HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-09, Page 4{
FISU and
't0 NOT
CONNE1141ERS ? There must he a tot morn sjaaee tfo-
Tae apuc°sti= of to at r.(Tr> nti4atre ;day > an;, a the local attic, se-
. is a¢ n e ser t came 74' ttt.? diMe¢ntigraents anti, hiss sheds Chain there gas
D A e
ire 1Wiij�as $:a�Ytnz,, t<lac ��r,1aaaa 6 Fat: wog&. a, -Week :ngtr; Judging •bs flue• qtaantaaes
coral ince. The_Se , Sweatebs are' ,Ps..„ of aaewsiralle . magazines, rags. tires,
zentizl if we are to en,salve the OOnafOrtsliatblier. strap• iron and li(rttl which
OWNS 'RESP014111
David Orem Helping to "Finish H' th ed Missionary Tells ,p' Corul�t.fl To Hold J3o rhii Party and B�;
the: Joh" r talons in Central : Meatiug " ott Oetgber itth •
i' -' The !Hu m! '�¢Iuty Junior Assoeiaa-
lhe.- � �-"�t• (.• ltd
taa� ai, as is a tion rrf Toroitw have.Made Plans. Sot a
l'la¢u :�a > `i'io u an a 'iii gioaaaarY @ocie lrfawlthg perry $ib be heist• a'S the Ceaatral
for. W, ,St 1 -into' • ssas held on Monday, I3o ling iinai ltecl,eataona Club 2t Shep-
-n le the � ,. g
in the $Ialan�vildt= chtircli, flied r _ t parr --street, fu Sd#tnra3uy.: er�ettinl�,
leadership of nlIrs. IL C. Wilson of October ,18th, zst 5.30 p. . 'A large
;�111>urrn.. : crowd is expected and an invitation is
Of Q I i eaa ata, talk braraehes ; f the . , , , - _ . , • extend to ' alb ,Ilurenitea. ,and their
. • . ,� visite d�ltresetil • gat the i:ghdll&t¢mti The upetattia ttioualtila ,petioli at. the ed
(Next to ,Do:aiiimtion Store)
Tar R 1
I') 0th, 1%4t
.q'c -im.. The OzItairo Divisi,n is far louil'dinag on .Satt_urday. ' IIiaornuilag 6essiooe was conducted ° by, friends to join' *with' them' and renew
lreknflafi its the quota requirements of trucker and crew started about 9 a members the' tio(ierieh. ti ictoria' old acquaintances.
this article. Vii' ¢i d braalcltes lri • o'eloe4 that morning to cover the town} street Au:s.iliary, 5Irs, Plias.. , Youn ,I After the,bowliaing a s port biisIne�-s
asci every 'effort to Pro cote sniff: e>a• - , - l `airs. R. Phillips and Mk�3 Gertrude 'mcetin ; tvi11 be'held,,to .elect town. and
in a systa?ni:atic fKlliea'tion, • Numbers of
f (r^i1T a e workers in, the making of''•The district ,representatives ,for tale coming
� t�f.'� .�b��'%3tf?raar: Yf we i:�m tA��S.'1'offiA�' , _ ` y Worthy. The theme was T (' faith.
_., � ; ctati�an, had �ci•sibl'y ,forgotten tFaodu
Iiia efficiency.and greatly increase the " 'er fin the 'l'ic'k -up. and consequently by such ' e live" (1 John 5:4). season, after,,, which lunch will be
: s ° plies ... for _ a { had' u(►t piled their salvageon the The e treasurer's .-report `showed , a served and prizes. presented, , � ,
. aich eyed the blec ager wewinter
boulevatrd s or sidewalks. seeing decease in' gicings from hast sear,. - The Association is very anxious to
monthsd an, objective for the wiaatea` ,i neighbor'rs contribution, they prompt bfit it was hoped to have them up by hear from all Young people. from
A, special request has" just arrived .13' gilt their swn out. hut this neeessi- p the endof fife year. ° Huron county who re now residing in
from. England ati t;i for i f tatted a ,second trip for the trtae*iters ;
Mrs. Jas.- Howard of North street, Toronto and would appreciate if they
ono ttg and . lam ,0 pa. s ofGo(leri�h; was chosen as delegate to wvonld` get in touch with one ° of the
tea bois tcieki,ngs, in you respond, and it' was elose to 05 o`clotll; before the 1 the Conference branch atleeting. executive `eotnncalttee. President, r-
tt► this appeal? last Ff ad reached the building i Words of welcome were given by don' L. Fowler, 200•Gott ngham street.
