HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-16, Page 7Machinery
Oi short xtot ;ec. Every job
eeelves my personal'
MT H, Oat. '14. At •a .meeting o
the= pareepial Committee of • Yily la,
Auburn talaa ; iBelgraye
° Aatfltt:a
caches!, Bev. tor. Iiutford of Seaforthac in; as . commissioner .fox Bishop
Seager, en invitation 'woe exten'ied to
'Rev. Mr. Streetei,oE:A,ylmer to 'become
reetbr. of the parish.,
Ir spite of unftty rabld weather,°the
Blyth I!'a1l -Vali, held last week,
registered an increaee la attendance
over last year, The cattle exhibits
'weie partieitlarly 'good and' 'included
'fl refords shown . by Yames Lyons,
Luckn(uw, and AberdeeteAngus shown
by Frank Todd & ,Son, Sit. ilelens,
• Benson Cowan and daughters Judith
o Saturday. to
. - and Constance, moved n S tu. y
Stratford, 'where they will make, their
home, Mr. lOowan 'being ean+ployed with
Barr Transport.
Montgomery Richmond. , Blyt
- h
t(Jnitedchurch was beautifully decor-
rated• -iii`- Saturday afternoon, Octirfier
4th; for the 'wedding: of Margaret Helen
Alberta, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.'
James ` Richmond, ” to William Ovules
Montgomery, son of 1Vir. , and Mrs. John
Montgomery of 'Seaforth:, The .dere:
many 'wasp (performed''by, •Rev, Arthur
,Sinclair. The bride was given Wetter-
riage by her father and (attending her
was her sister, Miss Je$s'il Richmond,
as . maid of honor: Jaye 'Craig, niece
of the bride, was the +f1ower-girl. The -
groomsman was Andrew Montgomery,
brother of. the groom, and the ushers
wr Millar _.. lehmond ;and 'Neil Mont-
gomery. A. E. Cook 'presided at the
organ` and James T. Scott of Seaforth
sang " Love You Truly."' • Afterwards
a reception` was held at the home of
the bride's 'parents, where luncheon
Was served to about fifty guest's. A
drains ..clean and running freely. specially honored guest was the bride's
Doesn't harsaai enamel or .plumb-
ing. Keep a tin handy,
more rubbing and acrd(-
- .
bang to get grease and hard-
bal. food off pots and pans--
Giillett's Lye:cli(ts right through
FkEE BOOKLET,- The Gillett'slye
Booklet tells how this powerful cleanser
clears clogged drains.,. keeps out-
houses clean and odorless by dem
the contents of the closet. how it
'performs dozens ofL.L iks. end -fors -
foe copy to Standard Brsnds . Ltd.,
Frgsex. Ave . asld Liberty Street;
Toronto, Qnt.".
grandmother, in her ninety-fourth year.
The -happy couple left for a trip down
*Never dissolve lye in hot water. Thi'
action of thelye itself heats the water.
frail Toronto, Nave 13iferting. Fred
Courtney and Joe Courtney Iran Hama
1%911, Pell 'O'Loughlin, Antoinette
Dalton, Mrs. Dan Doyle (lielena
Foley) with.her ihnsband mind •ira'by
dalfhtet' frons • 1( troit, . Mr. and Mrs.
Joe •Kilpatrick" and little son from''
Wingham.. Visitors at .'they home of
Dr., and Mrs. Frayne on .'('Sunday ing
eluded ILtlO. Doy, Port Albert A.N.43.,.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor' O'Reilly Wood -
stt)Ck, M. anti Mrs. HJ.. .Gisiziei' 'off
Detrooit.`. Mr. -and Mrs. ()rick 'Frayne,
M:u gaeet Prime and Betty Martin of.
Nupt,1 ,Event•A large crowd gath-
ered in �the.�•tging5brldge hall , Ast
day evening, there being A. shower in
,honor of . Miss 'Ouseila 'Courtney, spon-
.ored by Mrs. 'Howard and -Mrs. Ed.
Sennett. As ''the bride -elect took %tier
place„'ulidee a large white umbrella our
little sailor boy, in 'the' person of
Master Dennie Sennett, and Ms pretty
little sister, 'Shannon, were kept busy
for some°time With their little red
wagon, all covered in white, hauling
to her gift of eviry deserlption in the
line • of "'b'eauty and usefulness. After
opening her guts Miss Courtney
thanked +her friends for their kindness
and good ,wishes and invited all to
eomo and, ,partake of cake and wine
on her wedding day. Then, followed
several 'selections of music"and •song,
after which a bounteous lunch was
served and the presents examined
more closely. , ipverybody decided it
was a very 'profitable scheme to be
getting married. Miss -Courtney
James O'Neil were married in St.
