HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-16, Page 5TUMMY, °MAIM 1,(411, 1041 Wartime Licenses Must Be Secured by Dealers in Many Lines by December ist , • UNTAWA., Oct, 1.5 --;-Departmental OPti COUnitry general stores, large hotels and -soda bars, manufaettarets and -auctioneers, every person and firm till .0afteda manufattaring or dealing in food, "feede, livestoek." PITItrYe, Yam, elotlaing or footwear Must aecure a license from the Wartime Prices and Trtele I3oar1 by December -After that thne: no unlicensed pereon or iirna may bey for resale, handle. or -sell etee of these eommodities. than. 200,009 busin•mes are af- fected by this vast plan to set up tile maehinery nec.essary for policing ioelcea 'aild for aecuring speedy reports on available supplies In the event of wartime allartages, In the 1Godericle • area, it iS expected that nearly one hundred persons and Orin& Will Socni be displaying On the doar or wintloW$ of their, place of •business the attrattive gold and blue certificate whiehr shows the public :'that they have, •obtained their wartime licensee There is no license,fee, License plieaseien ,fernis will dietributed through the mail 'late this month and a:10 'btisin4Snian who is "Stihieet .to the lieenSing order and does not reeeive • an -application form should apply for one at his postoffice, At the pestoinCe, • eopies of the complete licensing order will also be available. To facilitate further the introduction of the 'Weems - Ing plan, the Wartime Prices and Trade Board is appointing nine regionallicens- lug directors, one for each province, Individuals or firin,- s who, after con- - suiting the text of the licensing order, are still not gertain- on all•points eihn'uld Communicate directly with their region- al lieensing director. , Applicatioel Forms Wrill) 0 W I.010ENON OF, Irk IPIOATE ben issued by the Wartime Prises and Trade Board to all persons and lirnaS included in the nation-wide lieensing plan. A eoinbination of blue and gold, the 'licence certificate must .be !placed on the 'door or an adjoining window of the licancee's place of blneiness. Deadline for s securing a licence is DeCember 1st, 1941. • • , as May be required by the Board, *ill result itt the suspension of the lieprnse. ',rile term "public eating -place oper- ater" applies _not Dilly to reataurant , keepers, but alao to railways, steam- ehips, drug -store and -hotel proprietors if ,food is aerVed in their places of InIsiness. Any Pelson or lirm who eel's toed, even if it is only chocolate,bars subject to license. If, for example. License application forms are easy a:department or novelty store operates to vomplete, At the top are spaces for • cafeteria, luneh counter, soda bar, the filling in of the name, address and 1 - Be' 'dialing room, the store should lac; official position •of the applicant. Be- IliSted on its -license application as oper- _, ._.eniegastsh t_hoesef_ ittupsaiurtiscu,_l!".tkrpalvi:csolpaxladistits,jo4 aang a ,public eating place in addition nam-ecl in the Ileeniing °r(ler• • applieant need do is place a check mark b&sii" de his type-- of-bieSiness"lind °Y• 4f-3r-"Iland, whiche,eell some truittie vegetables, or groceries, will not be required to list themselves, as retail merchants. But in the license applicas on form they must put a check mark apposite the various suppletheatary lines which they handle. . Producers Exempt kind or kinds of eoramodkties he buYs • for resale,, handles or sells. AJPISlications of persons 4nduetind more than one place of business muat ,) acconspa.nied by a list .sho°vaing phi, address, of each establishment. If . these places of busineS'a earrY dilTerent •Only group exempt from the far- beegal names, separate applications must reaching plan are those who serve as made, outafor each ander its own nanie. • - e, • - "Lic•eaSe card e and window aranafers will be supplied to alI whOse applica- tions are received and accepted,' said Mr. Morphy, "and the display of this • transfer on the