The Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-30, Page 3UDIAHI tioulasBarrister,
OfficeS-Court House, Cloderich.
Telephone O. "
' * liarrieter and. SOlicltor
Fr et *Mortgage Secueity.
Urban Loans' Assallehle.
Office -North St Goderich, Phone 750
7" Chartered Accoinstanta
77 Downie Street, Stratford
Toronto Office: 802 Bay Street
Evidenee in McGuire Case SO Buy
Magietrate DiSinisSes ,tbe Charge
Nearly two .hoars of 'lags 'Week's
Pplice Curt Sitting wais take is uPs trye
sigetorproveselsest Ilogh MeGViretooI
Wilfrid .Graillane'S Gar Without the Owie
ccaleent from a Pagield road real -
(levee on the It of SandaY, Oetaber
1.42, Or early next morning, aed drove
it to the .iute.r.section of South street
and Hewlett street. The evidence- of
half-aelozen,,evitnesse$ wife Se hazY, that
Magietrate., Makine last no thee in
disnlissiag the cases , • .
0a.rly On 'Monday ;morning, Oetiaber
-18,-1/06luire -Was-toms' eteileepin
Grahameat It had hit a tree And
was 'badly dameged. One witnesS set&
1IleGuire wag Stupid. He waSin the
front at, ' about the tentre, of the
seat. Anofher said he Was an the right
side: Still another wasn'it quite sure
whether he was in the trait oe Pack
'1VIcGuire, defeeeled by William 'Salts
erland, saidlise had never driven, a
ear in blaelife, never owned one,. and
never • possesSed a driver's permit.
Someope had. driven him.. to the pike
8. ELILIOrr,'
elone 203
• Small and Large Animate., •
Telephone We Zurich, Ont..
.tieielathereeetattsits ,
"Telephone.' 119
_Sales attended to anywhere and'
every effOrt made to give satisfaction.
Farmers': sale , notes -discounted.
satisfactOry, dafirteousesereiceeeor-
Farm, Property or Household "Sales:
Rates Reasonable. ,
Large Entry in South
arro.wias ovzu moo
uron Plow. Mato' MILES IN TEN DAYS
D -
George Robertson of Colborne,
Wluo - over _Veterans -
m TraCtOr Class
EXETER, Oct. 24,--frhe" annual
plowing matclepf the South Iluron As-
sociation held, this afternoon on the
farm ..of Aga 3., aSeahale, 'a
.west. 'of, Exeter, ,attracted the largest
entry :In the history of the $ociet3e,
numukylip micKsoiN
The entry -Was -particularly -heavy In
ebe.ttractor classes.
Durinethe day •the eleven members'
of the dlatsPY Gang of the
$ecOrid. conee.ssien of Stephee' tewnShill••
a war .work'organizetitne provided din-
ner and lunch at the Penhale home-
stedd and, sold refreshments on the
grounds, succeeding far .beyond their
hopes:- '
The work was of a high 'average
standard and ' fine • afternoon weather
brough,t out one of the largest ettend.
as in years: The judge was. lierman
whei* slies-was found,. but -he- wassn-t-emesseod, Galt.
sure who it .was
"This was. jut dr,unken brawl,"
said the Magistrate, slither disgustedly,
disaiiseleg the case.
'Changing their. pleas of not guilty a
week previous{ to pleas ofc guilty _Don ald
and. Roy McGregor, brothers;- and
Joseph McIntyre, all Of A,shfield, were
-each filled 85. -and -costs far is,siaulting
James Roibinso,n, Colborne tovsnship
farm hand, in, a fight on the Square on,
the night af !Satorday, October 11th.
