HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-11-06, Page 24111
Cuffed Views on the War
110 obtrir totOttat tato
401oiuNu UOODEItIelli SIGNAL AND TIO0 (401$41tIOR 8TAft
Published by Signal, -Star.', Taboit'ed,
West Street, Ploderi0,,Onta110 •
ri:tai, THE liA0ANOIES
Tlio diarancivisra.ent Of the Ilitiron--
Arai* riding in rktivincial. affairs has
been so prolonged that representative
,tbe -Mai; a re -mirsin.G fikstlie
sppointratirt.,,,Ooat.,Alelegation, to visit
ft:Inert:1'e Park and demaud that or by-
eleetion be lteld before the next se:ssion
ot the iiPegiolature. k3cveral dther 4eats
In the Provincial Bowe are vacant-
. though labno, we believe, for so long a
Veriott constitu-
• tional praetiee r,equires that these seats
[should 1* filled withifl. a reasonable
time. • -
The praetice of the Federal Govern -
Ment is. in direct contrast to the dis-
franchisement of riding% under the
Provincial Government. • While vacan-
ties at Toronto have been aectimulating
,over a 'Period ot several Years, there
.been. several bye -elections: for the,
Ottawa ilouse. The comparison is
not„. creditable to: the Provineial
t) •
lt141. Add to 'the v,ear og intler's birth
tlit4lin'5 Churchtliii's ',NI*olini's
or Roos(velt's will do" Just .titsf well)
",thibi,,:yea'r ,whieh ht e,altite to power,.
the. nirpaber of in Power and his
-Iteliold: tire
sutu'is 3,•1!`,"!1,VIlleh divided by two. itio
number Of years the war hats been in
11111, Of eourse; it
conidn't do anything ese. The year,of
birth and the age added together make
.1941„ anti the Year of-e6rning to Power
and the. number .t)f years In..power
similarly make 11141. Nothing I:110;v
,signilicant about it than that 2 arul
make 4,
• • *
Mr. _Grattan t),Leary, editor ef•The,
Ottawa Jouunal, has retimied from a
trip to Britain, and • oue of his die-
coveries over there is that outside of
Churchill the British• Governtneut is
not particularly_ imposing in Its
- -
"Canadians," he says,•"have a habit
of contnasting Brit". politicians. with
their own, tusuall,y. tile tlimlivantage
•4)f the latter. The British: 'Ministers
I Met - in :London (leaying• out -
Churchill) wem. certainly not greater
awn than Mr. Ralston, or Mr. II-Ovve, or
• Mr, Power, .or Mr.. Lapointe, or Mr.
Macdonald-,- or Air. Orerar. 'Frankly,
-.-I- -doubt whether they measure_uP
•thein." Mr. O'Leary, it should., be
• remarked, is a Consery a tive ; so his
-comparieon 18 not prompted_by political,
The tondon •Free fl'ress quotes an
'Ontario weekly whieh protests, and
rightly. ," against the use of the word,
ycoutact" as a verb. fSomeone is said
to 'contact" somebody else, neetiereg
•to "tneet'-' or "get in teuch with.''
It le an irapropee use of the "word,
but some people consider, it smart, and'
for the present at least it Is ,quite
vogtie:q1e. weekly goes on to
condemn' the use of the word "deter -
Mine" in such a sentenee "The cause
of the accident has not 'been, deter -
Mined," holdieg that ."aseertaiued"
found" is more eorre,ct and effective."
"Deterinine," heavever, 'is quite gorrect-
ly used where something more •than
"ascertain" is Dieppe According to the
dictionary "determine." has the awful -
Ing "to lix conclus'Evely or autherita-
tively." "Detertnines implies some
effort of judgment which is, eputside
the meaning of "astwtein;', as L'oul-
mouly need, •
',GOAT TACjiiel?
Ituttiusky, a 1.-ezt,erab1e 1d goat vvho
has been the sourc? of morearguments
at Lazy 4eadows'' than ony other single
thing during the past three Years, is
about to go*. ,lIe eau* in an uncertain
Ivaso A. hired man who Wae.rne
wt.d to taking suake-bite.oll
oil- every n "iireteinse 4. even ,wlien
_there 'Were 1,1Q, enakeeiarotinti,
Mr. •VLeary singles out ,Iend Cran-
borne as a man of outstanding, ability.
It will be remembered that when
Anthony Eden; resigned the foreign
secreiariship in protest ageing yield-
ing „to_ Mussolini Lord . (-ran borne went
,Out with him, declaring that he would
not surrender to blackmail, Craulmrne-
--m'ember,of the great_Cecil
and 6Ir. O'Leary believes -that, some
day, like other Cecils, he.. may he
prime minister of Mita ina
,Etlen, he says, is soinewhet or a
puzzle. Berle, he bel1eves-4..6litre**
to a somewhat general opinion in this
country -will never be prime minister,
although the • imaanaion • of the
'fititish people was stirred. by the sight
-of the) former reveletionery Laborite
as a colleague of such a lean as
• 1,1LIVVER'S111148-:'. 'Barr the tradition ,whielt ,
,sion;/ ri sboszieeldeete..et ccirttui++0,e; State_tlie :servant and uot the mit
-• the vvhiela userts
Texas,Jast lveek lay a cargo 4. ,.1 that organization of power is onlY,jus
hreah the haa,o •4•414411e Intl"' in sO. far,a4it Inereases•the„hapPlii
She laot only:lOoked grazy, (with ,a 111.0 and Well-being -of the linuhan..
