HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-30, Page 1.44 . Combining The Goderich Signal and The Goderich Star Rev. W. II. Dunbar in Bighway Accident Oar Turned, Over at .-MoNgiUs Oorner and Clergyman Severely Injured . . e--........ As theo result Of an autoinobile ae- . cident at McManus' earner, Colboelie townoblP, lait evening at 8 o'elocit, , Rey‘; yVilliani It Dunbar, rector a st. George's church; will he allepis.t"ti-Sen ' bis pulpit for eeveral -weeks.' ',VW' . r his physielank Dr. W., F. Gal- ' low,stated from AleXandra Hospital . that the patient haCbeeli X-rayed and while iio broken bones were found there e , are.internal injuries. jr. Dunbar also •tsufferedepainful bead and shoulder in- juries and is suffering much from' shock. . . The actident occurred as the clergy- man was returning from Owen Sound, frsm wbich city he was transferred to Goderieh a few weeks hgo. Traffic Officer. James 'Culp; .wlio was at the scene of the , tiecident9 ehortly after it . O ,escurred, Ofatesthat 'Mr. Dunbar failed •to make She tarn After coming upon it stiddenly and in braking his earcaused it to ture over twice. The steel top of MISSION WORK INBITR,IVIA , • the 1911 cottele wae Jlaftened oute the doors spreng, and Mr. Dunbat was•Former Baptist iilissionary ' Addresses -thrown si-ut. He was found ling in the W.M.S. of, Knox Presbyterian ditenby the -driver of a passing -taxi -cab; ellutrelt -' who surnmoned Dr. Gallow. The in - The thahlt-bffering meeting of the jured man was removed by ambUlance to hospital after receiving -first aid. ' Wolloo's Missionary Society of Knox church was beld on Tuesday afternoon, He -did not lese eibreciousness. ' How Oir. Dunbar esealood more seri- October 28th, in the lecture rooln of . . the church. The president, Mrs. D. 3. 'pus injury TO! a marvel to those who _ have viewed the wreck. While rolling. bane, introduced the guest speaker, Rey. G. C. Geigg of Ex-eter, a former it brae -off -died Crushed' ilat a good - eel -eves missionary who spent forty-five years sized shrub. The top of the eruthhed even with the ' top of thee-ine the -work of the -BaptistChuretteite- . . ,soindsnield. The, rear rigbcornet is Burmat . 'crushed into the seating space, and it is In his opening remarks the speaker referred to the challenge that comes., fortunate that there were 'no .Possen- to the 'Church of God' iu these oditticult gers there. After making the double roll the machine tood on its four days, and the nees1 for personal- eon - wheels. i secretion if the challenge is to 'be met. ' -We piety for the -coming of the King- '. It has' long been claimed' byeraotov• (RIM of God, but what is the use of pray- .ists that*, tlee road it- the McManus corner, the- seehe Of many accidents, big if we do nailing to. orieg about has a crown on the the fulfilment of our prayers? We eurye and that a _ _ tai 'car is pulled toward the ditch in romide ..1F about making eacritices if we are ing it if the eentre of the road is fol- to win the war, and carry on the work , y , w lawed, This is partietilarly dangerous, of the auraet if we ould only • stop to •think of all that :God has _given • It is claimed,. even • -at a moderate speed•to us our sacrifice would seem very .' ' The traffic officer reports that an- small ‘"InaOod!'"'' , • - . other and similar accident took place at . The speaker went on totell of the , the same spot egrlier in temissionary Work being done in Burma le. etening. a beautiful catintry with _a _population 'Phis car as travelling north; missed of fourteen and a -half millions- Dr. the'cluve end crashed a fence. The Judson will' the _first missionary _and flattened .feeei and broken windshield worked there for six years before there glitese along.• With skid marks, told . the .was one convert;-oetw--there are over tale, but the car apparently was driven awa-e ender its own power. -• 1500 local churches, 800 mission -sta- RevMrDunbar camehe4 e from dohs and -600 Sunday' schools, with a . . . r total of about 145,000 members in thet Owen Sound 'On • :September 1st last, same part'of the country. . •-, e sucOeeniug Rev. A. C. Calder, who leas • taken over Mr. Dunbar's-feemer-Parish • There are twelve different races inethat city. ...O• . where -the Baptist Church is working in Burma. •Seventy years ago none of them. could read or write, many of them were demon -worshippers, one ' tribe were head-hunters who were con- stantly raiding neighboring villages Parents of A. h. 