HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-09, Page 1essesese . NINETY-FOURTH 'YDAR . DESPER.TE JAIL -BREAK BY THREE WINDSOR YOUTHS MONDAY NIGHT jailer Reynolds- Attacked and Beaten -=—Fugitives Rounded Up Again in Pew Hours lese thaa five hours 'after they bad asSeaped trona Huron Coity jai1,. sh-ertly after 7 o'clock on Monday . night, three Wiadsor youths, Bernard •t. Dellis,' Eugene Rousseau and Orville • VireStfall, each fiftee. n yeare' of age, • were back: in the eame cell block from which thea had escaped ,efter severely beating ,GoVereor Jameg B. Reynolds. During their few hours of liberty they SHAREHOLDERS ,OF 'SKY -HARBOR vispr, SaRogis Conducted over Plsant and Express Pleasure at Its Coinpleteness and • Tidiness , Over 250 of the 400 -odd shareholders of the Huron- CounteFlying Training •Seliool, Limited, with members .ef their families, were guests . sesterdaY at Sky Harbor of the directors, ixtanage-, meat and ehief supervising ofileer, R. (3.-VIdeat ait inepectien of No. 12 Ele- Inentery .School, • After registeri,at the guard-hoese were the 'object of 'an intense search by .thng e visitors were ,escorted"- in groups- , a posse of scores of police and civilians, by the personnel of the school, mainly and caused no end of excitement. (flying instruetors, on a .tour: of the In jail .awaiting sentenee on charges ground instruction school, wherethe of ear theft aad,robbery, to which they operation of thelink trainers was had pleaded guilty, on TuesdaY Morn- demonstrated and expleiued; to the ing they were further charged, With jail big bengal., where s the -full quota of break and ctiminal assault up.on Mr. the school's training 'planes, looking Reynolds, nee they will appear On •their best, were grounded ea account these latter Counts ;before Magistrate of unfavorable flng weather; to the J, A. Makins* this (Thursday) after- hospital, She sleeping barracks and airmen's mess'where a buffet luncheon According* to (Sheriff Nelson:Hill, Mr. was s served before their departure. ' Reynolde was attracted by a riteket in , • Many of the visitors saw the school . the cell blot* in which the three youths at close range for the first time, and - were rocked. This was » about 7.15 much favorable comment • was heard p.m. on Monday while Turnkey K., on the modernness or the entire plant,. 'White was away ati, supper. kr. the splendid 'equipment and appoint- rteynolds went, alone, up one flight.' of ments,,and the tidiness ,of the grounds atairs t� the 'first floor to investigate. •and bitilding§. • Tow of the three tioy.s,s1St. Dis entold • It is. just a year since ;these Rousseau, were apparently engaged in ,patriotic people inveSted their money . a fight, which later turned out be a in the company that put Sky Harbor slirespdefaitidiflerdrarafriffdtreTColdinen- heavy steel cell black , gate and was wealth Air Training Plan, and SloCe about to enter the dingy cell block then hundreds of students, seme of torridor when he was _gagged- over the them now lir- action -over Britain; cte 'head With a leg which had been torn» eu-pied sF-1'ance,. a-ndGermitoeselteve. been from a kitehen chair. Westfall al- trained there. The investment ha proved sound and practical, for S»ky (Harbor holds, e:high place 'among• th • twenty-three elementety.schools. of the CoramonwealthsPhin. The invitations were issued by W. L Whyte; •president of he company. • 'KINCARDINE -OFFICE CLOSED The 'Federal customs and excise office' at »Kincardine has been 'closed owing to the small amount of business transacted" there, •and transactions for Kincardine will hereafter Ise handled .at the. office 'here. Mr. I. R. Mc- Gregor of 'London, who has had charge at Kiii.cardine., is now -at thesGaderich Office. relieving while the local officers • take their holidays. • • legedly wasthe assailant. Mr. Reynolds' did not go down with • the .first blow. Dazed and bleeding profusely, the -faced his three assailants, who came at him, yvith,eJsair legs and • rungs, beating hitn about the head and shoulders. die »baeked out » the cell block gate, (deft the main cerridor of • the second floor to the foot • of the winding stairway leading to the Hilt(' floor, all the » time warding ,aff blows and lighting back as 'best lie could With • his fists. • • Beaten Down on Stairway On this stairway the Governoe_was again tbe viethal of a renewed- vicious els assailants beat hien. dosen . on the stairway .in a semi-conseious condition and bespattered with blood: • They ripped a big rung trent the stair • case to assist in the -assault. They •• stole a key.» from the jailer's pockitts, eeehieli, had it been the right one, Would ' have p-,i,ven them quick liberty by» way • of the main jail door. But it