window Of,an establish, ment will not only eerve as an indica- tion that the firba is licenSed, but will the• public that the licensee is the fountain -head. for the' natitn'a eat - Ing -and clothing needs -I -the proclucers ;themselves.. A. farmer may sell hiS own eggs 'or batter ast.vegetables with- out a license and a ,sliee$ rancher may sell his wool. While an individual farnier, garden- er, livestock orpoultry ipreallicer, or fisherinan Ls not required. to ,..secure 'a license unless he buys .for resale„ all 'IMMO-al/4D BAVPIET41V, •Oet1utgene teastie af U iflton sspe t the, wcelg-end with Ithigraralmotherp Mrs. Martha; ftastle. ' Mr. and Mrs: G. sohurchward, sGerald Ohurehward, Alleges Pailline „Gregg and Lillian Darned of, London were at the Oharchward cottageOver the week -end. e‘lissed'Vera PeaSee'Clara Clark and Anne arandan of 1,4ontion spent the week -end at .tbeir,respeetive homes. 'Mr, and Mrs; 'Phil Rlaynakf and.-t*a .sons, a Toronto, were •the gtiesta Ursa 0. Rhynas or the vveek-end, ear, and nr's. Jack Stewart *VIA*. Ilton were at their cottage .hee0-coyer therballday; : . Mi.teke• Pauline' Maxwell of Kitch- ener and Marilyn Maxwell ot Preston were the guests of their ,parentee, Mr. and Mr. A. Maxwell, over tlit-holiday, Xr. and Mrs. J. B. Rel'nolds of Sandwich were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. V."0.'Quarrie for severaledaaSelaat- week. • Mr, and° Mrs. George King spent the week -end in Toronto, the guests of their daughter, SI:M. IMorley Hart. Mr. Lawrence.; Fowlie of London spent the week -end with hiSsistere, the Mis.ses Li,,,and F. Powliee' a. Sir and _A1rs, Metaren and, daughter 'Ohristine, o; IPOrt Elgin, were the guests of Misses M. and J. Stirling, -Miss M. Stirling returning to Port Elgin with them on IVIonday for two weekS.,„ . Mr. 'Harold Pollock of 'Toronto visited friends in the village over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. H. iMeClinchey spent the holiday week -end, in Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Willett and of Royal Oak,- Mich., sspent few days at their cottage this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weston 'and son and Mr. and Mrs. Uclo Newton of petroit were the guests of Mr. and, Mrs. Richard Weston over • the week- end. Mraand lairs. Jack Atkinson and fam- 113' moved this week to Detroit, where they will spend the winter. Miss Jeanne Dunn of Londonwas 'over the 'Week-encl.- t Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and familyeanf- Torontorawere thesgtfe.stseof Mrs. M. +Gemeinhardt over. the holiday. Messrs.' J. IGemeinhardt, !Charles. Parker and Stewart Sturgeoa of Pres- ton spent -the . week -end at their. re- spective. homes. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baker and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burt aiad familY, of London, spent -the.....weeklend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker. Mr. and Mrs. R. Larson, !Clarence and Betty Larson spent the week -end In Sarnia. - Mrs. M. -Elliott and Mr. Leslie Elliott' were in •Meunt Clemene, Mich:, over the holiday week -end.. Mr.. and Mrs. Percy Weston were the guests of Mrs. J. O. Goldthorpe at Hamilton -over the week -end. effort to, avoid unnecessary in- co-oper.ative buying, selling, or market- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. King, of Lloydel are the guests of the es -operating with the Government in te --a-est in the cost of living" ing oiganizations and hucksters Or., einajanniseter%-•bSrasotihce.ir, Mr. George King, and drevens who, on their own account, buy The first license identification card • for resale or handle the produce of finy will he light blue in 'color and° will primary producer must obtain a War,' expire.