HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1941-10-02, Page 8PAO/6 XIOILT VW, AU1,11170i0et.1,;'--;311'## and UM J. W. Graham Of' PetrOit are stetting nos zL ItOSS and M. J. W. Medd. Air. and:Mrs. 'Il'ercy Gibbs a Detroit oWent the Weeloend with M. and Mr& lliarve7 MeGoe. lir. and -„Mio. Earl McKnight and tathilY *Mat the weele-end with Mr. and Mrs.., Reg •Cartere-WOOdstoele . 'Mr'. And Mrs. Herb Mogridge, Mrs. Win. Straughan, Mrs. M. Arthur anti UrS: Rnsesdl Ring ,epent a day last Niseek. in Isonden. 1411:38 keouple • Ot daYo with friends -la Clinton. Mr, and:Mrs. A. J. Walker, Barbara -and .Mary O'Walker, of "Toronto, sp(Int SatUrday hero. Mrs. 'Fred Ross and Donald Ross 'attended -the ;anniversary eerviees.. at Port Albert `United ehorch last .,Sunclay. Mr. and Mrs. ,Fred Sears and two children, of Goderiels have moved into the •Itonse forineely occupied by, the late Levi Miss pIna Lonpuita and Ww. on a London were recent tisitore with Mr. andMrs. 'Geo. Yulighlut: - Mies Marjorie Arthur of Tveswater .sImiits the week' -end with her mother, Mrs. M. Artithre ' „ • Rev. ,11. C. .'Wilson Wae the guest 'speaker at the anniversary sernices at. Ohiselhurst United chureh last Snn. day. Lawrence Nesbitt, live -yea r- Id • son of Mr. anfl Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt, fell while playing with the family dog and brake his eollarbone. 'Miss Martha Adanis of Kits -heater is visiting relatives here. . • ' ,1Wiss M.arion Taylor. daughter of Mr. and :Mrs, Gordon Taylor, enter- tained four girls ata birthday party on Tuesda.y afternoon. S OF AUi3URN AnniVerSary ti(Oteld in Knox- United church ztext Sunday itt 1040 an. and, 7.30 pan. Rvir..Williarat Vinglasol of Ifelapra Valls, former AubUrn boy, will be, the 8Peall... $Thee- ial.muale will he supplied .by.•the choir. 'The ,snieging and inSPeetiOn .cona- inittee met and packed thirty-eight crib quilts and ten large quilts. -• , . Thw. house and kit of the estate of the late -Alexander MCKenzie have been eold to Mr, Thomas Hallam, who .neta posseseion Oetolter 1st. Mr. and lire. Hallam plan on moving to •-the in the near „future. Stone nineteen inembere -a the 13.Y. P.U. attended a rally 'at Wingbam on Monday night. Other representatives were preseut from Clinton, Goderieh and Wingham. ' • ; • Miss Derotlay Bueditt .of Rssex, has returned'home, after a visit with, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raithby. She Was guest ,..odoist at the Baptist church On Sunday afteruoon. • Honoring the Bridestesbe.es-Mes.. Wes- ley- -13radnoek entertained Soine giri friende. at her home on WetinesdaY night in honor of her .siSter,' Miss Dorot hy Wilson. whose' marriage takes place hi alw near future. The took to the_ bride -tie -be' was proposed .by Miss 'stem Phillitiss and Miss Wilson fittingly replied. .The guest „of honor - was presented with it fishing pole. and line and was relpiesteg" to fish for her gifts, which were in a nicely arranged basket. These . were opened and ,dis. played alai Miss 'Wileuti in a_few clion words- thanked her friends for their ,lovely gifts. Afterwards the party' went to the Forester.' Hall, Where a dance was enjoyed with some thirty-ilive -friends present. • 1toad 01111 bq , BUY WAR SAVI NGS CIERTIFI CATES ‘41,41,91. Feel Chilly Studio -Sneeze Nese Starts lo Run TAB GODERIOR SIGNAL4rAR PERSONAL MENTION . • Signaller Glen dode ol- Camp Darden, io visiting at US home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Joh W. Graham, Of Detre% are yisiting friends, in town this. vkitek. , " ' * Mr. and. Mrs'. C. D. Nairm: gild son Vharies, of Detroit-, are gueSits.' With Mks. C. A. 