was not • the right key. Th eY ran along the •*c.:Q.nd floor corridor, down the steep ' winding» staircase to the ground floor, leaving the' jailer prostrate On the steps-upetairesp-When the key failed to • admit them to the outside world they 'ran through the open »kitchen 'door to the utility jail yard outside. only » to face a twenty -two -foot »stone walls This wall, however, proved no obstacle to the agile youths. Like a team of pyramid-huildeFs,. »one »stood on• the crossbar susrpoits of the liig • ' gates, a second - youth •nieunted his • shoulders, while the third craseled to the top Of the wall above. Then the • second anti finally the third youth were • pulled to the. top. It isthought that the daring youths hung be thele faiogertips from the ledge before »droYp1ng to liberty. In oing so they pulled a hieh. shale rock, .4 x 12st 6 inches, fromthe ledge and this stone is thought to have struck Si. Denis an she » arra and Westfall on a kg, because both were inJuYed When vaptured. In fact, Westfall's leg in- jury proved 'a SeriouS handicap,In their „getaway. '. The Alarm Given° Vv'hen Mr. Reynolds had recovered sufficiently to walk, he gave the alarm to his wife, who relayed it to Sheriff .Hill and the police. Mr. ReinoIde ran --out on the street and inforthed passers- • by and soon a cordon• was, thrown around the ,ja.11 with automobile head- • lights turned into every nook » and corner. 'The immediate vielnity of the , eat', IVO:* thoronghlr :Scoured, without result. • Soon afterwards it was eepeeted at the police station by Frank GallVw thair he» Iiad » talked to three youths answering the right descriptions in his automobile salvage Yard • On St. o Andrew's street. 'One, he' said, was Ile complained to his cont- • panions that he had sprained his ankle. thee Constable Frank. Fox, in charge of the search, had summoned ell Prothielal and County pollee to bloed the town. By telephone he ckall 'WERE AWAITING SENTENCE highways leading out of 'Huron ;county. He feared that the escepedmien would Three Windsor YouthS Plead Guyty to ateal a car in IGoderieh with which to Charges of Robbery make- sr getaway. It was not long Seta up for trial on Thursday last by before a 1915 »Chevrolet was reported Magistrate Makins- on charges of car sitfilssing by a citizen, but this report...theft and robbery, three • Windsor resulted in e wild goose chesei the youths, Bernard St. Denis; .Eugene ear later turning up. It had just Rouseettu anti 'Orville Westfell, ap- 'been borrowed by a friend, pealed before Judia,e,t)ostello on Friday Railwaylyards, box eats, clumps et morning last, elected speede, triil atid bushes on the lake and river bank g and pleaded, guilty to the charges.- The• y , in all » sections of Me town » were ViVri.,k remanded •te jail until Wedne.s- thorougldy eearched with flashlights by dais October 22, at 2 p.m., for sentence. policeeed volunteers. It Vvits not until All three are between the ages of 10.45 that' 'the telephone call that ledfourteen and sixteen. A foutth moth - to the reeaP'ture wire received ate the be- of the gang, under thirteen, Was municipal police station by Town 'Clerk paroled, On suspended aentence iii Knox. It was front e Bruce str•e'et juvenile court. . lionse overlooking Victoria Park. Two On Thursday, 'September 25, these ears resPonded. In one Was Sheriff four boys stole a ear in Windsor and 11111 and 4pecIaJ Constable 'Mike Kendrove it to Drysdale, where they robbed nedte and in the other County on 'Mrs. Bedard's general store of a stables Helmer •%tell and WIlliam' quantity oCeigneettes, dandy, wearing -Gardner. » » apparel end money. At. Baylleld they ' How Capture 'W1.4 Made wreeltied the ear and stole another, cam - They doge(' In from Nelaon and ing on t() Goderlch. Earlyeneart morn - 'Bruce streete on three figures etanding ing they were noticed by Mre...j: E. talking In the parkWere St. Ita.eehter prowling about tliddlittechler Denie and Itoitaaeett. The thIrd Wee. garage, Where two large new Buick Arthur PPeeman, the real ler° 41n- the CATS 8tO0d; one unlocked with the keys plege, He had elesereed the two bon in it. Mre. Mae -elder gave the elute to In the park, rah into »Oonntable Frank 'her son tea, The tinartette Were • rox's houte te give the alas;. and then •arreated at ithe Waterfront »aoon after ran eVer tothe park' to engage the by a posse of Pollee. Combiniqg The Goderich Signid a,nd The godirich Stay GODERICH„ ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1941: Assessor kinds , Population 4,886 --se—. • MS Is 373 - More than the Census and Mr Over • 1949 Figures According to the municipal assess-. raentereturns for 1941, compiled by AeeesSor el1 J. MaeKaY, the popula- tion of. Gocierich is 