HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-11-06, Page 3NO. 45
'Business Directory
. 1 r
itiLTDIfEYI. 1:101.41.4$ '
• • ' Baeristir, Ote,
OiliceeStourt House, Goderich,
Telephone bee" •
WM, A.. ,SUAlliirareti.N1.)
Barrisber and Solicitor
Firet Meetgage Security„,,,„_
• Urban, Loans Availablk. •
Goderiche Plioxie 750
MONTEITH and MONTE1114,1, •
— Cluirtered Aeconntants
77 Downie Street, Stratford"
Torooto Office% 002 .140 Street
Numusiormwoor Airwilsimmum
. .
1)1. Al. S. •I',10-41.OTT
_eeeee'hone 203_ ()Linton.
DR. W. B. 00XON
• Small iind Large .4.141.0a1S
7Te1ephoue 96e -e!" 4 'Zurich, Ont.
Double Crash oxib No'.• 4 Highway
Saturday Night,
OLIN;r01X, Nov. 2.-Vio1et Hyde, of
lIene411, Paesenger in a car driven by
Geraidt Campbell,- of EXeter, Was -in-
jured, though. not seriously, in a traffic:
accident on Saturday night, laalf
mile 'Southo Kippen.
Oanipbell was driving eolith with a
Darty of y•ounte people, Mise Hyde,
David and George Sangeter, IIensall,
and HarypeeeIIuelson, of London, return-
ing' freittr
'a- ant* in the town hall,
Clinton. He elainte to halve been,
dazzledby the lights ef a northbound
vehicle. The car sideswiped a R.C.A.F.,
panel truck, driven by LAO. Blackford,
of Clinton, in which Were riding. Lead-
Aireraftmen Iiiilditch and Harvey,
also of Clinton.
A.fter the crash the Campbell ear
•continued Wouth, and had head -On
collielon with a heavy fishtranspert
truck a the Golden Transport 0o,,
Tobermorye, dileee •by Peter Leouard,
with whom was John llopkine, of the
same place.•
In the impact, the t'ampbell car was
P,11".e•cl nacY,
along the pavement- for twenty ;feet.
The transpert .truck went into the
ditch -with both front wheels torn off.
Theair force truck also was ditched
and the car remained en the pavement.
.Miss Hyde was injured about the
head a.nd, legs but was able to pro-
ceed, home. All the other ten passen-
gers concerned escaped injury. Proper-
ty damage to •the three vehicles will
exceed00. Provincial Officer Taylor,
-Clinton, investigated.
Some fancy prices were paid for
livestock at Roes 1IcPhee'S auction
stele in Colborne township last Friday.
-Two-year-old steers, weighing elightfy
over one thoneend pounds, fetched $1.01
-each. ()owe -Were knoeked*-40Wn- at
$90 to $95; little pigsefip to. $5 ea,(11.
On the other hand, , prices: paid for
horSee- were Very low. :A. sPring telt
went for• $35. e. Xuctioneer ThoK•
Gundry Statesthat the finest of heaiy-
work horses are .now selling for $100'
and less., A few years ago they brought
twice the p•resent figure.
• If you .suspect a man, don't employ
him -if You employ him, don't suspect
, et-tetaerrtieserattLeetti - -
• Telephone 119
Sales attended to anywhere and
over, effort made to- give -satisfactiene
Farmers' Bale notes discounte
-.I •
- • COUNTY •• -
A satisfactory, courteous service for
Farm, Property or 'Household Sales.
•Rates Reasonable. •
liAatoup J'AcKsON •
•,8teoui.A1AW.0 IN • • 141A101. AND
•Hotesueti..01A) • tSALiee.
Lie:wised m eiuron and Perth'
Prices - reaSonaele; satisfaction
guaranteed'. .
For intormation, etce welt° or
phone HAROLD JAOR,SON, 12 on Dbe,
Seaeorehe isle. A, Brutetielo.
- Milateal.•
Dit. r. J. R. FORS'.1.11114, EYE, BAB,
Late House Surveil New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, as -
&latent at 2.1.00relield Lye Hospital and
Golden Square Throat Hospital, Lon-
don, England. I.