• on March 31, 19-42. • It will carry time Priees and 'Trade Board license. the license- number allotted to the ap- - plicant in the upper.right-hand corner. ' n tamp1e o how thoioughly the Boh aleTague And friend; DeSmond licensing regulations cover the handling' Fitzgerald, of Toronto, were the guests At the left isea Space for the signature andasale foodstuff& and clothing is of the holder. This. license' identWeae shown in the provisions covering ware-' the week -end. of Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Qua -rale over tion v,Ard syilnie mailed. to each licensee houses and cold lents Alf • -- Each Licensee to Have -a Number I- December 1, 'persons wifo are subject on Tuesday. for their home at, Mount Mrs. King:- - • Mrs. F. A. Edwards. Mra. R. Watson and eon Edwards spent the week -end in +Kitchener. along with his window certilicate.storageI) • ter Misses J. +1.1. and 46. P. Rankin left ukases. to the licensing order may not store ae. aaawahlaisahrawiliartetagarfrorn ° E h cei t MI h h sian plants 'are still outside Hitler's . . . ' • fOotwear untn they hav7-4"iline securedg---"-tlitr-sira • inuier"at.,411ttir•cuLt ,; " -nrcaraettaita-he''ad4troyeda-arirteverrefasfrth, adVrilluetiff-The,,artgh-myrrttorrrirM RusstaxiMUT--nitting.on. of Mr.. and Mrs. Thos.' Anderson: . • provided the name of his firm is not • Bareld cbmmunity Is enter- before he could Pesse:ss7them.- , I-Ias eV(Ii7 a natipn so completely exiled their side of the:frontier, Fi SIGNAIAT Current Views on the gnu cosai,gro GERMANY What price Vuropean (lamination? How mueb. has !Germany paid to date for her military eenqueat Of -fifteen captive nations? An .0.0SWerf to this qUeStion can only be gueezworke POI to •he expected that the":N.TaziGov- eammantaVelllal-allaw, met Infererjetion Of thiss kind to trickle Oat. It le, net to be e*pected that Such 'rept/48'4a We 40 receive concerning reeent 'develOPMenta in the AxiS eosintriee will enlighten us 'very far. . • .We have to assess Geri Manra costs up. to thee pee.sent on the -baSIS' 1,Neasarnfbie pobthfljt1es. and to guard against a vomfertable reliance Uporl anYbody's statistics, including our OW1a. There is no use In startiag out bY mustering each rare bits of Goebbels's propaganda arithmetic as Wear, In •German newspipor&.an4unjqjjet I do not regard Naala' statistics about the war as giving any infonnation vvhich •we can rela upon. I know fix/la:11 personal experienee that the )Nazis can' and do •alter stattstical records Of every sort. I know iihat they fake their eroP rePortsi especially. ,jn, •bad. years. TlieSt need to fake foreign, trade seatistiaealeaVing out inaportant itenis .which• they Wished to cOmeal. They have habitually Cooked their financial figures, sueh •amount of °gold reserve, the extent of government in- debtedness: Why 'should we 'believe :for .a moinent that their +figures of losses in men and .materials are given out for may other purpose -than for propaganda? s It is nbundantly. Clear that for the first twenty-two months of the war Hitler, has achieved his victories at an astonishingly,Iow cest in men and. mas terials. Measuring 11is booty, this sub- ieetipopailations, awl the ,area he con- trols, the price per, captive or • per Aqugre aline is astoundingly small. Ger- man victories have been so quick and looked so easy that we have been in- clined to dwell upon the importance of the +fifth eolumn and to Pay less atten. bon to"f„he superb discipline, accuracy and syriehronization Of -the a Gerinan' armed _forces. These months'. have lltactr.P10 4.1:eam p1914 they have ,shown us the short jolly! war that paya forltself by loot. * * * ° Much. more serious to the Germans atban the problem of motor fuel is the shortage of lubricants, PefroleuMlubri, cants are indispensable for the oper- ation of all internal-combustion. ens gines and for lubrieation of all machin- ery where movinganetallic surfaces -are in contact. It has been conaparatrvely tsimple to make synthetic gasoline 1)5' ,adding hydrogen•to the carbon obtained from coal—the weir -known protess of .hydrogenation. But the heavier and more complex •hydro -ea molecules which bomprise petroleum luhrieants cannot be synthesized so easily. 