• 6 ;The Women's Voluntary Service coag.- Some citizens helped' aly delivering
It%TI4 T 1t -G ptie to distribute supplies ies In huge their own• salvage. one hto had so ld
yMrrs's,• Ali-'m''E. ., 3'B1eo%ndit'tioel< Midway 6043, Secretary, -,Ken. C. Stan-
oiIfoln3Feesvtillieleld ire-nl bury, 9 Keewatin ave., Hylanid .6632, '
quantites to victims of Nazi° raids in hishome malting several trip' with �oilded.
° all parts of the United. Kingdom .: securely bundled nesspapers, maga- The r4)11 call of organiz;at ens 1N -as GRANDMOTHERS' Dili
On. 'Tae. day night mixed doubles' Thousands upon thousands of blankets zine,, and other •secondary materials. conducted by firs, I . C. Wi15on, the Grandmothers' D,ay°wars observed at
r. and quilts, sod s, stockings, pyjamas, Ou`' Jaiondatc' afternoon some of the
were played at the bowling ;teens,
as well as eases of ed elothiati and boy's at the 'Collegiate transferred ,She
Mrs, r..Price and T. P itf�hairtl ,,were °thousands of tins of 'applesance, jam, a: ed a&euraulatal'aminum from that
various secretaries giving their re- the regular meeting of the 'Women's
ports, • •• Institute On Thursday last in..)1aeKay
A' musical number " by ;six ,little Hail, with airs. Chester Johnston pre
drst ; Mrs. A. Meeennell and 3. W,. ac- and vegetables, are being distributed school to the Exhibition building. Hohnesvillegirls Suss follo�•ed by re- siding. Two groups were formed for
Mrs. J, R. heeler' and, �* leadership second; M Wi to ;,he needy peva'_o le every month. ,The I Alt(�'gether there was a gratif yin„ ports from the. departmental secretor winter Work under the lead p. . oP
W. 3 Hodge, third ; Mr, and Mrs& FredCanadian Ped Crass` now has its stip- response to the appeal and the Board ies�•"\Iissionary Monthly and `.World . the branch directors who • plane the
Rouse, fourth. 1 plies in six . warehouses and other of Trade officers are very grateful to Friends,"' Mrs, W. Pickard-, Clinton:; activities. Mrs.. Thos, Glazier was ap-
In the local men's doubles on Ion- depots in various • parts of Great all those who contributed' in any way. temperance, Miss. Maud Stirling, Bay- .pointed convener of the luneh coat- lir, and Mrs, a. L. Cole are attend:
day night, L. kounn and S. Il;obinson. Britain. t Fighting on the Rustic Front mittee representing- the Women's Insti- ,
field ; literature, 31rs. James 31 ill,
mg the LalIIa-4fioy wedding in. takes possession this week. •
oron o. Ginner Dick Weston, of No. 1 -
'or a thorough Eye ,Examination
Telephone 9r
Glses In the Newest Styles • at, Moderate Prices,
Phone 91
PERSONAL MENTION in FBay field last week..