53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford.
Telephone 267.
'Next visit _Bedford Hotel, Goderich.,
Wednesday, JNovemoere26th, from 2 P.m.
till 5 p.m.
• Goderich, Phone 341
, Office hours -10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5
• nd 7 to 8 p.m, ,TtieSday, Friday and
4 _10 to ,12 a.m. only on Wednesday.
Monday and Thursday at MitchelL -
Mineral fume baths by appointment
only. ,
51 South St.
. . '113RANCE OO. -Farm and iso-
lated -town property instiLed.
•KnoX, Pteeetidtent,
Londeeboro; W. R. Areaubald, Vibe:
President, - Seaforrii 24/.1. A. Reid,
Manager,end SecretarytTleaehrer, Sea-
Directors-littm. Knox, Lonel&xboro;
Alex. •Rroadfoot, Setifertis; -Chris.
Clinton; Thos. Moylait, Seaferth; W.
R. Archibald, Seaforthe, Alex. ,McEwing,
• 131eth; Frank McGregoa, plieton; Hugli
Adexander, Walton. r,
. Agents -E. A, Yeo, Gederich;
James Watt, Blyth; John E. Pepper,
• R.R. 1, hrucefield; R. F. McKercher,
R.R. 1, Dublin; J. P. Prueter, geed-
hagen. -
Policy -holders can ' maite all , pay,
ments and get their cards recelpted' at
• the Royalt Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's
Grocery, Kinkston Street, Goderich, or
—1-71171te1d's General .Sfeste, hayfield.
• t
Ross Pennington
Writes from England
Glederieh By Helps His Team
Win in ,Swimming"
o Toronto Stock -
Salesmen Fined
Goderich Weinan GaVe Up $5225
Mrs. Fanny .-.1.rongevorth Brower,ee seemitieg for 13 tao
4 resident a $antiago, Chile; his • --7;
0*1 ItOyaltieS
nahAea,rd from her grantifather, .
•JOhn: leongworth, fOr many king Some of the. way e in which Stock
Mr. and !Mrs. -Charles Perniii_agton,
Elgin avenueare hearing regularly & Yeaand she very worried ealesmen ply their traile were given a
indeed Enquiries made he his thorough airing° in Magistrate Maltins'
from their, son Ross, with theese
. ssx , native town of Goodrich, 'HurOft;
iScottiSh. "someWhere in Englahd."' have been to no avail. Any ine court last ThurSday, when, aftee,
•Cr. Extracts from letters ireentn ly received formatioabout Mr. liongworth;three;hetirtrial, A. C. K, Reid, head of
from him will be of interest to his sent to the the Consulate Geeal of a• Termito brokerage house bearing his
friends and tiequaintaneee and to other Chile (OttaWa), -.Will reach Mrs': mune, and 13. Cr. 'Hyland, one of, bis
readers. ,
•Prone a letter written iSeOtember 4th
"We are all wearing our pretty new•
colors now, eviitch add new life to the
bat thelress. They -are eery', pretty, but
I don't thhek it Would bewise to divulge
to you thtl form or color of them.
When the boy•s• of the first and third
divisions meet us on the road during
a route march one would think a circus
had -come to town: There- are- quite a-
fevv colors. • • • '
- learn_ in exeelleneetealth and
(tithe coetented. . It vvirr be two
years on the •15'th of this month since
I enlisted. It beginning to „seem
like a long thne ago. .
OWNINS••••••••• 10•111.11111•0111111•1111
3ally 7-.30 a.m. 4.Z5 pan.,Lea,ves
Goderieh for 'Stratford, Toronto,
Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit,
..ravisteck and Woodstock. •Depots -
Bedford, British and Royat Hotels.
Phone hotels or 305 for inforemation.
J. W. eriiitie "
tet Automobile Rates
Phone 2:4 Goderieb
Geo. G. MacEwan
Fire, Accident and 'Motor' Car
'Office :---(Masonic Temple,: ' _
West, Street, God-erich
Phone 2* • GODERICH
P. j. RYAN
Real Estate and -Insurance
Office and Residence:
11 'Trafalgar Styeet
Vbetlfe 463, '
• PO(It IRALf4)--Bouses, of alle
• kinds/ and choice building lots.