'Lubri- eatiag ollearesnot Simple cheinical corn - pounds. Even the best German chem- ists are baffled by the problem of ,creat- iag, them out -of :carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, - ner IS thete • any adequate .subatitute, The Germans have been experimenting in the use. of animal and vegetable fats, such as tallow and eastor oil. •These have .only a limited usekulneas as lubricants. In all Con- tinental Dtrope there are very few, plants capable of manufacturing lubri- cants from crude-petroleuna. The Rus- lubrieatiog value. Germ4ity • 0,0W obtaining moSt of • her Inbrieants 2 from limited ellipplies of domestic erRiale oil and from such Rumanian andsi Polish eourcese as can she tamed. A.' suat,aisted benibIng lubrieatingeeil • Jug -her mechanlatal *gamma. wide -I plants promises big results in haMPer- apread belief peeal.sts that utieipTaintal pauses of the ,Gerina'n war niaehine---1 failure ta follow up the bombing 'of . Londen 'last, autunan, for instance-, . a:c,my .explalned by'defieleneles In the supply of lubricating oil. Geri -4°114r aWta a....naillaraproblent_of sag sGerae- man general staff in the tirst World! • War.. I * For the ;first :time itt -this citontest, 'the IGernaan. armies are hotly engaged! YOU INVITED TO CALL AND SEE OITA .COLORFITI4 I)ISPLAY pro v'ArtiotTs trYP10,4"; OF 0IIRYSANTIIENILTAIS •. • , art Ilros._ BEmniumt xtutsmuEs Pholle ' dariOw 235 ou • a 200(kaite" front againat the Red! armies. .From June,1911, onward,' the; pagra)).,".......,a0=Q, . 0=0 0 0 0 0 coMinroption of 'German war smaterialsi - ,_.a.! ,,,,,„ ......_„ .1 „ , 11.P1ii. urvardS' at, a rapid.. rate, 'The:, ---- arge movements of luen Involved, the popular. They have a still naare un- he -who ,is so ready to make war earmat i all. eomblue to Plaee a strain on allY1 affirm. their right as a„ free people to single eaunficY. It is ebecause he., ha$ 1 I heavy use of eneehaniZed equipment,. pleasant...Surpri$0 in sore for them. •• inake peasce e why bis o.rmies can over - i tbe long, distal:IM; the wretelaed roads, IIow the •Germaaa, ea,n passlona,telY ran a Continent, Yet eannot Confiner.* I. war machine -even Hitler's mechanized i make their own decisions in the world, ehewn by word and deed that te•cannefe I battalions. .• There can -be no spieStioni regardless Of alleether peoples, and at be trusted by • friend or foe. With • b that, this smnmer at leaSt, the .Nazis I-, the same time suppose that ififteen ether tile example evullrealbetOre them it is I are burning, up and wearing out vast 1 European,' nations ° Will IP04eetully castounding that • any American. Still 'eamounts of material. The wide plaina acquiesce. in being alaves, passes the harbors the notion••that there is the. I of Western Ruasia mist be strewn with . Imagination: The -Nazis' 'doctrine that slightest chaliee of doing business with ! abandoned Motarized equipment. Ger- , *the !Germans are by eature a Master a victorious 'Hitler on any but Nati . many •can afford to losethesteel In I race and that other races are created terms ' volved in 't•hia destruction; but can she s to serve them is the kind:of logic best Great Britain and France dint tried- • supply theskilled-laber, the engineeeingis ealculated ,to drive a deltided Germanl to apPeaSe him,' but When they eouki* capacity, the special alloys to re:Place; people to „aets of madness. 'Nothing surrender no more -they chose Os stand '. ' these losses? Not eaalte or quickly r now ean. save, the Germans:. from the; and fight. Franceafell by the wayaide I i 'and, as, far as some a the alloyS.:are 1 consequences: of their own folly. We •and sought a -truce whiai. has not , : concerned, not at all: ',GO' Man soldieral may even eoxne to pity tlaem in 'the brought peace: ItalY under Mussoliai are wearing out hoots On the Russian' future, as they ale sure to Pity them- made the fatal error, against Which • , roads that 'cannot -be replaced out �f 1 selves. But -the world as a Whole will Meeehiavelli. warned, of making ..si, conquerett Suppireala'anstuniformaa .anda be aosblasy lielking its ovirt wourniseafter eompaa "witlrie-warge '"iiii)11.4e,' 10141?" : - nippr ed. • wool that it far to seek. little sympathy left over for Hitler's Never ' again in this war 'will the; followers. One ''agg,re8WOn after all- . Gerfluin army have the samelv,ealtla of ! other, intolerable injustices perpetrated 1 materials it now commands. If Ger,' upon peaceful nations large and small,: ...