HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-30, Page 4Tin GODERIOR SIGNAL -OM
Ikliver„ 'Thom 485
Annual Dean eer Banquet nal EridaY
Evening* •at St. Georges Parish
liall •
Tte liaysasnee Aseeeciation of the
Deanery et Iluren ketd theie autumn
onfezenee %ear ge's parish hall
on Friday evening lest. The Deanery
peesidentelir. U. U.Meir, of, Seaforth,
preeided. ,
The, meetipg, opened with, a 'banquet
eerveol sbY IserS' Cleorge;,s
Cliureh 'Woman's 'Calais's Flyipg Of-
ficer Elierli of a Huron tounty radio
School, it.A.F., -Was the guest speaker
and was• introdaced by Rev, 0. W.
t Moore of Clinton. aireEberlt gave an
interesting talk on -Experienees of the
"Work of thellother Church," in whielt
he 'described the parochial set-up as it•
was in Englandand his own persemal
experiences in one parish' its Particular.
in which he was especially interested.
He also traeed his own We history
and „interest in the church up to the
time of the Present war, outlined how
e church is supperted, and brouglitout
rhe -difference bet ween. _a reoe etand a.
s-icar. Zee's,
Oommitteess were selected to
The chairman, *rselleir, gave a
port on tile activitieS of the, Laynaen's
;Diocesan ;Council and discussed a new
constitution for the Deanery .a.ssocla-
ttotiorganize the work of the itiyanen, and
Rev (Canon Townsend made an appeal
on behalf of the budget. Community
singingwas also a feature' of the
'toting Mutton Lamb
Leri. .18e Legs -32e
Loins 15e Loins ......29e
ShOulderS 12e Shoulders 23e
Breasts ,.. 8c Ilreast 18e
a Chops
Young Steer Beef
Sirloin Steak 29c
Whig Steak 29c
Shoulder " R .
oa5t . , 22c
Prime Rib (Rolled) 32c
Ilemeamade Ring 'Bologna. .20e
Park Sausage . .. . .. ....22e
Fresh Head Cheese ....2 lbs. 25e
Fresh Ilainburg Steak 19e
Interesting Talk to Evening Au.xiliart
of North Street United Church •
Twenty-nine _members of. the Even-
ixg•Auxiliary of North strVet United
church met at the.- parsonage on
Monday evening for their annual
thankoffering meeting. The president,
Mr. H. iS. Turner, presided. After
the business meeting, Miee-srrletta-Brcre
bodr, of the mission Circle, sang "A
1Perfeet-irrayer.4----The sgueet ssesealse
was ' Mrs. Howard Durnin,. former
superintendent pf the Indian rest -
lentil sthool a.t Kitimat, B.C., -..one
of' the --:-Cuited Church - raisSisattal!f
sehools. The 'Indian 'village of 'pel-
met, :which hes a- population af
people, lies about 500 miles north of
Vaneouver. Over a period of sixty
jeers the village has been trans -
farmed from a 'pagen community into
a progressive Cheletien commuoity.
..t After a :•-clery interesting Meeting, a
sociel half-hour wag spent with 'ggeup
three serthrg refreshments. '
Mr,s. Durnin Was 'asked -it -she -had
met Major D. M. Mais-Kay, of the De-
partment of Indian .Aftaies. She ee-
plied • that she hadn't .'' met Csom-
missioner MacKay but that she knew
be was very miich interested in his
work and had shown good, common
eenee in dealing' with the Indians.-
_ .
. The lawn *bowlers have at lest
• ea.pStulated to the weather man and
have eloeed up the club -house for the
'Winter. The 'playing season. juetendeds
„from May 1.5th to October 22nd, was
the lonesest any present meMbers. of the
club can remember.
The Newsy Echo
The eSecutiveof the Literary Society
I's feeling keenV the lozs of its popular
viPe'Presfdent, John 11611azid.. Albert Burt, RA.F., Goderieh, so sot on ;November 1. It is ro ed this
THURSDAY, 0C41011ER 30i Ian
Toronto, was the 'getting for a soretty
Tr otl"ty. Eaton Memerial ChalleL I
ceremony on 'Saturday, when 2),Iiss
Dorothy 1.1115, daughter of. Mr. attel,
Mrs. Charles Q. Ellis, Toronto, •iral The Red Ceose marathon a bridge,
married ,to Flight4-riVutenant iNormalki live hundred and euchrerivill eon' enee
thouali we're going to naiss you, John, M. and Mrzs. Albert Burt of Plymouth, - ...- ' - ,•_-, 13 Pc''''
Sea$0/2 to smalie it a nouble Marathon
in "your uew calliug. NO dolibt our i;
Ivilgivaid- iteV.• David Mactienuan of -
we Still wish You etlae best of .1 -lick
. .clated, and jr. ',Crawford was at the by rePeatin,7j the tirst round. It will
Loss is the 1-t°Yal litthL''s gain, Pia organ: Ur. Ellis gave his daughter in 'cover the period front 1.Niitenalier 1 p The ,iinal tetegraPhic croprePort of .