•11.4101t Rii1NT-The "Glexigowan"-
•enWobou*. St. --This house has
•Melee' towns, five' furnished,
even unfurnished and would
make a very (leeirable house: foe
two families. • '
• *
Annnal. Coniention Seitortit Hears
• Address. by Rev. DrDeMille
A large group of Intemsted teMper-
-epee workere drawn fi'om, every -see
tion of tho county attended the an-
nual Iiuron County Temperance Feder-
ation convention., held in Northeide
United church, Seafortili on October
• l'resident. W. 0. Medd, of Exeter,
•opened the convention and introduced
:the special speaker, Rev. C. W. De
Mille, D.D., of Toronto.„ Dr: De Mihte
spoke on the various problents. facing
Longwortie end be very much ap. , e *5,00 6.eea temperance workers.. •
eatesinen, 1/1 e1e =Lieu. and The conventien elected the following
predated by her. •
• 'I'hisparegraph appear.* in a -Chilean w
1111 costs o * ' Qi '
, 3. four end , x months 41.• oflicers: Honorary, presidents, . Misa
Press Service" sheet received title. Week jail, restwetively. Jeatzi XurraY, Heiman; Gerdon Lamb,
an imm
Ottawa., Pregutuably "Goodrich" means aculately-dressed young .Goderich; A .- ELlod
. e, Winghatn; .
from the Chilean Consulate General at Reel,
inan,with a good reputatioe itt financial Irs' W,atsoit, Brucetield ;, preSident, • R.
.Signal -Star ,give auy information re- circles, was charged with being respons. II. /.403•5, Winetion ;
•Goderich. Can - any _reader o•f The ist viee-president,
! ible for Hyland's crtll at the home of George Howard`, Exeter; secret:my-.
Mrs. Susan Tye, Elgin avenue, Gode-
rich. Reid, fough.t his case. 1.1y1and,
lee rd ing., the person. mentioned?
•• - - •
THEFT OF PURSE CHAR(31EP whe actually transacted the deal with -
Bessie Tobin had missed her einese cox *MI's. Tye, pleaded guilty. .' ----- aee-legislatton o
emmittee).- A.
- In less than twelve hour efter-Miss -lwand
• - The 'evideace .reveated tliat on :Q°°Per' °lint"- - •
t"1441g AU° 1431113-141aY-(1:15 41)".11111; lale‘Y:tSententber 11th last, after two-previotts -.
Wednesday night of last, week:Oil:et of MOBILE R.,EORUITING UNIT
To-vrarr GODERIOrt
treasurer, Rev. W. • A. Bremner, Sea-
fortla ; „conveeer Of finance committee,
Frank Howson, Wingham; convener,of „
Hyland. accompanied the aged
,Police Ross had Morley. Bloomfield ealls'
under arrest, 'charged with the theft.
The Chier-Cvas directed to Harbor Park,
"The weather has been terribly hot where he •recovered the purse, •and -to
over -here for the past two weeks. Just a vaeant lot on the :Hume road, where
like .mid-July back home. We -have a • all 'but' $1.75 of the money was re -
splendid company eommander and he (veered. Bloomfield,who already Is..
has given us several swimming parades on suspended sentence on another
at a lovely outdoor pool: I fully believe charge, was. remanded • to jail ter a
that the towns In this country have week for trial thin Thueesday.
our towns beat as far as shows aed
bathing pools are concerned, Nearly
every -town ver here has two treeehe
lovely. theatres and a• swimminge pool.
Most of these towns are a lot smaller
than ..elotierich, tee'. • - '414'
Swimming Contests • •
"1 haves: beext off parede. for the
nest- Week in order to. praefise and
to get intocondition for our •brigatle
seVina, which is to .he held tenyorrow
higlit in an indoor pool. I won the
eoee I entered, C400 e•arels) and I have
got tie compete in the brigade meet to-
morrow night and if I . make good
there 1 .Stand a ge-od.ehanee of entering
our divisional meet. Wish ine luck!