-, I many as to face a sustained attack on, Wheret-er the Germans ean get at them Russia, practising her own brand- (4,-...,, the west or on the south, she. will have ' -,-,this leiig- list of elaiins is monnting appeasement, entered iato. an unholy to encounter it with inferior equipment higher every day. a alliange with Nazi •Gernal.n.Y, but did andeinadequateentateriale'resoureeRe - .. : ---ThyAtlantio Monthly „(BOston). not eseape the fate of bolder nationa. * *. * Hitler adventure in Russia is Mares s' . HITLER'S ......,..---'-RAPN - .a no, eecurity, no peace in EUrapee no . , The:lesson is Clear., There CAA be ' 13'it-lire`tuae to 111-4 (final -c(;,,krld vicigrz% ,At last -we hii:Ve an answer to -the -It only makes sensal when ennaideiesit,-,asena of -why Germanyi.,didiaisotr,„,f6llow. health in the world until Hitter and"-Ifid .Nazi creed—that military . might -IS as a part of such a .a-clie-i-a-e-, Ifallitret•I up her great victories on .the ,Continent ;justification for any trea.chery; any per, •• didn't belie•ve that he '*ill' figh of Europe with an attempt to end the 'fidy and any -crime -are destroyed' and A.merica, he would never •have needed quickly by • invading the. BritiSh to invade Russia, Of tourae, the cost -war banished frOns the earth. The sooner risk the general staff felt it niust falce, the loss _. et gum and tanks at materials is tremendoas. , It Ia. staggered by the Frenele collapse and at the German t*OPle realize that it is or Americazi• "Internationallsga" Which, this, rather than •British."Jraperialisni a .Isles When Great Britain waa 'still the price. it mut jay for security on an eerque. may • stands between them: and. the peace -so D I • It be that Hitler the eastern. frontier. • - . often promised and s,till so far 'nyiay, • Far morelmalortant than the balance thought a . ., of tiie war' theal4ritish Would stirre,nder t first that with France Out the hearer the'' will be to 1;h0',"'goail ..... 'sheet of material gains and losses is Nvithont- a !fight ; but before many weeks for which 'they fights today With kuc ,f he tally ef- human lives lost in this . well in preserving the. lives a his futility. had passed he knee:, !better. He knew, . aciveniure. ft would seem that up° to weaker than she was in the summer -of, —Tile New Yet* Times. the preeeet summer Hitler, has done too, that Great Britain never would be - ,soldiersa . .. The, German loss of life 1940. Yet he Aid 'not• strike thea. Last week :Hitler provided a clue to ,is new substantial and even serious, but the• mystery of what stayed his hand-. it is less than during thealast war and ..ks- long ago as September, 194!0 (So he probably net more -than the general told his People); he _realized" that a staff caleulated upon before the ipreseat shoWdown l'ith Russia wasanevitable , overcoats were, manufactured out of, this war that other peoples will nave now faces the prospect of eternal vaS- • • salage Nazi Germany if Hitler win& Other countries sought refuge j,n neutrality, only to be attacked when: it suited alitier's purpose to invade the= warsbegaile , • "a. • . and presumably !began moviag this di- , * * .from the Chainiel.