HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-11-06, Page 1GODERICH ASKED TO PROVIM ONE
' Canvassers Collecting Pledges
for War 13avings
Canvassers are now act's:01y ca,rryiee
, ,
the eamPaign to secure the neeeFe.
earYi pledges to enable the ,Gleelerieh.
committee to announce to the G.evern-
Ment that thii town will provide at
least one Universal Carrier per month
to the duration a the War. '
• In many instanees thecanvassers
have reeeived pleasant surprises,- the
eitizens subscribing both willingly and
generoUely. 'Occasionally sonseane is
encOnntered who is so weaPheth up in
' as own affaire that he falls to realize
' the seriousness of the war situation,
but happily, per.sons of this, class are
Mre-Spencer Gale of IIamilton was
in town on. Wedinesday and addressed
the employees of several of the larger
industries: Mr. Gale was pleased with
the- reeeptionsextendecisto shim, -by the
men, naehy of whom have sons or bro-
ther •in the armecieforces,
At the request ot district bead,
quaitters at Kitchener, efforts are being
made to organize the Townships.of Col --
borne,- Ashfield and Goderich eo: that -
every person in those towes.hips may
'buy either stamps. -'er _ war -savings
, certificate.. The tidy is coming when
work will, not be ae.plentiful as it is
•today, and by buying war •savings
eeertifica tes •,.noW people are providing_
day0.. Every four dollars invested now
- will afnount to five in seven and a -half
'"'•'-' es-eyecerstand, the security. isethe.Dominion
- of Canada. '7.„Who could ask niore? -
A Universal Carrier costs $5,000,
. and-. Goderieh•is asked to pWide. one.
!every month- If we can Provide two,
.. So much the better, Our boys over
• „there must be convinced their lives are,
the most .peeciaus thing's bn. earth to is
who are still safe at home. Help to
give them the toe's- to protect. them-
selves. - ...
'1 (Seaforth: Expositor)
Th -e tragic e.ecidelital death of Mies,
H. Isabel • Graham, which occurred
•01141114111 411. iggii
nhw Wee in ship epnstruc-
- tion. "Flivver Ships" (from
Some light on what Nazilsin
=tants "War on Western Civil-
ization" (from The New States -
e mansand.,Nation). •
• '
Read these articles on page 2
of Nile' issue.
. And don't miss Charles Ileale's
•entertaining 'New York Notes on
paee '7.
• Read eyery pageo) The Signal -
• -early Wednesday ,evening, deeply moved
the people of Seaforth en4 vicinity, and
• it seemed impassible to realizethat the
faildliar figure which had gone in and
OUt amongst them for so many °years,
the expressive yoke and the facile
pen had been stilled forever. , •
ShortlY before 7 'o'clock on Wednes-
• day evening she called at the residence
• ofes mid - Mrseelt-e- B. Holmes; -on
Viddritreetteete to give their daughter,
• Miss Elaine, her usuel music lesson.
She had come to the side ° entrance
• - from. the inside landing 'of which a
• stair leads to the basement and a door
• into the dining -room, where she was
• Met by Mrs. Holmes, who turned to
• precede her into the house. When Miss
Graham did, not immediately • follow,
she returned and was shesele-ett -to find
'that she had feillen to the basement
floor, although no noiee of her fall Or
- outcry had been heard, although -that
may have been accounted for by the
• Tact •that the radio was .tureed-on.
WhetherMiss Graham became con-
- fusedand made the. wrong turning,
Or whether she suffered, a weak spell,
• is not known, but she had been in this
•••- office several times ddring the day and
in the late afteruoon had complained of
unusual Wearinege, so •tlier4.,1,s,•a pas-
sibility of the latter, Which would- ae-
'.ount for no:outcry being heard.
, Dr, J. It. •Geerwill was immediately
„sumaioned and she was renioVed in the
..",_ainhulanceh-but-passecis -away' before
teaching, the hospital. •
•.IMISS Graham was a daughter Of the
late .• Rev. William Graham, pioneer
"minister of ,•Egmondville Presbyterian
• churn, who came to Canada from
seotieed; e,nd Elizabeth 'Grouiriloek;
• daughter of the late Jehn GOuinlock, a
noted educationist of Ettinhurgh„;Sept,
land._ • _
iShe was born in Esepainideille, and
-.after graduating froiikAile..Seafotth
Collegiate went to Toronto to further
her studs, of musics for which from
child•Ohd she hild shown ef remarkable'
gift„, At. the. Tchente•C011e.ge of Musl
she stedied piano and pipe organ -under
the late' Dr. F. H. Torrington, and har-
mony with Clarence Luean, a noted
Canadian eomPo-ser,,who later made"his
homein New York,
• • Be.sides her musical taleht, Miss
O Graham had a moet. unusual' gift of
expression which found placein:Several-
. -Volumes of poetry which Slieemblished,
and which were interealionally.known
and recognized for their simplicity and
- • imaginative thought, For many yetteS
she was a member of the Canadian
Authors' Association and Of the -Can-
adian s'S'inhen's Press Club, in which
• she took -an active pert and, in Whin'
her talent was universally reeognized.
Far some time Miss Grahamwas
secretary of the . Huron Presbyterial
• Women'.'Missionary , Society; .and ali
her life •had been active:, and keenly
Interested in every. branch of the work
of her elinrche •
01, •
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. rloodY of -Toronto
Receive News of Their Son
.Mr. and M. W. E. Fla:Ay, of Close
licenue, Toronto, 'redelved °word. last
,week that their son, Pilot Officer Clarke
Wallace irloody, was missing, but on
Monday of this week were informed
by e message from Berliu. that he was
a prisoner in Gler-many.
