HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-30, Page 2• lN*9 TAW 1.11 D'EKCIT..1 by isrryrfeexide IPOr,lsim„1: Tay Zr.,t);C:4:004., 00441),, =elf siGNALms ,Correst 037.1.4Y, .111-.001.4 3tXt, It''11111 .u. be - A L.1:1.1,zpr, (11 1 i:Lt'n IQ , 1E1(1N WIKWUTIE TO Tiff ivraiV.,h thu ,,4rI14svv (1t1U1',Z11SDAli. .tl/1)1b, — • - - 'i'll,P1'2:1, tr,'-laa,fvture villt2,,:1: Etn= En tl 4_.mtf4t,lus c,r4,,at 4,,,,_*1,131.;a',.'*',v-,".1,,rzit,,' ,,iphinfill r N'Eqp,,K, a tv.,,,, vvitt, tv,t1,1- thy. z;,..,r1,,,t1,-,,..t 2ty, ..4,--Nbr.auz.5, tilt 1,13-1,2eiele ettreplee .1.1.r.e , tv.I.,,,,ea ub a X.,1,14,1ftl•T 4.1:t' l',.41,1Thtz; aP...44 • 1r ,-,„ , •,',,,,,, ‘3,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, 4,,,,e..1/ -,7.6.-f p 1 - , f.,,,, ,f) ^,z, laatZmt c!..ocvatlt, no ulte lltut a t'intkvitt l'.' 'i 223. tht' ivaa:uvg .1.tri•nt:tr)..-a iv.,1,,,,- • n ' ,, tit';,:t4';i4t.1.--klr s'tm"44--v;t17:301;111--"0,21-71 :;,„,..17,1„tt:,,,,,,roza, tittat.e4?„41,1:1;.,,,t,,, thit,41,,,,,,r ,,..,t71,1,tit:t1. ttE;annt, 1 tv,r1,,,Lat::tza-oi,,i,rv,i,,,fi ,,,,vtz.ttii,,tti,-,-;.;th,...icuriz.41,N,7,JLTI.;::citt.,1( NI 7 " •-, INV bt1V,I' t*,•,1 ri,1.12;A, * -TN .; de1.4-11,,le,41 t111 tl. r1ttkr,:t tO bi-T4t the !ttztvx ..41,atigv.e was 1,6ez „ie.ee_clItizt-tt- ti's 11. ,. :1V,111,"0 etAntritnItrea ItIr.'„'ele" ti the 't tetajorty' el' 'itedt.tetriel 44epretee, • • • • 4 4 je-0 t I r V " .' OX,CA1 1; f-rtiv tY-'1,,,` 11J;IY ..-•:,'‘.;t:'-',':0 t,..t nrel't 'f rt,"i1-. 4ti.,17t111,1•:La,illitAtIn• li,uill'thlt?,4f:r4r4NtaWl"?4;1114.14:1'(;i7:tt:113Z 'j tit:41i1;.-ti/41:12ilt? tt1it4,LIttt 1.1•1.1i.tel.11'rdvr-;t'.ilit;211rfi'll'tv'ttLiw'l'titla'1) jithr1 11,;1.L1pritil"."rbilis !Int' 11411t 4'5t1Putit14'f.1 11 i 'tin e".tt°11 f'4'1.1tuRs'''i'l 1 11;v3 4f4P:13It' '..., „ 4+ • 44+ 4+ ..- , lap tettheit'et iteatt fee' the. tileiteerinen: Uteir .a'ilitl,5113.elat tP LI 'i*rat'-''Y aiStklq'1; ,-:-,'The Ntew Tlepublic I''.New York, I. '1 it,e1Teit 1/,':Iit• tt.de9r7t,i/inOuntii 46-1truil!l'et'1411.1',77kT,It1,`1)L'irtt j:!trIllii .. , A. zroyt,7,) of eteeteeare -retereeterae" tht. nviete-retee end tiav"t,wo frteet i44'11- , wirld• I'Vt-' (10 net tittt,tt ,,...to ;My envie. — e'ee-e--„.. r4t,,,ti,(U,i!,./.a.<,11 Iv pvey:4•er Aaderhert or kire'r 'i,",e11.1.t Ifv!...1. ef z.i11401.1, .044.(444.t9i,t.,: rtiotto '• .4;,!ililt, Lt,n4 .41,,V,.,11 ilitt41. ;,-",1011;\1,,(.1 ' ',rid,. titItli!,,ittiv* tit 1,1-,tiirb Ave, miat,,,ti. are • • lit,;„ciariso 1(;„,,,iisois sEus IT ,Itpriol\fi,,.:.;,,,.,1111UY,Ii4N.p,:tjit.111..,4,11;7„,sr)"1:',11gtilt::45ifirt.:,, 1, • ,_ eAthert,(34 'a' zkvv't il'el.!, a t W1111•"i'ltt`'1; 'iLl .21:-i tz, '''11 r4'1.-1.1Atidll' t lle t w ittIer le "zeetel-tre ' !Pte., . t,livei- t w u Le!esee * Itti ve al wee e tie' altia4t ii,e, tbut itt,,‘,4)ef,1 thv:,7,7;rtill. ,, TiugouGla r t 4.t, f U.. rtlieratex of '11e 1,4-41•4,itai., tia"rit'Zi':, te, 4,4pritigt !the: It! l'gl.) neatiAZ ','romen.t1 we Aiii:i ,hWie.,,V414e11 ettrth"b' ftexedattows /led." i Iiiittit 440tiiati,t ;at tiatiee 'however tliitt nit, pittrioilistu .tlfalt w-Tivieti .t-'"eati- 1 t4"11(li'l 411'111 1:111: Ptheri iS 414PJY 4141- [ ' -1' 1 - h . • d' e ' ' treeaiiiie' 'Plat' . IltritiA evert:hag eittee, trilt;re 1 il'ir.vt7tult!tit'ilb*:1;,7t14,,17;$ z)1.,eug't, l'Itriiitilulgt (11110;;;;11111)1,,,,i! '.• 1 egreenteitt rather then 'by foree ,t4..b.ot ,../. ,Ntilt.o. ;, ..ti,,,,,,,,,v,,,,,o, ,4...,1,,,,-,_en,tetle ‘,,.4., , .%,,,tv. .,,,t,e1„1, vil,:' • .ft,,,, -.1,,, tni,,s, , ,1,,.,,T ,,,,,,,4.131,4..kt to t°1., to t*.t.lit. zwIteec atusimer , tt: ,stEttud "%Them. .1teavell %Vat, ftliitar, 1 when 'teen, '. "41rk, 44,z1w4,1 ieeeet the5r ellette,e ife'Valr tivez,t, tv,,444-4:'4"nru.;V'f. •q,4.4,der tiriliteeerite• upen1v clique ry MeOrlee Whielt if pk-t.t. itt eftevt would eednea.,.. the volute of etiery 1ttv4$4 meta now ,i)ut rivtti4: 4••e. deteus • .Onluttfact war effort. - 4U1, 41.t1t 'the reeette ef littt, wiz] opvlat the ,44zhe41'44rt .6„Idpmraute4Lt, : 41.7.4y wouder 't.hat tire Peoleteetle lat403411,‘44,1 eilt4,rithe44:44, „are (50.11 ti,,tv 1414,44444g :Au& or the rt 4.4.f ' 1 itten tt, tee cue ; • • 4' '„ ?Ilene:lit of iiietlittin„e feertadee .1114nhtt41 t•iatileal Amer.:U.111es turned out fale(..441., Itud nederetifiade, igOte • -t . ' Over • the ereeeete,r''eperV of- - A ieteincier tee the'..o.