Lieut. 'W. G. Freele of R.A.F., Port
Albert, lavas, leased the residence sof
Mr. Jas. V. Carrie, Cambria. _ road, and
won first prize, •with J. Lander and E. LNFOR:IIATIO\ ON SALVAGE 6 The• Board of Trade is veru appre- Clinton • supply Mrs A • Colclough tute who are to have charge of the
Allison second The prizes both nights 'Notification has come from Ottawa ~ h t b 3I Blyth junior groups Miss Gertrude lunch .at She Red dross wort" rooms
eiarive of tea«las since. Fen y r, , Blyth;
�. spent .the
chickens._, a _.
w a .>chan ;e in the market pride of • David Green; who has spent reversal Worthy, Godericii. on Tuesdays. s., :Norman Toms of De- Manning, Depot, Toronto
�3ir and lir
waste rubber, • The following prices M . Mrs, O. Ginn and Mrs. A,"MacAuley troit visited lir, land' Mrs. E. R. Weston week end' with his parents, air: and
days 'at the F,•chibition building, sort- Afternoon Session
BASEBALL FANS DLSAPPOollTED are quoted f.o.b. Toronto: Tires, $15 int and trinb up the different' ma- The afternoon session opened- with had charge of the ,program and with last wee):, .Mrs, E, R. Weston. West street,
Goderich baseball fans followed a ton; tubes, a t 'a ton; rubber boots terials. With' piles of material Icing a worship.• period conducted by mem- Mrs. -lf.. McKee and Mrs. W. Dbak' Pte. George Brown of the Elgin
,. . and -shoes, $14 a "ton, This information hers of the Blyth a?4uziliary. airs, Fere dres,�ed in costumes represent -
h. Mrs. Lulu Crane of Detroit spent Re,iment, stationed fit Sussex, 'New
closely the worlds :cries' baseball Lr d,afloat in every direction, the job of ins the dresses of the perio(1 1341 to the week -end with. Mrs. E. 'R.' :4 estop, Brunswick, .spent a few days with hi
was for branches an salvage: wch Henderson of Gode rich favored Nvith
contest between •the'''ew York° Yankees are aware of the fact that' shipment sorting it would have discourage(i a-1 with t 1 M 1941 3Ir� Ginn read several old:tillne
,, use
- a so o w accompaniment by rs „ •3j est street wife at their home at 46 Lighthouse
and the Brooklyn Dodgers, Sympathy i rates by truck -or rail in Ontario aver -
recipes and poems ,of cestercears and .-1Ir, and airs. W. J. ,Peacock, South street. -.
seemed to be almost one hundred per' age anywhere from $3 to $5 a ton: but not air= (,green, n i. own Mrs. Howard introduced firs. Darn- community singing of old-time songs Signaller H U 1
cent. with the Dodgers and there was Shipment Oct 2nd:Army and Air initiative le tackled it, and when bur- in,� missionary of- Iiitauaat. B.C'z, who was enjoyed. Prizes were given to
teat' disappointment over the ori -! its^ --2 sleeveless sweat-' ers are int-ited tai' see what Goderieh y Mrs. S. Greenslade as the oldest grand-
Fore* coittEo .
g pp t told of her wort. anion„ the Indians,
'come. four games to one in favor of the l ers, 30 rifle mitts, `23 .two-way mitts,' has to offer in the form of salvage „,,,,,,g an outline Of the work at mother present, and for the smallest
Yankees. The Dodgers certainly had ! 2 pair half -mitts, Beengee Clothing• they will i>e, owing to the efforts of • Kitam.it since the first missionary waist -line Mrs.. M. McKee won 'the
L. Malcolm Thorns, Bayfield. Camp Borden on 5uuday,
hard luck, with. players injured and the 9 quilts, 4, quilts, 4 men's underwear, 7•Mr, Green. able tel see what they are went there some silty years ago. act-ord. Mrs, A. Foster celebrated he' airs. D. J. Lane is attendings meet :Sirs. E. W. Carrie i� in Toronto this
"breaks" o£ the game going decidedly' 10 women's nightgowns. 1 baby jacket, getting ,and may be induced to, i.n- told (afuth �aau z'i1 res ase of
wedding- anniversary nearest the date jug at Toronto of the Provincial execu- week attending the meeting of the
u :....... .... ......-� ,. _,... ,,..,.e*.,.=, m..,..•. -.," -.._ ,' �,... '.w - q.. _- ... ,,.� _...: h .... .. --•,: �i''�..•, e.-. �R'-A-...m...... .:. ...„----.i.-._.e......-.--«...>�_ ._ . _
C '• the. Indians to the Christian teachings. of I1ie meeting and Mrs. Phillips elc°e oto the Presbyterian W:�fi:S. r .1}: Ttttatio Hr,spital Aide Association
against them,. e Yankees mac Ire . i woman s sweafer, 1 sleeveless swea�at= c aye their bilis.