NY. 'best time is six minutes., four
seconds for the four hundred yards. I
am also inthe diving contest. 1.. tied
in points with another bo, so ••wes'are
eepresentiug the unit in the diviegealso
totnorrow night. I lo,ve,swineming and
.have myself , in .go.ott condition for ,it.
I woulde'temind.getting in the division-
al -
September 6th,:,
. I had better tell you the good-
"You can rest a *while • in the hain-
"„. . .
news about the swimming rneet. last Mock," Sonny pointed to a swing *couch
night. The Essex Scottish practically in the shade. • But. we -can't, have
walked away with every' eyent. I Caine SuPPer till. Momeny comes home." made were breaches, of regulation 27.
Is she ou• t agate?" Briggs „eporte• d of the -Security %Frauds Act" (the see -
in setond in the 400 -Yard, about two . •
feet behind the -winner. It certainly
in angry a disgust. "Where is she? tion referring to -c• Ili g t
.J1 aprivate
was a tOugh .geind. I am in the divis-
t t. did ehgo o"
iohel• meet now, which is to be held • aimee u•t?
within awe weeks. Our whole team N "Mommy went downtown with Mrs.
representing our brigade in the dives- •Baker," the child informed his irate
lonal meet and, it shonld be pretty parent. "They left juet after dinner."
tough; but I understand we have the • •
next two weeks oft -to train for it. What What ehe divil do .you stippose„is
That means nothing heavy to eat and keeping those' women late again?"
early to bed." Briggs' neighbor, leakee,..ealled.--aer.W.e.
Mrs. •Tye to the bank and was with -
her when eho removed $5,.225 worth.of
securities from her safety depoSit box
which,on her return 'home, - were ex --
"A Domestic
A Short; Shprt. Story-
• By: Iesiie. Hamilton
Copyright 1941 by Beaver Features
"Hello, tladde ! Tired after °working
all day?" Jint Briggs was greeted by
his little son of five birtlideys, as the
father walked wearily up the sidewalk
to his modest little ho.me. '
$1,615; of which 'Hyland received foe. ing supporting documents:. .1
in Commissioe, the beokerage house •sitiirth certificate.---------------
- - ---
. Marriage •certificate, end birth cer-
When this case wahanded to, .
$• .
thicates of children (where applicable)..
for investigation I went- to Mr: Reid, '
••s; me
Proof of •education for air crew ale
, .
whone I have known fa,vorably: for plicants.
many years, and asked him 'why he FO. 0. W, E. CraWford will be in
charge of the unit, aceempanied by a
Tired and hungry, sonny,the man
The mobile unit of the R.C.A.F.,from
divisional eadquarters, Londen, will
changed -for Alberta oil royalties with visit •these, urt - reem, Goderich, on.
a market value of $310: --,it• was -mouday, November 17th, front 1..p.m.
testified that Reid drove Mrs. Tye and till 8 p.m. There is an urgent need for,
the ' salesman :to and from the Tye 'air crew m,aterial-pilots and observ-
honse, but he did not enter the Tye
,home nor have any part in the deal.'
Brokers' Profit $1,315
-7-Artertn--Verity, investigator.. for the
iCommission, told of
the deal .from the witness box, filing
...mane exhiniteselnebriefeniseetery was
•-thet .Mrs. Tye handed -over British Col-
umbia bonds, Great Lakes Paper, Stop.
and:Shop- and • othereinelusaTitte-stOth
which the Iteidt dem proceeded to,sell
in the open market for $5,225. Witil
part of this meney oil royalties with a
_market velue �f $3,910 were purchased
and given to Mrs. Tye in exchange.
The Reid firm's profit on -the. deal. Ives
ers,- wireless operators (air`gunners) ;
atso many standard tradesmen, at pre-
sent including firemen first and second
„claes for Verks and buildings, electric.,
Ian, , Clerks (stenographers), fire-
fighters', and Stationary engineers.
