HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-16, Page 6A e e 1 It ef• • 3 OUT OF 4 CANADIAN 31A G IC HOUSEWIVES $410N6 USE MAGIC! PowDa WES'i VIELD we tlee 10ine oe Mr. and Mrs. Mr. mad Mrs. Wiele, itearter mail fate' y Spent eXer Thankegiving with Mr. Norman Carter, Seaforth. VeleeTielielele (eve number . erom thle vieinity ottendielltieth F.ale ,end Reg. Varter of Woodetoce. m Wednei'alaY4 , .31r. Mel Mrs. Carl Deans and leabe, Mise ielarearet, Vineent has pule. te letuglaare, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and eire leenemua gtratford, ,where she has secured eteDowell. wore. Mr. aml. Mrs. Arthur Spelgelberg Tlianksgivinte with "Ills Mother, Mrs. • 1 air John Gear a Loudon. dippnt E GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR ., favored witth two excelleet solos. been visiting reletieee leere, tor ebe -4ce number fronli Westilellel atiklitled PaSt tvVO'' weeirsi. the (irintivcrRarY cerviees At ielytle on Mies plemlie Morrie:IA a Goderieh is Sunday. ,, , at elle eerae of iseeneieter, e.tee. Lettie , airs,learkley end, Mrs.. leitzgeralie Allin, for a few titles this viveu: , Of Dungatinon and Mr. and Mre, diva efer- tind Mrs.. eleeorge PartoneToronto, Barkley ot,letelei Bay visited on Sun- sPertt- Vialikegiving Day at the" hone) day at theebo e a M. and Mre. W. Of Mr. and nee, eciUgh urn, „ .,„ A. VamphelL . . Me. Jamee ereagan, \elate has' eeen, ._,, bed under Dr, Weir's eareethe ast two . , , , COLBORNE TOWNSIIIP weeks, is° improving.. We eel* for a and skm Baikley and Miss Jean,Canip- apeedy egeovery. 4111134SPAID 9r4r4304 10the 1.141, and ' Tee euneeal of the laie Brnest Mit- -ur. Mr., Herold° 1111elintati awl twee cons, reeideute ou Monday,- was largely ae7 Charles. end .Feed, of Toronto, spent tended. Friends erten, far ad , near the holiday at the home of' Meeanell bald their last reaPects. The elovvere bell, Of Kitelieuer, spout Thanksgiving Miss, „Minnie Snell car Auburn with, ,Air. and Airs., W. A. Campbell. Elsie •Snell or Fort Brie' " tele zeal Mrs. .Nernian McDowell and weeeeend gteeee at tlie 110ale 4,d Mrs. Norman Radford Were London and Airs. J. L. McDowell. ' ' VOILILORNee TOWNSHIP, Oct. 14.- elle-le wheel" was leeld from the famile were ,, 4 "Visitors on Friday, ss • . • Reeve R. Redmond was a Niagara .which surround.ed the •eoilin. were riouromummer___ tr. Norman Rodor, who ,has been i'Asita for a feW days, last week. Mrs, II°Yvarti B'aer* 47-(7 Miss :tern Hazel of lentonto visited beautiful. Our deepest, most hearefelt A Horrible Thought for some tinie at, Welland, spent a few (lays at 'the home of his brother, Mr. visite(' at the home d Mi. anal, MiS. her friend, AirS. Ted 'McMichael, over semleathy goes to his eoreowing vvife, b,e le re r t d soneCharlea „ ,,Miss June lewhnnan of "prangeville. .`"if yeti marry me Ill take out sa big ' `Eralurr'lltr---Rimigs'reebefiire leaving -for tie. Vineeent ova .1.eatteleegivine. _.,, insurance volley on my life, so tha t 4 t et, ;sewer, babe, of 'Porouto, were guests at 'the for. don't, • where. he expects to spend 'Mr. heal eire. Bud Johnston and you well).* mei provided ,Alr. 1.tini Mrs. W, F. Campbell and home of Mr. and Miss Fred J. Cook. "Yes, hut mi.:, Winnirrea silk 111 a feW days this Air. Ray Vineent of Stratford Kpyllt ,...