HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-16, Page 8PAGIC iuu
.. s
day here for the ,bll ill, ef UurOn eQuiltYi
sen --SeteirdaY. --Ieetbel Rel1ieStnee-J04u-4--
,Shepparel, 'Ruth "Wilson . and Luell/e
Keller sold the tap, and 02,25 Was,
realieed. This is the fleet tiMe a tag
day has been held in the village,
Mies Suele Blair ie , visiting bele
,sister. Mrs. John. Rehertsoe, and Mr.
Roherteon7at Gaderich, ' •
The 1Vomen'e Institute • will hold
their Monthly meeting in the Foreeters'
Ilan on Tuesday, October 21.et, at 2.30.
The. stilejeet, • "Hietorieal Ttesea.relae"
will ebe taken b,y.Miss Margaret Mpg.
Current .events will he, given by ),frs,
C. `Strauglian. Roll ,call—Exhibit a
relic and give its history. • liostesSes—,
Mr.s. Mogridge, Mrs. Wm, Straughan,
i•Mr. Earl- Raithby.
, Rev. ,1'. It; Stre*.tter of Aylmer, who is
to sueceste Rev. R. M. 1Veekes as reetor
of • Asosesu, Atistil,. -end Ietlgrave
Aegliean ••liureletis, is• expeeted to theet
over leks ilswediarges pext week% •' .
. .
! iiiission '' Band. — 1.1ae - Ilundiedth .
realm was' repeated -in unieon as the]
cell W worship' for the Missiou Bad
inteting at Knox United church on.
Suedes- moreieg. 'Jerold MeClinelle'e
read froni Sr. Luke's (oepel the story of
the ten lepers vie:speed, and Hattie
. Wigh t nian - tittered prayer. The roll
call Wes ai,•est.ered with a Jible -verse
having the -W nel "thauk.sgiving." Don-
ald, Campbe1
1 gaV-e--- a Thanksgiving •
reading. Mrs. ,,11. C. Wilson reviewed i
the stlItiY• litees,•-el)owir Trinidad We -ye-. i
and intrudueed the new study ,book, -*-.
eleantetes sin the-s•Chine
Missron Band ois planning to have a I -sorry...el cane
social evening on Friday, October 24,
On the Sunday school room of the
..ehurele the children to provide the .
AUBURN, 0) -et. a4. ----Mr. and
DOneaS,--/(74- Pbell Or-TerOaii. spent
the week -end with Mr. and Mre.
tihepPard. ' . I
31.11ss Al a Mutat of Toronto was a
weekend visitor with her mother,
Jae. Ml#,Ott.
' 0
Mr Jas ininr,ito'n a • tile R.C.A.F. •
. .
Cedietp Boyle», Misses Ilary, `Houston of
eanaPheliville. Jean of Ilewmanville, •
anal Itranme, eureteineratujeee at seitee.
enter, 'spent the week -end with their
parents, )1r. anti Mrs. 'John Houston. ,
Mr. and Mrs...ikeZeleott of 3:Drente
visited friends here over the week -end;
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robison spent
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Note
Mrs. B. J. Crawford, Mrs. lerancee
Courtice, Mrs. Will, Sproule, Mrs.
Heber Hedy, .Nliss leetly, Dun-
gannon, anti Mre: 'Sam Swan, 1.1elmore,
visited with Mrs. Fred Rose on Wede
Miss' Sadie -e-"arter ,pent the week...
end in Torouto.
Misses Ruth Meteor and Muriel La
Vrancee nurses-itetrainieg at Victoria
Hospital, .* London, Miss Marjoeie,
Arthur of Tettewater and Keith Arthur
ofsthe R.C.A.F., St.' Thomas, speet the„
week-eed, with Mrs. ellirgaret Arthur:
Mr. and Mrs. • Straughae are
seeiting their dattghter, Mrs.' •Clayton
Robertson, and Mr. Roberteon, at
Copper Cliff.
Miss Betty. Asquith :,'trafferd. Miss'
Metre' Asquith, Toronto," LAC. Harold
Asquith,- Clinton; Reg.- Aeq11-Ith. King=
stn, and Mr. and Mr. Chas. MeNele.
Toronto, visited With. ...Mee. Wad Mrs.