The young airman's father is well
known in Huron county, particularly in
cenneetion with. the, IluransOld Boys'.
ste so-ciations of 2,Peronte,' of -which -he -le-
the ,honOrary secretary. s .
P.O. 'Ploodys who is twenty-three
,yearseof age, eulisted with the ItsC.A.F.
,at the outbreak of war, -but was nal
called until :October, 19-10.. 1e was
•-,fsseflt-tO BrandonAnd .4V inn ipeg . and -ree
eeived his initialllYing at Regina and
Mount .1„lope. :In May of thie.yea he
eeceived.his wings at Dunnville and; a
few weeks later, having received his
4.'omraission, he left far overseas. He is
well known in. sporting circles,, eSpece
jelly in Northern , Ontario, having
played with baseball and basketball
teams at KjeislandtLake. .He was marz
ried in Mey, 1940, to Miss Betty Baxter
of Toronto.
. ipavidt; on th,h Blue Water highway
. 'Prom 1)1111101) to Port Albert airport has
• reached a point at the top of the hill
at the north of the village of Port
iik. Albert, anti 11 ball t t WO fine days will
finish, the job to the 4th eancession
' 1nter.4-ecti0n, which marks the extreme
northerly point of the Sterling CO.'S
. eon-traet. ' The paving of the 'road
through Port. Albert village and the
winding hills at the southerly . and
northerly Approaches: is taken to mean.
'that the building of it bridge whieh
- would sidetrack the) village has been
at.eive'd, for some years. .
The4 County Council will not hold a
.r,, • &pedal meetihg to elect a warden, but
• will choose 4a successor to the late
Warden Leiper at the regular Session,
:which °Penh' on Tuesda7,/,, Nqvenliter
._ z
Matter -of Holding School• Concert Left
to Koine and School . Clubs
•response -to a - questionnaire sub-
mitted by the Ontario School Trustees'
and Ratepayers' Association, the,local
Public School Board at: its. regular.
monthly meeting, , held, • on • Monday
night,. decided. to reply in the negative
teethe qtiestione_Are you in -favor of
the Unemployment Insurance- Act being
made applicable/ea employee of the
School Beard, either for permanent
or ifor non -permanent- employment,:
while mueicipal councils are exempt?
Thceereport of C•entrel :school. for
October showed: Pupils on roll, 219';
average_ attendance, 202.12, •.or 92.2•I
per Cent. Penny Bank deposits, $64.34.
• Victoria school reported: Pupils on
roll; 346; average_attendance, 324.23',
or 93.04 per cent. Penpy Bank deposits,.
$140.99. October sales of war savings
stamps, $41.25; total to October 31st„
The finance committee was asked to
briegein a report, ron the fire insuraiice
polieles on the school properties'
. Tile Board will not snolls'ors• -
concert this year, leavieg this to te
Home and School Clubs if they desire
to arrange such an entertainment.
e The :Church Womeife Guild a St.
orge church met on Wednesday
afternoon: in the ihrresinishwiths-a--
geed attendance. Mrs. E. D., Brown
preslded; The mooting opened with a
hymn; Played by Mrs. T. Gla.zier, fol-
lowed by the prayer for mice. Mrs.
Marshall read the Scripture. lesson.
It was reported that $42 was cleared
from the laymen's banquet last week;
this was voted towards repairing the
banquet:tables- and buYing some new
chairSeThirfeen. Ciiiistrnas -boxes. were
sent overseas -and to littlifax to boys
from "St. George's chureh. The ladies
then made plans -far catering ter the
banquet to'be held next; week.
lueh regret • waa expressed by the
preSident and members. at the unfor-
tunate. accident to the rector. Next
month all members are asked to bring
their favorite ,recipe. The meeting
closed with "God Save the„`King," after
'Which tea was served• by Mr& Mundy.
the Goderich Signal an.d The Goderich Star
IIALLOWE'EN IN Rev. R. C. 11/ePermid
Fingland Damage
at Knox Church
• Case before Court
Clinton, lawyer *ling Myr°
Qther Clinton Men for
• $15,000 Damages
With no crimival and two JOST and
two non -Jury clyll actions on the 118t,
the • eittihgs of the, Supreme Court
got under way on Monday afternoon
before Mr. jets,tisoe Greene, and jurye
' Whether orenOt, it was because the
court opened on a 'Monday instead of
Tuesday, as is customary, or because
• people are busy working, little intereet
was displayed ,in the, proceedings. At
one tiens. on Monday, ,apart from court
Officials there Was not one spectator in
the court room. Witneseessiiii-he ease
under review had been excluded,
Mr. Justice Greene has been four
yearT on the • Supreme Court betide
Prior to his, elevation .he was dis-
-anguished member of the bar, practie-
hee r at Ottawa. Ile presided in Gede-
rich once before and on that occasion
was here only a fewehours.