`ports, and I wonder if the loyal, industrious, the cities behind theina to his eastern painstaking Germans are beginning to frontier. From September until June realize the crushing • weight of hate of this year, he confessed, he harbored that they are !building up against them- in heart the scheme. to pounce. upon selves evers'where in the world. Has , RuSsia; yet he hela.his tongue in order ever a sihpae people . made so many not to put his iutended victim on auard. enemies, and' pOssessed so few friends? In all this the Fnlarer said he made parents. Mr. and "„Virs..Henry Horton. , . MAFEKING. • alAFEKING, Oct. 14. ---Miss Grace • Blake, of Drumbo, spent the week -ends wJtfr,hpr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. ' Blake. s 'Mrs. George FitzSimmons of Arkona spent last week wall her ,daughter, Mrs. Cecil Johnston, and M. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Eraest, Blake spent . Sunday • with their daughter 'Muriel • in ,London. - • Miss 'Mary Horton, of Stratford. Normal, spent the week -end with her Has, ever a natien so comPfately thrown I only one ,anistaike. and that was in not Mr. and Mrs. Oharles !Pearce, of Clia-- . Ac censee w ie ve a n. easan , c . after ng spent y saseso,c c er, se ent c •realizing hoe gigantic Were the pre- ton, spent- the week -end aLatatahame -a it t f ham t i ifi • `4,1 *t • 7 ; .afr. and Mrs. Perca: Blandel, of Gude!, license, and nil: warehouae .oi• sterage changed nr his liceaee cancell,ed. by the taini g on.Tuesday night in the' Town -In all Gaily:any !•.theee is only ana ea. hese eltizeiesi and alienated" its bes•t .For 'outright • cynicism aney eoid- spent-Menday withNfr. -and Mrs:' punoperator will permitted to ac - Board. After December 1, when -rainy lt tll b Hall wi•th a Short Anuisleal prbgram, modern plant for making high -gr de .friendeea The Germans are selfish lend -hypaerisy it .would- be hard Will Irvin. ' • • connno i lee un cas the num- of the commodities nalmed in„ the -1 ‘•' ifollowed by dancing and refreshments. lubricants. This is in -'Bremen and • as Wind where the rights •and interests of + bero•of the storer's license is marked licensing order are bought for resale, The guests will he tWelitY-iti've R.A.la: beed a frequent target far -British other peoples- are concerned. , ' They on the doctenent recording the accept- . huh the ellers s's and the buyer'license men from the •Radio School in Clinton homhe. Furthermore,. Germany's .5311- were honestly siiiiiiised, at the end of numbers must be marked on the sales ' 'thee.None of these commoditlea can and also AC. Toning Scotehmer, R.C.-A. flietic gasoline is . gasoline , only and thelast. war', to find, that they were not ,,, sale -invoke, h.. ,41,,4 document which , be withdrawn from cold storage or a- - (Wawawho home on two weeks' ...a -e----.•• _ . .rc surds the sale. - • ! wareltauA for---aesale 'unless the peis leave. , is ka•censes and window transfers • will scht,anaking the withdrawal is licensed .• be renewed !every six mont•hs. -It 'will; by the Board and unlessahe document nothoweve-r, be necessary • far the rea•erding the release carries bLs license . •' number. -All warehouse and cofeStor-; . lice.n.•!;e-holder to apply. for a ' new i' plant operators Mus•t, of course,: a, license, •because he will. auteniatically 1 lige receive one by mail at .the end of every',..11-eillstTtieselicensing tequiremenas are 6'es be lieelled. "., eix-month - pernxl. these periods ex -I ' pire on the last clay of March and not designed to curtail business oper7 •September . .' i talons,- painted out C. R. Morphy,..• ••, • • ' Cutler the 13ogral.'s liceaeing order_ tile. i.director of" -licensing. ."fly having f every per'son wheelie any way -handle_s- ollowipg classes of persons, .firms and • the cemniodities nanied in the order' corporations are required. to secure . a'; license by Decemper 1, 1041:e .„ a .under the licensee the Boaed win have -Every -manufacturer, processor, the anachineey" %vitt' 'which to make. • .1,tender,' packer, • importer, ex- :•• sPecaly checks on available' stocks and ..paeter, wholesaler, jobber, re- .' to pollee more effectively anysprice fix- ' r, manufacturer's... agent, in,, order which inay be instituted." • ',' a •:•,11(4,a, aoinnitss'ion meregiaii•l, Individual pe,r.sona storing small' ...,./,'I.