Pala,table. . , Mien _Robinette. Vlying,Ufficer 4,,Irarlcs The sante' °Ricers as last year he
e the'Ban4 of 3flOntreal for the season
that doent „s'make it any mor4., mitrriage, and ehe waattended b
s •v Mrs; Easter . ',
. .
.Vin41. Crop Report
foi-1941 4 "
Issued by Banit of Mottibrea
says: ,Otiee more the staple held
crops have been harvested _throughout
Roberts, It.A.F„ was groovasman, and consented to take charge. •Thiiy are
Our wit --;1 the most suCcs- the ushers s;fere. .51r, Allen Robinette Bridge---)Irs. D. D. Mooney, Convener;
ful undertaking - we've had in years. ,and Mr. Barton EIS's. A reeeption fol.- Mthe Dominion, and in general thers. Fred Price, mr$, .H. B. M."Tiche
Here's a 4111yere vele . of thanks ‘' terowed at the home of the bride's par- bornee,Mre.-Neit McKay, Mrs. Thomas yields halve been more or less below
otir gsmeral public whils erespondel. so ents, The airld,„ and bridegroom wiil GI:1%1er, airs: skrueld McConnell; live 'average, tile greatest fallingoft, when'
gTatifyiugly. We want , you to Isttowe live in *Goderich temporarily. '. :hundred—Mre. :Neil Thompson . Mrs., eseepaseee with, the bounteous crops i
. s, . • Whittingham • euchre -114s. R. i''.'Beli. I of 1010 being in Western Canada'st
tie t throueh our enerosity out ' •
Junior Red Crese coffers were Ailed to PATTEIRSON,--BELL
. .
overtlowing, to the tune of $10.10. A quiet but pretty weti, ding took
Now veer kuow why we've all been plat.* befere the altar of '<box Presby-
terian (thumb ota Saturday morning, , various churches.
October 25th, at 11 o'cloek, when DelUla Approximately 1$1,000 has been
Mae Bell, youngest daughter of Mr. realle=
ed from the reboil and teas
and Mrs. John W. Bell, Huron road1 , in the Net two year's.
'Croderich ' was united in marriage to Blankets are urgently needed to.re-
assisted by representatives from the I
15 emvelled- by ; wheat• yield, 'which, at -an estimated
of 286O0,0 bushels, is only
Theetea ;committee
'Mee. George 'Johnston, who will be I total
about 54 Per cent. of that of lest year.
This wheat has a high protein- con-
tent, although grades will be only- espe,....................................-..........
fair to poor. The total quoted is the ....eiesseesserneee... ____
lil/ruerlianeauinaoll setSattisirataites offorthteheDoemrop,indoonf hist
veer, aro" heavy windfalie oeeprred
IliA,: .6Prairie ---Proeineee- and it com-
pares with the„ tinat--estirSiate----o
525,000.000 husliele for these Prbvinees
in 1940 and the ten-year (average of
323;000,000 bushels. The average per
acre yields by Provinces are estimated
to be; , Alberta 14.1 bushels, aa Coin -
pared with 21,6 lett'Shels last year;
Saskatchewan 11.1 bushels, as com-
pared with 17.5 bushels, caued Mani-
toba 20,7 bushels, as eonipared with
18.8 .bushele. The acreage wown to
wheat on the prairies showed a de -
looking ,so happy lately!
. s * a e
Runner has the Girls'et.thletic Society
hot on the trail of a knior team and
some inter -collegiate basketball garaes.
As yet, _no deg -tate plans hare been Jahn .Etlesard Patterson : of Goderfoh, lieve suffering in Great Britain •and
matie• . But 7illatever-tral?Perts;--1' on son of 'Mr,' ahd MK -James D. Patter- ttesiseeple" of-Goderich are --seminded-
hope you have a little more luck than, son, Otonabee read, Peterborough,' Ont. that all the' new br "as good as new"
blankets they can contribute will be
received gratefully at the Cross
bride entered' the church on the, arm rooms at the Publie Library, on Tiles -
of iaer father, who. gave her in mar- day and Thursday after*iaoone from
riage. She wore a street -length frock 2 to 5 o'cleek. In all cases where
of Blue -Heaven crepe. with long length blankets are not new, they must be
jacket and jaell sleeves, her hat and cieened or washed.
shoes being of navy blue.. Her flowers' If unable to provide blankets or new
were a shoulder spray, of deep roses, quilts; cash, donations towards the
blue cornflowers and fern. She wore purehase of blankets will be accepted
an engraved sneer locket; the gift of gratefully.