„1(ier felles • 4 the ,„_•,,tykquACrIql 4.t" ,Pirtt) tb4gb.l. 161ittittg iti tt' he 14.'441" 11 41'0(1 33°t Ithiler":.4AL114 1.111.Y! the evtattatiee that 'would follow .a ; maw' uni,32,, ditaL,,, it 4.01,*„.cuLtgLf dif. 1'401 /titled .i.1 1 ! NV11101'14.4 ' :tt''e 9r -tilt.:.1°)4111fl' ill 444t•,,* viutttiv Patt'Llilz ', iltnr"ilv41 w..14.1.' Ii:v`v" wcre 1414"ei413. 1 ''''' " ma e .". .., ,.. . .. ..eazA v...4•tory: The meat two/Rome: "L.171114,144. t gj .. li 41.4 1415'1 1.' iThsk14' t /1t; 1,,lf,riaf,:4) „1,,,z,..., the .4iA.,t (Itt,y ,tat! 041 ober, • ,• e , ' fort which followed the defeat o.f , work"-to.1P-- it noterithve gtheranY ', , tu tr, •iteveietettietee, etreale. erent.°..tite;,..tuett!esto: acieettple V4 011,4u, V4a,a1 eor I, " lie Whielt -ee t I tied.. ete 'poor and elle --4Aspeites. whase 1.7_elere 4.„7,10.1e,i, 1 t f when' vOities ,Ilel II; We'vh 4..:4e I 0 it ? , farthwe retAlkter btktlattAi 1114, u wiutc,,r' damuns lu na, ,rtati to ly,tif•cla a aneeeeer of i, ar5, ,'..ettr. Wa,5 pre-einjueutly 0 -,,i.i'eakitig, 0....iill,.1 'Where , t.fit ifirmli thN Witte , , veriety ef hem -tee :Mx idea„ hewever, s' the re...1.1,1 fitanily get ley. I'Ve thonoht eY14/1"ric'el"'S' 4e1I:Mt :The ntea ' ill ibe• :' ,..t;ttle hutrteettabs:uoir ee,tt.,:ptrol.ti,a#11;%t7heilie,Lie * * * 1 . ..,rur„,,,,,ntx, ,,,tque.r.„11,,,..ruist tilt, ii„,..t of tiv,„, wee eliet nil <=1,yol,,I had to do vi'„ith a 1 %NCR' Ihtita,giat,,,g pi uureul matnotiOn, UZI i W;t41.1;61191),S eet to 'work. with A.1. will, ! I ii, to, ,,,4,, h ti„,,a ,,,zin „era t„, ent 1 e•taall VII the tire atAd;muotiom 46i,. unereative ass that of a i work/tag tremendeuely herd for-"nr- Atal4M-., -41-rk, 1,11k4416eet-11--.J.--Zot,t, Sheila Jeetit Thur,sdaY JedroPPed in' • to ti4:*4.1te:'Ple- were elP-ne•''''F'tt%_teettlairte . Lai_ eft.steetie, exene before lite empleyere ---"' - '-'" - - -2.'"----- - - w fi 14" it i''' oelioiarzelopewineetee et li.ereote •eed,- lido., 4 bit wit,i, 114,,,draft,,,,. Itow is,401,),, i ,oiliengu, w4,titre.,?_„,,,,„ tit the .4,gbat of Vi.ark4,1,9ng .tiours, and „tdkint„,4,e juitiutive iia' { t4t41.6 itl refut,lug to. 'treat the 'work rti R.gitite Instit tate iti , tipt .eity. The etteeteketea 1wp.,,e; 013 1 13. 1 .,stor,e4. ,I,ltkitf. MAtt4i Yruitiltarte, Peereerd luk, 11°11 . 1 '"'"trIt'• • 1 *6 11 . l' ,,,, , ..., .,....... ' 41S M• e I It- I Iiit 'tattl "il'e' tIrt:*:),Itifi'V? itIell;,05 .6atrrainirg-ra-uVid I • . sou itt0 1 nv rill re t . - a t sPite ef all the 011PS Of Beg,land 'they 444,,lied for the save 1 Th "tee .1.0atiele.e. We, w;ettv.",ivroug'.. -1:1Aol* ixilpleTvilarzeualueirkeli tradeetinion rules Lead 11 frti4wt>i„tu;;.1);1.4.Yn.t 41:1.3t',illitelnietwitilienibe IT 94.-,1vvel.- feedememeedeeemeee , d. il % al end van et m e An t or ' - .., , .tioapanu. 'ewe er-owei wee ers' matte' , ,„ WA SHIINOTIOlV, Oct. 2.4. - The ,, PRO *L-Craktltwr 'Iltk4i "t11-14 4;(111(14t'Irg" T.44.4*441°1 'elettli'ets l'ry'itte'r tv Wearni liereelf over 'a 1 their ereta.` ol of a livlag' ,faitit. • Int the teatime Wass Of its '4';',vs n'a"th4'urewvat4 sh4oLurt‘i-'1 l'Illter's' which are not diret!tly tile ----ee---;-----' iliti no longer Ile p.k.1,11M*ti Qf ItVeli,t11,-.0 1 II4? Kailii '!e1,114 rrt. 411%1441‘• 'She 44c.ed 334'e 1.(4.1,:••q‘ bef,ore,tlie war thert: was nothing '10ml' 4.4fort, Tile workere set Ilieh, i tird(le qin'ions' eimeere, than in 7.11)- LOA; ,LAKES SEASON deesextopolitan aii•. rather 'Platinitlele1 l‘f 1 katew einellting .1 lutteli 'they, could ele about that faith., pe,3„,,,,,,s ro 1,4,,nt, wade', ,tixtir !physical mt. 1 eettieg industrial relatione. ' . ,. 0 0 0.4 LtbOut Li furgue,te f confessed my ignor- ex.cePt staled In liue in the rein to 1411,i, -re inude. it ina.peeeible to eus,tain. 1 ,,Odf vouree, -le tUreat Brittuu •tue $.