-No evidence was taken. The charge
also was reduced from crimival. to
common aSsault, by ' consent- Of Robin-
son, who, lifter. OA fightseis-reportedette
have spent over t*ci; hours in a,doetorks
offices undergoing repairs. • His doctor's
bill vvas ' id.
careleessdrivingeHarolds strong _was. aeceeeed, honors fo
Hugill of near Seaforth was fined *5 best these.
and costs, Flis treck and that of Robert Rathwell,, twelve -ye
Sidney Lansing crashecl at the inter- Clinton, Poi, was given- the pri
' eection of No. 4 highway at t ondesboro ;being- tee ybungest plowman pr
_._Ronald Webster, wile, regideS- With
-Mt- and Mres.W. J,. Maker, Wellington,
Street, has reeently$ returned to .(rodel
rich, after hitelithiking :a distance a,
ever 2200,sallese, "Rea" Weut. out to LONDON, Oct. 20,..-ir'0. Jack Calder,
'Swift- Ouirent, .. Saskatchewan; 111 forrabt 'Canadian neiVspaperraan whose
September, by train., to',visit his sister, ileilinett story ' of a raid on thie Nazi.
IVIrs. G. O. Vangolan, and ,decided to
hitchhike home.. . '. ' Ppelset.'battleship . Geeisenau - made'
/le left ;Swift Current on. Friday, newsPePer, history last Aegu$t, has
Ortaber 10th, thheabing rides in ears as been, ikteTnee, in Eire togethewith
far eKenora,
° s, 'then, travelled on freight ° r '
1, other members oil a bomber _crew, the
trains to -Barrie, alatragainstitchisfised
here 1 Royal Canadian Air Florae enieunced
freMeHarriedteIGoderich, arriving .
:on, Sunday night, October 19th. Ile tonight.
*had covered, a 'distance of ever 2,200 (The ICH'anadian I'res$ tenight -tient
mita:in. ten 'dapd i
. Pretty googong- '
. the pelvis that IMIder was elefe, to Iiis.-
father, . Rev, ,A,' C. 1(41;1er:of 'filkeeis,
Sound, former member, pf the tegi,e-
lature, several ,hours after he had
'beeu ailyi$ed that Ills son Was miseing
while on eir operations.)
Calder, „former Ontario editor and
Jack , „Calder
Interned in Eire
Member 'ef rormer Goderieb,
Sa4e `_ with
- 'Grew`
George 'Robertson; fourteen -year-old
boy from the Auburn district.' (sop of
'Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Robertson), was
-undoubtedly the star of the match. In
the open tractor class plowing in sod
he took first place over- such veteran
plow*men as T. P. O'Malley of Tees -
water a contender on $everal ocCasione
tetliZ•• International match.
Another feature of the match was
the fact that Elmer .Srmstrong, gold
medallist of the International match at.
Peterborough:, met Norman Dow, win-
'ner of -the Family ' Heraldetrephy. • in
competition. Armstrong, a native of
'SrsPetuls, tooketirst.plaee with Norman
Dow, who. comes from Orsimarty, tak-
ingssecond, position. Dow was a,Warded
the prize for the best ercivvn and Aries
r the
ze for
iluuswit1014.0 ISAlerSS.
Licensed ie !iiuron. and Perth
Prices reasonable; satisfaction
Cuarantked. •
- *or Miormatione- -etc., write or
phone lideROLD JAOleSON, Wes Pill,
Seaforthe It„,/t. 1, Brueetield.
on 'October 11. . A similar charge prize„whmees-
' Prize -Winners in the xarious classes
were as follpws * diTector in eharge, John
Allison,' Oben class jointer plow le sod:
Eimer Armstrong, St. !Peels; _Norman
Daw, Staffa.
Class 2, director in charge, Cecil
Rowe, Open to all who had never won
a prigeeat Provincial,niatch except- in
boys' classes : J. Hogg, Seaforth; Jack.
Willis, Winetham, and Harold Jeffery,
Clase 3, direct& in charge, Alvie
Passmore, South Huron event open to
n11 who had n,ot won. two .firgt. prizes
in plowing matehes, except in boys'
classea: term Passmore,- 'Exeter;
Elmer Dennis, Waltone„ John Lavie,
Centralia ; Wilmer--Fergusona °Wood-
ham. •
against LaisSing was withdrewn.