IS pow estimated at 0,o,0001000 pounds,
„the_grnoni_. W. .2.:ntford; of Thousands upon thousands of blank- crea.se of 6,199,090 acres, or apprexi-
Kincardine, was her Sistei."s -aftlend'ant, I eta are -needed ' for the -bombedsouisemately 23 per cent. There-wasen as compared with 34,200,000 poeuses
She chose a figured eneemble of 'black' victims in Britain. PLEASE SPARE iacreasesof' abput 27 per cent. the in I:910 and 75,294,000 Pounds in 1939;
pr (1- Burley tobamo yielded fairly well'
crepe" witb porAage of -pink carnations- ON'E. - apreage in coarse grains, but
'year; 'gals! 'Because it was just Rev, D. J. Lane officiated anti Miss
hard luck, wasn't it? Eileen Bogle wee at the organ.. The
.* • •
There's never a dull moment awned
here, pais,: The few days certain-
ly haven't been unexciting, at any rate.
Bet maybe I'm getting ahead of my-
self, again. .
* * *
banquet. Did- you °know that _we have a new
The meeting' was s closed with the' combination 'radio eand victrola—all
-bened4et4onesisy----theseruraledeaus-ana..A rine, ownesf...osua...1%,!4h,.
vote of thauks was extended to the no mere -dickering fer a "nick" every
ladies of the Quild for their excellent time rs'e-feel., a "jam session" eeneint
dinner, to which the Guild, president, on. Nobrely -is being really hard hit
Mrs. E. D. Brown, reeponded. because of it, either. The greater part
. .
of the financial burden es, resting evenly
Thirteen churche-s in the Deanery of
Huron were. represented, with about on the shoulders of the ILiterar.y and
Athletic Societies. Smaller ,centritai-
eightyeseven men in attendance. -
_ tions are being taken from other funds
in the school.
in late September. .0terrt• developed
duction of. the. fodder v•ariet3e esti-„
mated at 3,466,000 tons as against
'3,11,it,ono tons in 1940, will relieve the
hay shortage to softie extent.' Early
Petatoes and, lotnatoesr ' tretned out ,
well and a good crop of sugar beets
is being harvested. Less -than -gonna
yields are reported for- Tate potatoes,
turnips, mengolds and ' bean. The
flue -cured tobaccoerop. was of 'avere
nee weight and quality. sPioduction
000s000 bushels, barley
. per cent, and is and
103,000,000 pares with 11.818,000 pounds in 1940
and fern.' Tliegroom was attended
1 estimated
rosea,bs,a r production, estimated at 8,142,000,
blushels. fax •7,200,000 bushels and rye
ws • Oats 220,- ,
and 15,248,0(X) bounds in .1939., Ras -
by his brother, Mr. Frank H, Patter- Receipts. of the Red *Cross bridge and pounds from a redueed acreage, mm -
1 -2,40,000 bushels's- Threshing oper- tures improved somewhat during the'
ations hare been' delayed by eon
--- latter part of the season, Jett were
tinual rains and although nearing
fopd supplies in a number of
belew average. Indications are that
completion in Sasitatchewain . are not ' winter
Manitoba and 65 PelL
more than 75 Per cent. completed 4-n
icountwill not be suffierent for re-
cent. in Alberta. , quirements.
The lateness of hari4esting operations . -
son,' of Peterborough. . • 500 games for 1J40 -1J-11 are: •
Kincardine and Goderich, to .the mine- Bridges .and 500 • $434.42
Guests from Peterborough, ' N'orwich,i June to August 1940—Library
ber of fifteen attended the reception Oetober, 1940„ to July, 1941-:
Witches—'n goblinss—'n gho-st-wall at the Park Reuse. The bride's 170b- ' Teas . 506 88
* * * ' —
Mrs,. William 'Vole, aged—seventy, of, " -, ,
oracles 'n eerie lights. thee wore an ensemble of navy blue. '' Bridgee
Stratford. was painfully injured last'
Friday While en route to Gsiderich to • ,,.. 41.75
guessed it. I'm referring to our forth
Yes, 'You're The groom's mother is a black crepe 500
'visit with her daughter, Mrs., K. White, fartoeedlein•Tphinektaabuldesweh-eirtee twniethttilythedewceodrs.
Anglesea. street.. .She was in re coming Hallowe'en masquerade. Ever;
turn you make around -The 'WC:1.. Ton "ding cake completmg the decorations I ' , $1371.80
passenger ear driven 'by Reg. •Shipfey,
ofeClinton'when at i oint thremiles
find somebody 'making plans for it. at the main table. - Red, •Cro.ss bridges, -500,:' and euchre
east of Galeria—It -6°F-igh"e1"- hiro'nel'eh:a.ries- TYndallt•willebeeyour.stroaster - et -Immediately afterethe-ereeeptions-the -wine be -returned-the- secandeereelis in
bakery ruck driven by William D .1 of 'ceremonies, and with Miss Me- young eouple left on. an extended trip, NoCember.,
'aughton at the helm the lunch the bride travelling in a •suit -dress of „
' "
*, * • *, ,... .