)tetter machine: but. winning- or er, man's: 1 p 'r *Otte,. 4 it women's ,. : `Chean..asked hoot him Fra Pft i Mrs. H mil on.., -.o -- God ich i :t • w.as f:elebrating her birthday that disc: :lir. and airs.Chas.'Heale left on .being ht�ld in the Royal fork l otf�l.
the � M a t f, G ear n ra� .�.., ,._
.losing, the. Dodgers remain the favor- syoekees, 1 pair men's socks, 2 pair boys' task, Mr. Green vigorously disclaimed cluced Mrs: J. S. MacKay.___ of Toronto, The bouquet, of.wfa1rflo�vers wh f ll. tresday ,strthell rettrtn ty"Nen York airs, s(`a'rriE i Ile delegate . of the
ir; of'Goderich baseball enthusiasts. ".cocks. Army and Air Force comforts 'any credit,- "'It's one way I can .help formerly nii`sionary iv Central India, graced the 'table was :presence(� by l after spending the summer iia Goderich. Goderic•li Women's Hospital Auxili;iry,
a quota -12 turtleneck sweaters, 12 to win the war, and I'm glad to do ,uns„. liaclsay has given mans" tears •31rs, Geo. McLeod' and was;mueh! ap- air. W. C. Johnston of Bayfield ;is _lir; ,spencer Guest,) of Winnipeg; is
Rev, Dr. .A.. L. Budge. of Hamilton, ;coarses. 12 alternative Caps. 12 pair it." he a•�erted. of her life to the -work in India, She Prechter) by the members. When Slrending this week at the home of his
conducted- anniversary services, at" two-way mitts, 5.0. per- "socks. Sea- With a heavy haulage- contract, on pointed out the obligation of the lunch gra: served the ;rand:Inothers daa titer; airs. E. R Weston, West
'Eadie's Presbyterian church, near.. men s comforts -10 ,Aero caps, 1 sea- -1j.I, hand;, air, T• F., ETuekins. (ha.ir- people of the British .Empire to give took _their place at one large table. i street.
Wingham, on Sunday, and tool: the op-' men's. long'stockins,. 30 seamen's man of the salvage committee. al_.o their best in a very special sense. to lir. and lifts, •F: SMo'ore and 31r. and W. Warnock, -who trill spend the
ortlz +yty- to visit friends _in Coder.eh'sacl .s. 1�► turtleneck sweate>+� .15 whole o assist- -in Saturday's - the o In ia• for out of ever COLLEGLITE' L'�STITUTE BOARD Urs. F. Arnold_of ,Windsor are visit-' winter -with Mr, .and Mrs, Guest in
F } 4 found time t a 1- pe Rig of S.•The monthly• meeting of the'0.C.I, lag an the- home. of Mrs. B. Arnold il'iunilx,•�
and vicinity, Though retired from the . mitts, 15 scarves, 'Refugee' clothing c-oliections, four ole in the British Common
active ministry, Dr. 'Budge ceps him- quota -1S, girls' skirts:- 36 blou-se ,:!_?,p.f
les. courageous and .persistent man. i .