`-'1Lu'' i "united States, Commerce DePartment ., ettee of furnet* tiring, hut backed bY wafrh °1' tt. qtkm1 PtkEt• 41rhere followed,. among employers, i atiOn, is made very nauvil easier unnouneed today th4t ice-hreakerst, It•lantuaa..t' c*alidiatg wi,kr iXtdastrie. .;,.tovek,• teeiti-g I effered to try. rektpire tti0V0!;;;Atdd adeititnial Zver:, thing Wett,t rirst of After years of meahingless pulitles LIDA 'Claimed ite toll Ltud lutensive bomb. American rederation 'Lat'or alld the' Ille-eut tratiie utovin•g ott the Great Lakes did all that men 'and women can do• OW* slaebeutug-ta, ak,,sheed• wvarittvest:,,,ti4litri (fleavape as that betvveeh the There exisitti 11° speeiaolsiejeeTat,liseernfiettreeass wt.isilyeteeabe:atolupttreolltIsio. experience. ju keeping Yet when tugland needed them. th,e,,y ,?44011.agtrs and workers ulike, inevit- Iradie-utdoh uitit)'• 7gia 1*(Issibie this workere dee• Thie tilkettibzi fro.tne)4. the imtto.ca or the furnace Was tiled unleept prveilees it wawa relief to 'he Tag added eerionsly 'te the difiketities ilongress of Industrial Lt atutipow,,,r,,. with lial‘f-burieed 4,*(niU4141 ashek, 'rhere asked for 'the last full measure of of ventieuoue Worke Pratt/tally all the important tate mel'ernent of ore „to defence in- ; eat, notning ateeplid to put the aelees deVotioll." They did- nut give it to the This was a danger pant ; for if them t° the ri'rade Un ut -,____evieee-efeewer ematerieee- iit wed4144141g. Ilumber those ritlitinde''Peaaelesewle.4 hat lenatiedethem-iii- WarlYellif inelnuttren eeeed. lee" leemeept-those in, the- regu 1.14'7-gov4-' -4--- eltAtteede.?" , • A babink!b:,... )(Annuli stitte that tGaea'elte..e wer effort is.. to be main- . eeined, not 'byrash mainpulatiden the cettatry's., etArreney laud tryIng, ot4.Mtql"”!‘ ittLo tUttiklut,i clitttn wife, ---at;44ttp4t4 t, Tame* •a•Ltu eireated by the i'eyeeti tions ef eetteciug press, Out • by the , weit end eteetittexe ut the I.:tepee. will entail Soiwe 4.rerinIps More 4evere rhata any yet eavOUnteled • eter steeple „in e*eitada ; bat at the 1, of the werevelth prieeeekept withiu ; botturis awl the Cuitactian dollar etifl JJ eztuada.,,,,T ngAbt ittnp?ettuat Yob tri pee- small .f.trtlit baSkets, Wo started tilling the last ditch, likey gale et to , meat servite, which are u able to do se I,* ti • , . .: alt British workers to make eapital out •of out and u'ller thiugs lutist 1441e a thel.a With eeliee. , 43,j,- the time the idea of Eng.:laud which they could not the eation'e ',Deed, thie Ls when it unler the firra•de 1.131°11 V) and r* -e°4- i judge to tvorw.in seeking ,& separa. rw4,4$ hone. 1 do not mean that them Wee the General 0ounell of tOong,ress as i tiOn I -110W I,Orr,t heve your relationS eteeedery piave. bottom part, of tht• furnace had been 'deeeribe, aud, '-vehoee benefits 'few ,ef would have ehown itself. In faet there •01 . 4 aletukKI out the cellar floor looked like them had experience -01. ,But the idea a co-ordinating body. • Similarly, near -1 been pleasate? Weinen7-Yetir honor. . a taluia,l'ure of the Sahara elteeet- with was. reel to them. BY their dee& theno diseentenL: the was a gieat ly •all 'the important associations of my'relations have allvaYs beeen pleae- inuth of It fillly 'justified. I do British Columbia'e newlyeeketed the atibe,t; taking theepart ofisend dunes. xuade it a fact. It is One of 'thee:tel. I deal, employers belong to the Confederation ant, it's his relations that are the old • , 1 there Were a few, but they were small ' there le. a wartime joint tommittee of and greatchee. ber ,, t emeememeedueme, - liegieluture eill inl 114' tiW„ WWW1.1 FinallY the furnace was ("Walled out. faets that Hitler did uot take into ee- , not mean that there were no strikes: 9f EmPlulers' ()rganizati"*; nollik, • t hp4A1one ril ** :•.0 , timTN-A4 . M Y $.. 0)1(10y suit- evaS. liberallet y sp.kled eouet. ow taw Qi),,t, bityerai. /,11 N,0).zi ;.,,,cv,t,,ia I Vellii g-fas ashi-,s-ari4-4,1ustinne The -patience, of -the 43-ritisit ente.sliee , a -ml Dcarli all quickly- anti easily set. these two bodies which meets regular- ....... Men of30, 40,50 -1111',.., TM, VIGOR" flubserianiti, wiiist norsaalloovias. ?Assn vitality, " • Tire Ostraz Tonle /Walt& 11:clatetes , 1 qUired Lt. trip upstairs, dusing• which I the entlies. sae reeurring chilblains .2i1,141 i I:twilit' ODA VC1111,11.1 have given Ht.* to- A . -tonics, atintulanta,. oyntor alssaaat.