Josephs-.chureh-thls (Tuesday) •morn-.
ing- and we all join in wishing every
joy and happiness to the bride and
groom of today,
Pend" �. .M , �'r ,trey, prve ldepit�{�oy�f..
LLIFI{ W.M,S., ;W11Owed by Miss . bp.
who read the Seriptut'e lesson. lairs.
Han 'lileinwe on behalf ofjN,lle gave a
hearty 'welvome tP the/ vlt3itint soeietiee.
Mrs. Melvin Reid of"Dungantron gave
;in interesting reading, w.hieh was fol
lowed 'by a duet, 'Woes Jesus Var.+en'°
by' Airs. Wm, Long and daughter.
Beulah,. of Benmiller, 'and aceompanied
by Mrs., O. Hazlewood Mrs. Marsh
of CarlowergaYe a short reading, 'after
'whleh Sirs. Henderson,: also,, of Carlow,
a lifelong member of the %V.`M.S., gave
an . inspiring talk on ` "Faith,", which
was 'the theme throughput for thin
present year. After, the closing . hymn,
the Mizpah benediction was followed
by 'the National Anthem. The ladies
were then ',invited to retire to the base-.
(anent, where a bountiful lunch was'
Aeerved by. Nile (auxiliary, Mrlc. Arthur
1.1110,t4, president of Dungannon W.M.
S., moved a vote of thanks to. the
Nile ladies, for their , hospitality and
invited thein to Dungannon for a sim
liar meeting on Friday. •
NILEf'Oct. 14.—The people of Nile
chiirch and surrounding appointments
the St. Lawrence, and- on their return will be pleased to know that, Rev.
will reside at Bran ori.
� Barry Royle, one -time -minister on this
charge, will be the guest speaker at
Nile , anniversary services on Sunday,
October 19. Rev. H. Royle is now
president of the London 'Conference of
the United !Church and is a very able
''speaker.' Services will be at '11 a.m..
Mrs. �ONeil,' Michael and Mary- and• -i.64
O'Neil visited in Toronto and Bolton, Mr. Carl Finnigan, who' has been
a short time ago. • working at Niagara -on -the -Lake, was
On Thursday evening last Mr. and home tor Thanksgiving Day.
Mrs Jerry, Dalton ehrew open their Mr. and Mrs. Russel Free and family,
KI'NGSBRI'DGE, Oct:" '14., -- Mrs.
Reynolds -spent -a- eouple,-of _dkys• with
her brother in Stratford recently.
BEINMICTJHR, Oct, 1.4. --Eight ladies
from Bennllller attended, the thank -
offering meeting of the W.M.S. at Nile
on 'Thursday last: '
Miss Betty 'S'traughan of Toronto
spent the'week,-end at her .home Here.
r Mr. and Mrs. 'Bowden of Toronto
.motgred up to spend the holiday. with
Mr: and Mrs. W. 'Gledhill:
Mrs.:Grange,. and ae visit-
ing with 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Reagan
at Fingal•for a while:- _.
• Mr. and ,'Mrs. Parton of Toronto are
visiting.over the week -end, with Mr.
and yir1..Hugh Rill.
Mr. -Rex. Ducalrworth of Hamilton
spent the week -end' with 'airs, .Duck-
Miss Grace'Pfrimmer was home from
Stratford for the holiday.
Mr, S. J. Brown of Crediton visited
With Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Vanstone on
Monday. , .
A number from here attended the
funeral of the late 'J)rnest 'Mitchell on
Monday. - Sincere sympathyis ex-
tended to Mrs. 'Mitchell and family.
Mr, ani r rant :-.Alli_n-sirent-th
holiday in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs.
Palmer 'Kir (trick: ,
Mr. Jas. Feagan has been confined
to his -bed with an• attack of pleurisy,
but. by latest' report is . improving
slowly. -
,Effort coalrses in agriculture and
hallo et'ononnles are to be held at
Ethel, in 'Grey to►wriship, Novenaber
25th to I)eet'anber 1Gtb.
