HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-09, Page 8r - NEWS OF BAYFIELEF Itfe.TVIFjil'il, Oct. 8.--111A0P will be present at Trinity ehtlrell en Thurtml,,y e'vening, -at 8 o'clock to ad. minieder the 'holy rit4,,o conOrrnatien, Mrs . N. W. Weeds accompenied Mrs. X. P. Levii.$ on her. return 'to toronto .en SUnday for a ellort, lire; IL H. Middletou of HenSall visited her Mother, Mrs. $. W. WoOds, for a, Couple of (LAYS last week. ` 3(fisses i, and Je Miller, who spent latst week in -Detroit, hevereturned to their home ift the village. fts R.,Howard ,and 1is Mufiel Ilowurde ofeSmitli's -Falls, and -Mr. aad Mrs. 'Bordea Howard, or .Torontp, MOO labour 'Wanted TO INSTALL METAL-. : FITTINGS, , ON, AIRCRAVr. Previous experienee in f11wizg is of value . •Aifetal plittt*Fli Illa ktig Automotive hardware„ .Fin e asseiu1}1Y7. General maditiite ‘Ni.rk Eleetrieal , wiring Automotive filPairs. ALSO JO UltNEY1M EN j't N ER S ARERE() UI RED Give full paetieutars of l'x'Perienve. . - Apply P.O. Box 42, Weston, Ont. "Applivations not xiitkit1 frit11 eagaged la war work. vieited relatives. in the*village for a„, few by this week. Mrs.4flJCrane and her brother -in. law, Harry Crane, epent the areek-end avith 'the' former's father, R. Weston. On -their return to Detroit they were accompanied by Mrs. W. J. McLeod, who will Vitsit her dalighter. Mee.. Walter Griereoa eetUrned to her home in Waterloo on Monday. after having .spent three weeks •with her aunt, Mrs. F. A.*Eelwarda. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Widcombe visited in Bayfield over the eveeleend. On their return to Windsor they were ateompanied by the foeinerae•-parentie Mre and Mrs. 0, Wideombe, who Will spend the winter in Windsor. ' , Mr. and, Mrs. J. :V. Stewart of IIainilton were at their home In the village oven the weele-end. Mr. and :gm" L. R. •Sraitla and Max- ine,- of •Lefidoneevere the guests of :tr. C. Parker over the• week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. Craig err of London sPent the week -end with • Mrs. Kerr's mother, Mrs. W. Smith. Mrs. Kerr re- . unlined for a few *js. Miss Elsie .)1eLeod .of London spent the Week-ead with her mother, Mrs. W. J. • Miss E. Webber of Zurich is staying with Miss Litcy Woods this Week. s 'Mist; MargArat Ferguson left on Sunday for, St. Catharives, Where. she will eyelid, thc: next two. weeks. Miss Smith of LOndesboro is visiting Mrs. .Makins this week. r• Mrs. Featherston of Hamilton scent the week -end at her hoine in the, village. A number of the sehool children at- tended the -exhibition Of war relics •at. the armories in ,London on Saturday. Me. and Mrs, B. T. Stephenson and family, of Toronto, have returned to =01===t0=0-==;=2.00 I spend several months at their home in 0 the village. • 0; Rev.. H. Currie returned with his • bride to the • Manse last week. Con- -, graturations ,and best Wishes for many happy years together are extended to the young couple. Mrs. O. Rhynas is spending ..a few O._days this week in Toronto., where she Uis attending the Ontario Hospital Aids meeting, - -Walter • Watkins, RA:I:A:Y., Mount Hope; was. the guest of •Mr.