Fiancis A. Fischer, of- no fixed
abode, after sending nine days in,
jatl pending an investigation fete his
record, was allowed to go., He aeid
he had, money, 'displaying a ten -dollar
and had- a' job to go to
DR. F. J. R. PORS,DIOR, Patit,
Late -House Surgeon New York
Ophthalmic an Aural Hospital, as-
sistant at Moorefield Eye' Hospital amd
added- Square Thruat
don, England. -%
53 Waterloo Street Stratford.
Telephone 267. -
Next 'visit Bedford Hotel, Goderich,
WednesdayeNoveraber 20th, from 2 p.m.
tilt 5 p.m.
doderieb, Phone 841
Office 'hours -10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5
and 7 to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Friday and
Saturday. • .
10 tb 12 a.m. only one,Wednesday,
Monday andsThursday at MitchelL
Mineral fume *baths by •appointment
s only.
51 South St.
= SURANOE CO. -Farm and iso-
Officers---Mibliam Knox, Ifiresident,,
•tionclesboro • W. Archibald, -Vice-
President, 'SeTafort3h ; A. Reid,
• Manager and....Seeretary-Treasurer, See-
ferth. '-
Directors -Mr= Knoxf Landesboro-;
Broadfoot, Seaforth;
Leonhakdtp Dublin; E. .4. Trela.rtha,
Clinton; Thos.' Moylan, Seaforth; W.
B, Archibald, seaorth; Alex. MeEwing,
Myth; Frank MeGregors Clinton; Hugh
Alexander, Walton.
. Teo, 11.R. 1, Goderich;
James Watt, Blytli; john PepPere
Brucefield; R. F. McKerchei,
•RA, 1, Duhlin ; J. F. Prueter, Brod-
' Polley -holders can make all pay-
ments and get their eard8 reeelpted at
the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin putt's
Grocery, Kingston Street, Godetieh, or
J. H. Reld's General Store, Hayfield. •
A, •
i)a�y 7.30 tem., 4.25 p.m. -Loaves
GOderieh for Stratford, . Toronto,
Ihnnilton, Buffalo, London,. :Detroit,
Tavistock and Woodstick. Depots -
Bedford, British and Royal Hotels.
Pone hotels or, 305 for Information.
THE 47
J. W. Craigie
Get Our Automobile Rates
Phone 2,4 Goderleb
I) •
• Geo": G. MacEwa.n_
Fire, Accident,. and Motor Car
OinceiMasionie Temple,
• „ •
West Street, Goderich
Phone 2k1 GODERICH
Real Estate and Insurance.
Office and Residence:
11 Trafalgar- Street
• • Phone 663
. FOR Ould..11---,Houses Of alb
kinds and choice 'building lots.'
POR RENT -The "Gllengowan"
0n..0ohourg Si. This house has.
twelve rooms, five.. furnished,
seven unfurnished and Weill&
make. a very desirable houge for
two . .
Now Playing-"Tomi Brown'S Sehoiii Days" and "Along the Rio
Mon.; Tues. and program
7ivitha cast, of assorted nuts: including (Narks Iltitterworth.
Mere gals, gags, gaiety and tunes than ever before blitzed the screen.
110A1) StIOW"
R.ARRARA WAN:WICK and Arly,'N'Ilrit PON' Dvit In a
'comedy romance
Thur., Fri. and .
Abbott and 'Costello with Dici Powell and the Arifirew Sisters
The Illnek Privates. leave.the army for a taste of. nautical nonsenge
ow -Pie high seas of merriment
. Matinees WednesdY. Saturday and IfolidaYsl at 3 p.m.