- '''''' aids to normal pap aftoe it 40 or, OIL pulley to carry ,our. Get a special introduetory'alsc.for 354. Trr this aid to normal pep and visa today. For ?tale at all good time ztonna, a.. . .4 • I • t OW resort ly for.dieeussio.n. an,d is regularly eon. There juet didaft seem lb be any kindl- IN alwaye a marvel tu the Amerleane 1 tled. On the whole, the workers were worth eemet long . weir r- -4"e thie ,Wlea4f. the zee*. wemat ;etthfikitt"te ;i0jout. of t asbes bad to lye Who liVed aLuoug them. The cold fully prepared to put.np wi • fbe 'Government Thie :oulliteletiariti};13: of the labor friint is- a ver.Y. ..e.tanadians 'will ,bie• glad "thel did1-1.1 failed of electiou. Are 'ale, lilueuesee dumped and the baskete broken up' te housee, the Xid foted, the mal -a -droit or to any ttetion that raght hamper 'the material faetoristi pr•aserving-.the peat*, te the elle/lima YOlcee tbe less geltaut. then the Pacific' coast give tue tire 14:i*'''13roPer 'sP4trt• PaPer u°111-exis4elat PluluKug• the ;eltaless wal' effort, •with grievanees both at 1 re, t wailing in tbe rain for trains or bUees, e•oit Lied at home Which under other and in making *reeog-nition '. an easy • Inoney ti,tetprit,s. voters -or 11 the Be*. women leee -• PaPer to be been. This , eon veutio,v1 . . fol'got that the smoke' pip4 diPPed low voids .in the headmeall seeineci to. niajoe indah4ria.1 eonflt•t•e. O• TIOINTS' • • in the furnete rekern-Lincr I "gave taireeif make no denren tile patient* of these! One big secondary reason fur this Finally, 1 t•omeel.xac-k to my opening , The -0,344,11,.n death ou Frida Sete el; reaeeueeling the', top ef. the people: in total war the etinecite to I (the primary ay make- the worketS" et:11T le -beateilte-.Ne2lise --was- - reason being always .the point. 'Evttry active trade uniouist _ L I head. I !44 11013 ifo get the Ignore inconvenience knows Jeitte- Nazievietory-wouldi meet). . • - - - • Neva Svotia had a reueineial genet ti4 teerdou tete , pub ieh.et of The The ill** set.eA neat pile of t Life in a bombarded island is thorough- Erneet Berle •and 'Herbert Molz.•-ison. teieetioji, l'nreATS", resulting lite Mitcht..11 Advdeate, -the earl, age of , return of the' Liberal 4;04'er.1-13-ileute fOrW t•,:to yetIrs:, reneteee freed 1111 114 tu ld eaeliele d alekte ersted oil top of 'a' 1.y inven conient. I- doubw t hether any , hoideug key positiOne as Minisiere of ),,eeado ley premier A. IS. Al.aeMillen ef weekly eteweepaperdoen won .00/1.•1n13 4)f PePer. A flickering finger •ofrizother ,PeoPle can atbsOrk. that steadY, leaber tied litipPly, Were regarded ae , • flame eatiehr t at _the (-caner of the paper tire!eome PunishmenV'.401}t aS .,•ell as the igtearantees that 13140wttr would be Intr. and with twenty-inrce •seats in a lionse of :JbilitY and -vigOr . ei.defteeee , it astted with a dull ruar. Every- rhe middle-class 'Englishman, e.334111for dentueratie ends'. and that • I WW1'. ' dlifereav0. between' defeat and .vwtory. the comPosition of the..'lloviernment, perty membere. "The 'Ciouwrvative.* tikt'' 'Prk*'-":'-'' 'J°111.-- '41.:th like Pet'Ple "f thiug- ;Seemed le che go.init nicely until etuuthling home in the earlY daft of ' the work:ere would 'in lelteekon to the ▪ 1001 10404rver and elet. Ce„!..F. 'Ilitehell in etteurbing - the !Ores: of a .tlede-eellar began to till up with :smoke. 1 winter, eatrug a had meal,. "s",etting 4 1 emplopers have a square deal 113 the • • •nran who ,wieldied a et rone alid helpful when j, etunfied ;ley „head 1 eat] evident- 1 brief 1)4)011)10 14'i aeleep, and then. '.'.az reorganization. of induetry. part y three. Beein..egpetially wielded. an eilDrIXIOUti, weeli - 41 ,. iirit" columbiti, inrhow., in .11„,, (4.),,ninuni, y ,,,,iii,,b ii,t, ,ly kneeked the sinolet, pipe .out of :the et umblieg •eut in tbe morning.,Jelark , ehininey. . to get back to work, is something that- 'popular ittlitienee, seCond - only to auother 01.40neral 4;oVerhinelit Was* Vi!-. 1,orved. • 11n4011d -of trade unionism and of work..., minded workman or woman knows that 1.• /...40*W !tail Fates, erg' bargaining rights. EverS• I. y a British defeat would mewl. 'A. sharp . Fox - '• setendarde of living. . ;• _ over and above this, a real hatred of REMEMBRANCE • dictateriship, -and of the whole Nazi ' - • *DAY outlook on life. Dissatisfied as. the • politleall,y active workers may be with many of the Government pelleiee. they Repliteing the pipe in tbe' ehininde;et -Hitler did ',lot know ebout ,Rnaliene burdrill's 4he entletry as 'a whole" termination .to -fight through to. rietory. are wholehearted in S.1,11>pOrt Of its de- FARE • AND ONE-QUARTER 1,._••i••, • , 'required crawling in over the lop of the trey told hina that weien the going, got •and primary in the cireles organize -a • tually defeated, electing wile' twentyei one naelnher.