• The 'busiest and, most pOpulat spot
• Crodetich inet*Fritlay (Hallowe'en)
night was the home of Mr. ClusileS
WUrtelesechurch street, where ?jr. A:
K. Aturtele, in the absence of Isis
father, played host to nearly • five
hundred boys ad girlessehch of whom
was given a present of candy and
holt:horn, as •,bas been the custom .for.
years. The heale, was appropriately
tlecoratea. .sk,i9g. of the decorations
were , real „weeks of Halloween art
rr,,, , W angh
is eskoldnesse h ouse-
hose 'One ,llinhainated -pumpkin : waS
topped by 'a favorite hat of Mr. Wur-
tele, sr., with one of the gentlentan's.
Former -Minister Preaches at
Anniversary Services_
, on Sunday
Large congregations attended the
anniVersary services of Knox Presby-
terian church' Oir -SiiiiklalTlaSt-- The'
preacher of the day was Bev; R. C.
McDermid of Oakville, a former min-
ister of Knox church, who Was heard
with great iuterest and Pleasures
At • the -morning service Mr. IleDer-
hild's text Was • from Psalm 95)6--
'1) 'come, let.ue worehip and, bow down:,
let us kneel before the LOrd, our
favorite ,pipes Protruding ,from the Maker." -He deplOrtel the present-day
mouth. „ - ateglect of the ordinances of. worship;
The children, 471 to.be-eXact, filed ,in and urged a' return ta the practiee of
-5 side door, received their gift, were earlier drays when attendance at church
was the •highly -prized privilege of the
4Subbatts__ ,
-121 the eveaing tifes'evrhion wa$ a
,•tifaug.htful (Ilse:ilea-len, of the wurds *of
• Joel 2 :S—"Your old, men shall dream
sdreams„" Dreams, Said the preacher,
are' the prerogative yduth.; older men
are liable to -dwell upon the past, ejilie
prophet, however, feresahr a day when
man • shall net grow old, but Old
things shall be as new. Churchill and
RouseCelt in their ocean conference had
dreamed, of a world of -peace and
chalkonarkeel on the back, and
checked Out the front door.. after . a
short slay:- This year Only one boy
doubled back withhie coat: tarried, iii;
side out, said Oir: 'Wurtele, jrZellemk-
ling as he talked to a ' repurtek-, and.,
estroking his Van Dyke the while tk
Said he got a big 'kick out of earrying
on with the Wurtele *tradition.
:After Crown Attorney Holmes had
presented a clean criminal sheet Ihis TEACHER -TRAINING CLASS
Lordship was presented with the tiedi-
tional • pairs °of white gloves. The;
County ef Huron was complimented on 1 Addresses ,by E. C. Beacom and Bev.,
its finee record. : . . --.4- ' -W—Ni-eir- eate-linosse-Chttrel-Lestisillaie Inhl ean4dn's Soll4 4 was Yen-
turing forth to help make tha.t dream
It. was 'announced that the motor 1 '''Ei'ening . Collie, true. The church had its pare to
.damage action ,of Leeliee Howe of , The steond meeting of the Iluron - • •
Toronte versueAlex. Martz of .Kitch-; Presbytery teachers* treining cia„ .of perform in bunging about a better era
eener„ .11..att....beeir: vi„tred, Howe.,,,„„tiewe., 1, ,fieeeth,ee,syorldeswith."Chetst.,enetehereneeelesp.
.h the" Presbyterian Ghtirch, held under the hearts-. Of inn. **Goa grant- thet
awarded .$200 without cosp.3, Martz e
counter,claim was dismis.sed, also with --i the auspices,: of the committee on Sun- we maY be able to . dream a dreanh
'worthy of • Him."
out 'coste. The' .accident, a pertiel, days school and .young , people's„work, ..
The -.musical Service or the day -by -
head-on eollision:•happened on..Auseriet was /avid in Knox ehureh, Gaderich, on .
• :the choir, under the direetion of Mr.
.25, 1940, on *.the Hohnesville Vile , Wednesdas- evelling.. ,
After a short devOtional parotilled by.. ,,thorace Wilson, vsas much appreciated.
., . •..
' ' Fingland . Damage . Case. ' ' in thesmotnine the inthem -*The Golden
RevDrLanerepresentaties fro
". . . h. , vm st ' -
When the action of Feank gingidnies Thre.shold" Was " swig, . with -Miss
Seaforth, 1xeter,' Myths Auburn, and Goderich listenedWith Clin-
K.C.„ of Clinton, •who is suing Antoine e, nsall sGertrude 'Heist as soleiet ; Mr.• J. F
Garon end Lorne Brown ', also of Clue Gfflespie sang the . solo "-How Lovely
ton, foe $1.3,000: for peesinfal hijuriesei heen interest to -Mr.' E. C. BeAom, who '
ire Thy ..Dwelling -s," and. Mrs. S. E.
, lea with a. half-lialter
mir • talk on the Sub- ^
loss .of tihie, hospital and doctors' bills, t jests- . „es ----
i`undamental ,'Educatioutil NV-, ,.tlie 6 616 "Prayer." At the
., was calletr, the rest of the after- service the choir .sel
i Principles:* in tehching, applying thee e'lling
noon and all day Tuesday, wee "Set:tieide! a
. p rticularly to Sunday sehool feachine -
were .:0 Gladehme Light" and -Lead;
i The intereet aroused by Mr. Beaeone''s. •Kind,13. Lig-ht."
for its hearing: Jurymen not 'Serve . .
Ing on this case were alio Ned ter ad o On Tuesday es -oiling' the ladies of the
' - -N.- -- -- I- I talk was .nianift,sted by, -the 'discussion- '
• church served the .anniversary supper.