Chas. A.equith over the weekend. ,
• -Mr. •and Mrs, Jas.: , McWhiuney and
MIss Marjorie licWhineety ,of Dungan:"
non vistted with Mr. and Mee,- John
MeKnight on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. OliverAnderson visited
at London on Sentlay.
'Miss Bertha 'King of Toronto' visited
with her aunt, Mrs". W. C. Robertson,
ever theevweek-end.
Mrs. R,uSsell King and two ehildren,
--Donald antleganlinee onsSianday her husband, huSband, Russell King, ,who is a
-patient Westminster Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs.. A. J. Ferguson .spent
the week -end with their daughter, Mrs.
Ray O'Neil,..and__Mre .01.,(NeileeKitchener.
The. Women'e Institute. lield a tag
-program. • e
take a message for fifteen minutes. The Colonel's
lietening to Superinete:"-
. f-ottiairis,
3 ion Council
WAS. Meeting. ---The fall thauk- . , oroofnt(t)h.euesteurre.lti.Ls's
His ieepiritig
offering meeting of the W.1.11.S. of Knox' ' .
addi..eeseso WW0 more interesting from
Presbyterian ehureh wits held at the ' DUNGANNON;; ()et. 15.—A seetional the ,tact that he is a native of Huron
. home of Mess Josephine Weir: The meeting- of the western division of eouietyand epent a numbee_ of yeers
president,,Mrs. Jahn Houston, presided I Maltlahd Presbyterial WM.. Society around Londesboro, al/(Mis also -a friend
' and .opened the meeting witIi prayer.
i tk to b h ' ' of the local minister, Bev. \\ 1' • New -
P ad me Erskine Preebyterian .,
The Scripture was read responsively, , - -,, - ... . inan. Special music was arrange dand
I and Mess (Dr.) J, H. Barnett of Godee ! church, Leingannou, on October 21st. given by ehe church choir, assisted by
rich ,offeteel-1,11,•Pl!.!te tier? :.,WCL.„ ...,`411Sis,,Forne-Alobbo),
read iron! the Arthur cireie,•GOderien, her niother, Mrs. Elizabeth Roble _over „Uwe . The gifts of thank -offering
lee, attend theitethenk.,offeringeraeeting,;-the week-end.seres— • • amounted to $121.70.
on October 20th, when 'Rea'. Allan Visitors+ on -Sunday with Mrs. Wm.
Enoxc'elatirel?' L. A, rUMMage sale
Saturday; Qctober 25, in Oddfellowte
Hall, at 1 p,m.„ 40
The Leaf Chapter), J.O.D.E.,
will nold a rummage sale At Macirkay
October -OW. BoorS
Open at 10 a.m. • Donations'to. he ,ealled,
for. Telephone 550 or 226.. 40
Slendor Tablets, harmless !Ad
,elfective. Two- weeks' sUpplY
'Clatupbell Drug Store. ' 36-52
Ituunn4ge sale by North street Even-
ing Auxiliary lit 'MatKay Hall, October
256, at 1 41-2
- 'The Goderich Township North
branch of the Goderieh Red Crose
Soeiety will meet at the home of Mr.
and :Mrs. Ed. ,Sowerby TuesdeY
evening, October 21st, at 8 o'clock..
All interested .ako. weleome. T. R.
RtjiNIDLIE, Seeretary.
, New huts for thf,. week -end from a
popular group of fashion leaders.
