HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-30, Page 6r't - THE GODERWIT SIGNAL -STAR ClitintSDAY0 ocyroom aotio.641. Repledge for War Sayings rOitT ALBERT PORT ALBERT, Ott. - ne CrawfOrd, wha has lx-Nt'n School tel forttlie paat foam year& 1tajeiintalt ,the R,C.A.F. -and left on Monday a tilts - vomik $or, Brandon, Manitoba: tHe ba e enlisted as a WW1- gation obserVer and we all Wialmifln much luck belie new' enterprlie." *r. end MM. sPeaeS Graham and fanaily.spent last Sunday yielding with, lir. aild Aire. Et/Alton of Belfast. Thousands of wild geese flew, eVer he on iFeidasi and Saturday last. Tey were heading straigheaouth and ileuellad the nerve to land for a person to tTet a shot . at theme 'I'here are several ainall Ilocks around this week. Mr. Jas. Youngeahotaene,.today (Tues- day). The W.M.S. tiaaekaoffering service was - held in, the IA:liked church on Thutadar afternoon° last, with ,a fair at tend aneta, Mrs. Jas. ' MeKenzie Pre' sided. AninterestIn'' e` and. inspiring IsyMrs: Howard Durnin, mi'sioiiir of Kitamat, B.C., which wats ceijoyed by all, Lunch was served by the ladies at the close of the meeting. Pte.% Arthur 'Murray and .Clifford 'Was' a patient for a' leugtay t,...ntoses slides 9u (Aiwa, and ,o,ine of •orawfortl, of the Perth Regiment, have many frissids will be glatl to know. A spial service is to be held the United church next Sunday evening. At time of writing* the special speaker is not known. This. will be followed by a fowl supper in the basement on Tuesday evening. The, R,A,F, will provide the program. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Johnston of Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton of Belfast visited last Thursday with 01011.1.110111MONNummilsrmilift, 0.1011.00000001w `LUCKNOW 'WESTFIELD 4 411.1.1100P. L. licKerrell, a former minister ofi Medd and Miss Josie Medd, of Lendon Lueknow Presbyterian elentath, latterly and Mrs. J. W. Humphrey of Chatham orNiagara-onatheTqake. reririug gueata-en Futesday at- the...home LITOICsTOW, ()et, Dr. II. T. sWESTFIELI„), Oet. the 'activeffnainistry on account of fail- 'of Mr, and Nits, - The inemberS of the Mkstilon 'Circle Mies - ePlwr$bn'. has. re- met at the home of Miss' •Clarts Me - turned to her "home here from St. Gowan on Friday even•ing and enjoyed - h's lios ital.' London where she a social Wile. M.iss MeG.ow4a.'-alse pewd with' a, •broken „ . .,- her ,Ohire curios.," 'Lunch was .servee arrived safely in En,Fland,' as ...91heir ,John liactIeeelie has . gone to. ley Mildred Thornton •and Tinaralns, where he is employed Lu, the The natieting closed witn the Mizpah Mantsre benedictiors' . Mrs. E. N. Hong:ins- has -gone to Mr. and Mrs. J. Osillagther a :Gotie- iihmittou - to spend the winter with rieh visited reeently at the • home- of her daughter, airs. ,Glen Moore, and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell. Mr. Moore. Mr. and. Mrs. W. F. Campbell and • - Pell° Virua front Flics.-Tlia t the „.Miss Whinifred ViSited on Friday with infantile paralysis viras has re- Mrs. Bell. Medd of London. • covered from flies IS a discovery that Mr. and Mrs: Wesley Stackhouse and - is of 'particular interest in this vicin- ity, where a month ago there were three deaths -resulting free). the ..ePi- . dernie. Dr. W. • V. Johnston rewived the word of the. discovery from Dr. J: Oraigie of Comraught 'Laboratories. Miss Eva, .ef Brueefield, were guests Mrs. *. Wm. Melaowell. , Ohas. rraWford. , Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Snell of Hullett Fowl Supper and Conceit. -A fowl township visited in Westfield on Sun- supper will be served: in the basement of the United church' on Tuesday even- ing, Noveniber 4th, from 6 te 8 o'clock, to be follOWed-by a, concert by -the RA, F. ..