•and Win. Ferguson over the week -end. • Mr. • and Mrs'. Wm. Parker and fam- II° ChristMas Portraits n , . , pY:susibaler .e,,, :::::: tht eo lahsatveminivuuter ti, portraits Made ' awe,. soon , as 0, rush. 0 J. . G. Henderson 0 II PHOTOGRAPHER , 2nd floor cor. of Hamilton gt. 0 . • and -Square 0 Goderich - Ont.. n41 =:gr' (CO , ........................ viliNNINI.ocasommar The Maple Leaf Chapter, LODE.. RUMMAGE_ SALE. OCT. 18th „ MacKAY HALL • Doors open THANKSGIVING FOODS LOW EVERYDAY PRICES - MARSHMALLOWS • 1 lb. -23c FLOUR, Gilt. Edge 98 lbs. $2.34 MAYONNAISE 80Z 15c Nix' 25c SALMON Fancy Fanc;. Rai.= ton we. =la; - c 117 z3 TOIL JUICE Ch A&3 25c 'CLAD" SOUP 3 Tin. 20c jificE tinswene'd . . 2°-°z. Grapefruit -• C 10 Marlaulan -Iona Orange 32 -oz. u and Grapefruit Jar LC TOMATOESChoice ".4-4z., PEACHES Dessert *II 12C 15-0Z. PEASAylmer 0,boice 16 -oz. 4 Sieve Tin 9C IONA raw. in Colour & Pect32-oz. 8 O'CLOCK OBITUARY ANILLI.41. (KVINDPY .1.11A1:1),V4N The death' of William Stanley Hay- den, uatiVe of Ashtield townshipoe- eurred.,on iSunday At his home on the Maitland concession of Goderich town - Skip, in his -forty-eighth year. Mr. Hayden. had beeu ill for three week. He was a son. of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jameso 'Hayden of AsInaeld. He wee a Great- War veteran and a member of the United church. 1i s sur- y,ived by ,hiSwife, for,merly Reittle Pettee, one son', Robert, ef 'the, *lel Canadian and two daugh- ters, Elizabeth and Grae,e, tt onae. the faneral took .aelace on Tuesday afternoon, tile service being e�u- ducted by Rev. J-.1. Wilding of Holmes - vide. Interment was in Maitland eeinetery, Goderich.. t311181S' 10M.311A PROCTOR Enuna Eleanor Procaae a. lifelong resident 'of Goderieli township, 'passed away at her' home in Holmesville ou Tuesday night, 1September 30tli, in her s'eventy-Secend ,year. Shewasa daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Proetor. Surviving are a bother, George, '' of Gaderich town- ship, and a sister, Miss Minnie, Who had lived with her in Holmesville for Imlay years. The funeral took place to :Maitland*, cemetery, Goderia, on Thursday afternoon after a service at deceased's home. Rev. ll Wilding officiated at house and graveside. The ,pallbearers were Harry Proctor, Alvin Prator, Herbert Oakes,„Clifton Proetor, 1verett Lowrey and Harold I-Mwrey. THE GODER1CR SIGNAIrSTAIi 'MURSDAY; 00T013X14 Oth, 104i I C.HARD G LIDDON MITCHELL, Oct. •9.--eigh1y es- teemed in Mitchell and the GoderLii district, Richard Whitton, who had made a host of friends since cenaing here in. June, passed away at the home of his son. George Glidci•on, Vine mount, with whom he had been visit- ing for the last three weeks. The departed man:, was seriously ill in June, but despite bis,,advanced age, 'eighty-nine years, he made a remark -- able recovery, and appeared to be en- joying good health w„•,hen he left to rtsit with his son, • - Born7in Thdiaha, .in Apill' 15;•• 1852; hi came to Canada with his parents when he was seven years old and re- sided in HolmesVille and 'Dunlop, be- fore, coming to live withbis daughter, Mrs. S. _A:, Hewitt,. Mitchell;' His wife, howas formerly Mary,. Ann