HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-16, Page 3ITRUCK DiayEit TITANKS FOR /WOKS GODEjRICH, ONTARIO, TITURSDAY,-OCTOBER 16th, 1941 sines Directory HILLED.,AT HENALZ Coilislow on No, 4 Iligyvvay Rtsults • . 3, DUDLEY B. ,gotoligfi Barrister, liltc. Office -Court House, Ooderleh, Telephone M. A. .SUTifiliIRLAN,D Barrister and Solieitor First Xertgage Security.. Urban Loans Available.' OPce----North St., Godirich, Phene 750 CHARTEREI) ACCOUNTANT thiONTEITa„and,MONTEITH, Chartefed Accountants .77 Downie Street, Stratford Toronto Office: 302 Bay Street VETERINARY SUROEON • DR. G. S. ELIA OT!..0 VETERINARY SURGEON kfr4olie 2(XI — ()Anton. AIXICI.ONEERING THOMAS GUNDRY, • GORERICH., LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER TelephOne 119 Sales attended to anywhere an eyeri, effort made to give satisfacti ,WP0111,114,ed. in Fatal Injuries to EJ"ed W. Rohl 'of 'London. Distrief -Fred W. Kohl, of BAT, truck -driver 1 for MdMatus Petrolehm Ce., London, received fatal injuries at Hens -all on Saturday evening in o traffic ,aevident at the*.intersection .of highways Nes, 4 and 84. . Kelee.wa„4„drivingeeast_out Hen,: sall and crashed into a passenger ear driven by JaMes ILL Messer of Teronto. The truek & Continuefor . about one hundred feet, made aright -about ,turn and rolled over hi the ditch.,. Kohl was thrown headlong and was -picked ,from the diteh unconSeiens., 'Oil drums Were broken cwen and the lone tents spilled over the road. Kohl was taken to, thS e eaforth hospital With a skull fraeture and kalif concussion and died two hours after the aeeident. , The Messer ear washurled into. the ditet by the collision, striking- and shattering a Hydro pole.' The flyqre.., We dd service in the village and vieinity '<VW:44' iiiterriiPteil tor several hoarS. The ear was wiecked. Messer 'suffered a broken itneveap _and -head and face lacerations. After receiving treatmeut he was able tti return hothe on Sun- day. 'Hillary Horton of Exeter, a passenger with him, received MillOr Coroners Shaw, of Clinton,Biow< of S.eaforth, investigated and deei(1e4 an inquest win; not needed. d me on emoliti work Le., exca•va • ti ng Anstay, one of the Salvation Army war Workers,. has 'received' the following letter from 'Spr.41. W. Redd, of the 'Royal Canadian. Engintlers:ever- seas : • , Dear 41.6. Austayee-Hope this letter will not be too much.of a surprise to you, but due to your kindness in donat- int, to the Salvation Army overSeae comforts tor the Soldiers I consider it only polite to thank you.very u.bfr this. I found.your adirress in„one of the soeks, and incidentallyI ani ey much epleesed with the socks, " At, the*, time my spcke had shrunk (trot= va'keown'Ipshing) so that:they did net extentilip to my ankles when Ioput them on. '1.‘he Salvation Army does more for the boys over here than, any other organizatictu and certainly- deserves a lot of credit. Life over here is not theme as civilian life, of course, but except .fpr the luxuries we used to have life goes on for the boys in an easy and cheerful nfanner.,„- have our hard times, bur as soon as pay (1111 comes along they are forgotten for a time. Wy have been over in this country new. more than a year and so -are getting ' aceustomed to the Climate, which is radically different from that of Canada but 1.s not unlike•our Van- couver ,clianate: I am a miner in civilian life and have wtkrked up in Great .Bear ,Lake and. Flin Flea. Over here they have placed Goderich Man Had Share in Discovery of the' Site of Historic Ignace .GORDON GILANT„ LICENSED • AUCTIONEER' IrOlt HURON - A. satisfactory, courteous' service for Farni, Property or Household 'Sales. Rates Reasonable, .1-IAROIJD JACKSON • tSPECtIALIST IfN ‘..V1Alta HOUStelfICLD