'Nairn. ' Mrs, R., W. Thorne Of vtpononto spent the weeksertui with her nOtlier, Mrs. O. .4. Wells, Bayfield road. . Major R.' A. Corbett,wife alfd of Fergwich, spent Saturday with Mrs. Corbetts mother, Mrs. M. „*McKee, Victoria krtet. Ptes V. K. Randall, of Campllorden, is spending a few days' 'leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Randall of town. . . ' mr. and Mr. Reg. Vnlier• 'and two daughters and. Mr. and -Mrs.. Ales's Hen dersou ' attended tlie Tees NV a ter Pair yesterday. Mr. Amble It., McKee V Victoria, spent a few days with his mother, , Mrs. M. ,MeKee, Victoria street. °It is nine years slum he left ClOderich. Mr., and Mrs. W. T, lIttlera Sarnia (the latter formerly Miss K. Park, of VrOderich C011egIate Institute .staff) visited ,oh Saturday at the . home a .MisS M. Lane., Mr. told _Mrs: Cecil (.!olelough and Laytop, of ;Niagara FOS, and Mr. Harry llart,i" of Seaforth,... „Sp011 t Iut Sunday WithMr. and Mrs. Col- ClOugh; Lighthouse street: , Mr. and Mrs. A. Forster, who for Some essirs conducted' the,,Maple ,LeaT, Bakery on the Square„'inteed to remove I shortly ,to Wroxeter," ,where their , daughter, Mrs. H. I, thirst, resides. I Mr. and -Mrs, Otweli Todd, and tWo children, of Toronto, are visiting in town and °vicinity. Mr: Todd is a sou or the late A. 3.1. .Todd, a former pub- lisher, with.- the late Jaraes Mitehell, of The Goderich Star. - ' Pte. Howard Wilkins and Mrs. 'Wilkins, of Hamilton, were ,guests Over the week -end with the former's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilkins, CHURCH NOTES' The )I3ap,V34 'Young- 4.keople's Union held a rall4r Mo'fiday 3aiglat at Members (t)f the P.Y.11%1U. of Godeeiell and Clinton %WM '17?keent and the special speaker was• Rev. a 1. Secord of WalkeVon Bapti$t church. 1.‘he members of the Goderich ILX.P.U.- conduct.ed the devotional part a tbe services., • Dr.' Harvey DOneyi 'baritone soloist of MerboUrne street United churl., Torontoeeand well known to radio list- eners, will sing at North street"United alireli '.'tintlay evening next. Ins Doges° will be heard in "The, Livi4 God," by O'Hara. The choir will sing -Trust in the Lord Forever."' Tbe beetnialoin4io4 atunthsepmirlitn.„ t.he Morniz4g will . The nr6t meeting of the fall tern; of the Woman's Association of Nosth :street United church was held on Thursday, September 25th, at the honao of the peesident, Mrs, 'CI W. Worsell, Keays etre*. Aftey the opening hyrax", Mrs. C. F. Olarke led in prayer and Mrs. J. W. Moore read the Sealptaire lesSon. The rest , of the meeting was spent in the discussmn ef Irian*. for the year. At. the close of the meeting Mre. Worsell served Bloch and 21 social hour Was enjoyed., At North street United church on 'Sunday, October 5th., comm,union ser- viee Will ^ be held. In the eveuing- the .paetbr will take as his subject, '•The Pers is ten t 'Worries." ' , , The title,s or Rev, A. J. Mas•Kaye's ' . , . sermons ni ictoria .street- United church next 1‘7111 be, in the morniug, A. .Dangerous Weapon," and in the evening, "Too Busy. At the morniog service Mrs. Overholt will'. sing "The Stranger of Galilee." Rev. W. II. Dunbar, late of 'St. George's .A.uglican church, Owen Sound, enters upon his'new duties as rector of George's, G Odell ch, this week. The Bishop ofHuron will induct Mr. Dun- bar at a service in the church on Fri- day evening of this Week, at 8 o'clock. Gloucester Terrace. ORN 4 . Maurice A.. McKee, son of Mrs.. M. ROUISE.