
recec>,tly 1 held' near Peterborough brought together leading plowmen from
all over ntario. • Competition. was._ keen. Winners of trips were Elmer
Arinstron( of St. Pauls and Marshall Deans of Paris. If restrictions -do not
forbid; Salads wilt give them a "Transcontinental Tour to points of agricul
._.rural interest in. thjjnited Stakes and Canada; ^The next. twelve winners •
h4, the event received prizes fromS-2,00-16-$3:00. •
Sgnr. Dick Paper was home from
`Camp Borden for the week -end.
Miss l+;mflie Buchanan has gone to
Toronto- to spend the winter season,
Mrs. H. •Tieiiborne and Mi.s. T. Taylor
attended .the 1i'omc'n's Institute con-
vention at Loiidmoti last .wee!:.
i,Mrs. J. B. MacMath of Holmesvill,,
Miss Helen •31a i \lath of London and
Miss Esther MacMath of Dashwood
spent the week -end with Mr. and airs.
-S R. MacMath, East street—
Qp „ • The response 'to date to the appeal
..for blankets for Britain has not ful-
filled expectations.: The • htfge : supply
- 'of blankets contributed by Canadians
in response to the Red: Cross appeal
in June ,1.040• is depleted. The; people
of Britain face the cold winter months
and a strong probability of intensified
eair raids. The need is therefore urgent,
and the response must be immediate.
_ - ,everyone is. asked to spare a blanket
for Britain. It will mean so much
s . warmth to'-'an'old man or a w Oman or a oned but it sums to me that a boy
child in �a cold air-raid shelter.- It smart. P,ut he could ha e, that
o in les early ,teens has more in him if uuelcesirable slang expression and made
will be a godsend to. the, woman whose caretaker, Mr. Wm. Westlake. He was he plans to keep his o�vu shoe leather
!house has been destroyed by, bombs. satisfied Council. had chosen•'the right clean Of course there is .some appeail a . better ' impressloil. But, returning
It will help greatly in an emergency man. in the shoe shine shop that gets lune: i to the stovepipes, they do act, provok-
hospital or an ambulance. The Treasurer received 'from - ' It looks smart to have a servant and:
ipgl'y sometimes, and furnace pipes .ail-.
Adams $6.40 for 100 stakes. ,able 1nbliely to afford vn et . rvi(�e. fittings may raise more than murmur
Mrs. Allan Stevenson, who is super It was agreed by Council that the i of a mutter from a sweated, blackened
Thre'is more of course to the lad who
visor"of nutrition and visiting house-
keeper service" of the Canadian lived
Cross, held a meeting at the Goderich
Red Cross rooms with the nutrition
committee, which consists of Miss
Charbonneau, Mrs.' Frank Curry and
Mrs. N. C. Jackson. Int ,,, ,Rn is to
organize a Series, of study groups in
... nutrition-. to study- "balanced diets"
",.ail ' economical buying, which, owing
to "`resent condltions, affect the cam-
inunity ; as a wliole, These study
groups are to begin the middle of
January: Watch for further notices!
The -bridge marathon, will begin on
Monday, and will be in progress until
Easter. There Lire 112 bridge players,
• 24 etie1fle players, and' 4() ladies have
lalregdy promised to entertain at "500"
:parties A number havie decided to
rr 'give' money. The Red Cross teas will
geonsnieente Th the course of a week or so,
The Colborne Township Council met-
eor its regular meeting on Tuesday,
November' 4th, with all members pre-
sent but J. 'Feagan,
Minutes of last regular meeting
were adopted" as read, on motion. of
A. Watson and: We Clark;..
Correspondence was read from Dr.
W. J.,Stephen. -chemist, warning Coun=-
cil of the shortage of sodium chlorate
for �weed-killing- purposes and advising-
Council to put in an estiliate-fof1942
-needs:"' _.
Mr. Harry McCreath gave ,a very
interesting report on. the woi+k being
done in. the Township ceinetery by the,
C('It "b "Nt➢i°J II.3 �R OM, IDU
()n ltpnd.ay' evening the yoUla a People
02' ,i(110 %' byteria.ai ' ehtirch held
their regular•uleeting. Miss dMildred
Marf�•Ieb. read the l eripture, `Atte
topic, fele the stualy' hook, based ez.
the parable oi' th : 'Good 'Samaritan,
was, well given by Miss Marjory Daer,
.An article on •a "New I' nd, of Good
Hess's which told of tie founding of
the IluMane , Societe `was read by !Miss
Berne IIognrtli.: M.ISs 'Gertrude
hoist d!elightetl the matin rs with , is
Selo: After the e.lnesiness discusjions a
short Period' of fellowship 'was en_
japed. 'The, young people welcome
everyone to their regular meeting nest
Tugs lay night.
as they did last. year, to,pay. postage on
parcels being sent overseas.