-i, in a Blouse of ferty-eight.4 The M.1114 1140'-1 •Guaeditab. referieng (-0a1 irt the bib. There W;ris Just space bad, the upPer elasses. would .be readY labor. "fle-eee look to Beyin and Mor to. wriggle through and I felt like a boat. to make a de.al--whiali was, a lie. But risoh and the rest of. the- Labor Min- eoeservativee have t syelv.tt, seats, the to the -sudden end" of the• broadeasts S4.11 Wit from leerlib- by (;. Wode. . . . with ite evraping,on rocks. The• itibbehtrop 11a8 -the soul of- a ehain• isters to ensure that the war shall feurteeb wed babor 01140 -What the 941 ulnae win be le uot 'Yet, deterurined, bet a coalitiou of - LiberalS and (*wise. ivativee not 1111 ... , • • . ..... .• . ......... • probabee. • Btritiell Columbia has. ale aye been4 .;4.tineethet "irregular- 1:0 .1:16 1)4)11.tiv.:6. italtitlenkeS •.111.41611oWli in the reSt Of (Yariada have fr(fin tune to time lifoughi 40140314401) to SiirtztOt- bat we/1, out- side- Ofe usual patee•re of Ltibeettl end teeneervall ts.t ripe's. Nova . Selitia, t the other end of the *11;16 11eett noted for its -straight party. tiglits''--;meintsers /..P4 , ' ro. 441. 1.1er 4 *.i)bserv,a t 4)f Liberal. But 4..!0 en Nova iscutia is elepa r tug eetne ev t from •'reg pity.•a, by 40,411 t wo 400 )1. ago a. ( • .a mild ate wou 14 Gape, itSreti...al seal, u11;1 tbiA, Weeli's-, vleet ion t hive of z•)1c. ('.(".k'. (*and n1 a t vieteriette. All three a --e• fretu, 4%1W Bret op. • vYlwre. t lit rt. a !urge -41nifinig MI eiditiel fiat Levin:elle (01 do: niainuLtui %wen. lo like 1 WI, pa it "der! Juz.t what 311e 1•••••-..I14‘., '4`, 4.41 her-. In' 1,•1•43 istr 4 '4,11.11100i,i or In 'No% Dot rival- 11 till:, 41 1:,taropl- ft hap, Joh, t4.1214,d.;;Ima•rtaliini, bov,(A4-1', !ha( the' of littlish ',Alumina le 0144° 4/1 the- in -444-4 otherp; !Veene 0 elf Atitert ;1 a 11d 1 lc 11, .4 ()uta 1141 out Olt- 1 ne• fitiatirial adjust - 1n,11.4,41 MA, 'Federal =Govern.- -ineut "os 0 Wart itp.4, iveuitentellt The head lig.. Noya 'ori the other hand, gLe.te 'hie teed y opt,:oition to tnta via. 1 ie mere thau pdssilde :Amur tlre V4114frs had . this mind , Ian (list in g t heir ballot:, for their Provincial repteeentatiwe. _ PRIOZS OF LAST WARTIMN w 114. are, old enough ow reneetiittea" how priteeg sky rocketed.dur inn.; and Just after tlit, last war, or whir have forgotten their experieue4e of that period, he illtere:11 • annbe prleie; of that dim? qtloted by '1114. P41101110 111i1r. in Zit. it 11011011, eg'gri AI 1 -it 110Zeli, 3:1 2(1 id; eAtizo, a VI 11 (Tliege 4111 vvere eity price, ; .egtg%.; and other .form products would lie 1. lri*vr *;'h''11 '211 rtirat -411i41441e, though 4•111 here they elnited ,.f1-4•114-444.11_, ... wire was Just about in when 'an aval- pagnie salesman; he did •not even meet hotte, th4. tluglish bulnorotts writer, anche of eoal decided to roll. !reek ., . . the stubborn, patient poor, the people' states that the.ir diseont binary -A. -fol.- In0 with it', 1 skinned my elbotes and who idre still doing all in their pOwer- lowed a (4)11310U31( 4433433 whith rezi 4•114-0 iqn/rd Ani+Y r13-14-1,- right doWn into the to l'ave' our --h°Pes for 'the future while the .smoke, -We. are the _people Of England, and ; laini,b). retuida Win wa5:S f row ,:s4 nue of 4, i•:-.9"1'• •cr'nfi :IP the • ;grew' thititer., The pipe was at last put we 'have not, spoken 3 -et,". wrote; old friends here telling. him how .1,44.k in the bole. , 4Th.esterton after ,.,the last w4r. lie! eeriotte to les reputation* was the eefeet . By this time the 1)4 "11011. Weee:_ileuran 4 mot,rnesi. the World, and vspecially be i of these 111 ad'. efferte.- P."' (;. will a6•11'es, 'Phat required building the tire ; warned* flie,rrilers of Britain, nOt to 1 , • Ovt-r a-ain and dumping- •out soil I forget them. But •eferyone forgot r _ ha ve :scene: e,eplaittiegi to :de weed; he ,--- ashes, The Iiii Wes were going nieel'-1 thern, •ineluding 'Ili tier, And now they} .