Th hiSd !co,„inber .th, ibis Iken
itxed as:i) ti a ' of rural (r.iesi litions
() aid
sp neored.by the Goc er
of Trade. The banquet Will be served
ig the lecture ream of 'Ithor"chtirch,
and the chief speaker of tile evening
Will be J. A. :Carroll, Provincial Super-
intendent of Agrieultural:Societies,and
executive 'officer for the thit aria -tPlow?
Association. Mr. 'Carroll's ad -
<treks is :looked to as.- the opening shot
in -the campaign prepare t ory to the
International 'slowing match to be held
in this county in 1942.„ Tickets, .at 501.,•
may' be obtained fronit Presideht G. W.
Schaefer, Tre fl SM.(' r J. F. • (1111.eSpie,
•i•lecrefary A. E. Hockley, or J. "A.
Snider, cluvirman 'of lite rural relations
.polfituit.piie of the Board of Trade. •
- - •
• Arrangements, 'laic •been cortaileted
for the holding of their annual banquet
by the officers of the Huron Hot...dein
Breeders' (ib, in the Chintramity
."WaIton, on. Tuesday, November 18th,
at 12 o'cloek noon; The ladies of the
Walton distriet dreeeaterhsg to • the
banquet with a' menu featuring roast
•goose with all the •trimmings. The
,guest Speaker will be P. W, "Wiggins,
Produce' eXpert of 'Toronto, formerly
of 'Clinton. TliP president and seere-
tary (3. W. VatEgmoratt 'Clinton, and
Mune Clutton, Goderich) are both-
anxiouth for .11. large 'turnont of both.
men, and' women interesterr in dairying.
All farmers and their SVIV0e are4inVited
td attend, •
their homes until Wednesday Morning._ which followed and in which many of
is generelly. known, Mr.' Finglend. thsLse„' .preSent, tOOlc part. .-* iu 'thp lecture room—, Ahout.. four
spffered severe injuries. to hisright leg hundred people enjoyed the exeellent
' Rev.Weir, convener 'C''if ' the
in a, =her accident en the afternoon Of meal. Rev. R. C. McDermid and Mrs.
Sunday 'school and yeung people's com- ;
March 23rd, 1940, two miles south of ...MCl/err:111cl " were present and ' the
• m4tee.,of the preshyteey, folloWed with
_Clintoneon N'o. 4 highway, for 'which minieter, Rev. D. J..Lttne, received the
an a s re -ss mos e p O ane ,suegestfy
he -holds • ihiren, a. hosiery factory on the Sunday :school lessons for .19, guests. The tebles, were, prettily
manager, and lirowh, a service station . deeorated• with flowers and Candles.
which relate sto the life of Christ: Mr..:
dperrtor, responsible. - .Weif- pointed out iiiiesottant facts.w.hich . '
Traffic s011icer eranS Taylor, who in s. .1,
no ld be "--phasized by teachers and : - PAPERNICK-.-RITCHIE
veetiglited, identified nine photographs called for _
questionS relative et -seethe. The marriage is announced of Jean
the aceident„ and Which, were plaCedeins teaching of the lessons under consider- /-hitati.,nv Rriat;11.11en,.Itege N., of Goderich, and -
ick, e hell took place on
' .
which he had taken . :at ..the 'Scene of
ation. i. Helpful sugge.etions were made
evidence. He said the .point of' impact November 19th, 1940. Rev.
by• severel of those present .aeid.- the .Thesdase
was at the top o1. a grade a short
. new *departure. by •the coroxpitte. in James Wilkins, farmerly of Lucknow,
teacher straining • reectived -fatortiVie , Peffhflhe t t ctremon3.
itlistance , past .-the 'County Horne. ile -
Was cross-examined by It. I. Haines of „comment from: the whole group. . .
TorentO, for Mr.' Garen, and by Thos; - BLAXAJBARNETT . . , ....
The third 'meeting- Will ;he held. next
Phelan, of -Toronto; for Mr. ,,Iirowe." , . .
week - tit Bleth," on Wednesday evening, A. quiet wedding took place at the
A. A. Macdonald, Toronto, was counsel
for the plaineiff. . at 8 o'clock. Mr.. Weis -will continue home of Rev. Dr, J..11. Barnett and
•'his lectures on other leesesta for 1942 Mrs: Barnett on Monday afternoon,
Dr. Walter A. Oakes of Clinton gave , • _ s • e'
•anel, Mise Leryl Pfaff will give the first when theirdlutighter, :Margaret Evelyn
a : technical desliiihtion of Mr, Eing- .address of the evenings • , Barnett,. Reg. N., was united in mar--
land*s injuries. He Said his patient 11 1,0 to Chtirles, Kenneth Blexall, son
hadsspeift two Months hi a Toronto RIFLE NOT STOLEN of Mr.- and Mrs.,. J„ J„ Illaxall of St.