The' -pupils of ('antral school gathered
about $S and those of Victoria school
• succeeded-in'obtaining•$21. 9, a total of
;about $30 in coppers.
Hallowe'en parties• were ,held in the
different rooms in both • Vittoria.-- and
Central- school;- on Friday afternoon,
when candy and apples were (1istrib-
tilted:So the children.
• Mrs, Win. U. Biruie, East .street,
tvho took "suddenly; 111 • last Tuesday
with -laryngitis, is slowly improving.
Her daughter, Mrs. ,Hazel Murray, of
•Rayfield, hats' 'been nursing her.
OaPtain II, R. Hall, of the Dental
,Corps,, stationed at Guelph, wan home
for a few bays lest Week. Mrs. 11a11•
returned ,with her Husband to 'Guelph;'
where they will reside.
I Miss Maynle Million of Grand 'Bend
!'visited• last week at the home of her 3'
The -children-nf Yi .terra- nd `-errt- a -P parents, 3Ir, and--Mrsr I) 'F \dill -inn
schools again collected coppers:.while ; Carlow, returning to her position with.
on their Hallowe'en rounds this ,rear,.; �maeaJos. Brenner_
Auto lights -not dfriverse-sbould 'be
lit after dark,
Warr Now Brings
"M esseangerettes"
T4e Newsy Echo
r, Il y Betty. Wang
Happy day! The afro is actually:
Shining. It steins to have- east away.-
all "that alooan and that uneasy feeling -
elfin -that de te^ended upon us When some -
One 'mentioned an "examination time-
table.", ;tt stems as though the exams.
Aren't far enough away to be ignored.
Maybe •we'd !setter Lstart making up for
lost Mime !n
i u
* *
But 7why the references to a dark
feture?. The present is plenty good
enough' for , us, And at preesent' We
can look back on a hilarious+ 310.1- lowe'eu, for we slid Zieve t( 'seed -time,
didn't we? This is the first year that
anyone has taken that word "masquer-
ade" really seriously, 'I don't suppose
the fact that those not In costume
hada `to pay higher admission had any-
thing to do with it! At any rate,
practically everytbody e;ime in costume.
And don't ever let it be said, that we
aren't patriotic We ;even gave as our
prizes this year, War saviligs ,,stamps,
instead of the' usual' sch'oo1 Pins.
The prize for the best»dreesed couple
went to Mr, and Mrs. Paper Ilag- - day night.
, Cnngra�*tat *'boils to you all!
-verses lVar>aer and, 'June Baechler;
dressed in, amusing coetumee made at. '•A -iter the grand FMaret2, we played,most entirely of paper hags, 'games, and .ciancecl: Zeta Munro and
Gail 'Saunders, a' abninutive "Topsy,,, Catherine- Graf Won the elimination
dlance. A. rather, unlisnalfeature of
won a well-deserved prize as the best-
dressed girl.
The boys' prize went' (strangely
enough) •to a. sweet little• girl, decked
out in --•regulation school tunic - and
'oxfords. " She created quite a sensation
Ss—she Werctsu"b ; -sgli is kintg"hir elope
red braids from side to sidle, and dis-
playing her, rosy -tinted nails,. Which
is-- just ---another- wag of describing
.Grant -Johnstone as.we found 'him Fri -
the evening was the folk -dances, eee
found they were really fun, once we
got t•jae hang of them. It was only an
experiment, but it proved to be a sue--
cessful one. .
Y3owe ereegill-goodathiing -•anuet•ec4me___
to an end, and this was no exception. `.
Mucha too soon, we were leaving, with
Our memories of another happy evening
spent et the school. '
Things. Around Home
(By A.W.B.)
One result of money flo ni•ng more ,The advent of cold weepier and
freely, and people havens more to O�;tober gales has -won attentiou.. to
stovepipes and furnace matters. One
spend, is evident at the 'shoe-shine•-•lie"ctrl:"'-' ior`ning''v',as s-" nt in putting
,parlors in„ town. It struck me, as I m g
passed one 'the -other day, ,1iow ,alaaily up the stovepipes in the kitchen. • It
boys there were between the ages of was no rpr er-meeting occasion, though
fourteen and eighteen who were seated I don't think .there was nearly . as.