-Sdmission We. and 3. • on Sunday at the hOme of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. R. Reed and tr. and Mrs. ay. The mcovery-of -the, virus from ilies Mit. and Mrs. Norman Radford and has just been successfully achieved by fainily -visited with Mr. and Mr& an ,American doctor and the fact re- Percy Gibbing of Clinton.* ported at a. meeting of the American Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell, Lois • Public Health Association. After the. and Laurence 'visited on Sunday with - epidemic. here, Dr. W. N. Turpa the Provincial TDepartinent of Health and Dr. Johnston decided to tarry out reSea.rch work with flies and faeces. Sinee then 'has come the announcement from across e border. referred to -Percy Gibb-inriersthe summer.- - above., - The -outcome of tests being Mr. and Mrit. James McGill, Misses - -Made at Teroiato, is awaited veith inter- Kathleeii and Ilelen, of Clinton, visited .egt, altheugh it will be several weeks on Sunday with Mr. and • Mrs. Jack before r&ults, negatiVe or Positive, are Buchanan. 0 achieved'. To eliminate the fly menace Mr. fieslie Buchanan has frequently in the villa.geias much as. possible, the seen a number of deer as he as going to Council has decided to have a munici- and from work at Auburn. pal garbage collection "Systeni. - Mrs. J. McBrien, of Goderich, and Death ofDr. G. A. Nenten.-The Mrs. Ed, Kurschenski, and ehildren, of death occurred at his home here, on Detroit, visited on Saturday with Mrs. Monday afternoon, Oetober 2gth, Of a Gordon Snell. - prominent,citizen of the- village in the person of Dr. G. A. Newton, in his eighty-setenth year. For the past few years 415r. Newton had beOit itttailtag •-healthand for some Months had been confined to his bed. The day previous to his death he suffered a stroke. Until he was over eighty years of age' he Mrs, Thomas Harvey of Exeter. Mr. and-- M rs: Elwin Taylor were St. Helens visitors on SundaY. Mr, James Walsh returned home ou Sunday after being einployed. by Mr. practised dentistry in tbe village. Dur - Ing his `*lif4time Dr. „Newton Was actively associated with the Methodist ',church, which later-became:the United. . church, and it van be said there was no more earnest or, enthusiastic church worker, or one who spent more liberally a bus» time , and talent in any cause affecting mental- or spiritual. welfare. He was a pleasant, witty and well-in- formed speaker anaawae much in de- mand, in .that capaelly. Born near Port Hope, he taught acheol in Millet , township. before entering dental col- lese and he came to Lucknow in 1893 " to begin his practice. .Besides his e, who was f-ormerly, MISS Edith Snlith, three sons by his • first marriage' also surviie, Dr. Alfred +Newton, of Reed City, Mich., John- orOtbwa, and Har- old. of Toronto.' The funeral, was' held on Wednesday, with interment in . Greenhill cemetery. Services Were conducted by _Rev. J. W. Stewart. KELP THE RED -CROSS Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cainpbell . on. Sunday were Mr: and Mrs. Barney Davis of Stratfor,d, Mrs. San Harrison -and•Mr. --H. Young of Goderich. PORT ALBERT Doctor's Office at Dashwood Robbed Stranger Sulpties Till' 4114 Gets Away Before Theft Pisccovered DAKIWO01:),'•'-0.et. 27.1-A• middle- , . aged, well-dressed et5tranener :Who. hiteh- OWAR1011 11,43. WORKERS I Unemployment Insurance Commission AT SOUTH IIURON RALLY Irterelitjug AdtireaS On Alaateabla Given Letters of enquiry indliate that Te-- and the worker. The law xetqntirest the ' by , Fernaer Resident of ,c,-Whatof ,gional\olheials of the Unemployment emPloYer to 4 X in hes welters books ce tile equintry , Insurance tCOmuilssion are 'encountethe omet number of etanall r; „The, fall rally of the Home end In a good deal of misunderstandin ' a requAred denominations to cover their J..-Elte School, Olubs of,,.§4ntb. 