Miss M.-11.- alaCVIOAlt,- Kingston St
Phone 462. • - 42
8,yeAni f9i. Saturday, Monday and
Tuesday—checked,flannelette blaukete,
70x80, 99e- eat -b. (40DERIC4-1 DOLLAR
STORES. , 42
There will „be riuninage sale in DR. W. B. ;COXON
MacKay on Saturday, November VIEMEIRIINARIAN
22nd, under the auspices of the Nva. suitoi and Large AniMalS
of -Vietoria street United ehertee All
Reoch, a • returned .missionary from McConnell and M. - Finnigan
Formosa, will speak. Miss Eva Somer- i were mt., and !Niles.. .Sid Gibson, Sr., -
ville of Gederich weeetheieuest speaker land imee_etne mes, Sid- Gibson,- Jr.., and ASHPIPAJD. -Oct.- 15 —Misses 'Ethel'
• •
and gAve• a splendid address, **Thing
. son Bobby and'eklaeter Dick' Johnston, . i M eG • Of
1 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hughes, !foie oronto apent, the week,Tend-„at'lle-ir
—,-...., — things are our h.ome-s, our•posses-siOns, , -
• ' onto and Mr and Mrs. Roy 'Blaek °-the here"
our loved ones. The 'slae-alsee said the
Bible was • not always a possession of,-,- '. • ' . . ' Miss Bessie Barnby of Hamilton
.epeknow, spent Thanksigi.ving „ DIV%
the. people.. She urged *her 'hearers,•toi - •'• visited with her father on Thanks -
'with the ladies' parents, .Mr. and Mrs. • es
rad the Bible more; it Sheuld be dsed
i David Se Erriegton.e
more ID 'the homes and in the echoole, , ,, Little Lorraine Hamilton, who is
We extend our sincere s• meethv t. . - •
ehe said, and she urged .natire regttlar ; - - Y ---• - • ' rectiVin_g treatment in London, is
attendance at • the house of God. Mrs. , Mrs. A. E. A.nderson, Who l'aSt week steadily iniproving.
II Phillip of Blyth fiv•ored with a was •1-)reareti by ' the death of her
brothel:, Mr. Ernest -Mitchell, Colborne
sPlo. A vote of thanks was ',Moved by
township. The facmily attended at
Mrs. Lawson,..seconded by Mrs. Rabi-
men, to Miss Sonaerville-for her spleiadid • the funeral on Moielay of this week.
message ; to Mrs. Phillip for her mess, I 'kiss Wilina Treleaven,' Toronto, en
age in on, and to -her .aceompanist. • jeered the week end at per hoine with
•Sire. Jim Woods • closed the meeting her motheiT Mrs., G, C...• Treleaven, and
with prayer. A dainty ' 'lunch.: was sister' Leis:
,sed and -a soelal-lialf-hour enjoyed. ' -air- and Mrs. Jas. 'Wilson,. Elora,
• i were *Thanksgi‘-in,rt, . ...yisitors With their
1 • • 1 • , , . e
REM); TELE' CLASSIFIED ADS. relatives here., 't4-----
oismomsomi...-7.--Ammig.......immommomormarmio • e ankful 'Fen" Some of ;these from- Stratford: MeteKen ie and Anna a rep].
to 11 Th
• e •
The Maple Leaf
OCT. 18th
Dor. open 10 a.m.'
(ineemoiemee...-eLs s.
• •
71eihty •Aloa.$1ed • 71elkly clound
APPLE JUICE ivi,tchers
• .BAKED7'itriDS
Loaves .
Angel CAKE
. ea. 29c
lea. 214
C TinC
48 -oz. 31
Tin C
48 -oz. 16
15.oz. 1 9
Tin iliac
•lb. 4c
• 12-6z. 12
' Ct. 15c
Niaeuroni Bulk
•,COCOA lona
Tomato Tin"
PURE LARD - Ib. 16
oxYaoL Pa. 45c
2 cakes ,lic
-sup Cama
3 Ears 14c.
sal! se, For 13C
MATCHES 'Yzeage3 kit 23c
OT. a?,,C.1.,71',i
LSD ono.=
1. 1 rE0
dika,." (fp,
• '"•••
Lite •b *est attel le 'Agee Pittelm-,
e-zIt. Bask. 9c,
10 lbs.•19c• -
EaCth 8c.
2, 1.23e
Doz, 47c
,• Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Riehardson ,end
family, of Aylmer, were recent visitors
TRURO OMOIBE/R 161,4P19411
For Results —
StkiliTAJ AiPiART411,INT-4110T AND
— cold water, three-p'iece hathroora,
reecntly decOrated. Close to schools
and uptown. • ImMediate posession,
Write Bo* 'N'o. sit,IINALisrrAn.
Tp a.1114,705 PRO11.
.Goderich, house furnished or un-
furnished.. Write P.O. 'Box 449, tx'ode•
rich, or phone 499J. 40-tf.
house, W. 'S. BOVVDDN, No. 1
Kettys ;St., Coderich., 42x
FOR. Ita•711.----TWO.4' PURNISHEI)
•rooms? On lovver floor, for light
bousekeeping.- Also board if preferred.