hanged, bow, a low stern, On.1Y.4)„74'4Wiatelt declares that trtith,•;is- _ 1)0
turret -11W how ).urldshilPs find _discoveredstby reason and, that' Old:.
low hatche on her flu, 270 -ft'.• 4644° Sidi) euperk)r to liostility--thig,tradi-,
dec1:1 but vShe broke most of the 4e", tioli means that in the` eountrieSlwialeli
Cepted rules' of ship, eonstrirction::,
Attitibiirbeir it a'pre,gre,Sidiety,lia*
5)40 liii 110 keel, -she Wig ,pkir,..,anitz'nunte rational eivIlizatio.t is
ary propeller shaft. -She, hastio?6stlY itatIod
nterlue„engines. li•lareeand‘lrfg440 :4041,,teactifintriee ultich have as
jast4,11,ollow 4hell fos;,41.04,41. -.-'4210 fiti§t'fieritage:Im‘ve, of,' Ourse..
„IlerAiower plant coriSists-Of who' have extolled
Playing..sards In the".,,village. '..tue;h4). : I die expepoe et re4.sop?,
linefeet opiiihin is that the harig ' ohe time or
1'441' 44161' 1111118elf.t preautioftt`' at run "illOWn.„.througliher
agotest. theSnakes just a trifle too well .bottom te, four 0 -ft. +propellers,
. with the result -that tlie goat was . In short 9,-,,,r1hip. designed to
pliwned off on him. be bi11t 'cheap, tO'„fhe built fast, tol•W'
Still ,.suffering "Eroni his binge, he built in quentity out of 'COnianoit meter -
went so far a§i to bring the goat 111 the* ialalW-inen who haveleovned the skill.
house with' him. I awakened earlg lie of shipbuilding---allivVei Of 'ivship to
the morning to hear a. 'erie,s *2 weird be turned out en utasae to win the
noises on. the StairS. it gentled as if Battle of the maatele,
the •hired man was bringing some, fel- This is the 'Sea Otter, built in little"
low -sufferer up the steps and was le- over a month by the 'U.S. Navy and
'PL4-11tedlY telling him in ,a buzy,..sawdilre now awaiting her sea trials.
hoarseness . , to be quiet. My cur- I -ler qualities are extraordinary. She
loSitY grew to the point where ,. -1 edged displaces 2;240 tons, and has a eargo
the -bedroom door opeu just ever so capacity of 1,600. But she draws •Only
*4.iithtiT. It Wa.s a distinct shock ,to le ft, when fully 4oaded,,whicli-meens
see two faces peering up over the t0P that others like her mayeobe built far
step. from the sea. Instead of a crew of
tene of the faces was that of the 25-30 men Usually needed to run a
hired man. His hat pushed down,over ship of ter size, she eequires only
a distorted, face, he, was laboring with eight to twelve. All hauls live, in the
his task of trying to drag his eompaxe cylindrical turret amtdships-live there
ion- up the steps'. Inthe dim light' I
could hardly tell what,or who was with
hiai And then" the iirostly face ap-
peared •. , . a sal
gentleman, with bea
der of wonders
I had heard of . men
the deeil, but I never
the hired man wohld,
bring the devil home with him
Vinceut Sheean, a special eorreepond-
(net of The New .Y.'Ork Herald Tribuue
ep, toqrof the Pacific aad° the Far
•East, Writes fo Jils paper. describing
AuStralia's great military effort. He
found thiit ohe out of every four male
Australians'. between the. ages • of
the advantage of intolerance over
afice,,, 871d-of:41w .troWtip t powp
'untie their eidetta talqN
root Itirtierniany, as the Nazis,
themseites, insistkrato-eteadY 'Atr$.
Germen "political philosophy haaa,
d . . . and won -
set of horns!
ssociating with
imagined that
o so far as. to
4,IIe tried '..to step 'up on the top
wavered for a few minutes
. . and then: both of them went
eprawling-down the front steps. The
In ,conseious antitheels 't� the tradi
a western . civilization,.
' It is extraordinary how,' little 'it is(
realized int' this country what a ehaS
divides the German mind and Gering
..thought frona the mind and thought 42
13ritain, and, indeed, of western
anon. It is a ,very dangerous ignof;
Englieli people, especially if
they are liberaleninded, Celina bear
to think thet °thee People may be
leery different from them (especially
oddly enough, if 'the pthers are not
twb of the funilaMental principles
upon which our eivilization, is+ based.
In the Nazis we see a.,cletiberate denial
dig u1 rple, a' ruthless% moral
nti Ism, enthroned. "
they aro only the culmination of
'whole tradition. That is what
lieopledo, not stifficieatly under:stand in
this •eouhtry. Theonentallty of
ant aggression, with the whole complex
Of dOctrines that goes with it ---German
flperiority, deeadence of the Iflfaglish,
7aetred of rationalism_ andff the West -
not merely the dorainant tradition of
.11entnanyl in recent times; ,it Is the
German tradition par excellence. Oracr.
tically all ,German thinkers have been
-under the influence or the tradition
or "-have eontrilanted-to-it i'-ineene-form,
pr Another they find it irresistible. It
Ls idle--abealdea being dangerous and a
disservice to, their country and to
'Europe- for liberal illusionists to deny
thie; Hitler IS !Mite consciOus of it
-and Is proud of it,
-The New Statesman and Nation.
