HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-30, Page 7Hti lit', I1�A'1 ,OCTOBER h,1 41 ^ .
our Chil
1istet� to million% of experienced
mothers and relieve miseries with the
1 MPROVED Vicks treatrrl nt that takes
my 3 minute� and makes good old
Vicks VapoRub give BET1Elt .WM LVER
AT ONCE to bring relief.
*Oa AT oNct
�► ' rimErRATES tet upper
breathing ° p assageS
a with so
othing me
S1IMUUTES chest and
fk back surfaces like a
`a, warming poultice.
" go g#1
MO mins, ,*.
WORKS FOR RIIOURS tOcase Coughs, relieve
muscular soreness or tightness, and
palingreal,honest- to -goodness comfort.
To get this improved treatment .
just massage VapoRub for 3 minutes
ON BACK as well as
throat and chest, For Better Results
then spread thick" . ICK
layer on chest and. ,
cover with warmed IV V*oRuaa -
•cloth. Try its • ,. The Improved. Way
The National Farks of
P 1
, Among Canadaate .greatest tourist at«
tractions are her National Parks, arias
of outstanding ndiala Beauty and interest
which have Iwo, set aside by staattttc
for public use.1 Origiaiall7 establirlaed` •
to maintain the primitive beauty' and •
wonder's of the landscape, 'they are
also conserving; the. natttve• iiw.il.d life'
of the pcouinttry and: preserving sites of
national hi, torie_ mtereSt. As recrea-
tional 'areas,. .too, their value is int
ineasuralile, for they,' Provide, in ideal
surroundings,- une'kivalled Opportunities
for he enjoyment of outdoor life,
Canada's ";rational park system was
instituted. more that,n fifty years ago,
When- a small 'area surrounding hot
itiineral springs at (Banff in ti &`itocky
'Mountains was set ,aside in .1 ars, a
public 'possession., Other additions in
the region formed. the nucleus of the
great chain, of .national playgrounds
which :now stretches across the Domin-
ion from the Atlantic Coast of Nova
Scotia to the Selkirk :. Mountains In,
British Columbia.'
In these areas may be enjoyed the, at*
tractions of, majestic mountain ranges,
snowcapped and festooned with halls-
ing glaciers, beautiful valleys', ; spark
Ding lakes, sandy • beaches; tumbling
streams, green forests, •,and picturesque
stretches by the sea, . A•s wild life
sanctuaries, the national park are also
,Serving as vast outdoor museums,
where the fauna and flora nay be
seen and studied in their natural
The national. parks of Canada repre-
sent a great natural resource which,.
with reasonable care, cannot be de-
pleted :by use. They are also an im-
portant .economic asset in war -time,
t5rillia Packet. and Times,).
Though the practice is , yso general
that it is probably: quite useless . tp
protest, we nevertheless are disposed to
relieve our jarred sisibilities by.enter-
ing ' an objection 'Ito the omission of
'befor,e._-.t.he _-drays._a the Week.
"John Smith shot •Wednesday at the
rifle -ranges." Now John Smith didn't
shoot Wednesday at all; he shot on
Wednesday,Or "Kate, O'Reilly mar
'vied Patrkik Murphy Saturday." Yet
,,tier mime- won't 'bei-aSaturda-y..-_but
Mu.rpiiy. Without the "on"' such' sen-
tences aren't grammar of any kind.
Thehe, ...sehoots- either -.•,won't• -or. sari t ..
train youth in the niceties of speech.
,Home .practice probably predominates.
A counteracting influence that might
splay a considerable part in giving
Character to Canadian speech, and in
redeeming it frond slovenliness, and pro-
testing ittrout. becoming Americanised,
Is tile" Canadian Broadcasting,,Corpors.
- ation. We understand . that there is
a conscious effort in that direction',
,But it. ie disappointing to hear certain
,(„inadian---newscasters •following .the -
fashion .of their cousins aeraststhe
lineand dropping, the ''I” from such
words as hostile and mobile, pro;
,pouncing them •"hostle" and "moble"
-though, it is true'that in one case the
is long and in the other short.
To some these niceties, are incon-
sequential trifles. But there are many
Circles, including business,, in which a
new acquaintance is. to ti considerable
extent judged' and placed.by his speech.
Flowerpot—Flowerpot Island, Georgian: Bay JslandSi
National Park. Ontario, Canada.