(0.1•E4 1, warehouse. . operator, quantities of the eoinmodltiesan-amed in - .4, eaat.,...peaa ossa -a ,s ea_ the licensing order strictly to-f-alieir ,•Ilerative buying organization, (0-* f oivii ;a:4e are not required to obtain a •; le+ ra t Pia? marketing or; selling (r- • , liceilse. ,,lf these storedgoods are, a a 11 i za tio n. • prt-idtteer who buys: a 1 -(1 -1-H-".vev.'• ' I" ng '114 !•4br letsalt'i-t-Ileir salas the 1' 041114 of others, ilrl s.- owner rimat .aeeure. a liceese. • • I • r. h tic ka f e rs or e'f,lier !person W110 - . llefore his appointnient to the office buys (lie !products of -a -qiculture • of Director of Licensing, C. Its. aNlorphy ; for re -sale. custom tailor, sane- wats"in charge Of the phi» which 11115a1- 14 alir allot/ 011era tor: public .eating., __ready brought Canadian (14 414 in (To operator. or other (*.wilier, and iiiiles'•and 14 4111(1 under license- to• •o otos, sells, storei;„-sliips. ;rans:• the Wartime Prices and Trade Board.' g iv rts,, distributeS or otherwise He served in the les' 1 war as lieutenant , deals in food produefse aerated or s with the !Canadian Field Artillery and, mineral ss 1141 ,mill feeds; -feeds . was, later associated with the licensing, .f •e live:deek 'orpoultry, elothin,1.!:.1 (11VIS1(111 (4 "Ki Clanlid a Prnui iimir(1" .1 if 1 ..il (1 Wen r. yarn or cloth ef cotton, ' . • - "-------- ---- --- - '• _Here •wool. silk, artifieial ,sillt. ST. IIELENS -9y•inswool or'cotton •blanlassa, fur a,„:,• ',is,. hosier,, footweltrf lr ho ° (1)1 •;11.00 'lo• Make • 1toports,:41 i10111 Iie41:44nt.(1 11.1ce11e-holders reun'red to lie reports if • aird when required by • be Board. They must alao notify the rec-tor of. licensing in writing of any catange lii name, address, ownership or ,ariieter of the business, within ten eaye of the change. Failure to dotlils, or failere,to peaforin, such other acts --samasaa.marasaa, • A TIP FOR SUFFERERSFROM RHEUMATIC PAINS , ° If you suitor from itteurciatrc pains here is a good method by ihthich you can get the beat out. of :any treatment, and one which has brought relief to thouaanda of peoPle. Take Zruaelext Salta in a 0403 of warni. water every morning. li"ruschen helps rheumatic pain aut. ferers in two way. It cleans out the. ,Toisona which °mot in almont every 1.4. viol* 10100daiyaltn (thele are the poi)one which give you local, paina , tibdtahe cs) and ithelps the kidne3rs to 111tel?out *era% poisona which may f nailing. Try this simple treat - vont {wer 0 month and watch the irogH. Krocaten cau be obtained froM any drug oiore. , 21i0 and 15o, ' • . . Mr, and Mrs. 'Stanley Davis - of - Springfield, Missouri, are visiting .Mr.' and 'Mrs. J. Robinson. Bishop Seager's Visit.—The service of holy confirmation was held -in Tgin- sa- lty church 'ena"'Thursday evening, when fourteen candidates from St. James', Middleton, and Trinity church., Bay- field, received the ,•laying on of hands by Bishop. Seager. Lordship's ad- dress was based on 'St. Matthew 5 :14,' from winch hes took the mottd ,for the candidates, "Yepare ,.the light ,of the world." Quoting the late •Panalatirey's words when the first world War broke, '7.°The 1 igh t s of -Europe ha gone °ill,. and they will not he relighted in our generation," he applied' the Sallie to -,,o• the present world- conflict. "Only -the , light of faith.; is; left. Its light inay be bidden' under- a .bushel, but- it is still' burning."' The Itiethop spoke Of 'the , great debt which we dive -to Flurobeans itt _the varionS arts., :The.le lights will; be lie again and it may .be that . they ! will la• re -kindled on, the ip'eat North_ Ameriean conts;inent" He'„stressed tht! opportunity fOr eervice, open to the yinith of' today and pointed kr that which lies right, at _our doors in the needs of the missionary "dioce.seS of the West. 'He ,prai5t3/41 the 'WOrk of t he j Wemen's Auxiliary, which he said met1 a'pproximately half the cinnmitments .f()-r--nyissiOns of the- Canadian Chtirelhi In touching on the work !abroad . to equal thislatest public utterance, Schools in the dLstrict baVe` beea the first by Hitler since last May 4-.