• , . and 1- 1.11,t 141 a.. 00:54., or vim!, ezix•w_ting ha re eiedeen. They have said they 1 • gets b0<ils. to liritaib. • . . , '4,.. mist up into itanutii„ : .1i0t11- , do not -intend to lose their dreamt -of , • 4. • 0 'Me heavy 414elaa WI fOr 014'41 rie power tug Imi)pened. . 1 waited for 64)1114. time, FIL1g111 1141 'because of • the folly of the i and believe in the peesenee of /their -own leaders in the 'Government as a guar Bt that, en the long run. their Iegiti, Betiveen all points in Canada and to certain destinations in • the; United and they have enough confident* left so few industrial disputes; but there- GO: :gouda)... No8112,. t17 and until 2 p.mt 443 mate claims will not .--he set- aside. fo.ught ou a Polly of social justice; ; That, fundamentally, why there are - • to hold -them finial" to their tasks in I ivith it mist not be undervalued that Tnesday; Nov. 11, 1941. • • ET ' • • • to the. faoe of alI..the serious ineouven-; the maehinery for dealing with dlf- . . , . ;midnight Wednesday,' Noventber up 14n101'13 and limitations of freedom. t�, ficulties as they arise exists and, On which they , are 'subject. , niey have, the whole, work .satiSfactorily enough 1941. etrdured-pompulsion 10goiand .work in • no -t to Subject the willingness to eo-' MLtiDIUM SPECIAL FARE i the jobs where they are. most needed; i operate 10 an' intolerable strain. Adults or Children - 25c they have tieeepteel plans -for -Mobile i .--IG.li.H. Cole in, The New Republic. Full information from an -f agent. e111140Pment" which upset their htnne , ° * 14) •,4 it for w;11'. ifidust ries 1(431331405 a eurt al - tit -ill no 1111144 1214 14;41 f•VidA.,Litly put Men, who ran England. It remains to • out the 11140 altogether I be 14 -,en whether their StUbborinvms will mem in the 11.54 of_ electricity for other Ha ve you ever- ea Peif -4-041 WU of be euough. Perhaps 'the people of Fn., 1)') aud 4111/43140 are asked io ,f1jr13ace. . bashing,,.your knuckles , land, perhaps all deeent people, will be exerelso e4•0110my thLS. 4111'e('13oo. bit trY111g. 14) make the grates turn ' inuni<-red anyway. But at least they j the turning elf of lights. that deer? if there 4,5.4tr was a job intended ' twee given Auteriea a year in- whieh to 114 ,, 14,4,,, a 1400(5 deal Of 4.10,firiejil, 11131 k(' y..ou foy,et c;,.1 11, th:: good reeolu- '• arm and aet. -At leaet they 1.1aVe dOlDe 1) 41 111 tions )our we L 33, 111 1! 1)j441 1Ir '2)4 ix- ved 214,41404=S Lid 4,111441" 131,,5ed Li 1141 finned and fumbled and', The deepaeouservatisur of, the British and e14i1e1.. 141 14'1' 4p1 1)101. I11.:0 'be 311111)1114441 at lar,t to get a small -bit of , people is 1101 a matfer -of parties or or restrictions 011 014. wo ind w lightingi; coal in thcen e tre 4)1' thurn e. faee going ('10104".Vi'ith a few exeeptione, 4'V4'11 • sI 1'tjtlg 1 turned dampers,anii, pulled the let in England •is eenservative, 1 ' '4 1444 -'4;411'''' 1.14.11111 4/11 .3 44403 ' ivi14.s-until the rn:teeme tu-n-led to shake tlbe sense that it bellevs in Ini 13 1114' it saw nee wa lk i 11 g 314. preseht, luietening the pro - helping holign 144, ('4)31141 hoydly 4.5.4,-; 1)24 et •1 Lug 1311344 41, 1105% 10 1 . ,01114+ Yea ...nil Or 01 her 1 1. k.1 _Mak. %Vidal]. 11.14"Ni thits coneervalfgin iS life they have gone on working in -You must not talk. all the time, bombed areas when their. homes have Betty," said mother who had been in I ° been destroyed and conditions of liv- terrupted; -When I be old enough frig and transport have become very to. 5farrimar mirilemiramw•-zumermir ('4' 0! or ebange, but not. in destroying h;j•%,„ in 4 a IA- free, the At last 1,114. lite started. Tien for be "present arid building a wholly 114,W I 1131 re. itdg no1,4,•. 1 sat 111341 1,vatetied it eare- understood. there is danger of giving a ; • • full:‘, • Wo1(414t3ing:' What 3114. 314 5,1 wove' false 21111)1eee1011 by talking abOut ;11 • • • Add it meeting at St:- 11.14o011131. ; he • Gtrriou; to -httow J11).4 WIlLtt !**1'4.V01 111 10/1** 111 British life.' All that 1 ! the . et 314.r e'a premier '1 14.1 ) .3 ,11 314 4144.got it,g.' on'1 opened thdonor r"ather. 