HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-30, Page 5`I?iillRSTIAY, tOICVOADER ;till, 15111
AtKingsbride Rat .t�X p+�py
MONDAY, NOV., 3rd'
6.30 to 8,30 "
. ^ .., Rto 1 'torn dancing
ROY Mac�I�F`N'17�7lE � oRlClfi`l7Sk'P A .,, play
after &vilifier
ADMISSION 50c, Children 25c
BAXPIELD Oct. 28.--•-•\2rs, .Lowe, sr,,.. 'troducecl: •, °sir:. 31eOlearY took 'for the
and 3trs. Lowe,jr., of port Dover,' are
the guests Qf the former's aunt, Mrs.
Eliza Toms.
Dr. and Mrs. E. P. 'Lewis of Toronto
were the guests of Mrs. N. W. `Woods
over the week -end. Miss Lucy Woods,
who had been eisiting them in T.orontd
for the .past• two .weeks, returned .home
'with them.
• Mi•s..R. J. Watson and son Edwards,
who were visiting her mother, Mrs. F.
A. Edwards, the last few months; left
on Friday last ,for hetihome in Neudorf;
Mr. and Mrs. nErnest Kendall and
small daughter, of Elmira, and Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Ydth and son Ronald, of
Caledonia, were week -end guests with
Mr, and Mrs. W, R. ,Jowett.
Rev. J. Graham was in Loudon on
Tuesday attending the meeting of the`
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scotchmer and
., babe,. -of .Toron.te,...lvere tte§ts •,qf _NIr,
and Mrs. Robert. +Scotel er over the
week -end. _
Preserttatilop.-On ;Friday evening
-fast members oT St72tild'tew''s-United
church gathered in the basement to
honor their pastor, Rev. -H. (Currie, and
his bride. After . the reception, during
Which Sirs. Currie was introduced to
each member, a short musical program
*as held, followed by games. Before
refreshments were . served, Mr.
Campbell read an address 'anis. 'Bier
A. M, Stirling and iMrse L. Makins j -
rented Mr. and Mrs.• Currie with • a
writing desk on 'behalf of the congrega-
tion. Mr. Currie expressed their
thanks -in a •fitting reply:-•
DeatCi `tff"11'Irg.'" 1leale ttegteret-
•Logan, 'wife of the late Samuel Cleftve,
died October -21st at the home of her'
son Paul Cleave, in hes g4th year. Sur -
the lantern, Mr. McClearyr' showed
vivinl; are one daughter, Mrs. Joe scenes in Westminster Abbey, old Lqn-
Ginberich of `Badage, Mich.; and two
don and Coven,ry, before attii.r#tfter the.
• seats,. Charles Cleave of Kaslo, )3,C,, „ eenbs'.: had fallen. • ,He also''` showed
and Pant :Cleave, 'I31ue Water highway.):.
.moving pictures of the evacuation of
'Iun erq
;tie_ and the ; retreat of :the
French army. " The meeting closed with
the hymn "Blest be 'tate tie that binds,
text' of his address thereply received
by the office in Toronto to a cable of
inquiry for the welfare of the Head-
quarters in lLondon,•• England, '' aftee
a recent "blitz"—"Nevertheless, • we
stand." -Ile ,pointekout that the Bible
Society was organized in .1:a04a'ixi the_,'
years of the' wear with Napoleon, when
the price of a Bible was a load of hay.
'One million copies were' -deemed Suf-
ficient then to carry on the work. To-
day, one million copies are distributed
every month. Ino Canada alone 11,1
languages. are spoken{. A meeting of
the Bible Society= •was held in it 'little
Place near Kirkland Lake; six people
attended and they each, spoke a differ-
ent language. , Twenty thousand ref-
ugees have :cothe to Canada and the
Bible Society follows them: 240,000
cepies'of t:he'.New Testament have been
distributed to .soldiers alone. The;
speaker said that ,Ritlerisin Would net
be wiped out with bombs an battle-
ships. The idea will ppersisteend can
be overcome only by Ohristianity. He
told ,the story of a coiporteur in India
wlto old the reespel of John to.,a, f ane-
er for four eggs. A few days later, the
farmer came to the eolporteur to' pay
for the book•; the eggs had been bad.
Forty-three fires were started in the
British = and • Foreign Bible Society
House in .London, England ; 279 per-
son$, lead been killed or injured and
damage to material_ amounted to
$100;000, but there was no spiritual
blackout. 'Bibles are still being sent
out to every .country except Russia.