-- . tnt.. Wt,4044.nr With itig, parents, Mr. - """'",""r. -4 ''''''''" 'anti ' lir:,.. R. Vincent. - _ m 1;4: "Iv. Blair or truct,(0.,,f11,1,111.,.;.11:t(.71111., at3•iiiiii.d.z.:.1.111,:iettlioei:Stmhotni,,,ilatiofn,d.i.t?;s,o,di)earirce.hlti,tzpemnrt.Saunni. the weekseni at the twine .S, pair pyjamas.* one quilt' and one - Mr.' Hugh RI (l and Airs. ,littija:. , IMvere.kr.r..e1140,7,',NiElidthwamttlys.(:(fjataionlooinwesrn t the,„ watmLf. ordosiepintexraobe'unr:,;.,and. 51„ i,:,e'' `.TE'dla.a , ., . Mr. aiTile:Vriies. .._.' _...- 141hl ' 1%"1'. '. '.I. ' i . from file lake last Week.. '- Mr. elute. Millian returned home . Mr. 'and Mrs. Wilbur :Stewart end ,°' e.e4reeereefeeeek withMrind MrJohn' me. end AirsGibson Rintoul aed maximoi (oderihspent sdnotyMaeUob ot Torontoand Mr Jack - cwi.:u .) f A yIntoy. --------------------------------- g A 0 iU ---edr.--amee-Mre.. -Gerald Allman and 'ale() to his two sisters, Mrs'. 'Edward ICAllee0W, Oct. 14. ---Mr-... anel Mrs. , CARLOW ' day at the home of Mr. aud, Mrs., Barlow of Goderich, and odor relit- ketward Hardy. Mi. :and Mrs.. Frank Treble, of Lon. don, and Mr. and elre, Jacif.r ,Gaedner tbe holiday. little son, of Toronto, epent s the hole, Anderson of Dunerannon Old Mrs. Will tives. GODERICH 7r0Wisi SHIP Iroublesome.Rigtit coughs'. Are, 19E14 the:: System ,it'S the cough tie,t s's:. 1,S; rough that is hard, to get, rid. ce; tee cough accompanied, by a tickling in the theoat that, veeste tile nerve anti 'throat wracking trent-4e that .1.sepS you 'awake at: night • e. Dr. Wood's N.erwav Pine. 'Syrup helps to relieve this coughing (A)•naltit,n ty so, ,thing, the irritat•ed parts., • loosening, the pb!•••!,-m -and stimu1a4ing the bronchial organs, and \then Oils, is cleric the troll!•)It; some, irfitating cough May be ielieved, • -Dr. Weed's •Norwav Pine Syrup has been on the market for the past . 48 years. " The Trade Mark "3 Pine Trees". . • Priree 35e a iseftlesliii•ge fainily size, about: S' times as milch, 60c at 111l, drug counters. 'Pa T. .1‘111buin C. Lijnited. Toronto, Ont., leOlelele1011, TOWN§HIP; Oet.- Frank Meilwain opent the week -end In Toronto: The Red 'Cross Unit, witli Mrs. Wm. Watson -convener, -seut 41--pairesoekee 4 ab, f inghntspent eueday at with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fuller. Oormie, Kirkland Lake, spent the week-eud with Mr. end :etre Tait Clark :NI.. L. .Jardlue of Tthe itof Mr. and Yirs.Wm. Tom. Alr.s. Buehauan of otterieli sPent aud ' • , • • • e wueleelel ene,t' nt the boine - his. • :Nits rand Mrs. Prank.Doc two Sunda • with „Mr, -and 'Airs,•, it, Mc Th broteer.' Jardin. daughter:4, ,Vivian .anti Doris, of De- eiwaie. . • ere were many familY gatherhags . over the Itolidey. n .'meeee Edna and Audrey Wilish of troit, spent Sunday with'Airs. 'Ernest Air. Joe iColwell (Grand fiend tpent I te. a )1, sis. n t "Plitinksgiving wit h.- 'Air. AFit ehell and familr.- . Thanksgiving 1)ay with his unele and )11'.. aild • Mrs* 0141 Young; Miss - TO maim ONLY ONE motor pure petroleum product -giving out - i standing performance n any thiswill'contintie to be ou!,I ,SOLOUIRS' RUB OUT TIRED A,P1110, aunt, r. and Mrse Robi. Colwell. - R M.uby Young. 'and ..Air. and '\1r John -___._______._. - Miss Esther Mcilwain, of ilensall, . .' ' spent" .6 ' ' a St.. ' e en8 e slient the week -end at , the- novae of with Mr. "(1M8. 'S`t"leY Todd. • The Late lerneet Mitchele.--One ank of ro-us th her parents, Mr. and -offering was received. 7 Visitors, at the home of Mr-. . T. Airs. 