'Cole of Goderieh and taking the heads of their victims Celebrate Happy ' (yeasion to their own Village to. appease the anger of the evil spirts they wor- shipped. When they heard the Gospel message their lik-es were completely cbenged, -The Bible was translated into their 'own language, and 'because God has done so mach for them they want 4o do all they can in _return.The. aver- age earnings of theVnen is from 15 to 35 cents per day, yet ° they support eighty-five mission workers, and have raised thousands of dollars to, build their own churches. One bandit 'chief Who,' , became converted constantly brought grouPs of his owe people to Houston., Miss ' Alice Hackney arid •heer the Gospel message. . WOen he Mrs. McNally lresided 111 Ifie safftper died OtWetsse ' years leter over IX.00 table. The beide and groom were the people had %ben- brought to Christ • reeintents , of many remembrances. -through his instrumentality. - Guest* were, ,pensent froth dOderieh, , Bitterly-kerOecuted — :Sea orf 11, Beonoe'fildrsV:IsiOeliiiiist* -and- Whenosnm—e-of-thieee-people-beeame REV. WT a.- k,`DriNBAR: GODERKH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,. OCT9BER 30th, 1941 Baseball Night at Lions Banquet GOLDEN WEDDING • Or EXETER COUPLE Mr: and Mrs.4.fohn Cole, of Exeter, recently celebrated the fiftieth anni- • versary of theii• wedding, with a family gathering inhluding their son, Mr. A. L. Cole, a Goderich, and Mrs. 'Cole: Their home was decorated • with golden •'mums, yellow •gladioli, dahlia's and marigethls. After a dinner Tor- the family, the -bride .end groom event seeial .evening with their neighbors and finds, t� whom dainty pupper was served by Mrs. rthur. Coke Mrs., .,Fred Cole; Mrs. illiam (of' and,.Mrs Andrew London,. • (Mr. and Airs.„Cole were married at, -,(e•the old 'Pimples Road-emanse by Rev. •30Iin FkOeher. They lived on a .0* farm near -,LumleO for thirty yearS 'slid then cmovedto Exeter, Where they hag; since • resiOed. They have •two sons, • Arthur L., -of --Fi::(1,oderiele and Fired,, at home. , , _ THEY, LIKE GODERICH ' "A beautiful town, and ouch clean - looking homes_ and surroundings,-" is the first impression of Goderieh gained by Mr. ‘And Mrs. A:: (H. •McHugh, vieitonein, toWn froneBeitish Oolninbia. Mrs. McHugh is a sister, of .W. L Bud. dock, sr. They ame- to Canada in 1010, While her brother came two years later. •Thie is the first .time the i have et in (anada.. Mr.' and Mrs. Mc- ' Hu,orli reside in White Rock, E.O. They tra-Mled from Vancouver to Montreal Mrs. IL G. i)un_leto and prayer was of - to vieit a slider there aud one from fered by Mrs. J. II. Barnett. A fine • fLockport, ihen came to Goderien to solo was sung (by Mrs. S. Walter, ac - visit relattvea here.• companied by Miss E. Sotherville, and the thank-offerin,ee amounting to $152, LOOT 1, ROM STORE FOUND • was dedicated by Mrs. W. Tebbutt. • Onoteems;rilles and revolvers otojen The benediction was pronounced by from EpPs' „epos -ting good4- etre at Mr. • Grigg, and at the close of the .-01111tOri ,on the night of September 27 meeting a social half-hour was en- havelbeen found in an abandoned!stolgeOjoyed and refresluments were 8orved car' in Toronto, according to word by the Social coniniittee eoneene4 by eeived by Provincial Constable Prank,. Miss B. Mae -Vicar. ' Fox. Mr. E6ps went -to Toronto to - • • identify his property, Ile estimated THREE' FOR THE R,C.A.F. his loss at the'lime of the robbery at William illeset, son of Postmaster $600. see, , -Bisset, hate enlisted as a pilot in the '• V(AFand is now Rationed at Man FAREWELL PRESENTA.TIONS Ping 1)epot, Brandon, Man. MisS Metiorkindate, retiring superin. Ralph itiaeltstone, son of 'Mr. Harold „1... :- tendent"of AteXalidra Marine and Gen- Illackstone,Owho enlisted as a pilot lp 021' iiiospital, was presented with a the R.C.A.P. Some weeks- ago, Is at -.silver tea servie, by the nurses' ,Eltaff of present ytatioued at Mazinieg Depot, • the hospital and the nurses who'gradu- Toronto. alto under Tier supervision. The houee Archie fliaeintyre, athi