Potter, diedtWelve years. ago. .,He was- ,a member of Victoria street 'United' chureh, Goderich," and also 'belonged to the Canadian- Order of Foresters. „ • • ' 'Surviving are three soils,. George and • Fred, Vinemount, and James, StoneY. Creek ; a daugliter;-lirs. S. .A. Hewitt, Mitchell; two brothers, Dan- iel,Hohnesville,. arid Sathuel, Clinton; 'fottrteen grandehildren and .fivegreat 'grandchildren.' • 'A sOn, died Goderich a year ago, and a dug -later;' Mrs. Arehie Marton, prede- ceased him thirty,two'years. ago. Burial -win- be , at .Goderich. ily spent Saturday in Mitehell. . Service in Trinity 'church is being , held at, 7 o'cleek in the evening for the 1 winter months. Born.---qn Detroit, on Monday, , Soptember 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crane 'fnee Louise McLeod, of Bay- field ), a sorli----Miehael John. • • • ° AgIVIELA _ ASHIFIELD, Oct. 8. -Pte. Alvin Robb of Camp Borden is' spending ,a dao. with his parents, 31r. and airS. Chas. Robb. Mr,. and Mrs. F. •Carter of Goderich ‘i-ited with Mr. and, Mrs. -It A. Mac- intyre. t81 • Mr. and MIT:. Neil MacDonald and Will, also Mr:, and Mrs. John Cowan; spent Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bogie of Lambeth. George'MacGregor lefethis Week for Toronto, where he has.Secured a position. ' - - 'ia".nox ebure/a ,11.4. rUmmage sale SaturdaY, October In Oddfellows' Hall, at 1 p.m. . • • 40 The Maple 1eae Chiptere wilt hold a rummage sale at MacRae' Hall Saturday,. October3l8the.„„,9 Doors open at 10 a.m.Thhaationsotitbe called Lor . Telephone 550 or 22d. 40_ 'faleuelor 11,ablets„ harmless mid effective. Two weeks' supply $1,, at OanaPhell'e Drug „Store. 36.52 Rummage eale by North street Vffen- ing Auxiliary at 4MticItay 'Hall, October, 25th, at , 41-2 .• Saturday, ;Monday, Tuesday special -reversible Wooleot blanket -66x80, $4.05 pair. GODERICH DOLLAR STORE. ' 41 e Mrs. W. Warnock has soldher house on Albert street to Earl Westbrook, who intends to occupy it. • Thank.sgiving tea on:Sunday, October 12th, for all men in uniformeaad, their friends at the Empire Service Club, ilaeleay Hall. Informal innsicale., clime and' get acquainted. Everyone 'guests of the Service Club. 'Tea served from 5 .to 7 oielocli, The regular inee•ting of the Goderich Township Hospital .A.uxiliary will be held at the home•of .Mr. T. R. Rundle, Huron road, on Thursday, October 16th, at Thursday, October 16th, will -be 'fathers' night", at the Victoria Home and School Club meeting. An inter- esting program of moving, pictures and musical 'numbers has been arraoaged, and a cordial invitation is extended, to all parents tied interested friends. Tiane-8 p.m. Place -kindergarten room of Victoria school.. Everybody welcome. AlLIPTION SAMS A /.740TIONIS141.13 OF HOITSELIOLD. 4''',11131A011i)tat.E. For %re.WiUlam Warnock at her home, Albert street , Goderteh, en SATURDAY, ocTorgat,lZth at 1.30 P.m • All the eontenta, will, be sold, indite'. ing liviageroom, dining-rociin, 4, •bed- reem •sultes, Onie marble- to bedroora suite, mattress. and" springs, 1 large plate glass mirror,' about "5y2 x '3U1 fte sewing machine, dishes, glass- ware, what -not, music cabinet, Woke kitchen furniahiaga, garden tools, platform stales; carpenter's bench and numerous other articles. e There N1111. be no reseia*-iiS tli property is sold. TERMS -Cash. T. OrLINIDRY & SON, Auctioneers. 