—Af Alexandra Hospital, dude. Ms -Kee, Victoria street, who offered his services to the Canadian 'navy over a year ago, was -called up. in. August t and is now at Hamilton for prelimin- ary training. He had preyiou.sly beep working at Welland.' • , Mrs. A.. Higginson was the,guest of honor at a party Atomu. by a number Igo of her friends „on 31-onday night and was presented with a farewell gift. Mrsilligginsen ha's joined her husband at Kitchener, where he is an instructor in machine work in connection with the -Collegiate .Institute. • - Then comes the cold whiehr if not attended to- - immediately, shtrrtly works down into the bronchial tubes, and the cough Starts. On the first sign of a cold or cough go to any drug emmter and get a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine ipV , Syrup. You will find it to be it prompt, pleasant and reliable remedy to help you get rid of your trouble. It has been -on the market -for the past 48 years. Don't experiment' with-a.substitute and be disappointed—get "Dr. Wood's". • Price 35e a bottle; the large family size, about 3 times as much, 60e. Look for the trade mark "3 Pine Trims." - r . Tbe•T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. '• — • # NEW .PACK CANNED FOODS AT EVERYDAY LOW palms #) • Store Closes WedneedY -afternoon :gear Except December. . 'CORN A &P Chc!ice Golden Bantam TOMATO -JUICE A-01:er, TOMATOES "1)- Fanci ^WAX1EANS: 64'4 APRICOTS choic. TOMATO JUICE A" 'VEGET.ABLES 'Shim. jam bna Colour & Pi5ti,11 PEACH JAM Iona PEASGreen Gient _CATCHUP Liqay,f. eeeeee 1101111.EMING 'White Cave! • Try -Freshly Ground A&P COFFEE BOKAR tz39c 8 O'CLOCK.- '05c RED CIRCLE 1-111c Heinz SOUPS Ass't. SPAGHETTI CHILI SAUCE BABY FOODS Junior Foods KETCHUP ° 3 16 -oz. /Ms 2142. 25. gc 2 23. 14c 3 z5. 2 '&23. tr. 28c. .26. 2 val. 27c 15c 17c Foods- 216-oz.nns 25, 2 23c • Ittl. 25c .3 Tins 25, 2 Mu 19c 1/11-x. Tins 15 -Oe. Th 25 -oz. Tins BEANS Tom. Saike, iTins 3C 6.0z. „ ANN PAGE BAKED.' GOODS ‘‘4411\11:1TEPAGE BREAD 2L24;15C wirimtaokimmirior ionic Rolls En. 19c Doughnuts OLD !FASHIONED COOKIES Doz. 120. Ib. 14c FRUITS and -VEGETABLES- APPLES . oNvituteuxiz DOMESTIC GRADE ititr. 310 ONTARIO GROWN. CANADA No. I POTATOLS Vitamins th and c •Good source of 0ONTAD,10 GROWN L'utGr..sNOW mins CAULIFLOWER igi"tatur TURNIPS, finer 8,7.gril 111,7iiaL2Ren '10 ths: 1,9c Head 10c - lb.' 2c ONTARIO GROWS; COOKES,G. No. 1 GRADE ONIONS Geed Sanwa of •Vitantin C100 YAMS ElMegtfriu'erVIStarjrAZ A 3 ibc 19a TOMMY GRAPES cAutionsm lbs.. 19c ORIBIare. roma Extra Large valeneia Nausarar Cra,iliteenent Sourresof 'Vitamin C dOt:'45d A&P SELF-SERV10E FOOD STORES Prises "athirst to Poarke requirements. Change. ltortha$es amity weekly • , OBITUARY • t.:40.01' i WaTremoved- by' the. death DAVID MAIRWICH An old and highly-eespected .reeident, .David 'Marwick, . who .passed away in Alexandra Hospital_ on. Saturday in fitiesseventy-ninth year. He had been in, failing • health for seine times and a. -month 'ago he .fell andbroke his hip, necessitating his removal to the hos- pital. . . Mr. Marwick was born at ,Rousax, Orkney Islands,. and ,came to Cartada • 'fifty-eight eears..ago, settling in Gtodes richesNiortly 'afterwards he became associated with the Donsioion _Fish Co. and for many years he had charge of the Compaoy's store at Tobermory and later at .South Bay Mouth, Manitoulin island. TwentY. years', ago he retired to•. spend the • rest of his life at his home in Goderich. He, is survived by his wife, formerly, Margaret McLay of Ripley, to .whom he was Married in 1850, and by two sons, Captain William Ma.rwrek .asid John -.Warwick, and one ' daughter, Mrs. J, V. Thomas (Nellie), • all of ,Goderich. 