'Huron, was held among workers and employers ioint eontributiotas everypayday 1 n a- illoGralul, 'Rend Bieht)01 on lki=day evens gaPd te- the proper functions og the will °duet tile w"kera, ' slitare3 fr"1 their wage% - The [hooks ' provide a ing, oe.tober 2701,, .teho.nbe,„.,,,,eas ,..,a work,kst insuranee books and stanaps. ' simple, aocurate record, vvhich in- eplendid attendance of • 111onte and In an effort to clear up these dif. vectors and workers alike may .eheck School members from, Centralia, Ship- Acuities, loeally at least; Mr. R. IN. easily and quickly, Watt, Manager of the fliploynaent and 'Claims Once, 'gave the following state. Should the worker be laid off, or for molt to Tii,t,, signairstar : ,„ . any ,reason quit his job, the employer is The insuranee books: and stamPa Pre- required to make WS halal entry Of vide a almele, „inexpensive means of etainps and to give the book to ,,the keeping records of tontributions madti' worker without delay. , The' worker to the insurance fund by belt eni- has'the rigiat to examine his, book at; intervals that are mutually convenient • "PloYers and workers. They, are sup- meut Insurance VoMmission and the should check it ear,efullY when quitting - to hIpaself aed his eraployer and he ,Plied to employers by the Vuemploy- -hiked a ride to tbls village looted the ka, -13 line, Grand Rend and Victoria ASIWIELD .-ASHFIEL,11, -three children,. of ,1Saskatchewan, are visiting the former's brother, Mr. Ewart Jamieson. - 'Pres •Muurice-Bowler-was --home--for- the week -end. Born. --On October 23, in Strathroy Hospital, to Jessie 'MaeRae,- wife of LAC. .William 3Fenety, a daughter. The Mary 'Hardie Mission 'Band will Meet On Saturday atsthe home of Mrs. . PORT . ALBERT,. Oct. -427.-Rev. Walter Haw-kins 'and datighter. paid a, visit with his sisters, Mrs. Grey and Miss Tena Hawkins, here last week. Mrs. Roy Petrie, is spending a two - weeks' holiday with her daughter and soil -II -law in *Detroit. Woodro4 Hoy, Mrs. Hoy and Mr. Marshall of London spent the week -end here. • A number from here expect to at- tend the banquet of the Bruce Deanery Russell Bisa,ett. ' . Miss Sadie . Johnston sof WinghaniR spent the weasend with her sister, Miss Mayn't* Johnston. Dr. Frank S. Mackenzie of 'Montreal visited relatives here last week. Dr. Johnston of Lueknow gave the ,2serums. for , diphtheria' and whooping cough to the Ashfield children m Kin - tail school on Tuesday: Rev..J• B. Rhodes,. of PrInce Edward Island, will preach In Ashfield Pres- byte.rian chureh next Sunday, Novem- ber 2. He is a candidate for the vacancy. Mr. Alfred Graham, of Vancouver, R..ct., -who hass_been_spending the past two months in Sarnia . and Niagara Falls visiting friends and relatives, spent a, few days" last week at the home of_31r. and Mrs. P4in Miiedhald. -The ladies of St. Jo.seph's parish, Kingsbridge, have bought the material for and made up seven quilts which they have donated to the war victims of Britain:. .... , . , at Kineardine -en 'Wednesday of this PRESENT SCHOOL YEAR -431r. Mervin Hodge issputtibg in an week. . , engine at his mill s, so he will be all • • SHORTEST POSSIBLE ready when water is low.. . Wild geese and ducks are 'scarce around here this fall. Most of them have -kept on going south- Mush safer for them around jack +Miner's. --c'.• • , Lots, of folks are worrying.over what the -Worlds is Coming to., we just hope: its really coming to! ' , A 'Help to Those-- Who , Are Past -Middle Age When men and wonien gal:last middle age their 'energy and utility, in many, instances, begin to de- " cline, and their -general -vitality is on..the wane, ^Little ailments and sicknesses seem harder to shake off than formerly, and, here and there, evidences of a breakdown .begin to APPI=ez.• Now is the time tliose wishing to lielp maintain their health and vigour should take a winse. of bililburnss Health and Nerve Pills. ' They-IeTpatone up' andinVigetatetheepatilaut by their tonie Utica ein Price 60e abox, 66 pills, at a dreg counter, Look -tor our trade mark a "Red Heart" on pacicage. 