Snider. street, have gone to Stratford for the . D. 1.'a ser, of the "'
winter months.. , Ra( -`:•C.5., 5th-Division,i•visited for sev-
Miss Dawna Thorns spent the week era) days with his parents, . D1r..andz
end with her parents, air. and Mrs. Mrs,-, 1-I. D. 'falser,•. -11-e "f turtiecj to
¢n „
visiting friends hi WWII for a few,
days. On his return' he will' be aen a
companied_ibs his mother-in-law, Irs
pep -„
Board _wa- d.. held. on: Saturday, With. all °` ictoria street.
wealth three belong to India. At
self busy in pulpiti
pre, except 3Ir. J. W. Mrs. tP'
and literary 'work, pair girls,'- pyjamas.'` the last census India had a population the members pr Johnston spent a few 'file odd• worid seems worse than It
111111.11111k '1111111111111111111111.a...."
Had Anothcr:Bad., Night?
Couldn't You Getl�ny Rest?
To,those who toss, nig,ht after night,'on sleepless
beds. Td,those whola
sleep in a kind, of. a way, but -
whose rest is broken by - bad dreams and nightmare.
To those who wake up in the morning as tired as when
they went to bed, we offer in Milburn's Huth slid -
' Nerve pills a tonic remedy to help soothe arid strengthen the nerves.
When this is done there should,be no more restless nights due to bad
dreams and nightmares.
Price 50e a box, 65 pills, at all drug counters. --
Look for our registered tracleinark a "Red Heart ;on the package:
The aii1burn Co.. Limited. Toronto, Ont,
J' •
,OWER FREIGHT RATES of 400 million people, Christian people Fr. `er
days in -Bayfield last week. "`" really is irenause you hear so much. -
are, under. obligation to give them the t►urmunication was read from Mrs. E. R.' Weston spent' a few days about the l►ael•things that never happen.,
•a meetinn of the Huron County i knowledge of Jesus,Christ. Mrs.Mac- Premier lis F. Hepburn sli ,e tin, that
ino 4poke rrf the caste systeiln of India the Ward consider the formation of
,Federation of Agriculture held' in the ,till rooted 5o deeply in the lives of ,_corps I h 1 d what it has done
hinder the progress of the �'hristian "the secretary to acknowledge receipt of '
wa.� considerable discission on the sub- j the letter, indicating that the Board j� •
Sept of municipal health dof*tarc and (rr„pel. She told of the terrible life of Al l D BACKACHES PRMSES SY TONA
he women under- the Hindu practice aPprocerl of the idea, Provided w.a�s
an air cadet co to replace the '�j
' agricultural hoard room. Clinton, on ; ` Itresent cadet corps. The Ila:ird directed HA
Tuectiay evening. October 7th. there ; the peep e, an
Y , p a - '
the Government polies on feed grain. t
ilcl mar age. Of .the 190 million and meads be found for procuring the
resulting - in a motion to be submitted of oh
t ,. women of IndiaRonly two per cent, can i neee nary equipment and instruction. Suffered 15_ Year With . Gas,
i to the Provincial unit: •Tka t the new ; read, and she urged the women of The treasurer reported that with Cramps Acidity = and .Heart. f
R policy of the Government in Western the Missionary Societe never toCO.g>?ow, the money ,on hand and amounts ex- burn. Sas It Is Grand to Get I
the 'freight rates from the Western, • s
dis eouraged but ever to strive send t Pei°ted from the 'Provincial Govern- ,,
Prfrvinf*es by one-third was -wholly in- ; the Coe 1 to every. creature,' that °
ment and the Public School.' Board Gfor Sue}I .Relief After, ''9erything
;adequate and.' if the Huron county j . home eeongniic and' shop work Else He Tried Had': ailed
farmers were expected to produce food -1
Christ's Kingdom may come, •
stuffs they must
or lower freight rates.
The nest meeting will be
, November 4th.
lir.: R. G. Nay, of Fardwich, Prey-! cla-sesifor 1940 and1941 there would•
have'"•cheiper grain ; be enough to meet - the expenses for the.. If you suffer from 'stomach disorders,
bvterial president. rave the closingry
I ,
on , words and the meeting eloped with the remainder of the year. leaving a small kidney weakness' constipation nervous-'
g surplus.