Be: -
there, or waiting for a -seat to have much difficulty as in some years, Ber-
Zieve me, there. were no swear words
their shoes shined,, ready to pas hat
sed spot en—not even a "darned” used.
was asked for that service, It a How common that word is now in use.
to,• be that boys cleaned -their owe I At a church gathering, the other even
shoes and never thought of .pa�ywg fol ins, wheli a youthful -leader was trying
the same, or it was strictly a family
to express to others the pleasure of•the
matter. Some of us can remember the
Saturday those of being "shiner" �to rest° of the entertaining :oiCowcT•r•-how.
glad they' were -to do it—he said, "We'
all the shoes and boots- of the faintly, are darned lad you came." I thought
.without pay. Perhaps I am- gid-fash-he Was really trying to say something
i v left out a
.superintendent put in a 4 -Inch file will insist. on shiny shoes than to. the face. An •old Methodist-said—of-the
drain leading into Sky Harbor, and who l goawith'any sort' fitting ,(- such pipes be -ether that it
a ofe.unclean footwearut was no' means of . grace:"
that we -engage a power geafder �te Excellent was I b
go over ail Township -roads! "as sosoon as
the slogan . posted " up over a bright 1
possible° g shoe "boy and his cleaning par:i•ph&rn- I \' had a «,onderful chicken -upper
Council agreed to pay Ur.' Worthy alta, some',iv1itre in the Stats.e, which at our church the other da -y and every -
Fowler 25 cents a rod if he will remove read •`•If you can't sill".ut ane end •body was patting himself on the flack,
rail. -fence and .brush, and put; up a
you may at the other!"'' ; or. I .should say herself on the back, on
wire 'fence on siderted• the wonderful success it was; for after �.
• The road vouchers- and bills • were 1.At a military parade and manoeuvres, '. all the women have all the Work and
ordered paid :_Road. vouchers, $2.42;25; at a titain n.g calms the Wier c1a31 I' worry of these events. The large sum,
Signal -Star, account, • $75.90; (% ,, ' I got in conversation with a minister., of $98:5'5 .was taken at the door. --When
'i'� orseil,_ cemetery account, stove who said he had stolen away for the i this --til as Iin-nounced--every face shrine
Harry McCreath, wheelbarrow,afternoon fia'au many other, claiming , and there- was loud applause. "yot'hing
and pipes for : cemetery; $9; Gordon jobs because he felt he must be Pre- was saki of how twenty-five families I
Henclierscrn. photo, 60c; Spramotor L¢d., sent� 'at this function. • Ile, said his; brought to , that supper four dollars'
Sic ; Receiver -General of Canada, in- I week 'was full of engagements. 'The' worth each of eatables, putting the
speetion of scales •at McGaw, $7 ; Wm. next •day he had tee funerals and •i market value of the goods pretty. low
Westlake„r.,,alary for .October, $,43.33.1 few clays after two weddings on.�4.lie' at that, to ,make that spread:' .•-,There
'ounri1 a�Ijo_i aged 'to matt Noceinber � one afternoon. 'Then lit proceeded to .-ifs nAthing said about btber expenses
15th—,eat 1.30 pins •, .
- _ _- -_ little .while _u ._ _Bv th It wedding he tisemtenta. iti __. papers, 'the__ begin _ e_f
i � �,A
' �fffv:•i{•SC:/.{4}iS:�i+�!•,:•.:i:}:•ii%•�ik• %•. r'
Photo—Canadian National Railways.
(Nile thing to be said about the
"Messengerettes" s er v i n g
Canadian National Telegraphs in
many Canadian cities, is that -
they do not whistle. Otherwise] -
they possess the speed and effi-
ciency of the boys they ,are re-
placing. The array and war ser-
vices seriously depleted the de-
livery forces of Canadian Na-
tional-Telegraphs° and gilrls, such .r
as the Vancouver lassie here sic
tured, have proven satisfactory
for the :day time distribution a of
cables, telegrams and socialtiies-
sages. - -
Suffered ' 5. ° Years with' Acid,
Upset Stomach, -G dti ,. Con-
stipation, Backao el and Head-
aches. - Was Nervous, R.undo.wn
and Losing Weight.