30 . (ILEAILIN0 A.UOIIION SAME OF Ne 14101 ,S4 TOM' and I )PLEMEN'l'S. At lot 10, concession, 4, Goderich Township (31/, mIlesfroin Goderich), on ' WEDNESDAY, (OCTOBER 15th at 1.30 p.m.: Bay inare 4 years- old; .Ditrhain oow •7 years eld, with calf at foot ; Durham coW ,5,„years' old, due in• Feb.; Durham: heifer 2 years old, due in Mar.. 4iwell-' bred steers 2 years old, about S50 lbs.; 2' well-bred steers, 1 year old; 2weil- bredd heifers, 1 year ,old; 1 baby beef, tibeut OW lbs.; 3 pigs, about 135 lbs.; 7 fait lambs; 20 .rock hens; collie deg; separator, 500-11e; washing 'machine and wringer; Beattie revolv- ing (glum; set of 240-1b. scales; set of steelyards, 320-1bs.;- pulper ;. 2 large sap kettles; large, iron pot; set sloop sleighs; wagon r gratel box; potato digger; set 4 -section 'hat -rows; hand sculfler ;, Fleury plow; Massey clever seed -saving tabliP,set 3 -horse whiffle - trees; sets whiffletrees; cow chain; 125 •'bushels tall wheat; 100 bushels good seed oats and numerous other articles. . TERMS -Cash. 4 Everything to be Sold, as prOprietor it giving up firming. , JOHN .SOWERBY, Proprietor, • R.R. 2;.,Goderfeli. GUINDRY' Se.ISON; Auctioneers. 40.1 • • • SOWN DUI -INT. -At Alexandra Hospital,- - ,Goderia, *Wednesday, Oetober 8th, 1941, to 1Mr. and Mrs. Milford Durst; R.R. No. 2, . Clinton, a _ daughter. • NIVINS.-At Alexandra Hospital,' Galeria, ,Saturday, getober 4th, 1941, to 'air. and Mrs, Clayton Ni %IDS, Ged-erich, a son. DIED K DENA N. -Op Thursday, October 2nd, Mrs. Myrtle Bichan Keenan,, belovecrwife of Wm, Harold Keenan, ' Port Arthur, ',mother of Bill and Bob, sister,' ofjtRobert Bichan of ' Vineland and Dorothy of Toronto. IN MEMORIAM MCPHEE-In memory of Daniel Mc- Phee, who died October 9. 1921. -0,, for the tonal of a vanished hand And the sound of a voice that is still." ---L+Lovingly remembered by wife and sons. • 41 - -CHURCII NOTES . The thhnkotTering Meeting of the of Victoria Street United church will be h,eild at the home of Thos. 17abb, Wolfe stret, on CLEARING • .A.I.ICTION SALE OF FARM:STOCK. At lot 2,..co,ncession 9, W. D. Ceilborne • (2nd lot west, of gravel read betiveen Carlow and Nile), 'on • THURSDA.Y„ OCTOBER 16 at 1.3.6p.zn.: 2 good geldings, rising 3 years.; 1 filly, rising 2 years; 1 broodeituite 8 years 'aid, with. foal by side ;2 milk cows 5 'years old, due in Dec.; 1 _milk cow .6 years old, bred in May ;• 1 Ayrshire cow 11 years old, bred in July; 3. Durham, steerS, 2 years old; -2, Durham heifers, .2 years old; 12 Durham steerS and„ heifers, 1 year .•Old; 8 spring .calves; .4 sows With 36 pigs by sides; 1 brood sow, due in Nov.; 6 brood7sows,4 bred in Sept.; 2 Brood sciVvs, bred;;.7. chunks,• about • 60 lbs.; 34 'shoats; .10 r'pigs, 5 weeks. old; 1 aleCoriniek cream separator; 1 ,DeLaval eream separator. Tuesday., October 14th. '• . MERNIS-•Cash. .; The Women's Gdild of St. George's have sent thirteen Parcels to boys 'overseas from their own congre- gation. •These parcelsconta ed .soeks,- - -helmets, scarves, • fruit cake, cigarettes, cheese,oxo., etc.', and eaeli :Parcel:. "weighed four to.