Al;ply J. E. HARINWELL, 27 li.etty‘s'
stre,et. 41-2x
•A. Classified 44
• itlim.--Twp itopims,* RuaN-
lisiF4cD, for Collegiate Institute
Apply 5-0 St. Pakiiieles street„
Telepho,ne pc; •
don.utions will be acceptable. Sale to I Zurich, Ont.
stare at lepap.
A business meeting of the church
Women's Guild will beheld on Satur-
day afternoon at .3 o'clock in the
parish hall of St. George's ehurele ,
,b'tratford General Hos-
pital, on' Thursday, Uotober, 9, 1941,
to Mr. and M.r.s'. 'Bernard'TeiJouble
(formerly Eleano17 Nelson, Gode-
rich),. a son (IPaul Bernard). s
DUCKWORTH,—Ai ,Alexandra Hoe-
pital, .Goderieh, on October 15th,
-1941,- to 13Ir. and Mrs. Wallace
DuekWorth, Goderiche a detughter.,
tee-STONAt-- -vretoria----Hospieale-
.. Louden_ ()uteri°, on (*ober nth, -
to Staff Sergeant and •Mrs. Arthur
A. 0. Johnston (nee , Mildred
-Dematay), a son (Bruce Arthur.
POTTEB,---In Florence Crittenton
Hosipital,, Detroit, Mich:, to Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Potter .(IsIary
ELL WOf )1)--WQRS ELL.—On • Se t u r -
a . mut'
day, Cetober llth, 1941, at Mitchell!
• by 'the Rev. :Harold C. Vernon,
Alberta Ruth; (laughter of Met and
Mrs. -.Carlton W. Worsen, to Lewis
Ellwood, son pf .the 'late , Phomas
--Messes.- Warren and Lloyd Wilds' aria arts. Ellwood, both of Goderich.
„have gone. to aamilton, where they• IN MEMORIAM
have •sedured positiens., lovizig memory of
Thoinson"and Mr. Ross Benson )Valker Murray, who died'.
of. Goderich 'called On the former's October 21, 1936. -
uncle, Mr. Donald 'MacLean. ..• They
Sadly missed, by fathe.re-aneele.othere
also shot down.a few wild ducks on
• T..- sikers and 'brothers. 42x
Thanksgiving-Dtcy; .
McWHINGVEY.--In loving .memory of
We.extend hearty 'congratulations to
a deae''hushand wad father, Rey O.
and Mrs. Jas. =O'Neil; whose mar-
kiage took place yetterdaY, at st. McWhinneY, wh.o passed away slid:
Joseph's church, Kingsbridge. They denly one year ago, 'October 15, 1940.
will reside on the,groom's farm en the Oc.otoxbeariovbreindgs;mseadgo
lunr to°rireesst
sitli \1i-.A.nnie Culbeit and , sons. , 10th Concession- of Ashfield.
, 3.1r. ‘Xenneth Hodge,. who is Jaking -Work bee begun on the improving of , He . will always be remembered
•a five months' air ineehaniceseurse the Kintail -cefeeteey, ' June' a can- ! By the ones wbo loved- bim beet ;
al • Galt, was 'lame. for the. we.ek-end. veSs was made and a, substantial sum And while he rests in peaceful sleep
Mies Cora Finnigan spent Monday Niirs--Teeeivetlefer-toaproeleigefirtsesaceed His meniory we -wille-alwa.ys keep.
• visitina Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Me-
` Arthur and family at Moekton.
Mr. Alvin Sherwoodeaf the R.C.A.F.,
St. . Thomas, was a week -end viSitor.
Viitors With Mrs. A. B... Pentland
and - family for Thanksgiving_ were.
• Mr. and 'Mrs, Allan Pentland wed imr.
ltunald Penttand, London.
,Mrs.- -B. J. Crawford left on Wed-
. me-lay:to pend the winter with her
eaueliter; Mrs. It. .E. Willis, at De-
tkoit. . •
Mrs. Sam 'Swale Belmore, spent last
spoit. A compittee of -Messrs. Kenneth' —Ever remembered and sadly mieeed
D. MacLennan, Colin MacGregor aiadey .hie,wife and daughter Janice. ,
David Stewart was appointed to carry
. _
on the work, and everyone interested i •.