Williains of Clinton as the truck, also Nof
trarelliug.westulfdealY*fde a leftcommittee •-e,well, I guess I've said • grey wool with dahonnette, Swis.s em- BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL
T • i,_ s-,
hand turn ° into a farreeer's, driveway '17allgli-l' -bfoidery on jaer-ef, dlibUffnette$011 IN GIRLS
- .
immediately in 'frnt of aipleYTheC4.S. MEMNG • AT LONDON coat with mink squirrel trim and small The first meeting for the season, of
hat Co match. Mr. and Mrs., Patterson the Business and Professional Girls'
e -l. ' .
'passenger- tar caug,ht the right rear •
corner, knocking it into• the ditch and At a regional 'conference of the Will reside on Newgate street, ;Goderichunit of the Goderich branch of the
. Reds CroSs Society was held Tuesday
e • t a telephone's:sale breaking off Children's Aid Societv. held on Monday '
evening in the Red Cross rooms. With
have combined to retard deliveries by
nd the restrictions on: mar7iting
the regular meeting of the Public
--f !"17,filitIaaP rr4iiiihissiorr-Tor; ThIrrgnayr'- ---
October lb amounted to, 63:900,000 .
bushels aa compared with 173,900,000 ;. nialit, last, the imPerintendent was in-
ehesearne period last ,year..! steucted. to get prima and particulars. es
In the Province of Quebec, an early i (lin the PrOiaTsa- in§talratiOtT 'Or a—
spring was. followed by a period of -booster.'" or r.oltage adjuster, in eon-
d'rought which retarded the. growthineetiens with the local sYsteas. A.
of most crops, and at . harv.est-time ' number of applications for • light- •
conditions were. somewhat unfavoy- ! ing. electric range, ....electric meter
able, but remits-. on the whole werel and . water services were passed.
•satiefitetory and average Yields are It was decided to have the water sets --
indicated'. Ray e was nn . exception.
a Co. and the Goderich itElevatOr Atid
vices of the •Goderich Manufacturing
throughout most of the 'Province,
Transit Vo. plated on meter. The new
urage ewas only fair. In Ontario,
very light crop being sfored. Past -1
purchased by the cominisiOn has ar-
Ipternational one -ton truck %recently -
seeding was completed early, 'but
a rived and has been plaeed in service.
shortage of moisture during the grow- Tilt,
Coramission's hill far power from
ing season was an inwediment. Fall 1,
wheat iturned out fairly well, and ' t Lie 11.1 PC. S -I' Ti6 56•
in September was
- - --
.gob(' crops of corn., tomatoes, sugar t - ' ' • • •
ported; but hay was sla,oet, spring '
beets and flue -cured' tobaceo are re- 'I
Messrs. A. R. Seott, Cr'. D. Beaumont,
grains were. below' aeerages and less -
than average yields -are estimated for A. G. Simpson and W-.. F. Walkom, of
ith Collegiaie 'Institute staff,
potatoes, turnips; mangolde and beans. the Goder
Cherries,. early. aPples, plums and attended the aimual meetIng of the
peaches ,gave eatisfaetory .,eields,1 ...
S tr a tford district • ofs -ethe' Ontario '
Grapes were betow aeetage, 13.),ost Secondary School Teacher.sr Federetion
small fruits were disappointing and • held at New _Hamburg on Saturday
-.y.ields of tate apples and pears were
light. In the Maritiine 'Provinces, Mrs. ',toss of Stratford, Mr, Scott had
lasts In The aitsenee ef the presideet,
the eeeeon, opened .earty. but ..summer
mont introduced the discussion op the
charge. of the meefing awl Mr. Beau -
autumn Were 'unusually cool aq 9
wet, and in most seetione growth was subjeet of Frittermil Insurefice.. ,
gBelow-average yields are reportecl in ! SHORTHORN' BREEDERS ON TOL
JR and harvesting delayed. I 4-••
age a 11.3', :rS.triCI-:: , Bhrhitt:h Columbia eon-
i, „lino. on monday.
harvest is ' satisfactory.
neuter_ was a good crop, but potatoes
and apples will not he up to an aver-
lias in par" horn Club visited the.,J)ntario Agricul-
tural College, Guelph,.and -the farms of •,
prominent breeders ' in: -Wellington '
. Meinberssof the _Perth -Huron Short- .,
ditions were favorable in • the. early
Arthur. agricultural. iS•epitseiSettt)tittili(v'el.sfo°rf
part of the season; but excessively ,
wet weather durieg harvest -time did add eondneted them on their tour, ef
nimeh damage to erops . and yields the
were below normal, exteptippe.
stone ftuits and pears, the crop's 'of
11.?1114 ers' ha VO Matte in as many. years.
tour the.Pereli-Huron Shorthorn breed7-
county. This was -the fifth suCh
which were better than average.