Ileabert, Elliott, a former resident of
the Ba=bylon line, Stanley township,
a motor trip to points east the hal►py
couple will reside at Whiteehuteh,
`tai' a wedding ceremony perforaaed
at 'the'Ilrueofleld;1'nited t'huieh Manse`
on ,October 4th Dorothy Minion Swan,
died oni). b
i cyto er ;3rd at 'Auricle in hisi youargest ' daughter of Air. and Airs.
seve t "-seventh year, ,Ile was not
warbled. •
Bert JRrunsden, of Londesboeo was
knocked -.down by a car in Seaforth.
andreceived severe injuries, including
a broken collarbone. Ile was taken
• to' the Seaforth: hoopital far' treat-
After . a lengthy, ilinebz, 1Slizabeth
Ann 4 ar,ter, wife, of -George W. Hill,
(lied' a t Seaforth on Friday ink; %niter
fifty-eighth year. , (tier husband and
'One " son, Stapley, survive, also her aged :ni a e . ;F. Watts John's
parent(:, ,Mr; and Mrs. James Carter z., by
1 e • .nglioan church,' Brussels, on October
of Hu l tt. 3rd. The ham, 'couple •enjoyed a
Mrs. Richard Webb passed away at ,short welding trip before the groom's
George Swan, Bruceheeld, was united
to =1 unit. G. Strange of Chatham, Oil -
est son, a Mr' and Mid. F. G. Strange
of Exeter,. Rei;. A. Atkinson olE
dated, 'The " c=ouple will.' reside at.
Gowing--4t4,1,3rmond •
• The inFarria'ge of Elizaiaeth (Betty )', I.
daughterof Mrs. Eolith Ota mond of •
(lar%, te, y
Brussels and the' lateeChas. J. Rsay-
mond, to "Ilk. Carl Gowingg ' Camp.
Borden, son of Mr, and 'Mrs.. M. 'Gov-
ing of 'Morris tolvnship, was •solani-
her home at Grand'.Bend on October
Sth, in her seventy-ninth year. %She..
leaves her husband, ' one sister, Mary
'Shank, of San Francisco, *and two
brothers,, David Shank, sof 'Detroit, and fr(?m the fact that men's brains are
John Shank, of 'Goderichy, larger than the 'brains of a woman.
William John Devereaux, cattle Girl pupil ---That -it ' Is more a
. . -
drover--of.Sea%orth•._�uffered- frac- filenof quantity than uality.
leg(. on Thursday last when
return to Osamu' Borden. •
Right or Wrong?
Teacher--'iY'hat can 'we presume
.strut%( by 'a •car as he was •walking
along 'the highway east of Seaforth.
It was. said the, driver of the ear was
a Goderieh man.
Joseph- Senior, who has resigned: tlw
position of village -clerk and treasurer
o Exeter, after over thirty years of
service; was the guest of honor at
banquet given by the Village Council
and municipal officials and. was pre-
sented with a (pen'and pencil set. '
Mr. and :'Mrs. George 'Herd of Holy-
rood announce= -the engagement of their
daughter, Jean 'Christian, to Clarence
am: : i 1I, son. of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Rail'of (Tinton, the wedding
to take place quietly : in Goderich on
Oa:-tobei• 23.
The death oo urred suddenly on
Friday last of George Troyer, 'Hensall
lovely home too the Kinta}1 'branch of .of, 'Georgetown, spent Sunday and . district farmer,.. presumably from a
the' Women's Institute for the. benefit Thanksgiving Day visiting Nile friends, TREWARTUW-'•-ELLIQTT heart attat•1 . He had dune out to
of Alexandra Hospital, 'London, Eng= .airs.- ,Jas.. Thompson of (Oshawa
water for the ,stock and vvas
land. 'Progressive euchre was 'played, visited friends at ';dile over Thanks- The 1' 'ng ro to It "F(airholme " 1
the prizes going to '11r, Wii1red Parrish giving Day.