4,880, compared with, 4,674efor 1940, an. increase of 212. :Young men »wlto haye lefts town to 'join various •units of the arntY, naval and air 'forces ere net counted in these figures„ If the.se, Were included the population 'figurea week" be well' over 5,000.! The Federal ceases figures for Gode- rattle were 4,43. The difference is- ac- counted for partly by' the fact that the ceneue did not include members of ,the Air Force anti their families from outside Canada who have taken up residence in town. If they are house- holders they are • included hi the' assessor's figures. • The totals assessment of the town placed » by Assessor MacKay at $2.592,538, an increase of $4;713ei over last year's figures: SWIMMING GALA FINANCES TA British War Victims' Funds . Each Receive $152.70 The Evening Telegram Britieh War Nictims' Fund and the'd,ions Club Bri- tish 'Child Welfare 'Fund will each • benefit to the extent of $152.70 ne reetil-te-ofeethee-switamirrg—gkala--and- ciiniva.1 held on \Saturday, August 30, under the jcrint auspices» Vestite Board of Trade, Lione 'Club and Tho affairs of the seuccessfill s event haye been woend up and ee, statement of receipt e and expenditures e haselieen issued by the finance com- mittee, of which Nelson Hill was chairman. ' • The largest receipt was » from ° the sale of tickets sat •the harbor pier, $272.18; tags 'brought $81.81, isregram • advertisements $103,, program Niles $46.00, evening carnival $130.75, donations $21.25, sale of diving tower $3'5.00. • Expensds--1Printipg and advertising Lueknow Band $40.85, » diving tower $60, prizes $63.82, Mermaids $50, carpenters, lumber,' trucking, ete., $41,27, Insurance $30. » • "- • The committee wishes to extefid its thanks to » the I.O.D.E., •the serisl •Guides, the Roy (Scouts and 'all'others who assisted in staging the event. ItEV. MR. DUNBAR, INDUCTED ° - Bishop Seager Officiates as New Rector • Is Placed in Charge of St. George's • .. • • jail -breakers In conversation until police *cake. The scheme worked. St. Denissand Rousseau put up uo resist- ance. They led their captors do West. fall's tiding place a short disfance away, alongside a high 'beard fence at Miss MasiBavan's residence on- Cambria road. On aceohlit of his. inability to • walk' ,he, had» presumably been hidden be his;peleStintil,'-eie they planned, they conld.secure a car, in whieh to make a getaway. But the :plan Went -astray. After they had beeen locked up in the jail again the jail physician, Dr. Gal - low, was called to attend .Westfall anti 'St...Denis. Governor Reynokls' Injuries• On Tuesday morning »Governor Reynolds was on the job; but feeling very stiff and 'sore. (inc »of the many s-cales wounda he sustained, reqiiired five stitches to .close. He, was black and blue about the shoulders and was weak from ioss of blood, but was able to carry Only In 'August of this .year the Governor hikl frustrated an attempted jailbreak when he floored another, Windsor youth, Max"Glassco, with a uppereut to the jaw. On that occasion he faced »only two and got in the first punch. The pair who tried to get away on that•occasion were hardsbolled criminals. It was flifferept in Monday's affair. benis, Rousseau and Westfallewere being treated.as juveniles. They were Only fifteen years of age, but they were tall and sllght. and tnight easily» be mt.staken for _boys of eighteenor nineteen..They were allowed privileges which would not ordinarily be extended. It was this » eame trio who w•ere the object of another search in Gode- rich two Weeks ago toddy. Thee they had stolen ears in 'Windsor and Bay- field and robised it.store in Drysdale before being 'run 'down „here. It was while they were waiting to hear their fate on these eitienes that they made their abortive break forethe. wide-open sPaces. • Owing to the illness of Utown At- torney Itelinft, the youths were this afternoon reinanded 'for one week .on the -jail breaking and assault (lunges. Parish Notwithstanding the unpleasant wedther on Friday evening, 'e goodly number were present at, St. Georges Anglid'an therth to Witness the induc- tlene-ef 'Rev. W. H. Dunbar as rector. The Right -Rev. C. A. Seager, Bishop of Kea:eked and offieiated, in the induction. As the text of his sermon he,chose .the passage, "YR are the light of the world." The lights ofEurope, h e said, have • , ase gone »out and they must be relit at the attar of faith. Bishop eager spoke eulogistically of the new rector, assuring the congrega- tion that he would make „a »competent , leader of- their .parish. The .keys ,of the church were presented to Mr. Dun- bar by ichurch Wattlens, (a. E. Groves and G. N. Dewker. After-• the ceremony, •refreehments were served in the parish hall and .members of the congregation had the dpoortenity of meeting the new rector, Mrs. Dunbar» andtheir daughter •Norma. • "BE PREPARED " ' SCOUTS" APPLE DAY OCTOBER lit ItereA IA, DA Y The Weal troop of tivouts and (7u1) Pack, so ably» led by Mr. Kenneth Jaelison as 'Scoutmaster, and. the Misses »Gertrude Wilkes and Ann Wurtele as Oubmistrests and Mei:stunt ,Cninnistress respeetively, are holding, their annual Apple Day on Saturday in voramone with many other trooeS"" and packs 'throughout Canada. , This will be yo'ur opportunity to. help your local Scouts and Cubs at a very small fillerifiee- en your part—the.price of apple or whaleyer You care to g -.",:',.