-as,,I1 closed for th.e paatagouple of weeks, it he (Hs:closed, with hiauuM eomplete' owing to the epidemic. in Lueknow; unconcern for honor, the reason w1a44--a1so church serrices. were witbdrawmaa , scored •those Who do not believe ' itt ST.. JINLE•Nsa oct. I - Visitors itt' foreign IIIIS:•4011S° iud 111;1(1{. a 'strong ' the e ommunitY for„ t he-1nd iday week- , aPPeal for their gttpliort.- As an ex. -1P , end fneluded Mrs.'Itainage of Holstein, • cl.Inple he, chose China. .1.1thougli .thp, Misis Ruth +Ramage of Huntsville, Miss chiliad) "haSt lost Ice:plaits., achools, and •Ireue Woods of Waterloo,Miss, Aneiteseliaaches which,- 'it was. supportang Stuart of Tdronto, 'Misa Dorothy, Webb . there, :nal missionaries 'have had to li of Toronto, Russel Webb and Frank j withdrawn pwiag to the war with aleQuillin of lIdmilton, Gordon Miller • Japan, Yet the work will go. on. He Lcited the.gretrf changes being made and and Neely Todd of Stratford. mr.s. mspesssmsAmiaarLa,s4,0,. m es, ' the svay China is broadening out under Wm. ateDonald and 1lss I rene-EYnabl• ifs area t Christian" leade,r, Chiang -Kai - of Hamilton wero week -end visitors :sliek. He said, l'he coming nation with Mr. and Mrs. D. C. 'McDonald. ! of the Pacific is not Japan butaChina. • 'Mrs. Ramage, who WaA' home from 11, will not,, he in my- time, or in the her school near Holstein for the week- time of many "here. Girls and ho,Ys, end, was honored at the eoncluaion of mark my w01'd44 and rememher that the chutch service on Sunday morn- said at your ,Contirination that ilhina nay. G. A. Barnard read an ad.' will he the great nation of the Pacific." k • I n (40PliPg he spoke directly 'to the dresa of anpreelatibil (ef Mrs. Ramage's I work in • the •chureh and eammunity, ealiktdateA: "Yp aro' the light of the ,and she was made the recipient of a world." Those confirmed were : •From .wardrohe ease 1111(1 1111.10114g. Mrs, Tr1n1ta (ohmage Bayfield • John Lloyd 1 Pease, William Irvin Pease, •Patrielt Ramage made' a fitting' reply. • • Anniversary 7aervice.s win be held • Ma haffyGra GeorgJT 111 tbe 11)11 ted eimiwif on snnday, Hoard, l'hirence Edgar Larson,Bever- October 20th'l 10v Margaret York; from St James% . , Ntiddleton, were: Ii:eith {Ube...eye...04111er, BENMILLER Murray William Miller, James -Donald ' Middleton, Ray 101farles Wise, 'Harriett 14'(Ira. Wise, .benna Maxine ( ole, ••1110ore ea- Armstrong.—hOn Tuesday), Eleanor Bowden, Jane Patricia Middle-) • afternoon, Oetober 14t, Ihe 13(11- ton. They were ,preeented by the miller ,ehureh manse. ElSie 13117411)Ptnt' feetor Of the twosparialtea, Rev. John daughter of Mrs, Armstroeg and the; Geom. 0 'late 4tenderson Aemstrong of Goderieh,' - WIIM united in , marriage., to Charles weed, The weehting dinner was served owol _Nidore ef Proton, son of 'Mr. to Members of the inamediale'filluillep• Owen Moore and rhe tate Mrs. Moore rat the home .of the. bride. After a of sOblberne township, The, (*mum ,•41lort motor trip, Mr. aud Mrs. )Moore Wag, performed by 14w. U. (4. It:agio- will resides at proton, Ont, • 5" V. • , 101/ESTONE„ : iibte-Fiieeze for jiliotorists curtailed to equip our fighting forces! TPLEingtedients-w'4ith go into the making of 'Prestone" Anti-Fraze are vital war-iime neeesskies.• These raw 'materials are so valuable to' our fighting forces that pro- --- duction for motorists' Use has been radically curtailed.. The makers of. "Prestome" Anti.lireeze are proud to' dive4 much of their supply to war •seririces. ',gotorists who are forced ,to use substitute will gladly make 4.1ii.4 sacrifice. niesE ARE FACTS. WORTH REMEMBERING IF YOUR DEALER IS UNABLE TO SERVE.YOU WITH YOUR US1.14."PRESTONE" WI -FREEZE. ePrestone" .elots-Pret as made by the makers of "Eveready" Flashlights and galleries, "Eveready" Radio Batteries, "Sla.'117ar psecl'Repelknt Lotion" dc- ItANADIAN TIONAL,CARBON COMPANY LIMITED * itatlfax Montreal 'T'uretYNTO Winnipeg Vancouver