rvr ,,r o i ` found •bv his sots Cordon with his body
residence of ter. and Mrs. ('harles• E. place (lo\) n in the vs iter troiigh. He'
and Miss Edith, Johnso . A 'pleasant What •might have been a serious Elliott, Clinton, with the bay win(iovv •I was Ili' his sixtieth year and leases
- d happened -Carman Brindley d
..arrangement with
time was had by ally . accident -appen• . to „' banked ' in "colorful: b •
The October me+ hl of -the 'Women's 'while ,he' was delivering a horse for gladioli and evergreen and canopied
In'sti'tute wa8 heti a at "' Mts. • 'O^Weil srt-W'.'Menary by truck. In some way- the with stieauters of pink tulle suspended
where Mr. Donnelly, popular lawyer of horse became untied and jltirmped over .lint%% a range white bell in the centre,
Goderrich, was the guest speaker . He the% front and slid 'down over - the was the setting • for „the marriage of
gave „a fine talk on legislation which ,,cab and engine, but little damage was their daughter, Emily \'.alena, to Mr,
was interesting and instructive. done to the truck and none to itself.. Howard ' Trewartha, 'sou of. Mr, and
Holiday Visitors. -e -A. ,numbei of our Gifts for the $ride. --On Thursday �t•s E J ° Tre�vartha, Holiness tile,
Kingsbridge 'youth returned to 'spend ...evening; 'October 9th,' the Woman's
which his wife and one ,on.
V 11ar-belly
The Marriage of Irene Louis, daugh-
tler of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kelly. Wing -
ham, to Frank • 'Herbert Collar, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Heibert Collar,
Winghairi was solemnized by Rev. -E.
M. Loney at the home of the bride's
parent's: The young couple will reside
in \Viiu h4r-,411-
was solemnized sat '_':8t) o'c1(>tk
h week -end' among'
us, Association gave a shower rn. honor of lrfternoou. Rev, ,Garland G,
including. Leon Sullivan: and 'Gerald a recent 'bride of ,,Nile, Mrs: Harry -Saturday i, f Ontario ti•ec�tanitecl
g Ieirton, llasto o, t
Dalton from Windsor, Connie li3ogt Masecar. (nee Miss 'I7lnily_`alCGratten), church, Clinton, othciated. The bride,
at the home_ of her father. Ai;tgr a
few games a' wagon decorated in pink ,given in marrriage.hF her father, looked
„5 and white and drawii,:by a, miniature lovely iiia,a floor -length Wedding gUwil•
imin l of -White, net- over taffeta with on,
!bride': and-- groom; Tonle and >.T y shirred' trait bine
A Pimple Covered Face.
Kills Manya
The lives• of many young people are made miser-
able by the breaking out of,,pimples, and you -probably
of eases--where-a--p p =� :, � , tn_nce has been
spoiled by -those red, white, festering and pus yl e• -
soresbn �
.The trouble cis not so much physical pains ut die
mental- suffering .caused by the embarrassing disfigurement which very
often makes the sufferer ashamed to go out in company. -. • •
The quickest way to get rid of pimples is to improve the general health
by 'a thorough cleansing of the blood.
Burdock Blood Bitters helps to& cleanse the blood and with the blood
cleansed the complexion should clear up.
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Itutl di e; vas brought in and the broidercd bodice , v
verses accompanying the gifts were res' and Svv.eethea4 t neck-line. She (vert
by the ride,_ airs. � asecar and her e1b(iw-length ; white glow: s and, white
husband both thanked ••the n embers of slippers, • 'Her .11irxg'ei tip- , -Vail - owlse
the•Society for their kind remembrance, caught with �a rorenet of orange Dios-
,.meg. a .= ' ,• ,' r "Auld sour • and slie Carried- a bouquet of
Lang Syne" was sung:• Mr.' -and. Mrs. Joaailia Hill .roses yin . sue »i jla • c lr
\i•asecar left for theist' new• home ..in 'with bo1`v and streamers of pule blue'. .,
1)elhi on Sunday. . • tuli,e. -Miss 41aThi %�n.," l(tdletolr; �rh'ir'
Thank -offering Meeting.—l" ile W.M. ton, vias bridesmaid.` (�c2''uiing a floor -
Society held a profitable autumn} thank- length gOWIl )f pin: chiffon, and (;airy
(offering meeting on Wednesday, ing pink .Dream 1 4(S, tied with pink
October 8th, with representatives pre- tulle. !lir. ,Mels i11 l;enriett. Godcric11
,clt fronr-Penmiller, Carlow, 'Leeburn, was best • ruin:. 11r. lienneth Ellice',
1)uia.;annou and. 'Nile .W, 1 S. and a'-- .j,rush:trreet ,(lir bride, lllil�•e(1 lite ivied t
iner1's \saueiation. The meeting _was (ling irtnniyc•, ehoOsiig trim' UUri(lat
(1110rns from Lobeugifu.: iris: - 1\•i1
helmina Tresvar•tha. 'i'oit uto. t•( lisill
of<-•ii;bt� : bridegroom, tlie. a'loist, So lig
`!O. Pet•feet Lo�•e." At_ the ,rerepti(en
follosvliig the (•el'el)108y, the 'bride was
assisted, by her_ ni�ither, abet ouilugl•v
attir('(1 in ,soldier -blue ,silk (•rel;e, and
the 1)r1.degrooni mother in ailierhyst
silk crepe, c, each wearing, a •;.orsage of
Talisman roses. For' the buffet supper
•the brill-_ table .was set in the bit:,
window.. 111(`(1S'(' hi. the (rind%;.; room.'