Na gging, Drag-giflg
Pains In the Back
Many* women have to do their own •
housework, .and .'the constant bend-
ing over, , lifting, making beds,
sweeping, ironing, sewing, so'neces-
sary- to perform their household
duties puts a heavy strain-, on the
back and kidneys; 'and if there were
no • kidney weakness the back would
be strong.and well, ---
Doan's Kidney Pills help to' give
relief to weak, backache, kidney suf-
fering women. • -
Doan's Kidney Pills are put up�_
in an oblong.grey box with our trade
mark a ‘‘Maple Leaf" on the
wrapper. •
Don 't accept a su"bstitute. Be
sure and et ""Doan's."
The .T.`Silburn Co.,, Ltd., Toronto, Ont.
Net receipts oY the ce t.-0, eiou&.
frolic at glacier r weave *2,047.011.
'Mr. an &
rs. Jo
Itn lle
l of
observed thelifty-sixth
anniversary' of
their wedding last 'wee`k, ,
C. V. 'Pickard haas, .I O appointed
(.Aerie and treasuren erf 'Teeter, in sue-
ees„sion to Joseph Senior, i -signed,.
-C: if (Martin, for, . the, last three
ears .N.R.. statiopuaaastery at Exeter,,
is taking at' similar ,po.sition at liar-
ristone "
Leslie Ritchie 'end Andrew Ciabert
of Ashfield 'report recent visits from
chicken thieves. Each lost, sixty or
more hens.
*fry' Voliand, an, old- resident. of
'Hay- township,. died on October 20th -at
his home= near Dashwood. Ile was In
his eii hty-eeeend year. his 'wife .and
one dvaughter survive. "
Considerable damage was done bY
flre -in the . home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Allen,. •Wroxeter, on Sund,gy.
The Wingham fire brigade was 'Called,
but, by •the time it arrived the fire had
beeen.' got tinder control by a bucket
brigade. I .
The death occurred suddenly en at-.
urday, October 18th, of William John
both from the atandpoint.of the health
of _the-nation_anut, ac an _attraction_ to
American tourists who bring with them-
dollars iuuch needed for Canada's war
purchases in the United States. • It is
estimated that more .than half the
total population of the United States
travel for recreation,
enjoyment each ,pear. Iua vast wave,
they s-liri adover •tile North American
continent, visiting -their own great na-
ticin°al-parkst-• na•tiona -1-moauments,.._an
historic shrines. Many include in their
itinerary the counterpart of „these
Maws of. interest in Canada, --Where
'they are sure .of. a "friendly welcome.
The u,.seftaalness of the national parks•
as pleasure, and health-giv4r g resorts
is becoming more and more recognized..
This, is evident front the rapid growth
in attendance during; •the'last few years.
With a,Dominion=wide system of these
national playgrounds and an ever-grow-
ing volume of - vacationist§ becoming
national park conscious, substantial in-
crew:_ in` the numbers of visitors to
the parks may be expected. in the
--f ti t•u re.
At the United church Alam', Brus-
sels, on Wednesday, .October 15th,
?Mildred. '�e'Gertrude,iouu cis t daughter
• of Mr. and Mrs:. Andrew 3aaeJ iIz was
United in' marriage tir Joint Lawrence,
eldt>o t sou . trf lir. and 5/rs. August
Wheeler'. The Ceremony was Perfoxaue4
by Rev. Chas. wit;., The young
couple will‘ make their, home oab tide
groom's farm on the th , conce0sion of
Grey township.
Pritchard; West Wawanosh, near
•Lueknow. Deceased wan in his seventy-
'eight'h:...yeax,` Ile is' survived ,by his
wife and two sons,. ,Elmo anddJohn, both
At home_' •
The -cleat -sewed at Seafor=th. en
+Friday morning •last of Edith Mae
,Snowden, • wife - of Ei1ward, Mole, .in
her sixty-sixth yead-rH -Deceased had
suffered from arthritis -for twenty -lave
Years. She is suryived by her"1ru:siiand
and three daughters,. Mh§es'Laura and
Vera at home and Mrs. Gordon Milken,
_The interment'was in Ball's
cemetery, near Auburn.
Mrs Henry :Eitlber
Dies at Crediton
Mrs. Bilber, wife of • fleury Either,
fornier lii:P:Tr, for South 'Huron, died
at her home at Crediton on 'Sunday,
in her eighty-fourth year, after an
illness of several .months. Mrs. Either
was formerly 3liss l za'beti rat
-fi'ge , . Tier :parent . being among the
earliest settlers'df the Orediton dist-
trice. She; vas married iii . 1860 to
Mr, Silber, who survives) with one son,
Herbert '1 11ber of Crediton, ane
granddaughter, Mrs. Ward (Fritz,
Zurich, and one great-granddaughter;
The .death occurred at his 'home in
Seaforth on Sunday of 'William Day -
man Butt, la his ninetieth year, .Mr.