A point, ef teeese eteeelLsiengle,, men
who have suc-eeisfully coelf;leted 'FL -4;
years High School, but have not. oh-
tained4uniorr....t.matrie.tion...,_..will be
discussed and ° information given eut
Whereby the-appliethit cap complete a
conree in mathemirtics with the DOMin-
ion-Provieeial :Youth Training Plan
in -
order to qualify for air cteW, .•• -
, All applicants must have the follove•
Tad-elteattesiteethie-mannerewith an
* r
gathered *the little cha.p-up in his arms aged woman, especially when he knew' medical€, t
.1 Il•e
and ,carried him the lastMN Ed
_ fee- .steps to the lady s daug ter, s ee y ,
the porch. . •.was opposed to the deal. Ile said he
•• didn't feel very good about- it and
seemed repentaitt,"e said !Mr. Verity.
• However, he asked me if:1 knew- that
seventy-five per cent. of all.etock-SaleSs
Champions of Second Division
September 21st: .
"Our swimming meet is -all over now.
Our team won the meet and we are
now the holders of the swimming
champlenship•for the whole •Seeond
'homes ethee than thoseiof customers,
Mrs. Tye Was not a ctiSkamer). •
A. W. Pickup, Toronto, counsel fee '
Reid, brought out in cross-examination
that 'his aieht 'had never in
trouble with the commission before.
• 'Giving her evidence while seated,
Mrs. lye teId Crown At orney Dudley
•Holmeseeheecouldenot eeme-ner what..
the lawn when he also found no raa•te. securities _rival her sefety deposit. box ,
to greet him, on his 'return from his she hod parted, with. She confirmed S-treet at noon on September 10, askieg
• the eeldence of three calls having been it they had called on Mr* Tye and if
daily toil: -
Addressing the Countyolice com-
mittee on Tuesday attempt', Provincial
Constable 'Fratik Fox expressed his ap-
preciation of the co-operation. he was
getting,. from County pollee. _LApart
from the examinatienof constables'
quarterly eeperts died the passing of
accounts there was no other business.
With ,the death of WardeneLeiper and
the_resignatIon of Reeve Hetherington
there are now •only two members of
the commit tee left, Reeve- Benson
Teckey •(chairman), of Exeter and
Deputy Reeve Gilbert • Frayne of Ash-
field. township. .
."The Lord only knoWs!" Briggs
calleelback: -Bet I'm gee -tine. fed up!
This, is five days hi SUel"e4.*"i01
made to her home by Hyland, on
September 3, 4 atm! 10, While her (laugh -
t; was away, and of going to the
she were a customer. Reid replied that
;Hyland had called, but that Mrs...Tye
was not a•cuetemer.
In "his def nee Reid 8Flid. he knew_
Division.' •I•will seed theibronze medal. wife hasn't -•been on the job to have •bank. Mr.: -IIVland had earri the
.1 "won. for :the 400 free style later the. Ilig, S npper -avady." . .. securities from. the an to . ier tome
' ' . :li k i nothing of the Tye deal until a com-
pliant had been- lodged, He was„on his
. - • ------ ., and' en reitching there 'had given her 1
:TO 'Y.M.C.A. are having, our names ,waye to , Southameton and •had, given
' S'_," Baker agreed with the a., reeelot for the ;docks and leaeleer
engraved en them -for us.- I got a third tunehere
in my race, which wasn't too bad other wrathful 'benedict. "Just wait I but elle had either _misplace:et ee enst_i Hyland a ride as far as •Goderich."to
asked from vt'hom, 'or anything• about
end to this business,' it's gone quite ' Mrs. Tye also related that she had
• the deal, even when, he drove Hyland.
lad that wen swam it in five minutes,
tee•eived from the Reid firth a cheque ',
tidily -two seconds, --which broke the far enough . Tye • -to the , bank. He had
"Me too!" the father of Brig.'s junior for 489.47; the balance coming to her i or SirS-
present British arm -record, so you twenty-four salesmen, it was, .routine
gnens-a threatened dire reprisal's -onblis del from the transaction. t:ihe al had re- I
can easily see what I was tip a i t
The lad that came in second was on gravating spou.se.. •
our brigade team, so it didn't Matter ”..014 I'm so sorry- I was late again,
as long as ope of us get e second- foi dear," Mrs. •Briggs apologized asr she
the points .•'- He is like e fish in the eanie puffing up the drive- ....