T IlUtSPAY:, NOVV3t 6th1041
.the entire voyage, for with a freeboard
liberal -minded themselves). It Is note.
(when loaded) of only' 9 ft, her decks 1
worthy, too, that most of this illuSiOn-
Will be aWaSh in all but the calmest
the Germans and the Geeman
weather. Carrying some 37,000 gallonS 1 ism °mit
mentality comes from people who do
ot gas, she has h eruising renge of j
not know Gerniany or 'German history, „„„,,, ea„,,,,ea
better than 7,000 mileseenough to take across the Channel.
her to England and back without re- the German language • or 'German "'Li' 'vs'''.
eliong,ht. • What is their. plain duty Is Polish moun'taii, troops helped to drive
fueling. If one of her 6 -ft#. propellers
that they aliould get down to studying the IGerinans out 'of :Narvik before the
Is fouled, it can be drawn through a
the question; it is a question of ear- 13ritish abandoned the',Norweglan cam -
another dinal • imixprtance for us:, end for the pain.. A Pelish • Army, corps now
Well in her 'bottom to be repaired. Ifi
one ,of her motors burns eta;
. future of cirilization. • ' guards the Seottish , beaches iind a
can quickly beabolted down to replace second corps Ls being organized. A
it. (she carries.. four spares): Spit German writers themselves' Make no
bones about the chasm separating them veteran PelieW air.* tee bas Proved a
neatly into eight watertight coinpart- 'scourge to :the 11,0ftwaffe. The
from lie West, the kernel of 'European neeleus of a new Polish navy came
like ghost shipa out Of the Baltic. Ten
thousand 'fighting.POWS `filtered down
'through the Belkatee te join the Bri-
-tish in. Africa.. ',Tiir4.:huricited thous-
and Poles •releaSed Vora Russian pri-
son camps are: grithe'ring in the Teals
. ,
. i. 4 ...
_There tire:many reasons to belieee
"that" there will Spoil be heava, figbting
in North 'Africa. One of the!,hest is
that the' Pules ha,ve been sent 1 into
Tobruk. They were ordered to the
beleaguered eity eta, a fortaight ago
and. already, Cairo .reports them in ace
time beyond, the outer treaches. •;,e
• No nation.' ever seemed more
thoroughlY. crushed than Poland in
1939. Yet wherever there is still a
battlefront the p(os show up. In theit
own land they fought with desperate
fury- Despite the German programme worked with hun were all aware of It
exteeminetaereapelfehearmeelersearee Oile.„-of-theapt_essmen. retu.rned treesa a
still fighting there. 40nly the other bemier with a beatitiffirblack eye.
day they captured tied ,burned a Ger- As luck would have it, James Gordon.
man supply train'on itsetvay to Russia. PGPPed into the pressro,om that day.
In France exiled 'Pelee fought side by The fellow spotted hun before Bennett •,.1,
side with the French., A third of their saw him, and rather, than explain the
"Shiner" and run the risk of being .
fired, chose to rub printer's ink all
over his face. 0 his tour of Inspec-
tion, Bennett e upon 'the be
smudged pressman busily blirying hia-
nose in his work.
"Who'sethe fellow?" he asked the
foreman. Upon being told, Bennett
asked.: `.'iVititt -71.0 you paY him?' The
' - , "-
foreman quoted the figut•e.
° 'Double it," snapped ,Bennett. "Ilea
the'only. matt in the place who seemS
to be doing any worle
One more good, man on earth
better than than an egtra angel IR heave,n.
This Ai remind
you that
is just cis de.
soliAt Cotititis ,
• relief of
35 & 75 • BrilliCholis, etf.
to n4r111 itS, a new arman againot
.Gernaans. !Halfway across the eeieeet
in Canada, more POO:troops are bone -
equipped by the United States. 'Event -
witty. Poland may ha•Ve in the field a
force half hs big as that. deSfroyed by
the ,Germana two e'yeare age. ,
'Mese uneonquered. Pole.s have made
theleselves eymeol of the indomitable
natiOnal If ever , nation by,
sacrifice andlcoudage earned the right
to re.surrection. it Is Peasuct,
-'Phe york Times,
" " Ink
Value 0 a ..-..
They tell it of Jamea Gordon Ben-
nett, famous New York publisher. He
hated drinkers, and the boys eith,0
•menti, she is expected to remain a oa
civilization, Indeed, ,they have willed
hired man's friend had a rather strange
even if some of them are damaged.