9 Tao T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. One. - ., Calendar Gilles Pupils;Extra Holidays Compared vvith Last Year The calendar for the schools Year ending June 26, 12; gives the -greatest possible number of school holidays and ,makes the school. year thie shortest possibLe under present regnlations of tbe Liepartment of Education, - The first "break" comes with Christ- .mas on, Thursday.. Because of this the holiday period commences Deseraber. 20, the last Satufday before Ohristiaas Day. New 'Year's falling on a Thurs- day gives die pupils a holiday until January 5. ' 'The Easter vacation is the' same lebgth as 1at yar beginning April 3' and ending April 12, Deprived of a holiday this year with May 24 Ott a aehoel; Getlerleh, and a hearty weleome' till in Dr. H. (Ace at noon • wa's -extended, to all b he president today' of slightly 'over 4400 in vash ' • • k Mre. Wolper. - , then hired local )tuan to drive him out Reports of the year'e .work were ok reach of- the polka taaireh that re- given by the secretaries, LayetteS suited. • were eontribet0 ifcaei British ba,hies, A widespread search of the distriet and .a large amount of 11rtAS done was in progress through the afternoen Jolt: tia4 local 'Rod Cross societies. Many :tad 4,,tvening with CatentratelaProvieatial line speakers were heltra (Wring the police joining, in the hunt„ ;year "on topies of special interest to It was about noon that a stranger parents andteachers, and tilmugh t,he walked, into 1)r. `Taylor's -.Olt*. The Ombined efeettS and interest -of. the doctor was away, but the mon sought IHOrhe -and. Kellool members all the an appeintment froin the office assisa. in Stephen toWnehiP received stutssMiS sl,toms--Ailsient•bers Then said limoidhand-serum.,for--tinnithlit-37 ag he Would wait for the doctor's reture. diphtheria, and scarlet fever: . Miss Guenther was forced to go for 1.1!he guest speaker was Mrs. fa'rieves. a few moments, to 'the private hospital of Grand Bend, Who spent tyvelve operated by Dr. Taylor in the same years in Australia. ,S -11-e 'contrasted ballaing. On heir reture. to the office teaching -,inethOds in Australia , and she ,saw the stranger b. the dispensary Canada and told of at Very fine sehool and inum.-diately ordered him front the where there are; special elassst for otlice. Ile went, . , blind and deaf pupils, Summer Mai-- - Till gniptied , 'days begin Deeember and continue ft was only 'after he had left that until .February, and When school eloses there is a special progtam,.. Four of the assistant checked' the till and found the blind pupils and _four of the deaf the contente gone,. On Dr. rlavlor pupils come to the platform, and are- retUrn cheek -up was made, revealing given a question in arithmetic. The that between' $100 and $1a), the amount ,deaf pupils do lt on the blackboard not immediately determinable, Was stolen. Stamps inlay he purchased from. post- his JQ'h' - wWsselialks the blind pupils do it in Braille, and they often finish lirst. • ..A4.ut horities learned tha Lithe stranger had been. driven into-DashWood by a .Dashwoott• couple with whom lie had - hitchhiked a ride on No. 83 highway from neat Exeter. They also found later that a man of similar description had. hired Rheinheld Willett, local man, to dthe-him-to- Exeter and on reaching there re -hired him to drive him to Lucan. Authorities ,believe he had spent a cduple of hours in. the local hotel prior to going tos the -doctor's offiee. They were told he left the car That, drove -kilns -from- 'Dashwoo,d-s-at a hotel in Luean. There his trail was lost. Local Constable Charles Steinhagen and • COinitY- ;MnStirafe Wrguson, 'of Exeter, are in. charge of the inveatiga- flan and broadcast a description, of the wanted man to police of6this area. The