off Mrand staff also made a presentation to, her lib. Duncan' Macintyre, I1ntaIl, ale() on learning of her intended deParturehas enlisted, in the It (1 LF.. as a membee of the aircretV. Ile is now ,at - HALLOWE'EN PRECAIITIONS Manning Depot, Toronte. Mischief -makers (en Friday night The three boys, who left together for (411a1lovve'en) will not have eVOrything Toronto on 'Saturday; expeeted that their owil way. The pollee department they WotildealI•be,..statibhed at: the'73ar1e lo arraogingfor extfa „patrol service; 'depot, but Bisset was sent on to- Bran!' but it le, hopeit will not be neces,sary don flket and Macintyre were inenoy, to taltpony harsh measures to maintain, bera• of "the -Goderieli baseball team Oa reasonable &ate, of pettOe and which wolif Hie IluN 3nnlor.filteagtio security.• ' championship this- year.• Chrietians- they, were bitterly per- secuted, by the Buddhists. Some of them went 'to other parts of the • country, butnone of them would give' hp the religion that meant so much to them, and their loyalty should be ,an inspiration to •Five of those men are noti6 members of rthe Legislature, and one was knighted recently by the, -1O.Ingefor his splendid service. • 'Theee are so many thietge today," said the speaker, "which eome between, us and God. We have read that • Zan -Micas eould not seo Jesus because :of the pr,and he climbed as high as lie could, so that lee might see , the Master. ' We, too, may rise above the trivial•things- thature-leeeping us away from God, and in (Thing this consecrate ourselves anew to His service, wher- ever the need may be."-' - - The Seriptare lesson was read -by i'resentations to J'uniors' and' L.Ba'utaind:-LBaseball Wit by Mooney Gibson Frilly was a big night for Gedericli'e baseball fraternity, young and old; tile occasion being the annual baseball bane quet of the Lions ()lino:sponsors Of Bantam and Junior team ko to Whom IroPhies, ,_and _Individoal presentatienS ,were made toOmark the close of, a succeestal.seaeon. All told, nearly ' °Tie Inindred were preSent at the banquet'. The ',highlight •of the .evening • was the. address of Mooney •Gibsoe, a Lon- don, one of a very few Canadians to have th.eir names enrolled 'In proles - phial baseball's hall of fame,- and who wae. with the Pittsburg Pirates as AT TUE, WA'rERVRONT • The str. Bricoldoe arrived 'from Forj• TITUr4dM_Wttli. 32,158 bus. v‘lieat; 44,150 bus„ barley and 48,005 bias. feed screenings; -On Friday morning the str. Soodoe arrived • from Fort William 'with 250,670 bits. catchere_coach and finally manager for tiearly a score of years. Gleson, still very peppery despite his sixty-one years, and now a well-to- do gentleman farmer, assisted in the arious Presentations, and ehoelt hands with each of the players; -. speaking words of encouragement and adeice..to them. (Later the boys, and their elders toots 'listened to his talk With rept a tteutioite The address was replete with baseball lore of big-time profes- sional baseball for oy,er thirty year, the personal experiences efl Gibeon himself and others of the -'baseball great such as • John McGraw, • - George. Stallings, Babe Ruth, ,Ty Cobb, Henui Avagner, Rabbit Meranyille„ and others -whose. names 'were-household:words a generation baek. - At- .the -request-of Lion President J. • 1-1T-• Kinkead, Lien T. It. Patterson, chairioan ef the Lions.' boys' and girLs' .cepremittee, presided .during the pro- gram. He in 'turn called. open Lions.1. •:AO iGreleameto,make the presentation -of - war saving e .stamps, witIi a value of. one dollar eaeli,'-to •t lie' ineniperO, of Arnold MeCennell's four bantam teams. Lio'n' Graham, very much up on hiS basebell Stuff, d -id an excellent job. • Theteams: • Bede ( champions )--Oack MeDonald --(captain), Oordort Thomas, Howard Smith, Peter 'Bisset,' Billy . Bond, Gorge Westlake, :Bb Needham, Ger- ald Meroe Pete'Pattekeon. - 01ants-s-Bi1ly Newcombe (captain)" Donald"- Warren, • Paul Brute-Eiskine; Philip Willis, Murray -Holland,. Jack' Erskine, Bob McLean. Pirates—d aelt 'S todd art . ( captain ), Doh Baxter, Lindsay Burrows, Billy •Beacsimr_ Don Ma elOwan, Don Seott, Brent 'Nelson.• . . Tigers—elifnmy-• pisset.