.� ; ness, sleeplessness or' any of the dis-'
The Westfield auxiliary silted to r Principal " Scott' reported that a
`°hare the eoncentinit at Westfield next!
gramophone had been purchased for
tressilib symptoms of faulty assimila-
year. , ; instruction• in music. - Accounts to they tinn and elimination, benefit from the{
amount of $27:, were passed. perienees of other reputable ' men i
,. • and wdzieli and begin taking Syniona
National tional Anthem.•
on'ItTFirid A :Better.Ch�ic
t Cornfield's in Min's, Ladies' and
Children's Cla hng.
Made •ef British Importecl-
Tweeds, Boucle. The fur'
trims aged are •Perian Latah.
-Tap Mink, Foy,. Squirrel
and Opossum.
—4481 •" COATS—
Tweeds, Chinchilla, Wool-
lens. Size '.1 to 14x.
- For You and t Y(,14I and
You... Prices to - suit .• Y inix
tn0. Styles that will he , in-
stantly appealing even to
WOMB N'S A `T)-. lI15 ►ES'
/ "
HAT► •-
(.'lroose from an exeept-
ions) eollert'ion -' of snlitrt
styles and colors.
New York copies • in simu-
lated loather.
nn -cotton itI a Rost 0
KIITS.;Pleated and' 'lamed Styles'.
gloriqus volors ,Red,
Green, Navy, Wine, ',I31ite
an(1 Yellow.' - -
'Hull -fashioned hose, in
-"hil (n Crepe . and- f4erryiee
Satin .,'lip,;; with net and
lace trim $1.00.
F()i'NI)ATIO> •
Let us' #'rt you with a Nu-
I3ack. '
1 rilly 9r Tailoreil stylus
"-'11 E.N ST'I rs - -
,A Imported Tlritisli WAorsted'sc
jn two'trouser--suits. New
'fall 'styles and patterns.
In new Mocks and new
autumn shades.
Made by Perlman':. -
Pullovers Zipper -coat
Sweaters, • Cardigans. New
styles and two-toneand solid.
Blanket C'lnth- andzipper
Fine Colt Horsehide, e
phant leather, Sltedine..
' New small stripedShirt's
by Arrow.
Fancy patterns—ilii fall-
weight wool.
'6l,'ool, Wool : and. r'ottelra_,
'Broach-46th, Flannelette',
Yama ('loth.
1,II�.&Y►jTIE ---
A large cidle(!tion of new
Fall - Ties.
All•svool ribbed, , elastic
The Siiiare
floated loef ore tits' T e3"es and I- Ikf1;J
frequent spells of dizziness and nausea:
I had no pep or energy and there were
pains in niy back and muscles.
"Right frol'n the . firsts. bottle, qly
stomach - felt better, ;and - now 1 can
eat - regular meals without all that
pain and discomfort. , 1 am free of
dizzy -spells and the pains have gone
from . my back and limbs. I sleep
better - how, too, rand I feel more
healthy and, eiiergetic thud I did - in
year, previously," • ' -
Syntona • is sold 'and ; recommended --
in Goderieh at -Campbell's Drug •Store.