1 ,,()4411 l in miserva t k m was put in a caredi 1 it.14111 11;.1 le 41111 4311114 343 in "114j011's11"114113P11-In'll"‘211g34.U1411"''Iy 1 adNeton The , - tgnites 1.11I1411 and C01I 111.1 and web of history is wovee without a the'tea l;4,111,1 4•114•1in ' 1 01714' r 11,311,,•,,,,, ?hot „Iv !he 4100E, 1, void." l'Ilk theaus that -we should at-• IN 1t'4,1,,4Liit ;I i„0. ' injtv's t4111'111:4' W 1 I. 14, . W /1 I' , i wae:•-scenaind.lin 1 1314' furwiee'woul !-')0.; awl 14,se.4.,1 31j,,1 nmot.".„."1•:, use go 4)113 Then, but :--,trangely yoiolg11 13 • 3,42.:44.1day 1111V4* 01:014. possible. If need oe 1,,.:41.1 i.j,.a3.10,...„,r lip 3 5 oi114.11. %,,,214,..a. started .30 burn 111e1112i4 Vt'ifb• 101 litter- toe (tlieugh it often 410<*e). mean re- ; • 1'4' l'ilul.. l'in40 furidaee was., going, 1 i, action, or sta rui pa t iStil, or political i 3.114. 2r'4414'111 1 4)11 4'4)313 34)114.1' 3 14 105' WeVLS Vail ede.eiedi .with (1061 13 11(1 dirt and` 11/1314 14 .t. its best, it '1114 an14 steady,. 1,44411 4: il:1.4,11 111311 11102 if Ii:.11 go tfirdy einopletely II 2,,1.11,414.41 ,,,e,23111 me in ge11-1 (14 11254 change. l!ouservati.sm in this int, g'asoline, eir 11 <Thum, was to -orate eral. 4' '1,4.110.ce is 111 1114. blood of the British: (, e . -1 • ,i.v.ii ;a, 111311 ti 111111 4.41101 i,or ,,7131, , Stove!.., ;pay be 0141 faehlotiell, hutW,tten it (Renee into -stupidity It irrrills They. n 1'4, t•enta in ly not as temperament- them In a l)unkirit or a Yorkton or a" end ti; voluntary effort. Ilut. When it•1.11 ;.„., fiirria(m,,. , 1 3,1 a trelleSter Maseaere. 13tit When it ha 41 141111'!..toinorrtei'ce.,4.1y wha t od try and is eleefricily that 1111161 be etnowny0, ME, A144;1)11E:J1 follows the exa triple of q---: 1'1 114. 1"4414.ra 1 . Oliver., The con.wr va t lint I of electricity .sliould be an'easier mat- ° ter 't 11 an. that. of gasoline, f Or 113(110 10 a Imbric Agility, With the controls In the bawls of olifielatm 't.%bi, can •switch 'the 'tpli,./44' off 131)41 Oa '14:4 114+A 4 efi „ .411i IV V111.1/1'. 110101 1'11 rf.14).gn IYA.:A that nome consideration utast he git'ett to the tilive ant! pushing It 1,.,11145 4)3 to .--reat "Lia ',INOT YOUR 11EARI' RE! socia,4 , ehange brought abolit will., el, • Tit()UBLii.:D" 0110:num of vlotetwer 41, maximum of • -IA,t not your liewrt be troubled." God , aeceptanee '1,ty all elaseete , is near, ' •. . • . - • 1 .-Great ehanges- have come over' BO- II,e knows your eorrow,, marks, each I tisk life. If 011,1* 141410 W11.1/4,, 1•111/14.0 • falling,war. . • • 1 eliati*:+ will go wider and dc,eper,-'afra lipi 1101-,i01114.fkifili 1113(1 (.4)/1 11/1401ey grow . 1 1149/ WIll never he undone, The Bel - kola of -the futitre, if our" -Mile • wins, 1)(10weil your Da 14 ,14 1141 14,11.V4,41-114. feet )0 better educated, hifillthler,m{yre Him, (qinal„ perhapu poorer and certeinly Ilaugher. The 'people of England, who 01010' tint4/ one tint ttboy vv111 trot • demand a ZIA.11.114+ hi Itandn the 1011;b1Y111t4 Of' J11414.4., moreepower and more fun. The • NECESSAltil coda y, 'deer) eon Nervutlimt of the ItrItiall people . bet ton, your heiert.hte,t0u1,1441." 1110.4 11 hake /Laved FIngla tut, 14'111 lie heard front „IA tAte.:4 of vonputtu-r.0,. . 0 Willi PRICE CON't114011, ibs Impotent, but thui is on. ills Throne; 11Y1V worm, They will demand More W i 1 il ' gpitfle Pear -VP and 111911ey 3)34 11 , (titoronto ,-It a r ) • . Atid 1,14. will tai 4, you courage lty tht• ill bring them, thing6 • to pstag with 5'. 13 „ • ,,,:•• I3 3:111131(111 turnwil and with little (iVer. flat, the natural retillit, in 1134" ' a btlenees ‘ ' -., turning, • If our side wing, • ur heart 1,;(4 troubled." PerlitiPs the British people are eon - of artilkial regulation, woirld lie en •,14,,t not ,,,,,(......, ha need ' iiriceS. ilo, etiVialinwitt Of tho ' . 4,produetion of [)1'3t('4'1 31144' goothi ritual . r ' . ttervative for the same reasiin that' . 1 1 • I ', 1 41 , ' 1 tl Th mut af- r • British pa,t4t• 1411(1, therefOre in the 11 r 41411 4,11 frienalq 'and hem belo%ed 130 -ttm itatr ot : t 1.1Y 4 4%0 n 44' A 1111 14' bar of 14i,311), • 44"3"4" 11 In: Li'vvifinpanieti by.rigorollt; Priv(' ('4)"' 111141ry Noilp vo7,1 10 14 11 fp tir 11140 4., WPM 1000 were 3111114e 11(441 -PeoPle were1 eating margirrioe be eatrea, tlee Kiev of butter Wati 11 it'll.' FiOnt', O1*ItiI 1', 4)11444' 14134 j3.t4 went tittetilie a It41,1- 311-11 high. 11..11141. '1114. 