IE.e pale. The ShipleY ear took t� the at Hotel London, London, with a tepee- e HALLOWE'EN PARTY
opposite ditehr Mr -s. Cole received a sentative attendance from nine gounties The young .people.' of North. street Mrs. J. Lee, retiring president, in the
bruised right -arm and other minor of Western sestarle, those present pnited church entertained nembers chair, officers for the ensuing year
injuries feeler the impact. Damage to feorn 'Goderich were Rev. J. H. Barnett, and guests Priam the airports at a were installed ae. fellows : President,.
both vehicles is about $200. • Williams 'H-. T.' Edwards, A. H.. Erksine, mrs. J. Hallowe'en party in the church on Mon- aliss. G. Heist ; vice-president, Miss XI.
has been charged With -careless •drts'ing. C. Stewart, Mrs. - Ohas: Young,' Mrs, day evening. The 'Sunday school room Beacom ;. secretary., Miss D. 'West-
' - e .•. _Albert Tayloc,"31ts. 'N. chagee,,_ Rev, A. wase_attlecti•ely decorated with •the brook; treasuree, Miss H. McCatthe;
, .
MRSCARRIEEflONORED J. Milligan and ..A.. M. Robertson. emblems of the spirit world:„ providing conVeners-of knittieg, Ills.s *S; Mclilie-
. '
. At the • recent 'Meeting of the Pro- • a realistic 'atmosphere for the well- non, Miss M. Beacom, -Miss M. Mc-
vinciai- Hospital Aids LeasSociation. held William , Garter, of Clinton, r bile arranged prograffi. *The events in '\e in. conveners of se mg Miss R.
at the 'Royal York•1141(atel, Toronto, visiting in iGesteeteh . en' Sunday after- eluded *a . ghost walk. Queen ,of Hal- Fox, Miss Mary Mac'!, icar ; press ser
Mrs. E. W. -Carrie, delegate from the noon, parked his motorcycle ail the lowe'en, chamber of horrors, the Oracle, retary„ Miss E. Elder. I.t was decided
Women's Hospital Auxiliary of. Godes Square for a short time. When he sing -song - and group games, climaxed to held meetings- the second and fourth
returnedefrom. eating ltiech a valuable With a bountiful repast.. ,There will be Tuesday evenings of each month., and
shiprifie-whieli he was carrying in the side- no regular meeting next Mondae, but to have a membership drive. Work
. .
• • • ss.-- , ,. . car had disappeared. •He immediately members are asked to gather at • the was 'planned forthesea,son, and ways
Fdttfteen R.A.F. officere,..alt.of-Whom repertedebiseloeseat-the police stationchurch on Tuesday at. 6 rein. for a and metals of raising funds Were dis-
have seen service in thepresent„ war The rifle is still listed with the missing supper and play party tobe held in eussed. -
,end some of Whom -.Wear' deco.raticres,, articlee. -- eCslinton, ,
- arrived at Port 4.1bert eaelY this wcek,....*
*-they-diserabirked a fewedaes *lags; at - - , .
. . -..TG,0Av‘Ob.noEsuRiitiI. pet hliotT3r.Ot hlVdNbierSasHpelPfh t;%1441ofeBOtithoetelrCiedcilli
• a- Canadian. Atlantie eeaport from a "'V for Vi t - " Reti. W. II.' Dunbar's Cross Society .met at the . home of
, Misses- XL and E. Salkeld on Wednes-
^ '-'''..".1"...mi 'Sermon at St. George's Anglica'n Chute' day afternoen, to hold a work meet-
, .
rich, was presented with a life:member-
*• *
big liner .cartying airmen 'and sailors. ory
= of
Knox Prestylerian Church
will he observed on
SUNDAY 94 ,)
9 NOV.-• 9 1 '6 1
The vvorslAp 'will be conducted by •
It, C. ,31cDERIVI.,ID
11.00 a.m.—'COnae Let ts, Worship"
v •
7.00 p.m.—'Artned -With a Tvrealn:'
Suitable musk by the choir, and special s'oloists.