In 19'0 the increase . in Finland was
500 per cent. The.elistribution: in Ger-
many, Austria and Italy had been
steers :'-,- mese eI ' ` ecore iiiow wer
ing ri n the Burma road. With the
help df Rev. J. Graham, who operated
$ayfield; • also` one • •brother, 'Charles
'Logan, Trout Lake, 314th., seven grand-
children and five great-grande-hildren.
Margaret 'Logan was born in Bayfield the benediction pronounced by Rev. H.
in the year -1,18r$8, a daughter of the ,Currie and the National Anthem.Mrs.
• late William and Jane Lown, natives aciilchmer presided' at the ISiano. A
of Scotland.After her marriageto hearty vote of thanks, moved by Coli'it-
+Samuel Cleave she lived on the farm
on the Saubie line now owned by her '.Campbell and secondecp by Mrs. N. W.
son Puul. In 1914 lir. and Mrs. Cleave Woods, e was tendered the speaker for
moved to the new home whiel'•they had his excellent address.
built on 'Louisa ...street, Has'Aelaa... re- t .
Cleave predeceased• has wife :in?'Meech. ; ASI FIELD
1101.. Until within four -months ago.
when she was taken ill, Mrs. 'Cleave
was quite active and tee& a liver inter-
. W ilds of Ripley is visiting at the home
est in her home and friends. , She wa ,sof her:parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Wilds.
a member ofe St. Andrews 'United` t :.
chua:c.h• The"" funeral was 'held on' Messrs• Frank and Ambrose Hogan
U •
friends here one tray last week. i The Y.P.S. are letolding a. HalloWe en
Mrs. Long held •a successful sale last' so'ciai in 4he hall on Friday evening.
Thursday: We are glad to know 3frs. Everyone welcogtie.• 4 - '
L'on, and Jean are remaining on 'the \ar,, and Mrs. Thos. • Glazier and
A4131FIELD, Oct. ..29.—\iii Doris
Friday 'from St. Andrew's church,
Rev. Harold Currie officiating. The
pallbearers. were Thomas. Snowden;
Robert Seotchmer,Walter Wallis, A.
E. Erwin, George 'Fliiott and Fred4
'Watson. Interment ., was in dl,Iayfleld
cemetery. s.
Sib1i Society Meeting. --The annual
Meeting of the Bayfield branch of the
Upper Canada 'Bible Society Was'hell
in the Town Mall on Monday evening,.
October 27th. The president,. A, E.
Erwin, was • chaitih'an. Mr. Colin
('atupl)elpresided for the election of
officers. which resulted in Mr. Erw4i
ee etnetted•- t�s`- o•fliee as-.-presid&
• on the motion of Miss J. Stirling, see-
+otdded by Mrs. N. W. Woods, and 31Iss
Lucy Woods as Secretary treasurer, ofr
motion of Mrs. D. MacKenzie, 5e[ond(M1
by Mrs. R. H. .F. Gairdner. The speak-
er. Rev.' Wm McCleary, was then in -
'Starting next Monday it is hoped
enough' . energy can be Injected into the
War Savings. Campaign ' to .finish it in one
week. If during that time the town has
not been completely canvassed, the
campaign will of course be •continued until
every citizen has been given an opportunity
to ; assist in buying a Universal Carrier
every month..
We must •not forget that our jobs,
our homes, our' country, our personal, our
religious and political freedom are in
jeopardy. ° -
Paying $5,000 for a Universal 'Carrier.
every month will convince the boys in the
that theyhave . not been for-
armed forces
btten bytheir friends "back home." + We
are all in this fight for freedom,: and We -
the home front are safe'for the present.
That safety demands : that we-- provrd~---
every: possible• safety for our Soldiers, our
Sailors and'our Airmen who are'subjected
to the hazards of war.
- _ ..
Of course the demands upon our
resources Are heavy, but compare them
:With those . of the people u the conquered
countries and mote the difference.
The town is being divided into
sections. and citizens are reminded that the
canvassers _ Are not gettting - .anything for
the` time they are devoting to the effort.
Encourage r these workers by . doing your,
MAFEKIN'G. Oct. ` 9. -Nor. and 'Airs.
('_'harles Pearce of 'Clinton, Mr. and Mrs,
Sidney' Brown of Crediton and• Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Hodgins of Culross visited
on Sunday at the home of Mr. and
`1` A (Jerson
f amilton called on shine of the r o % rs.
farm. • ,.'�_fafitily are moving -this week to their
� home in • Guelph.