'Coming-Ginfger Rogers in `Toni, Dir,h and ,tfarry"
for a. boy of sixteen., ,
It sivagn4 all smooth sailing,'
though'," commented Ronald, "I had
-to walk poselbly *forte.. spend
nights in railway rowelhouses, poxears,
and stations e and sometimes ate only
one or two square meals a day; but I s,porf$ Writer in the Toronto office of
don't feel any the worse for it, The
experience has .gixen a. broader out- The Canadian *Tress, arrived i‘natEtinngi;
jook on'S-Tifie sand -I T land last spring° and Juts
beiteve tira '" tie -observer on. 'raids over ertnanY
and occupied, territorY.„
His stoey of the'• raid on the
Gneisenau at Brest in an aircraft
which developed an oil leak and was
piloted by a man he called, "Slapsie
Maxie" was the first bylined spot story
by a Oanaclian war filer. Newspapers
aeraSe :Canada and in the United
'States used it on their front pages.
The story ended: Our formation of
three has been credited officially with
_three ',enemy aircraft. We were shot
up- slightly but el() one was hurt."
A yeae ind a half ago Calder left
his job in the OP to join the air force
after-dyryestis's's ss'ervicce with the
learned morein the niae days I spent
'on the road' than I would have any-,
where else in a year."
Although Ronald is glad to be back
once more in IGoderich, he says be
intends te *"try it again" some time.
'Class 4, director in charge, Asa
Pen -hale, iboys under 20, joieter plow
in ,,, sod: iSeaforth;
U1MOT I -sExeteatiAlvins Hodge,
Sclenceee. arvey"Lovey,.Oentratia.
Class 5-, direttor charge, E. J.
•Shapton, sod, boys 16 and under, from
Tuckersmith, gaborne, Stephen!, Hay
and Hibbert townships' only: °Allison,
Morgan, Usbornee Alonzo Ilarburn,
Tractor Class
(.1,1ass 6, director in charge, W. Quinn,
tractor in $od, open, to all: George
• Robertson,* Goderieh; 'I'. P. .0'3/alley,
'reeswater ; Rob Mitchell, Listowel;
Jack MeEwan. ea
Olass 7, director in- charge, R. B.
Williams, tractors ins sod, Tifekersmith,
Usberne, Stephen, Hay and, Hibbert
onlyr : Frank-Wildfong, Exeter; Russell
Broderick, llensail ; Dick Taylor, Kip -
pen; Rose. Nicholson, Seaforthe crown
and finish, F. Wildfong, Exeter. ,
Olass 8, director. in, charge, R. B.
'Williams, trtietor in Sod, three furrows
only, open to -all: Shapton,
Stephen township It. Williams,4 Us:
borne township ; "Jack 'Ingram, lIensall;
-Earl Shapton, Stephen.
Reeve P.a.ssmore of Ueborne gave
prizes for best, two furrows plowed by
a non -farmer, int -6V% to be ploWed
side by slide johri McEwase Brueefield ;
MISS Alice Pasemore, Exeter; Alonzo
McCann, Mt.. Carmel.
• Robert Smithsen, prize for best plow
team.; Sam jory, Stephens '
• Best plowed lama by South Huron
plowman': Lorne Passmore, Usbornes
'George 'White. Si 00. prize to Users
of John Deere tractors: Earl Shapton,
• The officers are: I'reeldenf, W. T.
'Quinn, sExeter ; secietary„ Percy Pasii-
more, Exeter; first ilee-eresident, Marl
.M rgan, Usborne.
Sir ptons Stephen; treasurer, Archie
1.001110.111, •11.1010.3111.111111111111.