Anniversary dinner, wider ausp' tees of the'
wilt be served on- Tuesday, Nov. 4, in the
5.30 o'clock. -
ALL wmcomg
Ladies' r„,, Aid
ure room at
, .aneh. A reading, "English Women. at
. .... War," was given, by Dorothea Tich-
(Preached in St. George's church, there are four or five which 'haVe a borne. Mrs: H. C. Dunlop and Miss
Goderich, by Rev. W. H. Dunbar, on particular .bearing upon our subject. Brown of Goderich were present,. refire -
In David's. great prayer of thanksgiving senting the Goderich branch of the
Sunday, October 26th; and published
,„ we read: .Thine, 0 Lord, is the great- Red Cross. Mrs. Dunlop in address -
by special request.) nese, and the Power, and the glory, and ing the ladies, reviewed the work
At a recent meeting of the Deanery the 'NriLlary,.'_ and the majesty forever. -of the Red ,Cross . Society sinee its in -
i of Huron the gishop of Athabasca .17e- Thine • is the Kingdoms 0 Lord, and auguration. '-eDuring her. a'ddress, she
I quested the clergy present* to preach on Thou art exalted as head above all.". ediphatically denied some of the ru-
the,jetter. 1" for *Victory,' anti .while What are Hitler's temporal.). inglor- mors circulated, 10.4.ronnection with the
I 'cannot go this4morning on 'tI4 lines Muse vietories in 'the 'light of that work of the Society.
suggested by him 1 do feel that it Is passage? He has indeed wrought des- ,After Mrs. ,, Dunlop's "address, a
expedient that I shofild.pass on to you olatien and .death, ' but again we have question . forumensued. with the
some ofs ms- own thoughts in thie eon- the maeterpiece of the Epistles to turn speaker ablyeeneswering the queetions.
-nectienr 'V as the twenty-second letter .to, which asks and answers the mo- As solo, "Garry On was sung by
of . our alPhabet and did not exist in mentous questions : "0 death, where 3Iary Harwood, accompanied by her
Old Englieh,eyhere its soiled was repro- ii: thy sting? ,0 graeeeeIvh.ere.siee-thy mother', The meeting elos•ed with, the
sented.by.'11. It was formerlythe same eieterY: The Sting Of dealt 1.17, -sin.; and National Anthem, Lunch was 's_erved•
letter ats IT; V being the uncial form and the strength, of sin is the law. But by the hoetesses_ an ,fl• _,C011:43e4011.
V the *capital form. It •iiiiif interest eharileS be to-Gteleetkeletellegiveth us tlie made, enough. to purchase A blanket.
., you to knew that it was not really the .'Vietory' through '''''''Z'ur Lord' Jesas - * * 4,' •
- letter 'V' that was the inspiration of Christ." What a niessage and .a hopeSPARE A BLANKET
the new and .potent slogan eV for for the bereaved . and diStreesed TORONTO. Oct. 24.e-Thou'gends of
Victor,y,' bet- the "Omen numeral V throughout our tronbied world. ' blenlrete, new or as "good, es, new," are
for 5. Someone had .read, the 'fifth There is another passage, top, which I urgently needed' for bombed -out victims
erif&pter est Darniels NN hieh ' gives -us 171 -pr -referred -first. to -Nero, -but in-B-iitain-i-and-the- people -of -ea- "
Idescription 1 of Belshazzar's impious WhiCh is perhaps more appropriate even. are asked- to "spaie. a blather' to the ' feast in honor 'bf a thousand.. of _his to, Meer, You will ,find it in Revel- 'Canadian Red Cross Society, which
. lorde'S We are told that, "Belshazzar eine 15s and *2. -"And I eetw. as it this week his leu.nched its second big
whiled'e teetedethe wine commandedtol were a sea _of .glassemingled ,with fire;
lifilig,the: golden and sliver vesselsiend themthat had gotten the lletory"
which his 'father Nebuchadnezzar had ' over thEeTheast, andoverhis image,
taken out of Ile temPle which was and CAW MS mark, and over the num-.
jri Jerusalem:. .thaLtbe, King and his ber of his ••eante, stand on the sea .of blanicets and 101=4 quilts. This sup -
'Olives, his wises and • his concubines glass, .having the harps bf God. And pry has Seen distributed to bombing
might drink therein." and hiSeommand they sing the eesig of Meees ' the ser- victitne, military hospitals, and for the
was obeyed: The holy. vessele were yanf of God, and the song of .the Lamb, benefit df -distre.esedemerehant seameti
,brought and they drank wine from saying, Great and marvellous are Thy Many expressions of gratitude have
-the and praised the god- of gold and works, Lord God Almighty ; just and been received by the Pariadian Red
of ..silver. 'of braes, of. iron' 1541 of stone: true a,re Thy 51 15'. 'Thou King , of sCrose, from bombed' enfferere in Britain
In t iat saniMinair and hall there cane seines." , ..- _
Wellington, played host to the visitors
Narrow -Minded •
oniEntghoe)rwlaa-fisT1:1:1,v'meTelre:settli.tir,:otlens)tyl:: Ethel., the youngest of a /urge num..