Mr. J. K MacDonald of I.ueknow new
called on friends here -last week. Mr, and firs.- 3arvey-:•\.nderson and,
Mr: and Mrs. Bobo of Detroit visited Marilyn :pent the week -end with Mrs.
with -the latter's sister; Mrs. Will Mac- •
Donald. - •
Mr. and Mrs. Waggetier of Detroit
visited with' Mr. and Mrs. John Cowan
and other relative, here overthe
s i eeleend.
•g are. due to far._ _Gor-.. Vipv'. n, t inproyect ut I�uudtiS; -spent-the l ;vvtli lit.`° 1)roth I3. .I__j ante i7�1,.. i�un..._
don' Fenety of the �R.C'•.t.F., now in week -end atthe home of lits mother, I Bannon. •lIz was accompanied by Itis.
England, and Mrs. Ieuety, (nee Jessie ' son James and oil their return trip
• MacRae; on the birth of a daughter in : Mrs. C'., C', Brawn. they intended to stop fora• .fete days'
Stritthrvy hospital on Z'ltitr;ztlay,' .lilssE�w Clare I'eutlancl, Tor"vote, and tct •z it friends anci-relfttice5�"in Chi -
,The to ladies of the IN omen S Institute .. • , Peittlancl Soutltamptou, sliou� f f
11 l Margaret sago,
hi the Kititail district, quilted three the tivc�el:'erttim,nith their mother, 11t:�. IL. Ja J\'iglwiits, B.A., of Brt>ntforcl,
° oti e - :t. B. I'etitlaud. with his wife .tint daughter a t
iitX�(I°Wly1111)t r 1, Oet.
Hurrah: Let`.} go! 00 where? n To
Kingehredge, of Baur . One of thWae
famous hot fowl r uppers to served
there - 4ai Monday, ' W"oveinber Ord, and
all axe welcome. ,
Mr, and Mrs. Walter `Galton and.
little' sons Tommy and ••Z anny, Of De-
troit, made t�hort,ne> o tholefriends
here lasts week., .
quite. a snowfall u•e tr'.e 3na vimt; this ,
morning. , We hope it will bo the
finial of the wet rainy weather ter
this. fall., ° •
A Shower. for ' theB1i,4e=eleet.—On
Tai rstiay' 'evenin'g last a erowd gatiJi-
ered 'at. •the , ingsbridge hall' in honor.
of • Mi.ss Betake 'S:iurphy; whose mar-
oi a is to�
I ri to Alfred riaet0 R p
be art event of the • near future. A
Witmer, spon+sores bya r Prank
Austin, , was given. M Miss Murphy
took 'her place ii►eneath 'a," large white
bell with, streamers of pink and white
attached to her chair, she was accosted
1y" little ,'Loretta Marie Lustin, an at-
tractive, ,gift -bearer, who an.e several
trips with her -whited • wagon., to_ the
adjoinIng--roo,)arehauli..n ,.Out the _many
precious articles, pretty and usefal, for
'the bride -elect, As Miss' ,• Murphy
opened her gifts ' they were . 'handed
around for till to- see. After words of
thanks to her friends, e pleasant hour'
was spent with music, singing „and
danein ,• iiollow4 by ref'r wuio
uul t;lis� ,tliiltcarillg r4liAper+ +ct
wou Bring �ilaiCti the newt ,-hower'would
4;'OI''URUU''4 /CORNERS:. ,`. Oct. 3.
Mr. -and Airs. Bud. Farrisli and Bobby
and Mr.' Dave •Fairish eof Toronto
visited recently with Air. an(1.. Mr's;
Wilfred Fairish. • •
Mfrs teary . Alton spent a few • idose
Mast week with Mr. and Mrs; }rttest
'Blake of liiafeking. '
Mr. and Mr,s. Jas. Boal and , three'
children, from S'askatclaewan; are at
the home of Mrs. Boak's �brt)ther, Mr.
Ewart Jaauieson. '.the three ehildreu
expect to • attend No.' 10 . school this,
• Anderson's sister, Mrs. Alfred Hebei of
Port Colborne.
\lies.,, Nellie Cranston of Lucknow
spent Sunday at her home.