'There are six grand- children.: lire Marwick. 'was a; lifelong Prose by,teriftie alsb a-- member' 'of Maitland. i•Maeonic. Lodge anT'Huroh „OdZifellows' . Lodge. The funeral 'took ,place -on :Monday afternoon,. services being conducted at the family residence, Cobourg street, by Rey. D. J. Lane a .Knox church. The pallbearers were Norman 'MacKay, W. J. Baker', Neil 3.1acKay„, Norman Mc- Auley, Alvin 'Crooks and ThOmas Taylor., The interment was in Mait- land cemetery: where the burial rites of the Masohic order were eonducted- strong are now... retired in London, by Robert 'Bisset, past masterof Malt - laud Lodge. . 4,srasiiig those attending „the funeral, were Mr. .1. V. Thomas of' Windsor and daughters, Mrs. Boyes of Strat- ford and Miss Helen -Thomas of Sarnia. • rich, September 29th, 1041, to 'Mr. and Mrs. ISteve Rouse, Goderich. a daughter. . RUTIRERFORD.---sAt Alexandra Hos- aderieh, on 'September :27th, 1941, to Ur. andiNirs, Verne Thither, ford, Blyth, a. daughter. TEDPORD.e:-At AleXandra .Goderich, on .September 26th, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Vied Telford.:' Bay- field, a daughter. .• • • , PIED MARIVI-OK.—At Alexandra Hospital, Gollerieh; on ,Saturday, ._September 27th, 1941, David Marwick, in hi.S' 79th year. • IN IVIKAIORIAM WALTERS.—In , loving memory of ,C.teland WalterS, :who passed away. Oetober 1s7t, seven years age, in his 24th year. • "The years have, swiftly passed away, But Still we d9n't forget, For in the hearts who loved him best 4 His Memory lingers, yet." —Ever remembered by family. 40x DA1VISON.---7In loving remembrance of a dear wife and ,mother, svlio passed , away one year ago, Oetober 2, 1440. She neverefailedeto do her best, Her heatt was true and tender; Not just 'today, but every day, Iu silenee we remeniber. • s —Ever , ,remembered by husband and .son, George Wayne. 40x' TIURRSDAYi, OCTOBER. 2nd, 1041 Briefs Results A Classified M. IVAISTCD wiTelloolY17siereirg‘eu?aZr °Ilee3t9iinegl'iohlt.°TITu'rna.-'1 '14NT435'*---"IeA. IS W21-3-Cirl°41-4' i day, Oeteher 2nd, at 3 p.m., In the nurse by capable person. itefer- "40x Public Library, ; ences fornisted if olesired., 'Phone 213, Uoderich, Knox. churelt A, runanlage sale Saturday, Oetolier 25, in, (iddrellows' .AN'TEL).---XIDDILB-AGET)1110USE ' Ilan, at 1 ism. 40 IOIEEPOlts for small family. Write ItescrVe 74-•70'Nf,i4nber 4th. for KnoX tu Box 72' 18j/GliAiL"'S!I/An• 40-1 eliureli IL. A. anniversary fowl dinner. WANTED:—Tot roux OLD sesolone '10 and dead- cattle; nMst sUltabit ;Stetson hats in individual styles for blink teed; removed Promptly and, smart colors. .IMISS- M. R. SILK. PRED GILBERT, Rat. 2, Bayliele Phone 908 r 22, Clinton. Calls" paid Lor. 18-tf MAR, Kiirptou street, phone 402. 40' • The Central Home and SchoOl Club wilt hold its regular Meeting on.Thurs- ;ILO' evening, October at 8 o'clock. Miss Pauline Merfwen will tell, of her work with the "opportunity class," and • there will° he a (11.4play of war work, Musical numbers will be. given by some of the school children. 0,1 The ,,alaple Leaf- Chaptas I.O.D.E., Will hold, a" riiinniage sale at MaelKay Hull Saturday, October 18th. Doors open at 10 a.m. Donations to be called for. 'Tel. 550. . 