St. George's An;;li(ain church was the •! ° A LEEK , CH.APTER, I.O.D.E. Herbal.Compound today. You'll know; - i
The regular meeting of the Ahmeek 'then what a really •fine medicine this
'scene of a pretty Redding on Saturday,held at the ,is, ._You, too; may know what it is to`
f m tnieg: when Rem. W. II. Dunbar; Chapter. I.O,D.F,., .was
unitedrl marriage 'Ruby Jane Willis, with
Library on Friday afternoon, be ' free from headaches; muscular/
with a splendid attendatiic*e, Mrs. D. pains, and fatigued, irritable feelings
ttiuizbrtyr I.f Mr. and lits. MeD, Willfs, .I" Lane presided. -Plans were made for again. Read here the.i.nteresting•state-I
Goderieh. and Richard Sizer, R, A.F„
a rummage sale to bewwhe,ld shortly, muff ' of 31r, '1:). Leach; • 236 Tragina
-- in of Mr. and `Mrs, (,,. R. • Sizer of /
' London. England. The bride Was at-� ND's. A. Ii Macklin donated knitted avenue, 'Hamilton..:,
tended by her sister, Miss Nora Willis, (,ontril,ntion ,to the - Red .('rocs. Mks Syntona has• helped me, • for I had
dressed in teal blue With British tan ova,
II ie�;t,ries. The matron of honor wasj ,1t, Phelan d(opernittee fdonatedted $10 to the 'packing suffered SQ, much with me stomach and ` '
3Irs. N.,,• MacDonald t sister of the
,r boxes to lie sent over- I had tried so many treatments"•without
green with `ea., Miss R, Nte'Viear -real) a let4ter of, any real -benefits that I was afraid
brown au & 4ed in rim T moss
t,'r,rt,m was at -1 thanks from no :firman • in West- nothing would help me any more .I
trowel) .'tjy M. Ratcliffe, groom
s Yost g Minster Hospital:. t+, whole the Chapter was told that the stomach pains were
had Qerrt 'a I,ux of fruit and cigarettes, due to gall bladder trouble,•. but what- ..
Albert. The bride wore dusky rose; The Chapter will. co-otwrate with the ever it was,- it certainly kept ,ine it,
Ss iih ss ine• aces ssorie• and a corsage of ,
Jlapie Le:if •('hapter .at a tea to. be misery, Besides the .pains, food just',
Better Times rise• and pini carnations '�+
' held on So -1141 v next St lt' 11:ieKay Hall, -seemed to sOur 1n my stomach and;
The bride's mother w ort •1 razili in rose ; 111 s 01dit•r-, se•ain n. milt a rrnien are • turn to gas, 'here was '1 ;cached feel -
with soldier blttt: neacce •,orifi -s> The' ••
i•IIs�-itefl. •ing in my chest and and thrtrat. spots,
i,ride was given in marriage by her'
grandfather. W. d,• Rtiildock, ,1.._ the :,n illl►1.•lt ►rLs tee leftillt g or ma ylzines11111 ;
happy ,couple left the church they .f+►r the arlllrtt forces. r
were - showered with 'eonfetti, after•
which they proceedolI (II the home of,
the bride for a reception and wedding' SHEPPARETON
dinner. Later they left ontheir wed-- a,.
din,, trip 1,i Ontario point`, Mr, eizer • ;:IJI.31'1'.1RIYPOy\, OUT 'c,-- 11is•(•s
IS' . e-rigage(I in wirt'lo .-. wdrk at Port. ll.f T'g�t ret :(41 1 .t! 4 0011 Foster -'-1 l(
Albert. and the. coi.ip e will re ide in'lit-t--- Nvery1- 1 -,Valaying• at - llainiltoil.
(,oderictly / `iaig:lru 1 111s still St, Catharines.
()n 1riti: y night a shower was given 41►tending at clay with their (011—i11 llrs.
in honor' of the bride-to-be h% the J• T. I'ithlaxltu of at. Catharines.gist:' of th.'ljunior 1C.A. of St. Georges; .( oti•Ar:,tuiatiou„, iirti. ;(•bte,ude.1byr
scarf for a .- draw. fur the -'C'hapter's - "i' think -it is- just grand -the''way I
church at the home +►f Mrs, ;(tam
Gori. .the conit1111:.;,, d. 1,, 11i•> anMr,.IIugh
; Bennett t formerly Dorothy \Piaui)
('ONNELL—CRICII of Anbuf'n► ,n their reesnt 111:1rri•1ge..