`'E :er,�-body ,..kenlarks ®111/011t tt,+a lin-
proveiltent •fn . my health since '-I've
been taking Syntona and I think it is
jtiatt grand. to feel •so well again after
years -of . su ering," said Mips
Marguerite Ward, 442 King St., Lon-
don, Ontario, in a recent statement.
•`In the past five •years I suffered
terribly with stomach troubles, back-
ache, nervous headaches and constipa-
tion. I would get so' bloated with gas
.that T could hardly draw a •fu11 breath;
sculding,.sour Liquids would rise.from
my stomach and I constantly felt Sick
and nauseated. I took all kinds •of
medicines and treatments, went on- a_
- Special diet, but L jtist ` kept, getting
steadily Worse until I, couletahardly keep
4 any food in my stomach at all. 1 had.
1►ecouie tert•ibly thin,- my nerves were
bad and I• -couldn't sleep nights.
"When I first decided to try Syntona
I ,was afraid .I couldn't ' take it, be-
cause nay stomach "was so upset that
I- used to vomit -up most of the light
- food 1" tried -to eat. But to" Any sur-
prise, it didn't give me any trouble and
I soon found it• was doing me a great
dead of good. Before I had finished ttie
Hirst bottle, I could eat fairly' well And
I was feeling much 'better. ' Now, after
a few weeks on this medicine, I eat
WM. ' SAI.LO '4'S, Clerle tell me •about, a, wedding. he had had a . eke paper plates, decorations,- adver-
t f _' a. , e , butter, •tea, bread and other necessaries
e ;
was out.t�vo dii)llar:�, The gr4oin,_�}� en
F he came to malee�narralirelntlit for the • to round out n fine public meal, which
!•-event, winded up b"y asking this easily .amounted to •ten-(lollars. •Ta1-
i minister if—he • could ---lend him .two.-..eu fol t e.--entert-al-nment -cost very
.-ilollaSseeillees?+'ge wa not .due until I tk ai see five dollars all told, tut
the following night and there were that was another 'live ilii'ihiiy o a4i ri
certain things he mu' t get before ,then. ; the 100 dollars' worth of stuff given' by
IIs would hay hi"in bask on the wedding; thosefew' ladies. of the chulrch, and to
4 day for sure. The two spot . Was i aria to- the ten dollar* spent in pro -
loaned. • The day of• the wedding same 1 venter the extras •hetes: ary. So they
and after the ceremony, the groom said' put dollen • 11-) dollars to pick up a the
he was going .to be at church the- fol-liiili�ety-eight -"taken in. If any applause
lowing ,:Sunday, and the usual „ five , was tine, It who to those ladies ho -"
•dollars --"that, is what yon generally 1 brought that hundred (dollars' worth
get, isn't it ?" lie Would, put in• an of chicken and other good things and 1
envelope-and.._liand._ it to 'him, ° "But I'wrio w- ere (Indentto do all the work
owe you another testi iTu a1 , so I will at :.u(•h a• financial' loss, One .. thing
make it seven and see yo'u get it." The more .is apt to he overlooked in this
groom lied his .wen dollars have seen li cltoriimone and -that iv those twenty-five
'never °heeaei1 e�n since and "it looks whoIn
adZ this wonderful "11�p-
like n gyp, very leach like it,” Said the fariilper possiiile. neither, father, and the
minister. How malty iilifiisters ran childretl, all -paid -their way in to par -
tell of- heing similarly bit at the' tielpatte It is apt •teen• much to ;say if
parsonage- -door, or within the steep- they 'wanted to.-iielp t114' church at the
•tion rtiom, and left to feel wiser but minimum of woFk. expeditiously, and
-' i4addt r nieii for --mote that! has PgSsetl.l-'easil , the-pars`ment fey: the ticket's -they
iii tile one with a sob story. But i used, Inacle as a gift, ivonlil ha�'� pro -
the offender doing this with the back.- chw wefifty dollar- alone-- Ily thew•ay,
"ground of his, V(d"ding—w•ell, God hell); thtert' vrere . enough chicken !)one:. :With
the bride that gots snail 0 dishonest; good pleking nn them -to keep 6'rone
trickster for a mate! - 1 munity going for three days.
A Untrimmed: Coats, so durable for"businef s, school.' and -
sport _-w ear... Sizes 121,-/a to 1.8. :V'QVEMBER SPECTA.y..
$13.95 . �...
Dresses -
New Fall
Dresses made- off. flaairiells. - NOVE
• sm art and •'rareied eolleeti(l<1 of Ladies' and Misses'.