SALES. Lieensed in Huron and ,l'erth Counties. ° Pic res ' reaeunaule; eatisfaction guaranteed. , For information, etc., write' or phone liAlti.SLD JACKSON, 1.2 on 63o, Seal:Qral; H.R. 1, Brut:Wield.. • muDicAti , It.. J. It. URSTielt„-EXE, :EAU; - _NOSE, THROA'T Late House a Surgettn__New York Ophthalmic and Aural kloSpital, as - M. sistant at ooretield leye Hospital kind. • Golden Square Throat Hospital:. on - den, England. EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED • _ Streete,SetteeStra o_rd. Telephone ' Next' vii Bedford Hotel, Gode 'eh, Wednesday, October 22nd, from 2 till 5 pat. •D.RUG SS PEACTI.TIONEH CTOR AND leltUGL..; THERAPIST - Go 'erich, Phone 341 - Office ho rs-10 to 12 a.4, u and .7 to 8 ne; Tuesday, -Friday and Saturday. 10 to 12 ilonda.y and Mineral fu a.m. only on Wednellay, Thursday at *Mitchell. • e baths- _by- appointment only. A. 'N.. 'ATKINSON ,,, ,- 1 ' ..51 South St. - iNstAipet: Mgli,ILLOP nutruAL r 1N- 111SURANCE CO. -Farm e and , Iso - listed town property inE4ured. Oftiems-Mam Knox, Pregidente ' 1-1a4onde1horo; W. R. Ai‘chibald, Vice: rresident, Samford:I, M. A. Reid, &tanager and Seeretary-Treazureri, Seer, • forth. - Direetors-Wm. Knox, Iiontlesboro ; - Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Dublin; E. Je. Trewartha, Clinton; Moylan, :Seaforth; .11, Archibald, Seaferth; MeNwing, Blyth; Frank MeGiegor, ClIntOn; Hugh Alexander, :Walton., „ Agents—E'. Yeo, R.It. 1, Godeilcli; James° Watt., Blyth; John E. Pepper, R.R. 1, lirneelleld; R. McKercher, R.R. 1, Dublin; a. F. Prueter, Brod- hag,en.. ' . Policy -holders can make all pig- ments and. get their cards recelpfed at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Otani! - Grocery, oKingston Street, Goderich, or J. II. Reid's General Store,. 13aYfield. EV. E. L: ANDERSON, LAND3ET, for unexploded bombs.. Yes, it i DIES SUDDENLY s. H • dangerous work' but N'Vry exciting sat -ger 1-e-----A-messesore----etteetset Claurch minister at Lambeth, died sud- I-Ioping thisfinds yeu and yours an good health, I am, yours truly, denly en Tinirsday last4trom a heart at taCik'nt .theeage-of;;forty-nine years: e'sPR. 'Among the charges in which- he had served Were those of Bakfield and! ' Orte of .his daughters was .re - PORT ALBERT- a Dater „ A Short, Short Story By: Leslie Hamilton Copyright 1941 ity Beaver. Features RiPiles• itrr Br.....e.„Err, 'the telcOlione belr.iang shrilly. and insiStently.2, ' "Yes?" a bride of a few weeks epake softly Intot the, transmitter. "Ohl. Is that you, Mrs. Brown ? This.' is the dressmaker calling. I wondered ifYOu could Mae down ' for a. fitting this afternoon?" "yeseed -think so," - MI's, Brown answered after a few moments' de- liberation. -What. time do you want me to call?" "Will two o'clock suit all right?" "Y& -that will be okay." -; "Thank. you, *Mrs. Brown.- (.7.X•• peel you at Iwo," "What's your _hurry, Jennie?" ' school "chum ,who had ttiso-"been bridesinaid at Mrs. Brown's wedding, dein-and:eel- of, thelatter as she wended' her Wag"Th keep her appointment with the drestImaker, - - "For goodness sake if it isn't Iris:" Jennie Brown gasped in surprise. "Where have you been for the yak month?" • - ' "Busy as a little bee, my dear," 'Iris inf9„K,Int11. AWE ktiAtn_d,,,a,..._simi'-feli,-,einte, itep+beside fid -ti aley -con t itched en together. "I've got a newposition- or• rather, I'm training for a new „ •' • . -Yon have 1, 'Where are you -.work- . jag now?" You see the erowd of people mu - side that „store in the lath block? of Bayfield. . Kathleen Vrawford: R.N., Ls spending Iris point/el down the street.. es.. • .1111:.; x4el . vlsitin g relative-. ,in Toronto. "Yes." , • : • Mhes. Ethel ,M6KAInzie, teacher at 4` 4-, cently married to Rev. •Harold Currie •• .PORT ALBBRT, October •14. -Mies • * pICOBAC Pipe Mimic -co FOR A MILD, COOL, SMOKE ' - g a Parkhill, spent the holiday week -end. new Career , 1 with her mother, Mrs. Jas. M'acenzie. 