stranger Was. described a§ a,. tall man of middle age with graying hale, He Was well dressed in a blue suit- and gray hat. CARLOW , CARLOW, Oct. n8. -The first snow of the season came this (Tuesday) mornings The farmers are'hoping- for some warm, dry wtqffier, -as-there- is -some outside work yet to be done. Mrs. W. iDoek of Goderich spent ;Aunday' with her mother, Mrs. Robert Bean, sr. The Red Cress: held a -quilting bee at Mrs. Wm. Marsh's home on Wednesday. The memberS made one quilt, •while some knit. At the close ,a 10 -cent tea •was „served by the 'hostess and her daughter, Mrs. 'Mel. Bell, Goderich. There were. about twenty present. • •Phe many friends of -mrs. Bean, sr., are pleased to know she is able" to be uP and around her haiuse again. The sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper were observed on Sun- day in the United church, e Rev. Gor- don. Hazlewood ., was -In charge. Elizabeth Agnes' Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William' J. Clark, and Hilton Lawrenee Wilson, S01,1 of ,Mr. and !Mrs,. Iflomas H: Wilson, were the infants baptized. Mr. Hazlewood took ashis text Matthew '26 !28 -Christ knew what was before HIM, yet He took theacup and gave thariks." - There wasa good congregation. u• .. Mr. Frank Young ife busy picking apples, which are a fairly good crop and of- a fine quality. Mr. Elisha Townsend of Montreal visited his aunt;-'31ra. John -A. Youtig, and familyanat week. Mise, Annie Walter 4s viRiting her brother, Mr. W. W. Walter, and Mrs. Walter. (Intended for last welela) • • CARLOW, Oct. 22.-2-'WOrd has been received by relatives that Mrs. John Young! formerly Miss Mary Sallows, Saturday, -schodt_ children next y*ar se1i known in this district; is 'very ill will have a holiday on, May 2.1, the cora- and in the-116.01bl- lit7Islay; Alberta: memoration of the day which In 1942 Her many friends hope for a speedy - is on a unday. The' slimmer vacation . recovery.' * . will hefrom Jnn T septeraber 71 „i_The'7'neighbors _.of . Mr. James Fel,gan,. inclusive. • Thisterm youngsters re- who his been confined to bed for tiEe turned to c!assr?oras on Seinember 2. "last two weeks, met lately, and taek_np ,$o the man who piUs the dates: off -the his potatoes -7 5 nags, an exceptionallY- calendare gave extra holidaysat every good crop. They also got the.buzz-savr eorturiky 'fbie praeent sehool year. going and cut tip. a ,supply of wood. *iv offices by employers helding neeesaary if 'the wOrker is going tp a new Permit's.; - • job, be shotild depcaait' his beak With Dyery worker -upon entering insur- nevi' employer at onee and -the latteri, able employment is assigned, an-lasur- eantinue the 'record of contribu- awe book by his employereaThels book tions in the same book, , An employer vvill bear a number -Which will s 0+1110711"-orissrle-a7new-boolg- designate that worker throughout his worker -who has been Anstired. em - Working lifetime, The _envloyer ploymetit elsewnere., detach the front cover from the boek, Severe penaltieS are provided- in the All in OW' information required, And for. ket: for any wilful or fraudulent misuse ward it to. the UnemPloyment Insur„ of an Insurance book -However, tlie ance.°Commiasioa, The .booka are de. regniationS respecting the use -of • the signed to. over a year's • records and books are easily followed and if this, are renewable 'onlysonce a year. If is done the system will not. be lahrden- one is lost or mislaid it may be re- some, placed upon the person responsible tak- ing it declaration and paying a fee of $1,00. -It-is-important that this, be done as soon as the losS, is discovered. The books are not .transferable. The stamps are issued in convenient denominations to cover the joint daily Mrs Grieves showed mans beautiful1 or weekly eontributions a the empleYei Pictures of the tree -r flowers; biriisi and animals of