40 , The W.M.S. .of ;North street United church will. meet on Weiluesday, cisang-e date: Mrs. P. J. Centel= October 8th, at 8 pale Please note report of the sectional CARD OF THANKS MRs.11,AJR,WICK AND FAMILY wiali to thank all those who were SO kind during the illness and dt the subsequent death ole, Mr. David, Mar- wick. 4.0x # • 1.2m1...1 oi 1. cow 4 years old; ,supposed. to be in calf Durhato cow 5 years old, sup - Posed to be in ealf ; Durlitun cow 6 years old, supposed to. 'be in ealf. They are all extra: good, cows; 3 yearlings ;11,0....„,x,ear-old hens ; wagon and hay rack; ihoWer; set ofs 'discs; set of harrows. riding bu. TO REN (ni, tie ktiruirlied home; hot-air f411.-Mot't bathroom, good lmattiono 40 IXANE, (Aided° fa 'rerrae,e, • 1 .romns fore light bousiti•!.tpint,T. (lose to 18quare, Adults, only. Apply at 1,41GINIAU,STAIt 40a - - TO Rilan''..----PLIR,NISIIED• APAR.T. wpm ; fiCeplame, private entrance. Phone 102%„ • 1,4),..ty. °11i(tnise one_Bium near , COMFORTABIshl toria. Air-conditioned, recently decor- ated Weide and out. Possessiou gtvn November lst.. MRS'. M. W. HOWE/LL. 40-tf. SMALL AIPIARTMEL'NTHHOT AND cold water, three-piece hathreom, „ recently decorieted. Olose to schools and nptowos Immediate possessions Write 'Box eN'o. 73, SIGNAL-ISTAR, 40-tf. ” To RENT. -11/, .MIDES. PROM 'Cloderiele ,bouse furnished or un- furnished. t Write P.O. Box 449, Gode- rich, or phone 499J. ,410stf. be held t lIohnesville on Monday,, vent' of ' the Huron- Presbyterial to seed drill ; set of Slonble harness ; set T() 4114-11.—,PRA14.-E notrisIE, NEAR of single harness ;- a quantity of nay ; Kint ail ; five miles from ,Port • tto er ' . The -Arthur Circle has sequel" Dr. Allan Reoch, formerly of Manchuria, as guest.speaker for ,tile thank -offering meeting, October 20th. Members and friends and any others desirous of hearing Dr, Reoch will be cordially wel- comed. -- 'Slendor Tablets', harmless and effeetive: TWO weeks' supply $1, at Campbell's Drug Store. - 36-52 AUCTION SALES (1,.IA^TaltiNIG AteccrION SALE OF AND IIMPLEIMENTis At lots 13 and 14, coneeselons3,--West 11, tewanos , one , and amv 1 south ofsDungannon, mi " o s 11RIDAY, OCTOBER 10th ' at 1 o'cloek sharp • ll'ORSES..—Ileavy-draft team, 8 and 10 Yestrs old ;..J driving horse. • OATTLE.—Nine Durham cows sup - Posed to be in calf; 2 fat heifers,. ris- ing 3 years; 3 heifers,. rising 2 years; 4 baby beefs; 6° spring calves. ''' ' P1G1S.—Sow 2 yeays old, with 13 pigs 6 weeks old; 5 Young -cows, with total of 40 pigs five and six weeks old; 8 Chunks, 130 or 140 pes. 11M1PLEMENITIS. --2. i.N.leCormick-Deer- ing binder; Frost & Wood mower, 6 ft.; ,Frost & Wood . hay 'rake, 10 ft. ei land rolleeseMtisseysHarris cultivator; •dise;: innaherewagon;- ()ticks:butt Tiding .—. plow, 4 sections et harrows; .new • scruffier; town bell. ' . • . . TERIMIS.-:e-A.11 sums of .$10 and under, cash; 7 months' credit on furn- ishing hank- approved joint notes. DR: JOS. 111AMIIU.PON, ,proprietor, . Goclerich R.R. 6 MATT. GAYNOR, 'Auctiozieer. 40 .ousehold furniture and numerous Albert, partly furnished ; eight rooms; other articles. ..• ha rd. and soft water May be had Everything to is giving up fai FRANK ISITAN Auburn P T. GUNDRY 30-40 be sold, as proprietc;r MRS.. DIAIZA. BETH JOHIN- • ming. , STON, Kintall. 40x LtEY, Proprietor, T() .0.