- five pounds. there-- wilr be ,a song service of I thankRgiving and praise at North Street United church on 'Sunday evening next, LAC. Thomas' Illtagvvorth., Of Port Albert, will be atthe organ console1 and Mr. Mervin 1Snyder will be at the; piano. The serv•iee will include 'male and mixed quartettes, anthems and I instrumental numbers. In the morning the choir will sing the harvest anthems "0 Give_ Thanks Unto the Lord,"„with 'Edwina Allin ae soloist,. and "0 Lord, How :‘„tanifold. ',Are -Thy Works.- • • Thanksgiving serviees will ,be held at Knox .Presbyterian aura on Sunday 'neXt, •morning - and evening'. ' At the Morning seface the sacra MCD t of i baptiSm will be adriain•istered. 'IteV. D. J. Lane will imeneh. A. E. Silver of Clinton Will eonduct .the services 'at ,Goderich .Bap- tist churcli'nexf Sunday, and Rev. A. J. Milligan will conduct anniversary ser - t Clinton Baptist church. ....The young people of Saltford have Shield" some good clothing* to be sent overseas. The Salvation -Army officers appreciate the work of these young ladies, and wish to say, "Many thanks." Thanksgiving subjects wilIbe the _sermon themes.nert Sunday • at -,the -Free lrethodiSt ehurcli, •eorner Park .and Victoria streets. Morning. serviee IS at. 11' o'clock, .evening' at 7. • Sunday -school Max): ---7FoUrth .Reauctien Sale SCOTCH.,SHORTIIORNS Oct 21 14 _bulls 1(1 females EImendorph Steck Parra PORK & BEANS clad& 21:LI:. PEARSChoice 2 15 -oz. 1 Dessert Tito 9. POREIUD' - Sannvfiehl lb.' . 15c LOAF CHEESE . lb. 29. 'CHEESE_,1%.111::reitati8• lb. 53c CHATEAU CHEESE , lia 19c - HARM , 5 Robes wab. 24c 24 -lb. 09c a Baa U 4, . ANN PAGE- .BAKED GOOPIS BREAD.- Ardtege*Ifer r2 2;l -oz. oi 5 r . Crackbil Wheat Loavet - - ItRZAKFAST ' "Nk,,,.--IL PLAIN . • • LIFE INKTRANCE A , IilLfSBAND'S PRIVILEGE' A WIFE'S RIGHT . 'A t MELD'S (I.AINI H914MESyILLE •••••••••••.....1•10 HOLMENVILLE, 0-ep. 7. -Mr. anal Mrs. Fred 4'Elford, of Ottawa, spent the past few days the guests of tile a t ter's sister, Mrs. T. 'Walters. A large number of ladies ,atteaded the seetional eonvention of the Huron Peeshyterial whia was held here on' Monday. Dinner was served •by the Holneeserille ladies. Rev. .T. W. 'Herbert and Mrs. Her - bort, of Toronto, are spending a few days visiting friends in the com- munity. Mr. Robert aldrartney bee pur- chased a house in' Clinton, where he eXpeets to move very .shortly, having disimsed hia farm to 'Mr...4410r Yeo. Mrhind Mr. 0. M. Elliott are •en- joying a few" days Motoring 'throtigh. Northern Ontario. II M. FORD CAKE Flgd each 155 Doughnuts oz 12c CHOC. DIARSIDIALL0111 VIENNA_ ) 'ROLL eoch 19c TWIST PLAIN ANGEL CAKE 24 -oz. Loaf 9. each 29. INSURANCE. ° 268Cv ' FRUITS' andVEGgTABLES • CRIANBERIDLIES " a -APE COD lb.23° . . 1. Citut/FLowric. Lartit:Tvwbitto 2 -for 19c CALIFORNIA FLAME„ ONT. GROWN CANADA No. 1 Gridt ) TORAY GRAPES 2 Ibr. 196 TURNIPS WAXED lb. ze . 1 LOCISTANA SELEC.Mit .gri ONTARIO GROWN WASOED YAMS 3 ii$: :°.1 CARROTS -. 