11r1111gtire WWI deviated, tin, lighting titopjwil hitt nril the: 3n°14 1111e. • 14 1112(1, 80111111v 1101 of tnete: Barrel 141' lionr, 616.4.30; ihits, or ti go 1322 tele bag dif split prate ',pal& of . lard, e11e113; bag or roiled man, " oi.iio; imp; of. ()Wow, 13131; Wu of 13431t14LV, 04(43(14 $110,2004 rapl. o1' ('11t13, LI; 11111, of peae, 132- • . it is to prevent. 1111.7 doll of thing fyoin 0141111111i4 Vain 101 lb* 111;0144'.0. 111011 114131:',':,01441 13:1 41)11441 l3uirl14 114,014e. •:11DITORiA14. 140TZ8 , 141111 41c440; 111114.1. * • "i'hi ruff 1.111i4ints of " 11'113, onlo. • t rill It is a wa rme t 114,11.,3tillsr. ,T he i it da 14, ie. near to 1011 t 311 , end 'of gOlida MUM be, kept ifown, •but, „ ;„4,1 hair the plentifulnese of ...tireni maintained. Title, Means that peopliti will 31:1104' to de witilittit Malty thing'3, itnifr, would other:eta-A! huyt butt will ,ht.r0 • proti•eted0 81414111341' 3:110 ereat an inerpower in Ono (0.00st of 1131111411 t1I4y (Jo !MY. Thal, at any rate, 1,1 Matt the ingot. eantrol .433311143111141 1)14104'. in view. The 1'4'1-31011t lie that the niontoy•-tvitieli would 14.111043 been eineet l'PrtibOrt ('180044'01144)41(111 wIU 3* gaved. It %'5'111't14'Minn- able for linveuttnent in, war 3411101111431(44'3'3:12)143.1111 anal tlovemnient war , botnin.. turn, will lie :twilit:dile to. help tide the weer the itOviod ilte1y, to folfOrs, the war.' ine'aii a .tomitorary naerillvv, but 2-3: will not tivan that Vatiadians •i4;111 149 11.114(.3t7 02' fold Or ViIthout Iftity the 113.r:343103 I'lltrOite Would envy 11 eacrillee 1)44141410111111 that! 11113 with 34141411 rireatitiful bait wait Itieked att 6' Ir 11141111K; 334' 31 Frnw in Itonicv°11 anti but. And ,t,,Lorovi 3:114.113 tIlIoligIl lititirs dark and lotte% di, It -a het (•li.c.t ( Neafol:1 14 1 .LOO • GODERICH TOWNSHIP 001 'Ma( II ToWNsi HP!, 214• 31r.•11 till 31ie4. Gordon Orr 3( 1111 family /Tent the weekend In Toronto with 1.13'. • and Mrn. .13 1'41('11 Orr. lir. awl 31 1'r4. Wn. Ti1l110 i .01, rich .pitent Ontiday with. 311% and NIrti. Haney Fuller, !gut Mr:4. 1-3pe111 Sun ddy 2,3 thillerich with 131r. and, Mrs. it. Af alley., (351021114 3:44 aN 'ueva!, there %vim no o.tvi(i. I niun eliuveli 001110'. 14034112.31' :444141147 ne Lbe 131':! 311131-10 I t31 ‘Sill 1u heht int 04,31113114, II t 3:13114)0311404)1' Mr, ,a nil . ,J,Iinitel Volum. 'hie, meetlIM tithe the form 3)1 11- Ilaliowe'ett...littuAtierade, EV41;14140+1 YOUR LIVER.' Buck It Alp right vow , and feel ,11110 it' iiiiiiiiiit lieu liver it the laigest organ in your body , and most important to your health. It pours out ,hilo to ?ailed 44 ids rid of wok'"PlAks new eriergy, allows proper nourialunent tio reach' au bloed. Men your lifer gets out of order hod decomposes in rut intestines, Yeti be. tem ronstipided# stomach amt kidneys can't everts properly. Yen feel "tetten"-lieadachy. lisrltachy, ditty, dragged out all the time. For our 35 years thousands hue won pratnpt *diet front these miserimp-with FruiVa.threa. !So ean y.0now, T Fruit.a.tivea-youll be simply ololiihtoil h.w. otticiay you'll feel like a ow FRUmolohapfl andiiSa OE 2, 50e. lItrg12 liver Tablets,' 1 •••••. mitiowsumitimalmimmaymmar eatt44i40, acifit 34 • 4 i„,, a • Men are drilling -in our town . . . our own men ...men we call by their we can? That's' -one thing we can ail • do. .-. one thing w.e-must all do. We n. • first names: Some of them rfuit good must all Inly,more War bavings - • - e, i •jobs to join the army .„. . some 'q-uit- Citficates. school. When the Ernre went to war ;and Canada went to war this town Went to mar. Eyery now and then a few more men from this town leave for active, service.' We're, taking the war more seriously. Are we? Are we 92 Are those of us who haven't joined up doing all we can.? Are we lending all The help of every Canadian it needed ffj:r •Victory. In these -days of war the thoughtless; selfish spender is a traitor to our war effort. reduction n persodal spending is now a vital necessity to relieve the pressure for voods; enable more and more labour and materials to • .be diverted to winninti the war. The al&out ieffort, which Canadm a ust Make, demands th s self-denial of each of us. •!. 0 SUPPORT THE WAR WEAPONS DRIVE IN you‘t, :COMMUNITY Publidied 'We At War Savings Comilla:tee, 00ysttra SPEND WS - Y MORE muss •