- *t.' ao There has Peen *among .their
- Only last"February 'two men thought . •
leading thinkers a anthering momentum
up the Sea Otter over a luucheon table
in 'Washington. One was Commander pr.... awertion of their difference and
&Mal of western standards. . . They
Hamilton V.*13ryan (15:S)N. retired),,
asserted the virtues, the superiority of
he other Warren Noble, an automotive
irrationaliem ' anal of Collective for
Because automobile produe-
racian feeling; they iesisted upon the
tion was soon to be cut, they deeided
national state based upon racier corn -
that their Ship should utilize automo:
vpice . . m9re of, the nature *2 a
bleating than anything. .Froni "where
I wa,s in -the bedroom_he _seemed.. to, be
hammering at the front door in • an
•effort .to get out. When we got down
the hired. man was lying peacefully
with liis feet on the stairs-a-nd his-hea
on the fidor . and his friend proved
to be a goat who sent Mrs,. Phil and
bile instead of marine engines, and be
me s•crainbling up the step out of
:Inittleg range. constructed of the efa-in. and %-in.
,The -hired lean asked for his time steel ordinarily rolled out in •abund-
•next day. mre. phi/. was very quiet twee for the auto industry.
eighteeneand forty. is serving in the About. the alrair: The goat gTheir first 'designs no greatrazed out'
shakes. •
armed fonees of the Commonwealth, in the orchard. Before leaving, the PresA.ntly they were guided
to the famed yacht -designer W. S.
either overseas or at 'home. We' aa hired matt asked her if she 'would mind
eompares-With •
until •he. got another "place •to stay.
but -a fair cam- Her lips pressed tightly into a thin,
nrffiess." ,
, if he left the goat- at Cazy visuallYed an n11-
CMeadows'-'-Beee Burgess
not know •how this
klatuida's aehievenient,
welded ship,. without a keel, that would
derive its Strength from a seriea of
22 -in. beams running lengthwise along
its outer bottom. Going the whole hog
in unorthodoxy. ,Burgess decided to
put the propellers amidships, ai plattt
all the housing in a tentral eylindrical
section. - Witb a workable design on
Parison is altnost impoesible. Though white".line, she said it would be all
Australia, in addition to sendipig• right.
thousands of 'splendid fighters, -is doing Buteipsky stayed oh alt Lazy Mea-
remarkeble things in the manufacture. ttipe was very
Tivest. a urro:thrruThatnii.nteo
of war-elquipment, ite industrializatio11 certain amount of butting praetice
_ _ 4 wiper,.• the trio tooktheir_ idea to
is -not at all en. the :.laniec scale hs ageinst the side of the barn he left us Secretary of .the Navy- Knox. e
that of Canada, and mencannemenu-
l be at steicay alone. The hired man through But the ,experiment might have been
the Sante time' tightersand
some. oversight didn't bother coming a lortg, dine ripening had it not beep for
beck t) I- eee us. But t in sky, evidently
a Manhattan lawyer. B. Redmund,
sensing that we had forgotten about whose wife is a meMber of the Delano
• •
the incident when he _arrived, started elan and first coecein_of the Presideet,
warming fielf.you turned your back and who 'was formerly counsel for the
on him in the barnyard he weuld step Nev York Stock Exchange. When the
facturers. An important eoti8iticratt
that is often. overlooked , is _that
• Aust ra 1 ie a troops, f roin their com r-
etive proximity 10 all active area • of
•.,,. Net back a few steps and .'Wham.'- Navy could find no money to build. an
marhave had a more peetacular rot . ss to&ay he grew,eather en-
ekperimental ship, be put ti P teY
he mon• '
, ee - euee e
-than •the Canadian ' forceheld iu ievenlar. Suchen:etch, our collie pap, out of his •own pocket to, Amild an
Britain for defensiye purpoeese The worried ()Neer the matter for menthe. SO -ft. m&lel. This model W11,:;' launched, -
air force,, which ,is doing some ,aetual
• A fo he' the mose at -
la ra c t ire arm af- the servie to Canadian
. 4 in the 1 '
1) ' ^‘ 1 A • that he Ls lie. has • .
=pity. as the real functioning nett ,in
econemic, as indeed in most other,
matters. , They refuted nineteentli-cen-
turY a,epirations for peaee, and asserted
ttie superior virtue of war tlhee came
to tpursue the w•orship of enceeaa and
wee to attain which alleneans were
held valid, ho that force and fraud,
vielence and treaehery were erected
into the frek principles of state. Other
think.erse-a nit statesmen in other coun-
tries haVe sometitnee thought- the same ,
thing: bet it Lq in elermany that they
have been erected into the reeog,nized
firet principles of gate 'policy. It as.
not surprisine: thel.eniitemporary Ger-
nutn thought has come in the end to
dent' the virtue of truth itself, and the' .
ultimate value of the human personal- l•
Churchill. • .„ gh t tag, appears
-EDITORIAL,NOTES • 3 oat hs$ When Canada's overseas ftrnty
comes to grips tvit-h. the enemy there
Finally he found it vulnerable i.:pot on last spring and cjia, better iri speed
the .goat and when Bettinsky found and performed heti& in rough seas.
t It a t t here ,.was a chink in hie a rm or. ' than_ even . its deeigners" anticipated. -
he gave -up trying to worry the dog., .1_..mt,3nvoiee . f
it the Idea had been pet. up ,
Somebody once told Its that alit...I:pat to 'President Roosevelt.. w,ho gave the ,
- 'looked like a"Spry-old geatlentan with a , nod.
beard. appt. r ( a II ` -- i TS hat the ...Sea I. teer may mean I
will he a greater theme -lye for °, yoling
r - .--• el1711,42.,5 ',animal intelligence ' leave
-- , Battle of the Atlantic .4:-.1in only be ': •
The New -York Tintes describes: Can-
ada's war offZee :as: "one of the little
appreciated mire -eke. t -d tee; war," The
Government's eritieshowever. do not
anailians join it. ' alone. Perhaps he realized euessed.. ICta -
is plenty fast 'enough for
• troot)s are yolunteeers, assthey were in- that she xi:0111d e.xile him at the. 1irst
ys: ;which run about1)11)4?knots).
the 'hist ;sail r. and there is no reason 1, sigti of lilt"' g'ettin"i ea'relv''''s with his, SiticKe it lies almost as law in"- the,
'believe 111, •
to believe that eititadiaa yonth is less water as a submarine and eaves no:
butting abilite.