* rooms. ISIGNAL-STAR. 40x & SON, Aactiooems. EAR,I,N4. AUCTION SAIL& OF VOIR 'SALE OR ENT,--1.11OUSE PARM STOCK and .IMIPLFIVENrrs,. - • and lot. on Main street, A.uburne— • es Appls, POST OFFICE Auburn, Ont. At lot 10, contession 4, Goderieh • Township (d% miles from Goderich), '39-4() l'OR SALE on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th , at 1.30 p.m.: Bay mare 5 years' old; -Durbaneseont's 7 years. old, with callnat foot oDitrhaiii Te(10..,01d, due in Feb.; Durham itt mar.; 4 welte- rs yetsrs old, about. $50 lbs.; 12 well-bred steers, 1 year old s 2 well- bred heifers, 1 year old; 1. baby beef, about 600 lbs.; 3 pigs, about 135 lbs.; 7 fat lambs; 20 rock hens ;-collie dog; Ankor-Holt separator, 500-1b.; washing machine and wringers 13eattie revolv h r ' 240 FORTY YEARS -MARRIED AucTION 1SALE OF HOUSEHOLD •••••••••••••• - FURNITURE. • --- • Rev. E. F. ArmStrOng .iad' Mrs. Arim- ' ' At 7onr - 'storeroom, Elgin . avenue, strong of--- London -Celebrate-the Rev. Egerton F. Armstrong and Mrs.1 'SATU1RDAY, 'OCTOBER 4th , Anniversary . Titaleivieli,- on — .Armstrong last week 'celebrated theirat 1.30 sharp : „footieth wedging linniversary at their : 1 Amlnut extension table, 1. china. home .oh' lvenue,---Londmis tabinet, . 1 -complete- -bedroom .-suite, Mr: Armstrong is a native of -Goderiehi inarble top on dresser and stand, 1 son of the late Mr. "and 'Mrs. Edward sewing machine, 3 small tables, 1 stand, Armstrong. Hi.s wife waethe former. 1 Cupboard, 1 fernery, 1 Quebec eook Miss S. -Banwell of Windsor. 'Stove and pipes, -12 chairs, 1 square Mr. Armstrong's first .charge as a piano, 1 walnut hall rack, dishes, minister of the United Church was at glassware, pictures,' books, oil heater, Tupperville. Then followed in ems electrie heater, electric -fixtures, lamps, cession pastorates at Ethel, Charing pillows, eushions and numerous other Cross, - Chatham, Essex, Wingham, articles. Wallaceburg, Listowel, Bowmanville 'These goods have been stored with and Blenheim. Air. 'and' Mr-. -API" us for some time. All are , in good cstnditiou and -will lie Sold without re- serve. - 'TERMS—Cash. - T: -GUNIDItY• & SON; Auction'eers. 40T. - , AIRGRAPH SERVICE FOR LE_TTERS-1ENT OVERSEAS With a view to speeding up the delivery of letterg from relatives and friends; in Canada to the Canadian. forcer in the United kingdom, Iton. W. P. ilulock, Postmaster General, an- nounees that arrangements are now under way for the institution of a time-ar4-space-conserving airgraph ser- vice -between this country and the United Kingdom. Under this special system the sender of an airgraph communication Write; the message and address; on a sperials -form provided by the postollice. "The completed form is next photographed" on miniature film which is desPatehed , by air. On arrivaLin the United dom photographic enlargements are made araToleliveyed through the army postal service to the troops in the usual way. The rate on an airgraph niessa.-e will be 10 cents. Definite annotincement will be Made later of the date of commencement of, this service. EEVIEWRitOR-Sitlx.. There 'are still -a few espie4-not the G.V.le Review Ifift,,,,,Arane ,'wishing to obtain a eopy 'inao„„ lees() at Coles Book Store. .• 40 LIFE INSURANCE A 11US8AND'S iquviLEGE A WIFE'S RIGHT A CMLD'S CLAIM 11. M. FORD nismtANot . lb:11111ton St. Tel. 'taw where Mr, Armstrong iS stipply-emin; ister at Pilgrim United church. Of :their five chlIslfen, three survive: Rev. Carman Armstrong, of Mt:, Brydges United chueelw Douglass Phm. B., of Toronto, and Miss Margaret, of London. An anniversary dinner was given at the home of Rev. Carman Armstrong, Mt. Brydge.s, and was attended by the members of the family and a few in „ timate friends. BIG :A t2( `TV YN SA LE OF ClAnTrIlLE AD 1110GIS. To be held at Wilmer Howatt's farm, ot No. 20, concession 13, Hallett • township; three miles, nosthwest of Londeshoro, on DISTINCTION CONFERRED .moNtpAy, ouroDpu oth- ON GODERICH OLD .BOY af'V.Yri'SrirAZ 1.4.ETS-7 I CATTLE.