water.. We were racing MOre-.or less -
Get. me something to eat -1'm half
for points for - our team instead. of "
eterved!" Briggs coMManded im-
.individual eonapetition, which I be- ,
. patlently, setting.sonny on his fe,et. and
d t vein th- meet -The .
till my missus ehows up. I'.11 put. an the receipt. , . . • .1,pick eome es-eeeurities.". Ile had • not
.dlinder 'the cieeumstances, •hecause lite
Mr,• aTnodroNntoIrs. Albert Wise, F.Ter 11e6.1'
dentg of Goderich, Celebrate -Their
--Golden Wedding at Their. Honee
, A: pleasant event ' took place •on,
'October 28th, when Mr. awl Mrs. Albert'.
W. Wise, formerly of Goderich, :cele-
brated their golden wedding at. their
heme, 115 Perinanagh. ave.; 'PorentO.
A° large gathering<'if • relatives and
friends shavvered the happy couple
with gifts and good wishes, end numer-
etteeldst.e.eseandetdekalniais eOngratil-
16 II
latio • • ' • ointe •
in, Canada and the United StateS. Dur-•
ing the afteenoon and evening, ane
eeption was held, the livingeoora, anti •
dieing -room being attractieely deeor-
eted for the _occasion WW1 golden chry-.•
• santhemums, marigolds and '" roses,.
Mrs. Albert ,Cain and ISIrse.D. C. Mee
leachlan presided at the tea table,
hile Miss Reta' Wise, Mrs. A. 11.
0oWle, Mrs. Cain and 111r.S..-3L--
11. Cain assisted. Guests were present
from Clinton and: 1(41140°as well as.°
from Toronto. •
Ma, and Mrs. Wise are Web netiveS,
of •Goderich township,- Mrs. Wise's .
maiden nanie being Clara Switzer,
After their marriage they farmed In'
G,oderich township near Clinton uiftil
1900 They then moved to this town,
where Mr. Wise•tonducted a farm im-.
plement business- for several- years. •
They retUiTed to farthieg in 190'2, tills
ante in•Colborne townshipiear Oarlown,
and remained, there enfil• 1020. Upon
retirime-they- Heed fer six years in
iGoderich and then mbVed to Toronto„
where they have resided sine. . They
have a femily of twe daughters, -Mrs.
e.-Meliachlan and Miss Reta WiSe;
both of Tororitoe•
Three civilian airport 'workers at
Sky Harbor were 'injured Tuesday noon.
while riding in an old model roadster
from the airport. to Goderieh for
dinner. The car failed It) make the
tutu' juSt opposite the old hangar, a
short distance from „highway 21 at the
top of Dunlo•p Hill, got in -to tht soft
shoulder and finally turneeleaver in the
diteh. The. driver, Don Smith, was
badly cut about the left arxn, one lacer-
ation requiring .seventeen stitches to
close. He "wes •tekete, to • Alexandra
Hoseital. Injuries to the -1ojhers,
„Jerome Gignac and •Clarlee Dehm, vie -re
lesS°severe and were attended to -at. a
doetor's °thee: 'Smith and Gignac re-
side at. 42,, Bettanela road and Dehm
ecived a dividend owe', fee -,a i• business, and he leIt this end of the a t same street.
protit on one of the oil royalties. business to his part/lei, He knew
nothing until after the deal had been
• • Mrs. 'Tye Satisfied c
. . - ; put through and then only atter a
°eke far as I ani '''t-oncerned 1• was! polieenian hall visited him and alit4,S. .
s a t i Stied WitIi t he _ dee 1 and I still am," i rtae„, had objected. Ile , offered to tri -
Mrs. Tye told 'Mr'. PicknP e run
in ems's- 1 tempt to Drove that 111 "th . Jongthe
exam•ina tion. She Added she felt she deal would be a good one, but Maces-
. e •
pof ; trate, -,M a.kins would have gone -of ite
considered she vea s still vanahle
,hrigadier is Very Pleas.C.d and we m'ex drsappearing• in the house te waeli up.
meet some,time.-this -Week••••• It will be; ant of enother__Eve callesteweeily, real-. always 41-01e so. . ..