1 . .
will be expeeted to help this worthy
A. Distinguished Son of
wa deep regret the people of Thankoffering• services at Victoria
etreer United church will be,held Ashfield beard of, the death of "Hon.
October .26th, .,at llse.m. and
Justiee„.111,' A. MacDonald of British' sundae,
Colunsbia. Malcolm was born On ;he 7 P.m. Rev. H. V, Weekman. of Sea -
forth will he the. sPecial sbeaker and
12th (emcee -eon, of Ashfield sixty-six
years ago. IR ,..1V116* the son a Mrs. the eh'oir is preparing appropriate
Rein MacDonald and the late John musical seleetions.
• week with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mole, MacDonald. After attending the Gode- The regular meeting.of the W.C.TA
returning home on .Sunday. rich Collegiate institute he taught in will b'e helLOn 'Tuesday, OctOber 2Let,
Missionary Rally .--A missionary his home • sehool stecessfully. He at!•', p.m., at the home of Mre. P.„.W.
' rally was -held in the United chnrch on possessed those qualities bf mind and t_Atrrie, Britannia road. A report Of
Friday afternoon, with" a good repre- befirt that spurred him on to great- the c.onvention hetet fecently at Sarnia
• seutation of the neighboring aux- ness of accOmplishment. He graduated will be:presented.
diaries. .Airs.____Artnur Elleott, west.: erten the Voiversity of Toionto in 1900 The title •of it A. J. • MaeKaye.6
dent of the Dungannon branch, as- and' began -ids careesee a lewYer. serm9n for .`Sunday morning at Vietoyia
sisted by the vice-president, Mrs,,-, M. Step by step he Climbed the." ledder- of steeet UnItet.'clurch is "An Inescape-
J. Reid, conducted ,the :41.fteitatIl.g. fameIle took up reeddence in Blitisle able Question," and for the evening 1
.program,- which opened with the'hhnn Jeolumbia, He was for a time a -mem-
There Be Light," _followed by., bee, (if -the Pi O% Goeernment, The Baptist Yining, People's Union
prayer aptj Seriptueeereading. The'
Nile auxiliary' contiflented a number,
whieh was e duet by Miss Hilda Fie -
t nigan and. Mrs. A. Watson,, De0)111,
• Pititied •11,Ms' Beth alePhee.
Lednor Of Port Albert -gave a talk oe
!•Complete, Happiness," which. was hi
keeping with the address which fol-
lowed:: Mrs. Rich.' Johnston spoke n
few Words, of , greeting and -Mre. Sant favorite weapons—a good meal. An
Kilpatriek and 'Miss EdnaeMeWhinneY , urgent call has gone, oat from the lie
sang a duet., Mrs. Chas'.' Aitofi wee- ' Partment, of National War Services
coined the visiting ladiee and intro- for 306 cooks-, * •
Applicants den't heed to be fence*
dueed the 'ghost speaker, Mrs. Ridi:
MeWhindey, who gave It' egear - and
lutereeting address on . it
many phaees, also speaking of the
mune things for which 'we should be
thanletul: .*ides -Peru Alton ,,and
bert----mrug-T•a-dtiet. Aftecr'— If the volunteer is, accepP1, s se wi
"iither hymn and the National' Anthem
be issued a -Mart uniform and en -
refreshments were eeleteved in the base- listed.* th.- ICanadian Women's` Aux -
went, 'which' broughtio.the elose a very Mary Ali Force or the Qanadiah Wo -
happy afternoon of. social•and spirituel melee, Army 006-e.