Butt farmed in Tnekersnith•for forty-
liveyearsmetiring t
o Seaforth
in 1917. . Hee survived ,h-, his wife
'and four -sons, ..Etgar sand-Tliom.as•,' of
Kippen, -JohnT Allele," . and
y, of -1Seattarth4.... ...... ..r
Flannery --Bannon
The "wedding of DDorothy Josephine,
eldest daughter of Mrs Ellen Bannon
and the late Thomas Bannon, to John.
Francis Flannery. stn of Mr.` and Mrs.
J. J. Flannery, both of Seaferth, was
solemnized by Rev.. T. P. ,Hussey in
St. James'. Catholic church, 'Seaforth, , ST. HEtiE•NS, Oct. 27.—Messrs►. to do good at
on Saturday morning, last. After the Roberrand Frank McQnillin. of Hamil-
.wedding dinner at the `home of 'the.- ton were home, for the week -end. -
bride's mother, 'Mr. and Mrs. Flannery Anniversary Services: -- Successful Knisahen my tea morning,
left on a trip to , ontreal. r anniversary services were;;.heId in the
Fifty Years Ma ed United church'on Sunday,: when Rev. eased t after Chet
Mr. and .Mrs. John „Stone of Wing- W. A. 1Beecroft of Winghaan delivered
ham on --'October -20th celebrated the two stirring addresses: Special music
constipation and I
fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. was provided by the choir,: assistedby
They were married in England and Mrs. J. W. Joynt and Mr. -George-441A-
r�atne to �C'anacla in 1911, and have since of Lueknow. At the morning,, service
lived in Wingham.' Mr. Stone is a a male quartette composed, of Messrs..
veteran of the 'South African, war and W. I. Miller,`(Georae Joynt,• Wm. Ring-
stimulate the organs of
Mrs. Stone'is a native of 'C•ape- Town, ler and 'E's W. Rices .contributed a nuns gentle aCtton 1 Your
South Africa. They have two_ sons, ber anti' in the evening Mrs. Soynt and
Richard. of 'Kincardine, and Arthur, of Miss Belle Robertson of Lucknow fabs- waste.anct poisoanouslmpurat;res,
Wingliam, and four grandchildren. K .sir -ed• -with a ,duet. •
-Park EntranceBuilding and
Information Bureau.
1104.4(1001.4114.0, Oct, 2111.--Itat. J.
!Vrewaribat wives week -lead oast *lith
Aire. 'Hewitt, Mitchell.
Mr. stud Mra, Harold W�
$acr�uip,a�],7� Gwere rpt vi�riturs at rte
The W.X,S, held apt, ihitakiartriag
service on Stindaay' morning Whicif. ^eta
well attended. The satire wrna re-,.
Bred ;by, a iadl& ehoir. Jim (Dr.).
trutliets, returned
China, Was , the spec anal apekker, *IA
delivefett a very interesting addre%s.
A meeting of the lied e. waw
held last Wednesday at she home ' of
I+ilss Acheson.. Two quilts )'w'e're eta.
pleted, and plans were, made for oda-,
ing funds. -A shipment from our local
branch Oda week e011AIStfii of the fol.
lowing: Sias quilts, thirty4'three pairs
of cocas, and sixteen hospital jacket.
AO 'Charles Cudwore, of Manning
Pool, Worunto, called on, friend* here on
,wish to extend. our eongratulaa-
tions' to Sergeant .!iUOt Lloyd Stock. a
member of the recent - graduating sting elan*
at Brandon is.ram., who is the fourths
graduate from ,Olinton• distiiet. Lloyd
is spending a few days' leave with hl
parents, lvir. and Mrs, MM. J. Week.
• A Triiilat iVi 'cut
The;dist Slice o1 goose had been ,
and the minister of the Zion church
looked at, it ,with as keen autlelpation,
ars was di.4playeti is the faces around
" fine moose as T ever saw,
lire Btudder Wiidi€ams;" lie ;said to Ms host.
BLYTH; Oct. 28. ---Rev. J. D Dat S ae a
Streeter, newly -appointed rector of
Anglican parish of Biy^th, Beigrave
and Auburn, conducted the . evening
service in Trinity church,. on Sunday.
Mr.' and •Mrs, W. H. Lyon 'have moved
to Clifford„ where Mr. Lyon has been:
C.N.R. station agent since the closing
of the C.N.R.line to Dlyth. Mr:, Lyon,
is a tember of `the 'Vulaf � OouneII and
has" held tither responsible positions
in church and community.