• • 1 was In ther-lit)-rsts-' stable • it el. 1, tale- . 'Stiaoke. It will -be","
• Yese-erday
sPirite41 than that' ooking a
of at tlw sow nd litter of pigs in•
The Nazia :amen to be making* a de: • • l
hard for I -boars to spot it it travels
. •/
the ... Ia._
Liberate effort to ;zee the l'ititeePdominion- . end stall. Three planksnailed
States .lione.
fhewilt-. Some iiay l'nele Sam
will get mad over the repeated sinkings
of his ships end, then the Nazis will
When tilreat Britein was ehopping,'1
--j-42I-rt1S, from •thee.etall form ;lief pea for t
• st
foree ne ha t 'tut t '
HURON' HOLSTEIN' MEN. •- tilt' pig. t. arelesel) I kit the . z ., for t,.4nrall• -cargo ships recently. the
' 4 door open. e fli e t • • eheapest, hid she got was $1.000.000
.• was in the barnyard, •apieet.. The first fullettiee Sea Otter :
iit. -W. VanEgmond, ciinten. Elected ' fore of a rocket and thrown elear into slice Alps in cost $100.,(10() les..7s.' Ac -
• .1. •
„ Wham: 1 was picked tip with the oest teirft 50.004).quileeiseeinantity.;
't •
t lk pen. Disgrunt t he Ile rkshire cording to the original, idea • of the
0• President for Ensuing lea!,
°fie tie. war's Ple:nornena is an oteette VanEga•iteted. Clietore ,tlie lo '71.14 .up sttrprised to rind- me sprawl-.
.going freigitler living tlie Swiss lia;d; 'new- president of ; he Heron ibeeteie 3,‘ iihiheaii,tle pigs. :she grunted.
in Shoals. sent on one trip .to ^
Lgtters„„ they might be turned eut "
1_ . . well. I. looked In0. to see tb*.... with eareo.
-.-witiett. (1046,4 at an .1ttiorican port to ; seaeeeding t.'411i11 t'autp,- and promptly st,rappe(.1•:"
Riik .„...;., t , - ,.• ri N'7"bv-ker: of that impudent goat 41 -raped ,te • -1,.c„.• ,,c1„.--,;/,.. •r -it,, '. • .
re-, , 2 r . .r. • , 24:2-42Q.F.-. .f.roing, •
load grain for SWitzeria1141. NI) more ' :111'11 or Ilaelie:doila that ottleei The ate !, oNer the t4igre 7.'12 the planks ae he :ooktei •
Itint o trueks. their seeel uised in BeitielC.
wonderful, perluipe. that) ,Noah's •felit 117•71 11 (4T '4..0'1'4_4:1711i ‚77 1" 114-1(1 'It ' oter his damage. . •-• , ' steel mins. But the British have de- c
, .
, t he - a tt r tt•tt I ; nral ottee. t'liti:011. on Rut t i Italia ie 14 7118... in the 'morning : .,•.!,,(10/1 to kek.p the first 7:10 sent ‘iver for P•
in lanty ni,t•Itt ii.st' 17 i'h 111 ^Mend,' .
ding, the ark tIlount Arttrt
'tn,'a., .rittinIst,c ..
0,1 a. *,-:3.1:11.`e of thirt3 inembers front variims
- • . use as tra W &TS, et e.
. - • FlUIT SHOW CANCELLED . Allot her • u se has already been fo-and 3
•for -the tilvver shipe. 'Sint* their '
.,.„:. , 1 1 i nt , i,,t , I er,:v11,,, i011 It the exeel:ent., .1fie ardSuffered HeavLoshow o
s y s l:oipettma ,C -an be uSeil for oil as.:
with 1111 P' tint;ernaii.s. us one of . Nil% 4earnWlea, NN ho 11)rt'44tisttii":"'eX- piOrch
tile 'eat1Stinnviosts. of t he t a rill:411 Is rte. t lirth,111 ,'7'1,1 t:pi;i: _ li, 't be unfavorable ,,
A. meet Ina of the eaerut ive tvf t he, wa ate ten t o ,relli;ire -1*•.e Altan fie 'sea; '
to" Feeptendre.r Windstorm '77.4. '71 as for •other t'argo. '13larold -lek,es .