'Geo." Me- the ilitoix. esweinei:f_ nativeLon3._.42 Ilwain. Colborne towfship, in tee person of Walters during the past few days vvere.- , visitors at the herae of eir.,,viaenrde 'Samuel Erne -It ' Mitchell,, .was called Rev. T'..R. ,e‘ourtiee aini AirS. Courtitle, Mrs. Austin Fuller. on Sunday away en -Friday ., dity.s' ill- Pittsburg; Dr. O. J. Courtice. and Mrst. Mr." and Airs. Wm. Stevenson, Windsor, after a few . ja.e,s. , mr. elitchell..eva.s the oldest on Courtieeeeltannnond, Ind.; Dr. Allan. Mies Helen Devidson Southampten'f , of the late Mr. and Mrs. elioreas Centetieee'eed airs: rourtice, 'Grove lier•$ lierve'ljttvids°11;% G°tIerieb;.M.P.' 'Mitchell and had lived all his life' on City; U.S.A., and M1. and airs. Pre(' and Mrs. Elgin ,Porter and faraily and ' Mrs. WM. Reid;-StaiileY taWnshiP. - • ,oelie same arm 'Rev. 4. m,B ta,rmThefuneral took ottli ok..plaeee.... Word; . Ottawa. Rev,. W. • A. Bremner of Seaforth n c, '. . . 0 visited on Sunday with .mgPresbyterian herchassisted by RevA SHFIELD rs.....arwood D. J. Lane, -of Goderich, haVing charge • , and family. . — e . of the 'serviceS at the house and grave - Mr. John Mansent teacher at Union s school, spent Thanksgiving Day at hiside. Mrs. Errington and Mrs. Jarvis MCBride sang a duet: • Mr. Hugh Hill, horde in Embro. . past -past had charge a the Masonic enion Church Notes. -The autumn burial rites. The pallbearers were thank-offeriug meetin's• of the W.M..S. David,,Green, Dr, Weir,, T. H. Wilson, of .lenioe 'church was.bhelel on •Wednes- Gordon Tebbutt, Leslie ..Inkster,• and day afternoon at the -home of Mrs. F. 'Rowed. The. llowerSbearerS vvere Robt. MeIlwtrin,--jr.,- with fiventy-dive . Will Treble, 0..Toms, p. Mitchell, C. present. Mrs. Mary .Phillips was -in Allen, A. Allen, D. Morris 'Colin Young charge of the devotional, periods Which .and P. MeBride. interment was in .opened evieli the reading of PSalm 95, Colborne cemetery. , Besides his widow, fellowed by the hymn "The .Heavens formerly. Miss Eva Inkster, Mr. Declare Thy .Glory, leard."' Rev. A. E. Alitehell leaves one Oaughter, Margaret, M.00rhouse Offered prayer The hymn • 1t.., • and one 'son, • Charles:, • both at , C.et'aitsted a and- ..irs. A.. 1-,7„ '4\ 4141 ' Mr, and Mi. 1Glen Raithby . and , Mr. :nAi et rs. Cha,Se rles ott of .An- :children, of Auburn, were' recent visit- . burne -werSunday visitors at the home •ors at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Aldin 1 4'4 AL.. and Mrs. Howard Campbell, Allin. : . At t he elm rele service on Sunday, . Mr. and, Mrs. George Youngblut of 1 Rev. H. c. W.ilson spoke from Psalm 1 Aulyten 'Visited Mr. and Mrs. ,Will Hill ...TitI , .,.., t he, t heme helag.. 1 I mill% see, ,,. on ..e'amday 111.4. . .' hilts.' 'Mr, Geerge ilrant•on of,Teronto „ Airs, Amelia. Allin• of Goderich has -Thy easeless, Unx . was s,ung, followed ) j y • the rehding 0 f home,and-twO sisters,- Of ',Goderich, anti Airs. E. ,Intiersonslef Mrs. Barlow, the prayer of general -thanksgiving, I: Dunga nnon. I The missionary creed was ,repeated. , ... . ,,I, 4 sole, -Lean on the Saviones. Arms," i ' HOLMESVILLE-. .. . I was nicely $ung by , Airs:- Geo. Ale- Ilwain, The speaker for the after- : ; goLatins,vici.E, ()et. 14. -Mr. (11111110(2)1V‘•11:..: Mrs. A. E.. Moorhouse, of Forest, who --poke on ' -Would Be, mes. Elmer Pot ter ate" family Were Rulers," , from .the text, **Thy kingdOna ; Tie a nksgiving 'guests of ai.Fand airs. come.". Mr. Moot -house enlarged ,(mi. G Mael) )ui ld, Teeswa ter. * • the topic. Rev. A. J. McKaye moved :The ree(rtilher mon,thly-meeting of the a ,yete.offfthanles for .Mrs. Moorhouse'sI -N k. •aud W.IM.IS. is to be..held today .address. . The mooting 'closed 'with a i 1..... '‘, at the home of Mrs. H. J. Trewartbili hymn and prayer by Mrs. Moorhotise.t \,..iith- Mrs. Trewartha and, Mrs. W. Lunen was served by Mrs., Meilwain , . . Anniversary-. services were con;T:\ ornerne-tee-lrosteSsest t ,Mr.. and Mt. Porter,' Listofwer,- ducted at Union., ehurch tin Sunday. A„.1 Osited Mr. and Mrs. M. G.. Elliott on Cut flowers decorated the chnrch. sthe:morning .eiuce Ete W. Su•ntlas• ' • ner Church Anniversary -A univert4ary, of eSeaforth occUpied the pulpit , .ieelie.erthg a :ewe sermac on services., were held ,in Hobnesville - Thine Own Way, -Lord," from Jeremiah 'Ciiitellsehurcli on Sunday last, with .solo; la I go .ewrgregatinoenss% A. t..tillidAltn.1(i...e itt ofa ,thleiy sseoruy4).,c"e. a sun by airs. Geo. MelTwain,u.saillitle,e4::-In" a11rS1171"f-ViD anthem, "Fix -Your Eyes upon Jesus,",/i'rIqe1.), Was thet7Iltras'frt{eilker 7-141111.4'bt(ir the d.114Y,34.t41‘1:•) was sung by the choir, with the solo' splendid Sermons being . deliveretl. parts taken hy Mrs. Mej1W-ain, Mary I '4J4(( 111 'mushwas furnished by the Harwood, Esther ,Alcilwain, James echoir, .assisted in thee evening by a' Young aeti •EvVrett Mellwain. At the, male quartette. wliTifiurnished two ,evenieg service the pulpit was Octupled I pleasing.-elevtions. Mh Wilhelmina by Rev. Wm. NeWman of punga.unon, Trewartha, 'Poronto, was the guest wile spoke on "Meeting. Gee:Face to solois,ti-myrning and' evening A gen- Fa Ce" eGenests The -Choir waseee,„.Lieeeeeareeee__.,:ir' - assisted by members of N'ictoria street -- -- choir, Goderich. Mrs. Overholt sang very nicely the solo The Stranger of Galilee," and Mrs. J. S. McTaVish and Miss .Beatrice Arnold sang as it duet. "God's Way is the Best The, • anthem At Eventide" was sung by the . whole choir. . •- ' PORTER'S HILL Y.R.T4 LC, (.t. 14.-T1e sun is shining and ale, air is,: like What it womlerful ThanksgivingsDay IVO had after almost,: a' week of rain. The ground is moist enough now Lir eloWieg, and there is water' Tif amp; No 'more grumblittg abintt a tui it reit 11114 being dry., Friends at porter's-, Hill sympathize b Mr.. Rev. 1 Harold Currie in the Sudden passing- of her *father, „Res. . Eric Anderson, of, pambeth, ;Who died la 1 ,Wedneedny Prom a 111l It at tn Sunday 'Key. Harold. Currie, 'just 'retained from viteatbm, „deliiered a splendid sermon in Grixel, (hunt., .Most. of the eoligregation ;enemies' the Holinesiville anniversary,. services., ( in Thursday a Pternwm last °. the soeialaft V1114011 -held by the 'Red i1r4p4,-; at the homt of Mrs. Reid -Tor- ranee 1414. well attended. flb011t sixty behig present. reiekets were soldon a eldelten donated by elm Allen Bottles; which netted $4.95. The lifeloye.tieket.was hied by. _titre yic , 04 4. A ten'-eent 1111101 wits served and all together, netted the Society over ,'4t1.5. TWo, quilts were quilted, q quite a lot of knitting y1111 (tene, and pa tehes given out tor moreeelilts. MI'. 