Australia and answered 'a number of questiana about the cliMate and general conditions. "The.people of Australia," said the speaker, -are in - ' tensely patriotic; °the men make SpienclId'§oldienS, and everybo'cluis-d- ing his "'utmost to help win, the -war." Mrs. Peewarden of -Centralia, who is the organizer foreSouth Huron, was the preaidine officer, and said she would be glad to hear of any senool. seltioir: where-- Ther woure'Ve" inter? ested ina hearing about Home and School work, and woeld do all she could to 0110 p, them. • A. TOlor *Of GoderiCh: member of the Ontario Federation executive, congratulated the members' -on the splendid work they had done aleng "health lines during the year, and urged them to continue to create publie opin- ion in, favor of all latter& that would . lie of benefit to,the community. .A piano dnet-lry arra Peuwarden arid Mrs. Essery of ,Centralia, aid a vectil solo by Miss E. -Hume of Goderich„lac- eomparded. -by Mrs: R. Wilson, were Much -enjoyed. Refreshments were served by the Grand Bend ladles and an enjoyable meeting, wa.s brgught to a trOse "with the -singing or the National Anthem. Those present from, Goderich were Mrs. G. ISandersen, Mrs. G. Buechler, Mrs. R. Wilson, Miss E. Heine, Mrs. A. Taylor and Mr. R. Stonehouse. • aineaexample of kindness. , Miss Marion . G. Johnston, •eldest daughter of Alex. Y. Johnston of Van- couver, her cousin, Miss Catherine MaeKenzie, and Mrs. Win. McKenzie, of Lucknow, and Mrs. MacLeod, of Vancouver, ealled On relatives in, this district on Saturday. Mrs. W. H. Reed and Ruth, of Goderich, -visited her .aunt on Saturday. - W.M.S. Meets. -The met' at the home of Mrs: David Bean on Fri- day, October 17th. Mrs. fitev.Y4 G. tiazlewood was- in charge. • The the,me was "We live by faith in God the* Father," and the statement of faith was read by the leader. The Scripture lesson was read in unison, follo-wed by prayer. Miss 'Ruby Young gave a reports of the recent sectional. meet- ing at Holmesville. IMrs. Clark read an, article abont,Pastor Niemonller of -Germ'any, .who has endured all kinds_of hardship -and lost everything .but his faith in God.' He iwiebsis a ,strong and uplifting influence on the °thee prison- ersain the Gelanae concen tration camp, but his eyesight and health -are fail- ing. Mrs. -Marsh gave - a reading on "What My Fait)? ,me.a.na to Me." Little Bernice Bean took 11P 'the collection. The meeting closed with the benedic- tion. The haatess served refreshments and a. social hour was spent. The next meeting is at Mrs. • • ."What is your on going, to be when ,t)1,, finishes hk), education?" "By the looks .of things he'll be an Octogenar- ian." aa Everybody's idea of a good -time is somebody's idea af a -bad time. 11 . , et - e ore' 6ehiotti or& first Icedes.,,p04, 17/0 °1 mate oler seitirers4 ea/7'kt: sprier's iota life 484 acts" ice soot iet. bro. GODER SHARE' - Universal Carrier a Month For the Du' ration—Only a Small Part Subscribed! N TAE NATIONAL Mooch the; Ail -Out Support of Evoty CitizonU • With oneweek Aft:44 gone, 004?.411 "nalt '* of our objective in the National War .eapous Drive has been subscribed. Let's get gong. Remember, our. community hai COM: mitie4 tse1f to meet our object** e each month for the eduratiot'• clo this,:pverybfKly Evet71104 can ,4Y bnYin'g War -Savings Cettifiratela. Thiy are within the teach: of a11. We must get busy, Let's rn'akt the objective. for our community a reality. Pugh the gale of War Savings Certificatei. ialerever and whenever you can. DRI Chairman, R. C. 'Whiteley; House' Colmnittee, fl E (vittepheit, 1). 1). Mooney Industrial, W. (.1, Attridge; Publicity, A. Wilkes - Doub e Your Pled e to Buy WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES REGULARLY s,a 6,211C Or Something Magistrate -The defendant swears lie was perfectly sober, Policeman -elle was absolutely in- toileated. ' If, he had been perfectly. sober he .would have known he was drunk and not made. a diaturbance. No Medicine Ever jlerped Me, Like Syntona Did, He $ays Says It° Mai; the Only Thing That Gave Relief Prom Itching, Burning Eczema- on Jilands,and Face.