— Fifteen cows, °milking Victor Lauriston Made an lIonoraty an Member of the Eugene Society CIIIATHAM, Ont., Oct. 1.—Victor Lauriston has received it notification supposed to be in calf; 80 head yearlings and 2 -year-old ,steers and heifers, 15 spring calves. chunks, i5 weanling that he has been, named an honorary pigs. member of {ht klugene Field Society. These are all .0iitario cattle and in The Society was organized on kay good eonditien, 30, 1037, to commemerates Eugene TERIMIS—Cash. Positively io Meld; „the famous Ameriean poet; erve. Journalist, and its headquarters are wthmER HOWATT, Proprietor. in the historic house at 2820 Spruce ,j-LVROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer.' street, • 'St. Louis, MQ., where Field 40 ' lived while ,editor of the old. 'The Society has a continentJ UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHbLD wide membership, of authors and FURNITURE. journalists. , . • The distinction °tan honorary mein.' For Mrs. -William Warnock at her hersh p in the ISociety has, according holne,-: Albert street, Godericir;' to t letter of notification', 'heen• edn- fen onethe former Goderich miter in recognition of the literary skill and. craftsmanship*" of his published workl with special reference to his recent book, -Arthur Stringer, Mon of the Mirth," in the .1R,Yerson Tress 'SATURDAY, OCTOBEIt 11th at 1.30 pan. . All tbe contents will be Sold, includ- ing living -room, dining -room, 4 ,hed- room snites, one marble top bodroaa suite, mattress and springsi 1 large Makers of Canada 'Literature series. plate glass_ xnirror, about 51/2 ix 31,L, ft., sewing machiliess'dishes, glaSs- . HELP THE RED CROSS ware, what -not, music cabinet,- book - NO'PICE TO CREDITORS NOTI,OE To 'CREDITORS. •All persons haying claims against the -est,tte James Harrison, late of the Township of Goderich, who died on tlie 17th day of iliarch, 1940, are noti- fied to forward full parti&tlar:4 Of ,t1xe same to the undersigned by „October 23t11,, after which date qlie executor will proceed to distribute the estate. Dated at t1odorleli this firf4 day ^of (tetober, 1941. PRANK DONNINALS, Goderich, One, Oolicitor dor the Executor. 40-2 ea 8e, kitchea" -furdishings, ge.rd4n tools, pia tf min scales, carpenter's bend' and nunierous other articles. There Will be no reserve, as the property. IS sold. T. GtINDRY & SON, Auctioneers. 39 AITIMION MILE OP FARM STOOK, lAt1,14R(MENTS and IIOUSINIODID At lot 49, concession 7,, ,Collmne (one mile west of Auburn), on 0010B1II 7thi, at 1.30 p.m. Three useful work horses; Dairhara effis"S 4 yeara ohl, due in Dee.; Durlitun ng e n ; set of -lb. scales; net of. steelyards, .320 lbs.; pulper; 2 large. sap kettles; large iron pot; set Sa0 Op sleighs; wagon; gravel bo; potato digger; set , 4 -section hariews; hansl. seuffler; Fleury paw ; Massey clover seed -saving pable;- set. 3 -horse whiffle - trees; 2 sets whiffletrees; cow chains; 125 bushels' Tall wheat; 100 bushels rrtideless.ed eoats and numerous other TELIMS---0a§h -- Everything to be sold, it's proprietor is giving up farming.- • JOHN -,--SOWERBY, Proprietor, ,Goderich. T. GUNDRY &,'IsoN, Auctioneers. 