% 0 . ,. 'Scouts. are taught to "do their duty to 61od and the King," aniong many Other things, and at lenst three of t It eir fo rin ere. lead ers hi God e ri eh are in the Active .gervire Army. They are. dila Lodee. AlberteShere and Itiehaed Palser. . ,O 1 Scouts learn what discipline Means --41110Ut the only place (air boys are taught it these cPys—and when they» aresready to Jain,to ur .splendid fellows who are figleting for our homes, our' liberties and our ',British institutions„ they profit greatly by the leseons» the have learned as Scouts. »Seotaing Is a war offoH and well worthy, of yinir interest and support. The leaders 'all give manyhours of their leisure time to preparing for and eondueting the meetings Their Only reward; is that inner sense of seta's- faetionevhieh eomes-from disinterested pidele Itervietsesservice for the benefit of there. "Be prepared," therefore, to give your hearty and eheete encourage- ment to ,the boys. Make theih. • feel they' have yobr synipathy, • and the !cadets, yam, interest and, support. Tills WIII help them, to- edtry on their good work- Everyone cAn. do' this and, Most» people can spate a smoll slim for an apple, • .. IVUY ' AN .A(IIPILId ON IgATURDAY. . LIONS » LADIES* NIGHT • Ladies' night ot both (iloderieh and Clinton iLions Olttb will »thls year be bold jointly » at the J3iseiriser Iletel, Grand 'Bend, on elle night 'of 'Wesinee- day, October 22ad. MONTREAL WRITER • LOOICS GODERIOR »WAY Under 'tile teading-"Hail elm! Fare- well" the following- appeared. in The 3lontreal 'Standard of Saturday lot, Now we want to know who "Ai:cilia" is, and 111Vite hini to all next, time he 4 up thl.e Way,, ao that we Sna,y" intFoduce him to the fishing editor, Qf his "favorite Canadian newspaper," (Montreal Standard,' Oct. 4) }laving been ubSent from this pars tienlar etso.t forsseome 1Itt1 iinse we had,, we confess, %looked forward to being elloived »4o maunder about again in peace for a » While. It Ictoks now, .hOwever, ae• *though We should » be coins pelted to » absent oarself again for an • indefinite period, depending altogether one the success we have ie the accom- plishment Of a quest' which we cannot gainsay. We may get what we are "after without too »much trouble; on the other. hand Ice may be questing away till the swyw flies. eke. It all comes from an article we read in our favorite, Canadian newspaper, The GOderich-Signal-Star. Goderich is, agrand place for lishin' off the break- water and we often regret that we al, lowed less Important ,things. to interfere with our adolescent determination to make, lishin' off the iGoderich break- water our lite -work,, Sport begins when the ice goes out and such perch as swim in no other Waters may there be obtained. It rises to, a. climax When the smelts,, cane in along the beaches. All !Ffnrcas., goes maid -thereat, -Fuming 'wires greet» muddyea,ndeemetly hus- bands on the pale de-oveneslay after day. Tell ITS it isn't"epottfiellIng, to catch a bushel of srttelts al! a,dip-net and a pallaisrTry it! • But- it's »the doings of the editor of The Rodney Sun as chroeicled by his confrere of » The Goderich Signal -Star that has us on the eve of packing:tour trunk again. The fOrnser gentleman has come to .Goderich and sent the local fishermen into » conniptions by his performances. Listen to what he did, as reported by The » Signal -Star: "Oa, » two successive days, using a secret baiteand a casting teche niqtte all hie own, ,he » pulled his quota of the Afighting fish (bags) otit of the wateks of 'Lake »Huronin jig time, much to the amazement 'of anglers on » either side of him, • who never got so-mucli as a nibble. When » Elgin » County's .former warden is not in his newspaper office .or looking after municipal affairs he is 'fishing, with his time -about evenly divided, three ways. Again yesterday Mr. » .B/ank re- turned to the' Goderich • ground •with three of his towns- men and by noon they were up- e • town with twelve •Week bass, the i • largeSt weighling four and a half i 'pounds. Six more got away, not t CI) - »Boot': Of ,Eilp.catio.n, payment of Lawyer's Bill .Basis of Motion for Unseating of, Two Trustees • The 'trials and stribulations Of, the 'Clinton liocird Of Educatidn; and they „have been ,many, Ain<fe' » the Board's formation leas than., a year ago, were given a further airlag befrane Judge *Costello last .Friday when application Was beard ta-tinseat ,Trustees C. 