her of girls in a certain Philadelphia
etnOriel:raa,itnt:fdolt_eVnseedINC's xtrenieis
. .
to the end of June M most .
dry weather, rip
fanlity, reeeritly entered Wei elre-dut
of amanuensis to a lawyer. •
was unfavorable for growth and at
Et-lille11)?vc". t(lit'e) yo()'Illingilkvc'e'em"ttunr Ni°''all.411)111°SYkeed. •
. .Tuly 1 the condition of prakically till
field crops-aed pastures was the poor- upon her -return home that night,
est in years. Moisture r'condittons -t)h.. he's very nice," said Ethel, with
si.ribstme:pinteandtelyirimo,proo4Linedwat . ,wrrrbuofv..i_nd some late narii7ied.
faint praise, "but awfully narrow --
too far edam -need' to benefit exeatly. 'lee • seems
'although yielde 'generally
and-ethe majority of cereal ero(7xse wereIn
Ivo:: ‘11.-::;:ittin‘:1-:,ty74?•)'h,..4vellettiliehl.:,i(4:i.0ha
- ,
ea Hier expectations: Fall ' wheat
Wintered. well and a good quality
crop was hafvested. with produetion
estimated by the Ontario Department
of Agrieulture at 16.15-41.000 bushels
es eoinpared with 22,099;000 bushel,:
in 1940 and a ten-year average of
• _.
10.S78.000 bushels., A light erop of
hay and clover was stored in ex- I
. .cenent condition: Production of the
main. hay and clover crop is esti-
mated at 3,0439.090 tons; as eompared
. with 4.374,0a0 tons in 1940 and a ten-
a—yea r Ref. -rage of 4.12501•19 ions.
e Yields of sprite; ereins were rediteed.
Milne -10h quality generally was good.
/-Prodlietion'asfeentits -is: eetimated at
I 74.737,*000. linelielse as eompartel with
s snerel,0a0 bushels :last, year, barley
' 13 1441 001) le shelf's as eorn area will
appear to provide these neeeseities for
raid sufferers.
ee •
e In the last campaign the Red Cross'
collected throughout) Canada 138,137
With cold wea,ther just around the corneir;now is the
time. to; purchase kour new Winter Poat.-.-litroule
complete and choice large. •
i•trimmed. All size.s; smart 'styles.
, and many -have' called the eontributions
forth Iftttis., osterte ti Pon the plaster of Ft -5 as the. great, eene of Victory of blanfiets and quilts- a god send
the wail • „ _ _ , ... • ' over the 'beast' of their daY',. . -We'4 in _ such cZYntres as Birmingham, Cor
' The ,1)114-e.r4r of -a liana. - nfay still be welt -assured that :in the'entry, PIymouth and London thonsand.
A solitary hand. . final analysis, 'Victory' .1)elongeth UhtO! of ?Canadian blankets and quilts vver
'Along•_ the letters ran-, „seesorleatid, that We, .t9o, shall one day , .tnade aveilable to the homeless within
• And.tteeed them- like a Wand. sang the song of vietory. ja few*Isours-Of the'reiiIS Ing'ili- the
_,.. , .. Let us tliQrefOrP remember tlitit-thie. efficient ,eykstenre-eif distribution 'Menne(
-The monareb eaw rind .hook is the victory ,,whieb overcoineth t 'lei by the Canadian Red •Crosa oversee
more rejoie world even our faith iz ti 1 1 on lo
$14.95 to $45.00
..y,e.ars in Coat—Leggins—Itat--.3,1ru.if. Sizes 7 to 10 in
Coat, Hat.. Muff-Lsizes 12 to 14x (oat only. A nieil-
Oection to choose from and prices are right.
..COAT SETS—For girls or boyar sizes -1. to
4 years. In pastel shades. From ell CM -Set-up;
' SNOW SUITS—From g years tip in, 1 und
s• Prices from $95 111P.
40W is the tin*,.,; jr buy rlur fall *requirements' while
stoats are coMplete at your selection large.
And1)5410 no e, , • at . . 1 p 1
I organ a on n 4 4 n.