(eaptain),, Bob .Alleni Leonard Bod' kins Jac& Needham,.. Walter Thomas, George Holland and Prank „.Melie.chnie, a. British 'War guest. . It was -explained that the cuP won• by, the champion Reds was not yet ready for peesentation, the engraver •not. having finished. his work on it. . . . Presentation to Arnold McConnell A well -merited presentation aisle, was - made to Arnold McConnell, fatheie bantam baseball in Goderich, wilt) veas paid- high tribute for the enthusiasm he had disnlayed, the time he had given aid the good job helia.d,dohe In ceach- ,ing the youligsters during the past season. Mr.. McConnell said his work had been , a real'enieeasure. Training had started' the second week in May. Three times a weekthere was a good response to the .call for practice at 7 lit• the mornipg. Twenty-four -games, includ- lpg live exhibitions, had been played alid • "by the time Prime 'Minister Winston Chaechill's, team win the yeal°•- we hope to have developed some real baseball players in' this town," Arnold said, adding that the presenteaverake age of 'the players wae twelve. Ile thanked • all for their co-operation, eglieeiallyee-TebtanellY77.1011S t On, 'Nero had taken a keen interest in the Bantams, also Jack.Evans. • • Thepresentation of the Exe&sfor Life trophy, emblematic of the ,Outibk championship of the'Brttee League, was made by the vice-president of the Leagues, Don Melseed, of 'Ripley, who Was introduced by Lion. -Wm. ItifisetO -manager. of the Juniors. Mr. McLeod termed ,Goderich worthy 'champions and brought best wishes from the League. With, the• present inroads, being made on intermediate and senior rankle by reason of • the war, he pointed, out, the need for developing young ,players . was greater than ever. The trophywas reeeivedelty Terry 'OeStello oil •behalf of' the learn,each' member of which was presented with a._war saving% -eertificate. -Tne „team: - Frank Eedy, Itob•Oraig'Walter Westbrook; Frank Young, Chester Mr- Nalletiloyd Paulsen, Billy Bisset, Terry Costello,IIarry Worsen, Archie Mc- Intyre,, Bill Johnston, Philip Johnston and Bert Worsell. in his day' In profeOsional base- ball (1903-35), Mooney Gibson stood for everythingetbat was good and was at credit to itlanadian sport," 'observed Judge Costello in introducing the speaker of ,the evening, giving a brief resume of :Gibson's career. wheat. On Friday night the •str. Ontadoe came la from Port ArthiP" 'with 27).4745 bus. • wheat. All „this grain was for the elevator., , Also on Irriday night the orivo -frOin YorttWilliam - with_ .18,730 bus. • wheat, 31,505 bus oats, 25,140bus; flax and 2%445 bus. rye, also foe the elevator., The Hud- son left again for Fort William 31oh- day morning, after taking on' 325 inns, of salt. The str. Selkirk arrived, light. front Gore Bay on Saturday night, and left 'Sunday morning with 300 tons of salt, bound for Montreal. The ki.; 'Ire Massey 'arrived Sunday -Morning ;witli 70,770 bus. wheat and 32,054 bus. barley- for the elevator. • BARGE CUT ADRIFT Tiig bine Ross Encounters Heavy Weather on Trip North from Gode- rich The high -wind and waves on Lake iron • Thursday laet proved too much for the tug Ione Ross anti its tote barge, the old ferry "City of Pod Huron," whieli left here on Wednes- day for Tobermory. The barge had to be eut Jeoee from the tug and it drifted ashOre near Inyerhuron beach. The tug ,managed to put Safely into pert at Kincardine. The tug is the property of the ROSS. Construction CO. of Kincardine. .Capk. John Tigert •lO the skipper. ,..- WEDDED 63 YEARS AGO • .1 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gray, Bruce ' Street, Celebrate the Anniversary air. and Mrs. Jesse, Gray, -Bruce street, celebrated ' their, sixty-third wedding goeivereary op Friday last. IMO. Gray, who is in his eighty- eighth year, and .Mrs. Gray, eighty- four, are both hale and hearty after sixty-three years Of • married • life. Mr. Gray says he has rime known a •&Way' in his life except for the oc- ceeional cold, and he 'stili walks daily to .the postoffice tor his mail. Both he and Mrs. Gray eagerly read The SiDiatiStar and they are faithful in their attendance at North • street United O church. They have three • daughters, all mauled: Mrs. H. Durnin, a mission - 'dry.' at. Kitamat, B.C., who ,is at eneleent •nonie on furlough; Mrs. • M Shackletoe of Crewe and Mrs. 0, Webb