'd. eliddletote (chairmanesof, the Board) and »Mrs, IsIllian MeKinneis :rile applicants in the uneeidlng tion'are former truSteeS A: Te.(ittoper. — • • and W. E. 1.'e,,rdtie, 'wile sully a few weeks ago were ousted from. the Board by•ii court,Order after proceedings had been 'twitched by Mr. Middleton, and Mrs. McKinnon; who are themselves now "on the spot." - If the 'latter lose their seats, and this wall not be known fere:some 'time, the educator § will be even:'up; it will be a, case» of » tit for tat. both' caSses, the grounds for th0 unseating actions are the same, it »heing alleged that the trustees, directly or indirectly, • had personal transactione with .the Board, or, in 'other words, that Attlee:: received money contrary tos the provisions Of the Board of Education In the case miw • tinder review, It is chalked that Clinden Board of Education paid a ,counsel fee a ;$100.Q2 to Meir, •the-tBoard'S solicitor, for his serviees 18 the court pro- ceedings Which » unseated eMessrs. Cooper and . Perdue, whereas (it is claimed) Mr; Middlettm_ and Mrs._ Mc- Kinnon, and not the laoatd-of Educe - den, Were the applicants In the »tua- seating ',motion and ehould have ikr- soqally paid ler. Meir's bill... ' The minutes orthe Boerd, filed as an exhibit, disclosed that. on May 8s 1941,• a- motion »was passed naming Mr. Meir solicitor _and instructing him to launch proceedings to Unseat Trustees Coolie's perdue and Hall. When the case came to court the cage. against Mr. Hell was dropped • after a court,. ruling had been given, and for reasons of expediency, as claimed by Mr. Middleton and Mrs. McKinnon, they allowed themselees te he substituted for the.Board otEduca- doe as »the applicants. The -seetion or the Act u-nder. which Proceedings were laid reads: "A trustee shall not enter .into any con- tract in which he has any Interest or receives ' eompensa tion from • the board?' E. G. Thompson, KC., Stratferd, 'for the respondents, .Mr. Middleton' and Mrs. McKinnon, armed' that net by he widest stretch of imagination could t, be held' tilat the trustees titered nto any contract when they allowed, heir names to, be substituted for the Board,of Education »in the, original pro- cedings against Messrs. Costlier and )erdue. Ile risked that the applicas ion be dismissed, but Judge Costello rdered that the 'taking of evidence be )roceeded with. Trouble Among .thelMembers JohnlIariley, secretary of the Board, appointed onFebruary 5, 1941, told f lack of harmony among the mem- bers and of . unSuccessful efforts to NVI-COMt. it. He reviewed, pr oct‘ed in g.s eading.up to the unseating of Messrs. cooper and Perdue, stating that en ugnst 21st last' he received telephoste nstruclions from 'Mr. Middleton' to at - end a, hoard meeting, at „the home Of , rs. McKinnon and to bring Hsi eheque og theshook, lint by slipping into • the -water when the cord 011 which - they were'strung' broke under the weight of fish when another one was added. That na.a.a sourid fishy but We are 'assured it is a fact. • Three or four of the catch weighed three pounds or better. There was » a cash sweepstake prize for the man catching „the largest fish. 0 ,The Rodney editor collected." Do you wonder we have been cam- 0 pelkd• to filter our plans to settle 1 'down quietly »with news like that to drive vs frantic? We don't ,fimI" ans.= A 'thing -lishy'! about the broken cord 1 episode. We have long ceased tp find any fislt story fishy. Even dead fish get away, .as witness the time when an obliging bet inexperienced member of a fishing., party we wot of, COM- 0 piSSI011ed to string a nice ca'tch 021 T fish, painstakingly made lo each slippery tail (instead of gills which a benencient Provids book. At fhig,meeting, witness testified, the rder of Judge Costello unseating rustees 'Cooper and Perdue was read ml placed in the minutes. Also »the 'nate:dot eevep meetings held during he summer months, which had not been written in the book becauselt was , tied up in tlw courts, but instead had ps around a using t e111 tit t there for that sole purpose) and gye the» whole catch overboard into a nice swift » eorrent, •"to keep them fresh.' So, if we don't turn up here next %%WIC it Will be because we haver2,6ne to Rodney to get that secret.bait formula and have not got back yet. Ag. hope We won't bate trouble in g-ettritig it but We a re prelate(' for pretty nearly any- thing, short 