1 "But what is suelt a erowd doing 1 •1 of Kin tcheer Ivas also 11101111(1 the place?" Jene w nianted to ' a ,ith M'M rs. cKenzie know. "Ls it,,a lire sale- or some: - „and 3Irs. Jahn- Quaid eisited last thing ?” • her bargain -hunting instinct quickening' in: thrilled: anticipation. iris laughed in annisenientm -Those 'people ate waiting for an ffp- Itomtmettt to see ow eNpert eprset re, rtursommerasur Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. John MePheriknessa-teTeeswa ter. Arneld.liedge and Billy Tigett went I to Waterloo last eek and obtained " work there in a factory. hey woinan ••hi .our' community. caiu° STRATfORD - .1,GODERICH• The W.M.S. will held theie. .thaidt- have a fret fi fr - - 7.30-- a.m.,„_.:4._25. Qojerteb for Stratford,_ Toronto, Hamilton, 13uffalo, tendon, Detroit JaVisthcit . and Woodstock.. Depots - Bedford, British and Royal Hotels. none hotels or 305 for information. Craigte- INSUR.A.NCE ani REAL- ESTAT Get Our Automobile Rates Phone 24 Goderieh • Geo. G. MacEwan Accide.nt and Meter Car- - • •Xkl.,41.IP,ANCE Oflice:--(Masonic Temple, West Street, Gederich GODERICIII Phone 30 1 •k) gt le aria iltu•ing this I •h 1 • offer ing ince* g in the ri < urei 1 t nd bookft40"ilir appointment. Why on Thursday, Ilet-OleTrv.wr 23a. at the store The special wont I be :,.:yeeettele‘..L- TO*NSHIP CQVICCIL VAST WAWKNOSIt oinnou met on Oeteber 4th, with. ail (London .lFree Press, Wt. 9) lie questiehed each detail. Re made the members 4'n attendarteebUt Conneit. Alphonse Arpin, of Midland, was a extenfave 'excai'atiens* but , bee his ler .peceroft, MinUteS, of Previou$ meet, death 120'too belieVed the two friends, ,SlinPle" Inftn. ?4.-10 eould neffher read Arpin and Connon, had found the eitc. ing' were read and aPOrOVed, Dr. FoX'teld of others who through ,Communiea.tionS 'front A. E. Wilson no write; but yesterday -a., university Preskient bowed before ,is I memoreYnnd the Years, had tried te find St., Ignace. & ,qe. re DaYment en a road InisuranO01 °canon, of Goderieh„ and said of them,. ttreti: '11e, told oe t; -4e exact_ Jocation. accountants, ie appOintment Of tOwn.- that. of his friend, the late T. G. Ile reviewed their theories, their fail- claim, and A; S. limit -eh 44C,o., tbartepetl. , tonace and the work wIlielt is "We'll not semi find their like again." of ,t• being done and the difficulties of that Ye$1 AlPb011seA-Min waa 1°w1Y -and work entailed by the faet that a , . "completely unlettered." But he had sPecial technique is required to ,find, one dream', one driving ambition. He Wanted to lind tile site -Of S. Ignaee, the pla.Ce where Brebenf and Lalemant. ivere martyred, where for a - time snioten--onstro.%,,troet 1.4.7,:alleipdini ,tooexol'atQl)..trtg,t,g7 ILloiri•pell, Oift)AaitittriTgru.kor 84-r!a4in: , Kv4-41.-; I Christianitseemed • defeatedi , n the 'NeW World. , • . e Connen and excavated by tile i'ery meeureiri, „read, eepeeleteedie#t $60„. - exacting and eoneeientiouS ant highly educated men, students of berg, is eone other than 'St...%'VIIgninteamee. :8(); 'Clana4lan 0111°°"*ga's°11ne' $44.81); ,It didn't matter to him that import - the place for a century •and toting only Gabriel Lalemant sacrificed their lives and st. R. iCharane, gravel_and work On ea - where St. Jean .elireheuf defeat and frustration.. Ile peretratied•.fi..).r the faith that -was in them. gravel, $46.12; .1*. 'H. Ir,win, work 'on verts, $74.42 Graham Chok, eheeking archaeology and history, had sought a relative to read to him over and over Di. Pox preSented his paper at the '1.6°-(:1.,d'hlTa5dte;s 1)107ImPhi6ilaitin6ear(1).