quired far, mom" itnivOrtant pnrp.o.s,e.s. , e 1114esta e. Mt the .Stt.cre t a ry-1 reaStIrer.r, i
' Huron FruiteGrowers* AssoCiation waS ' beard oil :.:114'7rt age_
fiaot MrigIs ot10
etlt ea.ihi.ope1d t a"l4,the eti,meh\ ,e e1lil1erk11W1f74ee1I,1t1e4. 1,t,e4..: tilca.,,,, veao.ffu11l1e.,eipliotsrt .Q• o. f
ll'siaIeV.esdtP rT14141h4tir'ldt.-ei leW:1gy ir1 ine&uiglh: nt.ratool-7111(
iedeat wCihleintht (eerl
^0 ra --Time ,(tychag
w,ari„3ovtr,711110.*va,114117Nx._ Anti h nenntyfrntstem°WAR ON WEsTN CIVILIZATIO
i vol-nt./era,_z &A_''l10';rt0r edtled ttamlace Novetuler Ne - fee was'righin ,airt,t aNt
'7771111 eavsneh deret/elle0 t1124neheld t Wa1tin 17' 7.4 and
- i
2-s'It TitttM. 11 re:Ani 1 Were . .1. V. the '7'. 7. ,:.4 re -tall.) m^stit9.4- When they I
4,110, sav.age trite; of heatit.t.ttait•4111 a si,ed t ha 1 , ; he 11)41 Itantluct Ite held , ' •
1,1,1cri, a iso„ . This i ri ii at, tot . wcii, , .:14,., Shk..‘„1 re r. Stewa rt midpileton. tleorge declare ,^ tht arse:yes first' enemies of i
. T ,t1,,,i,,, i 1,,,t, ti Z4a1211"Siaite. ITeti- '141.1f,l'eiteineera('y if hO1 ',,11,iiii ",,,r-111,(31:shev;, 4
• A eeee /1elereeire,.,1 117.1ionoct---,n),, , 4.1q):,',3 23:1 Oti0 111(.7n ben, an 41 4 at the. -1--",""-.-'..' -'•••;- '-
, , ,•.• ,, , , • „, rein StttiVvely and I). 1‘ Teasealine. • ism. They are, be saes, the et:Ann:es of t
,, he severe witoisto, In of September, Innuattity: berapse thty believe in wOr t
- . '-777.114 "1 of 1; orator: J. 01,,,A. a * (100t1k. rill,. IL t I
110 ilnii never solo a '7424,1' 7% to a .,, ,
t ste Ott rIttei date was 4,zet ear Tutelday, . . .-
.A.,25:li s•41 11•41 great loss and injury in, 7. a good in itsvIf.: itel?..187.4,4e they re-;!,
. man. tivoultii 77.4 1'41t)11 ., 7,7,111f1 21 NovenilWr . la. ea17.1(4,i It), Vila age.
win bti, ot, wo 11;v1on• t 14 4.1 t'7'82ratitttee, 7)2 171,t,illagtoult4/7 7 wa.:,- --..am.„: the api!le ontardli„. 12731 afte'r Alisellt...s.,' _ ;tarsi Morality (*Illy as a ttseful feature
.. :: ' . . .. , Si, )11 Of 1110 PrOSI*0 •. it was deeided 16 'in' the ,..harnefer of-Wei-iitiiiigQ-"Wifiel,” .
itotizte,l. compitiztitd of 1 t'" ,e'lletrer J .
4.1thetioneer 11;uadry . abottt ' his eNlit'r w , .,. , . 2 'I, ° . t ' <4 I IlVel. the 1)ropos-tNi exitibition. 1 1,tw• th0i' earl 4.X12:10:t 2 1P-el'aut.v. as I)r.
I tan r..;:n140t,41„ (YOrtt11172 41.1.274.,et alau , . ,
,,a21r42 Ieeening. , elr.er„ a fruit display will be 'Platted in '4;,*Ititels, said. they intend to root ortt 1
tent.,* in that line„ hat as nntn s as, /4,,
tohe Wi1771.0W.•
' of' Nhawricuiturai otlee of the w.trdal edert-s of Illeeryequael
ations 77.7 17 1Ito 11a,,ksfv; Mr'7' '7 frwk felNT t Clayiend /rthrlttird beealSe thy
gtlepleeeteAporiezz 411 lif114 7. of the 101ItitertatIS7aa,
It rIti-11‘., • , . : .,
,•2.421R,1,7Va.ltrnd Stewar'e Middleton wll ihsatisfied With noth„inegless thou. a
at he 1 2; 711atelan1 lein7721aed to tend 1' tiorld l)mneton of4re Grman race
a toe to be panderc*rt 11i'7 iavme a Ir 71141 exhibit ot;I
,t..„,fraslis I, io,..„1,11 mote:, ,,,,a a rettevvfal „at,,,,,,„,, 1,, ,,,h,c, tio,,,,,,iii., etri eau netnonde 41,0).1k:hag ahead to the „autumn- of -Allart... Irani Ilussaiit.i. ea Rena,...^s^sanee'i
oTz ,,,,,,,,, .,_.1“n'intt.n.y.t.tv. ,., inf,".„.nr,"4.,:i ' 11;4., !,,.,"••Att,,4,,,rin,..1, thzit cd;.,e1141.i.'„i 1.'44- It.lteineettng decided:that a display". adventurer vt-bo'e t,clificosity lics•ne:ter!,
' flof fruit product -41 iu this county shoid,1 `'reall„y ((wen c‘mgertial .17; the, Italian
feature of the illuron e.xhiltition people. the only' Other -t-ottntry in *tile!'