Mil finery. NOVE1 l i+at SPT1CI`AL . .
P 'R 418
of ,'°,,,,••••t.>.•:>
regular meals in comfort, nay nerves
are relaxed _and I am sleeping fine.
don't get those throbbing headaches
-or those Bains in my batik like I, used
to and I tiaave regained much of my
lost «•eight. You may use this states"'
mete ac»you wish and only hope it -
be the . means 'of helping others
who suffer like I -„did.°', • •
Let this pare herbal medicine help
you as it has hundreds of other local
men ..and women. It is pleasant to
take and quick to -act. Syntona, is sold
and • recommended in Goderieh •. by
Campbell's Drt Ag Store.
Bi11 Thompson; is also
Isabel Randolph brings
Society to new levels,
A I#eadline Air Show
• "We're the.handsomest
- hucksters sit `hilarity" A
"M.._cGee!" Shouts Molly.
• fieavenly days S'1
Anti ii'sTriesdayevert�"1iii r
with the JOHNSON'S
W�X and Self -polishing
GL -COAT Program.
Theere ria e e' geared in our , local .i__ •
paper. in the personal column of late,
a(T%erliw(nient00a the part of •male,to•ineet .bitable females for_c�onitianion -, ._-,..... ; .r(i.,,,I;,tAtg"
ship and, possible courtship. .Apply I,
box'140 and so" Two days thele were
ads. by females—young ladies- ori Met - Constipaioil
same line. Sometimes eve are fissured 1.
this works, whether satisfactorily or
ilot it is hard to:say. A story is fired b Those who keep te; lilies of
of how one of these adv° rti:cments read , ' impurity pent up in their lioc'it,,
that the mala (lesirin to ' nwet� the i day after tiny', instead of hctvin it.
young lady would recogiij7.c her at the i •teetn(we(laii nature intended, at least.
ostofiee .step-. at a certatin, time if'j Once in every twenty-four holes,
Ip . variablysuffer from con:itipa(tion,
glee wore a carnation. (;)ri,the eyeiliit� ,
young ladies i
ape(eified there wed three'C'lIe use of sheep, harsh purgativea.
near the ,p6stoiliee steps with earini.,' will never get you any where as the'
tions adorning tlie°iipper 'Dart of their only aggravate the trouble and in-.
dreg , ,, •.sci.4n;, one another they were ; • jure the delicate inttcouq lining of the
naturally elnbar,2ag ed,;inti no progress i bowols,and are very liable 'to cause
further *was made by thein or the' piles. : ' ,,
would -he sslvaiiil•, who, if he didn't make 1 If ie't)natipa te(1 take Milburn'a
hay while` the Pun drone, s(it,lenst ,1II I '.. I,axai•I�ivot Pills and Iia a natural
a fealst ,for ti1e e5�e�s, a'1 li( (1()iil)tle14,a n , movement of tllrs bowels. Tli(ly do .
shyly taut"Fayed hew earnntfou idortl(e(1 I• riot , gripe, ive'iken Toad oiettcn an
love" quarry. I afar assured this aetua .•
Arany .laxattivel do.
ally 11a ppc ia_ our, city :and not long i The'f. Milburn Co.,Ltd„ Toronto, UIIt x
ago.• •
• Listeaingl"c'hat's what you .buy a radio for. That's
Why Philco engineers paid especial' attentions to
- - 'bud whettdt1sighing Philco for 19-42 And; ley
(perfect matching of radio. circuits to speakers and ,
speakers to cabinets, they achieved an amazing new
tone quality. Visit your Philco Dealer ...listen .to
Philco for 1942 and heat. the differenceyourself.
li4 •• / r 'f
4 Iing L00o 54X-'--tight,S five all wo, .
cover all Standard Broadcasts, Do.
westre and Overseas. short-wave•
Pusli•butwnTuning; fuiltein Aerial
aQuaiify bui1f in Canada •. S Stem .. Cabinet ofVWalnut with
ly�cbrow inlays o, $179.50
41 PHILCO 49T -- a
grandexample, of
i'hilco's new achieve-
inset', in Table Radto
rdcsi n,Fivealltvorking
Philco Tubes; four
TuningBandsfor btan-
dard and^Dotn es+llc or
Overseas Short-wave
rece:ned. : Bestig.e l
Cab net $64.65
if �.
21 •
grAur Ut NEW
P0,110$ P IIP
Flank Gerry: &• Company, Ltd., 379 Talbot St',, London,