'of minder. We aren't .worrying NO much about the casting techelque, since, » es we have4tdready confessed here, we have a technive ,alreadywhich is wholly unique. But ,weve JUst got_to get that secret bait. It necessary we litopoee to apply for a ,job as office`bily with the Sun » and take a chance »of wangling it out of the boss, »after a year oeSe, as reward for faithful service. But, by—fair means or fishy, we mean to g4 it. ° been kept» by hiliks on fOrldscap 'paper, were read' and,,approveile Next item of. business 1'was the pre- sentation of Mr. alter's bill for $1011.02• The chairman, Mr. » Middleton, asked -that someone move that Lit. --be paid. There was no response, so Mr. Middle - toe. asked Mrs. McKinnon to take •the » » Seri:taut:Major II. Baird, Royal Can - chair. Mr. Middleton » then moved, adian Engiqers, visited Goderich arm- TOXOIDING SCHOOL CHILDREN foxold for diphtheria: and starlet fever has 'wen admilliNtCDed 1)y Dr. 'W. » 10. Gallow, to 135 pupils of the Separate school,eitteen pupils were given toxoid for diphtheria, and 'thirteen received it for scarlet fever. At Central school„ thcre» »were forty - •pine injeetionefor diphtheria, and fifty - 011V for scarlet • fever.. » Seven vaccin- ations for smallpox have also been 'given bet ween'The two schools. Togoid was administered to the pupils of Vic- toria Sitni100 this (Thurstlai)' after- noon. Each pupil receiving toxoid will have three injections fbr diphtheria and five for scarlet fever, to la, ad- ministered on Thursdays and Fridays each %Telt. All these injections, given by the Department df lIealth, pre free of charge. • THE WEATHER The m a x ith um and minimunt teMper-, atures in 'Goderich for the past week, and for the corresponding- week last year, were as follows.' 1941 1940 • » Male Mina Max. 'Min. • Thurs., Oa. 2 ::..109 40 » 01 40 Fri.,Oct..8 » 05 (10 04 45 Sat., Ott. 4 49." 54 Wt. 40 'Sun., 'Oat. 5 7.3 ss,„.L.0,471 ' 3421 Mon., Oct. 6 09 55' -.74 00 'Ffres., Oet. 7 .,75 Of • 62 54 Weds,Oct. 8 01 421 50 43. No. I,i.'il THE WATE1WR4TT • The Str. Beaverton arrived Salm& afternoon from 'Fort Wiibm WIth tame •of Package freight »Mter tak ing ou 100 tonsett salt here she left fo :)c,ntreai» on Sateirday eight, e . The str. Naudoe arrived Sunda night from Fort William with 2;14,000 buts. wheat ter the elevator, • on • The etre 'Superior arrived' Alenday night with 29,2n. bus. liax, 20,341 bus barley, 7,643 bus, rye, and 11,067 bus oath, for the elevate'', and 22,600 bus • barley, for the 'Western Canada »FIeu '1111.6::new foghorn, cebre vn.•es, laid on Saturday morning ander the sillier yiSi011, Of 11, E. Polland, constructien engineer of the Deparament of Trans. port. Thtt old cable had been cracked by the ice last spring. - The tugs Dorothy May, pf tioderleh, and John It. Stover, of Chatham, left Godericio on Thursday » last for Lake Erie,- with the dredge Claremont in tow. (As » reported elsewhere, the Dorothy May was lost in Eake Erie.) Perch fishing. is excellent at the harbor these days. There has been- a line-up of anglers »along the pier nearly every ditty for the past week, and none returns home disappointed. » , », S.A. BAND'S VISIT Several Progranig Given on Sunday by Stratford Organization The 'Salvation Army • band from Stratford,- led by Major 14. E. Howes and*Bandmaster R. Bailey, arrived in Goderith- On •Satiredey evening and after -supper served at the-S.A, hall - went on to Kincardine to hold street meetings, returning tu» Goderich late 811"ir.Sunda'dy evr inmf- 0ening street meetings • were held, and »aga18 in the afternoon from 2 to .4 o'clock.' A halt -hour oat - door concert.also was 'held 'et' Alex- andra llospital The evening service at the S.A. hall was taken by Major 'Howes, Who spoke particularly* to the young » people. Later in the evening the based gave a program in MacKay Hall With Mayot E. D. Brown as chairman of- the meet - Tug Dorothy May Lost on Lake Erie "learieria il-oWnerdivanre 8i)e-matCCaligwizt te ,All Saved •0.11,V1111441, Oct. i.—Battered - and Y toesed about during 'a 'storm on Lake. Erie,. the 0to tu DOrethy May Minis 'Olt Port Alma today. The five . nienabere of the crew managed to get .to another boat and Were saved.. . The storm caught Ave Vessels as they ✓ were proceeding from ,Goderiela to ErieThey were two tugs, a dredge an,d two seows, all "being:_o,peratIA 137 , - the Chathaes Dredging 410,170Pars", . As high waves winded against them, the vessel* were tossed about' in the ..- .lake. »• The Dorothy May foundered • during the stOrm and her seams Opened: She quickly filled with 'water and sank, When ehe started to go down, live menabers of the crew got in a life- • boat andreached the dredge Clair., moat- which: the Dorothy 'May had beer). towing. They were !Capt. McCormick; Autherstburg ; 'Enghieee William Mc- . Milian, » o•f Goderich; •Fireinan John- ston; of Vroderich; Fireman 'McDenalde of. 