0 " 4 This, 15c . ONT. GROWN CANADA No. 1 Ge -;de ONTAhlo GROWN FRESH. CRISP POTATOES 10 mg, r3o. ! CELERY HEARTS 2 nth% 150 ,f. Appireizs 'ttifividr,:gprekei1geefialtteing:i'legalit a basket of these °merle apples this week-ema a P SELFSERVICE FOOD STORES f . , Pt 10414 sublet to market theeses; parcheeet Welted to family !eddy reqvrentents, • Stubborn Cases of Constipation trhoce who teep• mass of impurity petit pp ,in their bogies, day.after day, motead of having it removed ha nature intended, at leant once evefy twent3efeti1 holm, in- variably suffe`r from constipation. The lice of elicap, haisits purgatives will never get you any 'where as they only eggiayate tlie: „trouble and .in. jure the delicate raueono lining of tlie -,bawelet, 1.11141 are yery liable to eanee pilea. gonatipated trarA isAM , Laxa-Lieer Pills and a natural „ iti'ovement of the bowelq., Tileyilo not gripe •wealten. and MC ;401 tiS teeny inetAiveg The ‘r. Milburn Co. Ude Torotto, Out -LEEBURN LEEBITIVN, Oet. 8.--Mre. A. eltitton, sr., is visiting .her sister In Goderieli: Sortie a the -members of the W.M. Soelety attended.. the thank -offering meeting at Nile on Wednesday after - neon. Captain Itod'Sliogie was laid up for a tithe in Montreal hospital, but now is at his home her feeling somewhat better. Mr. Itobi3y Wilson and itis boy friend from Goaerieli spent Saturdejs And with Vrancie A. Schram. '11r. and AIM. Will. Atkra. lam having SOW earpe,ntering porch over their front door, their verandah (loeed 44 and their driving ke(.1 Oxingled. We are having this sale as we are. overstocked and it will all be drsposed of. HIRAM BRIDLEY & SON, Proprietors._ T. ;',1.It.NDati4& SON; Auctioneees!, 40 CLEARING AUCTION SALE -OF FARM, FARM STOCK,_ IM- PL)MENTS, GRAIN .AIND -HAY, „ At E. %, pt6, concession 5,-E. D. Ashfield, on • • TUESDAY, 001'0BM 14 at Lou p.m. three good work • horses, 1 mare 4 years old, 1 -gelding 8 years old, 1 gelding. 2 years old,' 5' coivs milking no, 6i:its:due to fr'eshen, 3 steers rising 2, 1 heifer ris,ing, 2 5 young cattle, 2 brood sows, 13 pigs 4 ;weeks old, 90. year-old hens, 39 pullets. and roosters, 1 Frost' & Wood binder, 1 AlcCormick Big 6 mower, I McCormick I fertilizer drill, 1 ,Coekshutt hay rake nearly new, 1 Cockshutt disc.,. 1 Massey manure spreader, 1 Massey hay loader, 1 Massey cultivator, 1 set, 4 -section imerows, 1 fanning mill, 1 set 0,000 Ib. wagon springs, 1 set 2,0004b., scales with platform to weigh eiettle,.2 Fleury walking ploughs, 1 riding plough, 1 wagon and ,rae, , uggy; ig t r g, 1 cutter, 1 robe, 1 coal oil stove, 1 lawn mower, '2 sets double harness, J. set single harness, 1 light.set double harfigss, 1 set. of sleighs and rack, 2. chicken brooders, 1 churn, 1 DeLavai cream separator,' 1 sap- kettle, grain' bagee', SOO hue'. mixed gralare-300-1MS. barley, elean for seed; 49 tons of hay, mangolds in field, forks, shovels and numerous other articles. t 0 TERMS -Cash. "kite farm of 130-aeres will bereffered for safeilit-reasonable. terms; if not sold will ent. .. ROBERT J:, DURNINt Proprietor. f1 .GPNIDRYSCSKI',Auctioneers.* 41 LOST LOST.-WHI'TE BRAV1LV.0 WITH emblem. V,viluieT'as' keepsake Re- ward. rhader •pleage leave at KG- NALeSTAlt. • , •'41-2z • WANTED WALNITED.