-r4211;e7. -afternoon esslon _Re the, convention, lloWbray, erushinend trucking which opened in the morning with gravel, 81012.50; R. J.. 'Seett, brnali high mass in St. Peter's Cathedral; at clippers, $5.- which Bish,op John 7.1`. Kidd officiated. Council @adjourned to meet again on. P4ecedingthe univerSity.,president on Saturday,- November 15th.., the program was-algr. Olivier Maur- . . ...A... PORTERFIELD, Clerk. ault, speaking in 'French en SainteSul- . Wee and the elerarchY ef Ontario. The Truth, the Whole Truth-. Paul Martin, M.P., of Windsor, was , se chairman. minese:May I grave a Jittle ,service„ . „ ity the conve'ntion•delegates were enter- 'possi.bi. e. please? Waitress -I'm giving you as littleati , ‘ Following the meeting at the unierers- talire<1 at a tea in Brescia Hall. .Mrs. :John LalAtt- was eonvener of the ar- HELP THE RED CROSS ,SkIMInentisrLb.:1,-Dialtw.--414,e4-...41..'fkrafACOar-^ _L. ,.._._ __T-4 .--.. Mother Paul, ,author '. of the Ursuline 'acieii-eee,..........4.4..,....- history, "From Desenzano to the Pines," 'was 'presented with flowers. • 1 „...... Senator Maguire made the bresentation , 1 sbip anditor,s, were rea4 and filed. The following, accounts Were paid; 1ro4,7 vincial Treasurer; innulin, 60c; Town- ship Turnherry, townShip's share r�. trace and interpret the scanty refoams. pairing Lott drain, 48,00; the Reee' However, scholars are using in their . Clerk and Assessor, selecting juroric. strvey the method employed -by COn- A...Itollinson amount due ,Poll -en 'the pertinent passages' in the Jesnit letters. In time he was able to repeat them wad for word With this data and his experience as a woodsman he thorOugla explored the region con- cerned. Another jeined.. AIM in the starch. T. Gonnon,, a nativet.of Elora, a lay- man who in. his', youth had become inter- ested in the Jesuit.. mission and who, Arpine-Was determined to Ond the site. The two became great friend's. 'Connon was educated. History- was •Iiis great hobby. He, too, had his Agefeittel.see4aellieeiverkedeectuiehlys,„ stubbornly, like knights seeking the Holy Grail. At last they 'found -what they„ saught and Cannon introdnoed Arpin to"President W. Sherwood Fox, wlio yesterdaY, in addressing the con- -speech. vention of the. Canadian Catholic His- • torical Association, said: :'Before read- • • Businesslike-, ing a single word of this paper, I must There were over ,600 employes..ina the in all justice maize ewer to whom- credit plant, but the ;boss" °kept* a kindly eye must be given • in finding the IlfIr.oniaInt *rnissioe .fortress -St. lgnacee on them all. Presently he policed one must be given jointly to the late yOUllg man developing 'Very eknensive. ,Alphonee Arpin and the late T. p. tastes in clothes, but saidnothing until' • Connen, of Goderich.,- the rad turned up to work in a smart • I , little car. Summoning him to hiS of- • 'The searehing :party now numbered the. boss -said kindly: three; it was to be augmented,' later* How are you managing so well -on by Wilfrid Jury, who ,has done ex-, your wages? I. hope you -'re- not 11111-1' ton.sive research in Indian ,archaeoft3gy. Ding, into debt." Connell kept „the :records of his and "oh. no, sir," replied the young man, Arpin's werk. The -National 'Museum brightly. You -see, sir,' .raffle of .Canada gent. W. J. We intern -berg, to pay envelope every week. and. all the I investigate. Like the advocate. • et her men . fit ke a ticket." • speaker for the "miffs be • Mrs:. „don't yOu*. let me make one for you, Durn in, inIssfonary of"Eltamat, Jemrie, ewhile we're on the spot?" and all 'the., women of tie neighboring love, to, Iris, but I've an ap- Churches are Invited7---Vhe LadieAid of this nureh are'planning