'Sarnia, and First Mate MeCermick, of Erieato ing. » Lieutenant P. Deadwood of inn - ton and W. Fothergill, R.A.F. Peri Albert, joined the »band for the concert. _ At the close of the program Reeve R. E. Turner offered a vote of thanks to the band for the splendidsentertain- me-nt, • The iSalvation Army of ‚Goderich also wishes to »express its thanks to those who supplied billets 'for the band's stay in toda. A IVIUSICAL, EVENING • • Opening •Meeting of Gdderich, Music Club for the Fall Season The Goderich Music Club held itS first meeting bf the season at MaeKay Hall on Monday evenink Many' new members and guests ' were 'present. pr. ;Harvey Doney of »Sky Harbor air - .port and » former soloist ' t adtdrbourne U.,nited eldirete Toronto, delighted, the - audience with his fine »art in_jtA-O groups of» songs. 11r: Doney gave a program of folk songs and •rolliek.ing sea chanteys and .introduced spoiF tane(ing innnor into some light .eomic numbers? Included in. the two groin's.; were: "Rolling i)own to Rio," rrally Ho," -Sweet IAttle Woman o' Sline,- -Shortnin"Bread1"•old Mother Hub- bard," "Think on Met" "Beeause I Were shy," "Tile tireeodilcs's• ' and -Drink tos..110 Only." Mervin .Snyder was the acesimpanists The -.Club is planning to present Dr. Donev in a full recital program in. public .soon. !Miss Clara Barrett » gave an in. formative paper on "The' EVOIntion of a Singer,' which was of special in- terest to the choir members, present. Miss Alma Howell was appointed , sessetsery-treasnrer, _ stumped MliS.: E. Snider, and a nominatinis committee onsis,ins of Miss E. Somerville atiol Miss Barrett was appointed to re- place V:IV011eit's ill • the• execntive. _ • 140" COY. NOTES • seconded by Mrs. Trewartha, that »tlw he paid. Truetee said wit- iness, refissed to vote, but in accord- ance with » the , rules he entered his name mis» favoring the motion, which 'then carried unanimously. NI hen it came time to sign the cheque The» Dorothy MAy was » owned by William' Fore.st, •Goderich . dredging contractor. It had been Jeased» to the Chatham Dredging Company and was. reported to be covered by Insurance-- Sailors say the storm broke suddenly in the early morning. * Everything had • seemed elear when the » beats had set out, -The Dorothy May 'and the other. . •tug, the' itolen iR. Stover,,swere towiug. a dredge and two dump s'eaws . from Goderich to Edrieau, *here the chatham Dredging Compaity bast 'Contract .to:diedge the entrance to the dock. •s The stem 'broke about 4 o'clec in' the » moening. All five vessel "toiss. ed 'about bythe high waves. One of the- stows broke away, but» it -was. later recovered by the :crew of "the John R. » Stover, • . Mter the Dorothy May sank» the - other four 'vessels reached port • in safety. ONE GOOD MARK FOR HYDRO Goderich Not Affected by This Weal , Power Short•age In Ontario '.Groderich was ;not affected by . tete • power - transmission line - break that calts.ed interruption of the Hydro ser- vice of Many 'Ontario mimicipalities. on Tuesday. • The,.enly evtdei.ice. so. far of an electric. power shortage here 18 the cangellation» flatdate het water heaters and the idyl voltage that has existed for some time. - • • "We COuld*Cheelt the voltage hereif We wished to, but we have not (lobe so yet," said -Superintendent J. B. Kelly of the "The present low voltage its out. of our control." Mr. Kelly said it swes tbe intention of the- 11.11.3,Ped le. install a -Voltage • regulator, or booster, at ;Seaforth at a cosi of $0,000 so as to brighten the lights of Sertforth, and» Gode_ rich, bill that thie ntight not be elone fOr (Mtn g he-difliculty in gettlfir iniaterial with whieh to build • it on aecount of the; war. When remindedstliet the street light's Were unusually dim...and that house- • wives- were.» complaining that it new required •an • unusually long. time to cook the„evenhig *meal on an electric stove, Kelly adulated ha.ving re- ceived complaints, but said -there was nothing he eauld do about it. • "The complaints conies in between 11 and 12 in theSamornine." he said, "and as the daySssliarten SN';'e soon 'will tie•getting them between 5 and 6 in» the evening." The airports are not affected, because theYshave their own voltage regulators, or bobstere, it was• explainsPd. The Hydro -load .Goderich, is in- creasing steadily' and- has reaeheda new high. There are DOW over .1,300 cuetomere, domeatic and commercial. 