of Goderieh; three sons'; Asher, of Regina, ,Saskatchewan, ;Lawrence. of Belleville, and, Willard, of San Franeineb. They have • also three grandsons and 'one -greatgrandson. One grandson, -Jack Gray, 'is on active service • in England. _After their marriage Mr. • and Mrs. Gray lived on a 200 -acre farm in Ashfield township,'near Port Albert, foil thirty. five years, after which they. moved te a farm five and one-half milee west of 'Clinton: They came to Gocleoish twelve years later and have lived et their home 'on Bruce street _ever • Mooney Gibson's Address Clean living, vontlitiop, will power and »spirit r were all Stressed by Mr. 'Gibson as the attributes of a success- ful aspirant for the (big ,leagnes. To those who Ovislicel to take up baseball As a career he said that in his scouting and managerial capaeity he never once investigated .5 'player Who had bad habifse.no matter how good he might be as a player. The speaker told of going from Me- .01ary's amateur team, of London in 1003 to Buffalo IlLsons at the invitation • of George Stallings, to Montreal. in ;001, to Pittsburg, in 1005, remiining there to 1916. X* wan witIoNe0 'Zorlt 'Giants and Washington 'for a time and • In 191/.16-10 managed Toronto Maple Leafs, in 1034 he returned to Pitts» burg, ao manager, retiring the follow- ing year. interesting anecdotes,' of "some of baseball's- immortals Were reeitedin G. 14.1,arsons Heads Sky Harbor Company ,],lexison Straugban Appointed georetary.-Treasurer • Director' Meeting At a meeting of the board of 'direct- ors ofr Huron Connty Flying Training School,' Limited, on Tuesday night,- G. L. Parsons, .president of the Goderieb, Elevator and Transit Company,' was appeinted president of the company under vvhich the Sky Harbor elemen- tary air training school- is operated. He succeeds W. L. 'Whyte of Seaforth. it. J. Bowman, _Reeve of Brussels, was Appointed vice-presideet and Ben- son Straughan of Beamiller, whohas been on ,the• oiliCe staff Of the school since it was establi.shed, was made seeretary-treastuer. John 1. Douglas, • under whose management the, school has made an eecellent record; remains as general manager. Members of the board of directors, besides those already named, are A. II. Erskine, 'Goderich; K. J. titieston, Goxrie; Benson W. Tuckey, Exeter, and W. L. Whyte, Seafortle MORE PARCELS FOR THE GODERICH MEN OVERSEAS • -The overseas parcels committee have packed -an- -additional-.seyentee which, it is hoped, will reach the boys overseas before Christmas. These, re- ports Mrs.- D. J. Lane, convener of the leammittee, are almost entirely for the Men of the Perth Regiment who ar- rived in . England only • a •couple of weeks. ago,- -- , This makes a total of fifty-three Christmae reminders sent 'in •the pre= sent month, •and it is safe to say -that the boye in.Fogland will welcome.them. A. few more parcels mist be prepared for the 'men abroad and then more •tban twenty additional pareers will be prepared for the Goderleli 'men in the navy. Most a these.„are within easy reach of Halifax, so that it will not be necessary to mall • them • until December. Those- men who are on foreign service. will ,get their.. boxes When they reach, theni,ebutthere is no way of telling whereehat will be. • In- foomation on matters concerning the navy is extremely difficult to secure. Meneserying aboard ehipsare not el -- lowed •to give-ieformation, so it is al - 'nest impossible to digeover where the men are serving. Truly the navy is -the silentOservice,". The parcels, from home, however, will be welcome when they do finally• reaeh their destination. Mrs. Lexie and the committee are -pare tieularly anxious to, thank those who have contributed articles or money, but these are so numerous that 'it is interesting fashion by .the, speaker. He . teld haw he thought: Catcher :..Nlickey Owen ceme to make the fatal mise of the, ball after the third strike in the-fatufb. gameof_the recent world's, series. He said that although he was a National 'League (booster he, was forced to admit ,the Yankees had too much 'offer for the Dodgers -and wopld have won. the series, come what might. hrniro• sinif5T-WiTressiona baseball I was given a good straip,tt talk by Edward Barrow, now president of the Yaokees, and I