Mrs. Norman Shackleton, is visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Scott.
of Belgrave. - -
Anniversary: services were held:, in
Blake. church on Sunday. Both- sen.
vices were well attended. The cengre-
gation had 'the pleasure of hearing .a
former minister,•Rev..W. J.' Patten: of
Seaforth;' who had exchanged pulpits
with the local minister, Rev. G. Howes.
Special music was tendered at both
• services and ;setts lunch appreciated.•
f oDUNGA�NNON, (tet. 29.—Mr. Arthur Montana, epetit .a few days last. week
quits in the- "'Machette hall
" 1 I d 1 3- ler e
riesda3, Mrs, Arthur Johnston and 'little!
eisited his parents, , Mr. and 3irgel
Mre. Montgomery. of Sanford and' daughter' Margaret Rvse of Sarnia, week -end. Mr.
Tito, , `3-ig>;ins; a t the
her daughter, \Ire• Allah Reed,. Of ----- lir(' sPou4iit�r ttvo°S (els with her friend I Wiggins teceive(Ip his degree at the
gannou, visited with , Mrs.- Itod Iliac- i airs, Cecil C,tit'lllert. i'uii Erryity • of Western ,Ontario cott-
Kenzie, lase week. ' - 'lir, ("armen Haines has enlisted in' voc�ahic�u last week.
'Mrs. �tlbert, Lockwood of Munroe, the ai111 111 left •recently to trale at
• Michigan, Visiteld with • wr sites, firs; Oath of Mrs. Shadrach Rivett.•--
I.ondutt. Dc�utli (nine Fathers' suddenly to an
Robt,•• Bullen, and oilier relatives, re, { • 11c, Jas. Culbert tinct Mrs. Isotnbitrcl; • • r
s o 1 EayteE'ItlE?tI-C•Itizcru , on Thursday las..
Gently. ,,, • ' i Goderich, eitiled on 131r• and Mrs. .the j (soother "'''3rd; in the person of Mrs.
U<.. t`0wles, if-..Lonclon, visited with Culbert ott Sunday.
x tints, Mr. olid airs, D. .�: Jiac-1 • ;WS, Vitae: (on,.ram and •on; :ihaeiraeh• Itivet1,- in 'het* Nevelt ty-
her 1 k i \Ir- and fotittli ,ro,rr. Althtralgli 4tlflerim;r from
1 Clifford, of HIh(rood, visited alt. and °t h alt (0!1(lit%t)tI from bate to time
I Mrs. W. A, (-`ttltx.rC� shtl had been fainly well id late. She
:bi.t•y; -Jae. Finnigan, who has been Culbert, .t :d'attghter '
on the sick list, letteriv Inch lntproi•ed,,t wits. \itrz",r-..Tithe E u
of the late Mrsand Mrs. Thomas Cul -
here of this distiic't,.l and ketol five
brofirere and three—art—pm of'- eehont
only fsvo, Thomas and Abram, are
a pleasantetime there. living. 4411e was . a good. `rife and a
Mr. ('has• Elliott, Golden 3 rtk y. was loving mother. Resides her bereaved
Alice Ruston, at 33'titerloo,
`I`lie farmers itow have thins l4) at his hot1.' heir last,wool:,' wheres31r• lipslrauc1, she eeve. .t, f4itnily of six
and •1rs.''Ilarry It.ran are living." .:He `cons and three daughter Charles.
,'tattles and 'roots nip and ,t eeshilt; has itow returned to„ Golden Valley. George and John, of Duugttttttoti;
are i' �\Ir. .
done and itic trytlrt, to , �,'ct taut wher Mrs, Illliott"aiid Henry• are. Rohet•t; Thomas wind Mctty �(
n� plowing. clone. , Mr. Donald ''1 Thompson. son of \Ir, •'Sherwood ), •a►�f •;fill e,� ,' 1c4 : i d.,. of
,1•` 'We extend (e r eotgratt, S11)' to and Mrs. `['.rink Thompson, West .tibt=iota; Len ('11rw. 1 rtrtik .Tttrt�� c)f
Mrs. ,• ;Smith (Lice I,nitt Jetvt�Il) of + Wawtlnnsil,• hail the Misfortune to,'.uf- I)od`lamd, Sall::: \iat•¢aret (Mrs. Mayfield, who is, known here, on ,the tc,t• ,t ,hri�la�m Ic on Batui�- iy, tvlteu a It. Attirray), of adislc:itoou. :4nsk.. (f�
� arrival of ,tier hal)y .sou a t the- ()Ode- tree --II�E' Is' li���n ;ham hoaY)ital: thc)4E, at, .•t distance. JIt•�. , \Nit r.tr� at:
i�EE U
1d'.EBI1RN, Oct. 29.—Mrs: 1�;. It us -
ton ,of Goderielr 'Visite cl he's niece,,
l Miss Pearl Rueter, otn Monday. She
expe'ets to leave` shortly' to spend the
1WAlii - , wini. ter with . here slaughter, ' Nurse.