----BOY .0,It' GIRL wmi " bicycle for telegraph, Meseenger. Apply C.P.R. office. 41 AlN11101).--TWO, SCHOOLGIRL roomers. Apply MRS. C. saw', DART, St, Patriek's St. • 41x , ANTED. -TO 4311UY OLD HORSES end dead cattle; mdef be suitable fee Mink feed; removed prorapay. FRED GILBERT, R.R, 2, Bayfielo Phone 908 r 22. Pluton. Calls paid, for. • 184f NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTIO4 TO,CREDITORS: • All persons 'having claims., 'against the estate of James Harrison Ike of the Township of Goderich, who died on the 17th day of alarele 1940, are noti- fied -to forward full particulars. of the same to theundersigned by October 25th, after "Which date the 'executor will proceed to distribute the '"estate. Dated at Goderia this first day of Oetober, 1941. PRANK DONNELLY, Goderiele Ont., Solicitor ifor the Executor. ' .40-2 12 hoe; Siatsey..Harris disc, 14 plate; Massey Harris -cultivator.; hay rake, 10 ft. width; bean scutrier and yeller; hand ,scnitler, nearly -new ; steTil land roller; 4 -section drag jiarrows; Qiiee bec riding plow; Fleury walking plow; lumber wagon; hay rack; wagon box and 'stock rack; top buggy ; set of bob- sleighs and platforin; cutting box; fanning ,m111; 2000 1b. scieftiegriud- inratone; se'f Of heavy harness mut collars; 5, 10 -gal. milk cans; 35 gal. copper kettle; 10e:fa...pap pails .• and Spiles, also pansand boiling equip,. ment ; heavy logging chain; broad axe; tools andtaaunieretis' other articles, in- cluding household'furniture. FARIM.-At • tlie same time and, place there will be offered for sale, subject to reserved bid, the farm- consisting•of 142 acres more or leas, With 1Y2 -story tame9 house, bank barn, -54x60 ft., and other outbuildings. Water sup- ply„consists of a .pever failing spring •and well .water. 'MIMS OF SALE.. -Terms oft farm Made known' on- day, of ---sale. terms on' Stock' and furniture, cash; and if &aired 8 eabeiths' credit will be given on1 farm implements amounting to over, ten dollars, on furnishing ap- proved . joint notes bearing hank interest. ' WM JL LOEB, Proprietor. LORE JERVIS, Clerk. EDWARD W.- ELLIOVA Auctioneer 41 • -WO Ni),V4414 A1IRRSIENTe-111.0rx AK), cold ' water, -three-piece bathroom, recently decorated. °lose to aeltoolie- and uptown. , Immediate possessiee. • Write 1Box'''N'e. 7:3,, .SIONALISITAlt. _ •TO MILES le‘Beyee Goderieh, house' furnished, or un- furnieheeL Write P.O. BoX 449, Gode- riche o•r phone 409J. 401-tf, Fon Raver.----erwo FURNISHED rooms, ou lower floore for housekeeping. Also board if preferred. Apply J., E. IlAVINWEELL„ 27 I-Cea.ye street.' ° 41.2x • TO, .1-tiliiNT,-WEIL briek houSe; ,bot -air furnace, bath-. r00.1n, good loeatioa; GEO. eoeeN. STON; Stanley street, Phelee 499 -lee 41 111,110.1.10011111Pe FOR. SALE • rja 'ANNEX • with :water -front, praetically new; .one Quebec, heater, medium sine. Ap, ply 48 Britannia ,Road. ' Fon i8mA11.-ufmn L.i.joxlitER., (2x4 and, 1i6) at _Port Albert:: if. 'SIC111.10LE,Y, PM. Box 384. 41-2x- , - FUR iSALE..-,-SEVELN GOLF CLUBS, Including, _a steel shaft_ driver. These elubs Were sent as itt donation to tbe war funds. They are in good shape aad will be sold cheap. They. eaa be seen, at THiE SIGNAL -STAR. 41-2 FOR - • SALE.