The rifle 'reported stolen from the Thomiu.7:. '1 be (*lemony Was perforineel
hospital, :haul, ' undergene several °per- ,
atione, was o11. crutches for •nver a
0 - sidecar of a mptoreecle parked in hy Dr. Bennet, assisted by Rev. Dr. T.
sear,- and still was unable to iNalk front of Wong's Cafe a week, age Sun, WardlaW Taylor. "rutbride, who Wore
properlY'. Thete had -beeu. a gradual <lay last has been , recovered: :- Chief a goWn., of gold crepe, was attended by
improvenient, but another -operation
may he necessary, requiring Mr. ring -
land to he laid up for another tWo
months. - ' `
, Mr. Fingla-nd Tette of Accidrit
.. ,._ „. Y
From •the7W-Striess stand on TheSday
ifr...Fingland, whoe.gtivesehtieage ,as etolen„ picked it tip and. took 'it flame,
.forty-seveh„ related deta II'S' of -the ac- ' - KNox.- cauRcx LADIES' AID
cident. on March 23; 1946, ill Which he...,, . 11i4. "regular monthly Meeting of the,
... .,
was severely injorell; A grouts ,of .defenclant Brown and forty or cent. Ladies:••Ald oE Knox church was:held
. .
,against. the d•efenclant Garai).
:.-- - ..Two Cases. Settled • dent, Mrs. J. Alex. -Straiton, presiding.
The str. Biricoldoc arrived frau) Art
William, on Saturday morning With
-,0001us. livheat fOr the elevat6r.
The str. Superior arrived Sunday
moiiaing, from Fort William,,with 39,-
000 bus,. oat, '7,319 bus. wheat, and
418=8 bus. barley,. ,also for the elevator.,
The 'Superior deft for Port William
• Monday night with 18 tons of salt and
120 tons of flour. ' •
On S'unday night the 'str. Windoe
came in from Port Arthur with 138,364
bus, barley and 13r),000' bus. Wheat for
the eleVator. •
, The tug Ione Ross arrived from-.1•Cin-
•gazdjacluol_'riday afternoon. • Captain
John Tigert and lifs creW,"-Who have
finished removing loose rocks heft the
harbor basinwith theelerrick., left for
'Sarnia on Wednesdny afternoon with
one scow,' in. tow. •
New 200 -watt electric range lights, to
iteplace the old (foal 'all lamps, have
been installed in the range towers en
the north pier by 'Construction Ens
glneer, II; E. Pollard, of the Depart-
ment of Traneport. •J.
RQSS .,11aS learned thatort wasn'estolen Blaxall. :of St. Thlimas,
it all: Ellwood Elms. of •Clinton, who sister of the bridegroom. The grocmah-
owns the •gun, but had rented, it,' was Man was. Mr. Wm. Hammel -Sky of
&Wing past theeeafe':021. the day in Woadsteck.Thea couple left Monday
'question end,: noticing that the gun -was evening on their wedding trip, after
left. in. public view 1111(1 liable' to be which they will reside in Woodstock...se
members of the Clinton Moue Club had
volunteered to drive the juvenile
hockey team to St. Thomas for the final
game, •The snowfall that. year had
boon abnormally heavy and both sides
of No24-sbighway ,were piled high'. A
-Westerly wind whisked the -loose snow
into eddies and at times made visibile
ity peer. Arthoegh he was not in on
the conversation, he understood, thert
had been some 4a4k Calliper off the
trip and some .doubt • expressed about
the ability of the Motorists to get hack
the same day. However, it_ was' dee
cided 'to Make the trip. s
Less than two miles south of Clinton,
at a point e .short distance south of
the Conitte Horne, Mr.,Flegland said he
ettiv a ear, driven by Mr. eleawson,
ahedd of him, slacken 'Ste speed and
:doh. Witness • stopped eight feet. be-
hind the 'Lahrsan car., It was learned
that there was an aecident ahead.
With other cars coming,' frdni behind
Fingland said he Seri:40 t danger
of thes situation and tohl other • tee
eu•pants• about it. He decided to get
out Sh flag 'ow:pining traffic, but befoee
he eould d'a 80 the Brown car-erashed
ixito the rear of his. The, impaer was
not heavy. 'the then -got ,4111t and
walked to the back of his ear, to find
• that the Brown manine had caromed
to the left or east side eff the road.
He saw anather car, the-!Graron. auto-
mabile, coming straight at him directly
in line With the rear of his 'own ear, so
he stepped two .paces to the east, out
of the way. There was a collision, the
Garen car skewing around and etriking•
him (Mr. 6Fingland ) •in the course of
its whee •
'The only witeesees 'heard 011 Wed-
needay were Mr. <Won. one of the
heSenstante, and W. L. Colquhoun,
passenger in his ear on the day of the
aceident. Mr. Pingland also was re-
realINI, for a shorf period. Almost the
entire day was taken up with the jury
addreeees cif eoungel, It. L. Mines
for Mr., Garen, A. A. Maedoneld• for
Mr. Tingland "and Thomas Phelan for
give testimony in hie own defence, nor
Mr,' lirown. The last-named did not
did be pall, any witnesses., Vounsel
addresse eoliforned/ nearly four hours..
The,eharge" of,Ilis Lordship wail begun
at 10.39 this morning and the ease was
giyen to the jury ,at 12.35 noon, •
Verdict fil)k Plaintiff •
At ,
ra80 this evening the jury brought
In a verdict for the. plaintiff (Vingland)
tor $5,200 and colts. 8hzty per cent,
of the damageo• la ameqedagainst the
on *Friday afternoon; with the, presi-
here was a good a t tend a n ce. - The
Two other motor. damages actiouse .
Scripture lesson Was read by Mrs.
were settled out of :coart. .
• Itedditt, followed by /prayer by • Mrs.