4071 CLEARING AUCTIONISIAirDE OF FAR1M STOOK. - - At lot 2, concession 9, W. D. Colborne (2itd lot west of gravel road between Carlow and Nile), on 'THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 of 1.30 2 geed geldings, rising 3 years; 1.filly, rising 2 years; 1 cbrood mare 8 years old, with foal by side;2 milk caws 5 years- old-, 'due in pee.; 1 milk cove -6" years old, hred-in• May; 1 Ayrshire Cow 11 years old, bred in July; 3-I.Durham steers, 2 • years old; 2 Durham heifers, 2 years old; 12 Durham steers and heifers, 1 year old; 8 spring calves; 4 sows with 36 pigseby sides; 1 brood sow, due in Nov.; 6 brood sow.4 bred in 'Sept; 2 brood sows,, bred ot1 chunks, about 60„lbs.; 34 shoats; 10 pigs, 5 weeks old; 1 MeCormiek cream separator; 1 1DeLaval cream separator. -TERMS—Cash. •We are having this stile as we tire overstocked land -it will •all be disposed of.• HIRAM 13RINDLEY & SON, proprietors. .T. GUMMY & :SON, Auetioneeic„ 40 • F011t • ISALE.r--TUTAP BULBS. .11. P. LA1S11113ROOK, ,.30 Widder street, Britannia road near, Sunt_et 11-oter- sf-ofer.-- FOR SALE. -3Y2 A)GRES -LAND; --7-roorre red -brick- house With room and furnace; good barnlieithouse ;.'and colon' house; garage; all kinds of fruit Close to .school, store and chur-ch. Quick sale. Apply 'MRS. ADA 'STEWART, R.R. 6, Gode.rich,' Ont. 3441 ]Foua ISAILIE.,—PIGS, A NUM13ER thunks some little pigs; some • second-hand lumber. Apply to GEO. ,OODOLOUGH, R.R. I; Cilintgo. 40x FOR -A.11,4.---wiATE4drtRONIT PRO- PERTY in the Town a Goderich, . with 315 feet, more or 'less, of at- tractive bank and' beach, ingludiniixi • all -about esev.en. acres. -Orcharao good fruit trees. The lake front D7iirt is a beautiful site for summer cot- tages, the location exceptionally quiet, yet with all 31.1..e, conveniences of -town tlife. Town sewer, town water, etc., available or will sell part. 'CHARLES MALE, Bennett street, Goderich• • 38-tf. dFARA! FOR SA,LE,-460-ACRE FARM on No. 4 highway,. 114 miles north . of Londesbore, three miles from Blyth. Close . to • school; good land, .good', buildings; Hydro installed .in ail buildings. Immedjate, Possessiori given. W111,4111A1LYON, Londesboro. 38-40 _. • . EXECUTOR'S SALE.. EXECUTOR% -gAIILE (Yr C.OMPLIIITE'l HERD OF REGISTERED HERE- sPORD ZIATLE. , To -settle the estate of the late J. N. Perdue at -E. H. lot 38, concession. 11, East Wawanosh, 114 miles west from:, Highway No. '4 (about three mile§ from Wingham) on c, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th at 1.30 o'clo'ck : Thirtysthree •head registered Here, - fords, including herd ,sire and hull calves, young eows and heifers. ,P1 - tire let to be sold. TER,USI--Cash. . A. M. , PERDUE, Ex'eeutor, Wingharn R.R. T. GliNDRY & SON, Auctioneers. ,r5 PUBLIC NOTICE 0 COAL CONSUMERS War changes ,eonditions and we, the undersigned coal merchants, feel that' coal must be cash with order so as to' continue ,without anyl serious interruptions in supply. the day of shipment to pay,. for the coal and it is often paid forbefore the Coal arrives. Duty, freight and taxes have to be paid on arrival and we are therefore, paying cash for the' coal.. Cartage and office expenses are paid weekly.. You can rapidly see that -WE HAVE TO PAY CASJEI 'with the result we have to ask for cash from our cUstomers. None of us are private bankers and when W6tiVe.you time we are acting in that ca,pa.eity but wc,,are coal tnerehants and require money to carry on our blignesses. So; in order to curry a large expensive stoek •so that we will have eoal when you require it, it is.neeessaty for us to have the CASH WITH ORDER, ,„ We e/pect an increase in the. cost of coal very shortly, but for a licarit4id time we will aceept orders at our Septem- ber. prices. Dean Coal Co. Chas. C. Lee - *John B. Mustard' Coal Co. - Smits Coal Co.