heeded iteeeery- step of the' way," Mr. Gibson con- cluded. . • A vote of thanks wag moved be Lion I). D. Mooney, THE TATE WARDEN LEIP.ER• Warden Leiper Dies in 77th Year Rad le ine Record in- *Wei* ' 4 Aga:int —• $ucioultui as a_ParniSr ...", i4-- .4a:oleo Leiper, Warden Of liurom County, died iii" the -Clinton hoispital early Sunday morning, as the, resillt Ot. a paraly•tie stroke suiferett oni Tuesfbil •.of,Tlast week as he AV,1$ motoring home from. "CI odrielt With his sOn John. Warden Leiper wa$ in his seventy- SeVenth *e,tU, having bon- bora 00 April, §tli, 1$05, the son of John Leiper and Agues 'Muir -Leiper, tHullett town- ship. Ile early took an interest in 'farming and his farm, home, ',.•ort'. on - 'cession 11, Ifullett, is One Of the thre,st in the township. 1.10 wast partteulirlY . 1 intereSted . in horses and was au dm- • ' porter of fir.st-class draft; horses. on -December 27, 1899, he married Annie IIanailtonj who sarvives with a family of live sons and two dauglatem They' ate John •M., of Clinton ; Rebert, of • Toronto; ',Gavin, °William. a,nd 'Plibmas, at nOnte; Oliseese-A.gnee p., of Toronto, and, jean, at ane. 4 hcci- the?*, William, antr- a ' sister, Miss --Martha, of 'Mullett, also survive. ' James Letper had» served ir4' home' township fer many years as councillor t and as reeve and. was the cb.oiLse for tile POsition, of cognty warden at a caucus --of Liberal''tnembers- -• of ---410:___ County Council for 1941,, continuing' the custom of alternating th*. honor be ' tweeo the two- main, political parties . year about. He was a past president of •the Olintore Spring Stock Show ,ande was a director of the society at the time- •of hOe deatio,--.4,1e „aleo-WasoltOes. Member Of. CaStanee Court' of the h. Canadian (OrdiOr of Foresterst, 4 kr, ' ' ' A Fine--JIeeorg,1— - - - - -- In all the late Mr. Leipe-r served ten year -s in ,,the 'County ,Coupell over a period of • thirty' years'. ,A-ftee elitee - yeaes• in Hallett Towliship Council' he -was elected reeve in 1911..and served -on tbe County Coniicil 1141-13, again. in 1923,-2O. and in 103741, all figures `. incrusive.-MWhen eleeted Warden last Jonhary he expressed his intention of retiring from the ritunieipaI arena et „... . the , exist eiO tris year -He felt, and rightly' so, that he had contributed his• n • 'of- Mrs. Harold Hannaford in • share to Public life. - • howl. p4Airgelitse:..a.ln1^r.o,fLenipeumrew,ro4uss at.lmeeotrenst cwain_ra- , • of MLes Waterman and presented, her. ner and a good loser,eknoWn far and With »farewell gifts. A desk clock was presented to . i ' il'Ss Waterman from the student nurses of tbe hospita}, too. whom. Mise -BettOr Srigley officiated.o. - A. „lovely leatbee ° Hotiored by Fellow. Workers' at Orilla Miss). Olive Waterman Receives Ntimerous- Oifts' Prior to Remoir4Lto- _ifoderich,_ - .Severui PreSentations. ' have • been matlie-at Orillia. Mies: Olive. Water- man, superintendent of the Soldiers' Memoritil.- Hospital there, who hag -ace eepted 'the Pesition. of superintendent ,of Alexandra-HOisipital;- Goderichz--The graduate staff or: the 'hospital,. the student • bed y; Nurses' • Alui»anee . 'and- -Other graduate ,- nure_es. of the -town the Wo•men'e Akixiliary to the hoepital and Lily -of -the -Valley Chapter, •Vilder, of the Eastern- Star, have presented Mise • Waterinan 0 with farewell -,gifts eV Ida Ce7bif" 'eeee:10---au07,.best -wishee' for her in -her new ,pO.SitiOn,- presentatione are reported in 'last week'e, issue The Orillia-.Paeket and Times. • . • ". -•Aboutefifty---nurses,"'representative-of - the -grackle te staff...of the-hoepitaI,•the etudent Vedy • ot the • hoepital, - 'the Nurses" Alumnae- and - other --gf'aduate nurses a the town met- at the home wide for his geniality. •He was not a. good. platferm, orator,but he bad» a-. gooe grasp. of municipal affairs and . soueid judg011efit, 'Ile • also bad a ,. reptitation for rigid honesty, ... purse 'was . the gift of the Norseso . o' .