Isiehed Itern, dairy farmer of t:sborne Ii -.h Tbe main item of :business
township,. was pleintilt in .41 was the making of the final arrange -
against Ha A. Bascobe, who operates meuts for the aneiversary Suppet.
a eranspol;t --basine,ss, from Toronto, V i selections Rabe Seet „ jr.,
Elmer Pollard, of Illyth, and 'Harry E. accompatiled Ii 1i1 els•ter Mollie, were
Fox Snd elecil Wood driver, for Mr much eniciyed. The meeting was closed
Bascohy, . on _August ',A tthe with, the s singing, • of the -• ional
p11311 tiff was a ;passenger a ear An hen), t 011 ()wed by prayer.
driven by his brother -Thee:- Hera. • Be- ' s s _
tween 5 and 6 o'elocketitet-mornsieg, one
tind a -half -Miles. east of ehakeepeare,
on highway- No. !8, in a fog, the Herna .
• suddenly came upeh, tee, easeeey -a dress 'church parade next Sunday
11401 01 One was 'stalled, oat of morning from the armotiest to 'North
United churn. Members are
gasoline. we§ driven by Fox, and- street:
another, driven by Wood,' had come
to the, etalled triiek's assistance ' and
wa.s allegedly parked .a dangerous'
poeitle e.'
On • canie a •-third. truck
• driven by Ihillard, completely 121.oekipg
the highway, the Hern ear piling
Iffio the:blockade, The Plaintiff chtimhd
$122085, for injuries, hospital • and
doctors' hills, $30,(h)0 general dameeses
and costs of the action. , McConi72011"&'
Hays, Setifeirth, , far the .plaintiff ; Mr. •Thos, Bawler and hie son
Sitaher, Paulin and Branscombe, Tors Norman had an interesting experience
onto,: for the defendants,. , last Sunday menning•while on a visit
Another action settled was that of to 3.1alliand cemetery. :They cense
„Tames- Baker, laborer, Goderich, by upon three deer and were less than
his pext friend, W. J. Baker, also. of fifty feet feem thernebefore the beauti-
Gdeerip4; Mrs. ,Vannie. Pitblado and fill animals, duee, about three
Norville and Wendell: • Wilkie 'MANI°, fourths grown, Moveit itely, apparently
by their next friend, William- Pithlado, not much alarmed. Toni says his great
all of Godielch, serails the Goderich • regret was that he did not have a
Manufaeturings00., Limited: and Lyle eanwra with him to take what would
Bannister. At 200 0.m. on• July 7th,
1941, Baker with the co-ptaintiffs was.
driving westerly .on No. 8 highway WEATLIEB,
when. at a point t miles, west of • The maximum and minintem temper -
Mitchell his car was allegedly side- 'attires in Gock.rieh for the pled. two
swiped by the defeedant'e truck, hurl- weeks and for the, eortespenclitig two
ing ,tlie •Baker car anit its passengers weekS i ast year, as offielally reworded,
W4'0 11 fflit 0 V78 .
..„ • Max. Min. Max. Min.
Thurs. , Oct, ..•..52 45 • 02 .39
!Fri., Oct. , 40 00 35
Kate. Oct. 2,5 , 49 , 59 41
'Sun., Get. 20 • 17 33 55 37
Mon., Oet. 27 ,57 39' 59 30
Tues., Oet. 28 88 31 " 58 • 35
Wed., Oct. .29 40 • 36 .
There., 00. 30 .p46; '89 47 36
;Fri., Oct. 31 49,, 40. 50 37
Sat., Nov. 1 44 52 34
tgun., Noy, :2 41 51 40
51 42 53 47
lion., Nov. 3
Tues., 'My, 4 • 13 39 rw9 47
Wed.., Nov. 5 47 r.* kii7 47
Thc members of "C" Co'y hold
ressugred to wear anklets and to:be.,,et
the • armeries at 10.30 sharp. A full
turnout is expected. The Lueknow
pipe band will be in ,attemlence.
"0" Co'v: wIll -supply •the guard Of
honor for..- the itemembranee" Pay
eenotaph service on :Tuesday morning
a t. 11 _o'clock,
ha eh !teen a lovely" pietfire.
,Into the•aditch and causing injuries to
all. Jamea Baker asked $300 for ear
elatnagee and,- persanal injuries, • Mrs.
Pi t 121 a d o $1,000 for pain and- sufferin,,
Plus $1,500 general damages end $2(%
each for. the P ithlado Alleiren, all
with' rOurt eostS. Negligence on the
part of defendants was elaimed. L. 13.
Iktnee-Y, efetrIffailitiffe; Frank
Donnelly fordefendants, • s
' By the Minutes of Eettlement-the de.
,fendant Manipany agrees to pay the
laintiff, *Mrs, Vannie,„'Pitblido, $450
In full .V.,..ettlement 'of her eialnl. The
.eiainns of the defendants j'ame:) Baker,
!Nomille and Wendell Willrie Pitbiado
are. dismisMd Without 'costs.
Movement to Have Vacant Seat Filled
Before Another Session
WA.DICERT9N, Nov. 4. -- Bruce
Clounty 'Council opened its fail session
at . the county buildings here with
Warden John Logie, Reeve of Paisley,
hreSiding.. ,
-A deputation from Huron, county,
composed of reeves' of the northern part
of the): Connty, visited the -Brace body.
while in session anchasked it to 'petition
the Onterio•Government to hold a by-
electiem -in the Harontlienee
which has been, vacant since the -death
of the lateeC, A. Robereson, M.P.P., two
years ago.