All bloodless was his lbok • To win that victory there, must b4i j - According to advices from Britain 15.519.cao bushelsand mixed grains
And tremulous his vofee: - 1 . 'vision. Away back In the book ofi the need for more blankets Mid quilts at 11.e54.0o0 bushels as.eompared with
' "Bring in the astrologers, the Chat- Proverbe wo rend that -where th,e re is i is most urgenttut lilankets mnet :14.770,04s) bushels. Ten-year averages
eean,s„ andthe soothsayers, thatst hey no vision the PeoPle Perish." •DOn't I he woollen and new, or as "good 0 of tbesp eraine n re ': Oats, 78,309,11110
-may make known for •me this. myeter, _forget ethe • V for V_Ision. 0 men- and ; new,,, • - . , .
ions writing on the Walt" -.Alas! these women, -I besseeeh you today. .and es- Those unable -to prbvido blankets or .1.-:141dirrillsix: ; (lb a.girrl grain
3451470110 11:1111seillut
men" of the world failed him as the peeially you young men, to catch the i ((milts may - aid the appeal by, eon- :flannilig and, nem ,pei." . wore below
ss orld. fails all. If they chute *haVe visioh of the world for •Chriet. The stributing •32 for the purchasvaf a
mitile it known they WOUld not. frier the ,.viskip of that day when they shill not I eingle blenleet.. Donatiops, eliesidd be average. flherrie4, early apples, tpluni.:
handvariting waees against, 'them. I hurt or destroy in aitthe. holy mto•P
ountain' leent serovipelal - or 10hea
eak1 d and .prareies aave satisfactory yields.
a, P . .., - -.-- 7 but grapes w,crbelow iiverlige, and .•
Through the inspiratiOntif 'thiS 4:vt i of the Lord. When the earth Shall lee 1ritt ;frier s
met sinall fruits dise
chapter there are many who (see thelfull of the glory of (701Vontriiyutors,lo the appeal are -eels -4.d the SI°Iils Of
•Irandwriting, on the wail agains0Iitler cover the sea. appointin . Yields of 'late appleS-and,
, to get in, touch with their PrOVincial or
and the super -gangsters of Europe. whY is it that the church: seems so local braneli headquarters 'Tor. pears .a enbetentialle „beloW thoiiesef
This, however, IS not -the only eliapter., handiepped, today? Iris for lacy of films as to where the blankets and
will quilts may 110 sent. •
front •
•orld A well-known Sky HarbOy IllechanlA
the who Ls habitually ,smoking cigar -a"
Ing," valked into •Craigie's neves; stand on
1 ta' Tuesday, afternoon, and after a brief
the cdnversatien with Mr. ..A.rtiold MeCon-
et it, *ell he absent-mindedly Stepped,up to
dienti the eigar-lighter for a "light." He
ry IA jumped back in double -quick time 'when
-he found the flame had shwa his eyeg
brows. He hadn't put the cigar in hie
'‘ Alen. Alexander. Deputy Hove of
(hey ,township, recently underWilat a
sue,e,asefiti appeudiciti5 oitcriation itT
Litowel 'hospital and h; now von-
. valescipg at his home.
HrM. inspired the slogan, 'V for- vision. If there is anything that
tory.' The significance of the Roman save IN 'from parochialisni and
rawikeral 'V' was again felt in the 3tli: 'lying at this poor dying rate, at
chapter of the Aets, which is the 5th 1 it will be A.,,,new vision of the ss
book of the New Testament, and at the for Vhriet. it out among
'tIi,Tens:e. 'Ananias hearing thee -el heathen that "The Lord is K
words fell down, and gave up the Send out the light of the Gospe
ghost,- and great fear eame •on all thoq, rho eit in (lei -knees and in
them that „heard these things." Like; shallow of death, Like St 1>511111
Ananias, flitler.hits committed the un-, be !said by you. "I was not disobe
pardonable 91» and his destruction Is to the 114 ase1 rilon nd vieto
just an certain. as,sured. •
So much for the ehanters which 4n -I Stand lip, stand up, for iesus,
41)11e6 the illogan. Let ti9 tuivv,, 01011 Ye soldiers of the cross; A,
of the ologan itsolf %" for Victoigf Lift high 'Hifi royal banner,
What magic is, ill that wdrd. Aceord,- it must not suffer
Ing to Crudetes:, Concordance of the „From victory, nhAtO victory
i-leriptares it ,appilarn Mime' twelve or flLS anny
thirteen tinwp ordy n the whole Dible. I Till every foe lt vaugninhed,
In looking up these passages I, felt that And Christ b Lord hulked.
')"' GEO 1111
, ,••Fhone 56
Do elfou Suffer
Frorn Headaches?
It la hard to Struggle along with a head that aches
and pains all the time.
A headache need not be an illness in itself, but it
ma.y .be a warning 'oymptopa that there iS intestinal
alugOaliness within. .
To help °vermin° the' eause of headaclia it is
neettaary t;seliminate, the waste matter from the system. Burdock Blood •
Bittera hel to remove the cause bf headaches by regulating the digestive
'and binary 1 rgant3, neutralizing acidity, regulating the constipate(1. 1)01010
and toning up the sluggish liver, and when this has been aecompiiked the
headache.% -should disappear. .
Get IL. D. D.., at any'drug count/cr. Price $1.00a, bottle,
• !the T. la.Silbeva lt.liotta, Toronto. Oak