.it Metropolitan ('hut ;l House,Miss Wil-.l,n taught school litre for
chapel, 't i':.nin, on
Saturday afternoon 1hrts years
z and Jars. Il, brace Davis. have i
la: t at' 4• (,'r�lodc, the. *marriage aca.9' Mr: an'
•solemtlized of PhyllLs Elizabeth ('rich,' returned' ti, 1111-ir hotnf• at 4"it`114°nf'r
daughter of the late 11r. and Mrsn after -811ii ng :l cse•(.1 w'rth their
F.li ('rich. Clinton. to Roy Ernest Con -1 aunt. Mrv. Wm. E. F ostor. j
nett soli of 3tr'•z. r()iine r! of Sarna and Jl:in l ,irt1.:r: frrnn tin- r otnmmtity
the. hire Mr. (teotap c'onne1I. The Very! attended the trousseau teal at tht':
Iter. I'eter 1 r "ce officiated and the, 11(11111• r1f dI*. • .1"1411 11 it*4,11 I'l Auburn:
wt°ddin:; mtp.ie was played by Mrs.D.held in honor -of her thriahter's``niar-
R, Mt•Kerrzle of LuekIlow. (riven 111 !, 1'iage. '
marriage lit 11('j* brother-in-law, Mr.
Ezra E11is.,,the bride wore a du,k) ;blu,woliat' rt•vetwedd itn Italian motor -
rose t•repe street -Length dress with; heti disL4inn about Co leave for the
brown aecessorles and -a eorsage of, Russian fre'.i- Ile should have kissed
r!0-444, -She Vya atte1141e41 1, 311,: Mahe! ! ,t•Im good-1*e.
° Grigg in burgundy erepe with 1,hick
.acees,ori(• with corsage of r,00 and' -
r•ornf'lowers; - The 110$1 Inatn �v:ls }t L5 , '
brother. Cecil "Connell Of imndon• A. '
re(-eprion was heldheld°a.t the -Guild Of,
All Arts, where Mrs. Ellis. sister t►
bride. received, in eol•►a11 blue eregrel ••
with .ina,tt•liing alas+ssories and corsage r
of ro-es - Assisting was the groom's:
inotluer, ND's. w. (` tiltiell, dres.4:(pd in ),lac=k -
and white •- crepe with matching ac-
It•essories and rorcage of ro..4o. t.ator
the bridal couple left on a wedding,
trip to Montreal and other points, the
brifle wearing air force iron t•rellt.
,salt) brown English tweed, fnt-.trinime=rl l
eoat, andandtn:atcllinH so
aeee rhis, They,
will lige on the grooiii's farm ]tear:'
S ealfortli. . '
A.4 wo men stood chatting in the
a third. known to bothbothof tl►fin, �-
pais.:;e(l, b'a "What's wrong with ;tacit'',
Inortring;?' a�3laed one. "He )onkel
worfi out and worried to (kith." `Ire"s
been Goats=utlufx his wife's •"fflirt
wifs�':i ti:all t' 11 ribin't know she> t�a:I
dead!"•" • 110 isn't i" ,waai the ;brief
ag)li.; i
f tli�►..
MacI" I^� TOSH NO. 1 GRADE• jai-qr.
JiI(, ' � t;
T A jlt0 S•Cl(' I..Y'l1I (A .-{ .q
6 -qt.
Red, Ripe ;fill Sweet L_br
Palmolive met], Cake 7c
SOAP size' Q
Lge size 2 cakes 19c
Priiiee,s .
plz, L5�
I OW'VDERS 4.Pltlis C
MAR L.1DE , - jar•
FRUIT Pt'f)DING 15 -oz.
tio� •
LEMON '9 8 -oz: -
PIE 111 LER tapkgs G
'Chocolate' 'Mallow Fluffs
BISCUITS - ' ib. joc
Surilof Spain Queen
OLIVES 17% -oz. jar 33c
Wight's. 2 •oz.
TOMATO 4tins
Alien's 2O oz.
APPLE JUICE 3 tins 21c
ODEx SOAP ,- °cake 7c
Fruit uit I,ot, l extra 5e.
TEA Blue Ribbon 42e
11s .N•y
24c 11c
Blue Ribbon
1:13. 59c
l,iyinier Choke
MIICEME-Ar 2 lbs. 23e,
PICKLES 28-oi. jar 25c
Domino- 30 -oz. btle
GINGER ALE 2 for 25e
;ire 111