Spokesmen for the delegation were
Reeees .4 Raymond Reclmand, : Ease
wrorahlYsh ; olatid--14rain;- Turnberry ;
Robert J. Bowman, . Brussels, s.
Mayor Crawford, of Wingham:
After some discussion, a committee
was appointed composed of 'Reeve Red-
-mond,- May-ar ,Cra-wford and Reeve
Joseph McInnis, of Culross •township,
Bruce county. This committee Will"
visit Queen's' Park and urge the hold-
ing of a hseelectien before the next
session of the Provingial Legislature. '
The svhool room of Victoria street
United, chTirch was filled. to capacity
on Wednesday night of last week,
when , entertainment swas given
under the. duspices Of the- church choir.
Goderich Sal! Co.'s
Appeal Dismissed.
Town SOlicit-or Says Matter
Threshed Out by audge
CePtello Last
• The Courtvof "ReVisiOn, sitting at the
Tovvn Ttleadha' Jeigth, heard,
-Mad Ilistrilssedi the appeal of the ,Goile!
rich` Salt Oonapany against, ,its11041 •
'municipal aesee-antene,
The court was compOsed
)cillor 3. A,,Ofahain (chairman),PeputY
Reeve 13aker and. Councillors- Sproul and
Ityan; Town Solieitor 1.)AnceY.Wa!). Pte:.;
sent in the interest a the munielpality,
• R., K. Wurtele,. vice-president mid
geheral manager of the GoderiCh. Salt
1.30., said the appeal of his .firm. was
based on different grounds from that
of last year, which had. been diSMiiased
by Judge Costello, who, had reflised to •
,hear evidenceon that occasion ittS to the. '
aSsee$Meirr-of the Gederith Elevator
larnrdetelv.'raannsit. t "00., heldirigh jitat, it was •
It was Claimed by Mr. Wurtele that'•
his firm's assessment this year Was not
equitable, as proved br, the toWn4si-own
figures. He said. the eeppraisement ,
his company's land and buildings, made
by the Sterling Aonraisaf 00., i.
cepted by the municipality, was
$14400. The, assessment wits $8ch000,
or 52.2 per tent, of the value. On .the
other hand,. the value of. the Goderich
-Elevator Ces holdings, inade by the
same • apPraisers, was $714,625,' 'The
Per (TIM It iN.:48 Obv1PuStY no_t,
Eta:lees:If:tent was e$220,000, or -only, $0
Mr. . Kuox—"Are ; 'you appealing
• against- the Elevator's assessment?"Ts*
Mr. Wurtele 'L.-..7•Yee." •• •
It. G. Sandersoe, ssecretary-treaeurer
•of the. ElevatOr Co., said he diet not
come , prepared to defend an appeal
against ,his coenpany'S_assesSinentielte-----1
eauee lie considered that: n.one, had "
been made. ' The procedure* was
regular. In short, there was no.
apT-1.1. Knox said he con.sidere'd
Salt Co.'s ,lettereambignoils
L. E. Dances-, .K.C., •said thewhole
matter -had- been ••threselfeerhift and. de- •
eided by Judge Costello last year. His
Honor had ruled that there "was no
coiriparissan and could eoMpariSote
made of the proPerties of the' Goderiett
Elevator and Goderich 'Salt companies.
What Mr.' Wurtele was asking in ef-
fect, was foy the Court of Revision
to upset the county judge's decision. s
In addition terthis, said Mr. Danceye,
the Court of Revision wes cdiirt to •
hearsevidence from witnesses, expert or
Jack SchWanz, solos by -Miss Pearl 1,ProPert,ies. witnes9ses had, been pro-
Roope tind LAC. Harry
The program included a reading by otherwise, as. to -the valueof respective_
with/ letee, a duced, no 4? Videme eubmitted. Only
monplogue by Rev.A.SISAlecKaYe, and 1 the brief of Mr. Wifrtele had been', sub -
SA mitted. The procedure was .irreguier.
two plays. For the first play,
ing of Judge Costello as. it related ,to
non as bride and grOatie Mrs. E. Adani
Miss Mary Sehwanz tsed Jack "MeKin-
Night's Lodging'," the caSt included • ItIhee lan4t1,tLeere,escmoextrd.tstheo.ffinulde- •
hp& Mr. W. Larder as an aged' COUPle twO eaMPahleS,2:'
In the second play the roles were • This was the only appeal listed and
taken by Mrs W. Roope and Rev. A.' the Collie of Revision unanimouslY car-
ah:timona tttaekrenbelattaeltreilin, ,utth.selactveeeLig :.
Miss I'earl Westlake as epo(r)tis.erghiorllt, "tlihahtet •
Miss It. Arhald and Mrs. F.
as twill:4, Miss G. Worthy as lady was to dismiss the appeal and confirm
doctor,„ Misses Jean Craig and Phyllis •the 1,941 assessment.• ,,.
Allin• as two young- girls, and Mies , •
Maelheye as sister and ,brother, tied. a 121011011, put by the chairnaan,
Allie McGraw as meld. Community TO GIVE "H.M.S. PINAFORE"'
g ram.
g aLseissswa,suiria afeoaHhoiN;iolfstwhac:,ptr:blroe-_..00
Plan's for the Coming Season ' '
derich Music Club. • - '•
Has Ambitious
accomnanist of the evening.
• At 4111.,executive meeting orthe Gode-
..... DOLL RAFFLE_,D, 1• m , -rich Music Club.held this week definite
plan:s were made for the production -of
II. I). Paleex was presented by her as
the prize in a draw conducted e Mrs..