'later a judge of the Court of Appeal,
and elevated tb the chief
justiceship In. 1940. sAshdeld was proud
of her„son.'s
-Canadian Weifien are no* being In-
vited to fight Hitler with Mie of their
culitiary experts or 'dietitians in order
te 'qualify. The main requirement Is
that they know the simple 'recipes for"
the "home -cooked" Ltyle of food So dear
to the'heart of the airman and soldier
boy. -
The nee& is a vital one and author-
DeN,(A.N.-11;ON,b Oct. 1O,—dr. and • and ities have promieed there will be no
Mrs. W. Frank Savage, Ridgewae, are delay In handling applieatiotis. Sue-,
spending- the wee's-end with the form-- e'essful applcicants wilt he notified at
er's eieter, Mrs. Lerei Stingel. once to report for medical examination.
held. a danee WednesslaY night iii -"the with 3miforra,
,),--- l' Rate, of pay is ninety cents lie fitly, indnetion took place, at 'Whiteeleirch.
medical . services and Rev. B. F. Andrew of Clinton has
The I)ungannon. Baduariton t' liib
, I.'arish nail, with .:V1eXenzie's orehestra board suppukd. . ; , 9 been appointed clerk of the Presby.
,..sopplying the meeic. The attendance Applicatierts• are available at all tery of 'Huron ' of the Presbyterian
irwas p..,00d• and $40 wa-; cleared, ' `It.('.A.r. reerditing.•centree; at military Church. He succeeds 'Rev. 1). C. Hill
Thanhsg,lving Services.—Very sue' Vistrict •headquarters and 'at the et- of Exeter, who has resigned pis charge
i4 f111 Th a tikegivin`g Day eervicee were fices of tNatione.1 War Services division- to take a chaplaino in the Canadien
COIldeee d hi the rnifed church, morn- • 'army. A . .
of ,Goderich was quite honored On
Mondey evening when itevou the -shield
for attendance- and distance 'travelled
at the 13,Y.P.1.1, • rally -at Arkena.
B.Y.P.U. mmeberseevere present ,frem.
--Goderich, Dondon,- Strathroy and' sur-
rounding 'district.
Rev. A. J. Milligan will be in his own
'pulpit at the +Baptist ehurch next Sun-
day and, at the evening service evvill•
pre:1014 the second eerrnon in the
seriee,e,Night- Scenes from the Bible."
-The minister and choir of, North.
• street United church will ekehange
with the',minister and choir of Main
street United ehnith, Mitchell, for the
evening '1:service next Sunday. Rev.
11. Vernon will Preach on "The
Mr, _
Glory of t,heOhris.t. .cendli.e.tS t)ieian Religion," and
E, Harley
mnsica poetion of the service. At the,
morning service -Me. Ralph Henderson
will sing "Come, Ye Blessed'', - (Scott)
fuel the anthem will be "0 Worship the,
King". (Maunder).
Rev: A. 11. Wilseri, late- of Rock-
wood, Ont., succeeds Rev. John Pollock
as minieter of the 'Presbyterian con-
gregations of Whiteehureh, Calvin
(Etigt Whowaeoshe Aral rdangside, The
:GOVERI+011, '0011NTY OF ItURON.
.„ Notice IS hereby given that I have
complied Withsectioe 8 of the Votees'
Lists At and that 1.. -have poeted up
at lily office at' the Town Ifall, Gode-,
rich, on the 16th day of Oetober, 1941,
the list of all persons entitled to vote
in the said Municipality at munieipal
elections, and that such list remains
-te-take-iiiiiieedlitie'Preceedings to have
ernreerrorereofeentissienseeorrected axe*
cording to law, the laat day of appeal
being the sixth day Of -November, 1941:
L. S. ,KNOX„
'Clerk of • -the- Town of Goderich.
veriNTEM, E,Laxour.
LY lady, two unfernished zuolne
With beard. Apply ST. GEOLVG,VM
It-EL1CORY. • . 42X
W%NalID.-----4111:01411TION b 110•W1cl.
.• 4411aAliat by a widow with he
of references. Valletble eoole Bose
SIGileAls-, 42x,
vv „
and dead cattio; must be Seat-ab1e.
for mink ',teed; removed, „Rromptly.
Fithi)GIL,BEitT, It.02, Bitynette
Phone 908 r 22. Clieton. Calle Pala,
tore - • 18-te.
. 'TIMKEN 20 and 35 yew.%
steady employment In Geeleriet. Must -
write Ilex No. 77, SIGNAL -STAB..
42x •
-* winter eteit in good •eentlitiou; ;Size
lie, dark. green with 'ed • fox' collar.