on holdihg -pointment with My dressmaker for -tw a fowl supper and entertainment Iol.4V() o'clock, and I'll be late." • . held in 'the church in the *near future. •, Better be late than softy:•• 1115 1,Me. -and 'Mrs: Ha Ivey Cra w ford a ii'd, retorted. , -Aft er wha t 1.:N'v h:qiin.yri ,bahy- daughter, Patsy, and Mr. Ernest tibout tire importtince of, a foundation , . arment in the past. month I would- --C2traWfor(1 l'-oronto 'spe. t P. J. RYAN Real Estate and Insurance Office ad .Resillencec, 11 Trafalgar Street .; Phone 003 P(olt -S1A L E Houses of all, kinds, and choice building lots.. ii'( -)R RENT-- The -Glengowan" (111 . (lobourg St. This houseqa'S twelve reoms, • five furnished, seven unfurnished quid Would make da"VerY desirable house for two families. ' , end at the home of A.1 rs. Will CraWfOrd. Mrsi,. Crawford went to 'Toronto with them ign .Mtniday, for a short visit 'Mr.. Cecil. MeiGee, who is attending •Assuraption .ridlege at Windsor, Spent 'the -holiday wee1i-4,91d he home -of -- 1)15 parentS. Mr. and Mrs, Albert 'Mc- Gt,e. • . . A (2a1:108d of ladies-efrom the com- -munity-iittended the sectional Conven- tion aof the Enron Presbyterial W.M:S. 1101(1 last, week at floltneS1,141e. • Mlss M 00 He loftthis week --,for ,Ilamilton. where • she .has obtained a position. MrS. Clifford Cra wford 'and datigh:ter • Anne, who spent the 'summer. with '.Mrs,, W. ,Cri wfot:d.,. left last week for Kin-, eardine. where they • will spend the winter Months with-relatiVes. • SOUCH HURON -PLOWING MAITH i'be South Huron'• plowing. Match 'will he held oit the farm ,of Asa Penhale, Ofl the OhtskiftPp. Exeter, on Thursday, October23rd. Over $400.09 in prize '.'inoneY is offered in.the•varibtis classes, Which fnclude both' sing$--PlOws tid tractors. The secretary of the' Sen lInrOn Plowmen's. Associa 1 i!on Is Percy' Passaiore., Reeve of rsborne 'a; Hanged , It ls reheted Bacon tt1011 -to pass judgment meet man who had *been guilty•of robbery; at that time punts:habit, by death : but the culprit pleaded for 1114'rey on the -ground that he was related to' the judge. . "Irow is that?" he was asked. "My was :111 reply. "your .tame is Bacon. Mine ie Ifogg.• and hog and baCon have always been (•onsidcrOd Akita." ,"Tbat true,:' anew v.ri ,. 07. Olati: "hilt is hog is not bactin Ufrtil it has hung, 'until you 'are hanged you are no relation of mine." . CAPITAL THEATREHON . PE. nip , 47 Now rlaying-"Christinas in July" with Wa.ne Morris'in "Bad . Men of .Missouri" Monday,' Tuesday and Wednesday , • Anna Ntagle-Ray Bolger and Edward Everett Horton Singing and dancing in rite sort of hlue-ehasing entertainment Pleased and dazzled BrdadWay that "SUNNY Thursday, Friday and,,Stkturday ,.t. ! • . Bud Abbott & Lou eostetIct, with Allan,Jones-Nancy 'Kelly and Leo, Carrillo ,,, ,, + PlIP "Buck Privates" inject their hilar'imis n•oneense into the greatest t)f. all Jerome Kern's musieal shows ', ,., ,- "One- Night in; .the Tropics" , . • i i , , v ?Satinets Wednesday, Saturc,day, ,atul .1Ieli1ays at 3 p,m. Ceminp-----"Atiiiion Dollar ittabY,"itlir, Pr1st1111.11/ano and • . Here's Easy Time:Tested Way To Get Relief Get after those distressh3g Melia of coughing and ease Miseryof the told the widely used Vicks way. -non tome water. Pour it into a bo,w1,. Add a good spoonful , of Vicke,,VapoRula, Then breathe inthesteamingmedicinalvapora., With every breath you take `Vapormb's medication' soothes irritation, quiets coughing, helps clear' head And breawnw pant rages. rOR, AD11011D itairmo... At bedtime tab VICO Vapoitub on throat, chest and back. Its poul. tice.vapor action works to hrine you tonifikt• while you Sleep. drpanCtinilaying-lifiY-WW-Trriros tth1s1ie(1 „Wall I had a figtfre analysk to deterinine 1111 Si 0, type." - 1)0 you -surese-e " that's my Iroubli,?" pondered Jennie. _ ii1Str_lit• - 'IBM I've beard they:re quite ex- pensiv10" • 1 "Don't • you believe my dear. They're worth double'thjir e(e-t. an(1. then some: Take a tii) from me. Jennie.