The in id( table, eovered with' a•
wbite4linen cloth, was centred• with
the four -tiered wedding cake iced in
pink. :fink and . white strea niers • ex-
tended .to ' the corners of • the table. • .
,l',ankets of an�('nt7ent' and ,pink 'ta Pers
in silver holders ,t•oii11)leted. trig table
deeorations. The assistants were �lliss
Jo;?.ephine Jarrow,. Fergus ; Miss Audrey
'i'iiorrrala'so1r, Hamilton ; 'Misses Ira 1.
Mozell, • :8hiriey" Silver 'And Alnial" 'I'r•e-
�vartlttr, '(linton. The toast to trot',
bride wag proposed by her trtt:lc. JI r.
Richard `il'attih, '1'ot'ont(i, Co' which the
bridegroom 1'espolrc10(i. Mi. and �Irs• '
Trcwvartha left °ler an extended motor
trip iforth, the bride travelling hi a
midnight 1)lue• 'sill(:. vel -\:et ensentblc,
wlth.,.aereisories• iii, amber shade and
a coat of teal bine yi;itil red fox collar.
They • ,will resile • .at lioLrugsville.
Guests, were from " Toronto, Hamilton.
Guelph, Kitchener, Fergus, '1luitucitle,
tx(►_11erich,.;i-:iinrou and vicinity, : Among
the Arany. beautiful `v„ifts revolved -by
nes: ,Tr(�s9ittha• pr�evieurs to her roar
°•riigre' W(er'e pair of bookends. 'pre.
,µe(1t0(1 by the Young People's Union -
of Ontario ::%steer( church, and 11 shower
of - niisigill0ueints gifts from bet. ars-
sn(•iatt•s in the Sunday 011001, '
Torito 714"
poor Immo
10004 ..o wields Spa*** Alfoo
att VAraftiigost.
f w 1' frOIN ill rives
Of Et*"
e UV ?4rkiNA Facilitits
Clog to Everything of Jtits ort uce
telex $1.50 to X3.00
at. M. PQWW.. WtZO ~$ T
Needed a Luh
The piotoleist wlwse ea -1 bad come
_ lir
toosed ar sudden
the stai)d�tilitrouble,and qui`theclinwlytyr ►Ud �e 1 8M •
at a neighboring cottage for asSistan( .•
"Pardon me," he said to ;the woman
who answered his "knock, -'do you by
chance .'piossess -any lubricating, o .l? ►
The 'woman shook her 'bead.
"Any oily ,will do,". said the• �moteris.
hopefully castor oil, if you:have any.
"I ain't got it," said then woman,
'`‘buto,I could fix you up with b: dose of
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Gibson (xillei411ie, Wliitec•hureh, mi
Saturday, • October 4th, their only
Suffered Long 'Time with ,Acid,.
Stomach, Gastritis, Headaches,
Dizzy Spells' and Constipation:
Pains Extended into Neck° and
When the stomach is out of
and toot/ fella to digest, ;but fermeeorder,,
caiishng 'a.: Full bloated -sensation.; -when-,
the back acjhes and' the 'kidneys do not
function properly ; 'when the bowels are
constipated and .you have headaches,
dizzy spells, tired feelings annerves
are on edge,•take a treatment of
Syntona 'Herbal Compound and you, ;
too, may find your suffering can be
endeddlwithout the aid of harsh drugs
or depressors. ;Here, -for example, -is
the interesting experience of Mr. John
Welch,, 84 'Adelaide St., London,
`'For- ;years my stomach .wns..3 -,suer%. _ T
getting' si ° .._..