"Marjorie's -
A Short, Short Story
By : Leslie .Hamilton
Copyright 1941. by Beaver Features
"Well, my dear !" James W. Tomp-
kins "smiled at his daughter Marjorie
on the morning of graduation day at
the CyPress University. "I'm afraid'
I will nat. be able to be present to see
You receive your degree this°. after-
n,00n,sso I'll give yn a little taken of
my appreciation of your, 'devotton to
higher eduCation before I leave for the
• 0
Arraff4.,rements are nearly eompleted
for. tile full observance of Remembrance
jia3.71. Say officers of tbe loe# branch ot
the Canadian :Legion 'Mae have the
matter in hand: 's
Wee- will he oxi Sale on 'Saturday,
_•, , e
Novenilier Stli; Squadl$ young girls'
under 'the leaderellie of Misses' Mar-
garet Watson and Gertru.cle*Wilkes, who 'charge of thee activities 'of the
Girl Guides here. A full eanvasS will
be made ef the town and aelesgirls will
be stationed on ell the dewetoWn
etreetg. 'At eXreeted there will *
geoerous response. from the eitizeus,
who -have ,-.never failed -in -their- ...sym-
pathy for the less fortunate of the
The regular annual thumb service
also will be held, this time to North
street United church on the morning of
Sunday, Noverober 9th. All !patriotic
bodies. ete being invited to participate
and the public: will be cordially wer-
come., Represeatation is hoped for
from both, the Royal- Air Force and the
iSky Harbor training School, both of -
:fivers and men hiving been invited.
On the morning 'of Tuesday, Noveln-
lltie, there will be heidetheOnnital,
public service in. Court House Parisi
weather. permittings It will be re-
mernbered that last year . violent
storm eempelled the holding of the.
service in the armories.' 'All public
bodies, inel,udiag the Tewu Counsel, and
both military and Air Force represent-
ation are expected.
.-S. Turner, preside'nt• of the
rich 'branch of the ltegion, points out
that this is the. only, time during the
year when the legion appeals to the
'PeoPle for $upport-in the work Which
It has tarried on so quietly fot mare
than fifteen •years...
- 'Much of this work, by its very na-
ture, cannot be publicieed, but with
other, activities the Legions, during the
past year alone, has niade contributions
"Oh gee, Daddy 1 I counted on your
'being _there," Marjorie threw her arms
aroulid his neck in youthful disappoint- •
"I' know, darling," Tompkins:kissed
her in a gesture of deep, paternal af-
fection. But perhaps; this watch 1
bought -will excuse me," giving the
girl a ieautiful wrist watch set ie a
handsome 'case of black Moroeco.
- "Thanks a lot, lops• ," she kissed 'him
in exuberant delight. **It's simply
grand! I wonder ,what mothers•sur-
prise is going to be?" •
. "ANaugh'ty' Naughty!" Tompkins
shook a reproving finger at her wheed-
ling expression. eya know the one
about curiositSe an the cat?"
, All right:I - right*" thesegiels
laughed in surrender. **I'll have to
abide m37 soul in patience -I suppose.
news- agency in the Toronto- and Mon-
treal bureaux. His terse colloquial
description of the raid, seemed, to his
colleagiies imilar to-his-fanilliat-desse ttY patrietie-----purnoses--aramintang_te
Criptione of National 'Hockey League cin,aertreadfihanan $300.- These ',e`lirveseiceswere(si:xT-ion-otnhee,
games. ,.
Efforts tonight to " get in -personal drive), 850; to the British, lesam.b" Vic -
touch . With Calder were siestlecessful, timsFun , igaret es, for men on
but hie farmersdesknettes cabled word active service, $8i5; entertainment for
of his safety while aware of bis amuse- menof the Royal Air Force at Port
men,t when he hears. they 'had half- Albert, *211-55, InSking ... a total of
finished a story of his being, reported $ea206.55s jadoense-.ptelltaod, dthuem,ftellurets:goirothwy
misSing ivhich read- -much like .an use
obituary. , rooms have been used by *workers, in
almost- every • patrfotic drive of the
Word from Owen Sound is that Rev. year, as well as by the overseas parcel
A.. O. Calder, vvho moved from Gode
Said to Re Cause of Recent Fatal
Explosion at Clinton -
-CLINTON, .0ct. 25,esA spark eansed
by the rubbing of a Metal hoseugainst
the edge of an opening in a tank ear
of road, .tarvia. was declared by ta
coroner's jury to have' set oft the ex-
elegon in the' railway. yards here on i
Oetober 17 'in' which Joseph Stand wits
tatallye burned. ' The jury., added a
rider to .their verdict, recoMmending
"that all metalehOSe be -covered with
rubber wheresit passes over the man-.
hole; alse, that tanks earrying indam-
=able maWde..1.1b.prOperly grounded."