'"i^v "‘cio^
* tii 1‘144 • . ti $2,tt0 , has. ittvn pr,tmised, toward a"
s'StrSPrOV72,4 ,'
t022 1 at 112P '47 tOruallemn1 plowing mateh hears language ,Similar o the
17.211871 '7 41 1,744 res
. , . llOfficers. Elected - flo) 14 47473,1 at 71111 time. and a motion ' Nanis' is .1tvan. A' study of va,tdern
ly oetioof German itiity„
iha.., election of (:tflIcert,4 ti:oti 4,.tok , Was 14201)1011pledginhe g t't4 11 Jairtant, divoc,s ,F44b,ct
r. :,•-' tiairi-k(41
t,tn invincs'
Vatl,>71.11'1'4 Illna%4"`'U'a4 Ilt't'' r14vallt'ag4' ''',^" itIaoe: wiith lir. '1,, IVILY'te g)residitig,'" to undertake tile reSponsibility of •this • similarity to tiio4 of' the 'Nava's. . . .
C,e6d 02 •*-•In(''ml 7.7. 7111'.. 177 21,.7;:t1:trag ntla T170 tv:stins, v.i:rt, as folicivc.g:•13tanorar,y ,',14,,,,,,,.. , Toloy. ,II.,„,), two p,-,,,\-eipr.,....,, si-yeia in
, t. ''
ttlri.c.,:itats iappbr,•ar tI'tiiott,1111`211rtr{shiA'-t7CS4" 3orilonn ,7n1N,-,-.er„ tlaf'erich.•
ertnP announed tleir intention of
ouipme4i11l 4 n7TD1111n1"04?t4 Iizi7.17.1114i Allixd 0
the, entirkl, lierito, of west- i
tv7111:171a 1.'.e41o1,1
'14, 1",0
... v;*\z„ .„,. ! ' VpIr,•P'o.s:V
11ocir11'1L-4e-noonngd:p.ea Arlil7taezoln117
t grkW-.-.1 il.vtklio,i2 "l'tO.Ifoo.:-nisni Agarsatcuot.unVnf4tvne4rytot, icaklfirsiheud that eerini:iheiiuvziilti'inoanttioonf .41otere Blriniteldsh uE" mnpa*ia2riensttli,
the p-\21 '7t7 0Pln;6111 2 aol5116 eWIWIIStcPcr insturA„he saidI11077.1' 1"ried :tuest'hina an% the I.S821
1' n1 11 1 of tte,te,orth leiry4rcaszivz2nrne iali 27.1111e')7271'7 whether ta say It is IMee weey that' tte S9217. 417.e(4.
, n
n Z*4 'LI :E...-3,szyn Iza....;-„,,,,,ia ,L....,4 tx,.z. , Innti2A4L 4.710.11;,411,:!1: '421zellorsSont
----ta „ or 'It is e
lit."' , - ., clored war on •we'..:tern cl,v1111-4,tion. we',
liiton an i',',-,-1°t--Nell`b."e -017. 00 at ,IL:e n'ill\-0tra, INvizt-w kll- C1 31112) T1- W''.114,1 -I c68 rem' Yo"6 6 ;',Ii1 re•X•P," "0 7.11111011 '., ore,not iin4litZgluft Iii Itte-usnoI clap -trap 1.1
""•• `•-•"-" {s ' `'"" ',, . ,, -.., , 117117 '12171! -i of Itoyqe".41; ifoc-Wie, IInron, „Lis frlendI
. -nst. -t,',..1: y - to your-.5be12 this tof tv::11, „.7a.pda. By wc...";tern eivii-1
.. ?,,7,-.';',e-att Vane 17 "Ct.^Z,,.'llitlg',,jk-an 't1e^ Z'ittIZI: , A,Ir.,:, 1124-21147,7. 'a? P4'21,et'''S ititzn„ (0"71&7 1477.04' *rt•It is 11." '7 41 the 447&'7'7. 4? 101 bit (Il) (which is Not at nal syllopyttil. 4'
Leraliaa, area i'11: '49 L'..V0-,;1'. tf.z,'Z' IfIt':',,,oil.ci ' ll''L!',,N,./. 9t'.t Get:erieIa:, North lInron, Br, ,i tz•,,4-, Im$-,,:, 70112'7'011'0.yon at*,- • . ''',,, 0-,/. ,q,...ith4
.; t-'-...vi,1ig_tion) „„4 .„, moan- the z,
. vt,23 s, -,n 1,,,/..o nrs,:,..,i, .c,-,., s.,f.:.,i, t*"., - .;',.;-4/4,, Ii..321.4--1-dzao of Walton. '7'7 "7" t4,:-Tis,ale'i A few kitay.s Inter the tw•o tuen met I, fc..-ationnI unit, humanitarian' ,tradition.1.-
.1• 1' 111117. eseely -elle, 4,1 ee ;13 :p.tr:s of' the 4. 3111117.
The That Sticks
The Cough That Hangs On.
This is the' of a cpugh it is hard to get rid of, .
I s
the kind that bo Crs 7m -during the day and keeps
you awake at nigirta
° Why' not eetree.brotale of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
S Tutsatultliitt • •
quickly ep o
• and effectively,going to the foundation-of•the trouble,
, soothing the irritated air passages, and stimulating
.0.• •
the market for the past 48 years. • •
family size, about 3 times as much, 60c, ab
014 • couLtit
It acts prorn
loosening the tp ,e
the bronchial•orgatis.