.01.ieap. •Apply ,SI,GNAL-ISreAlt.' -42.,
al registrars throughout Canada.,,,
in. nmil evening. 'rile '811e0.'er WaS Successful volunt44114- or- fthe:Can-
Itese 1)re.,T, W„ Neel, 7oronte, "'Who ha's aillan Women's Auttatoy Air ,Foree
'11 z4Wretar:17 for the past twenty-five will be sen.t for three weeks of training
------.--------,,,- - - -- . st at IItiveroul Oollege, f011owede
oumby ,a
eeeeeeeeee'eeessee-eeeeeesseeeese,eeeeeeeeeeee, .. . ...i , , ,
,special six-weems tooxng e
Guelph-: They will thenbe posted.. tO
13,0A3. stations.
Chantes for promotion in the eeok•
Ing branch Will be, as...good as in any
.other trade of the terviee atmiliariee.
'Every woman who *cps forwarxt will
be. playing an important , role, Not
.only will she be helping to keep Oat-
ada's. soldiers and oilmen -in trina bY
preparing good food for thew; but she
Will also -be releasing a ,ronn for service
behind it gun, •
cniun's CLAIM
iht:ited t:§ faesev we ay
11. M. FORD
ssf. Ta 2c3tv
:The Signal-Otar 4118 for. $2 ,to any
Address in Canada and in worth more.
hook', inur label; it will show tile
dote up to whieli your .oubseFiption IP
paid. .• 4-34,4
Notice is hereby given to peryons
Ihaving any' Claim, against • the estate
of John Buck, late of the Township
Iof We -at Wawanoele *rho died on or
• about the 5.th thly of getiober,*A. D.
1941,, to send same dulyWritied to the
undersitoed on ,or before thr :31st day:
.of Oetoher, 1941, as onoand•.after •that.
date the eeeentora of the said estate.
will proceed te elIetrilette the aerfete
tliereof$,IlaVing regard Only to the
maims then
Dated at Ooderich this ltith day of
(Maher-, A. I). 1941.
R: 0, HAYS,
Earrieter, etc.,
Goderieh, Ont.
BERS of ehe"farriily wish to thank
those who were so kind to them in
their recent bereavement; also those
who sent flowers or loaned ears for
the funeral, - -----• 42
• family wish W,thanic all their° kind
friends • and neighbors, and Morning
Star--leadge,...A.,4esek:A.M., for their
Npny „kind. expressione., of 'SYinpathy-
tnd' condolence in their recent
eavement.' ••42
-Ricliard Gliddod take this means
of thanking those who were 0 kind
to • them • in • Their reeent, ebereave:
inept, 'also those who loaned cars fpr
the funeral or sent floral tributes.,
marrir? 0111111111.11N01001•100111110,
At lots 33 and 34, eepeession 14,
Goderich TUT., three miles west of
-Clinton, on. - • •
at 1 o'clock sharp, consistingof the
following : •
lestrivIlLE.—Three Week , cows 5
years old-, with calf at foot; red cow
5 years old, • with- calf at foot; roan
sherthorn (registered)* 8 years old,
with calf at 'foot, ell the above cows
are supposed to be in cell; roen port -
horn cow (aged), registered, with calf
at foot; red steer, 2 years old; blue
steer 1 year old; red heifer 1 year
old; white shorthorn heifer, eligible
for registration; roan shorthorn buil
1 yea -r Old, „eligible for registratio'ne
,11,MIPLIEMIENTS. — Massey • Earths
binder, 7 ft. cut, in good condition':
-Massey 4larris mower, 7 ft. cut; Frost
and; Wood hay. rakee- Oliver 2-rowe.
scuffle'. -with bean 'stiller attatinitenr;
Cock -Alia Wee drill; McCormielt. Deer-
ing disc; set of drag harrows.; Oock-
shut,t 2 -furrow riding plow; walking
plow; Bain wagon; hay raek; sleighs;
Mit pulper ; • fanning mill; wheel-
barrow; set of heevee harness; collars •
lialterst _quentity of square framing.
thnbers; beaVy logging chain. *'
CHAIN AND .F'DED.—Twenty-five
tons Of,;clioice hay; about 800'bus. of
oats; SO bus: of feed beans; 12 hue
of buckwheat; 10 busof fall wheat!
quantity of cat straw.