Dr. J. W. Shaw presided: at. the 'in-
quest awl: the -Pity was eonaporsed of
Fred- elutch, foreman,. ,Thomas
4ni,..[Chrec4iof0k,_Q•IL,:roisierand A.:E.'
Rumball... The imtnediate eaese of .the
xploeion had been a ,eleyetery, but it
came out in elie-evidefice of theza.ttend-
ing phySician that Stand,' •although
terribly burned over inbst a. the sur-
face of 'his limbs and body, was able .
to say that he -saw a' spark and then
received the shock of the explosion.
.• 'Evidence was given by men from
Toronto familiar .with the banding ef
intiaramable products and also ;12y,R4ss
Scott ot tr,ueefield, oil and gasoline diss.
tributor„ who had known: of a- some-- •
what similar occurrence :in his emu
.bueinees. •
.Jt was stated thet• Bland had been
using a metal hose in puniping.,the
.taivia from, the tank and it was
thought the hose .rubbing against the
Metal edges of the ma:nhole- in Abe
tank car had, steads ti spark, igniting .
the generated gas.
rich to the Georgian Bay town only a As the war continues the 'Legion. ex -
few weeks ago, wits greatly di,sturbed Peets greater demands on its funds.,
by the news that his son was missing, eke more men proceed overseas more
but conducted his morningservices on cigarettes will be required, and when
Sunday.. When word came early Sun- the can,aditin.g get into the fighting and
casualties occur, men will ,be coming
day evening that the pilot officer had
landedssefelyeinelreland ,the, reaction home in need of assiatance which only
wasese great that he was unable to take 'Paoli of experience know -just how to
the evesiing service in his church, but efulen'ed.s.aelesnosItvainut be
eneawn addlivteiosnaflotta'xneown
stayed 'home with Mrs. Calder.,
"For about twenty-two. 'hours the resources a the branch.
thought my son. was'inissing," said Mr. Legioreofficers say they look forward
Calder to a neWspeper man. "Then
came a telephone call from kr. Ful-
ford of The Canadian Press, telling us
he was safe. It is thekindof thing
that happens qnly once in a lifetime.
Once is enough'!"
Granddaughter of Mrs. J. W. Taylot
in Ceremony at Long Beach
The Long Beach (0alif.1
gram, has the following atemint (it the
Good-bye, Daddy," giving her father wedding of Dorothy Marguerite 'H1&
a parting embrace as Tompkins de- -
parted for his daY's business activities. graeddaughter of Mrs. .1. W, Taylor of
Goderich :
• "Evetything was just grand, darls
ing!" Marjorse's mother beamed upon
her dasighter who had °just received
her _ epe-Cial ,. honor certificate. "I'm
-so proud Of you, and se is your Daddy,"
o , • •
Popular 'Baseball Player -in Goderich
Two Decades Ago ,
NIAGARA FILLS, Ont., C'Irt..724.-
The Cenrimittee of _Peninsula Sport'
Writers, T. N. Morrison of Welland,
(0. .,Browla, of St. 'Catharinee and W.
J. Gay:aisle-of Niagara Valls, created a
new' 'angle in awarding prizes today
when they chose Leonard (Dingo)
Haynes, former star. baseball -player
.andi manager of St. !Catharines senior
clubs„ aF.1 -the winner of the Torieh
Woods, 'Memorial Trophy, emblematic
of the 'Peninsula's greatest contribution
to athletics.