-kimerai on Tuesday Altunialie apd other giatluatesnurees og. .The' inneral fOOk place on •TuesdaY t• the tonte. Mtg. Gertrude Adams re,ad anewas attended by a large eeneouree, °- the addreee atel' tbe•mwepelltion Was ineludipg -nearly" nil the members of • local mercbants, however; in partieurtfrl of the graduate staff -and general duty the County • '05micit,' !County se and alrnost4rnpossible to list:theta' all. The :made by Mrs,-4Hannaford. On 'behalf Township ...oftioiats.. Rev. A. E. Mee - have beeen generous this month several 1 nurses Of the bospital, Miss Oerrie, ziee -0.tikidte1. .. -,5 ' 6, , ,, • making generous gifts and one handing ' Robinson -presented Miss, Waterman back to a Committee member the re- with- an oil opainting Refreshments Thse active :pallbearers were mem- back . and, officials .: of the ifinilett ceipted bill for a .considerable- quantity were serred tit the Close -of the enjoy- '-e. . „ . , . , . , . ,. . , l-voWnsisin, COnneel—Jamee- • MeCool, of good's just purchased. able evening. • • • -...-- - • • -' r 3't ' ' Ed , IN illethe..Caree , s thin .... rmetrong, s Those packing on Monday were-, in ' Tribute of Wonieit's Auxiliary ',. ''. ward 'Pickett, -George: Brown, tind addition to Rev. D. J. Lane and Mrs. A pair of silver, candaestiek-bolde-rs John- Fergasop. The honorary' pall - Lane, Mrs. Role. MeMeben, Mre. Stale and a rose bowl were the gifts of the, bearers:, were ,ipast 'County wardens, S'nider, Jas. MaeVi(4ar; Heel?. Jane Women'e Auxiliary to 'the Roldiers' 1 and Mrs. Fe R. Redditt. ISABEL GRAHAM DEAD Well-known Poetess ,of seaforth sue. best wishes for the future. Tbe eioene • cjimbs to Injuries Received in a •was.' hclil at the oureesO residence and Fall Last Night • ' was attended'hy forty •members of the. IMemoriAl .rospital to :MisS, Waterman,' • • intendent and ae an expression of -their 'Cardiff, 3.1.Positftve J. H. Scott, Sea J. BownOallO Wilmot Hafteke, J. M. • in aPpOeciation• . her • assietanee to ell:. tin,. 'A ail I i a ry d•ur geher term as Eckert ; •GOlditig, .M.P., L. — •forth,- Reeve Peney Passntere of Us- horni, and John Mella.th, ,,ex -reeve, Grey.. The flower:bearers weree mem- ber* of the County ,Councit—Alex. me.p9pald, -°• Bea RethWell, T.: C. • • Goderien e Aliary. friends were ettirtleto . • .' . • uxi 'ilear. this morning of the dAt death of ones withethe gifts an address tyae Miss II. Isabel Grahem of Seliforth, presented in wilier' it Was stated. that 1 Wilson, 'George - Armstrong, -12. Red-. whith .oecuered last evening as the' -toe - whole town nod s»urroanding! mond, J. W. •.anible, S. H. Whitmore, result of a fall on the street iteethee. tountry have, heard with the- deepeq' Roland Grain,-R..E.-Shaddiek, W: ll. town. be passed, away as she was rZigret.of•-ypur resignation," and fervent ' morritt; Feed • 'Watson aM1- Alex. •Me - being - taken into the'hospitar- he- good 'Wishes- fax Miss • Waterman's Cann. Warden, Leper's.remains were- - future,- were expree•-•:sed. - - , . et a , Meeting of llsily-of-the-Velle3' Iitillett. ---- • , ,Aaid • to . rest m Urns cemetery. mediately after the accident. ____ . - 31iss Graham was' a woinan of great '- • and varicel talent. She published sev- Chapter 0 the) Order of • the Eastern j . To GOB the. Vatancy- . strange coincidenbe one of the letest. »Miss Waterman with' a edIver eake dish The' late Mr., 'Lelper is ...the first, eral volumes of Paetd, and - by a Star. Occasion was taken' to,.present i • products of her pen is published on the as a farewell gift. Mrs. A. T-. Carter I -Warden of Huron County to die while 7 ill Oilie.e. • 'Following the provisions of sUitorial page of The Signal-*Star-inis -San-g-- -the Easterneeprfever -ands-Nirs: 'the -Atillielpal ..ket;----N.-- W. .Miller, ' -week. She %vas also gifted a's a Roltert Ingram made the presentation. County ,Cleric, has takten Oise first steps , for the filling of tlie vecanier. • B letter he has notified all members of the , County Council of Mr, Leiper's. death. If a Majority of the colincillors ask, in Aliening, that a special 'meeting be held • to appoint a sueeeesor to finish out • 'mustrian. •She was an, active church •mutter in connection wi tiej he »Sea f oet Presbyterian . gongregation- and aTte- gether was a woman who commanded the highest degree of respect and admire' Hon BRITAIN IS CALLING The campaign ,to sell more and still more Wgr Savings Certificates hap begun and canvassers will be calling at every home -and business. place in Goderich within The next few days. Before they reach your place, figure out how