- and catood tnot th, dr,,,,,r,a„kpi 111)111 pra*Ve •(1.11 (Mr corsetiere. She'll classify your tiguie and_ req;nnutend the .O(•ssard Mol, soitat!re to your withwit obli- gation-. After that it's up Ho you:" ' ,Is that why yop look eo sleek and _slender, Iris? Are y101 'NVIVII.1l.4i,1g 100' "AMiSi y, -Jennie, after oite week in tlitIt'.eStabtiSluiletti, -that's the tirst.othing Ldid, and I've, never spent: money before -that'S .41o11e, me so mue.11 gioal in my `life. Ilow about it -com- ing in?", 'Oen I telephone trey" dressmaker. from the store?" "You het 1"-' •1 CS a date," the Aangiting Jennie ag-recd as Irisled ber info F. E. 1,1113LIERT'S ST( ).11,E _Phonr SG' THE' LOCAL WEEKLY LEADS Signe people seem to have the im-, pression that the weekly newspatier doesn't cover the .territory 11 serves. ifl comparison* with other media. Stich as dailies, magazines, etc. Recently . theeXtension departmentof the Uni- versity of. Alberta made a survey through their youth trainipg Scliools of the situation existing in that Province. Quest.ionnaires Were -sent .out arid it .was , revealed that in the honseholds the ereekle,' newspaper held it decidedly strong lead over other kinds of publica- tions. The servey revealed: 76.2 per cent. ,get the loeal weekly newspaper ; 34..1 get a daily ileWspawr.,-21, percent. get' a, farm piper; 27 p.er cent. get other periedicals. 41t*Vberi a community or '<Usti -let leis' a sUbstautially good weekly newspaper that concentrates on giving serVices people are E'ntirtld to, there is no doubt that davertisers can safely choose it as the medium to reach the people.- IlanovPr „ ON.° -q• re -Love to -take Dr. Chase's Syrup Linseed, • is pleasant to• the taste and remarkably effective in the relief of Coughs, Colds, ,Bronchitis, etc. • 9 E RCN op !rett. 00 7 • 1 't N itionmouts BOX CAR UMBERS 14:DmaNT0N, ALBERTA, (h -t., 14.--- "Curly" Campbell- his gWen names are really William Frank -es a brake: man_with twenty-four years' Service with lhe Canadian Na,tional Rallwaye, and" the; boys say that When he really sets his 11111141 to it 110 ean walk past a train and await -the box ear numbers in their proper rotation,. Pellow"-workers insist that he mice etealled the num- bers a ear:4 handled ill 10 run between Edmonton and calory, ninety in all, without an error. Mr. Vanipbell -has a Photographic. mind concerning box ears, but Mrs. Co mphiql saYShe is like all husbandS, remarkieg,, "I'le keens for- getting little things I tell' itim ta'tle for me uptown." ' • MRS. ItilYNA.t44 RE-ELECTEIS •, Mrs. ()liver N.V. ';;It,layetas. of Itaylield, was again 'ideeted president of the ."Weeten's ItospftalAide, 'AttetoOatipn of -,Ontivrio at, the annual meeting held at TorontoAast week. * • FARBUERS,...AS IMP0411APIT AS AllIVIOURERS it may not appear so. dramatic to operate,a dairy farm, to grow grain or raise bacon as to inake planes and steel tanks, but the work of the . farmer is lust as essential to victory, as the work of the armament maker. ' Always interested in the development of' agriculture .and, practical co- operation with farmers, the Bank of Montreal is especially desirots now of assisting our growers of foodstuffs. Farmer are cordially invited to'talk confidentially with our hea'rest branch , manager respecting their credit needs. .0 BANKOF MONTREAL "A BANK WHER.t M-odern, ExpZrienced Banking ServIce Goderidi ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME" tire Outcome* 'Of 124 Years' Successful Operation A. A. NICOL Manager -