41,04v.igtesvm.,eark_ga„,,auparavitos- .1zing---Is women Of experienee realize
start. Mining for the Ceneetaii %mew. . •-eueet,),ewtiy,c0,64,4fe• tee eeseend- eeeking advice from enyone. She had i : $1,315 oommiesion out_ of this deal," '
transacting her, (e'en business wfthout ' •ri';'At
, 1 I know Le, that soirreone made ,
Miss, Ed-rie Tye testified •she first •Inetel,' °1}.1ese;tvee.e(11:e
ional champjons is goo‘leenough. I al; ---flitriryWaironi-rif 117iii7-,Tfe'dirfir7a— him I :1)rotesting he had never=tde ern-
II,31 a x-i71-7,17The• ri'rlite-Tter-Thi er --
, . 4th
, .
seeding ..eny • medal home for safe-, had fed the brute, •and again on the 10th. "I told player anything. of tlie 'Ile, transae.
W11...1 not ielfavor of' the -transaction and
keeping because. , it will be nice to have • "Did you enjoy Tour dinner, dearr troth which he nevertheless temside-red •
,when I return. the female half of the Briggs 'house- that 1 dial -not. think mueli of him -for an honestonce. -
Thames yesterday afternoOn aed the epeconced.en an easy chair with . the
„ee ...
I ,went swimming -1114 file hold ventured, after her man wa.s going intoT•mother's Safely' -deposit box "Defenee Evidence finerNlible," Says
, . Prosecutor -
Home Gutted put on a lov'ely' drilatr foe evening paper by It', side. . . that the invernatee wee a . good one, ; (*ro'ini,- Aft ()rue). Holmes character -
tee last night: The siren -(Vaifing Not badl Not bad„:" he grunted' i11. and tried to °interest me "iti Turner, teed the detente, evidence as incredible.
Win e/ went bout ft• ..o'cleck e and. grudgingepraise, 1' 111,, sonny, a dun Valley..
/11 • ' ' . . . , . and Magietrate Makins said there ,Nme re 1
thin, 40're-ft' fo liven nn":a Int, eo for an we cream cene, and sending him. -on ,September 111 m< ,ll ‘and
. t i113.1.uP, .
Oil his. way. „ _ manv reasons whe _ Reld ehould lel
Reid at 12.50 noon at the door of me found guilty of 'knUeingly beimi re -
"I'm sorry you. had to wait„ .inY . home. I told them / had a message spousllee: for a tiall at the Tye home:- A
dear, -hilt it Will ' n Ot italPPtin -again." ; from -the Ntnk -that me -titer had. with- tinofVale and e0;41:: or *four. months in
"1'1 1 see to' that: _Jinni*, Briggs re- drawn securities "itiZthe premmee of a toil wes• imposed. •
close by. %V ('4 the only real Qxeiting 1)114(1 But it ,en .e:irthe_ is it „all, sin.:nger,_ I _ told them .1 had' 'informed Hy 1111(1 prpinrit ly pleaded guilty rand,
part about, tile raid. This inn:ening, abtaill
4 i the authorities pea al (1 tjeen" to, wee fined $800 and costs or eix months
**We've---tri(el aed,tried. Mrs. Baler.
we brok'ii-Camp and marehed, ten miles.' I cancel the,41e0 1 to avoid 'trouble. Mr.
through: towns and villagee with the and 1, to buy, something 1 deeperately i nem said • he would, but 'has nevcr : Mr. PM:1m1y" t in] a te'd t lui t 11(1of 040
, appeal
t the bank. t ried to assure inc..,
• they litel to clear the hall. .111At as we
Were about' :to leave - the 'all clear'
;went, so we' all went bark in and
, stayed till after 11. -The acleack' fire
Now Playing-4bbott 'and .Costello, with Dick, Powelt THE
.„ lVfol,iday, Tuesda,y and Wednesday .
'GINPEllt ROGERS-George IVIurphy,. Burgess Meredith and
Alan ' Marshall '
7 . .