Tositively-:-ne.--rescrve, ras the fivo-•
prietor, is ,in poor health. .
At the same time and place there
will be offered for sale, subject to re
serve bid, the farms, Consieting of 160
acres more or less, villa( a two-story
•briek home, bank barn 50 fL x 50,
ft. and water supply consisting of a
never failing spring, and well water'
pumped by 'windMill to etable.
Parins will be offered for sale either'
separately or together.
'TERIIVLIS OF ISALiiii—On, clitttels,
cash. 'On farms, made known on day
of sale.
DAVID T. otrunamm, Proprietor
IODWARD W. W' EDLIOT'r, Auctioneer
• ,
01tiStAIL13.—USED_Luar13ER (2x4
and lx6) at Port Albert. H.
SeltIOLEY, 1'.0, Box 384. 41-2x
• ....incliadieg a steel shaft drier.
Tbese eltibs were Sent as a .donation to
the war funds. IT -hey -ere In good shape -•
ited will be seld -cheap., . They can be
seen- al THE 'SIGNAL -STAR. ' 41-2
furniture, including a walnut din-
ing-room-ssuite; bedroom suite, twee
dressers, kitchen range, Quebec heater,
linoleums, lawn mower, hose, etc;
elal,S. JOHN TABB, 21 Bruce 7St.
42x •
FOR ,skrit-1:--WATL'ItFR0NT, 7
aeres, oreltard, whole or part.
eSeweresweterecteeektIARLEStIsTEALE,-- • ---
-11205-84th ave., Riebniond IliilI, N.Y.
room (6 tables) with newstand and -
tobacco department ; Western •Ontario
town. Immediate possession. Good
reasons for selling. write Box 75,
SIGNAL-6)MB,, 'Godelich, Ont. • 41-2
• house on highway. with garage and
chicken houge, in good repair. Two.
lots. Terms reasonable.- Apply to L.
E. DAINCEY. 41-2 .
• pupinies, four months old. Apply
MR. SHARPE, Dominion Store. 4.2x
..,:.leroom red brick house with bath-
-room.ahd furifadee good barn, henhouse -
and ccilOny house; garage; alrror
fruit. ,40Iose • to school, store and
•-church. • Quick ° sale.' Apply MRS.
ADA ,STEWART, B4. 0, ooderich,
Ont. &kr
FlAnai FOR SALE.--eeLOT 37, CON:A,
-Goderich Township, containing 80
acres. sand loam and clay loam.
1% storey brick hdusoJ1ur 40x60.
and 40x30, drive -house, hen -house,
silo. Good supply of water. Priee
V.190. -Apply FRED 'SI 0 LO Y T hed -
ford, Ontario. - 42-3
'Ft SALE. -100 AORES (1iAV
loam soil, good )uildings, water
system 'in stable; about live acres fall _
wheat, about 'five acres hard maple •
bush ; 0110 mile from pavement. tveo
miles front town,. school half mile,
hydro available. Write Box 78.
NAL-18'11AR. 42
All persons having claims againet
the' estate of James Harrison, late of •'‘''
the,Townehip of Goderiele who died ou
the 17t), dey of Mareh, 1940, are'notie•
lied, to. ferwerd fail particulars Of th
-seine to the, undersigned by October
25th,- after which date the executor
will proeeed to distribute the -estate.
Dated at Goderieh this first day of
October, 1941, ".
PRANK DONNELLY„ Goderieh., Ont.,
Solicitor- Tor the Executor,— 40,2
When in the market for Coal
Phone Z
and yon will get PROMPT Sernem
Hardware Store and Coal Yard at The Harbor
0-740, 11
.1,..' 2
146 a. ...t.
‘ 144tggg.O`4"
To OvVfters and
Harborera of Dogs
The Tax Collector'has handed
to me a. list of persons owning
or harboring dogs, who have not
. paid the 1941 dog tax. -
if the dog tax is not paid to
the Tax Collector on or before
November 1st, 1941, summonses
will be iSSUNI under The Town
Bylaws. •
A. c. Ross,
Chief of: Pollee..
When in the market for Coal
Phone Z
and yon will get PROMPT Sernem
Hardware Store and Coal Yard at The Harbor