„...„Algo„Suffered. -With. -Stomach Gas, •Acidity. Dizzy Spells. and Headaches. -No, Medi:eine Ever Helped:lie Thegreat popularity of 'Syntona is not surprising, for this medicine actu- ally does give wonderful results. as vouched for by :the many local- men and Wo111011 who -have used it. Com- pounded from no less than a2 .of Na - tare's aFitieat Medicinal Herbs, Roots and Marks, Syntonti U. Safe -tonic, for the whele.fainily •at this season. It is pleasant to take and omany say:that even after the lirsafew daYSt. the Whole system takes on a new feeling of energy and vigoi. Today we quote the ex- periente of 'Mt. John E. --Nicholson, 312' Dundas street, :Ldndon, as repelled. recently: ' "For more than ten years I was troubled with acid indigestion, gastritis and . biliousness. I was subject. to throbbing, - blinding headaches and dizzy spells. itching, burning ecz,eina would, break out on my bands and:face and I tried all kinds of ointment and Medieine but couldn't get rid of it. My condition kept me awake nights, so I became'very nervaus and irritable. "A friend advised, the to try Syntona, but I had been disappointed in 4(0:any medicines that -I didn't think it would; help me. 'Finally, however, when I had a -particularly bad spell, I made 'up my mind -to take Syntona, and I am sorely glad did, It rid me of that- indigestion, biliousness and - heade aches. Then my nerves became re- laxek and 1 began to get tnY' proper sleee't Soon; I found the eczema was subsiding and -ray coinialexion began'to dear. Now amfeeling just fine Ohm FUNERAL SERVICE (Established 1875) ; TRADITIONAL° SINCERITY AND _ EXPERlDENCE Ptot-pt Ambulance Service. Pirn .A.FLOYD "M.L0De 19 E> 'rector a•• Cunningham At. Pryde • EXETER and SEIF011,TII ,We invite yon to inspect our stock of „ Cemetery Memorials All enquiries will be promptly attended to; EXETER -Phone 41 MR; JOHN NliC01101SON more. think it is just wonderful the' way Syntonti*has helped me, and I am only too glad babe able to recommend. it to aeS.One who'is, troubled similarly."' Go to tampbeIrs Drug Store, Crode.- rich, and find out =how- Syntona can help you, too: . ameeeleamemelesas °Funeral Director .ind, Embalmer An calls ‘promptly attended...to' day Or night --AMBULANCE SERVICE -,- Phones: 'Store 331 Res. 355W. Hamilton Stregt, Goderich The Cranston Fimeial Horne, a 'Complete .Service-iit Reasonable Prices ' , PROMPT INVALID CAR SERVICE No extra charge, for the use of • • owmodernHome: 17' Montreal St. Phone 399 saill.11111111111111111111111111111111011111111111.1Ralk Monuments! TO those contemplating build- ing aa Monument. Get MY - Anima beffore buying.. CemeterS Lettering a 6pecia1ty. All wOrir guaranteed: JOHN. GRANT CLINTONMARBLE & GRANITE MOMS Clinton Ontario Successor too Ball & Zapfe . DEAD or SDiS A1314 P Quickly, removed ixt Clean Sanitary Trucks'. Phone collect. r 21 Clintow.214 Stratford ', or IngerSoll 21 William Stone Sons Limited Feel Chilly."... - Start to Sneeze, , Nose Starts to Run . , Then comes the cold which, if not. attended to immediately, shortly. works down into the brOnsibial tubes,_ and the cough state. OA the first argil of a eold or cough go to,any drug onnteo, and get a bottle. of Dr. ,Wtx)(1's Norway Pine tilyru_of p. You will tend to,be prompt, pleasant and reliable remedy to help you get rid ymir trouble. It has' been on 'the market for the past 48 years. Don't experiment With a Substitute and be disappointe(1-ge.0‘nr. Wood'ao. 'Wee 85e a bottle; the large family kittef about timeta much, 60e. ' • ,Look for the trade mark 4% Pine Tram," • „.• - 'Mc T. kalbtim Co., t,Too, Oat, . I r