-.WATDRFRONT,. 7 acres, orchard, whole or part. Sewer, water, ete. !CHARLES) HEA.LE, 11205..84th ave, 'Richmoud Hill, N .Y . City-eor HAYS, Goderich. 41-tt ).F.,:eQ,:,,Iftee.:11.011.twiiAltRia_rtDewANsDtarP?4,0ilLii:- tobaceo department ;. Western Ontario town. Immediate possession. Good reasons for *selling. Write Box 75, SIGNAL-Sa'AR, Gederich, Ont. • 41-2 • JJOUSIO FORSALE.-isatesa, house on highway with garage and • • chAcken ..good • repair. Two '• lots. Terms reasonable.. Apply. to L. E. DANOEY. •- 41-2 FOR .S4LE.-31/2 ACRES LAND; 7-foom red brick house with bafh- room and furnace; good barn, henheuse and. colony house; garage; all kinds of fruit. 0lose to • school, store' and church. a Quick sale. „Apply MRS. ADA •STEWART„ R.It. 6, Goderich, Ont. 34tf ANnetiiMiMIErmodsiptaMalialagit . t - PM OF THANKS. .THE 111AMILY• ov..TRE. LATE X,13. YOUNG wish to thank all those who sent -flowers, and loaned ears, or in any way helped, them in their.recent sad beteavement. 41X twrrioN 'SALE OF PAM; FARM STOCK, • IMPLIOMEN7S AND . At lots •57' and 58, Bayfield ItOad, 4 miles west of Clinton, on OCITOBER 16th at, 1 p.m., consisting of The following: 110IaSES-01yde inare,,61.0' years old; black driving horse elilood,f, '6 years old. e.11ATTLE.-Itegietered iiolsteili ow 5 years old, No. 328902, dtie Jan; 10; registered •Holstein cow 5 years, old, No, 328901, due • Jan, '26; registered H.olstein heifer 2 years old, No. 437:31,', due gay 0; registered Holstein heifer 9 months old, No, 4'4187; registered Miletein heifer 8 .month old, No. 484039 e grade row 7 years old, dne Nov. 0; gee& eow 8 Citrs, ()Id,' due J. 12; grade coveiel years old, due Feb. 17; 'grade 00 7 years old, dee ATOP 16; grade (-Ow 5 years, old, due March e grade tem, aged; .due Feb. 26; grade cow 0, years old, iniIltifig;' grede heifer 3, years old,"due 1'(4),. 17; grade) heifer nv, years old, title time. ,of sale; grade heifer 21/e,' Yearn old, due tithe of •S' ctio;. 'grade heifer .years'old, due IMay, 10; grade heifer 1,V3 'years, al; " , 1111111:411INil1Or Niamey IIarr4 binder, . 6 ft. • eitt ; Meet:4y.1 Hanle mower 0 it, eat; La e7 Itiarrio 0114'1 A.1( E US AN' OFFER, .You want a bargain., --we want to clear thege cars -7 scr let's get together. Prices have been. lowered' . - allowances bolosted; and 'Willis to,suit your pocketbook. bbn't-‘delay . . . take the , pick of ale lot. Aboste all don't buy . .-. don't sell until you hear what we'll pay for yourpresent car., JUST A FEW OF THE OUTSTANDING BARGAINS! 1940 -FORD DELUXE!. COACII-4-11u-al equipment, trunk, heater ghl defro"Sters, slip eo•Crers-low. mileage - .1939 OTTRYSLER ROYAL SEDAN -a dandy car at a bargain, fully equipped.. 1938 FORD POACH -economical and a pleasure to Own. 1937 GlIEVROLET MASTER DELUXE SEIVNL--this car • has been‘'thoroughly overhauled • 1937 HUDSON SEDAN 1935 DODGE.„,BEDAN 1934 FORD phiAnKE SEDAN 1932 OLDSMOBILE COUPE, 1932 FX)RD CABRIOLET 1930 DURANT SEDAN' And many, many more oderih otors 4, FORD 4,q MERC°010: SALES 46 SERVICE , Pb.ene 83 4 a Oath St, GOderie31 • , „ 0