W. L. Houck, In.r.P.; donors&
the trophy. left the the hands.
of the scribes and permitted them- to
waive the clause Whiclestated ,that the.
contribution of tivo athlete must take
Olive during the put twelve months:.
The committee, felt that 'belies,' who
tented froin dietriet 'baseball four
years ago, had beeTI, overlooked during
his playing years, and .Vais. a fit party
for this great honor.
Mr. 'Haynes wilLreceive the prise at
neXt Monday's meeting Of the Niagara
Associeon in the Gov:
oral Brock .1Hoter, withMr.:Much
making' the pmentation.Y, .
'After 111S, Wife won the' rolling pin
throwing contea at a, Salina, ICno44a1re
1 a .1.na1 .e0.1)1024 -the 100 -yard dash.)
d'ractlee maims perfect.
"I know Dad is," the mOdern young
miss smiled dkaurely. "His gift is
simply adorable. Don't you think so,
ss -ye's, dear. I helped. him. to select
'Oh !" Marjorie murmured -"sciftly;*.
"And did Daddy help ysou eled what
you, are going to give me, too?"
"Hardly, My dear.- That's' where
we're going now. You've graduated
from school, and now it's tithe" you
graduated in another, school -ii school
that's just as impeetant to a *girl if
idle is to be a success in later life."
"Whatever in the world can it be?
Is it jewellery?"
"No! Although t hey' re just as
vtilu"eble---in my opinion."
"They! 14 Marjorie gasped in surprise.
tSciunds like more than one!"
e-•• •
"Here weare, my dear• 1 mteW an
advance appointment. so We -wouldn't
have. to Wait."
"line Mother! This Is a ebrset.
shop . . ?" ° •
• "Thank, you/' narjorie's mother
smiled as they left the shop if little
later. You will send the others Up,
,right away?"
-You can depend on me," the Gossett'
eorsetiere smiled at Mrs. Tompkins
and her enraptured daughter.
"Gee, Mother, * yon are a dear!"
Marjorie, hugged the elder woman as
they 'left Mt, F. IIIbbert's store,
where the girl had 110(41 fitted with a
complete' Gossard Wardrohe eonsikting
of ,a practical All -in -one. for general
needs, girdles and bandeaux for sports
and summer wear, and a lovely even-
ing garment designed „for serviee under
the sheerest dresses at ,formal affairs.
"And. always remember, darling,"
Mrs, Tompkins smiled at ber attractive
progeny, lo insist on Gossard proauets.
They are the perfeet garments Ivhich
will help you iteop your figure through
the later years.of life. 1 know. .
from experience, my dear."
"Don't worry, Mother, You've started
me out the right way and 1 won't 'for-.
get! 'The one rve just Tut on is simply
delightful. 1 feel ii1e Pin walking en
Thanits ever 1,0,.inticlir
Phone S6,
Ogedlellght rites e' Were soleimiized
.• s • _
last evening hi' Lakewood Vilbige
church for Miss Dorothy Marguerite
Taylors -daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wel7
lace Taylor of 905 Marshall Place, and
/Elliott '3Iaddex, Thompson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. 'Olifford ThoMpson of 3446'
Orange aeenue. Rev. W. It Dail of-
ficiated. - -
Decoratimis consisted of white
chrysanthenuime and , wood-
wardia fic:re and palms_ Aisles .were
lined with Andelabra and pew baskets
of -white 610550113e, The bride, who
wae, given In marriage by her -father,
wore a white silk jersey gownwith
long th11 sleove.s and Her 'finger,
tip length veilwas held in place by a
tulle 'halo mounted- on a band of
braided -,esed peafle, She earricel a
swhite, silk handkerehief that had bei'ei,
(steeled by the grooni's grandmother at
her wedding and she wore a strand of
pearls, gift- of the groom. lleremuquet
was et white roses, 'tuberous begonias
and White carnation ixeals with *bite.
satin streamers.