"Dr. Wood's" has
Price 35e a bottle.
dreg coun
Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont.
/141 T RCH Qp
"Ileception of Her Majesty's pan* Xtegi-
ment of Foot, on their arrival in Montreal from
- the Gime; on the 28da June; 1856, passing
under the Triumphal Arch at the Place d'Armes
and Bark of Montrear.
• (61.-.47474 Ms • as:visit SstUalstl
Soltor& Rao; 34% Gast St. Posse Stsrod)
*Xi* Vir2 I. "I
-et e •
. , ,negain. tarld ,..tono was aslied , if titre. ,, 17 1)7221 gorn. itt nipcl,c,nt tilra--",,,e. a71.-1
tho • V....".nictls• a y';,z'1,,,.'kr:ors +,..f",'..e.---'15-0,'"'1....,..V°11.34" '
,..,•••••• ., 1......4 ' ', .(,:l VeriiI01). ltZCZlil!Cil Nvitta, norm= taw" on.'
• . ' • -4•14ri f.-,ttc,„,7,t slicuLer- fe'ts tto,.K.enh-a.,' rtatell.:1421,111,,,Ni.
11:z.».• '.';',,';',1 (,'-:::,--'-,)5,,. - . o" . ,'7*;;.1;7.. lit,\yr.,-4..n, ZfcrAey 62 Int -7.•,•7.47.22.: 11117.1- if, -W4"11„ at 1.1:0.',1141 1-117.4,-t,.' roeliita .16 -1 -,:op. et1117s:1117r4 etbti=4., forms tZze 111 4 et'll
, te.f:etin fiel',1 t.,.:r...4 'to? Wo-, 411172 ? Ontortlat, -,. 131 i.
,, i'o'r. 1,,,,,,ne thiut.-„,,, '/ ,,,mtit ft,i,r- *274?*274?tizon,.-_.'''.,it, arul z,...1--,1,,,,1 the „stat.:KI.....-uca (if
* ' * ' 1 ., ..
2,zr,,..7.,,-,,,s,,,,, az-,-,ztt-,,c,,,,,t:,,i\-11 v,,\,,,,,-i,:,,,,,,,V,,.4_,::41,1.,:wt:‘,a at,....'41 4,,i,,,r.l.gcl",4„.1tZ111•1U--0: ^t''.. -t"' ,,t..''Zta',4) le!1'^, 1 1-,:e life of 72411e1„,,0717241 wl".,...'-'.1ter your:. ,.-Att • ea.,-...--.3tn--t. Vrisignently.' of' c-sn,,n,..se„,
. •
- • • - ......, , • . (ty.„1:1t22•.0 i--VIC.Piliti.1..„ 22.11t2ouz.,, lle .a...A. --,.,1 ,(,t1.,10.,..,,. a',z4,, va-,.. W,1,10t.„ , 7'111 14.14” '„1:41 tr,.'...? c--tii.:*.'''',(11' we ,,ar? .722 111 rottanal in-t,r" Ltirp• anii`Ar"-'
, . inna fi3tvi,a1.,-.'L..3 lia an alclr,,,,,..1,tball '0,aS 14). "t.,..,, fly. +1,,/- ' It. is pt,,,„ „ ,.„01,„1, tt,,,,,,Tinn, ut-!,,41 •,,far ilt...,vitzttio'ns
.,,,...,_. .t.?..r".f.i,....a t'....:,......::, •,',,...s, at,y,i*,.."",:oratz-e. . '' , . r. ,... „, ,,.., , . •,, • ,...--• -,• , r--), +, ". 1. ... , .--,-. " , i'" ,--1 4, ' ,
II KIZot tl.. 0, 1.1:.44.) nen: " • . ' 4 pOrki.),y of 211e ,lanlar.+7,1„,•., vco priac:lalm.,'i
ivi Ilistoito-frriifies .0-,OnAtiti-
kw yet me year thole of a century-andtaaahatter
-124 drantatic, dynamic, historic years -the
Bank of Montreal has lived, worked and watched
lath Canada.• mem
The Thialc has st-eq war cohie and et:ace so, peace
'tome and war depart; shared Canada), stniggle
throuth every night of eConornic depression since
1817; reiniati to see comas always triumph over'
all adversity.
rounded two years after theBattle of Watetloo,
the,Bank Witnessed the Crimean War, elle Iridium
Mutiny, and, with other loyal Canadians, enlisted
for the duration in the South African War and
World War i, and now marches with the Dominic),
and the Empite In World War IL
lwaysCanada has come through stronger, better.
'triumphant. May she to come through the present
fiery trial. To this end we work frtd dedicate th• e
r:es.in:iwoaotrikoinn'gsseantvdioecu,tsttai%ngourthe1041omoya Evioyees
. .A 101..N1t, rurat SMALL ACCOUNTS Altt WELCOME"
MODERN, EXPERIEi410ED BAiNIKIN SERVICE a a the Oateeza 1.24, Yetzi e.:;,.•„.erease
Goderith Manch: A. A.-NICOL', Matiaper
via:- it 1