Mrs. Win. Thompson, Mabel and
Arthur left ` on Suliday to 'spend the
Whiter with members of their family
in London life wish them- health and
tended d the funeral with' he r son, „tek
ride TltirC�it{t7 r ear Tuesday, O(°tobE?r 't
Pte. Robt. ` (Generics, training at' r• i
,'21st, `. U Murray, ,
# The 'Red ('rope workers have 'sent
iu , during the last two months ' 10
l''jslrs socks, 1 'pair half mitts, 1 pair
• E.��;ltolcr mitts. 'Knitters- are *anted
for this great need.
Hamilton. spent sl aY nt t he week -end with Belt of 7ttrvis Air Training
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mason McAl-1fe hoop; also Mein Sherwood. a.grand-
lister. 1 son, training at St.' ;Thomas, The
Me. Elmer 'Shackleton and two child- funeral was held 51ondas afternoon
ren, of Detroit, spent the week -end' with from the family home, tai)dttli of the
his mother, Mrs. Wm.Shackleton.viileee, Rev. W. 1.'. Newman ' of the
Rev, John Pollot•k, retired Lniiilster; I'tiitect c'lturelt ofiic letipg. During the
Forgot ton Rententber Of wine ham, twvn heel tate pulpit in y,r�•icEY A1isS(14 Ft'rttl Alton and C'o •a
FARE AND_RROUND 011T TRIP Ei '(roll that a lead` Loran?" said an Erskine 'I't�ecbytertatt church on :tuft -i
FOR 'DRIP i°itlt)ert sang a clttet, "Nearer, My
All da Mond. Nov. 10, until acttrr, .s'I1e'akin�; of an absent acquaint- day and will conduct the service next ei , to t
2.00 p.m. Tuesday, Nov,. x n' .., .t � • sends diem a doills llar ! Miss Lora Finnigan has retitrned
stlur� a man who is away from Sutulay
also, 1 Thee." The pallbearers were
N 1W. A. Culbert, ,Eldon 1b iii r TIM'S.
st' at n not Iatei family, and never s -I Itivet:t, Frank Pentland, 'Earl 'S c�tiee
Ranmiduiglias�ecic x>a o ('till 'tliat l.ittcltless?f1. wy •s4; after t , pleasant siee1. .pant With thou midr�tieht,' edttestrap, Nov. 12, ,. "Yee, �",., ,� , aaitl his • and relatives at :gnomon, and Gordon 1Ste`vurt,ro and the flower- ip�1 (Staocl�tirzl'1'iaae�. ° %t� , ttnttlt)ittinH kindness,"ftiends� 1)...,A s were Alvin elhercaood, Jack
friend. •,. ItCi31b
ratford and Port urne • . 1
Mr ° and 'Sirs, 'Stant '\%ridc:onthe, of ,'.1. uJn•gtoll "nelson ("ulbert. Harold
Tickets ur)r�:rrform�tt:on from
, { � Simple Arithmetic- 1'Vinei�or, enjoyed the %�eelCt�nc( 'avl't�t � Blake, and Raymond %"ittttletau. The
1 '•66`tlat will the giti of eighteen be In .:Jar• and :qrs. W. +1f. McClure. `I rE�tnatinc were l'tid ,to rest . in Dun -
1 tett, years' time?" taeles a eritie. 1. De. Brown 1-�itrnin, ' of Great Valle. Mullen c�eametery
f. "Twenty-one.'" •
Mr: and Mrs. Lloyd Robb of Pinker-
ton visited. in the, vicinity yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Patterson 'of
Whiteelhurch were . Sunday visitors
with 'Ir..and airs.. John Little.,
1 M� U+ WAIF'S
$i.50 and up
or Ma*, owl Satlataatima.
eat(Ne ('a lt*l Theatre) �yy,
P name l to
Mr. and °ilial Courtland Kerr recently.