Mrs. Nellie Leslie has returned from'
Geraldto_he niecehere , who has threent
months withbeen
Miss Margaret S. Fraser, - superin-
tendent of nurses .in the Royal Alex-
andra 'Hospital, Edmonton, was a guest
for as few days at the hone' of R. :B.
McGowan. She is visiting some of
the larger h�pdt�ls in Eastern
ada and the United State.
Mr_, and Mrs. Thomas Coisofif Who
are lea viug,`ilit liet?t township----ta-reaide-
1llyth;•~were'honored•-'at as party...a.t
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac .Rap-
son attended by 150 from the ,com-
"Where did you get such .at line one?
"Well, now,listah Rowley," said
the carver o the goose, it1 a sudden
access of dignity. when - yoh. preaeh. a
special good sernion 1 never axes .you
where yaourgot it, . Seems tome; dot's:a
trivial matter, anyway." "
No Difference
Two men Who had been .bachelor
cronies met .for the �flrst tinge in' ten
Years. • "Tell me, Tom," said one, "did,
you marry :that girt, -tor do ;you still,
"darn. your own socks, and do your own
"Yes,", was Tom's • laconie • reply;
Relief Found at Last
With perfect frankness a woman
.Torres on ent. writes:--- .
"I have suffered from ,constipa-
tion as•long as l can remember, and
taken all sorts of t liinga --'arliicli m
some cases seemed
first, but ' atft"erwa rda to "have no
effect. Then I thought I would try
every in
snd•'I have done so for over, y�•n
I am plsayo
:month I bad no more trouble with
` have felt very
fit.", -(Nits.) G. IVY. -S.
Kruschen helps . to maintain a
condition of - internal cleanliness.
The several salts in Kruschen
to smooth,gene .
system is thus kept clear of clogging
,a, do4 1441
In Toronto -
Make your home
Hotel Waverley
Located on wide Spadina Ave.
at College St.
'Convenient to Highusiss from Porta
Close to EvWything Impartanco
We hit V4p, been -reading a ehapter 0111
b'ook. laid find flese,„instructions;
"You. should lleVet' a member
of pests family without having first 1,
thoroughly washed your hands and
This presents quite a urohlem to the
ordinary man, but',It might he solved
in- this manner:
wAsh pan in his hip poeket: and in her. s'
his vest poi.ket a bottle of 11(1111(1 snap! Moral; ' It's air, 111..wind that blows
and .t 4111;111 thermos, bottle of hot';, nobody good." '
water. The minute' he Opens the front ___
door of his 'home in the ()Vetting, andl "Mamma, theres if man here at the
sees his wife aPproaching with a smite i door . to i,ee you," "Dires he have a
By, tile Hine he ha,s compk4ely put ' ik)1): "Jones tried to beat" a train to
the germs to rbut, his wife -bass become ; the cross'ing." • Gob': -Did he get
discouraged and gohe • baek to the) across?" Bob: "..1No, fiat they're mak-
kitchen„ . . . and he won't have to kiss i ing one for hin'S." — '
Widi lick of your finger
youvanre_gulate the furnace
dampetA from UPStItirS and
keep vont home at an even
temperature. do and night.
Phone for free demonstra-
tiOA of the 'bine coal' Held
Regulator amiss. rl
DE AAFE,,whatever happens! Change now' to 'blue coal. and
forget youir coal worries! For 'blue coal!' is the fuel you CAN,, .
depend on this. winter : : . the trade.marked fuel that *ill.
' hurn steadily and. economically an& give you lon,gclaving
heating comfort day and night, '
Let Us show, you how easy It la to change to 'blue coal' and etOoy Wm
finest standard of heatingsatisfactionyou'veever had. Phone as now.
THE J. .11110TARD COM. CO. •
It's New in StSrling . . with Time -Proven
Chevrolet Quality and Dependability
4- Styled to stay new! 'And built to'give you tb"Xtra; years elf, extra thrifty 4ervice!
That's Cli-Oroletifoi. 19421 From the all-round stand -point of gas, 'oil, time
and upkeep econoiny, it's the most economical 'Of all. poriular low-priced cars!
With its new laearler Stylins iys dresied to keep abreast times
" for -years to come). .4iside 'and oui It's a 'tfiaality job --designed -and
engineered to out-serVe, out -save, out -look and out.last its -entire field! Step
inrand 'eye it, in ou'r sliowroords, Step out and try it, 'on the road ! !
/0 4411 HADOwa4— RADIO'S: MASTER