' • • the Ceillseet• and Sullivan operetta
114 111. at her stoie an Saturdae for the 1••II.M.S. Pinafore." The met Will be
composed entirely of loral talent- and
benefit of the Junior Red' Cross. The• , -
tickets were sold by 'Betty Palsy': ahed
Irma"Thomtl••• 'the Prooeeds being $9."- ..Navember 28th is:the date announced =,,c ,
e, the ehorus will Sonsist of, club members.
The whining ticlee, \o 27 wee held by for the vocal -recital to. 114 .ghTn, hY' .
'Mr. A. 'Simpson of the G.C.1. staff, Mrs. Jean, Haig DOney and Dr. 1-U1'3w.
and the doll was presented at the DoiN.-3,- of
, auspices'. - • -
Toroeth un -der the -Club's
11,, 1,n15 tee PIans ha he lieen made far
r Mayor Brown has IS,sued a pro 11111 will include study 'met:tines and many
t ie, coming. seaso.n.4; program, which
day next,. Novemiter 1 1 th , up to 1 .
ation" asking citizen's to qbserve .Tues- pubes seent.„ . .
• The fiext regular meeting or the
o'clock p,m., as a priblit. 11041day ..in Club will he at MacKae Hall on Men- -
-remembrance:et (Mr' heroic dead. . day,' ,Noyember .10th, at 8.30 pen. The'
topic for study ie Frane Schubert.
a and
Miss R. , Aitken will give the paper
FOR MAILING OVERSEAS- and there 'will be piano, Vol. 1
violin illustratione. \lark on. 'Tina- ,
. fore" will be homtnenced. The eom-
, reittee in charge of the meeting' consists
•ifilly a ' few' days are left 'for (tee
af :Airs. A.• Schatz, Mrs. IS' Cranston
mailing. ,of Christmas 'parcels, to the
Mise R„ Aitken. ,
soldiers: ever:seas, if they • are to re-
ceive- them hefore the feetal day.
.eelloolsessembly on, .110nday.
November). 12 and 13 have 1)1(11 set as
he det ell 1 ne 41 lt(h for rhristmas Itop-ortg•from, Alexandra Hospital are
overseas mailing, and:, 4.111 panels that Rev. W. II. Dunbar is making satis-
mailed after these daieq. wili -have to filt.111,iticrst-,. progress in rerilt-teirt(s:Infortofie tate
eident •on Wednesday night of last
week.. Although it was et first thought
foreeS 121. r/1114.11 -Kingdom. The
mailed to' membere of thce tianadian ftti)itiaiti.d11::11
1(,)oXnfle:411i11Z11;e111 1:11;"1•41114.1:'1-1 wac.:
limit fele such panels is cleven pounds fte111,0(1tIfie fien,i4c-eturenn,((11
Whell prepaid, at the special red41t
uced ge:11111aTilleTniel. 6-11fd "
rate of 12 (elite Per nound. 'There is Rev. E. C. Jenninge of • London
a Ms -Ms -pound limit if prepaid at the
t 1114
• .etiiiitg•iluigca rseelrivetiti4;sti Iiitter. '71te. ()IT'
bay is able to resunie his (11111-451-•!c("ctor. .1* 55
take '01111100e of getting there on thee.
IrS1101.11(1 11010(1 that tleetive-pound
limit <lees not apply to delft, parcels
reaselar rate, when the parcel is
sent ite-eare of the l'unUdiun Auxiliary
Services, Dilkie street, 'Chelsea S.W.3.
Lenden, England,
oDnymILLOWS' 1\1T U1 There is a 111111t 0.1 'twenty pounds on
ptirsehs to soldiers 411 Neiv oundlend:: District Deputy Grand tMaster Hine
Oft -Parcelsto, 4oti-soldie'r4 andstaff, fruit' Exeter. Were present
. BerituSe ofrthel necessity to, eon -erre at the regular Meeting of Huron Lodge,
shipping spaeh foiv more urgeut ettp- No. sste, last week to install the
*se, e•___
plies', the Ilritash ppstal atttlioritiest
etiptilate that -cgilt parcels mailed•to
individualin Great Britain hoist eon -
tale only liana fide, uneolicited gifts.
The gross Weight of .sucli • a parcel.
nittst not exceed five pounds, or con-
tain moreehan two pounds of arty one
foodetuff, whether ra.tioned or not: All chaplain, 3 Pinder; It.S.N.G.,
.such pareelg -must Ike clearly marited Bowra ; 'gtowei;
• agifts. di Murney; 3.' 5 W G 11 Iteevem;
R. MeGee; Grahanyf,'
conductor, W. 3. • Ittiddoi-k;
guard, II. Jane; outside guard,
IleNevin. After the meeting refreAh-
Mentavere served and a pleataant,sAtial
hour was bad.,
new offieere„.for 1114.! conting term. The
installations were as follows: ,,Noble•
grau(14...4'. Videan vi',R.-grand, Emer-
son Evans; treasurer, 1). M. Johnstim; •
recording eeeretary, 3., W. Newcombe;'
financial seeretary, W. 4'. Noweotabe;
A: Cornfield warden, C. State
Becatis,e of Its perishable nature, and
the possibility of cat:sing damage to
otiteparcels in the ,tattne bag or mail,
tresit% fruit, including apple, is not 'to,
be accepted for transmission- by mail to
countries) overseas., 4.
• •-•