, Miss Margaret Riley, as maid of
honor, selected a gown of maroon and
blue cliangeablo taffeta inade-with long
bodice and she wore a' headdress of
taffeta. !Her .1xiiiipeet 'mete- of purple
gladioli and lavender carnation petals
tied* with 'maroon -satin streamers:.
liriclesmat ton Was Mrs. William' IC.
Smith, and, •bridesmehis were •gisses
.4Loig Perry and Wattle Ogden. l'heir
dresses were of pale blue wet • pink
changeable taffeta with ma t chins- head-
dresses. Theitetbintquets were of, purple
gladioli and Pink.earnation petals- tied
wlthiavcnder satliS ribbotie. William
Smith served the groans. as best
math and ush.t.'ire were Ilerbeet Keown,
Willa rth Powell • ands Fa rrington Booth.
•.A -reception in the. Paelfle X 'oast Vlub
library followed IMI:n4,diately after the
rites and was attended 4,200 guests.
The 'long table was deeorated with, a
large three -tiered -wedding, cake topped
lby- bride and groomsand'eneireled. with
fern itnd garilenias. <7alidelObra :flanked
the cake and the tableeloth was draped
with fee -to -ens of e %OP t peas. ea nten j a s
and fere.
. Relatives fora out-of-town were Mr.
a nd , rS. W. L. Wallter of Taft, grand-
parents of the bride Mr. and Nfrs.
man iShugart and Mr. and MrS.„
Ilall of Taft, Mr. and Mrs. 'Roscoe,
Walker of Santa Paula and Mr: and
Mrs. Leon Walker of ;Ventura.
ThOMpgen 15 ft grAtInte af
WILSOn ing11 School and littiqn1(.4 the
Long ;Wadi Irtnior Vollege. Scrilvitfl
Vollege and,Sawyer Sehool.of Business.
She is entployiedAv the Ftederal Bureau
of- linvestigation.Ths .Angeles, TI10
groom is ulso a&tadu,ato of '0731illi
confidently to a warmhearted respoese
from our. citizens When. the young girl 1 'Seult Ste. Marie Ship canals were brcyk-
ham, of the Allied 011 Co.. Line, passed
through the Ameriean Saultcanal thie,.
Morning with '2,800 tone of oil fee
the steamer General Mark-
The previous record for a season's
traffic was 92,622,017 tons, set in 1920,
and the cargo of the 'General Markham .
'brought the total so far this year to
92622,456 tons,
It is expescted that the total for the
present season will run, well beyond. the
100,000,000 ton mark. ° _. „.
SAULT SPE. MARIE, Ont., Oct. 2.X. •
-Aft records. fOr traffic., tivough the
collectors call. -
Bet the person who declared sag,-
charin the sweetest thing known never
slept- till 10 a.m. .
High, School and attended the Junior
College. He is employed by Douglas
Aircraft in -Long Beath. After a Motor
trip to Palm Springs, Eevenadg and
Mexicali, the temple will live at 2534
Cedar avenue. -se .
St. William's
Strawberry -jam
Carnation Milk,
Fry's cocoa
Ellmar Mix Biscuits
tlialjowe'en Candy Kisses
Jelly Beans
Niblets—Corn 2 .14 -oz. this. nt
• Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 tins 1.9c'
. Golden' Net Sa1mon1 Ib frnl8c ige t'" 39c
Old 'Dutch Cleanser if '2 tins 21c.
Royal York Coffee 14' 1)49c
. 28c s'
Canada Cornstarch
.Champion Dog Food
Choice Pumpkin
Airriff's Fruit Pudding .
Old English Floor ax
36-1b. .tin,19e
24b._ Jar lit_
2 .te "s 1.7c -
1-1b. tin 31c
' 19c
". 15c
Lb. 19c
tin 73c
tin's 19c
lge 51, 25e
15.oz. tin 27e
1.11). tin 49e