4411(1 LaWson Lockhart and imwy, of Royal Oak, Mich., spent the hieorelid.ay, with Mr, Loelthart's parents i . .A.SIIIPIELD, Oct. 14. -Mr. and Mrs. John MacRae spent the week -end with, their son, Mr, Ian Alaeltae of Strath- roy. . . , Keith Johnston; of the R.A.F. WI"Se, twine for the week -end, Miss -Jean Nelsen Of- Toronto sptalt, „ Thanksgiving Day .at her tome b.ere. . Mr. Duncan 'Parrish of Hamilton was . home for tee week -end, Rev. Mr. MacIleop of Orangeville 10k will preach nex.t Sunday in Ashfield „ " church. HELP THE 'RED CROSS_ emazzannezesoresezeaveramellentegr BROPHEY'S 'FUNERAL- SERVICE (Established 1875) TRADITIONAL SINCERITY AND " EXPERIENCE -•- - Prompt Ambulance Service - Phone 120 . • FLOYD M. LODGE, 1 Director APPROVED BY THE OIL CONTROLLER FOR CANADA • REG. MeGEZ Goaerith, Out; Ooderioli, Ont.' „ lacAPPNIELL Oodoribh, -Ont. et, STORA STOTHMS Dungannon Mb. Fand Mrs. Harry Powell spent Saturdaywith Wingham friends. ° 1.00K OUT FOR YOUR LIVER Ruck It up right now and feel like ei million I Your five i the largest argiut in your hod" and most important to your health. ltpours out hae to digest food, gets rid ot waste, ,supplies lewenergl, allows proper nourishment to reach wortbk.d. When your liver gets out of order food deCOM.POSei 110 Your intestines. You he. tome constipated, stOmath and kidneys teal work properly- TOM feel "tette-headachy; listkschy, tfi;ty, dragged out all 4lie time, For goer 35 years thousand* hoe woo prompt gelid from these ittiseilet-Avith Fruit.a0tists. So an you noik Try nu'i1be simply delighted bow oocidy you'll feel like si eele posse, loopy sat4 well sotto. trief 50e4 FRUIT*TIVEStriari Cuoningham Pryde EXETER, and SEAFORTH We invite you to inspect our stock Of. Cemetery Memorials All enquiries will be promptly 'attended to. EXtTER-none 41 .,„ Men of 30, 40, SO PEP, VIM, VIGOR, Subnormal?, Want normal -pep, vino, ;vigor, vitality? Try. Ostret Tonic Tablets. Contains tonics, stimallanti, oyster elements - aids to normal pep after 30, 40 or 60. Get a.special Introductory size for only 35¢. Try this aid to normal pep and vira today. For sale at all &Sod drugstores. asoitilsame • J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Embahner ' All calls promptly attended to Phones: Store 135. Hamilton Street, Goderich 4 The Cranston Funeral Home - Complete Service at Reasonable Prices PROMPT INVALID. CAR SERVICE . o etra charge Air the use of our thodern Funeral Home. • 17 Montfeal St. Phone 399 Q. ,7 Monuments! To those contemplating build- ing a Monument • . Get tee prices' before buying. Cemetery • , Lettering a epecialty. All' work guereeteed. JOHN GRANT\ aeiNTON MARBLE •& GRANITE , • Clinton Ontario <SucCessor to 'Bill & Zapf°, I NIMALS DEAD or DISABLED Quickly removed in Clean Sanitary Trucks. Phone c011ect. 910 r 21 Clintob, 215 Stratford 4- , or Ingersoll - William Stone Sons Limitea , . s No Happiness in the HOMO. When Mother Is Sick The tired, wom ouli mother cannot make aa py • home if she is sick sad worried by the never e *ttg She gets run. dowu and becomes nervo\ and household duties. irritable downheartol,and discouraged, can% rent at, night, Ad gets up :in the mernittafeeling sty tired as when oho went to be . *Women "suffering in thits way may find ill Milburit'a Health, and Ne ic remedy with. which to help recuperate their health, bad up the rut down groin; luxi mitt then back' to health-happinew again. rnee soe a box, fa ritlis, st an drug counters. Lok lot our trabs mak a "UM Heart" esk Cho paelsege. VAL, Wsitedt, Torotto, Oa; 4