Gitiger becomes Kitty Foyle 'ail over, except that now.•shels in love
with ,three men. and can't forget :two enough to merry any one of '
ThurAday, Friday and .Paturday %
Rib their way through the greatest dose cta
if blues-Chsing laughter
-tile screen has ever asked you to 'ake. •n ,
1 .
Matinees Wednesday; Saturday 'and Holidays ak. 8 p.m.
conaing-"TIIE SHEPHERD OF THE IIILLS" %yin!, 'Betty field
and Harry Carey.
pipe band at the healra the 'coltittin need. We even weal to a nearby ,town (1010 s)
es to shop around, and then .eas is nenallY , he never hatha power of at tortney for ea.$4h hail . was loft with the court
' $2, E.." sj ML,p, To, :lading thatmight he entered. -Tile siltm
.andi later on ', our transport picked
tonna What -I ' bee -mother; •
up ain't betinglif tt 'en. in le. true billets. the- ease -We
right here at home." pending a-4(4Am onettle point; -1,_+
The meals -were good and the weather I Chief of Police A. C„ Rose said -he All other Palate Court eases were
"What in, the „world was that?" had qftestioned the aecused on Vieforia aejourned.
was perfect, which • made, everything
turn out ,"I wanted a foundation garment, •
dear, that "would' keep my- fieure _ . _
• . HALLOWE'EN. IVIASQUE .• neat iondritttractive as it Was on our,
. .. honeymoon. And I finally found it in
Young PelipIe HaveMerry Evening at 1
a (4,ossard. • Isn't. if a beau t y :0" show-
St. Geores I'arish Hall *
,• A sr •gOat-1157 • ntiftflese, ineluding some
'Members iff the It.A.F.,.everepresent et
the ,lIalloweeb maegnerade of St.
George's A.Y.P.A., held in the parlsli
hall on Thureday.nights The hall, was
attractively decotated for the oceasion• There'S: something about their i
in the IIallowe'en colors, orange and 'a mallift'
earriage that you ean't mietalte. Put,
prrogram opened with a grand "Marveleus, darling!" he gazed on
. it on, dear. Lot's see how you 'look 1" !
parade of the masqueraders and prizes
her figure supft.ine when she stood' be -
were awarded for the, hest costumes,
fore him once again.. "I'll drop into
as follows: Lady's fitfrek„ Miss Verna P. lil. -Ifibbert's store myself,6. and tell
FovvIer; mon's fancy, 'William Riley;
them you ean have n Gossard whenever
lady's comie, MISS. TrIlla 1th OnillS ; men's you please!" -'' 45
eomie, liarold Shore. ' • , i . , v.7
A refreshm,ent ,table, get up 'at the . . . '
front of the hail was laden with dough. 1PEIIIIIBERT'S STORE
nuts,swept cider, toffee, apples and ' Phone 86
eandy, which were much enjoyed by all'
at luneh. Trying to businms without ad-
• vertising le lik wink,at a irl in the
, .
i :Some lieett ' OPle tin their, Gieep and 4.arki---bi: 'Whistling wingith. yougr mouth
*them deep in their talk, • ,,, :'.,.: aut.
ing• her_ husband 0 model.de-luNe in the ;
.box qtriekly, unwrapped..
Pete' "For -Petsitk•e!" • 'Briggs 1ow:1(411
in amusement, 7pu1lipg her oe his lap 1
and making up with a .kis. "I eduld
'have .fold you that! rife Goeshed-1
wearing' woman io 0pparent,----even to! •,
Listen tio "THE SHADOW -Radio's Mostar rielottive. ,
*Don't fuid,yourself on a spot this winter!
Change now to 'blue coal'. Enloy ALL WINIT.R.
LONG the steady, eoltionucal heating coat,
fort of this'trade-maiked anthracite ... the fuel
that:s coloured blue to guarantee the quality.
easy...trs witopAt's ticrifty..„,to thous* to
‘bitta, coal% Phoneu today..Mk ns also Oboutthe •
413114 coal' automatic Huai Roodattic.
Phones 618.11 VIW 98