Mrs. 'Ralph
01" Stmt.
t<., �i p
ford. -dile v ited over e eek end 'with
friends�{'hem' and at LugelenoyW. ��,y
Ree r R. G. 'azIeWo04I with a nUiri
her of girls and boy's. attended the
conference held' at Ethel on Saturday..
A quilting is to be held in the ehurebi
on.Thuteday for the Bed Cross.
I3E '131II Ii1 R, Oct. 2 .--The •SCoun�;
People's TTnion held a. succe:3.sful. soc l
evening last' Friday . at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. :Fletc`her ',Fisher. At the
same, time election of of kers,_ for an-
(ether terra took place, ice se; He. is on bait,
'Mrs. + . Kerr 'of Exeter,visited with ,X... n
The trial of T'rainani F, Milena
ear i k salesman which was
to be held h• ere last ".Vl raday, was
postponed 'and, is twain ,,place today.
Accused is charged . with trading In
securities in' `• 'odericb without a
'....��•' _" MONEY' SAVING • SPECIALS and ,
REMINDERS for• Thursday,`' 'ridgy and Saturday
Bu ing in greatq
uantities ' co-operatively, we I.D.A. druggists make REAL savings. These
Y b
sayings we pass on to our customers, in the form of lower . everyday prices and week -end
50c SIZE .,
Drene Shampoo 39c, 67c, $1.10
Lady 'Esther Face Cream'
4 • 29c, 550
]'acquihs trial offer 290
Cutex Nail Polish.. ".... - 25c
Hollywood Wave Set ... • ,150
;, �tt�':�-•�S'�� .,.:s�,� � rte'-"
Choice ..of sizes
8c 2for 15cJ.
Package of 25 -:Envelopes too ;match -5C
Boxes of
12 and 48
25c 8.5c
2- for 9c
34c 59c
ANTI -L 1 i
Packed in sealed tinst(1 gallon (No charge
guaranteeing.. full strength -Winch" - • for tin)
"CERTIFIED" . ANTI-FREEZE—non-corrosive, retarded evap-
oration, sealed tins for your protection. 1 gallon tin • • $1.59
° v
aPECIA oFl i 1 ! .. .
Large tubeerof. new Lather Shave
and 10 - Blue Blades. - 59c.,
90e,• value -
T.D.A. Brand—Home NeedsT-'.--'-----
Here are•oltr I.D.,A. Brand specials for this week -end. Products
used in a great +pei^centage of homes, you buy them on a guarauten„
of satisfaction or your iiioney back. ° e° -
WAK PAPER Heavy grade, 50 -ft. rolL. ...140 _
-WHITE LINIMENT... 4 -oz• bottle, reg. 25e 180:
CALAMINE; LOTION 4 oz., .reg• 25c ;'----17c
CAMPH.ORA•TED OIL 3 oz., reg. tic 17o
•'COLD INHALANT Reg. 39c size . 27c
-MUSTARD : RUB 1 -oz. jar, reg. 25c • 17c
.SENNX-HEAVES .4 -oz. ctn., reg. 25c 18c
_ ARA TABLETS ' 5 gr., 100's, ''reg. 39c- 270'
For , New Health
and Vigor
Iron Tonic
with "`vitamin 13 complex
16 ounces $1.25
-...R 5IZ1I5
Ott% ►.594
Bl Ot31 1-SJ3LTZ R, ,,epee 49e : 95e
PR:TAIT-A.-TIV1S Tablets 22c,, 39c
BIDE B+I AIN,:(S . ,.,..47c
eler leSIVS N'.v`F FOOD. 60c, $1,50.
6'4 with .
Help' build resistance
New, Improved •
-An sxc lint sours* of vitam• ins A, It, U,-Caidunb Phosphorus, iron
- 980..
38c ._ 88
1rgk neat, pep & anergy take
with VITAMIN 8-1
improves appetite. digt?s,-
tion .. aids healthy nervem.
(;el:' a bottle tncdaut
0Nipit's Throat •I'astilles,..•:)0, 10c
(;il►b's Dentifrice 190, 3:10
D' a.
`(iortng:1 Platt- I'otvtl-er.___23c, 41c.
\l'•r•igley's (111111 .... ;), 4 for 15c
Pintex I)yes, l;;e 15e, 2 for 25c
nand-Aid.-tidliesilve lepelstgee
\3rilliattis Luxury .Shave Cream''
33e, 49c
▪ . PEBECG ,
-(Teel LtK(r
Whitens,. 7111d
i i
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