a condition that I had to be so careful imil
. arly and' •,finally 1 decided to try
what I ,ate, and it just kept , it. Thatwas just a few weeks 'ago, ut
worse until it seemed almost all food
n today, I. feel like' a different person. I
just soured in my stomach and caused
gas, bloat and eramps. My tongue was could tell it was helping, my stomach
constantly coated, my bowels were con- from the first bottle. Then the pains
stipated •land I was subject to dizzy- gradually left my back and shoulders
bilihus • spells when spots would .float and my nerves : became relaxed so - T
before `mv eyes and I would usually could get a good night's sleek. - I am
end up with a dull, heavy ache in my free of dizzy :spells and headaches now,
head The pains extended down the my .'bowels are more regular •and my
daughter, -:Agnes. Ix)rririne, was .united back; of my neck and into me shoulders. • s hole system feels toned up and im
• in marriageaageo fa
t `rnet E Farrier, •sun L ,
ately my back became so sore and proved."
of Mr. and airs. W. R. Farrier. West stiff I could 'hardly straighten up.. i Go to Campbell's Drug Swore, ('rode►-
Wawanosh: The • ceremony was per- `.I kept reading •about how -'Syntona rieb, and find • out haw Syntona -calm: •
fon-nett by 'Iter, 'GA Balmtrd. - After helped so many people iwho suffered help. you,'too.
lio C)de i( 1 Signal -Star plays, an important .„,paft in
al. l local, affairs. It employ
wage-eallrerS whose'homes are tl(btmn from winet•t secures .business. These io a
taxes, support churches, make their contributions to, loe�il appeals, take part
itt c tmmuraity orguiiization:s, and'spend most of their wags with ,local naerchariti . It
is no idle boost that it has been the means of giving well -directed publicity to this town
send district.
There is no business institution which gives .so• ,Tariq%' free services as a- local
newspaper. Were a.merchant askEld to give the equivalent in goods that the newspaper
i Ives in free service to alH00'411 organizations, lie would find it impossible to meet the
(leman(.l. ”
- °
As merchants erect customers to be loyal to their, own community in buying.
goods from they, so' might ,merchai)ts remember : thex, toe), should follow the Sallie
ideals in regard to their ideal newspaper., .
... i'I"► + (fix n IBTTSTNESR 141O11 ' ALL OF VS!'
f`lustomer goodwill in this t'oWn and district can best be developed by regular
advertising*.in your local iitu"ls'spaper'. The Mone'' spent,, for advertising, and printed
%hatter, goes back to local merchants -iii mei'eised trade. a
do rl�ont i& d'aty (%hula spent with.your lothal ne• s patper- thes° help.
Your dollars
you directly and others indirectly.
Not as Ordered '
;rack -"-Mother, There's ;oink.; to he
awful trouble ail '[he •butcher's.
Mot her-- -Who t's• happened now •,
Jack -\111y. the 1►trt(hel;"., wife's :.rot
a little baby girl. and he's, ilii(% a1 1)011(1',
"Boy Wanted," in the window a11 the
week :'
When you "flip c switch ' ,c, t commcr:d
power from "ane of Hydro's 46 gee'r. t.np
stations—perhaps hundreds of mlies aw?y.
,ex l rur�., .••,r
v. r'•�r .v 4'• ••• •#,
CASUALLY you flip
ip a switch . ..
th re atyour comtYand isElectricity,
-Ca make life easier in dozens of ways. And
in thousands of Ontario plants`, the turn-'
ing of a switch symbolizes the power of
industry's "all-out" drive to produce the
weapons and material of victory.
-It's so dependable, we take tlydro for '
granted. Yet behind that snap of your
finger lie the thundering waters of
mmighty rivers .,a system of 46 Hydro
generating stations . . •thousands of
miles of transmission lines ... the dis,
o ` tribution system of your own municipal -
Hydro utility . ., X11 at your command.
' This it your Ilyd:so.'--modern science and
thousands of willinghands organized
to serve your needs ..4 at a
low Cost that is scarcely
rivalled anywhere.
Dragging :ground each
day, tunable t0 do
housework — cranky*
with' dm children
Mauling it on"noires"''
Whet% the kidneys: may
be out of order. When
kidnmya flit ,tho slrs%cm +4 ;
cloga`"with impurities.
Ile dacbca • backache,, frequently follow.
14I's Kidney Pills help cleat the system;
giaang nature a chance . to restore health •
and energy. ;Easy to take Safe., i16
Dodds Kidney Pills,
n:•:s, •.awry �...
70 t wn pnd form,"factory and mine: throuhout. Ontario v4a1
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''' isow'er travels the "aerial highways't;.of H, ire's transailS4,on jrpies
/TS max)
Power generated and trans-
mitted by Ontatho Hydro is
distributed for use from sta-
tions of yoor munic,pnt utility