'SCHOOL CHILDREN BUYING WAR, SAVINGS STAMPS PuPils of Victoria School Have In- , , vested $1,608 to Date m s, EON prin- cipal. of central school, was present at the menthly meeting' of the Publie, Seeool 1,0ard on Monday eeening and received a eordial weleome from Trustee A. Snider, who presided in the absence of the chairman of the tard• . In a eommunication from Hon. T. B. •McQuesten, Of the Provineial .De- iartment- of Municipal Affairs,' th Be oard was advise(' that its employees lo not come under the Unemployment nsuranee Act. ories 011 Tuesday, moining regarding the installation of twd stoves to keepl,, the armories 111011' comfortable than ni forlsirly ins the colder -months. sae ela. regular 1< 04e1oek parade on Mondlie night an instruCtor frqm diss triet -headquarters gave a brief talk to pay Mr. Meir, Mr. ,Hartley said he to the men of "V" Compahy, in which did so under protest, after Mr. Middle- he cautioned them to take their train - tun • had signed a document Absolving ing seriously, so 'That should the oc- him "(Mr. »llartley) Trosk altliability. arise, every man, of the Company "The bo was recelpted •and I have will be ready to do whatever liras% be ( never seeen it since," - s4aid witioes, required of him. 'Mr. Middleton Put it in his pocket.' I wentto his home -to get. It for my records, but he refused to give it to me and slammed the door In my. face." Mre. Lillian » MeKinnote for seven years» a collegiate teacheea said that at no time did she consider Mr.Meir was acting for her persottally in the proceedings against, Messrs. Capper and .Perdue. She considered » she was merely an applicant by reason of her position on the Board of Education and as ,a means of carrying out 't he original intentions Of the Board...* Mrs. McKinnon stated very definitely that Mr. Middlet(in had not asked her to 'move it motion to pay Mr. Meir and -that she, had refused do do so, as testified by Mr: Mooney. Contradicts Seeretary's Statement Mt Middleton also denied he at any time asked Mr. Melt to net for him •personally Against Masers. Cooper and Perdue. He told Mr. Donnelly, for the applieants,» that he never refused to give Mr. Hartley the receipted lawyer's bill, as alleged. TI e had never slammed the' door of his home in Mr. lIartley's face, /le had» merely locked the (wren do -or beeallee there“vas, fire in Mr, ltiartley's eyes and he thought he, was out to make trouble. thought he W88» going to rusb me. /Wore tide 7 was attacked by' two menthe:1'S of the Board...," the wittios went on but ,waS Mopped, by the SO ge. It -is intended that a TrionnKai sub- machine gun, a Lewis gun, andeellidet gun » .will, soon be on hand at he armories so that the menibers of the Company may become thoroughly fam- ihar with the operation andbmetbanism t of those weapons. I rincipal St(inehouse reported for Vitoria school ,for September: Pupils; 011 roll, ; • ,average attendant*, 324 or 94 per dent. Penny Bank sle- posits, $10339. Pupilof » this school' o date have invested $14108.95 in war avidgs atamps. For CentraLechool Principal Bryans eporteda Number oh roil, 221; average attendance, 200, » or 93 per cent. . Penny Bank deposit, 889.02. de W. 3/facDONALD GOES TO MOUNT • -‚- • HOPE• , W. MacDonald of Goderielo who has been ehief eleetrjejmin » at the Pert Albert Air Navigation (Same' 'Wilke it • was established » about a year ago is being transferred t6 the Mount 'Hope ILAN. station near Hamilton, vvitere' he will ,hold a similar position. Ms tinfieS at -Port Albert have been very exacting,...but that he has discharged them .well is indicated by 'lila being • LEAVE FOR COAST Angus D and n Gyaham. sons of Malcolm Grahem, of this town, Who recently jolty(' the lls(aN.V.R., were inelnded in a draft .of natal ratings who left London on TneSday evening Mr further training at a eoastal point. "Prior to their departure they spent the, week:end with thei? father here. Mr. Graham also - has a third son, Jimmy. in the Canadian Navy. In the group whieh left • 11:011{1011 were boys from many Western Ontario eiintres, 'mending A. Strdutt, Of Lueknow. He added that he was ehaving at the time of Mr. IiIartley's4call aild did mot Wielt to be dieturlted.. t'Surely hueky nialf like you is not afraid of frail .1Ir. lIartley aelied Mr., Donnelly, but Judge Costello assain, halted proteedings. •Crouneel Wede given three- week a in '.'1i('11to eultutit arghinent and it will dearing dale 'before ment ean be expected, and then the ratepayers Will cOnie to ehosen for similar Work at Mo'nuat !lope. In his absence from Goderiele 'Stuart Itniedit, who hat been atmociated: with Mr: MaeDonald for f;everal year, will tarry en hia local bilaineaS. :114,01tHINIALE ittISIGNS atisg Aferloritindale, who htm been superintearent of Aleeandra » I.loa- natal foP over » twelve 'Car, has tenderedbee »»reainai Ilion to the host-. pital heard. se •