many. more you can buy in addition to what yza are already buying„ and if at all 'possible, buy more.. Last February, Goderich was asked for a certain number of pledges to buy War Savings Certificates, 'and those pledges - were egiven. The citizens are now asked to buy more to help Britain in the hour of ° her greater need. Goderich is asked to supply ONE ITNIVERSAL CARRIER A "MONT11,—or at, the least $,,,000 monthly. -- This is :a personal, .direct call on every man, woman and -child in Goderich and vicinity to "Spend less—Save more." Buying Wa`r Savings 'Certificates :will pro- vide an income Iter on as the money you lend will be repaid with*IttereSt at 3 per cent. Oilr mii, and boys overseas need our helb. Ve dare not let thou down. , .M:47;,' Waterman has been superin:- 'tendept of the ,Soldiers' Memorial Hos- pital -for,eigett yetire, Says The Pa-eket ifled -Times.. She -hag Made mane' friends in Orillia during her -residence there and their best wisliee will follow her to her- new position as---snperin-, ow year, the Clerk will he obliged to tendene.of.2_he hospital_at (17 e not a majority request for a special 1e.rich. • l call one. lf, on the othee hand,•tnere°- ' ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Meeting, the Successor will chosen Mr. 811(1 -Mrs. George Baxter, (701- at the regular, November eesesien, 'now borne township, announce the engage- only a few weeke away. - o went of thoir eldest., granddaughter, Reeve Percy- Passmore of "(Osborne' " Elle. Leon, gaitete to Mr. •klarman Townsbip was rennereup to -Mr. Leipeeo , Wellington Stevens, • son of Mr. abd in the vote for the waidenship last , •Mrs. William Stevens, Maitland cop- January.. •- • oessibn. Oulborne tiiitilship. The ni • riage will take place quietly .the mithile INSTRUCTOR, BARR -af,November, '• ' • ro' UNDEROPERATION- Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Pedrick, of Bleu -- helm, Ont., ,annottnce the ettpgeotent: 422 their eldest elaughtee, Agnes Irene, • .to *Mr. Keith Crawford Clitt, sten of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin l'utt of Goderieb the :wedding' to tako, place Now:miter Mt in Blenheim. engagement is announeed of •liorothy 'Mail'. Walters. only,daughter of Meg. Walters; and thp late Thomes Walters of „Moderieh, to LAC. Percy Randolph niit4i. R.A.F., only • son of Mrs. Bessie Smith. Epsom, England; Ntteritniatvrril.age to take' place early in CHANGE INIIARDWARE RUMNESS The hardware business on, West street WitiehhaCt been tonditeted by Hugh raiser has been mucilage:4 by Mr. James E. Naftel of fawn, who took posseseion on Tuesday.' Mr. Naftel has boon weli andrfavorably .known in connection with Illunt'g hardware. Mr,. Paiser's plans for tlx future are in, definite', but the fhe amily„will ematinue to reside b'r •Goderich for',the--coming 'winter ai least. 0 ,44 TRAV1i4O(EI IW REV. It. 11. ittlitNIt11114,16 . "At Itandoro on a Tainlivra" is the title .of il travelogue to ibo igivon at North stfeet, United church on Friday evening,. November Ittb, by Rev. R. Turnbull, Admi!3s1on,. 25e and , Injured in Crash at Iiitelitiner, Six Weeks Ago and Still in hospital .Kennetlk Barr, Sky 11111130r 'in- structor, who was seri-misty injured when his 'plane crashed at Kitchener - \Waterloo airport on Septehilber 16th last. underwent an operation in Kitebeinzr hospital yesterday and his von(1itionethiO morning is reported as favorable, Manager J. It. 1)ottglate Sky Harbor reports. Instruetor Beim lost 'a leg 'and sustained other in- juries .in the rteeldenr in which hid 114tbn dti eht, atit:e.Iville Hart, Toroiato,, Training Class Enlarged • Th* nleventl lieulaineIebeittoforretypeiliet imlry double the number (fwelitY-four) of the first colass to •report one year am The ehange will take pint* at the mhldle of November and that In all, ninety istudentq will be in training at , on tilne.o, The number of student,s to it claso bas been in- creased frOm time to time, 4irst 'front 'twenty4onr to thirty4ille,, then to forty.two, Toad now to torty-liVe- The present elameo are ti little be - 'hind flying but not mueb, dwing .10 • unfavorable 'weather Of tlie pest week or tteirdayf4. An addition is being built to •Sky itanbor hangar in" whit -11 to ntotot, naraelrutes and other eonipment.